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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY1 JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 23. 1903. 13 'f FOB SALE EZAL ESTATE. SU ACRES ea Wlbsrg Isns; all cleared snd fenced, ao greval, old bouse, plenty bearing . ec-hsra. .' " w.aa. "". Hesutlfui crser hH nftaJO. which fa good lare and euodcra t-eaasa houss treating ever St,".' esl o ne wwrri nouae; li central residence di.'rU-L - tut l-nrtlaad .l of both boUSCS t -h. Price M.L ' i or I half Vain. East PortUso, close la. . sufficient ta build or -mom outrage; short .' walking distance to wet aide: t g( U lot and aiH-h houee Mnilt tl.lks) ar lees. I large modern o n.iuiw, similarly attested. r.i iiwi. tit. ti.tao Corner lot- and t-rnom new aaodera . eottsge. full basement, rooms large, arrangs. stent conveuicni; rjswtoorns n itru aodiuoai . . .... CIXVEE. Sat Chamber of Comal sros. CHOICB INVESTMENTS, f ' .. ' acres of laad m fine cultivation, ami soar Varnoa oar; a bargain. . v a acree of good, level laad.; near Kick. aaoou car W an inprono, - . rtoa sao-lem. i-stnry s-ronai house, cloaa la. , aa ti aia; nnuai neignboruoua. Choice corner lot, all Improvements made .tint neighborhood, oa rar line: only tl). Nice hreel lot 00x100. Oak Far sdUltiou, BC jooaa, moc to rara; im oss OBI'NDf MEI.RATH CO. 344 H Morrison, tt, A SNAP at cartway . htratnoaw-Hotal bulldlna - 4 31 tots sriiemlmr aalrraaah nr- Wssntsc- ' ' toa a ad Broadway ata.. Marenflrld, Cone bar, Orafoac price Title (juaraataa a ABsiraci CO-, arakiaUO. up. " ... FOR BALI Toxiorj-fnst hat aa East SWreatesatt - . and Cooek; will aall car Sl.tM If sold la ant . (aw Sere: feces aaat; wall worth $1,400; wtU aan pan or let u desired. Address K - 4a. -esce sooraai. A B.l ITtT IT Unu . . , . acres of tne fralt aad berry land, tsely ,4 miles from White Salenoe. Tbla laad lira level, baa 90 acraa and cultlTallaa. balaara aaar aa rlaar. Aa atrkard of in& (rait tn ataawbarry-Tia. aaana irapaalnaa. Id arraa la waaac, a aprlac and two walla. 4-moia kauaa. bar a, rhlrkan-koaaa. rood workboraa, I kaad of raHla. doa.a rhlrkana, (aad. aoDM kouarkold (nralrara; moat ka aold . In on da .a, and a barcala at $2,0u0; tars Biswaf caan. - . -WHITK nAtMOW LAMD COMPACT. Wklta Salasoa, , Waaklnftuav i . - SPECIAL BARGAIN U FOB U- Tracta S3 front foot Sit faa daapl caa ka aa aai; (raat feat aa roa want (rata 0 foot ap; all la cultivation, all laaal and alabtlT, S ailaataa' to td 10-roooi arkaal. " fradra. aaar ataava, nnatoroca, ckarca - aod - car atatloa at lnta; a-caat (ara ta- any part - of Portlaad. . Thl Ja 1 priea; .toraaa U araatad. . , Aaaicom. haata, uracoa. aaar. Taka aiaeat Boon ear., a aaaia. POK BALJI at a karvala. taodora T-raoai kooaa - aw Eaat Tartar, cloaa ta: taraia to aait parebaaar. Apply r 42. cara JoaraaL PXR "ALB Cheap, alrktlr lota, cloaa la, . Alblna laajnlra awaar. 9M alarkat at. TO HAMS B-raora eottana oa aaat alda) baaaranit and rard, kot aad cold water, katki prloa II. 00. Addraaa 0 40. JoaraaL A SflTORY brick bnndtn.. 100x100. aa Baat aiae; win aoy a par aaai not a am.aoot , prlaa aZd-OOOi caa glra taraaa. Addraaa B FOB r)AI.R New modara B-raaaa kaaaa. ; la. qoira an aaiar aacoaa. aorta. - 'A OOOD cornor. eaartar " klork; aaar Nortkara Partfla terminal; food Ineoraa prnparty. Call aariy. an riaoat.. jiaueau Baal Batata oa. S.T00. ' A SNAP Coaafortabla raadara ' kaaaa. ctoaa la aa tka aaat alda, 9 nalu-rooaja, oatk ate., caa aad arectrldtf, larfa baaaxaeat eaa talnlna laaadra. two atora aad faelrooaaat arerrthlaa aboat tka kooaa la rat-claaa ra palri tba lot la ISO foat aoap, aoauiaa cblcaaa. k'mse and rard and aaaikar of flaa fralt traeai aa Ideal koaaa for eoaifort aad coa enlenea. Call ar addraaa tba owner, room o00. tka atarwaaav Paosa Mate ado. td TOM MAI. C t-roow. eottaia. t lota, att klnda of Iran, narnaa, nna aou, fooa warari wi aim. atea' walk to aar Ifna. 10 to Boatbara PaoUte, ' IS aalka from Portland. Bra awaar.' A. B. Draper, 131 Waabraaaoa at, alt.. POR BAt.B At a kanralo. n-raora enttaaa at Pwrmjelrto, aaar raoathlr parmonta. Tka Axaaa . Mareaatlla Afawey. Ablactoa baa. - , TWO floa Iota. 100x100. eoraer: (and rkrw a( -anow aHnmtalaai ebeap. A aaa aaw modara farnbabed o-rooaa koaaa. bara. Eaat 42, a -r -t atata laia. - f - - $S anftT-Aaaw fall craaent T-rosra kooaa. Vat SnxlOO, t ana aioewan. oa ear- ' wiepoaa-fcalf at, Brooklra Ma Cotrtwa. Tl Powell rOR KALI Modem aobortaa ootfara. cloaa ta rarllna, ana location, amnna lnosiua. u. w -tOTonroalter Ca., t4 rtrat at. T"-i- rl.IiWOOD U)T". $ dnwa and ta a awatk; froat T5 ta t300. . Sellwoad Townalta Go. Pbona Baat 4704. .- LOTfl, arrange aad reaineneee oa Partlaad Balfkta. J. a oaofnor, tM TaabiU, aoc Park THREB aaw koaaaa. aaat ar aala: aaaa. tatti aflB.k a pm aa. . ftll . WAONtB PBTTT. tot Coniiaart-lal blk.. bare - eorae of the boat bare la tba city. Baa tbaal UT Wl W wmaai muim -ROOM mwfero Imm $2,000f 1900 -VnwB. btl- 93.750 NEW. t-rami .Mat wodmi 10 mjfnit ta. tkliv aaarwPckor In r Imnmvtirl BitrBawrBi! al:rW1 . aBJall Bkaa-BBmI . . M n m mmw Bal allBl. KaaaTtT B1L.L. tMALL koaaa end .lot BOxloo. corner Iran, aad Brand are. tn-w. aea aw oar., sua arena are. KBAL IINAP ottara 4 roooM. aabarba. to qiilck purrhaaori wortk tba sooner. Addraaa li w. journal. It ArBMI.,one Bil la from Teaeoarer, pert enltl "Ttt"U janllttout-tfn. rhlnkaa b t'tJ,'Pd7 alao c later a, WlMt la roni I For data tie addraaa O la. cere ua .wau ar of fer uaraal. 