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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1905)
THE OREGON 'DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2$. 1905. mm topics llirquasi tnil.,,..i Brltt-Nelaon Picture ! , ...."The ratal Curd' f.mpire. ....... "A Broken Heart' . Maker... ....Msetoal aorl wn Lrrlc "A Traap's Oath" Grand , Vaude.llle Star .............................. Vudnlllt Uberty ............................. Vaadevtue ' ?..- De Lany waa fined 11.10 In ths police court thU morning (or leaving aldawslk grating- open In front of Old. Wortman 4k King's store whtls filling th oil tanks of tha engine room. Do Lsny aald that for IT years ha had been In tha employ of tha Standard Oil company In the cltjr and never baton nau oeen in court. ne explained - thai he had left tha grating open, but had called tha attention of tha engineer of -the atore to the fact when he left. Judge Cameron aald that he would make tha fins light In order that tha prloe of oil might not be unduly raised, and Deputy City Attorney Fitsgereld, after d la cov ering that John D. could not be . held for tha fine, urged clemency. - - ' The exhibit An Illumination la now In ana second rinnrs or tha minus llhrarv and can be seen during the day and through tha evening. A typewritten explanation accompanies each book and piste, j ne noraryt will be open roi reading on Thanksgiving day only, be . tween 2 and m. , Material on the prise esaays which have been offered . by the Sons of the American Revolu tion to all 'schools and colleges has bean collected and may be found In " both tha circulating and reference de partments. Thanksgiving atones win be told In tha- children's room Friday afternoon. Pecetnoer I, at- 4 oolock. , Saloonraen who are In the habit of ' allowing women - under the age of tl years to loiter about tbolr placea were given a warning by Judge Cleland this morning. Tha Judge fined Joseph Mo- Pherson, woe was a bartender for T. O. Bllgh In a saloon at 111 Third street. I20O and the easts of the trial for bar- mi rmmilivu dii mil) .v 1 i , and Annie Bates, aged IT years, to re main In that establishment on Octobei it. it Mcrnerson does not pay, as wiv R. L. Eberanan, the deposed patrol man, -whose appeal Is pending before ' tha mnnlrlnol nlvll aervica MMnmlulon. was found resently In the Oerman cafe on Stark street late at nlarht bv Police Inspector Bruin. The inspector -in his ' report of - the matter to . Chief Grltx- macher said that Eberman waa intoxi cated to such an extant that he at tempted to make Bruin believe that he owned the establishment The Inspector suggested that such a man waa pot' fit to be a patrolman. - i ; . , .-a " Five cents' ' worth " of beer sold by William Grimes of Monta villa to a. M. Brown a August ti eost the- dealer in liquid refreshments dearly.- This morning Grimes waa fined list and the cost a of the trial by Judge Cle "Ta na77lrTgrThlnyTHontbs Grimes has fatoenT 'oharareH with aolllner . Honor In precinct No. l, which Is dry- - Grimes waa arrested by Deputy Bherlff John ' Grussl and found guilty of violating the prohibition law. - - Cloth quality Is a strong feature in the making of good clothes. We watch that the cloth la rlgnt and mat me oeet workmen handle the goods. 'A perfect Tit is certain and fashion goes with each. make any-enlt-er- house to order for !2f, and pants 17.(4, no more, no less. Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. - Unique Tailoring Co., 147 Washington street, near Seventh,. : '. .- - -. - Auctleti! -AscMon! - NeVer before have eerie of portufiorniad the oppor-1 tunlty offered them to buy diamonds, watches. Jewelry, out glaas and silver ware abaolutelyVat their own price. A visit to our - establishment . will prove the above assertion. Auction daily. 