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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1906)
'4 i 7 '." i '.TIX3 tTTATSTT. . . ;; 1 Occaelonal ri! a t5R;tt t: I "!.. 7; south to west wiaia. ' .- '' F03TLAND. . OISEGON, THURSDAY ; BVENINO, FEKUAnY M. ' H0. FOURTEStl ' PA0S3. PRICE TVO CEtlTS. SJ2?UP, . ,. , . ,1 '"y, VOL.' IV. NO. t:7.'r ' hriV'iH? 1 A-PT7?TnTl immm v North American Continent, Say Sot America . Advocate, Con v; ,taln Just as Fins Scenery as Europe "St ,PUN TO MAKE TRAVEL at ho:.:e popuur fad .v - Million Spent : Annnally Abroad ;- 'I' - Conference Being Held in Portland -.Today Attended by Prominent Ad' vertiaing Hn, Repreaentathrea. ol H V Steamboat and Railroad Companiea ' " v ', '..''it ''!'' T,V Itif. 'V4 -of lntrU ana aauraloed Mtl'lty in bhall of the "Be America" IdM, wr : ' the atrlkln - oharactoriatlce of : , tha ... aplrJt perradlnf tba oonfranoa if tba . ' . America" Jearua bclnt eM in ' Portland 4oday. r "America,, ftrat, laat an (oravar.'Ma tha battle err of the , laarua. The arat. -. lnteraated - men who propoee to ware a war of educa tion in behalf, or noma , attraotiona .'1 propose that tha beauties and wondere or .American aoanery anaji oe anouua from the mountain peaka, tha bouaetopa an the' hln -plaeea of the lan4 until tL'-'eTery ar ! aball - hear and every ere ahall be constrained to look and beheld. "v Tba northweet-irin hare Ita charm pa raded before tha ejrea of the eountrr aa sever before ana the people of America wilt b tovlted. and ursed to corae and enjoy baautlea of nature that eannot be : ' eaeelleA and can- be" equaled' In-few , place in the world. V ' . The membera of the 1 vacua ' propose " : , to make tbelr aloaaa. "8ee Europe If you will, bo t America first." echo j from ocean to ocean and from tha Aro- f tie to the '-aolf of Mexico. Tboy pre : poee. to aee that the' rich people, the common people, the Four Hundred and the millions awaken to the fact that America possesses natural attractions )ut aa arand. Just aa aorgeoua, and far , mora Interestlnr than those boasted of ' bjr foreifo countries. ' ; , , ' j '" 'V 'f- ' W Tan of irosasra. ' i ' The repraaenUtlrea of tha northwest . know that this country can boast store 1 ' natural wonders, mora gorgeous onea, . and natural beauty on a a render scale , . than any other part of the country or - the world, and they wUl see to It that -1 the people of America, know that they . . know thta. : They also propose to aee that tha people know these things of their ewa obeerynUonr-wV-v' . The conference, which opened f or , mally this' afternoon In tha rooms of the Commercial- club, ta attended by s Fisher , Harris, secretary of, the execu , tlve committee of the ' "See America league: Richard P. Mania, ex-mayor of - Bait Lake City: R. U McCormtck of - Tacoma. a member of the executive , ' eommtttaa the league; Smeraon Da- - puy of Vm Slolnea. Iowa, one-of the delegates to the "Bee America First" - ' . league convention in Bait 1 Lake, - rail , ' road and steamboat man and repreeenta- - tlve citlsena from various eltlaa of the ' northweat. to arouse earneat enthualaam In behalf of the movement and to ; "awaken the people of this portion of the , country to a realising aense of tba duty -' tha V Ilea before them, i; ,-, .. : -" ; ' , OUank Xste Baa4 Waaroa. -' , . In ofher words, the meeting la' de signed to fill the people with a desire '. to climb up Into the band wagon of , American patrlotlam and help draw the - "eyaa of the people t borne scenic bean ' laa and away from thoae bearing the ;- stamp of foreign make. Thoae la at '. teadanca upon the conference here are heartily. In accord with tha movement In Its every purpose and aim, and they . : evidence) desire to work earnestly and V 1. asalduoualy In tba carrying oat of the , v- scheme. :' ' ' . ' , X - .. Reallslnt that' the northwest pes p i Besses attractions that - cannot be V equaled tit the world, the represents : , Uvea of this district believe that tha ' - aee-Amerlon movement will result In tmllmlted good to this country, that It Vrlll bring people here to sea-the aat V" nral beauties It affords and that these V- people will apend the money' that la ' , yearly dumped Into foreign coffers ; among their ewa people so that It will - be kept In home circulation to the bene . fit of alt Not only will the ae-Amerl- - . re 'movement result la direct flnanclal benefit to this and other section of the eountrr.