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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1906)
I 'II r i u .j'. j- i T A ITS. e Creieil Is"'" "r. ......ia,te. r t r r r I 1 .A 4 Uj L. LV rrrrss ccrr-ss; tct jrcj f -l r.rri-s etc-.- frr ' . J ; " " Tc2travr i is, re -rzts U cf . -jmcst fcr ttr; - -; t II years. toal aspect Mrs. Sarah IT. Field T came to Oregon I 1861, $ , late residence. 4 1 Hw after aa Illness lMUv t . which, did not aesume w until a short, time, a io. The funeral wiu take place under the auspices of th wuurcn or uoa tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, at the lata yeeldeaos, with . iniiruwiii in axmjc trie eeroeterr. Mrs. JSpperly was born In Dover. Marlon county. Kentucky. March II. 1837. Upon Jer - arrival In Orecon .aba- settled in Oregon. City, whara ana married Albert Epperly on December H. 1115. : The couple moved to Portland In 1I7S. where 'they had resided ever since. Mr, Ep perly was for years a steamboat man. Mra. iipperly leaves besides her tiueDand the following children: Mrs. Phoebe Smith. Sheridan, Ore eon; Albert Kpperly, Jr., Portland; WUUam Epperly, : sen r rancuco. v , To Logelon society, the oldaat literary organisation in connection with the I'ortiand High school, held Its fifteenth semi-annual banquet last nleht. In eem memo ration of tha close of tha term. a George T. Wilson acted as toastmaster ana caiiea lor the following toasts . -February Class of Calvin Weloh Pone. Harold W. Quigley; ."The r-Qiioiexiane,- Gilbert Herren; "The Car dlnaV. Clarenoa Allan; "Choice of a Pro- Tv-'-seeaiun,- rrorsasor t. t.. Davis: To Io- . gelon Society In tha Past," Bart Mar- . snaii; -w Members." Oeorga Carlson; Tha Adelphlans," Ben Beatty; -gamma .. KU , Kappa," JUu Centro; -"PI Delta .appa. tcawin Davis; "The Bororltles. . iuarv MacDonald: "Remarka," R. R. - ttieeie; -Athletlca." Jack Pratt;. "The j rfviunjni. - isasal JTord; "To Logelon So. Fey jn u uture." Ulan BrledwelL Charging that, agenta of Fairbanks, Morse A Co. entered his barn and on , lawfully carried away a four-horsepower v engine, Fred Raamussen has sued the company Tor IliO damages,, fixing this , aiuvuni aa vne vaiue or the machinery. in case was tried before a jury of , eight In Judge George's department of the circuit court this morning. ' The at- egea aeuurs occurred January I, ItOg. r Raamussen avers that the an vine In his barn, , while he wa preparing to Install It for us on his .farm near Sheridan, Oregon. The company claims vie epgine naa been purchased by a brother of tha plaintiff, that the puv chaser never intended to pay for It and irmosierrea UK property. - Bishop David H. Moore, accompanied . fcy Dr. John W. Butler, Rev. H. A. Bas sett and a party of other Methodist episcopal clergyman, who are working ,v l Mexico, Tecenfly attended a church . conference at Orizaba, Repnbllo of Mexico, wmcn lasted several days. At . i conclusion tna party, which num t fcered about 10, including tha wives of ... several or tne Clergymen, returned t lbs Mexican capital, whara Bishop Moore ,. preacnea a senea or sermons. It Is not definitely known whan the bishop win weighing Of malr an the TTawln. ' lines will be eommenced next week and emrrted on for a period of three months to determine tha compensation which the .. aovernmeac snail pay to tha railroad companies for ; carrying tha United ; vtatao mans ror- the next" four years. The average number of pounds daily carried for the throe-month period will i. '. be ascertained and this figure will de- aennine ine compensauon, - Work will noon be begun on replank , Ing tha upper dock a tha steal bridge , una tne ounaing ox new walks on that struoture. For weeks It