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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1906)
.ri-r; ,7 GOOD EVEIIIUG ' Partly tlovk'y wli cct-' .-J rr's tonlrit and Friy; ;-:lxr:-:::7' Windx, ' , ; ;' '. ' t , v. .1 1Tetrs!ay y: was GJaJrl iJ . vol: xiv, o. t:s 1 PORTLAND OREGON, : THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 82, 1906. FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. StaJiJ. IVMi E NTIFIHD AS ONE WKO .7-7 : v "T - " v:l ",,- i', IMizner ; Discovers ,That Charles I Missive to Trusted Agent - From I Diy Paul SajTeal I T.YMcn Uft an Estate of . Western Federation Lays ' V lobwkfteper T-3rai'TwdM , War Seventy 'Than Foundation for Whole- ' J ':ltHsovrhat Ii5 OA I ffPn Millions.- ' ' sale Arrests. . ft J ' ' fvSougis Ur,v v ETOnCSAWD SECURITIES - OUTLINED PLAN REmS&l MVZfci V 1 ; I i liifir ESTATE ARE HIDDEN KILLING STEUNEI& SS?UTOSrttCrmOTiI . A-AtK , (Jsaisal assets! uMr&i'yttoi tt WtWMwui) rtkAh rtar.rai.js;-aaH, lv iZ- W,A WTb. "b- Z1 A?othM WtWltU. letter, wrtt-JWmA, WltWT.dertfp,: irjjn Ml J or tit mum or tn u.t tractiovTjowvnnion lor ui irnoiaMM arraHvitMA" rT" 'wvpt fli ar mwr- tir mz l XTTJJl. VL VlkHim. or Ms deAtb than iiOflOfrrF" no rivw or.iw WiWirrTT 7f r Btv"M4 Visits Mrs. Gordon in City Jail and Reco i hizes: Hec(as.t Berth. E; .Lerch ;sWhom : : ;;He Married List r October,- Report of Armstrong Investigation Committeo Recommends Publicity and Actual Con- Vtrql !by the Policy Holders. SHE-MANAGED WEDDING TO. SUPPOSED E. S. GORDO 1ANDS ENTIRELY NEW DEAL S ELECTION OF DIRECTORS- Man He Married Not -ahall LikDescriDj , of Real E; S. Gordon, Now;Strarij Missing: From rCoos" Bay, s,to Be1 Chosenlinder State Su- m : Pablic Manner- Refuses -PoaltlY Identlflcatlon of Mr. Bortha E. Gordon, a prisoner in tbs city Jail, - .- as tha woman who, under iha nam of , Bertha K. Larch, married In Vancouver, ' Washington, on October SU a man rep resenting himself to be Edward 8. dor :. don. a wealthy timber man of Coos county, 'discloses as daring and sensa- tlonat a plot to secure a fortune as was erer revealed. - ' "' ' Rr? Robert f eatman. pastor of tae Baptist church In Vancouver, -who per- ' (armed th ceremony, visited the woman - In the city Jail yesterday and instantly Identified her as -the Berth XL Iroh whe waa married October IL . Kla reo aanltloa of the woman was Instantan- sous snd she slae reoornlsed .the olersy- man, though aha vainly triad to ooaoaal tha fact, finally, , howerer, admitting -' having met hlra. ' ' - -. Th principals in the plot war Bortha K. Larch, now trader arrest under, the ' nam of Mrs. Bertha B. Gordon, as. a fugitive from Justlos and for having a counUrfeiting outfit in her poaaeaslon. v and an unknown man, who Is believed to have been her confederate la Het al leged oeratlons In making ' spurious coins. The confederate Is a till at large. Tiotlm ef Flat Vlsalag. The victim of tha plot was Edward - Hamuel Gordon, an aged and wealthy lumberman of North Band. Coos county. 2 who la strangely mlsalng. Ha has not been seen In North Bend for two months , and friends and business aoqualntaaees ' have not heard from him slnoe th mid .. die of January. The originator of "the 'plot, aooord . i' lag to detect! Tea, and the on wha pro . vtded brains and snoney for the exeou tlon f Its various deUlls. la th woman i, now a prisoner In th eity Jail. , - . The identification took plaoa yester day afternoon. -Mr. T eatman made the , trip to Portland to see the woman -and permission was readily granted by Chief. : Grltsmaeher. In company With , Io ; speotor, Bruin and newspaper represen v tatlves Mr. Teat man alighted from tha elevator and caught a glimpse of th ,' woman, who waa at tha time la Matron , Simmons' private apartments. ' Stra, woraoa mbarraaeed. ; "That's tha .vvromaa.": ; JiVv said In tantly. .'.'