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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1906)
1 000066 ;;C60rOO0OOC; . jCOOC -' . -:?C ; y v v w ' .0 o ) (aa v , -i-w : ; r aa . A; -O 0 o SO A . . - V ;::..i:J V..1 ' -..'5-. w V v.-- - - - MB 1 m . T a J .. I o o a-"1 O o o o o .0 O 0 o o .0 o 8 o o O O o o o o o o -UNION MAD 1 nis osing a Droaa asssraon, qut iacts, vc ais umj ujw o m?OTIRITSTREE over: the key; to the new. landlord, who has rented tlio buildins ove: a day rent -This being an unreasonable amount ol rent to pay ic to be had on the main thoroughfare, so earnest workers t all fields of honest tndeavoVastert of erery mechanical craft come on I Here is the chance of your life to buy union-made clothing for the bare cost of ' labor. You are proud of the labeL It marks an Ideal in I , working conditional V It stands for a principle and appeala ; to your pride and your loyalty, v It is more than a label. It is a picture of proeperity and contentment and you cheer fully pay the price that this calls for. This is true at a rule, but all rules have exceptions. : And this is an exception. LABOR IS NO LOSER IN THIS TRANSACTION. FOR THE LABOR HAS BEEN PAID FOR, BUT THE ,CLOTH AND THE TRmiIINQ3 YOU CAN FIOURE AS A LOSS THAT IS TURNED TO YOUR PROFIT SO COME ON, BUT COME QUICXLYt ALL SIZES FROM YOUNO MEN OF 17 UFV7T J. 5 ,. '.. i h X. V',;.W Iflfag to do something for you and by helping us ; you help yourselves. We will not try and make one cent profit on any article that we'sell you in the contract. W are wining ,' -j:;:.V- io u dom n riy yiwm vi wum ihi w in ouf noon, v au ; ,, - . - we want you to do U to come and inspect these goods, and you, ' will see for yourselves that this is no fake sale got up especially to fool the public Thle Is Ugidmate, las half the" people of! Portland know that the entire corner Is rented to a deDartment :': store, Our notice reads : "Must get out by February tt.'V So ;'' '; ' vV you see we only nave is Dunness nays to sen tne entire (,C00 ' stock. ; Tomorrow win be the gala day of Portland with bar- ' ; ' : t 5 vy y mm ;., v. . ,i '.V''-- if:, sr.- vji ' III ' M ; '-'Kaa ''"V K-.i. i .1 N 2 weve-cecii iil Cream M Ar- ': - sr. v; ,, I ; v .... fx ':: "'' ' The trouble are ae ;. t We want the business and we are going to get It. We have ' A aA e Hi! - J : . ' SVj ' ' v.' ' mM Btttni 1HU rneteiek in Miifl ttrrwi9rjt mit i neiai arse trmrim - -'i erally taken out of a sale by other merchants. The lot contains ' " Brokaw Bros., Stelnblock and. Kuhn, Nathan & Fischer ,We ' v -' will place these suits in the sale at the ridiculously low price of ' . v. rt' - -1 j 1 J.'. 1.1. i ..-j i j v.. j. ; $9.00. . tnere is no one 01 incra wwui ic&o nu uu ium nj., f merchant In this city or any .other city, for less than 520 to 540, y,' i ' mad our Closing price is T'itKY V I '' 1 1 r. - el v f m . U Set 1 ' lit tliM mlts and frvrrma se cheap that you forget i take 611 your hat to the bran' Brand means something. : Tl maker's reputation stands b hind it just aa proud of th brand as you will b to we the garmenta even if you c get them for. less than hall . Loodon'a old jrice $15 ar (20. Closing Out price -- I j- 'A I Read Every Word of 05e London's Women's $2.00 and $3.50 Shoes, famous instep- I v suDporun Kcnuinq uu du tiu kio, iac uy ouiioo ) aiso Women's Hand-Sewed Comfort Shoes,' plain and patent tip - toes; an immense assortment of high grade goods. ; QCv ''. Sale price. . , , i . i ....... k .. . OC y. in 1 V ' Strap Slippers and Oxford Ties. " Sale price; . .v. . .... . ;7; " Ov . f 15 London's Famous Instep-Supporting Shoes for Women v that sold at $2.80 and $3.00, made of finest dongola kid, common-- sense and patent tip, lace and button, all sizes and 01 5 C ' widths. Sale price. . . f . . iI u0 f llsO-London's Women's-SO end $3.00 Finest Hand-Sewed Oxford Ties and Beaded Strap Slippers, large assortment of -black and tan vie! kid, tan Russia .calf and patent ; Cf CA iJeatbcr.ilSale price. M . ...,, f , . . , . .t , . . vl eOU $2.30 London's Women V $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Shoes, custom-made, hand-sewed, the finest of patent leather, enamel, box' calf, gunmetal, vie! kid and dongola, hand welt and turn soles, ' full Louis XV, Cuban and common-sense heels, '. A' sizes 2 to 9, widths AA to EE.1 Sale price . . . . . . , . . j)af 0 U f 150 London's $3.00 and $3.60 Men's Oxford Ties', r This lot embraces patent leather, black and tan vici kid and -- g?Y tan Russia calf. Sale price......................... $lOU 91.60 London's $3.00 and $3.50 Men's and Boys' Shoes, a large line of hand-sewed box calf, vici kid and pat-. d iTA ent leather. Sale price . . ........... ................ 