916.000 Witt, bay food corner lot wttk I tralld- Inxa. close in. on wear aide. . nENKLR BAKItrt,-. - ' ' SIT Ablaftoa bide, B ACRB8 rarr fine land, rata thea one aille front electric Una. II rn(la from Portbind. oq fine road; there la notdwk ar era eel; lice leral aad eery te clear; IWper acre, any anxi at teraia.. a, cara at -aoarnai. UV ACRBR. H mile from electric Ime; aa roci or (rarei: nna eon, eaay to clear; rnn i nine water, roed on t eldee: $75 per acre, aaay teraia. I 50, rara of Journal. ACRER, all clear end la cherry freer 10 yeare oin; oc rar rare; iota aioimnr ai'lO ta fUwt per acre, a oi, careeor rfoarnak FOR 8 ALE FARMS. CHOK'B PABkt BARaAINBr- , . 13 arraa 10 mllra oat. all In culHraHon. f)-room bard-lntabad konae. Rood kern, t ecrea line orchard, boat of soil. 1 1.700; 11,000 caah. SB a err a 14 ullee cat. good road, clean to , ernool end atora. vary (ood aotl. partly ' cleared; treat chance for poor man te start,; ano caah. ; V 40 ecrea in miles out. M la cnltiratloa, ood knlldlnar) and roll, ranntnc water. archart; a epleadld place for a.aoo; $2.2u0 . caan. - Ta cree-4S In caHfratkm, rannlnf water, new biilldlnra H mile to town of 000 In habltanta. It mtlee from Portland, food road, ; all the Stock, crop aad Implements., 4.aov; '. tarma. . r- - -, ' 1O0 arras ' In bisk 'state af MHIratton, room, bouaa and other oatkulMlnira. alt new, T sidewalk to collate. IB -cattle, of tbem rerlatereo1 Jera.y oowa; t rrg Urered kelfera , and calrra, 4 koraee, 10 bog a. ell tba farm machinery, . tools, cmp. etc: monthly In .. come from cowe 7S. Plica tf.oOO; 93,500 . raab. balanea t per cent. Me batter place ar localkm In Orrroa. too acres 'Too la eultlrttlon. flna pnlld Insa aad watered by aorlnra. Mack soli, beat . . what farm In Klickitat eonniy. 2 crops pay for place. $22V, per acre; tarma. ' For scream aroand Portland or food farms la lbs aorthweer. aea ' riclll, letVs'rirat at', v , ' CHBAP PABMR. tan acraa of cattle laad aaar Klamath: Psljt for ta.noo; terms. 14.00013(1 acres, 40 teres unfit plow, 11 seres la bops, 50 acres of good "timber, aaar Newbert. I17W t acraa af frnft end rood t-nmnj kmieev sixxl aatttr, In Oak Orare, tV2n$-t scrt fralt farm aad I-room house at Oak Orore. , a- ta,uM 4 acraa and Rood room boaae. larre twrn and rblrken bouaea, all ealtlrated and some frnl ti I miles ta eoaribouee, sleeks to church end school, . " . .4oo - r.-m fwmas and ana (era of culti vated land, t miles to oitirtbnaae, Sr blocks to Church and Siinnl. Ilaon-t srrea nf th (meat bearer dam la ml, eiilr T ml lea from rnrtland. all fenced, fins waltf tnd e" drained. . , T ORPIild BHi. ' Phnti MIH Blot. tlt-lt Prntim "bUf HI, early berry land, miles from Morl Rlrar, kcren In trsnherrlea.' I In elorar, small hem. t WK-hea wateT; m main road, li lciikone and R. P. l. I will lf"d to on arhall farm In Mnlty of Partlaad. '. .aliic R p. nf, room 1", Tranafr bMf. Ruin and Onk. FOR SALEc-F ARMS. len-ACRB it ml lea aaat of Portland aa Randy rlrer; 44 acraa a odor eultlrattoa, ood Improremonta. It acree aa Powell Valley . fed. biii, south ef reeerrolr; abort dla. Jaoce from I carllnaa, IT acraa $ood. steal Uad adjoining Motor sddttlotH ' F "-'- tlfl 000 fARM ml Ann M eolHeated. balaaea past ore; to arraa cwrer; bouaa. twa baraa; wokl aril la lota of 40 ecrea. A oreaa r.. aWU. R.ajte L, Rlckraal. Oraajaa, 4Ut Baat Twalftb at., Partlaad. FOR Af HI Rtocb eaeA m a am rmm . Cobarg.. mjlee-eortaeeet of Baceo. Lane 2"",J' Oaaawai prloa tow end terms eaar. F- D. CkamoarUla. La boa blif., I'artkaad. PBEE'LtfJO TM OREOON andar the Carey Irrlfatloa Act. teed direct from atate. Write today. Booklet and map free. . B. B. Cooke at Oo., t&t Aider at,, Portlaad. Or. BAB0A1N 0-acre Imnrored farm t miles aaai of Partlaad. LeCompta. 237 rroatV A tO-ACBB farm, all ta cnltiratloa, t mtlee - frees eourthoaaa. 1 mile from O. W. P. By. Co., t.0(N; tarma to ealt. ar will trade rot beaaa aad la. Jaaa P. akaxkay, T01 Ckaa bee of Commerce. rOB RALE - 40 ecree eery Bn land. H la eultlTatton, Ilea alee and lerel. rick black loam; It ed lolne Clackamae at at ion and B. B. only " 10 miles from canter of Pm-tlaofk will offer It for one week only et 7B per acre. - aid dress a 14, care Journal. v - IX)B RALB 40 serel. all sat la young orchard lappw Trees), ra urand tionda raiiey. .. writs J. A. laronaoa. La Grande, Orefoaw ' AN Meal grata or stock farm, l&o acraa. worth sza per acre; znu acres near. Balance valu able aek timber, .eaally cleared, will cell et a bargain end aaay terms ; correspondence so licited. George H. flaasy. mats a, Oarraja, Orcgoa. ' TEN acraa, aas mil from Vsncoarsr, part caltlrated. amall boaae, bara. rhlckaa-bouse, water piped; a lee elatrrn. What la yoar of fer 1 Par partlculara address u IB, JaaraaL FOB RALE R0 arraa good bind, aaay cleared; IS miles front Vanconrer: 400. ' li. A. woa ter, Orchsrde, Waabrngtoa. POB BALE 0B TRADE 1M acres. M mils rrom .uiorer atauoa. ucary joaea,. Barer, OrefO. t2.TnO flN'B apple orchard, acraa, aeer the city; a-roosa bouaa, bam. Olckea-aoaav areii, etc.! eaay terms. Call 107 Vi Third. IB BOTJJNO ACBEB.- It miles Booth west; acbool, creamery and aawmlll near, large kooaa. bara, tl.BOO; or will trede for Port land home. Borne Land Oo,, 14A14 first st. ; ' FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED scrip, any alas pieces; lowest prices, W. U. Hawaii. aSt Ckambar at Vloaa- rOR HOME8TBADB. timber claims est ecrlp apply to sot Commercial blk. POB BAT.Bt.000 acres first -el aas timber, cloaa ta Columbia near. Doer cape Horn, s . 4 . Armstrong. MS Cable at, Portlaad. Psoas afala 25. ROkSES AND CARRIAGES. UOBHBB af mil kinds for sale at eery na prices, inquire aan Jet parson. A BRAND NEW light soring wagon for sals very rnesa. ' Inquire blacksmith, ISO Beat Water at,, ar pbona Baat 4atB. POB RALE Good team, wagoa and ba rnesa; siaaay joo or ware, lam t nlon are., la t af erboolhnoee, Wondlewa, Ore iron. . TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE ' 1 nice lota aa Partlaad Relghta; will ex change lata a gnad bosna and pay cash dif ference. 