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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1906)
r 1 i ( ?! V n ''v--:" - .' TII3 OHSSOIT U.. J-'Jr.I.V.L, k ..... - ... gppgp : r" --.L vi if - j -. v - 0 i-T tjn At tn fiduitt Verqoaa Oraaealesaay. Heeae O'lftll I "rirM of t. iaeV't Tm ' Saj. "Mutit"i Wolmiir autlM, -"Ua(4"; WManxUr lht, "Muaa . Vou"; Thnrwtar. CrU B. .Ha tnrA la "Tha Taailu it tba nin'l ; rrliUl, MMalla" ialnraaf Biatla, , H MiKtl ! Taalaa"! ftatartfay alibi, coisar." .. Ulllputtaa w tammj la A Oalatf (llrl' i ftinitar. MowUf ' aa4 TaMla , atcbU. "Tna alaaa', . WadaUf aiallna id Tkaradar altbt "A Ult "UWi Frldar alaal iM Xlar4a MU : aaa, ''Aa Aawrlraa Mllltnaalra." atar laiuaa imoom uirw iw- l.ri, "Onf Olrla. ' , Piiiiih VnlTllla. Oraaa Vaaovrllla. v Btar-TaaarUa. . ORTLAND potU tpatit lait Mk for. vrand opar and. eomadj v a!iougtanioiivir tav" buy avaral J -f i Irani raai ai propany n Tan- Jacton atraot - It U aatlmatad that tba : a para ttokala. aold brought 110,000, nJ that aria fourth as much want for ooro- j a4jr., Twanty-flva tbouaand dollar la .; ona wak for arauaamanta at n thaa k . tra! . Ito thla aura thara la addad tha ,- i tneoma of a waak'a bli bualnaaa at tha Bakar and Bmplra, - vhara prloaa ara j' la war,- and tba tnonar paopla. apant to J ' malodrama at tha Lyrlo and auda- villa at tha BUr. Grand and Pantavaa, -w , tha a tun total la etarUlncly larca. How javan thoM wha look upqn Ufa andtta - f frtvolltlea from adollar-and-anU atand .' 'point' may taka eonaolatlon In tha ra ; flaotloa that mora thaa. half of tha to .' tal rattt for antartalnmanf that ahauld a rraroaa rauar aa aoueauonai. ipaa amualnf. .-. :-- ... - 1 . Tha- arand-aaara) eaaa. ap to npata 4lona, and parhapa did mora. It had not fean axpactad that thara would ba any (raat volcaa, and thara war Bona, but ach of tha principal parta In aaoh of tba oavral aparaa araa'cradluMy taMn. and tha - parf ormanoaa. v on tha whola, wara antlroly aatlafaetory. "la addition. f - tha ehoroa and tha orebaatra wara far bayond axpactatlona and provldad, par- hapa, tha baat-likad faataro of tha op ara aaaaon.- Manatar Panda haa proin . taad that naat yaar Portland ahall hava X Brand opara for a Whola waak, and tha f Indication ara that It win ba patronlaad 1 aa anrouatT a waa. .tha aamcla of- farad thla yaar. . 1 , v .? . Pollowlns tha opara, 'thara cama to thaMarguara quit a dlffarant attrao tlon. bat ana in Ita way ayary Wt a i marltorloua "Tha County Chairman," la ttaalf a araat eomady. waa anaeted by a company ao rnara!ly good that tha performana waa .thorauchly ana ' Joyad by avary ona who attandad. ...... .... a a. Nanoa TNall, who haa aatabllahed Tf . baraalf firmly la tha iut aa a traca- dlana of unuauaj ability,, and haa a-; 't lara-o paraonal. followlna; In eltlaa In "which aha haa playad, eomaa to tha Ifarquam la rapartolra, baginnlnc; ta Baoraow alaht ..; '? 1. Aftor Mlaa CNall'a anrarataant. 1 Charlaa B. Hanford. a atudloua actor, will occupy tha Marquani for tha reat of tha waak. praaantln Bhakaapaaraaa r ' t tvala on Thuraday and Friday araalnva and Saturday aftarnoon. and 'Infomar 4-'. Saturday nlfht " : ,- Tha Bakar off ara tha Tankaa fioodla Olrla In burlaMua, and at tha Bmplra r tho.Pollarda ,wlll follow p a waak'a . aueoaaa . wt a aeoond waak, of light SMALL TALK OF 8TACE PEOPLE.' v'v 5';,' Tha part of Mfml In "La Boheina" waa playad at tha Matropolltan-opara houaa In Mew Tork laat waak by Mlaa Beaaia Abbott, who formarly aang coon aonga to her pirn banjo aeeompanlmant : ',. in a, -aiatav team in Vaudeville. 8 he ' . advanced nest to a place la tha. bur .. laequaa "14I1" and 'Vhrlatopber Col urn ; boa Jr.," and now to the grand opera at tha Metropolitan. And Alice NleUen ' 1 Bang "Zertlna' la Don Giovanni. . . William GUIbtta. who recently returned from abroad, haa bit awn opinion of tha " London cigar. . . V' Tha Brltlah ' tobacconlat doe not f know how te keep good elgara." ha aald '" ' to a friend recently, nd, in addition. oa have to payr two prloaa tor anything fit to amok. . la London the elgara ara . allowed to become ao dry that they ara " ,' brittle and load what good qualltlee they , might have poaaeaaed whan anade . Oliver Deud Byron, who recently ao 4 h aBtd an angagament In "Tba Man en the Boa." celebrated hie fiftieth yaar aa - --tan actor ag- laat wunday waak.