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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1906)
TIX3 OREGON Jllfml, 1 v r.:::3. . -w c mm i . ': - . ,v SEiME : CfluulTTEE: FAVOR OF THE Administration Forces Win ' Vio- n - tory Through th Aid of , Democratic Members. U RESIDENT DENOUNCES iX?S;S: SENATOR KNOX'S BILL v( Pennsylvania Senator Proposed That . ' ' Rates j Fixti Could Be Suspended lL, uBtii, Fbal Actio 'by Court, -on ' "". Bonds Being Put Up. 1 "..- W 1 i e' (Iml hithl Sirlse.l - t Wsshingtoa, Fab. II By the aid f Democrats President t Roosevelt today "" roa t'ttrnal -victory over the. oppon ; nts of his railroad rat poller, cur ing a arorable report -on the Hepburn bill by a vote ef to I in the senate committee on Intarnatloiuil .commerce. This bill to expected to paaa the aanata - now, and toward this and avary rsaourca of the administration-will be -lent. ,. Before the eommlttae mat. the Dm , oeretle eaambare in caucus decided -fa vote for the Hepburn bill aa . It passed '. , the house, and to eject the. propoaad pmaixfoiaiita providing for court rertew. - Thla.. action made the favorable report possible, aa the Republicans were aope- ,lesly split. , . It la stated n the highest authority that the Knox bill Introduced yesterday la not an adralniatration measure -aa has (Continued from Page Ona) aad call for her mall. She waa inter cepted at the -general delivery window once by the woman whose mall aha waa trying to get. After being confronted , by Postmaster Vinto she was taken be fore Beputy United States District At torney Banks. ; i :... r "The game Mrs. Gordon was work ing was about as follows: With the as sistance of st leaat one man, whom I ' suspect: aa a detective in thla city, aha 'would write anonymona letters to Port land men and woman. She would warn them te leave - Portland, making- -dire .threats agalnet them. Then she would write lettera to husband and wife, tell. Ing each of auaptcloue aotlona on the . .part of tha other. Even . sweetheerta i received threatening - letters from the woman. '. . j ,'' "After' sending a sufflcleat number ' et lettere te warrant her believing that 2 the recipient had baen thoroughly , aroueed, Mra Qordon would, write lot ter. offering her servloee as'a detective. . She would make the representation that . ehe could either run the writer of the prevloue lettere to earth or could atop them. '-Mrs. (Jordan would ask a 120 re. ' tatner fee and a promise of 14 a day ' for services rendered, adding that It would take her about Ave daye to ae compliah her mtsalon, That would makl 40. . ' . "It waa la her efforta te asosrtala Juat what pregreae ehe wa making to i a certain attempt to blackmail that Mra. Gordon attempted to Intercept lettere - at the poatof floe. The woman in quae. - tlon, who, I am told, la a nurse, was re ceiving attentions from two mea. All three received lettera from Mra. Oordos and her supposed, male detective friend ' nil unsigned. - , . I "WhUe ail thla letter-writing 'was going on tha nurse eaya that she failed .. to receive letters which aba waa poet ,tlve had been mailed. Matters Anally - reached such s ' pass that aha went te the clerk at the A-B genera delivery window and gave orders that her mail waa te be given to no person excepting . herself, . -. -, .. v ' . Ooautrartad at Window. : .... " X)ne day aha went to the window -to get her mail. A woman who I am told answers the description of Mra. Gordon waa Just In front of Jier. The nura "Was surprised to hear the woman call for her own malL The clerk told Mrs. Gordon that he had reoelved orders not to give the mail to any person except the woman In queetlon. At -that point - the nurse took Mra. Gordon by the arm and aakad her What aha meant by ask IN THE GREATEST VARIETY unen ;i I.Tv3MuM:fi C0.; ' n ' 121-m . GRAND AVENUE. ;'-'i V': U j'' I Spring Goods MIere Eaprdln Values in UnderansUns ' Garments that are exceptionally well made and most daintily trimmed at extremely low prices. ' . ,,. . -.. CORSET COVERS at SBf , 45f , 504, BZ4, TBa to l3ff MUSLIN SKIRTS at 60f, 75ff f 1, 1.25, f 1.50, fa to f 2.50 Great Variety White Vlsist Goods