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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1905)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, "'THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 23, 1803. - ' "li JltA r ' Entered at the Portlaad, Orion. ' tor treaaportatloa tarsa UM avals as saounj f iliae W1M. Pastas for single copies: '""5 ""'1 Nfi paper. 1 Mis is to 80 pagea. a mu . is a V4 8asat. xzLxraoxxa. .- Editorial .....Msta W6 .....Mala 6ta OWo. Mitmw anwroTratva ltMHIRlTITI Vreelaod Beojsmln Special Adve-ttotag Agency. . : umi lUNt, XarkJ XiUHM eWU- . Inf. Chicaga. r- ' i t nrxscuraov ratx. "i" Dally JoareaJL with Sssdsy. I far..T M Ths Pally Joors70 1 ysor ........ ..e ixl Ths Dslly JourssL wltk Snadsy. 6 swaths, J. 75 Tha IIJ fosraal month..... Tha Dslly Joe reel, with Sundsy. 8 months. 1 J Tha 1'iUlv JoaraaL a swaths . Ths-jnili. ImL with Bondsr. I asonth.. -a le Dally, par week. dsUvarsd. Sunday ilnbJ FhB Dally, per wssk. tveceil, Sssdsy M " W MajL""''""".; Tbs Pally Joareal. with ttooday, 1 aar....T.aa Tha Pally Joareal, 1 yaar. 8.00 Tba Dolly JnsrnsL with Sunday, months. STS . Tlia Dally Joarasl, 4 aasaths.... SJS The Dally Journal, with Sunday, asoaths. 1.90 Tlis Dally JooraaC aaonthe .40 Tba Dally Jcssresl. wltk Sunday, 1 natk. -J Tba Dalle JonruL 1 mnath. .......... .... 1M Pond JoarnaL 1 mr. 200 The Busdav JoaraaL months Tha Beml-WseeUy JoaniL Tba Seml-neeklr JoaraaL to IS . osr lean. Ulsei rated, full market rs- , port. I yaar " Rsmlttasces.shoold bs Mad by draft, nostsl betes,, sxprsss order od aaall aasoont ara " socsptabls ft 1 aad S-ceat prartag tamsava, ' V - - - .' v TEX IQVMMAU , ' t O. Bog IK, Portlaad. Oregon. JTEXU TXX JOTJXHiX MAT BR FOUND. Tha Joorral m to found, oa ami at ths following pieces: " feOlHB, IDAHO H. BaOer Oa. W. B. M Intyra. . CtllCAGO-Poatolflc Nam eoapasy; ITS Daar- bora atraat. DRNVEB. CoL0JOO-J. Black, lztftotk aoa Cortla afraata. - i Kansas CITT Ta Hoy Wawa canpam. HINNEAP0IJ9 M. J. KaTaaaafk,-M Soatk Third anrat. NEW YORK Crrr Braatana'a. tTnVa.anara. OMAHA Millard Hotel aawa atandt Magaatk 8tatloory cofnpaay. raraaai atraat. - ALT LAKB CITY Kaayoa Hotal aawa ataad; Barrow Broa., 4S Waat Barntd atraat, Soath. ST. LOUIS Philip Roadar. ! Locoat atraat; B. T. Jatt. ajifl oilTa atraat. 1 - SAN rSANCiaCO W.S. Ardlnc PaMca Ratal m atand- and lOOi Markat atraat) flotd .. amHb Braa., XM Sattar ' atraat and Paint Praarta hotel; Poatar Oraar. rarry PBlM- Inc: N. Wbaatlar. axnabla arwa ataod, ar atr Markat and Kaaraay atraata. SBATT1.B Ralnlar Grand aawa atand; W, .L. Khanka. Bntal Paattla nawa ataad. PPOK ANB. WASHINGTON Joha W. , Orabaa Co. ' ' TAOOMA, ITASmnOTOlf Oantral Nawa aota- pan; Hotal Tarfna aawa atand. VICTORIA, BRITISH '.OUJM BJ A Victoria Book A Ptattnarry tonpaay. . t WEATHER , REPORT. "' A nwa dlatnrhanre.haa nada Ita appaaranv ar wratna Rrltlah Tolniubla. Storm warn Inca want ordrrad laat night oa Btlllapham b"T and tha of Para, for atronp auuth. rant ahlftlny to anathwrot wind. Tbkt dla ttrrbanra haa raoard modrrata ralna la tba Wlllamptta yallpy and tha aouad anunrry. Tba Taxaa axtraalua of yeaterday'a low praa. aora arm haa drTaloprd Into , a - dlarm-basra of marferd atraaata bow ranTra orar Arkanaaa. It haa canned haary ralna lo tha lowrr alia. . alaajppl all'y and llabtr amottnta In tha rt gulf alafaa. 4.00 Inchaa haalnc fall ' at New Orleanh dnrlna tha laat 24 houra, Tba nartbara Callforala blah praaaura araa haa adTanrrd a aonthern' Idaho - and eatiaad. rkar and colder waather In that aartlon, wbk-h , waa prffadtd hr a llrbt fall of anow yeatar day. Tha aon lb- Atlantic blah priaaore araa , adranrad to tba Now Kuflaad alatra and tha ..whether ha 4bat orrtloa la clear and . anlld. -Tha eaetward tooTrmaot of tha Brltlah Co tr.nhla dlaturhanca will ranaa rain in waatera oroa and w cetera Waahlntrton tonight and . rnnay wna rrcen aoawariy (winoa in IBa in r crkw and a anodcrate aralo ahing the coaet. Kaat af the Caacad monntalna rtoadlnaea will Ircraaea and ha followed by rain or anow - iaod hlffber tantpararnraa. i .Otoarratione Uken at a. m.. Padflt Ubm: .i, r , Tanip. Ptatlone Max. Utn. Prarlo. noaion, jaaaaacnnaarui.,.,. tMi . . .t . ' fhlcaan, IIIIboI. ; rut tfr.nepr; fdoraoW:v. ....... 40 . S4 1 Kanaaa City, Mleanorl. ... , 44 JKI Loe Anaalaa. Caltrwula.,. 2 42 : New Orlaana. Lonlalaaa... AM 4)1 . New Torav Kaw York..... 42- ,-. !4 Omaha. 'cbra.k a, 44 24 1 fort lend, .llregoo.-.-' M - Itoactmrg, Orcg'at 4 . . H2 ' ' Pt. Inla. Mlaaonri M - K - Kan PranHaco, t'allfonilm... M '. 4A ' Pnokane, . Waahlnctoa.,..., M ' HO. ' Tacotna. Waahlnatnn. . .... 4d .,' M A .0 .0 . d.iW - .o .0 , . .i4 ..lie nan,, neeaingloo. o Waehlngton. D. C..., no ' '24 H'alla Walla, Wasblagton.. 44 . P4 Waddtnr Card, ' W. O. Ptnlth m Cn, Weak Ingtoa hldr., -oor. Voarth and Waabmgtoa ata. , at lea Berths Martin, moat til Alleky hldg. Ptamrrna and fine needlework ; efeaena glaea. BIRTHS , LI "KOW December ra Mr; and at re. II, Tickow. 401 rllaklyoa treat, a arm. -riKI.K Dewrabec Id, to Mr. and airs. Aagaat - -IMeln of PeaUaanJa,- dangbtar. ,. rihLE Deeemlwr. 15. to Mr. and Mm. Millard - r. ilka, Kaet-Klith atrert, a aob. , , KrKSI.KR December . to Mr. and Mre. A. Ie Kaaaler. 464 taat TwantyHHktb atraat, daughter. t . 0"M A1XKY December S. to Mr. and Mre. 7. J, O' Me I ley. Arthur atraat, a daughter. