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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1905)
Ti:n cr.zccu daily. . jouh::au pohtlakd, Thursday evening, . decemeeii is, iccj. V 1 v .1 vllvUA: AND SHG3 SOLD TO TH E COURAGEOUS PROPRIETOR OR Coroner TCuardl si trod CBiiiirirDSfldls Streets Cornier T Ihirdl amid Buriiside--' Streets. w VI H rnhi i -i r LLJj TlrOE BUG TOST0R1 dLOT&ilDMG.ArNlII) StflOE STOKE PURCHASED K MR. STAON COMF DM WOE QDdDLiLAE . This is the correspondence that tells its story of the deal, the amazing like of which was never before heard of in this or any other civilized city beneath the sun. j ATT if Kr, Strain's Astoucdlng Oiler ! CHICAGO OFFICE: U29-330 MONADNOCK BLOCK COR. THKUTAND BURNSEDE STS. "". V' ":''; - PAUL STRAIN. Pro. : . - . . ' ; V : PORTLAND,- ORE v DEC. 26, 1905, CHAS. FENSLER, Esq. T V . J . , - Manager Boston Store,' ' First and Salmon Sts.v . Portland. Ore.. '' v Dear Sir : Enclosed find my offer of . '"' 27 oentsu! on tther d611ar, invoice price, ' (no freight charges to be . added) r Xor your - entire stock of Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings; also find oertif ied ' check for twenty (20) per oent of ; ther; '& purchase prioe. : -r:f ' ' , If my offer, is accepted, notify, me at once, as stock must be delivered to my Hub Store not later than Friday noon. ;,Y' ' Yours very truly, ,. . r ; ' 'X I . ' f 3' ? X HE'HUB ; ' ; k-'--:: :T -:' ;;; t , v -.' V Paul Strain i. , in ii ..i.ii I.HIH.I..IH, i y:. : h1 : i I 4 I 3; onsalt hrr"? THE BOSTON STORE, FIRST AND SALMON, Which Contained the Big Stock of Fine Clothing told to The Hub at Such Fearful Sacrifice. r.!iv Slrdn's Amazing Did Accepkit toiro rClST AND SALMON STS. portland, ore. dec 27 1605 Paul strain, ;e8i; : . : . ; . :. . . The Hub 3rd and Burns lde City. Dear Sir t Your of fep of 27 cents on the , dollar for' the entire aiook of -' Itcrlland Bros which invoice a $6fl , 0 00 00 ': io'.;aooepted. .:'VV ' V ,!; 'V I return you oertif ied check which f accompanied your offer, and will ask you . to send me your oheok for $1782000 ; same being '27 oents on the dollar , for entire ffid.OOO.OO stook. ;V ' ; ; You can begin; moving the stock Thuri- day'night. ' ' i : -3' 1 oertainly congratulate you on obtaining this splendid merchandise at suoh a ridiculously low figure, and wish you all the suooesa in the world with it v - Yours very truly, ; r CHARLES. FENSLER THE HUB CLOTHING CO. HAS THUS MADE ANOTHER OF ITS TEN STRIKES And the biggest this or any. other concprn in this city ever hias made. I ambiintsjo an absolute "Pick-Up." It is not a bargain In 1 the ordinary, sense because bargains" contemplate buying something at less than its real value not securing it at a mere infini .tesimal fraction of its worth. The stock contained; in the Boston, at First and Salmon, streets, was inventoried $66,000.00, and when the time arrived today for opening bids for the entire outfit, it was found that ; " - ' ' 'X,':l:,lX'u " The Hub's Oflcr of $17,820 Spot Cash for the Stock was the Best on File, arid II was Awarded the Splendlfl Prize! By this, one stroke of enterprise the management of The Hub will easily BE ENABLED TO SELL CLOTHING AND SHOES AT LESS THAN ONE-QUARTER THE REAL WORTH And to demonstrate this,and for the purpose of making suitable preparation,' THE HUB win remain closed all day tomorrow while the goods are being: installed and the prices marked, down. All the spare freight automobiles and truck wagons" in the city will be employed tonight and tomorrow in removing the stock to The Hub, and BEGINNING SATURDAY MORNING THE SAILS OF THE HUB WILL, BE SPREAD FOR THE ' MOST ASTOUNDING CLOTHING AND SHOE SALE EVER ATTEMPTEET'ON THE PACIFJC COAST! It will tte monumental in its proportions. It will be stupendously gigan tic in its littleness of prices, and forever renowned as the paralyzer of the clothing market of the North Pacific Coast HIE STOCK OF TEE BOSTOii IS KOT CDEAP TRASH But representative of elegance and fashion in everything intended to adorn the feet or back of men. It was bought for the highest ' class of trade, many of its suits retailing regularly at as much as $35 to $50, and .the latter we will be able to selL we expect, at as low a price as $10 or $11. The $25 suits we can sell at $6.75 and so on down the list , - ;: ' n; '"-V SEE OUR ADVEITIISEIWT IN I : THIS PAPER TOMORROW For Actual Prices Wc Shall Sell this Qolhlng i iThe figures will appal the people I They wm appear most unDcucvaDici inc x facts will fee the woriclerof the- day, and f - the man who is rich as well as he of limited means will never pass "these treasure bargains by ' . i Other Dealer's Were Stupefied VMnTuzy Learned of Ihe Transcclloa. And kre trembling in their boots now In anticipation of what is to happen in the clothing market daring the coming month of January. THERE IS ONE TUFtG IBAT VE CMl FnCZ32 " THESE CIIJTlEr.2IJ And that is, that if the men and youth of Oregon read thtsa ad vestisements of contemporaries will have a quiet time of it, and plenty of leisure for cogitation, in tha days that follow , tomorrow morning.. We will warrant that many a man will travel" far out of his way to procure a suit of clothes at price which will SAVE HIM THE WAGES OF HALF A MONTH OF FATIGU ING TOIL, and that we will clothe thousands within the next few weeks who had thought it impossible to procure new gar ments for dress; occasions or workshop or mill v: MM BABGAMS Uffi T0 BE MP M TEE HUB:-ALONE 7Io other merchant had the cburafrc to malic Li MIUJLP ;flifiWMIlj? the plunge MnStralri did. make on thh occa sion, and; coupled with his already large stock, buyers have at his place ah opportunity to make selections from positively the lar gest and finest stock of CLOTHING, MEN S FURNISHING GOODS AND SHOES ON THE NORTH1 PACIFIC COAST. REMEMBER 1 1