60 acres 14 scree cultivated, raaalng water. U ml lee from Oregoa City ear line; will trade for Partlaad property aad pay soma cash. BO acree Nice land. 40 acres cu Kir a ted, hones aad barn, acres la orchard, fruit dryer, an Brat road ta Portland. Ill ml lea out; might trade for a good business. . . . 40 acree All goad land, bouse, bara. orchard. IB acres cu Idea ted. an a good read. 13 mllra oat from Portland; will trade. tl.taiO. 2a aeraa i All tne lead, some beerardam, part raltlratrd; might trade for .. PortUad -room new modern borate, near east rod ef the steel bridge; will take food lot at pan pay. 7 -room bonae la Pueblo, Colorado; will trade 'BrTiithird pnwaity. " r"' - looxioo. choice eoraer, aa Oolaf ai.', will trede Into a borne. T-room boose, large gronnda, aa west elnrie of Mount Tabor; will trade tor Improved Tarrr. too acree Pine Improved farm aear Albaay, worth tT.BOO; will take a email farm near some good town. HKNELB A BAKER, 21T AblngtoB bldf. . " . A RT'Fl'RBAN konae af T rooms, aiodern: 4 lots , ooxiov each, food hern, fruit trees, eh rubbery of ell klnda; one block to car line end good school: snu trade for realty fa or aear Mil- weneie or acreage or lota ta tan rsloe ef tl.BOO to f 1.600., sO a- Journal. . . WILL exebsage half Interest In a good koatneaa mr mie or- two guoo ouuuing soia. riajiia. V . -niWft , "v ll.tno FOR t-room house end lot. bssemenf. stty water ana outuMKitngs. l niort rrom reruns. Bee evrner. room S, Centerberry bldg BOOMINO-HOCRB to exebeag for scresre or mts; or sen cheep rar cask.- Home Isad Ca.. ItAVi First st. R SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 4-rT. ronton desk. tlt.BO; btrdseye mspls chif fonier wita rrencn piete mirror. i;i.ou; wnitn ma pis dresser, $10; heavy solid ask bedroom suite. $18; 1 hotel dressers. 13; t good No. t eookstores, $7.00; I heeling etoves, f.2.30; t wtsMf sest chairs, SV: kitchen treaaarn, 11. DO; extenaloTi Uble. tXSO: t till rags, f; 2 B6zT2-mcb rngs. 2: good Wilton relrM ball and etalr carpet, toe yard: I Iron ben a, t3. M. J. M cO rath, 64 N. Third. Mala SUtT. t LBR WIRE NAILS . .1 -f ............... 8.00 . 1 folding bed an. oo iron nea J a 'i wool-top.mattrsss , 2.00 Bedaor loss 1.00 Ws are closing eat til koasefurnUhlnge St cost lira reae. ; FLEMING. ST1 FIRST ST. ArTOMOBII.B, good condition, for sals cheap will exenangs tor city property. eie ueaam. FOR BALR OR RENT NEW AND SECOND HAND SBWinil HltTOKE, S1AIHUAKU REWINO MACHINE AOENCI. H. D. J0MK8, 2t0 TAMHILL ST. . . . , , MACHINERY of sll kinds rVpalrsd. Oaatennlal Iron Btael Works. anR Ullaaa at. WR print yonr asms oa 80 calling -cerda, proper siss sna style, aoc; zau ouaioeas caros, su Brown Bet male. 228 Fir at, Portlaad. Or. BILLIARD AND POOL tablea for rest at fog sale on nw payments. THB BRUNSWICK-BALE COLLENDEB CO. V 4t Third St., Portland. LABflB . stock second-hand Remington tad Bmltk-Premlef trpe writ era, rrom aaw an, Usderwood Typewriter Co., tSl ttsrk et. LAROE8T stock ef bottles m northwest; ordere filled promptly. Portland Bottle snooty w, tsl North Elgbteeath St. Main 23a. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made ta order; second band goods for aaw. rariaon a) Strom, am Conch at. Phsae Cls I7L UNCALLED-FOB mounted specimens and for rags cheep, w, I. Erases, tot Thlra st, HOTEL range rCbsrter Oak), need 4 moaths. dining . chairs, tables; ebewraaee. coaatera, W eaters Bslrags Co., B27-t Wsehlngtoa st. FOB RAI.B BI.'BBOUOHR NO. S ADDINO MACHINE. AI MO.T NEW. fit CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. PACIFIC 44. - M. BABDB st SON. hsrlng bongbt tba com plete atora or piammng msrerwi on tne 'trsu snd Government laland. offer ell the pipe and flttlnra and very ..reason able tgnree) alas the electric flxtnree of the American Ina CM, which will go ta tba buyer al lees than half ef cost prV-e. . " ' FOB SALE Four Mo. t A merles a kolst horse powers and lot ef escond-hsnd donkey en gines, suitable fw mgglug or bolstlnf par- rre. For 1n forme Una and prloa apply ta D, Knettnor, Astorjs, Ore roe. . MINB for sale; t'JftO.OOO B eight: ready for nnii: euver-ieefl; water power wita mine; reasons his rerms. Address for t days, 0, H. 8.. room 402 Imperial hotel. " WKTERN ORtOON MINING Mil. 1 11 i". hesnqnsrters; stock for ssh) and la formal Ion et 110 First st.' 'Phwne Mala ItSn. BEND B. B. BK'lt, PORTLANn, OREGON. 8V It RTAMTS FOE S AWIOBTED BOLVEMB PORTALS, , . . . i . . . , , rron I FOR " SALE MISCELLANEOUS. POB t ALB New ft. gssoruvs launch ,44 boaae; prloa A0. , Pbaaa Mala 45uH. POB RA I.K Stockton Incubator, 10 eras, good condition, f 12. Inquire tn East Plfteentk St. CHBAP Prnmmer'a aamplee ef holiday food I it mi ana oouar aoaea, oomo ana lawa a.t y etc... for aala at lace, Uiaa , wjraaeaale coat. POB SALE Tins prtght plana, perfect con dition; Bell cheap. Can after aeon 170 Tenth. POB BALE leond location for pbealclaa. cheap; ' rauae of cbsage, heslth. Address ti IX cars JuexuaL . OrrlCE furs I tare for sale. Including an Rmlth-Premler typswrttsr. s4 Sixth sc. roust SX)7. BOOKR boarht. soM and exrbanged at Ue Old Book Mture, X Xamblll at. . POB BALE One bend printing prase, al most Daw, cheap If sold st escs. . lall or sddisss O. P. Patrick. 