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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1905)
1 Jt, 3" i-isfcHANic vViiPtriQE-THEjtci-::: GdOD'E.YEllIlIGi Journal Circulr.ticn ' THE WEATHER.1 ' Yesterday I V . VI J 1" Fair thia'afteraoon,, tonight and FrW , day northeasterly winds.T n-rrt-. VOL, IV. NO. 221 5 . , ... ' PORTLAND,', OREGON, 'THURSDAY ' EVENING," NOVEMBER 23. 1905. FOURTEEN , PAGES. 'nmrp. mf r-T7XTT"P ' otr Tsanrs ikd : J j J j , . Only Son of Multi-Millionaire Marshall Field7 Shoots Him : . f self and Is Now Lying at; , ' ; Point of Death. ',. REPORTED AS ACCIDENT ' ' - ' BUT MAY BE SUICIDE Wounded Man Haa No Recovered Consciousness Sufficiently to Tell ' How. Shooting Happened Sup : posed to Have Been Examining Old Weapon. - .. (Jaanial Special Service.) ' Chicago, Nov. t. Marshall . J Field. Jr., son of the multimillionaire merchant irTnceTdVeririg belweenllfe and -death at i Mercy hospital- a ,th result ef a-wound received by the discharge -v, nn uiu rrvuivcr, which hi w rf - amlntng In his homer-.iatnlght.- Th .';.' bullet entered hla left aide, luat below the riba.Bnd, passed almoat through the rfuuniro. inwai vw uvvr aim mxwwium short of the vertebrae.- Only domestics -fcere tn th house at the time and the "room alone, hea , the report f.Jo weapon was liaard. . The wounded- man haa - not -covered consciousness 1 auf 'f latently, to tell of the shooting. He aa taken te Mere heanltal -for si "amlnatlon. ;V-,'J," : . '; I' ;,- : ft Sllft-at may vt atope.' '-. -!' f At 8 -o'clock today four DhTSlofanS , who were ! called to perform the' opera- tlon of extracting the bullet gathered to hold a consultation. 1 After the con aultatlon the phyaleians attending Field extended alight ray of hope. hione of hla physicians will admit that there' 1 a logical Ichanca of hla recovery, but aaid thaf he might be the one In l.0 to survival such a shock, as the bullet ;' wound bad caused. --.-.' . Marshall Field was notified of the shooting ait .the Holland House in New Tork a abort time after the. wounded ' man u .taken to the tiAKntt! VI tain a special train and left the me . tro polls at.l:44 p. m.. Mrs. Field ia accorapanylhg her husband on the trip, which waa"expectd to eclipse any rua ever made C Over the lines between New here early. this afternoon. At 10:JO( o'clock the jhyslclana com pleted their consultation and announced that there' la not likely to be a crista ' . Captain Money. commanding 4h district In which the Field home la, re port the chief of police that thorough Investigation of the FleldhooHng re veals .nothing def InWo, but thinks the snooting lot rnuii vi mn -Bcciaeni. r , Rbmors are current that Young Field attempted to cotnmltt suicide. Friends unut the. Iites. althoii-h sdmitttnv that ha did not -enjoy the beet of health and waa subject to fits or aespondency. ' ' The Field special reached Cleveland this morning at ll:St o'clock. - Marshsll Field was seen for a moment as ' the engines were changed. He appeared at 'the rear door of his private ear and ' Inquired anxiously of the newspaper men for news of hie son'a condition. ' H appeared cheered to know that Rev. Dr. Frank Ounaaulua believed thst his ,son ', would recover., lie. emphatically , de clared that the report that It'vras an attempt on the part of hla son U suicide ,waa a II. C:.' r..;v..l;j : ; saar.S .'i. A -J . . , , 1 VI.IJ I. I tu..i .J, - old. He Irthe nmlr son and heir 'to one of the greatest esta tea In-the -world. Continued -on Pag Two.) I HELP 1 HE ' In the recent municipal campaign- In New Tork W. R. Hearst spent nearly tfS.000. Having - no' great " party nomination he was ofllged to stand th brunt of th expenses himself. Beyond What h spent there waa . ' J about $17,000 raised by outside contributions and spent In behalf of Mr. Hearst and the other nominee on hi ticket, - ..'. ' - , - . ' -, '.' ... .; . --' The campaign on which he I now engkged la even more expensive. ' It la In no sens a personal earn ' palgn,. for It Involve those principle of rlsht honesty and daoency for which the people fought In Philadel phia and elsewhere a well aa In New .Tork and out of which must grow a higher and better municipal life all over the country. ... ..' '.-- - .' - . - i , - -. '- '. '-- Tl.e Cltlsens' Protective league of New Tork of which Hamilton Holt, editor of the Independent, I presi dent; Dr. B. Parmly Brown, vice-president, and Floy Price, secretary, through ' Ita. .flnanco committee. Henry Klrgel, John J. Hopper. 