-T """ " ' . . , . - Clyde Fitch haa bought acre In , Weatoheater county. New York, and will . ' build nlmeelf a houao there. Aftar it bring reported that aha ia - landed to rnumt her comic opera ca - tmr. Madame Hchumann-Helok .haa ' .'. ' te Knrope. 8 be la to alng a ueuel v at Bayreuth In the annual Wagner fea , . ; tlval. and aflorwarda la London, Whan . ah retuma home aha call tha United gtatea home now aha la going on a : . ,. roooert tour. Madamea ' venture Into mlo opore araa not 'altogether forto ata, aa It aema te have Joat to her the plar alia liad In grand opera.' ' . A alt an Uroudwajr. Xew. Tork, (or TJA7JCE O'MBZLJL AT TUB S. the bonreld National theatr waa bought laat week for 1710.00, .. Play of modern - time are to ba paaaed on by a committee on faahiona and manner, and apeotal effort la to ba made to have ooetumee and acceeaorle yepreaent -exactly th period of the play, Tha atock oompany for the theatrical performanoee I to ua Engllah entirely. Beveral of the beat Greek tragedian ara ta be -presented,-and thaeev e watt other play In foreign languagea, will be tranalated and preaented In Engllah. Tha American dram will receive' en- couragement and comic opera jrlll ba preaented twloe a week. In tha theatre there are te ba thirty bosea arranged In tha bape of a horee ho. The owner of each box ta to pay 1100.000 for It. and they ara to be tha property of the buyera In perpetuity. Tha hold era of thaaa boxea are to be aa- neoted by a committee, which la to en- deave 40 ckooee peepla ef .undoubted octal ataiidlng. ' It IB th Idea of tha originators of th National theatre to eliminate tha a pecu lator , y popular aubaorlptlona. The .theatre la to be oomplated in time for th eeeaon of 1101, when there ara to be 10 weak, of play and. opera, t Ten separate productlona will ba giv en. Tha hlgheet prioe for a a eat at ona of theaa performance la to ba II. and th loweat It I hoped that In th 1101 aeaaon It will be poeelble to In crease th number ef playa. Bis hun dred aeata at II eenta, each will ba re served for atudenta. s At a little Broadway dinner tha other evening the talk fell upon a well-known emntlont) aotrea famoue for har real latlo j acanee of atormy- wryplng and aelf-abaMement ' 1 remember aaklng her ona night. aald an actor of the party wha had long known the actreea In queatlon, "If these big acenaa did not tire her fearfully. We-were standing In th wing,, by th way, Juat aa aha. waa preparing to go an for one of the moat strenuous of them. , ".'Bless 1 you. no,' she laughed. 1 don't feel them after ward; why I can cry at will over any thing. I couldvcry over a newapsper t cry over that ilttle-Lorat Lesion buttonTT" tnt- aould aooompllah o owhauv it TsTarC'wZSnVln KJ J HZ your coat Bee here,' and fixing her eyea n my-ooat lapel, aba began repeating over and over again with the' tendereat. most pathetlo accent. Dear, dear little out ton 1 roor mtie button in tea sec onds two big teare rolled . down her cheek, than two more, her lip quivered. her voice ahook and melted into perfect ecataay of grief. .Half a minute later ah was laughing at my amaaement, and a raw moment afterward - aha waa on the atage at tha height of ona af her erlaeo." . ' , V ... ,v , ' ' H. B. Irving, th son of tha lata Sir Renry Irving, will make a tour 'of thla oountry next aeaaon as a Schubert star in "Light Out." Now it is reported that Maxim El liott la to go Into tha Schubert fold. ' Ludwlg ' Pulda, known to German thea tregoers everywhere aa a writer of pop ular playa. both In proea and In Verse, ha lust reached New York. Many of hla pleece have been adapted Into Eng llah and French, .notably, "Tha Talis man" which Beerbohm Tree produced In London aa "Once Upon a Time"; "The Lost Paradlae.M and "The Twin Sisters," In which Msrgaret Anglin appeared aoma aeaaona ago.' Beeldea tranelatCng" varloua playa of Mollera Into German, Herr Pulda haa- recently dona 'Vyrano de Bergerac" Into German verae. Herr Fujda Is hardly more than . 