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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL, . PORTIXND, MONDAY EVENING. FEgRUARY 3, U:3t) , 19 '. i V'.-: SI. r 1 1 10 VSSL V : " . . i.t.Mj n nx noatotflc at Portland. Oregon. for treaeportaUoa through ths Bieils aa aaososV ' clan Miur, footage far tlxK mM rot ae .jo or i u a page, Vjmj Page Peper, U to S pad, ssBisy TELEPHONES. Editorial ....Main 150 OHIOS . FOREIGN ADVERTISING IBttlininTI, .Vreelaad-Besjamln pecial Advertising AX'bcJ, . 150 haaeou street Aew lerh; XrttMiaa build- : r '. , ." STBSOBIPTION jBATXS. .. Tka Dally Journal, wltk eWnday. 1 rssy,.$T60 Tbs Dally Journal. 1 yesr 800 Tba Delly Journal, with 8-juday, mocthe. 8.78 The Kail J ear net, swaton........ ...... BOB Tba Dally Journal, allt Sunday. math. The Dally JuurBsi. months ........ J.JU .- itaii- j,...! Kith Mnn4&. 1 month. .86. 91a Dally. Bar week, Mnml. Suaday la cluded .;...vj. .. Ska Dally, aw week. dsUvareU. Bunds ex . ceptod .10 Tama ay iam Mjmiir iuuruL . ne- ... The Kally Juursal. months.. "' The Dally Journal, wit salads. 1 moatb. .00 Taa Dally Journal. 1 awaib.v. unn.ii. Imifd.I i liar. -w 2.1m AWavday Journal. axalat . Tad Baaae-Weekly Journal. i atottaisbla' bs'li'd r. ordere aad an.ll t. O. Box PertUnd. Oro. ' mnrrmw unrrvinniVlL 1UT BB I0VBD. ' Tba Journal eaa bo IMIud aa aaa, al tka (oltuwlrjf pUcaa; ' ' o ; ItulkK. IDAHO H. BaUar A Oa. W. a, I CU1CAOO lHto(Bc tiaara doaapaay, JIB aar- KANbAb CITT Aajarlcaa Kaw eiipay, J Abo Burl, Beaapapat WM - fc MlNNBAfoUB M. J. kaaaaaafB. Bo Third treat. . , ... KBW tOUK CltT Brwrtaaa'a, Catra H"l Arthur UoUUnf. arwapaiMT MAUA Millard Hotal aaara aUBds Mecaatk 8taUoary aompaay. Hud raraaia itraafc SALT LAkfc C1TV Kaayaa ftotal Bawl ataad; - Brw Brca.. Waat Baeoad atiwat. wUt lira. LctIb. arwaaapar . , BAN DIBUO B. B. Aaioa. arwapapar wifoa. BAN rBANClBOO W. B. Ardlnf. PaUea HoW mi ataad: rrod Pitta, loud Marka itraots OoldaaUtk Kn., 1 MtU.- Btraat aad Bt. Praacla kotal; PaaKir B Oraar, . arry aUd . lnc; N. WkaaUey, Baw, pa par wtgom. Markal aad KraraaTi SBATTLB Balalar Oraad Brwt attod; A. M. McBrMB, Holrl Baattl wwi aUBd. BT. LOUIS PkUllp Boadar. did Locaat atracti B. T. But OUT atraati ttaoria L. Arkaraiaa. BPOKANB John W. Orabiai Oa. . TACOUA Ootral Nawi oaapany. Hotal T. . can aawa ataadi Acbm Kawa aoapany, rwapipar wifoa. TirroRiA. B. a Tkiorto Book SUtkav ory MBpaar. WEATHER REPORT. A Btnrai 9t drridad rkaractar la 4watral OTr VaacaaTar' UUad .aad atorm warnlava hmvx tm oriVr. 1 dinayal at tba Boatk of lha Colaabla r.r.r ail at all aaanorta Ib weal ara WaablsctoB. A BaxlBiaai wind wlodty of 4 Bitlaa argiaTad tkla aontlnf at North Haad, Waablncroa. rorln( tba Uat 13 hoara rala .baa fillra coDfrally In waatura Oraaoa and wniatara Waablnctoa. lad tba woatbar ia eloody and thraatenlnc In tba aatrra portkas of tkeao ..atataa and l Idaha. A BMderata dutarbanr la raatral rwr Arkanaaa and another oo nf allf htlr rraotar Intnalty arartlea New Rng land. Tbaaa dta. turbancaa hava ranard rain, tamlnw to anow. In tba middle Atlantic aad New EnaJaad atatea, and llrht rala In Arkanaaa, hi laeUel ppl. eou th ere Illlnola and -Miaaoart. A hlk preeeure are -frTM-llra the Dakotaa aad bllnnaaota and era tMuperatarea are reported la tka tanadlaa orthweat. The eondllloBO are raearablo for leaaral ralna la tkla dlatrlrt durbuj the Beit W boara. wltk a atronc entkweet rale aloe tba coaat and klf k ruaty wlada la Ike Interior. Obemattona ukea at a. at.. ParlBe ti: Tamp. (Matinee- . Mas. . kfle, PreclB. Baker City. Oreaew ..(- .07 Bnatoa. VlaaaarboaetU at .. M rhtraao, Illlnola M 14 IWnrer. Colorado... 54 trt , Kanaaa City. Mlaaowrl 49 84 i Ia Anielea, California....- M Mew Orleaaa. Uwlalaaa... TO ' f.4 New Tork. New York 4 V M PortlaBd. Orea-oa.. ........ 50 40 Itooebvra;. On-irna. ...... 5S , M Kt. Uk). Mlaeoarl , 43 M . Bait Lake, Vtah 43 30 BnakaBa, Waahlnftoa. ... ,. 4)1 34 Taeoma. Waablnrtoa An . 3 Walla Walla, WuhlBftoa.. 33 . M WaahlnKtoD, D. 0 3d 3 .43 .0 .0 T .0 . .IM .3 .14 .0 T ." .30 .33 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Weddtn Oarda. W. O. Bmltk ft Oa., Waak. fcecto bid., ear. fourth and Waahlnataa ate. ' Mlaa Bertha Marti a. room 313 Allaky bM. Btanplnr aad fine Baediework; leaeoaa fire a. BIRTHS. BUMBIX rebrnaiT 33. to Mr. and Mr. Joseph M. Buaaell. fiod Qulniby alreet, a danchter. .0ABU40N February 14, to Mr. and Mra. J, W. Carlaoa. 647 Borthwlrk atreet. a danfhter. BOI.PE Prbrnary IS. to Mr. aad Mra. Lraeata B. Bolfe, Beat Yamhill atreet. a daochter. ': CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. k Th Dally Josrssl. wltk etunay. 1 ye....7 0 -i lha Delly Journal. 1 year.. I.. ...... V Tba DeUy Journal, wlik Sunday. months. 3 75 I 2i iff"? 5If ."SiV."V-i;Ki: fJo ' OBKRNE Febrnary 34. Fay Greene, R3 Darta " i atreet, a typhoid ferer. - -' TTNkKB February . Katharine Tinker, 383 . .' Ileaeoa atreet. diphtheria. - - . BORr.NHEN February 33. Carrie Borenaen, TIT . Baeler atreet. diphtheria. BAMI.IN Febrnary 34. Kenneth Bamlta. earner ff tart Nineteenth and Frederick atreeta, awa- f. JAvrBV-Pehruarr 31. Blcbard Joyea, (M Powell . atreet.. ajeaalea. 'WAMJN Febrnary 34,' Mies B. Wallla. 1TQ ' F.aat Fifteenth atreet, meaalea. ICMRirn February 34. Rath Enrich, 50 Beat Twenty .f tret atreet, neaelee. - BINVAN February 34, Buala R any an. B9T Bast Pine atreet, aieaelea. MONimi Fehroary 31. R. Mnnlah, 350 Baat Reeeitteentb atreet. typhoid ferer. DEATHS. WKT3KI Fenmary S3, Frneatlne Wetael. aed M yeara. THT Eaat Twenty-elrhth atreet; rsuae, pnauawala. , Burial at Bralnard'a ceme tery. , CAT February 31, llalrn Day, seed AS yearn, at Rt. Vln-enfe hoapltal: rauaa. paralysla. - Bnrtal at Rleerrlew eetneterT. : rANNIN'i Fenmary 1ft, Earl M. Farmln, lead ' 31 years, at Reottadale, Arlanna: eauae. tuber- enlnela. Burial at Rleerrlew eemetery, ; WFJT February 35. Bffte Weat, aged 33 years, at ?4ft Hawthorne aveniis. BOVBTT February 25, Jamas A. Borett, tffed t? yeara, at The elumet. UNDERTAKERS. 1. P. Flnler ft Roe.