1:80 to l:it. Seats- for- ladles. ,A, It, Loew ensteln, lot hi Washington street. . Portlsnd's Finest Lawns Are mads by planting our "Diamond Brand"" fancy lawri'' grass seed. One pound sows 10 'need to fix up your lawn? Call Main 47l.and. aak us about - It. , Portland Seed Co. 5., ' .. , , Portland Tamale . Parlor, 141 Park street, between Alder and Morrison, the unlj plass In towavherssji,chlladss,ltaaeeond snd RurnaMe iinata with . Vii I. mm with .44a1am U.rln.n style, also the celebrated Frits' tarn ales, are made. Open from 11 m. to 11 p. m. Lottery -tickets seem to ben' perquisite of the Ah Lee family, yesterday one Ah Lee waa fined 110 for having such tickets In his possession, and todsy In the police court Ah Lee No. 1 waa given a like fine for the same Offense. -' Ths elegant new steamer "Northland" sails direct Monday evening. Loe An geles, cabin. 111.10: ateerage, 115. , San Francisco, csbln. Ill; steerage, II; meals and berth Included. , C. H. Thompson, agent, " Third street. - Wanted Energetic young men to heat Tom' Richardson, r manager Portland Commercial club, at T..M. Cr A. Satur- day evening. November I Subject, ''Practical- Opportunities t for Young Men In. the Northwest.". ; , . Dr. Broughera topic, the White Tem ple. 10:10 a. m "Crown of the Beati tudes", 7:10 p. ni., 'Training a Husband In the Way He Should Go." Fourth In series., "Happy Though Married." .Tem ple qusrtet sing .- ' Walte Baiter's delicious Caracas eat- ' Ing chocolate In beautiful carton, 10 rente. Vanilla chocolate with whipped 'cream, 10 cents. Free sample and re ceipt book, to housekeepers at . 117 Seventh street. - - .v ' - The'O. lleltkem per. company are hav ing a cut-price eale on eut glsss for ons week only. Special bargains. . Richard Bullock, alias Richard Bruce, wss to have been sentenced this morn- A dAPPY WIFE Is the light of ths home. Rub bing her life awsy over the waah- tub - ta ...not . very conducive to happiness, and now that We can DolheFcnilyWcsh Infld 6c PcrPcand Mow 'unnecessary It really Is for the housewife to wear herself out ,clesnslng ths family llnennr.We '- make no charge for jronlng. . "" ,I,M " . '. I-' "". TELEPHONE MAIN l - . v c..;. z-.i. no by Judge Clelind for" the crime of larceny. Owing to the illness of John F. Watts. Bullock s' sttorney. action waa postponed until Monday. The convicted man aald that his attorney waa to file a motion for a new trial, but Judge Cle- wud Informed him that ths time had slapsed. "Well, I would like at chgnee," was Bullocks reply. ; There's a new Judge in town. He occupied the bench of Judge Alfred F. Sears, Jr.. at the opening of the circuit court this morning. No decision hsvs yet been rendered by the new jurist. His" name is "Jack" Frsser, snd ha is ths son of Presiding Judge Arthur L. Frsser. The boy has perhaps seen four summers, but his presence on the bench wss warmly welcomed by all the attor neys at ids opening of ths court . , . Apple trees, cherry trees, quinces, peaches warranted stork at Butser"s, ill Front street (These trees will do bast if planted now. All kinds of shrub bery, beautiful holly traea among them, now oa sale. Full assortment of straw berry plantseverything grown In gar den or on farm at the' very., lowest prices. Telephone Main 1701. r , ' Clara Bennett has begum a suit in the circuit court .for a dlvoroe from Joseph Bennett. ' The couple were married In Portland on June 4, 1101. and Mrs. Ben nett allege that exactly one month after her husband deserted her. Ogles by Young appeared as her sttorney. , Judge George this morning dsnied the motion to strike out a reply In the case of Fred Rasmuasea against ths Fslr-banks-Morse company for 1260 alleged te be due for the taking of an angina The ease waa appealed from the Justice court. - : . . -. - . An operation on the right foot and In flammatory rheumatism have kept Mas Smith -for weeks past at St Vincent's hospital. His friends will be glad to hear of his removal to his residence, where he Is recovering slowly. . ' ' The Jarvis restaurant, til Burnatde, between First and Second streets. Is under new management and will ' be called The Palaoa. Chicken dinner will be served on Sunday for II cents. Mrs. U Wirt .Taylor Street Methodist' Church Morning. "National Exaltation"; evening. Every Man a King. Where?" - Special musical program at evening service. Greatest ohotr In Portlsnd. Bank runt sale clothlnc rents fur nishing goods, hats, caps, trunks, va lises, boots, shoes, etc-, at greatly re duced prices. Te be sold In 10 days. lie First street Notice has been received of. the destfc of Henry Duckstt, Thursday, st 'Walla Walla. Washington. He. was the father of Mrs. Mary Duraso of Portlsnd.. Steamship - Nome City sails from Couch street dock for - Ban Franolaoo and Los Angeles Monday evening, Nov ember 17. . 