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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND. V SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER v 3,5, 1905. "v. :."V jCOIjSOLIDiliil OF j cufimo vm 'Merger of All Small Railroads In ! British Columbia Is Now - , , j - Being Effected.' j,,......,.,. jRUMQRED MILWAUKEE J IS BACK Or7 SCHEME "iTerminal rtcuitiea Said "to Hatt Been Acquired at Spokane Through - Control of the- IntematlonaWMO. 'lions to Be Expended. , ' y -)y::' - i "P11 Dl'Ptim to Th JournaV) ' j Victoria. B. C, Nov, IS. Preparatory . t carrying out a great eoheme of rail. $wuy building In the, province of British ; Columbia notice la given that at the . meat sitting of the legislature bills vlU ;be Introduqed Jo" cover a grand con. . olldutloi) , of I a number of llnea au ..Jthorlaed to be built In this province. , Incorporation Trill be Bought for a com ipany to have power to purchase end moqulre the charters 'and rights of the i following companies: - V ' i ; fc Ths Vancouver 'ft Coast-kootenay, .-(Which has a charter covering the routs from ths Kootenay country to the city tof Vancouver. :,. . , -" J - Ths Alberni and the Cowtchan-AIbecni Jand Fort Rupert railway, which covers , the route throughout the length of Van tcouver inland. The Kamloops ft Atlliv which la pro . (posed to be constructed from Kamloops . 'to the northern interior.- ..-.-,. , J Ths Midway ft Vernon, whose charter (covers the way from Mid: y. into the Okanogan country. - v i -- - The carrying out of this, scheme will 'involve In the construction of these lines J of railway the expenditure of millions ,of dollars. The consolidated company jWll! be known aa the British, Columbia , tCcntral Railway iompany. It is recog- nlsed here that back of it must be some lsrgs corporation interested fa soma, of s the - great-, -transportation companies. (Which of the great corporations is con jcerned remain mystery.. Various eon. '.lecture have been mi as to the In ,terests..but nothing reliable can be.ob tained. ' - A , ;,-'., t .- I Already the construction of the Mid- ' 'way ft Vernon ia in course of progress. (Interested In tho scheme are A. A. Ar J thur of New .York and Mr. Schmidt of , Omaha. The same interests are said to - thave acquired' ths bonds of 'the Spokana t International whlclf would give' con- ' : neotlon with the city of Spokane and possibly one of the great systems at ..! that point. They are also interested' in "a project to build a line from . Port Angeles to Olympla with a fenxJineto nmm- to meet ma Vancouver , road 'which ia proposed to be-bullt and thus m connection with Alaska being eatab .Jlshed mors direct . ... " The Milwaukee line has been men. f tloned aa the parent of the scheme. It I being represented that this line seek .In this way to light tne Hill Interests. 'The Vancouver ft Coast-Kootenay sec r tlon of the system will about parallel th V. V. ft K- line, 'now being built . by the Great Northern railway. On the other hand, there ls tits possibility that vn new company is-ravorabis to Hill j and Intended to offset the C. P. Ry. , SECORED'MEAtrANir ' BED ON. FORGED ORDER -Oeeetel niapeteh sa TaeJ 1 11 1? 