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. HON AH AN December 2, - Percy Mooahaa of fortamonrn. aipntnana. DEATHS. . ABBOTT December 24. Edward A. . Abbot n aged St yeara, at Kt. Vincent' hoanltal; . ' renea. Bright' diaraea. Burial at Radlanda, . raMTrartuB. , i. , JCEKt.EY December 34. Robert A. Kaeley, aged 21 yaar in Brook Ira dlatrtct: eauee, ' - tnjorfd ta ' railroad accident, . Burial at 1m Kir eemetery, ' - . 1 . . TXamber M. Oarle Reed, aged M yeara. at Pt. Vincent's boenltal: eaaae, paen , monla. Burial at Lone Pir cemetery. .- 11'GBKitOR IVcambea M. William MeOregnr. ' aged 54 yeara, 9 Eaar Twenty-eighth atreet; ' re nea. pnauuaiiila. Burial at'. MlDoeapoIl, . ' , Mlnnraota. . i i ' KIJ December , Martha Bell, tged TS yeara, at Portlaad eaultarltim; raaaa. egrci. '. noma of , tnlcotlnea. Burial at Lose Plr , - cemetery. .) ' 'i '. : UNDERTAKERS. ? ;y I. f. Fuler A Poa. funeral director and emhelmeea. comer Third and Marl I ana atraata. (if flea of xmnty coroner. Telephone Mala 9. Dorming. ' MeBatee at airbaagh. vndertakar and embalatere; modern, la eperp detail, aeaaath and Tine. Main 480.. '.Lady aaalaUnt, ' Tn Edward Bolmea tTndertehing company ' rnneral director and embeiaiera, , lao Thlri at. rhoaa SOT. , " . A B. Bematoek, andertaker aad mbalmer. Pa.e TMrtaeatb , at)(L, UniaLUla ata. fbon Clark Broa for Sower. tx Morrtqea atraat ttoDLK.T. the ri-oRtrr, 124 rimi rrRtirr. v arvzB.vrEw cgitinmT. - BlRgla graaaa Sin.' Pamlly Ma t7 f t.dnS. , The only eaanetery la Portland ' Vhldi pee. . pernally malatalna and caeca for Iota, ror mil Inrnmiatlna apply" to W. . R, Maekamrte, War. ' V s eeefer Mock, city. W. M. Ladd. pfaaldaat. aBBaaaBaHaBaEKaBanawaaaBBBBaBBmBaasaeaeaEaHaea REAL ESTATE7 TRANSFERS. btacy 1 ftteel and hnahand to Beaala F.. Tenl-T. north TO feet Mary L, Steal - lot. Mellnda arenae .............11,800 I nion Teaei a inreetore company ia . Mra. I.e-I CI., lot t, to lor h S4, ' U ondatnck roomy to O. W. P. aV By Co.. 12.M .. acrea ncgliinlng north Hi aertloa IS, Ptiemahtp I aiaith,' range g aeet ,.,,,-". 401 lYaiig rloaelthraril and wife to I. A-. Ahl.tcdl. kt 2. block 1. Multnoanah ' I'erk , S4 WIUlBm M. Marteall and wtfa ta Her meg nke. eeet U lota f aad S. block SI. - Keel TWtland ...T..! 14,000 M. M Artl'itr and hn.nacd to J. w. .rthar lb. hlrxk , Tlbbatlaf i alaaaaioadi ,e.eaea aaaaaaa4Ajaca' liSOD INTEREST SAYINGS; BANK; Pavs 4 ner cent Ton Certificates 'of Ueposit Fays 3 rer cent interest on daily balances , ot deposit accounts. subject to, check. . - : Banking; ' hour. . . . . .9 . m. to 4 p, m. Saturdays..... 9. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday evenings. . . . ; .. . 5 tpfi 0.'cpck DIRECTORS s W. M.'Ladd. T. Thorbura Ross. T. T. Burkhgrt. . Frank M. Warren. ' George II. Hill .;,', 240 Washington Street .' t - Corner Second. ' . - PORTLAND, OREGON. , : SOLVENCY:: Tha PflrtUnd Treat Company of Orcroa hi nw apoa tba principle that it flrat duty la DEPOSITORS ' At tba eloaa af hoalneaa laat Bight Ita da- coalta ware Sl.US2.04tl.Tl. To nrotart three dcpoalta' It bad on band tS36.IMt.ol of flret rlaaa bonda, aalable at a moment notice. In addition to g94.TM.N4 arallable caab Itama. Ita remaining aearta. tnclndlna Ita maamlncnnt borne, ara eonaarTatlaely lnaaatad, At all tlmta. u;arciore, la ua "Oldest Trust Company In Oregon" . Preriared-to take ear of Ita dapnaltor. . It Inrltaa .TOI'R - boalneaa .and would- auinrecl. at m (all. from yoo. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. K. cor.. M and Oak ata. Phooa Ex. TS. Northwestern ;;tt';;Mtaartife OF fULWAMEE, WIS. THIS COMCAST IS EVERYWHERE BEIKO QUOTED AS THE HIGHEST EXAMPLE. OF WHAT A Lin . INSf RANCB COMPANY buolxo. be. ' .. .' - y-. -";.:.:''-: or it '' EOUCYHOLDIRS ARB SATlsriED. ; ' GEKEEAta AGENTS.. !";nV.' Conoord Bulldlag. tortUnd.' Oregon . loVer-NewTown : : ; ; " DP COLUHBIA On 'rTerth Hank railroad, now at bead of navigation, wsara ua mm ebioee woo day la a year . ana t . Bast laetitment- oa market today la taw lot i aad Irrigated tract. . THE CAUrOSNIA OF TBI K0BTHWEST. HOVER t' COMPANY Portland Branch Offloe. J22H Blktb at. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Bamael Wafler and wlf to E. Relchew. ' . hack, lot liiBlprk 6, Paradlee Burins ,Tract:... ..;.,.. .-. i ISO aiiaaoetn rtyere to tiarg Taher et al., lot 4 and parcel lot i. block 190. Eaat Portland 10,000 m. h. Ayiawortk and wire to Newtoa iqrrcr. tot ana io, block 4. Latoar- , -Slle FaUa 1 1 v- awawwia wna wnv wo rental Cnnrter, lot and 10. block 4. Latoar- elk- Falai ...c...... ...-.. I Boerirr to ueorge w. Joseph, imrtbweat of aoatheaat aad aortheaat "4 ' ;. of eoathweet J4. section 20, township I north, range 6 eaat. an. acrea t Oeorge W. Joseph and wife to Columbia , Pulp A Paper company, northweat H i of aontheaat U, aectlon 29, townahlp . ' 1 north, range 6 eaat , . J F. Hcoabaw and wife to Margaret Veltea. S.T4 acre J. A. 81a via donation land claim, aectlon 16. towaahlD 1 south. - rang 1 eaat 1,000 Central Truet as Investment company to , A. A. McGrew Miller, west S6 2-S feet lot S. block a. Central addition....... ' " I Real F.atate Inveatore' aaaorlation to 0. . . A. Andrraoa, loU S, 9, block TV, Mil- ; r wood ... ' 1 William Una and 'wife to Jacob Xober. , eaat H lot 1 and all lot 2. block 10r . Wondlawa 2,000 Carls and wife to Jacob Kober. eaat ' , H lot 1 sad all lot 2. block 10, Wood laws t...7 1 Title' Guarantee Y Truet company 'toA'- , John Weltsel, wnt H wt S, block F. ,V . North Irvtngtna . -v . 25n Fmraa O. Hoblnaoa to Cord Seogetak, lot 2. block 1S4. ctty ; ;,, 1 Ellea H. Kapp and kuahand to There .-, . nmwn. lot ii, bhirk 11. King Becoad ' addition S.T00 P. H. Marlay ta Cord Sengetake, lot S, block IM, city - 1 Mra. M. J. J aimer, to W. E. Klarnah, - . sit iv. npcag vaiiey anditioa . .... 