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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1906)
iiz , o:...; ; sail v ) J i c;;tlai:d. EVEiiiiiQe. 1 tzzzvazy, 3, Cox V TC3 ZALHZHKL ESTATel . ,: , iOII TBACTf I . ' OC BPECTALTT IB ACM TBAfjTSt FaU-sUed Streets, water te sack Mr. "TEEMS 110 1 ACBB CASH i (10 FEB ACBB HI MONTH, i , To to thee ten e the mm far. '. pay tfea Mm 6 (af tb lot Baa para, lb lot ' aaa la fa Belehbor. but ha U stricted la majority of fs terse .that a trua sunaraaa Mot. Opa Weceaadiy ao4 later eroaiags. A. a chttrchill ccl, HO Becoo i at. v V VrllhtPBOTBD LAMP. , f Scree, Douglaa eoaaty. SO acre. Deogla eonnty, tunbea. 1 aeraa Mar htchUaavlIle. -' SO aer aaar Iaaepradeace. - Beau good boy. Get prlcaa. ,. . , . GORDON J Fmirta. QUABTKB block; aa -room hotae, kail, paw v try end beth, pormlala tub, etertr 'I', fruit and Sowers, II plecb from Highland school. 1 block fro is 1 erllne. 5-mloute arnica, only 16 nlaataa from avatar or th , eltjj klfh and lgklyfprt eaak, blBr y nraw. raoo neves vv w , Commercial bid. TWO B-cre tracts d Joining, elaa to !- trlo una. toe rr.n improeea ""!, arlo only II, MO for bota. r will eeli separately. Aaaress sWaer, eournsi. ' BELLWOOD ZiOTa, IS dowa aad IS a monthi To to SJUU. HUM vo Pkoaa Kaal 4TOC CHICEEN reach cleat to carHna; everytklng ' saw aad complete tersva. Q 2a, oar Journal X)K - BALE a mom rottafa, furnished, ' lot 601 100. BM Bast Twanlr-tMrd at., north, -, on Alberta at ear lis, Price pooO. BRAND near 10-room bona, bath, bassnwnt; lot aOlKS. 1 Mock ear; oalr tl.aoO, I7GO cash, lens time; tb baat bay la Eaa Portland; - Bandar.' X 1. car Joarnai. A' BABGAIM IT aeraa, BM la ealttvatlou. balaaca timber and pasture; Boa' fraltiwf -ell :. kind, well watered, pica creak oa tk place: 100 acre of bottom land, 140 arm la fall ' crop, aaostly- wheat: 1 food bona of I rooma. 1 fair heuse of B room. I pond barn. 1 1 large granary, I food tool aad baggv-bd, . . I bead of hot. 11 bead af cattl 10 heed floe aw, 13 bad of bow, all tHa farm nacbiaarr; located right at a railroad au tloa. alerator, atore anal poatofUn: 1 ' nllea to aehoal: thla 1 a la atock. dairy aad xValai farm. Price 114.000: i term to aalt puNaaeer. ror paruauiara ojiun. aaa eiaar barcaUa. , v .7-. OarraUla, Or(oa, Btaioa Ceaaty. t Kew a-room otta(, Urrl lot, cloae to car, - aaada treea, . wood-fiber plaatar. water la boa,, freer praded. 10-foot alleya, prlea IM0: I VI dowa aad 1 10 per aaoath: B-rawa boa. f?00; 3 room cottac. all faramaed first clau. for BMO, parr raah. Bee ewaar. Ja Wab, to white boaae t Nahllle addl tloa. an tb UU Beett aarllaat blf dleeoaat CP THK COI.t7VBTAl 1 Kapamr teamen from Partlaadt cbaapaat rata from the enact to tnlaad potata; a , . aaad, hTy oll. aerpelnal -water Hght wtU rack tract, earllaat prodnct, largest prlaaa; the 0aUfaralof the Northweac . Writ '.. . . HOTII USD CO, ' . . .. " . Hewer, Waahlattoa. COBHBB at 4 lota la North Irrtogtoki atreeta lmproTd: 11.100: y trrm. , . . . THB HBALT INVBfTal BUT OO., B1P-I14 Aelagtoa, 10S Third at. FOB aVaXaV-Boaaa aad lot; modera; fin lace tloa: Broeklra Helghta. TS1 Kaat Eighth at. 'A OBBAT bargain at Bt Johaa Tw ales cot tapaa with two Urge lota for f 1.800. Ad JoTnlaa lota aalllng for 1MB each. Sbapard, -'IMm Mama, Bt. Johaa. Oregon. 1 ACBES ctearad and feaoed, gnod well. S - block from Tremoat pUtlea, BUO. All dree X 17, care ienraai. , FOB BALB AT A BAB0A1W v- A Baa atock range, aoatalnlng abaat 1.B00 Bcreai all ander fac altnated near Bo burg, Oregoa. en B. P. B. B.; tbla la en of ' ' the baat atacb raagai ta the eoaaty; I alo - bar another (nod ctork rang ceatolnlag t eas acrea. which will be aotd at eery low erica. Par particaiara aaarea . at. aataer- U. pwapr, BimkarpA Oregee, . ' BELL WOOD City View ' Perk. ' aa tb bank f the Willamette, lata W dawn, pet IBOBtn; rue racaary an wixa waiaa- awwerj ' In Bos addition 4 choice home from MIQ ' ! as AAA V n ' . - - BAOIX riinatllle .. ara Berhraod. Or. IS.TBO P-BOOM new boa, wtl ktratlon. ma. TwMtT-thlrd and Tweaty-fonrth. aa . Ererett t-; term. $8,000 raah, balance d per seat. A. B. YelfBtb. OP North Eighteenth . at., ket, Davis sad irerett ata. rkoaa PadBa 4MB, . A SNAP. - Par Bale Voders T-room hoaee. fantlabed. IS.BOP; 11,500 an, baUace terms aa as InrmtmaBt. pays 11 par seat. Pbea last HOT. fiOOD RITBBV-B20 acre 178.000. will dMdo; 65 aarea t,000, il.POO dowa; IT acre T60, IW0 down. Prary. BU WllUama . ; A CROICB locatton OB th pmlnnUi will . . balld be to olt; amall payment dowa. balance eaey term. Pbona Boett O0T. at call SOB Commercial bldg. FOR SALE Sooth hlonnt Tabor tcrwga, obarbaa homea and frnlt farma. Bee the Boath Monet Tabor Baal Estate Offlc. Tak Mount Tabor -BeeerToU car, oa first at. Peooe Baat 4BU. OOOD farm. T-room boaae, near barn, 10 heed cattle: price 126.10 per acre; 10 aeraa near, . price llluo: beaaee and lota, 1600 and up; , good farm land. 17 0 per ore. lTSe tint ' t.. room T. Bide-away AC. JfNW A ream boaae; targe tot; mn: Ti dowa, 111 per saenthl ana acre tract, faM cash; aaa , lot MO caeh. Be owner In th Whit Hon at-NaehTlU Addition, an hit. Btott car Una. BOO PABMB, email tract aad lota; bargains . O. W. T- rlectrle Use. 0. B, Addltoa, Lasts, . Oregoa. -Take Mount Bcott car. 6c H ACBJCH, boaae. 