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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 28. 190: n 2 H FOR SALE FARMS. FOB BAl.B . .- 40 acre very An tana, H ta cultivation. Me 81c and level, rich Mark loam; It ad- , Join clrknta atatlon and B. B. ml; I 10 ilr trom renter of Portland; wilt effr it fee ne waak only at (78 par acta. ,, AeV ' dress G 14. car JunrnaL lfi-ACRB farm on -Willamette river boatland ' ln(. 4.1 nillr from Piartlaiirt; 80 seres cleared. acres In hops, amall laka e farm. t1.i0 ' hophiMM"'' and k(iod himas and barn; 8H.OU0. i Aiuly 8t3 l.'wuiuert-tsl blk. .FOB SAI.B m (elgDty) arm of land wild cedar and aider, oil runnlug atrvam, (10 1-r - er If taken lu 80 dajra. Box 214, Kalama, 'i Washing un. 2 (FOB sal or exchange for "ranch 5 acree lot- R roved land mil from Montavlll car Una. :. A. Helano, owner, Montarllla, Oregon. , T5 J ' FOR SALE TIMBER. 'CEBTIFIET ertn.' "an aiaa t1eet loweet t price. W. Q. Howell, Bag Chamber af Cuav FOR HOMF.RTBADS. tl inner claims and aorlp apply to 80S Commercial blk. ' TIMBER LA NO WaNTF.n . t aa handle a number et rood tlmher : rial ma la Peschntsa timber belt., at onoa; " title Boat b perfect 1. N. Hunter, Band. - Orvgon. 820 ACKK8 of timber and Mineral land, half mil frum river. BO Goldsmith at.. .Alblna. 'BOMB good homesteads for location In th f White Salmon country;' feea reaaonabl. Bui j 204. Vancouver. Wlah. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. Till MODEL STABLES, Brow dr Foeter, prorer j Phone Mala 047. Boarding. Uvery and aale; ' . expr and baggag traesfer. 2SS Deri at '1.BOB BTABI.BK W, A.1 lleaalaB. prop., 12J Itilon in., eor. Alderj livery, board bif and aalc. Phone Eaat 86XJ. . FOR SAI.K--l.lght express team and wagon. ' fall 788 Eaat Thirty-first at. Phone Uutoo MM. TO EXCHANGE, 1 parti Fit havlne wild land' In '. Waeblngtoa ta exchange call at 0"7. McKax ' i - . i , a TO EXCUANOE-Tloed timber land la a flu loratloo .for rnerchsndle. Whitney Bro.. I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. U1UR. W! print yonr-usms aa M ealtlng-earo. proper i alia and styl. Mai MO- tmalaaaa rarda. H. l Browa Bttajate, 22S Elrat, Port la ad. Or. ' BOOKS boaght. gold and eictiangad at tba , Old Book Star. S29 XaaaklU at. WESTERN OREGON M1SINO 'A MILLINU CO. haadqaartera; atork (or aala aad In formation at 180 flrat at, Pbona. Mala 10S0. MACHINERT of an krada repaired. Oaataaalal . Iron, A Btaal Worka, 28 6llaaa at. LARGEST atork of bottlea ta aortkwaat: ardor 'Iliad promptly. Portland Bottl fanply Oa, - tOl North Elgbtaantb at. Mala ttsa. ' SHOWOA8RR AND riXTDRBB Hi ado ta ardori u aaeand-hand good for aala. farlaoa Kail atrom. MO Couch at, Pbon CUy 7L ; - BILLIARD AND POOL Ubla tar rant or tor aala o eaay payment. , TUB BHUN8Wl(-K-BALK COI.MSNDEB CO, BORAR8 at all klnda fur aala at rarr raaaoaabla prloaa - Inqulr .37S Front at. FOR RALS PR RENT NEW AND RBCONtV HAND BBWINO MACHINES. STANDARD REWINO MACHINB AOCNCI. H. D. J0NU3, ta TAMHILL BT. . , DIAMOSD8, watrbea and Jewelry at a oaring i - of 1 per mat. H. M. tffert A Bro.. whol. aale add ratal! Jewalar. Offlcaa (07 Alkiky bldg.. Third and Morrtaoa. .. . HORSES, burner, aeenad-haad wagon, aa good - bach: alao Hg for rent by day or month, 430 Hawtaora. - t'booe Eaat 71. ' , FOR HALE 1 row. a atngl wagoa and haraiaa. Innibaior. . Pbama Coat S3 10. iii- . . . - " AT elnaln(-ont prte. ' aereral aampl gaaolln nrlnoa, marina and ataUaeary; write for " prlre. - Balarana alarhtf err. Oo., Portlaad. NEW (40 Chl'-kerlnf plana (lAO; Dorkar (SO; (iw organ (as. , 141 i Flrat. aoraar Mala. m - ii I WE naed fnroltor afndwlll pay afnll yaloa. Phone Pari fie 7S.X . Wratwrn Salraga Co., 627 W ah leg Ion at. '. i FOR R A LB Milk goat a for eooaomrrtlrea, ha bra, old and waak atomacb. 504 Uoldamlth at. - , FOR SALE A- new hewing machine, complete . . aet attacbmrnla: alao a bench wringer; Biuat aa hold; make offr Sdv Hgrrlaaa L .PARROTS Reeelrrd a tot of Mexican dnnpel r. yellow bead parrota too lata for t'htiatniaa , . trade! will aril (IS parrota for (S rill sold. Porttand Bird Co., 127 N. at. Pbon Krd 601. S JERSKT cowa, 1 freak la a few day. SIB Broad at . Montarllla. Oregon. I OR SALE One pony, weight 800 Jhov,- oand - and gentle) alao one row S yeara oM. Pbon Scott HAS. Palalay, Woodlawa. F41R KALE Sewing machine') In good condition. rbean for caah. Addraa A. 11. Tboroaa, lOiS . .- Grand aa, N. - ....... ... ' . FOR SALE Fine ga range, top oren, water ... heater! Iron bed and many other nlc . thing; bono for rent, I noma, modern, .ano Mat Horrlaon. . IN S wee ha will bo eold oat below coat price th wIhiI magnificent collection kaown the HOI. LAN l EXHIBIT AT THE LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR. WeJnrlte our roatomer to Tlatt onr at ore, S75 mark at., cor. Weat Parki Th laat rbanc I glrn to eery body to gel om . af tb different tntereatkig article . FOR SALE Thoroughbred Scotch colli niw - papnlea; sealltte. zn Aioert ai. v rar. PERSONAL. SPECIAL NOTICE TO WOMEN Doa't ' H - roar' Mr by aa operation wba yoa caa b en red by barmleaa met Soda; rlectrlclty . proparly applied will llf wbara opara tton kill. W paaaea tb latent Inrantloa ,' to control d1ee pacnllar to woman. Dr. W i. Nacev M. p.. Medical Elctrlclaa. Of flc 71 Dehorn bids. Pbon Bl (381. Of fie ij ' ko-ira --ia, . TES. Palm