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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1906)
' . - I -il V-. 4- GOOD EVEITillo - ... -f-r"; - rqr ; , t . . : . , . - the wsat::. ' J T f 1 - JP ,-fc.fIX.'ll,L. aVl ' Probably light rain or enow to- night and Wednesday; easterly winde. . - vci. iv no. c::. Fulton Introduces an Amend ; mentto Sundry Civil Bill Mak- ing Appropriation for Con . ; sit tinulng Jety Work. BILL GOES FIRST TO . . f v v COMMERCE COMMITTEE Xongworth Bill Carrying. Five Mil. lion Oollara for Pnrcnaaing Ground for BuQdingi for Legation Abroad "; Adopted by pommittet on Foreign ' Affairs -.! "J ' 'if' Waablaaton; D. i, Fb. 11. Senator Fulton today Introduced an amendment to th'"aundry civil bill appropriating tlOO.tOO for - contlnulna" Improvementa at tha mouth of , tha Colambla lirer. Tha bill 'will o to tha commrca com mlttaa mad Baiuttor Fulton will endeavor to eecure . favorable report by -the time the anncfry dvll bill cornea from UUbV i I - rthe houaa. f ;,'. . "V, . Tha Xnw6rth,tim,arrylnf t8,9, ," appropriation for around, for bulld I' Ing- for legatlona abroadt waa adopted .T'ttj lhe romminee on foreign agalra thla mornlnc ' '- - . ;, . - The war department eonflrtne-the re ' port that another reglnJent la. golne; to tha ( orient. . , It Will probably be the . Twenty-aUth lnfahtry, .-Additional a ' - aela will go. toiUiiatlo atatlona. Tha Oregon la now at Hongkong. ;--trr -----Speaker Canhon r called ; Hepreaenta tlva Long-worth to the cbalr. today and ' he preelded for to . mlnutea . ;. . -r ; ! BIG SUPPLY DEPOTV; leieraipaait riannragt faaetten Pt2J ' -VaMM SmiUlar M hMrto.' 'Vki!. I Jnornal HnMat Kerrtre.! ; T Waahlngton.'D. C, Feb. 1J. Quarter - ; maater-Oenerat Humphrey aaya In re - gard to the property off Black Point, : Ban Franoiaoo, between low-water mark and tha boundary of tha bay, now In ; ' litigation between the government and the Freeman helra, who claim It. that - " if the government Wlna the Intention la V t acquire additional land in that vl- cialty. and. build a big depot for the quartermaater, aubalatence and - medl : cal departmenta of the army and also build transport docka. .t.-,. ' -. - - - - ' - sr. - ' AID FOR JAPANESE. C', r.i VraaUaw Saavea Appeal L Feopla for Faaalae : iJMraMl Hneehil Bervlea.l - ; ' t Waahlngton. R C, Feb. 1. Tha ' preaident thla afternoon laauad an p -' -.peal to the American people 'for con " trlbutUma to aid the faralne-etrlekea . people of Northern Japan. . ,'v ; , : ,; IVILUALl IVILUAMS H.tlSEO FGHIIKLlOEIli tVictim 'Vcff Law ' Vengeance , .Spends Final Hour Writing f J Story of Hie Ufe (Jearaal twelal Service.) V Mtnneapola. Minn.,' Feb. II. William Wllllama, aged 18, condemned to death for tha murder of John Keller, aged la, ' and bta mother,, of St. Paul, laat April, waa executed by banging in the Rameey county jail in St. Fan! early thla morn lg.;.- .!"'' ' - ,' -r Chder the new law, which prohibits : the preaence of apectatora at any bang ' Inc. excepting the efflciala of the court .and 'Jail, the membera of the jury and . aome other ' legal 'Wltneaaea, - Sheriff i Mleaen refuaed permlta to hnndreda of - persona wha, wlehad to be present at the hanging. . The preparations for the hanging had been made vry carefully and there was po the. least hitch in the ' proceedings " - During his eonflnement In the Jail Williams wrote a history of hla life, , "which aorers 11 fkgea of closely written manuscript. ; The history has-been re Vised by Sheriff Mleeen and wilt prob ably be published for the benefit Of the hairs of tha executed murderer. Wlll- i lams met his fat" with stoical reslgna- ' tlon and alvpt well the night before his execution. ' '.v-'.