baa been known .' that tha planking was In bad condition, put owtng to unavoidable olreumatanoen - work could not be begun on repairs aa aoon aa theyx were needed. Bids are "to V De advertised for at once for tha work and the contract will be let aa soon aa possible. The work will cost several thousand dollars. ' f t ; ; y.ft t . . t : . , ' Alleging that a pile' of ties feU down ,nnd sevarely Injured Frank N. Smith, aged IH years, on July.l, ltot. R. C Smith, guardian of tha child,' has filed . suit against tha Oregon Water Power Railway company for $1,000, A'mnrtm It la alleged that tha Uea had been carelessly piled near tha company's right f way at Casadero and while the child was . playing around them tha. timber - fell and broks tha boy's lag; ; , L Messrs. Bailoo Wright's 1101 cata logue, relating to automobiles and M- - cycles and supplies. Is out and may be liad free of charge on application or postal request It is a vary complete publication and. will be found of great ,j L.. i jwc-s v ju - .... , " . . a rAl H. orrzoxas . MOOR9. Prasldent -' ' , K. LYTLR. Vine-President. W, COOPxTR MORRIS. Cashier. DIBOCTOR& W. H. MOOP1 .JL Jl" LTT1A lKO FRI.D!BL H. A. MOQRBL , W. COOPER MORRIS. . . , interest to all persona having anything to aa witn these aoxiiiarlea to human happlneea. Tha Brm't . address li II SUth atrset, 'T. v.'.. ;..",;., - Tha ST new graduates of tha Portland High school will receive their diplomas tonight. Tha exercises will be held In tha assembly hall of tha High school, and win consist of several musical numbers and an address, - The prOff i aim follows: . .Vocal solo, "Slave Sonar (Theresa , del Rlego). Miss Bthsl it. Shea; vocal solo, "Chanson Provencals" iDpu AOQuai. Mias Kathleen Lawler: address. Rev. T. U Eliot. D. D.i vocal solo, "Lore .In Southland" (F. P. Can field), Miss Ethel M. Shed; presentation of diplomas, Mra. U W. Sltton, chair man of tha dry board of education; vocal solo, "A Little Winding Sheet" (London Ronald), and - Tha Cuckoo" (Lisa Lehman). 'Miss Bthel UwIm The assembly hall has been appropriately decorated for the occasion. The stu dents of tha school and the friends and relatives of the graduates hare been in vited, to be present, ', -r. . .. Edward ; Holman Co.. the leadtna funeral directors, have) tha finest eatab Uehmeat, the finest goods, the finest Vehlclea and tha moat reasonable prices. Fine broadcloth covered caskets. Ill and 110. The ft seat wood goods made. from 111 to 110. Parlors 111 and 1X1 i Third street, oorner Salmon, ..Portland! vregon -,m -. Tha members of tha Portland : Ad Men's league are .requested to attend tna -boo America First" meeting on Thursday evening, at o'clock, at the roruano commercial club.' It la ex peeled that .all members of. tha Ad Msn'g league will he preeeat. ( Do yon Ilka appleaT If so. slant out a few nloe trees and you will aoon nave au yo want. Thar will be baarlna before you are many years older. We nava aii kinds of trees, shrubs, plants. roses. Des our stock. Front and Tarn hill streets. Portland Seed company. Joseph MoClerk. a French sailor, died at si. vineenrs nospitai yesterday from tha affects of Injuries sustained several days ago by falling from tha mast of la -vessoi. . ,. iiat j Troon A. Oregon. National Ouard. ata. tloned at Lebanon, Is -to be disbanded, by order of - tha adjutant-a-enerml. - be cause It is found impossible by the oom- manaing ornoer to recruit the troop to too roojuirea su-engxn, u. wranfT Fancy Dre- i, ( . , fine 1 wns trltn-- nil i, em l broi -ry tucae a- I la- I . aer...n: best i lues v -el a Infants' Faavv I .irts. r a of JAna lawsv-trlmmsd m -a- In . muon, oeaoing -..and feather ; T va..??