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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1906)
t k GOODTEVEIIiriG THE WZATHER, '. ' Rain .tonight and Sunday; easterly winds. t . ,' ! t VOL; IV.. NQ. 805 Kenyon Military Academy j at Gambler, Ohio, Destroyed This ; Morning by Fire of Incen- : -::. " V-; -diaT-y Origin. Ti ? i; Vf : THREE BOYS ARE LOST - . AND MANY-ARE INJURED Seventy-Five Cadet. Have Narrow Eaeape in Getting Out of Burning Dormitorjr-r-Fou, -ofthe College . 'Building .Are- Burned to the Ground. Jearsl Special Serrfce.) Gambler. O.. Feb. It. Three-atui . Joat-thelrveeytBree-there-were - fa- tauy hurt and a number of other se riously Injured In a Are which totaUy , ' destroyed Kenyon military academr thla morning. Seventy-flve atudanta had a : . narrow escape from tha dormitory. Four -. large ' buildings were destroyed. . The lira apparently waa Incendiary In origin. ' Thoee atudanta believed to be dead In . the rulna are: - r - - - -: ' Jamea. J. Fuller, l aged t, Warren, unto. i , J. Edward Henderaqn, ged It, Indian a polls, Indiana. ' ". Wlnfleld Bcott Kunkle, agedl. Ashte- Among those fatally Injured la F. R. mmm l FU1H5 - Saleway, master, of Adrian, Michigan. ' Tha Are broke - out ahortly before . daylight In the dormitory and spread with great rapidity, fanned by a atlS breese. The alarm waa Bounded and tha atudenta. eacaped In their night clothes. ' Tha flaraea caught adjacent structures, all of them substantial brluk and atone bulldlnga, and, all burned to tha ground; "T'i The origin of the Mr la supposed to " be Incendiary, probably atarted by aoma - - -Mscharged employe; Bat little could - he done to save tha bulldlnga on ao- count of their isolation and Insufficient water . aupply. Bo . quickly did tha (lamea spread that but little' could be saved. Thar student lire " brigade - re- ponded to tha , alarm- and aaalated In rescuing their comrades, but their ef fort to control the . blase were Inef fectual. . j ' 'r - t -THREE FATALLY CRUSHED; ! t, real Fasaenger Strike Trolley aid er-- 1see Are Xajuea."f ."(.! r -ii rJoaraal Bpeetel evrvtae.! ' -' '( ; Milwaukee, Wla.. Feb. ft. A Chicago, Milwaukee St. Iaul paaaenger train k truck aa-interurbaa eleotrla car at Bay-' "view thla morning. Sixteen of tha trol ley car passenger .were Injured, three of them ' being fatally crushed beyond J recognition. ; , ' - RACE SUICIDE EliCOURilGEO Son's Widows Will Receive Noth ing From Estate Unless They i Are Left Childless, f (Jeeraal Spsdal errla. ' ' Philadelphia, . Feb. 14. A provision in tha wtl ' of John B. , Stetson, tha millionaire hatter, which has Just been probated. Indirectly encouragea race sutclde. . It provides-that If either of ; hla aona should die childless, and leave a widow, then 1100,009 will be Set aside , from the ' oatate and Ha Income paid i the Widow.' There are no other provl ' slons for any widow1 that may be left by a aon, ao that If the son should die, : leaving a widow and children, the chil dren will fall heir to the estate of their father, but -the widow would receive ; nothing. . . Mr. Stetson'e widow gets the houaea here 'and in Florida for life. Mrs. W. fl. RoelofH. a Daughter, geta tha In come from $100,000. The residue of . tha great estate la to be held In trust ' and the Income given to the two aona, John B. Stetson Jr. and O. Henry Stet sen. Any legatee- attempting to eon teat the will la. to loaa whatever la left to him.. . .- - . , .... ; CONSCIENCE FUND FOR KILLING GRAY SQUIRREL v j . i '-i7. tlliwelal Dteeateh te The Jo rati. I ' ( . --Cottage Grove, Or, Feb. 14. 3am " Warden Baker haa received tha -follow Ing latter: '' "Kedlanda. Cat, Jan.'ia.-Oarae War i den, Salem. Oregon Dear Sir: , I ahot i a gray squirrel on tha farm. on which I "waa working .-In Benton-eounty, and knew I waa doing wrong at the time, i Whit la tha fine, and shall I send It to I youT ft. W. KOCKHEISERt "My reaaona are that 1 am going to "follow the true Jesus." - t-- Mr. Baker wrote him that tha Una for ; killing sliver gray squirrels la from II , to $aoO. but If ha would aend tha mini , mum he thought, tha atata would not go to the trouble of bringing him here for ;'.,, f Albany BTaraerlea Xnaora-- inperial Dtopatrh In Tlie inmil.l Albany. Or.. Feb. 14. Articles of In corporation hare been filed of tha Al bsnjr Nurerlesi vThe capital stock of the new Incorporation la 11.100. Tb board of director for the, coming yesr la Albert Brownell, R. V. Pelrca and J. K., House weart, ell -wf Albany . .