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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1906)
,f- JcurnrJ CircuhtL lyr V nVs , a , AHA I I ll ' 1 r N l-l I -II J I R1 m i bsb--- arw i. -a at - .:.;v...... : vol.; r. no. c:i 0 v : VMM '.:.a .; V . . :. . of . D)Gr!3y .j ' - v.,r - Smouldarlnf tieapi i of rnina,- alxxllni tmbwi nd burning flash mrk th , eharnal houa on th Mat bank ot th Wmttmtt rvr; wbw - tour ytneiil ar kndwn to bay lost tbatr Uraa, a aoor of othara .war lnjuiad, IT barsea parlibad and a . block, of building waa awapt away by a flro that atartad at 1:45 o'elaek thla morning: Tha'. prop arty loaa la about $60,600; tha Inauranoa about $15,000. , Haw tha nra atartod la not known. - , ' -Prom flvo to 15 bodlea ara attll in tha ruins, .assorts Eaat Btda-Battalion Fir Chief Holdan, This, makaa .a poaalbla daath list ol It. - .. For nearly thraa hoars tha .4tamaa raced among tha woodan buildings that comprlaad tha ' black- bounded on tha south by Morrison atraet, on the north tntiy Aider, oa the aaat by Water and on .the west by the Willamette river. .'Only one ouuaing remains stanains; on nm block,. the dock and warehouse of w' the C. R. Daris Fuel company. On the south aide of Morrison street - (our buJlalnaa ware burned. lit its early stages thejlre claimed' its "yicamsTMen, woman and v children slept peacefully In the -midst of death and the entire block waa enveloped in nra before an alarm waa Bounded. Some perished while .stlU asleep; others, startled from their dreams, by the brilliant glare and tha roar of tha .llamas, awoke ...only to And every avenue bf eecape- cut ofiT and expirea naieeraDiy, calling vainly lor haip. , , Fi-h te Bsoaae. Others atiU : daaed. by. the. oalamlty they knew was Impending and-frenaled by their vain efforts to escape, flung themselves Into tha f lames. . They were frightfully - .mutilated.- ' Soma .-escaped with tholr Uvea after heroic work by firemen and policemen. - - Eacaplng from tha building, - women rushed wildly' through the streets, call- lng for their husbands or children. Chil dren, crying and sobbing, wailed pit aoualy for their mothers. Families were eparmted In tha confusion; men last all control and fought' like deorOBs to es cape. . . -. ' " - A eemblance of order' waa' maintained by the detail ot policemen that waa hur ried to the scene, v- Individual acta ot bravery by pbllcemea and fireman were numerous. .. . ; . " '- Sow ae Teaag Ctad.' " - ' , " Kate ' Toung. stableman for tha East Bide Transfer" company, was- among , th(Tse who woke to find death crowding dose Upon him. He grasped the situa tion Instantly and aeelng that efforts of his friends to save him might lead to ' their ' dentructlon, called upon them to deslat He waa on tha second story of the livery barn and waa overcome with smoke before hla body fell, Into the flames - A :'' :Tm gone, boys," ha shouted. 'don't I try to save me, for 'it's too lata. ' 1 1 u. n (ha .mnk, mnA lh.1 I . I. ' , , ' . " &: - - - ... . ,-0Cll- 11 liBEG Twi i:rr"Co EGcans I?aii:ily Ssrzonsly . Rarnsd, tWpead.; . Nathaniel P. Young, aged 35 yeara, burned In- bars. of . the' EatSide I Trantfer company. Edward Dailey, aged 8 years, ton Morriaon gtreet. ..:-v -..- v ' Two unidentified dead, bodies ruins of lodging-houses, corner of Water and East Morrison streets. . One of these bodies Is supposed to be that of a young man by the name cf San ders, son of A. B.. Sanders, of Cosmopolis,' Washington.- The other unidenti fied body is that of an aged woman. Both bodies are t the morgue. '::-L-;kr;v- '" THE injured. ' Ki''' y,;v::.i v L. T. Dailey, at Good Samaritan tnnaiea fumes, win proDSDiy aicv- - , v v , , , . ,.-', ' . Mrs. .Nellie Dailey, at St Vincent's hoipital, burned about the head and face, roar diai i'.-'.'