V At 204, Xf S0e S5-iThe prettiest Ww patterns in Mercerized Goods at most popular prkes. , ; v . v WM2 Stylish New Dress Goods ! v &4 T5, fl.OO Very stylish '.'and choice patterns in new yr Mohairs is extensive variety at jmall prices. r. 1 Uzfs Ilm Spring Famous Braadefee, Kjncaid & Wood Tailor-Made Suits in the newest patterns and styles. We 'save yon from $2.00 to $3.00 on' each Suit, . ' , ; " : . .. .; . r; '. "' , , ,,( . . X tX50, tAt and tXM9-Vcrj newest styles in Patent ' Leattrr or Kid Oxford with the wide ribbon laces. , - -r DECIDES HEPBURfl DILL baen stated. It a tan-la for a coarse which Roosevelt hae rejected emphatic ally.". Tha president la not eppoaad te an amendment wmcn will clear me man ear la which a Judlelal rerlow might be made, but Moody , and ,-the ' prealdent could .not agree oa Senator Knox'a pro posed amendment,, so that Knox decided to frame a . Mil' enpressing nis owa Tlewe on the fate question. This Intro duotlon surprised the president aa well aa the aanators 1 who had coaaldared Knox a staunch administration nop sorter. i - Deraoerata of the. eommlttae favored middle, ground, agreeing to aupport an amendment for Judicial review, but In- atatlnir that -tha rate of the commis sions fixing,' remains In effect -pending le to suspend the rate and permit thf railroad to put up a bond to reimouree the ahlpper if the court decided Jn the ahlnnara favor. There were four meaauree before u oommUtae. the Dolltver-Clapp bill er Hepburn bllL the Elklns bill, the Pora ker blU and the Knoa bill The maaaura which reoelvee the largest number of to tea will be reported back to the senate aa the majority maaaura. It Is quite likely that the unsuccessful bills will be brought before the senate in mi' norltv raoorta. i. '. The eenate eommlttae on interetate commerce ls composed of Senator El klns, the chairman of the eommlttae, and the following membera: - Cullom, Aldrlch, Keen, Dolllvar, Foraker, Clapp. Crane, Tillman, McLeurin, Carmack, roster and Newianae, it win oe aeen that four of the thirteen membera of the eommlttae are especially Interested in one of the four bills, which left nine ,who ara not Identified with- say one of the bills, V: - - '- .' ' ing for her mall. A wordy altercation followed. Juat. at that moment Post master Mlnto came out into the cor ridor of the ostoffVea on his way te one of the poetoffloe departmeata. Poet maater Mlnto Joined the two women, and after llatanlng to -the nuraa'a story, told her to take the woman up to the United Statee dlatriot attornaya of fice. . She did so. The nurse wss told that no legal atrpa could be taken In thie particular Instance because the woman " had nor actually received 'any lettere belonging to the nurse. x . When seen this morning and being shown a photograph of . Mrs. Gordon Poatmaater Mlnto 'said:. "I have seen that woman lota of times, here In the building and on the atreeta." . When the dreumetancee of the dis pute over the mall were outlined to him, the postmaster eald: ".- "Yes, It la the same woman. Thia Mrs. Gordon waa the smaller of the two women. They - were talking sxcttedly when I came out of my office. What happened before that time I do not know because I did not hear ft. But I re member the larger 'woman of the two accusing the latter of trying to get her malL I told the larger one to take Mra. Gordon op to the dlatriot attor neys offloe. She eald abe would and they atarted upstairs together. . That closed the Incident aa far aa I waa con cerned, x never heard from the women again." ' lotas Marriage Bureau. On October K. IOOS, the day follow ing the floe of tb. Lewie and ClarS fair, Mrs. Gordon made application to Join the Interetate Introducing society, suits 14. Ruaael building, UIH Fourth street. She gave her name aa Mlea B. Jordan and tha following deacrlptloa of herself: "Age. 21; weight. 