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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1905)
THS OHEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY. EVENING. DECEMBER 28, 1905. 1-0 DAY KEY MET I.I GOOD SHAPE Receipts Ace Light and Demand i " ' Is IncreasingPrices r Hold Up. WelU '."!, DUCKS AND GEESE ' I .; v BEING CALLED FOR Chicken Market la Better With Re L ceipta Somewhat Under Demand ' Hops Dull CalilornU Celery Ar- 'rivea in Very Good Shape. " , - - . . u . i 1 inm Z ."i "t Hal moo artrc and bljfber. . Car California celery In. : ' y, ' , - J ''", Car aweat potatoes' arriv.. "'j ,. ' Chicken are quoted firmer, t Turkey market In good snap. - ' ' Graea and dacki are ratker scarce. 1 ' Kicgs Belling at 80c. . -',..' V freak meets retain food feeling. ,' ... Hops "are dull arlik trade nominal. - ( ' Caboag markst la very. firm. , - . . Turkey Market la Qeod Shape. ' ' There Is aa excellent tune rnHng In the turkey ' market.- Becaipta are beglnnni ts ahow a allsbt Improremeat, but tkua far the amount of arrlvala baa aoti beea nearly au'ftrlent for - the' trade. Prime now ruling on. the street range between Xla and 23He a pound for beat dreoaed stock and meat of the ehlpmenta are- of tlile fraua... Tlie fact that all arrlrala for the , rhrbumae trade were eaally cleaned ap at tke 7 hhrt prices- adda- atrengtb- to tbe already firm - market. Adrlcee to Tbe Journal from prl r mary points atate that aappllea ariyery scat tered and that ablpmeata la tula direction U1 b tighter than ueual. (jkloaea Market Gains In Strength. -At the adrancae ht tbe market quoted yeeter ,. say there la a very good feeling la ehlckeoa today along the street. - Beeelpte remain quite . fair, but there la s much bearler demand than - the arrivals artll anonlv. There la eonalderable et a scarcity bi ducks and- aoe aUtoa? the atreet today. Demand In I : both llaaa la rary good snd tap prlcea , are i eaally, maintained et their preeent height. ;, ' Belnvn bWoa sad Higher. ' . There la atin a great acarclty la an flah suppUea, bat the principal ehortags U ahown la Columbia rlrar aalmoa, ' Of lata the trad . baa bee compelled to nee cold stores stock -altogether, There farhlae 1 general acardty of No. t halibut.. Wllb the exception ef aabnen, wh leb ahow an adTaacer of about ftc, no change are shown la the prices today. , ' Celery Pomee ta Oaed Shapar '- Another ear of ceierr came' In this morning . from Ua Angelas and bad a good demand on . ' account of lie good eondltlen. IT lean rated be tween 1.S0 and 13 a crate. . Cabhag.. supplies ' sre only fair the" day . and prk-e raag-as hhth a He la a small way, with I ueiKe tbe general market. ; Another ear ef aweeta came In frdai tbe soath during the day. (Vice the aame. ' ( ' Potatoes and onions both dull aad anchangod I price. . '."Heps Are dale and SnU. ' Thef Is a Tery ejulet end dall feeling 1a tbe . Veal hop market. Of the eastern aud general eltnatloa Mia . latest bnt ef the Kew York . froducera' frke Current sare: , ri' . . : . -". Sale. KecelDU for week R.SIT Receipts from September .1... ....Bo.M ' . HeeelpU aame time laat yesx.., Eiuorre-ta Eurone forWeek............ l.ani Ri porta from Beptembar 1. ......... ...14.065 Kxpnrts earns time laat year ....oO.tKd . Imports -for week.... rul l l Imports from September I s.uw . Imports earns time laat year ... 4.1711 'Oa tke local market there ha been s aewal ef tntereet en the part of exporter for a moderate ouaanty of atate hop, bet ea a lower beats ' than the laat parchaaes. Bereral lota hare bean nurehaeed ea that seeeunt at lftUIftVeo. A prominent bonae haa beea baying racirica ea the local market at (rom ue V im i which are anderatood to be for export. -The eoaat market here shewa a more quiet appear ance the paat week, which la natural to. expect aa we approach the holldaya, hat alae due la part to the recent heavy buying and the (mailer a reliable quantity remaining ta grow ors1 bands.- Tbe few traaaactione reported bare beea ea about tbe eajne bail aa hut week. Advices from Oermany this week report . - an erttve market for choice graoea and ta their Elng ararclty. poorer gradea hare taken their r at the prtree which were paid for the T gradea am time ago. The earns may i -be eald regarding the English market." , Btate. ions, prime to choice, lb '..J4ldc Rtate, liam, common t fir, lb v. 12c Btate. WM: per lb . !0c Pacific eoaat, lOOR, prim ta choice, lh..iasjMc Pacific eoaat, lOo, common to fair, lb..lO(lr Peel He eoaat, IW04, eholce, -per lb...... seille Pacific eoaat, 1K04. prime, per lb TtJ 8c ,'. 