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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1905)
.' TIIS ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL," PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER - 3. , x. . . Entered at the fjostofflc at Portland, Oregon, for trsnsportlllua Uuuagh th Hill a MWM' t.'ae matter. t'oauce tur Unils coptot: For aa 8, IS ar I '( Mixt. 1 erut : HUM Bag. 9 : M lu 44 ("KM, raw. 'v . TT VVWAWTR. Fdltorlil Rooma .'.... J Aisalaesa OUMe..... roinow AOTxansiva m epbisxb-1 ativb. Yreelslid-Becjeoiui Special Advertising Agaacy. J Nmi etrselTSew Xoti Xtlw- i"414 tog. Chicago, VB8CXIPTI0V BATXf. The D.I1T Journal, with Sunday. T r. . IT." ' 1 Dully Journal, wllb Huada, aetata. M.e Dally Journal, a bwoW-.. ..;.? S Ilia Dsily Journal, with Honda. anaBtlae. ? 'J be Dally Journal 3 monlbe. . .. ."i? . 'iha Dally tarMl, with Ksedsy, X anouUi..w Xlia Imlly, per waek, dsllTeree. Sunday la- eluded !.:7!.l ' The Dally, par week, delivered, Suedsy " capta4 .i...,. .'" Tama by ataJU. ' ' ' Tha Daily Joe real, with Bonoay, t P"-"'!? loo Dally Journal, 1 year ........... 8.00 Iba Journal, with Sundae, 8 esoatb. 8-j Iba bally Journal months J'!! The Ilallr JonrneL with MundsV. BsoBtBS 1.80 Tha Italljr Journsl 3 months..... Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday. I mouth.. 1.40 .05 JO Tha Dally Journal, 1 Booth...........rT ?9.90 ilia Boeday journal, ! veer. ....... ll Bumlar Journal. awalna.... a.u Tha Semi-Weekly Jeurnsl. The Semi-Weekly. Journal. a IS tour ; ' each km. Illustrated, full auUt ra- ' J port. , 1 year ' Remlttancea should ha made by draft, postal ao'ee. eipre omara aad amall aaaoaata an acraptabla la ,1 and S-caat poataita ' ' i THK JOVKMaJ. ' ii F'i a IM ort1" rM - ' ? HU1 TBI TOTOMJA MAT S T0Va Tha Jaarnal raa ba fooa4 aa a la at tba . Mkwhic f Una: . . - buiK. IDAHO U. Baiter A Co.! W. B. Mv Intjra. - CHICAGO PoatofHca Mawa eaaipaVl ITS Baa, bora atraet. DKXVEB, OGLORADO-J. BUck. Witaanth and (vrtia limit. KANSAS CITV a War Wawa eompaay. allNNBAPOLIS tl. I. Kaaoauft. 60 Soalh Third atroet. yr.w YORK C1TT BraaUao'a. Catoa annaja. tmiHA-Millard HoUl nawa ataad; Makatk ALT LAKB CITY Kanron Hotel nawa atanIr Barrow Broa.. 43 Waat Baroao. man, " AT. LOl'l Philip Roedr, 1 Locoat atraat; R. T l.t tMa C 1 1 h AM rKA.NCISUO W. B. Ardttuc, Falaca Ilotal . nawa atand aod 1008 Markat atraat; Uold amilh Braa., 210 Sutter atraat an Balnt rraorla botel: Koatar h Oraar. Tanr build Inr; -N. Wbeatlrr. morabla aewa ataad. enr. ' ner Market ami Kearney etraate. - ' BKATTI.EJ Ralnlar Graud aewa atand! W. b. Rhanka. Hotl Seattle aewa ataad. BPOKAKB. WA8UIN0T0N Job W, Oraham ft Co. ' T ATO3A. 1 WARITrNOTON Onrral Hear pan: Hotal TnfYHna aewa atand. TKTOBIA. BR1TI.HII Ll'UBIA Ttetarl Bonk m RtatinnarT emnpany. WEATHER REPORT. Tb iHiranMtfr hu fallen rapldlf la tb trfm BurtlnrrtU -and s inrm is central 4wr Alherta. which has canned inow Jn Britm olum Wi. txrrm lior(bar WawhInjrTfm and WMUni Montana, and rain mlocig ttw Waihlnr tn na8t. - Tha mTn wtnrm yeatardajr ' or tha Orpt Iak 'hag paaaM to ara sjowa tl Hi. Iwrw Tallr K raaned a marked rl-w tn tnuiratnrc 1b , th Atlanttr atata and pern-mi ralna. whl. hmroTfr, wan not heavy . A third IMttfUano ta central thla momlnc Tr lli.neama whlrli ta eannlna; anow In .that aiate and - In fipter Mlchlran. Jt la Bin'lt rtanlor in. the Oh to. t alley and lakevrerV.w. Tha falling barometer' la the north Paclfte atatea iTMlleatea ,tii appruaeh of another dtarurbane from aa. .which will eauaa rata ar anow gen-e-rallr fiiat of tha Caarada Diountalna and rain tn WsHt em ihetrn - and weatera Waahtnrun tlurftgr tha next Any or twa. Htorn warning been arrlred at all acannrta la wcatern WaohUtatoa for ;ai aootbweat wlnda tbta arternorm. MARRIAGE ' LICENSES. tinat Rodeen, ; Helen, Nelaon, SV t tTiarlra H. A die. 1; loula 1. Thmtler. S3. Cbarlea C. Tbomiiaoa, Z); Pearl Ilamroeralaj-, . t Jeaae TajleavJrffOB Clty.rjS: fcralya Llerereani. an. t itlla ritrhar SSi i I ,s Adnlpb N. rieTleoa. Trena Scheie, M. e Abe Rekna. S3: Roae Lerllrb. Id. Cbarlea M. Wallace. ST) Warf 0,, RlcbarS on. Is. ,-(..... Weddlns Carta. W. O. Smith Co., WaaV nroa bid-- cor. rourth and Waablaft Ma. ' Mlae Bertha . Martin, room SIS Allaky hldf. , Stamplnc and fine - aaadleamrk; leaaona (Iveu. BIRTHS. Ttir.ZO Xorenher 11. tq Mr. and Mrs. P. Rtsso. Front arreet, a ana. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. T AON ICR KanaaheT So. Mrs. Warner, 2,9 Lincoln atreet. araallnof. A-ONfKWTT November K. Roth WsaxwoH, 7V Multnomah atreet, nteeelee. DEATHS. 1 SIlfMIPA Norewher ta, K Ik nan fAinmlda, rM .IT ream, at l. Vincent' a hoapltal: eanae. Inlnrr ta aplaal cord. Burial at Lana FbT cemetery. WOLFE Noremher SA. John IT. Wolfe, aged S years. Bt cend and Clay atreet. caaee, heat' orrbare. Rnrlal at riiidaTenort. Connecticut. WOOLEY oreniber 21. Henry R. Wooley, a red M yeara, hi elty Jail; caaaa, paanmonla. Hnrlal at Poor farm. - , WAHIIREN-Korember 24. Arthur iWtMaTren. ' . aaed 21 yeara, 2rM t'maliy atreet; raoaa, gaa aaphyitation. Burial at Aatorla, Orecoa. If ATMt'HKK HoTemner 24. Aiit.oe Matarhek, aired A2 years. IM Meade atreet: eanae, tuber. enloala. Burial at Leua Fir eeasetery. eUTIBTITW OTStXTZBT. ' Blnrle graees flA. Psmlty lots TS a Sl.Ooa, The only cemetery lu Portland which per ' petnally malntetne and earea for lota. For fall Inrnnaarlon aimly to W. L Maekenale. eVor - eeeter hlock. eltr. W. M. Ladd. praaldeat. . , 2. P. Flnler It Hon, funeral directors and em be liners, cornet Third aad Mediae atresia. Ottos of aouoty coroaar. Telephone Mala SV. ' Dusntne. MeKntea Oirbaugh. andertakera . and emhalaaera: aandera la arary detail. Sereatb and Proa. Mala 430. Lady aaataUat. . , tuneral srraarha tad rut Son en a epeHalty at Boee fity ' Crrenkooaa. Tweaty naoaS aad . Kaat Morrktou, appoalta eeeaetery. Tha Edward Holmaa t'ndertaklng eoBpaay, ami duwtora and mhalaeara. 