400 Edward Beck and wife to Aterlna K. . .'. - Uleay, sndlvlded H of eaat H of aoatb-T west U al -cr trie Oldroa doostloa lead elalnvVrv.. . 1 William Hale and wlf to O. W. Hale, ; undivided 49.S acre beginning corner Beet Urn 11, 12, II. 14. townahlp 1 aonth, range -S eaat i.i.? JOO Nellie MrPhee and hoe bend to O. L, . a. hroede. lot 24. Ha"IWtood 1,000 George' P. Palmer lo truatcea of Villa l-de No. 124, 1. O. ,41. F., lot 26, 1 hlnk a. gielk VIII. I Jcanle A. Ptenhena to HafHe F. Stephen. . !,. in u.j veirmniiig eau reel rrora ( . aoatheaat arctkia 20, towaahlp 1 'f aoatb, renae.4 eaet , 850 J. T. Bod well and wlf to Martha Wll. , , llamann. eaat Va lota 1 and 2. hlncfe 40. Pminyatds aVsOOl i . noaweii ana ww to Martha Wll- , . llamaon. weet V ta 1 and 2, block - -!: """''J'alda j,-. 1..,. ........... 1,000 F. n. Plelda and wlf, ta M. A. lra. lota S and 4. block' 1, Mount Tabor . ' t eatrel . Tract TOO John B, Tanaer and wife to Frank' ' Kiev nan, treat 65 feat lot a, tilork IS, city , " 1 0. W. Hal and wife lo William Peter- 1 . ana, 4B.S acrea beginning corner eeo ' f ; turn II, 12. ia. 14, towuahlp 1 south, ranaa S eaet g tan .Henry A. Parker to W. E. Orantham, bh a, Btvcs te, avail t or tlaaa, . tw REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.- E. Henry Wemme to Parlso Paper com- Kny, .fracUonal lot S aod aouth 'JQ : H lot 6, block XX OxK-h addition. Lou lee Kelaar to Victor Laud com. any. lut , black ' ids Colaoibl vlzhte i!.vA.' Ovrmau Baaloga aV Loan aociety to P. rie.iy, log a. Mora s, Kaat fori. : land ' l.SOO Vlotor Johnaoa and wlf to Prank Ander. aon. waat hi lot S, block 2U4, Couch acioitlon -.r. . E. K. Klcherdeon and wife to lHWrnle , l.SOO na Tinge bank, 8 1-9 acrea 8. and II. K. Murray do nation land. , claim, a action 1, , townahlp 1 (ynta, fajiga 1 aaet . . Mile c. Moor et al. to Mary I Preetoa, lot , biorg x; lot , Diocg o. jid betta Honiaataad ' (let aaar Inanranea aad a hat recta to real ae tata rrom ma Title unaxantee traai oompany. SeO Waablngton atreet. corner 5 NOTICE. MOTICB TO PIPE MANUFACTURER BMa will be received by the anderalgnaa at the orrlce of tba Port of fort land, la the i'lty IIU. nntU 12 m. Tueaday, January 2, lleiM, and thra opened. -for fnrnlahlng tha Port of 4orlland with 1.000 feet of 20-loch poatooa J pipe, f. a. b. Portlaad, Oregon, Plana and enccmcanono caa oe aaen at rna oitirw oi ; tba commie ton, and tha right I reaarred to ramct any ana au mm. ... DAN J. MAHER, - . . Clark of tha Board. NOTICE OP PINAL ACCOUNT. Tha ttniler- Igned baa filed In tha county court of Or goa for Mnltnomab county hie final account aa executor of the will of Ana kk'Laughllii. deceaaed, and Ratunlay, the alxth day of January, 1900, at S:30 o'clock a. m. of aaid day. haa been aet for the hearin of tha eatue. Dated and flrat publlabed tbb) ae Tenth day . ' JAMES OLEASON.' Kiacotor. MEETING NOTICES.' NOTICB OP ANNUAL MEETINO OP 8TOCK- nOLUBKS, tha Oregoa Water Power A Bait' way company Notice la hereby given that tba regular annual meeting of the a tock holder of tba Oregoa Water Power Hallway com pany, a corporation, will be held at tb office of tb company, corner Flrat and Alder atreet, to the city of Portlaad, Mult nomah eoonty, Oregoa, at tha hoar of 10 o'clock a. m. of Tueaday, the Bth day of January, ISOd. The aald meeting will be he hi for tb purpoa of electing director for tlia enenlug year aad for tha transaction of ouch other bnaloeee a may be legally bronchi before It. Tbu notice I glrea parenant to tha req u Iranian ta of to by-law of tb com pany. ,.f V . .Vi ' W. T. M0IR. Baoratary TBS Oregon Water Power Rail way Company. WEBPOOT CAMP, No. 68, . Woodmen of tha World Meeta every Friday night W. O. W. ball. Tenth and Waahlngtoa treat. A S-roand apaniog boot tonight; don't mlaa It. All - vtadrHur nelabbor. vaHwie. r not forget tha lnatallatlon of . officer Friday night, January B. Everybody InvlteiL Coma oat tomorrow Bight and bear (bout It. M. T. WOODWARD. C. CU. A. h. BARBUR, Clark. 261-Third Street. - ANCIENT ORDER CNITBO WORKMEN etc nine re or rorriaira looga rto. zt ara ra c,neeted to attaodlodg Friday night, Decem ber 2. a the ertenalon committee will vMt oar lodee, A leo th matter of moving to a new hall will coma up lie fore you. Every member abould be preeeat at tht meeting. My order, C. T. PPOONKR. At teat: Maatar Workman. T. H. FE A RET, Recorder. . COLl'MBIA IxMlge. No. 114. A. P. A. M. Ppeclal commnnlcatloa thla (ThunMlaT) venlog, T:30 o'clock. Maaonlc temple. Work la B. A. degree.' All E. A. Maaon Invited. B. S. PAOI'B, Berretary. LOST AND FOUND. FOt'ND Black dog. partly shepherd. Hceneed collar, owner caa navae eawve ny calling at sno Macadam at. and paving- for thla adver tlaement., Phone Mala 366T. - LOPT-Neor Baker tneatre. watch fob, black niinon. gold cuain, imtiai t. h. ruider rewarded on returning to People' MarketT Flrat and Taylor. , - LOetT Tirlatmaa day, prayer hook, near Third and oilcan; valued aa a aoavenlri reward. AddreaeR 1, care of Journal. HELP WANTED MALE.' MEN and boy Wanted to lear PLTTMBINO TRADE: pays to day after completing eonraa of practical I na traction at home or la our achoola; graduate admitted to anion and Maater Plumber' saaoclatlon; poaltlona aa enred. Coyne Broa. CO. Plumbing Schooia, New York, Chicago, llltnoU, snd Cincinnati, Ohio. Free caUlogns. WANTED OerVa and wlndow-draaana to ctsdy ebow-card wrttlng s Y. M. 0. A. Bight school: psraonal ioatructlsa. Apply tor p tlenlars. Portland Barber College, as sny school aa coaet. Tnttloa reeeonabM) 96? FUndsrs at. WHAT 1 th Red X Cross DyspBSryt ' 43 H Third, corner Aah. At WANTED Oood. reHahle man to basdle cof fee and tea mate; meet bsvs capital enough to own hie own bore and wagon. STANDARD COPPER-et HPICB MILLS, 1 209 Second St. SALESMAN now on the mad to aril oar cof fees snd tees to hotel and reataurante. Standard Coffee Spies Mills. SOB Second St. WANTED Traveling ea Iceman of experience and acquaintance to handle established ayrnb Una. Addreee or call oa R. J, Linden. BIT Commercial blk., Portlaad. Or. - RAILWAY mat! clerk wanted; young men over IS to . prepare for poaltlona with starting salarp.of N00 per tnnnm; splendid position for mea of good phrstue. E. A. Heynen. 