40 years aid, and Uvea In Berlin. , . .. . . ,. Miss Mauds Adam In 'Teter Pan" I nesting tha 1 16th performance of tha Barn fairy play. - .-. --.. . "The Queen , of "the Convlcte from tha pen of Theodora Kramer, le aald to poaaeae more of the elements of novelty than ara usually to be found. oven in the work of that resourceful playwright, Mlaa Selma Herman, wha haa tha role of the late Queen Drags of' Sarvla, makes her appearance ta the first act aa a-barefooted peaeant girl. In this guise ah milk a aow, doea a fencing act, execute a Servian dance and doea ether unusual thlnga. Later, aa a regel peraon, a he appeara In' a. great variety of fine dressee' Tha play Is 4)eoer1bed a one of tba melodrama tlo novelties of tba aeaaon. . ... .... - Frank Rennlg.' tha leading man of Charles B. Hsnford's oompany, was In his youth a telegraph, operator. It la not easy to aee bow a knowledge of "lightning barneeaed to tha wire" could be of great value to tha actor, but It proved ao In Mr. Hennlnaa paaa. The representative of a manager, who . waa negotiating ' for' nlsrvicee ran down to Mr. Hennir aummer home.. While they were at the railway - station a telegraph message aame Irem Ut mag- f. 'J ' agar directing hla repreeentattve to Offer to Mr. Hennlg tha aalary at wnicn na had been engaged tha eeasoa previous, snd to make the autslds limit an In- ereasa of It per .cent. Mr. tiennig could not help overhearing the eieo- trlclty, and It la needleea to aay that he waa auriicientiy numan to noia out iur the It per cent. PlneroB oew play. "Hla House in Order." ilsrttaleirrllTrcrltlc.irMrhla masurpleoe. It le a atory of aelf renunciation, a rsmoraeless exposure of th hypocrisy, eruelty and narrowness of a type of th Kngllah upper middle elaaa. , Tha action centers around tha cheer less, misunderstood life of Nina Jeeeon. a bright and attractive govsrnesa, mar rlt to a wealthy widower, subjected to endleos. email peraaeutlona by her hue- band'a-. alater-la-law.v. who uaoeaalngly J malnUlna tha auparlorlty ot his . first wire. .... .... 1 Nina accidentally discovers a fatal se cret concerning thla supposed angsllo pereonage, but after a euuggle resolve to spars har reputation and endura.ber own wrongs. This sacrifice gave bar at first a feel ing of pleaaura. - ultimately, however, the aecret la dleoloeed through another channel and Nina receives du recogni tion for bar unselfish virtus. Mile. Naslmoff, tha Ruaalan aotreaa In Naw Tork, saya: " "The praotleal busi ness spirit of your nation that I. have apoken ot la reaponslbte for the kind of plays that till your handsome the atre, wa do not have your freedom In Russia, but. perhaps, w make up for It In other directions There th drama could not fall Into th band of a few scheming buelness men whoso aim 1 only ta squeese million In money out of it. The people would not permit such an outrage to a great art inetltutlon. "Aa theatres ar managed over her there 1 no effort , to' develop of - en courage gooa taste, mate a of appeal Ing to tha finest Instincts of th people. th effort eeem to be to aupply only what pay th blggeat profit. It almost alwaya fcappene that thlnga that ar tawdry command " tha blggeet market. much eon- atantly wasted on beautiful production that, without their scenery, are ao meat and small. "Tat, with all your national education and wealth, there, surely aught to be room for on theatre dedicated to tha htgheat purposes of th drama. Where there I ao much freedom and aducatlos and money there ought to bo an Induce ment to do a big thing for Ita own sake. I' MONOLOGUES, Naiic O'Nell at tha Marquam.' Nanc OTtell, America' greatest tragedienne, begin a brief engagement at th. Marquam Grand theatre tomor row evening. For her opening bllL Miss O'Nsll will be Been In Sudermann'a sen