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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1905)
It ji, ATitotiCTnrtCTtio totiittibto c o sty Ajnrjs astbhou Trn-rijrs coia'AJrr BAaTunar ooTriTTuro oom'Ajrr AaTgnr OtyTTXTTUrO COatFAWT 10 to f" ' i . - i --f THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, frORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 3, V1SC5. ... ... ... . v ,, PER 1" , , ,- , Departure of Steamer From Honolulu for the Volcano in the Klnau. HAWAII VERY HEAR - FOR IIGHT -v.- 7 . Balloting for Candidates for The Journal's" Free Trip" Lasts ; Only Two Days. More. , LINING 6p FOlfFINAt' r.' SPRINT FOR THE COAL Those Low in List Work Hard and Some Surprise Are in Store Con test "Closes at Eight O'Clock Next Saturday Night' C';' ... Only -two days more. The contest wU eloee at f o'clock next Saturday Bight. Totes art trumps in The Journal con test. ' The" watchful era of the candi- 7 i . t y. , ft it vj.-lavSsvtssVesBsawSV- VsV- jSmfct. Miss Emilie Crossen, The Dalles. data take. In every move of her adver sary. Not a more but the candidates adjust themselves to the circumstance ' Ever since the first ballets were dealt out in August, the game haa progressed "at a pace which is hard to be -Imagined. Scores ' have shot- skyward and down again, only to be 'sent sailing up again by some strong play. Now the' final play is being made, and there, are only two days more In which to accomplish the work. It is the all-absorbing hour the last final effort. Who will hold the most trumps? Who will have the win nlng hand T Be one of them. Hurry and you may be one of the top-notchers. Be the star trump holder. ,' The closing days of the contest bring UniooRneM, dfcpepsls, loes of appetite, gjfttnrbed sleep, nervousnnss, headache, giddiness and drowsiness,' wind and pain or fun new of the stomach after meals, cold eollis and flushings of heat, short Bess of breath -r these are the blank - cheques-J phtsical bankruptcy. - . The man- who, suffers from these dis orders and neglects them will soon be In the relentless grasp of some fstal disease. Ifvhs is naturally narrow, chested-and - shallow lanced. It will probably be con sumption; if bis father or mother died of paralysis or some norvous trouble, it will probably bo nervous exhaustion or proe Irstlon, or vaaUassnity; If there Is Uint In the family blood, It will be blood or skin disease; -if he lives la a new or a low, swampy roontry, It will be malaria; If ho lives a Me of exposure. It msy be rheamstlsm. There Is one safe course for man to follow who finds himself 'out of sorts" and suffering from the symptoms described. Jt Is to resort to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This medi cine makes the appetite keen, corrects all 'disorders of the digestion, renders, seal ml UUon perfect, Invigorates the liver, purl lies and enriches the blood and builds firm, healthy flesh and nervo tissue. cures almost all diseases that result from insufficient or Improper nourishment of the brain and nerves.. Bronchial, throat, and even lung affections, when not too far advanced, readily yield to, It. f , f a A snan or wnmaa who neglects 1 BBlSS7constlpatl(aTifisrs from slow pof f sonlns. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel 4 ' I ' Irt cure ootnUDaikro. One little A A fcPlle"ta a t.le IsiaUva, and ' I I v twn S mild cstbartic. Don't let a I selSh snllrr over-persoade TV ' I I accent ulyi1luiH for lhe OrtgU II ' el Uttle iJver Pills, trxt puttio " by old rr R V. Pierce over 40 yeais ago nock a listed but never eeaalsd. ,. ' ' ',4 !.:!. p- -. : r - 1 . A! Miss Eva L. Todd, Astoria. - dosenl of reoorts of different changes. Votes have come In for the candidates from many of the big cities of the United States. From 8an Francisco came a budget of votes for a candidate yesterday. Several-days ago votes were received from Seattle. and Tacoma. Then some of the eastern cities have added to the vote