220 Third SOT.'. Clarke Braa. tor flowers. 28 Morrlsou atraat. . nnni.EY, tub FLoRirr. 124 rirrH utreet REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A W. Lambert, trustee, ta H. M. Fall- Ing, 111.31 aerea. aertlon t. township. ',. I aouth, ranga $ eaat, and other prop erty $ 2,200 r. J. Wcnderoth et al. to p. Btrelff. 7.77 acrea. b lnnUi adO.dS feet nortb eat corner enatbeaet 4. aeetloa 18,. ' tnunobtp I amtlb. rants 1 eaat 1 S&9 Ct-.rf're .tood, admlnlatrator, ta E. O. Ilarrer. Ma 2, a, 4, 2.1. 24. 2B. to. ' ' ' bhv-k S. rolnmbia, llelthta !.. 1.080 Wllllameou flrea. to V. I). Htrlnter. lot JT. block 4. Keallwortb ' 230 P K. HuMWan ta A. H. rbapaiaa. lott i. 21. 22. block 1, Termlnaa addition. . tBO V llliamana Broa. to E. Mtrlnter, lots 20, .x, block 9W. Tteaioat; Iota I, 2, t, T, u. block 12, klchmond. and aouth H eothat '.. arciloa 32. lownabla I ith, ran re S eaal 2.500 ntiiiua Braa. -to r. A. Btrlnaer. lot. It. bha k 4. Kennllwnrth. SW l Hnrte and wife to. E. BtSWe. lot 1. bbirk Wno.llawa ' TH0 r I . I'nhl and hmbaad to L. P. I.lrea. 1 c. 2 i O'Tee, Iwrlnnlnt ft.10.IS feet t Brlht and Tii f'-t a.ltbueet from wiaant mraK WCtlfl aod wlfa i I.. ...v -;. l.sno I' Itenirtt and lfe to W. BatBMB, north ' . i, lot . block 2' S.10S 'l-te mn4 capar ta D. . Hoofer- ; M A. ini"! and wife lo W. Kernn a'nd aire. I t S. block 20. teetrel Al- bta . , . M tM-rA end wife ta II. 1. frs, krt i, b.W iO, ItVfHj t tUWw.,.. INTEREST ;AVING,BANIi The -Title'. Gticuantce : v v? Pavs pe cent orl Certificate! of Denrreit- Psts; ver cent interest xya daily ialaneei of deposit accounts, . .' suDject to cnecic - - Banking hours ...... .9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays.-. ,9 a. m. to 1 p. tn. Saturday erenings,. . .-. . .5 to 8 o'clock - DIRECTORS : . W. Ladd.1 J. Thorburn Ross. T. T. Burkhart Frank M. Warren, - - George H. Hill. - . : , ff , 240 Washlnftca Street ..U.-vV1 a Corner Second. ' -'-. PORTLAND. BRECON, .: Ndrtliwestera:';- I liittal -Life OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Strongest- Safest. Cheapest 0CB POLICY-HOLDERS AbI SATISFIED. , " - 4CENERAL AGENTS. - CONCORD BCiXiI50, PORTLAND. 0BE00K. t .' . XI ;fcct Eacb nibernla Barings Bank, owner, will tell with out reaeree, a limited number of choice and deelrtbla lota on tba cerllat for tach. Title Krfrct. . For partlcalars Inquire at room SuS rKay bldg.. Third aad Htark atraata. A ay persva will buy tbeaa tota oa tight. ' EASTER! PENTTST ' Would Ilk to buy out a Portland dentist who haa a good location. Write fun particular and terme to B. 8.. cars Journal.- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. B. B. Mcpherson and wife to W, I . Wood, .north W lot 4. block SO. touch addition S,00t al. u. Iitidaon to K. T. untchlnaon, 00 , s teres 8. M. eeder T. U "tblp S mwrhTanre T west;rr. j.400 2. Taagart to B. T. Tart art at al.. south east block. IT, Waerl 1,000 vnlreralty Land company tn A. W a thaw. lot 8, block IM, I nlrrrsltK Park.,..; '100 A. Lanaeosad wife o t'. K. Johnson, lot 4. blocJJ7Joh!ia' -'"Vt . ,,,,, ,' f" L. Ross et al. to A. Powera. lots I. 2, a. 4, "U ' black 9. Brooklana neignta. 1.S2D U. A. Twining and wife to M llulilaa, lota 14. IS. block S. aubdlTlab "C1 M. Pattoa a tract I laldn to 1. Carkxra. lot S. block IS. .if Klnael Park , ....... .s.. .-' SO W. II. Nann and wife te K. Cenrad, lota a. 4. hkck 8. rulton. , 630 I. H. Wemme to M. C. Lee. tat . - hiocK sns, litr 4. do If. K. 1ee and wife te N. , Mar, lot 6, blpcS; X2. Oil-. ' 28,000 W. U. I.add et at to Merehaate' InTaat- ,i . neat Trnat - eompany, lota S, S, ' beirk S. Coucb'a addition ' I T. W. Caaalday and wife ta A. Long . Iota ' 8. . block -14, Mount Tabor Villa annex , 1 . K. anlllraa and wife to Oreaoa Can. Lvfereoea. Iota 24, 24,-block-1, Temlaua J uoiiina .......... ................... BOO Orcrnn Transfer eonrpanr to P. 8. Ratea, wMt ion - feet of fractional block M. weat 100 feet of fractional block 68. t Conch's tddltloai ,.....,.. 80,1 LOOS 1. Snrietn to F. H. Clayton. lota S. S. o. mora A. iwwi,.. Sheriff to ll. M. FslHng, Bn acres ser.'- loo a. townahln 1 south, ranee 2 eaat. 27 P. K Bates aad wife to kly Ketata kmim b w et al.. weat 100 feet . frac tional block oA, Couch'a addition 82,(00 H. O. Cotton and wife to B, Btrlnter mA u a. west - U lot 8 and kits 8. 8. Montrosa addltkm 2,300 u .vtiiMi. eeiete to H. J. Rlcbardsan. lots 1. 