1 aore email fralt; Ine loca tbm. Inquire Prank A. r WUlard, MoeU ' ' etlla. Pbeae Baat 41 12. KVTXT ST., lot PTalTO. erer looking WlUasaerra, - 1000. Kihaeli, Sol Oomnwrelal blk. Mala 282. fS 000 WILL bay a U bleck eerr choV loca Uoa for flats. Bee M. B. L. PH4 BUta at. I RATE aom wry choir hmttnaa ea the wt side for flat and apartment boaae. M. B. Lee, HH Sixth at. . ; WB hare a fin bnaeh af property m Tlhhett addition at Terr cheap piirea. Thla property range from ISOO Op ioy loU aad pOOO Bp for J- boom aaa Bt. Phona Main SSOB. I1T-I1I Pentoa Mdg. FOR SALE FARMS. ISO ACRES, IB miles west from Portland. (10 - per acre: good timber, spring, creek, Its. ; ., aertloa SA, townahlp I north, rang I west; Multnomah eoaaty; H c,h, nalanc I per cent- Inejalr A. B. elguth. SS ' North Elghteeath t., bet. Davis and Ererett. . 110.00 PER ACRE 110.00 . -IBB10ATED LAND rreeV County. Orcgea. DEED direct from State. WRITE for ptnpblt sad map, B. S. COOK A CO., ' - tM Alder at.. Portlaad, Oregon. . ' SUBURBAN HOME 6 room boas and bath, I aciea land, beantlfal rror. yaang mchard, . at Courtney station, $8,000. Snap l4Vh aerto at Coartaey its tloa, on 0. W. P. 40 acres ta Yamhill cotiaty, E. P. 9, B-reom houae, 120 per acre. ' L. A. AND k. U. P0WLW0, k Milwanhto, Or. . ', FOR BALE Stock ranch af 1.440 a or near (Vbarg, I mile N. B. of Ess-en. Or. I prtc low: 1-1 raah. balance I year". per cent. . P. D. Chamberlain, Lsbb bldg., Portlaad. , FOR BALE Perm of II act, fine nJL in Yamhill county, two mile from R. B. sta flea: watered by brook i 10 sere timber: S-room hones; good barn. All crops, 60 scree ander plow, family frnlt orchard. A ' baigala at 2,A00, tarsia. Address t 40, Cars k.. Journal. . 10 ACRES, all clear, Be stnas or gravel, ben,. barn, grnrel road,' near MllwsakUl prlc ' lAftOO. Box PA, Mllwsukl, Or. f ACRKS A No. 1 chicken ranch, all fenced; pond 4-room bone, larre room, barn 1'iAO. rhlchen-bnnawa fiar 1.000 chicken: a plana and all kind at furniture; dneen rhlrVens, ' sll fiar 11.230: floly snout 600 feet from electric line. 10c carfare. For further - forsiatloo take Ratarad car 'to (late station, ' so antb to second sou mi right hand pld. Se an aar. , FOR 8AL&-FAt:S. PA Bat OWNBBB What bara yo U farm J""" lt W bar buyr. Write wur FABM LANDS CO.. IB0-ACBB farm in Ilea, eoaaty, a boot Tl mil enuia a rortuaa; IA aeraa andar plow, H IUM In paatur:, aotlr farm feaeed: ' large houae, good barn; two wetle knd na aing. atraaia; nuie rrom railroad atatlotii arlA. la.tMaJ, , cub. u3 CoamrcUl blk PWJirsiu BinU W atmi u( kUBB. ' FOR SALE-T1UBER.; CBRT1P1ED eertp, any m pleee lowest pHeea. U..UowaU. BW Chambar at Cam. I HAVB aboet I AO timber claim for' loe.tln a charge antll yea file oa claim; call aad lBTtlgt. lUB-l Mohawk Wig. TO SXCIAlGB. FOB BALB OR BBCHAWQB 4 room boa, , 1 cr : IrtOO; Hlddlea.i. lota, amall boa. ,Kern Park. Will axebange for good draught " ppiy owner, uaaaiwua uauwr vo. arigta. ifreaoa. ... HORSES AND CARRIAGES. ItKRie ta a aianilM 1 n OAlinjiu a. . . . .l. , . -M w m Bug U.1M toe UDDOnVD Clrdtedal. alallloa. 'Better Lock." No. 11,. . 636. for aale. Yoa will remember h I tb talHon that took eeeood prlae at the lwl uw . ir j a,ao ujuk urai iria a a . yearling la Heotland. . Yea can buy him - cigui ana ne i a cnoice oae. . Alee -Royal aicQaa." the- g-year-nld Clrd atallloa that took drat over th Do minion of Canada and, rt t th Lewta and Clark fair; kla aire took the gold medal . at Chicago thl last year. Also pome. Clydesdale Bute; thla h th bom of th champion Clyde mare of the sarwis ana viara taw. Ataa-Vlng B.." th air of Talk Oaks,' . ea w uas. v. . Look thee BP- . v V 1. D. OOUDUN A BON, Dandee. Oregoa WANTED TO BUY Team, suitable for gen rl farm work. 1,80 to 1.400 weight; xash prio.- rnon cast sotb. SO TIAhU T0O to Bono per team. rreedman FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SBCOIfD-HAND BEMlKOTOtf- AND BkflTH PBBMIBB TYPE WRITERS FROhl 130 l'l, OB POB BfCNT rOR AND 14 PBS eiun-i n. vnuiIWvUO TirBWaMTEB OO, BIZTH H .. .,-.,...., rOR BALE OB RENT HEW AND 8ECOND- BlWIKO MACHINES. STANDARD BKWinu MAUHINaS AvSBGX. B. . alOMES, r a linn ay ajMI . aWBV laaiaitibl A - rOR flAtB A food KlnffBr Bwwliif mtehltw la nnt-rutwi ornrr, rmry rbnp, C.ll 460 Eh, waMinsioBj trvtr, oamer tuigJXiu. BOOKS boturtft, bV15 ant cl..ac4 t tt - '""ibtw Biara wm BBBim- Tau wwiBra, ILl aWO. m mmjlaTff, sMlWaatS Vta) Ml TT aPHlIiaUeB WESTERN OBEOON Ml NINO MILL! NO ?. aeaaquarrer; stock tor aale and Infnrawx iioa at lau rirat at. Phone Mala 182. IB OWC AMES AND PI X TUB KB made to rder; ecvee-eana gaea ror aale. ataai a avau- atrom. low oenck at. I' boo Clay 171. BORSB8 of aU kmd for l at very ancea. ipquir gxa rroat at. BILLIARD AND POOL tables far pant r for sie oa ey paymeot. THB BBUNSWICK-BALRB COLLXNDEB CO. 4P Third at.. Portlaad. . MANDRB by wagoaload at carload a O. W. P. f. r-Boaa auat BIB. THB celebrated Poetise ton burjlea, lee t bar iinnara, tor eoo, at roriiana wareooB a iranarer VO-. eel Baat Washlngtaa at. CLOSINO al afBHal photocraphle view af ' . "i w"iitr nsinnu, T.r w vie., frrm iiy reoaeea pneaa, aspoamoa ROW eaaes, conatera. fix tare beaght, pnld r sebaaged. Wotra Baleag Ca.taT Waea- I BOLL TOP desks, o race-tables, rag. fixtures', sen -voiiuxb aaa - maw aaa. WB print year earn aa M calling cards, proper , ewe sura siran, eoe eesiaes raroa, at. A. W. Schsuto Co., x Pint, Portlaad. Or. BOLDEN'B BBBUMATI0 CCKB- -Aura i rbeuataUasa. Bold by all orogglets. tor 400 NEW aprlrht piano, 14S; nnrlcht piano aoo: organ l a sirs I, oroer Mala, epeisire- PBESII snws. Comer Cent awe cUl and Blan- oeaa. lea ii car. TnoROUOBBBED eggg and atock for al of wi.v sik . anwn uegBOTWB, wane aaa Barred Rock, LIf Nrahmaa. Buff Cochin and Black Minorca; fl.BO per sotting. . C B. Arnold.