-'-.j ' '" Mrs. Gordoii was oalled Into the hall way. ''In' all th 'tiovel experlenoe in . which she has been the central figure . slnoe her arrest it waa the first time that she showed the least sign of em barrassment. v , . V "How do you do, Mrs. Gordon.", said I the clergyman, extending his hand. 4 . ) "Why, I don't know you. I never ' saw you before." she said falterlngly. : Tee, you do," he replied. "I am Mr. i Teatman, - the minister at Vancouver; i don't you remember me nowt" , She admitted eh did. ' and at once began to talk about something else. "V This mornlng'she den with the Vancouver fused to say whethe ticlpated, merely aaylnl married there it waa of North Bend, Coos co tlvely refused to give tha confederate, ' tha man who tha wealthy Cooa county man. 'It Mr. Teatman saya that I waa mar ried to aome on else than E. a. .Oordoa f Coos county, ho is - mistaken," ah said.'- "So is every on else who says so. r I' will not eay whether or not I was married at Vancouver, but IT I it waa ta Mr. Gordon of Cooa county. . - Tae len awtm jLppeara , lJLatt-aha-xlalmd. that. she and tha ortgthal Mr. Gordon were married at Saa Franolsoa three years ago.' Shortly after-the ceremony at Vancouver. E. H. Gordon of North Bend, learned." of ', his supposed wedding through .congratula tory letters. He was in Loa Angelas at the time, but' immediately came to Portland and started ait investigation. In Vancouver ha obtained ' affidavits from Mr. Teatman and others, who aaw the participant in tha wedding, to the effect that be waa not the person who represented himself as E. S. Gordon and married BertVa E. Larch. . , , "It waa a deliberate- and cold-blooded attempt to secure my. money," he de clared at tha time. "I kaow tha woman who .claims ta be my wife was la It, for Bertha Lerch waa her maiden name, I have only one relative alive, and that la my old mother. Who Uvea la the aaat. The woman knew of - that and ' also knows that I am S years of ag. 1 hare made a will bequeathing all my property to my mother, and have de posited with my attdrneya copies of the affidavits I secured in Vancouver,. la case anything happena to ma and the woman sets up the claim of being my wife, my attorneys will have bo trouble 1n exposing her plot. , ' " ".; reara f or 0s XJf a." fv.: "1 am in fear-not only bf her wiles but of bodily harm. . While X waa in Vancouver a young man prasssd close to me In a crowd and whispered. Tea had better make your will; It's all off with you. I never aaw him before, but he evidently , know me." '-, . - ; The wedding waa an nnnaual one, though It did not arouse the suspicions or the clergyman. He declares that man who represented himself to 8. uordoa was apparently 80 y age, and In every characterletlo ture and build was aa oppoeit ; xie w moan - snorter a mailer man than the real don." said Mr. Teatman. every respect he was tha oppoTfiff uia resi uoruon.. a ium been arfpaii pcror ne cam to my hem vJ (Teatsal York, Feb. Zl. Another ant asaoclated - with ies T- Terkea minions cam" when It wss dlsoovered thafi or the estate or the lata tractio. la amounted to nearer 170,001 me of his death than lit. b latter tsuan waa estlma -lawyers aadf Executors evwlU has hurrti withdraw Louis Chariaa, 'U. to tataftyvrrom Chicago, beln. monad uonbnfereaca with herv .' itf .aV- been,aaoertaJna'!?;5aald a vW- WUaoaiatlaaer, jrhe Voung nuaai of boi Terked aetata pm)tt,"Tytt' wno naa-seen Wore ssment Companies Rights. ;that-k, r PJ)Al'Wo'-'iJ past auooease of tha ajid-aeeuy? i onirics '"""g pnoilfament naava-jeo-j,, . i ",oed a pi rt-hdf6am) rted ber. i-3tho versan Tsrkes are used li the estate yera. . .A point where plclona were a It Is believed ests in various- ti conjunction with these interests in th names of partners ha alone knew. Atarouj details - on m i reach .hat tha bus- In fsct." :: ! large lnter- properties- In and t are lose conM' is withheld, ut It la beUe oeen jacx a-itnpaina, -The pOeUyared to a ; proaecu l-wnd turned It over to. iOrtprljianed with Orct used by.ths latter to oonfesaton.