1: -Kggs Ara Sailing at Thirty Osats. At 8o there Is only s fairly good tone ta the egg market, aome ' dealer . who hare large . . supplies of eaatera egg bar mads aa effort ta get the ether dealers to put the plies back . to 82 He bat hare thus far failed. There are toe many egga coming for the demand and ' dealer realise that to aak more than SOe, or poeel ibly tie, they would sxiu seep lueiregf ' tn etnrk . The trads pays ths following prices to Front street. Price paid producer are so specified: Orala, flour aad feed. "" WHEAT New club. 73c; red Bumlea, 00c; blnratem, T34c; vslley, 73. .... BAKI.KI reed, 2i.OO; rolled. $23.00, brew. Ins tH.OO. . . COBN Whole, 27.0O; cracked, S.0O per BTI! I 65 pet cwt. , ' " .- OAT Producers' pries No.- 1 whits,' I27.M; ;R New eattern. Oregon patents. Sa aa. stralgtits. tS.70q?S.Mt export, g.'.xoa.Mi l- er, $8.70s.o; graham, Ma, S.0; rys. So, S.o"; heirs- -T'- ' ' MlLLBTtlFKB Bras, per ton) mid- , dllnge. IS8 00; ahorta, oountry. 18.M; city, iihvso; chop, ita.00, . HAT Producer' price Timothy, Will met ft sailer, fancy. Sll.0otjls.00; ordinary ,7.irt "00; 4rterh Oregrm, $14.0Ojl6.xi1,,rmiI,I rl.06fflB.OOl clover" .00e.OUi, grain, I&AOQ 0O cheat. $.00li.B0. . ; Batter, Eggs and Poultry. FAT.-F. e. b, Port 1. ad flwsst cream, 81c; sour, lo. r BUTTKH City creamery, B2Hj ontatd ' fancr. SOr; ordlnarr S7Hc; store, 1417c. g(30H fio. 1 fresh Oregon, candled. SOO Sic: cold atorag and eaatern, SflC2duc. , CHBK8B New Fnll cream, data, liQISVic; Toung Agierlc. 16J16Hc: ebedoar, l&Vio. OAMF.-lrkrbblt, Sl.TS per dns. POl'I.TBT Uxed chickens, II He per lh) fancy hena, HH12c per lb; reoetcro, old. Pc , Per lot fryers, Jl V12 P"; 'bi broilers, imj , - per Ib; duck, lfitlloe pee lb; gee, loellle per IN tarteys, - per . ip, dreesed. 3023e per lb J squabs, la.70OJ.o0 per don, - : Hop. Wsel sad Hides. IIOPS 106 Oreshn.v eholce, HQllHe; prime. SHftOc; poor grade. 7HJc:. Washing ton, lOHOllcj 14 crop, S for cholc. WOot-lPOS clip, valley, snares t medium, ltfHi an. teQ27;, atera Oregon, . MHA1R Nemloat SOttMe.'f BHKKPHKINhW-rnieannsv IBSTjO 4it abort THURSDAY PRICES ON Y, .THE WHEAT MARKET rhlchgri ...;..$. ,2: I ..' New York ... - Mil wan Has ... .StttB Htr" JahiIs .,.-,,.".. Kaneas CltjrV- ' 1,1 verpool, -(,.... a Mtnnenpolls ...... .NSHA. ,7IA . " Dultith . B Bun rrsnrlsoo. l.zljss i.s4 Msroh. Ilarlcyr " 'S M ARKETS JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS . On account -of the coming; of 4 ' Chinese New Years shippers of e 4 poultrr are holding back their 4 supplies of ducks antLgeese. Oen- rally at that time there la e very hoary "demand for these products, and prices usually, soar considerably higher, than those ruling; at the present mo ment . . ,y wool, 28J40e echj medlnra won. BOaTBe Mci long wool. 76ci 11.00 CB. TALLOW trim, per lb, SV4041 We. t Sad greee, 2Ii CH1TT1M BiBK Se per lb. " H1DK8 Dry, No. i. 1 lb mat op, 16HC ITfcs per ltj dry kip. No. i, a t 16 iba. lee; dry calf, bo. 1. unoer Ilia, laei salted hid, tier, sooud, SO Ue and em. lotille, cvwa, ttttlHt(i lUH and bull. Bound, 0l7c kip, 1ft to so lb, be; calf, sound, under 1ft lb, lit; Ern. suasited, le lew; cull. par Is lee, oneblde, Mlled. each, $i.26l.T6i dry, aaca, $1.0uji.po; cult hioea, SCuioe goal shlue, common, eack., lfhwlbei Angora, eats, So.kJ i.uu. I wmtmmm ran and vsgetaBies. - POTATOES Beat Uregou, 7Aw0 per Back; producer- price fur Car lota, Joe par aacki erolBarj, BaktTUej producers, price, 3tjiMl weeta, lu per sack; iLOUu,2.iu per crata. OMON8 Oregon ytllow Uaurera, l.lMJ4il.25; producsra price. Mo. 1, l.Vo; No. , sutaVlae; garlic, HQ loc per lb. . UKBU Kb ITS Apple,' Tjregoa, . 1 00J 1 60; fancy, l.Tftt2.tHi eraagoa, new aarcl, fiOueuJS! avedllugt 1.7di.00i banana. Bo pvr lb I Irmona, choice, g2.t32.?B per box: fancr. lX-X'..,H.7n n.r hut! iiuies. atexlcaa. (l.M ier lou: niniDlea. 14.00 bmr doal arauea. ei,iaia).w; peara, l.uwi.ou . per dux: pome craaaiea, per sex; taisjariaoa, f lui eap aiiewi orangea, 70c per boa ","VlUliTAULI lurnlpa, new, tl.00 per eack; etrrota,, gl.OO per eack; beeta, per eaokj Orrgoa radlabea, S6 per So;.- cabbage, Orugon, l.20jl 6y per cwt; green pepper, lUe per U; Uallfurula tumatuea, gl.frul.16; para alua. Sl.uoui.o: atrlna beaua. suloct eaH- owes, pet crata; rhubarb, lb; greea pea, vejioe ib; auraersaua, so. par 10; aru chokee, sact$1.00 jier Hue; hotbauaa lettaoa, 1.6o,1.7 per box; celery, 3.oS(d4.00 per craU; eggplant, 1.M per crata; "vumpktna. Hie; aquaah, lie; cranberrtea, Jereejre, b 14.00 per bbl; Coo bay sad Tlllauious, 10.00; radlabea, llic per due- . , . . , . UUIHD fKUlTS Apples, mporatrd. 