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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1906)
::EPADiiLi'TQXiy7EilfK:EnJ iris paper-with greatest cirgulation-the jquui II' GOOD -EVE III HG Journal Circulation f THE WEATHER. Yesterday - Was 1 L li. " Fair tonight and Saturday; easterly i wind. !, :- ' ' " VOI., IV. NO:' 280: v.4 : PORTLAND OREGON, - FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 2, 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. nnTun mrn 'tmtc ov nana in tm -jvlwa v aruma. mi mm PIUS X URGESTEAL PLEASED I . 1 ', " i n n i i m ,' 1 1 "' 1 " ami i ' ' i- - -'i .' " , ' , . ; French Episcopate v Receives H TelegramaVrromlthai Vatican ' Advising Catholics to Sub- , ' V ; mit to Inventories ACTION REPORTED DUE I . TO HINT FROM FRANCE Rioting Still Continues in Pari and Other Section Where Members of . the Congregations Resist Action of : Authoritiea ' and 'Are k Charged by Government Troops. - . V " tjoornal Special Berries.) Paria, Feb. Many riots- are . r ported today from various part of the : republic over the attempt of the state t take an Inventory, of . church prop- ertyamvlder-tn-f-Ue-JjJl recently passed separating' church' and " atate. The episcopate today, received tele gram I from the pope advising Cat hoi tea of France to submit to the taking-of "in ventories' by the government of state , property.: It is rumored that the action la due to a hint from the government.' - The authorities this morning forced ' their way Into the church at BU Pierre -i-o take n-invntory of the valuables. Members of the congregatlonreslsted bitterly "and" hand to hand ' fighting f ensued.; 'Many .werarrsted for riot- 2ing eutslde the church and the. troops repeatedly charged the crowds. - The 7 fire hose was turned on the mob. -A de fender of the church fired' a revolver ami In the melee ensuing the church "" window J" were' broken and a number hurt by flying glass. . T ; The riots yesterday at Bt. Clothilda 'wer-renewed thla afternoon and the congregation was again forced to give mi. emajrat. " i wi MH OTturanow aire , ported , In many Htlea' of, Southern . . Francev '' i 't, ' 'The Holy flee counsel prudence. In Waiting and submission, to ..the jautljorl "Tles holding that demonstration is use ; loss, humiliating and dangerous. r- What causes the chief anxiety to the Vatican ' ' Is -the International side- of the -ecclesiastical question In .France, .as dis . ; turbanoes will perhaps "hasten eonfUct '. beyond T the frontiers, particularly In Germany, where disoontent Is rffe among ' the Lutherans against .Catholicism. . A strong feeling exists In many provincial parishes against the separa " tlon of church and state resulting In the government commissioners being barred from numerous edifices, but as the day H advanced, through the counsel of the priests, quiet was gradually restored - and It la not expected that further dls- turbancea will occur. Yesterday afternoon . the government . . secured a vote of confidence - In the chamber of ' deputies -after Premier ' Bouvlere had assured the chamber that . tact and moderation la carrying out the provisions of the law. CZAR PROMISES HELP TO RUSSIAN PEASANTS - flenrsal Bpeelal SerrVe.) ' 8tL Petersburg, Feb. -To a deputa tion of peasants from the government of Kursk, the csar today declared that he would summon the douma to discuss the beat, means of satisfying the re quirements of the ' peasants, assuring the delegation that the peasants can rely on his assistance. . ' ' Koataaa'a Cash ssnoe - (Rpeelal Dlepetrn to The Jnaratl.) -' ' Helena, Mont., Feb. J. The monthly , report of Btate Treasurer Rice was made publlo today and ahows a cash bal ance of SMM94. More than on third of thla I In school funds. , T Attorney, Back Fromt Washing itont Says He Thinks Bill Ap ' propriting funds for Cjp : 'lumbia River Will Pass. ' NORTHWEST MEMBERS HELPING OUR SENATORS Find Eaatern CapitaliaU Heartily In ; Sympathy. With ' Fight' for. Appro . ' priation Qbaerration . of 7 Other ' " Citiea - Convincea ' Mr. Teal That City Should Obtain Belt Line.-- - President 1 Roosevelt -'and ' other, men of national importance add... influence have taken such an interest In the mat ter of a congressional appropriation for the improvements at' the mouth of th Columbia river-that 3. H. -Teal, attorney for the transportation committee of the chamber of commerce, feels 'greatly' en couraged at the outlook for an appro priation In the rivers and harbors bllL Mr. Teal" returned yesterday from Washington and other eastern'' cities, where he 'went about three weeks ago In ths interest of . a ' deeper v channel. Commenting upon his eastern trip he said this morning: ...i "The -papers havs " published an the salient facts of i what jvas idono . at Washington in connection with the pro posed emergency appropriation for- the work at the mouth of the river. 