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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1906)
...:. v. v.. 4 GOOD EVENING jc-ihid Cirbihllcn . . v : . - 'Rain tonight and Saturday: south' erly wind. , w, ..V 'r PORTLAND. OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING, ' FEBRUARY 23, r1906.SIXTEEN PAGES -VTy; PRICE TWO CENTS, VtejFUFZZl ; VOI . IV.' NO'. S04. ailHlliliilffi rwi RefuseQtoExplainHecParingraod Are Her Accomplices L-sJIC iiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiii wno mmm. MM. f: ...,'".", ' - V I ' II I i" "i ' ' -' .i - Mn. Gordon' Said by Postmaster Mintd to" Ba Woman Who : - Called for Oth tra Mail : ;''at Postofflce. - , ; : . i-" K SENT UNSIGNED LETTERS, ; .JHEN OFFERED SERVICES For Fc Sht Would Tell Who Had Written ! Anonymous EpUtli Woman Sought Agent to Sell J ' erly of Her Manufacture Waa Pa tron of Local' Marriage Bureau. ' ": " '7''::' .V;;;' :" ;V X Still In the city Jail, eacerly awalt- H-lna' ll tint for bar . departure for Ban sjfrandaco , Jn tni Hope-Ahir etie.may , eacap connactlon wlttr-th niarveloua : aarlea of darlna 'oparaUona that ' ara . ; ' awlftljr baina: revaaled In Portland, Mra. . . Bertha K. Gordon la auardlnc the lden . tlty of her confederate with an almoat fanatlo aeat , "Find him. if you can." aha aaya, de fiantly; "detectlvee claim to be able to find anybody. Let them, and him, and ' If they do, they won't be aaaUtad by any ' Information ' from ma." : " In the backaround of all the' ahadH aranaaottona with wnica aha ta auppoeee to hare been connected la the myaterl- oua ficure of a aoan. the confederate la her chetnea, the maatar who directed her - In . the. -deeda which demanded manraiaua .cunning1 and eklM, and who , ahtalded her, from detection for yeara, The man la believed to be her huaband, the1 myatertous principal In the wedding at 'Vancouver October Jl.s ' In eonnectlon with the myatary sur rounding the woman end liar deeda la ..the auddea dlaappaaranoe of " the real '. - Edward 8. Gordon. Gordon la wealthy and hae extanalve property Intereata In the Cooa, Bay dlatrtpt. Bualneaa ao . qualntancea and , frlanda In, , varioua towns on Cooa bay say that ha baa not beea heard of eince hla vlalt to Port land In January. - They beliere that the 'azlatence of a warrant for hla street la Ban Pranclaco may explain hla diaap. pearance. Other theories have been ad. -" vanced. . -i ;.- i. ' . Posed as Ajaatear Beteetdve.' ' The latest role In which Mrs, Gordon . . appeared In Portland, was that of an ! amateur detective. -It was during the fall that. she la said to have planned " and suooeaafully executed tranaactlona ' that have astonished the of f Icera On '"account of the role of detective which aha' adopted aha ' escaped detection. though peraiatent rumora of liar opera tions reached the authorities. Behind her In those tranaactlona ap ; pears the . same mysterious man who, , . even though the woman has at last be- . come enmeshed In the law, successfully eluded 'even Identification. His arrest ' ' Is highly Improbable. - It was largely ; through his efforts, officers assert, that ' the woman's schamea were successful, 'and that she escaped when once appro- . handed by Postmaster Mlnto, who si- - moat caught her In the act of securing another's mall. . Blnoe her recent return from North ; Bend, Mra -Gordon gave op - detective work and devoted every effort of her ? active and clever brain to a thorough ": mastery of the eubject et chemistry. It- was for the purpose of manufactur ing Jewelry and carrying on vaiieua ex periments of a chemical nature that aha vlalted the city library night after night ' and poured over, volumea pertaining to the subject. ' - . ? atomf-M a e'ewslsv. ' Since ner return to the city she. has ;endaavorad to employ an assistant In . the Jewelry enterprise shs planned. he . visited vsrlous employment agencies In . search of a Jewelry manufacturer who . was willing to trsvel and sell the wares . she produced - .