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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1905)
I. ' THE ORECON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY - EENING NOVEMBER 5, 18C5. SHEEP DISFOSES CF TRANSPORTATION. TRANSPORTATION- Trade Between -Siberia and Portland It In creasing Very Fast arid . There Is Talk of Putting Local Salesmen Into, the FielcL . . Astoria & Columbia -4HIS-BJG HOLDINGS River Railroad Co. TRADE OF SIBERIA CODES HERE Portland Merchants Securing " Larger Orders From the ; Oriental Countries. TURKEY MARKET IS v i ........ FOLDING ITS OWN '". 1 .i Supplies Very . LlberiJ.'. But,: Prices Are Holding Unchanged Chickens Come Faster, But Practically No Glut. to Channels of Business. ' Front llrwt, Nev. 25. Tbe principal features ef the I'ortUnd vholeaale starksts today aiw Plbertas trade fur Furtleud. , ; . . Turpentine le S lower, j ., : 1 . Turkey market la la good aba pa. . fhtckee trade la Quite liberal. - Kgga art coming very alowly. . ' .'knt la dull and unchanged. Hope, ara eagerlr sought. . " ' ' . Hoteto sxarket la bad abas. , Drreocd jneata la good cell. - Siberia Trad fat Parties. ..... That Iba Portland terrllorr la spreading Ml to mat extent la efaown by the large nam her of sew orders brine received b eominla elon merchants and wboleealere of thla elly from auctions tbat bare practically Ignored Portland aa a tracing secthm heretofore. Aa far dowa aa Kacramento, California, order art now bring received la greet numbers by looel groccre and tbr volume from tbat arc txis la showing a considerable Inereeae. Port. land baa a reputation for falrnraa tbat wtnt : trade, a hoi ever It ta kbowa and ana order- Be ware brings ont thla fart, for aome tlaw lortlad baa nocured a amall number of order in ttac produce and fruit line front Japan. China and Haaala, bat of late trailing hat been carried aa la a mora extcsalve-Bxaaaer, Ordrra fr.iia Hlberta ara ebowing the. largest Inrreeee, the trada there- naJne;-convinced that it.eonld da better tbe rear raand br aendlnf far Ita enppliea ta Portland. Oregon apple . bare for an me time been -the atandard by wbb-h all others were traded In that coantry and ever nail hrkurs ordrra for Bore. Tba W. B. Uiafke company of thla rttj ta now dolag a Urge bnelneaa with that eeetloa and tbvrv la ronelilrreble talk a monk the Srm'a member of placing .a re ruler eeleemaa tbera to ex 'prdltr Bales. Yeeterdsr . there araa aent from ere baa pro red Terr aatlafartorr. a'a wltneea the follnwlnc terminatloa f an orAer la fortlaed bnaae: "Hoptnt ta bear from jam VW HM-Eaat811cria r:of eranrea am) eenoaae. oreroa. ouwioe per m? ree. a ear of apples. Today there from b-rr rR'T' ,U,'V1f-a'l5.. """.L" n.t. i iiro k,,. 1 nni lam paranlpa, l.oni 1 5; atrln beana. Saior: JL?, - JH.i rl. , L1-..L. ulloWer. Vl.80e2.00 net rr.t.; rhubarb.- lb; 'amount nf ranaed frnlta.- Tradlnir oneratbina nea ni 11, heewraittah toe ner Ih- aetareea Siberian aaerehanta end l-ortlaini deal- . JJ.',LJ???'! J'T Boon we aalata yea await rurdlally." . - Tnreantlna la Three Oeats Lewar. - A decline of 3e per alna la aboarlDC la h former ejuotatlnna an turpeidlne. aa per tba near earda aent nut by the loral trade. Tbe near ejootatlone are: Caaea. ar; araodea bar rrla, WV-; iron barrela, S3e; lOnraaa lots, (KM . e4 fallon. . Turkey Market la ia OeeS Shape. Onalderlnc the beary arrlrala ef . turken . : durlaa tbe seat I hoars and the proepecf attll sreater ehlpments ta this market tur kere are hoMluc wonderfiillr veil and BMat ef the trade hi eakltut SQe for dreaaed etorfc, aV ttionsb nee la awhile 21e la obtained. ' Tbe rblrkea suirket abowa nearler arrlrala than erer the principal ahlpmenta brlns lire hlrda. Demand la qaite riod' bnt preaent jxrlrca arr cpn"llrred the limit and nfnrthiT adraarea are eiectrd ff the crane. iae ni lewlna Is leaned br 1'ase Hon and Is a heir to thsaewUhlnr; .to etnd drraacd poultry -ta B.arkcl: - - - . , ' . i- Te Dreaa Cblokana ... the rein of 1bjineck;aiui-hr the feet antH prnperlr bird. Ieare head and feet on and do aot remote tat-etuiee or crop.' ' HcaMed rhlrkena aeU beat. For araldlna chickens the 'water ahonld be aa near . the boiling point aa -emwIMe wlthoat holllnf f and ITS de sreea Kahrenh'lt; pick the less dry befw 'a.-eMlnif. hold br the bead and leca and laa. 'merae and lift ap and down are ar six tlmee; K tbe bead la Immersed ' It tarns tbe rolof nf the romb and pirea tbe area s ahrnukea aip-eraaee. arbleh leatav bera te think tbe ' fowl haa bees alrk: tbe tea tbera and plnfealberi ahould then be renewed ( liuiaedlatelr. while . the bedr la warm.' Terr cleanly, ami. without break ins the akin: thea . plemp' br dipntiig, l-i aeeand In warn nearly or tnilte bollins hot. 