2. block 10 York In todsy't Journal are serersl Incomplete deacrlptlens of reel rtUta. These will 0 reeled and republished la aext laene. , aaw laaursaaa and abstrsrta from tba Title Oaarsntos A Traat MEETINO NOTICES riOBLITT IXDfJB No. 4. A. O. I'. W. Mem bers take notice that tba A. 0. V. W. Ex tension Committee will visit tha InOt rm Wednesday, November 28. You are earnestly ' requested to be preeeat, aa tle meet lot will he of Interest to all. Befreshmenta will be en-red. , , B. C. BROOKN, Attest: M eater Wvrkaua. . C. i. WHEELER. Bacordaj. rORKSTKRS' JiOTK'S: Mtmber of Court Wea- foot Ito. a, T. Of A., are nerroy twin tru to st tend tha funeral at our lata beothe", Anton Mstscbek. Meet at rareatera' ball at 1 SO Bundsy n. m. Tlaltlng brothers art rnrlted to attend. r J. M. FOBD, Financial Secretary. ' LOST AND FOUND. POUND A bicycle; owner eaa hart tatst by describing tnd paying expenses, : tt S42 Washington t. LOST Bet. 144 rourth tnd 84 TtmhIII. silk .bag cmtalnng sneciselcs. Return , to .848 Yamhill and receive reersrd. fnrr Plain eold lockat with L. R. B. on iht . Inside: 80 reward tur earns. Laava tt JournaL. -1 IMiT Male Enallah pointer, lemon and white, No. Ill on collar. Keturn to rev tt., or phone Pacific 401. Reward. LOUT Yellow bull terrier puPv Betnra aad receive r'l"ft 1TB Cruiocl s.snwtlk. ' HELP WANTED MALE. WAITED Barber ta know tbst A. N. W. Wllsoa (.' tire sale .hi, now going oa tt Itaa Ankeay at.. Scott Hotel bldg.; Williams', Coltate a tnd Wlleon't thsvlng ana p. Si to 22 per box; talcnm powders, loe per doseaj bae her rbalra. Sue to 22. We will sell every thing at great bariratnst order from Iba eonn. ' try will have prompt attention. Wt will apes again in our aid Itore about Dee. IS ' with full line of new good. , BRCfRE A OOOD POSITION. Wa seetet competent of See men, booh keepers, atevemraphera. eaabtera. eolhin una; bill eVrka, geoersl clerlcsl, tecbalcaL commercial men. Bualoess Mes a Clearing. Houae. no Bseond. MEN aod boys wanted to ears 8 dr. after e - months insTrocTioWr. posiiMm goaranieo T spuial inlM-m '. "I"! s fr-r d-rr '- r'r I I t oyna ftros. to. I niramni rM-noiie. few iocs. lurlnnatl.. O., St. Lonls, Mo. - Free ratalngne. WAVTFt S good aicltors at 148 Orsad art. HELP WANTED MALE. 1 20 TO StU per week tartly made telling tick and accident benefits tor I aioa Mutual Alt Aaa'a.. -tuft. Maroasai bldg. I SALESMEN wsnted. rush advanced weekly good territory ia: outfit rree; aom are mak. "Ing S100 to SIM per month. Why not Address Wtahlngtoa jKasaery Co.,.. Toppaalsh, ' Washlngtoa. . I WANTED CWa and vrlaoow-clreeacrs to atudy abow-card srrltlaa at T. M. 0. A. tlcht school: peraooal Is traction. AppU fox par tlcnlsrs. Portland Barber- Colleaw. - "1tlei reaaonsWa aa any school on rtjl0TJnderstt: MCN WANTEIV-100 man to gat rooms and board at Golden West. ReventH ana svarau; InveaHtatei K will pay yoa.. - WAb'TKI PhbHs- ao-leara- eeaTBhyt trrowlet demand for operators: positions guaranteed. 4H-Third St.. mom 8. attar p. m. . ACTIVB aollritora srsated for I rood" Jy1n aak.ai0 lirotMsltloni ralarv . and comaili Allaky bldg.. Third tnd Morrtooa YOI NO i mat fur ofAca work with kaowledg af bookkeeping and ran uae typf writer. O 18, car Journal. WANTKII Tonne man to learn barber trade) firm rhaojce: unleei aiton: aome monay required. ' Call or. writs S08 Wasblugma st. 8II.KM and 4raa vnnda aalaamaa. thnrmialilj inrhnad and rallabl. Apply at auparlD tandant a offtra OMa. Wortman A Klo(. H HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED flirts aver IT years, to leant 4 mak wire f rimes over blocks -.sbanc to learn rend trade. Inquire Lowengart Co. 2 Front at. - V , .. PORTLAND BRWINO SCHOOL Pier, Insa hie dresainaklnt. XTl Morrlaoa tt,. cor Fourth, C arattm tsngnt. HAXSEN'B LADIES' AGENCY. 8484. Wtahlna ton St.. cor. Seventh, u net airs, Phona Mala 2002. Female help waatrd. WOMAN, over- . eatrvetla, 'reliable, to take charge of a Tltvt office. Call a tddrsaa root 28. Lewis bldg. r lioo A MONTH aura oa 264 capital: remarkable but trua: pays from atart; worked mure boars: particular for Be stamp. Tha Wan pita rtlllty goectflr Co.. lock bra 3X2 Portland. Oregon. The sbovs It worth 210 to ELDEBLT Isdy .for llrht honeework aod ckra or one cnuo-, , 442 Kaat Clay. T WANTED Olrl to work m kitchen, snd aaattt . aming-rooat at iu North neventh at. T0I4JNTEERM OF AMERICA Working Girls' Home, ,KC, Bsst Abkeny St.; room aad board. weet: employment free. MALE AND FEMALE HELP, " WANTKD Immediately, B men or womea to da canvassing, csll up Eaat 8CT; peed peoposltlOB. WANTED At once, t bright, energetic, a .. sentabl mas or woman, a good . talker. take up an attractive, proposition. Inquire 1 o vaaaaoer 01 osd mason, 9 a. aa. - tf rTT.P'vranted and aniintled. -mbtw ae fpuieW O. Draks. 206 V, Waahloatea at. Blaok 188S, WANTED 4 good solicitors for Oregon tnd ., wisningroa towns, salary or commtsalon noom a i-anoa pmg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. RELIABLE Garmaa man waats hnttterleaalng py ms asy; stsa store sr ortKt Cleaning. Phona Main 107S. EXPERIENCED-bookkeeper deal re ta tears ef parties who hav a few boo re' bookkeeping 10 aa none ears oay. r as, care 01 journal FIRKT-CLASS mechanic went hob keeping ap rvpiir on machinery of manufacturing plant; ran alaa act aa feremsa of a department! will atart at reaasnaoM rata. Aduteaa H rare JoornaL S4. W A STKn-Poutnoar s Breroiu tB factor , mill . or rurnace., K. m. job nana, 142 Twelftk 1 ex.. norui. raoojv main so.w. WANTED A position by t flrstlsst millet to take cbtrgt of tnd ma a am 1 1 mill. AiMm 13 J la rars t tOraailMo Warabeuea. Oor. neiine, vragoa. ... YOI NO man 2S dealres clerical position, work In stockroom or wholesale house: doea not usa lonaeee or liquor in aay form. H 28, Journal W A NTED--Janltor work for Runday aftoraooot 0,117. Aoureea one vjooney ava. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALK MIDDLB-AORD Widow. Herman, rood keeper, would llkf (position at kouaekteper iw .iwwe. ii, ei, jaw euurnai. FAMILY mending, sheet tad pillow easea and men'i clothes to renslr. Cor. Beventh and riaaaera, Mitcneu oik., room Z1, 8EWIK0 done at- boas or by tha day, drees ant) Oolng at. , Tk V ear. Ad REFINJCD middle-aged lady desire position aa hoaackeener . In widower t family. . Adureea V-jki csxt ni- .Jisiriist- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICR FOB MEN. 98 M. Becond it - Phona Mala 1S2S. PACIFIC Cnaat Emp. Co. Reliable employs tgests 12 B. 2d at. Phone Mala 8070. JAPANEKB-rillNEXB EMPIXTMENT OFTICB. Henry Tahara, 287 Everatt at, PhoB Pa. rlftc 540. . BIO FOl'B KM P. AOENCT Help turplled fret, 18 N. Becond tt , Phona ' Main 18 In. NATIONAL Employment and Labor Agency. 