- ., , . On February ,11 aha vlalted the offloe ' of the Scandinavian-American Employ ment company. 'No. North - Second ; street, There shs msde known her -Lsranje and left her address. : . "I wanraTslrigle himi ons who-takca -''a drink, but does not drink excessively, who la a good salesman and la wllliag to travel for the business that I sm to establish," aha said, y "I am willing to pay a good salary to the right man. 1 am living at the Portland hotel and you may call me there, by ; 'phone at, any time. I am anxious to secure the man at once,? . ' v Offlcere who have been Investigating the discovery of what waa believed to be a counterfeiting' outfit in her room at the Portland have concluded that-aha aecured the varioua tnatrumenta and chemlcala for the purpose of manufao turlng Jewelry. -The traveling aaleaman ' waa wanted to sell the wares she msde, '.'.they say.- .. - ,-. - , .Kaews at reotofftee. ' That lire. Gordon , has been engaged In various shady tranaactlona la the be lief of many who have recognised her' .' from the photograph that appeared In yesterday's Journal. ;- - "Cha la a dangerous . woman." com mented one man thla morning. "1 know or an " Incident. ' related to ttl- br'the woman In queatlon, where lira. Gordon - attempted to get money out of her, even T going so far as to- go t he-potoXnce (Continued on !- Two.). f.' Three-Phonographs' of 'it- SJ Gorion, . the Last Taken With; the Woman Nowin'jaa Here.?" , v'-. JE17S TalASSACRED HEAR-GonEt ; Fifty : People Slain and ' Three Hundred Wounded In Attack' " on Ghetto by Russians.". DYNAMITE IS USED TO BLOW UP SYNAGOGUES j ' ...... Troops and Police Make No Effort ' to Stay . Assaaains Men, Women 'and i Children - Struck Down and Their Bodies Mutflated.- 7.. ..4":.' --' V.f 1 . '(Joemal Specie Ssrvke.i . Odessa, . Feb. J. Fifty peraona were killed and a0 Injured In' an 'stuck on ths Jewish ' residents of WJetta, near Gomel, following the proclamation Is sued by Kleshoft, ths leader of ths antl Semite movement In that part of the empire, calling for a general and ruth leas massacre of Jews. Uobs . of . armed, men -; marched sud denly : on the Jewish quarter. Their coming was expected, and all Jaws either fled or barricaded themselves as best they - could , In . their homes ' and places - -of . business'. , Houses were broken. Into. The. attack at first was concentrated upon the more prospermia Jewa ' Troops. and police made no effort to stay the aaaaaalna, who atruck-down men,, women and children, , mutilating lBr ViMlleai vUlasina houses and shoos. In " several-tases -toe-boalasrat tlctliaal were collected in the house, which, waa then fired. , - ',.'.: . Dynamite was used to blow ' up two synagoguea,' the doora and windows be ing flrst nailed up. so that the rabbis snd others -who fled there ' for refuge could not escape.. - : , BESIEGED WOMAN GETS ' FOOD AND DRINK BY MAIL j k ... Uearaal KdcUI BerrVre.) Jacksonville. 111., fab. ll.-For. four days Miss Belle Bishop, proprietor. of a rooming-house) a block from the public square,, has had the-entire , JacksonvUle polios force at bay, threatening to shoot the flrat officer who attempted to enter. The house la In a atate oftalege, and the occupants, among whom Is ssld to be the daughter of a prominent banker, are unable to 'Obtain food or water ex cept through tbs United States ' malls. The aiesa la a result of an unsuccessful attempt to raid the ho owe. - Miss. Bishop telephoned her attorney, . that aha waa out of food snd water snd the. letter Sent a supply-threueh the malls, packed In tin. cans weighing four pounds each, '.', ,.;: ?,'.,.