'and then Immediatetr -tnteTatd water; bang it, a real place, or, better, place aa eherree In the ahape Ton wWh them te appear when cooled bangtrar drewe the breaat maarlea and makea ami niiuei Tff ark. nntll tbe animal heat la' entirely out at kihe body. Ta dry-irlck cbfa-kenp properlr, thewaarnv-nonld be dooe while tbe cnickena are blexllngme-aaaLaU and let the bodlee get cold. Irr plrklna'laHrit .m. while the botlka) are warm, be earefal and de not break and tear the akla. , , ; ' Is Dress TAatksys.. f .' . 1 ' vobaerrc the aame laatrartloua aa glrea for nrenerltut chlckena, but alwaya dry plrk. ' Vlek - wlten warm to arotd tearing. The tall e'eatbera e,n off with s twlat a atralght pall will . 'art' them. Dreaaed. turkeys, when dry picked, alwara eell beat and com ia a ad bettrr prlcea tban a-alded Vt. . aa tbe appearance . la urigbter nd more Tutractlre. Endearar to market all ...Id and beary goliblera , liefore 1. after the bsllUara the deniaad la for email, fat .b u . rarkera onl.r. eht toeaa Being aula at s sue eunnt to feunere." . ". , , Vetsts atarket la Is Bad hays. . Tbe potato market ta In bad ahape. All ware, .houeea are full to orerSolwug with supplies and b-alera are suable to pan-haaa aioru for thla 'n-aaon. If fur no other. There la a fear tbat the prreewt cold weather wUI bnrt tbe atorka aa aienant of toe tars 01 proter mraa I'rlree ajiHutrd are nominal. Amluns are dull . bnt not weak. I'rtcee tbe earn. :i--v ', The trade pays tbe following prices for choice quality In round lota to, mmi-eireei uriirn, ..prices. paid pcoducere are as sprclned:, , s StaaSf Fletur asd Vsos. '' , WllltAT New elan, 12c: red ' Resales, 9Sw. bln'atrm. T4r; ealley. 741 Tile. BaRlrt reee. Zl Sutrnoat railed. S2S.S 1)0:' brewing, i22.S0ki2S.Ou. ' CORM Whole, S2T.(W; ersfkad. 20S set . toa. r- --- ,.t RTe fl BS per cwt. OATH Hrorlarere pries Ms. t wklte. I2S.00; - f.r.- m.uxaa.00. -, r " rr.::' i KI.OI H Nrw eaeters Oregon pateats. S4.SS: 'airala-hta. SM.n$s.T: expert. .t "( .44; eal . ,le. a.T04.: graham. , 3-l; ry. Sua, .SHOO: balea. (ITS." . 1 Mil,tl Bran. 111.60 per ton; mld dllnra. I (2.V0II: ahoete. . eoantry, f 1S.90;;. eltr, tlx b": eras. SI 00. IAT Ptodseere price Ttnmthy.1 Wlllametta 'ealler. faary. f11.l0! erdteaey. $7,004 00; eeatera Oregon. 14 OOfJle.OC. allied. ' s soejo mi; rVirer. r00IO.Ou; grala. SS.ue ".SOO; cheat. t.00aS.aaX - . . Mattrnt, Eggs sad Veattry. . ;.- BlTTTrrtt FAT T. a. Portland Sweet , .cream. 2"'4e; aosr, JSHe, ' HL'TTKR 'Jty ereemery,- Sort eetakM faaey, STU'i erillaar. 2fi etoee. , KilOS Ne.- I Kreah .Oregon, candled, SSe) euM atmuge asd eaatern. 272Se. . t;IIF:K:t New Knll rream. twin.' )4V,f. SATURDAY PRICES IN - ' THE WHEAT MARKET iSseddddd)dde rec. "vat. d 4 Ottean" ......I .SJH.CS. I ,SSHAd at. Louis . . Milwaukee". 4 Kansas City d Minneapolis Liverpool t .is, .H . .0S .' .7 '4 .! ., Ss lNd (s Vid iMiluth ........ .H, : Wlnnlpea ; '.7t4 ; - tte a. i:iitnclacs!JL t - .t llVt- . 4 ... T s JOURNAL'S DAILY J TIPS TO SHIPPERS d i- That It does not pay to Jump at high price offeree! by Jobbers s e of other cities la inown bjr the d remarks of O. F.' Bob-er. a fruit- a grower of Coqullle City. Cooa d county. Last eeason the apple- d grower of that aectlon erre ap- a. nNuinh hv a rrnreaentaltlve of .. a Bay City firm and offered high prices for their supplies.- They,, accepted and received .orders. , saya Mr. Kolirer, on. a bank and upon examinational want -found that there was but iJtia the credit of the drawer to pay for all - the fruit - purchased. , The moraj is that Portland merchants only offer What they really can d pay and do pay. . , Tseng America, .16Hc; cbeddar. IdHs. , u AMr Jacxrarimia. fl. id per son. . , Mil I.THV Mixed chlckena. lUf; fancy hena, USttlSc per lb; rooatera. old. SHr per lb; fryera, . nujwi'C per in; nrouore, uttn 12r per lb: ducks,, 141 lie per lb: e. ae per lb: " tarkeye. nariTVic per lb; draaata, aw per lb; sqaata, s2-nuris.uu ft OOS. t ' ' 'Heps, Wsat sad Kidea. BOPS IIWS Ore roe, ebotce. lOHQIle; prime. TetSc; poor jrraile. ii7ct Waahuuj- lB, jor; jwi cnip, jibbc xor vnoicw. WOOle IUUS clip, railey, eoarae as meoiam. HH'lc; Sas. S027ei aaatara. Ortgea, lOdlZc. ' MOHAIB Nominal, aoosis. SHKKI'SKINS sliearlns. ISAaOa each I abort r-ooi, SotDeOe each; mediam weot, aOttTM ssca; ne eon . inrfai.uu arm .- - TALLOW Ptuns. nor lb. 0at If S. S and grraae, cqiwo. I H ITT I at BARn, ZViarne ner hiiikb ijrr. o. 1. IS ma aat ep. (THe per lb; dry kl3. Ra, 1. I la U Sa, 14ei dry calf. No. 1. auder S lba.iac: aalted bldea. a terra, aoaed. SO Iba and erer. lOayile; aows, avtjHe: etaga and bella. aeond. OTt' kle. la (a tn Iba. Be; caHV aoond. nailer la Iba, lie sreea. anaelted. le -area: nil la. e ear lb bree boreehhlee. eelted, earb. $l.26tl.TSl dry, eeea, tl.004xl.ft0; elt hldee, &Q3mir goat . ekina, rnntwnv. each. 100 ISei Angora, seeb, SkO 11.00. Fratte and egstsblaa. POTATOES Beat Oregon, 8e per aark; car lota, M)rnc per sack; ordlaarr, etnQofe; car h.t a. ,(Aur; aweeta. II. 0 aack; 2.1&2 2o erair. . j. - ; ONIONS oregos yellow panrera, SI. 23; ear asta, Si.uuar1.111; garlic, sviue per id. FRCHlt HI'ITS A do lea. ureeon. tl.UOitl.SO: fanry, 1.To32.0: . erangee, new narel. .l.llas.7: hananaa. SaiS'kC ner lb: lemona. etHike, - Si.8OwS.1S per box; fancy. (tf.uO per box; limes. Mexican, 11.20 per UK); nlneapplea, SI .00 doe; grapee. tl.oUUl-TO; seere. l.2inlM per box; aomegrajuitae, 13 .per aox; langerinea. . .1 vrogl ABI.K8 Taraipa. sew. St-OCT per seek; carreta. (1.00 per eec-k; beets.