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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1906)
.L. lCTLAIID. . I.IIDAY EVENING, , FEEUUAIIY 3. 1CC1 j w. rODIY'S Wi ARKE-TS SOUTH AfEICA ORDERS FRUIT ' - . .... ' - i t ' Merchants . of .Argentina Want to Trade With Thie City 1 ' Say It Is Fair. ' v . WHEAT STOCKS ARE -v V CETTINO RATHER LOW Laat Car Celery Said to Be In Today and Price Is AdvancedEgg De- mand ' Za Fully Vp to Supply Poultry Arrhrala NomlnaL ? , .. . .. ... . ' ! Pront Street, Peb. M The. principal httim ef th Portland wholesale market! toOay ar: Celery market again higher. . . .1 J Potato ar dragging low. ; Oowa Bltuattoa la cloudy.' y'-- . - r, Some few selee f hops. (ar celery and ar mixed atuff. ' ' ' Oregon frott la Baeno Ayree. " , I Wheat atocke getting tow. ' 1 . , Rgg demand aqua la eapplle. ' '. Poultry recelpta atlll nominal. : , y ! Orange market climbing higher. ? Oregea Ml to Buanoa Ayr. ' ' Portland'! trading territory la caaetantr ta erewlng. Th reputation of H wholoaaler of Ula eity (or (air dealing has gained (of them eooalderable boalnaaa whlrta would othec- laa aw to other and nearer . market. South America la now- being beaded with Oregon (rait. A Urge order tor dried applea, aprtoote nd other fruit wee reeelTed her tbia morning ky the W. B. Olttkt company. To ahow how aailoae oaulde place are to trade, with' th merchant of thla eltr. It might Be ld I onneeUoa with th onler from Argentina that caah aecompanl toe request lor suppiiee. m rant to do hoalnaaa with year city." "W find . the merchant the falreat oa tb Pacific coast. The ar utracU from th letter accoapeaylag th order. Celery Market Again Higher. Waal to believed to be the laat car f celery to arrlr from California dutta tbe praeeat Beam we unloaded thai morning on th etreet. Too acareltv of ouddIIo forced th price higher, today' valuee ranging aa high a 94.80 f Crate. i A car ef cabbage -and aa11 fWwer wa alao gmnng thv arrival from tbeeetk thai morning. " Orange ar firmer and om adranc la gala aeted la price both bar aad la th out. Aanaraca I comma- oult frely per expreee. tad good quality I aow aellUg aa low at 11 t nouad. . ,":- - ' WVeat atooki Owttiac Um. ' RvppUaa of wheat ta tb haada of prodwtT are now eaUmated at about IS per eeat. Parmer era offering aora freely agam, rea at en recently declined valnea. Tb lack of atM demand for bath wheat aad flour hi maaleg tha mlllara Terr cautwus. . Iflllfoed w eery dull and rather freak and erne prtcaa ar iwpwfd lower. Thar it practically nothing dome ta th hay market. Offering ar plentiful. Oata aaj barley aomlnaL Zaa Pemaad aVmaU luppllee, . -ta tb egg market today eupplic ar yaat about equal to th demaad. Ther m atlll aom few erdera to fill from Alaaka. aad aiercaanN hMi efw holdlna the market rather firm. Tber la but Uttle to tb poultry market today. - Beoelpt of a nominal character with demaad la practically . all line at Batnrday' quotation. nutter and eheeee a re firm at futmai Tataee. rVktrly good demand for country ator. , - Bama Taw Bala of Heaa. - '. ' DurlnaT ta pact hour somber of bop ealee war reported around former flgur. It te aow known that Durot, tb California grower ad dealer, baa fully 1.000 bale of eoaalgned good from tbM atate. out or aortaera Mario loa It la ald Uat a eecund Dearly lwt balea. Tha trad aara th fotloertng price to Front atreet. prle wld producer ar lea regular an. Vtaae and Taag WH BAT Mew club. Me nd Kaaalan, fTc; braeetem, ocj vaUey, Tac. . BABLBT reed. t&SOi relied, kM-OOj brew a aoa aA t04 Wbole, 3T.00 araefced. ta.a aat . . ITH-IIM per ewt. 0AT Produoare' priee Ra. t white, WW; arae. 17 00. . FliOUB KoW eaetera Oregua patent!, IS.goe) d.10; etralgtatn. $.04t3 0j ax port. 30QJ.aS; valley. Sa.0J.W: araham. K A.T5i rye, 0. IS.OOt balee, tlTI. atILL8TCrra Braa. 1T.M aer tnt arid altna. fla.0i abort, oouatry. ailaoi alty, lialo; cb-e. lia.00. BAT Prodcfre' orloe Tlmorbr. Wlllemette valley, fancy 10.00100: ordinary, 7.00l aoi Metera Oroaon. 114 OOOlA.OOi : miiHL M eOOft.OOt cbrrer. 01 cmvor. aa.wvajv.wi ania, vej at. aaoo. .Wl Butter, Zgg aad Bualbrp, BT7TTBB PAT P. r k areani, ilej eur, ni"n-aa-itT cieemery. ' MHt eeratd faacr, S0e; rdlBary. (THc atore, 1601TC. fAoS Ne. I freah Oregoa, aaadled. Cold tor re and aaatera, 14c. CBCEfla rlrw Poll cream, lata, 15c Xoang America, loc; rbeddar, 18c nAMO jacaranoiia, ijvii.i per POULTHT Mizea cnicaena, ie ner !hi fancy bene, lee par lb; mooter. old. 11 t nor in: etaga. uwc imw 10, fryer, 10O2O lbs ducka. Iflc per tb; brolUr. 