-It Is claimed, bar It will result In a development and populating to a degree that coatd not be accom plished In any other 'manner. ' ,1 , " ' Oregon Wslsemsa Ma vi mint . The Portland and Oregon 'men tn . tereated) In the league and Its work hall - Its advent - with pleasure. They - real ise that Oregon Is In the front rsnk when tt comas to scenle attractions. They will sea to It .,-that t Oregon's glories ara duly brought to the at ' tantlon of ' the America a . public and that the people have every chance pee- slble t ' see them - for themselves. , 1 -Parfenlar care Is being exercised by ' taosa promoting tha Be AmerVa first Jeagn to have the general public tin " derstsnd th.t the movement I not a partlMir , - -".ml eheTne dealrned for t ' ; of an- a t sr- :f ' i 'aw flS' - f X FULTOU'Si DILL TO iBEiiOPIEDi .. ... .,,'. , it .." , . ( ,..,.. t' ' 'V f ' ' J f it i ,f.. Oregon Senators Measure - for t Reflating Ttallroad Rates f ' V , Favorably, Received. : APPEAL TO COURT IS f PROVIDED IN MEASURE Recent Speec of Senator Lodge Xa Taken aa an Indication That Ad. niiniatration WiQ Adopt Amend ment Provided. ' ' S ' 1 W-''v4.f4'.' .... - (Wasklagtea .Bareas ef TaerieamaL) - 'Washington, rob, II. It 'la now- re garded as probable that Senator Fulton's amendment to -the -Dolllvar railroad rate bill wlU be embodied la the Hepburn meaaure when It la reported by the Inter state commerce committee to tb aenaia. Tha recent speech of Senator Lodge : Is taken aa an Indication .that the adminis tration wld consent to tha provision for aa appeal to the courts from tha freight rata prescribed by the eommlsalon, and the aenate Isadora are Inclined to regard Fulton's amendment as the best form of procedure to carry the Idea Into effect, The Ft It on amendment provides that whan courts ahall determine that tha maximam:. rate presented by the commis sion Is confiscatory it ahall be to duty ef the court to ascertain and -declare what maximum rata would be reason able and td accordingly modify by do ers the -order' of -tb com mission pre scribing such rat.' . -' : ., - THREE DEAD, TWO ILL. ' r" FROM. POISONING ... . 1 1 , 1 .1 . -,' t tf ,ii:,.-v,-- - w ..... : . . . , i ' tJparsat seerl.l aerriee.l " - ' Stockton. CaL. Feb. It. J. Barnett and tw daughters are dead from mys terious ' poisoning. Mra. Barnett ' and Mrs. HarletW A n'ura employed la the family, ara also I1L Barnett died In tba hospital thl merntag, on Bhlld 'died laat Saturday and the other yeaterday. It was not until Barnett was taken danaoroualy ill that poisoning waa-sns-pectad. Tb coroner la maniac an In vestigation. An autopsy will b held to day. Symptoms Indicate ptomaine pot sonlng.' but Mrs. Barnett tnsleta that no caaned goods have bee eaten by the family recently. ; . , PAT CRO'.VrS FATE TO Zj: MX BE DECIDED ;T0f!IGHT , r- . Uisissl Ssoeail mrrk-e.X . - ' Omaha, rFeav la. Tn case , of Pat Crowe, accused ' of ; robbing Edward Cudahy ef tte.tet by kidnaping hi eon. will be siren to tha Jury tonight. Argn meals are being mad this afternoon. Stta Ftr aa nTansfaal , ' Fiaher Harria. 1 y- H." M. Cake, ... '..