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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, FHIDAY EVENING. NOVEMESR Z . 1SS3. MM) f-7. f - m&3 7P7U in- u ' Er'-ed at the poatofflc at Port"". Oraaaa, f" iiiiwrUuuo lurvuao, la suit as aeoued' l lustier . . , Itauaae for alnrle eorrtee: for a 8, 10 ee Pf 1 mi; i te 30 pad, a ) la 44 page. S oral, . . v - -v . ... IMttnrial turn. fJS'S S2 JIUallMa ouw. ...... ......"....Msla foreiqv ASTziTranrs immn"11 Vwl.iid-llMiJ.mU Special AdvblnS M& . 140 haieW .ueet. Aew Serai Ttlbu lWtW- STTBSCXrrTIOW BATES. by Cants. Tb Dslly JournaL wltk Monday, "tV" sue i.auy, par mi, awn, - ., eroded ....- Tn Kally.. per weak Ured. Seeder espied .. - l Waft. - 10 Tha Baity JoaraaL wltk Sunday. 1 reef..-7- Tha Dally Joarul, 1 year.. ...... !S? 1 ba Dslly Journal, wltk Sunday, aBSBthe. 3.7S Tha bally Journal sooth.r.... -AJ Tb Dally JournaL wltk Sunday, Bwatne. 1.00 Tlia Dally Journal. a month e-0 in Dally Journal, Tha Dally JoaraaL 'with Sunday. month.. . kST5;:::-sS iv. . i . r' Tha tnaAav Jmht..! HalM Jt-W Tha Be!-Weekly JoaraaL The Beml-Weeklv JoaraaL I U PSeO aark Issue. Ulaetraled, lull market - art, 1 mi ,-B? Vemlttancee should pa mad by draft, postal Bote, ipreea order and aaaall amounts ara aeseptable la 1 and a-aant post. "-" , r. a Bo hl ParjMMiiir - 'E US TRZ JOXntaTAX MAT aUJOTOlk Tha Jaarnal eta followlna nlacaai Ccaad a aaU ' 4 ar C. W. al bolHB. WAiHB. 8nr ' tBlCAOO Poatoftlct Raw oanpaay; C bora atract. DENVER, coLOftaDO J. Black, Witaaata aa4 Oantt atrreta. KNSg VITY Vaa Kay Wawa eatapaay. ' MINNEAPOLIS M. J. Kavaaaafk. SO Bcatk Third ttmt. ! KFW YOB K crrT Brantaaa'a, Oaloa aqaara. OMAHA kllllard Hotel anrt aland; Macaatk KtattonrrT aoniBaay. IMS raraaia atraat. SALT LAKH CITY Kenyoa Uotel aawa atan! Barrow Rroa., Waat aeeoiui atraat, aoatk- CT. LOUIS I'hllly Raedcr. 61 basuat atraat: T,. T. Jett. ft 0Ua atraat. . BAN FRANCISCO W. .-Ardlnf, falaea Hotal aawa atand and tOftS Market atraat: ,std mltk Braa., XM Butter atraat and fta'nt - Fraada kotei; Faster Oraar. Ferry build in; N. Wfceatley, avmaMe news stand, oar ner Market and Kearney atraata. " BFATT1.B Rainier Grand aawa stand; W. b Bhanka. Hotel aeattle newa atand. . BPOKAKB, WA8U1.N0T0N Joka W. Orakaa C. TACOMA. WAHIIfOTO Centrat Hew on. ran; Hotel Tarrona aewa atand.- ' . a V ft TORI A, BRITISH XLCMBIA Ttctorh. Bonk at AtatlonerT company. . WEATHER REPORT. The trough of low pwasura yaaterday extend, tng froai tna Tixaa panbaadla north to tna I'.kntaa haa oVveloned Into a aerera storm, which Is now central arer Lake Bnperlor.- It la - faualoa Jilah - nlnoa no the great lakra and rale has fallen ceaerally throosbout the middle weat. ' -The. temperatnre baa riaea decidedly ,-aut at. UM. alias Ipalppi rlTor and it la mn-h mkter la rha stairs lln between "1he"M I a alaalnnfl rleer and tha Rorhy BBonntalna. The preasura Is hJrh la the Fecial? etatna, wblrh haa uerd (enerally talr waataer 1e preyall la thla district. Loral rains, howeeer, have fallen alonf the middle California eoeat aad tof pre eaila this morning la wester Oregon. The Indlrations are for eonttntied (air weather In this dlatl-k't tonight and Haturday. exceiit almwera along the Washington roaat. It will hs ' rolder tonight 1 anotbeaatera Idaho. Wedding Csre-K- W. 9. Bmlth a Co., Wash ington bldg.i -ear. Foarth aad Washington at. Mia Bertha' Martin, mom' lt Allsky bldg. Stamping and flna needlework; ieaaona glee. BIRTHS." jgATSOS-Strrctnher , to Mr. and" Mrs, M.i.n. In PenlnenM.T" oahghter. hfartt rRAWKORIi Noremher 14. to Captain ; and Mrs. Crawford, SA4 Oak etreet. a eon. BI YH NoTcmher n, Mr. and Mrs. Beyer Bnea. 4X4 Harrison at reel, a daughter.. , DONOVjU.V Xoremher 10. to Mr. and Mr. Jobs Iktnoran, 614 (Cottage Plaee, a ann. - r CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. I. FKill November 23. Mr.. Fannla. A. Leigh, SMI Tbarman street, diphtheria. h - ' DEATHS. 0 BIUBN Noremher 11 William O'Brlea, aged 41 yeara, at Ht. Tiacenl a hoapllal; eauoa. nephritis. Burial at Mount Calvary aeme- erlna. aaed Sis fearar3 Weal rr-sTrrr ranee, aiyelllla.. Burial at Celnmbua, Obw. HI RNS Noremher Z2. Jnlia Ham, aged BT "Tearmr- nhritls. ilnrial at Monnt Clear, oewieterr . -PRKNTOK Noremher t. Joaepbma Preatna, . aged 3S years, TOI Gantenheta arenne; raasa, . pnennvmla.. Burial at Mcappnoac, regnn. -MATKt HICK November 34, la thla dtr, Antoo Matacbek, ged rears. ' vy RTTERTIEW C1METIRT..- ; : fclnrT graeea Jlo. ' Family lot ITS to 11,00. Th. only ermetery la Portland which pee. penally maintain and care for lota. For fatt information apply te W. R. MackeasJa, War- ceator Bwea, -city. wi m.- ua. J. P. nnley Boa.- funei al dlraetors aad emhalmer. corner Third aad Mtdlao atraata. OrSca of aoaaty eoroasr. Talepaoao Mala ' Daanlna. McEntea 4 Ollbeaga. undertakers ad embaknerai aaodera la aeery detstL Seeaoth ad PI as. Mala 450.- Lady aaelstaat. ' Fuaora wreathe and rat nVineis vperlalty t Boa City Gmnhoaaa, T rnn aad East Merrlaoa. oppoalt .amatory. Tha Edward Bolmaa T1nd acta king compaay, ftinaral dlrertar aad omhalmsr. RW Third at. Phono 0t. t 1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ll comnanr to A. C. Webater. anork S lot 17 and 18, block a, City View .iinna.wwtn v i. to as. rerao aoa, ,lut 10. block IS, Walnut Park.... P. A. McDanlel aad husband to K p coo llealy. east TTi feat k.t. , 4,. block, Mi. Court) addttkm ...JU. ........ . . ' 1 W. Btrykee and wife to A. T. Ele- ; worth, lot. It, l. to and 2L blork X. , " Banta Hvaa Park . . . . . t SB 1 0 yfJ. lrewm-ln Ooidea, Sat -17, Jbloeh T. V.ondnMr 7....... , I Moare Inreatment company to L Roy . v Aaderaoo. lot, S. block 2, Vernon . ISO , W E. Wood lo J. MrDunald aad wife. ' Vds T aed S. block 1ft. city ........ 1 3. O. Houaton and wife tn U. f, KPorsr? ' . lots 1 and a, block . . Portamoutb : Villa , too : L Pope, trnata. to M. A. Ooltoa. " lota 1 to I, hlock ja. Arbor Lodge .... A: Harold to Mr.-. U Kleehsner, lot. ; 11 sad 23,- block IS, Ltaabaa Klraf Id-' i dltlon , ; - D. R. Backmaa nd wife to p. S. Mayo. 00 15 lota to 10. Blork a, lalrerslty Psrk. " ,. I r. B. 'lacker and wife to F. B. Mayo. . lot 14 block B, -Portamoath Villa E ' A.- Krane' aad' boihand to'bV 'r'ivg't! ' a. I.I 1 1 Ion ,. ' 1 (,-ni.ii aaTinra iai aneirry a A. M. Maffct. I.SlN.Srtae.M feer beginning cent aerthw SW. township I aorth. range t oeat, and other property.... 1.36 W. A. Tirrcra ana wue to r. r. BBea eroea. tut IS. block 33. Boat . Port. land .'1.000 4 It r to L. Breaks, lota T and S. block IBS, 1 . rllt t I i . Moc'l.nd and wire to I. V. Alcoat, h.ia S aud 4, blork SI. Linatoa .-.j,- It. w. P. B. to. to K. M. Wolga- m..t. l-t , bkvk T. -II wood ...... ,J A. -nrttiaae srU htialtand to if. M. Iternl , , ... r.w-f Imt- 1 and 4 h Lvk 1. 1' .-. ..Widen ,.; t,:...1M T. 1 m t i-" m.r and elfe lo a. Eencllo, -.... r .h 4. block A. Caruiber'. a. !-"n .j 3.500 T1.S Tlslly Jourual. rim Basdev. I The Laity Journal. 1 year VIJT its The Ii.iiy Journal, wltk Suaday. 8 meath. Th. Imlly Journal aUm...... f"? The Dallr JoormaL wltk KundaT. S noeata. 10 t ha ......... - AO ; -,1 n end hu)an4 td V. M. C!. I. 11 .l--t I! I'o. l.nvmth Villa .... pns .. I aif. to M M. Cain. ! Si vi 1 IwT, htawood adUltloa. V tiave-rnpl funds to loaa Sn any amount on improved ousines. and residence property in Portland and vicinitx at lowest rates,- Titles Insured ; v Abstracts Furnished Mwst Company 240 Washington SU Cor. 2d ' , PORTLAND, OREGON . - I Nortliwesteni:? ;i z clutHalvlife OF IDLWADKEE, WIS. Tha largest Barely Ameriraa compaay. It la everywhere Being; awoted aa tha highest eg. ample of what a Ufa laaaraaoa -company eaoald be. Wa ar arer at tha earrtc of those wae dastr informatioa oa Inaoraac s objects. rhone tM. .- -, . . . Ot B FOUCT-BOtOKKS ARB BATI8FIKD. - , GENERAb AORNTS. , . CONOORO RLILOIKO. PORTLAKD, ORIGOH. PROHISESr If we make ycu a promise of any kind with relation to your fcuslness, yotf may absolutely rely upon It. . sarrea ha ben owTn at th tact that we keep oar prombMa." WI I.VVITE VOO TO TRT IB. ; l!;i3-:;.of,0ronv;;v:: Boutbeaat Corner Third and Oak itreet. PriTat Eichaag TJ. ' In' Any;;flmtlfy- W also sail on commt.aton.' ' Ouaratt tea beat reulta. PORTLAND AUC TION 'ROOM 111 Flrat street A. fkhubach. proprietor. Fbo Mala Sill. HIGHEST-CASH.:PRIOB IS1IO FOR SECOND-HAND T101G ' ,11111. . ; - LosAigclcs Fiirnitiirc Co. Phono Clay 2. Bos BO, Th JoaraaL lits!( a50 i'ioo Fxt; Eadi niberala Barings Bank, owner, will n with out eeeerre, a limited number of chelca and deslrsbl lota oa the carllne for MS each. Title perfect. For particulars Inquire at room SOS McKay bid-.. Third aad Stark atraata. A ay person will amy isejs sol. oa Bigot. - EASTERN DENTIB-P ; , Would like to buy out Portland dentist who naa good .Mention, write full parties la rs aa in-nni to e. js., care journal. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. HibernU Raring bank to J. Morrison. lot 17, block 31, Booth Portland 381 I. veriing ana wire to J. 4., west 40 feet lot 1. block 1. Dolan's addl. tloa --c-'-'V.-r.-.-.-,'-.-. Tr.'r- I.'';, ,,ie fnn Beal Eatsta inrestora' . aasocla'loa to Henry Mouata, lots 13 and 1.1, block 81. ' ' " BellwooJ ...... I Sterling Land eonuway to P. G. Dykes, v ' noillto teet lot a. Bloc II, Doacber' Second addition, and other proBortr ... 5.000 Q. W. Rufrner. una wife to B. H. Cow lea, , , lota ix ana le, biocb b, juiiler s sdol- . ' tlo. Bellwoow ' MQ John Berry to AS. Hoffman. , lota 4 and - ft. block 4. rortamouiu villa Annex.-.- 330 Portlnnd rrust eomiiaar to Uenrga L. - -Julilts, lot T, block P9, - Orernr ' ad dition ' 000 0- kaabe and wife to Portland Trnat mm- - paay. weat H lota I and Z, blork SZ7, Hawthorne park addition s r. .. d.100 Title Onaranteo Trnat coarnany tn Ira . ' MorrUoa, lot 3, block X Weat Pied mont , 300 Cnlremlty Lsnd company to C. E. Price, , . lots 14 and IS. block 64, lalrarslty t Park T. 400 C. F. Msch'n and wife to L. K. Wagner, lot S. block S. Market Street addition., ' ISO Get roar taanraas and ahatrirta to real estate from the Title Gaorantoe ft Trnat psny, 340 Washing-tea street, earner SVeend. NOTICE. , NOTICB TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received by the secretary of . th Lewi and Clark Centennial Bipoaltlfln , enmmlaaloa up lo 13 o'clock Bona, Noremher ' K3. luos, far the parekaeo of any nf tha ibvntt bolldlnga at the expoaltloa gnmnda. or for lb purrhssa of any part at any or all or said building. Bidders may offer a , price tor the aaab, doora, glaee, hardware, lumber ar any other Mirage reins, tha bid der to remora and tak. away same at hi atpense. Any eat la 'art or y offer for any Ham will ba accepted aad a aale made. Itemlned I let of all material In each bnlld. la wlU ho famished Milder by the secret err Bid will ho considered for tha wrersegs of any-or ail tn ouiminge. il Btdn maet ha accnmnanled by a check for 6 nee cent of Ilia amount of fli bids Bd for wreckage by a enecK oc iw. . Fall particular can ho bad from ' , V. EDMOND 0. wlI.TNER. ... ..