of the candidates. -Who will be the cbaperonT That is more than we know. , But, then, honestly, whom"1 do you expect? AU Is now hurry, hurry. for the candidates. :. - Get tn the crowd that makes a star bowing at the last. : Your opportunities are as great , today as at any time. The dark horses are getting restless. They are gaining on the leaders with marvel ous rapidity. Tbelr-ef forts are making serious Inroads on those near the top. The contest manager desires to explain any of the rules of t,he contest that are not understood by", the contestants. When In doubt write to him, or call at The Journal office and see him. The total vote of yesterday climbed sky. ward. Not a position haa changed In any of the districts since our last pub lication, i 4 , . In the first district Miss Minnie 8. Phillips still retains the leadership with 14Z.M2 votes. Miss Bailie Madlgan holds second place with 1ZS.700 votes. In the second district Hiss Mollis Proebstel holds first place with 111.081 votes, and Miss Katie Nash Is second with S7.64S votes. ' -. i In the third district: Miss Emllle Crossen Is still leader with 6,69l votes. Miss Luclle Crate la second with 60,567 votes. t ..'." hi: In the fourth district MisKfrle Mae King Is Still leader- with. .0&8 votes. Mtsa Hattle Barton is second with' J 7, 601 votes. . "r ; ? V ' : .. In. the .fifth district MISs Katherlne uore is stni -leaner with 41. Ill .votes. Miss Florence Heavren cornea second with 40.400 votes. .- v In the sixth : district Miss Blanche Brown to still leader-with ss.689 votes. Miss gtadge Bat tee takes second place wun . ii,i74 votes. , - ;. , a In the -seventh dlstrictr Miss Bertha Courtemanche still leads with 88.171 votes. - Miss Myrtle Butler Is second with 41.15 votes. .... . In the eighth . district Miss . Edna Parsley Is still leader-with 71.111 votes, and Mis Dale. Harmon cornea -second with St.2t votes. masonic lodges hold : , a joint; installation In the Masonic hslL of the Burkhard building ast night was held a joint in stallation ol the new of fleers - of "the Hawthorne, Washington and Mount Tabor- lodges.- r'Many members of- the three lodge and a number of. .visitors wers present. The following officers were installed: t : . .- " Washlnrton' Lodre No. 4.; A.' IT.'' A.' M. L. CK Freeland, worshipful mss ter; Ksrl V. Lively, eentbr warden; A. s, . w riant, tumor warden: - R. B. Mo Clung, treasurer; J. H. Richmond, sec retary; Berlin -.Dsvis. senior deacon; HQ. Norton, Junior deacon; C. M.'Bro sey, senior stewsrd; H. C Smith, junior steward; Thomas H. Brlckel, tyler. 'Hawthorn lodge No. Ill A. E. Bel lows, woreotpful jnsater; P. A. Combs, senior -warden;, ft- M. Stryker, .Junior warden; Charles R "Miller, secretary; H. H. Newhall, treasurer; '. C, B. Rogers, senior deacon; F. B.Wdlls,, Junior dea con; H. W. Ooddard, senior stewsrd; X T. 'Darlington; Junior- steward; - W. . Bi HaJJ. tyler. Mount, Tabor - lodge No. 41-J. R. Chamberlain, worshipful master; W. K. Potter,' -senior . wsrden; L DeTarmond. Junior warden; GeOrge P. Lent, secre tary; L. 8. Normandln. treasurer; K. A. McPhrrson, ' senior .descon; ' B. E. Hun ter, Junior dea'con; J. W. - Oreen. . senior descon, James p. McCord. Junior dea eon; Thomas Brlckel, tyler. Ssapesos William Beads tHft. ,' t Emperor William of (lermany has presented to the Portland Seamen's mis sion a portrait of himself end ths em press, in recognition of' the cordial re ception tendered ths- of fleers. .And sail ors of ths Oermsn cruiser Fslke while 1n the. harbor last summer. The an nouncement of the gift was mads by O. Lohan, German conmil, st a' dinner at tended by the sailors of the Seamen's mission. The portrait already kaa been abJaosd ana la expected, to arrive soon. IN addition to saving-ten article purchased here during: this invited to select anything in the house e : of the purchase price- and it's yours, free.j Say you buyva " suit-regular $30, reduced to $25 you've $2.50 coming:. . Take