- tl.OOia 1Mb per aark; Oregon radian aa, sM -pet seal erii.-n.iarH, f.M-Hiei.v p 1 wa. eiiiwiw Sl.uuei.TS per box; celery, local, &0375e rr ooa; exsD laut. 11. so ner crate I sumpxins. ic; wiuaeb. lHc; cranherrlea, Jererye, fl2.0OQ13.00 per Mil: t.'ona hay and Tillamook, siu.uu, rsu lahea. 2fte per' doe. . KKIEI- FR11TS Applrs. sreporsted, 1I 10vo per lb; enrleote, 10141 13c per lb: pearbea,. I0,4iae per lb; aack a. Vie per lb leae; rrnnea, IU te 40, SSc; 'ic drop as eeeb eixtecntb smaller alar; flga. rallfornla black, BHtSe per lb: California white, be per Id: da I.e. (oldes. So per lb; tarda. 1.S5 pit MB box. ........ . t . . , . Orsaerlss. . STata. tte. v. SrTQAR Beok heate Cube. SO. SO; pewdered. SS.09; frslt aTasa!ate4.' SS.ftS; dry t-aaaleted. SS3S; Coof. A. S-S0; beet graneuited, VM: extra 0. SS.0S; goldra C. te-Sol U yellow. St.BSt hbla. loe: U. bhla. e-. aoxea. SOa adrasee ea aack baela. leae Soe per ewt far ssaa. IS Oays; maple, MQI&e per 10. A hove prlcea apply to sales ef leas tbaa ear kite. Car lots st special srless subject te Unrttiatlons.1 , CorrER I'arkace brands. S1S.TS. SALV Cnarae Half ground. 100a, per tee, table, dairy. 60a, IlLOn; 100a, SKITS: lav ported Mrerpool. SOa. ItT.On; loua. tlt.M; t24e. SlSOO: extra Sne. bhi. . sa. 1C, sua.-wnisoe. SALT Cos res Half ground.' ICOs, per ton. fr.00; BOB. par too. ST 50; Llrerpoal. tump rock, 1 80 ner ton) BO-lb reck. 17.00; lOoa, SS.TS.- , , DRAIN BAOft Calcatta, 'He. RICE Imperial Janes. Ne. t. Sc: "a. S, St6f,; New Orleans bead. 7c; AJax, Sc; Creole. Stc. . BSANS Small -arbrtei SS.TSt large white, fS.OO; pink. S2.T3: bsroa, 4i Umss. to. 00; HeTiran ret nuc KUTS Peanata.' embne. SHS aar fnt Tlrrrnts. THs per lb: roaeted. Sc; eocoassts, RftailMe per dos; walnnts, 1B4)1B)4c pet lb; pine nnta, lOOUHe per lb; hickory ssts. 10c per lb; ebeatnnta. eeaters. IB Use per lb- Braall sots. 14c ner lb! fllherra. 14(8ISe per St; fancy pecans. lBV-10He: alroorxt.. SlTs pes Is. .' Mats, Oasl Oils. Ets, Bore Pars Mtslla. .44; standard. slaal. lie. - : COAL OIL Peart or Astral CSaea. WHs per a woodre. ISe per gait baadllghi, 170-def ., cases. Km- per rat. OAROLIKR SS-Seg." Caere. S4He per - gal; Iron I.Wa, lac per'gsS. BENZIM s3-oe. eases, sue per gar, ma TtftvKxnrKz- bnla. Hoc ner gal. y WAITS LKAD Tea lots, T4e per rb; edO-lk lots. Ac per Ih: rea lota. SI4C per lb. W1RR N AIIS-Preaent base at 2.T0. - f.lNKEED OU-Pare raw, la S-bbl lots. Sne: 1-hM kit. Sic; raare. BAc per sel; genuine kettle boiled, ceext, SAe per gal; 6-hbl lota. B2e; 1-bH lot. B3e per gal: ground rake, car lota, f20.M per toa; leae teas ear tore. ( pes ana, areata, risk sad ProTieieae. . PRB8R - MBATS Pront street Beef steers. BdtVi pes H begs,- block. THs per lb; pack era, 7c per lb; balls. 48Sc per lb: cow. AStJOe per lb; real, extra. THe lb; orilK nary, es per lb; sour. Be per lb; mutton, Caaci, S4t7Uc ner lb. BAMS. BACON. tTr Portlaaa pack (loetl) name, jo 10 is ins. jiv per id; j 10 is inc. I3i lb; braekfaat baroe. ISCtlBVae per lb; plrnle, Sc per lb; regular abort clears, as smoked, lis per lb; smoked, lie per lb; clear backs, snamoked, lo4e per Ibi smoked, lle per lb; Ualos batts. 10 te IS lbs, an snviked. te per lb; smoked, Mr per Bit dear belllea, anaasuked, lie per lb; aavxed, IBs par lb; auouldere. SMC per Pa. LOCAL UARD Kettle leaf. . 10a, lis per lb; Be. HHe per Ih; BO-lb tins, lotfe par lb; afeaia rendered. 10a. 10c per lb; fie, 10S4e per IM compound, 10s, CANNKU 8ALM0S OlumMs rteer. Mb tails, fl.SU; t-lb talla, 12TB; fancy 1-lb lata. tl.BUi H-lb fancy gala, l. fancy l-lb orala. $27; Alsaks talla. pink. SSiiauc; red. l. BO; aomleei la. tall, 2.00l riSH Itork end. Te per P; Sonndera. Se pet lb; bailout, Tc per lb; era he. tl.BO per dos; striped bees. 12e per lb; eetfleb. Te per ; eelmon, allreraldeay.4e per lb; ateelbead, Tc per lbs- kerriag. Se per lb; aoies. ee per lb; ahiiape. ! Jue per lb; nereb, Se per lb; black cod, 7r pee b elleer amelt. Te per lb; lobsters, I Bej freak mackerel, be per Ik; era weak. Has ""oiKlKSS Rboalwater bey, per gat. SBSBj par eaek. S 78. CLAMS-Uardbell.' par eel. 12.00) rsasr elasM. S2.00 per aox. COTTON FUTURES f Wo' TO THREE JOINTS UP -i'ew York.: Krir." 23. Cettos ful area closed 2 te S pntnta higher, ae . Official ajootetlens by Orsrherk, Starr at Cooke compeay: .. - .. -'..:"v.Ortn. rinae.. January J 127 1140 111 Ita2.W February .1144 ,.1144- 1144 114:er 44 March 110ft USA 11.12 mAto VI April ... ., 1I5H.II May .......HOB 117 11ICI lldWiui June .v., ........... tiH7akiui Jnlr ..11T1 117S 1170 1170 . Norember . T.". . . J104H0S December .HOT 1121 HOT 1J14M1S ' lirsrsssl Oettea tsarer, ' Urerpebl, Nor, 2ri t'ottoa fntnres eloard trrrgnlar. 