1 ,T Ing J. B. Dexter, a" stranger, waived ex- f'tm Irtatlori tefors Justice Westover and - waa bound over to th auperlor court on .'-''a charge of forgery. .Dealer's offense consistea oi zorgtng to name or A, J. ' Long, a well known hardware man, t ' an order for a meal aLBchmlU' reatau ' rant. Dexter went Into Long's store and - asked his son who whs tn charge for a t' sheet of paper,-claiming' that he wished tdv write a letter. The boy, to accom modate. the 'man, gava blm two of the noteheada of the store. One of these : ' Dexter used In writing himself an order . for a bed at Mrs. Illlburger rooming- - houss and the other for a meal st ScbraltaV, signing; Long's name to th two ordera. Hchmlts had . Dexter ar Tested and will prosecute him. Dexter claimed that he waa drunk and did not know What he waa doing. -r- "NOTTINGHAM-PURCHASES" : RANCH AT WALLOWA ' fflnsetal Dispatch to Tea loo real.) ' "Enterprise, Or., . Nov. IS. Senator Nottingham has bought a half section five mllea east of thla town in ths Lower Prairie creek district for $10,000. Mis . . - two son win take charge of tha farm. ' , '. ' XSttm. elfrldg Diss. ! (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) , Eugene. Or-. Nov. to. Mrs. E. X Relfrldge, 7( years old, died at her borne 7 Thursday df apoplexy. She lived hers , IT years. - 8he lived alone and had no ' Immediate relatives her.' 8h leave an -. adopted bob at La Cross, Wisconsin, - I and two nephews, ths Butterfleld V brother. Jeweler. Irr Portland. ' - Mr a. Selfridge waa a member of the " local corps f w. R. C.r under whoa - auspices tha funeral waa hed thia alter- HAtRHEALTH SAVED HIS posited;!- Kept Mm',. VZ2Pf Thnoesnd' f f ' I lose their . poaltlone bera see gray ' hairs bin lie ' them look old.Ulgh class nair ,rr -a, O rawer VeT Xk areasing for ties and wemea. Ket a dye, Oeatlentea-At 40 aif hair was gray. A K. it. friend Inst his ) b hecauae gray Ealr mads hlrt look eld. TrrnTng lir his siperleaes I sard ley's ftalrhealtb, and bars ths same dark nrews hair that I M at 81. Hold my naltlon, though yoonser men, whose eel fault was jrray lair, hars been tlemlesed. 1 tJian yon for oy pieltiin.a. M. di-r, f.seys S"v. hoMlea, dnitrtsta'. TaksaothlBg rlthout Slsnsturs fnlki Uar aute. Ok tprvej Cash tUUt ? M! Irt iht, tats M iny ef Mlnwlni eraf ftstt ad e III ui hxttie llalrhealih snd vm. ease Ilarins Hoiip, ane'tlMieil, hoi is r ttr Oe. eeau- lar erlrg T-. t, or sent kv rtille Haf Krr, W, J prrnil, for env. sod this sde. yrre an 1(1 nt ft-a br drirciat ettheat this entire slr. snif 0"e. lor Bairlienlth, K . ft. e 1 td'lreea. trc : : : 1 as CO., , tc Bis. FonrtB Mil ' f II mm m ava mw .. w i m wt" M m m sTsannd Jl. aBS M , ,m , AX aft y I . CHURCH SERVICES i METHODIST, n . ,t J"B,h Ul reeta. Prearhlst Bahhlrh t'W "agialgf oi.rldj Vsoihlli between Thlrty-Mth' ana I? i"Ut" ,t,M": T. B. yord. peator. aLJ? m- Bun,1y --aoolr 11 a. in.. "The tri""Tnt Kakom Before Ih. Bar"; rr ' awetlng: !: p. m.. Junior laue no children's rlaiaiee: e:18 p. m., gnwnrtu Mue devotional meetlns1 7:SO a. m.. "Wbl the Kpworth U..