-- south- . '. .; ' ,l '' :' W 13. . you, . leave p.ortland - j:-; Warning Sent to Mrs. Crumb by MalL and CroM-Bone. While'th Lower Portion I Supposed to Represent coffin.' , ,v r, ; s r, 4,V.' ; 0 Detectiye.T. .LRjsnvof San Fran EDWARD IS LAUED FOR LIFE .a. ,r i I ... I King of ; Enkralnd, WIII Neyef Again Walk Withbut- the ' riAld of 'a Cane. HIS ACHILLES TENDON S V ASNAPPED'ON A HUNT Truth 'About ; Report That; He Hid Spined 'Hi Ahkle -in - .Windsor Forest Last '. .Fall His ".Age Fori bid Complete Recover. " . t i.,- -, ' '."' t-Mt j (Joaraal Saselal Serrle.)' , - i London, Feb. 14. King Kdaiard-wUl never walg agahr"wTlhout Ue aid of a ha king's fall, while shooting In Windsor foreat last November, resulted In tha breaking of the tendon achlllea. It waa announced at first that tha .king had sprained hla ankle. Tha king la 1 rears old, and nature, even "with the moat skillful assistance, cannot com pletely repair the broken, tendon of a man of that age, , , ? ' leaning on a stick, 'King Edward waika very alowly, .with a pronouaeed limp. Hla majesty leaned heavily on crutch handles, and, atont tnalaeca cane when, he opened parliament. Ha could not arlaa from the throne until tha cana waa handed him. He wears an orthopedic Instrument Inside hla boot to support hla ankle Otherwise ' tha king looks In ' good health, but la planning a quiet .restful stay at Blarrlta. before the Mediterra nean cruiae,' , .. . 1 DOUGLAS COUNTY BOOKlT ORDERED EXPERTED . .,''', s' , . .... f ' (Meselal XHsaateb to The JoonaL) Roseburg. Or., Feb. 14. The county eourt haa ordered an expert examination of tha books of tha sheriffs office on account of the removal of tha 1104 tax rolla from Sheriff . McClallen'a office during tha night and tha charge mad by Treasurer Dlmmlck that tha eherlffe books were not correct. The rolla were removed to Treasurer Dimmick'a offlc during the night and while the sheriff was absent from town, by Deputy Bo s' a. rd, who waa subsequently discharged, and examined by Dlmmlck and D. R. Bhambrook, who la a rival of Sheriff McClallen for the nomination for eher- If f. The court-employed J. M. Wllllama, an attorney of Eugene, who haa ex ported . the Lane county .books several times, and w. T. Wright, who was cash ier of. the First National bank here for several years, to' do . tha work. They oegla tha exporting next Monday., . KILLS HIS SWEETHEART? - AND COMMITS SUICIDE T '. i .ii ' .IJnanal Special Serelre.) ; ' Mount Pleasant, Iowa, Feb.. 14. El drldge Becker. aged 10, a rejected aultor of Miss Florence Allen, aged It, forced hla way into, tha home of - her father, Pr. O. B. vAllen, thla morning and killed Fl orencewwu nded "" her ;.mother - and turned the rifle upon himself, dying in- tantly . .' . S m aratte Ooaeera taoorperaassi. (Journal apeclal rle: " ' .' Trenton, Frb, 2 The Butte Ooal a Iron - Mlnee -compaay- was 'incorporated her today with an authorised stock of f u.ooa,oo, ; 7' - ..r.;W , PORTLAND. : OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY ' 24, 103. SIXTEEN ' PAGES.' v The Upper Section Show the Skull - V:;'v':,.r - ; - ' PELEE IS ROARING oncE r.ioRE Martinique Rocked by - Fearful . . Earthquakes and BomBarded : - Whjh Volcanic Stones. FIVE IN HOSPITAL- RESIDENTS IN FLIGHT Banting Mountain La Soufriere on St : Vincent 't Island .; Also in' Eruption -' and Horror of Four Years Ago May Bs Repeated.;,';? ' . (Journal SperUl Serrlee.) Barbadoes, British Indies, Feb. 14. Mont Pelee, Martinique,, la again active and tha Inhahltant of tha Island ax ia terror of a recurrence of tha great erup tions of four yeara ago: Five persons are in tha hospital at Fort Da Franca, who have been' struck by falling rocks thrown up by tha volcano, and moat of the residents of tha town' have fled for shelter , behind the tnountalna', to the Southward, Many houses have bean de molished by earthquakes and tha walla -or- many ether are tottertng. A trading schooner which arrived to day reports tha volcano la In violent ac. ttotv while before tha eraat of the vol oa no itself sailors aboard the vessel saw molten aaad or lava pouring over tke llpe of tha erater In overwhelming maaaeo and rolling down over planta tlona on the eastern slope of tha moun tain, presumably flowing over the twice burled city, Jt- Pierre. ' In sympathy with Mont Pelee, La Soufriere. on the laland of St. Vincent, is' ln; mora, violent eruption than at any time alnoe a considerable part, of the laland was devastated In the spring of 1101. 