1 aaw the president,'- who has done more, than he could -properly be asked to do. He takes a real Interest in the matter and has urged the .Importance of making the' appropriation - upon Mr. Burton. General. Mackensle has -erged it ' mowt strongly. He told me that as a matter of urgency It atood In a class by Itself. At a meeUag arranged with Mr. Burton, at which were present Senators FOlt??. s) WseilBi aney msui sseiu lativw -svnes, Harvey W. Scott and myself, the matter waa a-one over at length. Its necessity was conceded . and loss If not dons ad mlttedbut no .certain assurance were given.. I think, however., the appropriation- will be made. I anderstsnd Mr. Scott has seen Mr. Burton again. Sena tors Fulton and Gearln are '-working hard and In this work are aided by all of. the senators and representatives from ths northwest. . tr'- . ' ' Oarsahres to Blama. "While on thla subject let me aay th appropriations for rivers and harbors are limited because or our own laca oi Interest and inaction. By. that I mean the people of the whole country. If the people generally were as much In earn est as are those of this section there would be no trouble, because only mem bers would be - elected . who favored these Improvements. No one acta In response to a genuine demand quicker than to th senator and representa tives. ' On' difficulty Is the constant characterisation of th rivers and aar- bore bill as a "pork barrel." an unwar-l ranted and misleading : misnomer; an other la th Idea that It carries large sums of montir. Whlfih 'S another ret. lacy. Th facts are that for .11 year th annual appropriation of all kinds for this greet purpose ha been but about $lt.OOO,00 and its percentage to all other appropriation during Jbe same period a trifle over per cent. . Just think of the great project under way, their necessity, the good they will do If completed, and yet but an average of about $11,000,000 annually devoted t car for them. Even this money doesn't com annually, for. Including ltOI. In the past IS year th bill have been bi ennial, thu entailing enormou waste In tlelng up project under way. -Sow (rood mght aVesnlt, ; ' "It 1 to remedy these- abuse and to obtain annual and additional appro priations that th National River and Harbor 'congress was founded. One (Continued on Pag Two. BAND OrELKS 1 v.; v 4 ... Horace G. McKinley. TOWN TOPICS HITS AT ROOSEVELT President Is Grilled for Alleged Absurdity irr Wording;Wed-r ding Invitations.-; ' ; (Jnomel Special Berries.) 'Kew 'Torlu-Feb. 8. Colonel William D. ' Mann, ' president ' of Town Topics Publishing company, made a tsck on President Roosevelt.' through the column, of thla week' .Issue of Town Topics, The first paragraph.) under "sauntering. " refers to the coming wedding at .tbWbJlte.JHous. Colonel Mann-objects to the form in which the Invitations to; Miss Alice Roosevelt' wedding were issued and says: .- "The Invitations to the- marriage .of Me-Alice-Roosevelt Should be recalled, edited,- amended and issued In proper form. There is time to do this If those concerned act promptly. The absurd csrd, headrd by th United State coat, of -arms, which' is out of place, la. as follows: . - - j. The-' president- and Mrs. Roosevelt request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter, Alice Lee, to Mr. Nicholas Longworth on Saturday, February 17, . 10, at II o'clock.' . " , ' . . (Continued on Page Two.) ""eee ' - aa - " f w uooaurculationmaKesauoo ; The Journal Is feeling -"pretty cheap space with allusions to ; cept, as its ' contemporary has as w ana w tcius ma inui uum euuic uaimm uif vmv a - j " ones", twice and three times as much. - '.'," ,, - , ; . When it comes to circulation The Journal leads both its contemporaries, "and in this con nection it is meet and proper to reprint its standing offer, as follows: .,,rj "The Journal is willing tgrarrrand Oregonian to risk a like sum, if a committee of three to five business men, to be ' selected as agreed upoiu sitting as investigators of newspaper circulation, do not show in their report that The Journal's circulation in Portland and in Oregon exceeds that of the daily Oregonian or the Telegram, the evening edition of the Oregonian, the paper or papers that fall down in the contest to forfeit the sum named tocharity, while the other or others to . have their money returned." . " - ASSEMBtEDXASrNlGHT TO DEDlCATE-THEIR NEW HEADQUARTERS Neat Little Ruse Carried . Out by Arrangement With a , Friend -to Give Impression He Was in Portland, v ; MEN SUPPOSED TO BE I HUNTED WERE AT EASE LAiter the Bird Had Flown Inspector Neuhauen. Received a Letter From Seattle Saying That McKinley Was "Trying to Escape by the Northern Route.'