- funeral ill....... ombalmrre. corner Third apd Madlaoa atreeta Office ef county coroner. Telephone Mala 3, i Dannlnf. MrRnteo ft Ollhanrk. mdertakers and emhalmera; nodera In eeery detalL Baraatk and Pins. Mala 480. Lady aaalatant. A, B. neoiatoek. aadertaker and sabalmer Beat Thlrteealh aad UatatlUa are. Pkoas . abaat eiej. . arfKBTirw othbtibt. - Rlafls araeea 10. Fatally -lots ITt to 11,000. area, nnlr eemetery Is Portland wklrh nae. petsally aialnlalna and cares for kits. For full lafaraiarioa anpiy w. aeetee stark, elty. W. M. B. Martenate. War lhi. preeideat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Vary t. Rraltk ts R. W. Rmllh, 10.4 acres neflaalrtf aontbeaat enrnar Jlmea Iwsjaj ikiaatioa land claim $ H. W". mlth and wife to P. I. Peteraon, .308 aero bealanlnf at aoatbeaat ear. , tier 10 4 arree ewaed by W. H. Rmltk In Jamea Lommls donatloa land claim, eaat uns.S feet to eeater line Charles- . t atreet. Oak Park addltloa No, 3; . abM keatmlnr rent owner lxoala d nal lea lend claim, seat 13 chains to miheest soraer 3-srre tract Tyler : Woodward et aL, eoatalaU 10.4 acraa. 3 Bora ....................... Here Is Toiiiv ; Giancd vTo buy a few acres of land in , .. .. .the v.. ;..." ; Famous HoodRlvcrTallcy 'that will make -you a good. living for all time to oome,, ' We have ideal climate, pn ductive . soil, fine water and , ; : ' plenty Of it (direct from the M melting show of Mt. Hood), good market, for all fruit; schools, churches, comforta , ble homes, in fait everything Unseeded for a contented life. Write .us' for our list of farm lands or city property. You can't make a mistake in " locating in Hood River. ' . J. H. IdfcMcrv&: Co. Farm Land and Real Estate HOOD RIVER. OREGON In b growing city where' conditions are changing should, have the atten tion of experienced, careful men. The management of large buildings, aad in fact property holdings of any size, where results are desirable can safely fce turned over to our-'- ' . v " Rental Bepartoent- Which is prepared and fully equipped to fill your property with desirable tenants, collect your rent, supervise repairs - without commission on the cost of work performed, and, in fact, give a good, clean and careful ad ministration. '- . Portland Jrust Company OF OREGON S. E. Corner Third and Oak Streets. i'hone Exchange 72. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ptteraoa aad wlfs to L Vaaduya John D. Hewitt aad wife''to'ceoV'fa 'E. "aaonar. m a, awca a, Bungalow tile da addition an B. C. Bass and wlfs to Iaabella M. A, Baraes, lota 1 and 3, block 1, Moat. aoBMrv Park ..a Oly. to J. B. Beott. lot 11. block 8." Alblna Homeetead City J. B. Meutt, lot 8, block 4, .' Maltnomak ....... . S3 I. N. Fk-larkner, eiecutor. et al. to Port- .' land Railway company, lota 1 to S, la- clnalTs, lota 13 to 1 laclualra. block 3. North PnrtUnd 7 lun Joaaphlns - HI rack is Portland Railway . company, iia to IS. Inclusive, block S, North Portland 15.000 a Rlnwa aad wife ts Portland Railway . company, blocka S and , Nortk Port land a B i HI moa to Portland Kallway compeer, ma e to e, inciuairs, iractlooal lota 11. 11 and 13. block S Nirh Prlarf 41M at. . majrar to rvrtiaad Railway com- pany, lota 1 to 3. laclualra, block Si North Portland 3.000 W. B. Splcer and wlfs to A. W. Lsmbert, wis a ana n, orara s; nta ea aaa se, block 3. Oakdala addition 1 A. Bert to. W, B. Splcer. a a me Bronerty. 1 Jamea U. Tags sad wlfs to W. B. Bulcer, 1st S, block , Oak dale addl- L Vartd'uVa'W 'alV'eB 'kV r.-'NocaeC' lot ii. nioca a, cnipnua saoitlon. bu Johns ant) M. A. Berry to Patrick Berry, lota 1 4. block IT". Oouck addltloa 10 J. Prank Watsoa and wife to T. C. Oreeo, beglnnlnt 113 feet north of Borthwest corner Baat Third SBd Ollaao, ' eonuinlns: XAiloo feet 1 Annie B. Ckepmaa to Mrs. W, 7. Breea, lot S, block HI. Bellwond BOO Emit Hill to Olof Hendrlckaoa. ISO acres aontk H aontbeaat sectraa 3 and Bortk H Bortkeset 14 eirtlon IT, town. Bbm T eoutk. renee 10 ereet BO Title Guarantee ft Treat company to P. m. Bates, tot e, awes a, norta irr- . Ingtoa 303 B. W. Hoyt and wife to Pea J. Moors, north SO feet lot 3 and all lot 4. block T. Oarrleon-s eubdlrlaloe, city. 1 D. J. Moors aad wife to O. I- Case, lot . d and Berth M feet lot , block T, Garrteon a anbdlrtaton. city 1800 C. b. Cass to P. O. Grew, same prop erty 1 The Land Company of Oregon to C. A. Bumner, lot 3, block 14, City View ' Park . Sm r. Kleraaa aad wire to 1. O. Kallatrom, lota 8. S. block 13. Oouck addition 30,000 H. B. Btsmlsr end wlfs to M. B. Bnek- ley. seat SO feet lot IS, brack 13. Wll- ' llama Aeeaus addltloa, eltr 3,000 C. C. Horea and wife to I. C. A moa. lot 3. block 1. Cklpmaa'a addltloa, Bt. Johns ....... 1 880 I. A. Oray and wife to Jobs W. Gregory, ota 11, in, niors 1, Bmiusoa laino eomnsnv'a addition 1.300 Jamea Oloea to U. P. Brady, eaat 11. M feet lota 3. 8. 4 snd weat 43.81 feet lot 8. block M. Portsmoutk 3.133 John D. Hewitt and wife to 1. M. A. Barnes, lots T and 3, block 1, Mont somerr Park 1.308 I. O. Wondwertk and wife to 8. A. Arata and wire, lot 3. block in, city ix,uuu William U. Ladd and wife to J. Frleden tkal. lot 10, block Si lota 8, 8, block . 0. Wllaos a addltloa 4 1 B. 1. Nooa to J. Priedenthat. lots snd T, block 8. Wlhion a addltloa-, 1,300 W. T. Sherwood and wlfs to P. B. Fer ris. 40 square rode beginning 10 chains weat ef nortbeaat corner Nathan Meloy . donatloa land claim, efrtloa 34, town ahlp 1 north, rnngs 3 eaat 8,000 W. T. Rherwood and wife to F. H. Per. . rle. 33 equsrs roda commencing Bortb weet corner John Kroger donatloa land claim - 1 0. D. Reanle to J. A. Duff, lots 12 and 18, block 4, Ferrell'e addltloa. Wood lawa 300 B. B. Kohls and wlfs to B. Parrell. lot 80. block 1, Wood lawn 100 B. E. Noble to T. Parrell. lot 3. block 15. subdlTtsloa Proe betel e sdtltloa. ... 