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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1906)
iii . v ".' 11 GOOD EVEH1UG Journal Circulation Yesterday ! Was V 'r";,.'' THE WEATHER. ..' ; Pair' this afternoon, tonight and Thursday; easterly winds. ; ., . ;. VOL. IV. NO. 284. PETTY POLICY Mayor Vetoes Portion of Council Cjfproprt ai It A Attempt to Override Ex- ecutive Department. ' ' ' QUEER THINGS MEASURE ATTEMPTED TO PERFORM Would Specify How Much Should Be ( Spent for a Saw and How Often Telephone Should Be Used More . , of Law Would Hare Been Vetoed Had Salary Lists Not Been Involved Mayor Lane today vetoed certain items In tha ordinances - appropriating the . funde of tha city to pay the ex penses of tha present year, on tha (round that tha . apaciflo - manner In . which tha council specifies tha appro priations ahalt ba ueed, la contrary -to tha city charter and that It will alao work a hardahlp on tha city executive board and tha heads of the departmenta In -the purchaaa of supplies. - Ha ac- cuaaa tha council of passing tha meas ures for tha purpoaa of hampering and harassing tha executive department Ha further . aaya that the aeotlon In the left In any of tha appropriations shall ba canceled" by tha city auditor la con trary to tha charter, which provide that no body ran delegate each author- Ity. Hia message explaining hla pol-1 ,' tlon la submitted in connection with Ma 4 veto of tha general appropriation ordin ance and follower TO tha Honorable, the Council.' Port "' land. ' Oregon Gentlemen: .' I herewith . return ordinance No. le.llf. entitled "An ordinance making approprtatlona out of the -general fund for th payment of - expense af - tha elty of Portland for the Becal year. l0e.', dlaapprovad aa to the follow Ins Itema. namely) 1 "Material and equipment for General snglneeMiig-Oii new transit, not., to exceed l!&0i two level rode, not to x- ceed $J2: monument and monument cover, fise; horae feed, shoeing and beddlns. not to exceed l0: Aline- cabl- . net, not to exceed 145; three map eabV . nets, not to exceed $150; cement teat ins machine, complete, not to-exoeed "Health,, department Provisions, drugs, ete-r I1..60J repair t peethouae, i00. - ' "Street sprlngllng department For . eleetrlo sprinkling care, not to exceed - 11.180; not to exceed 20 team a, not to exceed $4 SO per day during- the sprlnk ling season, M.S00. ' New equipment Not to excee.1 alx " Wses at not to exceed 1100 each. $1,200; , not to exceed four aprlnklera at not to exceed tlti each, $1.4(0; one power broom not to exceed $440: alx eeta of ' cart wheela and axela not to exceed flit; II dosen hoea and II dosen shovel not to exceed $412.10; 24 acoop ahovela not to exceed $0; four aeta double bar ness not to exceed $10; alx acta cart hemes not to exceed $110; on uggy not to ixeeed 1180. - ' r ' "Appwred aa to all other.- - - "Certain of the Itema which have been approved are aubject to the sair ob jection hereinafter' preaented against the othors. but alnc there might b a doubt aa ta the right of the city em ' ploys to collect their selari if the ' approval atood only aa to the general appropriation, I Include all approoria tlona for pay of employe among thoa . approved. . . Ws Caarta Provide. L The charter clearly contemplatea . that general appropriation should be made In a lump,- the-expenae already fixed by charter or ordinance, auch as the aalarlea of employee, to be dlabursed in accordance with the law, the respect , Ive heada of departmenta to have con ' trol of expenditure for the new work under their charge and to be responsible for It The provialona authorising the council to require monthly estimates at .one eonflrma thl view and afford the council a perfect check upon unwar- ; ranted - and - ' extravagant -expenditure. . Under- the method herein suggested, and heretofore followed, nearly every da ; part men t of the city, did, In fact, turn In a surplus for laat year. By allowing ,' the exercise of a eertaJn discrimination, , each department la naturally stimulated ' ' to do Its best and to produce best re ult. with.