- Mllwsukl. Oregoa. FOR SALE 0anck soda fountsla. Madrooa see. W. Owrlsaa. 1614 POB SALE Tw ascoad-hand light - en ring wagoaa, cheap If taken at oace. Pnater A avieieaT, ruu ana snnn. r-noaa Ki. 66. I WTUL II for th next tw day '170 fin rriare womb rrem id rair groaada at Tsc each; skm a large gaaatlty af chairs aad household furniture on eaey terma. Ok, at uauia m nun. B. n. cor. trout ana Burn side. Phone Main SOT. IP yon want to balld. bny all your materlala at the America Inn; yon will ears TB per et; Ine doors, wladewe. plaster boards, rustic or aiding, flooring, etah-a. timber aad motor, i-bobs owner, racinc ivtb. POB BALE, CHEAP One Al Incubator. 10 " " r.ain pnooograpa, xs reeoraa, 64cl Eaat Plfteenth at aoath. PERSONAL. CONFIDENT! A f, seediest . We hreat daw ef wo me xcIbIt1t, curing with aaearylng auceee all feme la aUmeatn from the slightest local Irritation to Us most complicated lateraal troubles; maternity caaes gtea special attention: pel rate hospital accomaKdatlont Profeesional . lady pars In attendance ; eencnftstlnn aad adie fee. X-Radlam Medical Institute and BaaJtartass, Third and Alder sta cntraBca fit Aider t., PorUaBd. v " DR. O. T. K ETC HUM. tin recently pkr Irian at to at. Lou I Medical and Barglcal dm , penury, la now at the Red Cross DUpen- . aarr. He will five all a sonar deal, charge . BMdarately, and espeHally Invite crs ( x vital wkna, dally aad sight drains, per matoTTBOca. Impoteaey, gonorrhoea, blood . talnU. hydroeele, rarlcocel. cbroele aJlmeeta and special fSmaJ trenhle. OorreapoDdene solicited. Bed Cross Dtopanssry, car. Third ' and Ash ata. LADIES A aerer-talllng remedy relieves all abatlaat esses; perfectly ka lto but a teeittv relief i receipt with :all Inatrae- on 1 (stamp taka). Addres Dr. A. i' Bodd. Baa PraaelBsa, CsIlforuU. DR. W0RLET BENJAMIN, the Pont Special hit, SOti W Baking toa at, Bood KM. Par (est mad aoaad. - . ., FREE to nut af town patron. wr latest cata logue af -fancy work, pillow tons, center pieces, shhfwalats and noreltle. The Needl Craft Shop, SOT AUsky bldg., Portlaad. Or. BINO CHOONjU. Importer efChlnea root medl i cia sell Chin ta that 1 certain rare for n dleeese. Ill Second hot. . XamhlU aad Taylor. . BACK ACHE and kldaey or bladder disease cared wltfe Oregon herbs; trial alsa for 10a la stamp. . Plnmmar, ISO Third at, DR. ATW00D, IS Ruaael hldg., 18oV4 Feartb at, Female dlea aad ennflaemnt takea aad oared far, epen vaingB. Ceasaltatava tree- , ,4 t -' DOLLB' HOSPTTAle- , RepaMag aad dres making. Ml TamhttL MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Globules. Oae mouth's treatment, 1: I months,' SB; sent securely sealed by ma1C -Ageata, Wodrd, Clark A 0a., PaHlaad. Or. MRS. Soon Is B. Be In. pef chcinetj at. ri..i.Ti n. , wii ,v ,w m, , . . ,iit ,1-. Toeedsr end Prldav. S o. m.. I4AU YamhIU. aor. Seventh. Pacific 10. Sunday erasing awettoga Dram hall. ll Beeand. It'TTS pressed while yrm wait. 60s. Ledlaa klrta prsased. Oe. Gilbert. 10414 BUU sc Bait to Qu-U. Pbea Clay Pod. WET FEET are deeper. Wabpjot blacking Is sheolatalr waterproof. "" BALM. OP rtnS'foe all female dhwasas. 3 Eaat Belmont. Phone Eaat 400. , YES, Palme Tablets maks yea sleep perfeetlrt they cure nervonsneee snd make yoa stronr J rice One a box, S bote 82.60; gaarsataed.' II dra'.lats, at address Brooks Drag C.. BT ortk laird L, Pert land. Oregoa, PERSONAL.: BHOKTHAND, typewriting, mtmoofxaphlag, eus msmber at comavaroa. . Mala svoi. DBTECTIYB AOBNCY Oesfldentlsl lavsstt. gstioasi reports mso on any inuivianat Dual ' aesa or Bavpertyi ails alar relative located . had debts aollected: chars es resaooahle: eor reeponaeaec , sellclted. Oregoa Detactlv - Bervlce, office SU-41B Columbia bldgv SOS wamnagtaa et. rnon asaia eio. LADIKat Terk lab hatha. maaaasa. kydrlatrl . parlor! ladle will find what they want la ' mui at list a, sal nBaningwei n. ANY man r aroma n caa be strong asd happy , by aalng Serine Pills, the great toalci prt al a Dog, P nos 0, Wlin nil gosrBBcee. , Adore. or can w. a. utessoBseB, .'aor, Bseoad aad Yamhiu ata., ruruaaa, ur, LOST1 power roe tared,, by th greet Dt, Ltfeas-s nerve xanic j auieui , sum pw . a .. me at SB. Write or naD at Erased Pharmacy. SZT Morrlaoa. bet. 1st and Sd. B10H-OBADB portraits; special offer for few nays; oamnsi siss, earue or w,,-, i' 'o.,.iii. mA work the heat. D. . M Itarsna. SOI Ooodaeugh bldg.. Fifth aad Jiaauuu. c TURKISH BATHB. 800 Ongonlaa bldf.s UdlaS day, gentlemen pigata. aaaia aeeo. "FORDIDDHN FRUIT." "A Oar Lotbrt,' . ,l-. mi ,. l,eiM II Ml " "A ,iua. "Woeia of rir 60e acb llata free. , A. W. Bchmal Co.. I2S First t. er-uir. a-w.ira -. II sinite of hooks BSBa-ht. .. sold and xcbaagd- Jones' Book Btara, l Aiuer t. - .... . UWR Kill l.lS'KET AND -MRS. CABSON cur sU scalp 4 1ms see; aU kind f hatha - given; electric massage; alio have the French mad for removing wrinkle; Urn). rryw. rsmoos remeaiee; saiiaisciioa Hnew , Pbon Pseiric 1369. S60 Taylor. DO yon want to marry? If so, Jola ear aocletyi w hare hundred of members. ltnr sea; matrimonial register. 10c. Foarth at, earner Morrison. Boom a. BOLDBN'B BHEUMATI0 CUB SI Sure ear far . rheamatlam.