-..' -.:.. eTetrBurr, .. S.rfcBclafl '& Son AHD-FDRmTl MEETING NOTICES. ,WEBFO0T Camp, - Friday nlgnt. at w. w. w. oan. Tenth aad Washington t.. All members ar re- nested te be oreaent thw Friday, , annual election of ofneers. Thankaglrlng tur. key raffle. Tlrketa will alee ba distributed for tha annual banquet to bs held December 8. These tirseta can only oa aecured la camp. M. J. WOOUWAKU, v. J. A. L. BAKBK8, Clerk. . . MCLTHOMAR CAMP. Ka. IT. W. O. W.. meets toolght la It. ' asll. Eaat Sixth, near Eaat Alder. All visiting netghbora ' rordlaUy weicomeau U O. W1LK1N8, C tt ' 3. W. WOODWOHTH. Clark. CITT BOARD OF CHABITIEft-Tha annual meeting ef memner iiw T r" " ' .. tor nd traaaacuon oa e aa may proper ly 'com. before U, will I held at SOS Jafferaoa at., near Fifth, Monday, Noremher 27. lwio. at . ewea p. " LOST AND FOUND. LOST Purs Vlth lut 13 la change; ! containing letters, aeiura 10 ."" Finder keep change aad retura puree and letter, letter auiwu 10 LORT solitaire diamond ring. bet. Meier r Frank Co. ng Moneaay ara; rewaru wr -tw turn to W.,B. GUfka Co., IOS-110 Front at. COST Plain gold locket with L. H. 8. oa tha Inalde: S5 reward lor eaane. uee.e n ennu. HELP WANTED MALE. WlWTRtl Marhera to know that A. K. 1 Wllana Co. 'a fire aale ta anw going oa at !ttt Ankeae at Rcolt Hotel bailg. I Williams'. Colgate' and Wilson's aharlnaf soap. SI U S3 per hog; talcum, pewoere, tc per sown; oar- Her chatrs. ooc to sz. wa win neu rmr . Mt Karealna! orriera from tha conn- try will bar. prompt attention, -W. will open again la our old a tore about Dae. IS with a fuu una or- new aooo. , nnrrTTRsi a good POfllTIOM V7a assist competent office men. brnkkowpara. aTenograpnara. eaaaiera. coueenwn. 0111 cioraa. reneral clerical, tecnnieai oneamwrriai men. Baalnesa Mea'a Clear Bog uoaaa. lis MB ft and baya wanted to aara SS day. after S mouth. Ins tract Ma. poarnna gaaraaieea; pectal tulttna barf price, few day. onlr. rVtyae Broa. Oa. PInmMnf ftdwola, iw Tork, ClnHnaatl. O., tt. Louts, M. Fra. oaUlogoa. (30 TO Sax par week aaatry-wiada artlfng alck aad accident aenenta roc union mutual auo Aaa'n. TOS Marqnam bMg. . ALRXMEN wasted; cash advanced waoklyt geod territory one: aatnt rree: anni. a re mar ine SI 00 tn SIM par month. . Why not yoal Addreoa Waahlngtoa Nuraery Co Toppenlah. Waablngtoa. '-' , WAKTED- Clerha and window -dreeeers to tdy - -a 1.1 w aa 1 a .l.kl Ha.ini w r 1 1 J tip, , v. " achnol; personal laatrnctloa. Apply for par ticular. - Portlaad Barber College. . Tnltleai reasons bai 3T r landers St. aa any school oa coast. MEM WANTED 100 man to gat room and hoard at Golden Weat. cents aad Broratt; rnreatlgate; tt will pay yon. WAirTET-PUBlh1 ta Var telerrsphy. giuwlng oemand Tor operators poena eai puaiaaieeo. ti 4ir Tbh-lt SK. room a. after p. m. ACTIVE oollcltora wanted for a good paying pmpoaltlon: sslary and commission. SU) Aueay mo. -rnu-a aa morriaoa. i TOl'NG man for ofaco work with knowledge of boekkeeiTng and can s type writer. Q 10, care Journal. WANTED A bHght hoe, well acquainted with city, to make deneerte on Ba tar day. , call People a Market ft Grocery Compaay, 301 Fh-at at ' MEN WANTED 100 men to get rooma and board at oolde went notei, shtouib a bo ETarett. Inrestlgete;, It will pay yon.. WANTED 3 good nlicitor at 148 Grand are.. city, pin to zn per weeg. HELP. WANTED FEMALE. WA I hll Hills iwef IT years. to te make wlrs fra block: ebsnc tn learn good trade. S3 Front et. Inquire Lowengsrt ft Co.. PORTLAND SEWING SCHOOL Pasblnanhl. dreasmakln. 371 H Morrloa at., cor Foartb. room C. Bystsm taught. HANSEN'S LAUSS' kOENCT. S4SU Washrn. i to sL, eeri Beeeath. nnetalr. . Phoao Mala loss. Feaula belp waat ad. . v WOMAN, arer iff., energetic, reliable, ta take charge of a Vlael of floe. . Call or address room 23. Lewis bide. s0 A MONTH aar oa 2Se capital: remarkable hut tna: per from atart; worked an. re hear.; particulars for Sc stamp. The W an nua L'fllltr ft Sneclflc Co.. lock hoi 3A3 rmllanilOjajna. Tka ahsaa I. wortfe 10 ta - any uue. WANTED J - WANTED An einerlenc 4 Jiorth Twentieth at. WANTED Immediately, - Beat; refined woman under So. honackeener widower a family, sn other town. YamhllL Phone Mala 5413. WANTED Typewriter to go to L'nloa. Oregon; postof See work. Apply to Mario F. . pari. notes . era in. ELDERLT lady for light housework sod care , of one child. 443 Eaat Clay. EXPERIENCED Swedish girl desires sltnstloa cook In flrstvlas family; good wage. zao iimuiii. Phone Main' Mis. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. H WANTED Immediately, S mea or women to da casrssslng. Call ap Eaat 0571 toad Brepasiuoa. WANTED At once, a bright, energetic, a arn table maa or wnmaa, a fnoi talker, ta tska up aa attraettrs proposltloa. . Inquire t&A t nsmoer ot vommerce, e a. e.. HELP wanted and snpplted. male or femal. R. O. Drake, SOD Waahlngtoa at. BUck 10SS. WANTED men ar women; big eller: hlg prpSta. , Call S39 Market; city or country. WANTED good eollcitor for Oregon nd - Washingtoa towns. . salary or commissi ei. Room 8 Lshhe hldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. RELIABLE Germsa maa want hoesecleanlng , by the day; a lea ator or office cleaning. - Phone Main 1070. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desire te learn U pert lea who have few hours' bookkeeping ' to b don each day. a 44, care of Journal. WANTED By a middle-aged, educated mss, work la efnee: willing to de anything. Ad drees H 3ft, ear Journal. FIRST-CLASS mechanic, wants ,0ob keeping ap ,. rrpalra oa machinery of manafeetnrlng plant: caa also act f.e-emsn of a department: will atart at reasonable rat. Addrca H 34, ; care JoaraaL WANTED By a middle-aged, educated man, work la offlca; willing to do northing. Ad . drea O 60, car JournaL WANTED Peal tloa a Bremen la factory, mill or furnace. R- M. Johnson, 143 Twelfth " at.. Borth. Pboa Msl 4U88. WANTED A pool tlo by a flret-elaee miller te tak chcrg ef and ma e email mill. Addraa W. J., In care of Cornelia Warebohee, Oor ' nellns, Oregoa. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB TWIN SISTERS Aged 10, Germs he. country girls, desire sitsstlone. chamberwork or henaework, together or separate. 330A Yam, bill. Phone. B' MS1B Mia. - REFINED middle-aged woman desires Mtualloa light housework, erekll family, or eompsnlna to Invalid. - 3.10A Ysmblll. Phon Main 6418. The WANT advertisements yes overlook whst tn msny people Is th better half a today's Jew aae,, . .. ... ... : . , EMPLOYMENT AGHNCI2S. , ." HANSEN'S BMPLOTMENX OFFICa. SO MKN. y tt N. Sosoad L Phon Mala 153. PACIFIO Coaet Emp. Co. employ gent ISM M. 3d at. Bhoa Mala toio.- JAPANBSB-CHINBnn fMCMlYMSNT Orrtfa. nenry imaara, xoi arerstt St. rboae ra- in. bob. BIO FOUR EMP. AGENCY Help annpUed fra. awnpl Is. a. 1 m. aocoaa rnooe main NATIONAL Employment and Labor Agency, aia riae os. s-nona main sou. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT CXI., North Beeoad; furnish all klnda em ployment for maa and women. Mala SOSS. THE Portlaad Employment Co.. 300V Mil'flsie st. rnoat racinc .-iw. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Let close la, also small fmrma; bare cuatomora. m vourta su I RATS payer welting to bear of email homes la or Beat rortiana, any direction; if you axe res ay so sou aaares w a. care Journal. WANTED To boy ar lease a bonding lot cloee la. afcr-Baraoa, uumaa BoteL first sad Alder. U"T YOl'B LANDS WITH ITS FOR OUICIt ftrrrURNB. TABM I.1N1M A RPBCIAI.T1 GREGG BROS. S17-S18 FENTON BLDO. WANTED For cash, good fcacomo Brooertr rortiana; man aa good, ii en lie at Bacar, an Aoingtoa pug. WANTED To buy home: must he bergs In bo ooom priceo win no pass. Addreoa B 41, rare of Journal, giving price and description WANTED AGENTS. WINNER for areata nes1tkand aeddeat tnasrance oa popular monthly paymoata. For liberal terme, addros o. A.. Lyman, mai eer. Continental Casualty Co., N. W. DepL, eaw monawn owe-, rwiiass,- vrawna. - WANTED Agents: sornethtng ew; geod geuer. oi wagon, . m ncaiy Drag. ... -. AGENTS wanted ta sell nursery stock new ana complete oatnt rarnisneol Ereet weekly. Capital Ctt MumarT ooa Salaas. Oregoa. WANTED IJe agests to Mil s article needed la erery noma. . AOdraaa u J, car Joarnsl. ADVERTISING aollHtor. -App!T--aturdar aftor- c.tboiic rheatiqoi. afio oak t. WANTED angenra, eommlseloa nd aalar. New York Outft(.tmg Co., 828 "4 rirat at. - - WANTED TO RENT. WB waat desirable bonaes sad fat, all part of th city: bar high-ciaae client wsltlngf raat collected, property eared for. TUB CONTINENTAL COMPANY, 343 Stark t, Phoao Mala 18TS. WANTED la pHrat family, 3 . furnlahed sonars ecping-ron ma, itner woo or rirer. etad: must be reaaoaable. Addreso H 23, er JournnL -.- - . WANTED T rent farm, , IS or 30 a rree. Beer city Bon aad aara. aa. u, morgan, e.v Mlrwaukl at. . - WANTED To rent or bay s n-roota nwdeia cot- tare; state price and loeatloa. Addreoa r e, care -of JoaraaL - . WANTED IS ar SO-rran -Indtfnc-heaMO, fur nished or unfurntihed. Addrea H 21, cars JoaraaL -. . ,. .. WANT to rent saiall Imprared farm anltsble for atockraising;. aastern trregan prsisrrea. Addreo G 8. cr Jonrn!. - WANTED FINANCIAL. SJ.OOO LOAN wanted on good Income property security good. . jarnci ex aaer, k i aoing toa hldg. ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A Ineatioa for a frrstlaas phrtet: Interior tow pre r erred. Addrres u zu, care JoaraaL . ., 8KB the Lewi sd Clark fslr t Bemot nid 40e la stamp ror aaanaome pnow oooa. me neerlr too photo ef fair. THxSMi laehea. V," Wsatcea View Book Co.. Portland. PAINTING, ep raying and whitewashing trera. basements, bsraa. gocaa, ate. ; largest gasonne praying outfit oa the coast. M. O. Morgaa ft Co.. 070 Mllwaukle t Phone Eaat BS1T. - STAPLES. THE JEWELER, BUYS OLD GOLD AND BILVEB. Rinurn ceah nrtre nald nr bottle snd tank of ;7 description, rortuna oottm nenpir Co. North Eighteenth. Phon Mala 3388. P. 7. RYDER, printer. Bid Wasbuujtos at. Phon Mala 6BSS. who is m. a. morgJtn co.t . Iw EW " V,-Htwe'e A nahU !Y 1WJ T THIfit. W ESI K KM BAIVAUn VU.f 820 washinuton. : rACinu IBB. WANTED 3.400 cedar poles. Apply to ftl Browa, eblef eagineor tiregna water rows ft Railway Co- First aad Aider st., Port land. Oregoa. ....,..