(n Kt.ud. rr" Thundaj at " a. ., TiMUk.glrlng rilc, 'kniuu tot TssakislTlns." by lb. pailur. kpworth Twat-(hlr4 aud Irvln street; Henry J. AtklMon, puiar. Handar school. 10 s. .; prearhitif, ,U a. .; iiiakir Wasua. t p. Spworta kaM, :30 p. si.; prcachicc. T:30 a. at. X - m L. Jea'-;-B. F. W Toonr, paatnr. Prearhlns. H a. m.; Sunday school, 10 am.; ll.wortb, kaue, ;Jo p. w.; preaeblac, 1:30 . JVlorJitrert Br,- mticli Birette Shorts At :aa a. m.. clawwa: 10:30 e'rlorld amrnlns "Our Nation. I Kxaltatloa"; ' 114 p. B)., Hunday aa-fxioli .( p. ai., Kpwortb irafa :H0 p. m.. "Kvn-y Mas a King Where tn Trinity Ea.t T.nlh and Graut atrretar H.. Harold Mbert. Morntaig aermoa. "Christ First,-. i.i. aii tne TUne 'i evenltaj sernaos. T'Oin-4urrars"- Huadsy school. 10 a. u.i Epworth leagur, :3U p. m. . Cestrnary Eaat Fine and East Ninth streets; See. William II. Iloppe, 1. D. rVeachln aTTtees st 11:9(1 a. . and T; p. m., "t'brlat. ths World' Orest Kxaluur"; morning eUas. t:Jo a. m. t iiiid.T seboul, 14:18 p. Juniors and Intermediates, p. m.; Kpwortk seeotioaai bmsiIihi. ! p.'-ss. Urace Be. CUrenee Tree Wllaon. 1. D. At 10: s. m., preaching seretoes; st T 80 p. , I. K. Gill will ureaent' his paper on the 'e Methodist Hrwal." sad a large chorus choir will lead la elwciug th. sodc. , The aa. car afco wilt auke-aa address. t'Uah nee ting st : a.- m.t Kimday srhool, 13:13 p, o.J Epworth league, f.'M p. si. . - University PS! hT. P. A. "Wartera. '- Ai 11 a., m., fcBupren-y 'of Trsth"i Sunday srhnol, ltt a, a.; cIsn aieetlisr, l'i:S n. ai. Jnnlor league.. I p. Intrrmodiata leaca. a P- Urnlor league. 6:0 p. ra ; at 7.!W s. m., 'Tonactenee of Tempenoue"! pryn sjretlsf. iThoradsy, JOg. aU , ; . . . a ... . J - j ' 7 t. . Rtsphea's Thirteenth -an flay rrents; Bar. U. M. stsmaer. . Hole eomnunlon. T:M g- si. : gnndsy school,' :4n a. m.; preach lug sareices, 11 a. as. and T:80 p. n. ' ' Toeaday, holy eomaranioa, : .; rriday, lltauy serrlee. 4 p. m. : 8t .'Paul's Wondmere-T. Parker. Srvtne aad arrmoai st S p. m.! Sunday erhoej. I p. m Oood liepberd--8elwsod' street aud T eosrrr ar-aue. Alblna; Bee. Joha Dswaon. Bnnday.srhonl, 10 a. m. i morning pVsyer, 11 e'ckK-ajr seealn prayer, T:80 o'clock. Trinity .Nineteenth and Everett streeUiDrl a. A. - MOTT1 eon. - Hole eotnmnnlon Be . t jrnmaoa. - Holy eommanloo. 8 a. gunday school. t:fln s. m. i mornlnr nraver. II e'clork; peoples" service, T":S0 g. ouuelatuia f an organ reel La I by Carl, Deulna, apecUl . in. mmr-w r m cnoir ana coogregatKmai sing ing. Pr. Morrison will preach. . ., Matthew's Flnrt ,snd Cam th era streets Rev. Wi A. St. rtrecft. ' Hair eommunlon. T .-ut 8t. ' David'a Kaat ""TWelfh ' "' streets'; Kev. George B, Tan Wstexa. alorulna prayer' and sermon, 11 o'clock -evening praywi and aermoa. I.8U a. m. ; juaday Khool,. ;U Ct. John's Memorial Rellwoodf Bav. Powell.' Hervlce' and aermoa, . S:43 p, ,i dav school.. S:4K n . . w 1 ill I I.J fiou Chapel of .the., f ranakiruratlon Molkey em I Id les. Heoond and -Morrleaa atresia; Uev, W. H, Powell, gcrvk-e and sermoa. 