'Resident of Kingston are fearful of . the worst, and. are In hourly terror of an earthquake which will wreck the city, even If It la spared by the vol eanor Two ae vera ahocks havbeen felt al ready. The prediction that some day one or more of thee Island will aink beneath tha sea, seems- likely to be ful filled. Oa St. Lucta, at Castries, the port of the island, the wharves have aunk five lnchea and continue to sub side, even when tha earth aeema for tha moment to be atllL Buatneaa in Caatrlea I entirely aus- pended. Tha cathedral and bank build' Inga are all but wrecked. The walla of many buildings are cracked and tha aldea of many of tha houaea bulging. A.H vaaaiala ha left -the roadstead. loaded down with paesengera.' Tha vaat majority who are left are In terror of what may happen next. . ' . ' -v.1 1 NO NEW CASES OF . -TYPHOID AT EUGENE (SpeeUl Dispatch to Ta JeoraaL) Bua-ena. Or.. Feb. 14. For two days paat no new cases of typhoid fever have been reported to the city physician and all Indication point to the auppoaitlon that tha backbone of tha epldemlo haa been broken. Only- very .email per cent of tha 100 cases In tha olty are severe and It la expected that bo mora deaths will occur from tha disease If the patients take proper care of them selves during their eonvaiesceace. : v VANDERBILT PULLS ' GUN ON PEASANTS ; . , . ,s , ' , . , . ." (Jesraat fecial Service.) Florence, Italy, Feb. 14. It now ap pears that W K. Vanderbllt and his wife, who are aetamea at ronaetera ror running over a, child with their auto mobile, were attacked after tha accident by -peasants." Vanderbllt drew hi revolve!?- Both master and driver were arrested and taken to the -a tail on. Mrs. Venderbllt waa taken to tha beat hotel In tha towrti t J STANDARD OIL ROGERS : HAS NOT BROKEN DOWN -' (Joaraal SescUi Sarrlee.) ' New fork. , Feb. 14. H. H. Roger who-waa reported seriously 111 with cirrhosis of tha liver, waa ao busy work ing at hla office thla morning that he hardly had time to deny-the reports. He haa been In hi, office every day this week. A 'breakdown la not Indicated br snttolpated. . ' , - r. C00BLER CLAIMS TO BE MARSHALL FIELD'S' HEIR (Jeeraal Seeelal Servl.! ' ' i Oenava, Feb. 14. A Swlaa boOtmsker named Marshall, declaring that the late Marshall Field waa hla .uncle, haa laid claim to hla estate. The government haa referred tha claim i to the Svlas nlaislar A .Washington, v ' " Says She Won't Leave for San Francisco Until She Has Had , .Turkish Bath and Cood " rr-. ':' Dinner. . .:'" ' DETECTIVE RYAN SAYS' ; SHE IS CLEVER TALKER Mrs. Crumb,.. Nurse Who Received Threatening Letters, Declares Sev eral" Were in Conspiracy and One ' Couple Was Separated by .Mrs. Gordon's Anonymous Epistles. - Mrs. Berth E. Gordon, who la wanted In San ' Francisco as a fugitive from Justice, declares thar she will not re turn with Detective Ryan tonight un less aha ia permitted to take a Turkish bath before ahav leaves tha ' city. An other demand of the ' prisoner Is that ahe be permitted to dine thla evening at one of tha uptown restaurants. De tective Ryan reached Portland last night. Mrs. Gordon declares that aha will have no difficulty In establishing her innocence or any . crime In Ban Fran claoo and doea not believe that the charge of paaalng a worthless note will be prosecuted. It la said In San Francisco, however, that tha proprietors of several hqtela will ""prosecute ber on charges of de frauding them Hotela In other eltlea In California have claims -against tha woman. It ia said. Mrs. Gordons experiences In Baa Francisco were almllar to those In Port land, according to detectives, though It la said 4 hat aha- haa not been connected In the former