- fe,aeo dsmare'waa raueed by fire at t A"aa Cement company's plant at : .j 1 c today. , ' , ... , . ...', tt i it -"1. Oorernor 0. S.' Chamberlain. ' EOR : iriSUIIMICE Alexander Legler s-l Jr.; , Aged Twenty-Two; of Hoboken'Ar-" y J .ested by.PoIlce.;,V.;,:f i - ACCUSED OF BURNING " t V RELATIVE TO DEATH Youth , Denies . Charge .but 1 Officer 'Say Ha Waa.' Financing, a Transit Company and Need of Ready T Money Waa' Motive fc 'Crlmsv" ... j' . . - . -v ,r- - - ' v ' (fcirul iwlil SarrW.! - ' .' ' 'New Tork. Feb.' 1. Alexander Leg ler, Jr.,' aged It, has been arrested at a boarding house In Hoboken by order of Police Chief Murphy of Jersey City, who accuses liegler with having burned to death hla brother. Carl Legler, aged II. to obtain M.OW. for which Carl wag Insured for Alexander's benefit.- The ac cused boy denies hla guilt. ,', - v Chief Murphy -declare that Alexan der's lettera, which were seised, show that although earning only tt a day aa a clerk In the New Tork-New Jersey Telephone company., he . was,' with hi father, promoting the Altamahah Tran sit company at Baxley, and that tha of ficials of the Southern railway, which touchee - Baxley, t had demanded that tl.OO be forthcoming for the enterprise before the rood would lend Ita assist ance, and It was to eecure thia money that tha murder Is alleged to have been committed. - - .' - ' ' - - Cart Legler was assistant steward of a steamship running between New Tork and' Central America, and apent about six days of each month in Jersey City, where ha shared a room with bis brother Alexander In the home of Henry Ruth erford. ' t "' v. Alexander returned to', his room v at l:ie o'clock - oa tha -night -of Deeetn ber 14 and Carl half an hoar later. At 11:S o'clock Rutherford' and his 'Wife, who occupied an -adjoining room, ware awakened.' and found Carl la flame la the bad. - Mrs. Rutherford stumbled over aa empty bottle . which- had contained gasoline, and which; Alexander had bought on ber advice t remove grease from , hla ooat - With blanket and water Rutherford and Alexander extin guished the flames, but Carl died . Ie cember la. -! - , The chief learned from Alexander that the .brothers had agreed to Insure them selves each for the other's benefit, and that while Carl had. taken SI.eo Insur ance on his, life Alexander had none. BOLD DIAMOND THIEF V I ;: IN JAIL AT VANCOUVER ""'. (KperUI Plepatek e The Jeemel.) ' Vancouver, B. C, Feb.' levThe police have arrested Henry Hasaard of New Tork, charged with, the robbery of Me MHUn'a Jewelry store . last " Saturday evening; when the window waa smashed In and a tray of diamond seised at an hour ' whan the streets were thronged with shoppers.' -Haaaard attempted to sell tw onset -diamonds, and when ar rested a loaded revolver was found on hi person.. He had bean stopping at th Vancouver hotel, and waa leaving for Seattle when arrested. The police have not yet located the diamonds stolen in th robbery. - More arrests ' sr ex pected tO MlOW.' i'-VM - ;'W DAVIS SENTENCED TO ; . FIVE, YEARS IN PRISON 'v" (Bpertai Phosaa to Ta Imtl) . Pendleton. Or.. Feb. 1. Judge W. R. RUla this morning; sentenced ex-Deputy .Bheriff C P. Davla.- convlotad of em besaling It.xa of th county's money, to serve flv years la the penitentiary, and also to pay a fine of fl.4S.-. Tjavta attorneys aay that appeal may be taken t tha supreme court, but n plan have a yet been mad. Davla, wlahee to commence, serving th term at mce. A eertincat of probable cause. will not be nought. .The prisoner's bom bore Is is bis wife's name. . .1 la an. Lewie ny. . . HihuiiIMHI Ser.ire.1 -. - tDERSOIiOTIIER SL taut. Feb. There wss a le. e are in the wholesale district this X.T.i,.,. t'Ve.'