Tablet make yoa- alcep perfectly) they car atrroaaneaa and m.ka oa atrongl , nrlc (0 a oo, - 8 bore (2.60; guaranteed. All drngglat. or addreaa Brook Drug Co 7 - North Third t Portland, Oregon. ' DETECT! FB AOENCT OmBdentlal Itrreatl. -. grtlooai re porta mad an ay tndlrldaa' boat Be or property! mleatng ralattrea -laaatedl -bad debt collected; charge oablt cor. i reapoadance anlldted. Oregoa Dataetlrj ! Sm-tIc. . of ace (14-SK rolumbla bldg., ( Waablngton at. Pbon Mala (dlfc I MEftl ..WOMEJtl Rarmood pllta nn1tlrl cor aervooanea and lack at vitality i It, boiaa (S. Plummar Drag 200 Third. CONFIDENTIAL, mad lea I advtc to worn W treat dlaeaae af women TcmlTly, mrlng with anrarrlng anrceaa all femal atlmonta from th alfghtaat local Irritation to th moot : complicated Interna I tmnblaa; maternity . gtrea aneclal attention, prlrate boapltal c , com mode tlon; jlfofeaatonal lady naraea to t. . " fendanc; eonanltatlon and advice fra. X Radlnia Madlcal Inatltot and Sanitaria m, Third and Aider at., aatranca 88 Aid? t Portlaad. . .' . FREE aamnl cora. bnnlon and wrt enr. win U Dea. dept. E. Taanton. MaM. Ed MRS. AI1A LITTKET and ETHBI. WARD ar now located at (.10 Tar lor at. prlnclpaa) of - th America fteaotr-Parlrtra. W car N aealp dlraaae; 11 kind of nth glrent ala. '' trie maaaag. monlenrlng and chiropody! ale Madam K arrow' famoo remedlf"! aaturao tloa gnaranteed. Pbon Main tS48 - i. MA1I,T rigor reetored try Dr. Rolert Norra " fllonhle. On month'- treatment. (2 1 ( month. (Si nt aeenrely lrd by mall. Agnt. Woodard, Clark A CO. Portlaad. Or. BOOK SI. Her they arei 1 wjecameron," rien. , tameron," "A Hot Tamalc." "Fanny fllll. 'Twanir Tar raker." "Forbldde rrolt-1 ' to ckl Hat fro. A. Schmal. (20 Ftrit ft 'IIST power tatordb -tk2T" J Lorena ft err Tonle Tablrlai Foe per boa, boie fur IIB. Writ or call at EroaalJ rhartnacr, fef Morrtann, brt. tat aad id. '', WHT lira awn when yoa caa im a lra rorcnanlon hr Joining th Inreratat Intro docln Soelelr. and mt correspond with raptitahl peraon of tbla action, many 1 weelthrt the Noremhar reglater. -K cent. Bait 14 Roaeell bldg. fbua PaelfM (M. PERSONAL. LADIES To IT' pear yar younger, ra mor all wrtnklra. hr akla Ilka ralrat by nli' Oregua tirap Skla rud. Pboae Kaat 1207. FREB to not of tow patrone. oar latt ta logn of fancy work, pillow topa. center niece, ahb-twafata and ooltle. Th Need I Crft Shop, S07 Allaky bldg.. Portland. Or, DOLLS' Siaanltalr repairing and droaalng. Haov bill and t Park !.' ' . 4 , a . TURKISH BATHS, 8"0 Orrgnnlan blCg.; ladle day, gcntlemao night. Uala 1038. BIN1 CIIOONO. Import of China root modi cine: cell Chlneaa tea that I certain cor - for all dlaaaaaa. 101 baeond bat. XamhlU aad Taylor. . DR. WORLEY BENJAMIN, tha root SneU!lt. 8M"4 Waohlngtoa et, Hood 804. , Sora t ' mad Aoand. SEND for fre Hat of cot price and clubbing -rate an uagiiloe. Jonaa' Book 8tora. ui Alder at. . - . - DR. ItWOOD, 1 Bnoaell bldg.. lnH Fonrth t. Female dlaaaaaa and confinement taken nd ard for; apaa araniaga. OouwlUtUia ' fra. r , ORDER OP WASHINGTON Foremoat fratarnal aorlrfy of nortbweat; protect th living. 811 Martniam bldg.. Skirt land-. Oregoa. . GET married: Ideal plaa, beat malt; aaad 10 for pant ten la re to tba- Pact ft Oorraapoadno Club, A lm. Oregon. , i ' - - BALM OF FIOS for all femal dli 828 Eaat Baluont. Pboa Eaat 4084. REO-CHOKB tand for relief; apM-lally treat . Ing aluoalo aad prlrata dlaaaaaa. Dor. (d and Aab. v . BALM OF FIGS for all female Manna, - 7t Hartford at., Penlnanlar aUUoa., BB MENt ' ' " - T. P. (Fltal-Powar) tablet will reator t 1 yoa tb ana p. aim and rigor af manhood! II ) yoa ar lacking la tb power af rltallty.Hts , lu rcaultlng from lndlcrt1on and ie, aend for a nog of theae tablcta and b eoa rlncad of -thlr merit By mall la plala pkg., 81. , Tha Armatrong Tablet Co., Inc., SOI Tolatna blk., Detroit. Mleblgaa. SUITS pr ad whtl yoa wait, 80a. Ladl' . aklrt pred. 0r. Gilbert, 108V BUU at.. ' nait to Qnella. Pbona Clay. (tA. ST. GEO ROE ORMONDE, rr of Egypt, telle you of marrlaga, lor, tmalncaa, lckna. bow to loreat money. necultlon. buying, aell- V tng, partner, frlenda. a nam tea; car all . aerron dlar, wknea af arery kind, :'ttlc lor quarrela, raunlt th parated, ' haatena marrlag. locate mlnea, burled treaaure. mlaalng one. ppor renew youth ful vitality,, glre magnetic areret power of control, daralop, ' teaebe. 2H8V Waahlng- toaat." . : - v t T0LNU lady gtre yanor. alcohol nd awdhated hatha Parlor (7. 288 Vi SUrk. . , WB abanlatrly gnarantee ta ear tb morphln and wblakey habit. Claaa gradnaUof Hr. Pltaar. St. Lonla and Dea rar. 448 TacahUl. MRS. ANNA WCKET la now located it MD Taylor at.i .principal of tha American Beanty ' Perioral fuie'carea all acalp dlacaaea; all kind . of bath glren: electric maaaag. manicuring and chiropody : alao Madam Karrow fanvma remedlea; aallafactloa garanted- Pbon Mlo 2243. . MISH ET1IKI, WARD, aralp and hair epeelallirt, alao manlcnrlag and chiropody, formerly of (.to Taylor at., la now located at (51 Uat' rlaon at., room 14.' .' AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COFET. Fifteenfb and Alder, agwnt for Cadillac and Plrrc aatoaMbllaa; macbin ranted, rapalrad and atorea. ATTORNEYS, A. H. TANNER, attorney. 80S Commercial blk., SacAnd and Wb)ngtoa ata, Pbona Main o4(. H. T. firRLEIOH. lawyer, 42S Grand ar .Xaet Portland. EDWARD T. TABGART, "attorney and aelor. 