21S Colombia bldg.. 80S Waahlngtoa at. . WANT a good plasterer to work hr tba yard; fnrnlab material snd help myself, Csrl H, Wahl. -New .Westers HoteL WANTED Energetic slnrls yonng man, 21 to 27 yeara old, who wanla opportunity to learn " good bnalneas traveling; permanent for right ; party; state experience, giro telephone, naia ' bar, etc. Care ot lock bog 666, city. WANTED Msa tn do choree for board and 401 Union sve., sontn. WANTED t "machinists. Apply 850 B. Oak, WANTED Typewriter operator to travel under 2 year contract; muat own mschlns snd Invest - 11.000. which will he returned et end of em. ployment; t-W weekly sslsry snd expenses; full Infarmstloa st Interview. Address D 19 .. Joumsl. - BARBER wanted, steady work. 206 Madleon at, WANTED Bright boy h printing office. 8. Hawk Co. AlTlB WANTED Today:. Camp eeogs. 70 snd StOl etlckermen. t apt eagexioen, e. nii op; nrije, Lambrma'g , Lsbor Dure a, 206S4 lorrleoa st. WANTHD Ab- energetic. . experienced, good saleemab after Jannary 1 for a ahoe depart ment, gent a' fum lenlna-a snd clothing, la Vancouver. Washington: mnet he able to dreea ahow windows snd mske card, keep shoe, took and manags ths department If aecee. sary must have good raferenrea; salary anil -ronimlaairsi; atata references sod length of experience aDd sslsry xtiected. ' Call or ad dress J. IT. Jaggy, 618 Mala St., Vancouver, Waahlngtoa. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN, over energetic, reliable, to take charge of VfKVt a flics. Call e addrass room 2S. Lewie hldg. PORTTJlND SEWIN0 - SCHOOL Faahionabl dreea ma kmc. . x71 H Morriaoa at., corner ata. O. Hyatam tangnt. HANSEN'S LADIES AOBNOT. MJH Washing. son at., cor. seventh, upstair. l'Uno SLaia SrlOS. , Female help wasted. LJTTt,E girl wanted for company; good borne, .cranes ana eaucauoa to goo gin. u j, Vara Journal. WArtTEIWOirl for gener! hnnaework. ws'blng snd Ironing i no rooking. I'hoas Ksst ). YOl'Nd girl wanted tn help With general . Wvtk-gt SU Wfl Psirk, aU pagas, HELP WANTED FEMALE. TWO ladle caa have their rent for taking , cars of 4 ruoma la cvttsg. fttralabed. 0 . la, cars journal. WANTED A few regned. energetic ladlaa caa Snd ateady and proB table employment by calling at room 3l Aiiaay mag. WANTKI Experienced girl on power machine. Apply S to 9 . a., 243 A all at., room A. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED At, oae,' s bright, energetic, a sentable man or woman. . a good talker, to take sp so attractive prupoalUoa, lavoulr la cuamoar ar uammarea, a a. am. BELP wanted and annplled. mala or female. B u. uraaa. auovs waaoingtoa L Black USa. VA1 DEVUXH aketrhea and a tax dancing taught; engagement aeenred. Bert Ooff, V10 Aiieay DHtg., -ittira ana eiorriaon ata. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE WKUcKDI'CATED young man daalrea. poaltloa at anyrnuig. Aoareaa du xamhiu at., I'ort- tana, w, " . v . . " . . i MAN and wife wish place to cook) ramp, hotel or restaurant. K w, care ox journal. , lOI'XI) dim. etrancer. - flrat-elaee raferencea. not afraid of work, ran do anything wants poaltloa oa eaikry. Auxireaa E in" journal. - SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE SITUATION wanted aa honaekeener In widower's noma. Audreee It a, cars Journal. WOMAN, food ateady wnrker. want a stesdy piece to worg oa Baiuraays. Aauraea is a, Journal. . j EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. NATIONAL Employment and Labor Agency, SIS line at. Pbons Mala 1304. , . -. HANSEN S EMPLOYMENT OFF1CS,. FOB MEN. 26 N. Bacoad St. Phone Mala 1SSS, JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFF10R. Henry Tabara, SOT Everett St. Fsoos . ra tine MO. .', , BIO FOUR EMP. AGENCY Help snpptlsd fre. 16 N Second at paone Mala lWla,- ,-r- SCANDINAVIAN-AMP.RICAN EMPLOYMENT Co., S North Second; fornlabea all kind aaa ploysaeat for mea aad womea. Mala 9066. THE Portlaad Employment Caw 206 MorrlooB at. faoa ractfle zaa . WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS to sell th best la sick sad accident Inanranea. Pacific Aid Aeeoc tattoo, 600 D kum bldg. WANTED Agents; something new) good aallar. Big wsges. us McKay biog. WANTED IS agents to sell nursery stock; As to 40 per rent eommlaalon; good ter ritory. Call 213 Eaat . Forty-eighth t.. Mount Tabor. ' WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOI'SES. COTTAOEft, FLATS, ROOMING IIOl'SKS. STORES. ETC, Our rental department ha been nlarged and provided with additional ataff. W bivlt luting from LANDLORDS and offer persons! attention to aaM Tontlnuoua aupervlaloa ever all property lutruated to our care. "PORTLAND TRITRT COMPANY OF OREOON. S. B. Cor, Sd and Oak ate. Phone Ex. 72, PH WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE barer waiting for city real aetata; what have yon la nontee. Income property or vacant lots . E,T, -ears of Journal. . , tF