4 te S pointa lower, .Snots eulet. B paiuts iower... . POSTLABS BABX STATUTSXT. Cleat HigS ..,..,-.21.M ,H ..... Thi.BM.7T Be usees "lierllng Sates. K ew York. Nor. I.?. Sferltne ranea: Tkeuiaa,!. 4(.4I.S; 4M daya, 4S2.04r4.7. THEIfilPROVELlEflT LOST LATER Early Cains in s Wheat Ar Cut . Out and Prices Close With 1. i Decline for, Day. A QUARTER TO THREE : v ; ! : EIGHTHS CENT OFF Smallest Drop in the December Op , tion-Corn Suffers . on Dribbling . Liquidation -Oats Trad Rather Quiet. ' . ; SATTBDAT'S WHS AT MAHKIT. C Cloae Cloaa - 1 Loas Cloee Hat. t'rl. Bat. Tear Ago December May..,.. July.... S f Xt A f .oou A S .uou SI 8 .00 1. a ..oo .H7 sa4 Chlcaga. Nor. 2B. Logaa A Brysa say: oms little Imiirorsment erer yee- In wheat terrlsy's close took place early, but It wss sub- amjueutlr kret, leaving the pslces snchsngej. The chsrscter of the market abowa Terr little change, but, considering; ths news received, whlcU -wee mostly of s bnllleh nature, Ita act Ion Is somewhat dlaeppolnttng. The recognised bull Interest waa reported as sctlrs seller oa tbe advance, but aupportlng tbe market on tlie reectioB. - The Argentine news le conflicting and likely to continue of en uncertain tenor. The trade eontbiuee Insignificant with the mar ket jspparently lacking la sny fixed tendency. Oars Suffers ky Uka Ida ties. The eora market suffered from the dribbling Ilqiiisatloa aad toe abort selling'. Osts sympstklsed with - euru. Trada wss aulet. e- I'rorlaloA 'trade akowrd quite : sn Improre ment trrerVecent seaalona and hsd a firm -tone at- the ctoee. Iotereaf In this market eeeur to be tncreaatng ssd reflects more confidence fee current prh'ee by the antalde pnhllc. Official quotations by Orsrbeck, Stsrr A Cooks ooaapany; y , ... , - " HtSb. Low. ; CloaS, . .' Open.' .--.H2- Dee.. May.. joir- 4 .S2 r .B2 CORN. - ;.4.,i!4 New Dee. May July .44H .43 --4BTA - .434 - .ATB .4.1 UA 4a Vfc 4VB OATS Dec, .20 I . B .31? .SIHA Mar...... Jll i v -oixj ivisk. new pore. Jan....- H.T 12ST lit) l)lt Atsy..r..J2.M , 1.T.02 . ' 12.BT I3.0S . . .-, LARD.. - .. - , Dee. .-t..;4 .! . , - . , S OS , l f Jaa. ...... . S.OS ,.' , .. , S.B2 r. S.2 -:- May...... T.07 T.07' 7.0? T.OT -: -7 '--SHORT BTBSr -f -r-- -r Jan...... S.r sua i . AOS 7,' S.SS May...... S.8S . A 85 S.8S ASS , l-'.V, PKMABT ' OtATJt KAKaJT. " . Chicago, Ker. SS. Prlmsry receipts: Tvaay j xesr age Bnah. Bnah. Whest ................ .1.4H7.OO0 . tyW.SOO l,0TK.nnn Corn ' B8B,000 Khlpments: "- Wheat ................ Com t 'lenrsnree : Wheat,. XIT.Oiw buahels; , oats, 17,000 barrels. ..... SR2,000 400.000 . eVi.OOO 400,000 SA.nno buabela; - eora, 102,000 buabela; flour, SAB TBAXCI8C0 SAAIX XABZZT. , WHIAT. - - Anew. - Hlrb. : .3B lUBfi Low. Close. 1.40, 91.40 1.33 1.35 BaHI'KI . December..... 1.18H 1-1SH 1-18 CKICAOO CASK WHIAT. : Cbicago, Wot. No. 1 red;....'.. No. 8 red Ne. S hard..l.. Ke. S bard No. 1 danrthera. No. S northers. Ne. S spring.,., 28. Cask wheat: ji............. CHICAGO OBAIX CAB Chlcsso. Mar. 23. Urals ear lots: , Cars -Orsde Baf. Wheat ins 67 107 Corn .t r.-. . . . . , . . . r. . 24T T 21 J Wheat care today: lutnnesnoiTs TO imiutu Chlcaga 80. r I . . . UTXXPOOL BBATB AtAKKXT Liverpool, Nor. 26. Close! Wheat," December ieat. Decemher. f JflMjs4,klll'sil, nnta, WarT fie 6d, Hd lower. Corn January, 4s 4d, lower; Ad, k lower. - -. --i - March, WEAKNESS CONTIiiUED BUT PRICES Hogs Remain Dull at Yester- -day 'a riaclma HaftlA Flrrtri t Sheep Quiet. V Portland Ilnloa Stockyards, stock receipts: SS.-I.rre. 'Hogs Csttls Sheen Todsy 8 vol Week ago . ..... 107 Prevloua week M . ... , tw4 Month ago 421 ' 101 140 Tbe weakaeee la the hog market la continued but prices snow so Changs sines the decline ef 15c reported la Tbe Journal yesterday. Cat tle are firm at yesterday's decline. Sheen ajuiei ana anennngea. orricial - pricea rar nvertnex: Hogs Beet eaatern Oregon, Ali SOfrS.SO: blockers and Cblns fate, i.ou; stockers ;aod rVeders.- (4.0044.29. ' Cattle Beat eaatera Oregna steers. tS.SBSJ : light and medium steers. S2.23; light cows. S2.2.1: atockera and feedera. S2.2.1: bulla. II.SOi Hheen Wethers, Be; mixed sheen, 4Vk)3Mc; strslcbt ewes. Be: Istnba. r5c Calves Oood veal. ISO to 200 ponnda, BJ5c; rontta,sna aesvy. si'e. ZAITZAK HOOB STXADY. HOPS STXADY. . ; CMraro, Bee. 25. Llveetock receipts::' . Hoes Celtle si lieep Chicago .... ,ls.oa -4O0 B.rtiO (US) Kaoeas City. Omaha S.ftoO Sis) Hogs opened- ateady with r.iO left over Re ceipts a rear ago were 20.m. I'rlcea: Mixed, 4.Ko04 ft2l; good. 4 lV,tf4 0; 'rourh, 4.4Uv) 4.n: light. B4.eOVt.S0. Csttle Hieady.' - -Sheep Strong. . SAB FBABCIACO LOCAL ST0C1 ' Sa. rraociaco. Ker. S5 Official cW t . Blil Aak. 4S is" area Coat a Water..!.... ....... 