8. P. Baumgartner, agsnt Mala lf , .. . ; . - Dr. House Kills a Lion on a Snowy Day. He will tell about It-Sundsy evening at 7:10, --First Congregational caurclujlprtiny subject 10:10, lAngels.' Watches and diamonds II down and lOo per week. Goods delivered on first payment ' Xmas Is coming. Metaarar Oo Jewelers, opticians. 111 lath. - Varno Stain-Lao for chairs, sideboards and reftnishing any kind woodwork. Fire sale price -40o quart. 208 Front street Why pay II.S0 to 110 for eye glasses when we guarantee a perfect fit for (IT Metsger Co., ill sixth street ' - eswawaaaawawaai'' I jr- f Portland's best dancing school, to AJdsr. Prof. Rlngler. Miss Buckenmeyer. I Datnasad by first Not much! Granite w Emit Thlelhorn ' has resumed violin Tel. Main Sill. teaching at ll Sixth. Damaged paint below cost, SOI Front Fine' chicken dinner too. 111 Third. Frlts's tsmalsa are the beat. V WANTED PATROL WAGON 7 AND PLENTY OF POLICE ' Early this morning some one In great haste called the police .station ; and ordered that the, patrol wagon be sent g full compUmenforilUllL'Bllieu. Uuv after another hurry-up message arrived and the frenslsd shouter. announced to the captain In charge:' ' . n am Chief Grltsmacher: -send yout whole force down here. I'm being mur dered." ' . , H - .... v . Patrolmen strolled towards the scene snd found J. K. White talking to him self In ths shadow of Erickson's con cert halt White ssid he had been ss aaulted by a swsmper in one of the nearby saloons, snd pointed out ths altered culprit The swamper said that White had aaaalled htm with his fist and had finished the assault by empty ing a duckci or wster over him- Oa his own behalf; White. Insisted that- h had sent In no call and that some other man must have been guilty.- He ill be examined further Monday by Judge Cameron. v . . -f, ,' . Bethany yastot Zastallad. Rev. Albert Herforth wss Installed as pastor f the Bethany Oerman Presby terian church by toe Presytery of Port land Wednesdsy evening. Rev.- A. J. Montgomery presided.- propounded ths constitutional questions snd ehargsd the pastor. Rev.. A. W. Rlnehsrd preached the sermon and Rev IX A. Thompson of Bellwood charged the peo ple of the Bethsny congregation,.., " atolaca May Qalt etorrte. .. The Portland Are department may lose I CBiiaiiun niei nuiurn ui ino east sias district. . Ms has filed an - application with the municipal civil service com mission for' the position of city, build ing Inspector. Ths commission has called examlnstlons of applicants for the position.- Three candidates took ths last examination, but all failed. . , - . 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 t - ' j 1 Sea aUsera te Ten aorope. '.t Ben Albers.' manager of : the Albera milling business Itv this city and ad jacent country, departed yesterday for a tour of Europe, which will extend over several months, Mr. Albers hss not beon homo for many years end will visit the lend of his birth rn addition te-makinsr a general tour of the continent ., , . aTorthwesi Opportunities . , ( Tom Richardson, manager of - the Portland Commercial "club, . wtl) give an address at ths Toung Man's Christian Association this evening st t . o'clock on. "Practical Opportunities far Toung Men In the Northwest." All young men are Invited tsTne present Muslo will b furnished by the association orchestra. . Mitwaukl. Country Cfub, . Ksstera and Seattle raeeav Take Sell- wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder, , , ... , rraf erred aTteek Caaaea A ::en a Lewis' Best Brand, HOT r.lEAT TRUST, EAT 17AR Ocalar Who Circulated Story v of i Monopofy Slashes Prices "f Vigorously. I ; : CA. LOWER QUOTATIONS r J , , ALL ALONG THE LINE Our Meats Are Fresh and Good as Your