418 Cbanroer of Commero bldg. ASSAYERS. QARFIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO, and Montana Amy Office. 188 Morrtaoa at. Ft - ART EMPORIUM. PROWEftSOR R. VAX METER, 848 Alder. Portrait and laadanp artist and teacher. "f ACCOUNANT. cmnrirn rriHirr Pnblte andltor and i eipert aeooontaat. Room 7. . Cbambef af Commerce bldg. . BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. ' l BIRKENWALD CO.. 804-808 Ererett , Largeat batcher' anpply boa oatbaeeaat- . BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM. 108-111 Becoad . Blank book .mannfaeturera: aganta for ioae Impnrred Looae-Leaf ledger; are tba sew Eurek leaf, tk baot-aa tb market. BLACKING, WERFOOT Blacking. beolatlr waierpmof. pre. err tb leather, make akoea wear W per cent longer, Far aala ererywbrra, 10 aaJ a COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ' I Ikf. W hlaT1M frlrBal Flal V 1 lal HI alii ! tall T Rl'BT FRANKLIN, A ytncreaaor to P. Miller A Co.' Pbon PacISc S8. 1S8 touch L ILENSCH BROS., commlaaton marrtianta. Boar, )f feed, hay and produce. al te 208 Front at rnona Main law. - ETFRDirtO 4 FARREtX. prodoe and cnmm1 aTrm merchanta. 140 Froat at.. Portland. Or. Pbon Main ITS. aaaaaagaa. 1 1 n i aaTaaaraawaaaaiwmaaBaaaaE i CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ' ESRERO-GUNST CO. . Dlatrlbutor. of FINS CIGARS. Porftaad. Oregon. CHIROPRACTIC. POSITIVELY rare an forma of rbeamatwm. Dr. Bra Hogan. 808 Rail at. Pbona Mala 004. CLEANING AND DYEING. YAMHILL, CLEANING PRESSING CO. Work called for and delivered. Pkone Clay am. (47 ramhlll., Port bind Steam Cleaning A Dvetng Work: prae. . tleal batter In connection, til 4th. , CUy TO. CLOTHES cleaned nl teeed It per vaoata. Ttlqae Tailoring Co., 847 Waahtagtoa at. h. W. TI'RNEB. profeaatonal dver and cleaner, 80S Jeffereon at. Pboae Mala IBtS. NEW proeeaa lacerrrctaln cleaning, S0 v (1 natr: '404 ttllean. Main 8408, CARPET-CLEANINa STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largeat plitt on tlia coat, luring and Bardmg gta.. tele phon Eaat 20 Carpet cleaned. ' refute,!, owed nd laid: both tam and lateet com. nreaaed lr proceea; renovating mattraaee and afeathera Bctlty. ' t SAKtTART carpet rleanlnr. ecrlott and com. preaaed tramMned; earner cleaned on floor r wllhoat removal. Mala BAM. - Eaat 4.12B. V CARPETS eleaaed an the -floort w rat aa dnat. - Phone Cla 1 CAFES. THE OFFICE 28 Wa.hlnglpd at. Pboa Male 771. Samnel Vlgneaa. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AfTTHORS A WOOD, earnentera, bnlldwrat r t airing and ("tiWrrl etoe and office rtitajrea tit. Shop tog Colnmbr. Mala U8T. WASHRPRNB A FtTO. wagon bollder and general )h rerk. M (th at Pbon Hood Bwo. F. R. FANDERHOOF, rarpeater gad Irjbwar? S7' Stark at Pbon Mala 747. WV, FISnBECK. carpenter; yoalrlng and lobbing- lone, 181 Buruilda it Ilioa Mala 84.7. ( A . 'Muuu. 4tiii;. , COAL AND WOOD. CHtTRCHLEY BROS, bar removed fro foot Dv1 t. to 438 Rearaev at., near llfb: ta now tb hrgeet wondyard ta tba cltv. rarry. lag all kind of wood and eoaL Mala 881. WESTERN Peed A Fnel Co.. aa Front. GHaan and Rmt dealeea la all kind ol . bona eoala aad blacksmith eoala. Pboa Mala 101A ' ALBINA FTTEL CO. Dealer la enrdwoed. anal . and green) and dry rabwood. R. B. and Al blaa ar., t block aa at f ferry. Beat 874. (TEFL- BRIDGE FI'EL CO. Deal la on, cordweod ad dry alabweed. Pbeno Baat 4(4. TRY EAOLB LUMP COAL. M ton i. ton 17 Heik. 148 N. SUth. Pacific (42. OREOON FtTEL CO. All kind of coal aad wood. SOS Alder at Pboa Main 88. r-. KIRK HOOVER. SIS Water at. wood and eeaL .Phone Mala 4808. FULTON WOOD CO. Pbona Pacific 804 for dry and green alabwood KING GOAL CO.. Importer hlrh grade bona, a team and amltblng coal. Mae 14(8. i CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE' crockery and glaawr. Prael HeolAO..10gto 108 Fifth, nor. Stark H. COLLECTION AGENCY1. . DORS any on owe yoa money 7 W collect bad debt of H kind. Northweatern Law A Collection Co., 122 Grand are., room 14 and 18. Cltlaen' Rank-,, bldg. Cat tbla pot . Phoa Eaat 4424.- .' . DETECTIVES. TELL n your trouble; we never Bleep; evidence traced la civil and criminal caia. - at. u. Henlnger. Boa 880. a DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'S LADIES TAILORING OOLI FX1B, SOS and 400 Allaky bidg.l write for booklet. DRESSMAKING, flrct-Ha and n charge reaeonabl. . TL Mala IB 414 Fifth at. -te-dete: 3. CabT V - DANCING, y WOUOWABD'B dancing aehool af tb West era Academy of Mnete, Monday and Tbnraday. - Spectator invited. Leaeon 00c . Oanckag S to 1L Oof. Second and Morrlaoa. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR.C.B BROWN.D.F.8..D.C.M. Dog. Hon boa pltal. 287 Bornald. Phone : Maln408d; Pae.840. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINE BRIN8) Company. (OS Stark at, Portund. - u. B. ao wytblrc la tka ' eiaatiltal Una. Mala 18H8. PACIFIC ELECTRIO CO. EnalBeer. contra. to-a. repairer, electric wiring, appllea, 04 ' fTrat. eor. Stark. Mala SOS. B. B. Tat, mgr. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm -arc fnrnarea aava fneL I. 0, Bayer Fnraaca Co.. (08 Becoad. Mala (St. FRENCH BAKERlESJii: THE only place la Portland to get French bread. Barter A Ma -lie. 407 Sixth at. Dally, deliv ery. Pboa Grea 80S. - FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON" Farnltar Masnfactartng Company Mannfaet-iror at faraltara fur tb trade. Portlaad. Or. ... FUBNITITRB munnfactarlng and aeecl! rdr.' L. Baveaaky'a rarnltnr factor r. (70 Fraat at GRINDINO. B. J. CASTE RLINK CO., Inventor of tb famoua tel temperinif proeeaa; tool aharp- enrd reaanuabl. 147 H. ath at I'arinc sax oerfi tlon. Earlao A C.. 404 N. 8th. Pacific TBS. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wboleal grocer. maa fctnrra aad rnmlaaln march a ata. Fonrth and Oak ata. ALLEN A I.F' 1st mmmteatoa aad nrodn cnaatm. Froat and Davh. ta.. Pwrtlaal. 0 HARDWARE. Portlaad Hardware Co. aotletta oppui t unity ta auote price. 188 let at, eor. Alder. Mala 1(84. HOTELS. HOTEL Peadletoa. Pcndletoa. W. A. Browa, mgr. HOTEL Portland. America plan; M. (8 per Say. HOTEL St Gaorg. Pandleto; leading hotel. HAY AND GRAIN. B. G, COOPEB A CO. Potato, feed aad , flour. ' 128 Union are. Pbona Eaat 1B1T. ' INSURANCE. " IBAA0 U WHITE, fine bldg. (08 Dekate LAMBERT. WHITMEB A CO. Fire Inmrranc nd real rotate; office 107-100 Sherlock bid. Mala 1008) dept 404 Eaat . Alder, laat 4411. IAS. Mel. WOOD, mpioybr- Mablllty aad In dlvldnal acctdept ewrety boa da af all kind. Pboa 47, BUS McKay bMr. B. F. B ARTELS COMPANY Fir tnmtrant del Bberlork bldg. Orrwon Pboae Clay 8(8. LOCKSMITH. J. H. RICHARDSON, a I pert lock and keyamlltn general repairing ;-eaetrroa braalng: all work fn.ranteed. (87 Bornalde t. PImm Pacltl org. .... , ' BROWNE'S IN TOWN trpert kx-katsltk and nieyei repairing, ten ntark, uay Clay 82t; algkt phone. Mala ISSb. MUSICAL.' LESSONS BOr Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, one, inainmmiii lor , , eai m a ii, as Main. Mr. Martin. - .-- ! . r PIANO, vtolln, atrteg and wind narramenra. Profaaaor Bdwla A, Bmltfc. 884 Twalfta. Mala 4708. .-."... PTANO tttnlng. (2: perfect work . gaareat. a W. Jibneon. Pboae Mala 1811. : ' J. A. WESCO. violin-make and renatreri Srat claaa. 28 Urine I bldg., 4tb aad Morrlaoa, MACHINERY. TIIH H. C. ALREB (XI. Sanwd head maeblnery, awmllla. te. . (48 Grand are. IIJI'PKI.T A MYERS, maCblnleta and eleo trlrlarai electric eleratora, electrical machta ry and gaanlin engine . peclaltg. e'4 ,vaa aw auon aiaui MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. ' 42H-0 Mohawk bldg.. eor. Morrlaoa and Tbltd.' Ladlae or Gentlemea. No PutUdty. If yoa borrow (ai you pay bck II. M week. If yoa borrow' tifi yo pay back It KB a week. If yoa borrow I'ui yoa paf back a week. It yoa borrow (1.1 yoo pay back 12 0 a week. If yoa borrow (.v raa pay bark 13 00 a week. Paymenta anapended In caae of alckaa. J Strictly Salary Loan. -1 ' THE t'RKSCKNT LOAN CO- ' 42S-8 Mohawk bldg., cur. Morrison and Third. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved ctty property or for batldlna 1 parpoae. Aar a mmnt a from S to 10 yaara ttra. with privilege to repay nil ot part of loan after one yer. lien g nrovd from pl and money ndraneed aa bulldla prograeeest aaortgag takea np and replaced. FBED Bv STRONO. Financial Agent (48 Stark Street. . THB STAB LOAN CO. . - . ' Any aalarlad employ, wege-eeroer. oan get aa hi not, wltbont mortgage ' u uma. Week. !W no Repay to (lit ' or 88.08 or IS SB I2S.0O Repay to .- 8 8 .88 or 8a -IS or SI M 118.00 lUpay 'to-m I 4.00 or 11.00 11-00 Alt A BT. tlJlM - 4BtrV, aWaVaSaSllP ajmiiBf. 'HY PAY BENT when w caa foralah yoa tnotO'v to bor nr hnlld von a hornet SMALL MONTHLY REPAYMENTS with LOW RATES OF INTEREST. .Drop a card, or call oa J. H. Hubbard. Stat. Agent. 203 K. Morrleog at. MONEY to loan, aula tied people, teamatav. ete . wltbent aecnrlty; eaay payment: largeat bnalaea In 48 principal rt tie Toh, kd A hi net oa bldg. Pbona Mala 84BT. ! MONEY to loan en real, personal and enftataral aecnrlty: apeda! attention to cnarrai morr. gage! note boneht. C W. Pallet, 804-8, . Pinion bldg.. 84 Sixth at THB 'CONTINENTAL CO. M Stark at., -Will loan you money at S per cent: (I.Bno to (18.000 aa realty or for building purpose. HIGHLY reepertahl place where ladles! and gent caa borrow money on diamonds and twelry. ' Collateral Taut Hank. (OS .Wash gtoa at Phone Slack Tt. ' CHATTEL loan In araonnts ranging -frema7S . to (A. 000; rooming-houses a sneclalty. New Bra Lean A Trust C.. (08 AMngton bldg. WB make an kind of bmaa an goo security t lowest rate: aped a I attention glrsa to chattel loana. 108 Morrlaoa at MONEY to loan la arm of (3.000 ta gn nnn; terme to writ tb (08-10. Commercial bib; . ar, B4Sb- BTONEY to loan so Clackamas ceainty landa. w. r. r. o. miey, mm i.,i w LOWFTT rets as. e,i.nttaie and nlanoa. era Loa Co. 448 Sherlock bldg. Clay 838, TO LOAN Sum to an It ea chattel Mcarlty. R. A. Frcaaa, 814 Th Marqaam. MONEY TO IX1AN oa all kind of nscnrlty, WHIIaia Boll, room S, Wasblngtoa building. 1.0A-(A.ono TO maa bv private party as real eatat aecnrlty. 401 Com meed a 1 bldg. WANTED Mortgage loan: niodert amonnt In or (boot St. John. W. B. Ward, lawyer, Allaky bldg. MONUMENTS. RETT A KINOSLEY. SOS Flrat at. Portland'! leading marbla and granite worka. 7 OSTEOPATHS. DBS. jADIX A MORTHRUP, 418-18-17 Dekam bldg.. Third and Washington ata. Pboa . Mala (40. Examination ire. . DR OTIS A MABEL AKIN, 4nt Macleay bldg. CUy 778. Baa. M. S16L Consultation tree. Jr. format, nlt IS, Salllng-Hlrsch bldg. PRINTING. WEIXTH 'A DAVIS. Printer Dorr af clever thing with Ink and typ a paper. Steam bldg., SIxU and Morrlaoa. Mala 4147. ANDERSON A PUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, llthogranb; blaak hooka, Pboae Mala 17. (ttS Alder at. "TpaintW oil and "glass. F. B. BEACH. A CO. The Ptuoear Pa tat Co.1 wlndow-glaa aad glaslag. 