47 Dorms Vetler Waters. i 40 Mutnel Electric.......;'!.... 144 San anclaco Uaa A lectrle..- B414 tilant Powder. .. i-. ,.,..,, . J... llawallaa Commercial..,......,,., S3 S23 Honohee Sntar. . IA ' Makawcll sugar..., lit' HI ' Onomes S'irar, .. V2 Ttlti I'aanbaa Muar..... t- 22 Oceanic Steamatitp ... m ..J02(4 ...S3 . n .J Pacific atatea Telephone. . 10.M4 S2' IM California Wine pacific Coaat Borax California Krnlt Cannere. 7'4 oa mi Aleeke rcrwrss Bow Terk Silver. Kew York, Ker. 20-MUvsr M , -Bid. Aak. $ AM4 f ,S7 v.ii . .Kii .V .30 ,M .m .sn .M J7 .St . .86 10TB. 1 TENNESSEE COAL JS UP 0 P0I.1IS BigSouthern Corporation Stock Closes With a Cain of Six,. , and Three Quarters.1 ADVANCES GENERAL IN FINANCIAL LIST All - Steel - Issues Art Held Strong, With Rises in Most Northern Pa cific Two. and Three Quarters Higher, i' "V ADVANCES. 'Y:. Anaconda tyl Locumotlrs ....... Amalgamstsd .... H Norfolk Atcblaon ,. t Ontario A Westers. Car A foundry ... Hennaylrania .u... Sugar People's ties .... Smelter 1 Pressed Steel Car.. Brooklyn ........ i Pariftc Mail ....... Canadian 1 Reeding C. A N. W ., 1- Hepubllc Steel ..... Cbeaspeeke H Hou tbera Hallway.. Colorado foel ..... Va Hon tbera racioc... Union Pacific...... do preferred..... Wabash DeUwsrs A Uodaoa tU Erie .............. . oo ZQ pro. ...... i Illinois leal ITaxaa A PaclBc... Tennessee Coal ... Metrupolltaa Hlaaourl PsclSe . K. Y. Central .. Northers PsclSe v-l a aupwi ..... H Wis.- Cent., pfd .. . t LOSSES. -; . - . VILanurlllc ........ Smelter, pfd ..... Baltimore Ureat Western ... Colorado Hon tbera. Locomotive, pfd .. I Mexican Central .. 2 Ksty oo preierreo North Americas ... 8. r 2d pfd ..... Wisconsin Central., aura laiana - da prci Wabssh. pfd Wall Street. New (York. Nev. 28. Tenneseee Coal wss ths leader today, with a rlae ef 64 pointa net. Tbe bank atatenreat waa a full demonstration of " tba changed condition In tbe monetary altastloa end with the Increase ta legal aaeervee and the reduction of loena wss a satlsfsctory effort to control tba situa tion by the beuka. tifArUl quotations ky Overbeck, Start tt Osaka ccmpanyj - mi ' DESCRIPTION. Anaconda Alining Co, ... 14S tS4 m4 10.1 SSX Amu. copper Co. v , ... AttSalaoa. com. "5 ita . 'Hit do preferred...... Am. Locomotive.....', do preferred Am. Car a.Fosndrr, c. 204 -8" 100 V4 de- preferred. Am. Suger. conf. ....... Am. Smelt., com..., do preferred Baltimore A Ohkv com., Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. 10014 10014 142 ir2vk 141 141 S 2I IM4 100 mi 1U4 S71S 11V, S7W 1.IZ lli4 ass. ( anadlaa Pariftc, eom.. 171 4B4 1044 172 S 4o4 104 1714 Central iatner do preferred.......... iua Chicago A Alton, eom... I do preferred.......... 0. AO. W., coat.... 20 20x I'T"-. Sill, at i. v 178 177 v. a: nj. w., earn..-..,,. Chlcaga Terminal By... Chesapeake A Ohio, Colo, fuel Tron, seal. Com. SontherSrft com do second See ferred . , . do first preferred. ... Delaware A Hudson Brie. -' com. ... 4S 2V 4 do second prererred . . . lliK.H-Centjsr.T.-. .... IxHilavllle A Naahvllle.. 151 120 4 24 i, 18S IW)4 Met. Ht. By....... 1IHI, 234 Mexican Central .Ry Minn., Ht. p. a me. M . . ISA . I - do preferre- ;7MwtsstwrrPicti ltWffltpsa; M. K. A T SI Ik ASM 874 tool do preferred New York Central Northers Pacific. ....... Norfolk A Western, com North American. ..; . .., N. Y.. Ont. A West era Pennsylvsnis Ry P. O. L. A O. Co , Pressed Steel Car. coat. do prvPfitnftMl I Pacific Mall S. S. Co.., Reading, com ........... . do secead preferred... da first preferred..., Rep. Iron A Steel, earn da preferred.. .. j Bock lelend. com...... do preferred.. Scnthers Br., com..T... do preferred 100 150 V, S4 101 vi 824 140 101 evuj 4 164 do preferred, 110 B14 22 B7V4 St. L 4 1. r., 2d pfd... St. Louie A S. W com. do nref erred ... SSVif T Texea A Pacific. . . taUI4fM 1 " r ri"-.; mj4, -l Lnloa Paclae. 1 do preferred. ........ U. H. Rnnber. com..... U. S. Steel Co., com.. do preferred Wheel. A U B., com... WTaconeln Central, com. do preferred., W eat era I'niea Teh)... Wabash, com... T4 B34 874 3 1044 IT 284 do preferred. " Total aslea for day, 574,000 alia res. I Csll money, 4 per seat. . , . . BOSTOB 00PPXB BAA KIT. Boxtos, KoTrtS.-Cspper cloee I - Bid. I Bid. Adventnra ...8 T. 12U North Botts...t T8.00 Alloaes ex.uo 'in vnaiaaia.. oo.jeia Arcedlas Atlantic ..... Blnsbant .... Calumet .... Centennial . . . Copper Bange. Daly West ... Kim Franklin Orerue Copper ttranby ...... Maea ........ Michigan .... Mohawk Nevada Cos.. goo luareoia ....... iiej.iai .22.50 Parrot 27.02 H4.7S ll'boenH ...... 1.00 BNU.IIO Otrlncr ...... '27.30 Royal ..... 28.12'i 74 an mania rs ..... x wi '.8.ri7H!Shsnsaa ' T.7S 2.50 ITameraek .... 120.00 1175 Trinity 10.60 2.7ft ll'ntted Capper. 8-1 25 62Ali:teh ., ! 