voo havs a flrat-claas farm fog- sals, aee m TV. ).... I, ... KnaeM Cee uth., blnH of property. Oregg Bro.,aiT-818 - Fen too bldg. j Phop Mala 6803. WANTED Oood realdeBcs lot oa weat side; mifat be reasonable 403 Commercial bldg. : ' ji I a li i I am il lain i mi i ia WANTED MISCELLANEOUS; WB want in bay merchandise of sny asm or nature. , will bnv tbn complete etoca or any part for caab. a. We" want clothing, anoee. fnr irtatilnga. drees goods, cloaka. suite, millinery and groceries; city or country. ATI propoel llona will he held atrlctly confidential. Ad dress Spot Caab, Journal. WANTED A boras, one suitable for delivering paper;, price mnet be reasonable; will, pay cash or trade blcycl. Addrea D 14.' To JonreL PAINTTNO. aprarlng and wbltewaablng trees, beaeatents. haras, dorks, ete. 1 largeatNg'snlla a pre ring ontflt oa ths coast. M. O. Morgaa Co., 822 I'nloa are. . Phone Eaat S61T. F. I, RYDER, printer. Sseood aad Waahlngtoa sts. Paons Mala MS. H10HBST assb pries paid for hortlea sad yank of every descHptnB. Portland Bottle Snoply Co.. SSI North EtghteeBth. none Mala 228S. WE WHX B"Y. PFT.L OB TRAPP) ANT OLD THTNO. WESTERN SAT.VAOW CO.. 2T 629 WASniNOTON. PACIFIC T9S. HIOHEST CASH PRICE PAID for fnrnltar ra sny quantltyi also tsks Sams on oammlestoa snd gasrante bast resnlts. The Portlaad . Auction Rooms. A. Scbabscb, prop 21) first t. Pbons Mstn 8656. . WHO IS M. O. MORGAN OO.f F0NES does praying, pruning, wbltewaablng. F0NE8 will giv flgurs on apraylng. WANTED-2 to 40 acres, oa esrlins. wltbln 8e limit: caah: mnat b cheap; owner only. .Room 80S Allahy bldg. . WB want enff rtrne: ales have hnver for a caah register. Standard Coffee Jk Spies Mills, 2i 2d t Portland. Or. WANTED Oood fresh row.' Addrea SS9 Wor cester bldg.' Telephone Eaat 1826. WANTED Two National caab rejlatere. total adder. Addres Bruna Co., S, E, cor. First snd Alder. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE HAMANN. 1811 N. 1tb-or. Hoyt Newly fnrnlahed rooma. Si. SO no: convenient, locatloa. IB mlanr wslk to, fslr gronnda: Morriaoa ear st anion depot direct to boas. Phone 8470. CHEAPEST and beat located rooma la Portland. St week and op. Oilman. First snd Alder sts. BEAUTIFUL front salt nd t other dee treble fnrnlahed moms m modern bom of privets family! shone, both, fumees best, walking dlitanee. 880 Fourth St. Pbon Pscifl S16. FURNISHED moms, elnrl or en eslte, 88 per month end np. Hotel Falrmonnt, Twenty sixth sad TJpehor snd Vsaghn sts. - TT1E GRAND Newlv fnmlebed room by week or month. VUH Grand are. NICELY fnrnlahed room st moderate pries for rent tn Isrrs priests hones. eker kt. Call t 14T Teeth si, seer Alder. HOTEL MONARCH. 8q Stsrk st, Mrs. Acklsy, .- Prop. Neetly rurnlahed rooms; trsostsnts. THE GRAND, 48 H North Third St. Room! for gentlemen, II. M per week and up '.3 s"i THS RlCHr,LIEn. 88 NORTH RIETH ST. ELEGANT "FURNISHED, ROOMS J STEAM nEAT AND, BATH 8. . " THE OTIS. Eat Rnrneide rL nd Unlna see.' Newly fnrnlehed room facing south; prtea reeenoable: electrlcltv. bath and phone free. If You Area Keen In small way. yew will need ta pro ride recruit frequently or poor rank of Viorkerl will grow thra (aad Mlf-MtUOfd). it FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT T . . JJL' Bl"'' . ror- Stark Newly furnlBbsd. stssa beat, gss light snd baths; " eanise; reus rsssoBSnM. CLIFTON. F1rt and Columbia Single room SI Ps week snd up) trsnslanta Soc. SB, oue aw o7 i so vaiiorao. . TH1 ELK TON, Sixth and Davis Light. Urge iiui. ri-w io so a wses; special is;, .i paraea ,o . , or more; . bathe. oiaiu. TWO Dlcely furnUhad rooma for rent; fnrnsc seei, was ox goons sna natn; rent reaeuneiile. izs ista at,. Between Washington and Alder. si imTj'F lua mah.. ... , . fres phoo and bath, reasonable price, &J siorrtaon. . . . - FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. FOR RENT Furnished boosekeeplng-room I neat orirg Diocg oa eaat lde gae raagaa. Data. etc. i no traneients: nrlcaa moderate. . Losaa blk.. IftSH Cnloa gva., orsr Eaat Aiuer. rsoas sssi-soss. THE MITCHELL. FUnder and Sweat b Rooms. beuaekeeplng sad trsoslsatj soarealent) price . rssBonsois. ......... . . THE OLADSTONE 41H garter at., tarnished rooms anass new maDagementi prieaa r II. TB PER WEEK Largo JeVsas . tarahsbed boaackesptngooais: laundry aad bath. 14 barmen. South Portland. . . IIOCSEKREPrNO ronma. In 1, t or S rooms, at lowest rates: slectrlc ugbu and pbons IS' eluded. 801 H Wster at. PARLORS, kitchen connecting, bath, shone. r iigoi; very await lanuiy. asv oa. . S8 S0 PER nsontb 4 room - furalahed oottaga. large yard aad fralt -rreee. Inaalr Dick son store, 4tB snd Heimont; tsks Bunny Bids snd Mount Tabor ear. tlOI'SEKEEPINQ moms, or rooms with board, print family. 2T1V Third at. . HOI PKKBEPING-B0OM8, Morriaoa at. ressonsble. 294 H VNFI'RNISHED lower part of hoaea, newly paperea, oeairanie, cnesp to small family. ooo r.esrney. mono aaam alio. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. 488 Waabingtoa at.e-Nlceiy (urnianeo rooms, single oe . en suite; ateam lieat. (lertrir light, free bstha. bnt snd cold wster; privilege of light house keeping. 209H WASHINGTON Forelahed and unfur nished bouaekeepmg rooma en suite; single aleeplng rooma, very rsssoasDis. -ROOMS AND BOARD. BOOMS -with hord far permanent tenanre, reaeonabls; . arat-claaa Dome cooklag. . sol Stitb at. SOS SALMON, bet. Front and First Board aad wa 84 to SO week; modern Mick bldg. ROOM with breakfast or board; IB mllotes walk to iat and waahlngtoa sts. 46 East 6tb at. North. TUB MANITOU. 