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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1905)
the Oregon' daily journal. Portland, Saturday evening. November n, ices. fX3 i 11 VI' DAYFOR .1 UUI uuu TJALLA WALLA Saloon-Keepers GeY Wholesome Lesson, and Will Not At : tempt to Defy Law. END OF SALOON RULE IS IN SIGHT, SAY REFORMERS Liquor Dealers Lot - Over -Two Thousand Dollars by Trying to Bulldoie City -Council and 'Forfeit- ing Their Licenses, l (Seeds! Mspatea te lae JoareaM Wall Walla. Wash.. Nor. xS.Walia Walla In all probability will, be a dry town tomorrow. Saloonroen today were niiiiMiwi whathaF or not to open tip f their places of bualnoaa tomorrow, but In view of the attitude of the council on the nndaro"ins end mhllna WW, It la believed that the aaloontnn will not f Invite further prosecution by keeping ; their placea open tomorrow. The oomplete capitulation of tha five saloonmen whoee llcenaes were revoked by the council- Toeeday nlirhW'teform leaders ssy. aneane the endof saloon rule In Walla WaUa and that ereafter laws a-overnlnc saloons wlU be fully ob served. The Issue at stake, the council held, waa whether the council Is to run the saloons or the saloons to run the council, snd It seems in this Instance ' the council Is it. , .The saloontnen say -they now see where they made a mistake by defying 'the council by not surrendering to Chief Krown their licenses when called upon to do. so Tuesday night. This antag onised several members f the council ' who were Inclined to be lenient with the offending saloonkeepers. When the sa loonmen saw they were fairly beaten thv -t famntAll In BiAlu M With the council, promising In writing that. they - would obey tne taws ntrwner. i ni council was not to be placated and the oetttlon to reconsider Tuesday night's action In revoking the licenses . waa turned down hard. : Ai i result of the revoking of the llcenaea the five saloonkeepers forfeit i2.04fi.&(. renresentlnz the unearned Dor. ' tlon of their licenses. Furthermore the council so far haa refused to consider any applications for licenses for - the , buildings occupied by the five offending ; saloonkeepers: In the -f case of the Luvre saloon, the proprietor conducts a grillroom In the rear.y'only reached by passing through the saloon. Appli cation wawtnade to the council yeater. I day fo permission to open the saloon. but not to sell Uauor. The proprietor - was told In could open, provided he re moved his stock of liquor. - The Idle "Hour saloon, one of the closed resortsy haa up surety bonds guaranteeing to the owner of the building the rent for 10 years at 1 a month; PACIFIC SELECTS - ' '.TOPIC FOR DEBATE (Special mapatrb to TW Joirnrl.? -l Pacific University, Foreat Grove,' Of. Nov. IS. -ei. W." BpafWtf "Hie debating council forwarded today the question Tor debate in. the Psclflo-Whltman con test: "Resolved, ThntTT the interstate. Cora i jisis.sS power to fix railway rates in disputed cases, these rates to be enforced MnMi reversed by the higher courts. Whitman is given today in which te choose the side they, wish to sustain In the discussion. Tne debate will be held here on. February 24. . MRS. MARTHA C. PARR ' ......uDIES IN SOUTH PARK .(SiMclal DtepstPh te Jhe Josrsal.) . i ' Forest Grove, Or.. . Nov. 16. Mrs. Martha' C. Parr died at her home in South Park Friday morning after r.n illness of two weeks- - She ' was born November II, 11(7. in Marlon county, Indiana, and married Frank Parr . In 18ST. Mrs. Parr leaves a husband and fTve children, two boya and three girls. The funeral was held from the bom . tuiaaitRjaneLFgiKnpf I the M. Mi church officiating. fntermcnT waa at Naylor s cemetery. LANE DEMOCRATS ARE x WITHOUT MOUTHPIECE ' (Special Dispatch te The Joarasl.l Rugene, Or., Nov. 15. The Kugene ''Guard, one of the oldest Democratic newspapers In the Slate, last evening announced that -hereafter 4t would be . ,. published aa a strictly independent . neper. The Weekly Guard waa estab I lished In th sixties and the dally in r lttl. This leaves the Democrats ot ,'Len county without a mouthpiece te ' fight their battles In the political cam . paigns.