450 P. H. Marlay to T. Farrell, sams prop- -arty 1 C. B. Praacs an linanand to J. B. Hamlltoa. Into 10 aad IT. block 16, Mount Tabor Villa TB8 George Ruea and wife to Jbn Ilelier, r-weet V, lou 8 aad 10. block 8. Nortk Irelngton 880 E. B. Moore et al. to J. F. Kerrigan. lot 1. block HA; lot Si- block T4, East Portland 4,350 t. B. Rcoit and wife to Peter Kubora. tot C, block li. Cole's-addition. Eaat Portland ' 83 J. T. Alexander aad wife to B. C. taiacbe. eaat 50 feet lot 6, block 323, ' Baleks addltloa 1358 B. V. Jonee sad wife ts A. K Oman. - lota I and Ihloek 33, A. U Miner's ' addition, St. Jokns 330 W. M. Wilder and wife to A. T. Bloper, lota 1 and 8. block 3, Highland STB P. Olhonl and wife to Bona Pouting and 1 bnabend, weat H lota 1 and 1 'block 144, f'arutbere' addition ' 1 Gertrude Mlrkelenn and hnahaad to A. PedersoB, uadlelded H of S acres ef , 10-ecre trsrt. eecfloa 84, townehlp 1 north, range 8 eeat BOO The tsnd Cempsny of Or. yon to Joaenk O'Malley and wits, lot t block 30, , nty View Park A .350 California Title ft Trnet company to - Balfour, Outhrie Ineeetment company, . lota 8. 8. block 40. Couch addition . .,. 10 Neville Bag company to Balfour, Outhrie. Ineeatment company, lots 5. 8, block 40, Couek eld Minn .. 1 If. W. Bettley and wife In II. I. Rellley. Ml 1 and 1 block 1 B, (re- trig a addltloa , 1 Joaenk Cloaeet et al. to J. 0. Alseworth. -truateo. lota 1, , black 8, Oouck" addltloa .................... ...... , S REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ie L. Hawkins to Joka Rtolnprlcs and wife, lot d. block 13, Unonln Park.... U Reward and wife to K. Mtrluger and wife, lota 11 aad l..ark le, Hlk laud L. P. Bens ot al. to Oeneetees Sweet, dortkweat 4 lot 3, block 1. UoM anlth's addltioa- 3,003 -dlS J. Hlmoa st al. ts B. B. Brown, lot e, pkicb .do, rernon r Joala R. Hallman and huabsnd ts F. B. 110 BVrerance, lot 4, block 14, Multnomah. 1,404 Ia Breaks aad kuaband to H. i. Hefty, brflnnlnc Intrraectloa eaat Jloe rare street aud south Hue Harrison, north west corner . bkwk - 1MW, . cootslulntT 4RT feet - V 4,150 Blrerrlew Cemetery aaaoclatloa to J sees walratn, hit iw, seciiaa , Birer vtew cenieterv .... ; SO 1,300 Joaephi Md'beaney and .wife to H. N. imdiey, lul ia, limn s, vouri rise. ' Jnhna : Portland Trtiat company to J. H. Naah. lota xa, zi, iiiock i: iota a. a, oioce 32. Tremont Place ta L. H. Brack et el. to Security. BaTlnfSl A Truat auulh 44 Iota S. B. . block, 1. clrr . 36.000 avmericai inreetmenc company in anuwr M. lerea. joib m ana ii. mi. iww subdlrUlon lot 14, RarenarUw add!- .ttoo , FT. m. Cook and wife to A. A. Cook, lota T. 10. block 5. -North Alblna 3.000 1,500 . BOO U K. Smith et aL to O. B. B undersea. lot 11. block 18, Multnomah... Oet your 1 nan ranee and aba tracts to real es ters rrom ins Title uuarantee e iroai company, 340 Weaning toe (treat, corner Second. NOTICE. NOTICB of puWle sals of tba franchlaee aad prnperty ox IBS Ursgoa xractwo company. Notice Is hereby glreu that the atockuoldera of the Oregoa Tree t Ion company bees sdopted a reeolattuB authorial ng sad dlrsetlnc lbs dis solution of Ike said corporation and tba dis noeltlon of all Ita property. , Pursuant to ssld reaolutloa aad the reeoln tloa of the board of directors author Ulng snd direct In the sale sf all of the property be longing to Iks company, I will, at tba hour of 10 o'clock a. m., en Thursday, the 15th day of March, l0s, at tba frost door of the eoontj- eourthoues. In ths city of Port land. Multnomah county, Oregon, offer st pablle sals, tq ths highest bidder for cash, the franchisee, roadbed, track, riahta of war snd contracts for right of way, together with sll maps, nrortlas.. office flatsree sad furni ture, and all property of whatever kind owned by esld corporation. , Tba aald property will bo aold la bulk, and as aa eeth-ety. The aald franchlaee of said company T fsrred to are aa follows, to wit: A franchise author la lug ths construct los of railway llns through tbs city of HllUbore aad a franchise grantlng'tbe right to eosatruct a railway oa aad orer certain atrssts to tbs city of Porast Orore, Waahlngton eonnty, Oregon, and a franchise granted by tbs city of Portland. Or., by ordinance Bo. 14,504, en titled. "An ordinance granting to tba Oregoa Traction company. Its sum aa oca and asslgas, tbs right to eosatruct, lay down, maintain and operate railwaye aad poles and wires sad un derground conduits ta ths elty of Portland, Or." (Approved by tbs msyoc of said city aa ths 8th day of April, 105.) Ths eona traded track belonging to said company conslats of about 8,3te) test of donbls track laid oa Tweiftk street, hi ths city of Portland. Or., between Burnalds aad OTsrton atreeta. la aald elty. aad 300 fast of doable track on Pettygroea street, be tween Thirteenth snd Fourteenth streets, la aald city, and three crossings oa BUtoeath, Twenty-third sad Twenty-fifth atreeta. at tbs Intersection of Pettygroeo street. Ths maps snd profiles referred to a bow ths surrey of the projected electric railway llns of tbs company from the rlty of Portland. Or., to the city of Foreet Orore. Or. For full tnformattoa sa to all pronerty of ths company. Inquire at ths sffles of the company, room 63, Union block, city of Port land, Or. Tbs aald corporation la now Indebted In anont ths sum or 3.15.000. Of aald sum about tbs smoant of 83,500 Is duo lbs Gsrmsnla National bank of Ban Franc leco. Cel.. for which 1100.000 par Talus Ib amount of tba bond a of ths company eenred by a aaortgags or deed of trust on sll. ths property of the company are dencslted as onl lateral and of which aald total amount about tba sum of 314,700 Is secured by naechaelre' Hens oa ths fraarhlas, roadbed and enostructed track of ths company In tbs city of Portland, ths remainder of ssld Indebtedness being anee- Tne aald propel ty shall be anM to tbs highest bidder. The purchess pries ahall be neld In run. In eaah -or by acceptable certi fied check, at or before 8 o'clock p. m. of tbs day of'aale.r Payment to be msdo t tbs anderalgned at the office of tbs com pany. Union block. Portland, Or. If ths Demon offering ths highest bid for all ef aald property ahaU not pay tba sntlrs pur chsae price by 8 o'clock p. m. of ssld dse of sals, ths person offering tbs second highest bid shall be entitled ts ths conveyance of ssld property. If he shall pay tba satire em bid by htm before 4 o'clock p. m. of aald day sf Bale: and if neither ths ssld highest or next hlyhoet bidder shall pay en aald day of sale the amount bid by him. ths directors 0 the company st tbetr opt I in may eell said property to sny person bidding at aald aala who makes full payment oa tbs day of asld sals of tbs sura bid by him. Ths right to relect sny and all bide to reserved. By order of the board of. directors. ' W. U OOTTLD, Secretary Oregoa Tract los Company. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Notice la hereby given that nailer and by virtus nf a certain chattel mortgage, which waa executed on tire 3d dey of July. 1005, by M. O. Nesee. parly of tbs first part, to Pan! Weaa eager aad Henry Wagner, trustees, parties of the second part, to secure tbs payment of s certain rromleaory note, dated tbs 3d day of July. B05, payable oa demand after data for ths anra of $3,250, In gold cote of tks United States, with mtsreet thereon m like gold . coin at tbs rata of 8 per cent per annum ' from dats until paid, aad suck further, enm aa the court may adjudge reaaoaahle aa atior neya' feee. together with costs sad dleborss Bisnts. which said mortgage waa duly filed for record In the eonnty clerk's office for Multnomah eonnty, Oregon, on the 6th dsy of July, 1005, sod recorded hi book IS, on psgs 318, Becnrds of Chattel Mortgagee, aad upon the following described goods snd chattels, sttuats and being In those certain prenrlaee - known aa No. 1.11 Fourth et, Portland, Ore gon, and deecrtbed aa follows, to wit: One burglar-proof aafs, 1 sst of bar fix tures, ennelettng of bar snd back bar, 1 metal caae table, 12 metal cos Ira. 3 revolving office chairs, 1 rolltop desk. 1 chandelier, 3 electric wall brackete, 3 celling electric fixtures, three I.H artificial palms. 3 Jardtnleree. 1 rsah register, I lot of bar glssawsre, 8 brass ensptdors. 1 OpaJ refrigerator, 1 sab can, 1 ' beating store and pipe, 1 mahogany flnlah redwood partition. 153 yards granlts lino leum, 14 yards cork carpet, 1 slot machine. 8 wooden chairs, 4 plush curtains, 1 lunch . counter. Under and by virtue of a power of attorney and appointment attached to aald chattel mortgage, duly Indorsed, whereby tba under- . algned nae been daly appointed agent- for ths ssld mortgsgeee for the purpose of foreclosing ' the asld chattel mortgage snd making aele of ths above described goods and chattela, by virtue of said authority. I bars taken . poeaeeeloB of and will at ths request of ths , mortgagees eell ths above described gooda and chattela at public auction, to the hlfbeat bidder for ca.U. oa the 3d : day of March. 1008, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at No. 131 Fourth St., la ths city of Portland, Oregon. . Portland. Or., Febrnary M, 1904. P. A. MABQUAM. JR.. Agent. NOTICE OP ETOCK HOLDERS MEETING 4a , accordance with the authority eseted la ms by tbs by-laws of Lewie and Clark Centennial and Americas Pacific Exposition and Oriental Pair, a corpora t Ion organised and exletlng under the lews of ths atsts of Oregon. I, H. W. Good, prealdent of eald corporation, hereby call a special meeting of Ita stock holders, to 6s held In tba office of the cor poration. Administration building, Upshur street, between Twenty-sixth and Twenty. seventh streets, Portland. Oregoa. on Thers day, the first day of March, 1300, at II .o'clock In ths morning, for ths purpose of authorlalng tbs dlaaolutlon of eald corpora tion and the settling of Ita business, aad die posing of Ita property aad dividing the capi tal atock In enck manner as to the meeting si ay seem proper, and for ths traassetlna of any and all boelneee In connection therewith that may properly come before aald meeting. .. . ' T ,, H. W. 0OODB. fey srder sf tba prealdent. HENRY I. REED. Secretary of aid Corporation. Portland. Oregon, Febrnary 18. 1908. the emderstgued fnrnltnra aad ataao eera. will reonlrs the e arm rat nf ail charges noon delivery nf gooda after Decem ber 1, 106: . H. C. Baack. 0. P. Harder. O. P. Haaeey, Coeerove Bros., Portland De livery Co., Past Special Delivery Co.. Pack sgs.DeltTsrF Co., Holmsa Traaafer Co., Kortbweetern Trenafer On., Oregon Aato DIs- Ktek Co., John Hampton, James McLlnden. ren McLlnden, Pad fie Transfer Co., Oregon Tranefee Co.. Portland Tan ft Storage Co., . Wekemsn, Morse Transfer Co.. East Ride Transfer 0a.. C. 0. Pick Transfer ft Storage Co., C. If. Olena, Baggage ft Omnibus Trane fer Co.. A. J. Murphy, Ksdderly Transfer fCemmleelon Co., Johd A. Love, Andrew X- . r NOTICE. MOTICB 1R HEBRRX OIVR.H that am the 3tk dsy of July. 1B04, J. J. Trimble mortgaged to ibs Bnoeraigned. ttambrinue arewlug row ' psny, certain property deecrtbed as follows: Certain goods snd chattels bow being is tbs atore numbered SI North Third atreet, - Portland, stele of Oregon, asd described aa all the stock of wines, liquors, clgsrs, msr . cbandlas snd stock Ib traile of every kind snd character now eltualed la the above aeecribed premleea; also 4ue bar glsaaas an ' glaaeware. ges fixtures. 1 liquor csas, I cigar aland and appnrtenanoea. 1 bootblack atsnd, linoleum. 1 Iron railing, 1 awning. 0 tables, 13 chairs. 8 apltlooua, and all other furultnrs and fixtures But epsclelly ensmer ated herein, now sltssted. In ths above de scribed premises. Including I tea) chest, I etova. 1 pbonograpb, 1 clock: alas all of tka Interest of aald J. J. Trimble In and to one National cash rsgtstsr No. 865.0S8, and ana) a'btis aars m LXH-k company sare. That ths mortgagor. J. J. Trimble, failed to pay ths dsbt secured by said mortgage at Its maturity, and by virtue thereof made de fault hi the terms of aald mortgage, and by the terms of ssld mortgege the underele-ned. ths Bsorutsges, la authorised aad empowered to enter the atore numbered 81 North Third atreet. In ths city of Portland, atats of Ore goa, where said property wss, snd such" other rises ot places whets said property, or any hereof. Is, snd taks or carry away aald goods and chattela, snd sell and dispose of the aims at private Bale or at public auction upon giving one week's notlcs of ths asms In a Bewapaper or general ctreulatloa pub lished In Multnomah county, Oregon: awl out f ths money arising therefrom to retain and pay tbs debt secured thereby