- HIGHEST CASH PRICB PAID for furniture la any quaatliy; also tg on om suasion nd goarante . beat reanita. The Korttsn-1 Aucttna Bonma, A. Schubacb, prop., 811 Pint at. Phone Mats Soon. WANTED Roll top deakt must be cheap. Standard Coffee at Bpiee MUl, auv aeeona t WANTED Land te clear by a aew method; leave ready for th plow la a rew day. Write or call Portland Clearing company, 380 Taylor t., Portlaad, Oregon. WANTED Horn and wagon for light delivery. Standard Corroe ppice Mills. t Bstuua. WILL build or fix year house very reasonable. Cell H. Wshl. New western notei. WANTED To bay sseond bend woodeowing rig, mounted; mast in gone cenaitioa end cheap. Addrca Eetacada Btata. Bank, Bate, cada, Oregoa.- i WANTED A good watchdog for the cooatry; . will pay f 10; small animal preferred. Ap ply L. B. Stlnaon, Hotel Perkins. ' FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE KING srw Jefferson t aew building, handsomely furnlahed. with every aiedcra eoa- . renlcnce: all outside rooms, with heat, gaa cr electric lights, porcelain baths; rates from OS to is per month; special rata to a eg bm TfIB HAMANN. 188 N. 18th.. ear. Hoyt Newly furnished room. 11.50 ep) esaventeat Iocs tloa. , IS mlnetea' walk te fair geeesda: Marrlsos ar at anion depot direct to bouse. Phone 8470. THE HUB. OS EUrenth at., ear. Stark New roomliig-bouaei nrwly furnished, stesm beat -gaa light and bather close to heal Bees see twa, I block from carllne; all tha comfort ef bom; everything ap to data. Mr. P. A. Clancy, prop. - WELL famished morn, board; good loeatfcmt cr Berries. 401 Teatr L Phone Paelfl HOTEL PALMER Ontrariy located st th corner ef Aider gad r-srk etc.; ateem seat, sot sua eoia wnter, fro poreeletB bethel rooms SO, To And SU Special wookly- rate. MABQUAM HOUSB. 14H 0th Boost e suits ar single; housekeeping rooms; gaa ateve. hath, electric llghta; transients solicited. - - CHEAPEST ssd best leeated mom ta Portlaad, 81 week sad ap. OUbmb. Fh-et ssd Alder eta. BEAUTIFUL front suite snd S other desirable furnished rooms In modem bom of priest family; phono, bath, furnace beat welkin dlstsBoa. BOO Foarth st Pboa Pad 818. FUBNISHED rooms, slngl or en aire, 88 per month and Bp. Hotel Fsh-moont, Twat7 , slitb and Upeba end Vsngba ate. NICELY famished mom st moderate prloas for rent lares pnvst Donaa, sisoe in. vu at 147 Tenth t near Alder. - FRONT parlor far gentleman of refinement rh wiabee reom near th sen tar ef city. . Sal - Everett St. HOTEL MONARCH.-OrlS Btsrk et.l trsnelenta so Uclted; trice rsoaabl, Phoo paclflg 108, i FURNISHED ROOMS FO RZNT THI GRAND Newly fnrnlehed by , -the west or meaU. 1IS814 Grand a. NICB reoma, reason. bis. STS Alder, oppoalt Arungtoa cron. . aiaia aoon. ' ELEGANTLY fnrnUhed rooma; hath, electrto lleht and Bhonoi S1.7S ner week and up house thoroughly clean and respectable. Ho tel New Baloiont. Iwale rirst St. THE Bt'NNETT. SOIH Morrison Furnished rooms, SO per day, S2.BV per week and ap. THE DORMER. Thirteenth and Jefferson Ele gantly furnished rooms, modern brick, steam beat, bath; roaaoaabie. stein owe. . 35814 THIRTEENTH ST. Priests borne, ale- gantry rurnwnea mat nonroom; aiso am aad email rear room: gentMinen; rati t. . - . ... 1 w GOOD room. 5-etory brick, with elevator; rates; wltblB roacb or an. Ooidea wae, aroatB aad Everett. B4 HOTEL NORTHERN Single Boom, room n.l board, aad rooms for houeekeeplna; a 10 per moo tl ap. th ssd aiaruau at. Mem lane LA ROR furnished rooma, eno block froi I T-ort- una notei, pig to 4 is. luu rui st. . ri.HIPll.l. 1'IVIM, mrtir. u , Do,nv, m.B , and all conveniences. Inquire all Everett at. rnone stain ewuv. THE BELLEVCB. 318V. Fourth - atNeatly furnlahed rooma; eleetrw llghta, porceia In natna; very low . rate by week or Hood T01., , -a a NICELY nralahed boasekeeplnff room at B0 FURNISHED Blcee room; one etnalleri light. Beat, hath gad pooae; very reasonable, zoo Park. ............ tha bi -bth. r Sa Weat Park, aear Marks Ur PI rront 14WB. - ' - FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ' FOB RENT rnrnlsbed houeekeeptn- reoaaa ta best BMeh Block oa eaat aide; gaa nagee. bath. eU. ; ao traaalentai prlee mederats. Looaa Hk.. lOSVi L'nloa v Alder. Phoaa East e24. , THE MITCHELL, r land era snd Seventh Boom. boaaekeeplns gad traaotaat; osBvsnloat; price ionalife ... HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS .Very- reasonshle; eiectnc light , aad, paoae i Included. , goiH Water at. 1 THE GLADSTONE BISVi Bavtar st fwrnhlbed ; aaaer new auiaagsmeatj pneta re II. TS PER WEEK tart clean furnlahed Boosekeeplng-rooeas: laundry aad Bala. . 14 Sherman. South Portland. . . - FURNISHED room for light bonaekeepfaig, re- sonsnie. iii-iis narta nmta b. THREE fnrnlabed bonsekeeplng mores: aae of paoae; sa per month. . ih ccrentn et. FrRNISRED, anfnrnbibed boooekceplng, sleep ing-rooms, cms in, f l wees. . ev . lent. Boar Stark. . .. - , - TWO honackeepl n g -con me . completely famtehed. go, including water ana pnon. stain nz. ROOMS AND BOARD. THE COMMERCIAL Select family hotel; nicely . rumMhed: Mngi or en suite; tan I Brat class; free bath; walking diets nee; rata reaaoaable. 088 Waahlngtoa at . FIB8T-CLAR8 rooms and board people, BtS.BO ss.l S2 per meet a; ta 4 par weak. Aetor hoe. Ttk and table board Ma dies ta. to. aiaia uu. ROOMS with . heard for reaeeaablei rjrst-elaa bom ooaie Blith e. . . 8SI LENOX RESTAURANT. 