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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1906)
---THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVZNINO, TEZnUAKY 1; .... wowirai "seep it Him inrTTr iu iuu..a nuiu. Al WILLAUtllt Dr. and Mm. H. D. Kimball of Spokane Will Build and En " n' ' vdow Department. WILL COST THIRTY . THOUSAND ; DOLURS )r. Kimball to Be Dean, wunoui ray WaiJBeirntthodirtEpi copal Theological School in Pacific Northwest Ready Hext Fall. At special meeting ofhaToard' of ' truatees of the Wlllatnetto university . ' teat night Dr. and Mr. H. IX Kimball of Spokane, Waahlngton. made a formal offer to build and andow a. theological llachool In connection with the Oregon "Institution at Salem. "Tna Offer "waa av "''. oepted br the truataea by a resolution paaaed by unanlmoua vote. The achool , la to be known aa tha Kimball College of Theology ot the .Willamette univer ." alty, and wlU coat about tJO.OOO. . , Dr. Kimball waa elected dean of the ' college Immediately after the offer t -made by hlmaelf and Wife waa accepted, 'and he will devote the jeet of hie Ufa :'--J to the work of the achool, -giving hie ' aervloee aa dean free of charge. Tha tew college will belong; to tha unlver 1 ' alty, but tha expenee of maintenance and operation will not bo borne by it. . "' Thla afternoon a committee.- eocn poaed of Dr. Kimball. Dr. B. F. Row land, T. S. McDanlel. C P. Bishop, J. -. O. Uoltra, President A. M. Smith and the members ot tha board of truataea . and President Coleman ot the unlver- atty, will so to Salem and on. Saturday r , will select a alta for. tha new building, .ha um time tilana for the achool - win ha ritvusaed and it will be de-' elded whether the . building la to be a ' n , r,rv 'etructurn. '" lr r. irKnii ( at nraaant naator ot the Vincent- Methodlat church at Spo " " kane. He and his wife are wealthy and tbey have deelred for- lone; time to do something to further the cauae of the , vtethadlst Kplscopal churob Xarnlng that the trustees of the Willamette unl i . mam . jta.lrAiia of hu vln K - theological achool In connection with the ihetltution, they made their offer. It waa without conditions, except the one that the building would alwaya be need for a theological college.; The new achool la to be ready for uae at the openlng-of r the - university-term - next fall, and Prealdent-Colaman of I ha. iinl eralty said, last night that he waa confident tha"" department would open .hi, -nt laaa than lb students. Methodist Episcopal theological achool in the northwest, - It la believed by tho truatees of the university that, It will become popular, - because at present Herbert C. Shattuck Arrives in ", Portland to Organize Loyal T T Temperance Legions. nn to the ace of 14 years. ; The Senior i.glnn tik.a In young men and young women and any o there who aesirerto Id.ntlfv thaanaelvea with the werlt 'l the oraanlaatlon. Mr. bmiiuci is on of two. young itlre time travel- mam V anaiut thai an ingve Xue country w uie laif rreia vi temperance worn. , tie start nu irom mnnlh. a an and Will be On the road for aeven months before re turning. For tha paat six weens ne vias been In Oregon organising leglona and lecturing In small towns. lie will lec ture at ImmanuelBaptlst church In thla city tonight and next Sunday will address a mass meeting at the Taylor Street Methodist church. h. week Mr. Shattuck will appear at "the following places, on the dates named: University Park, Fri day; gunnyslde. Sunday; St. Johns. Mon day and Tuesday: - negro church on Tenth street, ntxnwHiaji Methodlat c,hurcn. . inureaay nigm, v4Av alhlna. Saturday. . On ir li , . .v.