and la tercet and all charges touch log tbs same, . Including a masons ble sum ss counsel fees, rendering tba overplus, f any, auto the mortgagor. That In Mrsnance of asld Bower, aad be cause of asld default. . tbs undersigned ha oi eeio 11 i'vti , w aiiu -win. and will, at tbs premleoe aforesaid. No. 51 North Third street. IB tbs city ef Portland. Oregoa. on tbs 38tb dsy of February, lBoe, st two o'clock p. m.. Bell esld property at public auction to tbs highest aad best bidder for cash. I be proceeds of sals to be applied hi payment of the amount due upon the debt secured by aald mortgage, to-wlt. ths sum of 3824. with Interest thereon from the 20th day of July. 1004, and ths coat a and expenses of conducting said wis. Including a rssaonahle gam ss counsel fees. " Dated this 18th day of February, A. D. 1906 OAMBBINUS BRFWINO COMPANT. ' By SAMUEL OAIXAND. Acting Manager. IN THE district eonrt of tbs United Rtatog for -tks district ot oregoa. la vine matter f tbs sstats of L. flreenberg. bankrupt. Tks nnderslgned will receive sealed bid for a atock of merchandise, constating prin cipally ef clothing, hats, ahoee, traaka and genre' furnishing goods, of the Invoice Talus f 3a.4ST.0T. together wltk flxturee of $44 00. located at Blxtk and Everett strsets. Port land. Oregoa. ap to 11 o'clock noon of Fri day. March 1 lftOO. A certified check for 10 per cent of ths amount offered moat accompany each bid. and ths right la reserved to reject any aad all bids. Inventory and lnapecttoa of atock map be bad on application. Dated February 30. 1808. R. te RAB1. Trs rtee sf ths Batata of T. Greennerg, Pmnt aad Ankeay Streets, Portland, Oregoa- . BIDS INVITED. Blda win be received ap to March 81, 1808. at tba office ot ths grand clerk, J. L. Wright, Portland. Oregon, for the printing and mailing of ths Pacific Echo, tbs monthly official paper of tbs Women of Woodcraft, contract to ran for three yeara. Specification a Heme reeding matter specs aa la preeent form of the Echo. Form, alas of pare and width of column, moral maks-up and Quality of paper of ths fraternal Monitor! witn Blda to be on basis of 40.000 eonlea. month ty. and so mncb per 1.000 pop lee for sack additional 1.000. A complete new mailing Hat to tw set ap and maintained from llet furnlabed by the Grand Circle. Accompanying bids most be a atatemsat of mechanical equipment preaa, typeeettlng ma chines snd mailers, and a gharaates ef ability to carry ont contract. If aecatred. If ths work or sny pert of It Is to he sublet, then the material, equipment, name and responsibility of ths proposed enhonntractor moat ha glean. Ths right Is reeerved to reject any and all Ida. By order of tba board of grand managers. t. ti. WEIGHT, Oraad Clerk. , P. a Bos No. 3000. Portland. Or. PORTLAND. Or., Pen. 13. 10. The annnal meeting or the. . erocgnoioers or Mt. Baker Mining Co. for tbs election of a board i'f directors for ths ensuing yeer will bo held st Its office, corner 4th and Oak eta.. Port land. Or., March 13. 1000. at 4 p. m., and to transact any other bostneea that may properly ooms before ths meeting. HENRT HAH N. President. MEETING NOTICES. HABM0NT Lodge, No. II A. P. ft A. M. Stated communication thai (Monday) evening. T:80 o'clock. Masonic 1 temple. Third snd Alder ate. Work In M. M. degree. All M. It. welcome. By order W. U. BCFUS B. BAIA Secretary. OREGON TuODOE will give a wklet aortal and dance Monday evening. February 20, at . Drew'a ball, Beooad aad Morrleoa ata. Ad- ' mlasloa,, 16c. . LOST AND FOUND. 2l- REWARD Retm-a of email bay pony, Hillsdale. Address a haekakla pony and a probably . arraying aesr U reentry at Crawford, 304 Waahlngton a I. LiORT Female foxterrler. black bead. Finder will pleeas retura to ateemer Aetnrlaa, foot of Jefferson at., aad receive reward. LOST By crippled girl, gold watch: old fashioned key winder. Return to 153 East Twentieth et. and receive reward. HELP WANTED MALE. PORTLAND Barber College Tuition reeeonable ss a ay school on aoeet. 267 risadera et SCHOOL tescbsra and atodaata, single yoanc mea between 30 aad SO who will want good emptor meat daring ths snmmer, writ P. O. ; boa 334. Portland, giving parties la re. WANTED Man to pat on 8.000 ehlnglss on top of old ehlngles, 1-3 pitch roof, 4 Inches to the weether, 8 nalle In each shlngls; will pay 8.1. Mrs. Boaada, coraer Commercial and Stanton. Alblna, WB waat a No. 1 traveling eeleemen to reprs aaat aa oa the road, on a commloelon. Hotel ft Beetaeraal Supply Co., 3u0 Second at. WANTED Bootblack to rent apace, fins loca tion: cheap rent; partlcnlara call 603 Wash ington atreet. . WANTED By Anns, tbs photographer, printer; most ba competent Ib plats, printing; tboaa who are not need not apply. What's;! the ;Use l-wNDERINO OVER THE WRITING OP A LOT OF 'LETTERS SEEKING KM ; ' PLOTMENT . WHEN. . IF . TOTJ'D READ THE - TOU COULD GET INTO '"buCH WITH AN IM MB- , DIATB CALL FOR HELP ' THAT TOU COULD FILLT :, OR INSERT A SITUATION r WANTED AD AND WAIT." FOR RESULTS ' ' - ' teliftie HELP : WANTED-MALE. WANTED Solicitor for Brokerage Srm. - to Boom 604 Dekum kidg., city. . Apply WANTED At once, a good dreeeer, tender and drswsr-ki of warps; good pay, stssdy work. Apply to Joha P. - WUbor, superintendent In los Woolen MUls. Union, ur. , MEN, everywhere, to dietribate oar samples .$' dally: ateady. no casrajslng. . "Oliver," Monroe bldg.. -Chlcsgo. ' J HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIB8 A0ENCT. S48H Waaklng. toa at., ear Seventh, epetatre. fBone iaaia 33. Female kelp waa ted. PORTLAND BEWINQ SCHOOL Paabloasbla dreesmaktng. JUH Morrison St., Sor. Pwartk, ' rwia v. af ,ia laaiui. - EDUCATED. reflned snereetle woman to on. gage wltk Vlavl company j references. ' Apply room as aerwis ouiming. BEAUTIPl'L dramas; aave time and money by learning bow to make yoUr own st Ka later' college, A 1 lacy Diug., a levator ano Hornsun . booklet free; patterns cat to msaaure. WANTED laidy of refinement to traesl; salary and .expenses paid wsskly. Address- X 32, care Journal.