11; height, five feeV Ave Inches; eyee, - brown; hair, brown, nationality, American; religion, golden rule; occupation, housekeeper; general appearance, good did not use tobaoco or liquor; healthy; yea; educa tion, good; did not aspect any Inherit ance; had never been married; waa not accomplished . in music; desired intro duction either by letter or In person; deal red to keep her identity secret for the preeent; wss willing to pay fit extra if married through the-efforta of the agency." . . In the blank after the question: "De scribe briefly the kind of person you wlah to meet," Mrs. Gordon had the following written: . . "A man' over Ave feet' Ave Jnchea, of good character and able to aupport a good wife, light complexion preferred." She gave her addreee as "General De livery. City." Through the meane of the agency the woman met several men. One of them reported that aha was a heavy drinker, and a good, spender,- usually' buying drink for drink. ; ' ; - - rend of Ssslag Bights, ' , ' To the management Mra. Gordon' eald that her home waa In New Tork city and that aha waa traveling becauee ehe had nothing elae to do, and waa fond of ' seeing the elghta . of the country. WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. Suits $10 tor $18.50 ARE LIFE 1HSU2AIX3 rates too r.:::i ' Tha stipulated ratee of the safe com' nanies are conceded to be higher than neceesary under ordinary conditions, but during- the pasaaae of years axtraerdl narv conditio na develop. , If- rate le named high enough to be aafe ail of the time, it will be too hlarh nine tenths of the time; and, eon- werselyrtf a fixed rate be named which le aa low aa it ougnt te no on uc aver age, the company naming It la liable to fail, becauee one. tenth of -the time It will be lower than cost, and thereby endanger the safety of the company durlna- those years. The reaaon why fixed rate, which la both a aafe rate and a fair rate, can not be named, la because of the Jengtb of tne contract ana me changing eonditiona and vlolaaltudee whioh long yeare are name v oring forth. ' l A. man taking a life Insurance policy wa&U t fcn that It will be good for life. ..-,-.. This fact of the length of the contract is necessitate! ana aeveiopea ma mutual plan of life Insurance, the plan under which the rate named la not in tended to be the probable coat: It la simply aa amount fixed at a point suf ficiently high to cover the ooet under moat . unravoranie eonamona wax may occur in a lifetime. The actual eoet Is then adjusted at the 'end of the yean br returning the exoeaa of the premium In the form, of a dividend. Therefore premium rate, leas dividend. Is coat' of life tneuranoe, and we grant that this coat should be' made Juat aa low aa poaalbla. An examination of the hlstotiae or actual policlee ahowe that the North- western Mutual Ufa insuranoe Company pays polioy-holdore the largeat dlvidenda and thus gives them their Insurance at the loweet net coat B. T. Lock wood on. Oeneral Agents, Concord Building. She vr'unteered the information - that when she needed money all aha had to do waa to write to her father. That the woman often had considerable sums at her dlapoaal Is vouchsafed by a man who said aha waa lavish at times with the contents of her purse. Sometimes Mrs. Gordon would not appear at the agency for weeks at a time and v upon her return would re mark that aha had been out of the city. Upon her return to Portland after the alleged Jumping of her ball .bond at San Franclaeo. Mra, Gordon said that aha stopping at the - Portland - hotel. One day abe came In not looking her uaual self. Whan aakad what waa the matter with barf aha replied In effect that she had been p late the night be fore at-the hotel playing a game that aha had lost all her money. Less than two weeka before aha waa taken into custody by the local police Mrs. Gordon visited tha Introduction society rooms, looking aa cheerful aa ever. The police are chagrined at the be lief that the mysterious man who la be lieved to have aaalated Mrs. Gordon on numerous ocoaalona has visited her slnoe her Incarceration In tha city JalL Since the discovery of the supposed counter felting outfit strict orders have been enforced prohibiting-any on to see the woman 'Without having obtained a per mit from the chief of police. On Sunday morning, -following the woman a arrest of Saturday night, a man called at headquarters and reqoeated per mlsalon to eee Mrs. Gordon. Us was asked