- Tha doain ly written-to. enp YOUNG PARRICIDE BE TAKEN T( fleamet BmcIaJ Centralis. Waah., Feb. Brown, th youth who a his father, has been cite the .federal supreme court toa la an appeal to teat I Mortality of the law whl trial Judge the power to ''-'son son who commits the penalty on federal district clslon of the si confirmed tha lease of Brown. V (Continued on Fags Thr i ROCKEFELLER - IS jiis o:;;icFficE 5 , Trust Magnate Found Transact ng Dusiness at Standard Oil - Headcjuarters. ? . tJesrael Special. Servtee.) . ..JNew -Tork. Feb. JllrJohn IX Rocke feller has been found at lasf He has . been dlsoovered right her In New Tork , city,' transacting business at bis office at II Broadway. Hla appearance today at the office of the Standard Oil, com pany puts sn end to the game of hide - - and -seek' which for mora than eight weeks has kept the publla guessing and , cable, telegraph and telephone wires sis , Sling. , . , ;' V s It t positively known that Rocke feller has been attending. to business ... either In, his own" office or "dictating over the telephone to his office ssslst- snts, during much of the time ha has ' been reported in remote sections of th globs. Persona who dally oqm In eon , tact with him ear that he has gained fleah by laurhlng at the rrports of tils .jpreaenca f- of mllea away., ,lsar - lea snd his family : " '"i a"it him. POLICE CRITIC STRUGdl r.'llll CEIiSOHI? a-" MIlOp - rn ut ttentlon jtb IfTx.'T T' ' ! VVtU Wast1W mm-Z 4vfxi. Wis fcgWt 14 FWiW'fV WW were and tnatl IndeDenoice.'ATellsuaaiifit fcrlr,y idV 'Wotlv rt KCreek ta .1 UlU-aniiatior, JWl i uWOjVatsaylrtvMairfd aNWhtaetal ifraaf WPfnpM' Thoma 7TfimJ2JJ3Fn7&l Id kiMW yter Ite killed U3.Vmymifi7JJTlfffl fcSi kMW d to spMgr la . i. iK2lUUei JAr ch wc. the I :7ZV,ZZKfUI711'JTJTTJ,VTli; parsantaa VJSrtj(7ariaxicPi anlty. The 0 tha de- -rt which Didn't See Any Clothes but Finds ' Sartorial Investiture Costly; ; .and Discrest, .; it , ' ", i' CJoarsal SpeeM terries.) h ' Chicago, Feb. U. Th pollc officer assigned to censor all theatrical plays and report anything depicting crime of the. exploitation of criminals or of a nature -calculated to corrupt morals, are having their troubles. Max - Haldol meter, ?. a sturdy German ; lieutenant weighing 10 pounds, has bean laboring for two days, with the report of a thrill ing drama, entitled "The Lighthouse by the flea." while Mike Smith, an equally sturdy Irish lieutenant, la preparing an opinion f "East Lynne." . , "Th gown are exquisite la -East Lynn.", said Smith. . "How about the clothes at Sid Bo son's burlesque?" m. v did not sea any," ka mIld. '"But I read in the papery that tha sartorial Inveatltura wss cost If snd discreet. I'm going to put thst In my report: It sounds good." ('" r-j fur no theatres hav. violated the - a uar of slot ma xTr AMERTCA I aae na rfrCh ous tnlnjgfs of I ..' - Dole nMnalntalna ionducfa-Jutsiaajsa. J backing thedjA .,0SLIDEvI7 tLAYS ALL:.TRANS cartel Dispatch ta Tse learaaL) land. Or., Feb. IS. The train due 'ortland this ; morning . is still -at ta, California. The track ' at the llde Will not be clear before noon and It Jnay ,be later, as the slide continues. 1 .i .' , ' murder Wre- Ut thay knew i Th Journal VnflrmadvUUs atatemsnt of i family phy d tha story Semler Vnown man id almost Dr. Sam 9 who ran Uhamag to penitent it la proaecu tit tampered confession wood and te ere every day. are inspected by for being mailed. rested irt Hilnn Or St. John, preldsert of th union. brirn9teunenberg iradMathe peT-tit1nrT LSIDERED AS FAVORECMvATJOf C0A FA v Honolulu, - Vtbi- 2L Air welt;V V -Arrived. ' Grett recrption.' T. WEATHERRED. iet kpr Tt ' ha ' j': Hetold.fh. ffi JfW .jlw .' d Miarn "rr WfAT wair ba, 1 M t 7. (Jearaal aaartal Berlin, Feb.. 12. Chancel low today Introduced Into bill -extending tlon clause to the Unite. June 1, 10T. that Germany provincial am - : Aatot . , (Jaaraal London, Feb. son of William given a probation second lieutenant guards. ' 4B& t trith him. efl like ax- sjy young UftSl At SJO to I Ittraervtee: 1 2.-The official atlve Insurance In- ee was presented to slatura today. The Ittee during last su ed at length and tha sen- loeuree in the conduct of York Life. EqulUble Life, Mu- Mutual Reserve and other nles examined, detailed at great gth..,,. .' -.;.'. (:..