- Sold by all druggists. .A DIES A aever-f ailing awmrhly" remedy I re Ileva all obstinate cases; perfectly hsrmlses but a pealtlv relief; receipt With full ln tractlon II (tmp taken). Address Dr. A. Budd, Baa rraacisco, caiiroraia. PERKINS' Amnrlran Herb are for aala t Z" Third it., Portland. Oregon, y a- a. aioomsr. general ageat. . COAST agency Dr. Crtstloa's FreBch toilet article. Hoom 11-ia, urana tneetre niog.. m at . w sailing ton. raene aiaia sen. . TOUNO mas M. IntaUlcent. with hoaaa. Wsald .lis ta eorreapono. wun msio or wmow la . to 81. duoted. moalcsl. Industnoo., Object matrimony, pt xa, care journal. RADAM'S Mtcrobe-KIUar. tb rrsst ermleid. last ass sioimi ine tost ot years. For aai By druggiats or wiBtera, S0H Urand ave., N YOU NO -lady glvca vapor, alcohol and mdleted Batna. rarwr xr. xav stark. he acorn of a gentle inaa wn do not a liquor aad know how to appreciate ldys company, to spend Trollies and Boadays with. X a, care journal. AUTOMOBILES. COTS Y A COOK Motor Car Co., P'aatb aad Aioer .ageats ror 1 aninac. rierce, fareat arrow aaa Btevene-imry motor-csrai m. enlaee rented, repaired and stored. ' ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER. 848 Alder. Portrait and lsndacsps art let and teacher. ATTORNEYS. A. ft. TANNER, attorney, SOS Commercial blk.. BeeoBa aaa aeningtoa ata raoaa Mala sax. B. P. BURLEIGH, lawyer. 121 Orsad sea.. aaai naruana. .a . J. B. WINCHESTER. troray-t-lw. aotary pnrnc. ou wssningtaa mag. ARCHITECTS. h: h. menses. Architect, 118 Second at. '''"'""ASSAYERS: OABY1N CYANIDE BZTBACTION CO.. Montana Aaaay Offlc. IBS Morrlaoa s , BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAYIB A KTLHAM. 108-111 Second at. CIBBB BOOB. B3BBUIBClUrerB, BBSBU TO, UH 1 mproreq Laoee-Mar teager; e u new auresa lea r. ine aeat ea tne merxn. BATHS MASSAGE. MISS U1XJAN BAYM0ND give baths and massage Treatment. , 'ine tnamo. xmM Morrlaoa at., room 14. PLoae Mala 6811. TWO ladles give hatha, faoe sad scalp massage. xtjb rim at. J BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. B. BIBKBNWALD CO., a4-S0S Everett at. large patrner' supply nous on me coast. CAFES. THB OFFICE tS Wsshlngtoa aL. pawae Mala 771. Bmui vigneeux. CHIROPRACTIC CURES ppendtelfl wltbent drags or kalf. nr. Kva Hogaa. bob Ms 11 st. caoo maia cue. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASTTBURNB FLOYD, wagon builder aad genersi job wars, as Bta sr. rasa mosa mas. WM. FTSHBECK, carpenter: repalAag sad Job bing oone. xi Burnsioe at. rnone Mala bsct. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest pleat en tne coeat, l-oring a no naming sm., isi phoae Eaat ISO Carpets cleaned, reStted, sewed end laid: both steam snd latest com pressed sir prece: . oVatlog mattrssMP sad festhers a .specialty. BANITARY carpet cleaning, anctloa snd com- . preesea air eomniaa; csrpeis cieenea en ooor CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESRERO-OUNST CO. " Dlstrlhators of . FINE CI (JAB. Portia sd. CLEANING AND DYEING. Portlsad Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Works; prac tical kattsr la con nec tloa. Ill 4th. Pacific BOT. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed II per Bwnta, Unlqas Tailoring u., S4T wssniagtaa at. B. W. TURNER, professional tyer snd leaser. aw esrrereoa u raene aasis soia. NEW PROCESS lac curtain cleaning. 10 to II pair. 44 GUssb. MSIB BeOS. SRTORIAL Tailoring Cd, Ladle, aad men' cleaning and pressing. 600 Week. - Pe. 181T. COAL AND WOOD. CHURCHLEY BROS, have removed from tost Darl at. to axv aeerney aa., near ilia; m now the largest woodyard la the dry. carry ing all kinds ef wood sad eoaL Mala SSL WESTERN Feed A Foci Co., an Front, be twee O Ilea a and Mori, oeaier la an aiaoe ei bouse coils aad blsckamita ssasv Msla 1018. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers In asrdwead. sal sd greea snd dry tianwooo. a. a. ssa as kin a.. I blocks rest ef ferry. Eaat, STA - STEEL BRUMS FUEL CO. Dealer fa toal. eordwood ssd dry eiahwoa. raoaa Best ess. OBEOON "FTTEL CO. All kind ef Cos I weed, etd vA I dec at. Pboae Mala at. aad KIRK BOOYER. PIS Watst t Wood sad ssai Pboae Mats am, " COLLECTION' AGENCY. : DOES any ana ewe yen money t Ws collect bed debts of alt kinds. Northwesters Lew A tollertlna Co., 122 Urand sra., rooms 14 ssd . 1ft. Cltlsras' Beak . hldg, ol this , pat, , Pbea last SOtO. . w i Na 1 . COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS. EYERDINO A f ABB ELL, produce and aommls. ia aaercnaam. - lap grant St.. reruaao, ur. Phone Msla 1T0. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALB'crockery and glsarwar. Pre!. Hegsle A Co.. loo to log fifth, cor. Btsrk at. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST 'A SPECIAL 15 00 READINO FOB 11.00. BT. OBOaUJU OHM0NDU. SKKR OF EUYPT. . WOHLD-BJSNOWNED ClalnwTant, ' Palmist and Psychic Belr. THB ONLY YOOI MEDIATOR , of Secret Influence In Amorlc. . Oorea all aarroua diseases, weeeneea ofravery kind; telle lust what annoys, perplex, wor ries you; what your wish Is, If th on yos love bj true or false, how to gals the one yea lev or sdmlrs; brings bsck tb estranged . lover, husbaad or wife; strslgbtens out family troubles and assists yon In gaining your wish or desire; giree names, date, fact oi mar - rtag. lore, law, money, changes; sll wltbont you apeaklng a word. Fee. one dollar. Permanently located. - Onea Sundays. - 888M WASHIN'OTON BT. :: Prof. .Wallace . . . Th aotad pelmlet, will continue to rive bt celebrated Is. reading for 60 cents for on week lungar. 'JKMVs Morrlaoa St.. parlors 1 and B. The Cosmos, aver Royal bakery. MRS. STEVENS, Portland'a leading palmist, sstrologer snd elslrvoysst. 