11 a. m, i All aalota'- U3 A'urth Twenty-second street ; Bev. Robert Hope. Preaching aervicea. 11 a. m. aad I 30 p.- m.; Runday school.- 10 a. m. Thankactvlng servloa Ihnoday t htr St.: 7 - BY. " Mark's Nineteenth and Wulotby streets; Bev. J. K. H. Blmpsoa. It 1 1. .. holy conamuolon- 11 a. St., holy . eommaale aud sermon; 7:30 p. av. evening prayer and Ser mon; 10 a. St., gunday school. - -' OOXoXXOATIOVAi; - ? .' Mlastaslnpl avenue and Fremont streets; Bev. Wllllssi L. fpenaw. Bunday school, 1 s. si.' 11 a. nu, Dilapidation, the fTnlt of Neglect": Chriatlaa Kudearor. . a:0. p. a. T:80 p. si., lectnre- on "Central Aau-rlce." , , . ,, Ulghlsnd Presrott street sad aet. wiitl atrsat. eortb: Kev. Ardea M. Borkwood, Hun, day school. l a, sa.r 11 a. at., "aba Quality il Mercy'!l yshlor -.enifsavor, p.- me, JfM V .. "Great Moments A Btrklght Talk oe ths Bunday Question." t'nlveralty . Park Artisans' temple. Ports, mouth; Bev. D. B. Gray, c At 11 a. as., "How stttWsUt'auuaai -school 10 a. m. Laurel wood Arleta hall: Kev. li. B. '(JrSV. ) p. m.. "inviae Lesdershlp": Be tandsy scDooi, 10 s.. aa,- . HaasaJotrset Esst Bevsnth strtetaoi Hi, w nwaeav mxv, avevw-. wvrrea a-. nase. Dreacbtna: 12 m.. ftueii.. school; 80 p. m., Chriatlaa'' Endeavor I:3 p iu.. piiisinisg Mrat Msdleon aad Park streets; Bev. K. I "Killing IJone so a sikowy Dsv": Kuud.l .dV Hi school, 13:16 p. m. 1. r. b. v. B.. 6:30 a. m. snnnyaioo Esst Taylor fourth streets; Rev. J. J. and Eaat Thirty ntawot - At 1 L- a. "Christ's Appreciation of ths Ceutrsl Feature of His Wlaaloe"; T:80 p. ., "Aahamed or jeena i rumday achool. 10 s. m.; Junk Chriatlaa Kndeavor. 8 p. aa.; Senior Christies Enoeavor, s:io p. rXEIBTTZBIAB-. yourtb rlrat sad Ulhbs streets. Preaching, 10:30 a. m. br Rev. A. t. Uoner! annrl.. Mhil 13 m.; 7:10 p. St., annual Thaniag tvlng and stlapeh Maty " and Powell streeta; Bev, J. U. McOlsde. D. D. Presohlna. 10:30 a. m.t 7:nn p. m.. Thaaksglvlng service with Thsnks giving sermon. , Marahall-atreet Itortb KevVnteeatb ' ' and Msrsnsu straets; sisv. m. ,W. Hsys. Snnrisy school, 10 a. m.; 11 a. m.. "Individual Reeponalhlllty"; at 7:30 p. as., "TUsnkigivlng "; a. P. B. C C :4B p. m. Thirds-Fist i'Ina.ud tk... TtTtil p,T Anorew j. moniapniery, en at or. presdilsa services. 1S: andTr46; morning enhjeet, -"The rises or inankegivmg la the Chriatlaa Life." rl tow Bev. A. H. Pnrk holder. At 7 p. m., Chriatlaa Bndeavor; 7:i6 p. m., Tbanksgavlng service. , ' . i I'ledmonr Clevehind svemw - snd Jarre tt streets: Bev. L. Myron Rooaer. At II a. m., "Thaokeglvlng a Hleaalng "; the evening servlc will have a program of special Tbankaglvlng aru.lo: Babbsth school. 