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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1906)
FOS SALC-KTAL E STATU -CJTT ViBW 4ARKrtje tarsi tw-Thl fin 4 d'tlon, with stoewaiae, watsr (nil grading, -. KlnaaU, owl Commsrcial block. Msi SQ1JARB-DBAL RBAL ESTATE) COMPANY. H ' block and S nod era houses, on and two nam present Inoom orr 10 pat cent. 1 S Bodara 8 room houeee, Eugene and Wil liam a re., tinted sod piped far furnace. Myrtle Park Btlful eVrooaa kttiM and lot at nil . i , S full kU aad 8-rooa boose, Btowut Park. - at i s wt. Must be sold owwa compelled t lBe ' tke city Rests arant. beet put af Stark at. Roomlng-booa. Elerenlb at. BSsr Wssh la I too. - . Nuaeroo ocxsr dooms, iota ana isrxss w v. .'" wi-E. TLER, '' Room 806, AUsky bldf. LOTS o Or 100, 88 par month: gat row ham he . fora price adranc. Ball Gott, Ockl Oreea atatlea, at. Jehu eat. - BEST bargala la a ooruer lot la Sunuyalde; , trt la ant grsded but bar eewr, water and gaa. Phon EaaC 4B0B. :" ; FARM OWNKK8- Whit hftv fe-ta fara ftAAfwv w a a a.a..s.sU BW S Be ft t W A Bl' FAaTr etSk os B, oragonisa mug., rurusna, r FARM t 10 acraa arnat be aold la B dy: toak, too la, crop and bnaaaaold furniture; all go for 88.000; terni to ault. Call or ,. address L Job see e. rirxr-BwwsT, Wo. VREB LAND IN OR BOON andar tha Crep Irrigation Act. Deed dlraet from a tat a. Writ today. Booklet and Bap free.' B. a. Oooka Co.. Ml Aldar at-i Portland. Or. VOR SALB nOO-scr ranch at Columbus, Waah. logton; trait bar. grain, atock i ea new rail road. Addreaa Boa 144" fradlatoa. Oregoa. DAIBYMEN AND OTHERS. NOTIORI upland Id dalrr ranch. Oolamhla bottom, t ml lea from Vaacouaar, 1H mlloa to railway at at km. boat landlnca aa Colaoihla and laika Hvara; dally craam boat; 1 Blla ta arbooL rnral Ball dallraryi Wo acraa i aaaaak apland to eara for atock; good bolldlaaat Br aala abaap for raab. sno-arra dairy farm adjotalaf a bora, aqaally . (nmt aad altnllarly allaatadi a anaaa Rplandld 10-aera fro It raaeh. aa aataklrta ' f VaaraoTrri aa Meal boaia: baa wall aad paaip anpplylnf aalabbara, jrlaldlnf food k aoma: cheap for raah. : Kplaadld 14-aera fro It fana. adloralaf a bora; rood hooaa, bara and drrar; eloaa la ; Taacoarar and all adrantaaaa of eltyt a bat tar noma emild aot b Imaglnad. Ideal apot far mldrara la Taaeoarart 4 mad lota wltb fralt tiaaa) ebaooa far food laraatoMat. nail eoaatry arkrtntn, pood rotlar aiin. , SS-barral aaparlty; wall located for both water and rail tranaportatloni for aala at a eacr1M.e or for raat an eaay tarma ta rlaht party. ' aOO-aara dairy farm aa OahnMa rlwn rlnea ta aebaol aad railway and rlrar trana por tattoo: amna aplaad: rnral Ball roatal ; a aplaadld place, for aala cheap. ' Good tO-arre tract, T acraa cleared: elnaa to, aeer aeeoal aad rani Ball reataj 1S aOacra'rtTwidaaTBrTBprpw well watered: 18 per arra.. O-aera tract. Ai Bllaa ta railway atattoa, . $8 per acre. Write or apply to Donald MeMaeter. Tae- araratnf roB. - . BOW IB THI FOR A BARGAIN . t1 Acroa Pop Rale. 118 acraa In enltlratlon, nearly half needed, anod arhool and church, oa Balea road. Bllea " aoath of Dayton; t blr be roe and ether oat balldlnfa. b room dwelllnit: Id bead af cattle. nearly au eowo; t larre otarra. 100 ehtrkena, 1 awarma of bee, and greet rartety af farm toola, all Inrlnded: price AM par acre: will take part city property t there fa running water In paatare, S welle at booae aad barn. om floe timber, and nn batter- ecdl n ealleyi anttra farm fenced and crooe-feneed. I am alone aad mnet lea re tha farm. , John Oorart. owner, Daytoa, Oracon. 44 AORU 10 mllaa eaat of Oregna City. Logan dlatrletl here or a 80 and t8 andar plowi t Jlallea ta prlea-mill,- anllaa ta aieaiuei rhnrrb at tor net of land, free from rock a and thickly nettled. Phone Beat 88P4. 10 ACRE. S r lea red, bonne, 8100 worth af. good wood, fnrnltnre, toola, go with placer noma one will hare a barraln If aold at 1 once; ftno- Iwatlpn for Thicken rancb; nrlc nraab. Cell oa Praak Bartlett, Rldge , Waablngton. 40 iiPRM aslcndld land Bear Oreeham: drle- ;,.tii J'tnr f ,P,'Vd! tuuJtcnBxm . , Land Co., 14SH Tint It. FOR lAIS t.nno acraa wheat land la 830 ta Aaflacra trrta, tn aontbera Oregon. Ad' dreee Boom 11, 2H nforrtaoa at., Portland, Oregon. an-ACRR bemantead. food land, t earing. T Bllea from Dtifur, on R. R.. 11.100 eaab, l-rTJC!IS.ln -rtrar at. FOR IALB. tl.non IWV-acra farm, all aader fence, noma rrowlng rmpi houaekeealng ' ntenall. etc.- For parti rulara addreaa. O t, '. rare Journal. . TO EXCHANGE. BXCBANOR t good bnlldlng lota, pear Talea are., for reaiaence eon pay earn vinaraaea. lOTii Third. ' 15t ACRE). 40 been rnHtTated. nearly lerel, creek, bonaa, atock barn, acbool near, towa . ' and creamery m ml lea; will trade for - bonea end lot or ae for 11.100. BoBe , Land Co.. 14BH Plret at. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. THE MODEL STABLER, Browa g, roater. propa. , Pbona Main P4T. Boarding, llrerr and aalej etpreaa and baggage Iranafer, 3tA arla at. TBAM af 1.8nfl-nound boraea. S yeara old; nnand - and well broke i price reannnable. fo rannt, FOR SALE TIMBER. Ho. any aiae nteeeai . BewaU, Ud Cbamber at deaf , FIVR rae-lana timber clalma ta Willamette valley; partlea ainat be of known reeponel blllty. W. T. Burney. IT Waablngton bldg. BOMB good pine timber clalma to be bad If takaa et - once: good for ' Immediate arc. Boob Strl Commercial blk. 1 HAB ebeot 1M timber clalma for loratton; s no rbargee ontll yon file on claim; oaU aad Inveatlgata. 