-. IglaUttoa tTigoa. - 1 The report embodies recommendations for-dxaatlo teglalatlon wlhch will serve to correct the -abuse of Ufa Insurance btiilneaa. tin addltiaw 4- containing a diaest of tha finding of the committee In threa big companies and numbers of lssser ones, the proposed remedial legis lation - is grouped under a number of baada dealing with organisation of life ineuranee -companies, tha . rights of policy holders, the investments and con tributiona of the companies and tha sur render value of policies, , state super vision, etc. .i ;..-.. Tha report recommends that assess ment companies be not allowed to in 1 'Jhi th . future . and declares Ves of this sort afford little he policy holdera other than levy assassmsnta. atost of this class company Is sent a record of decen- 'n. The committee waa i sate fraternal societies Jmmendatlon regard In Vatd.. ' ' measures recom 1sloa -for regulating actors. It provides mXly for a new deal in tha lnaur buslnsss of th state. ' Under It arms of all directors and trustees ana new noaras navs o am by November It. J 10. It pro- t 'all proxies now hold be Xe. state that th and to Vo.provid free and of- of the wish of policy- In the past the he policy-holders it helpless by thod of eon- ommends a may par- rovldes mlna- rkafs h iJfim lima I didn't imy biUld. ' Ae a any partjuiier (tmportaaca to bis astauntir 1 sKMpMI through .the door. hen' I saw Kihit running toward tha on door with a revolver In his hand. Ha rushed through the door, looked up and (Continued on Page Three.) . ' This cable message, received this rniofning from Mrs. Edyth Totier Weatherred. chaperone of The Journal's, Hawaiian party, announces th saf arrival of the young women at Honolulu. - V ' , - w : t It is evident that the plans that had been made X , by the Hawaiian! to receive the young ladies were' t came out m iuu, lor tncic pisns were roost cisdo- ' rate, including a welcome by a band at the wharf and a triumphant eacort to the Royal Hawaiian? . hotel, the handsomest in the islands, which is to be the home of The Journal party durtng their stay in . During their statin Honolulu which will be for a. m a 'eltea. isfA j aal at tk ' ftartu levlll tut .. 11 lUV Si a eas a vw w i, no, asai j yv in w - a jj wii f entertained, for the Hawaiians have' planned numer- ou receptions and other social diversions .for the ? amusement of the young ladie. . ' In addition to these events tendered by .the rest-" f dents of Honolulu, The Journal has made'arrartge , tnrnts for the party to visit all points of interest. They will be taken to the volcanoes, the sugar' 'v fi4.'. plantations, native villages, in the interior and , to other islands in the group, " , t ' .' . - . ' So many things have been planned for the tour ists that every minute 6f their, time is likely to be filled. No people are more hospitable than the resi dent of the island. Possibly the largest event planned in honor of The Journal party is the'dahce at the Royal Hawaiian hotel, at which the tourists will meet the society folk of the island. This re ception was one of the, plans of Acting Governor' Atkinson and the hotel management. There will be special illuminations and decorations. Early ia the evening thefe will be a promenade concert by tha Royal Hawaiian band. J his will je followed by a dance, the music being furnished by a native orchestra, and at midnight sapper will be served. Several beach lauaust feasts) have been planned. These will take place at Wailciki. The early after noon will be devoted to surf, riding and the even ing to thejauau, which is a social event peculiar to Hawaii. .One trip on which. the party will be taken will be of absorbing interest, and that is the visit to the Ntmanu Pali, the great precipice, about ' : :i cluster so many Hawaiian legends. . , ; J Vbt f hoilay-M t pAeilon of the policy- dors' eysbss the following plan la ommenaed: -":'-., least five ' months prior to each election list ef policy-holders having at lasst 1 1,000 of Insurance In force. properly classified by states and coun tries, giving the names and addresses. but not the amount of Insurance, should be filed with the superiatsndsnt of in surance, and similar lists should - be opened 10 Inspection at th horn ofllr of th company. The list should also- -be open to the ' Inspection of policy holders within each state and each for eign country. , ,-.