212 I'lne at. , rboao Mara 1304. , SCANDINAVIAN AMEHICAX EMPLOYMENT Co.. 8 North Second: furntehea all kinds env pioyment tor mea ana womea. Main WH, TTf E Portlaad Employment Co., at. Phone Pacific 23. 205H Morrlaoa WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 4-block close In: also smaU' farms; hive isalouieia, 800 Oregoalsw bldg. Wanted Your business; wt sell tit kind rtroperty and rent bouses. ' Snap 8-room house, lot , OdilOO; 18,500, pert cssa. Sl.TtV) S roora modern house on Fifth tt, West, side;. 12,000 dawn,. baL yean, 7 per 1 eent. ' Hsva 8-room Hon to, Bellwood csrltne, for l,2oi); good bsrgsln: half cash. Its) acrea near Lyle:. 00 arret clear, BO , acre saw. timber: , Wt pay saah for timber claims. J , WANTED Lot close la, also amsll farms; ht rt esetrHners. m rourta at. . , I IT AYE bnyers waiting to hear of email home la m near Portland, any direction; If yoa ready to tau addraaa r a. ear journal. WANTED To buy or least a bonding lot close la. Mcraersoa, unman sotai. rirst a so a iocs. LIST YOtJB LANDS WITH I'B FOR CjITICrt IIFTT RN. FARM lASlw A PI Et'l Al.Ts, CIBEOO BROS., S1T-SJS FENT0X BLIX1- WANTKD To Say.' home: must M 1 bargain no boom prices will be paid. Address B 4U cars of Joornalujllvlng prica-and deecrlptlon. BI'RI'RBAN FARM or t create wsated. Horn. -. Ind Co., 145 4 Ftrat st, . WANTED AGENTS. WANTKD Agentsi anmetlrlnt tewj good aeller, pig wages, 'ituu etcaay aiog. . .- - AGENTS wanted ta sell nsreery stops 1 new tnd complete outfit famished freel caah weekly. Cspltal City Ksraery . torn pa a, THERE IS rVtbey-"a ; want - advertisement printed In - - Jonrnsl which mesna asort to yoa than snr en ciwe in ine- cur. , Wnen OfPOIlTI'Mrr call npnti vjm and Stub yon out he, doesn't slwaf bar his rsnl. people who read Journal want ada are aanersllr St aomt Ua ht taUa, . . Wanted agents, r' AOHNTH WANTED Agents esn easily mskt tiv per aty scuina our isst-seinog nouutv atieclaltlea to morvhsnts: eaorsatme dcmsnfli writs quick. Mulllvaii 4) Co., euo W. Vaa Bursa at.. Chicago, Illinois. s f -r- WANTED 'Energetic, i trustworthy siafi or woman to work In tireou. reiirearnliiig larva ( manufacturing companc: . salary $40 to f0 per UMMilh. paid weekly: expeuaee advanccl. Addraaa frith, slstup. J. II. iluore, Portland, ' Oregoa. , ' t i A WINNEB for a seats Health aad accident tnearaoce popular monUily paimonta. For liberal terms, address O. .A. Lyman, mane- rer. Contlneotsl Caeaalty Co., N. W. Dept., 22) Mulwk bWg, I'octUnu. WANTED Live agent to II aa article needed In arary home. Addraaa O T. cart Journal. WANTED Agents, rommlaelna and talarv. New Tori outnttlhf Co., :ij" First t. AOKNTB wanted something new: partlcalars free A duress I. J. Heed, Bend, Oregon. WEST SIDE -room houee, eaar walking dt- tanet, bring rent: would trade ror farm or toll for 11700; 11,(00 uVnva, . Houi lnd Co., 145 14 rirat at. ' .WANTED TO RENT. WE sraniL dealrabls nouses and Sat, all psrtt of the elty: have hlth-elass ellenU waiting: rents collected, property cared - for. THB CONTWBNTAL COMPANY. 248 Stark tt. ,- Phona Mala 1B78. WANTED In prlvatt fmlly, 2 ftirnlshed : houarkeeping-rooma. either tide of river. netiea: -must at rrtaoooaie. uuttsb car Journal. . VlVTItnTn rent farm. IK or 20 acrea. nest rltv; house and bare. M. 0. Morgaa, 07 Mllwankla'at. WANTED To rent or buy a tVroom rood era cot tage ; tttta prlca and location. Aaarees w so, rant of JoornaL WANT to rent amall Improved farm snttabl for storkrslslng; esatern' ilrcgoa preiorreu Address 0 S, care Journal. - ' - , ' WANTED FINANCIAL WAN-TEle 81.500 at T ner cent oa good' real - eel ate. . Phona Front BU43 or I 44. cart ef -WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WAVTRD A location tor t Srst-clsst nbvsldsB . Interior tows prefrrrad. . Addraaa O 20. cart Journal. .. BEB tha Lewis and Clark fair tt noma: send 40 It stamp for handsome photo hook. nearly 200 photos or tur. inenes. Western View Book Co.. Portland. Box 24 PAINTINO. anrarlns and whltewaahlng trena. basements, hern, docks, tte.s largest gasoline spraying outfit aa tba eoaet. M. O. kfortaa , Co.. 870 MUwaukla tt Phot Bast SUIT, STAPLES. THB JEWELER, BTJIS OJJl GOLD AND SILVER. . i - ninnKtT eaah netee naat for bottles, and lunk ; of every description. Portland Bottle Supply - Co.. SBI North Eighteenth. Phone Malt 28. P. J. RTDEB. printer. Second ssd Washington its.- moo asm tt - WHO IS M. a. M0R0AN at CO.t W W-ILL BPT. SELL OB TRADB ANT OLD TM1NO. wkhtkkn rAi.v,i,r; w., an 28 .WASHISGTON. PACIFIC 70S. WANTED 2,400 eedsr polss. Applyk to O. I. Brown, chief euytneer Orgoa Water Power . Railway Co., First aad Aider at.. Port - land, Oregoa. HIGHEST CASH. PRICE PAID for (urnltare In any quantity: alsa take asm en commission arid guarantee beat remits, Tha Portland Auction Boom. A. Schubaeh, prop., 211 First at. . I ban uam DOtn. . . , , WA NTEI Boll top desk: must ba cheap. Standard Coffee Spice Mills. 