by Chief Orltsmacher aa to the nature of his business and declared that he merely wanted to aee If the woman of whom he had read In tha morning papera waa on with whom he waa ac quainted, . He waa accompanied to the womea'a ward by Inspector Brula. Mra. Gordon waa called and the recognition was apparent They spoke only a few till Denies Marriage. ' Mra. Gordon peralats In her statements that ahe waa not married In Vancouver October 11. She says that ahe waa mar ried to IS. 8. Oordon In Ban Francisco In August 10. The records at San Francisco fall to ahow - that a Uoense waa Issued to her or to Gordon at that time. -.,... "I have never been married except to Mr. McCord, my first husband, from whom I waa divorced, and Mr. Gordon,'' ahe said today. "Mr. Teatman. the preacher at Vancouver, and every one else who says so Is mistaken. . If I married a bogua Gordon In Vancouver, find him. -I don't say that I did. but If anybody eaya ao, let him find him. T wish tha people would understand that I am not trying to get Mr. Gordon's money. He must have been drinking heavily when he made such statementa to the newapapera." .. Chief Wllkle of the United Statee se cret service wired this morning to the local government officials to take charge of the articles found in Mrs. Gordon s room at the Portland iotoV which- were aV first supposed to compoee a counter feiting outfit. Chief Wllkle said that he had detailed a secret service man to look Into the. case. . ' MANY FRENCH CATHOLICS ' - - - COMING TO AMERICA - ' (SpeeUl Dispatch te The Joan ml) S - Albany, Or. Feb. 21. Peter Mar- chand, a Trspplst father of the Order of Trapplsts, has declared his Intention to . become a cltlsen of the .United Statee. Father . Fortunate, aa. he le called In that order, has but recently come from the republte of France. It is his Intention to bring a large eolony of Trapplsts, a Catholic order much persecuted in France, to aettle In the colony already established In Linn coun ty In Jordan valley. On. being inter viewed he said that there waa going to be a great-exodua of those of the Cathollo faith from France te thla coun try on account of the rellgloue pereecu tlona against those of their faith. - MOTHER OF TWENTY-N)NE ' CHILDREN PASSES AWAY eBaMMBaaaaaaaaMsaaas ' , . tloaraal Ipectel serriee.) - - Denver, Colo Feb. M.Mrs. Elisa beth Conway died, yesterday a.t the age Of '.' Sue waa a great-grandmother and mother of children. She .mar ried at the age of 14. : She was the youngest of '17 children;, and her fath er the youngeat of 10. Her mother died at the age of t. - ' - Mr. Conway lived to be 10S yeare old. and his father 10S. ' The latter married at 14, hie mother at II. and in the years that followed she was tha mother of six pairs of twins, it sons and six daughters, i, , Mrs Conway passed away from heart disease,-after an Illness of nine months. tadeata Qtvea Holiday. ' r (Special Dispatch te The SeereelV - McU inn villa College, Feb. IS. On ac count of the anniversary of Washing ton's birthday the atudepta were given a holiday yeeterday. In the afternoon Professor and Mra. Fargo, assisted by Acting President and Mra. Northup, en tertained . the. students st aa Informal reception at their home. The bourn be ingfrom 1 to T p. in. During the evening the college bend gathered and serenaded, thla making a very pleasant Surprise for Pafeasor and Mrs. Fargoo. ..,....;'. BJIDB OFCELv HAD SLAUE Boy Tlls Jud How .iu V&s Robbo and Kept In Bonds by Deformed Beggars. ' BETRAYEO BY MAM: ' ' WHO CEFRIENDSD HIM Forced to Beg for Cans of Dlsso- lutes Who Used His lioney to Buy LiquorJudge Scattert .Tramps and Win Send Boy Home. Trapped by the man who had once shown him kindness lata being the alave ef a band of crippled bee-gars la the ex perience of Russell Golaea. an ll-year- oia oeevtue noy, who told the atory thla morning to Judge Cameron and Deonty City Attorney Fltagerald In the munici pal court. - . , - Teeterday word 'was sent to the pe nce station uiat a gang of orlpptes and taken possession- of a aback at Front and Clay atreeta, a abort distance from the rVrer, and that they were hold ing, nightly, carousals there, dlstnrblag the neighborhood. Last night - Deteo tives Murphy and Welch made-a sud den deeoent upon the gang and captured ail but one, who happened to be absent at the time. Five men were taken Into custody besides the boy. ., Every one of the mea arrested .wee crippled, ' Some were blind, eotne had anna and Jege missing and an told piti ful stories. The men gave their names as George Barber, Roscoe Williams. A. WUaon, David Livingston ana 4. v. Morrlss. When placed on the witness stand thla morning the boy.