a hat. Take anything: yoii likei Take charidise) order, g:ood aiiy time. You don't have to pay cash small payment downbalance weekly or monthly. During: this sale we; will allow you " - terms, so make them e Apparel for Hen, Women, Children. Furniture, Carpets, HousefurnisMngs, JewelrjvS ilyenare, Brlc-a-Brac, Etc. EASTM OtJIMTTIRIG-CO I nORE MILLS ARE - HAfJDLIFJG ORE SBSSBBBSSSSSISSBSBSBasSJBBBSSBSkl About Thirty Stamps " Added Within the Twelvemonth In . v ' Southern Oregon, y r TWENTY-FIVE MINES ARE FULLY EQUIPPED List of' Those Having Crashing Plants as Annexes Four Operated by Electric Power Secured From 'Rogue River Plant'. t ' ih (sveetarDispateB W Se JeanaL) Grants Pas.- Or- Deo. It. The close of the year im. witnesses a remark able Increase la ths number of mills and treating plants on southern Oregon quarts mines. - There are now mines eaulDoed with 'mills and treating plants In southern" Oregon, with a total of Z00 stomas. . This Is an increase of shout 10 stamps over . last yean r A number ' of these ' mills havs been In ODeratlomfor years, but a number have just started US In recent months. , The mines with muis are: Greenback. Grave creek. 4s stamps; Granite Hill, Grants Pass district, to stamps;' Opp. Jacksonville district, IS stamps; Oreg-on Belle. Forest creek, 1 stamps; Oro Flno, Jump-Off Joe, tO-ton cyanide plant and roller crusher, equiva lent to 15 stamps; Babv mine, Jump- Off Joe. t stamps i Lucky Queen, Jump Off Joe, 10 sumps; Hammerslev. Jump Off Joe. 10 stamps;' Kremer, Mount Reuben, i stamps; Tellow Horn, Placer, I stamper Vulcan, Placer, i stamps; Gold Bug, Mount Reuben.' ( stamps and 10- ton cyanide; Ajax, Mount neuoen. i stamps;- Golden .Wedge, Gallcs district, - stamps; Crows, Crows rsnch, I stamps; Eureka, Soldier . ereek. 10 stamps: Bone of Contention, Williams, i stamps: Rising 8tar, Applegate, i stamps; Mountain Linn, Applegate, f stamps: Homeetake. 1 Kvsns creek. stamps; Bill Nye, Gold Hill, stamps; Brad en. Gold Hill. 10 stamps; Shorty. Hope, Ashland. 10 stamps; Alder Gulch, Applegate, s stamps. 4 ' i At the present time a five-stamp mill Is being plsced on ths Hlgglns mine of Chetcp district. In the matter of southern "Oregon treating plants,, the 100-ton smelter of the Takllma Smelting company, on the Waldo copper mines, should not be overlooked. ' Of the mines mentioned In this list ths Greenback, Granite Hill, Homes take and Opp are operated by electricity -supplied from the power plant of ths Condor Water Power' company at Gold' Ray, jan Rogu. river. 1 . ALBANY OFFICIALS V . TO BE SWORN IN '" ?flprll Dlspatca te The Jonraal.) " ' ATBany, Os., Deo. 18. The recently elected offW of this city will all take. tns oatn or oriiee oeior. tne cios, or tns week, owing to the charter provision that they must be sworn la bn or before the first Monday In January, and New Tear's day falling on Monday, a legal holiday. It la found necessary to take ths oath of office' before. "as the oath cannot be administered on that day. MASONS OF ALBANY " GATHER AT BANQUET (Rpeelsl Dlsiisteh to Tee Jnerasl.) ' Albany, Or- Dec. 21. The Masonic bodies of this city, ths Blus lfldswMnhap tefand eommandery, last evening gave a banoubt to the members of the Eaat- ' i- 1 ' Tigh WOl Be Bitter. Those who will persist in eloslns? their ears against the continual recommenda tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will hsve a long ana bit ter fight with their troubles. If not ended earlier bv fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beau of BealL Miss., has to say: "Last fall my wife had everv avmntont of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery ' after everything else had felled. "Improvement came at Once and four bottles entirely' cured her. Gusranteed by Skldmore Drug Co., 16 Third street. Price too and 11.C0. Trial nomas Xxs ... j The Kind Toil IIa,VA Wttv In use for over 80 years, e . s - suui nas eea maae nnaer dim p4jr jZfoz. aonalsaperrlslon since Its lnfkncr All Counterfeits, Imitations and M Jost-iM-grad" are but BxperimentL that trifle with and endanger the health of imams ana- vmiarcn isxpenence , aguuist xperimeni. What is 'Oastrla Is a harmless substitute fof Castor On Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karootlo ubstanee. Its aire Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms .:- . and allays FoTerishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind . - ollc It relleTee Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency.- It assimilates the Food, regulates the , ' Stomach and Bowels, vjlTlnn; liealthy and natural sleep. The Children-a Panacea The Mother's Friend. - , ( GENUINE GASTO R I A ALVAYO Sears the ' t . ;. The Kind Tou Have Always Bought ; In Use For Over 30 YearsT FOR THE BATH A little M BATHA5WEET " makes hard water soft as rain water. It perfumes, refreshes and Invigorates ; Cleanses the pores and PREVENTS all ODOR from perspiration. Plasty Is each box I fcr 25 baths. Prios 25o. hSslaaaaksWaX IS I. srn Star and the visiting Masoaie breth ren. Ths new bsnquet room- In the Ma sonic temple was filled with ' the 100 Masons and ladles present and one of the most ' enjoyable Informal . social svents was ths result. During the even ing sn excellent musical program was rendered by ladles of the Eastern Star, and later ths young people present en- Joyed the pleasures of the dance. '. aittet Goes to JeE. ' ' RtMeUI Mspetea te the ooraaL) Eugene, Or., Dec. 18. -K. E. Jackson.' a vetertnsry surgeon, wss fined tSO and costs in the justice court here yester day for leaving town without paying his board bill, which amounted to 130. Jack son cams here from Salem about two months sgo. Ha Jeft hers . several Oourhlas; Spell Caused Death. "Harry Duckwell. as-ed It ituM ehoked to death early yesterday morn ing at his home In the presence of his wife and child. Hs contracted a slight eold a few days sgo and tnid but liitu attention te li Yesterday morning he was seised with a fit of coughing which continued for some time. His-wife sent fr -a physician, but' before he eou arrive another coughing spell came oa and Duckwell died from suffocation. St. Louis alobe Democrat, Deo, let, Ballard's fTorohennd Syrup ' would have saved him. (to, tOo and ' 11.00. Weodard. Clarke Jt Co. Ttnno - Tif. anil has borne the slernatnre of a . . . . Signature of AFTER THE3ATH Use "BATHASWEET" PICE POWDER best toilet powder, antisepticallt pure, healthful.dalntity perfumed. Heals chapped face and htinds. ' Ex cellent after shaving. Only ItTs powdir far ths baby. Pries 25o, S3 23 weeks sgo, leaving several debts. He was arrested st Corvallls Tuesday. He will serve out. his fine in Jail. . GOLDEN WEDDING f OF EUGENE PIONEERS . 1 fSpeetat Dlspeteh te The Joernal.t -Eugene. Or., Dec. 18. Charles C. Croner and wife of Eugene observed the fiftieth anniversary of their mar riage ( yesterday. They were , married at the home of Mrs. Croners fsther, Pryor Blair, nesr Sugene, and havs since resided corttlnuously on th. same lot tn this eityr . ' ' . Mr. Croner was a member of ths first city council of Eugene. They have three children living. Oeorge P., Charles P. and Miss rannle E., all residing la Eugene. 1 . , SHIP SMASHED AND . ENTIRE CREW LOST ' ".V ' 1 " ' (Sp-dal mnpetch to The )mraaY) Victoria, B. C Deo. II. Th. British bark Pass of Mel fort was smashed sgalnst ths rocks on th. Vancouver Is land coast off Amphiitlte point last night daring a heavy storm and all on board lost' Bodies of th. m.n are now washing ashore. The ship wss com manded by Captain Coagall, and was bound from A neon te Puget sound, and carried a crew of It. ' Th. Pas. of Mel fort was a four-masted steel bark. Shs tvl4ix Pr0- ui atsr striking tbt rest CASTORIA on every Riddance Sale, you are WAMRTfiTORI ?f TERITI IN At We treat suooesa fully all private ner vous and chronic diseases or men; also blood,. stomach, beart. liver, kldner and ; throat