202 Becond at. WANT-ED land to clear by a new ate t hod; leave ready for the plow la a few days, 208 Tar lor tt.. rortiano, oregoa. WANTED Horse and wegoa for llrht delivery. Standard Coffee leplce Mint, aim Becowi. -a. WANTED To bar a good milk route. F 49, eara Of journal, ataiing prics. WILL build or fix your bonss very rt Call H. WabL New Westerp hotel. labia. WANTED Second hand cash register and 'one grocery store oil lank; stare price tnd rnu particulars. T. woo won. Koaeourg. tregon FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB KINO SO Jefferson St.. sew bulldlmr. handsomely furnished, with every modem con venience: all outside moms, with heat, gaa cr electric lights, porcelain baths: rates from SS to 815 par month; special ratea to 2 or more , persona. TUB HAMANN, 135 N. lst enr. Iloyt Newly fnrnlahcd rooms. ups convenient location. . IS minutes' walk to fair grounds: Morrlt Cart union depot direct to boas. Phona 847U. THB HI'R. 88 Eleventh at., cor. Stark New raomlng-bonse, newly rnraianea. stesnt Beat, tloa, 1 Mock from esrllne; all the comforts of t borne; everjtning up to aais. sua. r. A. Clancy, prop. WELL fBrnlabad rooms, board: rood location: car service. 401 Taatb mU Pbooa Pacific 80S. 1 . HOTEL PALMkR, Centrally located at tha earner of AWsr aad 1 . u ku . Im mmjt enlt free porcelain baths; roaaaa (0a, 75t aad 11; speclsl weekly rstee, 1 MARQt'AM HOI RE. 145 8th Rooms ta mitt , or single; noitse seeping -rooms; gst stoves, . bath, electric lights; transients solicited. CHBAPR8T aad beet located rooms ta Portland. 11 and up. Oilman, Flrat aad Alder eta. BEAUTIFUL front suit and 9 other aralrable furnlahed room In uvtdera home of privet family 1 phone, bath, furnace beat, walking distance.. 000 rourth tt. I'Doo faciae aia. FURNISHED rooms, slnglt or tsj sulta, 82 pet month aad up. Hotel rsirmosnt. . lwsnty. sixth tnd Upshur tnd Vtugha tta. NICELY fumlihed rooraa at moderate prlott for rent la lsrts private hones, close la. jCaU at 14T Tmth at., near Aider. HJix. FRONT parlor for gentlcmaa of 'fCflm-mrnt who wiaues roots near ta center ot city. 001 - Everett It. - ' HOTEL MONARCH, 808 Stark St.; transients so. . Ilrlted; prtree reasonable. ' Phona PariSe 805, THE GRAND Newly furnished no week or month, . 2S2 Urand tee. by tht NICE moms, rsstonabl. STB Alder, oppoaltt Arlington club. Mala 20M. ' , THB - BENNETT. - 8MH Morrl eon Furnished rooma, 500 per day. 12.58 per waek aad ap. THK DORMER. Thirteenth and Jefferson Ele. sntly fnrnlahed rooms, modern brick, ateim eat, batb; reaaanabla. ilaln S458. HOTEL VORTHERN Slngf rooms, moms and . board, and .ewnna for housekeeping; 810 tier month up. 12th and Marshall ta. Main 145. LARGE fnrnlahed 'rooma, one block frota Port Uod hotel, I2 to SIS. 100 Park at, . . 4 FI'BNUHBD rooma, mederp: phoo. bath tnd all conrenlrncea, . Insutrs Bit Evaratt at. Phona Mala tons, i , ... THB BKT.LEVUB. 212 t Fourth af. Neatly nirnieoen rooma electric nrlitt, porcelain bathe: very low ratea by week or mouth. Hood 701. NICELY fnrnlahed housekeeping rooms tt BSVi nueseii si., singio rooma also. w rCRNISHED alcove room: en best, batb aad phone; very i 1'ark, .,, , , .. .. smaller, llehf. resenoable. 20S FBONT room with alcove, facing tha Prt nam. virat rark, near atarsei... i nooo Front 14H8. ..,,'' FOB RENT-rP elegtnllr furnished foomt for Hint, pest a no water access ta 2 streetcars. -1000 East Msnr st. Phone Ettt 1IV BOOM 2)15 Wile at. 1 neat, dealrsUI room, at OK . FOR HEVT Fumtthed room. luijulrt 830 evafis st, ... - -. mm. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR JIE.NT Fumltbed buuarkeeplng-room I best brick block on east aides gst rsnges, bath, etc.; ao transients; prices moderate. Lvgaa .blk- loft I etoa - ave., corner But " Alder. Pbou Bast 4024. FOR RENT Salts of B housekeeping rooms, faralinre for sale very rbeey; 9 minutes' well 10 poatofflce; gss, bath, furnace beat; rent ' 4 It f 12 per luoatb, - Aiddr 1 30,. Journal .. BfflC. THB MITCHELL, Flandera and Reventlr Booms. honsekeeplug aad transient; convenient; priest Die. .. HOrSEKEKI'lN'O-BOOMR Very reasonable: eiectrie tigat .ana . poone Includes, BUlVi Wster at. , v TnK CLADSTONB 8114 ftarler tt, furnished rooma; unuer new mauaf eniv0tUIl JMav xwrtnsbpr. ' . .f ','.. $1.75 PER WEEK Large clesa furnished Bouaekeeplnr-rouma: Ineoclry aad bstn. lad Bhermau. . Booth Portland, . Fl'RNISHED rooma for Itgbt bonsekeeplng . rat: aoDaoia. lll-llie-Noru Ninth at. THREE fnrnlahed nouaekeeptTig rooms : ass of psoas; su per anoatn. ojo r renin, ai. FrRNTSTTF.D, unfuruUhed bonsekeeplng, alrep. ing-rooma. rioea m, f 1 west. . , so xeatt, ' Bear Stark. TW'O bonsekeeplng. roems. cnrapletelv furnished. y0. Including water and phona. Main oJU. . YOUNG couple will rent half of elegantly fur- nlaued (1st to young ladiea employed, or eon pie; no children. S3.1 Main, cor. Beventh. ' S00MS AND BOARD. THB COMMERCIAL Select 'family hotel; nicely furnished; tlnglt ar es suite: tenia Brat, era:- fret hatha: walklsg dlstaue) rate reeaoaahle, '4S8 Wascingtoa St. ' FIRST-CLASS rooma tad hoard for permanent rple, ?2.50 and $25 per month; table board per week.' Astor houaa, Tth aod-Madleos sts.. Phone Main 8231. . ' - c ROOMS with ' board for permanent tentpta, reasonable; ftrst-clss hem cooking. 231 " Blith it. . LEh'OX REKTAUBANT. 201 Sslmoa; board and modern brick bldg. EI.EOANT front rooma with board; new . ment. boms cooking. 272 Seventh at... enr. Salmoa. . . ,-.. . LIN DELL HOTEL, Fourth and Market Near . brick, elegantly furnished, modern through out; ratea reasonable N, - NICELY furnished room and board, OS ; gaa, bath, fn roars heat. 2oS Grant. - BOOM tnd board for one or more, are. Phono Main 2M. 024 Gullcaj THB MICHIGAN HOTEL. Mr. Elvt Flndley,' proprletresa. N9 Sana roe a, near Aaxeny car) first -rUss rdom and board. 24 par week.. , AT tha Henderson. 231H Alder, board and room for Untie gentlemen. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. Boomv foralahsd s.pd anfemlahed, ataglt tad su suite, (1 P weak and a. - , A permtuent modem bunding, plastered and. with bstbroosas aad asodarm plomblog, PIFIID FOR BAB FOB COOKIMO. ? ,! , - ALL OUTBIDS ROOMS. : -r FOR RENT HOUSES. nouses Per Rent, Rente Collected - EDWARD L. BTNSON. Room 1 Hamilton bldg. ' Pbooa Black BIBS. $12 MODERN 5-room cottage. Bled location; yard, beta; East Aakeuy, jwnty-lgntB car, 508 Kelaoo. Dr. Darling. . HOUSE." 2T North Twentieth. T rojajna, Porcs . Is la bath, furnac. cement baaement. B. L GlhMB. 420 Chamber of Commerce. . KjTW a. room boasa and quarter Mock. Hancock ana usst Twenry-etxta stt, gar.oo. . B. M. Lombard, 514. Chamber af Commerce, FURNISHED , T rooma, whom Pbon Unloa ftoeS. ec part. 308 Seventh at. 11 ROOM modem bones, Mt. Tabor. $.10, with , Water. , William K. Brtlssrd. Fboat Eset 40I4. ' FOR BENT Suburbs n horns. . 5-room cottage, orchard and grounds, $12 per Btonth. Phoat Padftc Soa. . FOR BENT Jrooia cottage, 838 M si lory ava.; price ti.oo. FOR RENT A aew BMdera boost of 8 rooms. Inquire at STB Baat Taylor St. FOR RENT New Beodara cottage. Phone Boat 2578. . V . FOR RRNT 9 new 8-room bouses, full base. ments, batp, tea norta Eighth, in one East ITOO. t-ROOM cottars, famished. . or ss 8 keeping suitea; .wtter, taia a no puon.. Xa Montgomery. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. OFFICES, unfurnished, tad ssniple-roomsi thw ball ouxju. uooanougB oiag. Apply at tha tfcrvatcr. CENTRAIXT located offlcs-roome. with Phone, Hint and heat, $7.50 per Bxmth. B, L, Cate, lit Boeonel at. . I BOOMS and office It Lewi bldg. While, SOS Dekum bldg. I. . L, FOR RENT Desk room and everything fur nished. B. n. jsrtson m uo sen mark tt, FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN 5-room fist, new and np-to-darer rant reasonable, anz jackaoa, pet. ner en l a and Park. . $10 8-ROOM Sat. Key at O'Neil l grocery. or. Hood tnn urant are. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. T FOR SALE A SNAP 8-room, Well.fnTnUhed new Bat, he ror e lieeeurper 1; an improve, Bientai walking dlatsnce; rent $30 BKmtkly. Inquire Boom 228, Marquam bldg. FOR beat result on Whether trt Huy or eel I. ring tip Main. 60B8. PORTLAND At'CTION BOOMS. .. --, , 2ll.FVrt tt - 8-ROOM cottage for rent, furnttnre for !; beet location. 1 all Aiaer at., cor. Twelfth. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. rOR BENT About Innry 1, 2-ttnry brick building 1tiii. sjorraeast cor. iDtra ang Madleon; will remodel aad leas wool or I pert to desirable parties. Apply to B. T. Cox, No. T First tt., room 10, roR . BENT S-stere- wtrehonse, lOOxlOO. on L trackage, north seat cor. Fourth snd Iloyt f . . , aw lil . , . 1 Ppiy a. rei, eav t, w., o,s, SBBia sxaammmtam9smtaBjaemam ; EVER COLUM' : -;: Of want tdiTa today' Journal contain "burled Irvtsurs for eutot wot; for yoa provtbly. '.::'.' HOTEL F AIRM0TJBT. - ; ' K ' Borl Twenty -eJxrh tt.. '. from rptkar . to ,. Vaugha, ,-. . . . .;;'.., BUSINESS CHANCES. ACRES At'HKS ACHK.1 ACRES" Af'RKS At'llKH ACRKS ACRM ACKKS ACRKS ACKRS ACRKfl ACRKS ACRKS ACRKS ACRKS ACRKS ACRKS ACRKS ACRE ACRES ACRKS AC'HkM ACRKS At'HKS AC II KM ACIIKS ACHKS ACHKS ACMES ACRKS ACRKS ACltKS ACKKS ACBF.S At KKH ACltKS ACRES ACRKS ACRES Wtter to Evry Act. Term! TermiU Term '.I! Tour Own Terms. - BUSINESS 'mENI CLBAB - iyo HOUSE, 110 Becond BL 1 GOOD- BUYS IN -LOfXHNtl-HOITSES ' . ('all tud Investigate our Hat. A good 27-room lodglnt-bouee, 2S50; ' rent rttsoasble. - Ale Id room house, )00; rant 858 a mouth; emu. - cigar, fruit and confectionery atand; a bargain at 2175. ' -' , .. A good ssootlng-gsllery, 128; a chance .' for a good man. " ' , . , 4 NATIONAL REALTY CO., . N . " - ' 212 Plan at. . -1 HOTEL. 1 06-room new -hotel, all well furnished com plete, modern conveniences. In a good growing Oregon town, n 000 population, making good money now; will exchange for Portland prop erty or - a good farm. Henkl Baker, 217 Ablngtatj bids'. - . , i CONTINUED tlmesa compela me to ll or chsnga rumlshlnis and basineaa 01 nee room bote In Portland; central location, M., oilman hotel. 1 irar sna a 10 -r WHO IB M. O.. MORGAN tt Cp.T L RESTAURANT es Sixth tt. doing t ' business, also oas On Burnetde tt. 1 both ar st bargains. 812 Plot It. . National tote Co. , ir you wast a farm, elty ar snburbaa property, a good brollies of any kind, ar have aay kind of property to Ball or eirhanve. call on or addreaa Northwest Land Co.. 2C Morrl, scj it., room 21 L Pbooa Mara 8418, SAIXMIN doing bn.lnee of 2B par day, fin location, vary cheap rant; It clears (200 . per month: will tell at 81.250, Addraaa B 40, Journal FOB BALEe-On account of sickness, ales, less, money-making buslneea oa eaat lle: aalct ' from $18 to !3 per day: price $l.400. ar vflll lnrolce; bo tgentn wanted. Q 58, care Journal, BLACKSMITH SHOP doing goad bueloeea past 12 years, full supply of tools, quantity of hwa aad eoel. dwelUng-hooae. bearing fruit trees, cbtckea-houae, - 2 passsBger-bosts, ear tervlct each dev. 9 minutes' walk to aaeb place; all for $200 If take Boon. Apply to Thompson Fottsr. Ridged M, Washington. PARTNER wanted la a good foal estate office: amall Investment required. Apply 221 Mor rlaoa. cor. Flint, room 8. WE bar buyer for well-Iocs ted rooming, house. Universal Exchange. 