- Russell Golden, said: i "I'm from Seattle. My parents wee when I waa a baby. I raised myself. I sold papers and shlned shoes, and after I gov older washsd dishes In a res taurant. I met Morrla la Seattle about Ave months ago. He was good to me. He was selling shoestrings and .lead pencils on the atreeta. and ha used to buy me tnings. ;aooui two wee as ago be told me he waa going to Spokane and wanted me to go along. When we got there we met these other men.i I had about 14 and they took It away from me. Then they made me go out and beg for them. I did that for a week; and all the time they made some money and would spend it for beer at night. X bad to go out and beg their food and pick out plaeee where there were kind people, ao they could go after me and beg themselves.. They watched me so closely that I couldn't get away. and then I was .afraid to leave them. "We came to Portland from Spokane. and they rented the aback where we were arrested. I had to beg for them, here and And places where ,the people were-kind and where they could work them. They- need? to come back to the ahack and tati how easy the people were and laugh. I want to get back to Seat tle where I can make my own living.'' - Wllllama waa placed on tha atand and examined at .length. , He had a leg mlaamg. could not see out of one eye and his breath waa redolent ef liquor. He was given five hours to Isave the city and a'M-diya' JaiT "sentence Waa hung over bla head. Wilson, who alss had a leg missing, was given the same chance. Morrlss stated be waa Injured while a miner and had not been a cripple but for a abort time. He waa grven. is hours to leave the City. Barber was riven a sentence of 10 days. I4vtna ston waa given time to leave the city. Tha boy will be held a few days te keen him from the clutches of tha band and will then be sent to hie home In Seattle.. - ... ,,. - , ; ;, HELENA JURY FINDS . ' MRS. LEARY NOT GUILTY (SpeeUl Dispatch te The eerssL) ' " Helena. Mont- Feb. It. The Jury in the ease of Mra. Nellie Leary, charged with rifling .the United Statee maQs at Silver -today returned a verdict of not guilty. United Statee Attorney Ranch then nolled the conspiracy Indictment against Mrs. Leary and her hueband, XX Leary. . . . - . - ...... -v SENTT0 MIL FOR v : t - HAVING BOGUS MONEY (Special Dlspatrh ta The Joamt.) Helena. Mont.. Feb, tl. J. Preasler. formerly of Nebraska and Idaho, today nleaded guilty In . the United States court . to having counterfeit money in his possession and waa sentenced to Jail for is daya and nnea ieo. s Best Makes Properly Fitted .:; 149 Ttird Street CEidlidren KilALS fs ...It' i;eflected more cures than; any other medicine ever" discovered. It is pre scribed by; p'hysieians for' impoverished blood and deranged or weakened nerves. It purifies the blood and builds up new nerve tissues. It revitalizes the4 whole system. TeV ' sMAeai Aa e.eMaw waTa ' wV km tlim snPAoYin clTTt ' ' ' ' ,' lMan. af Vkkt fftMAArinf Irtf Yi ' 4JJ JVAAA Vef V4 i M VM highly endorsed. - In two yeara more than forty thousand testimonials have been its ' . -!"' .i-f-1; : i . t-i :a i . benefited. Vr.' rs. K H. Andrews, whose - portrait is printed column, writes: 'r'..: - (''' . .. ; Vf eonfidenoe in Hood's Sarsaparilla jj'entsJjlished try much ezperlenoe. I take It regularly every rorlng and think it Just what every one needs; for a good fclood purifier and tonio. One winter I had serious palpiiatloa of the heart, siok hoadaohe, that' extreme tired feeling.' Could sot sleep Hlghfs, nervous system' seemed unstrung.. On taking Hood's; all these bad symptoms disappeared. -1 am well and mf weight has increased from 14Q to 178 pounds." ' M. S. Davis, Claremont. 