city wtth exploits as aen aatlonal as rn Portland. She waa ar rested there last. July, for - passing, a worthless note for $601. y 1 ' " Beteetlv Xaows Mar. ''ft htvs had quite a good deal of ex perience with. Mrs. Gordon. said De tective Ryan. T served the warrant of arrest on her In July last after aha reached Ban Francisco from Coos Bay. Bha la aa clever a talker aa I have met and aa shrewd a woman aa I have ever encountered. - On. her arrival there she had several tons of baggage, furniture. etc. Including an expensive piano which Gordon had bought in Portland. ; They ware all pawned. In my possession I have a letter' from her to Dr. Vowinckel admitting that aha la not tha wire of E. B. Gordon and say ing that aha assumed his name simply because be had been a friend -of here. The letter was written from Reno, Ne vada, where ahe and Gordon wera living at tne time." According to Mrs. Gordon the letter la the original cause of all her trouble and aha waa advised to write It by Gor don himself. She protested, she says, but ha Insisted that - no harm . would ever, come of It and he would not have to pay tha bill. The letter will be uaed aa evidence against her . In Ban Fran cisco. It follows: . ( . ' The Faxoona IVett. "Reno, Nov., July 11. 106. Dr. Vow inckel, Ban Francisco, Cel. Dear Blr: On account of your absence from the city laat week I waa unable to see you. In reference to claim you hold on me, what I will aay la thia: If you will put your figures ao - that I and my frienda can raise the funds we will make it good. I went to your office and hospital by myself. I am alone re sponalble. Mr. Gordon " haa been a friend of mine In many waya; for that reason I aaaumed hla name. . "Hoping to hear from you soon, I re main very respectfully yours, MRS. W. A. McCORD, "Reno, Nevada." Mrs.' Gordon declared thla morning that ahe would Insist on two conces sions before consenting to t return to Ban Francisco.- 1 will not go back with Mr. Ryan or with anybody else unleaa they let ma have a Turklah bath," ahe aald to day. "And they must also let me get my dinner uptown. I'm awfully hungry and am awfully tired of the meala they serve here." . s i . (Continued on Page Two.) i THE SUNDAY ',, . "Are We to Have a Universal Language?" an Jnteresting article,; illustrated, in colors.":. , x William Jennines Bryan 'writes .on. the government 'of Japan..; .; '..! . ' l'uv V4 ' ' X X ' An. article showing the strength of the labor, party, in. the new 13ptiSh parliament arjd sorne- '' thing about the leaders.'. ! '."r ''--" -'"I,- ';' .'-.:...; ; .'.'.:.".';.'...:'. ..U Ji-rt a t.. c a ' t . '.:n.... ..j -t. : . - ' -, "c tiic 3uiauii rviiiuii uisciwia, 3v.icuinii. ai musiiaicvi ; in wiui 3, auunring e 1 the remarkable strength of the ant. .!.' i-.' 1, ' T -. , "N Ian 'Need Be Idle in Portland.'' , This tells of , the -work" there- isjn this section 'arid Z a job can be. secured. '"'.y . v-v-S x '-'' ,-v', ' -"''" '":-:' Pi'- 71 T r T ' " The Japanese geisha eirl is misunderstood by rnany. 'An article, which, tells of 'her,1 life X , and shows just what she is. , , -For the. women, there is "Smart New Fashions in Lingerie," and; there is a whole page , Beautiful," by Mrs. Henry Symes The childreh are never foreot The children are never forgotten in The Sunday Journal. ' X.:comic pictures of .the" 'Mule Maud,", "Leander and ; Lulu" and 'Adolph From' Hamburg" and others. l-- r-r". . . --. . m. t.. - o. j.. r. r-i.t.i-rt.jttf- int nut juici mai iirxi ounuav xjsviu viaiiam x uimijis v threat nuvci practical mrn- politics, "The Flum Tree,"; Will be' started in The Sunday Journal. ; , .;-.. , ,. . v f can I ' ': i- j. 8mator. Benjamin Tillman. ANDREW WHITE Former Ambassador to Germany Startles Cornell Students ' ; With a Speech. - 1 r ONE OF FORTY-SIX MURDERERS EXECUTED ..'ft - Under Thl Condition He Declares ' It Is N Wonder Outraged Com munities Take tha Law Into Their .; Own Hands.. '. , (Joaraal Special Rervlee.l Ithaca, N. Feb. It. Andrew r D. White, former ambassador tp Germany, In an address' before Cornell atudanta laat night came oat strongly In favor of lynching. He quoted Goldwin Smith as aaytng that there were communltiee In the United States where lynch law was better