sational drama, "Fires ot St John.' which Is new to Portland. On Tueaday evening shs will appear In a mammoth production of "Macbeth", and portray Lady Macbeth. At th Wed needs y mat Inee ."Magda" will ba given, and "the engagement - will - cloaa on Wednesday night with Maeuruncara ' new tragedy, "Monna vanna." . - f :. r .. . During her recent vleit to Australia, Nanoa O'Nsll played tha moat remark able engagement aver aeen Inthat coun try, and her return to th United State waa followed by a phenomenal engage. mem in Ban.jrrancisco. Thie'aeaeon Miss O'Nsll- la playing tha beet of het repertoire, aoma or her previoua sua cease and -aome playa that are new to the lover of literature and the clsaalca Har Lady Macbeth la conceded to be the greatest tha world haa aeen In 10 years, while In "Tha Jewess" it would be Impossible to find an actreag who can play the role with such tragle fore a doe Nanc O'risU. ... -j. . ""Sudermann'a "The Plraa of St. John' and "Magda" give Miss O'Nell avary opportunity for th display, ot that re markable tragic .fore and magnetic power tbat have given her fame. - -Nanoa O'Nell during her career . haa played over a greater axtaat af terrl tory of the world thaa any living ao trea. en naa played myriad role lit ths paat ten years snd has run . ths gamut of all klnda of emotions on th tage, but 'Is not content to reat now. She la probably tha moat '.hard-working actress on he stag today. It la almost a regular routine with her to play ava and six of her greateet enkrartera dur ing ona week, attend long and arduoua rebsaxsaJA da-Uj. aad sUU And Ut t ?N. -'.-V ' ' I .7! 1. .V . T'V THURl NIGH. FEWL5 delve deep Into literature and study tu dawn. -' ' - On . Tuesday . night the curtain will rlee t five minutee peat elghW-awIng to the magnitude of ua ocenio eireoia for "Macbeth." - Beat ara now aejllng. rCharlea B. Hanford at tha .Martjiuun. Thara 1b a difference .- between a Shakaapearean . actor and an actor of Shakeapearean playa. Tha first la too Often a man whose assumption ara In exoeee of hla attainments, and whs Is a peaalmlat because hla peculiar Inter pretation ta scsntlly appreciated.- vTh aecond affects no pose, but applies hla efforta ta .th Interpretation of what appeals to hla Intelligence as tha beat It la to the latter . claaa that Mr. Charles B.' Hanford, who will appear at tba Marquam for three nights, com mencing Thursday, February It. be longs Ha haa never developed any- per sonal Idiosyncrasies to achieve noto riety. Sincere and well poised In all that he does, hi record 1 marked by no Brratio lapeea. Even when Indlnut- sbly established aa a player of the flrat rank, he went on buaylng hlmeelf with dataila of hla art which moat men of hi acknowledged mlnnc would have dismissed into th hand of other a drudgeries too- bumble lor xneir at' tantlnn. v Mr. Hanford la thla eeaaot accompanied by Mlaa Maria Drofnah, who. aa hla leading woman, haa an Bey- era! previoua ocoaalona made a . pro foundly fgvorable impreaalon. ' "The Taming of tha Shrew" will be Mr. Hanford' - plr Thursday night "Othllo' on Friday. "Th Merchant of Venice" at tha Saturday matinee, arid "Insomar" Saturday night Ths ad- vanoo sals of aeata will open next Tues day morning. February It, at 10 o clock. tVankea'Doodld Olrla' aT Baker, Ths patrons of tba Bakar will have no causs to complain of tha appearance of the "Yankee Uoocie uins in tne burleaqua field during tha coming week, commencing with today's matinee. The show is under tha direction of T. W. Dlnklna. Ths girls ara hand aoma, shape ly, young and able ta alng. 1 Tha ahow was organised early, and Manager Dla klna ransacked Manhattan Island for his chorus. Frank Murphy and Jack Mage, comedian; Etta Victoria, the bashful Vsnus; Guht and Tale. IntTThe New Prof esaor"i Tax and Duball. alngsra and daneero) Shoenwerk. the talkative trickster, and tha Flva Baker troupe In their death-defying venture, looping th gap, contribute th vaudeville reaturea. "A MlsflUbls Insurance Company," tha opening skit, 1 a travesty on re cent acandala In insurance clrolee. "A Trip to tha Hippodrome" brings tha performance to a - cloaa, Tbta Is tha flrat and only reproduction of the fa moua New Tork hippodrome aver ahown on any atage. - Don't overlook tho .bar gain day matinee at tha Baker every Wednesday. Saturday matinee closes th engagement :.'