- , K. S. Gordon, the, Cooa Bay Lumber ',''.'";?.';' .v ""..' 5' " ' The top aignature is that of Mra. . ' ' Gordon In jail, those below, it the ones of. the wontan and man mar 'ried lay Vancourer : last October. The resemblancenof the Brand E's in the' woman's hand are peculiarly 4 noticeable. i IzlLil'S-zJ. TROLLEY HUE t Plane Completed , for ;Th rough - Electric Car. Service. From '. : Boston to Chicago. 7 ' .. .. ,:j . .. . .... . TRAINS WILL' RUN AT '.; ' EIGHTY.. FvJILES AN HOUR Pullmans and Express Cars Attached Urto-Date Service at Half the Price , Jf Regular Steam . Car 'Coat. ' K.-'r - (Jonraal Spedsl Service.) - Boston, Masa. Feb. SI. Plans have been completed by the VandsrbUt-An-drew a syndicate for the conatruction of a palatial thSough trolley service between Boston and Chicago, with trains running. 19 miles sa hour ever the pri vate right ef way. More than $180, eeo.OO la to be spent la opening up the system.; which will run . Pullman ears and expresses, with fares and service at half ths ordinary steam car cost, -Eachcar will weigh to tons, and have Ave floors, with layers of asbestos be tween' to deaden aolae and make them fireproof. . Every convenience la to- be added, aven electric cigar lighters. - Though the; line is more than l.JOS miles long. - there remain only a . few mors points to be oonnected and the most magnificent electrlo' railway In ths world will be opened. V. NO NEED TO PAY UP i 'CAMPAIGN ASSESSMENT .. . (JoBraa gpseUl Sertlce.' - I AT -Vaahfngton. 0. C, Feb, !.--Beoause he refused to pay an aasessment of 1170 for campaign, purposes assessed against htm by Stats Chairman J. H. Brady of Idaho, the organisation refused to rec ommend A, Q. . Nettleton, postmaster at Nampa, Idaho, to succeed himself. He was flatly told by Senator Heyburn that because of his failure to 'contribute that he could' not have another term. Nettleton'a - record . was good and 'ths people of Nampa were saUafled with lmduidthea.andldate of the organisa tion waa turned, down By the poatmse . tar-general, who urged Neltletoo's re appointment. '' President Roosevelt yes terday sent to ' the - senate Mr. Nettle ton's name to succeed himself at Nampa and the senate will confirm the nomina tion. - '-: . :. ' .- - ii. ' , . . J f" IIUIIEDPIILIOI JOURNAL GIRLS WIN FIRST PRIZE IN HONOLULU'S FLOWER PARADE - (Jeans! Special Swvlce.) ''Honolulu. Feb. Jl. The Ortgori Jour nal girls' carriage won the first prlss In ths biggest floral parads In the his tory of the lelanda, -whloh took place yesterday aa one Of the principal fea tures of the Washington birthday cele bration. There were St flower-decorated Sutoniobllea In the procession, as many more carriages, which were' followed by hundreds of Hawaiian women on horse back wearing costumes of brilliant col f 'i Mrs. . McCord or Cordon, Photo- ( graphed In Jafl. " I'illllT "TARIFF-Oil WATCHES New Yorker Buys Best American Trust TIme-Plecee Abroad, , ; "Sells at Home. ; HIS PRICE A THIRD OF - . . THAT IN THE STATES At That He Clears a Profit After ' Paying thity and Freight Never theleee There Is Not s Move To- :warJ Tariff Rerieion. j .' ..' :. ' i ... !,".. 7 ; " By John E. Lstnrop. ' (BDeelal Cerrespeadeaea ef The Joarsel.) Washington. D. (X, Feb. ts. Hera's what the "standpatters" on the subject of tariff revision havs to explain In the eastern atatea aa advertisement In the olit- conservative New York Herald, printed February It, which offers American-made watches, bought In for slgn countries, Imported back Into this country, the regular duty paid on them and sold here at about II l-I per cent of what they cost In the stores that ssll directly from the watch trust "Don't be fooled." reads the Herald advertisement of Charlee A. Keen, lie Broadway. New rork,TTjrrths watch trust. Here's where I convict