-i-y. , -;- -' : BRITISH UNEMPLOYED : SHIPPED BY. ROTHSCHILD V'f "'' Wssraal tHl Senwe." ' ." i' ' txmdon, Feb. IX The lirst contingent f British emigrants to be sent to Canada tinder tha scheme formulated by Lord Rothschild smiled fnr the dominion today. -The party consists of M famUles and It Is planned-1 to send three Umee that lumber later In the apiing. ' At the expense of tord Rothschild - the eml- - grants'! are "provided with clothes and ' food, the coat of their pasaagea and sums l of money to guard against emergencies. " The . total coat of each adult hi placed at KSe, which ' la to .be repaid In 'In stallments. In selecting .Hie families ' earefyl attention hla been given to the state of their health., their respectability and qualification for life m the doaiin- - Ion. JTht nucceca of the arherae, will be. awaited with much Interest, aa It Is regarded as a basis for the soluiioa of the anemployed problem in Ureet lirltaln. Our Popular ' ' .--.4. t- r-v-T- r . . x i i 1 V' 1 11 t I y':'. WHrV13'-;t WL W I'll I Mill 1 w f W1 IVY AAV rt- ; d iYo 5 ,MXhi&Uriprttthhnie& iSCf cs ,s 6 Thomas F. , ?an. . ' j rr e. 7 -tr-r-rr-in-T-. ',;?7itfr;v.;VsaiiV'n.''li:'-.D'-'nalmear . J ' t ". A ' I wen a weighty, gentleman of over thret-scort yeart . - v- ' ' strive-., - ; , ,i ' i -V;'' -'- think I am tbetaddeaf afld'the'-maddest naa alhre.- ; 5.- - ;" ' W'Yott'l r inturanee boss ; my heart was filled with jpy,'1 ; "T 'C?" ,' ii.-W!Trfr; But all the job I ever got wag )ha of office , v -' - ' "ft ' 5 :f. V?'""''": ( ; fVtt- ff.l ' . . ' ' .' . .; m ;i';;i'M'f " ; " lof ; , ' ,J inoiiKif my "c was-rsiscu su iujii t am sure uiai . vj suu 4 , . , . , . V-Ui'; a -v f'"' VK w M tnet'tnejr "donate-godd' .and, trofiff.''- , ' T' ' ' A', ".'.A' ii'v.v.';"''l' -w''.' v ':-t' f- ' i ''4S ' i- 7- j-.. He ahookwrth strong .emotion, aa in sad despair he said, - v - . - t.;., &i?'?it'i';'K ?. l:boo$tt4 A..&tktt, and li tnrned ut good and dead: ,'' 'IT . ... .- ' i I uui that Va1a' and Fancies waa a veT nohle hook. '. -l -' - . Aj And twxt day all the papers said the same was on the erootr. L 4 ". 1 ' 1 .Tr,'',r1!:A:i XvTAa he says this, upon his cheek appeared the blush of shame; - . V ' : V l i- j He hid face inside his hands and these words did exclaim: . , , , , s . . r ' ;-.i:.;r;3'V::-i'r''r : -CHORUS, -. 'v- fi-"- -" - , T DEAVERS SEflT TO PEHITENTIARY - Former Superintendent of the Poetoffice Department Given Two Yeara Sentence. v 't flE PLEADS GUILTY TO v , CRAFTING GOVERNMENT V, Conspired With State Senator .Green of New York to Sell Time Locks for Use on IfaQ Box Will Join liachen. v.. . - '. ! 1 (Jearaal Mpeslal SerrkaJ Washington, - Feb. , 11. tieorge W. Beavers,'; former superintendent' of salaries and allowances of the postofAce department, thla morning pleaded guilty of conspiring with former fttate Senator Oeorge K. Qreen of New Tork to defraud the government in connection with - the sale of time-recording devices to the postal 'department. , ' lie waa sentenced to, two yeara In the MoundsvlUe (West Virginia) penitentiary by -Justice Gkntld Of the criminal court..'.. . - ; " - .'' Every.