-tha-Jeaat-expenditure On ' the other hand, under the system em . bodied in thl ordinance, the handa of ; every department are tied and the result must necessarily be to remove every ln centlve to economy and energy In the conductoftha bualnes and- tQf otg a -7 -spirit of Indifference tt-wet - of ex ' a travagance. - It la' clearly Impossible for the council or any other body, to antlcl "pafelh"eveTy" deUlOfia ' expense 6f . a ' arreat olty or to eatlmate the details of these expenses with any approach off. ...v accuracy; nor can a legialatlva body hope to anmlnlater Its fund Item by Item with the earn effectlvenea aa the same persona actually charged with the detail work of the several departmenta ean do. Tha attempt to do thja can only result In 'endless discrepancy be tween the approprtatlona and the needs of the city, In manifold and vexatious . exceaa of funds over requirement In noma eases, and the lack of actual necee alttes , In others, and, In a wearlaome volume of legislation. MlaJaf at Oast. . - To take one or two concrete ex- ample; Approprtatlona a.r made In the ' street cleaning department for it dosen ..' hoes and not on rake. - Now, if a rake le required. It must either be paid out of an emerrenoy fund created for the very purpo- r curing the defect In this kirl t 1 ..on, thervy confus- , ' i . V v r ,?-. '- i.'V-'' "r . , W;. v ) 7,;. a . -r si . iv: .--.t y, , n n:fj.r 'rv Mrs. Charles WIDOW OF CHARLES' T;- YERKES BECOMES BRIDE OF W. MIZNER ' (Joaraal Special Servle.) ' ; ' ' New fork, Jan.' 1. The American aaya: "The extraordinary announce ment la made that Mrs. Charles T. Terkes, only one' month a widow and tha recipient of $7,100,000 under the will of her late huaband. ha become the bride of Wilson Mlsner - of Ban Francisco. Th announcement wae made in the presence of Mlsner who refused to make any comment upon it - , "Ther wer only two witnesses. J. U Eastland and Kmlle Brugulera, both of San Francisco. These two witnesses admitted that they wer present when Mr. Terkes became Mr. Mlsner. Tne ceremony was performed .In th gallery I Democrats In Congress to Take Action Against ; Southern ' ' Pacific Railroads, y- . 7osraal Haeelal ttnlr.y-- Washington. Jan.". . $l.John Sharp Wllllama, houae Democratic leader, ba written a letter to Congreeamen Btayden, Flnlay and Grey, Democratlo member of the committee on Pacino railroads, calling attention to the allegations that the Southern Paclflo ayatem la In fact a merger controlled by liarrlman, la vio lation of the law and ; aubject to the same ' action aa ' taken by the ' courts against th Northern Securities company.- .':. Th three Democratlo member are now Jnveatigt!ngth matterwlha view of- prentlng . resolution 4n -the houae calling upon the Interstate .com merce commission for Information.. The aimed tthe Pennsylvania company. haa anoouraged Democrata ' to believe that they can. paaa other resolutions against the big railroad commnee, wnicn are regarded aa . combinations in . re straint of trade Southern Paelflo lobbylata are much concerned over the matter and. are in daily conference with member of the house, endeavoring to neaa on irouoie some resolutions of Inquiry likely to be offered within the next week or ten r- . : ' " SEVENTY-FIVE MILLION VALUE OF FIELD ESTATE ( Jenraal Special arvtee.l ,, Chicago, Jan. . II. Executor of th estate of th late Marshall Field eatl mate that the estate la worth $71,000, 000. consisting of $55. 000.000 'personal property and $10,000,000 In realty. To day they. died a petition to have the will probata,. t MUlAd SYSTEM IS A MERGER PORTLAND, OREGON,."' WEDNESDAY 5 EVENING. JANUARY TYerkes. of th Terkes manalon, 1(4 Fifth ave nue, ahortly after oclock laat night, and In addition t the two wltneeaea named Mrs. Ooodaall la alao aald to have been present aa an attendant upon the bride. . "Mlsner la the- son of the . former United States minister to Mexico and Guatemalan 119 i well known In aoclal clrclea In San Francisco and for many year ha been member- of the Bo hemian club. Mlsner Is. 21 - years old and la living at th Hotel Aator. New York., Mrs. Terkes Is 10 years of age, but retains much , of tha beauty of her youth. Mlsner was een by a reporter early thia morning and admitted that be had married Mr. , Terkes," c. T LEFT Pittsburg Partner of John D. ! ' t 1 ' , 1 v Rockefeller Accumulated an Enormous portiiiie. " ;?0Jf Halt flpttctila BJI"rtC.yr Pittsburg, Jan. 11. Th estate of the late Charles Lock ha ft of Pittsburg Is on of th largeat In the world. The new Allegheny