.'. .''. vK. Henry W. Savage Offers Woodland. February II, SO and tL with, a special matinee Wedneeday, Henry W. Savage offers Plxley at Ludere" bird rbapsody and musical . fantasy of tha - t alreat "Woodland." at tha Marquam Orand theatre. . Tba oaat Inaludea Harry Bul ger. Sherman Wad. - Lenta Caaavant Walter Lawrence, Charlea W. Meyer, Osrdaer Billiard, Greta Rlaley, Magda DahU Ida Mulla, Louise Toaler, John Donahue, Helen aHala, Mattle Nlohola, Rertyne Mortimer. Loulda HlUlard. Bva Fallon, supported by a company of 10 people. The advance Bale of aeata w)I open next Friday morning. ' February If at If p'clock. r-i . ," . r .. .-'.'. Lilliputlana at tha Emptre, .', ' At the Empire the aecond and fare well "week of the Pollard Lilliputian opera company's engagement will begin with a matinee today. "A Gaiety Girl" will be the offering, and will alao be the bill on Wedneeday and Thuraday nights. Tonight Monday and Tuesday nights "Ths Oelshs" will b presented. In this play Mtea Eva Pollard will ap pear her for th first time In th title role and Daphne Pollard and . Olive Moore will alternate In the part of Molly .Seymour.' Teddle MoNamara, la caat for Mun HI, they Chinee comedy part of toe play. Lee LeJcaner will be CV . r JL mi,' - m I 1 1 , - wA. SAT MOT FB5.17 Reginald Fairfax and Roy . Smith will appear as Captain Katana. . I -.-On Friday night and Saturday, af ter- neon "Aa Aaerlaa Mlllleaalr" wUl be presented. - There will bo no per formance on Saturday svenlng, as the company leavea on tha night train. to fill Ita San Franelaco engagement v:,vf---.:-..----..-w---,.'.;.;.: "War. Down .East". Coming. . "Way Down "Bast," with Ita real peo ple, Ita teal atory and Ita almost real anow storm. IB tho announcement of the Marquam Grand theatre for Thuraday. Friday and Saturday nights, February it,' St and te, with a special matinee Saturday, "Way Down East" will be acted by a oaat that la almost Identical wlU that .of laat y XiUlpadana at tha Empire. 'V ' At the Empire tha aecond and far-, wan weak of tho Pollard Lilliputian op ara oompany" engagement will , begin with a matinee today. "A Gaiety Girl" will ba the offering, ' and will alao be the bill on Wedneeday and ' Thuraday nlghta. Tonight, Monday and Tueaday nights "The Gelaha" will be preeented. In this play Mtas Eva Pollard wlU ap pear her for the flrst time in the title role and Daphne Pollard and Olive Moore wlU alternats In tha part of- Molly Bey raotr, Teddle MoNamara ta oaat for Mun Hi. th Chinese comedy part ef tha play. Leah Letehner will be Reginald Fairfax and Roy Smith will appear aa Captain Katanar- - - - On Friday night and Saturday after noon "An American Millionaire" wlU ba preaented. - There will be no perform ance on Saturday evening, a the oom pany leaves on tha night train te All ts Baa Francisco engagement :v''i, . . ' " V TT7"-7- ; Baltimore Beauties Co mint;. ' The Baltimore Beauties ' burlesque oompany will ba the attraction at the Baker for tha week following tha "Tan- LETTERS FB;OM 1 PEOPLE.' THE ;. . Waa km, oraatt To Forwardf ' Portland. Or, Tab. 10. To the Editor ot The Journal -Tour lasue of the ninth instant contains th Information, pre sumably given by Mr. F. S. Grant, that he, as privet prosecutor of tho griev ance committee of the Multnomah Coun ty ; Bar association, had. written on to Washington for a copy of the chargea preferred against Mr. W. C Bristol be fore tha judiciary . committee of th I aote'also that Mr. Grant eaya that he acted upon hla own Initiative In tha matter. That being ao It probably la not eoeeoary to defend ' the general membership of . tha - bar " aaeoetation agalnat what I conceive to ba aa act entirety out of harmony with the kind ly spirit wbloa exists among lawyers. The traditions of our profession call for a mutual regard and arm pathetic feeling for tho profoaatonal honor of our brethren we wrangle in court bat forget our dirference when we leave th forum w reverently assemble and pay our respects to th memory, ot a brother when death calls him hence ta fsot there, la no profession whose mem be re era supposed to be so closely bound as tbat of the taw.