-technical means known to" the law was exhauated by - the aeeuaed former official to escape or ."defer his trial, which he sucoeeded In etavlnv off for two years. The Indictments against Ileavers and Green charge conspiracy to defraud the United States In connection with furnishing the ' postofdee - depart ment with time locks py ' . ' . - The me were Indicted as the result of Investigations made Into the affairs of the postal department by aecret serv ice men under the direction of Assistant Posfntaater-ileneral Brlstow. Others in-' dieted In connection with - postal graft are A. W. aiaehen ' and Qeorga ' K. Iorens, now . - aervlng sentence ' at MoundsvlUe. . ' , 1 , , cLUSTow;:ru.A::uTa ; V cfjciud. J3rcu;;D Uoorsal Kpxiaf asrrV.t ' Augusta. Oa-.,Feb. IS. John D. Rock efeller, who has beein missing so far aa the publle la eoncerned since December last, had rnfagnd room a. o4l la thla city amKJa expected to arrive to morrow. . , , . t .'- .--w-"--- is - " , f PORTLAND. OKTGOtJi 'TUESDAY EVENING. ' FEBRUARY and Personal Oaprright. 106. ky W. B. Beant.) f. fisjS-'''7'' ; i Iforcfs are , ft 0. : P. Belmont, r crea tney nave joiuea me aiong, TO SAVE : D017IEITIE , 'V. Supplic&tiona of Ten Thousand ': People of Zion Do Not Stay t-r.-X the Hand of Death. .. . ' r PRETTY PRINCIPAL DISS ' , FROM ACCIDENTAL BURNS All ; Medical Attention la-'. Denied Young Woman," According to tha ; Dowi Creed Had Tlimsy Party Dreaa on Which Caught FlreJ-'t '; )J e. . i .' . . , 1' ' v" . r "4 t ' ' (Joamal nrertsl gsrrke.l " ' . . Waukegan, III., Feb. 1. While 10.90 residents yf Zion City . were . offering prayers fur' ethe recovery of Kstella Smitlf. Aha, pretty: principal of Zlon's school, -who' waa writhing In terrible pain from accidental bdrna, ahe passed away, thla morning. All medical atten tion waa. denied -the - girl, the Zion restoration hosts arguing that It waa God's will that ahe be burned and- it rested entirely with him. whether or not ahe recovered. . j v- I.:. Kind neighbors. Who believed. In help ing Ood and snan, covered her burns with ointments and oil and did what they- could without exciting -- too much hostility. Deacon Naweomb Indignantly denied that the girl was neglected. - "United - prayese of Zloa were offered for her." be said. .- "These prayers pro longed her life." . - -, Miss Smith waa burned by the -explosion of a lamp that' threw the flaming fluid ever her flimsy party dress. Dowles daughter was Burned In a simi lar manner a few years sgo and died In terrible, agony, the first apostle sternly forbidding medical attention.. .-. r ; l TUG RA?.?S A DAHCH THREE LIVES AHE LOST t ." '. v. '. - : rjsenst Sfr4.i gsrvtee.l New Tork, Feb. . At lesst' three Uvea are believed to have been loat thla morning when a railroad, freight barge at the dorks In the river was ram mod try Ibe tug (In segn. The barge broke Into two- eertlone, one Of which- sunk.-! The crew was accustomed to sleeping aboard PRAYERS TAIL the barge, .. , ft , Song Bureau STAGGERS A HILE BADLY riAriGLED Albert Laweon Blown Forty Feet v In Air While Thawing Pow-' . ? der.Near Arlington. - iv -,' t-'f -.Tf - ' ' ' " . -'- - 7. WILL LOSE RIGHT EYE i- ! '.BE MAIMED . FOR LIFE Foreman-of. Construction Gang of Nerth Bank Railroad Terribly Ia- Jured and May Lose Hla Lifa by 'Accident- ;'''";"-;:- ' - (Sperlsl plspateh te The Josrasl.) , '"r . The Dalles, tr-, Feb, II. Albert taw son, a Swede, "aged 19 years, unmarried, and, foreman of a blasting gang on the new railroad on the north bank of tha Columbia - opposite -', Arlington. . wse brought to The Dalles hospital this morning In a terribly mangled condition. He was - thawing, dynamite yssteruVy afternoon at o'clock, when an ; ex plosion occurred,' blowing out bis right eye end mangling the left arm. cutting two bo)ce in the left side of his chest and puncturing the muscles of tbs abdomen. Dr. Speckle, the physician In ehargs of the men on the north bank of the river, brought him down on an early morning train and placed him In tha hospital. ' Although ' suffering from these Injuries the physicians at the hos pital think he will very likely recover, although he will go .through life In a maimed, condition . - , v The accident .occurred at Young strom's camp on the north bank 'rail road opposite Willows., Lawson was Uowoi 40 feet but waltud One mile after the Injury. Dr. Steckler, the company phyahJan, brought the Injured mas to The Dalles. . ' . -r -'-' ;..