473 Barthwlck at. POB BALB cheap, yotmg I'asams parrot. MT Psttygrora St. NEW 30n piano, lino; eecaad-hsnd piano, t0; org a, 41Vk Parst, aor. Mala, apatslra. FOR BALE One SO-SO rifle, nna bam enotgna aad EagUak getter dug. J l, cara Journal. FT KNITTER of JV 4-room ho use for ssle; arast be cold at . once. 1 tt, care Journal. PERSONAL. BE atrai v T. P. (Vital-Power) tablets Wit! restore ta yea the snap, rim and rigor af manhood; If roa are racking la the power af vitality. Its loss resulting (rem Indiscretions sad excesses, send fur s bog of these tabk-ts and ba ooa ; rlaced of tbelr merit. By mall la Plata pkg., ' II. The Armatrong Tablet Co., lac tut Tomma blk., Detroit, Michigan. SPECIAL NOTICE TO WT)M EN Don't risk Coar Urea by aa aparatloa whan yoa sss s eared by harmless methods; sleetrictty properly tppaVd anil save Ufa where opera tlooe kill. We possess tka Utaet Inreatloa to coatrU diseases peculiar to woman. Dr. ' W. J. Nace, M. B., Medical Blectrldsa. Of fice Tit Iekam bldg. f haws Bad 1481. i Of flea , bears t-18, t-B. MRR. ANNA UTKUT and RTHKL WARD ara now located at SS0 Taylor at- pel ncl pale ef the Amciiraa Beauty Parlors. We cures 11 - scalp dlseaaes sad positively grow bstr: all klnda af hatha gleea; electric masasge. manl cnrlug aad chiropody; sleo Msdsms barrow s famous rnmedlea; aattafactloa gnaranteed. Pkona Mala SMB. DKTBCT1TB A0EBCT Csatdeatlal lareetl- . f atlooa; taper ta aaaa a aa say Indinaaai sasn aeee or property) missing relattees located; . bad debts collected; cbargca reasonable: car reepoodeace eollrlted. Oregoa- DetecttTC ' Berrlee. offleaa 114-llB Columbia bMf-. Bat Waablngtoa St. Pboa Mala adit. DBS. N. A. NIRBBTH, twedlab apedalletr. cores rneametism, kidney, stomsra ana uvea troubles, rbronlc eonetlpstioa, obesity sad all chronic end asrrous dlsasses; aa drarat aa kulfe; 10 per BMmth. Oinsaltatloa and dem anatratleaa fraa. Used lsaB. 411 Morrison St. DR. AUBPLCNTt. dla. a ass nf women and sac rery. tot Allsky bldg.. Third aad Morrison. YES, Palme Tablets make you a leap perfectly; tbey cure erroasaeee and mats ysa el rang r-ice ew wes, o eao eeev, awiw .. U drogglsta, or address Brooks Drug (la. Ml North 1B1 bird St.. PertUad. MAXLT vigor restored ' by Dr. Roberta Narra wkmhlea. One month's treatment, ft; t montha, gn; asnt seroreiy sealed ay mail. Agents, Woodard, Clarke A -Ca.r PortUnd, Or. BOOKR! Rare they are; Decameron." Hep- ,a ae trteMf 'r..n mil " Umeros." "A Hot Tamsls." "Faaay Hlli." Twenty Tears a Faksr," 'Forblddea Fruit. 80s each; Uata free. A. Bcbasala, Z28 First at, LOST powers restored by tba grsst Dr. Lorens s Narra Tonic Tablets; toe per boa, t boars for $15. Write or call at BysssU's Pbarnraey, 227 Morrlana, - bet, - 1st and Sd. TUB Celebrated Star Balr remedy restores gray and faded balr to Its natural color, pro motes tba grewtk of hair: not greasy. Paris Hair Store, lot Wssbingtoa. WHT tree alone when you caa secure a Ufa companion ay joining tne iniereiaie ibuw daclnf Redely, aad meet or correspond with reparable persons ef thta section, many .wealthy the November register, 10 cents. Suite 84 Rasasll bldg. Phoss Pacific tat. SCITB arssssd wblla ma welt, BOe. ' Ls dies' Skirts pressed, BOr. (Rlhert 1044 SIxU St., -Beit In Ouelle - Phnn Cui kf. f ' LADIES Tow an near 80 rears roangsr, Snore all wrinkles, kare skla llks velvet ky lng OreaOrtpa!.BJ TvVd. Pboni 2.SSI 13. MEN! WOMEN! Raymond's pills positively rare nervousness sad lark ef TlUllty; $1, 4 boxes St. Plommer Drag; Co., 260 Third. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. BOl'OHT, ROI.D OR EXCHANGED AT TJNCLB MYERS, PIONEER MONEY LENDEB. 14M TEUBD IT, I DEIS 1UIEX, FREE aample corn, buntoa and wart rare. Ed win U Dean, depy, E. Taunton. Mesa. Tl'BKIBH BATH, ano Oresoaii days, gentleoics eights. Mali lea bldg.i ladtaa nun. WANTED Te know tba wbereebonta e( William Btepnea Bmita. formerly ef tars aageiee. Address Mother,- boa 12S, Saau Barbara. CsllforntA. FREE to eat of tewa patrona. ear latest cata logne of fancy work, pillow tope, center Pisces, shirtwaists snd novelties. The Needle Cliff ""r 1"" "T '''g " DOLLS boenftal; repairing gad blU and West Psrk ata. Yaw BI NO CHOONO. ho porter ef Chinese root medl class: sella Chinese tst that ta carta la cure for all dlssaase. 181 Becoad bat. Yamhill aad Taylor. DISEASES ef women a epedslty: maternity essss flees special attention, private hospital accom mode tlun : profeaaloaal lsdy nnress la attendance; eoneultetloa free. ' X-Badram Institute and Sanitarium, Third aad Alder, entrance 2M Aider et. SEND for free list ef cat prices and crabbing rates on mag siloes, jooaer jaook ntore, svi Aldsr st. , DR. ATWOOD, It Bnssell bhlg.. 14SV, Fourth at, remsis aisesses ana mnnaemants taxes and cared fori epst treolnga. CeaeoltaUoa free. WHY be poor? Brad 23d for Tamable secrets to Box 88, Grants Pass, Oregon. A MAN or hoy going east as far aa Kaneee ty can get nair sis isrs paia, nuareef 11, cans Juwsuil. I , , MBS. Sophia B. Selp, nsycbometrlst, siariaa and nropiietessi daily 10 te . T te ; circles - Tuewlay end Friday, t P. m. B4S1 Yamhill, cor. Revsnth. Pacific 108. Sunday evsalng t mcstlnge Draw hsll, 162 tecood st. HAVE yon asen nor holiday specials t $1. Stu dio, llllve, riTtB aad waaaington. ANT LADY contsmplarlng a trip te St. Panl had better consult wita r. m. w. Before eecurlng ticket. Address 1 41, cars Journal. WANTED Every man or boy who uses tobeeca in aay rorm to aena xc in gTsmps ror g valu able present; eomethlng ' they have often wlahed for. Addraaa II. B. KUIott. Lererlng, Mlrhlfsa. Emmet eoanty. ART EMPORIUM. PB0FESS0E E. MAX MEYER, 24S Alder. Portrait sad lsadacsps srtlst and T earner. ATTORNEYS. eaayanastswaaavaajas A. H. TANNER, attorney. 