-V.:: mm Uquor " Dsalers, Desperately Eastr to, 'Oust Word, Plan to Run the Democratic Prl- 5f marles by Fraud.' BOGUS REGISTRATIONS . PART OF THE GAME Many Known ai Republicans Are Thia Year , Registering : aa Demo 'crate, i Furthering : a Schema to Boost the : Weakest Candidates Onto That Party Ticket - ' : Hand and glove with tha liquor lnter eats. ths gamblers and the heelers of the old Republican machine, a handful of disgruntled Democrats ara striving fo prevent the reelection of Sheriff Tom Word. This they hope to accomplish by defeating hire In the Democratic primaries, believing ' that without . the nomination pt his party ha ctnnot be re elected. r ' , M. J. M alley, a north end grocer, hae been put forward as a candidate for the Democratvo nomination lor snenit, ana he is the Instrument with which it Is hdoed that Word defeat will be achieved. All the methods known in dirty politics ara ta be employed agalnat Word In the prlroerie and ample funds have been promised by the liquor Inter, eate, . By colonising voters, by stuffing the registration rolls and by buying votes th primaries are to no manipu lated so aa to make Malley the Demo cratic nominee, thus forcing Word either to abandon the fight or to run' a an Independent,- .'..' ' '.' ..'; ' " Doable Cross for atalley. : . . Malley Is a mere catapaw to draw tha chestnuts from the fire for the liquor dealers and their allies,' Ha has been deluded Into tha belief that the same support promised him for the primaries will be behind him In the June election, but to every one but Malley the play la too obvious to need explanation. . "All we want of Malley la to beat Tom Word In the primaries," said a saloonkeeper frankly. "We can't vote for Mailer In the June election. The next aherlff la going to be a Republi can,'' and be named th Republican can didate on whom the support of the liquor Interests will probably be ass ured, .. - . ' It la the hope of the anti-Word con spirators . that the . great . majority of Democrats In .' the county will fall v. register so a to vote at tha primaries. They recognls that Word I th choice of the party and that with a full regis tration hla ..defeat would be Impossible. Up to the present time the total regis, t ration of all parUea la about l.tpe, and It la estimated that not over toe or 9Q voters ara registered aa Democrat. , - Bhaaa Paw. Borate atop to Wis. ' . '. Investigation has brought to light the fact that la several Instance men .iden tified with the. liquor Interests, who have voted th Republican ticket for years, have registered thia year aa Democrats for th sols purpose of. vot ing for Malley In tha Democ ratio pri maries. It la an- open secret that the stuffing of the registration rolls thus begun Is soon to be carried on upon a much larger scale, and . aome of the north end prsctneta are expected to how a remarkable increase In Demo. emtio votes, ' , - . '. ' "We wlU spend I5.00 to beat Tom Word." aald a wholeaale liquor dealer several months ago, and It la said that a far larger aum will now be expended 1 there la any prospect of success. '"If-' Jo Malley la not being paid for running; against Tom Word ho la very foolish, for he oan have all the money he .want If he will take It." waa the eommant of a shrewd observer, of . the situation. ' - - .' ' - ;:,-., - Party Back af Word.-, 1 Without th support ef th liquor dealer and - th- allied - Interests, th opposition to Word In hi own party would be too Insignificant t. command serious attention, for It is confined to a corporal's guard f dissatisfied place hunt re and men who hoped to oa th sheriff for their owe selfish snde. There Is abundant evidence that with the rank and file at hla party Ward la atronger than be was two ye re ago, and among Independent Republicana the sentiment In his fsvor Is overwhelming, v - John Van - Zante. : chairman f the Democrat K county central committee, and a etrong supporter of Sheriff Word, summed up tha situation aa follows: - "Ths sola parnoae In pnttlng Joe Mal ley forward la to break word s back at th primaries. From tha standpoint ol the liquor dealers, any man rn the coun ty would be preferable to Word, but Malley la not the man they want for aberlff. Even If Malley could get the Democratic nomination, which la Impos sible, th liquor dealers would knife him In the election. Home Republican candidate, snore acceptable to .them, would get their support- ' Tom Word Is the only Demncrat , who can poaalbly be elected aherlff, and he will have the support of "(houasnda of the better class of voters Irrespective of party. A 'des perate effort, will be made to prevent him from getting the Democratic nomJr iConUnued sa Page Two.), A iLouGmmiims kissing il ' Washington Feb. llAn of- T licit! kitting list hat been ei X tabliihed for .the White House Z jaeddjngw Ingwtrth-viewed -X the long list of army' end nary officers, diplomats and other in- X vlted gueita and declared that If . they expected to kite the bride they would be disappointed. "Not on '. your life," he de dared, i i t v.v,.. ,., .