428 Morrlaoa. Pbooa Pacific 808. - FOR SALE Clrtr. tobacco, tew and billiard ' hall; business doing $1,400 t month; Invoice ' ttork and Sxturos. about $4,000. . Adores !. K. DeNefft. Bumnter, Oregoa. JOB PRINTER Oood opening and amall plsnt tt t nergain in live eaatcm trreaon rasa; t ssooey-maklBC propoaltkav. Box 810, Part land, Oregon. FOR SALE Oood paring hardware atorej. Par liiuiai., ,,,, nww em, viwsw.,- SALOON for tale, fair paying business: osaM ana se. al aiduts stv. , e. n. leiun-.. AN INVESTMENT To put ap a amsll concen trating plant an our mine, wo error luu.iaej hire of treaeory .atnrk at a very low prloe; am la producing ore aad -will skip aait; located In Sampler district: saeays from $S to $104; other producer nesr. For price, per meate. Information, addraaa Aurella Mfnlsg 'Co., La, Oregon. " $850 TAKES good business clearing $nn month: beat locatiea in elty; must leave. Miller, sua Goodnough.- Phoaa. Pacific 420. IB SALE lS-roorn ledglBt house, cheap aa4 easy terme. Inquire at 107 Fourth at., WANTED Tour business to sail; wa nil ill klada property. 2S5 Burns Hie at. V I II A V K good paying country stores from $1,800 to $12,000; each one wilt atand the rloaeat Inrestltstloa; tlto ttaret to . sxcbanf t for boob rarm. , F. FTCHB, 148 rirtt at. CORNER FLAT 28 well-furalehed rooms, lease. low real, bnelaeea atreet; clear over 40 per , cent oa laveatmeBf. rrlce gi.ona, part down. iioca jjiBa to.. io rirtt tt. ACTIVB PABTNBB wanted to ttka equal tarar est tn work, profits and ownership, of well located real estate office: trlaKglvea; tmall cspltal required. . For aaterrlew, wnt 1 4a, jonraai. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ... HOOD RIVER VALLEY.' . And the faasoua red tpple belt, A few cbotce offeruisa to fruit land. . 10 acrea. 5 under cultivation, all Hnd. mAl mill 1 1 up giw Btiuat tun niit. nutxr, waaron. - boras, harnesa aad ehlckena: aver. looking tha grand Colombia and fine view tf ' Mt. Adama: water piped from springs for hTtgatloa and boost ass; one mil from Hood , River; telephone and B. F. P. A beaatlfst home. Para- eeah. hahmce teems. 40 acrea at Moaler, 25 acre cleared, all . but about 4 acres tillable: good house, log barn, aorlnta for Irrlsrattnu aad houae uae 2 acres In prunes, 1 ha grapea, 48 Splta tree ' ht 'fuU bearing, 150 2-year-old Hplta and about 150 of other varieties: laaeed until . December, . 180$. Prlca, eubtoct to Mate, 88.000. i 15 acrea. til under cultivation! hay, applet tnd nerrlea; bona, barn, eawa, Borssa, rarm Implements, separator, plenty water; ready . to return aa Income to purchaser: 2 Billet from town, fries,. lBCludlng eteck, etc. 24.750. . T 20 sere ta on of tha most promising tec, . lion of tha valley; 7 acrea cleared. 120 tppM ' trees, small bona, B mllea frutt towa. a 1'tlce 81 0110. 40 acrea frnlt land. 8 In orchard, S la berries; no milldlnga, bat a One piece of lead. 10 seres In the famous Crapper district,' B acrea In 2-year-old standard vartetlee apples, 1 acre reserved- for buildings. T mllea from Hood River on telephone Una and free de livery rout. Prlca, for a abort time, $2,500. Wa also have a snap ta offer la Hood ' River town nroneerr. Aak at about It. Hood River realdenco Iota and cottage to trade for airfare near Moniavtiia. - Portland residence ta trade) for part Hood Blver (create. LANGILLR RAND. , Boon 10, Tjanafer bldg., Sixth tod Oak, 825 ACRBS ta southern Oreroa, SK miles from Medford. 200 acrea nnder plow. 400 acrea could - eaally be farmed If cleared, he lance of land rolling, ased aa pasture and . covered with ' about 4.000,000 feet of sugar pint tnd fir: 1 It I nearly ill under, fence; 4 acrea af choice fruit,- plenty of running water, , new JO-room house, 2 good bams.. InO head of cattle, 12 head of horses, all Implements) prlca $12,000; wrtfMt teems msv ba had. 8 acrea. 2 miles Vancouver; (-room house, good cnicken-naaiee, am teres in aaeorieo rrnita, Trvbareet cistern, am .ttrawberrlet; price tl.ono. terme. And several other 10-iera ' tract, very nice hornet, and close m: auonsveral good rarm a m the rslley and doee to Portltnd, tnd 2 very eood ranches. t-acra tract. .1 mllea from ferry landing. nearly all anoer cnitivation; goon nouee, chlckea -bouse, all kladt ot fruit, large ckt ' tern; 00 mtlB'-rosd;. fine view -of Portland end Vancouver: prlca $1,100: terms. B-room bouae? lot 100x100; $1,500; $900 Cssh, balance essy. ' . S-roora house, full lot. fenced; $.175. terme. -La tore 7-rnom house, 9 lots, modern; $2,100) $1X10 caah. balance long time. , , We have lota of bouaet tnd lott til over the city to select from. Saspa In buslneea ehaneoe and rooming hiraaes, If yoa are moamg tor a nergara, can ana "' OTTO A CBOCKBTT." ' V. 245 Wasblngtoa at. Phone Buck 9S7I. KEW 8-mem modem house In Snnntalde; git tnd electricity; ioi Mriiiai: a aeeutirui home for $2.2110: worth $2,500; $400 down, bailors I $1S per month. A snap, Strictly Brodent new 5 -room boost near Kaat Twelfth tnd Morrl eon tnd new high school; 'cement baaement: all modem conveniencee; $2,800 for tbieemonth only: term. W. J. DAY A CO.. i Ifrti Fourth "- Room .-"--- - S ACRES ander culllvatlon, 8 hlocki from car line; new 7-room house; prict 9.1,0V). . a. took A Co., 231 Alder tt. , 8300 . Aoro Lota 0a Car Una Bo Fart JOURNAL ' TantAd'lates 1 V1TDXS AVT CLABSmOATIOaT ! j Five Cents per Llse'v N taken for lest tbas IRe par day. . Seven words, tt a ruls. eoastltuta a Una, at ssch Una- la charged rgrdlaa of ta nnmW ef word. V, At ALT; BATE T tnaertlont ruorailM one Soaday Issue) 88 CcAaB par Una per MONTHLY BATE (Wading til ataauAj aiV"" 10 Fr Una par men. 4. ADVtaTIa lit aul be laf Souraal hustassa 0100s by It s'elook week dart fM by 10 s'elook Baturday tvening for the Buadsy Issue, to asours alsssitosttoa. viapisy rat givaa epos, trnlintttoa at , tka tfaoa. , - . THE JOURNAL BRAHCH OFFICES " ..' jU)TXRTl2XatXaTTaV Win be received at regalar mato-afflo rstea. Follow Ins ta a Hat of authorised seen t a. who will forward your advertise ment Id, tint for publication a Uw aext V0RTX KDt.