-:-..C3.23 Infants' Nainsook Skirts, trimmed v . in laoe, beading, four rows of braiding and cluster of toe: ; best lAl value... t.4 Infants' Dresses, made of lawn. wjui.juM eneoi, trimmeo with laoe Insertion and featner atltchlnari skirt trimmed with , cluster of , tucks and rulile. edgvd with laoe. and Insertion; - regular . 14.10 vvaluea,fi f ! on sals for...... WiW Infanta' Nainsook Dresses, trtm . med with embroidery, ruffle and oluster of tucks; square yoke, - ft4MH.l 1 t . . J sleeves; 11.1 value. . Infants'-, hand-croobeted Saequea, reg. 11.10 vala for.....l.ti Hmd-mbroidered Saequea, in cshniere,$175 viluei for...,..f 1.50 Pillow Slips, trimmed In. embroidery, $2.00 vtluei for.,..,,,.. ,s)1.4 $1.50 Flannel Shawl..,, laaInfanU' 75ei.VwUi,',,:,ti, Crocheted 3oo tee, pair.. ..... ..., ....llf and lSf Outing Flannel Wrapperi .......... ... . . . . . .... . . . . ... 994 Dotted embroidered Flanneli (or itcquet and wrapperi...,.,.. 91.19 T 19GC :7ack I7a5 GC Tear Crttt Zzdzl Vdcra a very cawest snd Mott tv ( ""if rts raraney km rrir t Csrreaux do, Soie. a very, dainty material for wsnti and dreiiej; lolid color and ,. JnvliibKs chocks, in . every new shading; exceptional vaiue at inn low O,' price, yard t.....;l VC Embroidered Vollet, in itripea, checka and" plaida; very bandaome material., in an imrnenie aisonment or atylea for waiat. ana aninwaut 1 o . rV CTN auita, yard - Pineannle Ratl a very dainty fabric, in tha popular polka dofa and figure! ; all the very lateat coloring!, hundred of itylea to elect from; grand ilOl value at. . . . ..... ... 1 O AC Mercenxed Cotton Material in silk effects, email checki. etc. in ailk effect!, for ibirtwaist auita; grand value -" atf .yard.. ... . ............. . i e eVC Embroidered Unnetf er "fery' pretty- and ' lerviceabla material or hirtwaiat auita; neat, inviiible figurei; very targe a tort- C ment of new shadeaf grand value at.......,.,.., ...,. jWC 33Q TO MOO LOW SHOXS tl.M lWOMXWS 5jQQ AlO ts.OO SHOES 93.IS 300 pain of women's hand-turned and welt in the very beat atylea. Broken line of $2.50 to . $4.00 values to be v cloaed out at the ; phenomenally low ipecial price of, pr.f 1.65 3JO' TO f 5.0ft LOW SHOES $3.35 300 pairs of women's Low Shoes and Slipper low-Shoes and fancy Shatters in very de- ir able-ty lea.. Broken line of $3.50 to $5.00 value, to bt closed 'out at , m mm t. this low price, pair.......;.........W add - . "N'S 3-50' 00 SHOES t.5 f 500 paira of men' Goodyear welt vici kid, box - calf and velour calf Shoes, in lace - and blucher atylea, all aiiei; belt $3.50 and $4.00 values on sale at thi excep-' . tionally low price... ..........'....Vrf.OO ' M" ANCY LEATHER SUPPERS : , All the very beat .atylea at greatly reduced ' price All size are included. . $1.50 valuea....f l.SO $2.50 value.... fJ5 $1.75 valuea....f 1.65 $3, $3.50 values. fa.40 $2.00 value.. . ,f 1.65 ' $4.00 valuea. . .. S.OO Shoe in 300 paira of women's hiirh-o-rads Batent leather mil wll 1,Ta Cr.iiKli r.ik.. -4- JJ1?J "T beit styles selling regular-at- . ew.uv.auu a pair inree special lines v o be cloiedout at, pair.. ; . .f 3.15 WOMEN'S tS JO, AND S4.00 SHOES t.w5 250 paira i of women's Shoe in patent leather. ; kid and velour calf, all are welt aolei and the very beat atylea. 'Broken Une of $3.50 ; and $4 value to be cleaned up - , v at this very low price, pair..........Va.UJ ': OYS AND YOUTHS' SHOES , V Great ipecial valuea in boya' and youthi' calf, lace Shoea, all aizea; beit itylea Sizei 1Y to 5ri, regular $2.00 value. .. f 1.55 Siae 1 to 2. regular $175 valuea.. .....f 1.40 Sixea 11 to 13yi, regular $1.50waluei....lO y' CTgJRXrTS SHOES .Of vici kid, very beit styles, all aizc ' ' Siae im to 2, regular $2.00 value.... 