1AV Bavsnta St., op p. liotel Pcrtlsnd. MMR EMMA BBMANDBR. medlnm, satrolo let, bealsr; only Swedlrb medium In Portland- fve Tears; will be before the public . again' March I: aeeda so Introduction: come read affidavits. S.IS Fifth St. Reeding SA cepts; five readings 11.00. Only a abort time In Portland. DANCING. WOODWARD'S dancing school of rhs Westers , Academy .of Music, Monday sad Tharedsy. Spectator lavitrd. Leesons 60c. Dancing I to ITU Co. Second and Morrlaoa. PBOP. RINOLKR. SOP Alder, sear Sixth; class . or private Itaasna. 60. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, 84 Seventh at,, Portland. O. K. fa every thing la the electrical line. Pboae Mala .. 1SS8. , J.- PAC1FI0 ELECTBIC CO. Engineers, eeatrae- tore, - repairer, lertrle wiring, aupplls. a First cor. Stark. Mala OSS. B. B. Tate. mgr. FURNACES. . BOYNTON warm -air farnaeea pave feel, I. 0. Bayer Farnace Co., Sad Second. Mala 401. FRENCH BAKERIES. THB only piece dn Portland to get Preach pre a a. narrer Msyue, errr nuta a. Dally delivery. Phone Oreea 808. FURNITURE . FACTORIES. OBEOON Furniture hf anefactarlng Oempaay Manuractarer . as xaraitnra aar lae ma. Portland, Or. PCRNITDSB masufacturlng and spectsl order. I,. uavesear s rarniture ractory, sr rroat aa FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE 4 IRON WORKS She Pisaders ., cor. sd. phone Msla soon. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocers, saana racturera ana omanaiea marcs ants, rsarta aad Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, corn mils loa aad produce mer cBasts. rmt sad Davis sta.. rortissa, or. OASOLXNE ENGINES. AT r losing -out prlcee. several sample gasoline anslaea prlcee. IBS, menne ena eratwnnry: writ is Belereoa Machinery Co. Portlaad. 1 -" GRINDIN0. I. . CASTERLINE A CO., In vsn tor at th rameaa ateel tempenng prucemj loom snarp ened reasonable. 41 Fifth at. HARDWARE. portUsitt Hartwftr Oo. spoil Ht oppartvnltj te QTa pnM. 1W Itn W..W. A109T. sallia laM, HOTELS. ' HOTEL Portland. Am ericas plan; 8. IB par day. BELYEDEBB) European plan; 4th tad Alder (ta. THE BROWN Orsad aad Hawtharaa eves. INSURANCE. ISA AO U WHITB. fire Inraraaos. 800 Dekam (AS. Met. WOOD, employer liability and la, amaaai accident surety nooos ex ui siaoa. Pboae 4T. 802 McKsy bldg. B. F. BABTELS COMPANY Fire fasaraaca. 44 Sherlock bldg. Oregon rnone ain Bi. HAY AND GRAIN. B. O. COOPER A CO. Potato, feed our. IIS Union ave. phone Eaat loir. LOCKSMITH. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert htekssslrh aad bicycle repairing. Sa stars, vay Clay SU; eight phone. Mala I8SS.- J. R. RICHARDSON, lock mitt aad repairing, BnT rlumaiae. racinc KXW. MAGNETIC HEALING. DR. L. B. BART trssta sit dt, stomach .trouble, aervouenrsa ana mncrusi wees 188 Seventh et. Phone Main 4 IT. MUSICAL. 1. a. WRSCO, vlollamaksr sad repairer! work first-clsss. X BusmI bldg.. 4th asd Merrteos. EMIL TBIELHOBN, pupil af Srelk, viol la taaeber. Stadia IBS Sixth. Tel. Mala BBSS. YODER'R PIANO STUDIO, 666 B. Coooh Half rstes for closing term. -Pbea Baet 6XnS, MACHINERY. TUB B. O. ALBEB txj. Beooad basd awehtaarF, aawuill, ata. Sal Orsad sea. BIPPBLY A MYERS, machinist aad alee trtcUrai elect rte elevators, electrkral mnehlo- -' cry bb4 gseollnc aaglne s sasaulty. 824 Osh St. Phone Mala 1IU0. . CENTENNIAL IRON A STEEL WORKS, ma rine aad stationery gasoline eat lee esperhn ' all kinds machinery repaired, led Ollsaa at. BOAT engines, gaanllss. Sheffield marine; aar peed; beat madei right prh-t; In stock; oa aihiu'tton; ruaalnc la esleamnat. Call first had llatk gts. Fslrbssks, Mors A Co, x 'Y AT MONEY TO LOAN. j' V,T0UB FBJENPS PAW TELt, TOO . n That Sra treat petrous fair aad liberally, tad hf yoa want aaeaey you aaa 'gat )t 10 . u eiuu ea your salary wienows mmtmr wm . punllclty. W sire m the cash. aH red ask for. bt ' ana aunp, and th amaU amount required - each pay day to pay SCf the toaa will aouosly h noticed- . " . If ta need af money da not bealtato to call for a confidential talk; w auks ao s barramlng luqulrlae; require as asdoraar or merenee to mead treat yoa aaarnaasiy Whether roe borroer or Bat -It will per yea to get the moeey yea nasi from aa aa the payment plan; It coats Ja less ano gatsyoa eat ef debt. , Open Wednesdsr sad Baiarday antU I p. at. Rn-nvitt ctinrr rvi ' . ? Ill (fifth floor) Dekam Bldg.. Corner .Third aaa Wssblngtea streets. t BSAnnn.seess ens . . ... r Al ,A 34 Mohawk bldg.. set. aorroa' d ThlrS, ..aeiuie or sMeriemea. ae roiuaity. . , ff roa bsevew o roe psv berk 11.86 a wee. ir yea Borrow g poa psp barb 81 If yoa borrow tW yea pay bsck it. 1 ir sms ta. as e eMa. If poa borrow 160 roa pay keck lop wash. Pyeenm anepenaed In esse ef sUksess. t.f: Btnetir ssisry beasa, . TPra rseacsse va.m va dtS Mohawk bldg.. see. Marrlaaa aad! Thkfd. MONEY TO LOAM improved city property or fa bail ding "Joe . fo from 8 to 10 peers time. 1 Privilege to repay sit or pert af lean ' 0a whb prrvflege to repay sit or pert af leas after two year. Loans approved from plana " aZSe avBcd aa Building progress ; eXiV -1iLr up aa repiscea. -FEED B. STRONO. Financial Agent, ' K ' - S41 Stark at. - -" - . ' THB STAR LOAN- CO. Aj aslartod employ, waseesmer. aaa gt hi Bote, erlrhon snuoat mnrtgsge Month. U Month. Wash, to a Si, gan a, txm to as I S.S6 t.S s fl-SS to a I 4.00 or H.OS af 11.08 nVtA Pxa.asr - kit. .00 Repay no n - ISOO Repay . 