county board of tax re vision mad th discovery,' In spite of effort made to keep the' real also of the estate secret.. .The county- board of revision haa received from .th manager of the estate of the oil king a statement which waa not made public, bat It Is admitted that the Iockhart eatat la close to the $200,000,000 mark. Mrs. Dr. W. S. Flowejvj the daoghter wno was cut orr wim tne income of $300,000 for life by her angry father be cause she married a poor dentist, 'haa wot. ' eoBdtng-4o--tr- ettmey,- settted the- rase,- though ah has been Offered $10,000,000. or about her full share. If she will agree not to try to open up the estate by litigation. - The Iockhart eatat. according to ac countant in- tne tax o trice, has In creased almost $10,000,000 in value sine th death of Rockefeller's former part ner.' - ' FIFTY THOUSAND GOLD , IN A POCKET MINE ' (Joaraal Special Setvlee.) : Stockton. CaL, Jen. II. John Dondero' took $60,000 out of his pocket mine st Columbia Hill yeaterday.. This Is one of th largest., pocketav-ever found In Tuolumne county, . - .j Wild for Ooasml-Oeneral. IJneraal SpecM Berries.) Washington, Jan. $1. Tha president has nominated Amos Wilder of Wiscon sin to be consul-general at liongkonf, 200 000 000 on ier Senator Fulton Opposes Repeal ; of iTImber ; and , Stone Act Unless Some Proviso for ' Sale Is Substituted. ' WILL ENTIRELY STOP UND'S DEVELOPMENT Great Portion of Many Oregon Coun- ties Would Be Withdrawn From Entiy Hansbroufh Modifies Re peal BUI So as to Sell Timber, Counties to Get PercenUge. - (Waaklagtea Bores f The Joenal.) Washington, D. C. Jan. $1. The at tention of Senator Fulton being called to th criticism upon hi opposition to th repeal of the timber and atone act, h said: "I am opposed to the repeal of this law, unleaa soma provision la aubatl tuted whereby publlo timber landa may become private property when the landa pas Into private ownership and begin contributing to the state and county treasury.-- -, -. . . ; "In western Oregon there are vast areas of timbered lands which when de rasing. - Why ahould w continue them In public ownership, rather than eon vert them Into revenue-producing prop erties T If the timber and atone act la repealed there will remain but the home- steed act and everybody in Oregon knows that heavily-timbered landa cannot be honestly acquired under that act "A th result , a great portion of Curry, Josephine, Douglaa and other western counties, of Oregon would- con tinue to be withdrawn from entry and their growth, and, development retarded. I have not opposed the repeal of the timber and stone act absolutely, but will oppose ItjUnlesa some) otherplan for the disposal of uch" 'lands be substituted. "As a. result of my stand. Chairman Hanabroughr ha altered hia repeal bill so a to provide for the sal of timber at public auction, 10 per cent of the proceeds to go to counties where the lands are located. , I am contending for larger percentage for aucn counties. ON RATE BILU v Sartlett of Oeorgla leads Debate for . Bemoexata tm Support of Keasare. (Joaraal Special Heniee.) Washington. D.. C, Jan. 11. Repre sentative Bartlett of Georgia waa the principal apeaker on th rat bill for th Democratlo aide tooay. lie aiiacaea the motive of the corporation In try lng to block legislation and aald that as a Democrat and a lawyer he had con cluded that congress had the right to regulate rates. He said that the presi dent was not entitled to the credit of originating the propoaed legislation. He aid that th Inquiry began aa far back as 1888. when a report was made to con gress on the subject He declared that the man or the party standing In the way of rat legislation will be swept away by th people,, who will rlae triumphant, C TO AID PRESIDENT. Patterson of Colorado Call Vpoa em- ; ocrats to Tight Homey Power. " '(Joaraal Rpedal Servlra.1 Washington. Jan. $1. The senate committee - on foreign relation today took up th Santo Domingo treaty and examined Secretary of State Root, In th senate Patteraon of Colorado thia afternoon attacked th preaident's foreign policy, but eulogised the execu tives fight agalnat the packera and hoped that the Democrat would unite with th administration In th fight against th money interests. . The nomination of Captain Charles H. Stockton to be rear admiral was sent to th senate. HEHEY RETURNS TO 'FRISCO TO ARRANGE FOR TRIALS Land Fraud - Prosecutor to Hold Conference With Judge Gil-, bert Over Cases. f Special lmpir n i Heney. special piuaecutor for the gov emment returned from Arlsona this morning, where he naa oeew on srn ment and personal business. H will 1 .ne.nanM In a. dav or SO with Judge Gilbert presiding magistrate of th United State circuit court, lng th prosecution of the Oregon land Msasaassa S This morninr Mr: Heney aald 'that h waa not prepareo 10 wu. -' would be taken 1y th sowernment nor what recommendation h would make to Judge Ollbert , : ' . . 