-' . C --. ' O. B. a W. OU Taato '. ' ertsl fHspaten te Tk IwmII Umatilla, Or.. Feb, II. Wwrk haa be gun, on the O. R Jt. oil Unks at this place which will be . usd f or storing fuel oil te be used On s niwr of en gines which will be eq'ilpted fr burn ing oil on the rortlsr il-l matllla dlvl aumjtt Anot.hvr taa wju he built at Arlington and - one e Tin Dallas. ' , - . . . .... ...!'" . .. . .c. t .-. t. . - t ... .. ; ,. - t " 13, . 1906. FOURTEEN PAGES.; ORE TRD0.nS L DAILEV DIES, WIFE Au, ' . ' . , .' -t ' t y ' ''.". - . .". ' "" ' " 7--r . r : ... .-, ? - ' ' fl ; - .. . ' ' '-'. .. I j I i s..:.'-'- ist -.;--.... ' War Department Making Prep aratlont to Send Another Reg V a ' ' t m 1 m 1 flaaa te t-- . imem ot imanxry xo mil- . j Ippine lalahdt. . r VIEW WITH ANXIETY SITUATION IN CHINA : V - - - ' - Chines Governrnent Encouraging ' Boycotters In Their Efforts Against America .Twenty-Sixth Infantry, Stationed in Teaas, Will. Irobably Co Long Campaign Planned For. , . ': . (Jsaraal Bneek-l flervlee.1 'Washington, . Feb, II. The war : de ment Is making preparations to send another regiment of Infantry to the Phlllpproea la anticipation of an out break la China which necessitates armed Intervention, There Is no sffort either by the war or state department to con ceal the ' faot ' that . the administration regards the situation In China - with grave analety and la deeply apprehen sive of having to make a campaign there during tha coming summer, ,' Advices from the orient are of, so disquieting-effect that ItTia largely established that the Chinese govsrn ment. while not perhaps actually aiding HTTHrnievopmenr r the antl-forsign eenttment, baa not exerted Itself to pre. vent the spread of tha antl-Amarloaa boycott- notwithstanding tha publication of numerous proclamations by viceroys. It is related that Incidents all tend to show the unsettled conditions that eslst hi different provinces, : - .Definite cholos of a new .regiment te go out has not yst been made, but it wilt likely be the Tweaty-slxtk infan try stationed la Texas. It will be sent to ons of ths brigade posts near Manila and will be held in readiness fnr Imme diate dispatch to China should the smer geney arteet The Second Infantry, which la one or the two regiments choaen for this service, baa already arrived at Ma nila, and the transport which earriad It te being held there for uae In case the troops are ordered to China. ' Transports which eairy out other . regiments will also- be held at Manila for, emergency use. ' .. , ! , The war department la looking ahead. at the possibilities ef a long campaign and collecting auppllea of winter clothef tng. wnmn win be neia at Ban Fran elsoo. whence they can be; forwarded If necessary, The' probability of war la Europe. which ' would leave America the Only power with a free band to protect for eignere Id China. Is also a factor In the situation.':",..-..-'., .,..-,,','';,' , LEAVE TO FIGHT. Chinese Soldier Boys DrUled la Oakland , Blip Back te ratherlaad. , , Hserssl Speetsl Bervlee.t" - . ' OakUnd. .'Feb. II. Chinese - soldier boys, whom SUlph J.