91.53 Siae 8'A to 11, regular $1.50 value.,... fla Sizea 4 to 8. regular $1.25 valuea . . . . . .f 1.03 v.. ,t Special lotKChildren'i Coats, short and i full-length Ttyles, in navy, red and brown ; full sleeve, double-breasted, belt 1 across the back, braid-trimmed ; ages 2 to 6 years; regular $6.00 f nn I values for. . , ; ' . ' ioJO Speciil lot . of children's : light-weight l Jackets, in red, blue, brown and tan; sailor collar, . double-breasted, button- trimmed ; ages 2 to 6 years ; reg. O fl 1 $3.00 values, to be cleaned up at.VC Special lot of Children's Dresses, assorted I colors, In fancy, plaids; full skirts, ages f fl to 14 years j regular ' $1.5 rn values at.-. . . . . , ;, eW y . i , iC Misses and children's' Raincoats on sale at very low ipric' Ttyles, the very lowest. Second Floor. 1 ." ; B. ' K. Fleks. J. H. Plsk and R. O. nTorrow bar filed articles, of incor poration In tha county clerk's offloo for the June texnd cdmpanr. , The capital stoca or , tna new company la ' 15,000, The Three Temptatlona" will tta Dr. ' M. Martln'a subject tontafat at tha nrsx unmuu enure n. corner Park and Columbia streeta Tha, revival closes next Sunday, Articles Inconorattng the Ubertv Coal loo company were filed yesterday by W. N. Daniels, R. B. Phllllpe and A. O. Riddea The company la capitalised at 2,V. -.-,,., ; r Rev. John 3. Daniels of Rockford. Tl- iinoia is in Portland and. will eonduot revival tneetlngo at tna Swedish if la- The best press products at reasonable cost Our facilities for imQ BooBooldey Catalocies, Posters ancf the better clac3 of adyertisinc: matter, uhscelled anjrwhere. Tim trj c::i crrc::r V7aiat o GREAT VALUES AT $1.10 cs J g 1,40 Two rrext SMdal baiv . Tlf''r giins la women's new cotton wguts- autvvns, culls, meroirlsed and Indlaa Hsod linens IN W it . Ssoes 9toot trfcmned GTUce, era broidery and tucks Ail new.' np-to-dste waists for Snmmer season, '06 ipedol .UTeUafrement with the manufactarer enabled ns M. M cure 3C3 dozen t a v)LlU tpec'l price u w. took tba , A lrnraoeUatary Croat valuea at VeUSrO Women's Snrln RnUm-MlArmAm nl k In A aive atylea Etona, Princeia and Pony Jacket effecta In a very large variety of new-materiala and ahadea; Sergei, Broadcloths. Tweeds, Etaminei, Clay Wonted, Homeipuni and Granite Clothe. Colore are white, violet, light and medium gray, old roee, blue checka, greena. "w uiut, Tcscaa, oiue, dibck, un; long or anon aieevea. kirts made circular, panel iront, Korea ana tucked -choice at this ranee of pricee: 1?1S, flM.&O, e?2Q, l?24t g23, 23, j?30t 132, C34. $-3, f33, t?40, f42, $44, t43 to lS Splendid vshles Kew i tylei in women's Tan and Covert Jacketa for snrins? anf mm. . I. 1 it f -. ; , , . ... i . . z . mci, iigni lining, nan lining, toose dbck,: iancy atttcned and ciotn atrapped effect!, fly front, double-breaited, atraight front: exceptional valtiei at:'- " ' '. -- '" "".'.-,,-. - - t?7.B0 yiO.Q, f 12.50, f 15.00, 118.00, $20.00 j7"r'$22.50, f 2SSS4.60 up to $30.06 each NXW WALKING SmTS $4.00 TO S23.00 A Superb diiplay of new Walking Skirt! in circular, plaited, gored and" voe eiiects; ciay woraicaa, granite ciotna, lergei, melroie cloth, . homeipun, Panama clothi, cheviota, tweeda in light graya, medium J graya, dark gray, black, blue, brown, tan, white, garnet, green, gray plaida. checks', handiomely made no Portlsnd'a e-raa ini. -priea toit every,r ;M',,CA ftft a C11 4f pune......... i yvvv WJ CJOmSJ 'Mo:- Owtng to our surplus st."j tt holiday ' aoods we anally reiuco prlees on every article In all lines, eonsistlng of Sua , Silver Cloi sonne, Satsums, new Braasware, -. Brosse Decorated Poreelaln Tea " eUrBTir anatlB Embroiaared " Kimonos. Screens, Carved Fural ture. Toys, Matting, sto. t" :::7Ci.0j.::: aar at obbxsobt sr. Hiprmiu eea aMavvnln Tae.' t. SmarU. Baa. Bknk ruaoAar u. la it. ., Tee lwiafssed Aeter. ,' C .Aai V kAnoail. -r TaanWIsy aiaat, "The haiM e tke Bkiew. rneey alant, "OtalU"i aataiear swt'", The Meraaaat ef Vealae" seiarlay s. BVBM1NO PRTOIW: taww VVior I1.S0. .0. Bttetmr Te, soa. ueuerr zae, aea. kUTINKS raicca: Lenr rvo4i,oo.' Batke Baluear see. Banerj mt, see.