- ; . i, .. REDUCED SEASIDE RATES 'X 1 TI ta JL te Olatsep ' Beach. . In order to promote a big winter travel to the coast the above company has named the very low rate of 14, good going Saturday morning, returning Mon day evening, and 12.10 for the round trip on Sunday. Several hotels at the beach will remain open all winter am! eneap rates will be made to induce petronage. Al Information at .the city office, 141 Alder street. ' or telephone Main 0. ; i CHRISTMAS IN. MEXICO. ' Special FnUmaa fexsaralo Train via) oathsrm Paelfle mallioaa. On December It a special excursion " train will leave San Francisco via the Southern Pacific for the City of Mexico Low rates "Have been mad for points on the Southern Pacifle la Oregon. Par ticulars by asking any Southern Psclfle sgent or writing A. L. Craig, general passenger agent. Portland, Oregon. ' Bngeae Tax levy Fixed. " TKilt Dlwpstrli to The Jeimel, 1' Rugene, Or., Nov. 16. The Eugene . rKv council haa fixed the tax levy for imi'i t mills, divided as follows: Gen iiurposcs. Sty mills;- sewers, t i ii: streets. 1 Mill;, library, ty mill. .nr next year the library tax will imvf to be higher. The Carnegie library UuAUUnav. w4Jl JOVi ba JtHdjr jorcipcupancy .uncll luilf tif lK0ti..4a. pw rent levy.wjll be sufficient for the half - yar. ; ' No one can surpl your Thanksgiv ing dinner with belter wines. ; liquors and cordials and at, more reasonable .prkes than D. Oermanus, lZt Morrison! street, . -. ..... -' HEPPKER-Crail-COUJI EKDS BUSY TERM ' f y - mi . BssaaasssSBsaeaBasBsaBaaas , Plaintiffs in Suit Against Oregon . Land A Water. Company , Awarded Damages. , -' (Special Dtepttts to The JoeraaL) Ueppner, Or., jv. ti. Circuit court haa adjourned here after a very, busy week's terra. The most hotly contest ed 6ase before the oourt was an no tion brought by Sarah C Jennings and others agalnat the Oregon Land Water Lcompany .or damagea to the extent of The trouble came up over the construction of a iiotel , building at Ir fi gon: "Theaenntngs-were to--erect -a hotel, and in return the Oregon Land A Water company, by F, B. Holbrook. was to deed, to them" some lots. The Wind River Lumber company furnished the lumber, and after the Jennings had run out of money they plastered a mechan ic's Hen on the building and foreclosed, thus throwing the owners of the build ing out. ... - . Holbrook refused to deed the land un til the building was completed. The suit was given a Jury trial,' and after two days' fighting in court was sub mitted to the jury at o'clock last night, and a verdict waa rendered at 1 o'clock this-morning,- giving the plain tiffs 1,209 damages. , The plaintiffs were represented by Tweedy and Wood son of this place, while the defendant was represented by Muni and Kollock of Portland. , ; r ' - . . The several men Indicted under the charge of gambling pleaded guilty and were) fined $60 each.'. HARRIMAN OFFICIALS ' ' ON INSPECTION TOUR ' (Special DKpatcfe -to The Josrut,) . Pendleton, Or., Nov,- 26. Last even ing three special cars bearing officials of the Southern Pacific and O. R. A N. Co; paased eastward over the O. R. N. line on an annual tour Of inspec tion of the Harrlman lines. In the party were General Superintendent M. J. Buckley at the Harrlman lines north of : California, ' Superintendent " L. R. Field of the Southern Pacific in. Ore gon; Thomas Walsh, superintendent ot the . R. N. Co. for Washington; H. L. McDonald, division engineer of the Southern Pacific; J. F. Graham, gen eral master mechanic of the Harrlman lines in Oregon and Washington; H. J. Stirling, general auditor of the O. R. It ti. Co., and J. H. Robb, division en gineer of the Washington division, and F. W. Young, master mechanic of the Southern Pacific. . , - One of the' principal parts of