90S Bala it board and room; modern brick bMg. rlRST-CLAS moms, with or without board: rate within reach or all: tnresuget. uoMea Weat Seventh and Everett. . .. ELEGANT rront rooms with ment. -homo cooking. 313 He Tenth at. ear. Bnlmoa. --- .-. - LINDEIX HOTEowikand Market Now brick, elegantly furnished. Biodora-Jtraugh- put: ratee reasonable. N7CELY furnished room and h said,' ontn, im-nerw maa w umai, - ROOM and board for one or more.". 834 Guilds are. pnene Mem zwe. THR MICHIGAN HOTEL, Mr. Err Find ley, ?ror.rtetreee, Hra Bandy maa, near Anseny carl irst-clsss mom and board, (4 per week. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. :--'' -, -. S HOTEL FAIEMOTJNT. ' 'Xlttf Tweoty-glxth t.. -ffress Ppsfcar to . Yaagba. l Room, furalehed end efurnlshsd, alngm sad en salt, 81 per week gad ap. i A ' permsnent modern botldlnf plastered aad with bathraema sad. awdera plumbing. '' f PIPED FOB OAS FOB CO0KTX0. , Y:' - ALtV OUTBIDS BOOMS. ' FOR RENT HOUSES. -ROOM aew and modera cottsg la walking dlstsnce oa went aide; thla place baa good ,. furnltnr; will rent fornlahed SS or for sal t S1S0. Call at once. H. W. Garland ft Co., 1BSH Foarth at. " ' Hoasee For Rent. ' . Sent Collected! - EDWARD L. HYNRON. Room I Hmlltoa bldg. tt Phon Black 3103. $18 MODERN ft-reom esttare. nice location i yard, hath; Beat Ankeny, Twenty -eighth car. 503 Nelson. Dr. Darling. , . HOUSE. 387 North Twentieth. T rooma, lsln bath, furna.e cement basement. Gllaan, 430 Cliamber -of Commerce. ' NEW Broom hou- -id Quarter block. Hancock and Esst - Twen, --sixth st. STT.60. B. M, ' Lombard. 614 Cliamber ol Commerce. , . FOR BENT 80 per month, 5 -room cottage oe the corner of Idaho snd Wisconsin at, In cjulr 461 Johnsoa, aorth. - FURNISHED bow 8tl0 Seventh 'st. I, V room, whole Pboae I'nIOB 6S4S. part. a i . i i 11-ROOM modern house, Mt. Tabor. S.10, with water. WUilsm B. Brinard. Pboa East " 4O04. . , " ' - ..'... FORBENT Suharhaa bom, 5-room eottsg, orchard and grounds, 13 per Bhmth, Phonf PaclSa 068. , - . , . FOR RENT I-room aottags, o Msllory .; price 87.60. FOR BENT A new modera bone of 8 rooaa). Inquire et STS Eaat Taylor at. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. OFFICES, nnfaruMhed. sad eem pie-rooms: gm bsu 60x30. wooanaaga ptog. Apply at th levator. - -- CENTRALLY hwated offtce-roome, with pbsne, light and heat. 87.80 per month. R. L. t't. 118 Baeoad al. FOR REJIT Desk ronirr-. f n everything for nlahed. m. n. ascBoon s. ra., oeo msra St. Is th worst nse mea csn be put to snd "banging around the honee". la about the nest worst. There 1 a H for every man alive It he Is allv he will Sud o post Uoa -through a Jooranl weal aa, tmsasam 1 1 sa3-aa-ann--aB-n-----as--WBg-aBnawBBama FOR RENT FLATS. tlO-rS-ROOM Sat. Key at O'Nell'g grocery, oor. Huod and Oram ate. . HOUSES 1 FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALS. FOR SALE A SNAP 6 -room, well-furplsbed new Sat, before December 1) all improve- meats; wsising siii.ikt, rcu ,ov wwuii;, , , .. K .ouire suae ve, h " FOB beet results en . F Ulllt ITU KB, Wkther to buy ar ell, ring bp Mala - - PORTLAND Alienor! ItOGhlsV 311 First Bt FOR RENT- MISCELLANEOUS. 'FOB rbjnt Ahont 'January 1. S-atorr brick building lOOiluO, -aortlieaat ear. I bird and Ma.lla.ia; will remodel aad leas whole e Bart ta aesiraBi - perries, appv .as. sa. s. Cox, No. I Flrat at, room 10. FOR BENT 8-story warebaeae. 100x100. en trackage, northwest cor. rourra n noyr. Apply R. T. Cox, T Firat room 10. PUou Main T0I. ' - - - nuTn-annarjmBaarrir rr- BUSINESS CHANCES. noi.D a-rocKBi gold stock si 3. MO sbaree la th Aimed Consolidated Mining to. . Thla etork la celling at Si per ens re. Caa I gat aa offer oa thla atoch before De cember 1, or will exchange for realty at ar near city aa part pay meet, u a, journal. ' HOTBT,. 4 - 1 On-room aew hotel, all well furnished en re plete, awdera enavenleacee. la good growing ore go town. B.uuo popuisttoa. Biasing goon money now; will exenanga roruaaa proiv arty or good farm. II en hie ft . Baker, zit Ablngton bMg. -, , -. CONTINUED lllne eomBele m to sell or ex chanra ruralahlnrs and baalnosa ef Beat S3- ' room hotel In Portland; central location, good M Oilman hotel, rn-et and Alder. WHO IB M. O. MORGAN ft CO.! A RESTAURANT on Sixth St. doing a good baslneea, also ens oa BarBsid st. ; both srs ' Bargain. , gig rin at .national seal Ka rate CO, ; .,'-.-. IF yea want a farm,' city r oubarbaB property. a gooa Bnsineee or any sin a. or nave ear kind of property to asll- or exchaas. call oa or address Northwest usnd to.. xo, atom- ecj u. mora ail. rhoae mib mi. SALOON dolar bastnea ef 8SS per. day,, fin per month r wfll U at 1.3S0.:; Addras B 44, JoamaL FOR BAUS Oa acrooot of airbus, alee, clean. i monee-msktng bestnes ssi eaat aldei aale mm oto to sso par day: pne l.uu. or win taveleei no ageau sraated. a B0. The JoaraaL BLACKSMITH -SHOP doing good business put II yeara. run supply -or tools, ausnnty at iron aad coal, dwelllng.honse. bearing trait tree.- chlekea-house. a p.menger-hoat, ear servlcs -each day. 2 minute' walk ta each plaee; all for- 8300 If taken anna. Apply ta Taompaoa Foster, Kldgenel, W asking ton. PARTNER wanted ta a good reel eetste office: sowll investment required. Apply XUVh Mor- rmoa, cor. r irst. room a. . WR have borecs for ' well-located reomlng- boos. T nlverssl Kxcnang. 