-1 . - ; . Wedneeday of next week he .will be at Woodlawn, - . ' " Mr. Shattuck la a graauaie 01 onwu and the New York Law achool and for four yeare was president of the New York Senior legion. : Coopey Tailoring. '-chartea Cobpey Son. ' villain i and military tailors, room 1.- IH Third street, offer an exceptional opportunity to the' purchaser of suits,' overcoats, trousers or ladlea walking skirts., Their workmen have time a present lo- give " particular attention- to - each order and they have on hand an Im mense atock of materials to choose from. miiT VWII HORSE RACE Rev. Mr. Lefper Says - Indians Take Sacrament Then Spend v ; Day Gambling. i - PRESENTS REPORT TO . , SABBATH ASSOCIATION HarKart C. Rh.ttuoV national oraan- Iser and lecturer tor the Loyal Temper anc legion, arrived In Portland yesler- .! and will aoend tarn weeks in the city and vicinity lecturing and organ ising temperance legions among in. young folk. The legion la a branch bf ih. w i " T ii anfl ta AM .na lor ilia I Papers, Cara, Train. Theatreg ana -Ball Came but Admit-That Public g Necessity. Conveyance la Often j ;, c ', . Notice. "Ifrntereated tn Hurat Switch Stock It will be to your advantage to deal with jmiwn. Rv-MTltblnV 1t "Wtll enable them to erect a large factory, and It) us your investment win materialise much quicker than by patronising Indi viduals. ' For psrtlculara call S0 McKay bulld- ing- , r many men from thla auction-or the country are forced to go to the east to mum tneir tneoioaicai trainin. in. . . 1 1 iuhL Tclephooe tut tin. ,. ' "The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath" waa the text ..... ..M, riiacuaalon yea- IUI( WUW vv."-"" - trday X the. annual convention or the Northwest Maboam uMryui;. ,i i .ha r'nmhariand Presbyterian church. East Tweltth and Taylorr streets. A liberal view or Keeping ouuua, w advanced by some of the ministers preaent, though tha atreetcar, train. ........ ..ihain 'ul nubllo game that catered to the needs and dealres of people on that day were conurmn. At the same time it waa admitted that thfc streetcar la almost a necessity and that Its use ooing acta i ; ity. or filling anJappolntment to preach, I - 4,ui.ratinil. The HUD- wua " , ... day newspaper waa especially dtslikea. though ona minister auch a paper for the boys of the family. he himself Doetpomng reaaun " MondaT-tnornlngv It waa asserted that the Monday morning paper -waa bad, aa the force employed In It out might go to work after midnight Sunday, though t.o InsUnce of this having been dona waa cited. The annual report of Field secretary xvev. , -Z r ...1.1 itrnld of work amopg the Warm-Bprlnga ipdlans. After Ohuroh tna xoreo xsaoa. nr waa somewhat discouraglngrhow ever. to learn." aays the report, "after .. in ahlch the Lorda sup per was dlapenaed. the elements belnf rrved by the asalatanca-nf-lh-Indlan eldera, that It waa the cuatora of part ot that Indian audience, after each Sab bath morning service waa over, to re . . . u. n9 MAmmnn rendexvoua lira W yim.m . to engage In the elevating pastime of horse-racing, almost as naranM " latlng the aanctity of the Iord'a dhy uu ..niaruoa hrathrati. who-lndulge In game of baseball and other worldly amusements on tne aay wnreu w. given man for ' the elevation oi. ma ont , rreferreg Stoek Oaaaed OooOa. Allen Lewta' Beat Brand. - STATEMENT OF THE .CONDITION OF The United States National Bank "" AT THE CLOSBf OF. BIT8IWEB8, JAN. II. It0,: r. CALL OF COMPTROLLER. " Loans and dlaconnte. ...Il,H.TM.l U, S. bonda to secure . circulation -. M0.00.0 U. S. and other bonda 'm nd premluma. .i Real estate H.IH.T Of nee furnltura and nx- turea " . . ;., s. r....... - 460.00 Bank building .......... 