19)c per far lb; pw. lOHctlfc per Ut turkcre. IBWlrte par Ibl dreeeed. Bt per lb: equal), S.T0O-w per doa; pigeon. ?. per 00a. . . Eepa, Waet aad Kidea. ' HOPft Contracta. l0d crop, 10c per lb; lOua Oreiron.- prle to choice. 3llcj poor Srade, Tit 8c: Washington, 10c ( U04 crop, tor cbdre. WOOL 19oa cIIb. valley, aonra to atedlaat. MHOWWI an, aaajziet Jfi22e. . ' MOH AtB aHomlaaL'' aOdfaia, aHMPoKINaSbeanng, lAd wool BftrlaOe each: aaedtam , J0TM eaebi loaa wool, TorOtl.OO each. TAIXOW Prime, par lb. dH Be, aad greaae. tOIHe. CHITTIal BAtlt be Ht h. B1DICB Dry. Mo. 1, ta kM aad en. taut) II H pet tb ery kta, Bu. I, a it M. 14e dry ealt Bo. 1. aaaer a lb. Iter aaitod hide, teera, aoaad. 00 lb and over, toajiie, eewa. HOH; aura aad bului. aound, eaiTei kin, II to to tb. c calf, eoued. aador ta in, lie) greea, antalted. 1 waai ealla. par lb lel boraebldee, aalted, eaoh. 1 tftcJl.Til dry, each, 1.00l.a0 celt bldee, KOUt goat aklna, - commoa, aack, lOOlaci A agora, aacav, aac tlM. t - . tValt aad Yogetable. POTATOES Beat Orefo. Tftc per aack I prodocer' price for car Iota, doc per aack ; ordinary, bo7uc; proanom- pricu, 11 til aer crate. atl as: nrodueera' arlroi Bo. 1. eOeatl.OO f HimtTKri earllc. nttlOe nar lb: onion t. PR.ESH ValllTg ApoIc. "mile," II ordinary, Il.004tl.1v1; fancy, ai.Toaji.on; mwn ! hn Bnltaenbafwa aad Newtown PtiDlna i2.TnQS.O0i orangee, new navel, a S.00; codling. 1 banaaae, 4HQV lh: temona. cnotr, ll.Tta3.TI per boa; fancy, IS.OO to pw box: lime Mail can. II. tS per 100; pterapplea. M.SO aer do; neara, per nozi tangwnnca, 'V auvi AHl,Fi-'iurnipa. T.V- par 1 aacal arrets. WclTo aarki beeta, aoc014 aack; Oregoa tadlahea, 28 per do cabbar. Orarofl. 1X00 par ewt: (II- . fornla, ll.TIOXOO green ptppara. MONDAY PRICES IN - THE WHEAT MARKET dt May .7ISB ,WHA . .DOSaB July d ' ChtrwTO " Bt - Lou la d Milwaukee . a , .11 Mlnnaepolla Duluth ....... Llvarpool ..... New Tork. .... an Franelaco. .I0HB d .USSR a5td MtMB'.MIfcA. ' 1 Deember, " ab'' ebAabeV ' JOURNAL'S DAILY . TIPS ON MARKETS e d y "Bf W. B. Olafk ComVanr. d .'' Er contlnua atcady. Today d market quotation ar lite to IT d cent. Tha market contliruaa to d clean up almoat dally and re d , oelpta ara nowhsr nearly equal d to demand. W ara Inclined to think prtoaa will remain where thy ara and that tha low-water mark -baa boon reached for thla d aoaaon. Poultry receipt v ar d very Ustit and tha prlcaa, nlch. - ' In plt of the ht-h price ail ahlpmanta ara cleaned up upon arrival. Vary few coop of d ataalght nana ar balna; received. Bmpment onalt principally of. mixed and rooatera. Thar ta a ' good demand for ducka. 40c per lb; California ton a tore, $.S0 00: Plorld. IT.0O: Meilcen. ta.oo: naranloa. fxcf1.00; airing bean. )c; cauliflower.' II.'JO ett.OO per crate: green pcee, 10tiaHc per HVi boraeredlab, dtTc per lb; artlrbnkee, nSceJII.OO oua; aniiwawHiiBeh. f per uoi, celery, 4 004 W per crate; pumpklne. 1Vc; uaah, - IVc; aprouta, 6c per lb; cranoerriea, Jeraeya. U (K) per bbl; Oooa bay and Tilla mook, 110 00 j uparagua, 184jlc par lb; rha barb, I2UC. . - DBIBD PBCIT-Applea. evaporated. US IS par In, aprlouta. . lie per lb; ptacke. 10le per lb; ea. H par m leaa; praaea. 80 to in, avc Ho ti en each eixreeat a mailer atae:. are. Canrnrnla Dlare. ItlTo ner lb: CallfornU white. DOoe pat lb: dabw, aeldea. Aa par lb; tarda. H-At pat li lt OB. . Biiitiha. Bam. Zte. BUOAB Back baata Tub, f.Mt powdered. iS SO; fruit graaulated. IS.TOi dry graaalated. S.T0; Conf. A. 14 ; beet granuwted, le aO; extra o. AK.9o iaa n. ts.101 r aaiiow. ln.00: bbl. 10c; H bbla. SOet boxea. 80 advaar a aack baala. leea SO per ewt for caea. II ara: .maple, ueile per V. 4 Abo? nrlece aool a eata tea taaa far lota. Car Iota at epecial an abeet te U. ataj nrrjaj. noNKT-4a.a ? rt. ( ; COrrUB Paekaite brand. 119 M. ALT Oaarue Bait rrvaoC lOae, WTM Mt tea; table, dairy, ftoe. ill Oo: ttMM, 110.71; fnv portad Uverpool, 60. flT.OOs 100a, 111 SO: t34e. lid 00; extra Ine. able. 3a. la. Ma, 14 60es.n0; balk. 120 Ibe. a4.atal.00i aacka. Ma, (VvaiOei Llvarpool lamp rock. ltM par ton; MMb. rock, 17.00: 100a. le.T. , A GRAIN BAOS Calcutta, TH. , ' RICB Imperial japaa. Ba. 1, del !. a OIK: New Orleene heed. Ta; As. B Creole, ae. BHANS Amen white. tS.TSC4.0f): lam white, lam: pink. 13.18; bayoa, H 60: Lima. S T8: Mexlcaa re, la, 4Hc NI'TS Peanut a, jnmhoa, Br per B; Ttralnla, 0Htd4e per lb; roaated. 8BSV4c; eocoanuta, UCCOOc per doa; walouta. 1BQ18H par lb: pla nut. 10OHH per lb; hickory aula. 10c pel lb: ebeetnata. eaetera. IBttlOc par Ibt Bra all eata, 14c nv Th: albert. T4916 per lb: faaey paean, lBH18Hc: - almooda. ldmOlBH. Valata. OeeJ 00. Zte. B0PB Par IlaaU. 