- Fsneuf, a elerk In the Oakland postofftoe, drilled ' for many months last year under the sua pices of ths Chinese Empire Reform aaaociatlon, are oommencMg to slip back to the According to a re port circulated here today,- they are re turning under argent call from the lead era ef that movement at borne. - .. Coming directly upon the sensational announcement that bloody times are coming la China within the next few weeka, - the departure, of the trained Mongolians Is of Important significance. NEW EXCLUSION LAW. I West Beniee Xepreeentatioa en Coaualt- tee rxajmiag' Ohiaeee - Ilsoraat gDertal ervles.t Washington. D, C, Feb.. 11. Ths bouse committee on foreign sffalra Is now confronted with he problem of how to exclude the Chinese without at tending China. 'The president haa re quested the committee to frame a bill that will' smooth down the anger or the Peking government and at. the same time keep out coolies. - It Is remarked as pecullar-"tlt--Speaker Cannon has placed no member on this committee from the district rsrtner weai man Iowa, Cousin of Iowa being the repre sentative of the' farthest west. , i j . REVOLUTIONISTS SENT - - TO SIBERIAN PRISONS ' - . A ', ';'A ' (Joaraal spseial gervkw.V' - -St. Petersburg. Feb, II.--Eight hon- dred revolutionists were sent to Siberia this morning, the first of I.SOO of the most dangerous, Insurgents the govern ment expects w uwyvr.- -The Novoe Vremya In a. bitter article from America, printed today says that President Roosevelt Mntends to- seise an Island In northeastern Siberia, taking advantage, bf- Russia's weskness fol lowing the wsr. ' !-,,;,' Persistent rumors of an attack soon to be made by the revolutionists who are said to be maaalng for an onalahgot.on tha capital have, caused the most ex traordinary precautionary measures to be taken by the authorities and heavy artillery Is guarding all main ap proaches to the city.' 'x ' . Lone Creek Officials. 1 ' - . ' Splat Plepate te The Journal.) . Long Creek, Or., Feb, II. The follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing year In the Iong Creek city election I Mayor. Frank KAhler; councllmen, O. W. Caldwell. W. - II. Crowley, S. t IlardlHty nd Joe. Llrtder;. recorder, V. O. Kelly; Maraiial. Sylveater Ulnton, and treasurer, U. 1. &avls , . PRICE TWO . ii William Dailey, the Only Member of ' That Unfortunate Family Who Es- H caped-Unhurt, 'i " - . : v WORKS 00 17IIILE Mrs. I Hamilton Brooke, Doing - Fancy Work In Kitchen, Idly ; . Watohea Crowd. Gather. ,v -: FlUALLY:? MAW RING3 f ; BELL AND. TELLS HER Rushing Out of Doors She Sees Roof of v Horns' In : Flames Passerby Turns in Alarm and Firs Depart" ment Puts Out Blue. ' ; , -... f . " ' -f .- - . i-. ' ,; 'r V V;.; Too deeply absorbed In her 'work to grasp , tha Import' of the shouting and wild gesticulating which all har neigh bors suddenly began to Indulge in, Mrs. Hamilton -Brooke, who lives at. Couch and Twentieth streets, bat calmly doing fancy work while, her bouse waa burn ing. over her bead, , She glanced, through her window at the esclted and animated crowd that gathered and wondered- If they had suddenly- become howling Per VlsbeS 'or Joined the Holy Rollers. Bhs waa supremely -obllvlooe of the -faot that anything was transpiring that con cerned her until a pedestrian rang the front door .hell and doffing hla hat po litely Informed her that the house was on fire. ' " ' .'. ' Mrs.' Brooke rushed out of doors and discovered that the whole top of the structure waa wrapped In flames. Shs immediately ran and called for her-hua-band, .while a passerby turned In a fire alarm. The fire deparSment responded quickly and ' In . half an 'hour had the fire out It Is believed that the fire waa started by a spark falling upon the roof from aome neighborhood chimney. The flames were confined to ths roof.