15.000.00 Cash and from banks .20.7IO.II i canitai . . . . Surplus and ' Undivided profits-.......' Circulation . tMvidends unpaid f 800.000.OOJ Z34.07S.St too, 000.00 JOt.OO Deposits 4,7I,JJ.8 .JO.730.t Attest correct:- v J. C. AINSWORTH. President Vanduyn i Walton HAVE TO 3 1 3 WasMngtoiY Street two blocks West op their former ' location. and will IXeo ShoeStore.Saturday pcnThoiriMon Morning. It may be discovered that the place ia a little mussed, but our frienda will And ua fully-prepared to please them , exactly aa well aa we alwaya have done in times gone by. - - ' : - ' :' - -f -": Call and aee tie in our new home, north aide of Wash, ington, near Sixth.. :.r, -;f'fi agement on the question of making the terminals of theee lines Un the eaat aide. The trouble experienced by several roads in aecurlng a franchise la FTont atreet baa led the association to be lieve that were the attention of the management ot these llnea called to tne newly filled streets on the eaat aide th, antlra watarfrnnt and enabling the roada to cross any bridge to' the west aide witnout antagonisine the west aide wholesale and commission men. advantage -of ' the - opportunity would be taken. . ' - " The east side has the only large l,.n(. alinlnina tua5VlllajnCtta 'that are vacant and ean be purehaaed at rea- aonaDieTnce. nucn sn ir are held to be indispensable- for the full development 1 of the llnea coming Into the city, and the committee will en deavor to Induce the location of the terminals on the east side of the river, even -ehould the Front atreet line be chosen by roads like tha Willamette Valley company. :' been completed and more than 10 per cent of the dirt still needed baa been delivered. For two blocks aaat Of Water street -work progresses more alowly nainr a tha i umbel- of bulldlnaa under which the dirt haa to be shoveled and th. ammm a nronnttur and atrenathen in. that haa to he dime. Work haa been nnmmanMrf on the la r In a- of a plank roadway from Union avenue, and It la the Intention of the contractor to open each block to trafflo aa soon aa It la 1 tha flrat hlOCb ! CUiliiD..U. ' - - - ' ready on tha north aide and work haa been started on in otner naji ox tne thoroughfare.' v f See This Coupon?'- - - ii .THIS IS A REPRODUCTION of the Universal Coupon which from this date will be given with every purchase from our store. " ". ' ''"' CjOJTjy OUJOTHJJWC he sej Coupon-The prices of asHetrtabHaheddILt-NOT-Hi!rKAi6is.i- THE FREE PREMIUMS which are given in change for these Coupons include--- , , r ' ' -Brass Beds- -Cut Glass ' i. r m.::'.r.,.-i Furniture -.-.i'zi. . Pianoa.r.:.'.T Tewelrv " ' Vehicles - Cutlery '- Harneaa -' . . . , Rifles and Shotgwng - - - And a Thousand Other Useful and Valuable' Lings. Come in and get Free Premium Catalog and Ten Coupons Free to start your collection. Sig. Sichel & Co. tCARS, TOBACCOS MD SMOKERS' ARTICLES 92 Third Street . 