20- Mohawk Wdg. . FOR ' SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BOO KB - bonybt, aold and exchanged at tha Old Book Store. S2 lamhlll at. FDRNITTRB af IT noma nraat be aold before February 1; good and cheap. Apply after nonoa, Tha Dexter, Twelfth aad Waahtngtoa. WB print roor name on 80 calling car da, proper aloe and atria, fnc; WW bnatnroa card a, l. A. W. Brhmale Co.. & Flrat, Portland. Or. WESTERN OREGON MINING 4 MILLING CO. keadqnartera; atock tor kale and Informa tion at ISO Flrnt at. Pbeee Mala latd. F0R 8ALB OR BINTNEW AND SECOND HAND SEWING MACIHNE8. STANDARD ' SEWING. MACBINB AGENCY. B. D. JONES, 180 YAMHILL ST. WB Bead furniture aad will pay full talne, , Pbona Pacific TIM. Waetera Selrafe Oa. S2T Waablngtoa at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to erdrrt aecoad-bind goodf foreale. Car lac a j Kalk rroai. ln Coach It. Phone Clay STL BOSSES af all klndi for aala at eery - able prlcea. Inquire 178 Front at. , 1 BILLIARD AND POOL tablea tat rant a (of . aala en eaay permeate; . . IHB BRUNSWICK-BALK ft COLLbNDBB CO. at Third aC, Portland. - rBH0W "caaea, ronntrra," flxhirea bought, aold at eaebaag eaV r Waetera Selvage 0e 43T Waab Ingtoa it. Paclfla T8. " lit: t.t oi.iuil' i4 I i -TTHBng'a'-WMdifor'llic Is only a 'moment's work, arrd incurs but a trifling expense, and does the work every time. If you mail a want ad; to The Journal at midnight, enclosing price in stamps or " . ... coin, it will be printed the next afternoon, nd probably answered the same evening. ; V If you would try this want-filling method once you would probably find frequent .use , ' ' for it afterward. That's the case with others. Journal want ads. never disapoint. OR - SALE MISCELLANEOUS. PAR SOTS Received a lot of Mejlcta dopoal followbaad- parrar 7100 lata-Htur- Chrletaiea - trade! will eell 1B parr ota for $8 till aold. rertiana Bird Ckw 1X1 ft. tav Phoa Bad ati. MANUBB by wagoaload at carload aa O. W. P. WkOBJ-Baal. SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS FOR SAM ' VERT CHEAP OR FOR RENT FOR 8 AND - t4..rlci MOMTH. UNDERWOOD TTPB WRITICR C. OS SlXIat-ST. . - ON B 4x6 photo atamp camera. SxT hraa. abet ter, f plata boloera; erarr thing new. Call at addreaa Artlat, 80S Grand 'are., south. HON EI, HONEY Tare Callfornle. la bottle at rana, large atock, low prlcea. quick dallrary. Pacific aloiiay Co, 80S ti Boraalda at. FOB BALE Remington typewriter and National 'raah reghrter at a bargain) alao aoma aecond bend mualcal laacraaiaata. FUbar Maalc Co, 1U0 Third at. . . ,000 CULL tlea for aala, raltabla foe logging , railroad or cribbing. Cbarlaa PotUf e, 488 Commercial at., Portland. PAIR of bay boraea, weigh 1,400 ponnda; are aouad. work ererr way; alao 1 cheap delirery borae, welgha 1.100 poanda, prloe ISB. Call 14 Nor Ik Fourteenth oC . , FOR BALE Piano; 828 If aold tbla weak) la food condition. J78 Boat Bareatb at., aor. amblU, CLOSING aala official photographic rlewa af eipoaltlna, Baarenlr poetrarda, view booka, etc.,. greatly reduced prlcea. , BxpoatUoa Store, M Morrlaon at. PERSONAL. CONFIDENTIAL medical edrlce ta woman We treat dmeeoea of women . axelnalrely, curing with onrarylng aaccdaa all female -' ailment from the allghteat local Irrltatloa ta the Boot complicated Internal trouhlee; prlTate boapltal accomnaodatloxU- Profeeatonal lady- ailrae In" attendance!- eenaultatloa and aariee rrea. x-Kaaium MedloU inatltnte and Sanltarlnm, Third and Alder ata.. aatraoca SOS Able it.. Portland. CAM roo make a few monthly naynwiiti nf tfl or mora fur protected Intereat In aatabUabed . aooperatlea bualneea, aatarid by clear real aetata held la cruet, new paring 10 per cent IS per cent naranted dlrldcndiT Experta anon te nay up to !KI par cent. Nearly 8,000 Kraona now recelrlng proflte Send poatal r free llbiatrated booklet. Addreaa "A Ufa Income." T01 Dreael bldf.. PblUdelpkla, Peanaylranla. - BLCEPBINTS af aay kind er drawlnga or plats made for ine to 25c per aqua re foot aad up. 4M Tamhlll at., room 8, aaeaad Soar. Port landi Oregon. 0RAPUOLOOY . Ta than eaeaid la tbla octewee tba band- ' writing clearly rereale the tendeartee bf tha IndlTldual. their weaker and atrongar ildre. tB'StfflTft' AtTrTF " "d"l)ganIglf'. SafMIPaK tO hrfTr, youreelf aad friend a. Tbla la the Beat ac curate Boamre yea ran adopt. For further particular! addreaa Eleanor WUleex, "P. O. ' Box 8.. tOTTNO LADT Expert cblropodlat: abw manl - curing, acalp and elcotrlc treetmenta. 145V Slxtb. room IS. LADIES A aeeer-falllng remedy: rellarea all obattnata caaea; perfectly harBleaa - bat a . poaltlre relief: receipt with full, Inatrae tlona 8T'(atampi takrnV. - Addreaa : Dr. A. - Bndd. Baa Franclico, California. . DR. WORLBT BENJAMIN, tba Font; Snadartat. 