180 Flrat , Pbon 1(84. BRNEST MILLER A CO., Second gad Taylor-. Wall pa prK paint, all at markat prices; era '- dellrery. BASMU8SEN A CO. Job here, palnta. oil, Slaaa. k nd door. Second nnd Taylor. PLUMBERS. DONNERBERO A RADEMACHBB. sanitary plumber. 84 Fourth at Both pbon so, FOX A CO.. sanitary plumbers, tsi Second, brt Main aad Salmon. Oregon rnou Main nrwL. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing aad general Jobbing. J. LoalL (12 Jefferaon t. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, (40 Aider at. pbona Mala 710: rubber ata rope. seal. atencHa. baggag, trad check; nd for catalogn Mo. (B. STREET-PAVING. WARREN Construction Co., street paring, aid, walk aad ereeawalka. 718 Oregon! bldg. THB Barber Asphalt Paring Csxof Portland, orac 806 Worcetr blk. SCALP TREATMENT. v GBAT. falling hair, dandruff treated; abampoo. lng. manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mr. B. F. Kyne. IA6H Fourth , any. Morrlaoa. Room 'U. Pbon PacISc 888. . SECOND-HAND GOODS. GOODH'S Farnltur -Rone Hkjbeat ri kae paid ror acl nana rami tar. ga naconq at. Pbon Pac18 408. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banner economical electric fan and algna af all klnda made quickly. Foater A Kletaar, Fifth SHOWCASES ' AND FIXTURES. BH0WCASES of very description! beak, bay nd (tor fixture made to order.' The Lutk Maaafartarlng Co.. Portlaad. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter. n makek. rented, fold and repaired. Coaat Agency. 1 Stark. T.L 1407. La ROB stock second hand Ijlemrngton d timitn-pnymier typewriter, mim up.' Underwood Typewriter Co., 20t-Strk t TREES, SHRUBS. ROSfii W bv them by the thousands; strong, healthy . stock. Our 1008 lllnatrated end priced reta ken telht all. , PORTLAND SHED CO, Froat and Yamhill ata. . TELEPHONES. THB only exclusive telephone boas. B.-B. Electric A Telephoo MaaafMtartag ea pany. St Fifth t transfer. And HAULINa:. SAFES, , piano and fnraltar moveC packed ready ror ehlpplng and shipped J ail work gaarantetd; Urge, (-tory, brick, Sre-proof war. bona fog atorag. Of flc 1(8 Flint St C M. Olarn. Pbon Mala S4T. w , tllB BAOOAOR A OMNIRUS TRANSFER-CO.. cor. girth and Oab ata.; baggage checked from hotel or residence direct to deatlnetloui paaaengera tk era fore avoid rank and aaaoy nee at depot. Private Exehaage-SB. Ot O. PICK. efSee 88 First at., between Stars and oak ata., phon BOO; plane and rnrniror awved and parked for shipping ommdloM brick wnrehoas, Front aad Clay Ma. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth. Pbona Mala SB, Heavy hauling and atorag. BAST SIDE Tcsnafrr Co., A. SX Rotcnmb, prog, 123 Eaat Water at. ' Pbon Eaat . POST SPECIAL DELIVERY He, (00 Wa lastos gt, raoM Main 883, SAFES." WB renatr and rebuild nntoeaoblles, gaa ascrtnaa. printing praaaaa. tlm locka, afa, open lock. euu. de all kind of macbin work, Columbia Gaa Enaln A Saf Work. .343 Pbon Pacific 878. Fraak 1. Snper, upt DIE SOLD MaagaoM ssfee: . fir sad bargU. prscr work: Is II and prieon won: Mraouta t repairs, g. . psvia, a isrc a. TOWEL SUPPLY. w8sSnaninSkx(8 ' Srnsb' see. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb. Brush: si per month. Lawrei Co., Ninth and Conch. Lawreare Bro.' Towel Bnpoig rnoos a in, WELL B0RIN0. JAMES W. GREEN 30 years' rpertnca to well-boring hualneaa In and bnnt Portlaad; ... beat of references (00 Vancouver are. Eaat ' 20A3. . .- ' 7-n WIRE GOODS.' BAST PORTLAND FENCE A WIRE WORKS tMO Bast Morrioo at Pbon Eaat 831. - FINANCIAL. P3PTLAND TBT8T COMPANY OF 0BE00B. Tha Oldset Treat Cemoaay la Oregon, . RESOURCES OVEB 11.300,000, General banking. Exchanife aa. n part nf tb world. Saving account. Tim ear 1 1 8 rtte. 8 to 4 per rent: abort -call eperlal earUA Catca. (VtO or over. RU to 4 per cent. Call for book of ''ILLUSTRATIONS." : South -aat Corner Third and Oak Sta. . phone Print Eacbaag IS. w ' BKNI. 1. COHEN ,. Proaldeal H. L. PITTOCK Tle-Prel.leat B. LEB PAGET , Secrrtary t 0. OOLTRA.. ..Awdataot Bacrntorg CtCHABTS NATIONAL BANK. FORTLAXD. 0KI00B. ; ' J. FBANK WATSON President R L. DTRHAM. .............. ..Vice-President R. W. HOTT Cashier SEORGB W. HOTT....,., Aaaltant Cable Tranaacta a Oaaeraf' Banking Buaineea. Draft and Letters of Credit IsanedWLvallabl to All Part, of tb. Worli ' Collection Specialty. LADD A TIT.T0X. BANKZKS. (EatnblUbed In KII.T J Tranaaat a Geasral Banking Badness. Collections made at all point a favorabl term. Letter of credit leaned available "ta En rope and all point I the United State. Sight Evening gnd Telegraphic Transfer old an New York. Waablngtoa. Cblesgo, St. Louis, Denver. - Omaha. - San Francis . and Montana and Brltlab -Oolumbla.iL Exchange nld on London Pari. BorRn. Frank tart, Hongkong, Xofcabaaaa. - Manila and Honolqla. 0 FIBST BATT0WAL BATTK OF PORTLAND. 