- WANTED Experienced second girl; Armt-claaa 'family: wages 826; Rwsdlsh pre far red., 330 VamhllL Wain 6418. WANTED Ladlea la search of employment to taveatlgato our 1 ee wing -machine offer: plain sewing Is always la demand;. $1 capital gives yoa sn inaepenaent Duainesa. 1 Oevurta ft Boos, 1TS4 FIrat at. 1 GIRL tr general housework : bo cooking; to saeier.. wiia cniiarea. ' oei rirta at. mae and female help. WANTED Teachers. $50 month; S-montha' term. Plak Tsacbcra' Agency, 1300 WU Hams ve. THE NIPPON BMP. OFFICE Japaneee beta ruraisBea. z nnrta I mm gt. msib Bins. BELP wasted and eappMed. male ae fsmalo. R. v. lersas, Buoie waeoingtoa sx. racine isto. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. PRUNING and other lawn work waa ted. Bast 4828. Ad drees 4T3. Venceuvervl a vs. SITUATION wanted by ateady, e young aaleaman at collecting; fair wageej referenses; well acqualated In city. X SO. cars Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB nosltton IB small family to do light housework snd assist wltk sewing, pleasant keens and email salary, i 30. Journal. TOUNO woman, grsdusts of atats normal, de sires position aa eaalatant la orrics. Ail drsss 24 Moatgomsry aL, cor. Fifth. WANTED Weekly engages ata for washing. ziu Baeruisn. SITUATIONS WANTED Girl dlebwaaher; koosekeeper wltk boy, 2; two siatera, cairn her sod dltilug-room work; hotel or boardlaf- 1 . ar.t.iii u.i. sat a BE FT NED woman aeeks a Sbsltlon la small family to do light bovaeworh and easier with rswlng; pleaeent beaas and small salary. 1 39, ears Jonrnsl. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; something new; good seller. Die wages, gun McKay mug. WB want reliable men In everr to Oregon . Pacific to sail sick snd aectdent Insure Aid association, wo Deksm Ft RUT-CLAM agents In PortlaBd and through stats: big wages to ' ruttora. 4H 10. fob- ton bldg. wanted Reaponelhte men and annia to sell Bnyer's Caah Bond, liberal . sommlaslona. 318 Ablagton bldg. WANTED Energetic and competent agents to repreeent la all parts of ths northwest; caah weekly. Capital City Nursery Co. AGENTS snd esnvaeeere. city or country, want ed at once; gooa margins; young lediee to take orders. Csll todey or evening a, 360 3d at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. O. AND Q. EMPLOYMENT AND REAL ESTATE COMPANY. Reutala. loane, reel eatate and roomtng bonaea: eend orders by mall or telephone sod wo will csll; male and female kelp fa re la bed free to employers. We buy snd sell hrtelneae chaacee of all kinds, IIV, North Fourth at., sor. 4tk and Bnrnalde. Telephone Main 8158. THB Portland Employment Co., 806 al Morrteon at. rnons t-aeiris sm. . HANSEN'S EMPLOTMENT OFFICE. . FOB MEN. 18 N. Second at. Pkono Main 1838. SCANDINATIAN-AMEBICAN EMPLOYMENT Co., 8 North Second, furnlebea nil kinds em ployment for men and we men. Mala Btaw. BHRRWOOD ft BOTT, real eatate and employ ment. maM or female. auOVb Morrleoa, roam 3. Phone Msln 4753. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. Henry Takara. 307 Everett at. nona re el fie 840. 8TANDABD EMPLOYMENT AOBNCT. Bnrnalde St. All kinds help tree ea pnyers. Pkono Mala 04ST. Blfl FOUR BMP. AGENCY Help suanll-d I lg Nortk Second st. Phons Main wis. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BENT HOI'SBS. COTTAOBS, FLATS, BOOMING HOUSES, STORE. Era Oar rental department has been enlarged and provided with sddltlonsl staff. Wa lavita Hating from LANDLORDS. offer persosal atteatlon to and eontianeae anperrlaloa orer all property ha tr as led to our PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OBBOON. S. B. Cor. 3d sad Oak ata. Phono Ex. 73. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED To buy from owner, 10 or IB acre highly Improved lend, chjse to csr. with good house; give full particulars and phons number If poasftils; auto lowest caah price. II 800, cars Journal. WANTEI Lot or fraction, close hi; gtva loca tion and pries. Gordon, 308 Fourth at. WANTED Acreage near carllns oa eeat aids, suitable for paature. X 4, care JournaL WANTED Small house and lot between Fifth and Fifteenth atrssts and north of College Street: no ageats. X 8, cars Jouraal. CORNER lot between ateel and Madleon bridges., not loo far from ths river; muet be cheep for cseh; state pries aad' location. Addreea J 20, cars Jouraal. . WANTED A good farm. 100 acres, with gooj . milldlngs and ander good stats of eultlratloo: well located: will exebangs good reeMence property In Portland paying good rent, and Say difference In cash. Farmers, add reus ; 80, care Journal. WANTED Home of- 5 or 10 acres, near Port land, aesr carllns: some Improvements; from $500 to WK. Y. P., Journal. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED For caah. Chamber Commerce. dlrawnd Jewelry. 818 WANTED Loan of $8,600 on reel aetate. two or three years; will psy 8 per cent In terest. Address W 88, cars Journal. WANTED To borrow few hundred dollars oa ,gond city rsslty; 00 loss agents. X 8, cart Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, spraying and whitewashing trees, beeemente, herns, docks, etc.; largeet gaenllne spraying outfit on the sosst. M. O. Morale ft Co., 823 Union are. Phone Eaat 8017. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for fore Here la - any ananttty; alee taks earns oa com mlaa los and gearaetee best results. The Portlesd . Aactloa ftosms. A. Sckutmeh, seeffw, 311 first ax. rnons w Anted miscellaneous 1COUNU tody dee Ires typewriting work to do ' . home aesnlBga, each aa copying letters, . addressing envelopes, wraooera or say klad typewriting work; soma Under wood eas es toe. 1 ta. ears of Journal. . WANTED-llecondbsBdSd boat 13 fast long. FhlMtak RaaV UJ- WIIX BUY. SELL OB TRADE ANT OLD ' THING. rWEgTERg SALVAGB CO., 82T- r ..nmuiun. miriv Tan. WHO IB M. O. MOBOAN ft CO.t 9, ft O. EMPLaJVallCNT A Wit i I. UTiTI (Wl. - Ws Ha re the buyers and muet hava the , properly, real or persons!. Write or phooe spdwewlll csll. I'hone Mala 3155. 