10 a, m.' . First Cumberland Twelfth and East Taylor streets; Bev. K... Nelson A Ilea. - Af 10:3 a. m., harvest home service with special Tbsnksglvtng mnalc; 1) m., Bunday srhool; :0 p. m., Chriatlaa Endeavor; 7:80 p. m.. Thanksgiving service la charge et th ladles of the church. Calvary Rleventh snd Clsy streets: ' Bev. W. H. (lllbert. At I0:S0 e. m.. "The flrester America": 7:80 p, "Ths First Cause ef Tbsnkeglvlng." , 1 - -' .- f-. '''.;." tVTRXsua.-' :l-'-f4 - Betsals Dasleh I nlon avenue snd Morris streets; Bev. Qurtmund Grill, j Preacblng at 11 s. - m. aad 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school. Norwegian Synod Esst Tenth . gad ' (Irani stresses Rev. - O. Hagie pasttw. .. Beading services', 11 s. m. communion services, 7;3 p. -m. .Bunday School, 0:30 a. m. Tbanka glvlng services, Thursday 1 evening at 7:30. Catheciam, Saturday. : a. m. to 13 m. Bt, James' Engllab West Park and Jeffer son streets; Bev. l. -A. Isa. At "11 a et.. Heavenly CHreeaahl p" r st 7:B p. m., "Thr Toang Wome That We Need"; Buadsy school, 1 a. m.; Lather league, 7 p. ss. ;.- cxxisTTAir. Cesfral Eaat Twentieth and gslmns Straets; Bev. J. T. Gbormlrr. n. . I). At 11 a. a.. Thaaksglvla serasuS. "Oinr National Ant-retry"; 7; p; m "The hsrch Xaw ef Ad ailaalea"; Randay school. In a. m.; Jnnlor ICa davr, 1:80 p. m : Senior. Bndesver. .30 s. m. rirat Career Park sM (elutnhle atreetm. R. B. Mock ley. At 10:80 a. a.. "The Church s Dsbtto the- Children": 7:30 e. m.. "Hoaeeiv la Mirals"i Bible acheol, 13 13 s. as.; C. K., ;80 e. m. Kodaey Avenue BMney a .esse snd Kaott street) Bev. It. M. Pstteraos. At IO a. bl, Bunday school; tsaj. m... "Two Views of Mod's Providence" ; p. m., Chriatlaa Kn- ; 7:30. "Is tha Blbls OheoL.t.1 if Not. What Toes?" , Seeond Kast Savenlh and Esst . Anker. streets; ftT. Ktanlon c. Iiuham. , Preaehlna a.rvlces at 14):. 10 a. m. ; Bible s-honl at noon: Yoang reoiile a anion. .10 p. m. 1 at 7 :) a. aj . "The Votes of the Blood at the .Martyred Jews lint. tho'Wrt' Temple Twelfth sod Tar- re : nev. s. wnileomn SJeeua-nee. 11. II. At 10:30 s. m.. "The Crows of- the Benll rodee") Bible school. 11:10 p. ss. young peo ple's service, p. am.; st 7::u p. m.. "Train Ins a rJoahsiiT la tha Way He Hhoeld .' fourth In ths seelae, "I low to Be Hsptiy Though Married.". ... -ZLi tBITIS KTANOELtCAL. Ptrat rat Ttslh and ahrrmsa streets: Bev. A. A. Winter. . At In S. o . Bunday school; t s. m.. "The TpetlnuieV mlt 1n Clkrl.t f- Ihe t'tinrih of Smyrr"l iln p. st., K. L. of i' F : 7 W p,. M-'TbasAaatvUia aatUhajika.. living " ' ' - - 1 - l i'tn anil Kerhr streets: - Bev. J lli. wci-wii. i'rcsrbli'g aervlcss, II a. to. aad' Has mora thsM L'.rca ilmas Ci9 liifcrzicf Qoooa mixed with rowroot, mnd Is, Cisra- fnor -f r-mo 19 economical . UalI:rDa:tcrGCo:s Breakfast The Finest sTBstsVsVsVsVssVsWaTanTsVsTaTaaTeM ( in the Vorld 45 v Highest- Awards , ' in Ewep and .A-mirka . - r 'V'-; ;: '.;.-'' , v.. . ' A new and handnomely illns. trated Keclpo Book sent free t - '',;..., -. .' .: ' '.