23 Morrleoa. Phone racui bub. FOR SALE Cigar, tobacco, aew and billiard hall; business doing .1 a uvmin; invnica stock and Siturea. about 84.000. ASdrrM C. K.. DaNrffs. Bamptrr. -Oregoa.- WB bare cigar store, reetauranta, room In g- nonaes, saloons, lira, city property, at par es la ' prices. Standard Ce BBS Bomaldo. Phone Mla 8487. - JOB PRINTER Geod opening and small pleat at a narcam ra live esatera m"i"a rown: money-making proposltloa. . Boa 010, Port- is no, uregon.. ... ... . r FOR BALE Good pertng hsrdware a tlculsre. box L. 414. North Bead. ator. Par- BALOON for sale, fair paying basins aa: t and a,- 21 A lb ma re. j. n.. leader. A NO. 1 RESTArRANT. doing goad business. gooa mea mob, etc., tor rooming aonaa; roovld- eratloB. Saoo. 3orH Morriaoa, room 8. AN 1 N VESTMENT Tej Bwt us a email mfiotv trai tng plant oa our Bins, we orrer iuo,.no enere oi rrenenry tncB si very low price: mln I producing ore and will blp next : located la Bumpter district; eey from SO to 8114; other producer nesrT Tor-price, per- meat, inrormatioa. sndree Aureus Mm tog uo., tj urnnoo, uregoa. . -. , 83.V) TAKES rood bnsineee clearing 8100 month; nest iocs i ion in city; mnsc leave. . -miller, sua uooanongo, : rnon racui i r WILL . sell cheap, a ale buslneos clearing J 2. 500 to S8.00O per year; weald -exchange or farm or ether property; part payment. Address B 58. earn Journal. . . FOR SALE 10-roon lodging-house, cheap aad easy terms, inquire at lon soarta st WANTED Your bnainee to sell; we aril all k i.i. oua to il - "rr Basssnga n n im n tassagmmi i mi yi asxasBMe-snaxe "for salera1LTestaTe7 . v. ..j SPECIAL! , ..-e. y. .', i A BIO NOB HILL BARGAIN! ' ' s : . " 80.000 - 'if i. ' ab iegant i-room aoue' oa s BOIIOO lot on Kearney street; lawn, - Im proved street, cement ' walk, aewer, electric light gaa. lrnsce, all la. paid:- thla firoperty la worth $8,00; a lovely home In he right place; ths owner order, tamed lata sal at . .s,. 88.000 TERMS. fOULTON ft SCOBET. . ' .,--'-, MM " Colnmht hldg. 80S WaahlBgtoa t ; 1 't y 'i-. ii s 7 ' - t .j" at .4- - i Aee I.,,- ACRE TRACTBI ' - .--. OUB SPECIALTY IB ACRE TSACTSl . Fn-led street, water to saea aero, ". ..,i '. TERMS 810 - PER A0RB CASH 810 PER ACBB PER MONTL. Toe gs to thee scrss oa fh sem car, CT the an 6e far the lot msa pay.- The t maa Is your neighbor, but be Is re stricted to msjorlty of faatare that . mak a tree aharbaB homo. Vjll ' A. C CHURCHILL CO, I fc'-w , . IM SaeoeA gaTT 4 ' ara t.pnmn siuih i ) y t tmi 4-room bone, corner lot one block from ear, flna yard; 8160 down, 810 month St.800 New T-rooa house, half blank -free eartlns. - 81.300 New S-ronm cottage, mloa SnUh bslf block from car. . . . ,, . M . V1.8O0 8-motn modera boos. . .' can dell you sny ot th above a ey terms. . ' 8ELLWOOD T0WNSITB CO., Tk Sellwond cr, get off at Teniae t. i,.. . Phon Es.t 4704. SH ACRES on Wlborg lane; all cleared Bad fenced, ao gravel, old hones, plenty bearing erAisrd. ll.SoO; ell or hslf cash. laesutlfnl corner lot 6ftx70, on wblrh la a 1 good large and modera B-room boas (costing ror 84,0(101 end a B-mnns modera bouse; in ' central residence dl'trlct, Eaat Portland; rent ef both honaee 8NV. Price SS.wnl. . 3 or S hslf br. East Portland, rlos in. enffirtent to bnlld 8 or a-roont rottsge; -short , wslklag dlstsnce to west sldei coot of 4 lot and such house limit Sx.ftoO or lee. 8 larg , modern honaee end 76100, slmilsrly locsteU. rent SN0. SI01W0. 1 8.3 Corner lot and S mora new modera colt age, full basement rooms large, arrange ment conrenieat; llswthorue First addltioB; -1 tsrm ' .. . clXTER. 823 Chamber at Commerce. . ) " FtH SALE 71n0-foot hit en Esst Seventeenth ssd Conch; will ell for Sl.tftO If od ta ant few derat flees esst; well worth 81.400 will sen pert ef lot If desired, Addraa K 48, tars Joarfial, ' -v "V .. '- ' ' "Wait'ACEate's VXSB ANY CLASSmCATIOsT J ' ' Five Cents $cr Line M ad takaa for lees tha a ISe per day. Bevea worda, aa t rule, eonetltqte a 11ns, but sata Una la charged regardless f th. niimher of words. VitifLY BATt-iT insertion (motudtn , eno Sunday issue) 88 CJCMXS per Use per M0MTHLT B ATX (iaaludlnp Saada i 1 00 par line par meats. ADVr.iTl.i. 'ijTu" he ta yurat bnslnes oiaos by IS e'elock week day ' n by IS s'alook aatnrdey evening for too Sunday laaue. t eeenre elassiSeattoa. XXaylay mm givea uvea appliowiaa at ... : , . the ef&o. ; , ., , THE JOURNAL ' BRANCH OFFICES ' " . -cw ADTKBTIBXBXXTS. " -"' ' W1H be received t regular malB-effV ratea. Following la list of authorised agents. who will forward your advertise ment la time for publication ta the aval bmaot v ., - . ;.' ''' X0XTH SITB. ?T.'J- ''' B. A. Preston. druggUt " Tweaty-thtrd and Tbartnaa streets. mob Hill pharmacy. 880 Gltsag atreet. raer Twentylrst. A. W. A 11m nk,HU.L. . Msrshall atreet. " . , MrCommon' Pharmacy, Nlneteeeth aad Washlogtea streets. - , .. - a ' soirrs bibb.' -Vf i . ' .B. F. Joae ft Co druggute. Front aad Glbba streets. Cottel Drug company, First and Giant treete. . . Fshua Brerlev. drogglst 400 JsSsnoa creet. corner Teath. Bettmenm Pharmacy, oeraer Sixth aad Hsrrlsaa atreota. , ' Pro mmer Drug company, 308 Third atreet, corner Madison. , W. S. tee, dmgglst, earner Oread avaaa nd Fast Barnalde street. Nh-hole ft Tnompsoa. 