110 McKay bids. MONEY to loan on reel, personal and collateral arcarltyt apsrlel attentloa to chattel mort. lt!"t! i9 bought O. W. Pallet. BOt-8 "" oiag., b Burn ... r BIORLT reepecteble place where Matec aad e.. sea oorrow money ea memos as una r- y. uHiarerat Loan nana, bob was. rem oiaca 1 1. MONEY to loan aa Clackamas eoosty Uada. B. F. sad P. B. Bilsy, SOS Chsmbsr af Cos. mares. ... LOWEST tatss sa fnrnltnre and pisnos. Bsst are Loan Co.. 448 Sherlock bldg. Clap SIS. LOAN Boms ta suit ea chattel . "s,, oit uit msrqoam. FBITATB nmaer to rctvate pmbs aa raahty. ( and T per cent T SO. loorasL hnviv To iiie . . , 1 1 r . William Bolt room S. Washtagtaa bolldlag. T I,!.-. I i' COLUMBIA lira A tbitbt. on.. Btxth Boor Oancerd bid.. 2nd and Stark money to loss aa city property CONFIDENTIAL loan aa sslartee. roenraso policies, plssns, furniture, wareheoa re ceipts, etc.: sny dt serving p. eon any secure iinersi suvanee. re peeing sy assy wesaiy or monthly Installment, NEW EBA LOAN A TBTBT COMPANY. - bub aarngesa mug. WILL loaa 810.000 or ka. real aerate seen rite S per cent, rsrrlagtoa. Ill Chamber Com- MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Aad other npoa their ewa names without ecnrlty: cheapest rstes. easiest paymsata; office ta 68 prlndpse eltlee; v yoarself money or setting enr terms Brat. TOLMAN. 2X3 Ablngtoa bldg., 106 Third st M0NBY to Iosb on real rotate end other good sec-ritr by priests party. 401 Commercial . mag. OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADTX A HORTRRUP. 41S-1B-1T Derm bids.. Third and Washlngtaa eta. Pboae Msla 140. EiamlaaUooe free. DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN, 408 Msdesy bldg. Clay TTS. Res. M. I16L Caasaltatloa free. THE vary beat lady eataopatb ta wn. Dr. te w jopneoa. aaite la. Beiilng-Mursch bldg. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BBACR A CO. The Ptoaeer Palat 0. wiBoow-xisBs saa gieet ag. ess a ires sa. r-spas J see. . a . ERNEST MILLER A CO.. Second and Tee! Wall paper, palat, all at aurkst prise; tree sensory. PATENT LAWYERS. B, 0. WB10HT. doatatti aad foreign rnfiingement caeee. S04 Deksm. PLUMBERS. D0NNBRBEB0 A RADEMACHER, seal phtmbsra, 64 Fourth at Both phoass. FOX A CO.. sanitary pratBbera, 2S1 Seeeed. Set. Mala aad Balossa. Oragea Phone Mala Bool. FINNE0AN BBOB. A CO. f Third t- Pbon Mala zooo. riamnera aad eeatlag engloeera. PRINTIN0. ANDERSON A DCNIWAT COMPkNY. prlnttas itnogrspning, bubs Boos, raoaa Mala 17 BUS Alder at. THB MODEBN PRINTER Y Artie tl prlstlag. . SS Rnaael bids.. Fourth aad MaiMea. Pbea PsciS 162a. , WEIX-H. DAYIB A CA RNON Printing that pare the payer. Boom 808 aad 80 Itoarnd bldg.. Sixth aad Morrlaoa. Phona Mala 414T. PHYSICAL CULTURE. PBOP. RINOLBR'B School ef Phyalrsl fertarat sn braacbea. SOS Alder St.. aaar tilth. RUBBER STAMPS. P.O. STAMP WORKS, S4P Alder St.. phone Msla , T10; rubber stamp, sea la, stencils, beg gage, trad check; send for entslogne Ne. SB. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing aad lobbing. J. Loell. Ill lsffrsoa et. SAFES. D1EROLD Iad against Fire and Burglar. Thla wall Safes sarallable: Norton A Backers Jscks Agency. . Metal Fixtnmt. lackeat . opened. Safe rspslred. Phoa . Mala 1063, John B. Davta, ad Third t. - STREET PAVINO. WARREN Ouaali action 0.. street psvlng, sld, walk aad eresBlags. Tld Ortgoalaa bldg. THB Bsrher Asphalt Paring Oa. at Portlaad. Ofdca 066 Worceeter blk. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS.1. KARLSON A CO., Ankany gad Eighth Bta., phone Paddc TOS Makers of sargleal la. ' struamata aad deformity appllsmm rssnra, knives aad actehora -aharpeaed to pert set loa. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every deseripttos; beak, bar and tore Art area made to order. The Latke Meaafctarm ,, PortMBd. " SECOND-HAND GOODS. GOODE'S remit re Boaae Blgbt prices geld . for second haed feral tar. US inual at, Pboae Pselfle 40a. . SIGN PAINTERS. 0OLD BIONB. window lettering, cloth a aaar. economical electric sires and ign f U klada made oulrklr. Foster A Kleles. Fifth tad Everett. Phone Btcneng 66. SCALP TREATMENT. KAY, fitting hair, dandruff treetcd? ahampea- Ing, manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mr. B. F. Kyae. IS6t Foarth r. Merrlsea. Boom 12. Pone psdfle Pert. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter, all sk-. r 1, e j c paired. Coast Agency, Awl !. let. TELEPHONES. THE sals exclusive teleoboee Electric A Telenboa Mauufutiulag rear, ss a ins st. TRANSFER AND HAULING. APES. Btaaoe sad furniture move, packed , reedy tor shipping ssd shipped; eU work gaaraateed; . large, Salary brick, fire proof warehouse tar Iters. Office 128 first at, O. M. Ulsea. Psee Mala B4T. THB BAOOA0B A OMNIBUS TBANSFBB CO.. cor. Blxth aad Oak sta. ; baggage check from hotel or rsstdeaes direct ta dsetteattoa; pssssBgere therefore avoid rash aad aaaeg aase st depots, priests Exebaage SB. 0. O. PICK, afflca 88 Flrat at., hetwcea Stark aad Oak ata.. phoa Set; pianos sad furniture ' towt ad packed foe (klpplag; sommodles a brick warehouse with separata Ipsa esses. Frost and. Clay sta. OBEOONjrBANBFEB CO., 184 Porth Sixth. Pbeae Mala 68. Hsavy haaUag aad tteraga POST SPBCUL DELIVERY H. B00V, Wash lagtoa sti- Phoa Mate Pftl. . 0. W. UNBS A PRO., 284 Id at. Farattura repairing, reflnlehlsg. packing ad sblpplag. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Cemb. brash, seep. 1 pec moath. PorOasd Laaadry aad Towl Supply Ce-, Nlhth and Coach. Phowe 410. UNDERWEAR. BOCK WOOD'S all-wool knit iindrrweer la ersr let, natural gray, camel hair and whir, made from pur unadulterated tocka, I the beet: . -ssk your d .Biers for It; waa awarded U gold nwdsl Lewis sad Clark exposition. FINANCIAL. THE M0BT0A0B OUARABTTE I A. YPaTS fMMljnt Uk4 A aay-sap Stock. Boad aad MangairVBought and Sold. S., - " iiae veveuiis. apltsl. . . ...1100.000.08 r" to yf,,,rb"rF'"'" Prsstdeut a ' T" vms-rremosni ".' Clssxee. Secretary aiar sample. BoTearh and Staik Street. Phoaa Mats 164. UNITED STATES STATION AL BANK . . OF PORTLAND, OBEOON NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAS STB. , Tmsiacts a Gessrsl Banklns Baalasss a . . - IIRAPTS (SHt'ED Ave Bable In All Cities .,f the ratted State and Burope, atoagkqns ad Maalla. giJ .