14 ataadard. Ulir, al. 11. COAL OlL-vPcart ar Aatral Caeea. ou aa gal; water White, trea bbk. IV pat gal; wooaea, joe pur bum eeoiigaa, iivmbwi Bat per aai. oaboli S ae da., iron bbla lie aer auL aae MMe Per gti. BINK1NB--atc oaae sa per gal, area bbla. IB.H per gaL TTJRPENT1B r. IB i 1 800 per gal, wooden bbla asc aer aal. WBITB LBAL Tea rata. T "er Kt 100-lb tot. c per lb: lee lota, lit par B. . WIRB NAU.B Preeoat baae at MM. MN8SID OIL Pare raw, la l-bbl lot. B6c; 1-bbl lot, 8Tc; caeee. lie per gal: genuine kettle, boiled, eeaoa, ae per gal. B-bbl iota. B&c; 1-bbl lot, lee per gal; gronad cake. car. Iota, ItO.OO pay toa; lae than ear lota. MO. no par tea. Meata. rlah and Provlatoaa. PRrjin BtawaTa rBC atreet aloof - ptaere 4Ae per lb: eow. per lb; 'mare, block, fti;8ttc per lb; peck era, U8He pet lb! bull. 48o per-lbt veal, extra. aMQOc per lb; ordinary, 8ti8Ue per lb; poor, 7e) per-Ui: utton. fancy, 810c per lb. . ' BAhie. BACON. KJC. Portland aack (mrutt bama, 10 to 14 lba, lie per lb; 14 to Id lba. 1S per lb; break feat bacon, MHA18H per lb; picnic. e per lb; cottage, ftc per lb; regular abort deare. anamoked. 10e per lb; moked, 114 per lb; clear backa, anamoked, lOHe per V moked, 11 He lb; Onioa batm, 10 ee 18 lba, anamoked. Be per lb; awBd. a pear lb; clear belUee, aneawfcod, 11 per lb; moked. 13c per lb; ahoulders. ia per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leef. 10a, llfce net lb; la, 11.1; B0-lh Una, 10 par V; eteam rendered. 10a. lOHe pat lb; Ba. M, ner lb: eompouad. 10a, TW. CANNED BALMOrl Colombia river. l-tb tail. tl.M; B-lb talla, fS.TB faacy l ib Bate, 11.90; b-lb faacy oata. 1.IB; fancy 1-Ib ovala, ilTB; Alaaka talla, plak. aft00 tad, ILsOi aemlaaJ a, tall 1X00. PIBH Rack eod. Te pet Ibt Saeindera, I pat lb; halibut, BH per lb; crab. 11.00 per doa; trlped baa. llVte per lb; eatBah, V per lb; alawa, tealbeada. Be pet lb; Chinook. 10c lb; herring. Be per lb; eolae. Be per lb: abrlmpa, 10 par lb! perch. Be per R; black aed. la per lb; tomcod. To per lb: Colombia river amelt ie per lb: el Iter melt, Te per lb; lobetera, 15 Klb; rraab mackerel, a per U erawflaa, per doa; aturgena. Be per lb. OXBTBRR Raoalwatet ba. eat aal, tXt; per aaca, H.TB. CLi US U areVeken. aar baa. IS. Ml laaal lama, 11.09 par boa. ANOTHER 25 GENTS RISE IN HOG MARKET Following the East Portland Values Are Advanced Sheep Are High, Says Daughtrey. ' Portland Cnlon Btockyatda, Peb. 28, Ut atock reoelpU: n ' Tinea Cattle Rheen Today M ' 60 . 117 week ago , boo Month ago....... 4SS ... 148 laar ago t. . ... ... A stronger ton wee' dleplayed by tb boa market today and, value ar 3Aa advaaced aver Iboa f Katurday. "Sheep ar vary tow la coming. aara Preel dent Baughtrer. "but the Droaoect are not for higher price becaw ef the low prle of cattle." me latter meraei m oniier taaa laat wee a. -Official liTcetork prioee: lloga Beet eaatern Oregon, IT. 001X7.83; blnrkera and China fata, I0.GOQ0.TB; atockera and feedera. .3S(ht.60."- Cattle Beat eeatcra Oregoa teen, IS.DOr) 4.00;. beet cow end heifer. 13.00: light end medium eteere. l2.o0eia.M: llrht cowe. (tnrker end feelera, 3 .80: bulla. 3.00tt?.33. nneep -n einera una lame, ?4'9uc mixta beep. BtjjnUa. Calvea Uood veal, 100-to 900 poanda, IHO Be; rough and beery,- maHc . . XAaTXRV BOOB LOWIB. Cblcafo, Feb. Btc UvMtock recelpta: . , tinea rattle Chicago 80.000 34.000 37, 00.) Kanaa City....... 7. MO 10.000 4.0(a) Ob a ma , Stl.000 8.800 18,000 liota opened 10c lower with B.non left over. Receipt yeer age were 4ft.fl0. Prtceal Mixed. a. O0l(.X8: rood IA.UHII HI, raaeh. IA.ona8.iO; llaht,, aneep nieeay, 10c lower. Cattle Beat, tronv ' ; COTTON FUTURES TWO TO SEVEN POINTS OFF New York. Peb. IB. Cotton fntnrea eloae.1 t to, t point tower. , - . , .Mjnx Opa Blab Lew Mon Ht. Pebrnary t ;i March . ' 1118 14)22 40ia I02T 1014 K)I8 1C2I 1088 lo8 . 1081 10UI loan 1040 IO.II 1O40 loa 1048 ..... lonl 1054 ll83 10n3 VKA ..... loflO loci lOfle) OnO IOK.1 low loni 1 iom om lnsa lost "lnsa io2 101 10KJ lm loi4 loid iota 1022 .....1028 loss loan ion 102.1 i.. a. 1031 1028 1030 1031 1038 April ...... Mar , Jmt July Ana-net .... fteptembtr , October November December ,. ' . Bew Terk Oaab Oat ten. Kew Tork. Peb. 3d. Caah cotton neb an red ad onlet. . MMdllaga, 10.80. Llvaipael Oottea Lower. ' Mverpeel, Peb. 3d. Cot tea fturelo) I I te 8 aokata tower ; tono oaay , . CHICAGO IS DQ17H FOR WHEAT Market Closes Three Eighths to a Half Cent Under End of Sat , urday's Session. ; SMALL SHIPMENTS ' HAVE NO INFLUENCE Report of Snow In Kansas Brings on ' Some Liquidation and More Short ,. Sales Weather Conditions Still the Factor Caah Corn Up, jt 'MONOAX'S WHfAT hlAEKBT. . Cloa Cloa Lnaa' ' Mon. Hat. Una. Ctoe 1UU6. May ..,..'