- KABQUAK GRAND TnBATBB ' PHONg MAIN east two paarotMANcia to"T ' SMXaiOA'a OAKAXaaY XRAuairS V r NANCE O'NEIL ---7?', I ate. Majda , 7 , ' f.TWoieek Monna Vftcsa Matinee rrleea II. TS, UK, Re nl fV. Klfht Prleee UH 11.00, Tec, ftUe. kc, W EMPIRE TKTATBX, , Ulk aad ';'.' Mlltna W. neeaiaa. Maaetar. Portland's Pepelar Pier nan, '' 1 " . V tKCOND AND LAIT WBRK OP . Pc!!srd'x Lll!!p!sa Crtri tcz;zzy -r . - TONIOTtT AND-THTJBIDAT RIOBT. ... "Tsra gAixTT eiaL." ranAT nmht and iaturdat wattnbb. "AN AMKaUOABT XIXXJOSAUlI.' -. ' lATURHAI NOHT SPICIAU ' ' Kara aermlae la the .Peererfal MtWlraBM. "aXDrwaxza or xiw Toast.1 vaniag prieas Wo, SM, lie. SOa. aU tinea lie, tie, SO. ' Vim Attraettae "Tke MaassBWa Saashwa." - See. LkUar.r-T. Taaifctll aad Third eta. Fhene Mela nwt. All Thia' Week AflMriae'e Beet Brer. btresseisg three seetlme f ajaelc, sUrtfe aad I Ire The Oraat Mvaleal tatke. "A Tdtahls , laaaieaee Oaaiaaay." Iiml The I on . Baaar Treeae ef- Aerehata. TW4 . ',.e ' aWeaanagl-aase. "4 Tri te the atlsn iuan," Matlnee aatorday, La at rerterawseeUa, PV. loe, lOe. - . klsht erleee Ke. Up. Boe, Th. -l . Seat WeeWaelUaMre BeMttaa." slon ehurch at Seventeenth and Ollsaa etreeta during tna week. . SCiv Daniels Is traveling evangUst for the Owed lab Mission church. He will preach at the local chorea each evening thle week and three timed on next Sunday. . - Great Reduction . Sale Entire stock to be sold below cost; come and look. Ladles underwear and shirt waiata, dry goods. . . Man Bine c ill Morrison street.,!,,; V S.,f t-,. Vfatohea. Watches, Watches On easy weeauy parntanta, - i oown, ace l week. . Don't go without a good time piece, Metsger Gov, 111 Slxta street. Oold msdals for lawn grass and sweet Batser, assdsmsn, , II front. All watches veleanad. L AQ mala springs, U MaUgar CW 111 SUtfe Talentlne snasqua ball ton'ighL" Bark. narre nau, eigne prises prise waits. Last week big sale bargalna. Marks Bhoe Cos, 111 Morrison street. Lennox hotel, room and board II bar wees. ... svs aaimon. , Ask for' Frltae tamalsew H ' FRANK ALVORD NAMED POSTMASTER AT RAINIER Frank Alvord has been appointed oost- master at Rainier, a fourth-class money order omoe, vice A. L. Clark, rasigned. Word to that affect baa been received by the local railway mall service men. - The new timetable I on the Corvallts a) Eastern railroad bag resulted la tha discontinuation of tha star route serv ice between Albany and Philomath. The Southern Pad no train now arrives at Albany In the morning and the branch line train leaves soon afterward carry ing the mail. That obviates the ne cessity ef the Philomath postmaster sending te Albany to get his mall, which was, before the establishment of the star service, brought down by rati In tbs afternoon. ".''"" --J,.