- ' wal(6rMe&C3;Llfl! lbuaheg-1780 ,t ISSStS , fcVX ; T:S p. n.; Sunday achooU 10 s m.; K. It. C K., 7 p. m. -V- ' ' Jckley Orees 8un(1a school, 1:80 p. m-t prsavhlag by Bev.A. A. Winter, 1:30- p. an. TKtTED BKXTHBZK IX CXXXBT; . : L . ' First Kaat v rifteeotJ- and- Morrlaon streets-; Kev. II. C. Shaffer. At 11 a, u.. "Aa Ideal for s Pentecostsl Chorch la the Twentieth Century"; 7:80 p. m.,- by request the pastes will more tolly snawer the objections to prohibition church snd asw comment upoa the msny congratulatory . mesaases he has re dived, among .which will eo a letter trees one of Orcaoa's bankers; Sunday Schnol teaapen aace rally, iO a.--ss. r... e. G. B.,. J p.-sa ; crattSTtur' bctzvoK. ' -" i ! First tTtm-cB or vorlat. nclentlst Bnbttlsh cathedral. Uorrlsoo aad Lownadale street a. 11 a in. a no o p. m.. tMta tne only uansa and Orator";, Sunday school at close M saorn log service. ' Seeood t'hurrh f -Chrtet Scientist etodltoev lam holldlng. Third street between Taylor snd' rtslmoa streets. At 11 a:j-m, ands S p. "0Ml the Only' Cauae and Creator"; Bunday eobooli II a. nr . ta -.the atVilliif ' rnoats, Wedneaday meeting, a p. m. . . .- . , .-; -i.. " - -' . (; 4 - -, '. BPIBITTJAliaTS. i- . ! i Plrsf BrUritnal Horlety Artlaan's ball.' Third street near Washington. Conference st 11 s. m.; young people's, club, J. SO p. m.; lectnre. . Slbie'. BpirlUal Society W Alder- street. Conference st 11 s. m. ; lecture st t p. a) tolkiwed by spirit measstra by Mrs. W'luiort '.-':'-. r,' V !' .'' -'.. V' ' I0T. Cbnrch Irt o Allsky hall, MorrlsoB. nss Third atraet; Rev. Charles A. Hoy . - At 3 - ri. m.. Blhlo stndytt S p. - aa.. "7-oralty trt' rjod and to ;ovemmnt. and Wlist We Have to Be Thsnkfsl for In This Lasd of the rree"l 7:80 p. m Moses, th. (jrest DeUvsrer ssd Law Ulver . ' 1 T. M. " C. ' A. AeaoHatlon ndltorlaaj Jst Ponrth rret. . t a -Pt m r''Mcs's Bundsy rnh."-Th-. J. Whlteatnb Brougher. "Ho to Wla Out."-It nedal evsele -hy McCsrdy's sew rbestrs and mixed chorus ef 30 volree from Flrat United Presbytsrlsa church. All men Isslladi 11 1 -THI C.ABDlt. AlXIAjrCl. Th Cbrlattaa and Mlealeaary Aids with snd Msln streets;- Bev. C. D- Sawtelte, Bnndsy school, :43 a. m. ; preaching services. :fl ai as. 5 yoan peoole'a meeting. :30 a. ss.) alee service oa Tuesday at 7:30 p. si. sad Friday st p. m. . : ' . ' ' . : X. CHTECH SOrTH. e f ,-, ,i Plrat ITlsZ Second atreet.- Foresters"-hall: Rev. E. H. Mowre. At 10 s. m., Buaday school: 11 a. m.. "Thankagl ring" : :30 p. nv. Kpw.a-tb league; T:30 p. m., "The Heath's World Lsoha to th Called States for- th Gospel." ... - ....,.,.. : XTajrOZXICAt aSBOOIATTOW. Flrat . English Rsst Blith and Msrksl streets: S 4. Slewert. Preaching service at 11 a. m.; at 7:40 p. ra.. Bev. Meckel af Clew Is nil, Ohio, will spesk; Sunday scbonL 10 a. m. : youag people' slllance, :S5 p. a. , ' " 1ATTXB DAT SATBTg. asillsin Winner id I IliMl ll uf 3ui TTirfcr of Laitel Dsv Ha Into Woodward nan. Montavllls. Bah- hath sehool at in a. a 11 aw av aad 7:30 p. 1 ary society, S.-IS p. m. preaching services at 1 Mat stellgle-Uter '! XESOBT. Men's Beeort and People's Institute Fourth snd BnrtMlde streeta At B p. as., bovs sad girls' song aad story hour: 4 pm,, address to ten or nev. . a. sumpsoa; I :so p. oa., pa. ... . '- ADTIhTT. --'4" Advent - Becend street between Rail snd coin streeta: Bev. Charles Hsffenden. Bunday srhool, 10:30 a. m.; preaching service, 11:30 a. as.) praise meeting. 