1 aU ' . ' '. . . '- , - ':. ; e 1 A-,, f 4 1 ..,..-v ? 2.35 London's Men's $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Hand-Sewed hoes, finest of patent colt, tan and black vici kid, box calf and gim metal, lace, Blucher and button styles, most all " OJ? .Wees a to 10. Sale price. .i.i.;. ....... .$VOu C3 London's $2.00 Boys' Shoes, made of box calf, vici AO. Cidand satin calf, sizes 8 ro'13. :Sale price,. ...... .'.yOU j $1.25 London's Boys $2.50 end $300 Hand-Sewed Shoes. ' inRtep-supporting, box calf vici kid and patent J CIIC leather, sizes 9 to 13, and 1 to tyu Sale price.. ... il0 ; f 1.40 London $2.60 and $3.00 Hand-Sewed Misses' Shoes, 'self-supporting instep, patent leather, vici kid and CI 4ft box ;alf, all sizes lloJZaJa 90e London's $2.00 and $2.60 Misses' and Children's Shoes 'of all kinds, patent leather, vici kid and box calf, sizes AA 8 to 2. ;Sale price..k.t..!:vv. j.v..ivV:"r.: ; 39 London's 75c Woreen'a Boston and Bay State " A Storm Rubbers. Sale price. ...OyC 58 London's $1.00 Men's Boston and Bay State . . CQ . Storm and Self-Acting Rubbers.; Sale price. ...........OyC 39 London's $1.00 to $1.60 Men's House, Slippers, Ofn fancy patterns..: Sale, price ............. i ............. , jus C 5&e London's $1.00 Women's? Hand-Knit Crochet ; , t e?0 Slippers, beautiful patterns. Sale price;. . 7 V 3ff-London's $1.00 Women's Wool Jersey Leggins, ' full knee length, v Sale .price. ........................ 'OyC 49e London's $1.00 Hand-Sewed Infants'. Shoes, ; ' , ' iQU made of fine dongola kid, sizes 2 to 6, ; Sale price. . .. ky C S ' iBargaliis in Ladies' Footwear Genuine patent' colt, buttoned or lace style; regular $4.50 ' Shoes. ' Closing price. ...;..i......'.,.....,.....'..,.S2.15 , Ladies' Shoes regularly sold for $3.50. , , . ; ,. . . ,. . ... . .81.68 : Ladies' Shoes ; regularly sold for $2.00. . . ... ......... . . ,f 1.15 $2.25 Satin Calf Shoes, iq bals. and congress. . . ..;'..;.'. 81.00 ' $2.50 Shoes, in vici kid and velour calf. . ... . . . ...... .'.81.40 $3.50 Box Calf Leather Lined Shoes.. . ...... i , . .81.C0 $3.50 liorsehide Heavy Dress Shoes . . . .'. . . ...... .'. . .".81.65 $4.00 and $9.00 Patent Coir Shoes, also fine vici. ........82.15 $7.00 Best High Top Horsehide Shoes.,. U.;,;.t.'.i.;..e3.C0 lAAl $l.BO "Ai- Notice to the OufcideTrcdb I LidiesV Rubbers r fii Don't wait until it rains." Come and get a pair of Platsnor -H Rubbers, all Bizes.,..'.;...;.......;,.. ...... 35 We, the London Clothing Company, beieg forced out of our premises, it being rente to an outside department store, will flU your orders lust aa conscientiously as thoXi;' you yourself were in the store. Mail orders will receive prompt attention the day the wmdv.; . ' NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AU merchants desiring to buy in bulk will please ca! between a and 10 a. m. and inquire for Mr. u are Simons, wno has entire charge of tb wholesale department. Allt terms strictly cash. V f i ; , ' : ' - A' ' tlen'd$25 Qenuime Priestley Cravenette Raincoatx , . -. ' ' mv, . am . . 'm i , t.rtrj garment, eare me stamp - rnestiey," a guarantee oz penecnon.' ' . - These garmenta are sold by every first class. clothier. in the country.. Sill 1 WtA A. i n.,r ?,i. Ard i. tj' J: -I' LiMi.ii if V.V.i Now; tlothero and Fathers, : Brinff Your Children ' ' Here is genuine chance tef secure Boys' Cloth-' ng for the cost of the making. Remember, we are going to vacate February M.- Here's some bargains for Tout ; ' -' . " ' ; . - Boys' S to 7-year-old Sailor Blouse Suits, regularly sold for $2.00 and $2.50. , Closing Out .price 40 550 Boys' Suits thrown in one big heap; we forgot : what they were worth. Come take your -v . :pickV..J..t;:;...v'-rv'vr-..29 Beautiful Russian Double" Breasted ' and Three Piece Boys' Suits, all sizes,' the biggest bargain ever offered in your, city, worth from $2.75 to $5.00. . Come take your ptck.;.i..:k.,..Cl.fXI Boys' Knee Pants 40 dozen Boys' Knee ' Pants. Your choice ,.,...,'. v. i .10 Boys' Corduroy Knee Pants, London's 75c value. Closing price .,.,....,.S3 Mats : 'All our $L50 Greacoe and Fel doras '"..' BOg - 'All our $2,50 IIaU-In GrV and Fedoras, wide rims and stifl : .: -'A r ': i'' ".'- :A. : AAA I V All our $3.50 London'a Hat and other standard makes in Fe-J doras, Derbys and Stetson shapes; aii tne latest ana up-to-date styles. 4 A. 0 1 The Salesroom Is 172 Third Street, Two Doors From Yamhill, Next Door to Jonc z - . ' i , V ;.: s. .... , ..-....-. V . V V V V . V . 'V. 'V 'v'. vv V