.v ;'. ; Tloyd Dailey, at St Vincent's hospital,' burned on the head and internally injured, may die. . . r - ; .Mrs. N. Edmunds,, at St Vincent's about the neck, condition critical. ", R. H. Babcock, at St Vincent's "7MrsTrBnrwTe,t:tVincet's about body: ; V-. -' - ' ' ': ' ' : ' V ' - ' -';.V, - . " ' Fred Kruger, at St -Vincent's hospital, wrist broken, back sprained. :: Mrs. M. McInrin, at St; Vincent's Injuries.' ..,- . v- !.'.. :. ; ;7: Kt v" :. ; MISSlNa, .'.."i--;!".v. ; ' Ira Cooper aged '50,-lessee of Mt. Tabor, hotel. 1 - ; ' (PLACES : COMPLETELY. DESTROYED. ; v ; East .Side Transfer company stables. X' r ' .v - Alpine rooming-house. , ; :, '.X ". -'-.-'.f .' Arcade rooming-house. J '-' i. V"-'V; ';. ;'-Dew Drop saloon!,. r ' , Mt Hood Brewing company's .saloon.- r ? r ,: '. ' ',' Phillips' barber shop..' ' C-: "' ' -. V ; 'V R Davis coal office. . Phoenix'' Fuel company s, office. ' t '';; r'.V L T.' Dailey's cigar and candy store. ? ." ; . : ?' j 'Bridge cafe.,".; ' ; -: ? '"V "it 'Wood's cigar store U ' 'I . i . ,; East Portland Fence-& Wit Works company! office. ; : H.'.L .Bruce, gas pipe stored Vc '. I am gone. .' It's all off-with ma, so good-bye." -, ' -. - Those who had -tried to rescue me man saw him atagger from the window and plunge into the roaring mass ss the side of the building . tottered and fell with crash.' - ..' '-. , An unidentified man leaped from a eeeond-atory window in- Mrs. Cooper's apart Merit-house , in " Eaat Morrison street, . He was caught by the falling wall and burned beyond recognition. The body Ilea at the morgue. In hia hand be held foiir 10-oent pieces which I ihunj and twl.twl In th. ttmmt. , ' ' , ' ,... - t ';;: 1 '1 " '-' ronTLAi:D. orcoN. ' Monday Evening, fedruary 12, 103. twelve pages. 3hw; in Flamss Three r . o Mr. and Mri. IV T. Dailey, 294 Eaat 'T;- '.-. V, ---' ' y.(S- ".,V burned beyond reebgnition, taken frort; hospital, burned about head and body, i ', I. ,u: . - ''!:" ' ',. hospital, several, ribs broken, bruised ' ' j ', , '; '''','' hospital, hip fractured,' badly bruised. hospital, hip ditocated,-badry-bnrised hospital," leg broken, perhaps internal " A' man and woman leaped hand In hand from - a aeoond-story -window in tha same lodging-bouse and, clad only In .night attire,- crossed tne Morrleon street bridge in search . of - temporary lodging. They lost every article of clothing. except what they wore and all their possessions. . . , -' Boa With- Olothee A blase. '. . Of the. Dailey family one la dead aa reault of Injuries, while another la dying at Good Samaritan hospital and still another Is bald to be In a critical condition at . St 'Vincent's. - All were aflra aa i they fled . from the building. - . . ., ' .- '"" "' it t '. ' ' ' IP DatCnKon Chi3f UonrCcaii' Are. ' '. One 'Bead Tnsy were captured by poiioemea as they fled madly through the streets snd the-flames In . their ., clothing , axtln- gulsbed., . ... .. ; , Mingled with the shrill cries of worn an, the hoarae ahouta of men and' walla or ohlldren were tha weird, , unearthly Bounds of horses In distress in the sarn or 'tha Bast Bide Transfer com pany.' .The piercing,' wild and hideous noises of the frightened animals rose high above tha roar of flamea and the clang of engines. ... ; ... .. ... . Throughout-the morning ambulanoea and morgue -wagons .hurried regularly from the eoone of tha dlsaater to the morgue and hospitals.-. At Coroner Fla- ley'e establishment ara the. charred and disfigured remains of two men. Neither has been Identified. At Punning a, on the eaat side, the. bodies of Toung and tha Dailey lad were taken.t ' . . s " V -.