0LYMPIA SAWYER IS . ; ? HEIR TO BIG FORTUNE fRpM-bl rtwealek TH Joaraal. f rii.mni. Waah.. Jam II. James W. lath aaWVer In the West Side sawmill, this city, received notlc today that h was on of four Hair to $1 (0.000 . left by his grandmother, who recently died In Philadelphia, t . 31. 1906. TWELVE PAGES. . ...- . ... r . . - . ':..'' ''"'' "..'' ' - 4 ' 1 . . 1 I K 1 ' ' - j v i-l , , . i : 1 ! ... ' ' ' ''.( ' j " -' ' h v,h . :- f . NV i; Attorney-General Hadley ' of Missouri,' Head of the Standard Oil Investif ' V. ROGERS NEED nor New York Supreme Court Up- holds Standard 'Oil,; Mag nate's Refusal to Talk. MUST FIRST SETTLE LEGALITY OF" ACTION Hadley Cannot Force Replies From 1 Trust' Magnate ' Until Ouster , Pro ceeding! Are Passed Upon Mis- sourian ' Is Dumfounded. " (Joaraal Special Serdee.) . New York. Jan. II. The supreme court thia morning decided-that Henry IL Roarera. vIce-Dreeldent and director- general of th Standard Oil company! need not anawer the queationa put to him by Attorney-General Hadley of Mis souri in th proceedings brought against the Standard Oil company by the atate of Missouri to oust it from the common wealth on the ground of violation of the antl-truat lawa. . ...... The declalon merely meana delay. The court aald: "I am of the opinion that a due regard , for the court of .original jurisdiction demands that thia - court await th decision of the supreme court of Missouri, and- not at thia time con aider the propriety of compelling wit ness Rogers .to anawer the . queations propounded." t ,. ' . .. The court aald that Hadley. after the Missouri decision, may renew his action.- y When Mr. Roger was placed upon the stand before Commissioner Sanborn, who had been appointed .to take testi mony, he Insolently refused to answer the queationa concerning the Standard OH company and Its subsidiary concern put to him by the attorney-general. The hearing was' held before Justice Qlldersleeve, who said that Roger need not anawer In view of th fact that the courts of Missouri are now passing upon the legality .of the action brought by Hadley to ouat th. Standard from Mis souri. . . '.' .' , "Xadley Bamfoomded.' "S . . Uouraal Special Service.) Jaffaraaa-Cltit. .Mm,, Ja. 4 U Altor-4 ney-Oeneral - Hadley waa dumfounded when told of the decision given in the Rogers case by Justice Qlldersleeve. He said he waa greatly surprised, adding that he- might have to plan aa entirely new action. , " ' FIGHTING OCCURS IN -MANY PARIS CHURCHES (Joaraal Sperlal ServkO Parle, Jan. II. lighting occurred In several churone this afternoon, when government officials, supported by the police, attempted to taav an inventory of th church plat a ordered ln the law separating church and state.- The resistance was mainly by church mem bers, many of whom wer arrested. . (Joeraat Spwtai Servtee.l " ' Bt. Albena, W. Va, Jan. II. Th bualneha district was ravished by flame this morning, resulting la .' lo,eoo damage, : PRICE TWO Oilllagnate. .m secures w ill RECORD TIL1E United . Railways Company Is 'Organized in Portland Uttlo More Than Week Ago. . BUYS FIFTEEN HUNDRED 4 TONS 'OF STEEL RAILS Nine Carloads Have Arrived and Are Being Unloaded Today Ready-to , Start Building the Day After Fran chise Is Granted. The quickest action on record, so far as known, has been taken by the United Rallwaya company In the matter of se curing ; rail for construction of the electric road from Portland to Foreat Grove.- The room pany waa organised In Portland little over a week ago, filed application for a franchise to us the streets In this city and already has purchased 1,500 tons of 72-pound steel rails, nine carloads of which have -arrived In the city and are being unloaded today. .' v.'