10O 10H per lb; aprteota- 10 tab Me per lb; ptachea, lOHtils par lb) Back. He per Ib Ma; prunea, oo u 40, Hc; Vac drop ea each Ixternth aoMiler alaa;.Dg, ciUCornla black, HUB par Ib; California white, B per Ib; satea, auldep, eg per lb; tarda, ll.ta par lo-lb sea. ... " ' Oreeerles, sTnts, Ete. arOAR Bach baala Cube, ge.M; sowdered. s5 eA; fruit granulated,; dry graaslated,; Coaf. A,'f6.u; Beet graaulsud. o.aft; extra C aA esr iiua r. aa.sai ft reUow.; bbb), loc; M bble, t&e; boiea. SOe adease ea aaca oaeis, Icae goo . per cwt zos- easn. is saye; maple, 14qlSe peg lb. ' (Abo re nrlces auolr to aalea at leae thas ear lata.. Cat lots at special prices subject le aunueuone. I HONKY gseo per ersts. COrKEB fackaie brand. I15-S. SALT Uoarae Half around, ,lUOa.'tM pet ;rro ton; table, dairy, Sua, Ur 100a, 110.78; luv ported Uverpooi, SO. $17.00; 100. $18.M; 224s, $14 OS; extra fine, bble, 3a, Ss, ' 10a, e4.S0fl6.b0: balk. 120 lbs. B4.00taS.O0i eacka. w f s aswwa aissag r anesp. as a.uiri VWSi ay awe t 9wa, aio8e Uverpooi lump rock, $1SJ per ton; ou-iD. roca, g7.uui luua, acts. CHAIN BAGS Calcutta. TH. ' RICK Imperial Japan. Me. 1. Set Ms. t. B05(4es New . Orlssns head. Tc; Ax. Se; vrriin, vo, v BEAN8 Smill whits, $S.TB large white, $3.26; pink, $2.78; bayoa, $a0 Umaa, $O.B0 Mexican red. SHc -NUIS pnuta, jsmboa. SMe 'per lb; Vir ginia. THe cer Ibi - roaated. Sei eoeoaaata. eAiirPOe per doa; walnnti lo91Btt per lb; pin nuts, 10u ISVke per lb; hickory auu.- rtn ,p Ib. ebeeuinta, eaatera, lBttlOe per Ib; Bra all nan, ise per m; niBsrts, ijib per 10; laacy pai eaa, wjvianci aimonue, l)kwu1ka, ' Paiau. ObsiV Oils. Zte. KOPB Par Manila, 14si staadsrd, U; deal. He. - , CVAL.OILr-Peerlr Astral Caeee, 0 peg Bi, water valla, area ooai, ioo pg gal 'oooaa, iso par gai, saaaugBi, iiw-esg sxe per gau 0 asoun a ae-deg., Iron bhla lc per aaL 24 pat gl . BENZINE 3-a(., caae. S3 .per gal, Bros bbl. lSHo-ner sL TUB PENTIN E la case tO par gal. weedea vpie one per gam, WniTB LEAD Toa lots, 1e per lb; SOO-Ib are, neper 10; lea lots, site-per in. WIWR NAILS Present ease at STS). LI.VBEKI) Olb Pars raw. ra B-hM lots. BOet 1-bhl lot Slai caeee, 64e per gal; geasln kettle Bolted, eaaea, S80 per gal; S-ob lots. 62e: 1-bhl lot, SSe per gl gronud cake, car Iota, $20.09 par toa; lees man cer sn, i.uu per aoek . ' ' ' staats. Flab aad Prerlaona. - " ' FRESH M HATS front Btreet-rBer stssrs. Sees p(lb boga, block, 07 Ho per. lb; Dackara. Te ner lbt bulla aatSe ik- -cowa, SH04 per lb; vest, extra, THpSe par 10, woiMr, pw ii yw, per ui sss. sua, fancy, T67Ue per lh. HAMS. BACON.- E1CL PartlaaA naeh (Wall kams, 10 to 14 Iba,' 12 per lb: 14 to 1 Iba, yk.per mi BTVV1 aacon, ItHCJISHs pat lb; picnic Sc. per lb;; cottage, SHa per lb; regular, abort clear, una rooked, 10)e per lb; moksd. 11 We per lb; .clear back, anamoked, low per lb; mked,-HMe lb; Dnlon bqtta. 10 to 18 lbs, anamoked, 8c per lb; amoked. Pa per U; clear bellies, -anamoked, 41c per lb I SBokcd, 12c- per tbt a boulder, 8H"per lb. LOCAL LABD Kfttl leaf, 10. lle par lb; 6a, 11 H per Ib; 60 Ib Una, lOfte per lb; ateam rendered, 10., 10t per lb; S. 10U; cooiixmnd, 10a, 1a CANNED HALMON Columbls river. 14b tall, Er l-lb tall. $2.76; fancy 1-lb aata, $1.00; fancy Bala. $1 1(1; fancy 1-lb ovale, $2.76; a Ulla, nlnk, 8St)uc; red, $1.60; aoanluai ka, tall $2.00. -1 r riail Rock eod, Tc par Ik; Sounders, S pr Ibt kali bat, fe per lb; crab, tl.sO per dm; trlped bee. I2H per lb; catflah. 7 per Ib; Salmon, sllvaraldea, Se per lb; teelhed, Te par lh, tree, 10c lb; herring, Se per Ib; aolca. se per lb; shrimps. 10c per Ib; perch, Ss per lb; brack cod, Te par lb; ller a melt. 7c par lb; lobatera, 16c; freak mackerel, 8a pa Ib; srswSah, SB per do. OT8 TERB FTboslwster Bay, par gL, $2.29; per ack, S3.TB. C7AM!t llardahell Per boa, - $100; fiaor rlama, $2.00 per box, " " GENERAL ABSENCE TODAY OF LIVESTOCK " ' ' '' ' ' .; ' '. ,' ) PresidentDaughtrey's Advice Is TakenrX3ays Butchers Have ; Plenty Holiday Goods. " Portland TInloa atorkunaa. 1W M t in. lock recekpt: ' ' Boas Cattla . Sheen Today ... ............. ... . ... ... week ago ... ... ... Prevloas weak............... 170 - ,.. Vi Monlb aro... 71 60 JIM Pblppen 'bt 'II rea toe k seem to bsve taken Ihe adrlc of Preelilent Uaaghtrey, pahllelied in The Journal a tew days sso. A sain todar not a slnsls head ef llveetork srrlved U ths local yarila. 'Tlila again from IXnghtreyt Ths butcbers are filled sp with heUday goods' ami will be until after the New Year. After that there will be s demand tor livestock." IMu'i situation: Hon fair, caul atetdy, hp very dull, calve firm. , - ... orririsl livestock price: , Hog Best caelum Oregon, 13. tB: blocker nd Chins fsts, $S.O0r tocker snd feeders, $4 2B- t Cat tie Beat' eastern Oregos steer. SS.TSO 8.S6: llsht and medium ateera. S2.6n: lluht cow, $2.60;' Mocker and feeder. $2.20; bull. . -v ,- ... v 8 been Wether. 