75 Victoria ...... K.ntklwinaaa- Mt so in'olverlne S.12HIC. S. Mining., , 81 124 . S.021,4 s.xos, J27.80 88.42 Vj TOBOPAH IBIBw STOCKS. Ssa FrssdsoS, Nev, 25. Tonopak stocks, ef- Scial cloee; - , , Bid. I Montass e......$227V Mldwsy ....... 11 McN'amers ..... .41 Helmost 1.50 North Star .... .! Reeene ........ .07 . (lold Monntsla.. ' .nT Jim Butler .07 ' Nevada .12 Red Top .08 Ton. Ritesstea., I 50 OoldHeld ,67 Sandatorm , .... .45 Sandaturai Ax.. . . OA I Bid. I .or .20 ntxi Ksndall ITlumbls Mt 7 iimhe , . . . . A Inmha Bxtea,... Black Butte .... Oolnea Anchor. . Hllver Pick ... Hey A O'Brien. 10 .74 .21 A -12 .90 -.00 .08 .24 .IS . .24 .07 ,o ISA Ifrhio Tomipeh..,. ii. nun rrog..., Diamondfleld ... lone Star ...... Home C'aah Boy ...... Mohawk .18 I . BrW YOKK BABX TATUrXBT. Kw York, Bar, 25. Bank ata t ernes t: ' ' - increase. Reeerves. ...C....t .......2d.24l.uriO U. .ei.nv ....4,TB.VI0 .... ASAU.UOII .... 1.4.a) ;.. loan Ijosns ; . . . Specie .... Legale .... lieuiailta .. f" Circs latloa ..... M..... S7.UU0 Decree as. wiw yobs oorrxi kakxxt. New York. Nor." 25. Coffee futoreealoeed I to 18 points higher. OfSctal prices: . - - Bid.' Ask. I ' . Bid. Aak. Janaary ...SOTS Sue.-, fair .27 .18 87 40 ebenery rr- -S OfllAinrset i:-r.-. T.4W-T 80 Marcs j.'ar v tm neptemoer - ii T SS T so April ...... T.IO T IB' October .... 7. SO 7 SO May ....... T.20 7 November ... d sn a. TO Jsse t. 7.M T-UlUecsmbe S.0S S.T0 Portland Man Interested in Huge Deal Just Made at (Special Dlapatck ta Tks JearnaLl , r - Fendleiony Or.. Noy.,,, Xl. Charlea CirVrnlnaham, the eastern oreaon aneep kins, today perfected arranaeiaenta for ..1. .r hla nronerty. excepting his city-property in Pendleton, and all tha sheep owned, By nim 10 . of Antelope, J. M. Keeney of kwaniao, R. A. Kelsay Of Ontario . and p. J. Malarkev of Portlana. xne intnant to be made December 1. The mirchasera hava Incorporated un der the firm nam of tha Cunnlnfhkm Bheep At Land company. There will te ZO.SOO Bead of the finest sheep In the weat, 20.000 acres of land and 1,000 tons of hay. - The consideration Is $200,000 dollars. The headquartera or mo new firm will be at Pilot Rock, where Messrs. Burgess and Kelaay will conduct the buainesa and wUI rata tha finest sheep tn tba country. Cunnlnsham Intends aomg 10 Anaona to engage in tha stock business. This la one of the biggest deals oyer made in eaatern Oregon. f JUDGE GIVES BOY . ' ONE MORE CHANCE Presldtna Judaa rraier this morning stated that ha waa willing to grant a parole ' to Realous Waning, aged 10 yeara, charged with tha crime of larceny from a dwelling. Tha boy la said to hava broken into the room or u. - a. Johnson, 172 Washington atreet. - and taken an overcoat, sa in casn ana a check for I IS. He says that ha waa so drunk on tha day tha crime la alleged ta hava been committed, ' November 6, that ha did not know what he waa doing. Attorney Patraln appeared for tha boy and aald that Walling would be placed under tha control of responsible parties who would give, him ataady employ ment. Judge Fraser said that , under then conditions he favored giving the boy a chance. . Tha court favors al lowing tha youth to return to hla moth er, who Uvea in Whitman county, Wash ington. - ' "v. ," ,' ' - ., "; GRITZMACHER SUSPENDS 1 -INTOXICATED PATROLMAN Showing , plainly tha effect of too much liquor. Patrolman Scott took his place tn line at police headquarter last nfght Hla condition was noted by Cap tain Bailey, who -called It to tha at ten tlOTTof Iiispeajtsr Drain. Scott waa taken into Chief Gritxmachef a office by '' the inspector, where - tha chief promptly suspended him from duty. - He will file charges with tha police commis sion. '7.-1 - -V.r:-':'.'5r. - rJ -. Scott always baa been regarded aa an efficient and conscientious man. ' Ha waa employed on the day relief under Captain "Bailey and ' had a Bunnyslds beat, i He was reporting off duty when bis condition was noticed. , , ' : . fraferrsA Stock -Allen AV Lawis. Beat Brand. , COttSTOCK WBTBB STOCKS. Sea rraneisra.' Nov. 28. Official skasi , Bid. I . Bid. Bnllloa S .88 I Sara re B ,4T Belcher .'. .27, Poloel .41 Con. Cel.-Ys.... 1B0 I'nlon One .M OnhYf S.TB'crhTSJarhii,'.;- - Caledonia . Mexleaa .. Andes .82 Kxt-beqner .... 1.85 .21 Hsle A IorcrM t.ta .12 IHcorploa New York. Bar. 25. The Well Street Journal ears: The I La mho re-American line wltbdrsws from steerage sgreement and mar cause trans Atwstle rale war. Tbe coming cwigreas re port In mora favorable toward alilp euliaMy tbas pmleceeaors. United States Mtsel corporation OVERBECK, STARR Sc COOKE CO '"'.'