- Now, one of our brother a, who for tha laat 10 years er mora by faithful and ooneotantloua -work haa had tha con f tdeneaof larga. commercial and cor porate Intereeta In our community," And who baa practically been Bought out by the government because of hla eminent ability in matters with- which ths gov ornmsnt haa to deal, haa been offered tho position of district attorney. Im mediately persona opposed ta ' him set about to aorutlniae ex parta every buet nesa transaction he ever had a let tar la found requiring explanation; while Mr. Bristol la aaklng for a chance to ex plain, hla name In being heralded ever tba country under moat unenviable re latione. Under auch droumsta nee I believe the great majority of hla profea elonal brethren, having th highest -regard for hla record of honeety and In tegrity, la thla community, instead o( ;p VVay If Aw-i II f I "e-saaBBWB-i 11 '. :7 Jl ! VI .-, . M II I : A ' i III'. .. f7X"7 keeT Doodle Girls,' opening" next Jjunday matinee, February IS. -' : rT.x'i ,:- .v.r'"v'fT ";; --.A lIoQnahinar'B' Danchtar. After two weeks'of opera, tha Empire will revert to Ita Una of etrong melo dramatlo attractlona. Starting ' next Sunday matinee "A MoonaUner'a Daugh- tor will be the but. . - r .VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. . y;.-Mt.13H&;. Lyric.;, So well did the'elientele of the Lyrlo take to farce comedy aa preaented a week or o back tha management haa decided to alternate with comedy and melodrama In tha future. "Our Girls" is a rollicking farce eomedy tn three acta. It will Btart Monday and play; the entire ; week. "Our Girls'' had a con sistent plot There le but ene more day of this ( week's - big . melodramatic hit entitled "An Honest Workman." and those who have not aeen ft ahould go. Th performance will bo oonttnuoua to day etartlnr at J0 and lasting antll 11 . aa. '.... ' ,. , t '';;i:y.v'''T;).r. ,?J;VFea.tura Acta at, 9nn&. . f - For the present week, starting with the matinee tomorrow, the' Grand theatre will eontrlbutav A vaudeville program which Is promised aa superior ta ear thing yet given In thla house ' of. hits There are three real feature acta. First and foremost oomea Prlnoese Trtxle, the eduoated horse, which waa tha greatest drawing card on th Trail at the Lewis and Clark expoettlon.- Then next big feature la Delphino and Del mora, a man and a 'woman. ' For . genuine ' rldVeItyr Delphlno and Delmora, with their Spanish-American war act. have alt eompetl tore dlstsnoed! Kenton and Lorraine, dressed, aa black huasara, have an act of wounding his sensibilities, would pre fer te brlleve him perfeotly straight and .would exert themselves tbat - he might have Xb fullest, opportunity .to explain the transaction In question. ' Accordingly, tha. basts of Mr. Grant Ba private ' prosecutor . to suggest through- the' papers tbat the charges against Mr. Bristol ba laid before him appeara harsh, unfeeling and ill-advised. If tha. datlea of Mr. .Grant's offloe ul timately, require him. to perform- thla unpleaaant task there will be time enough for. him to prosecute after Mr. Bristol baa. been given- a.' chance to .be heard and after . the .authorities .at Washington have acted. And I venture the prediction that long after this quea tlon haa been settled Mr. Bristol will be practicing law lu Portland,, represent ing large interests and j having their entire confidence snd reepecC . ',, ; . r . k v ... i -JKRRT . BRONAUGH. ; A jrarrow-SCiaded x Asks te Xlgkt. Portland,! Fab. 10. To the Editor of Tha- Journal Narrow-minded men And It bard to grasp Idea aa broad -minded man do, ao I write for aome , enlighten meat. t H r.'