840H Waahlaf toa at. Hood SO. Bora' fart ' made aoand. FREB ta cat af towa patrnna. aor latent cata logue or rancT were pillow copa, enw Blecegroblrtwafafa and onreltlea. The Needle Craft Shop. 10T Allaky bldg.. Portland. Or. BACKACHE and kidney er bladder dtaeaeee cared wltb Oregon, berhe; trial nlaa for 10c ' In atamp. plummar, 100 Third at. BING CHOONG, Importer of Cbtneee root Bedl etnr: eel la Cblueaa tea that la eertale rare for all dlacaoea. Ill Second bet. Yamhill ".and Taylor. DR. ATWOOD. Id Raaael Wdr . 10AH Fourth . et. Female dleeaeea and confinement taken and cared fori apaa craning. Conaultatlon free. . TORBIDPBN FRriT." A Hot Tamale," "Story of a Slare." "Fanny Hill," "Ague." "Her IJJddea Charm." 60 each. Th A. W. Scumale Co., Z2 Flrat. ' . SEND for rrea Rat of cat prlraa aad ratee a Bagailaaa Joaaa Boafc . Store. Ml Alder at. ,TTSTT"tbe Canton Baeair Store; ft neat Cbl- nee and iJapaeeee pansa ana gooa in ino dty at reaoonahw prlcea. to Mxui SUITS pioeoed -while ytm watt, HOC. I -a die klrt preeaed. 60r. Ol Inert, 108 M BUth M next ta Quell. Phone Clay 800. DOLLS' HOSPITAL - r pairing and dreeomeklng. SSI Tamhin. MBS. Sophia B. Seha. fievi 'cbomatrlat, eeereoe pmpheleeet dally 10 ta 8. T to 8; circle -Teeeday and Friday. S p. B, 848 H Tanihl'l. cor. Seranth. Pacific lot. Sou day erealng meetlnx Draw ball, loa saeoaa. LADIES, ir roe want tn marry, Join car aactaty. W bar haadrede of floe member wh wleh to marry. Matrimony Regie tat.. 10c. 24 Rueael bldg. Pacific 620. WET FEET are oauereee. Wcbtmt bUckmf la abaolntcly waterproof. BALM OF Fins for all female dl S26 Beet Betmnat. Pbona Eaat 4084. YOt'Nrt lady glrea nor. alcohol aad medicated bath. Parlor ST. 80SH Stark. TUB -Kelp Ore Mineral Rath are a poet tie cor for all chronic, nerrona and akin die eaoea; nature' owa remedy. 048 Third at. Pbona Pacific 1331. - FOR so cents ! can let yoa bare a recipe that will poeltlTery cur tha worst ca of dandruff nd falling hair. , Addreaa, 0. 8. S box 480, Portland, Oregoa. VIGOR AND VIM nr. Julia' Decken'a mm cur for fafllne end bwt nower. 81 box, a lmoot' treatment: d boiee. 8A aent eecarery aeeled tn any addreaa. Call or writ. Sow Alnawortb bldg, Portland. Oregoa. - MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Nerr Globule. One month treatment, 12: 8 Bonthe, 88;, sent securely sealed by mall. Agents. Woodard. Clark aS O.. Portland. Or. tE. Palm Tablets mk yon leep perfectly; jthey enre Brrrouanea and makyoa-teoi price nop box. S bnee 83 BO; guaranteed. All drnggtat. or addreae Brooke Drug Co., ST North Third at., Portland. Oregoa. ANT Ba or woman caa be strong and happy by using Sexla Pllla. tb greet tonlei price 11 a box, S bole $8, with full guarantee, ddree or call J. A. Clemeneon. drtirxlet. cor. Bacand and Tamhlll ste., Portlsnd, Or. MMB. ANNA LrcRgt A MRS." BRETER cure all acalp dlaeases; all k hide of be tha glrea; electric maeaare; ale hare th Freseb Mud for censoring wrinkles; Mme. K arrow fanou n, mediae, parlflo 1888. 8X0 Tayhw at. BBTKCTIVB , AGENCY Confidential Inreatl. gat lose; reports made on any Indlrldaal busi ness or property I mlsalng relatlrea located; bad debts collected: charge reasonable ; cur res pond aer solicited. Oregoa Detectlr - Serrlce, office 814-818 Colliuilds bUlg., 808 Washington st. Phon Msln 8418. . LOST powers restored hr tb greet Dr. Lorens's Nerre Tonic Tablets: 35c per box, . f bexea for 81.35. Write or call at Byaseir PUrmary, tl7 Morrlaon. bet. 1st snd Id. TURKISH BATHS, too Orrfonlaa htr-g., Udlss days. fsallemeB alghta. Mala 1S38. ,. MAYOR'S WALNUT OIL restore gray or faded hair tn natural mior; eesipie Dolt la Balled 0c. B. Msyor, 118. Second at LADIES sbonM Slid oat what Wrad will .da. Mr. Camming, 812 Barnelde, BKin-OBADB pcrtraltat kparUI offer for, few - cabinet else, esrtl er folders, IB for 8.1; oaalltr nd work tb beat. D, M. XaahiiL MdBOA1 t fifth .aad -Jhtj. .-Always-: ATTORNEYS. a-HT-TATNirETB .attorney, 005 Oommercl! blk., -'Becoad aad Wssblugtoa ata. Pbona Mala 04. B. P. BCRLEIGO. lawyer. 111 Oraad at. Bast Portias. and S Mulkey bldg., Portland, Oregon. A. O. PALMER, attorney. SIS Oregon las bldg. ART EMPORIUM. FRO'ESSOB B. MAX MBYBR. 848 Aldar. Portrait aad landscape artlat and aehr. AUTOMOBILES. C0TEY COOK Motor Csr C.. P"rath aad . Alder Agents .for Cadlllse, Pierce, Oraet Arrow, Franklin snd Stsrena-Doryer . Botor ear; Bachlnea ranted, repaired and stored. - ASSAYER8. 0ARYIN CTANIDB EXTBACTION CO, Montana Aasay urnra. . iaa ACCOUNTANT. ' R. H. BLOSSOM, ' . PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Batata, Corporation and General Acoounts. Bid Cbsmbar of Commerce. Pbona Mala 1T04. BATHS MASSAGE. TWO young ladlea (It tub aad rspse be tha. 110H Fourth, aor. Waablngtoa. TWO ladles gir hatha, fso and acalp msssags. Fifth t. BUTCHEK!4,1 SUPPLIES. a BIBKBNWALD CO.. Largest butchers' anpply S04-S0S Brerett at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. OWa. BAYIR A RTTLRAM. lOS-lll Blank book ma nn facta renal agents for Joaea - I m prosed Loose-Leaf ledger! e - th new Eureka last tba best aa tba market. CAFES. THE OFFICnV-SNS Wsstrlngtoa St. TT1. Samaal Vlgseaa. CHIROPRACTIC. CITRES spoendlcttls without drug er kulfa. Dr. Er Bogs, MS Hell at. Pbona Mala 44. CLEANINO AND DYEIN0. Portland Steam Cleeatsg Dyelag Wsrksi pras- Meal battar ta asaasttloa. tlldtb. Clay TO. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed 81 per Bienfb. Unlqna Tailoring Co, S4T Washington at. b. W. TCRNBB, pref-aatonal dyer end ckwaaa, SOB Jeffaraoa at. Pbon Main SB1B. NEW PROCESS lacs curtain cleaning;, (0a to II pair. 484 Oils a. Msln 408. - SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Ladlea aad Men'a cleaning sad pressing. BOO Waah. Pad Be 181T. ?r COLLECTIONAGENCT DOES - any one ows yoa money t W collect bed debt of all kind. Northwesters Law A CoUscttoa C., m Grand are., room 14 and IS. Cltlseoa' Bank bldg. Oat tbla - at Phone Est 0045. ' CARPENTERS ' AND BUILDERS. WASHBCBNB PLOYO, wagon ballde.-a end grsersl lob work, as Bth at. Pboa Band aa. F.' B. YANDBRHOOF. carpenter 1ST Stark at. Phone Mela I4T. WM. FISHBECR, earpmteri repalrlnf snd I blng done. tBl Burnslde st. Phono Msln 41T. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. KSRERG-OCNST CO- . instnootora er rrNTClfJABS. Port lead. Otagaa. CROCKERY -AND" GLASSWARE. WROLESALB crockery aad giaaswar. " Prael. Regele A On,, 100 to 108 Fifth, cor. Stark at. COAL AND WOOD. Cnt'BCHLBY BROB. bar reasesd from fast DstIs st. to 420 Keemey et., near nth; bt now tbs largest woodyard latha dty. carry ing all kinds at wood sad coaL Mela B3L WESTERN Feed A Fast Co.. e Front, bet wees Gllssa and Boyt, dealer la all kinds of houss eoela aad blacsamltb aula. Phon Main 101S. ALBINA FCBL CO. Oca 1 ere la nrdwned. aaal snd free n4 dry labwood R. R. and AW "bin t 1 blocks esst of ferry. Bst BT4. - STEEL BRIDOB Fl'EL CO. Dealers la coal, our 4 wood aad dry alabwood. Pboaa Xaat 414. 0REOON Ft'EL CO. All klnda of coal and . wood. 80S Alder at. Pbon Mala SB. KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water at. Wood and aosL Phoa Mala 4S00. KINO COtL CO.- Importer hlgb-frad tB aad amltblnf coal. Mala 14BS. FULTON WOOD CO Pbona Padfla M4 tor ta . el4 and. green alabwood. . BARD wood T50 per cord. wd 18.18: Sr 3.40. rawed 4HH CommoroUl-AV Pboaa Eaat SIM. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST COMB AT ONCE! ATTENTION! ALWAYS RELIABLE KKB TUB BEST. -ST. OKOflGB ORMONDE. THE PHENOMENAL MASTER PSTCTTIfl. WORUI'S RATrlTf440fT FAM0FSI SRKR OP EGYPT, Medium. Palmist, Healer, Tell you how to gain th lore of lb an yoa most desire or control or Inflnenc the act loos of any on, eren though mile, away. Of merrlare. Wee, bnslneaa, slckne, bow to In . eeet money. epsmilstlon, baying. Mllhtg, partner, friend, enemlea; rare an nerruua diseases.' weakness of srery kind, sett lee bnra oiiarrele. rennltee the sen.rsted. baatan mar- I rlaie. rvates mlnaa.. juried treseuree. mlalng enee, papers; rsnsws jouiuiui ruatue'. tnarneile secret - pun er of control. - deeebip. teechea. Inspires. Coursa. rigor, sph-ltusl Doles. Permanently located. Open Sunday. WASHINGTON ST. MMB. DREYFUS, th mast gifted reader of lb past, present aul futnr and tha greet et Urlng exponent at th occult eclenc aa re reeled by nature s record. Mm. Dreyfna will be slated by Mil. Dreyfna, and In too wall know In Portland to need ei tended drr tUlng. Office Sam Morrlaon. cor. Fifth. SEB TUB GREAT ring of Aatmlogrrs, Palmlat and Medium, tell your name, tb sanies of friends and enemies: erorythliig yoa wlb to. know. Hoar 10 a. a. t B a. a. 13B Fifth at S ' EENOBIA. THE 0RKAT EGYPTIAN. Telia yoa Inat what roo want to know. 8M ALIMKY BLDO . tm MnfrhMm It., oor. Third. MRS STEYENS, PswtUnd'l blading palmist, atrnlocer and clalrsoyaet. . IBS Berentb at pp. Hotel Portland. MADAM EOBA. palmist aad clalreayanti read Inc daily oa all affair at Ufa. Parke a, , As4M MerrtaoB at. Fill; f oir cMM ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BYEBDINO FABRRLL, produce aad esash aloa merch.nU. 140 front at., Portlaad, Or--PhouD Main 1TB. " T A RPKT PTiK ANINQ. STANDARD Carpet Cleealng Ce., btrgeet pleat - aw tb eoest. I -nruig and tiaraing phrsva Faat- 2W0 .. Carpets c leaned. 'ed and laid both ateam and lateet eoio- reeaed air arocaas: renoratlog msttrsaiss aad 'ea there a epeclelty. . ANITABY carpet cleaalng. ewrtloa asd oa ii ... i 1 at hluJ mnrntm mlmm Uit m Clrwie Without re moral. Main 6S84. Bsat 4338V. DRESSMAKING. MRS. M. A. BALDWIN, VS Sixth at., Padfle 1204, dniinf month or Pebmsry cbsrgea I S herv regular price; sstlefactloa guaranteed. XEISTBR'S LADIES' TAILORING COLLEGB, S03 and 400 Allaky bldg.; write for booklet DANCING. WOODWABWB daadng arbool of tba Waetera Academy of Muale, Monday and Thursdsy. . Spsctatora Inrltrd. Lesson 80. Dancing B ta 11. Oor. Becoad and Morrlsoa. PBOF. RINGLER, SOS Alder, near Slxtb; alaaa sr prlrat lessons. BOa. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINES RING Company. 84 Seraatb St., Portland. O. K. for ererytblng la tha electrical Una. Pbona Mala 1888. -.. , - - PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, eoetrae tor, reps I rare, alectrle wiring, supplies. 84 First, ear. Stark. Msla 400. U, H, Tate, mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OR BOON Furniture Minafieturlna- Comnanr .- Maaafecturer of - laretrure tea th trade. 