- Canss of rire Vakao wa. - The exact origin of ' the Are that wrought auch great destruction haa not been learned by Chief Campbell.'' As sistant Chief Holdea declares the flames originated lb the rear tff one of the shacks facing1 on East Morrison street. The cause- he haa not ascertained. The entire block -waa built' on piles. Eating . their way through the floor bf the' shack in which they atartad, the flamea dodged under the building to an adjoining one, and In an Incredibly abort apaoa of time had found lodgment tn-the pllas and beams that support ths structures. ' The buildings wsre all of wood,- which, dried and tempered by the weeks,; of rainless . weather. Invited the red tongues on their path of " devaata tlon. Before a warning - sound waa made or a aleeplng occupant of a build ing had been rouaad the flamea bad com pletely 'enveloped the block, ' ' ;. : It waa largely oua to me Tin mat has recently been placed In Water atreet by the Oregon Water Power oompany and" 1a Morrison street in at the flam were confined to one block. But for the fill In Water street and East Morrison street tha entire district that Is built on piles in the low - lands adjoining , tha river might have been destroyed. FlUafoheok Flamea. . . u The fills checked the progress of tha flames, However they swept across Morrison street and destroyed a row of buildings before tha firemen aaooeeded In gaining control. The fire was discovered by CJ J. An drews, a private watchman, formerly a special policeman. ' lie declared that the flamea broke out In the rear of one of tha, shacka facing Morrison street, but the block waa almost enveloped before discovered. He Bounded aa alarm from box 114. At Grand avenue and East Mot- ftson atreet fbu- blocks away. There a a box,. No. Ill, at Water and East Morrison, tha scene af , tha conflagra tion. It was T o'olock beore the fireman Mad i (Continued -on Page Two.) ; . t--. i - I , ' .-- t' I - ,; , ''j -l 1. 1 , .;. 1 . -j : ; i .v, Si7G3js Sssfesi of the' Easfc Sfe ' afc Scene at Morrison and ESCAPE DEATH ?DY liffiEAPSl Many ; Hurt , by Jumping From i Window ,to . Etoap .'tho'.;!', Scorching Flames. mi BUSTER BROWN WARNS r HIS MOTHER IN TIME - ,;.k- .: ',-. i i i , t ..; ; R. H. Babcock Tried to Swing Down on Wires, Which Broke, Hurling Him to the Sidewalk Three People ''; ' ';.'. '..-..V... , -.v. -i.O:'lt-even people who were, burned' or Injured by Jumping from burning build ings were taken' to g-1 - Vincent's boa. pltal, .where' they were - given prompt mediae! attention. , ' J . .Mrs. N. Dailey' and bar son, -Floyd Dailey, If yeara old. are the moat seri ously burned. The former waa burned about the head.. Her hair was nearly all burned off and the flesh, fairly cooked. She also breathed some - of tba flamea, ' The . son is . also seriously. .If " not fatally, burned. His head and neck are a mass of blisters, and It la feared that bis sight' has bean. Jose The nurses at the hospital say that hia ,. Injuries may result fatally, - M rs. M. Molrvlitj the landlady 1 of ther Alpine rooming-house, who Is blind, suf fered a .dislocated leg and perhaps in ternal Injurtea In Jumping from ' the aeoond-story of the house. , the la rest Ing easily and will recover. - Mrs. N. Browne, . who bad aeveral rooms In the Alpine rooming-bouse, and kept boarders. Jumped from the aeoond story window of the bouse and dislo cated her blp and suffered many bruises about the -body.-- bbe waa hysterical after-being -taken to the hospital, but became quieted after being there a few hours and Js now resting eaally. ' . Xas Blbe Sroken. ".. ' . . Mrs. Nan Edmunds,' who alept In ths same room with Mrs. Browne, had aev eral 'ribs broken by following Mra Browne out of tha second-story win dow. She fell with great force on the cement pavement Her condition la no considered dangerous. . ' I Fred Krugnr, a man who boarded with Mrs.- Browne, suffered a broken arm and . (Continued en Page Three.) , '' V' - . . . i ' ' i - .. , ' t ".. 