CornU Fed. He - AddawWt WU1 Take Off Our Hat to" No Concern. j', 4 f '7:1 J . There ' Is sggresslve bidding In ths local meat market situation Just now. Inatead af anv trust exercising a con trolling Influence, prices sre not fixed by snythlng short of supply and de mand. Owing to the especial activity at the1 present time. The Journal has mads Inquiries Into prevailing prices. both for selllna snd buying, 'ine suit shows an ODea market la which the one that comes first with desired meats areta flrat attention. Oue of the. dealers who recently has been devoting much time to the work -of malting ths public believe a trust exists In Portland and that the Union Meat company has a monopoly of business has Issued a circular In which ha pays no heed to Union Meat prices, but slaahes them all ths way down' the Una. His announcement te the retailers Is one of the best evidences that the Portland meat market is open and that he and other dealers sre not effected by any trust conditions. In a circular dated November 10, he addresses the trade as follows: - -. '.:-' - ; "Thsr ssr there's a mest wsr on hand, Welt If It Is a fight they wsnt here It Is. Some of our friends say the man with the longest purse will win. - Don't worry sbout us or our purse; we will be doing business when some of our competitors sre gone and forgotten. If yon are paying more- than the following prices, come to see us: "Beef Steers Hind Quarters, 4j to IHe: tops, 4 He; rounds, 4Vc; good. 4c; medium. I He; common, Sc; front quar ters, le- to mc- Cowa Tops, Hc; medium, Ic: common IVie; hlnd'ousr ters, Ic to 4Ho; front quartan. a to I Ho; rounds, 4c; chucks beer, xho to sc; loins beef, 4c to ic. . ' ' "Hogs. THc; mutton. So to 7c; lambs, best Ic and good Ic x ."Our meats are ss fresh snd as good ss you can find. We take off our hats to no concern." ' ,1 - The ITnion Mest company's quotations to the trsde are found to be as follows, on the same grades: ; . ' Beef Bteera Tops. I He; good. Ic; medium, 4 Ho- Cows Tops, 4 Ho; good. 4c; medium. 4 He.- Steer, hind quarters. r quarters, Ci-JteerlroDl quarters, 4Ho; cow, front quart era. I Ho; chucks beef, Ic; steer, loins, Ic; eow. 'loins, - 4e. Hogs, Ic; mut ton, 7c to Ic; lambs, Ic to to. v The buying prices, sccordlng to current quotations of the Union stock ysrds, are: t-' -. ' Bheep, sllve,- 4 He TO c. snd so xor lambs; steers, medium, IS a hundred, and choice ll.BO to l.6(: cowa, common, It.ZI to 12.50; hogsv 11.71. mim- OFFICES Are s great lmnrovemeiit ever the former oaei in the Lewia bulkllnr. I have abnadaBca ef room - bare, - and mr Bwthode are eertalnl worthy of IsveatliratloB wbaa as allopathic of ficial ef ttaa Medical Onnsreaa, reevntly held Is Portland, earns to SM for treatment. am aattsftrd." ba aM. "that drnra .will nnt reach my eaas." And they would not. Bnt mr treatment did, and It will reacb yours, too. This doctor rejolcea that bla prejudice did set overcome bla better .JndrnwBt, and that be anfrored himself to anbmlt trt tha rational treatment of a tiataronatlile doctor, I sire so medicine. nor So I . amnio tba knife, yet . I t-API tuna iuu. Toe. If sfrea the oDBorranltv. Kote nf d dreaa below, look for my alsa when voa sail. or cnai whs me ny taiennone. , ' RBAD THKSB TE8TISIONIAUI1 . "Portland, Oct IT, 1000. 'TrVt-efsom It May Concern! ' "I aqffrrad a Ions time with aerlmta atom srh troable, the dtaeeae bavlnf profreaaad ae far that I waa unable to retain my food, and finally roanS wattr to ranee sanaeai la hurt. my entire aratem was In a Srrloiiely depleted condition. On or abont July 11 laat t adrlaed with Dr. Nancy J. Fulton, of thla eltr. and waa ladneed to take treatments from her, and after taking the twelfth I waa dlacttarred. I ran saw eat asrthlns I dee Ire. feel see- ferflr. well snd am conatantly salnlns atrengrs. -Inis--marreioos rnange- I ess pats fally say ta doe to Dr. miton. ' ; ' -jv r-4--, -THUS TSUUH..s ' J ' ' 'Home, Jefferson. In-.1 Note Mr. Taualin ran b eommnnleated with at Jefferson. Or., or bla father, Eli V 11 vtt- mm h aeoo at the New Orand fJOM- tral, eorner Third and flanders,- thla