- A portion of' It was burned sway. K The plastering and a portion of the contenta of the . houae were badly .damaged "by ter. ' The total loss Is estimated at about floe. '.- 1 ,.'; ' ' Mrs. Brooke says ahe. was busy do ing fancy work In ths kitchen- when she happened, to' glance out - and -saw sev eral men . p the - nekt block,' geatlcu latlng and shouting. -i . I not Iced others berln' to -run 'to ward out house and shout,' but I had no Idea there 'was anything -wrong here. I Just aaf there -working away until I heard' the front door bell ring.' When I answered It man stood . there and he Informed me that' my house' was burn ing down. ! didn't dream of there being a Are' until he told 'me. and '1 ran out and aaw the'' whole roof In flames." - The cottage is one of several between Washington and 'Couch streets on Twen tieth street,' which are ' ewned - by the beard of school trustees' ef the Episcopal church. . ' The cottages were formerly used In connection with the Btsbos Soott academy.' ' ' . . -' :- SCHOOLTEACHER Flf.EDu FOR WHIPPING A COY ,;'-. (Sesrial Mspateh S The Jmrn.l.i. Vancouver, Wash.,- Feb. II Miss Bessie. 8plnsogle,. a school a teacher at Amber, this eounty, was fined IS and costs by the Rustics of the peaee .for whipping a Boy attending her ' school. Tim causa of all the trouble la thw 13- year-old eon of J- D. McOee. - Mlas Bpinsoa-le-has -returned to her school. It Is not known what action. if ' any, will be taken by the school board. ' ; '. .f ' --x -; ! , Kn. BeMlev Za IMM. '", ;'.;''. ' . Ijoarasl 0pseta gsrvlce.) "' .Chicago. Feb. II. Mrs. FannU Bloom field Zelaler, the famous pianists. who haa become a victim of melancholia and who suddenly left her home and as auddenly returned after wandering about the city until exhausted yester day evening, is to be. taken to a sana torium aa soon as practicable. Immedi ately upon her return yesterday evenrcf she was trVen to footn. vthere sue went te slvcp. i HOUSE DURnS CENTS. n&SAPZl r Father of .Unfortunate Fam:!y Expiree at St. Vincenfe Hoe--pital ThTiTMo'mlng--Herrlbly '':7- Burned and Inhaled Fire. FIFTH IN LIST OF FIRE V VICTIMS PASSES AWAY Persistent Rumors That Other Bodies Remain , In Ruins One Body StiU . Remains at the Morfus Unident- jfled-Other Be Mri. CochranSearch of Debris. " ' - ti !. . Dailey, father of the unfortu nate family that was almoat extermi nated yesterday, la fifth la the list bf those who lost their- lives In the fire that devastated a whole block at East Morrison and Water streets, causing ss- ' rlouo. Injury to nine and rendering a score of people homeless. Mr. Dailey expired at St. Vincent's hospital at 1:80 o'clock ' this morning. He was taken there soon after be escaped from the flaraea yesterday morning with his wife snd son. Floyd. An s-yeax-old boy was left behind and 'perished. Another son escapea -unlajured.