-WTIOBi ttADI OX 1 A V0BABLI TZBIfa. R'2ri.J"i r-.... C AIN8W0RTH JJfto? nt ; W. B. AYEB JPreeldewli M.esK. LEA. BARNES ch,r-t...... B, W. BTHMBER Aaglataat Cashier A. M. WBIOHT AseUtast Caahlar w. A. BOLT S9SUTT SA TTVOS TBTBT COMPANY. 844 Mil its aa St,. Pert land. Oragea. eruwaaoia is asBarai aanhlng auslaesa. . J . SAYTNOB DEPABTMENT. 'teres Allowed sa Tim and Paring DsposJta. J Acta aa Traatee tor Pats tee. Drafts and Letter of Credit Available la All 0. F. ADAMS..... ........President L. A. LEWIS First Ftce-Prmldent A- L; MM.IS .......,.Sacoad Vlce-Preeldent JL PITS Secretary CEO. F. BUS ELL Asslstast Becfrtsry THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA,. (Established 1S64. 1 ,x . Bd Ofdca, Baa Frasdsos, Cel. Capital paid Bp..., gt.0n0.0M (M Burplos aad nndlrlded prodt......i,no,14AM A Osaaral Basking aad Exchsng Bsxlssss Trsaaaeted. -1 . BAYINGB DEPABTMENT.' f I Bt erect paid oa time eepoalta. Aceonate open ad lor sums. of 10 gad apward. Portland Rnwk f-k ' e building. , WM. J. MACRAE MaagT '. T. BOBTCBAELL Asslstast Msssgsr F8T BATI0NAL BANK ... OF PORTLAND. 0BX0OJT. designated Depository ssd FlBaactol Agent of Ik- p.i -. e. . fHt A. L. MILUI ?"hhw... j. W. NBWKIRK Aselatant Caahler ..W. 0. ALVORD Second Awtatant Cashier B. F. STBYENS "! at credit Iseoed AvslUbl to Earoe . . aad the Rasters States. Bint Erehseee ... nmfmmm. told en New York, Boston, Chicago, St. Lsnls, . w' maaa. nsa rrancisa aaa ina Brtnctnal aetets ( eh. Bight and time bills draws la cam to salt .London, parto. Berlla. Frank fert-sa-tbe Chrlatlanlii Stockholm, It. Petersburg. Mo. eB ain. nmnArh v i ' a nni a aunsa , nnnn, aiouofuia. , Collectloas Mad ea Favor Ms TersML MEBCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. , Merivn Aarajir . J. FBANPr WATSON... .'. President eS ' - .Ylap preeldent 0EOROE ny. BOYT.'.'.V,?."...". AaVtant Caahlr - pases j la a sasral Baaklng Beats ses. DraftB and Letter of Credit leaned AvslUbl 1 .- . se ah rsns or w worin. '- CoUectloea a BpecUlty. " ADO ft Tit TON. BANKZBS. (IstohlMkad In It&s.) Trasaaet a Oeasral Baahlag aasrsass. CoUectiOBa aaade a all Mini, mm I.MHkU terma . letter af credit lued ava'-ble la Europe sad all palate In tb United States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer old a New Yark, Vlaab Ingres. Chicago. St. Loala Dearer, Omaha, Bsa Praactscs aad mouiana and British Oeiambta. r a Brcbsag sold ea Londoa. Part. Berlla, Frsnkfort, Hsngreag. kaaakaau. Manila aai Bonolala. P0BTXAND TBTTST OOMPANT Of OBEOON. The Oldest Trust Oompsay to Oregon. . sawuxtH vvaa st.4uv.upa. General henhlne. ' r,rfii.M eai alt m te th world. Ssslaea aeeaaate. Tlaaa aerrld. cstea, I to 4 per cent: abort-call epeclal cartiaV ate. J600 or aver, L to 4 per cent. , - Calf for book ef LLCSTBATIONB." ' ' Boe these Corner Third sad Oak sta. . Pbons Prlvnta Eirkasge TB. S"!1' JTOHBN Prsetdeat - - w - -WWWWWVWWWWWWWVe e ee - . B. LEE PAGET. Secretary i. 0. OOLTRA Assbrtant Secretary M OB BIS BBOB. US First St,. Irttoaf. Or. Offer eilt-Edge Inveetmeat ta Maaictsal Bad Railroad Boaee. Write or CalL ' COLUMBIA Gas Engtac A Bsfs Works Time- xpei'te; firs pnd Bursiar-pranr SSIes aad repaired. 'Phaas Pactf U STB. MORTQAQB LOANS 0a Psrtlaad Bsal tatato at OLewest Kates. Titlsa iBsorsd. Atotraata Punished. TITLE VAJLUrni A TBTTST CO. 848 Waiaanrtoa St.. Oar. WAGING CAMPAIGN FOR DIVORCE LAW IN ITALY (loarpal Special Service.) Rorna, iTcb, z. Blnce Ombrlel d'An- nunxlo was unsucceasful In his quoat for cltlgenshlp In Swltserland, In. ordsr to obtain A dooroa of dlvorc which ho could aot. obtain in Italy, where abso lute dlvorc is not recognised by law, an gfitatlon " has been started and a na tional aominlttea formed to secure the passage bp parliament of a law author Islnc dlvorca tn th pentnaola. Provin cial committees ars bain formed all over Italy for tha tant purpose and pabllo eonfarances and maotlnst are to b held tn many cities with tha same end In Flew. It Is known that the Vatican authorl. ties will do their utmost to. oppose ths Introduction of a dlvorca law In tha Italian parliament and for this reason It Is proposed to make the agitation in favor of tha law so general that parlia ment will hays to Bive tn. SELLS ONE 'PHONE LINE ' BUT WILL BUILD ANOTHER ' IRoeetal Dlaostck te The Joaraal.t - Independence, Or., Feb. II. Tha Bell Telephone company this week purchased tha Independent Telephone Una running between . Lerwlsvllle -. and Monmouth. Both eompanles wera ualnf tha asm a poles and there was a constant friction between them. 'The Independent com pany waa offered 1100 and allowed 110 worth ef wire for their Interests and accepted th tr-a. - Aother line will immediately ba tjlt 1 -eea Lcwlsvtll and Independence ty t Inclcrarx'ent company, which w"l f' I -r r-o t-' v trr TiEiLJc;; .... Kl 1ST 1 1 .