city. "October to. 10OS. "To Whom It May Concern': ''It afforda me great pie sore to write s word Is pralae of Vt. Pulton. I enffered un told asony Sar ent Week with pain Is my whole body. My hnaband called in whoa we MimatJ w a am n Iki heor -thvalHatia to the etty. He waa sot -anre. tm tbonsht t had saajralsla, or It mlsht srove to he sail atonan, left medlrlne aad thoosht 1 weald be better next day; but t gradually (raw woree; sot no relief from pain except nmler oplataa. Having heard nf Dr. ralton thronsb frlendo ior"nre, we decided to call her In: ao my nnahand went at once and bronaht her to tb bona. I; aoa sxemtaatioe -one nraaoancrd It a caae of acute eaatrltla, and after on treat stent I waa able to get sp, dreoa myaelf and go abont my nana 1 honaobold dntlea. I hare now takee S week's treatment and Certainly think fear the moat wonderful doctor I erer met MR".. C. K. HUTflOf. , - -V . "1M Tantfe Bt. Portland. Or." ' Kote Don't forset te Inrloao poatase atamp toe. reply whea srltlng te aay at my patlaata. Dr.N. J. FULTON ' , ' .. ItATUKOPATaV - - - 5 -315 Twcllth Street ' Cerser Clay, en Woe from O ear." ene frost . lelh Street ear, t from JefferaoS ear. ...I Xewphoaa Mala 4- r. .- J.. rOXTOay starepata, - 'k !V.--.'V: mm mum All Public Utilities of St. Johns Being- Sought by New J. , 3 .-jji Corporation. v C :', COUNCIL WILLING TO LET COMPETITION INTO FIELD Permit. Once Civenfor Nothing Ate . Valuable Now and No ! Excluiive Monopoly Prevents Immediate Ac ; lion Capitalists Ready ti' Come. The seat aide efsce of The Journal la Is the atore ef l. M. C, Miller, wo Mat aurnaus treat . Telepbene Eaat 2T6. . f. , St. Johns franchisee ure ant to go begging any -longer, and some of the companies -that, sines the town OJgan to take, notice of things, hare been in en tire control of the field are liable to meet keen competition before another year peases. The council has shown Its willingness to sdmlt any corporation that promises- better service or reduces rstss snd thst Is willing (o psy for a franchise. Up to this time the qusl f rsnchises given - have been ' donated, practically, but -the present council be lieves a considerable source of revenue exists In these franchises and In the futurs corporations seeking rights In the town will have to pay for them. . The Portland General Electric : com pany has one of the typical franchises thst were granted by the old council under the former charter. While termed 4 franchise, the permission g'veit Is nothing more than the right to operate, lay and maintain poles, lines and thcr needed equipment on ths streets of ths town. . This, right to operate Is for 10 years from the date of the paessee, which was August 1, 104. The permit provides that two arc lights for the streets snd such Incandescent lights ns are needed for the temporary bulldiug tu which th council meets shall be furi pished during the continuation of . the permit . r . -v -. ; Such a permit gives-the council the right at any time to give a real fran chise and an exclusive one ta another corporation and to enter Into a contract with' It for street lighting. During the atimmer, one such proposal waa consid ered and warmly approved by the coun cil, but Insufficient financial backing caused the defeat of the plan. While the water franchise Is mora closely guarded, legal authorities. In cluding the town attorney, have decided that the right of the town to bdlld its own water plnnt If not Impaired by the franchise now In operation and at preseht one corporation Is negotiating with the council for the right to build a modern system for the town. No barrier exists to the' admission of the Home Telephone cbmpsny when It desires to extend Its automatic lines In the bounds of St Johns and this right probably will be given without a charge being made for the. permit the party service In the place st present not being to the satisfaction of the bualneas men. 1 For ths gaa electric light and paw wster, telephone and transportation privileges of ths town there doubtless will be bidders in . the coming few months, as already ths rapid growth and prosperity