them With their own evidence. For ths paat two years I have been following up the watch trust and Its nefarloua methoda of selling watches In faraway coun tries. Vacls Sam Fays tae Frslgat. "I have discovered that ths and companies were selling superior, grades of their goods for a mere fraction of the prices they cbsrged for Identically the asms grades In the United States. To cover up their ex tortlon, ths watch trust now seeks to Justify - their unfair price discrimina tion by claiming that it was necessary tor them to do It In order to 'open up a. foreign market.' Nobody questions the right of ths watch trust to do with Its goods aa it sees flt; but are you willing to pay the cost of introducing our American-made watches In foreign oountrtear Much to the chagrin of tha watch, trust, my agenta bought thou aanda of thaae watchea in foreign coun tries and they are now here in my store for the undoing of the watch trust." ; r' .'"Farm Machinery, Toe. There .isn't a word here In .Washing ton on the eubject of tariff revision; yet one oaanot And many who do not admit that the tariff ahould ba revised. When this Is said. , it means not' alone the Democrats; It Includes moat of the Republicans and they as a claaa ap pear to 'be- as Insistent as any that tha present tarllr schedules are absurd. It la notorious, too, that farm har vesting machinery, aewlng machlnea and many other manufacture are sold In foreign countries at materially leaa than la charged for the sams ' in this coun try i yet there Is not a mo,ve this ses sion to revise the' flgurea and take from the gigantic Induatriea, such ss the steel trust,'' Hs protection that, under existing .circumstances, exceeds In ludl erouaneas ths talea of Brobdlgnag. ' "Vroteote kneel Treat. W-'J: Dividends declared by the steel trust tQtahatpratmatrJy. 170,000, 000. The capitalisation of, the- UriltedVfatea Steel ' corporation IS about 11,000,000, 000. of which every one knows much ts water. ' Seven per cent dividends on In- (Continued on Page Two.) ors 'The prlsee for' decorations were awarded by former Queen UHuokalant. The Oregon girle arrived Wedneaday and are having the time of their Uvea They are In the. beat pt aplrlta and are being lavishly entertained by the Ha waiian .They are staylna- st the Royal mawsJJkn))oteln the handsomest In the laianaa , , . - The, parade -yesterdar was followed by a frsnd ball in celebration of tha day at whlrh the tourlate met he so ciety folk ef the Island. DDES 'ISffll IS SOLD Arch- Bigamist nd '? Wife-Mur-:derer Asks' Cod .tor Forgive"" His Enemiea While' on - the Scaffold. i '"'' i SENSATIONAL ATTEMPT; 7 TO DELAYEXECUT10N Deemed Man- Sleeps Soundly and .Eata Heartily in Shadow 7of the CallowsDeclares .His Innocence Loses Nerve for a Few. Minutes on Failure of Appeal. ; .... . . . . ,. '. . . - (Jonraal SpecUl Servlea.f Chicago, Feb. IX. "I want to say something. Ood forgive them, for they know set what they do. I die an inno cent man. Good bye." Theae were the last worda of Johann Hoch, the modern bIuebeard;who-waa hanged at 1:14 o'clock this afternoon for tha murder of hie wife, Maria' Wal ker Hoch. Tremendous efforts were made by the doomed man's attorney to save-his client, resulting In dramatic scenes at ths foot of tbs scaffold, which postponed for several hours ths fall of ths fatal trap.'