128 Bnssall strMl, eorner AIMne avonoe. Jancke Drug eompaay, eorner Hawthorn end Grand arena. . W, a Cable, dnrrgtet earner Holla day evenn aad LarrahM . atreet . aeor . stsej brldgo. . - R. A. Wilson, 183 Grand areaae, Bear Esst Morrison. , X. W. Ball. - SAS ' Beat Bs -rh street. c 1 '- i - r. , i . .. ... 1- '"'I . ' ' KJOBXAXl). '. ;. ' . ..- F. 3. Clark, drogglst 1003 North Ualoe venae. , . x ' - BUXBX8IDX. '--J. Worth, pharmscbrt 80S Belmoat eueet.-e- . .. . - ,. BX00XXYX. . Brooklyn PharmacF company, PowU aad MUwsukl trts. -, .',.'. ' ABLXTA. 0BEO0BY Arista Pkaruiacy, More aad Foster streets. v' sxxxwood.:' ' n'-yx ,: - -.,. r. m vniuus s ro se, corner East Thirteenth attaet. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ooon Tmvns to nrrr 87TS 4 reom hone aad 1U aeree of block from ear. In Oak Orneo. A sent bargain. " SI. SOO 34 room rooming boas tn firm hws tlon; pays PRO net income per month; firml- tare mat SI. BOO new lx months ago. S-t.nno Suburbs n n-roeea cottss nd lot -lOOiluO oa Woodstock car liner- - 8Wk Moose end 3 3.1x10ft lots at Bt. Johns! Street graded, water ta, ah rubbery ent. 1 . 000 0 Ions and small bows In St. Johns. . 8800 each 8 fin SOxlOO lota aear the boat- f Bess center of St. John. S3.S00 7-room house, all flsodera, ea two corner, lots, ea Mt: Scott car line. .- - ... OR BOO BROS. '" . rhoae Ms In 8308. . - , r 817 -18 Fcntoa bl.lg. ' ' ' A BEAUTIFI'L HOME)- " -48 rree of flue fruit and berry land, only 4 ml lea from White Salmon. This lsnd lie ' level, ha 20 acrea under cultivation, balance ' eaer to cieer. Aa orchard ef 32S front tree. . 1.600 srrawberry-vlaes.- some grapevine. 10 ' .; acrea la wheat a spring and two well, a 4-room bonse, bar, chtcken-hon.1 good - workhora. 8 bead of cattle. 8 doaea chicken. feed, eome household fnrnltore; must be nM In 8rV day, and a hargala at 83.000; term Sl,eM ceeh. r ' ' . . P HI IK BAI, MH bA.irr l-tlMPAI, c.Wblt Ss1ntnt Washington. - FOR SALS at a bargain, modern 7-room booee . on ' r,aat Taylor, cio u; term to eutt purchaser. Apply P 42, csre JournaL - FOR SALE Cheep, nightly bits, close ta, Lower Album, inquire owner, gov market at. FOR SALE 3 8-mom cottsgee oa eaat aide; . basement andTard. hot and cold water, bath I . price 81,300. Address C 40. JoaraaL FOR SALE T-room bouse and lot oa west Id, la walking a lata are; a snap at 8 -room houae aad lot at Midway, Si .000. 8-room boas, lot SOxlOO. oa Weal BV 8600; 8126 rssh. hslsnc 810 avmtk. Portlaad Reel Eelate Co., 'Bos 14 Morrleoa st A-rBTORT-BrIct"enmnt. 100x100. eEst Id; will psy S per cent set ea 880.000; ' price SMOfio: caa glr terms. Ad dree R I 84, ear JoaraaL . , - .' , FOR SALE New modern 8 room bi la Bulla 800 " Ess Second, north . A GOOD earner, quarter block, near Northers ' racitie terminal; gooa incom property. - cnu rly. 813 Pise t National Beal XaUta Co. J. TOO, ' A SNAP Oomfortsblo modera' boo, elos in ea the eest aide, 0 uviag-rooma. hath, ' etc., gas sd electricity, larg basement con. talnlpg laundry, twa stor and fuelroooisl very thing hont th bouse In re pair; th lot to 160 feet deep, contain chicken, hone sad yard and number of flne fruit tree; s Ideal hem for comfort aad con ' ' venlenea. Call or ddra tb owner, room ' 800. th Marquess, psoas Msla 808, 3 t 4 - p. nt '' - - - I , FOR SAI.S 8-roocB cottage, 8 Iota, all kind of mitt, Berne, ne sou, good water i an mm- ; at' walk te car line. 10 to Southern Pacific, 13 mile from Portlsnd. See wBi A. S. Draper, 233 Waahlngtoa st, city. FOR SALE At a bargain, 8-mom cottage at Snnayslde, easy moathly payment. The Ann Mercantile Agency, Ablngtoa hldg. TWO fine lore, 100x106V amuiri geod view of enow moniitalne; cheap. Aha aew ntooera fumtebed 8-room bone, bar. , Esst' 428, o Mala 1415. - - , . 33.XIO A bsw modern T-room bans, lot SOxlOO, ran cement Demnt sna siaewiiR. - on cur. lin; one halt cash. Jobs Cooboy, 718 Powell t. Brooklyn eer.V . - - FOR SALE Vodrra gabnrban eottag. eloss t s , carllne, One location, ground looxiou, u. vt . P.Townslt Co., 134 Flrat t SELL WOOD LOTS. 88 down-nd SO a month t from a ' to 2uu, .Xs-llwou iownsii is. , Phoaa Beet 4704. .'.,, LOTS. grreage aad reeMeAce on Portland ' Htlghts, J. C Bhofnsr. 8S5 YamhlH oor. rat THRER aew honaee, rent or sale; snap, 10614 ' FourtB St., room in. vwner. j. WAGNER ft PETTY, 303 Commrell blk., bv - .a .k. K&a. hnv. Im .he eltv Bei Ih.M before baying and be coBvlnced. . . . 0-ROOM modern house. 83.000; 1200 dowrc heh. once 16 monthly. owner, rnone nest ora. SJ.TB0-NEW 0-room bones, atodem: 10 mlante I city: onmer eiv. - inini..mi iiiwii, a--") dowa, f month. BOO Esst Msla. Esst B33. 8-ROOM bouse, earner lot, oa Fremont st! bath. basement ana porcn, i,m lyaoa svinseu. 0n3 Commercial ii sin. Mala 3"M. f-ROO( bona oa 'Kill at., new aad modera. t1..iw. I yson ainssit, via vommercwi Big. lals 233. - -' . - WTLLAMETTSV-e - i t l Bcaultmily altnated. Ibis slue nf Penlnsnls, -, . on St. John car line, lota until December I are 8300 each, S30 down and 83 per month I ' price will be Increased S2& ea each lot after - .December 1. - If you ar looktnf for bnlMtnf Ifttg, ao M ke tlm to bur. 3 l AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO., or B)rnwkl, . prsm-R Olllt-W, TV ll 14 lv I TpJ I I SUase 1 $m r..BM8, mt.ll lTirt tm6 otr IwrffBttM tm l W a dtlaheretrlg Tins. it D AiAUe. B am Oiott. Tak Motjot sVott1 ir. to BATBSUM 0J l a9wrv-. OF WW BpmjBS0B;f BBsjm, uriDfj TnaB