- Surgeon-General Rixie joined fofcei with Nick. ' He eaid, that e indiecriminata L kitting would pre'ad -.diteaie. ' . ' L, V" -' . Alice'a pouta did no good and the finally lubmitted. The of ficial list it limited to the bride's . parents, ' bridegroom'! mother, the bridegroom, sitters and a . few, girl friends. .' .' 'A t .".v Jk MIM THRUST UNDER ICE : Bt HODEf Three-Year-Old Carried Strug gllng to Lake at Chicago by ., Veiled Executioners.1. 1 "J,..,'T. MYSTERY SURROUNDS ; ' HYDE PARK CRIME ;.'. t. fl '.'-'" Police Believe Occnrrence That Was , Witnessed by Two Bora Was Work - of Kidnapers to Get Rid of Witness or Heir to Property. ; .( v ' '. (Jearaal spartsl Servke.) 'i J Chicago, ' Feb. II. The entire police force of Hyde Park Is engaged on the mysterious disappearance of a rear old boy, who la thought. to have, been drowned In the lake yesterday afternoon by two women. That tha women were servants carrying out the orders of aome -one In authority galna belief from the fact that there haa been ao complaint at polio headquarter ef a missing boy answering the description, Two bar were playing near the edge of the lake and saw two women heavily veiled go out upon the ice late In tha evening, having between them a boy finely dressed and struggling te escape. The in went u a long pier, and eoon thereafter tha women came back alone, talking rapidly In a foreign language. One wa crying. Th police sr divided between two theories that the women were kidnapers destroying a witness, or that a dangerous hair to property was dons sway with. . ; ' STEAMER DOVONIAN IS , ASHORE OFF. SCITUATE ; .. !.' .. . fjesrssl Sperlel Berries.! Scituate, Mass.. Feb. li.Tbe steamer Devonian from Liverpool la ashore off"! here. , Four .. nrst-claaa passsngera, a doaen cattlemen returning from Kurope, where they took a cargo, and a crew of It are aboard. - ty ' ' Ktk'Jva Cfcctl;-;a". tl I (;;. I . I - v ' i. i ,v , . , , - , . . ., , l1' , Klcholss.' IfOBrwftJi., MMMM r in o;ie DAY Charles M. 8chwab Rsapa For , .1 -IT.- -'-....'-. " . f tune Speculating In Stocks ,of Tonopah Gold Mines.- STEEL MAGNATE COT 't ,r-V IN ON GROUND FLOOR Was Early Investor In District, Buy '"'ing Many Shares st Twenty-Five Cents Each That Ara Now Selling at Nearly Twelve Dollars sf Share. ;-.' . j-", Ueansl RpetUI Berrke.) -. Pittsburg. Feb. IS. Charles ' M. Schwab Is richer by a trine over 1 1.00s. 000 than ha was Tuesday morning. ' It waa all brought about by rise la the value of Tonopalf mining stock. When tha stock market opened yesterday, after having been closed down since Saturday on account of tha holiday, Tonopah ex tension waa. quoted at IS.SS. It Imme diately became active and continued ao Tuesday, . and ' Wednesday when - the market eloeed it waa selling at $11. SO. it- stopped soaring then because the ex changee closed. Brokers expect to see it keep going up.