.g iu'i u j.i i,; City ordinance No! 10,104, which Is tha regulating ordinaace ef the saloon businesa, provides ta ' section t what kind of person shall not be granted li cense to sell liquor. One provision-Is s person who -conduct ths business "contrary to the laws ot the state of Orsgoa." There le a stats lew agalnat keeping saloons 'open Sunday. - la - It not Incumbent upon tho council to re voke the license of any saloon-keeper who thus vlolatea the etate law? Again, th ordinance require that 11 cease be refused-to. any "who are not of good moral character."" - A narrow-minded la thua lad to accept a liquor li cense recommendation aa tha oertlfloate of "good moral character," leaned and signed by th llcenee committee, who th law especially requires to examine Into each ' Individual ease, ,1s this wrong? . -. ''i'--..'. ' ' : But to get back ta the eanoh-dla- cuseed Richards licence and tha dispute between council and tba mayor. To a narrow-minded man the late action In tbat matter look a ilka atage plsy. Th lleen committee reoommends to the council , that Richards' license . be revoked, and th council, of course, con tinue tba iioeake, Section A af. tag 1 r-U muatcal nature which la bo . good that It la rated as the third Important feature on the Grand s program. Campbell ana Stock Slstera have a Juggling act af auperlor quality. . The Three Wttehea. a man and two ' children, -are alnglng oomedlana. - Harold Hoff, the popular boy balladiat will render "When - tha Froet la on tha - Flower," accompanied by Illustrations, and "The Green Goods Man", la. the name, of the Orandlsoopa picture. - Today "Did," tha woman created from nothing; will- appear- for the last -time. The performanoee today are oontlnuoua from S:I0 to 10:4ft p. so. ,.---. -'."" ."'. - - - - Mind Reader at Star. As asuat tha Star this weak will giv a big hsadllnar. The new ahow starta tomorrow afternoon, -Lola Cotton, -thv child mind reader, I tha feature. Blind folded and seated upon th atage, aha can tell what la written upon a card In tha poe evasion of any ona In tha audi ences Mis ' Cotton1 visited Portland a . year ago and at that time her demon stration attracted widespread atten-' tlon. Mr. and Mrs. Phela,- lata of Charlea " Frohman's "Open Gate" oompany, have been secured at great expense and will produce an exquisite plsylst balled "Tlea -That Bind."- Varden, Perry and Wilbur, tba college trio, will sing and acconv-' pany themselves on mandolins, guitars , and banjos. Mr; and Mrs. West have a charming ekatch, "The Stammered Pro- -poaal." Tha. Howea Sisters, a team of ; alnglng and dancing soubrettesi will C Hoyt a now singer of Illustrated songs. and sensational pictures of - "Tho Train wreckers" on tha Staroseopa complete v the big list of attractions Tha per- . formancea -today ...will be continuous, starting at -:I0 aad ending at 10:41 p. m. This wU ba the last day to Bee tho greatest ' juggling act In AA erica, that of the Nelloa, and tha other good ape oialties which have been at the Star thla past -week..'.; " ordinance) says that when tha commit tee has Issued Its certificate ef good ! moral ' character, "the - common eoun- ' ell '. may, by reaolutlon. either . grant ' or refuse - a license, notwithstanding ' the . approval : or disapproval of said onnnittso, and either tha - committee or council may revoke a ljoenae at any . ttms,"- and goee on to provide for re- . bate of .fee . Now, thla power ot revo cation -Ilea equally -with committee "or -council and' doea not require any reason ' , thsy simply have th power. : Tho '.' question which cornea to a narrowemlnd- '' ed man la whether - the committee put It -up to the council to aava their own -I facev kaawtng that that would aav th licenae. Instead of almpty revoking the lloense. or. well, why did theyf That la what I want to broaden out to. .A flAniu;n-ainur.u aan. A3i MAKCir IVAKS(3TCMST 0P 'T PORTLAND ' ' 1tN$. .OBttON. ; j ,C10TM1 '. s11 I j 4 ' ' p " 1 . ' , ' ' ' t- ' j , .' ' , - ' -'V . '.!, :.. m . : y- i 'r- - -f, ----- llaSSBnBBsTBB 1 1