8t Commercial blk., Becoed aad wsshingtse sis. raeae Maw aea. H. P. BIRI.EI0H, Uwyer, 122 Oraad a vs., Kset rnrtisna. - . EDWARD T. TAGOABT, httnrney and couS- aeinr. sis rhsmber of rommerce oing. AUTOMOBILES. BOWABD COTE Y, Fifteenth' ssd Alder, a tea I far Cadillac and Pierce automobiles, machine renteo. reiieired end etored. ASSAYERS 0ARVIN CYANIDE EXTBACTION CO, aad Montana A aaay Offkw, Iff Merrssoa at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. H0WR. DAtsJS KII.IIAM. 108-111 Reeosd at. fiiana nsoa msnnrsctarers; agents roe onee Improved Leoes-Lesf ledgers; sse the new Eureka leaf, the peat ea the market. A3, a . 1 a- ACCOUNTANT. CHARI.ICS B. PFAITLET Public andltor aad expert aocnantsat. - Boom T. Chamber of iJorameree eidg. - BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. S. BIBKBNW1LD CO.. BO4-t0t Eeerett et, - Largest hatchers' supply hoass ea ths cossk BATHS MASSAGE. tOlTNQ mdy rlvea medicated baths and mag netic trestuent for ' rheumatism; also dil- - ropody. face aad acalp masse rs, 145 8lxth. rooms 24-til. lOt'Nar ladr gives rapor, alcohol aad medloate hatha. Parlor 2T. V Stark. - BLACKING. WEBFOOT Blacking, sbanmtet waterproof, are. serves ths leather, makee ahoee wear B0 nor ceat kvager. . For sale everywhere, 18 aad It eeata. CHIROPODISTS. - IF year fast ara out nf order, re ta Dr. W or ley Benjamin. V)Va Waehtnrtoa st,, tka toot specialist. Phone Rood 804. ; CAFES. TMB OFFICE JR8 Waablngtoa at, T71. Bsmnsl yigneaa. Phoss Male COLLECTION AGENCY. COLLECTIONS by the- Northwest Collect Ina Agency; year business fiend led m t baalaexe I try as. lo-ii La one oing. DOES nay one owe yea money 1 Ws aollect bed debts nf sll kinds. 132 Oread ITS., room It. Phone Eaat 4424. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery snd glasswsre. Prssl, Hegels A Co., 100 ta lot Fifth, cor. Stark et ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ERBERO-Ol'NST CO. Dtatrlbatora of I ' FINE CIOABS, ' e- '""' PortlanaV Olepnu. CHIROPRACTIC POSITIVELY cores all forma of rhenmstram. Dr. Era Hogsn, 8m) HaU st. Pianos Msla 604. CARPET-CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. Urfeat plant oa the eoaat, Lorlng ead Harding ata., tale pbona Baat t0 Carpets cleaned, refltted, tewed and laid; both steam and latest com- . prsaaad sir process; renovating; mattrnsn aad tea there a specialty. SANTTABT carnet eleaamr. esrtVia aad coa. prasaid ah combined: earpeta,crane-4 oa floor witneat removal, maia sons. ,s-ssx aotea. CARPETS eleaaed en tbe flonrf we raise an dnat Phone Clay ttl. tree dsawaetrarloa. . HUNTER Steam carpet aad matters cleaner. IM fefferson. Pnons Main 214. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. is ti li irai n i arinniasn n Iran. 1 en feed, key sad producs. . 1M2 to 204) Front sf. - a r ne.a , . i , e. Pbona Mala toaw. ETEBDINO FABRELL. produce and commts. sios aaarensats. 140 front nt-f t-eriwea. ur. Phone Main ITS. CLEANINO AND DYEINO. YAMHILL ' CLEANING A PRESSING CO. work sailed fer aad dallvarad. Pbona Clay. Portland Staem Cleenlng A Dyeing Werke; prser xiosi saitar in eonavaction. ill atn. umy tus. CLOTH Et cleaned and Lnlone Tailoring Co., preseed ti par month. MT w Wtehlagtoa H. W. TT'RNEB. prof-s atonal dyer and elesaer. BOB Jrffersoa st. Pbona Msla 28 It, NEW prnraas lacs earteta cleanlag, 80a parr. 464 GUaan. Mala S4ot, It CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, curpsotere, builders I re- Cl ring ana johhing; etore and srnee nxtm lit. Shop 808 Columbia. Mala 2BT. WASHBCBNB FLOYD, wagon balldcrs and gansrsi jam wore, oa ata ax. rnorje uaoa esw. r. B. TANDEBBOOP, carpeoter aad jobber, SST Stark at. Pbeae Mala T4T. . WM. FIRnBECK. carpenter: repairing end job bing done. 1 Burname et. Phone Main asm, CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. BTBVENg.. Portland-a dlstlngolaeed pshn. at, aairomgiet saa spiritual ure rcaasr. ie you went te nnow tacte important ana reli able 1 If ao, rail epoa tbla gifted and set. entlflt seer. 168 Barsetb at. pboae PaeMM rie. .. . ' ,,.-.... a r- ST. OE0R0B ORMONDE, 229 Fifth St. -Psychic paimist, nenier, oeea trance meoium; greai- eat a An eer fore, neaineae, airkneae, aiines, tree sure, changes, tourneys, family troublea; brines asck kived oast unites sepersted: reading by aall 12, S qnestlons; tells every- xaing. MRS.- STEVENS,-Portland's leading palmhit. a.trolog let and spiritual iirerraaer, can gies Important aod reliable fecta ahout the past, Eeaent sml future. 16V Seventh St., opp. otel Portland. Phone Peclflc T14. MADAMS flELONTA EGYPTIA Ths Eastcra Myatic, Aatruhigiat, Psychic raimut. Astra Msfuei gives rvllsble llferraillngs; prartlosJ enfj -v iiunt ... COAL AND W60b.1 KINO COAL CO. Sow sgents for the teensae t'laaoono rosi; try it ana 7s win aiwav eir It. . Wyoming snd Washing toa bonae eoele, Virginia and Washington smithing eoele; fall weight guaranteed. TeL Msla 1428, A. U S-trphsns, arsnager. . vsns st. to can Reamer at,, asar lira; m now tbe largest wood rard la tka city, carry ing an ainaa or wooa ana coat. siais bsl. 4 4REGOBY MOftBIS. eniceaaars to Cata d) McKune, aesiers la wonti and seal at lowest prices: eatlefectlna guaranteed. Cor. Tsstk end Irving. Phone Mala 4RTB. WFRTEBN Fscd Feel Co.. ea Frvntt. between Hiisan ana Hort, aeniers ib an aiacaa ox kooaa eo.js end btackamltk eoaat, Pkeee Male WIS. . - " - ALBINt FUEL CO. Dealeee la sold wood, eoal ad green end dry elabwon-a, h. bj, ana Al trisa are., t blocks aaat of ferry. Eaat 474. STEEL BBID0B FT PL CO. Dealers In eoal. erdaread aad dry slaswson. raeae reet aas. BOXWOOD snd planer trimmlnga. Standard Weed Co. Phone Best SMS. Foot Bast Pine. OBEOON Ft'EL CO All kinds nf ma aad arose, bub aioer ax. rsone msia ws. .. - EIRE ROOFER, til Water St.. Wosd tad deal, fiM, u.i. saaav - 1 Post RALB 8,008 .esrds fb weed. rbswg Bart HOTELS. HOTEL