. ' .,- : , Fese4 Oood Slight. J'': Hlch r6se about 7 o'clock this morn ing, after six hours of good sleep;" He eheerfally greeted the guard and Joked with the jailers. He gave an epicurean order for hie breakfast, . His attorney was' trying to ' Sle sa appeal te the courts to sttempt to prevent the axe- outlon by investigation or Hoch s san ity. . ' . ' .: w-r Hoch refused to lose confidence. He was cheerful and said that as long ss there Is life there ts hops, but told ths jailer that he was prepared for. death or a sudden aurprlae. He wouldn't deny or affirm any of ths stories about his history. Hs ssld that he had heard In directly from his aged father and with in a few-days, but said his sire didn't know of his trouble ' snd would nsver learn. He spent muck time with spir itual advlaera of various denominations. Including Catholic, although he-la a Lutheran himself. , , . . Appeals for Writ. Represents tlvs Commertord. . Hoch's attorney. Bled a petition In the United States eourts aaklng Interference on the grounds that ths proposed execution would Interfere with the fourteenth amendment of tha -constitution. Ths execution .was postponed an hour. Judge Landis denied the writ of habeas corpus. - Hoch says thee he. will not go to the 'gallows and says hs will resist with physical violence. At 12:1" o'clock ths death warrant was read to ths prisoner. When told that the writ had been, denied ba lost sll his calm demeanor. -iWlth supreme assurancs he - declared he would fight for his Ufa However, be .listened to his death warrant calmly. ; Juat aa preparations for reading the death warrant were completed . Attor ney Commerford appeared on the scene waving an. appeal sona. auiy aianea, demanding a further star Of execution. The appeal was from ths decision of Judge Landis denying tne wni or habeas corpus, n ' Break Broken by TH. ' Deputy Sheriff Peters. Jailer Whit man and officials In charge ware In S quandry after thla laat move snd ap pealed for advice to the state's attorney and hla assistants. Meanwhile Hoch ordered dinner.. He ate heartily, enjoy ing every moraeL He waa ths ' only man In the prison not agitated. Peters and Whitman, upon the advice of the state's attorney, decided to delay the execution no longer and Immediately began . proceeding with the execution. The trap was sprung at 1:14 p. m. HootTa neck appeared to be broken by the falL Hs waa pronounced dead and was out down at 1:M. , . j- ... . . , asserlpeton ef Zoea. ' - Johann Hoch. or Schmidt, aa ha de clared his rightful name, was a short, heavy-set German-Frenchman, about 40 years' old.- bsld eTtcepttngow-the-stdBS of his head, where he wore black, care fully combed, curly, el I ken hair, tinged with white threads. Hla nose was long snd aquiline; hla lips thick, wide snd sensuous, msakhig irregular, careruiiy kept teeth. A., blonde mustache orna mented his upper -lip. " The remainder of his face was clean shaven.' His head, neck and ahouldera were leonine. Hla features had a Jewish caat; hla manner wss eourteoua deferential snf always seemingly considerate for others. . He received those wno aperoacned mm with a smile and confidential nod and usually a handclaap. He studied to es tablish confidential relations by whis pering something of no consequence, aa If Imparting an important secret, ir encouraged, hs put hla hsnd upon the knee or ehoulder of the person he came In contact with and patted him "affectionately."-' He waa gentle sa a woman; In fact, ' hla , movements auggeated a femininity, aa If he were an . obsessed woman, ma mannera and nature .ware like a tiger' a foot soft "an vilvety, but aheathing tatona (Continued en Page Three. X . Major Portion of Fair Grounds "Purchased by United Railways Company for Two Hundred . Thousand Dollars. WILL PROBABLY BE MADE SITE OF NEW SUBURB Recent Sales of Major Portion of Ex position Park Have Been Madcat an Average Price of About Ten Times What Land Could Have Been Bought for Two Years Ago. ' The Cottel tract., comprising a large part of ths Lewis and Clark exposition grounds, was purchased today by the United Railways company. The deal embraced about 140 acres and the pries paid was upward of 1200.000. . . Ths Cottel tract includes the sites of the American Inn, ths Bridge of