0BZ00V. 1 Designated Denueltory end Financial Agent of , i to United Stataa. Pr ad dent a. t,. MTf t.S Cashier... J. W. BEWKlRK Assistant Casblsr W. 0. ALVORD Second Aaalatant Caahler., 71 F. -STEVENS Utters of Credit leaned Available la Karon and tb Eastern State. . Right Exchnnr and Talerrapbl Trnfr rid on New Turk. Boston, Cblesgo. Bt Lonta. St Paul, Omaha. San Frsnelsea and tb principal point In th Nortbweat - Sight and tlm bill drawn In aim to anil on London, Parle, Berlin, Frank fert-en-tbe Main. Hongkong, Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chriartnnl. Stockholm, Bt Petersburg, Mo , Euricb, Hnnoluln. . ' Collection Mad aa Favorabl Trrme.. , tlBmS BTATFB WATTONAt BA1TK I OF FORTLAirn. 0EFO0N. 0BTKWT8T COR, THIRD AXD OAK ITS. Tranaaota a General Banking Xualseaa. , DRAFTS ISSUED. , A valla Ma In All Cltlea of tb United State , and Europe, , Hongkong and Manila. . . COttECTTOVI MADE OX FAYOBABtE TEEMS. rreatdent ...J. O, AINSWOFTH Vlce-Prraldeirt...,.... Vice-Pre! dent... Caahler Aaalatant Caahler....... Aaalatant C ashlar S ATER . R. TEA BARN KB B. W. SCHMBFR ..A. M. WRIGHT W. A. H0LT- SECUBITT SAYINGS A TRTTST 00MPAXT. 80S Morrlaon St. Vortlaal. Or. Transacts a General Banking Bualaaaa, " SAYIXOa.DEPABTMEXT. Interest Allowed on Time and Saring. Deposits, Acta Trustee fiw Kntate. . Drafts and Letter of Credit AvalUbl la AH Part of th World. ,. . 0. F. ADAMS...., ..President L. A. LEWIS. First Y1c-Prealdnt A. L. MILLS Becoad Fo-Preldeni R. 0. JTRITE ..UtJ. Serretary GEO. F. RUSSELL..... Secrataxy THE COXTIXEXTAX COKFAXT. FINANCIAL AGENTS. STOCKS, (B0ND8 AND MORTGAGES. -j. S4( Btark Street ' " ' Pboa Mala 1S7& MOKKIS BROS. ; lit Flrat St, Fertland, Or. '.;'' Offer Gllt-Edg investment la Municipal and Railroad Bonds. , Write ar Call. MORTOAOG LOANS Ob Portland Bael Xatato at La weat Kakss. Titles Insnred. Aba tract a Furnished TITLE GVABAXTEC A TBUBT 00. (40 Wasblngtoa St. Oer. 8a send, I . . 1 TOWING TRADE BOOMS Tho log-towlns bualnesa has grown so surprlalngly durinr th put season that tho Shaver Transportation com pany has decided to build A new bpt to engage In the trade. Machinery for the craft has been purchased from a Grays ' Harbor- navigation company. Captain James 8 haver and a force of mechanic went up there this Di0rJlng to (ret It In shape for shipment to Portland, ' The new craft will be of about the same also as the Tahoma, 111 feet lone;. 17 feet wide and alx feet depth of 'bold, while she will be of 160 tone net reg-la-ter. ,The hull and all of the wood work will be built at Portland. It is probable, a contract for her construc tion will be let Immediately on the re turn of the- captain from the north. He was In Seattle recently for the. pur pose of buying a boat, but the one to which his attention had been called proved unsuitable. Hence ho "decided to build a steamer. . Another iowboat which will be oper ated in local water Igt narng comple tion at the Portland shipyards. She belongs to Captain O. W. Hasford, and, win oe usea lor towing joga xrom me lower Columbia river to the anlll of-the Portland Lumber company. She wjlj be launched and placed tnsery Ice early next monlh. Tbla vegael will be known as the Wentworth. The steamer Beaver, which is being; built at the aame yards for the Clatskante Trans portstlrn company, also will" be- com pleted next month. Thus Portland soon wllj hare three new steamers to add to Its already large fleet. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. "Carrylnav a cargo of 10S.47S boshela Of wheat, valued at 181.000, the FreffEh bark Alice .Marie left down this morn ing, bound for the tfnlted Kingdom.. Laden with a lumber cargo, the schooner Wllllanj Bowden left for the seathls morning, In tow of the Har vest Queen. Tho Bowden will ro to San PedroFl The schooner Virginia arrived this morning from San "Francisco, and -will load lumber at tho Inraan-Poulsen mill for the return trip. . The British ship Blythswood - wss placed on the dry doc It this mortilnB; for cleaning and painting. The Im Roch Jnrjuelln. which . wag lowered from the dock .' yesterday ' was brought . up to Portland and anchored In the stream. Tho French bark ATe' has mowed to Montgomery dock No" J, and the Brit ish chip Clan Graham to the Irving dock. - ,-. This afternoon the work of (loading thd eohoohere Crescent and Annie Campbell with lumber cargoeg will be completed. - . ' ' " Sailors on the French bark Bretagn have made a complaint to Consul Lahbe concerning the food with which they arc supplied on the vessel. They also Insist that the skipper be forced to pay them thelr wages and grant their re Irak a, . Tho matter la being lnvrsti-sjatsO.; CIIIIIE8E-E8CHPE8 FR0L1 ARAD1A Liner May Be Detained In Port ---. Although She It Ready ' to Clear Today. INSPECTOR BARBOUR , ROUSED BY INCIDENT Fsllure to Securt Conviction of Csp- Uins Who Legally Are Responsible for Violation of Immigration Laws, H Says, Causes Laxncss. , " NotwithsUndlng the fact that three watchmen ware , pti at, Leo Mann, a Chines seoond cook ' on the orienUl liner Arabia, allrl over the side of the vessel laat night ss she Isy at ther Ore'i gon V California dock and escaped. As s consequence the steamshlp'. maF be detained In port. She baa completed her cargo and is ready to clear at thd custom-house this afternoon for Hong' kong and way ports. ' Chinese 'Inspector Barbour says that he wll take1 the matter up with tho t'nlted States district attorney and sak for tho prosecution of Captain Metxeu thin, master of tha Arabia. The In erector explains that there is a federal statute by which