of ths newest town In representatives of severalcorporations have- examined -the field and reported to their eastern employers ths oppor tunities lying Idle. . f j .. ., v WANT: LOW LEW. St Jonas Business Xea Fear Tases Will . ' Be Too Sign for Comfort Heavy property owners of St. Johns will, object strongly to the rslsing of the tax levy there, and the - dream of the council to secure a 10-mlll levy on the aasensed valuation of 11.250.000 probably will not be realised. - Business men of the town say the present valua tion Is three times that of last year and that If only the old levy of 4 mills for town purposes wss made the burden would be triple what It was befors.. I I 111 I..... ..r.l,l pal purposes but 14.130 during the next year, and as the town haa obligations smountlng to more thsn f 3,000 already. It ia - not believed such a , levy would be within SO per - cent of the needed amount In addition to the debt ef 13,000, the recent action of the council In purchasing property for a town hall has laid a $1,600 burden on the treasury that muat be taken Into account Those supporting Ihe 10-mlll levy sssert thst this would put the city on a strong financial basis, with no debts snd no outstanding- warrants and wpuld allow the city to make auch Improvements as sre absolutely necessary without dangerous delay. After one year of the high levy It is said the town thsa could start out with a clear balance sheet and with at or mill tax live within ANNUAL ALBINA SERVICE. TTaloa Thanksgiving' if setlng ef Piotes- tants at Forbes. Cnrnltr Protestant ' churches of - Alblna-, will unite to the annual union Thanksgiving service on the evening of Thanksgiving day, the meeting to be held In Forbes Presbyterian church, and Rev. Mr. Up- Shaw, pastor of tha Mtsslssippl-Avsnue Congregstlonsl church. ' to . preach : the annual sermon. : Ths churches of Al blna have held this union service at Thanksgiving time regularly during the last five years, snd on such occasions Informal gatherings of the church peo ple of the half doxen suburbs are held, the nrosram . of . the various orsanlniu ttona during the jrear related and future plana discussed. ,Tlu annual service hss resulted In ' the Alblna churches being more trlosely united In . general rettgloua work and his become an Instt- ruslon of Alblna church life. A pro gram of unusual Interest .has been sr.. ranged for the - union service this Thanksgiving. , . ; MWW-M-M M l- ' .yA t a-nrrrr' Snaayslde Oongragatlonal, Body Decides ' . e Meet AU tss BUla Aleas. '. A new- era dawned Tuesday for the flunnyslde Congregational church, when the -members of the congregation de cided thst In the future they would meet all the obligations of thw organi sation without aid from the-missionary society, which in the paat has paid s largs psrt of the minister's salary. Th! declaration of financial Independence waa ' made after encouraging reports fenm -Lurch Clerk ft. C Iter fhureh TreesursrBrTCOMsBd"Paafjrj.-X Htaubt After miking this decision ths members decided to elect Rev. Mr. fftaub permanent paator. : It was alao decided at the session to remodel the church bulldlatf to provide rooms for. the varl IF YOU YArrr THE i STUOEBAICER- - AWARDED 14 GOLD At Carriages Road Wagons, Business Wagons, Farm Wagons, Harness Studebrsker Bros Co. Northwest 330-336 E. MORRISON ST. NO PAIN Va save teeth If enly's good root remains. Vtrr''"r nu aeauty. , aecired train to saernmeaa We replace oet sr abaest teeth without pistes PRICKS REASONABLE We extract teeth without pals free ef charge, PRICES REASONABLE We treat and tlshtra knee teeth, and soft or bleeding gnms are made aoand and healthy. We gnarantee our platee to St. 1 W giro yos the boat dental work for the lowest coat eonalatant - with . grat laaa work. Come and have free examination- and eoo anltatlos asd leers for yourself what we can de for yes.... -. .-, -;.... Boston Painless Dentists tSlH Herrises it. epy. staler traak aad .reatofnoe. BOUms ;M a. m. te p. St. Suaaay, l:M a. mi to is:se . m. Sfylsl grill clubs and claases that are ToTielUUUs pail af the church's activity.' i: '-' .. EAST SIDE NOTES. Ths Piedmont Presbyterian church with, the first Sunday in December will make a change tn the time of service ss follows: Morning preaching. 