261 Thirteenth St. Elegantly rurnlahed rooma. single or en aulta; excel lent boms cooking; etesm heat, abondant hot wafer; terms eery moderate. . Pboao Main 1208. LIN PELL HOTEL, Fottrth Bad Market New brick, elegantly rurnlahed. tooneta urougaout; rates ressonahls. FOR RENT HOUSES. or Rent. Rents Collected. EDWARD L. HYNSON. ReotB 1 Hamilton bldg. - Phone Black Bit. NEW modern 6-rootn boose aon Eaat Davis st; rent-reasonable. CaiJ 893 Kaat uavia ex. BOUSED SOT North Twentieth. T rooms, pores- lain bath, rum ace, cement nsmnt.; . u. a GUaaa. 420 Oiambee af ComBMsres. XADDERLT TRANSFER CO., prompt and re name piano and far nl tare movers; aieo eior g. Pbon Mela 168S. 0 files, 110 N. Third. MODERN - 6-room cottage, . porcelain hath aad nsseaveat, rioiisosy s saaition, near eiee, bridge. Inquire foam 801, th Deknns. Tele phone hetweeiMl and 6, Psdfle 485. 649 EAST ANKRNT. bet. Seventeenth and Kignteentn Rodern a-room aoaae. Bimaa,, gaa flitnres. 8ns lawa, rosso. . 1. Ysndoya, 276 Waahlngtoa. - ' "i- THS CONTINENTAL COMPANT 243 Stark St., . Will rent yonr bouse; j Will Sad a bone for yon.' Ses us or Phono Main 19T6. T-ROOM cottsgs, Na. 286 Broadway. Pbon Eaat 91T. . - T-ROOM boo, near North Alhlng ear barn; SS per month. I' hows uaion ixju. SUBURBAN boms ra cer tine; floe for chickens. vtneyerd. berries, fruit. Pbons west XWL. FOR RENT Hon, T rooms; bath, shade, gaa. lawn; BIS. Ban Orana v., n. roans nsst I7H0. ' ' " FOR RENT QnsHer block. T-room modern hoass Kt Twenty-nret ana nroosiyn. neui SIB. Pbone Soott 1K33. FOR RENT Almost new 6-ronm boaee; mod- quire 8il Bscrsmento St. . S-ROOhf how, 11. Woodstock, nasr eh arch, school sna csriine; piaaieren. mil panneBi. Call J. A. Mesrs, Main 312, or FUaders, Union 6888. 1 10-BOOM hoeae. 498 Mratgjinieryj 6-room flat. 4118 Mill; rererences.. sppiy eoi eunwain. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICES, unfurnished, and nipl-rooma; a lee hall Boxau, uoooooaia stag. vpu. m levator. - - " CENTRALLY looted ofnes-eoome, with pbone, light and beat, 87.60 par month. B. L. Cats, 118 JMityiad at. f , FOR RBNTLgrg etnre. Sixth tk, near Wash- Ington. inquire a. SHUSiwa, ewe vaa ew Phono Msln 188. ; '. FOR RENT Largs Hght afflces. Sixth St., near Waablngton; caa be need for light mannfac tnrlng. Inqntra a. eiorum na uag st. P)on Min iB. v i " .' - MANCFACTCRINO or other Intereata needing . ehesp. wen iigntea apses, invesugais ouua u,. Ml Morrison at. : 2 lower atorlee. resr . face, each 4x40; toe shove, 20x40. Inqulr (4 North Twenty-first. Pbon Vlaln 1644. DBSEHOOM oa ground Boor for Sra lnnrne man; heat location on Stark at. bet. Second nd Third;, real tat of Sot $30. ' D JL ear ' JooydaL '-:..' ' 1 - MASSAGE PARTXlRg. J Morrleon UNFURNISHED- ROOMS. ' , ,- HOTEL FAIRM0UNT. Rertb Twenty Hdxth t., front Upahar t .-.v....- .Jftb-. , - Rooma farblshed and nftirntsheaV lngl god gotta, SI per wk sad an, , A permanent - mod era htttldlng, r plastered aad WUh bathroom sad atodsra plumbing. PIPED FOR OAS FOB .COOEISa. ' .. . v , - kVL .QpTgipR ROOMS. '. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT Ahont Jannary -I, t-story brick bnlldlng inotloo, northeast ror. Third and Madleon) will remodel aad eVee whole oe pert to desirable parties. Apply Is sU T. leg, lis. 1 rtrtt (., reest 10, HOUSES FOR -RENT FURNI- . TURE FOR SALE. , FOR .tost rssatt oa - "FURNITCRE" - Whether to bop or sell, ring up Main BOIS. FOKTLANn AI'CTION HOUMs,. ' . Sit WHmm , . . NEW Anilturs of 6-room fist, near Jefferson enu Kieventb sts., st s nsrgain. csas or pay menrs, gxKV. I'hone ferine m. FOR RENT FLATSn- . NEW appee B-room flat, attic and basement. gaa reuse snd wood bsster; Twenty-fourth sua cast Madleon. - rnons Eaat 14a. BUSINESS 'CHANCES. ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION. Parties wishing to make their friend a Chrletmas or New Year'a present would su - donbtedly wlab to present them with some, thing they would appreciate, snd st th Same time become more valuable. NOW, IN ORDER TO DO THIS YOU Ml ST BE CAIN TIOL'S. But remember this nredlrtlon : Should yea see St to pressat them with block f xviiow jewel si i nes' company sroca. yoa wiu be prrscnvlng them with valuable present, nd so thst will be eery valuable before the holidays appear again. - Thla a lock will be. advanced again after th holidays. For ; full particulars csll st Ooodnough bldg., room 206. li. W. Hlllsr, Sscsl agent for company. . .. -. . ' vacant lots,- acreage. large ana email rarma. dairf and fralt .ranchea. "a few sood atnek rancnea. aome Al timber tract, well located ssd goon titles, good business openings rooming-housee moat any locality, at your own terme; aoa t tail to aee aa Dei ore Buy ing, . ... NORTHWEST LAND CO., ." 1 '. . , 206 Ooodnough bldg. f. ' ( , FOB BALM On areonnt of alckaeaa. nice, elean. moaey-maklng bualneaa so eaat aide; aalea from S16 to 818 per ev: prise 11.400, or will isvulce; so agents wanted, a 69. care JonraaL ON account of sickness. wTH 1 sell enr two stores of milliners and ladle' fnrnlehlng sood a at seen nee: anuu sown, oa lance on timet fine Iocs t Ion; no competition. Ad dress p 4. cars Journal. FOR SALB la the -beef Valley towa of 6.000 Inhabitants, clees stock of shoes; Involc sboot S4.000. Inquire TS lat St.. Portlaad. Or. WHO IS M. O. MOROAN CO.? FOR SALE OH RAP Onethtrd Interest in a food dally and weekly new ana per puniianea n a good Oregon towa of T 000; controlling Interest can be bought. - Addrea B 1. car JournsL n ,,. OOOD restsarsnt, fin locatloa. low rent:, will - sell cheap for essh. Apply to R. R. Voetu. 