- ConfcTtsmah lnvtts DU;z-z.i of Five Hundred Citixen to Co to Capital. ' :.4 PEOPLE OF ALL CLASSES C0A3EDIT0R'8 GUESTS Will Apper , Belors .LdgislBturs in Advocacy of Many Reform Mess. uresMuniclpAl ' Ownsnhip , 3attl . Cry of CarnpAign. y Uoorasl Special Servle.) New Tork. Feb. II. The largeat and moat representative delegation that ever visited the atate capital In support of " measures pending before the senate and aaaembly will leave New York City to morrow morning In a special train. Tha . delegation goes to Albany tn support of a number of tha ; Independent league bills. The trip wu, arrsncad bp 'Wil liam Randolph Hearst becauee of tha deslra of many publlo-splrtted cltlaena to jAppear la advocacy of tha several measures, and the mcmbera of tha dele gation go as tha guests of Mr: Hearst. Ths also of tha delegation had to ba limited to 100 members to Insure tb comfort of the members and tha prompt s (rival and departure of tha train. In New Tork and Albany. It could have been made many times the alsa. If room could have been found for all who. ex pressed a deslra to Join In tha work and who represented tha best Interests of the city. ' . . As it Is now made tha . delegation comprises a largo number of prominent i clergymen of different denominations, all wielding great Influence In public af fairs through their sermons and writ ings, of fleers of tha board of trade, business men's sssoctatlona ' and clvlo organisations which take a leading part in publlo affairs, Judges of tha court a, ' lawyers, . business man. labor leaders, members of tka board ef aldermen and aaaemblymen. Every member of ths delegation hag won his place ameng ths eminent cltlaena of city. . state - and omintry. Every one of them goes aa a matter of publlo duty and with ths greatest Interest and enthusiasm la BIS mieelon. ., " . ; . Tha measures which the delegation ' will support, briefly described, are aa .follows: Municipal Ownership Bill A' simple ' home rule measure, which provide that tn case a community desires to enquire a public utility. It may do ao after tba people have voted In favor of It. - It is modeled after the Mueller law of Illi nois, Involving tha Issuance af aecari- ties which are a Ilea against tha publlo utility In Question, snd not a debt against the city In general. - Direct Nominations BUI Permits voters of a party to make their nomi nations In a primary instead ot at a convention..' Ballot Reform Bill Provides for tha Australian ballot, abolishing tha circle and tha party column and arra aging names of candidates alphabetically under the titles of tha offices. " Pure rood BillThe. tlUe . Explains this measure. . Corrupt Practices BUI - Prohibits corporations from contributing to cam palgn funds and raqulree campaign com. mltteea as well aa candidates to render Itemised statements of their accounts, giving ths . sources of the campaign -fund. Anti-Merger B1U Provides for an tn vestlgatlon of the Rysn-Belmont merger and relations between political organi sations, political and publlo offloa holdern and publlo aarvtos corpora tloas and tha use of municipal funds at tka last election. , Bl-k-TomF BUL Labor "BUI Fixing tha prevailing rata of wages and providing-, for a) eight- hour day On all publlo works. -Proposed Conetltuttonal Amendment Provides for tha exemption of ta-. oome-produclng utulUes In tba astma tlon of the city debt, sue 11 as aeoa bonds. v...- . . Elseberg BUI To permit tha city ta build and operate proposed new subways in tha event that the city cannot at tain terms from private corporations! requires aeparaUoa of contract for eoo struotloa and operation; proridaa Also for a system of pips galleries. ' Young BUI Changes - legislation st the present rapid transit eommlaaion ao as to permit tha addition ot now mem ber to be appointed by tne mayor abolishes self-perpetuating charter at board. -js -.,-.. :- Tha members of the delegation Whs have written-signifying their Intention of going to Albany and other prominent : man whom Imperative engagements will keep In tha eity oa tha day tha dslaga tlon boos to Albany express without ex ception their great interest In the public-spirited work and their sincere , wishes for the success af tha delegation . In Its mission. Tha work Is 00a which has taken hold of the people becauee of Its vital Interest and their sentiment concerning it ts shown In their letters to - Independent - headquarters In tha ' Oilsey house. NORTH BEND MAY GET BIG CUSTOM SMELTER (Special t) locate f Th Taarnal.) . Cottage Orove, Or, Kab. II. It IB rumored here that T. C Archer, format , superintendent ef the Oregon Securities company. Is now making arrangements, for tba erection of a large custom smelter at North Bend, Coos bay. While the smelter will look to the handling of Bohemia and Blup river area, aa soon ss transportation will permit. It will also draw from Mexico and tha north, era country. , The report Is not authentic at this time, but It is more than prob able that such a plan Is .under advise ment. Mr. Archer haa worked la moat aU tha mining camps and ia a thorough mining man. If a smelter la erected al North Bend It will . mean much .for Bohemia and Blue river when the Drain- Coos Bay railroad la completed. LARGE ACREAGE WILL- " x BE PLANTED TO HOPS . v i 1 ; rBpeeral Dtapateh ta The Iinra.l.) - '! InlananilMaa fir.- I'th. - II. T. A , Riggs was the purohaser of 117 pales of bops, tne crop 01 j. n iwjp-r 01 in., plica, last week. The price received is not msde publlo. The fcopa wre ku. thaw Ur. former had .figured on. weighing about 4.000 sounds more I J expected. ... Alahsrhi thar VII BA"e ft I fail among growers ef cut -acreaga tne coming -- --, now point to aa lar. ifif yar. r 1 s v rt