the equipment 'to be investigated in east ern Oregon is a block-signal system now m use between Kamela and La Grande, and which la being installed between Kamela and Cayuse. This is the first of the system to be used in the west, and the officials will give It a thor cughlnapertlnn and will study Its work Ings with a view . to extending It te other portions -ot toe-Haniniaa system In . the northwest, a it , is needed to safeguard traffic ......... DEPOSITORS AT SUMPTER1 GET THIRTY-SIX PER CENT -oertal Daaatch to Its tarsal.) ' Baker City, Or., Nov. 15. The affairs fgfttie dsfuiict Hank of BiimptsrhaVe been wound up and the depositors and creditors ' h,ve tecelved a " dividend of If cents on the dollar. The wrecked bank waa a-privata-iaatUu'Uon. founded trrf. UUSI five )mn agm Aim. controlling the . bank for about 1 months Goss sold it to Roy "Miller, at that time cashier of the First National bank of Sumpter, Miller was later ar rested and convicted of obtaining money under false pretenses and sentenced to three years -in the penitentiary. His appeal la now pending. opineDaDy - i tiv him hfiTMHIIlinrTood and ; be sleeps 'tu moraine;. now many mothers can say this of their babies? If rour baby does 'not sleep well it may be that he is not properly fed. - , . i 1 i xa.: A poorly nuurisucu vmuj am m jrwi sleeper. Mellin's: Food babies are rood aleepers. v Our booh the "Car a Faeding ot Infants," sent free e charge. , Menia's feel Is the 'IT tafaats Veed. which received the Grand rrlse, the highest award ef the Lllaaaf ar chaee KxpeeUien St. Leais, 1944. WSkx e taaa geld saedai. ., MELLIN'S FOOD CO, BOSTON. MASS. Homes in Firland l-' . I"! FrRLAND Is 20 minutes from city, on Mount Scott car line. Kara be, lft-minute car service. Best water, streets graded. Outgrow Ing'all other auburbs because It Is the best. Homes bunt snd sold at rent rates. LOTS SltO. JS3. Down, t Tmt Month). Take Mount Scott Car. First and Alder . ..' . Bireeis. .." . ' OBO. W. SSOW1T, S03 FaUlBg Bldf. Fboae Stain -S1SS, i . -. tpen Evenings.), , Bobt. A. Taylor, OOoe, Tlrlaad Station. " Sixl BSqSTsTS ' fsoo Flvs-room house, lot. 60x100, Tronts on car J roe. SL400 Flve-room housed Just finished; woodHhed and "outbuilding, lot 60x90: 1 blocks from car line, 9O0 Four-room house, lot SOxitC, set to fruit and berries, 1 block from car line. 91,480 Six-room I-atorv housei bam 12x10. with hayloftxjot 100x166. set ' to fruit and. berrte; 1 block from car line. - ' J SSOO Qu n Her . MoHc In .LaurlwH4- T rant.r levemboiil IT Wnclrs-f car lines. - fLfl r-runm house, lis In and pen- try: small bsrn and outbulldlnxs: 1 lots, set to fruit trees; fronts oh car line. S7S Horse, harness and buokboard. - . ny William Csntwell, at irrwii.L si eo.'s skooxbt aroma west Ave. ana saenuivuisi vmm aoaa. . , 7- AT RXNT RATES , T T n ''-yJ at 1 READ TfflS CAREFUllY FOR IT - IS YOUR LAST CIIATJCE FOIi TEII3 GHSAT OMR The tremendous popularity of Graphophone Offer has r: - necessitated another' immense shipment of graphophones and records for Jour- . v " v v -nal subscriber, arid The Journal is noW prepared to supply-all of those who V vwcretoo ' with the , ( year win The only perfect Talking Machine in the '? world playing gold-molded Co lumbia 25c Records Never told for less than' $7.50 and given absolutely To Journal Readers S WITH A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION . The Colombia Phono k graph company, the larg- est talking machine com ; panyt in the world, will 'gve you $5.oo for this machine on a larger one. lTblsJ$ DrooLoiitjnTorllL :.-,-r. MaU this coupon at once to the , Circulation Department and we will send a representative to your addresi: --vi ; ,- January 1. 1906 ' '-V;"''- ;. -'' Priced xf AH Lots in i SOUTH ST. JOHNS Will Be Advanced k - Better. Make Your Purchase NOW. Small Cash Payment Down, and the ' Balance in Easy MONTHLY PAYMENTS The Title Guarantee and Trust Co. ' 240 Washington Street, Corner Second " PORTLAND, - . " r.: Thosricott urooKc oovcobs avxxjzsra. . rnn INSIDE PROPERTY .T iaf.'nr --- - ' i ' ise-ssaea" -Ts - - ... Columbia Phonogra secure i oy paying i 4 , : : - - - . . . . 