Pendmssa, Peadletea. W.A. Brawn. agt. HOTEL Portlaad. Amarlcsa phja; tt, taper day. HOTEL St, Oeerga. Faedletaai 'raTdlsai ksitse) BELTrriERE: rnropVaa plaaj 4fb snd ATkarafk. ' 1 DETECTIVES.; J ' TKI.L as roar troahbw: ws saver sleep; srKleana traced m civil snd criminal esses. B. U llenlnger. le-lj abhe bldg. DOG 'AND -HORSE HOSPITAL, DB C.E RROWN D.T.R D.C.M Don. Horse bos. pltsL BXT Bsrsslds. Pbewee: MalneuM:EaataDJt DENTISTS. KET CHURCHMAN, dent let, tt4 . Maawnant hM, Sixth and Montana. Pbeoe Metn IT. ' DANCING. WOuOWARDS danctna echoot af as W Aca-leuir ef Muelc, Monday aad Thursday. , Spectatnra melted. Laeaoaa BOe. Dancbig t ' to II. Cor. Reeosd and Morrtaoa. , - ' FRATERNAL INSURANCE. eMi. .i ... ...a.,., . i .iw eea. ORDER. tiF WARHINOTON Foremost fratsrnsl society ef northwest; pmterte the Uvisg. tit - Msrajssm bldg.. Portland, Oregoa J ;dressmakino.' FIRRT-CLARS dressmsklng-parkira tnT Com mercial st lowest nricss: rblldres'a work; ' plain sewing a specialty. Pbona Scott 4172. KEIRTER'S LADIES TAILORING CDLIKOK. 202 and 400 Alnhy bldg.; write for booklet. nnraauARCR win nil, a feu gagemsnts la fewillea. Phone t-'nlon 844. DRESSMAKING Strictly BP elgna. - 488 Clsy aC ta datsl Utsat d. MADAME FOBTIEB, til Iry t- Fssblonable aressmaklng. i Peelflc asj MADAM Pacific 9".- ' AMJri.KS DRKHHMAKINO PARIBUS. 2T.1 Fifth, ear. Mala. Store epeu eraalnga. AN experienced dreeamaker wants I a few more engsgemenU by . the day. Mala 4742, after T p. m. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. EORTHWEST ELECTRICAL EN0INEERIN0) , Vompeny. 808 Stsrk St.. Portlaad. tV E. for everytblrar la the electrical Baa, . Psoas , Msla ItmS. .... PACIFIC ELECTRia CO. Perl users, motrae-n-a, repalrara. electric wiring, eapnllee. 84 First, cor. Stark. Mats tAB. B- H. Tt to. mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OBEOON Furniture Manufacturing Company Mannfsctwrera ef fumltara , tot tka trade, Partis od. Or. .' . T ' FTRNtTTRB msnufserarlnir and special X Bereeony'e rorutturs rsctory. tTO Froat st. FRENCH BAKERIES. THS caly-plscs ta Portland tn get French bread, Barrere A M arils. 40T Sixth at. Dally 4eUr- err." Phone Greea BOB, r .' "FURNACES. " BOTNTON WtTiw-tr fni mtrm Mft ftwL J. L BE.sams. raTaassslssaa. sTU. tkBsTl fhlavlaB afjlH 1 GRINDING. Bssors. kntree. aclaeora sharpened to perfec tion, narisoa t)o eov n. nin. t-eciric two. GROCERS.- WADHAMg A, CO., wboleaaW ameere. maae facturere and aeamlaalon ararckanta. Feevtk aad Oak eta. ALLEN Bj LEWIS, rommhaitog aad Prod use mer chants. , Front and Davis eta., Portia sd. Or. HARDWARE. Pwrtlead Hard wars Os. solicits opportunity ta eaote prices. 188 1st st,, cor. Alder. Msla IB INSURANCE. ISA AO L. WHITE, tire losers JhB.,-.t'..,,.. - -H nee, 108 Dskam LAMBERT. WHITMER A CO Fire tsasrsnce , and rest aetata; offices lnr-irsi aosrlore Bins. : Mala 1008; dept. 404 Eaat Alder. East ehl IAS. Mcl. WOOD, employers liability aod la dividual kectdent surety beada et an klada. Phone 4T.- 80t McKay kldg. H. . F. BARTEI S COMPANY Firs toenrsaea. 44$ fnertork bide. Orearoa Pbona Clay P. 24. LOCKSMITH. I. R. BTCHABDSON, exrwrt lark sad keremlrht genersl repairing; castiron presmg: nil sroru fuarastsed. 806 Fourth at. Pboae Rood ITst, BROWNE'S TN TOWN Expert mekamltk sad bicycle repairing.. 8RB Stark. Day pkeee. 1 lay mrx: night pnons. main saw. ' US1EUPA1HH. DRS. ADIX A NORTHRCP. 41B-I4-1T Dekam bldg.. Third and Waablngtoa ata. Pkeee Main 848. Examinations free. DRS. OTTS A MABEL ART. 408 Madeey bldg. Clay TTS. Bee. M. 81B1. Ceasultatlon free. THB very best Isdy'ostsonsth la town. Dr. L. o. John eon, suits is. Kelllng Hirscn nidtr. MONEY TO LOAN. . . HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. . . tlf Orrgoatea bldg. 1 Lsdlee nr Gentlemen. No Pntllclty. If you borrow 130 you pay berk ' If yon borrow $2(1 you pay berk If yoa borrow $10 yon pay bark It yoa borrow Isn rou oar bark If yoa borrpw $. roa pay back $.1 00 a we.k. . Payments ' anapended In esse ef sickness, - a Strictly Salary Loans. . ( , , THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., V 21 T Orcgonlsa Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved city property or for Betiding purposes. Any amount oa from I to 18 , yeare' time, wltk privilege to repay all ar part af loan after one yesr. Losae ap- t roved from plana atnd . money advanced ea nlldlsg prof rianaa;. Bssrtgsges takea ap aad rsplsced . . . FEED, B. STRONfl. Financial A gnat. 842 Stark Street. THS STAB LOAN CO. -Any Salaried employe, wage as rear, esa ft ea kla Bote, trltkoot mortgage Woatb iZ Moafh. Week $ OO Repay te ea B1B.SB at B4.6S et It 89 $W 00 Repay to aa f I M ar t$..1A or it tB-J $18.00 Repay tn oa I 4 .00- or $2.08 at 1.M 110 McKay bldg. IfOfcEY to loea. eaUrled people, tea meters, etc , wiinoui seennty; essy psymsnts; largest huslneae In 48 principal cities. TohBaa. 238 A bins toa bldg. Pboae Msla 84BT. MONEY to mas en real, personal 'and mlmtera! oeeurltr: special attestlos to chattel tageei sofas bought. C. ; Pel too bldg.. 84 tilth St. W. Paii't, Bue-e HIGHLY rssprctsble place where ladles aad gears caa Borrow money on aiamonas una Jewelry. Collateral laa Bank. MS Waak- ntgioa ax. rsone lust ti. CHATTEL mans la amounta rsnglng from 181 11. eo.ieer; rooming-aoases a spea-isiir. new Era Loan A Treat Co., 208 Abingtoa bldg. WR make an klnda ef Inane oa need irtty af lowest rates; snretal attention Slraa to chattel loans. 