-- - 'Sohwab owns' the majority of the To nopah stock, IM.OOO share, so be cleaned up on tha ' present rise -just I1.1IS.7I0. ' Schwab wasone-wf -th first big men In the country to become Interested in Tonopah j and a great dsal. although not all. - of ' hla stock wss bought st Sf cents a share,' .i , FIFTY WOMEN; STORM ' : THE HOUSE COMMITTEE Washington. Feb. If -Flfty delegates te the recent Woman's auffrags conven tion stormed the house committee of Jndlolary today- Only Ave committee men wer present t Mrs. Ha rrU t Eager of Washington told the committee that tha women demanded . to hold authority which would place them above th po sition of supplicants. :; 7 j "! .iL' c mm o K illl Bf LE6ATIQCS Embassies of Forelsn Nations at Peking Notified That Dan- ; . ger Is Impendlng-rrJpef- ; ; mans Strengthen. GOVERNMENT SEEKS TO PLACATE FOREIGNERS Troopa Ara- Sent Away From Neigh ; ' borhood of Capital, aa They Cannot Be'Trusternby . Idarea - Ad ' miasion of Cooliea la Too High a , Price to Pay for Chinese Trade. . . ' I 1 " " (Jearaal apetial serrles.t -: ' ' . 1 Waahlngton, Fab. IS. Advices from London sre that a Peking correspondent ' wires the Time that all le cation guards have been - warned that danger la Im- ' pending. The aecretary Of the German legation baa obtalrfed an nddtttonai field -battery. The position In tha far east la becoming - increaa)ngly ugly. - Th trouble will probably spread from the . south to the north. - The government Is eager to save th dynasty and la seek ing to placet foreigner. . , - Viceroy TuanJBhi Kai oa pretense of . suppressing the Chonchuses, wh are absolutely quteaoent. I sending eta regi ments with artillery ta Chin Chow, tt ' la presume d thoreaa reason- for th Sla ps tch of tbeee troop la that the army Is honayoombed by secret societies snd , tha government wish to remove a dan gerous weapon from the neighborhood of the capital. - . ' ... . A number of cdneular reports are pub lished by the stats department today showing ths state of the Chinese boy" eott and the Injury It la doing American trade. South Chins, has been th storm center from ths beginning and continues to furnish the moat radical tendency. Singapore merchants ' are among the moat rabid.-. - . ' Th trade ef th Standard Oil com pany la nearly killed entirely and great quantities of oil aland untoochsd on th docks. The Singer , Sewing . Machine company snd tba .American. Tobacco company are heavy sufferers. .' Other foreign trade la suffering. If British and German influences started th boycott, th Instigators have been blown, up by their own petard. . The subcommittee of the .house com mittee on fore Ira affairs today dis cussed the Chinese boycott with Chief Clerk Denby ef the etate department being th main witness. Denby . wa . for year la China with hi father, who waa formerly minister to China. " Denby aald that the admission of cooliea will be too high a price to pay for Chinee trade, : BISHOP RETURNING. Praia ta Okag at : . ;..'' - la China : fJeerssl Boeelsl Servteat Delaware, O- Feb. It- BUshop ford of the Methodist Episcopal church at Shanghai will al for thl country In March and reach Saa Francisco about April U lie is In charge of th Meth odist mission work la Chin and ta ex pected to tour the missions before Ball ing. , .. ' ':.,,,-.' V ARMS ARE SEIZED. ' Weapons ana, . - f . t Jesnsl l Peking. Fen. IS- Officiate of th ChW government have gone to T ark- hand. . Chines in Tarkestani have tw eelved two cannon and l.eoa carMneav . t.0 sheila and over l.eee,eo cartridge shipped from Otraaay, whieh -war seised by customs eOcera, who notified th government. . ' OREGON GUARD MAY GO. Oregon Spatilab-American war vet-' erans who s me lied powder during the sklnnmhea IA th Philippine Islands and ara still members of the National Guard may again experience .that cessation la China, thinks Adjutant-General W. K. Flnser. He said thia afternoon that tt would not - surprise him In ' the leaet abonld th government find It neceeeary to call for volunteer troops to aaaist la suppressing . ths "boxer" , uprisings la the flowery kingdom. . "And when sojdlers ethers than the regular are oalled for." continued the general. "I expect to feee th National Guard of Oregon. Washington and Cali fornia called upon first. In that eve! wa will see 'aome more active serv-t but fsriiier east then t-e .'-- v "Personally or c " eelved no word or war department r blllty of or I nli 'i vo'-'-' ie tr i.