-v t ' - ' Member Chlcaga Board" of Trada," . - ' 'V ' '" 'lv OaVaJjr, ' nOTXSIOaTS, OOTTOif, ' STOOB: ' AVa - B01T9S. ri 7 . : ; ;101 Third Street, McKay Building, PortUnd, Or. WB BO A STBIOTTjT OOBOaBBIOB; aVBTBBSSJ. ' ' ". ' Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd Tllton. bankers, and' United Statsa National Bank of Portland, . ' IF aaaea, eanuer, paralysis, tumora. rheumatism and uii-aisorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Ha has had great success In curing con sumption when tha victim ts aat too r.uch run down by the., disease. , and will stop hemorrhages In an Incredibly short time. He brews his own aiediatnes from Chinese roots, herbs, buds, barks and vegetable teas, all of which ara entirely harmless, and whose medicinal propertlea are unknown to American doctor a He uses in hie practice over SOS dif ferent Oriental remedies. Hundreds of testimonials from grateful pa tlsnta. '.. ... DR. WIINO UEB 11 aOBTX rOTBTM STBKBT. . - v rOXTXAJTO, OXBOOBT. I N A - WE E K ' -i 'We treat auceeaafully all private aar vous chronlo diseases of men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat trouble Wa aura . SYPHILIS ..without mercury) to stsy cured for avsr. - Ws remove STP.ICTUREI, with out operation or pain. In IS daya Wa stop drains,, night loasss and apermatorrhea .by. a new method, In a short time. We can restore the sexual rigor of any fjian under BO by means of local treatment peculiar" to ourselves. . , , ' ' - -- .'.'.. W; Cure Gonorrhoea ; ; ; In a Week; " Tha doctors of this InsUtnte ara all regular graduatea. hava bad ansny yee re" experience, nave been known In Portland for II years, have a reputatlosy to maintain, aad will undertake no case nlees certala aura eaa be effected, w. .ii.nntM eitee. In ewAw y. vnn. ii vvnauiia. Hon free. IvCtt-rs co-indsntlal. Instruc tive BOOK FOR MSN mailed free la plain wrapper. . -'' Ws curs the ernrst eases of pnss la (wa ar three treatments, without opera tion. Cure puaranteed, . If yea cannot sail at offlca, write (or ssftil. ca hours, an T ta t. Bundsys'and liofldsrs. 18 ta It DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offlcss la Vsa Noy Hotel, t! Third StrssU Corner Plna. Portland Oa.- UNION DEPOT. Arrives. 4. " .' 8 V a. ax. Daily.-. . For May sera. Rainier Clatakaule Weetport. 11 SOs. m. Uallj. Clifton, -Astoria, War.) ronton, Flevel, Ham moud. Fort Stevens, fiearhart Park, Beaelde. Astorls sal Bsaskor. ' . Kxpress Dally. ' Astoria Eiprees. T OO a. at. StBO a. m. Dally. Dally. af. V. PH t I J. u, r . r. 4-a s"1A-x l at, ui, w -e w a ejrA r ssi tat a a s.t na 0 A. STEWART. Commercial Agent. 24S Alder atreet Foods Main sua.- Alaska FAST AND FOPCLAB STEAxIBBIP Leave Seattle s. as. "JirrBmSOM," Boremher SB, via W rental. S'DOLPHIM Bsvember A IT, via Wrasgel. "I-ABAlXOaT," November 10, . 84, - sis Wrs-ujsl, stetUkahtla. CALLINO AT '., " ' Xetohtkaa, Juneau. Douglas. Hames, ttis way. Oenneeta with W, I, A T. route let Atlla, Hawses, Teases, Beats, sis. , . Far All Southeastern Alaska Ports. ' -Call or sand for Trip to Wonderful Alsaks," "Indian Baeketry," 'Totem foleo." , TBI ALASKA S. S. 00. . Prenk Wooleey Co., Agents. V tut Osk St. , Portland. Or. CrOBvxmxoaA. azmwr, mrjrwzLSB, KYOSIOOKIVB, TABZOOOXU, XiOSS OA ICABTBtOODf BaaTJBLATISaf, BOslBs, ITXMaV and aCOr DIBsVABBB. Wt want every man afflicted wit tna tbov dlaeaaaa to honeatly Investigate our special system of treatment. We In vite In particular all who hava treated elsewhere without suocsss, an - whose cases bava been abandoned ' by family physicians . and ao-called "BPBOIAXr. SBTS," all whose troubles . hava been aggravated and made worse by the use of - BBI.TB, PUS SABEPIJBB, TaUAIa TXaVATBEBSTTB and so-called ,SPBCX. ICS. We will explain to you why such treatment haa failed to cure yon, and ill demonetrate to your entire sstls- factlon that wa can curs yon aafsly. quickly and permanently.- - -Our counssl will cost nothing, and wa wui oo oy yoa sa ws would wlah you to do by as tf our eases were reversed.' Write for oof home treatment If you -cannet ealt The DR. LIEOIG STAFF aVioma aad Tr Winchester BToaae, M and aaraaUe Bteeeta, rorUaad, Oa,, . TSstaaUaksd 1ST. Ea. certCMcaTcero gnaLiaM . ear , hiliiiiiui a A.iwwa I la HE a aad eld. aMMIta im. aaaM ettk ateartabae. Take ne etheew. BafWae awnaaeaas Sabatltealeeje aad lailtev I W 2r eiaaua le, fei W.el.r, TmMmeaTqle lam D MaRaMeT fee LSlaa,ea Wear, ky ee. X . wr . b . . , a - ... ij m I DreesMia. Cileheeeer Ckeaaleal Ca- aea Seaere. a. r DOWBIBO, CO , . iatabllahad Hl.) ., v WXXAT AUtP STOCK BBOKMAV, ' Boom 4, Vioaad Floor, ' , KABBBB Of COasTACBBrjm, op post a advsace fat steel plats prices favored ny eaatera mute, aicnnws m prepsrtng ne es enormorm (. a llfornka boelneaa sod sxpscts erd traffic. Tbe bsnks gelaed on the week's currency movement S8.0r.ni0. Trnrebsnks lost tn the suntresaurr aincs rrMay, J-ves. a aafc DR.TING LEE The Great Chinese Doctor L OCJtT B D N PORTLJtMD Ha Is called great because ha cures all - dtsesases without resorting to the knife. - Call and have a f roe examination. Ha will tell vou tha exact nature of your trouble. ' He treats auoceasfully evsry form of fa- . . male Hiunnlaiai. aill nylvarc mm A kln-a JIIm . M I f A . ,' aneatloa blank, - Soma, treatment ava. -.av-V-- - An 1 xT .vsar' '- irrnTTTwV ' v ; uraorrRieTOD 3 Trains to 'the East Daily 3 Through Pullmsa standard and tsarist sleep. ' ing-eers dally to Omaha, Cblcego, Spokane! tourlat dally to lUusss Cityj throuah fullm.e tn.u. .1 n. . ally eonducti,.l) weekly to Chicago,' ReclLulof cbelrcera (aeata free) 4a the Eest Sslly. v . UNION DRPOT. Lea ree. Arrleea. CHICAOOPOHTLANO SI'ECIAU Par ths Baet via Oust lngtoa. S15S.I Dally. . 