than any other and 'excoriated the maudlin protest against tha summary disposal of murderers and ravlahera. Ha said only one in forty-six murderer were legally, executed "Within tha next year," ha continued, ".00 persons will be brutally killed or, destroyed by human hyenas. - My sympathy goea out to them and their families, not to the fiends who will de stroy them. When we consider that 46 out of every 4 murderers escape punishment. Is It any wonder that out raged communities take measures to protect themselves T Lynching a brute Is on a par with stamping out a rattle snake, and those in peril are the best Judges of methods." '-lir' - ALFONSO'S. FRIENDSHIPS; SHOWN IN WEDDING GIFT (Joersat Special Service.) ." ' Madrid, Feb. 14. It waa learned to day that King Alfonso has ordered from the court Jeweler aa a wedding preeent for President Roosevelt's daughter a richly Jeweled bracelet bearing the mot to, "Without Rancor." Alfonso showed the bracelet to hla mother, who tried to influence the king to change hla mind and not aend it Alfonso Insisted, how ever, until Premier Moret auggested tb the king that the present might be In terpreted as Inopportune, and the gov ernment could not aseume ths responsi bility. Alfonso then decided not to aend tha bracelet, but told Moret he waa missing an opportunity, of proving', to America that tha Spaniards are gallant frienda as well aa noble enemies. . Al fonso then sent the gift without the motto..' ,. ' :. ',.'.. '. JOURNAL FULL URGES LYNCH1UG FER TURES--HERE much to interest them. ' Mrs. , Osborne' this Sunday wtites on- I.- PRICE TWO J TILLLIliri REFUSES TO BE A CLOWN While Championing Roosevelt's Pet Measure Will Object to " ' Circus Performances. . ANNOUNCES WILL FIGHT FOR HIS AMENDMENTS Expect f Nearly : Every Senator p Take Whack at BUI but Thinks-It Will Be Good Measure -:. When " Through With U.:-l VVI. ; j . f Joaraal Sneelal Srie. rWaahfngton, Feb. 14. Despite the ln congrulty of the situation presented by Senator Tillman' a . championing tha president's pet railroad rata measure), there -Is no doubt that the fight will be ably conducted. Tillman says; !. "I. don't propose that hla thing le to be turned into a circus with me for the clown. , I'm In favor of amending the bill In several Important featurea. I'll fight for ray amendmente aa hard as though I had not been made the com mittee's mouthpiece.' I suppose -thst nearly every senator will take a whack at. tha bill, but X think it will' be a good bill when we get through with it. . ."-j ...- .. . Senator Tillman was chosen over Dol liver to report the bill through the votes of Aldrich, Kean, Foraker, Crane and McLautin. . As Dolllvsr haa conducted the fight for the administration and la therefore ' the - administration leader in the committee, the selection of Tillman. by a ' Republican majority ia a snub to President Roosevelt and an affront to the railroad senators.' The unusual spectacle lsvpresented of a' Re publican - measure which paaaed the house., by a large Republican majority. iainerea oy m nepuDncan ' preeiaeni. given by a Republican committee Into the hands of . a Democrat to champion In the senate. sa Widespread Indignation exist among administration supporters at the tactics employed' by Hho railroad clique of the Interstate commerce committee In order to humiliate, the president and make rldlouloua hla policy for railroad rate control.. ,...( --.',. , .. It le conceded that thai bill will pass the senate In some form. . but the con test will come over an effort to Incor porate a provision for a court-review of the decisions of tha Interstate com merce commission. , An effort will- un doubtedly be made to substitute either the Klklns rate. bllV or. the Knox rate bill for the Hepburn measure, i- ' ' r Tillman haa several .amendments of his own,, but It Is said favors real , rate legislation. ' 1. OF A RE A FEW I of "How-to Be Healthy and For the little rones are the Z the latest and ' best, of all Z .