4 Portlaad. FUBNITDBB Bnnfctnrlnf and pedal orders. L. Baeeaeby'a fnrnlture factory, 870 Front t FRENCH BAKERIES. THB only place la Portland te fat French bread. Barrer Marll. 40T Sixth t Dally dallrery. Phone Oreea BOS. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-atr fnrnacoa ara fud. . C FENCE AND WIRE WORKS." BAST PORTLAND FENCB WIRE WORKS 18S Bait Morrison t Pbon Eaat Sit. PORTLAND WIRB F land era t, cor. Sd. IRON WORKS SSI Pbon Msla 1000. GASOLINE ENGINES. AT ckksrtiiff-dB priem, mvml araPVaoifn dWWlaaTpf IRBaflkg) ITBkd B(d( IfJIIairF T lTiT ' ' tkJf - prtce. - Re terse Msebrserr Oav. Pert land. GROCERS. WADRAMS a CO., wbolewl grocer, ractarer ndconiBlasloa mercbanta. and Oak at. f Fourtk ilLEN LEWIS, cMBnlwton and tFiiTrrint? rar cliants. rrtmt .n1 Daii iti., . Poo-tUnd, Or. GRINDIN0. B. J. CASTERIJNB CO.. lnrenror pf tb femooa steel tempertnr pnesa; tools sharp ened reasonable. 147 N. ftth at. Paclftc 812.- HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. aollclt opportunity to quote price. 188 Id St.. cor. Alder. Main 1884. MONEY TO LOAN. THERB ABB MARY PL1N8 -But It will piyyoa to lesra ours when yoa re la debt or In need f money; wa caa help yoa. aad without publlcttr: w will . luaa yeu any amount, 110 to 81u, oa your eslsry. at lowest rates, without cosigner and without tbs knowledge of your employer, or any one, and yoa can repay la payment of 81 weekly or $4 monthly, or Bore, ac cording to amount of Ban: w also loan aa furniture, piano, etc.. without removal. Whoa In need of money It will pay yoa to get It from us oa tb PAYMENT PLAN; It will coat yoa lee and get yoa out of debt. . If yoa will rail at our ofAc we will ex plain In detail; a Bleunderstsadlngs; yoa will know tb total cost and all particulars before to gat th loan; all Infarmatloa cheerfully- given, whether yoa borrow or not. HTTTON CBEDTT CO.. Sll (fifth Soar) Dekaa bldg. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. .438-S Mobewk bldg.. -ear. Moninna and Third, . Ladlea er Gentlemen. No Publldty. Tf yoa borrow no yoa -pay back tl.M a week. If ye borrow 828 yoa psy hark 81 08 a wsek. If yoa borrow 10 yoa pay bsrk 82 on a wsek. If ya borrow tin yoa pay back 81 88 a week. If yoa borrow .V yoa pay back 88 00 a week. Payments euepended la csss at sickness, v Strictly. Salary Loon. THB CRESCENT LOAN CO, 42S-S Mohawk bldg., aor. Merrlaoa and Third. MONEY TO LOAN . On I m peered dty property or for bnlldlng ptrrposee, for from B to 10 year' tlms, with prfrlleg to repay all or part of loon after on yar. Loans ax. pro red from plana -and money dened e bedding -peogr asoTTgagaa taken an ana replace n. rBSD-H BTROrCG. Financial A featT 143 BUrk t - TT1B STAR LOAN CO. Any (alarled emnlor. w, re-earn rr. caa get a hi ante, without mortgiges Month. rV Monfb. Week. ffiO PA Rensy to a 818 ft nr Id n or 8.3 Btn.ntb-Repey to na 8 8.SK er 1.811 or 81.0.1 18.00 Repay to u. 4.00 or 81.00 e 81.00 - Sin- McKay bldg. MONEY t loan on rentr personal nd collateral eecurlty; special attention to, chattel mort- fageei nntea bought. C. W.. Pallet, 804-B entna bldg , S4 Sixth t. HIGHLY rrapTtsMs piece where tadle and font caa borrow money on diamond nd ieweh-y. Collateral Loon Rank, MS Waab lngtoa at. Pbon Block TL MONET" ADVANCED. SALARIED PErtPI.B n others, wlthoat aeeurlty: easy psymsnta. Offices In (IS principal elite. Tolman. 333 Ablngtow bldg.. 10H Third et. CHATTFT. Iran tfl ammtnra ranting frem fM ., tn fH.OnO; rooming. houses a sneclslty. New Bra Loan ft Trust Co.. 106 Ablngtoa bldg. WILL- loan 11.000 or less. S per cent, real ae tata aeeurlty. Farrtngtoa. SIS Chamber of Commf r. " . MTiNEY tn loan en Clarkama county land. R. F. aad F. B. Jlljey. SOS Chamber at 0n LOWEST ra tee en furniture nd plsrw. Fist sm Loa Co.. 440 Sherlock bldg. Clay B2S. TO LOAN 4lnmi to suit na rhaftsl security. B.. A. Frame, B14 the Maranaa. - r PRIVATE money for print man aa realty, S and T per cent. V 10, Journal. r MONEY TO. LOAN on alt klnda of eecnrlty. WlllUm Holl. room S, Waablngtoa bnlldlng. MONEY TO LOAN from 8SO0 t Bft.OOO. by Cbarle Hlrat.e4. Sv Third at, roost 8. op p. Chamber of Commerce. HOTEITT HOTEL Peadldoa. Pewlletsa. 'W.A, Brown, mgr. HOTEL Portland, Amertean pUn; SB, SB pat,da. HOTEL St Osorg. Psndlstonl Issdlng btL BKLYEDERB; European plsnt 4tb and Alder ata. HAY AND GRAIN. . a. COOPER ft Ca Potato, feed aad noar. V sion are. rnoo eea soa,. ' HAIR GOODS. COMBTNGS boaght er msd apt swttche for ssle: bo Imported hair need. Mr. William Benueelth. 84 Raat Twelfth. Beat 1T10. INSURANCE. ISA AO Is WHITB, fire Inearenc. 80Q Dskn eiag. JAS. Met wood, smpiorcr' II ability aad ta - dlrldMt ccldent surety bond of all kino. Pbon 47. 803 McKay bldg. B. F. BARTET.S COMPANY Fire tneurance. 48 BierloctelnT Oregon Tbooe Main 1411. LOCKSMITH. s.s.Ticwricrrf BROWNB'S IN TOWN Expert tockiBltbaad vi Jvaay rw D8B IT 1 81 . abOB RIlBTas. Ae-Ky asos m ew I. H. mrilAEDSOrf. iMkBTmltt 4 r14Urtiif Mf ta 1 J. m a - e ,.we " .ni Kiiirnsnijr, rirrai ittviss. MONUMENTS. KEU ft nNOSLEY. 3B First t. Partland lesaing Barbie . nd granite" worka. MACHINERY. THB H. O. ALBBB CO. Soeoad-baad anaklaary, aawmllM, U. 848 Oraad sr. , BIPPELY ft MYERS, mack In lets and alee , trldaret lctrla torator. electrical mncfa le ery and gasoltn engine a specUMy. S34 Oak at. Pbona Maui 1830. CENTENNIAL IRON ft STEEL WORKS, ma tin and stationary eaaolln ancln exserts: all kind machinery repaired. 