Nations,- the Trail, the Homer Davenport farm, ths experimental gardens, ths guards' headquarters snd ths hospital. It Is bounded on tha west and south by the Linn ton road snd extends back to a line Including a part ef Guild's lake, v ftulteUs for Bhope. . ."We nave not decided what uses ths Lground.wlU be put Jo, We were offered the property only a yew days ago by teiegrapa rrom the owners, who Uve at Ban Francisco. We thought It a good buv and took it." aald W. D. Larrahea President fcvane of tbs United .Rail ways company was non-committal as to the company'a purpose In scqutring the property. It. Is ssld ths ground Is suitable for ths shops and barns of ths Forest Grove electric line which they propoew iv ouua, out xne site is Be lieved te be too expcnalve for that pur pose, as maoh cheaper ground equally well located could be secured for the company's mechanical purposes. Ths Cottel tract Is ssld te be valuable for Ita strategic value aa a base of de velopment . of ' property adjacent to Guild' a lake, and Is particularly valu able to the company that will exploit reel estate In the northwest part of ths city by conatruction of the electrlo road projected by ths Oregon Traction com pany. . . ' Traet Soes Fast. Within ths lsst week more than tit acres of land la and about Guild's lake snd comprising a part of ths Lewla and Clark fair grounds hae changed owner ship. Two deals. Involving about 140, 000. have been made, for large tracts, both of which paaaed to railroad- com pan lea. The O. R- A N. Co. purchased the' Willis V Oneonta Land company tracts, embracing about ITS acres, t upward of !20e.S0O. It Is said tbs exposition Site furnishes ths most not able Instance In the clty'e hlatory of rapid and legitimate rise In ground valuea Prior to ths sxposltlon the ground could have been. - bought ' for about tlOS per acre. The fair occupied about 4 OS acres. -r Today It la estimated ths entire-, site would bring $100,000. FRESOI HELD BY HAZERS 03 ELECTRIC CURRENT : Barely , Sensible When Released and Unable to Stand- Ignor ; ant of Electricity. ' (Jearaal Seeclal Berries. I Indlanapolla, Ind., Feb. 13.-Haslng scrapes, several of them ef aerlous na ture have occurred st Indiana enlverai tlea The most aerlous esse ta st ths Winona Technical school, where several freshmen were held on sn electrical circuit generated by machinery for so long a time that they were barely aen slhle when released and could not stand without support. ' According to stories told by friends, It seems that ths men who did the baa ing were Ignorant of the nature ' and power of the machines they were us ing.1 aa Were the victims, snd that it were mere luck that several of the boys were not killed. ' The boy victims ranged from la to 10 yeara of age. They knew some of the atudenta who tortured them, but refused te tell their It Is said that they toM them that tha machines used to furnish ths eur rent did not generate the kind of elec tricity tbat.-kiUeeV' ' ' V , r INSURANCE REPORT IS . BLOW .TO WALL STREET (Jearaal seeSt S rl-.1 New Tork. Feb. Is. Wni atreet to day resarda ths recommendation ef the Inaiiram-e Wnmtt' thnt 4tmrs eon - -e r - - "i rrom f-ir n o ' l ' e- ' I i 're' ' 0 fS . ... . Writ, of Habeas Corpus Re . quested From Supreme Court for f Moyer Haywood , .;i ;; , ,--, . anu raiUDOnSi " --- ' K' V"' f. , '"", SECRET CODE KEY IS .