414Hin sUsed hp, iQ iKn lemha. 4H04c. t'alvee Oood veal. ISO ta SOO noand, SO Se; rough apd heavy, .Tc. XABTZBa H008 LOWZS. . ,' ? , . ' Oblcgo, , Dec 28. Lrrcatnck receipt: .... . -Ile Cattle klieen Chic re ...i..i.4x.n) i&.iwn w.oon Keaaa Tlly ; . .10.000 4.0OO fl, Omaha 7.0)1 - 2,rV0TI 4,H llig opened 10f in lower with l.l.ono left over. Receipt a year ago were la.oon. mrea: Mixed. S4.oo(.l0; gnxi, ..o0ii5.10; mush. II MI4.D.V llrht. $4.K.1lij3.10. . . , t'aitie nei 10c aiwer, . Hheep 6UHc lower. 1 -t ''."' " " - ' ' , 1' New Terk Silver Market. I . . i,w York. Dae. 28-ailvar. iu., - , ' ' - ..- rJEIVS IS AGAIflST WHEAT PRICE Liverpool Opens Unchanged and Closes With Loss-Primary , ";';. Receipts About Same. DECEMBER CLOSES UP -' A FRACTION TODAY May and July Drop Trading Some what Affected by 'the Monetary Sitaon Mucv,Mytery as to Bull ' Movementa.- ' - , . TBDBSDAT'S WHEAT MABKET. t 'r ' Cloe , "... aiiur. Close Los Wed. t Thlir. Oloe Tear A Deemb... .h2 May., July .asZ .tO .001 .la J74A- 1.14 Oslo. ' Cblcaan. Tec. Sfl.-tiU neara tndav wee ftf a bearleb nature, Llrenwol opening varhaaged and closing with a luea ta' all wheat option. In thla market tiiera eraa milt a fair demand for the December,' thla being the only one to how an advance, a very small one at that'. Tbe May and July were dull and quite weak. At the close May bad a decline of xe and July He.' Pr1c Current say: The excellent prom lee of winter wheat eontlnnee snd shipments are nnequaled. Tbe weather Is favorable for corn and farmer are offering rather freely, but the ear abortage la restricting the movement. Official quota lions by Over beck, Stan A Cooks company. . Official quotations b peerVacH, Starr Cooke eowpasy: , ,' , WHEAT. . ' ' - v.- t , Otii, Ulrb. ' low. CI""., .S7tf . . mZ . . .83 Mi Pee....... May..... Jsir : corn. New Dee. Old Pes. May v, .-. July... De..I,. May..... J"! .oH .44 OATS. - ..SO' .si 'I .S2k r- .21 MEM POBK. 1S.BO 18.48, . . .18.62 . " LARD. T.27 . T 0 Jan 1 SO May..... 112 Jaa,.. Mag.. Jul T.ff T.2T . .T.4T T.SO TJT T.4T I'lo J -42 , . . 7 40 - T.S7 ' T.4T T.4T BHORT RIBS. Jan..... T.10 . T.1B T.OT May T.80 1 . . rf T.2T July..... T.SO T.43 7.42 CHICAGO OK Am OAS. LOTS. -1 7 Chlcags, Dee. 28. Urmln car lota: ' - . - ., ... , v Cr Or A 1st. Wht ...................... 17 1 , IS Corn , 2AT .- 64 - fU2 Oataf....... ...log ' Id " i WhCit care today: Mtnne polls SSI. Duluth T8. Tsar ago: aOimsspoUs 6. Duluth J7, Chicago ,18.. , I--.,- CHICAOO CASK WHAT. ' Chicago, Dee. 28 Cash -Wheat: Thursday ' 1 Wd " ' Bid. Aak. Bid. No. t rod.... 9 -K7 $ JM .874 no. a rea. ...... rfu ,ni - o No. 8 hard .J ' .84 . ,K2 No. S bard -SO'' .'.R2tf '! .78 No. 1 nortnrn....... 4 ' , .87 No. t northern........ .MSi .86 . No. B spring , JJO , .U ? ' ..1 1 . - -. PJUKABT OBAIN HOTEatXHT. Chlcxao. Dm. 28. Primary rerelots: .84 JUt .80 - i . Today . Tear Age . Bnbi ' Push. Wheat .130.000 8HS.00A Corn 802,000 1,188,000 Hhipments: - Wheat - 188.000 , 841.000 Corn 481.000,' 465.000 Clearance: ' Wheat, 204,000 bushela; corn, 8!tT.O0 huehels; eats, 880,000 bosbsls; - flour. Barrel. .-- , unapooL esAnr kahxjct. Liverpool, Dee. Official pries- . y WHEAT. , . ' ' , ' .Open. Closs. March - 6a loS,d 8e 10 (4 d May M..s 8i4d es d , - ( . . CORN. Sd Hi .4 8d 4s tvd d March'.. :.... $ A 4s ld ti ' uaiarnn oiAnr KrnpirxirTS. r Chicago. Dec. 28. Argentine grata shipments: Wheat, 800,000 btttbei; corn, 800,000 buabek). COTTON FUTURES ARE FOURTEEN POINTS UP : ' - - A -a New Terk. Dee. 28. Cotton fotarss closed 14 points higher. . Official quotations by Overbeck, Btsrr A Cook ' ODn. Hlsh. Lew. Cloe. January lll 1144 1119 114.1I4 ranrnary v.....iisr 1144 ii iimmi aiarcu .....t.......aioe xiio xiox AprU ... Mar ....1170 1190. 118T Jnn ...... .......11TH 1178. 1178 July 1177 M107 1176 August .... October .. v. .....(. 117B 1178 ' 117(1 December 1124 1143 1124 - , sTew Terk Caah Cettea, New - York. Dec. . Cash cotton an let. I points Ifwer; middling. ,11.80. .4- 1 1 , - TOWOPAH inmro stocks. Ran FraDCiwo. The.v . 2S. Official morning .1.1.;, 1 . Bid. Bid. . Montana .. Midway .. ...$2.46 ' ... 167 H ... DlrJ Off Kendall ":ve ax. r r 80 MOaniara" .. Belmont ... Ovlnmbta Mt... .18 ' .08 .IT .24 tlT4 Unmho,4 . ....... North 8tsr rflllDOO r.Ri,n,,, Black Butt.... nvearue ..i. .09 frnld MountlB.....08 Silver . lick. in llm Bntlec- .78 OoMea Anchor.'. ' L.81 Ton, Nevada. M.OOA lOhhi Tononsk., .27 Ton. Eitsnaloa. B.82HIO. BsU .Frog. .18, .an ,KI .22 .IB .$1 Red Toa 1.17-4 inamoiinneuj OolrlAeld .84 ILoa Star Hand.torrd .7.1 Horn .. Benriatorm. Cx.. I.0PA ICaab Boy Adam ........ .OB - I Denver Mobawk V. -'.28 I . .BOSTO COPPEK STOCKsW .H V . Boston, , Dee. 1". Offtvlal closing - . Bin. Alventurs ,.y. S.60 A none , .... $9. nn Arradlag .,..!. 4 75 Atlantic- M60 Blncham ... A4.7B Calumet .... ToB OO reatennlal . . 2T.BO Copper Hung. 81.00 Bid. jntd Dominion,. $ 8.7 no . (leceoia joe.mi Parrot M.BO llioelilx ' 1 28 (Jnlncy lod.oO Itoral . .j 2.150 - Santa Pe ' 2-25 1 iHhannnn ..... B 2V4 Daly Weat ... lT.-"!Tmerack, ... 1I4. Kim Bhrer 2.60 (Trinity 10.00 (Ireene tj..,a).s7t4'Tenn. Copper, 48 nti 1 ilrsntby .... n.82ill'nlled Copper. IH.toi Mae ........ 9 no ll'tah ..,... 8 2.1 Michigan -.j.. 18 mi (Vli-torlaj h 6 Mobawk ,. (Winona .,k.,VS ""A Nevada Con.. II. 60 lWolverlne ... JT1 00 North Butt.,' 87 76 Jf. ,8. Mlnng. A4.S0 ) ' " ' ... .i C01CST0CK MTjriHO STOCKS. Ban Pranclico. Iec f. Official asoriilng L.l.! . j -,. nin. i Bnlllim .28 Savas Belcher ...... . .22 llnfoal (i. Csl.-Vs..,.l.o ll'nlna Cos.... ' Bid. '.n. ..4B .11 . Onhlr . 8.H7SI Yellow Jacket r.Lmil. . 69 Pachenrrer ... 40 Mexican l.wi' lllale A Norcroaa. 'I.oo And.- ,.r "J9 IMcorpWin ........ tlJ - ' ' Steeling Basest.', New York. Dec. 2. Slerllns rate: - Di nibd. 88,76(44832: 80 dav. kXStt48LTS ,444 v AiS, At A ,44 -.44 4 .44 ., A4i ii4 2 . ,'to! M.ew'4 I8.0S . . 1 1 tHL ia llUt.1 110 11U2U-V4 lllWt7 11774? 0 lOMitioo 1142UI4 Turkey Receipts Are Considerably Under the Demand and Present Prices Are Being Held Stiff at the Very Top Notch-Ducks Wanted r A WIDE RAriGE IN fJOflEV RATES Quotatipns' Run as High as One Hundred and Ten Per Jent ' " to Six Per Cent at Close. BIG. ADVANCE H0WNT " ' ' IN THE ANACONDA : v7 . - " . Amalgamated Copper Closes,, Three "Points Higher After an Exciting Session Same Rise in Tennessee Coal ft Iron. . r ADVANCES. Anaconds ........ 2U Amalaamated .... 8 Metropolitan Itsa ...... l'a Central... 1H "Pacific.".'." U Mrxleaa Katv .. Atchlaoo 1U do preferred.... Sugar IV Mlaaonrl Pacific. Norfolk ' H N. X. Central r HA Pannaylvanls ..... 144 welter 2 do preferred... 144 a. u - People 'a Qs ..... 1 Brooklyn .....!. Heading 114 Bepublic Steal.... lH do preferred...., 4 4 Bock 11 nd U .do pref erred..... 14 8. P.. 2d Dfd ' Baltlmor a. Colorado Fuel..., k Bt. P.ul Canadian a Colorado Southern. " do' 2d nfd. 2 JSouthern Railway, s-- t . do 1st pfd. .. Denver ........ Locomotive .... Erie do 2d pfd... Great Weatera. Loulevtlle Manhattan .... IS .. :: I w laconein tgnirai. Montbern Paclfla... 1 Tenneaae Coal.... $ 1'nlon, -Pacific tl V. Btihber 2Vi U. B. 8teel lZ do prtferred. .... i Wabash - .. H .. 14 LO88ES. : .- Illinois Cenrrsl.... ViKaty," pfd ' V4 North American... Ull'reMcd Steel Car. H 8. U 8. W..,pfaVj I Wis. Csnt., pfd.... Vk ' Will Street. New York. Dee. 2. With toons rate ranging between 110 sad '6 per cent tber wa Utile wonder that the etork market Wa o erratic today. All through the ealan the price advanced and practically the full Hat closed eeveral points higher thaa th prsvlous day. Official quotations by Over beck. Starr 4 Cook er.mpany: DESCRIPTION. Anaconda Mlalng Co.... Amal. Copper Co.v.... ii. ijh. com....,..,,. doijnrsferred , . Am. vr A Pound.,' com do preferred. ........ Am. Snssr. com... Am. Smelt., com...... J 16144 127 J4 ao preterrea Baltimore A Obk, com do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt Canadian Pacific, com., Cbl. A Alton, com do preferred.. Chi. It OL Weat. com. (Til., MIL A St. Paul.. Chi. A North., com..,.. Chi. Terminal Rv 87 1724 21 212 V Cheaapeeka . A Ohio. . .'. . Cole., fuel A Iron. com. Cole. South., com....... 00 24 prererrea....,,. -do let preferred. Delaware A Hudson. -A: LD. A R. O., com a prererred Erie, com..... ..j. do 2d BreferrecK do let preferred....'.". Ill I not Central.... ,. Ix,ullll A Naahvill.. Mt-tropolltaa Street By.. Manhattan By Mexlcaa Central By Minn., St P. A Ste. At.. do preferred. Mlaaonrl Pacific. ........ M.. K. A r. com...... do preferred .,. .v. New York Central...;.. Northers Pacific ....... Am. Locomotive........ do preferred ... 174 16144 14U4ii 125'A 124 4k jrtn . 1Z 24 4 2644 HI low 100 22 T044 lh 8344 p 6144 Norfolk A Westsra, som North American. . ci. x iini. m wastsra. rannaylvanla By. . P. O. L. A O. Oo. 100 4t Preeaed Steel Car, Cora. 0 404. 1M744 6 raeirie Mali . a. Co Beading., com....... 1 w.irm proim-rve, 00 rirat prererrea.... Bee. Iron A HteeL ems. do preferred. ......... Bock lalead. com,....., do preferred Boo there By., com...., do preferred ....... ... Southern Pacific do preferred St. L. A B. P., 2d pfd Bt. L A a. W 00m... da preferred Texaa A Pacific........ Tenneee Coal A Iron. 24W B4 44 108 ea 864 10044 K4, 1181 48 Vx Toledo. Rt. L. A W.. pfd union raeme, com..... do preferred.......... Central Leather, eom. .. do prererred P. 8. Rubber, com...... D. B. Steel Co., com... do preferred Wheel. A Uke Erie, . do second preferred... do first preferred. . . 101 8N l(4a 17 5 9244 Wleconeln Central, com. do preferred. ..... W. U" Telegraph....... P24 aoii Wahaah, com.......... do preferred . 404,1 4044 Americas Smelter, common, . ex-dividend 1 per cent. ; . rvj Denver A Ble O rands, preferred,, es-dlrldcad 244 per cent. - . r Cell money cloeert s per cewt. ' . Total eales for dsy, 1,493,600 hr., V SAsT TBAlTCTgOO LOCAL STOCKS, -Saa Pnaclsco. Dee. 28. Official eloss. morn ing scaalon; v , J , Bld.-C Aak. Contra mats water.,,.....,,..... 464 Spring Valley Wster. 4041, Mntnal Klectrlc. ........ ........ . San rranclnco 4as A Elsctrle...... 8B Giant Powder ... .76 Tf - 12 14i rt... Ilonnkea Sugar1....,..... Ilntchlnaon Sugar... .... Makawell 8uar.y ...... . Paauhau Snrr,. ....... Alaaka Packer".. 82$ ..... sK 624, 82' 108' California Wine........... Oeeenle Steamehlp., ...... 44 Pacific Plate Telephone Pacific States Borax..,. ..104 . ..162' -.. 84 .. 84i Hawaiian Commercial. . California Fruit. 100 OOVIKsTstZaT BONDS, New Tork, Dee. 28. Oovernment bond Date. Bid. No. S regular.,, do coupon. 1. 1P30 lnsi No. $ regular..,...,... ,. inns ,1WII8 S CAtinon. ,. . . . No. 8 small bonds.... Net .$ regular . l-'I'V a ivu i" '... Urn- 4 rclar.,.. do coupon Dl'trlct ef Colombia, -6Sa. Philippine 4.. PORTLAND BANK STATEMZlfT. Clearing ..T1t.T8.68 .. 117.787.53 Balances . London ailver MarkeC " Ixmdon liec. 28. Silver M suoled today tt so.. . : ' Veer Terk Cah OeffM. NeW.rnrk. Dec. 28. h coffee! No. T Rio, 8c; Ne. 4 Msntos, 84o. - 7 Albaar Stotel Sold. - ' (Stieclel Dlapatch to The Journal.) Albany. Or.. Ltac 2. Tha Holel Rs. v-crs wu sold Jresterdny by T. ' C IilrKimcr to' F. O. Donaldson of Tacoroa. Ths hotel butWlnt; Is ths property vt CTinrle pfelffer and a leas on tne properly goes with tha sale. The prop erty will ds turned over January IS. I 10H44 102 xi 10.14 OSJ HlHig , imu ion . 10OT 1r2I 1084 . 19.iT lo:lI 104 4, 1H2I ISnU 111144 1HZ3 , 1-KIVjl 4.IJ4k PiifitfsEUinAr I ' tmI OW rr.n.x boCTb; sag "All Is Not Gold That Glitters" ' .'u " -. , neither is witch hazel the tame thinj; aa Pond's Extract" even though your dealer tells you so' ' and it looks and smells the tame. It one trij to discover the difference. Witch JUxtl it tut th smm thing. . On tnalyiis Hvtntj lampUt $ Witch Hlftrt4 si " thi immi ' thing" ffty-tw virt lhv f tmtain wood Bkohot r formadeff .'or both. Avoid dangtr of fo'uouiug hj Mting v ,: I Ba 1"C OLO tluilV DOCtO eam! -UllDlS EXTIrAL You Should Go To! Everythlns depends en how you teeth are) treated. Poor dental work Is dear at any price. The Alveolar method a practiced by the Boston Dentists as sures permanent ana Desutirui results. - If your teetb are decayed or ab- seesssd or loos and fsllitu out, or your gums inflamed ana sore,' Men-i your health dsmandg that-you teeth be at tended to. If you ara looking; (or ths best, work at a reasonable fee we would advlss you to call upon ths Boston Dentists, 291 H Morrison , street, , the dentists who originated the , -. Alveolar r.Iclhod Th most talked -of and renowned of re cent dental dtscovsrlea. Examination free. Lady Attendant. Skillful specialists. .- ,; , - Boston Dentists SS1H Moxrlsoa ST-, Opp. Btlsg rrank aad- los-toffloe, .1 antraaos 89 1H atorrisom , Offlce Hours $: 10 a. m. to"$j. m. Sunday. $:$0 a. m. to. 11:30 p. m- $1900 Cash, Great Bargain 100x100 On corner In Trvlng's Addition, near steel bridge; must be sold. S65O0 60H00, 24th, -bet. Thurman snd iVaughn sts., and two modern real dencas: tatost nnnventenr-ereL . B30O 2fix7S. Front,, near Qlbbs,, 7 room residence. ... S130O Easy terms Two lots and S-roam residence,, in tesi 01 condition. Mount lauur, . .. - S30O0 ISxIOO, Front, near, Columbia. Sinnot & Sinnot Jtsal Bstate Afsatg, i'SSS CTaUItaSB Ol" OOSCaCIIBOa. MARRIAGE LICENSES.' ioaeph Worths. 4: Lena Krane, -40. Hlrbard Max Meyer, 49; . Uertrud Itary Meyer. 48. Prank A. Meyer. 20: Maadle I. Davie, 19. Andrew I. Muck la, Pall City, Oregon. 86: Crrl Wrd. 29. . Oeorra 11. Millard. 42; Kiel Baylor. 28. ' Charle L Hunter, 25: lull B, Bnover. 19. William Karros, B4; Alaenath L. Parker, 80. F. W. Robbie. Ss Francleco. Callfornla,'S2; Lena A. Hayea, 28. , Charle II. Warner, SSCoraella Buchanan, SO. Brron B. Whrtten, 29: Fannt M. Kyle, 19. William B. Darnley. Veruol, Utah, 4T; Nan ale MeOntnh, 87. -Henry McCarthy, 82; Tstts Toetham. 28. too lATro cxAaarpT. LOST lld'a whits Thibet collar, near Firth and Harruwn. December 24. 