. '... : At a meeting of the stockholders of he,, Oregon Traction company today at th omoea ot th company in toe union block It was voted to advertise property and franchises of th corpo ration for sal. Th sal win be held February IS at th county courthouse, and - th-property will-b sold to the highest bidder. The capital stock of the company, amounting to-$1,009,000. was represented at th . meeting by about IT per cent of th. stock Issued, and th vote.wa unanimous. . - . . Th Indebtedness of the .company, about 116,000, Is to be taken car of by the proposed sale. The debt are to the Colorado Iron A Steel company, for rails now laid on Twelfth and Pettygrov streets: Willis Potter for ties; th Ore gon Water Power A Railway company for ballast, and some labor accounts: all a result of the failure of th Atlas Con- StrpTOTCompanyT which unToed. dertook th ft rat construction contract. ' Nearly all of th stock of th Oregon Traottow company I mow hM -by- th United Railway company, a corpora tlon made up of Loo Angeles men. who have applied;- tof an additional . fran- chlse for use or streets ana propo not only to construct th road to Hlllaboro and Foreat Grove, but to enlarge th original plan of terminal and local aervlc In this city with a view to building tnterurban Una In other di rections. V From Los Angel ther arrived this morning th following men Interested in the new company: J. Whyt Evans, J. W. E. Taylor of San Franoiaco, former chief engineer of th Hunting ton roada; T. H Dudley, mayor of Ssat Monica and . a local banker; Wllmot Griffith, treasurer of th R. A. Phillips company, toe Angelee: J. K. Howard, a Vcm Angle eapitaiiet. - Mr. . svana said: . - - : "We are her to await the aotlon of th Portland elty council on th fran chise asked fori 1 co-'rct for eon struff'on of tLe r 1 he let tie t ' 1 .owlnt t f ;clt"f:.- CENTS. EZ&PgZl K ation, and H. H. Rogers, the Standard, A i ' ' ' UP AT ODESSA I m at One Soldier Killed,; Twenty-Sh( - ' Injured and Two Thousand Have Narrow Escapes, ,y VESSEL STRIKES MINE. ' "WHILE IN THE HARBOR Wholesale Arrests and ; Exiling of ReTolutionists Continue Many In cendiary Fires Cause Big Damage- General Priaxnoff Assassinated..' (Jeeraal Special Ssrvtoe.) " ' St Petersburg. Jan. SI. A troopship at Odeasa struck a - mine . today and ' X.000 soldiers aboard her had a narrow escape from death.- Th veeael w beacbedi Th ezploaloa killed -on and hurt 2. - -u -. -' Twenty thousand ' Liberal' refugee. ' who had been Induced to return to Russia- under th Implied promlse-of the government - that amnesty would be granted, have been arrested and will be exiled to Siberia for from flv to- ten years. Wholesale arrest eoatlnn to pe , mad of revolutlontats and their eym- pathlser In all parts of th empire. Numerous nrea or tnceneiary origin -have occurred In thl city. - Th loes during the. laat few daya from fires 1 ' $$00,000. 1 '--. .-,. - . - ' Th Caucasus natives are abandoning the revolt and taking the oath of alle giance. Whole districts are reported t have surrendered to th-. Tlcroy, prom talng . to stop disorders - and to return " property - seised - If th government re- fralna faom -punishing th people. . Ie th district of .Osurgstt th peopl have '. fled to th mountains and revolutionist r ravaging .the, country. . - , r :. ' Th damagr4rom recent disorder In Riga-amounts to 11.600,000, Rioting and bloodshed la reported at Gomel aod T Vllna and. entire . section have been devaatated by- flames., whlle-rtoters are '. . knilDg and burning at -wllU. -A plot has ' been discovered to kill Oovernor-Oenera.1 Bollogub and numerous arrest have fol- Geaeral PrtasnofC chief of SUff of th viceroy of the Caucasus, waa aa .!- nated Mrmdny trr si mn who peTonart a painter, carrying bomb In a painf can. Hla coachman and a wosran alan wer killed... Th asaasala waa executed the next day. '-;., ' " "... Th national eongrea ef th nobility has adopted resolutions at Moscow de manding th convocation of a national assembly at one. v : ;. '' .,' ,. .- " " ItsOatt X Tery SL ;' ' ' " " " CToret Spvlal Serrlae.t ! New York. Jan. Jl. Friends mm that John A. McCalU former president of the , New York Llf Insurance company. H very 111 from eoneet of the Hv. David B. left t. ylv to remain .--! Apr J, f - i -health. X- v 1 rw S'teree f t IROOPSIIIP BLOiii -