10:30 o'clock; Sunday school, II -m.; evening preaching. 7:30 o'clock.' Bv the death or Mia a josepnins tres- ton this week-the St. Johns scnool tost valued , teacher. Miss Preston had been In charge of the third grade for some time. - The vacancy has not as yet been filled permanently. . The building uaed as sn exhibit hall st the fair by the National Cash Regis ter company will be remodeled into a church and Used by the Congregational society of Bt Johns, the company hav ing ddnated tha ..building for thla pur pose, v f .- Sherwood uormnn and Jdlss NelUS Grace Jlewett were married at the home of the brides parents in St. Johns Wednesday at noon. The tiome of the couple will be near Camas, Waahlngton, where Mr. Dornitn has a large ranch. , SATISFIED GUESTS. " It's a source of supreme satiafactlon to dine at a place where every article In -the line of china, silver, crystal wsrs snd napery Is of the very finest quality, Add to -these the - best food products purchasable, an unaurpassed cuisine and perfect service, and you have aomethlng of an Idea of what "Te Oregon Grille" offers to Its patrons. Orchestra, every evening after t, ' Corner Seventh and taj-k streets. . Fat Folks. I have reduced my weight II pounds. tract nine Inches, waist eight Inchss and hips nine Inches In a short time by a guaranteed, harm less remedy wlthoat exercise or starving. I want to tart you all about It ' Enclose stamp and ad dress. Mrs. Charlotte 'Woodward.. Ore gon City, Or. . , j- Pure old Mince Meat. Brandy and Sherry Wine at IX permanus. 323 Mor- neon ntreei. t tn J . . a aJcuaziczsTTs. Liberty Theatre J0,? , Man. emn t ' ef Keating A Flood. Tha rt Met-rlllo, - TW Wiu. X WkUs, VMnle Brtitn-rfc at Berlins. Mr. snd Mra. John Chlek. Brttt-Kaleon Clotum on Blne-raoa. laaarty a Balootag OTvheatra, Perfnrmaheas dally at 1 Ml. 1 to and S p. a. Admlsaios, TKN snd TWENTY eents. BEST CAORIAGE, YAGOii OR OAFiiitSS r . BUY A the Lewis & Clark Exposition ON THEIR. FULL LINE OF FOOTBALL FoiStateChampi UNIVERSITY Of OREGON vs. fJULTfiOrJAII ; (St&ta Ohamaiaaa) ThankeSgiving Day RAIN OR SHINE On Multnomah Field, 130 P. VL , Admission, including CrandsUnd, JLCO Marqudm Grand Theatre FHONg MAIN .90S.- ". TONIGHT AT 8:30 O'CLOCK UT ' tafukxrarei TBS ORIGIN AI AND ONtl Britt-Nelson, Pictures Bhewisg Every Move and Blow of the right FOPTfLAR PRICES o. S8c. 0e snd lie. BAROAIN MATIKKB PBICIM V sad Mr. Dclasco Theatre haSV ---V BKLAJOO stATIB,. WOFa, .A'-A-14th and Wirt. its. B. L. Bai-katt Bra Mgr. T0KI0HT LAST FXBFOBKAXCK. ' TUB rOWKBriX OBA1IA "We Fatal . 4 J- raiCKS Night tie to Tie. Mats., XSe aad Oc Starting , With Sunday HM lore "MICHAEL . gTROUOrV." To Follow "The Girl Wltk the Oreea Eyes." Empire Theatre: Utb snd Morrises, Phone Mala 111. - MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manager. - 1 TUB POPULAR THEATKB. TONIOHT AX 1 11 Laat Ferfanaaaes ef ths ' Seeatifnl FUy, , ,.f . .. UA Broken HQart" A Story ef the Colorado Mountains Interesting aad Thrilling Cloatedy and Pathos. ., Evening prion IV. IfcV SSe and Me. . MatloM- Prices lue, le and She. Kelt Week., Starting Tomorrow Matinee, ; "tANSINU ROW A.N. " --r- STAR THEATRE Wtek of NOV. aotlt. ' The Three fewdose. t urr rarreii. Itaeer. Chaae end Adair. The Oreat Blehawla. Ad'entore-- of ttherlofk" Holmea. Mattseas leo, ev'ra lo, tftei tesaa tee. Ornnd Tlicntro An nnqnllfte.l hit ftTWN'B MXBHT THAVrSTT COM PAST S- ,ir 'w n"-(t'-n wett -ht.i Gardi' MEDALS PORTLAND, OREGON Kodaks AN EXCELLENT XMAS PRESENT . v Dregon Photo StocR Company ; m Sixth SL, bttWashlnoo & Start zPhoto Supply Destert GOVERNMENT SKCZS . 1,000 AXBi of Oovernmsnt Shoes . At $1.59 Sixes to 11. selling at $1.59 per pair, M. WAX SSI front oOrne genTersoa. Opea Vatll Come in Today or At the rate , they have heea going since1 'wo announced our REMOVAL, 8AIJSiredrnibtlf. we will have many to take with ua o our new" loceil. n. TJ9. Joweat-nrloss -saw mde on hlh grade planoe for two days more. C::