.. July beptembar. . , .8 .aiaA 8 .83UB 8 I1.1HM l-OlJ , .81 .tmt .OOV , ,otH Sl B , Chicago, Pb. 98. Tbr can be no doubting but what th trad hi wheat waa dlaappolnted with tb action ef today' market. The newa received before the opening, tech warld' enipmanta, uignr caoie, etc, waa we nauiaa point, notw I tha tending that It waa teaapered aomewhat by molatnre In tlie aouthwaet aaj aprlngllke weather urevalllna all ever. It aae in If th faverabb eondlUona througbout the winter wheat country waa conaldored by th traae greater lector than toe email world a hlpmeuta, abowhig nothing from India, aad a general cutting down la tb aaovement from Euaala and Auatrall. After tb aooa boar th report that It wa mowing to Kanaae brougbt at uquiaatioa ana rather general abort veiling. It waa aotlraable, however, that aom of the leading aberte. particularly tboee ef the eortli- weet, were Inclined to cover their Hnea oa the uaaen aio under cente. Tber b atlll that e!eruentoL nncertalnty exlatbig aa to what tb balance of winter wheat weather will he, and naturally makee aom good bear timid about Eattlnj too far from abore at thai level. Ther 1 etll a lack of buylnc power aafflcteat t maintain a aignar arrai. . Coara Orala Kald. Ooneldermi th reactionary aplrlt and weak naee of wheat, tb corn and oata aurkete did wooorrmuy well, and aeem aa If they would hav don better with aar encouragement from th other ' marketa. Caah price oa corn were anon 1 a cent Burner, eaa there eeemed to he n growing: dlepoalttoe to take bold by tha eat ldera. ' Provlawn 4e Xewer. - la previa lona llejuldatloa by a prominent local operator and heavy hog recelpta were reaponal ble for today'a decline. The packer were tb beat buyera. and It eeetne aa If the Hat tonlgat waa hi stronger pculatlv poaltloa. Official aootatlona bv Ovarback. Btart- Jt Cooke company: WHEAT. May.....lja3,ii Blah. Low. CI nee. ,.88V4 8 .81 July .81 tf Sept M 81 0 .40H .4HUA .4A Peb..... .40U .48 V4 Mar July aepi.... 4H . OATS. f". .8014 ', . .80 .38 tl afBS POBK. .8014 a 18.80 18.08 T.TOB S.01 8.10 - May 18M 18.40 18.38 . 18.18 1ABB LARD. T.T3 T.8T T.R3 T.T8 T M ' T.8T July 14. ad May....; July Sept..... Tar t.TB TA7 UBHOKT BIBS. 8 Of" HI 100 8.10 . 8.18 8.08 8.30 . 830 J0 fay..... July..... Sept.... OHIOAOO BaVaia OAB, IOtB. Chicago, Ptb. 88. Qraln ear. lota: Cbm. Orado. a. Wheat 8 1 T Cora .- ,..17T . 8 . '308 Oata 83 80 ' 117 Wheat car today: Mlnneapolla, 880; Duluth, 88. Year ago: MlnneapoU. Ml; Duluth, 11; Chicago, to. . , aAjr nuroisoo local stocks. Baa laactona. Peb. 38 focal tork, 'morn Bid. Aak. .107 lOhVt log cloalng; y Partfle fltate Telenbone. ........ Olant Powder... llewallaa Commercial . T8H . 10 80 11 13K 88 Honokea Sngar tiutrninena sugar Makawall Bugar. ....... Ononiea Bugar. ISIt 3SA - 38 aanha Huaar. 1J 1854 STH M California Pralt Alaaka Packera' LTTIBPOOL OK Am afAJUCKT. Liverpool, Peb. 2d Official price: WHKAT. . Open Clnee Cloae Oeln Mon. Mon. Bet. Mon. March 8a 8Ud 8 Bttd 8e 8 d M Mey ..6 Ki 8d da 84d Ud July c etkd ad a arfd w CORN. March 8a 11 tad 8 UUd 8 llttd Hd May 4a t 4a Hd 4a i d '. CHICAOO CA8K WHIAT. Chkate, Peb. 38. Caah wheat: Monoay Mat. Bid. Bid. Aak. No. 3 red...... No. I red No. 3 bard No. 8 bard No. 1 northern No. 3 northern. ..... No. S prtn .. .84 .. .82 .. .80 .. .TT4 .. .82 .. .80 .. .T7 0 I .83 .84 .83 .80 .TT .83 .81 .TS .11 S3 BA rBABCiaOO OBAJf XABKXT. ' Ban ttanclace, Peb. 98. Official atornlng eaaiou: WHKAT. Open. High. J Lew. - Cloee. .. 11.38 1.38 1.38 1.3t)B .. 1.36B 1.36 A My.t December. BABLBT. May. December. 118B .OUHB ...... ,. a. ., 1.30A AKXKICAV OBADf TISIBLXr . Chicago, Peb. 98. Orala vlalbl enpplr: Today , Year age Incrvea 1 Bnah. Beah. Buah. Wheat 48.No3.0ra) 98.828.000 10.8K4.OO8 Corn ....... ..l.V.Vt7,000 S.M1.IW0 T.MJ.Ilrt) Oat , .38.088.000 16.733.000 8,800,000 B08TOB COPPXm XAJUCXT. BoatDB, Feb, VS. Official copper e feeing BIJ Ad ventnra .$ 6 SO . otd Dominion..! 48.00 Oeeeola 88.80 ' Parrot M.ftO Pboenlg l.OO Allone .. Arcadia 4.35 tlantlo . 38.O0 44.00 SRO.OOA 28.0O 81.00 18.00 . S 00 IS. 3714 8.62 8.80 1880 87.80 1487 83 78 8.13 Itlnabaff Royal 93.80 Hanta Pa ... 8.00 Mhannno r 1 H Calumet ..... Centennial . . fv.i. u vtmnmm. Temerack .... 107.00 Daly Weet... iTrlnlty 10.T8 Kim Hirer ... Prenklla .... Orenby t nitea vopper. ( tab ...i as 28 Victoria T.60 Wliiona ..... 7.50 Wolverine ... 