8:28 p. n, Dally. BPOKAN'B FI.YKR. For Kaatera Waahlng ton. Walla ".alia, Lew Istoa, Coeur d' A lens snd Greet 'Northers points. S IS a. ax. S4M a. ss. Dally. Dslly. ITUNTrc KTPnirua :1H n. aa. T ill a. m. - For the F.eet via Uunt- Dally. Dslly. ingron. Otflnmkts Elver Drrnttoa. FOB A8TOBIA snd way R no a. aa points, connecting with tmr. for llwsos snd North Beach. stmr. Bssaalo, Aak -at dock. n.ii. About ' ex Sunday, 8:00 s. ox. - Hatnrdey. lex. Sunday, o mo p. m. Tsmklli Blvar Bests. FOB DATTOff. Oresos City ssd Yamhill river T:on t. m. Dally ex. SuBday. T SO p. aa. Dsllr Cilnta, etmra. Hutb snd odne. Asb-st, dock. ex. Sunday. (Water permlttlug.K Snaky Blver Bents. FOB LBWISTON, Ids- 8:40 a. m. or snon ar. 4KB) a. an. ana way points rrom Rlparia, Waeb., stmra Spokane ssd Lew la to a. rival Tralal No. 4. Dsllr Dallr ex. Fridsy. tex. wet. I t TICKBI OITFlck." third and Waablngtea Sia,- , inrimini. leam fix. C. W. 8TIN0EB. City Ticket Agint. L. CKAld, tieaersl Passencer Ageat. OVKRLAND BkPBKMA Trains for Hsh-m, Boae- burs. - Aehlasd. i Sacra meats, Ogden, Sss FrsaH S:Sl claco. Btetktos, ixs as reles. El Paao, Vew Ot (rane and the F.esC slorstna train ene- t.t aeets .st Wood burn dally except . Sunder with train for . stoost. 8:S0 a. Bk Angel. Stlsertes, EAST "a i SOUTiP Leaves. I UNION DEPOT. Arrives, . 5:S5psv . Rroweevllle. Ittlll field, WsadUna ssd Nstroa. i Bugeas uassesger-eoa-neets et wood Kuril with 4:18 a, m. 10 :U a.xv Mt. Angel ssd Silver-l ton local. ' Corral lis psssenger... Snarldss paaaenger. Foreet Orore paeeengaf I-. a. at. 4:60 a. aa. 10:4p.m 8:80 p. ss.- r:sd s. aa. t:50 p. m. Dallr.' " liuatir except sonday. PsrtUaS Oawaga uearsaa Serrlee aad YamklU . - arinaeaw. - - '-..., ' tVnn foot of Jeffersesi street. -tsve Portland dally for Oaweso 7: SO s. m l 12:60.2:05. 4:00. S:20. S:2S. S:So. 10:10, ll:s : p m. Dally I except SmdavV. S:80. 8:20, 8.25. fn.ea. - MnmAmw knlv. fl:fal a. m. Refnr'nlnir from Oewego, arrive Port's"Sl Sail; .n- m - V-T-M-MIR. S -Mf SrlB.":. B :1W 11:10 p. m., 12:55 a. m. Dally (except Sunday), 8:28. T:29. 8 SO. 1H4S s. sv Busday ealy, 10?o0 s. at. ' . ' .. " I. - Leaves from same seen tor irsusa mediate points dally 4:18 p. at. Arrive rart- v-e aei.eei i ' The lnoepeadeoce-Mori month Motne Line operates dally to Moo month aad Alrlls. eos nectlng with Sonthers PaetSs eompaay'a track! st DaTlae and Isdepesdence. ' yimt-claae fere from Portland ts Sacraments and Sas Frasdeea 220. bertha 83; second-class fare 818, aeeond-claas berths 8150. Ticksts ts Eaatern points asd Ksrepss also Japan. Chins. Honolalu ssd Auetralla. Oty Ticket Of Oca corner Third asd Wash ington etreete. Pheoa Mais 712. C W- STINORB. A. UCBAia. Cltr Ticket Agent. ; ' - 0a. Psss. Ageat TIME CARD -OF- ';-:trains. Portlands - TAILY. TJHIOIIipKPOT. Depart. Arrtrs. Yauowstoos Park-Kas sas City-fit. Louis Spe cial lor t;seneusa. ito trslls. Olympls, trays 8:80 a. gs. 4: p. to. Uarbori Soatb Bead, Ta enne Beattle. Hookane. Lewlstos, Butts, Bit- lines. Denver. Omaha, Kansas City," St, Lonls snd Bostheaat. North Coaat Limited, electric lighted, for Ta oma, Seattle, Spokane, Butts. Minneapolis, 81 Paul and ths Kaat. Paget Sound Limited, for Chehalle, Centralla, Tacoma aad - Seattle onlr, - - - - " - - r Twla City Bxpress, for Tacoma, Seattle. Spo kane, Helena, But to. Sel Iowa tea Park, Mia sespnlla, St.' Paul ssd the Beat. 2:00 p. St. ' v ' -71 4:S0 p. al. 11:48 s. at. T.-0n. . " ..' tost p M p sC, A, D. CR A ALTON, ' ' , Aeelatant General paaaenger ' Agest, 258 Morrison it., cor. Tblrd. . i - Pvrtlssa, Oregoa, TMK COMrTewtTASLC WAV, -City Ticket OfSeo. 1SS M St. Pkase SStT 7 Overland Trains Daily 9 Tbs Oriental Limited, ths Fast Ball' SJrXBaTDro SXBTXOB- " TJ2-TO-DATB BQUIPBIBBT . .' ' OOVBTXOV8 BMPI.OTBB Tin rC&AifW Bronx ARRIVE Ir8s-m ortland 7:00 a.m. 11:41 p. m Tia Ssattla 8:10 p. m. t .lt p. m. Tla Spokaae 1:00 a. m. , ( ersat srorthera Stsamshlp Oo. Palling; from Henttls . . S. BSBOTA. DBO. IS. . BUB STB SOT A, XBB. 1. For Japan and China Ports and Manila. BriPPOST TTJSBaT KAISBtA (Japan Mall Pteemehln Company) b. a iyo uiikv. tstls from Seattle for Japan, China snd all Asiatic Porta ... About pecemher 11. For tickets, rales, berth rsasr vstlons, etc., call on or address ' X. DIOXSOB, U, P. A T. A. . Portland, Or. . B. 9. TXXSOBB. A n P. A . . Seattla. Wash ... ,t ...