the captain of a vessel Is he7d responsible for all escapes of this sort. - v. "Within the last three months," said Mr. Barbour this morning, "three China men bave escaped from steamers in Portland' harbor. Not a single convic tion has resulted. Aecordlng to law the captains should be held responsible, i If this thing Is permitted to run along .1 will lead to an entire change In tb policy of the government in -dealing with such esses. "Contrary' to the general opinion." ooncluded the Inspector, "it is not the duty of thrs office Ur assist In prevent ing the escape , of Chinese from the ships.' The owners of the vessels are supposed to guard against that. Wo have watchmen there simply for the purpose -of accommodating them. The government spends much money in this way, and It la drtne for no other rraasn than to encourage commerce. ' A NEW PORT Caps Aatlbee Win Carry rari 0f Cargo - - - to sTugaha, Japan. ' - Nugata, Japan, is a new shipping port which has been added to the commercial map, so- far as Portland Is concerned. Th British steamship Capo Antibes, which cleared this morning, will carry a portion of her cargo to that point This is the first shipment ever sent ther from the Willamette district, as this section Is referred to by tho do. partment of commerce and labor. Th cargo of the Cape Antibes Is mads up of 48,(50. barrels of flour, valued at IIIS.OOO. She probably will sail lata this afternoon. She will first go to To- kohama. where ' about a third of her I shipment wlU be delivered to Importing Arms. Then she will proceed to M0J1 and from ther will go to Nugata, -Th steamship Arabia will clear this afternoon, but will not leave for th sea until tomorrow. She will take out a full cargo of flour and general freight, which will b about eauallv distributed between Japanese ports and Hongkong.1) It Is planned to have th British steam ship Strathmor in shape to clear for the far east tomorrow. She will carry an exclusive flour cargo, .which will, be somewhat larger than that of th Cap Antibes. All of these steamers ar be ing dispatched by th Portland A Asiatic Steamship company. ' - . TOLEDO SOLD arlatrs aTlevwa Tnoosaad Dollars Cask at Aoottom This KotdJumT- ? Th steamer Toledo, which plied be tween Grays Harbor and Portland. , was sold st publio suction this morning from th steps of the federal building, to satisfy clslms filed against th own era, - aggregating $i,006. Laura H. Northrup, one of the clalmanta, started the bidding at $7,600. and bought the vessel in at 111,000 cash, after -bids offered by S. Elmer and Robert Wake field. Tb boat probably will b placed upon'th 'market again by th new owner. The- Toledo was built in 104 at Rureka, California, at a cost of 118,000. She Is a freight and passenger craft, with a capacity for lit tons gross snd 15 passengers. She wss libeled sgalnst in July, and sine has remained near th foot of Jefferson street, awaiting th convening of-a federal court and the entering of a decree of sale. A. Fey wss managing owner of the boat. At the sale this morning W. 8. Hufford repreaented the claimants and Judge H. H. Northrup th owners. NEW BOAT NOW Steamer BTortlt King, Practically. m . kollt, launched at Supple Shipyards. In a day or two the steamer North King, which was launched - from, tho ways at the. Supple shipyards yester day, will be taken.40 a point near As toria and tied up Tor the winter. When ah goes north next sprtng she will re semble a brand new craft, as sh prac tically has been rebuilt. - , Sine she la out of th way st the yards the work, on -the government snagboat will now' progress much more rapidly. The machinery Is being placed in her anrl It la thought tharSne'wIU be ready to launch Inside of two week. When the work has-been completed she will be taken to -th. government moorings. As the rivCr . aqd harbor funds ar running rather low she like ly will remain Idle until Ute in th spring. Sh is being built-for opera tion on the upper Willamette. ' LIGHTNING STRIKES Kits " weathe ' Bureaa' Bonding at aorta Bead, ataarly mailing Opera tor. Struck by lightning Tuesday after noon, th weather bureau building-at North' Head was badly damaged, and Observer Kelllher had a narrow eacap 'from death. He was stunned, but re covered In tlm to extinguish the flame and prevent himself and. build ing from being burned. - This news was received last night by District Forecaster Beala Two bolt entered the Instrument room, caused an explosion and completely wrecked th triple register. Tho intrum(f't stand was twisted out of stii-e. nil of th windows In the rora Mn out and th bM1111n net on fire. The wai'a ami celling of the kitchen ftlnl .j- , ro.nn were also bariiv wlr f -!s .ta INnt r-tnr. 1 1 ,' 8 1 11 r '"' ' rnmnii inc IliLliUII LII.L L.a TOUCH U Chargeurs Reunis Vessels Now Stop on Coast at San Fran- ....