- i The star route service between The Dallee and Fairbanks, Weeoo county, has been discontinued owing to the ex tension ef the Ureal Southern railroad. The reed now carries the mall which was heretofore transported from The Dalles te ralrbanks by wagon. , Aurora, Or Feb, 14. Fred P. Hurst, secretary ef the Aurora Electrical com pany has contract for getting eat ll loo railroad ties for the Southern Pa elfle eompany and has started a saw mill near the site of the eld .mill that was la nee bare years ago, and will begin work en the contract at once, ee he has plenty of logs te saw from. Ha has another contract for ties to be gotten out In the southern part ef the , state, but will net begin on that eeatract later la the season, . IS DAKER, lliSE ID COOK , Mrs. Jamss Douglas, With Sick ' . Husband; Attends Stors and -rwX Household Duties. - Probably the bualest woman In Port, land is Mrs. James Dougiae, wife of a stonecutter who via sarioualv injured monoay wniie at wont on the new of ficers Quarters at Vancouver barracks. Mrs, Dougiae bee undertaken a number or autiaa. any one of which would rngnten the average woman. - How, with the care ef three children, the nursing of an Injured husband, and the conducting of a bakery, confec tionery and grocery stover Mrs. Dougiae lines time te attend te her household and other numerous duties is a mystery tnoee wne have investigated, ghe uvea with her family at , Hort and Twenty-first streets. Mrs. Douglas husband was In ehares ox tne stonework on the new officers' quarters at Vancouver barracks. While at work Monday a large atone tumbled from a scaffold, falling en his legs and pinioning htm to the ground. Hie lege ware badly crushed, though no bones were broken. He wae removed by the hospital ambulance te . his home and surgeons declare that It will be several weeks before be la able to move about. Meanwhile -the duties ef the confec tionery and grocery store - and bakery have fallen en bis wife, She has his wants and vsqulremsnts te look after. for be is practically helpless; she baa three email children who also have as many wants and needs as the averaim three children in Portland; customers are sometimes numerous and tbay must be waited en promptly tn order to be sure ef their returns the bakery must be looked after often, or the bread will burn, - , .- i- Then there Is the cooking for the family that requlree a portion of ber time three tlmee a day, Nelghbore say there are many ether minor duties to which she attends, and Instead ef com- writes, s I r3 TnV T. TLunan. Wlnso. . htv . Ann IS. Ill I: Tor II to 11 rears had been afflicted -with a malady known aa the Itch.' The Itching was most unoearaoie; i nan tnea tor yeare find relief, having tried all rsmedl eeuld beer Of. besides a number doctors. I wish to state that one sin gle application of Ballard's Know Lint ment eared me completely and perma nently. Since thsn I have used the li-i-ment on two separate ec-.ioa i r ringworm ana it eared eon" . 1 le' d aald k, - ---- Uarke A Ce, - - . . 7 plaining she la proud, that aha ban do "Oh, yes, my hands are pretty full lust now,". she said thia morning, "but it might be worse suppose all the chll dren were sick, or suppose we had been in the lire Sunday night Tou see ws all have plsnty to be thankful for. "But even with -what I have te do I find Ume for entertaining my. friends who call and am thinking ef going to prayer meeting ana enuren thle week If somstning unexpected doesn t arise," r Mllwaukis Country Club. , - Los Angeles and Oakland raoea. Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars at rirst aad Alder., . . .- - WUtee a Aaacae. ., Aurora, Or, Feb. II. Oardenera la this ylolnity havs begun to plant seeds and est out bulbs and roots, and. all kinds - ef shrubs and fruit trees : are budding.. Peach trees are well budded and ad vanoed, . about six weeks earlier than usuaL No cold and f reeling weather so far thle winter In this see. tlon has brought about this condition ef tnings. Not a drop of rain has fallen hare for the past two weeks, and tha warm, sunshiny weather has made all kinds ef vegetation and cross soma along e-jumping. ..