1 p. m. Plea phona Hood 692, 411 the Mirquim. Reward. SOMR good cornets close ts ths N. P. terml- nl; good buys. Mi scr ere oa esrllns. $2no per acre for rwhoie tract: In 6 or 1U seres, $175- te $3M per sera. Call 212 Pins St. , . . . j OOOD cof fee-bonae, well loc ted; a bsrgsln; only $1S. Call 812 Pin at. BOY POSTAL THIEF LET GO . AfTER SEVERE SCARE! (Special Durpatcb tn Th lonrnsl.) Seattle, Dec, 28. Believing that the boy bar been taught A lesson that will bs lasting, Postetioe Inspector "Way land snd United States Attorpey Frye late yesterday afternoon consented to have Commissioner Klefer simply repri mand Kobert Hopklas,the 14-year-old meaaenger-of the Bon March, who sev eral days ago absconded with $22 that he was entrusted 'iwtth to purchase stamps for the department store) post office ' substation.- Young Hopkins promised to hereafter behave . himself and was turned bver to his mother, who Is a respected and hardworking woman. Although the eass against the Voting ster was a clenr one, ths fedeial offi cials considered' that the boy was too young to send to the penitentiary and that- the ends of justice have been met by giving Robert a thorough fright dur ing his few days' Incarceration In the county Jail. . ... BELLINGUAlri-OFFERS - I GIFT OF MILLION ' (Journal Special Servlc. ) ' Bell Ingham, Wash., Dec. 2$. Belling- ham todsy , Aompleted .the raising; of s $1,000,000 subsidy which It offers to any one who will build a railway across the state, to - Spokane, a , distance of 100 miles, opening tip that quarter sf ' the eaatern part of Washington. . Alines, timber; and great agricultural- wsatth ar$ all along tha propossd llns. -$An Upright' Baby. ji 'new very choice' genuine rosewood cased Weber "Baby" uptight piano, slightly marred In hoHdny rush, fo be sold at $111 off pny $10.00. a month. Also several others.' Ullera Piano House. Phone Exchange II. . -J.i L J .L . The Dentists OVERBECrC,t STARR & COOICli CO r r . Members Chicago ' v 1 oiUTjr, rsOTXsxosrs, oottox, stocxs abd bobds. ' " V 101 Third Strwsf UcrCsy BulMlng. Porllsnd, Or. ' WS1 DO A ITSi TIT CO?" - " " Costlnucnis Markets by- Privets Vlre. Qni - " - l , XUtoxv bankera. aad Uni'.sd'Stataa 1 - i. TRANSPORTATION'. Astoria & Columbia' River Railroad Co. Leave. ; UNION D2POT. SCO . 1 Dally. For Mergers, Balnler, Clatakaule Waatnort, 11:20 a. I Dally. , J Clifton, Aetorla, War- re ion, rievei. nm moad. "Fort Btoven. Uearkart ,Prk, bsaaid. Astoria sod Seaiaber. -r 'KxpreBS DaOy; , Astoria Bx areas. r6p." 1 Dally. 8 SO B. KB, Dally, .. J. C MAYO, a, g. aad p. A., Aatorla 'Or. 0 A. STEWART. CommercUl Agent,, 24$ Alder strsst. Psoas Mils SoS. , . UPPER CO LeUMBIA RIVE1X ROUTE From Portland to trrlgon' and ' way points. Is soaaertlon with Regulator Li 3 sad State Por tage Railway, steamer ;'.' "M0UNTAINT6EH" ' f " Lesve OZLIXO' ' Brery TTXSSAT for ABLINwTOsT snd WAT i . , 1 POUTTS. aad . jf aCrsry f RIDAT far IRRIOOIf. ABUBOTOV I 1 . 1 snd WAX POINTS. . Freight recelvrd at ALDER STRUT SOCK very TtTESDAT and I RIDAT. Special rates for Umatilla. WsUola, - Pasco snd n,ennewick. - , For further Informatloa sddra 8uot. W. P. Oray, Celllo, Or., or luttutre st offlos sf Bego- lator I'nooe main vi. ALASKA FAST AND POPULAR BTBAUSBIPS - 1 Lev Seattle 'itryrtsON." Deo. s, 20, 81, at a a. m., - via Wraagla. ... ' "TAgALLOM," Dae. 8, 23 fee trip See. S aarriea sswetsr snd gssolinsi ss ss sssgrs)r sia WraagC lUUakahtla, .. CALLING AT , Ketchikan. Tuseaa. Dcuglaa, Xataea. Skag wsy. Ooaaaete with W. P. A T. rout for Atlla, Dswasa, Taaasa, Moms, ate. Far All Sonthaastara Alaaka Pert. Call or send fr"Tr1 to Wonderful AUaka," "Isdlas Baaketry."- Tetam Polaa." v ,.- THE ALASKA B. 8. 00. Frank Woolaey Cev. Agents. - 2BS Oak St. Portlaad. Or. S. S. L A. Kilburn For Coos Bay, Bursts sad Saa Frnclsee. Nrt sailing from Portland. Toe., Dec' 28. ' Next ulllng from Sea Frsnelsce, Taw., Jan B F. L, ORRBNOCOH. Agt Oreeawlch Dock No. I. Pbons Main 131. qraQODd $1.00fo1k$1.00 Turkish Bath tbs suA-Rt, aa tow A, King's Baths Seven tk and "Wi togtoa Sta. Flas sa4 largsst sgbtsm SB tlss fitif. '.' ' Scoffs Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE ForlnSammaAiosj arOatarrhof tbe Bladder and IMaeaeed Kid aey. SO 0088 Be pAg. Cure iqulrkly snd sermaneatir in worat caeee of Sisaiarrfceaa and ), ne mailer ef bow longstanding. Abeolataly harmleea. Sold bv druaaleta. Price $1.09, br by mall, peek pel d, $1.00, 1 hoses, $2.7A THE SANTAL-PEPSIlf CO. Bellatontalas, Oh. SW Sale kg Weeaar. Obuke Os faVlRanerfv. - - htwArsa, aitig KSOWsT T FAIL. - TwrnVt BssraaS ef Oabsbs aad Gopatbe ta : OAPSUlX8. TBeaeMee andAereA ar far Seam 1 hoe , sieaV white. . Keep to take, eeaveuient te arvy, lit years saaaeeafal as, pries Sb Row ' A Martin's. 851 "Wanhlnaton t., Portland, Ore ron; or