11 Va . Jtorth rourth at., oar. Poarth aad Bur aside. WANTED A light earing era goo In exebanga , v 'o"b sun. psper-nsnging. - JL si, cars Journal. . .. t POSIT! YELY gusrsnteo yog ths best trsde Price for bousuhold, hotel or rsetauraat fur . Btture; be aura to consult ma before dtepos- s .us your gooos eiaewaere; tnia Beats sell ing by kucMon. Addrsas or call. Oka, cars Osuld ft Kline, I. W. cor. Front and Bora aids. . Phono Main 807. WANTED A respectable family to adopt nice an kak. A ub. i.t. . uaAUKA 11 - - . ,,iu, iw irinvKn .all a. office. 1$ Bussel bldg.. or phone Hood 6. llospltsl phons Union 4504. y SPRAYING and pruning of fruit tress; white wsshlag of dncka and baasmsnta. L. B. Ponaa. Scott 5o5. 1 , ,it i "If FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB GRAND. 49 H North Third at, Boama far geauemea viJMi per weea aaa np. NICELY furnlabed room eloee In. west aids, bath. gaa. phone. $5 par month. Call 12b North Thirteenth. THE BlCHELIkU. 38U NOBTH SIXTH ST. - Elegantly furnished, steam beat aad baths. NICELY furnlabed boaaekeeplng-roomsj- abm . slagls rooms. 06H Buaaell at., McKay Big. NEWLY furnished rooms sow open for boel neee at the Btemark, Fifth sad Alder ata. Wa alas bars aa ofncs-rooa for rent. FRONT room, snltabls for I or 3. eery rasssn- anie; private family. 10a North Utb at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. $1.T5 PEB WEEK Largo, eleea tnrntshed noneeaeeping roome; laundry aad Bath. 184 Bhermaa. Sooth Partisan. THB MITCHELL. Flanders aad Seventh minima, noneeaoening ana xrsnsisnfi son esalent; prloes ressoaabla. , FOR BENT Furnished housekeeping ran me to beef brick block oa eaat side: gaa range, bath, etc. bo traaelente; prices Baodarsts. Logan bib., 10H Union are., sorner Bast Alder, i'hone Baat 4034. , $1.60. WEEK np. clean fnmtabed bouaskees. ing roome nas or psrior. yarn. Data, lauBary, 3i 4 H Btaatoa, eoraer Commercial; take U car. THB ALBEBTA Par rant, nice llrht keeping and atnrle rooms, 11.35 per wask aad ap. 811 First at. 323 MARKET Famished single and honeekeep- ing rooms, all conesnisncaa; saoocrats rant. Hood 37A - NEATLY fnrntehsd houeekeeptng aad Bleeping rooms, eioee in, WK weea ; pats, suoaa v, 371 H Morrtaos. 4 PUBNIRHED bonsekespmg raoma. bath and gaa. cloaa In, rent reeeonable. ai Everett at. NICP3I.Y furnlahed boneekeeplng rooms, gaa range, oeia, etc. za ntsra at. . NEATLY furnlabed kousekeepmg end aleeuJng moras, rmee in. ft np; bsib. os xeata gt.. Beer Stork. 337 THIBD St., 3 nicely furnished eoonw for- niaam iar arownpreiaiia ear anacaiing, oe per 8 LA ROE. airy, unfuTslahed Booaekeeplng- rooms, with free water and electric liyhta. for rent at 1228 East Taylor aad Bast Forty-first its. ROOMS AND BOARD. BOARD and room for two gentlemen. $4 week, rnons csat mix. . BOARD aad room for ana or two; bath, beat etc.: working persons preferred, 334 Eeat Morrison et. CAN accommodate Bora day boarders. 889 Taylor at- , FOR RENT FLATS. STRICTLY aeodera Sat; 8 Urge, tight, tinted mo me; laundry aaa rsrsace; Central, call 848 Sixth at. 8-BOOM modern new flat, fireplace, porcelain ae in. rumacs. t-aons aaa lb nisi. TWO new modern flats. 6 aad 8 rooms, with fnmacss, its csst lota st, near Belmont. ONE 4 mom flat. 15M Baet Ninth It., earner Belmont, rnone Bast 11 u. -ROOM flat for rent; water aald: no small cm lares. o nut. MODERN 8-room flat. 1 Mock north steel bridge, fronting river, lnomlro 3HS Lsrrsbeo. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT 8 Isrgs rooms aad paatrp, unfar- as, care jonrnei.. 8 BOOMS for $. 430 Best Stephens at, cor. Seventh. laqatrs Bpstslra. . THREB antuTBbjbsd hosecheepmg- rooma. 438 B. Morrison St. Phono Eaat 1018. 8 UNFURNISHED rooms on ground Soar; steem beet hot snd cold wstee, free bath aad gas; front rooms. 4n3 Third at. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FURNISHED bouae. 18 rooms, boneekeeplng flats; excellent location: rent reeeonable. - Weldnn. 145Vs Third atreet. POR RENT STORES-OFFICES. STORE In ths commlaalon house district 1 apply 143 Front OFFICES, unfurntebed, and earn pis -coo six; alas hall 60x30. OoodBongh bldg. Apply at the elevator. , - ' OFFICB rooms, aafornlshed roome and sample rooms for rent. Good Dough bldg. Apply ele vator. LARGE ofSce. third etory, centrally located, elevator. $40 per Booth. Collins Land Co. Mais 3324. PART of large corner store for rent. Iaqntrn P. E. Beach ft Co., tbs Pioneer Paint Co., First and Alder ata. OFFICE room, nn furnlahed, ground floor, at 90S Oak at FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDEBLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt asd re- liable plena and furniture movers; slss stor s movers ; aieo erne Otoee. 110 N. Third. age. Phone Main 1080. THS CONTINENTAL COMPANY 348 STAHK ST. INSURANCE. RENTALS. 8KB LIST. FOB BENT Hones of 11 rooms, modern tm- rmvetnente. 325 12th atreet. Apply ; S2T 2th atreet. . , , MODERN room bouae, walking dtatanea. Phong Main 4454. - - $8 FIVE-ROOM- bones, large bseement. Key at O'Neal's grocery, cor. Hood snd Great FOR BENT Furnlahed T-ronm bouae In Sooth Portland; completely furnlahed; will rent 8 rooms or all. ee tenant w tehee. Jeaalngg ft Co., SS2tt Waahlngton at MODERN 8-rnom konee. 200 Larrabee at., Me Mlllen addition. Inquire 28 Larrabee al. m ' ill ami 1 11 1 11 in ii 11 i.s r 11 aa laa uum-m'mtaat BUSINESS CHANCES, GROCERY and meat market good buetneee: iocs t ton sn Willisana avs.; will sell at In voice, about $7oa; doing ales bnstaasgj tea aoas fag celling, ii 88, Jouraal. JOIIMAL V r CNDEB ANY , CLiSSIPlCATIOB , Fire Cents Per Line - ...... , No ad takes tot, lass tka a 18s sag day. Sevea words, aa k rule, eenatltuU a Una, bat each line la charged regardless si tka number ot word. . i . I WIIJCTT BATE T Inserrl-ms (InclBdlag sne Sunday tows) 88 CENTS per Use per week. . HOBTKLT BATE ftadadlhg aTl Saaaasy .JSHirl1 per Itoa per month. ADVXBTI8EKXNrS muet be In Journal . bsale-ea offtce by 13 o'clock week dare , aad brllO e'clock Saturday seeatng fey the Benflay teeue. to secars clssalScstlaav DISPLAY BATES glean aeoa application at tbs sfaeo.' . THE JOURNAL ' BIUNCH OFFICES ' ' ' ' ' . ABYEBTnziflNTB - 1 "Til! be received at regular maln-efsce rata. Follow lac Is a llet ef authorised agents who will forward your sdesrtlss ment la tlBM tor publication In tba nest laauei .. . a : N0BTK ITI) ; .' , B. Ai Preatee. dmggUt. Twesty-thlrd and Tknrman atreeta.. Nok-HIll Pharmacy.. 