1 1.' ,;. : , The report also told , of the trip of the superintendent to tne inrou a sembly of the Presbyterian -church at inn and his work in eaat- am in.i amit hern cities. The afternoon "to a consideration of thla report and teellecuslon of varinua trnirs among which waa the Kikiin.i .innHurii - of - Sfl.bhtb-keeping, and the relation of good cltlaenahip to .Sabbath observance. Smvloyars ateld to Blame. tTfie blame" oOabbatlT desecration on the part of carmen,' railroad crews ana factory hml wae placed on. the aboul dera of the employera. who were held Teacojisble for their servants' condition. One speafcerb?0Tlglit out the feet that sven'.a muls worked better If ha had a day a rest In aeven, and thought tha Sabbith provision a wise one irom merely the physical standpoint . u. tl.,..r aaaartan In noaltlVS termS that the Sabbath aa observed by ortho- n w in I -final Hnoom waa nil aarnd day as that which Ood bad -com I manded the peopio to Keep irom tne i. ha Ksvotlans. and aa- verted further that th alleged seventh- Clr.y Ouservers were wunuu backing except that given by an Incor rect translation. , Kfsolutlons stating that tha keeping of the Sabbath waa a divine command, and aeeertlng the reeponeibllity of the church to enjoin thla observance and of the state to uphold the church In this, duty by cloalng public places of amiiaamrnt nni -enforcing laws against whnr 'profit!, of every sort were adopted. In Olscusing tne ounaay , l I. .tat Viv nnl mtnl.taf thst he bad heardlhe church and theatre people comparrn on ucvmi. j -worldly and the Insinuation mad- that j people sought the amusement In each j place and paid -xor it tn one in.wn with a ticket,-In the other by contribut ing to the collection. . Bv. at. m. Steele Freeldent. '"I would not so much object to the "open theatre on 'Sunday," said this min ister.' if It waa content to depend on nniLAtinn nut in far aa 1 have been able to discover, no manager dealres to do business on such' a oams. Election of offlcera xrloaed- the-afteri noon session, the following being choe- , en: 'resident, ttev. it. n. Bieeie; nr vlce-nresldent. Rev. is. viuacKenousn, umiiH vlce-nresldent. J. R. Kwlng: cor responding secretary. Rev. 8. Earl I)u- bota: recording aecretary, itev. ri. ei Aii.m. Mr. Leiner was continued aa field secretary of the association. . I,est evening an aaoresa Dy ttev. n. Karl Duboln on "The Municipalities and the Lord'a Day," and another by.Rev. t. . r XI ll.nn. r. 1 na nrl I ha aaaalnn l , ' I T. . , '-f . . . - ..... Resolutiong were adopted -TommPftdlhi tha mi.iri. .f tha field -crrtnrv and recommending him . to pasiur ano churchea as an able advocate of Sunday observance. . . - ,., , ' ' SEEK HOMES FOR BABIES. : FILL VVELL ADVANCED.' Zaat Bforrlaoa Street Already Open to Trafflo on Oae Block. . At the present rate of progress It will k, V... a f.. Hava until tha Vlaat Morrl- st Water street Is completed and traf fic rm timed over thla, the-moet Impor- Practlcally two blocks of the fill have I r.nWP.FRT AND VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINMENT PLEASES rt Wiiaixntna Musical association gave a decidedly auccessful concert and vaudeville entertainment at the . ilr- Jquam theatre last night, it waa at umiui h. a e-ooa-alaea auaience. ot cauae of a cold Mrs. Walter Reed waa prevented from appearing In the num ber that had been assigned to her on the program. . . . . ' ' . The piano performances of Frankie Rlchter were ona ot the most delightful features of the entertainment. The first part of the program waa d'evoted ex clusively to local mustcal talent,, whlje. the second part waa provided by -vaudeville -contributions from local,- theatres. 