- .. :. r The voting should be limited to those who are Insured for at least a year be fore the election. - Director and trus tees should make nominations snd (lie them with the superintendent of In surance at least four montha prior to election. Any group of 100 policy holders should be privileged to make and file with the superintendent Inde pendent nominations, to (ret her with tha names of persona who will receive proa- . 'les at least three months prior to elec tion. " v -..j - , . - . , A C0fpraTOnhould'1s"reciufred af least two months prior to election to mall to each policy-holder - notice of election and a suitable ballot containing tha names of all candidates. - , KutaaUas fjompaaiaa. " ' The report recommends that not only should stock corporations be permitted to give to policy-holders the right to vote, but the opportunity should be af- ' forded policy-holders for the conversion of the concerns into purely mutusl com panies. Tha committee does not believe thst - conversion should be compulsory, but th law should not stand In the way of Its accomplishment upon a just basis. If desired by 'the parties in Interest. After the atock haa served Its purpose or providing a suitable guaranty at tha beginning of tha business snd tha com pany haa reached a stag where, with out injustice. It can be retired, and tha company be managed exclusively by and In the Interests of th 'policy-holders, this object should be obtainable under legal Benetton. . . '.-;. Suitable - safeguards' should be ro- vlded so,, that a plan of retirement ' should not deprive any stockholder of ' his right of property, without consent. and on the other hand, should not Im pair the obligation, of the contracts of, ths policy-holders. Tha s withdrawal. : under the guise of retirement ef stock..' of any portion of tha surplus equitably belonging to or awaiting apportionment to policy-holders, should not be counte nanced In the slightest degree, apert from any question of the power of th legislature to authorise It, ( snaattoaa Vadse State apervtatoaw Tha committee urge the passing of special act regarding elections and wants " all electlone which ordinarily coma m April to be poatponed until next No vember wben the flsat election under state-supervision should be held. . Tha report la A bulky document con- , talnlng many hundred pages of' type written matter showing the evidence ad duced during tha hearings of the In- , vestlgatlon, which extended over -the greater part of four months. Moat of' ths finding of the coram It tre were pub- (Continued on Page Threa) YOBEOISOTnOOETTE : WIFE PASSES MAY Actress Daughter-irv-Law of the Famous Inventor Dies at Her , 'V Home In New .York. - - ; i'; M ,i , .'.:.'" i i '" -! , :.' ' ' , ' h , . tJesrsal gperlsl Servtee.) New fork. Feb. Jl. The wife of Thomaa A.-Edison, Jr., formerly, Msrle Touhey, one of tha prettiest soubrsttss In th eld Casino days, died yesterday at her home. No. Mornlngslde avanue. At tha funeral only her parenta and sla ter and a few close friends were present. Edison was not there and had not been seen by his w'fe for many months. : Young Thomas A. Edison waa becom ing known on Broadway as a first night er when - he , felt in tnve .with . Marl Touhey, and a runaway1 marriage - fol lowed la IMS. .The elder Edison with- hold pareatal forgiveness-for awMI and thev went to Chicago ta resida. Later wnile st L Qnre there came a t-rlc-' ,. 'tree ant, an4 Lra. I' on r- - to Nw Tor and to the r - raiis l:ite to suffuEss i.::.:::niLE Organization Formed to Corriptl . .Actor to Use Rudiments i " " of Politeness.' 1 l A . Oowaal SMtal aprvteaf aevetand. a, Feb. , If. Th , stage manager and stags employes of Amer ica have organised to suppress Richard Mansfield. Thomas Mad'van. aa opera house employe, Is the .founder of f ergsnlsatton. - ' '.,'."' ' . ; lit ' Mansfield's add temper haa f.r nlshsd a great many lively stage a to-" '. but none has dared oppose Mm. t the actors can't suppreas h'.a. tSe i behind the scene mean ta. r IS yeen e heve fellow's lns "-. ! Richard i t saka Of tka ! ati--1 I a it; r "