1SS Gllaaa Bt MUSICAL. J. A. WESCO, eiolia-aaker and repstrer; work first -class. IB Rnssel bldg.. 4th and Marrwoa. BMIL THIELHORN. pspll af Seelk. rlollB teacher, studio IBS Sixth. Tel. Mala SftOS. LOUIS A. CREITZ Teaetmr af r lot I a. 111 Sbermaa at, cor. Flrat. Pbona Msla "4ca LESSONS ftoc; piano, guitar, ban to, maadolln, rbUn.. Mr. Martin. 341 tt First, aor; Mala, Upstair. MAGNETIC HEALING. DR. L. H. HART treat all dies esse, stomach " trouble, nerreuanaaa snd functnnl wakn. Consultstloa free. IBB Soraath at Pboaa Mala 4178. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX ft NORTHRUP. 418-10-17 Dekum - bldg., .Third and Waablngtoa st. Pbon Msln S4B. Eismlnatloa free. DRS. OTIS ft MABEL AKIN, 4T4) M.clesy bldg. Clsy 778. Kss. M. 81ft 1.. . Coosultatloa free. TO best lidr oateooath In 1 town Dr. noon, sulle-1. Helllng-Hurecb bldg. PLUMBERS. DONNERRRRG ft RADEMACHER, Mnttary - plumber. 84 Fourth at Both pheooa. FOX ft CO., unitary plumber. HI Stroud, bet Main and Salmon. Oregon Pbona Mala tool. PRINTIN0. WELCH.. ft DAVIS. Printers Dose t-lost thing wire ink ana type aa aapac. ntsaraa -bldg., Sllth aad. Merrleoa. Ma sin 1 . 414T. ANDERSON ft PUNIWAY COMPANY, pristine, lithographing, blank books, pboaa Mala IT. 108 Alder at . TUB MODERN PRINTERT Artletle printing. So Rnssel bldg.. Fourth aad MorrBoa. Pbona ' Paclnc into. PATENT LAWYERS. t. C. WRIGHT, domes fir and fordga aatoatai Infringement case. fo4 Dekam. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH A-CO. The Ptoaoer Paint C. window -glass aad glastog. I8B First t Phon 1384.-- ., . ERNEST MILLER ft CO.. Second and Taylor Wall paper, patei. ell at market prices tra delirery. PHYSICAL CULTURI PBOPV-WlNGfcBR'S Srboel of Pkr steel Oaltaret It branch. SOB Aider et., soar Slxtb. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 14B Alder it., pbon Mala - TlOi rubber sumps, seals, atendbj. bsgrags. trans cberksi na tor caTsiagaa M. an. ROOFINO.' TIN ROOFINO, fnttMing. repelling and feaeral yonning. J. ust, xia eriersoa ax. STREET PAVING. WARREN Construction Co.. itreet paring, side walk! aad eroaatnga. TIB Oreaoalaa aidg. THB Barber Asphalt Paring O. at Portlaad. Of (Ice BOB Worcester blh, :-- SAFES. DIE BOLD, Chrome, ArBor-plet, Mangaa and - Fireproof ssfes sr snperior. - Under 4-Inch .well ant fireproof, alstenieots to tb con trary notwithstanding. Do aot permit lr reepoaslhle Itinerants to rbsnge yenr comhln twos. Pbon Mala 1058 or writ for estimate a loeknnt and repairs: Using prices and sqnar deal. Joba K. Darla. SB Third. WH repair and rebuild automobile, gaa fine, printing preaeea. time lock. afe, a dktoat. do all kind of machine work. pea l.o- Jt lumoia uh r.nx'or.oi oaie nwit. evi t. Phone Pacific B7fl.FrnkJ. Saner,. uptl SECOND-HAND GOODS. GOODE'S Fnrnltnre Hoase Highest price paid for . aecond band furnltor. 31S Second st Pbon Pacific 408. SIGN PAINTERS. SOLD SIGNS, window lettering, clot baaaar. economical electric fan and alxn f sit kinds msd antrklr. Footer ft Klstaer. Fifth and Erereft. Phone Excbaitg B8. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. eni'vYY Anw.n nx trf rt apt. i ,m hp . leans, 4 .r pdiM Ha Wxtiifi Tbf LTtBim MnnnNrrjrlnr Co., Portland. SCALP TREATMENT. OBAY, falling hair,, dandrnft treated; shampoo ing, manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mr. . R. F. Kyne. 108S Fourth, car. Morruoa. Room 13. Phon PaclSe MS. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. KARII0N ft CO..' Ankeny aad Eighth ata., phone PicISc TP Maker of eorglcnl In strument nd deformity ppllancoo; raanrs, knlre and acleors sharpened to perfection. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brwah. soap, 81 per month. Iawrenee Brn.' Towel Supply Co., Ninth and Coach. Pbon 410. - TREES. SHRUBS. ROSES. WB bar them by the tbo'ndK strong healthy atock I our lpno lllnstrsted snd priced eatskigne telle all. UOKTUAND SEED CO.. TELEPHONES. aaPaaslaeaaW THB anlp sxclttstrs tslsphon bona. . B.-B. E lee trie ft Tslspbaa Manafactuinf sos psny, SB Fifth t ' 1 TYPEWRITERS.' NEW typawrttar. all makes, rented, mid aad 'repaired. Coast Agsncy, tat Stark. Tel. 14UT. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, piano and furniture mored. pecked reedy for (hipping lad ahtpped; all work gaaraateed; large. Salary brick, flre-proot warehouse tor storsgs. Offte 128 Flrat at 0. M. Olaaa. Poos. Mala B4T. ' THB 8AGGA0R ft OMNIBUI TRANSFER CO., . car. Sixth and Oak t. ; baggage checked from hotel or reeldenea dlraet to destination; Psengr thersfor arold rush and aaaoy , anc t depota. Prlrata Excbang SB. . a O. PICK, office 88 Pint it., between Stark . and Oak ata., pbon BOB; piano aad furniture mored and narked " .fc'i -i... :3cbclcb- waieboii wttk ' Mpar.ti troa raoois. rrons an viay at. . OREGON TRANSFER CO... 184 North Sixth. Phone Main 88. Heavy hauling and ctorsg. B A BT SI DBTrgnifrr C. A. B, lleloomb, pesp. lTskrWatar t Pnoa East Bt POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 100 Wah tagtoa at Pbea Mala BBS, HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture ami piano moving. Phone Main 1018. FINANCIAL. KM BARK OF CAUFOERIA (Eetaullshsd 1804. . Head Offlcc, Baa Francisco, Cat. Capital paid np Surplus and aadldded prote....,.t,,TTO,148.31 A General' Ranking and Exchange Bualnewl Ttanssrted. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest peld on time deposit. -. Account nened tor mtm of f 10 Bad upward. Portlaad Braarh Chamber af Commerce building. , WM. A. MACRAP .Manager I. T. Bl'RTCHABU.......AHlUat Manager ERCJLAXTS' NATIOSAX BANK. rUBiLAJU, UUUUI, t FRANK WATSON . . . v Praddent L. DURHAM V loo-President R. W. HOYT a Chlr GEORGE W. H0TT Aeelatant Caabiat Traaaacta a OeaarsJ Banking Buslneee. Draft aBd Letter et Credit leaned Arallabw ta All Part of the World. CdlectioBa a Specialty. PORTLAND TRUST COMPART OF 0RX00RY Tb 01dat Trust Oompaay la Orsgc. RESOLBCES OYER Bl.400.00a - OcBrI banking. Bxcbsng a 11 parts 'of , n a vnrM Hasinas accounts. ium osriiu- eat, 8 to 4 per cent: short -call specie! ertl4 tea, aivat or orsc, s to S IH-r crn. Call for book of 'ILLUSTRATIONS." . Boutbraat Corner Third ana uaa am. VkM. Private. Keehanee TS. BKNJ. I. COHEN..... . I! H. L. PITTOrK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET.... .. .Secretary I. O. GOLTRA.... AssUUnt Recrstarx TB3 MORTGAGE OUARABTFE u -ww nw coururT BARK. Storks, Bonds and Mortgpfe Bought aad sola. n.ote.1 - 8100. 000.00 0 f. WaterbarF President 0.' W. Miller ,....".v......Yle-Preldent C B. Clement .. . .Secretry Elk - Tsmple, pervntn nna nurs oirevi. pkoa Mai 184. - u BTTXD STATES RATIONAL BABX BCinTTAVD. DltSOS NORTHWEST 00R. THIRD AND OAK STB, .Truat a Irmwral Jtaastng arasussB. -frAC t leeia Arallahl la AU ClUe of tb United State and Europe, ttongaong nn mauiis OOLLXOTIOBS MADE 0 rAYOXABLITEBW. t,.irf.. J. C AINB WORTH Vice-President . ........ . W. B. - A Y ER Ylce-PreldeBL...e. w. Chlr .e....V1 W. HM"f;5 ai.i.., r.ahliw A. M. .WRIGHT Assistant Cashier .W. A. U0LT ADO XTLT0B. RANKERS. (XsUblUhsd u 1MB.) . m . . - maakeav Basins. " OoUctlon mad at all .points i on farorabl terms. letters of credit I "sued srsllable in v ..a .11 In tha United Ktatea. Sight Excbang. an Telegraphic Toifer old oa iew xors. sHBiwiw.. Ixriila. Dnrer, Omaha. Baa Fraactca aad Montana and itnuea vauumois. Eachanga acid oa uiihjoUi i ai m wemw, Frsnkfort," Hongkong, Yokoksm. Manila and Honolulu. SECURITY SAVINGS ft TRUST COMPAWT. 84 Morrison St, Portland, Oregon, Transact a oeaarai nensmg rau Intereet Allowed oa Time aad Paring Doped t. acts ss irwire t . -. Drafta aad Lrttera of Credit ArallabU la An h . n . v. u .... Peeoldent 1 'ALEW 1S.J..L! First Vice-President AT CMILiJI L .y."..-.. .-B!0Od VtcPreotdent n n ii nirl Secretary GEO. F. BL'KSELL'....1 Aadstaat Secretary CIRBT. NATIONAL BABX h nr sniTt ian olISOI. , . Designstsd Depository sad rinanaUl Agsat af preeld.nt... A. L. MILIJI cn'-:-v-.-: ' -fr-e,,,TOA.r. Aaaiatani i earner I" .v'........ Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letter et todlt Uoued ArallsbUJa Boropa ena in. dm r l . m . Bne T-Umnhl. OVenefer , . k V W ' BmSm rjil...... Be. I AMta. W.H1 wm rew vb, . ... -. St. Paul, - Omaha. - Sea Fran dec - aad tba principal potnta la the Northwest Sight snd time bUl drawn In um to nlt . IdAVA . Ieabt1al aLxas 1 1 Fl BTSBirrnTI-rSleinB a-A n.ka aY nat K at an b Ps-aaTHwnlkai aFRVal iBX BID. kk" , wm'wm.- - -r " Cbrlstlsnls. Stockholm, Bt Ptrbarf, Moa. ww.Eorlch. Boaoluia. .. , uoiiaeiionB sm fiiw.w "TBI O0RTIXERTAL 00 MP ART. eistsrtlf. A n eTT STOCKS, BONDS AND M0RTOA0BS. S4S Stark Street. Mala 1878. M ORRIS BROS. WB lira Bt, srtUad. Or. Offer 011t-Edg IneeatBsnta In MnnMpal Railroad BoOdfc Writ or CaU. MORTQAOn L.OA1N8 0a Portlaad Baal Xatato at Lw Ratoo. BtO Wakint St., Co. Ssad TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA Lear Seattle , - 'jEFTTRBOW," Jan. S, IT, 81, Bt a. ax. sis Wraagla. "TABAIXOX.' abest Jsn. SB, B p. at. CALLING AT ' Kstshfka, 7s sees. Douglas, Hatnee, Skag wf7 Oeanect with W. P. ft X. rests 1st Atlta, Bawssai Xanana, - o r - ' Fs All SeaUaadara Alaska Porta. Call or end for "Trip to Wonderful Alaska," "Indi.n Bk.try.' "Totsm Pew'' . TBX ALASKA S. S. CO. . Frank Woobxy Cs Afsata. Wl Oak St. Porttaad. Or. TO ENLARGE MITCHELL- HOTEL AT 0LYMPIA 4Spdal Dupatch to Tb Joornal.) CHympla, Wanh., Fab. 1. All plans hava bn oompUlid for Bnlarslnf th Mitchall hotal ot this city. When eora pltd this will b ft mamrnoth brick atructura snd la deaig-ni to tnka tna place of tha Olympln hotel, which was destroyed by fir several e.r asrx W. H. Mitchell, one oth firm of Mitch ell. Stavar A Co. of Portland, Oracon. is the owner of tha Mltehell hotel. Work on the new building will beg tn March X. . Old BksJeX eXooasstaaitt aVold, IBpswkU DBpatca to Tb JarnaL) Echo. Or., Fab. 1. The old Rajey homestead, loWated two tnllea northwewt of Be?ho, and comprtalng lie axrea, was aold in 41 parcala at auction . for lt 700. K' was a 'referee's aalei for the purpose of partition, tha Amount re ceiver! helns divided, Among the Belrs of Jtmatha RaJejr. , TKAK2?C..TAi:c: IK 0 dValMowPACIHO 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 TikeAnwh OhIIk.