27. H., sufferer from scrofula, and waa ready when a friend suggested Hood's Sarsaparilla. . ' Before X had taken two bottles X began to improve ad soon was so much better that X ooold do my house work. 'V'--: .- No other known formula can be compared with Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is so tar superior to every other prescription that' there is no.' possible substitute for. it, BramiiTtemMfib wTaheff of those whoprefer medicine In Ublrt fom, w ere now Mttmr op Hoel7 Sarsaparflla in chooolate-ooatod tablets solid extract, we have retained in the Bold bf oroggigta or tent by man. . WHAT TARIFF DOES ' (Continued from Page One.) ' veetmenta of auch magnitude, with close to tO per cent water la the stock. lngr la enormous, when money la New Tork to glad to loan Itself at I or psr cent interest psr annum. Seven .per cent Interest return on steel trust stock. with all its water, means probably 14 per cent, at leaat. on the -. legitimate capitalisation. -Tet the Dingley tariff,' now effective. permits the steel and watch and other trneta to continue their robbery of the people, - without a-protect from the dominant party in . Washington. ' , ' sow XI Xappeaa. The average- person will wonder bow all this comes about. Here in the na tional capital It la explained la this When the plana for the current ses sion of oongreaa were laid "Uncle Joe" $20, $18, 1 lie Uliicago s The) Big St'jn th Middle iLl 1) " ?r' ' 69-71-73 J;;;;.6fth-jB-;;v fSvlI OT ' - Third St, Between Oak Ntzt to U. 8. National I3ank v - H J)-y - and Pine Streets 1.'. ..." .. j . . ' ' - veanssav .' ' . . . , . -.,t . lliMmiSiilii : - :Hfty f Fifty Doys' Suits sM Overcosls ' l Yczr Ctz'.tt cf Aay Sdt r Overcest r la Ca nesse st Cslf-Prlce $2.50 Suits fbr.::.....iIl.:.S1.25 $3.35 Suits for:d.$LNl $4.35 Suits for;.:..Mil "$5.35 Suits for. .$167 $6.35 Suit3 fori. 53.17 . AmVftf I "T . ' t WW SsMP " . VW I Putnam, Connn - 'iatheextl says : "X was a great to gtv up la despair Every spring since, n r:r n n n as weQ as in the usual liquid form. tablets the curative properties of every 100 doses one dollar. Q. I. Hood Co., Cannon, speaker of the house, a stand patter of the moat pronounced sort. simply dictated to Prealdent Roosevelt that, If tha speaker accepted the rate regulation policy and agreed to foroe It through the house, the prealdent must agree not to insist on the revision of the tariff. It waa a trade. In which the big manufacturers, through the speaker. holding tne largest - and the most trumps, forced the play and compelled the president to submit . to - the ' no- revlslon regime. . -' - . -' . Therefore, there baa been no activity along that . line, and the revialonleta, Democratlo and Republican and they are very nnmeroua and outspoken In their utterances on thia subject have poked' fun all winter at .the oontroilara of national legislation. , 'Man ai Vila Beak. '' (Special Dispatch te The Jesraal) 'Pilot Rock, Or Feb. IS. Ouy Mo Broom, a well-known oltlsen of thla plana, died last evening at tha homo ef his paxenta ox tuberculosis. Ma Tomorrow Positively the Last Day of . V J $15 and $12 Suits at E 450 pairs of fine $4 and $4.50 Worsted or Cheviot Trousers 3S0 pairs of Cassimere Tfousererat.. 65aira of $L50 Black Cord pA -IP Trousers, at..... ' Jii5,0. I have taken a bottle of this medieln and cheerfall recommend Hood's 8arsapsrllla.'V ; .; , ' ; , ; ; ;' n n n : By reducing Hood's Sarsaparilla to S I medicinal ingredient ;.; :i z: J! Lowell, Mass. ' . , :.. Ernest Gznllz Center! AOaVDl St 11171 Attitny eUriCtEese .' Febtnmry 3drd At Saw', an, .S". Mf. Gamble... ...... ........... ' Baaso Miss Page. Violinist Mr. tiambsrson.. ......... Aooompanlst TBOST WIXOOHI .'." AwSisslsa 51 Cesls attacked with the disease about a. year ago,- and has steadily been growing worse. He was born In Monroe county. ' Missouri, and nas Men a resident of , this county for a number ef yearn. He leaves a mother, six slaters and three brothers. - ' ,.. ,y : vf ' . i ,5-, ,r ''-'. . ii '--v - : ' t ' V 02.35 $2.50 and $2.00 Corduroy and Worsted 04 IF .1 , '. f