troublea We cure SYPHILIS (without mercury) to stay" cured for ever. We remove BTFUCTT'RE. wlth- , out operation or pain. In It days. . We stop drains, night losses an4 spermatorrhea by a new method In a short time. We can restore the sexual .vig-er of any man under to by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. , We Cure 'Qonbrrhoea In a Week - Ths -doctors ef this Institute are alt rea-uiar , graduates, - have bad many years' experience, hsve beta known In Portland for It years, have a reputation " to maintain, and will undertake na case ' unless certain ours nan be effected. - Wa guarantee a cur. In every case w undertake or charge no fee. Consul ta tlon free. Letters confidential Instrue live book F)a slifiN maUed Xree .plain wrapper.. . W. cure the worst eases ef piles uoh. lutv ffuaimD-tn. y If rou cannot o&U t office writ fo fu . V Offloe hours, t te I and t to i. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. ' fflces In Van Noy Hotel, lltt third Street. Corner Pins, Portland. Or. !" M..M..MM The r &ooAr He diseases kidneys., H. has had great sueceA tn curing- consumption when the vlo- tlm is not too much run down by the disease, and will atop hemorrhages In an incredibly short timet He brews his own medicines from Chines. ' roots, herbs, "buds, barks and vegetable teas, all of which are entirely , harmless,' and whose medicinal properties are unknown to American doc , tors. He usee in his practice Oyer too different Oriental remedies. .Hun dreds of testimonials from grateful patients. , . - DR. WING LEE 37 North Fifth etrset; Portland, Orssjron mm golds n nr ABix.rrr nr xrsnaz-iiroa, 1ST SBPUTATIOV, t nr xqvtwummt, n xsow-aoaii ur-BVQGasa. T Sladdae Tro-bles, Hydrooele, Tarleoeele, ' Plmplest Oleeta, . Xlda.y Oomplalaks, Blood roisoa, jrervoas B.bLUty, ptrtoture, ' . ' ' BheumaUsm, x ' Prtvate Plssssss, S-11M ' Xost Vitality. ' All manner ef Chronic Afflictions of men snd women. Most modern end sci entific treatment No outtlng. No pain ful operations. No detention from busl ness. No misrepresentation. Reputation established for honest snd fair declines with ell patients. Consultation and ad vice free. , -a. . r CT ir.'MC Medical and J I. lUvlJ - Sor.lcaJ FIDT 1 lliJ I 0o M asvA Taahta St. rortUas, Ox, t .-- T --SBBBB 0 LA ..-.v.- 4 r - - t - r la rn for qusstlon blank. , Home treatment sue .... -r7. - Sundays and Holidays. It te Is. DR. TING LEE ! Great Chinese Doctor ! - nr pomrxajro toaroa laao. Is called great -because ha cures all without resort Ins- te the knife. ut resorting Call and have a free . lamination. He will, tell you the exact nature of , your trouble. He treats successfully every form of fe male complaint, all private end blood., dis eases, cancer, paralysis, tumors, rheumatism and all dlsordere or the ilnmtrh. llv.r. and Hotel atori Ooraer -forrlsea aa Wert fark Street. NEWj Ksnilsnaiely rarnlebed,' elesaatty sqnlpDea, flrepranf, (We mlnatn' wiilk frae) heart at shopplnc snd 'bnalDeae Slstrlet, ell larte, slry, eotalile rooms, steam heated, electric llsbte, telrpbaoe In eeeh apartment, .te. terse offices, teaninc, saioklns. written, baW rMeptloe parlors., Beoms, reserved by mall or talepbone- Privata eauilms siesta trains sad steal Room $1.00 to $3.00 a Day . Spaoial Bates te OemSMralat Xsa. 1 111 BAB KATOsT. . ' (roiWly ef Bote! Bad path, Spofctne.) lOdem 4rentsl "work. World -rea . newneo speciallsta. teswest prices consistent with flrst-slass ' - - Cwa m the . NEW :Y0RK DENTIST-. COTTBTM sVVB MOBmiaoa STtV Ops day and snd night, fro) antU it a a. from t:tt a, EvcrylVcnian muumnma aUvq fjmnM know SstWlSia Ik. a.atnMtfeil MARVEL hlritnq Sprey Tsa , new VarM a,, M)m.- hm imM wje. I'm. Iiaaa-St. - M Coiirenlant, USIIL. anont na otter, bna aann lUmn fof inuim'"l n anas inn imrtionwn ami 'lir-TTInpa r. Valuahlalo laHlaa. MRVtl, CO, "w. jsMaaaaSy wBwaaaSty "wak" If Ihi odtnn-Htnrlw thsj) ' M All at 1m, av sunt ma wzs X0 MLS i W00DAAP, CLAJUU 00