249 HolUdsy ara. ana invstigt. in is is a snsp. ., . SNAP to a close-la corner saloon on Flrat at. I orrered at less thsn Invoice tr tatea title week; good reason for selling. , Apply 602 Commerrlsl blk. . -.r 8NAP8 la town lots snd Irrigated tract at Hover. Hover Land Co.. lZ2Vi eth at., port laad. - A GOOD range, folding bed, mattress and pil lows, gzo. ma aa. . -. . WANTED A ctock of groceries: ststs loca tloa snd discount Tor wont cash; confidential. Address o I. ear Joareal. FOR ssls or to rent Furnished rsstssrant, com' pleta. Apply 840 uorriaua M. ELEGANT fnraiture and fixture of ftret-rhaeJ L. r-lty ornce. heat business district, grnnao rioor oiiica ror rem. u w. vara oi ,eoni. ONB of tha best money-making propoeltkra fa PertMBd; It client best lad lea or tne cnyi anltable for lady or refined gentlemen; for sals st Invoice; Is a clean, nice business. D 12. Tb JoareaL . - FOR SALE Job printing ontflt: Peer Ira pre axis, oo ronr joo ivne, an me or it sever ewe; centners, etc.; sz73 csas, it taxes at ones. McPbuser, Gllmsa hotel. . OOOD BUY I trill sell hslf latereot or all of ths Snest famlabed reel eststs office on the Pacific coast, and the heat location In Port land, at lee then Involc of furniture, or trade for reel eststs. as I hare invested In the msnufectnrlng business. Addrea D 16. cars Journal. - v , MAN with 81.000 for Soath America: mak 810,ono monthly for 10 year. - Address e. u. box 188. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BXAPS la town lota snd Irrigated tracts at Hover. Haver Land Oo.. 122 6th at.. Port laad. ......- WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. (Inc.) Phone Paclfla flux - 291 start at.. Portland. Oregon. Reel sersts. timber Isnds, res tale, firs insurance. Take tall charge of properties, securs tenants, t svsrsss repairs aad aollset rasta. ... , , .. T-ROOM hoses, 82 500. SAflO dowa, baUaea to salt, owasr. . Phons Esst 078. FOR SALE Threa 8-room cottages oa esst side; nssement sna yard, not and cold water, natn; price 11,300, Address C 40, ear JoaraaL . NEW 6-ronm cottage, wast aide, walking dle- nc; Dest pinmnmg, eiectricty ana gaa, tinted ta suit; 2.2f. D 10. cars Jonrasl. NEW 8 -room hoass. 484 Esst 12th St. North; 63 750, 8oo down, bslaac monthly. Owasr. Pbons Esst 678. . - ,-.. , SI. 100 NEARLY sew 8 -room boaee. with full tot; moat sightly mcstion on ssst elds, near car line; $-la down, 10 per month. State laveetment Co.. 118 Ahlngtoo bldg. 81,860 MODERN 6-ronm hoass. fall bseetnent. oa man ton stc lot boxixd. Btsts lovsatawnt Co., 118 Ablngtoa bldg. $1,40040 ACRES near Oreaham. So timber. stream water, cuts laveetment te., 118 Ahlugton bldg. . -v ' ACRE TRACTS! ; , , - ',- OITB SPECIALTY IS ACRE TRACTS! ' FnTl-slssd streets, wtr. ta xck Sor! t TERMS S10 PER ACRE CASH , (10 TIB ACRE PER MONTH. Ton aa- to these acres on tba same ear. pay the Same 6 fare th lot msa psys. Ths ?lnt msa la poor neighbor, bat bs Is ra- surer ea ?n msjonrr, or lee tares taat mag a tntt sn bur ban home. -Open WdBsdy sad latardsF evenings. t A, & CHTTRCHILIi C0 110 Second St. INC $2.8.10 Fine T-room hones: large lot; on Haw thorns svs.; rats bargain, mi lhird t. S ACRES, all clear gsd In eherry-treee IO year old: be ear far; lot donlng gino to BIsvl 8-1A0 par aers. I SI. ear sf Journal. 11-4 ACRES, tt mils from slectrlc line; n or grsrsi: tins anil, essy tn elesr row nlng wsfsr.'road on S atdea: 88 per gar. as ay term. I BO, ear sf Jonrhsl. FOR SALR st bargain, Bnodern T-roora basse en Kst xnyior. close In: terms to -salt parehsssr. Apply F 42. ear Journal. , $8,800 AN elegant 10-room hones, on ths west side) quarter block. 107Vh Third St. - OR SALB Modern ubarhan' cottage, gloss t , canine, one locauon. grouno iiaixiuu,. w. w. P. Tuwnaite uo., 134 rirat st. , TWO fin lot. 100x100. corner t good view of. anow moantalna; cheap, A we new moilern tnmlahed B-rooBi boss, .bars. . Esst. 428, r lain 1418. . j. . , . , . BOW Is thtst A nest 6-room aonss, ntc level lot noxioo, ns Eaat- 14th St.. one block rmm carllne; ths beet bay tn Eeet Portland; SliOOO. M IB. ear JoarnaL FOR SALR Fins reatdenes OS Broadway t 2 fin residence in irvlnrtont H block close in on weet aide, nsrgain: 4-srre trsct of lend. ftret-claee piece to plat, eluae In oa Kaat Twenty-firth at. vacant lota In sll psrts of the ciiv. For prices and terms. , csH . on Campbell a MrMllli an, 278 rtrih st. 'TlicrcMayBc WAXT AD IN THE ioT'RNAL TODAt WHICH WILL ENABLE YOU TO . "KILL XW0 BIRDS WITH 0.NB STONE." . JOUMAL : "Wait AC Rates VVDER AET CLA88IIICATI0M " if lye CcBts per Line , i : - No ad taken tor less teas IB per day. Sevea words, ss a. nils, eoostltuts line, bat sscb litis Is ebscgrd rcgerdlesa of ths nnmb.r sf words. WEEKLY RATE V ' tnesvtlona (taelndlng ob Busday Uses) SO CENTS per lias per sreek. MONTHLY RATE flacladlnr '1 Sssday taene,) gl.00 ser lias par month. ADVERTISEMENTS mast Vs In Tsaresl BSBlnse oftos hp 12 e'elook rk dsv asd by 10 s'eleek Saturday svealag far tha Sunday Issue, ts sseurs elaaalfloatlac. DlapUy rates give onoa sypliaatlsa at Us afSos, . THE 'JOURNAL ', '):. BRANCH OFFICES ADVTRTTuXMINTS. Win he received at reenter sasra-ofV rates. Following Is S list of Bbort4 gents, whe win forward rose gdvertles meat la tlms for pabllcstloa In tUs Beit .ff R0RTK ID-.' - - R. A." Preston, druggist, Twsaty-thlrd gad Thnrmaa arrest. Neb Hill Pharmaep, 680 OHMS Strset. ornsr Twsnty-flrst - A. W. Allen, phsrmsetet, Blxtssuth gad Manmsll streets. McOommoa's Pharnuvey,'' Nlnstssnth aad Waabingtoa street. e '. ; ' 80TTTR bTIXIS. ' B. P. lone dj ck. druggists. Front and Glhhs streets. Coftel Dreg com pa ay. First and Oraat streets. Fables Bvertey. dragghrt. 