0 I- -ievi I. w--I- . . A : t BY SPECIAL ARRANQEMENT WITH rS5"37 V- fr-"- :''-- ..-j-..i......'. ORE00N-; t.A-i- Overland Hotel The quarter occupied by tha Hires and two-story brick on First and Couch J s for sal v, t i s .. sroo nowir. THOS, SCOTT B ROOK E BOOK SS, OOSTOOBS IUO. - xnc express enurges "Odd fovtbi t r i IJL.Vvi.-Aj; taSHini'im ft?t,l4ati&&m&w);u Flanders Street House No. 704, S rooms,-' and ttSlOO, S3300, of would, exchange for property worth more and pay the difference. ' lau MUM Jululin thi as. plana and details for house, for sale Ft. M. Wilbur 306 McKay Buildlnf v ' Apartment House BU.ILDERS. ; . ... . 55. BOO Corner, xl08,-Couoh.. , .,,. SSJOO Corner, tl 00, Conch.-J. ' 56. TBO Corner, 100x100, Couch. SS,SOO Corner, 100l50BCouch-r-r SS1000 Two cornera, 100x200, Couch. ' R. M: Wilbur : 36 McKay Bulldlos - y Rent SSOO SO WW clvea you DUO to a beautiful Sl.eOO new home (only two left) on the Vernon rar line. East Twelfth street, sis blocks from Ulahlanrt school. Mortaaae (principal and Interest) paid off In monthly pay ments, to suit purchaser.. Don t fool with contract. We Rive you WAV SiASTTT DSBO and abstract. We have owned this tract for It year, and manu facture our own- -fumner ana amnfles, hence can build and sell cheap. We will build von a fine cottas-e with RO-fnot lot for 11.200. Call on SBBXira MIX COX7ABTT (Phone Main 1277). , office room los oneriocK euHains;. BRICK BUILDINOS DOWBVTOwTT, under lease, from 'I ta Tl per cent on tha cost; prlceir frpin 111 XiA, HfST. new T5nc, paylna I per cent net on asking price, MS.000. t- , .. RMWilbur 306 McKay Building Stop Faying for one , , anu , uuyii uuc mwmN 'i - s .rt.XMi'fe ! f e 4 ' s - . j. ' . , 1 1lNQUIRVrCOUPON: Please have your solicitor call to' demonstrate the Great Free Gtapho. phone proposition.'-;-;. t "' ri''c ; ; ' J mm. Lots $90 to $400 Sold on NICEST If yon. ; Invest a Little-" 'Money In Vernon You Will Not Regret It SB X . - x . a ii MOORE Investment SIXTH j r -y' amd they wlU eB yea hew SafaS Property at Half Value ' . Until January 1 the remalnlnv II lota of North Irvlngton will be sold .for 1180 to S23B per lot $t terms of 5 down and 5jjer month to home- bulMera and -per cent discount for cannl This' Is strictly inside prop- erty, lots 60x100-f set, water, electric' llchts, to$ Complete abstract- or title policy fumlehed with ererjr lot--tSO per ', lot advance January X. Call or wrlta'at anaa.'. , !' . I ' ! ' " ,T:-' ' M. E. THOMPSON S4S Mississippi Areane. . Scctt'sSdaI-Pejsi.iC2jsu!:s A POSITIVE CURE T yrlnemmstloa wratarrtiof H th. BI.Mrn4 im4 Ble- prer aoooas serar. car iiuloklf sad BrmMntir the !4 , se twr ( how m iodlnf . Aktolatelf iirialm. tnld y emttuta. rn ti ro. r ht it.ii. soea paid, fl.oo, I bexae, TKESAOT&FEPSm ' . rUlMMtalae, Okie. If telera, Clarke' Cat rar Sale ju icuuru i MS v The long evenings at -liome are on the way., ' Do you want ' a little , diversion? . You can have . , v V The Minstrels - - v n ' The Vaudeville ' " T The Comic Opera ' r' v, The ' Latest, Song Hits The Latest March . ' The Grand Opera , Anything - your - heart desires. All for 25c if y9U-rtake -advantage of -. this great and final offer " to. become a . " 9 And secure a $7.50 Co lumbia Graphophone ab, aoluttly free. ' ' ' . ......... ......... ......... TrhTTi A TTK KB ADDRESS :r Installment.: . . SPOT fa Portlands Take Car y'..'X. Washington Sta, Marked Union rhoae aaat 83SS. EvcryVVcman siasnsMmwMMiM aivmithwonUrrd siAHviL wairbag ftpray ' 7""r mmm wrrmm. Miff- Horn mm Swrtinn. ta-laL t Mmt r lau uyt iararnnwiw. If b. no4uirly the Sias i sou! a DUr. tMlt tni .uintB fn full irtlntar ttnd rttr.'-tin e a. esa sr.. a ate roe, SaiS.SX woooaaa. CMixi 4 Cg, ' '. ',' vs " " "Ave.' and AU ' STWIT "K salsssBaaBBBaBsssB ,7 W5-v- 1 ... rrr- ; 7