by mall from Th Tarrant Co.. 44 llndaoe et.. New York. RELIEF for LADIES FRENCH Tansy WaferswOrtgF:, nal snd only gnrhrr Put up In yellow VTapper . and . "Crowa"' trademark. For -sale by the LJEADINO DRUaaigTBvr DowrBTBro, kopxtws co, . ts,Btabllshd 1SSS.) WHBbITIAjTP STOCK BBOKXtVaV,. oosn 4. Oronnd T7oov, 1 tTALAstBEBi Of CUHau.CX.. - L- . ie Board of Trade. v I .t Vw - i r . ACS ' lw- . kw eK -j-in er ys TKAK2PORTATI' i3 uxuoriKiuii-Avi; 3 Trains to the East Diily 3 Through Pullman etasdard and tourlal aleep. Ing-er daily to Umaat, Cblcao, Hpokaue) touiiat aleeplog-eara dally to Kaoaaa tlir; through Pullman tourist eteenlng-eara fper,ia ally conducted) weekly to Chiracs. P.eellulug ebaircara (et. free) to the- Ceet daily. -UNION Dehll.. Leavee. . Arrivee. CHICAOO-PORTLAND SPECIAL. . For the Eaet vie Bsat--i ' lagtoa.- - - 8:1$ a. m 3-lBp.BV Daily. BPCKANB FLTRR. Foe "laateca Washing ton. Walla Walla. Lew btoa., Cour d'Alene nd - Ore I . Narthars points. - 6:18 B. 1 g-on a. m. Dally. Dally. ' ATLANTIC EIPBSSS. ror the Kaet vis Uuat- 8:18 s. T:1B s. su Dally. DaUy. ingtoBV- 0lnmhi Brver Dlvraiea. FOR ASTORIA and way 8:00 p. m. point, connecting with Dally tmr. for Ilwaco and ex Sunday North Beach. stmr. Saturday. Haaaale A-. dock. 1 10. -on p. m. About . S on . m. x. Bandar. Yamhill River Bout. FOR DATTON. Oregon -City aad Yamhill river I T-OOs.m. points, stmr. Ruth snd! Dally Modoc, Aeh-t. dock. I ax. Saa day (Water permitting.) - iv 7:80 p. nv Dllr ex. Sunday. Snsks River Rout. FOB tRWISTON. Ida. 6:40 s. m. or upon ar rival Tral'i Ne 4. Dal and way points :from 4:08 p. av Dally es. Friday. mpana, with., tmr. Spokane and Lew la toa. -V. Sat. TiChTtf orriC. Third and Waahtigtoa AtC Telephone Main T12. C. W. STINORR. City Ticket Agaat, ' A.- L. CRAIO. Generel Peaaeager Ageat. s , tfl5 I VIA SOUTH Leave. UNION DSPOT. , I Arrive. OVERLAND KXPRBSS. Trains for Salem. Hoaa burg, Aahland, Sacrs- idmIa AmI,,. Be 8:48 p. m. ctoco, Stockton. Lo An- 7:28 a. Sb ceie. Kl raeo, riew w ban and the Rut. Mornlns train con nect at vYoodhMrn dally except , Sunday with train for Mount. Aael. 811 vsetss. Brownsville. 8 B r I a g field. Wesdllng snd Natron. , , -gngri-pnger-ccav nect at woodburn with Mt. Angl and Sllvar ton local. , Cnrvallla paaaenger.- Sheridan paaeanger. Foreet Grove paeeenser. 6:80 a. m. 8:85 p. St. 4:15 p. m- 10:86 8:80 p. S. 26 . m. TrSOs, m. 4 :80 p. m. 1110:4 p.m. UltBO p. SI. . Dlly. .V '. i -. IIDally except Sunday. i Pwtlsnd-Orweg Suhurtaa' fcrrtosan TsmhlD , ' Division. - "Depot fnot of Jeffereos street. m Leave Porttand dally for Oewego T:8 t . mj 12:60. SS. 4:00. S 20. 6:28. 8:80. tO IJ. tt-M p. m. Dally fexcept S:80. 6:80. S.SS, 10:28 s. m. Snnday only. P:O0 a. m. - - Ri turning from Owego. "! P or rl.ird dally 8 80 s. m.i 168. 8:06. 8:f. 618. T:JS. 8:68, 1HV m . 12 68 s. m. Dally .xcpt Suodayl. 6 28:T:2S. 8:80v.jl:4S s. m. Bnnday ly. ,0inJ.l Ao roe Delia and Inter mediate point dlly 4:1 p. m. . Arrlvs Port- -Tl.e' -IWMeuth" W jScTrnTwIth Vnthern-'KclBc eompauy. track. t mile. "."t'liTi . m.mHk far. 818. s" oert". W.M.M, ... Ticket VO r.e.iern .rvii..- -',,. la pun. Chin. Honolulu nd ",r"i I,. neket Offlce corner Third . aad Waas P? r''.Ih" IU,B "t T. CHAlfJ. Ott Ticket Agt. ' . ? flea. P.-- agestn TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portlands DAILY. UNION DEPOT. Depart. Arrive. Tlkrwston Prk-Ks-a Clly-Bt. Lout Si elal cue Cbehall. Cea- fralla, Olympla, Ory 8:20. m. 4:26 p. B. Haroer. Bontn rew. - hen ma, Seattle. Spoke. Iwlaton. Butt. Bit nnga. Denver. Omaha. Kanea city. St. Loala nd Sonthrut, -Nerth Coeat Limited, electric lighted, for T mi, Seattle. Spoken. Butt. Mloneapnh. St Paul and tbe Reel Puget Sound Limited, for Chen 11a, Centra II. Tacom . . aed ... Seat tie only. fwtn City Ex prim, rat corns. Seattle. Spo kane. Jlelena. Bnlte. 2:00 s. m. T OO .' ss. i Mp. m. ll:4r p. m 10x1$ p. sv 6:80 p. m. afellowetone Park. Mln- aeapnlle. St. ' Paal aad the Eait. . .. - . . A. D. CHARLTON. Alatnt Oeneral Paaeenger Agent. , 2U Horrlaon et, .. Third. , " . , Portland. Orsgea, . , ' - 1 1 ,7tT Ml.'1 ( THE COMPORTASIX WAV. Cttp Ticket OfSea, 12S $d St. rkaa 688, 2 Ovcriaal Trains Dally 9 Tke Oriental Limited, th Fast Mail srivxirDzs bfbvtcw ' PP-TO-DATTI 1! QUIP St! WT OOVBTXOTJB UMPLOTEt rr rom 1 Vortlsad Tla Bsattle la Bookane AKMIVt 7:00 a. m. 6:Sd p. m. S do a. in. ra m. a it. co.')i Qreat sTorthsrn Bteamahlp Co, Rnlllng from fieet'l . U. B. BtiwTeTsoTA. rrm. t. B. B. SABOTAT MARCH' 12 For Japan 'S l I'hlns l'orls snd i Muni!. 1 (Jei-un M"'l t. I. I LB" from l" 1 e f 2f SUMSCT. 1" I IQIocdcn snuneJ l laflt south f LEAVE" .8:10 a. m 11:48 tan 6 :1$ p. m. " - . . ' .it