1 p. as. Kew church Society Knurhu ef ' Pythias hall, Msrquam building. Sunday School, 10:30 a. m. say services, j:au s. m. " ' ' . , DrvTsTB TEUTK CEsTTEB.. -'- THvlne Truth Center Hall 1, Allsky bend ing; Kev. inauneus M. Minard. At 11 a. m., preaching services, aervicea Tbnradsy at g p, a., at the home, SKF Kleventh street.' 1 " - '--trirnM ALigT.- Flrst East Ktghth sad Bast. Conch streeta; Rev. : W. P. Small. At II a. ra.. "The Heavenly Tlsloa"! 10 a. m., Buaday school. V- MlLLZllBTsX SAW. : . ' 'VITIennlsl -Dawn O. - A. B. ball, nortneaat eomer Second snd Morrusj atreets. Preeehlng service at 3:30 p. m. - , , ' ; fiTTv miimt hnaainy. . -- 1 Olive . Branch ' 'Jo. pel Mission First. seas 7:30 Clsy street. Bervlcvs every eVealng at s' clock and Sunday at 3 p. Bs. ' IVTHixAir. -' " -' JtorwesisS) 48 North Fourteenth street: Bev. J. sf.-Kervlg. Preacblng services, II a. snd 8, p. as. ; Sunday school, :40 a. Si. . i-1"' TBIOBOPKT. ' Theosonhr Hall 3nh. Allaky bnlldlnf. At p. a., "Religious Growth. ' V " sTEW TKOtrOBTU ' ' I- 'Sew Thonaht 8ub)eet for'Hui4ay, i'The Ksw Thonsht and Theolosv." . AlleOTer this Cxm, Schilling' 'Best J is "ia trctf one's mouth: ; ' -. ssa ":" as.1ngp.mfcs - 'sjasal' . ' ' They go farjo. iriakci liviog KVI11IU1 IdUIC " -, .. Um Ksgletered, tf. o.fat. tsf." LIGHTs a .'- It It It -- f.i It ;'..V- - "" MaTsamim' ''' ' - ' ' ' - . i ". c' .-'v It is economical in-cost "and operation, wi Hs there when you want it off while you - : - don't; ' f r.;vJ..'V.;; i-7,.-'-:-kr' :iV!-;:-"v-"v- -J'-jf'r: i I J it isp!t burning upmoney when not wanted. - ,v : " . ." t. -r ;1 8' , 1 Fm : 1 - s. i 4'..';',' j. I f'v ..:V..: ' 1 ' ' " ' ' ' , , 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 -Ave illuminated by candles, oil lampsr others 45y-illuminants-aT trifleTmore ad- - vanced, but still archaic rbehind-the time3. - v. Women whcJ do. nine-tenths of the shopping ; : ( dislike trading in such stores.'. ' ' t ' Tlie truly up-to:date store which reaches but v;- for tradeconstantly solicits it-fights for it-AND GETS if is the store that uses ELECTRIC is a clean light is a clear7 white light does not consume the does.not vitiate the1 ' ; It is the only illuminant which showo fabrics and surroundings in their vtrue colors. : i-r SPEGIAUdFFERUNTII Thexompanypffers aspecial inducement those who make applications for Electric Lighting in stores arid residencesl before January, 1, 1906. out COUpON and Portland General Electric Company .. J v ; -! Seventh and Alder Street v ; , 7 V " please have your representative call and se me with reference. to Electric Lighting, i ; , ' y',::- ''7 NameL l'-: '"; -.J. '..'Address! ir'','T.,'V''''''-';--7' ''-: '' r-:': Convenient time to call . Seventh and TELEPHONE EXCHAIJGE 13 some are . lighted air. atmosphere - mail TODAY. .?t:". Alder Sts. ' . i , B .. i. i . ' by