880 OUaaa ' atreet. earner Twenty-Srat. UA'.W.- A""- pkarmacUt. Sixteenth and Meraball atreeta. , MrCommoa'a Phnrmaey. Mlnstosnth. and Waahlngton atreeta. MTTX R9S. B. p. Jones ft oa.. drnggtgta. Frost sad Olbha atreets. itCotte Drug eompany. Flret snd Oraal Fables .Brer ley. druggist 400 Jtfferesa atreet, corner Tenth. BettmaB'a pharmacy, earner Sixth aad Herriaon atreeta. Plummer treg ecmpaay, 300 Third street, earner Madlaoa?. . . :' - KAIT UBS.'' W. R. Love, drngglat. corner Oraad arena and Eaat Bur nal de atreet. r Nichols A Tbomneen. 138 Bueeetl street earner Alblns avenne. Janeke Drug com pa ay. sorner Bawthorne and Oraad evenoce, W. C Cable, drngglst. comer HaUsday aeenna and Larrabee street, near atee) bridge. ,1- t Bj. A. Wllaoo, 133 Grand (veone, aesr Ke ferlsen. B. W. Ben. ; 388 Bast Seventh street ee-ee Rtefihees. Tattle's pharmaey. 853 Mlmharlppi svesas, earner Shseer street KIOnAaTD. P. I. Clark, drngglst. 1003 Nortk Onion aveaus. SUEMY81DX. 7. ' B. Wartk. nharmarlet.' 808 Belaeeel atreet BBOOXXTN. Brooklem Phaenaeee SAsaneew. aVeerell end Milwaskls streets. . ablet a. emzsoir. Arista Pkarmaty. Mora and Foster atreeta. ZLtWOOD, Renwlock'g Pharmacy. 848 FmetIHa aee aue, sorner Eaat Thirteenth atreet st. ions. Elliott's pharmacy. . . -rO JL SINESS CHANCES. WANTED A fins opening for a refrtgererlag engineer; one with Bonis espltsl dealred. woo would taks sa ectlve rnterest to ths business. This le worth Investigating. Address Msb agar, beg 480, Vancouver, Wash. A SNAP Blaekea eetlgate early. ilth shoo for sale cheep; to Al Hart, Oresham. Or. CHANCE of a Lifetime 36 per cent profit in a emau invesimeni; ooni or lay, nut write lor pies. Lock Bog 883. city. WB bass Bronerty la Ike fa whsst-growlag wwi.v - - , m v a . N BU Ilia m , apple snd berry land la ths nrack-tslked-ef Hood Blest valley; hop land aad dairy reachta In the Willamette valley: sad aa la athe Cmpqsa valley the land of big yel low peechee we heve Boaee eery alee farmt and atock raBcbeat oor prleaa era aa low aa tke lowest aad ws will glee yoa tks best of baits of eaat era Oregon sad Washington terms sn any of thla property 1 we will teka aa part payment good improves, or nnlaaoroerd Port la a 'tlesd neooertr: new If eon wet ass. p bow If yea waat a eeeatrr Ufa here ts your chance. For further la for at our ofSca.- N0RTHWEST LAND CO.. 308 OoodBongh bldg. WHO IB M. O. MOBOAN ft CO.t BLEEPING aad honaekeeptng roome for rest See H. H. Htglsy, room 80, tXI Waah Lag ton at. . B-BOOM hotel for eale. are. Price $1,800. Call 803 Hawthorne SAWMILL FOB SALE 30.000 feet capacity I fine timber, pleety ot orders; a a nap, . Ad- s si, jouraai. . A GOOD clean atock of cigars, tobacco, con fectionery and lea cream flxturee: this muet . bo sold by March It good reasons f. sell ing; this Is a bona fide offer snd If Inter eeted cell or write st ones, as thla will not ' last long; terms If dealred. Price $1.SU0. . - Pesrrs ft Blrdaell, Vancouver, Waahlngton. PARTNER WANTED lave man with maey years' exnerlencs In contracting desires part ner with money to go lots railroad eonetrae float One opening here now. , Addreea 0 40, cars Journal. WILL do your commercial printing SS per cent lees then Fort land prtcee; delivered free; bast quality. Psclfla Prlntery, Ceshy, Or. BBRPONSIBLB party epeeklng 4 bnguages and mechanical Ideaa will laeeet $500 to 35 000 general merrhendtes or asehnfactnrer with good beam for enlarging boelneee, out " of town mining district preferred. X 17, ears JoarnsL MINERAL soring, close to Portland, for aala or lease. . Particulars 614 Featoa bldg., Port land. Oregon. - WANTED Oood bostneea maa with capital to Invest and to taks chsrge of factory can have controlling Intereat If be desires. Per - particulars addreea N 37, cere Journal. WEI L-EQUIPPED flrst-claas livery business in one of the beet livery towns In Oregon; good trade aad le paying well: $5,000. Fine lodglng-boues proposition In a good, , Mealy country town of 4.000 inhabitants. Building, ground aad farultura for only $1,000. Good paying aad well-squlpped blscksmllh and- wagomnaker'g ahop. In beat country town In Oregon, where there Is a great deal of hi ruber aad mine baiilln. and Ibe terminal , for three stage lines; $2,000. or will Invoice. Address N 30. car Jonrnal, not later than Tuesday evenleg. AT -SACRIFICE Arctic soda fountain. Stock, ton Incubator, wltk brooders. ' 1ST Frost, between Yamhill aad Taylor. 88-ROOM hotel: furnltnrs tor aala or trade, cheep; centrally located. -, Boom V, . Waah lngton bldg. - j, " FOR SALE A atock of candles, nuta. tobacco, cigars, canned goods, eskss. bssehells, bare, , gloves, mssks. brushes end blscklng. bl-eycle-pnmpa. taps snd oil, eeeortuwnt of rartrlrigee snd pocket-knives, etc.t show. ' eeeee and Sxtures: building fer rent at email rental, If dealred.- Jemes Cunningham, Arleta No. 3, Oregon. Taks Moa at Scott car. WANTED Loan of 35.600 on real eefsts. two or three years; will psy 8 per cent Interest. ' Address W 88. cars JournaL . -V A SAWMILL, near Sclo. Oregon, with a ca parity of 23,000 feet per dey. Including 300 acres of timber snd complete logging nutfltt srlce. I10.0O0. Inonlrs 4wH Waahlngton ' at., PortUnd, Oregoa. A bargain If taken . at once. A SNAP Nice clean grocery, east side, close In. 8 living roome; rent $13 par month 1 8 rear leeee; only $000, must sell. WaeblugtOB . bl ip, room I. WANTED Oood blacksmith to rent or bny only blarkamlth-ahop la email town contain- .. Ing graded school. Odd Fellows' ball, cream ery, 8 stores aad 8 churches; plenty of work; . Owner would retain half Intereet In boat neae. For partlcnlara, 13ft North Second at., Portland. - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BEAUTIFUL house la Runny aide, almost new, comer lot. mwn, modern hones, -aesr car; $750 handles this bouae; must bs seen to be epprectstsd. X 3, ears JonraaL -. TWO fine lots am Eaat Madleon. near Esst rsnrteenth; itber n,i Tklrty-nlath; both al a bargain.. N 84, care Journal. T-BOOM haw t $1,000. . at Highland, wltk I lot I'hoae leott 830T. , 't