-?zr T- " "' 5 .. . : -.9 CENTS. ' MScSE Mover, Haywood, Pettibone and SL John Taken From Boise . V Penitentiary to Be Present I at Impaneling;. : ..v . ORCHARD'S HEALTH r 't IS MUCH IMPROVED Attorneys lor Federation Accompany Accud to Caldwell and as Soon .as Drawing Began Attorney Richard ; son Began Legal Battle as to If an ner, but Is Orerruled by Court. - fapedal Dlepatek te The Joaraal) ' ' ' Bolaa,, Idaho, Fab, 14. President IfoyervLBecrataxyjJaywopq, ;Ctmrmtttaecr men Pettibone . and 8t John of tha '; Western Federation of Minor war taken from tha penitentiary te Cald well thla morning to be pre sent, when the grand jury was Impaneled to- In veaUgate the charges against them for the murder of ex-Governor Btaunenberg. Tha prisoner's wore handcuffs, but war not otherwise shackled; they wore in ' charge of Deputy Warden Mills, Guard Richardson, Sheriff Nlcbola and Deputy Sheriff Payne. Attornaya Richardson of Denver, Miller of Spokane and Nu gent of Silver City.-all employed by . tha Weetern Federation, ; accompanied the party to Caldwell. t : Sjagml rig : The grand Jury waa summoned for 11 o'clock. At that hour but few specta tors were preeent and tha email eourt room but partly filled. : As soon as tha roll of Jurors waa called and the mem bers responding wera sworn to answer ; questions touching their sualtflcattona to act as jurors. Attorney Richardson began the legal battle by entering a for mal chalanaa to the manner of drawing ' tha grand Jury, done for the purpose of saving the rights of ' the defendants. The challenge waa overruled by the -eourt. The work of 'securing a grand Jury was-then proceeded with. ... The condition of Harry Orchard, the -Btaunenberg .-murder auapeoW elek- at the penitentiary, la much Improved at noon today. His - temperature la . - -duced to 101 and aU signs of pneumonia have disappeared. Ha ate breakfast and was able to alt up. Prison Phy- slclan CoUlster aaya that Orchard will 2 be able to appear before the grand Jury next Monday, if hie Improvement con tinues, ! , ..' . r.'l- " - The supreme eourt yeeterday after noon granted the writ of habeas eorpua ', applied for by Attorney Richardson la behalf 'of Moyer, Haywood and Petti bone. The writs were made returnable March . at the request of. Attorney Klchardson. who stated that he had to return to Denver In th near future. The object of the defense ia to 'conclusively prove that Governor Gooding. Governor MoDonald and County Attorney ' Van Duyn had conspired illegally to bring . the defendants from Colorado. "?"? - The attorneys for the defense contend that the arrest and retention of the men -la In violation of their constitutional rights; that tha governors knew that th ' defendants were not m the state at the time of the assassination and could not ' have committed th crime ss charged In the Information; that If th men had committed the crime, Colorado t. the '. place for them te be tried, aa the eon- -splracy must have been formed in that . state. ' -Deteatlv ' McParland will place Or- ' chard' eonfeealon - before the grand Jury which begins Investigation Mon day. - Orchard's confession la aald te embrace more than 100 pagea of type written matter, containing 16,000 words. . T01V7I OF BECKIVITH lt.::eo DllZiG FIERCE mi Heavy Wind Sweeps Flames Be fore It, Destroying Building , k After Building.' ' : r r .? r '' -; ; V ' ; f Joaraal SeseUf aereV. ' A " ' . ' Reno, Nov.. Feb.. St. The town, of Beckwlth. California, la afire. The en tire town according . to a report re ceived here Juat before the wires went down, waa doomed to destruction. The aat report was received at Blerravllle ' and transmitted to Reno. Fire atarted In the Owl - saloon laat night during a gale. - The heavy wind awept tha flames down Main street, destroying 1 build- inga one after another, defying the he' rolo efforts of the . volunteer fire de partment, . as weU as tha cltlsens who . Joined In ' the battles When tha tele phone office waa la flamaa, a report . waa eent over the Ihte ' that the only . water aupply waa from tha falls and that thla was Inadequate te check the . flamee, . . - Beokwlth haa bean the liveliest town In Plumea county since the beginning ef. the work, on the Western pacific, fcany building were, in oourse of eonatrec tlon, It la believed that moat af th e were destroyed. , lha or . j ef the t .e I not known. ' ' ' "'ft ' ' (Jet -I f .Warsaw. )r - tvanoff. director of t ... ' waa ahnt and btllei t 1 not. la e .,. . j