.; - " - :: ' ' Widespread .comment' has been oc casioned bv the extraordinary ease with which H. A.'D. Puterand Horace O. Mc Kinley, whose - Napoleonic . Operations form the moat spectacular" chapter in the story of the Oregon land - frauds, have made their escape from the. Jurisdiction of the United States. . Few believe that they could have escaoed from San Fran Cisco if the federal officials stationed there bad been vigilant In the effort to apprehend them. ' : .-. "The government did not want them," Is the common commentary, and It finds very general acceptance.- While special. agent wer busily eqgaged in Oregon,- in running -down clues and seeking Information as to the fugitives, the- men- supposed . to- be fleeing - from luetics were living undisturbed and ap parently care-free "Itr-Ban FranclsoOr--4- - -- KcKlmUyV XJUls Bna. McKinley finally decided ' to set sail for the orient and 'he took passage on the' steam Mongolia 'f or BhanKhat.- No vember 1. Ho waa accompanied by a wealthy- young' easterner, who had be come hflereated In a project for building a street -railway In one -of the large cities of China. At the time when Mu Klnlev Bailed hoth-liliid..-Putar srer tVery mlioh wanted by' Stat Land Agent' West, who bad brought to light tlielr operations in counterfeit school land certificates and was doing his utmost to run- ho-wldlers-to earth, -Apparently-) for the purpose of throwing West -off his trail McKinley resorted to a char acteristic ruse. . - He wrote to a friend of hi In Port land asking lilm to mall three letters which he enclosed, the object being that they should bear j the . Portland post- fvnark and , thus create the impression that McKinley was In this city. The letter containing these, enclosures waa dated December t from San Francisco and th postmark corresponded, show- (Continued on Pag Two.) e ' '''.mm W - good," with thankstfrour-generous contemporary who fills its The Journal's importance, so good in fact that it will not ac- to do in order to make a showing, to contribute $500 or $1,000 to any S. A. D. Puter. ... .- t-. HEROIC SEARCH OF AGED nAH Lineman Logan Patrols Beach , Until ExTtaustedln Seac of Bodies. ' , ' ' (Joe reel Bpertal Sen Ice.) Victoria, B. C, Feb. J.-J)lspatches thla morning f rom the-tag Im. --which -is now searching . the weet coast "for bodies of the Valencia victims, give the first account of the heroic 'action of Lineman Ixgan of Clo Oose, the only man who reached the scene of the wreck befrtfe break -Mi'-w.hlWi - took -place before hi , eyes without hi being able to render any- assistance. For eight days the el man with a few Indiana to -aaaUt him naa been- oatrollng - the beach,parfaklhg of" rud fart when ob tainable and- going hungry when not, in order to perform a self-imposed office of mercy for th dead. .Am Tan.... . 1 th. tltT TiltlM at. tempted to land four Indiana on Pacbena bay. put tne urr aamasea me nrai so Then the Lome sailed direct for the wreck and got within half a mile of the piece or meat wnicn is sucsing through the waves and mark th soot where th wreck lay. " (Continued on Pag Two.) ..' "' IV. ' '' advertising at prices as low ,deseryingcharitythe,Tele - t afeeung HlllgilffiiE niieirrm i---n as ... , , , , t ... , . j . j' i ' . ' - , J Some Strong Bracers Will Have -to Be Given It or It Will Go ! 77r to Smash Before Long,-" ! ' i Jt Is Said. . GRESHAM .BUTCHER : . UNABLE TO GET IN When Hia Application Is . Tarried Down Local Retail Dealer Suspect Sincerity" of Wholesaler Circular : Letter Addressed to ' Local Firm . Brings Forth Strong Language. . Staggering under repeated blow glvn It by publicity, th neV-formed trust of th retail butcher I In a' critical conai- tlon and most careful nursing is abso lutely necessary to keep th majority of th retailers from withdrawing. . As matters .'now stand the retailers claim -the organisation I fast passing out of. their hands and Is already prac tically under the control of a few. whole salers .who striv to keep, their price up to th top notch and allow the, re tailer to go to th DOW-WOW. Th application of a Sreaham butcher to loin the association started ine row. At the last meeting; of the aoclatlon, when the firm - mad application for memberahlD. it waa refused admittance The proposition to take the price cards Off meats lying on th counter of th shop created another row and a good-slsed mutiny waa started with Dowerful Insurgents, In command. A prominent First street dealer is said to have left the meetlns? In much haste on anflnunt of. favorable action beins taken in .th matter -of 'removing 'the price cards, but It l-known that after con stderabl ressure hM been brought to bear he gav order to hi clerk to re move an Sims' from meat be finning neat Monday morning. v In . it hast to corral th entire butoher freternitv under th banner of the association soms pointed circulars have" been Issued by the oomblne over the signature