1ha .nimm follows: Part I March, orchestra; overture. SM's We have just.received shipment oLWILSOK- "0 CUTDTC .V,. nam nrlfior atVl-a ,7" UROS SHIRTS ihe new .Spring styles. -"TMer-rnTtatgnrnent InLluileg bath wnlte' gnd col-. ored shirts in plain and plaited bosoms, both at- , " tached- and detached - cuffs. 1 Wherever , shirta are -vronrthe-WIJLSON SHIRT is known aa perfect- fitter. - ; ; : V'.. i. l. '--i v -- Just come iti and look over these aplendid gar ments. Some of them have two pairs of cuffs. Regular price the world over 91.50. ' Our special discount price ' .' v.'-- .'.' 31 1 Moirtsoir Sf. . Of p. roaotiktr "William Tell" (Roaslnl Orcheatra ao prano aolo, (a) "Aus Melnem Qroaaen Schmeraen" (Krana). (b) "Nocturne" (Chadwlck). Mra. Rose . Bloch-Bauer; orch-atra: "Piano Concerto In " Minor" (C- M. von Weber), Frankie Rlchter; vio lin aolo, 'Zlgeuner-Welaen" (Saraaate), Walderman Llnd. V Part II Moving pictures; "The Fid dlln' Rubes."--Two Schoflelda (courtesy of pantagea theatre) i monologue," F. D. Henneaayi"A.Burglar,a- KIU'. Olbson and Oibaon (courtesy of Star theatre) : Illustrated song. Iato White (oourtcey of Pantage'a - theatre) ; - "A Oame - oi Hearts," Ralph Cummlngs and .company; (courtesy of Grand theatre); moving) pictures (courtesy of Iyrlo theatre), . - - Sioa City lecTor. ' A stereoptlcon lecture, with saore than ISO photographlo and panoramlo views of Zion City, headquartero of tho Christian Cathollo Apoatollo Church ol Zlom will bo glvon at Alisky ball. Third and Morrison str?tBf8unday1evenlng,, at I o'clock, by Rev. Charles A. Hoy, Admission W0DARD; CLARKE & C0MPMITS ' C LEIh UM CE' SklE RALLY! Just a few daya more to buy many of the desirable thing, now on sale at vc scjal prices. Come in and join the y Woodlark" money-saving crowds. Free delivery anywhere in city. Valentines -Don't fail to see our great display of Valentines Laces ' Post Card Hearts Groups Flowers and Mechanical Novelties, Without any doubt the finest assortment ever shipped to Portland and our prices are ene third less . i to ?i.5o. 7-r:- v Two Joore Children at Aid Society Walt tor new ; lorn J i..n t n annn tiahlaa mil vmln. children are waiting homes In this city, The -Boys' and Ulrls' Aid society has at present In Its receiving home 46 chll ' enit la rrowrtad wlh- -prli"atlftp-for th adrntsslon of others. At present v.. i.Ama -Bva.11 tllA mnA tVi nf f lrr lliTt ll"WI v-vsa - -"-.j-a-w , rn now tnrre In llie hands br -those-wh,o will cere ror mem ana tn time give uicro " uiL.ivH - " llfo-At-presenLJhesocl!yJ h-more than 70 children In homes in PortTarid. and mora tnan oo ennaren wno came from the local home are being raised throughout Oregon. Applications for children are considered only after a thorough Investigation into tne rinan clal prospects and character of the fos-i . . I k.a Ih. an. ter-yaraii ia, nuu vmnwi dety been that few Instances hare oc curred wnere tne aaopiea cnna na " been given every advantage possible, , - OFFER TERMINAL SITES; . .- ' " ' i - Bast Side Aaaoclaalom Ooafers WHh IQeotrlo Boada. A committee of tha Kast Bid ' Im provement association Is conferring with the hackera or eiectno iinrs to enter the city and later will enter Into correspondence with U UlU man A DDI lJCn Three Carloads of Toilet Paper n f f i y-aw w j 600 Cases I wflOv-Koiii- f Me' Tiinmant--oBa due here - December 20 to b -i reacTyTor tie January sale, but was delayed, so the price is cut a little deeper. We buy in quantity and get the rock bottom price. . , - -. Telephone, your order, we deliver anywhere in the city without extra cnarge 2 ' Per Dpzen 72 84 1 62 54 Name. "400" Roll ... Mt. Hood Roll...,. , "Woodlark" Roll -1'Our Jfair" RoU Sanitas Roll Aseptic Package Delta Package . . Klondike Package Oneida . . . . Perfection Roll Tishu Roll 81.12 : 39 Per Dozen. 