-, ........... Stock Osausd Alien Lewie' Best Bread. CASIIFORLOTHOrJE FOR HOUSE City Council, tn Ztal to Spsoify ExactAppropriations, Makss Botch of Job. Reliable Opti craHeO Speetaelss . and Fyeglaeeee up. - from Another serious mistake made by the city, council In the. appropriation ef tunas Tor the extension of the eltv fire department has been detected. . In the anxiety ef the councilman to specif y the different Items for which money should eo expended, they forgot to provide suf ficient funds with which to purchase a lot tor tne fire engine bouse on Port land Heights, although they appropri ated . f l,7e for the purchase and In stallation ef apparatus and the build ing of a bouse. ., -;..-'-;. .-: The sum of fl.OOi is set aside for the tree tlon ef a house and the purchase ef grounds, nut the arrounda alone win mat at least that sum. according to prevail ing prices for land on the heights, leav ing noming i or tna building, ? . . - One offer ef a lot has been received. It is located en Spring street between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets and Is 17 by 100 feet. On the ground la the old barn of the Portland Cable company. The whole is offeree to ethe elty for 14,000. if this property la purchased It will" take spproxlmatsly f 1,000 to renovate and Improve the eld barn la order to make It habitable for the en gine company. This oxoendltnra win necessitate' the appropriation ef addi tional funds by tha elty council. At the time the city oonnoll waa m.b. tag the appropriations for the year It wae rumored that the eltlaene of Port land Heights bad asreed tn ,,.,,. a lot to the Cflty for the engine bouse. prwnwng we cicy rurnisnee the bouee and apparatus and installed the com pany. Inquiry by the members ef ths fire committee of the elty executive board has failed to disclose any euch philanthropic movement. The t re com mittee called on CounOniat Uaatara. i of the w' f t : ways eJ mns committee of t e.oncll a maoo the appro- tlo . ts see If a- body would be v .. .t conUOutc lot for the er -" . .... . I J1L3 1.- i With well-known soloists and full or chestral accompaniments will be giveo- by the - ir .... ....... 'AT. na. is, laoav .. p. nu directed by r. vooxnuoat . ' At Oeateaary SC. a. Church ; ; Rest Ninth and Pine streets. . Tickets for sale at Oravee' Mnele Store. Wrxul. era m jiarae a urug etc atumo etorc . oge and Dundore f The ef niveirro u Vaedevule Aets reWaary U nAWDeOMKST HOtHB ON COAST. 70H.N A. JOHNSON, RwUleet llanaear. a. A. cmaaaeie, vaaiewea V9 yira Aktea, Bieaawt ef Lee klte, teaW Barlaa the amtahla Bterv mf Jaa Mem at taa m.r,M4 V.l.t, MalkUly Bletera. iagata aad Saae ale Bteiilaa. . Wlaea a - Blevtea yiataraa. Siaae rli PertarauacM Salr at l:Je. :ao ama a a. a. Oeeeral achalaelne. ICe: taann! aeata. e. Mm - e? 1 iMwaaa, v TBXATaX, . !. . The Teamle Trie. Week of Pre. ta se Taaee Wiabam, ' ewtatwaf Kdnff. Princess Trlxle i. Ivkea g,alae ad tne beet edaeatod aaadara. 10r, hue, V-; laoree la Ue SMtuwee. lOe te aa werK. Beat except haeee. a Vaiass. tewy s m jt alAil Maw sad kOe. Paai a taXlTaX, ' , "awes I Week ef res. 11 ,' ' " mt kVOXA OOTTOsT , m...f Is' s siisdaifal UMneeate , - evhlMttea ef , ' . r, L . , Meaui Te. , . eay . lepathr. - - seat asusl hesas laaaMawaaawaaaKMaaa LYRIC THEATK3 ths nrooatrAaAAu stock co, razaxTra a soixicw tabcb i mn ACTS. ' Adstleelaa. lOe: fur, izzl KVKRT PIANO we carry atanda for QUALlTT. OUR TALKING MACHINFfJ are f a VICTOR, which are acknowleuged te he tne oeet., - AtiQXjLvt PIANOS and A It"" PIANO PL.ATKR8 have dv, a t phrasing not found on any oi- r ma . The mechanlam la the very t .t. Waahburn. Bauer. St and other tnakee of r , Banjos, etc all the hneot it t r ket. We sell everything en t.