- Dalley waa badly burned ahsnt th. bead and body and Inhaled the flamea. At Bt. Vlnpnr It , d ths t-Mrs. ' Dailey and her eon Flora an In a orltlcal condition and may die at any time. . Mrs. Dailey was burned about the heaii -and face, while bar son suffered various burns and received Internal In juries. Other victims are said to be re covering from their Injuries. . Ths body of the aged woman who perished In the flamea has been Identi fied as that of Mrs. Cochran, ii years ef age, grandmother of Harry Cochran, proprietor of the saloon under the Alpine rooming-house.' The body of the other unfortunate la atUl unidentified. ; ., ' " "Mar- e More ta Bniaa. : . ' Persistent rumors are to the effect that more bodies are still hidden, be neath' the mass of ' dabrla and ruins. Firemen and others .declare that while rescuing -. persons . from the lire they1 heard other, people calling for help and know that all of those who cried for assists noe ware not rescued. Assistant Chief Holdeo, however, declares today tnat ail DOdtea nave been recovered from the ruins. All -occupants of ths burned buildings have, been accounted for, he ' says. -The search for missing and dead wilt be oontinuod until the great pile of ' charred ruins haa been thoroughly Inspected.-. - .r , - . Ira . Cooper, proprietor' of the Alpine lodging-house, i declared this morning that be -bad positively sccounted for , every . person living at his place. On - the other band, ' Polloemaa 1L E. Parker, who aays - that he was tbs . second man - upon the . scene, de clares that he beard at least three or four women crying for belp from the Alpine rooming-house, and that the structure collapsed before they had a chance to make thetr escape. If te policeman la correct more bodies will be found In the debris Just north of the eastern approach ef toe Morrison street bridge. , - , Policeman Parker, who Is positive It t three or four women lost their lives In the fire, and whose bodlaa have not yet -been recovered, .thla morning told the followlng'storyc " :'. t..''r ? . ' r SCeara Famale Tetoes. . "I was the seennd man to reach te fire. ' While standing on the eastern ap proach ef the bridge, I distinctly beard female voices coming from the Alpine rooming-house, -calling- for help. - One woman yelled msrey several times. I will never forget her agonising cry ss long as I live. From another direction came the . shrieks of the imprison" 1 horses la the stables of the Kast fc :e Transfer - company. -The flamea h t reached the poor beasts and they were making frantic efforts, to eacaoe- Their cries, ef pain could be heard eoove the roar of the flames.'. In their f ntlc ef forts to eecape they tried 'to i-.i'k down their btalla. and the cracking of timbers ' wa mingled with the sputtering . ef flames. It waa an awful alght ' - - "The beat en the bridge was so In tense that I could not stand there.- It waa Just before I left that I heard the women In the Alpine house calling for hslp and screaming out in their agony. A moment later the building collapsed and the women's cries were drowned in tae roar ef the flames as they leaped a hundred feet into the air, lighting the heavens and sending myriads of spsrks and flaming ambers skyward, which were carried over the river like - so many stars en the breeae which was blowing at the time." -f - MenMvtnr' Csyhriav ". v i 'Work of remevlnsr the' debris waa be gun thla morning. The work will be prosecuted slowly and cautiously until the searching parties have been con vinced that there are no mora bodies In the ruins. A special gang of workm n. In the employ ot the East Side Tra -for company, began the gruesome ts thla morning ef removing the csres- of the horsea that perished In the nr - r The remain of the animals tout i -Ished were gathered in a heap an-1 mated on the spot where they mt death. Permission for t---r r was secured from the rv I fleer. Such dlrpos'tlon of t garded as the quickest an! i able method. It la annottneed t" ' building the burs' at once. Jose, h 1 heaviest loser as the t will erect. It Is sl '. a building at the rorr-r ' ' and Water slree i. f e ' 'I I