188.50 t'.'B. Mining. 87. 80 Tena. Copper. 48.00 Ike ton Con... 98.62 aae llchlgaB .... ;.ji,,t . . Nevada flea.. North Butt.. Eeat Butte .. vr tobx oo mi kaxut. Bew Terk. Peb. 38. tVffee fatare c lotted SB to 10 polnta higher. (XAclal uotatlnaa: rta. Ail. - . nia. abb. rVbrnary .,88 wS 7 oftlAngaat .....17.40 I. 48 March 6.WV I.imt; nwpirmorv ... J.ivt i.nn AarU Tas T in October ..... T.85 T 2o! November .. T.88 T.80I December . . T 78 T.40January ... T.90 too T70 T.80 Mar Tin June ,.... T.38 July ....... T.88 New Terk Oeeh Ceffee. New Tork. Pen. 98. Caeh eoffe! Ma. T Rkt, M8c; No. 4 San toa. 80. " " rrelga Ceffd itaraW " ' Ravre. Peb. 98, CoffM (draaeed 14 Jta Vi. 9 ,H I ti . .80 OOBN. . .eon , .dOH . .484 : .4814 .44U . .48 .444 ' - .441 Peb..... ; .80 U May . ,.80 July..... rJfi Sept .aoH .toC 8 it Bambatg .auchaaed. . ' , Even Couth America Cannot Resist Temp; tatlon to Trade With Portland Merchant Buenos 1 Ayres Is Buying Oregon Dried Fruit GENERAL TREfiD JS New York Stock Market Opens Strong With General Ad-."' ' ' vances in List,' READING COMMON IS THE ACTIVE FEATURE Union Pacific; Again a Star Attrac tion With a Good Gain for the Day Louiaville and St Paul Ars Good Movers. ' t : ' - " KBT ADTAKCKI. Anaceada ... Ont. A Westara ... Aaialgamated .. Atchlsoa ....... do preferred.. Buger Bmelur Car da Poundrr. Peauaylvaalu ..... People' Oaa Preeeed Steal Oar.. Headlag I Uock;laland do preferred. 8, p., 3d pfd ; Moutbere Hallway., few, there Paelflc... st. l. a a. w.... Tena. -Caml ' I Tela Pacta... Toledo talon Pactoe do preferred..... V. S. Hteel.. do preferred..... Wabaab . .. do ore f erred. .... ! oa preferred. . . Brook 1: jyn raa Cole, reel 1 Bt. Paul Canadian ......... lu Denver 1 aail lay aeaa 5 Central LeaUer ,. 1 Loularllle .. Metrooolltaa I Katy MaMoart ractao.., ti. X. Central .... ! ' - , - NBT Baitlmor ...... Caeeapeake- .... I Mexican Central... I Nor folk The atock market opened rather atrong thla morning and, although th trade waa largely proreaaloaal, the feeling waa rather good all through , th day,- The leading feature waa Beading common, which waa very active, with a gala at the cloee ef 3 polnta. tlaloa Pacific waa a gala a a tar feefure with a net rlae for tea ay or l pouts, at. Paul roa 3 oa very beery trading, while Lnulavtlle aralned a polnta. The cloeing waa rather Arm. urnciai auotauon by wvrpck, Starr Cook company: i DBSCaUPTlON. .oaconde! Mlnlne riA . 2HSU 381 110 103 Amal. tinnnee '.. North Amerlcaa...... ' ,U8V do preferred Am. Car A Pound., com An Tir.f . iw 108 48 103 4B 101 u, Ant. flri ... m." Am. Smelt, com. ......, lea 140 181 128 110 183 A on prerarraa Baitlmor A Ohio, com. do preferred 111 '88 "1 8ita Canadiaa Pacific eoan. . "0 17o vui. m Aitoa, eoea..,,. do preferred Chi. A I w 80 TT 31 181 HHl! Chi., Mil. St. Pala. ChL Terminal Railway!! Cheaapeake Ohio. .... HI A N W Ma 330 H2 uoio. enei jk ie v. Oolo. noutuern, com do 3d preferred. ...... ooTco. oir:.r. !::::! Delaware Hodaoa.... Denver A R. O., om. , , oo prerarraa. .. Erie, com. ...... do 3d preferred,....,. An I., .CV Pederal Smelter... !!1!!i oo prefmied Loulerlll NaatrrlUe.. kfetmnollf.M a, Dw . 148II47a. 118 Manhattaa Ballway Mexleea Oatral By.... Mlaeourl Pacific 101 VI M. K. A T, com AO KMhrnA 88 Kew fork Central....!! Norfolk B Weetara, com. oo in-eierreei. . A teniae, coot N. Y., Ont. Weet.... Pennaylvanla By P. O.. L. A C. C Preeeed Steel Car, aom. Pact Be Mall 8tai'm."ce.'.' Beedlng, com 187 140 oo 3d preferred AA let P8 Bep. Iroa a Steel, com. , no piriRTta Bock Inland, com.,..,.. Soethera Br.. om....!. on tber a I'aclnc.. ......! 67 17 . ao prercrrea 8 Lit. P.. 3d afd St. Lit w., com . , . . do preferred .......... Texea A Prclflc Ten. Coal A I roa Ualoa Pacific, com...... Aa 181 Central Leather, cam ... .' 88 oo prererrea P. 8. Leather, aom..... BT flee rep. mA 108 80 loa Tf. S. Steel Co., com.... 42d no prerei fed .......... Wheel. B L. K., eom. 107 14 do 8n preferred. , . An 1., hhImmA Priaconaln Central, com. oo prererrea W cetera Union Tela..... Wabaab. com. .......... At. KMfeMA Hi Cora Prodncm. r- - ......... Tntal aalea for day. 887,600 ahare. 1.111 money eraoea afk per cent. TOBOPAK aOBtBO STOCKS. ' an Praaetece. Ptb. 36. Official morning aloalna ! BIO. Belmont $8.00 Caah Bor SI Bid. .9 .08 ,. .87 i. 1.85 . .98 ,. .87 . .18 . .38 . .48 . 1.00 i. 1.40 . .14 . .31 .. .88 I 40 . .78 Dlula .. Goldfield Jumb . ...4 Uoidea AacDor.ri.TM Home a Jumbo Kxtea Kendall .... Lagae May Qoeea.V Mohawk Ked Top .... nandatorm .. Jim Butler 1.80 MrNamara T8 Midway am Montana ....... 