1.80 2.20 Per Case of 100. 85.57 86.75 te 80.25 84.06 84.09 $8.40 85.75 $6.53 83.00 Case of 50. 7.00 8.50 Demonstra tion of mPLEME Shows how to make "" ... delicious nmaple . "syrup- Dainties, Fudge, Cakeandr ; other little home , fancies from this ' Vegetable Extract. Goldfish 300 Pine Single and Fantails, Jrornjapan Each 25f Aquaria, 50f, 85f , 81.00 and up. Gold Fish Food ...................... .10f ; Rubber Goods - 1,000 pans SeamlessRubber Gloves, first qual ""Ity, fulIyuarameedTworTBc t, 'liSLr SDecial.7;..:v;.v;.:v-.v;;7;;TOOw Brushes Hair Brushes, Nail Brushes, Bath, Complexion, Cloth and , Tooth Brushes all at ' ' -'- , 33 1-3 PER CEHT DISCOUNT THIS WEEK Special Savings Oml J W eW l3eV aa-. f, " T - - - - T g6wBIeached BrlsUe Solld-BaclrHair Brush, regular7Sc et.- ' .4: 7 -:-- 40a special " r , 13-row- ShortrUtle Stolid-Back-IIairBrush UUVViM eee---------- ' ' 11-C0W Barber, Unbleached Bristle, regular $1J15 SpU ".73 j 13-roSolid-Ebony-Back-Haif-Brushrregular$2i)0 Spe- Ciai ,....,..........- "r; " 50,000 IMPORTED TOOTH BRUSHES Extra Fine Quality, big va'lue at 25-Special. . . .13 1 Cloth Brush, 35c kind Now. ...... ....v ........... ..18 ; Cloth Brush, 50c kind Now;....... v...'. ...... ..27 . Complexion Brush,, extra fine, f of wet or dry massage, regu- p . lar 40c Special' ...,. .26 '1 Canadian Money Accepted at Par Mottoes, Matted Pictures and Passed partouts worth up to 65c, now 8c. -Thousands to select ' ' from Money' Back- Guarantee "with Every, Penny's Worth of Merchandise Tlarvel Whirling Spray Syringe ; - d-- ifL regular price $3.50 Special. . . . ; . aPVo 1U -Seamless Black Rubbef FounUin Syringe, 2- : qtv guaranteed Special .43 SQuart White Rubber Hot Water Bottle, regular $1 Special ........... V. . '. . .42 r Ladies Vaginal Spray Syringe regular $3 . Special ,, . . , . . ....' X,A , Glass Nasal Douche, regular 25c Special 64 Hygienic rNipples, black, maroon or white, per dozen , ,....'....,........... .30' Rex No. 2 Bulb Syringe, 35c Special. . ..16 Prog Specials Extra ErJsom Salts Special, pkg.. ......2 v -Rochelle Salts Special, pkg,,. . . ; . . ... .5-. : .' . - !-i l Jk Bicarbonate soaa special, pg. . . . . . . . 1. , Flaxseed-Specialrpkg, . .li r,nTiT.ti. .2 Boric' Acid Special, pkg. . ............ . 5 Essence Peppermint Special Camphoraud Oil Special ...... . v. . .5 1 Dickinson's Witch Hazel Special. .... .11 j LRosevWater Special . . . . '.e-w---t- . . Glycerine Special i . . . . . vmm W.i.r ind f51 vr-rine Soecial. . . . ,. 4c Tincture of Arnica Special. . . . i. .? Collodion Special Ti . ;t77. -. . . 4 100 r.nmnound Cathartic Pills. ........ .12 100 Gelatin-Coated BlaudV Pills tresis? 100 2-gr. Quinine PiUs. .... ..i ....... . 10f tj.i. !rr T.ltliia Tablets Soecial.... . .9c wwv. - an. 50rbottle Bay Rumr.. ............ . Professional Cold Cream,.;!.. ...,.19a5 Best Sea Salt, 1 lb. ...... -.3 Cream Tartar Special, pkg., 2 os. . . , .? Powdered Alum Special, pkg. ...2 ' Sulphur Special, pkg ..i............2 Wood Alcohol Special .....,.;....,a.6 Benzine Special . .'. ........... .3f . Fourth and Washington