108 Morrisne st. MONEY to loea la asms ef front e3.0nv ts e nooi terms te salt tba borrower, tnt-in. Commercial blk. MONEY to loan la large ar email emnents ea gooti .security; mwest raise. William . . Berk. SOT Falling kldg. MONET to man an Clackamae eoanty lands. B. r. pad -F. B. . ttlley, aoa Ckambsr ef Com- LOWESt rates ea fnrnltnre end pis nna. Past ers mi ue sen nnsriorn nwg. vmy Km. TO LOAN Snme rn suit oa ebettel aerurtty. au a. rrsme, B14 The Meruaam. MONEY te man on all klnda of security. noil., room a. wssbingtoa Bldg. tl.flfm tnon TO man br private parte real aetata security. 403 Commercial bld. MUSICAU PIANO, violin, string nnd wlndlnweranxcwta. rrorseaor urn a, miia, e-- PIANO. trmtng. $3; perfect wort gwaraateed. C W'Jobssoe. Phoee mem isia.- WERBEB'S Mandolin. Banjo. Guitar erofSo. tTt Alder: egeat-foe -Olboon mssooiirea, s'-' HAY AND GRAIN. E. O. COOPER A CO. Potatoes, fsed ead nosw. iB l slos -see. moae ae , MEDICAL. THB SPRINGSTEEN MmlCINB CO., Rll Da- 81 lacaB Braipr nrT-wg t ny wrnr IW remin m ie es-www tvwnisaim Bketai 11 ai Btrsai asras. mrwiaras sa s-ews ' MACHINERY. PORTABLE iM'smmtie bolhtr sad engine; toes thsu H price: 414 horsepower, u- a. rig- gott'a law office. 4 w of rice. I Mnlkey bldg. FOB SALE Oae S-tncb Smith stick sr. awe arm sander. ene tne aplndle ehspsr, belu aad pullsya. 804 Fourth at. TTTtE W. C. AI.REE m ,-f laid hand aadilnery. sawmills, ste- t4R Orsnd see. MONUMENTS. NKIl A KINGRLEY. tAVFlraL St. Portland'a leading marhle works. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE BOAD OVERALLS and ass. ehsalea clothing: a aloe mads. Nsaetadter Bros., msnufsctursrs, Pertland. Or. PLUMBERS. DONNERBERG A BADEMACHEB, eaaltarf pnmhors. - 84 F earth at. Both pboesa. FOX A CO sanitary plnmhara. SSI Secnnd. bet. Wain and Salmon. Oregoa Pboae Msla toot. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. E. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Pa tot Os.) wlndow-glsss aad flsslag, .181 first St. Pboae 1884. ... ' -j ERNEST MILLER A CO., Second snd Taylor Wall paper, aelat, ell at market prices; tree delivery. ........ BASMCRRRN A CO. . Jobbers, paints, etb I lass, sesb Bed doors. S.caad end Taylor. PRINTIN0. WELCH A DAYI8. Printers Doers ef clever things with Ink and type ea paper. Stearns bldg.. Sixth aad Morrison. . Msln 414T. ANDERSON DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blast keeks, Fkoae Msla II. tot Alder st. METROPOLITAN PRINTING CO. Every thins a printing, aisin iron. 1st nwat nr. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C STAMP WORKS, 848 Alder et, pbona Mala T10; rubber stamps, seals, stencils, beggsge, ' trade ehecke; eend for catalogue No. SB. RIDINGXLUB1V PORT7.AND BIDING CLUB SeddVa bnrsee and carriages for rent. W. G. Prows, BOS Alder. SCALP TREATMENT. GBAY, falling bslr, dandruff treated: ehampoe ttig, nwnlcurlng, chiropody-.' face work.- Mre. 0. r, nyae. 100 a rnurtn. eaa-i Boom IS. Pboae Psctfls 868. SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODB'S Furniture Bneaa Highest prices Be Id ror second hand f ami tars. tit Pbona PnctBe 48A. - STREET-PAVINQ. WARREN Construetloa Co., street saving. s1de wstka aad eroeewelka. Tie tnregosuaa siog. THB Trinidad Asphalt Paving On. of Pertland. O fries 8M Wocceeter klk. SAFES. WB repair and rebuild automobiles, gss engines. prli ntlng presses, urn time locke, safes, open lock- i; da el, ktnfieriT 9ss Enalns A Safe Works. 242 Second e Pboae Peclflc 878. Freak J. Sneer, eupt. DIBBOLD Manganese safest fire aad kergler. precf arorki )sU aod prlsna work; lockouts japtsadt repairs. JTm' SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef eery 4eaer1ptlos bask, kai . and store tx tares made to order. Tka Lstkl Msnufsctarlng Co.. Portbind. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window fettering, cloth bsnnsrs. eennnmleel electric fass snd slgne ef ell kinds msds eulckly. Foster A Rlelsar, Fifth aad Everett, Pbona Exchange 88. -TYPEWRITERS.- NEW typewriters, ell makes, reared,' sold sad repaired. Coa at Agency, 121 Stark. TeL 14o7. BLICKENtDORFBR ' typewriters, supplies, re pstring. Bess A Boss. 2M Stsrk. Msln 1178. R00FIN0. TIN BOOFTNO. guttering repair! eg aad yapping. J. i-osii, 112 jerrerson st. TRANSFER AND HAULING. APES, pianos end furniture saoest. packed ready for ehlpplug end skipped ; ell work guaranteed; large, t-etery. brick, t re -proof werekouee for storage Of flee 128 First at. C M. Olssa. Phone Msla 84T. TUB BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. ror. Sixth and Out sts.; ha stage checked from hotel or realdeace direct to declination: peeeengsrs therefore avoid rueh and unnoy eace et denote. ....... 0. 0. PICE, office SS First St.. betweee Stork aad Oak sts., phone Bet: planoe sad furniture awred ana paekeg ror snipping; Brick wa rehouse. Froat end Clay OBEOON TRANSFER CO.. 1S4 North Slxtk. Phone Msla 88. Besvy hsallag aad atorsge. EAST SIDE Co. . A. B. Hnlcorah, prop. 1SB bssi w a tee st. rhoas sast bsw. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. S00M, Weak ingtna sr. rnone stsia una. TREES. SHRUBS. ROSES.' We here them ky ths thiiussndsi strong, bee liny itwa, imr iuuo irmarraren ant pncea rate loans tells all. PORTLAND SEED CO, Froat and Yamhill eta. . - TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY-ome, brush, snap, ii per monta. Lawrence Bros.- Towst Beeply .. Fourth snd Osech. pknae 448. ' TELEPHONES. THB sety eaclnslve tearphons henee. B.-R. cicctric A T-1 prions Massrarturlsg eee pnny. 02 Fifth at. , viclins; ft--, J. A. WE8CO. slnlla-msker aad Tepclrer; .work mrw eMve. ee new., i r, a . , na snu stovTTaoa. WIRE GOODS. EAST PORTLAND FENCE A WIRE WORKS N8 Bast Mwrisoa st. Tbons East S2I. IT'II'M 1,1- a ..'M FINANCIAL. ' RtEBCK ANTS' NATIONAL RANK, IVI PORTLAND. ORtOON. J. FRAVK WATMON Pr.eMcot R U ri.RHAM , VI. e t B W. llo r t r UftOROE W. IIIIVT ' : r Trsne. . s f. -n-"-l Drafts FINANCIAL. I potTLAND T8TtT COM f AH Y OF 0 IOCS, i ess uisesi xrsai cejiaun la Oresos. Bt HOC Rett 111 tit $l.lM).iaju. Oeeersl banking. Eichanra ea aTl paria "t Ike world. . He .Use avrousts. Tims cecl , careo, t to 4 per eenfl ahorWaU anerlal ssrtit catcs. t" or over, t to t pr cent Cell bar pooh of T! I I S TRA HONS.'' South -at Corner Third snd Oeh Sts. Phone Prlvsta Kxehange Tt. BENJ. I COIIKN...,.i,..r;...'