-REPORTED DISCOVERED. Orchgrda Attorney Denied; the Right to" Visit Client, Who la Said to B7 Sick, Although No Doctor Has Been Sumraonetl Suspects Denied Ordinary Rights of Priaonera. . (Speelal XHapatck te Tae Jearaal.) Boise, Idaho, - Feb. .. II. Attorneys Richardson, Miller and Nugent appeared ' before the ,supreme court today and) ' presented a petition for a writ of habeas corpus for President Mover. Secretary ' Haywood and Committeeman Pettibone of the Western Federation of Miners. -Application was made by the attorneys without notice to the prosecution. Sep- -erate petitions were Sled for Mover,' , Haywood and Pettibone. It. Is alleged that the arrest was ths result of a coa splracy on the part of Governor .Good ing. Prosecuting Attorney Van- Dnyn of ' Caldwell and Attorney Hawley, chief counsel for the prosecution. It is stated that the. .prisoners... were . not charged with conspiracy to murder or ' with being acoessories te the crime, but with having directly committed the act: the. appllcaata were taken in Colorado late at night and no opportunity waa given them to consult their lawyers and. that they were denied every right guar- . hanteed by the constitution. of the United , States, ths states of Idaho and Colorado and are now held In the state peni tentiary In close confinement and denied permission to- oonsult with each othsr or their attorneys. v ,-, Ths application prays that a writ be laaued compelling Warden Whitney to produce the prisoners before the court snd show by what authority they were . oonflned and upon final hearing that they be gives liberty. The matter was taken under advisement and an opinion , will be rendered at I o'clock this after, aoon. . ' . : .-. Key ts Oode Fomad? '"' Detective Swain is In possessloa of a key to the secret code used by ths offi cials of the Western Federation In their ' communication with agents, of ths order, which enables hint te decipher many of ths letters and telegrame ss- -cured by the detectlvea What ap- peered to be bualness snd friendly com municatlone written In Denver, are i ahown to be dlrectlona to agenta In the Steunenberg murder case. A number of theae found among1 Orchard's " effects, when hs wss arrested, thought of little consequence at the time, have been revealed by the key to be the moat sensational and damaging teati mony unearthed. They reveal the en-, tire plot to murder Steunenberg, and alao otbera the . organisation . bad ' marked. ' . ;, A-r. ' Slaipktsa a Karrlsoa, ... -Thiers agents at 'all mining camps . have been directed to send ail corre- . apondence captured here to be trans lated by ths code. - Several letters have been received from Silver City, Burke. Harrison and Wallace, besides from Colorado mining campa. ' . Jack Stmpklna waa seen at Harrison on Wednesday and officers are" search-, ing for him In that camp. His street la expected today. Richardson, Miller, as Nugent, attorney a for - tha prisoners, went to the penitentiary thla morning and aa ait except Orchard, whom the warden denied them access to on the . excuse that Orchard waa' sick. . Miller, msde a formal demand to sea his client snd , waa refused. Ha saM ' that he would-appl?u tha. court for-,' Sn order to .see Orchard, claiming that ' the report or his sickness wss a ruse ef the prosecution to prevent his client V from consulting htm. ; , 4. , , ! ' ',: ;- .., . Sealed Privileges. Rlchardaon objected to ths ctoss cos- -flnement of the prtnonprs, who are eot permitted to talk with each other nor itt receive vlaltora 'They are allowed te , , write but ene letter a day and that. la censored by the warden. Mnyer-. re quested permission to write to hla wife snd also a bualneaa communk-alkm, but ., waa eorapelled to choose which one he would' write. ; ' . v . .... . Rlohardeon ' la preparing papers for the United SUtes court to teat the sn- -Ihortty of ths state to bring prtaonera from Colorado, under rhsrge of direct eiurder, when none, or them ware In the auto at ths time. He will also teat tne right of ths warden to keep the pris oners In , close confinement, denied ft sll privileges that secusel men are 5 titled to. , All the prlaonere wITl be ta Caldwell Umorro" mrnln en s ' clal train, wk. n t f r ir ' empaneled.