- . ... cisco Only. ARE SIX CRAFT, WHICH y SAIC AROUND THE EARTH G. Thouroude, Inspector and Ona ol Owners, Surprised to Find Condi tlona So Favor able, at Portland Can' Get in Over Bar. -' Powartut pressure will bo used by local shippers to Induoe the owners nf the Chargeurs Reunis steamship Una to make arrangements . for having their vessels call at Portland while en route around the world. San . Francisco :a the only point on the Paclflo ooast t which th steamers call under th pres ent arrangements. It is quit probable that th plan, will be changed shortly, however, and that they will touch., here. G. Thouroude, inspector -of th line and on of the owners, has been in th city for th past fews-days conferring with th shippers and getting all of the information be caa relative to th ad-. visibility oi having th steamers call at Portland. -He left for tb sound Jhl -morning and after looking dver . that field he will return to bis bom at Havre, France. He says he will sere from New York on January1 H, and month later ft ixkpectg that a decision will be reached as to whether Portland or the Puget sound cities will be added to th itinerary of his vassals. sjlx tm tka Un. '. c Ther ar ' six. of th . craft running ' -out of San . Franclaoo and each baa a carrying capacity of about 7,008 tons. On th outWarUtrip they touch at Cen tral and South American ports while bound foe th United Kingdom. After discharging their freight ther they load with cargoes for the orient by wsy of th Sues canal. Loading with far east ern goods. It is then planned to have them return to San Francisco, and Port land, If this port should b added to th list. By following- this rout It !s possible to provide a so-days service. "I was greatly surprised when I ar rived here . and learned th true facts ' concerning the: Columbia and - Willam ette rivers,' said Mr. Thouroude. "I . lust cam from th orient and while over ther I wag told it was Impossi ble for ships to get up th Columbia river drawing mor than IS feet . of water. Since my arrival figureg have been . produced to prove that ' vessels drawing nearly 2 feet ,,oV water have cleared from Portland this Season and reached the sea without meeting with a single mishap, go I am thoroughly convinced t fist the water la fully ade quate to Answer sll requirements, as our steamers do not draw mor than l( fet of water when fully loaded." - , -' It was explained that th "knocks' . sgalnst tho Columbia river In tb orient emanate from steamship men running out of Puget sound snd San Francisco. It Is pointed out that, recent events have probably convinced them that Port- 1 land win soon becom s mor powerful rival than ever before. If1 they do not take 'steps to keep her back. . "Th only drawbaekvl hav notled to this port," concluded Mr. Thouroudr "la the price at which coal is sold. It can be purchased much-more cheaply on the sound. Fuel'ls an Important Item In the expense bill of a steamship com pany." Mr. Thouroude admitted that In other respects Portland . would be a far bet ter port for hi steamers to call at than Seattle and Tacoma, ssylng he la fully convinced that greater quantities of freight would bo furnished th line her. Some of th shippers hav Informed him that it he decided to hav his steamers call at the sound In preference to Port land they will not furnish th line with a pound of freight. Thus strong influ ence 'Is being brought to bear to hav Portland selected as a port of call for th freighters instead of Seattle or Ta coma. It was explained to Mr. Thou- ' roude that almost on third of th grain and flour shipped . foreign from th sound is sent from Portland over th Northern Pacific railroad, but that un less th Portland shippers patronised him he would be unable to get this trsffla. JOCKEYING WON The Olymplaa Was snow, but Xr Cap ' 't'l tenia XBw Soxa THeksv On learning of th sal of th steamer Olympian and that ah is to be towed around to New York,- rivermen recalled th many exciting Incidents In which she1' figured In- th early days, when government inspectors did not keep so clone a watch on steamboats aa now. . Irt-mc-I she waa on' th Seaside run and tha old steamer Telephone was plying between- Portland and Astoria. Th two boats were run by opposition companies and a racepbetween th craft was. a dally occurrence Th Telephone was owned by Csptaln Scott, who until recently was running th steamer Tele graph on th Astoria rout. All old time mariners are agreed that the Tele phone was th fastest ' craft that, ever turned a wheel In the Columbia river. At that tlm sb vu in command of Captain Whltcomb and EL W- Wright was her first officer. , Captain Troup, now superintendent of the water lines for tba Canadian Pacific, was master of the Olympian, which was a sldewheeler and so much slower than . the Telephone that th skipper resorted to all sorts of tricks to defeat his rival. Th latter would stop at way, landing to take on and discharge frelgnt while th Olympian cam direct through to Porflandv While-, th Telephone wae stopping at her last landing on the re turn trip the Olympian usually 'Would come creeping -by her. Boon afterward a rac would bw on. ;. .? ' Just about the time the ' Telephone. . was ready to pass Captain, Troup he would rua h. .over la front or nr ami crowd her over toward the- shore. When Captain Whltoomb would Snter a prrtteet h. would fef-elv the pWply that there WSS plenty of water on tha other aide. Then the Telephone would rush for th Other side, but before aha nould get In the lead her psaange' would be blocked again by the Olympian. ' , , .' MARINE NOTES. ". Aatorln, Jc. ; Arrive,! d.wn S:30 a. m. and left rr th bar at a. m., steamer Hxnah.r Hiin'kr,.,ir. !". ;7 --Arrlwl. at It trn mfr N ' ' t , Ail'.rl i, I' '.' l. 't i:- ,ii .1 n f. ft. '" I'M I , , let J iv r