..Pros4ee H. U PITTfK K Vice 1-r.wl.t.wt B. LEE PAUbT ....tecrelary i O. UOLTRA ...Asststsnt secret. r LADS ZTXT0N. BANXIkf (Xstsblishsd ta lie.) Trs asset a Ssasrel Baskine Collsctlons sasde st sll s4nta as favsrahla ternw. . Letters ef credit hewed sesllabrs la . Eurot and all polata la the l otted States. Right Exchange end Telegraphic Tranaferf " aold ea ' New York. Whshlngtee. Cblcasn, tit. ' loals, Deseer. Omaha. Han Freacleoe Bad Montana and British Columbia. ;. ' Xxchssgs sold oa lndnn, Paris,- BwrBn '. Frenkfort, Boagkoag, Yvkobama. Maslls.aed Honolulu- - FIB IT NATIONAL BABE OF PORTLAND, 0R00V.. Dtelgasted Denettorr end Financial Agent et the I'nltsd SUtee. -President.....,...,.-......,;.... L. MIIL5. C.UiUr.. .J. W. NEWhlRB ' Aaslatant Cashier. . . . . . i... ,.W. C. AI.VOHD Second Asalatsnt Caah tar B F. RTEVENt Lrtters ef Oedlt leaned Available ta Europe and the fceetem Ststes.. Sight Exchance snd Telerranhlo Transfers . sold on New York, Bostna, Chics so, St. Leuls, St PsnL . Omaha. Baa Frauclace. sad - the -principal points la ths Northwest, , Sight snd time bill drawn la snme to knit .. on London. I'arla, Berlin. ' Frank fort -en-the Main. Hoafkong. Yokohama. ( openhagen. Chrlatlwala. Stockholm. St. Pateraburg. Mot- . . Cow, EWrlcb, Homiluhi. ' j collections Msde on raroraoie Tarma. u NITED STATFB NATIONAL BANK - OF PORTLAND. OBEOON. . NORTHWEST COB. TRIED AND OAK ITS. Transacts a Bsneral Banking Bsslossa, riRiFTs lasi Ei. A Tellable In All Cttlee of the Oil ted States Sad Europe, Hongkong aad Manila. - ; COLLXCTIONI MADE OH FATOBABLXTIRMS. Presliteat. ......J. C AINRWORTH Vice-1 Veal dent , W. B. AYER Vice-President B. T.EA BARN KM Cashier..., R. W. SCHVEKrl Assletsnt Cashier. ....A. M. WKKIIIT . Assistant Cashier. ....... ....V..'.W. A. HOLT SCCVEITT SAYIN08 A TRUST COMPANY. Set Morrison St., Portlaad. Or. Traaaacta a Oensrsl Banking Bug lean. SA FINOS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed oa Tims snd Barings Deposits, , Acts ss Trustee for Katat-s. , Drafts and Letters of Credit Available In AO Parts of the World. C. P. ADAMS President L. A. LEWIS. ......... .First Vice-President . A. L. MILLS Second Vice-President R.G. jrmTB. Secretary GEO. P. BCSSRLL ..Assistant Secretary M0XRIS BI08. . . - . lit rint Bt, Psrtlaad, Or.. Offer Gilt-Edge Investments la Municipal end , Ballroad Boeda. . Write or call. TEX CONTINENTAL CO BP ANY, FINANCIAL AGENTS. . X STOCKS, PONDS AND MORTGAGES," 841 Stark Street. Pbona Mala T976. MORTQAQB LOANS 0a Portlaad Bssl.Xstste at Lowest Bates, . xinae insures. asstracts rurniana--- TITLE OU At ANTES A T1U8T CO. . . , 848 Waaaiagton Bt., Car. 8 aaat. XZBOBIA'B BLOOD FOOD. WU1 Cure Yen. A Testimonial Frsra Every Oae Wke Baa Tried It, . Oeaeultatlen Free. . TT Cleone, Orr. -Not." 11 1. lenfl.Wldame Es nuhle ;. later Madama-Aa Jir metllclnf . Is get Tliig uliaCJuw end Sir. Paul will probablj be ta portuad wsturosy. wvnie -yoa bar snot her hot t Is rrsny f.n ma. I sui feeling better and I know tbst ths medicine IK doing me lots ef good. Thanktof you fur asms, a remaia yeora respeciruiiy. MRS. EVA PAUL. I'EST: RECEIVES DISMISSAL BUT KO REASOn VHY Litwiston Official to v Remain Until H;? Successor Has Qualified. ' - (Special Dispatch ts Tba lenrneL) Lewlnton. Ida. Nov. JS J. B. West today received official notlftcAtlon of bis dtamlnnaj from ths position of regis ter os . tba Lcwlaton landoffloe. The order of dlamtaaal does not olte any chsrfes on which lie was removed. He ta to continue tn tbe office until hla aurreanor quallflee, Indlcatlnc tbat thd government does not look on htm aa dangerous man. Sine the announcement of West' a re- " moval, there has been Tnuch comment In this city on the eabjoct, snd the " general vlesr- la that of n gret. While 1 circumstances f the removal are A aur- - 4-prlse. It la believed that Went retiree from office with a larser list or mend tha)tl-whenti received the Appointment. The order of dismissal ta as follows: "White House, Washington. Nov. it. 1906 MT. John B. Went, Lewlaton. Idaho Sir: You are hereby removed from the office of regTs'ter of the land offloe at Lewlaton. Idaho, to take effect . upon the appointment and q tint If teat Ion of your auceennor. - Renpeetftilly, - "THKOLHJRrS ROOoKVELT. "Through the Becrctarjr of the In. tertor." , ' HAUL WHEAT BY WAGOM . TO KEEP MILL RUNNING (Spscist TMspstch to Tbe Joarnal.l Athrna, Or., Nov. It. On account of the ncarclty of cam here sn In most places In eastern OreKon, the Treaton Parton Milling company la obliged to employ Vcnms to haul wheat overland to keep their mllla 'running;.- The tlonn are' growing worse dally at th4 mills, whkh are congested whb the Urge amount of accumuliiled flour, there being 'several hundred thoneetF" bnrrclg on hand nwalttng ahlpment. Just when thla condition will be relieved I -hard to state. , For Woman's Suffrage. (Spedsl Dl.psUh te Ths Journal. Pendleton. Or., Nov. 2b. Miss N. t'nee, national organiser f"r th tlonal Womnn'a Buffi-age asnnrlutl Mr. ry In eastern Urearon ac.-iirlng n"-P. the petition far the enl.'tu-'l Mi Wfimsn's suffi-ia-e iim.-.M ,.. -:t. pctltlotiat' aro I r "' the SI ..' . "'I r ' ' el.ut l.f.'i ' e - " " " ' ,t t n-.-K.rn ' t ..... n . 1 1 -i-i n' 1 - t f art m r J d- ( " ' e .. i-ir- "X