- ' B.A. Preston, druggist, Tweaty-tnlrd tnd Thai-men etreett." Nob Hill Pharmacy, 880 Olktaa atmt. corner Twenty-flrat. ' .A. w. Allen, pusrmscktt, ,fllxtan thread Marshall atreet. . J MrCommon'a Pharmacy, BtMteeath and Wasblngtoa atratta, . 90TTTK BTSS. " "' t B. P. Jnne 0b, draggfto. Proot and Glbbt streete. Cottel Prut com pa ay. First and Grant ttreets. Fsblta Brer ley. draggkit. , 400 Jtffartoa ttreet. corner Tenth. - Bettmta't Pharmacy, torner Sixth and Harrleoa atreota. ' . I'lummer Drug eompony, 200 Third aliatC corn Madlaoa " ' XAfT BTDX. K-l W-8. tvw. drug slat, tttatf Grand teat no tnd Eaat Burnatdo atraat. Nichols Tbom peon. 12S BaessTl ttreat, corner Alblna avenna. ,' . and Grind a venues. w u. Cable, druggktt, coraar Hellsdsy avenue , and Larrabs . ttraaU Bear ttaal hrklgt. R; . A. WllaoB. 1S2 Orxnd a vawaa. Boar Kt Morrison. B. W. Ball. 25S East Savasth atrttt, comer Stephana. f v . , .noxijurs. '' J. . Clark, druxgait, 1002 Morth Cawa artfiBa, ;... .',,... ' SuBBTBUPB. i ' . , .y- .R. Worth, pbarmackit, BOB . BalmoBt traata ";. ' t . RBOOKXTR. ' - J ..Bro'va Pharmacy oampaay, PowaTI and MUwaukla atraata. .' - " AURA. ORKO0V. ' '-' : ' ; ,. Arkta Pnarasacy. Mora and Foster atrewta. . ' .. ' -BXIXWOOTX ' . Hemetock' Pharmacy, 848 rmtina avo ana, earner East Thirteenth, atraat. . v FOR SALE REAL ESTAT1 V--.r,TT PBOPEBTT FOR BALE. . KlBe-roon modern house, lot 0O1 100, cor. " or; es of tba meet destrehlo borne la Portland and ra tha choice residence district ; v: prlca $7,000; i term can h secured. EJgbt-room ' houae. full brick baaement. with B lota, each 50x10,1; bars aad rblckea. ' houae; prlca $4,000; terme $U00 down, bale .' (ore at 8 per eeot, Ktght-rooaa heuee. pleattred throngbosit. tot SOillT: price $1,260; term 8400 cash, balance at 5 per rent. , - SIxhwpib new. inOdeca boos aa Twenty. algbth St.; furnace, gas aad electric light, corner lot. TOxSO: pries 84.000; aa alegaat , , home;, llbernl term. . : . Oa of tha beet residences la Eaat Port. land for sale oa llbsraj termat tee : ua re garding thla. .-.'. A 8-room modern bora aa LveJoy fop tale on liberal teratt. . . Serrn-room new. un-to-dat ansae, u LJlos tsrlca $1,00 tersss $200 doyrn. $18 per moaui. . v, 8-room bouse at St. Johns, fan lot) Boa) . -00; price $a,v: terme. . STEVENSON-BROW CO.. . . . . .. 110 Beeoarl Street BTBCIALI A ' BrO BOB HILL BARQAnf f ' ' ' f. a B8.000 ' : " -y-. Aa elegint 10 -room bona oa a OalOf lot oa Kearney . etreetj raws. Ira. V proved atroat, cement . walk, (ewer. , electric Bgkt, g.' -nac, all In, paid; thla , ' property la worth $4,000: a lovely home la ' the right place; tha owner ordort lamodlttt -aala at ..,.-',' ' 8S00A TERMS -'-.'.-":;.'.,'. ..: v .-:- ' MOULTON BCOBRT, n . ".' , .' Suite SOI Colombia bldg. '' " . ... "'.. WaaalngtoB tt . ACRB TRACTS1 . ', ''''.' ! OUR SPECIALTY IS ACRB TBACTBI ' Full-slaed streets, water to aaeb aer, , i. TERMS 18 PEB ACBB CASH : . ' $10 rXB ACRB PER MONTH. , : To go ta that seres oa tba bum ear, ' . piy the tern 6e far the tot ana pay. Th lot maa la your neighbor, hut be BJ re. ttrlcted In majority of feature that Batkr a true suburban borne. ,...--.--.. . A. C. CHURCHILL A CO., Ufa 110 Second at..,. f , . , PTELLWOOII HOMES. , $fTT8 4-rooui booaa, corner lot, M btocsT " ' from ear. An yard; $160 down, $10 month. $1.500 New T-room house, baif block front. ' esrllne . . ; - . , $1,200 New 5-reom anttat, mlsaloB Isisb. half bloek from ear. si. sou 840001 Btodera bouse. ' Wa caa sell yoa any of th tbor oa sy PKin.wtnjir jtrunntis tu. Ttka Ball nood ear, get off at Teuine it. , Phoat Eaat 4704. SO ACRES land, all cleared and streetcar lint' r. running tbrooth It; very deslrsble for acreage property; $200 per acre: easy terms: flrtt. claas land: a bargain: rail early; cloee In, Oood corner ner N.. P. Terminal. ' . Nuenalde. ftuVIl s bargi rgalu. 4 . nAlluJlb ria.i.a a i-v.. - , . 812 Pin at. . , OOOD THINGS TO BUT. .' $TTR t-room bona and lVt acres of fruit, one block from car lu Oak Grove. $2.000 T-room heuec, all rnodera, I ml f lots on corner on Mt. Scott car. . 2 fin lota 50x100 aear th buslnee eenlef of St. John for 8100 etch, f . $1,0002 lott and a amall bout lu St. Johns: terms. - - 11,400 New S-roora bona OB 50x100; frnlt and shrubbery I half caah. ,, . , v OR EGG BROS. ' ' Phone Mint enos. . 8I71B Fentoa bldg. NICB new 4 -room cottage, liait completed. . fine Pit mrsi"", ' n.T , m ,.,nim. r.n.,.;-. Mala st. Bear Forty-third st.i price $l,0ci; $150 dewa, $12 a month; liberal dlacouni for til caah. ,rDS Union 100, Sea awner, 128 . -Fmnt at. . 100x100 FEET, corner, walking dtitiuee, test stile, very signiir. ouiy a nenrain rlesnllful lot. liawtbortrt Park, fin location, for on Ir $1,275; worth $1.SuO; fine residence "adjoining. W. J. P A C., 105 Fourth ' t room 2S, : '0 10 ACRES, tit cultivated, 20 minutes' walk rortlan lieign'e car; iron mstie; v acriw select fruits, bonah, bsrn. cblcaes-bonse. etc.; live spring, excellent drinking water;-this la an bleal place for chicken raising, straw herrtee. ate. If yoa are paying $2.1 or move, rent and have 'your own hours, this la Out place for you, "A few handred' dollar exiin f,pr Improving houae will mak earn an Idc. il eum mer home. Terma $J.IWI ca.h. Ilan.e $1000, 8 pef.cenl. luouli 440 Shcrl.k'k (lug, . . I Uijt u It) pf r ... V