of H. F. Joslln, It secre tary. Mr. .Joslln Is a . local - attorney with offices in th Commercial building. Th following I a copy of th circu lar sent under date of January SI to th Paciflo Market at Grocery Company, one of the firm outside of th combine: "Gentlemen: .At a meeting of the Portland Meat Dealer' association, held Tuesday evening, January 1S there war nearly 19 member of th trade pre-' ent. Including five of th wholesalers of th city of Portland. At this meet ing the wholesaler pledged themselves tq stand by the retailers In the enforce ment of the reasonable rule adopted by the association and to us their Influ ence to see that these rule were lived up. to by the retail trad of th city of Portland. Among thee rules were the discontinuance of price advertising, us of trading stamps and various other rule w hich hava been adopted from time to lime The retailer and whole saler seem to . thoroughly understand each other at the present time, and sre 'both working together for th better ment of the meat trad In th city of Portland. ,.W feel that It la to your InLereat t become a member of th association, not only for th good that it will do your own business, but th good that you can do th other fellow, nd thu assist th entire trad to bet tar condition. . Now that th retail butcher and th wholesalers are work ing together we feel that the associa tion is abl to accomplish a great deal of good .for th trad. We therefor extend to you a special Invitation to attend th next meeting of the asso ciation on . Tuesday evening, January 10, and become a member. Respect fully. . "PORTLAND MEAT DEALERS' ASN". "Per H. F. JOSLIN. Secretary." (Continued on Pag Two.) Bridegroom Mizner Arrives With Valet and Two Dress Suits 1 - and Mrs. Yerkes Acknowl- '" edges the Ceremony. ' SPRIGHTLY FARCE IN ; LIFE IN HIGH SOCIETY t - ' Midnight Marriage Follow. Lively Popping of Cork and Wife of Late Traction ' Magnate Forgeta All About Incident and Viahs Preacher ' to Find Out the Truth. ; " ' ' . . ' " ''- ; (Jooraal Bpeelal Berries.) New Tors, jfeb. 3. In spit of th de nials made ' by . Mrs. . Ysrka-Mlsnr, . widow -of' th 1st . traction magnatev she Is th wife of Wilson Mlsner, th well-known California a. as a mar rlag certificate was exhibited early thl morning. Th certificate 1 algned T Rev. Andrew Oinies, who performed th ceremony Tuesday night in -Mr. Ysrkeo' home. : It is also signed by A. K. Waller, Km 11 Bruggler and Jo X Eastland, three wltnssses. It bear th date of January 10 and la absolutely au thentic. " Thar I no question of th authenticity of th signature. . Mrs. Miner herself today ad mttted the. marriage. The Press ssys of th Mia. nr.Yrka afXalrv-c- . "It waa a sprightly farce In llf In high society very high, oclety-4nter'. persed with a lively popping of oorka, midnight suppers culminating In a cli max on th morning after, when th woman supposed to. have been married, forgot all about th Incident and visited th clergyman who tied the knot to find out whether ti wss a widow or wlf. Th last obtainable Information waa to th effect that Mr 'York did- not -knw her presear status. - -" - "Parties of ail aorta. It became known, lightened th burden of widowhood for Mr. Yerkts, and at one of these pr tlee held In th Cafe Martin on .New Teat- v.'T?ie TieaJth or TJIsner and Mrs. Yerkea, hi prospective wife, was drunk." . Mlsner arrived at th Terke man a loir' thl noon In an electrio cab. accom- panlad by a valet, two suit cases and a hatbox. , . w . . , "Moving In?" queried th newspaper men. Yes. thl l my. home now," replied Mlsner. He said that h had nothing to say now and walked Into th house with an air of posssssion. ' . RevV aillles todav filed th certificate of th marriage of Mlsner and Mr. Ysrkes and th latter acknowledged to a bunch of repot tors that ah- now la Mrs. Mlsner. - Th newspaper men were sdraltted into th Fifth avenue mansion . of" the .lata 'traction magnate and . th bride talked to them from a beJeony on . th Inside of the court,' excusing herself on account of indisposition. ' "I hop thst you won't ssy that I'm. 80 years old." sh laughingly said. "Im ' married and that's all there is to it." Th reporter offered felicitations and ' reoelve he., thewfce Ml.ner w. con gratulated and said that be deemedhlm- self th moat fortunate of young- Been. Th misunderstanding regarding th marriage publicity waa due, h said, to th Intention of Mr. Mlsner to keep th fact from th publlo for i day or more. The couple' have no plans, at preaent for a wedding trip. - GLUE-MAKER CALLED IN BEEF TRUST CASE (Jearaat Special Berries.) V Chicago, Feb. 2 Jesee LyBaaa. p reel dent of th glue company, waa called to th stand to testify In th packer' case thla morning. Morrison objected and th whole session was taken up In discussion of th admission of Lyman testimony.