3.38 - North Star .... .83 Onblr .88 Ton. Rxtea lO.oo atlver Pick.... 8t. Ive Netloeal Bank. Denver ' Krllnee ....... lold Bar 1. Bull Pro;.. atelnway Black Butte Ex Nevada 18. 78 A Weat Bad A aft Adaaw .10 Atlanta 18 Bine Bell 00 Booth 38 .74 .80 .84 .08 Columbia Mt... .10 Conquer .61 Diaawaaueia . , . .ei TjirrrtB stars ootmbbtebt bobds. Kw Terk, Peb. 38. Ooveraroent Date. No. 9 regnlar , 1W do coupon No. 9 regnlar lnos oo coupon 180S No. 9 email bond. n. ...... .... No. 4 regular 1WT do coupon,...., IW07 Mo. 4 regular:. 1838 do caunon t 1838 Dtetrlct of Columbia I -65a.. .... Phi tipple 4a 108 COKSTOCK KIBIBO STOCKS, 8aa Pranctaco. Peb. 3d. O facial morning ckalna: , ... Bid. J Bid. Con. CaL-Tl...l.S8 (Caledonia ,,.,n4 tipfitr e a e'ibl aiceer ..... .no , Metloa 1.90 Noreroea 84 , Sterllaf Katea. r Naw Terk. Peb. 88. Mterllag rate: De. maud 486.8uitf46.e0: 80 daya, 483.7B4J481 JOBTLAjrD BASTS ITATUtXKT. . Clearing eaaj)eth lljao.Tnool Balancee ,. r.,... a... aov, , I BUee eettta'a BeptwawataUeab'' v (Journal Special Service, t . Waahlnston, rab. I Klefr of Ohio torTaevJntroduced a bill cuttlna down aouthem rapreaentatlon on account of tha ttiatrBnchlaemeat of pesroaa. , STROUGER bond: Bid. Aak. 108 10.1 108 108 102 108 102 103 103 ' 108 104 10.1 04 ' 128 11 12H 130 118 108 A SENATOiTS PALM Prof. Chesterfield : Read the Palm of Senator Geo. C Browned. . " -t . . . . T eater dee aftemoen Seeatot Brwvracll of irregoa city had hla palm rraa vy utbbi C heeler Id, tb celelxated palmiet. la apeak Ing ot Mr. Brow sell a palm Prufawaot Cheater- arid aaya; SIBATOB BBOWBILL S PAiat. "Th Una of bead deaotea tb caution ma la matter ef tnveetmeat, the feartoaa waa In facing danger and the declaiva maa la all hla undertaking a. He la very liberal, bat de mand demonatratioa, preferring reaaon to hv Uoct or Intuition. He hi a good provider, a good, liver nd taaaiaaa atroug 'recuperative power. Ha come of a long-lived a lurk and will eaatly round ont hi 'four acore end ten.' II will die leaving behind him wealth, prop erty, a name and th record of remarkably ac tive maa. The palm deaotea futur political power." ProfreMt Cbeeterfleld' reading are not Bier character reading, but ha talla of home and heart affaire, talenta and ouoatlon that certain to tha future. He alao dlagnoee your ,atleeaa and ofteotlme give, yea beck your biet nerve, energy una power even, wnen puyeicieae aad apeclaTlata have failed. It I aald by th moat prominent cttlaena of Portia ad thai ba to a remarkable dlagnoatlclaa. Profeaenr Cbeaterfield'a parlor r at 994 Third atreet, near 8almoa. They remain open until a o'clock at night eod .tb tea eked for life reading la BOc. AT THE THEATRES, Rusaian Dancer at Grand. ' Th Grand offere a aar bill, ef vaadevlll. Tb Haldee. Ruealaa dancer,, from the Im aerlal theatre. Bt. Peteraburg. have the piece of honor. The Martella, th premier blcyellal of America; Rang and Btange, in a new ana lively comedy sketch, and the Blalte Corned V Pour are aald to be notably good. Cbeverll. th trick vlollnlat. play with f rather, a frying pan, a Upper and ether commonplace article.. Hawaiian Quintet at Sur. By anedal reqaeet tb Star ffen tbl week tb Royal Hawallaa quintet. Ita former en gagemeat la thla city made the tngr hlg'uly Cpular. Tb three Havlland hare what la clared to be th greateat wire act en the America (tag. Ine Hcott to a midair eer nentlne dancer, -offering a novelty. , Jame Dunalc to a mimic and Mia Tlrglala Blcbaaoud will da bar a lag Ing character act. SUNDAY SCHOOLS HELP CHILD WIDOWS OF INDIA Through tha Inlatlv of a slrl under 11 year of as the Ken 11 worth Presby terian Sunday achool yeterday decided to aupport one of the thouaand of un fortunate child widow of India.- For thla purpoa a band of 18 Sunday achool puplla will pay to the treasurer 8 eenta a month each, which la aufftclant to maintain one of theae peraecuted chll dren In their home land. ' When the contemplated action of th Kenllarorth achool waa reported at the Memorial Evangelical . church, . Eaat Eighteenth and Tlbbetta atreet, within a few minute four claaeea of that Sun day achool decided each to aupport a Hindoo orphan or widow, and a teachet agreed to provide for another. ' Oaxd eeV-Thaafa. C. E. Wltael and family, of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet aad Oladatone ave nue, dealre to. return their - heartfelt thanka to their, frlenda for their many kindly acta .during the alcknesn, death and burial of our beloved mother and grandmother. . . C E. WITZEIa AND FAMIL.T. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. CXBCL'TBIX NOTICB. Th aaderalgued ha duly qualified la the county court of Oregon for Multnomah connty aa executrix ef the will of Julia Burn, deceased. All peraon having lalm agalast tb eetata ar notified to preeent the earn te me at tb law efflce of Jam Ulaaaua, room 9 and 8 Mulkey bid-., Portlaad, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly certified, within eix swathe from th date ef thla notice. Dated aad tret pabllebed tbto Prbroary 3d, 1808. MABI C0B0R0VB, Ixecutrlx. THIS h a chase ef year lit. Pot Bale A a-room nouee ana ivr mu mix 100 each: bearing fruit tree and berrlee, city water, kie te car and achool, good concrete cellar; price 11.300, dowa; oa Tennla at. Bee HT H. Blgley, room SO, 237 Waahlngtaa Bt. . WANTED Mlddto-aged lady with very email capital a buataee companion; travel; caotca. Addra J 38, car Journal. FOR RRNT 6-reom furalshed cot rage, rent 30 per month: cloee in. Bee H. tl. AUgiey, room 80. 327 Waeblngton at. OIUD Or SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA4 DAinr.OFOVfDER nrCa.e3Exnms rtluhfrlty. Firijinvor, Omfot SrrtRjf h. trMoi,het frkei! aOSSETftDEYERS W PORTLAND, OM00N. f OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO ' Member Chicago Board of TradL ' , OBAXaT, mrWOaTi; OOTTOBT, BTOCXB AM9 BOaTBS. ; ' 101 TktPd BtreeL McKay BulMlna, Portland. Or. b' 'wrn o a Bniyxvt cownnuiOM rnvtann. Ceatinnou Mark'tta br PrivaU 71re. Quick Servle. RErERENCES Ladd . Til ton, banker, and Uni'.rd State Natioaal Bank of rerUand. OTESWcnj m ,? T TWEUEMILUOW I PACKAGES USTYIARISCMtl tarn mm mm1 u .' TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA 4 ' PBT AND POPCLAB STBAMBBIPS leesve SMttto y , V HJBPPBRSON, tbafBdar. Pebraary 99, at 8 p. m., via Wrangle. - .' .", "' CAIXIB9 AT''. ' ' ' XataaBma. Janeau. Doaglaa, ntaraa. Bkaf way. Oaaaeeta with W. P. B T. tent let Atlia. Daweam. Taaaaa. Berne, , eea. ' Pay Ait gimthiaatira Alaska Perta. Can or end forvmp t Woaderfal Awaka," "ladlaa Baakatry," -ToUm fete," THX ALAIKA S. S. CO. ' Praah Woekeay Co.. Aeata. -959 Oak BU Porttaad. Or. NORTH PACIFIC$,$.CO.'S Roanoke 3.500 TONS, , Sail for Saa Praadaco aad Loa Aageles, - calling at Earek en route, THURSDAY, MARCH I , .. . - Prom Oohimbla Dec. No. t. at a a. m. Ticket of dee 189 Third at., ever Aider. Fheae Malalai. HARBT TOUNO, Agest. , , . v UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF C. Gee Wo The Great Chinese , 1 Doctor el . At No. I62i First St., Cor. Morrison N mlaleadlpg atateaaenta ta the affucted. I guaraatee a complete, aafe aad lea ting ear to) the ejJlekeet pnaelble time, and at tk toweat aust pee Bible for boaeet and aatriea fal treetmeat. 'I ear catarrk, eata ma. lung, throat, rbeumatlem, aervuaaaea, stomach, liver, kldaey and luat manhood. riMALX TROUBLES AND ALL PRITATX DISZABES. My remedlee are hermtees, eemneeed ef root, herbs, bod and bark a especially eeleeted and Imported direct by a from lb interior of. China. IT YOU ARB APTLIOTZT) 90BT SXXAT. DEXATS ARR DABORROVS. ' If yoa caaaot call, write for.aymptoai blaak ad circular. Incloee 4 rent In stamp. 00N8ULTATI0B PRER. Tb 0. Oe W OklneM Kadloine 0., 1SH Pint St.. Oetaet MeirUan. Pertlaad, Or. Pie aae aaeatloa tbto paper. For Sale One of the choiceat corner on Orand avenue between Eaat Morrison atreet and Hawthorne avenue. Price for thla week only $1,809. Corner 100x100 on Union avenue on olid, ground Immediately eaat of the Gardeners market -building, now In couraa of construction. 18.000, 10010 Eaat Washington atreet, cor ner Eaat 'Water; will pay .7l month, 7,ioo. ; Corner 100x100 on Eaat Morrison ind East 7th atreeta, all aolld ground; $11 000; half caah dowh. ' Half block warehouse property on O. MAN. track, near Eaat Morriaon: atreeta Improved, 111,080. - The Healy Investment Co. S10-B1B AtAtZaawTvaT, IOSH mm. in For modern dental work. World-re nowned apectallata. Lowest pricea conatatent with flrat-claaa work. " mo to rmm NEW YORK DENTISTS FOTTBTS AVBTP BtOatmiSOBT BTB. . Open dav and night, from 1:10 a. m. . until 1 p. m. sowanra, bioktbtb oa. WRTZAT ABTS BTOOB: SBOORR iliaubllahecl lt9. 4. Oroviad lIoov, . t7XLAAfBBB Oa COBUaXRCa. .LriMcxi-avci-c a,wrrArt j u SYRACUSE. NtWYCrX n W 2-P1 ph.iocpac:l.':23.t fa a rj r: ; - : -z lJ Steamship rmr bubv .a -BBanxeaaV - v ay aa ; TRANSPcr.TAx:: :i M M ft 1IJ f IT .A 11 asallNIOrrPAClFIC w a WIUJ VP ftUV eWMaa 1fAl - llrMlark BRw -a. t. - mt - - . THUS .tU7 Cbtoaee, Bpea.Mi .i gw ajai ijp 19. mMmmmm vn J amTUIlarlb aaall..!.. I - aw ' tb. Et bViiiT' 1 . I'Bloa Deaet immm. AeMoav ... t the Eeat ela lnlli,n. aiw ait.e Braa saa ' Waehingtoa Walla ' Welta. f ,, oIT.T V "r O'AWB sue is- i tl..M. " Pcnre. oallr. I ll ixaia via nustlnrton. dally t'18 am TUI lvlumbu BITEB OlrflBION. ftl'JtZ .Jlw and Nuctb Beach, al'amee dock, bam 8 p. an, aally.. -eaiona mn w- mi.,, . ... .iiae wiea P- xcept Buaday. Kr-ot Daytoa. Oreaoa ctty aad Tamhlll rtvet n, nia. ate. mere Ruth sad Medoc. AabC dock. , ve T a. aa. 4.11 o..