400 JeffsrsoB treet. renter Tenrh. Betfmsa's Pharmacy, sorssr Sixth aad Harrlaon atreeta, . " Plnmmer Drug company, 866 Third street, coroer Madleon. . . . ":'' I AST BIDS. 1 W. S.' Tea; dragglet. cornar Grand gvana d Ft Burnalde etreat. " Nichols A Tliomnaon. 128 RuasslI atraat. corner ATbln gvsnas. .. Jsncks Drag company, comer Hawtbore ana Orend wvennso. - ' W c. Cable, draggtst, tvaraer Holladey senna and Larnsbr atnst, nssr tl hrtigs. . , R. A Wilson. 188 Grand gvanna, aoof prat Vorrleon. . R- W. Ball. . SM Esst Bsvsnth strset, comer Stephen., .- . . , ,. v. ' morTXAjra v ' .". P. S. Hark, druggiat. 1003 North TJnlos 8UBSYBIDE." 8. R. .Worth, pbinasctet. 898 Bslmaat treet. .-,- . , ... .. . BROOsTLTV. . w Bmoklvn PKsrmacy eampaap, PowgD aad Ullwaakl rrata. - . , ARLKTA. OREOOlt. ' Arteta Pharmacy. Mnrp aad Fostor strasta, ""ElXWOOTi. '... ' Hsmstock' Pharmacy, S48 Fmatllte av an, corner East Thlrtssath strsst. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE? $1,880 NEW 4-room bonse, full lot; small ceatl payment, rsouilnder . monthly. - CIL lU7a -Third St. ... $3,100, - A SNAP Comfortable modern hoses. emae in sn ins eeet aide, n living-rooms, nets, -etc., gaa and electricity, largo basement eon. tslnlng lasndry. two More Bad faelraomal everything sbont tha boose In flret-claea re pair; tb lot ra 180 feet deep, cootatne chicken bouse and yard asd Bomber of Bns fralt treee; aa Ideal borne ' for comfort and cone sentence. Csll or address the owner, room S00, the Marusam. I'aene Msln 668. S to 4 a- . . : 10 ACRES, good soli, sll In clover and grain, . ror n-.l its vsine ir sold nerors Jsnnary i; lies fins on good graveled rood, close' ta . ststlons on 3 electric -carllnes, 0..i W. P. ., rsllrosds at I.ente. Be fsre ts sny- part .if Portlsnd; best prorierty In Tnts: worth $4nl n acre : price. iV an sere, sll essh. Y"t will find thlsinst ss sdveetlsed. O, R. Addltoo, Lsato. Oregoa; tsks Mt. Scott car, , S cents. . ui . . ' . ; SMO-NEW S-ronm bona, full lot. 107 V Thlnl. i IF yon want to bnv or sell res estate call net ws oo not oesi in snaps, ont nei yonr property with ns at Its real valne; we will ell It for yon. Sonars Deal Real Retat Co., tnTl Morrison St.. Allskv bldg- room 80S, Pbons Pnetfle 801. W. B. Her, manager. BTI.LWOnn LOTS. SB dowa and 88 a moatkt . from 878 to 8209. . oellwoed Townoit Phoo Esst 4704. I ACRES eery fins lend, lees ths one mtV , from electric lino. II mile fmsa Portten-l. cm fin road: there Is ns rock or travel! lie level snd essy to elssri 88 per sera, say kind of tsrms. 1 .49.vsrs of JoaraaL FOR ssls or rent, fine new cottar ta Sonny. side.; large sttlc. strong, 16 weet far. FOR SALR CHEAP Owner Int. N. W. corner Broad snd Olnsy. Mnatavllls. - Ksst Bids Ilesl Eststs Co., 404 E. Morrnon t. $1,880 FOR new B-room cottage snd lot SOxlOr) rest, on invision si., sua inumqanir prarrni thla hi a ana p. Klnsell, 60S Co si mere la I blk. Msln 2828. , FOR SALB CHEAP torner lot. M. W. comer Bread snd Olney, MontssllM. MAKE offer en Well-located quarter block, Hol- Isdsy's sddltlon; sll Improvement in; msa selL Fsrrlngtoq, SIS Chamber of Commsrc. FOR SALE A besntlOil home. S rooms, very best residence part or Kaat Portland; none nearly . new. thoroughly, well built, every modern convenience; favorable term. Pbooa Esst B294. - FOR SALE or rent, new boass, modern, art Improvement, Sua locatloa. Osrner. Tsnta ssd Preeott. 800 FARMS,' email tract and lot; bargains oa O. W. P. electrle tin, o. K. Addiron. isaw, Oregoa. Take Monnt Beott ssr. Bs, -..;.,. A SNAP--! , - - - For Sale Modern T-room boose, rarnlabed. $3,800: 81.600 caah. be lance tor ma; ss an Invwrassat, pays 12 nor cent. Pbon East lWrT:--' - ' . -.. . .. i. - IflR SALE 8-room boose. S . fenced, clover lawn, very cheap; on mount dtos csr. Stnart. station. Mrs. Wlntermuts. ' looxloo FEET with- sightly trees, la Wood- stork.- Msln 028. v '- - SNAPS la Woodtewn Hs 16 houses 1 select ; from. Of Acs No. 614 Junior St., Woodlswn. , , Csll up Esst 4016, ana will do tsasa airsc , ts owners. r 1 ' -' NEW B-room modern- bouse, . fms locstlon. rry- blocks i nran svs. . . .- L. cot Inge. Il1 W. osar new rHIgh school, "ssst alds; a-bargain, $2,600, WJ-'PAY CO. . 18814- Foaxth St., room -88. FOR SALE FARMS. S ACRE In fin nutt of cultivation, m roan, mite rruni riirio, - acrea Is hearing orchard ; there te n rock or gravel; pries 81.800.- M 14, car JoarnsL Isn-ACRR term. 19 miles esst "'J'"04. Sandy rtvert so sere anoer vbii.t. V""l'-"" Improvements. 18 ers sa rVillVslley roed. H mils Booth sf reservoir 1 short dla- tsnce from t cer lines IT scree good, lev, I lend dJotnlng Motor addition. ,W. B, Fseb. helUeer. 227 Faling bldg. . , linnnn FARM sf 400 cess. ISO cultivated. baiaaes paatnrei mi acre. '""rr '" barnai woo Id evil la lots of 40 serve A d dreee S. Bell. Roots Pie reel, Orsgoo, ar 4a) Esst Twslftb sr.. Portlaad. - "- BNArS In towa lota and, "Irrigated tract at Hovers, tlover iana ui-i-ll wis ,i., mrv land. . ... A 20-ACRE farm. aD In cultivation, 8 Biileg from cooetnosee. I mne rruna ir. " , m ' - Co.. 83.000; tar me to ault. or will trad fo boo ad lot. Joba P. Sharkey. T01 Coaaf ber of Commeree. FREE LAND IN OREGON ander" the Carey Irrigation ACt. iweo oirect mm areie. Write today. Booklet and msa free. B. 8, Cooke St Co., SKI Alder st, Portland, Or. EOS RALE Block renew, sf 8.400 a fre sear rribnrg. 9 miles northeast sr icngens, una county, Oregos: pries low snd tsrms esse. F. D. Chsmbartela, La ho bldg 1'urtlasd. -