- . - - 1 . . . . . - .isKwa estt vnortei eioopi '"B-fx-dllytofliiish., fblsees, .! Ik ter"'-''" daUy ta kausaa City, tbraogh Pullmsa tourist srsevisg-cara (per. ' . w vniraa nsciinuig ' cb.rrcar 4ta free) to tb Esst dally. -tnloa Depot j Lear. Arrlr. Chlcaco-Purtlaad B l.t . e a:.," "''"'? '" ' Tf aahlnapduue war a ? ' .'.',.' -- ; b we. vf si i ist nBiiJi, LpwUtm,. Vmtr d'AtoM mn4 fergt f faelh.. .. an an .u . . " aBiiogioa. osiiy.. ...... s:18bb TilBaat . COLUMBIA BIYER DIVISION. For Aataela mwt . .k Iteamer fi Ilwaeo snd North Beech, sieame I.". '. '.h-t- .dock, lee re 8 p. au dally. , mlay; Saturday. 10-p.- at - Arrlrra ""tJ P. m-. ieit auedsr. YAMHILL BIVER BOCTB. , Frir rMRvtA ra. . a K7 Z ' '"T"o It J SI 7 X TFinill I IWmW Inta . iturMfi RuiH mn4 MHkc. Amht. feck, a-.1.! 'a da!1' pt Uamdmf (wAttar put mlttlnxs'l- ABstslarsk BF.ssj. a.II- m Ss.dsy. " ' T" - "" - SNAKB RIVER ROUTS. : stee) t.Kt. j . . , . , - " .as., ena wsy peanm rroni Blporla. Vssb (tea mors Spaksn aad Lewtee to leer B:40 a. m.. or apon antral Train Nov 4, dally except Saturday. Arris 4 B. gs. dally except Frldey. licast Office, Third and Waablngtoa Sbv TeUpbons Msla 713. . a TOP tteaswwn Hi bi a . a, a k a r rw.rA "":''" -'y l awas. A. L. CRAIG, General Psseeager Agsat EASTvu SOUTH Union Denot La. Arrlr. Orerlsnd Ei Dreee Trslna w Salem. flnsorioTf. ' Aak-" 1 ' isao, necramaaio. iigaen, San Oisrlwo, Stockton, : Lon Angeles. El Paso, Nw OtUsn aad th east B;4B pa Morning train connects t Woodbura dally , except Sunday with train tor Mount - Angd. Hllrerron. 1: aa , RrwnTlll. Springfield. Weed ling nnd Natron. . 8:80 SB " 8:88 pal aucsna peosenasr - eon necle at Woodbura with Mount ADgsl aad Sllrer- ton local Corrsllls posse agar Sheridan psssengsr Forest' Grose pesssnger.. 4:18 aa 10:lkJ SB T kO.m B OO pa 4:80 pa e :X am 1110 pa 10:40 -m mnday, - -uauy. . ttlsuiy xcpl PORTLAND-OS WEOO SUBURRAN .SERYICB AND YAMHILL DIVISION. TeHir Portland depot foot of.Jsffersoa St) dslly far Oawrsw T:X0 a. a.; 11:80, 1:08, 4:00, . 8:20. 4 . 8:ao, K):10, 11:BO a. a. Dally except Huedsyl. B.BO. B.BO. B.88, 10:aB-R. BU unday only, 9:00 . m. Returning from uewrgo. arnr portiami aaity 8: JO . b. 1418. 8:06, B:01. 4 It. 7:, 8:&S, 11:10 p. a.. It M a. m. Dally (except Sunday). t:3. 7 26. .8.30, 11:45 h. m, . Sunday only. W:0O . m. - Leave troa same depot tot Da Dae aad Inker. medlste point dally 4.18 p. B. Arrlr Port land 10:10 a. m. Tk Indepeadenee-Monmnatb Motor line aper atee dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. connectlag with Souther Pacific company' track at Dal le and Independence. ' First -da a fare troa Portlsnd ta Sacra aenta and San Frandac f'JQ, berths 88: coad-cUaa fire- BIBt cond .lass bertha 82.B0 . Tickets to Beater polnte and Eurepei abw Japan, China, Honolulu and Australia. , City Ticket Office corner Third Bed Wash ington streets. Pboa Msla 713. . e w ..ivnea A 1 esifA V- r . ei . TIME CARD OF TRAINS; Portlands llMT Lost. - Arris, Ysllosraton Park Kansa Clty-St Loula Spec!! for Lbeaall, uenrrnue, vrirn pla. Gray Harbor, South Bend, Ta corns, Seattle, -Spokane, Lewlaton. Butt. Bil ling, Dearer. Omak. Kaa- City, St. Louie and Southeest. dally ..... North Coast Limited, elec tric lighted, for Tncoma, Seottb). Spoken. Batte. MlnneapslM. St Plat and lb Eaat, dally Puget Bound Limited, for 8:80 aa diSBpab 1:00 fa TtSSaaS raenan. t.earreu. tiensns. leairsus, - nd Seattle oaly. dally.... 4:80 pa 108 pa Twla City Expraa. for Ta- coma. Seattle. Spoken. Hsleaa. Butte. Yllowton ' . Prk. Mlnnoapolla. St Paul and tha Beat, dally 11:48 pa 1:80 pa A. D. CHARLTON. Anraitant Ganaral Passes, fsr A rest. BOB Murrlso atrwt. Third. Partlaad. Or. Astoria & Columbia , .River Railroad Co. Union ' Deport Xk . Arrtra For Maygsriv nainiar. uisi., kaale. Weetport Clifton, ' Astoria; Warren ton, Fla- eel. Ilamaond, Port Ster- ana. Gearbert Prk. Seaside :0Baa 11 JO Bat Astoria snd Seashore, sx- pres. dally T.0B pa 10 p AO tralmi dslly. J. C. MAYO. G. F. and P. A.. Astoria, C. C. A. STEWART, (ommerctal Agent f4S) Alder street, pboaa Mala BOB, THE COISPOPlTAaMX WAY. City Ticket OfB, 1M M at, PbM Ban. 9 Overlzsd Trxlss DsUy 2 'The Orlaatal Limited, th Faat Mad1 rTeXBTDZS BJEB4YTCTB TJW.TO-DATXI BQiyrMCHMTf- OOlTBTXOVB MWLrUOt laatt aoufxa ei OVwVrA LKaVB " lARRTVaT 1:80 S-m tortUa4 7:00 a, go.. 11:48 p. m Tk B .ttle. 1:10 p. tsv. fill p. tn. TUBpokane 1:00. ov, (O. TA. 81 BT. PCs) kf Wortnerw - kmamslitw cm. - r .Railing from Baattl i E S. hnVWlBOTA, rss. L . ft, DAKOTA. btAMO k. For Japan and ChlnA PorU and . . Manila. MIPFOir x-ijIt KAISMA (Japan Mall Btenmahlp Company) . B. BMIsTASTO MABT tail from 8altl for JspsBa China and all Aalatlr Ports About rcbrtiarylO. , ""' For Urkets. rat. r'rl ratlona. etc rail on or eddria bt. bioauroa, c p. t. a. Portland, Ot. m m. wean A f P. A.. Seattle. V V S S : Fs' A I '' Fs Cos Bey. Burek sad . a Frw '- Bsit tolHas from Fartlwd. Fr r, t . U Bxt sallag from Baa rfsarxe, .-.. t t m r.. nntKWtmon. At. ' 1 k 1 Be, S. ra 8.VX1 TO 83.800 to loan on real estate eecurlty by prlrata awtf . 401 torn mar m bid. . .'' ' '- " ', '., ' ' '; ' ' f e- 1