-. . 'lng). Arrive T.3a i.ii. TJL-e Baoday. 77 p,. """"oo, Ida., aad way aomta Irom Blperia. , Wa.h a tea mere Spokaa aad Lewi. i, - r"i " " a. m.. or poa arrival Traie "TP Saturday. Arrive d a. at. r -. , Din ana weeniagtea ana. Telephone Mala TU. , a r c..aJiiW,- ""?0R. City Ticket AAet. A. l CBA1Q. Oenerel Paaaeager Agent. EAST v SOUTH Cniaai Deeali Tbm Arrlv,. Overload tipreee, TralnT for Balem, Roeeburg. Aab- land, axscrameute, Ue dee. Baa Pranclac. Btocktoa, Loa - An rice. Kl Paao, " New Orleene a a tb eaet S:I aal Morning trsla ceaaeete at . weodbnra daily eieept ' ' Sunday with train for Mount AnaeL BIletnM. T:99a) Brownrvllle. Springfield, weadllng and Natroa.... Eugen paaeenger coo aeete at Woodbura with Mount Angel and Silver to local. Oorvallla aaaaia, "...! 9 80 aa IM pea 4:18 pat 18 M aw tmsal aS:Mpm ShorMaa paaeenger ... d :80 pm 8:8m -any. iineiiy except aemeey. POBTLA.f nogWEOO 8UBCBSAN SCBTICB AND TAMniLL DITIBION. . Leave Portlaad (depot foot of Jefferea St.) dalle for Oeweao T:o a. a.; 19:80. 104. 4 00. 8 80. 0:98. 8:80, 10:10, 11:80 a. Dally i except BuBday. 8:80. 0:90, S:eoV 1Q 9I a. m. uailay only, 8:00 a. m. . Rataraini from Oaweaa. rrlv Portland dllp 9:80 . m. 1:88, 8:04. 8:08. 8:18. T.88. 8:55. 11 10 p. m., 18:88 a. m. Dally (seeu4 Baedavt. 8:98. T:, 9:90, 11:4S a. a. Saaday only. 10:00 a. m. Leavea from Mae depot for Delia and Inter mediate polnta dally 4:11 p. av Arrive Part land 10:10 a. m. Th Independenee-Monntnarb Motor Ba bee. te dally to Monmouth and Alrlia, eaaascttntj wtth Soutbera Pacific, eom pa ay's track at 0 ! sad Independence. Plrat-clae far from Pertland ta Sacra moate nd Saa Praactsce 20. berth 18: aeonndlaa fare 8; eeonnd-claaa berth 12.80. Tlrket to Reetern polata and Pnrepat ato Japan. China, rtonnlula and Aoetrall. City Ticket Office corner Third aad WaaV tna-tnn streete. PbB Mala Tit. a W. STtNOBB. A. L. TBATfJ. ,. City Ticket Age..- Can. Paee. Aaeat. TIMECARD OF TRAINS Portlands llaloa Denok LV. Arrlv. Telloeratoa Prfc-Raaaa Clty-8t. Lou la Special for Chehalla. Centralta, Olym pla. Oraye Harbor. Boatb , Bend. Taeoma. Seattle. Boa--kane... Lewtetoa Butte, Bll nn rwaMe flai.he. Kan. eaa Ctty, St. Leal sad Soutbeaet, dally North Coaat Limited, elec tric lighted, for Taeoma. a.. , H Matte. ' SJBaa 4:98 pa Mlnneenolto. St. Paul aad the Eaat, aauy . La r lalt.ri 9:00 pa T:00 aa 4:90 pa llAlpa Chehalla, Centra lie, Taeoma . . banu Ml,, n. , 1 , . . . - Twla City Rxpre for Ta- coma, aeaitaa, opoaaoe, Helena. Butto. St. PeuU k . Miaaeapnlle. Lincoln, St Iuk Kaaaaa Cltv with- - eut ebenge ef car. Direct connect lone roe nu poinu Raat and "ontheaat. dally.. 11:48 pa 1088 pw) A. I. CHARLTON. A aetata at Oenerel Paaai get A rest. 938 Morrison etreet. erat Third. Portlaad. O. . ' Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. " TJnloa Deport " Leave - Arrtv , Pec Marrer. Rslator. Clat. . ... kaa:. vVretport, Clifton. s . Astoria. Warren ton, Pla. '" , vet Hammond, Port Stev. loa, Oearbert Park, Seaside , S:00aa !l:98a AetorU and Seaahore, ., . preaa dally T:08 a 8 88 All train, daily. J. C MATO. O. P. aad P. A Aatort. Or. ' ' O. A. STEWART. Commercial Agaat, 98 Alder atreet. Pboa Mala 80. TNK COatRevtuaU WAV. 7 Overlssl Trt!s tilly 2 Tb Ortaatal LlmiUd. tb Taet Mmi VIA BEATTLB ANP SPOKANB. Pally. . Dally. Lear. Arrive. Portland time ecbedale -To and from Spokane, . ' St. Paul, Mlnneapolla, Duluth end all point Eaat via BeatUe...... 8:80 am T oo aa ' 11:4 pa 8:80 pa Te and from Bt. Pant, Minneapolis. Duluth ' and all point Eaat via Speka 8:11 pa 8:0 am Oraat Borthara SUaaaahlp Oa. ' Sailing from Heel tie tut Japaa and China porta and Manila, arrlag Paa enger aad freight. ... B. 8. Ttoketa, Barak II. S. S. Mluaaaeta. AprU 88. BIPPOB TV8EB RAI8BA . (Janaa Mall Bteemahl Co.) ". R. KANAOAWA MARU will aall from Seattto abeut March 9U for Jaaaa d Chin porta, carrying peeeenaare aad freight. . Por tick ell. rate, berth lllllll tion. etc., eail ea ee (ddrsea w nimifl. fl. . T. A.. 19 T-4 Partlaaa, Oiegen. jaan aww y So Se Pa tim SL-il Pot Cm Bay. Borek and - Pe-t Next aatllag frea Pert la ad. tcm y, Next aJII-f from g-a Piamlaoe, If. P. b r A iZU t r l i . ii m i