1 ,- .1 1 1 ' 4 ,.,1 I , - ', , 'l. .v "' , , - PRICE TWO East Water streets. , Cross shows where HOUSE BURUED AS - JF TIIIDER William D&lley, Only On of the Farrilly, to Escape Unln-"f; IS Jurod, Tells , of Fire. PLACED FURNACE ALMOST INSTANTLY Hie Little Brother Lcft Behmd While .f Mother and Father Jump lor Their Lives to Street :WUh' Two Older 'lBoys.'l- '":' ,' -t.';-' ' William Dailey, agd II years, the second ' oldest child In tha, family- of U Dailey was the only one at home to escape from the Dailey building without burna or Injuries, and-tells a thrilling. atory. of how. he,, hla , father, mother and -next older , brother bad to Jump through windows to escape from the flumes. (They . were , compelled to leave Edward Dailey, the youngest, eon, behind.- The last seen of him he was on the. ground floor -of the building. The other members of the family made tbetr scape from the second floor.. , '- ' "The first that I knew that anything waa wrong," aald Dailey, . ,Mwaa when t waa awakened by hearing shouts out on the street.' I Jumped up out of bed. t-andtookmj out of thswtndow law tha nra across tha atreet In the meantime the other members of the family bad been awakened.' We all started to dress. We ran down stairs,, whan papa told tie to go back and gat our elothea together. I was followed up stairs by the others, excepting little Eddie. We left him down stat re, not suspecting then that tha flamea would eomo across tha street Flames Orosa attxeeV .' .;.-.. ' - "All ef a sudden the flames aeemed to .crawl across tha atreet and be suciced under the -buildings on ths south side, la an Instant the buildings wsre en veloped In flamea. Wa could not run down stairs and ware forced to Jump for our Uvea. Mother and I Jumped from the balcony to tha porch, and In that way reached the atreet. I , saw papa and Floyd leap - from tha second story window to Eaat Water atreet. '. "One at-a time I helped my father, mother and brother Into a buggy and an ambulance and saw them driven very (Continued on Page Three.) . - ... ' '1,1 '. - S.."' -.,-- -,- .- ..; .';'- f ' . , , ' i CENTS. 2 " this- first body, was found. . Most 'Buildings Partly Insured But total Is Only Fifteen s - v ,v Thousand Doll aW - - JOSEr?rTAQUPsT-"' ' '.. BUILDINGS BURNED He la Bicgest Loser, With Small In 1 urance Will Build Brick Building ' Where the Alpine Lodging; House ' ' Stood Others Who Lost v, t -" As nearly aa ean be estimated at thla time,, tha .total loss occasioned by the fire la between ttO.OQO and 150,800. Jdsst of ths property was Insured, but the In- . aurarca will only-partially cover tha loss the total amount being estimated at about 116.000. . The- building and con tents In . the burned block were com- -pletely destroyed with the exception of . some valuable. papera belonging to the Phoenix Fuel company, which, were pre served In, a fireproof aafe.' . , , : , ' The . heayiea loss, waa auatatnad by Joseph Paquet,-who owns 'the property -and . building on-the-north- side of the street, ' with the exception of the tEaat . Bide Transfer company's building. He placea hla loss at .between $26,000 and by the Royal and other. Insurance com pan lea.' V , . .. . , ' ' -The same eompanlea recently .Issued a policy of f 1,000 oa the Davla Wood ds Coal ' company's dock. . which' was damaged to the extent of about li.tpn. . The buildings owned by Joseph Paquet which wera 4estroyej!,jsrere occupied by " D. . T. ajccartneya juw Drop saloon, . ilon auaulned a loss of about 1 1,000 .. on ths contents. . Insurance -. 60; Phillips' barber ahop, lose on Contents, not estimated; Murphy's -plumbing shop, -(pes on contents about tl.OOO.'lnauranoe 1800; Mount Hood Brewing company's) saloon, : loss on contents about;' Cooper's Arcade rooming-house, loss on . content about I1.000; Mrs. Cooper" Alpine rooming-house, lnaa on coni"ta about 11,000; ftJ, J.ti!'j;oeU otXIce, loss IZOO, Insurance Izuui phoenix Fuel eompanv, loss about II.SOO, -personal er- ". fects about 1150. insurance about 11.000. , The East Bide Transfer company, owned . by A. B. Holcomb, sustained a total loss. (Continued on Pags Three.') ' ?,1lrejS ' 1 t - ' '. . PROPERTY LOSS IS 50 000