8. M eh r bach and Morgan Cowan, ha Issued sn ppeaj to the cltlsens of New Tork " for funds to aid In securing recount of th ballota cast on November T; to collect evidence against all per sons who participated 'n the election fraud a, and to aid In. bringing about euoh reform, of the election law as will safeguard the rights of all Voter In th future. -,, - - ; . . . Th Journal cannot fegard this a a Bght In which New Tork alone I interested: Indeed It concerns every honest' cltlsen In every corner of th whole land. What Is being aimed. at there Is being reached here. But; every community In the country needs to be uplifted and It I from successful. contests of this sort thst peo ple everywhere get their courses to go and do Vcewtse and thus raise tha , municipal standsrds to th height that patriotism dellghta to see them. ' ' -. ' ' , - - . . . ... . Any checks reretved by The Jttrnsl will he acknowledged through thta .paper and the amounts' for-' wardod tn the depository bank In New Tork. Those who prefer to send direct may make the ehecka payable . . la tl Cltlsens' Protective league and send them direct to the Astor Nstlonol bank. No, II West Thirty-fourth ... street, New Tork. Portland and Oregon should msk a' hearty response-to an appeal of thlr sort, which will prove tha common Inleresfthst bind and the common Impulse that moves th whole American people when rmnoM.v ami decency In elections x : RAvCir !Q THE FOX AND THE ;' .".;.. f. : GRAPES.' V.ftt jV-j -" A hungry Fox one day ;. aome-, tempting" Crapet . hang-1' Ving at a good height from the 4 V' ground.' JHr made: many ,t- v tempts to reach them, but all in vain. i4Tired- oiit by his fail- tires, he walked off, grumbling to hlmseJCNasV sour things, . -I know you' are, and not at all ; Jit", for' a gentleman'' eatingy MoralIt ia-found in its ap-- plication to the United States ":. " senatorship and a certain great 'editor who" spurned It like the : -Fox, even 'though'- it was in i 'easyn-each like the 'Grapes. ' e ;'"' eV 1011:550,000 Bohemian ; Violinist Kubelik Takes Out Policies of Five , Thousand on Each Digit. INSURES EACH VIOUN I : AGAINST AN ACCIDENT AbBiB - .it -a i . .Tsi" I Lloyda Also Insure for Appearance at a, very Concert ana AViR Forfeit Two f Thousand '.Each -for- Every H - rlaarsst IhiIiI AwlAt f ! New Tork, NOV. n. Jart Kubellt, the young Bohemian violinist, who is Journey ing . to ..this; city on ths ateamshlp America, ia bringing with him some re markable Jneuranoe policies. They, are riaka upon hla fingers and violins. In surance upon- the virtuoso's .. fingers amounta. to 60,0O IS.OO f or - each finger and thumb and waa taken tout In Lloyd a of London, by Kubellk's man ager, Hugo Oorllts. l i -i The Insurance policy contains accident clsuses only. If , . Kubellk's. flnaers ahould be temporarily injured ao that ha would have to mlaa one or mora con certs. Lloyd's agreea . to pay Oorllts 11.000 for. every nonappearance ap to it. . If .the violinist ahould mlssi that number of performances the tour would be considered ended and the face value of the policy turned over to Oorllts.. Kubelik possesses three fine ' Instru ments, a Stradlvaiius valued at. 114.000. , gift from .Emperor Francis . Joseph, nd two Ousrnerlus violins valued at $1,000 each. v Kubelik haa theae Instru ments Insured against theft or destruc- ROB LOS ANGELES BANK OF FIFTEEN THOUSAND A: Loa Angela. CaL, NovTs. The Nlchl Bel Olnko bank waa robbed of 115.000 in cash and negotiable paper last night. The robbera got Into a store next door and out through the partition into the bank and then eut a hole m the rear of the big safe. There are no eluea to tbe burglarav- -......,. .'. , The amount of caah secured1 was tl2,l8t.2 and $1,000 la notea, checks and drafts. i .'.. j . - ; BLOOD CLOT ON BRAIN - OF HARVARD CAPTAIN " Voenal Special aervlca.) . ' Boston.' Nov. SJ. Daniel J. Hurler. captitln of . the' Harvard football team. haa a, blood clot on his brain and Dr. Nichols, In charge of the athlete at Harvard, aaya that an operation on the brain will be necessary to relieve the trouble. .-, . i.. ;; . ;"'. - - ' FIGHT are peine rougni ror. ' . , , , FiriGERS IlISUItED t tttttttttmmvvvWHtMMTmvMmtmfHwmHvHv TO LilS DYING SON'S BKDSkOiii "' J. '-: ..'". t -' vl ' ' 1 McCusker . Promises ;That If His '.Company Gets Franchise It ri ' Will , Assure Absolutely , Equal' Rights to All. INTIMATES HARRIMAN t ! - IS BEHIND OTHER ROAD Welch of ' Wfflame'tta - Valley frac tion Company Say Company I In dependent, Abundantly Financed ... and Ready to Start Willing to Let ; Portland Buy Road on Fair Term, . Four distinct propositions affecting the Front atreet franchise question are before the people of Portland: - - - The application of Thomaa McCusker, EdwaVd Newoegln and . Thomas D. Honeyman for a franchise along Front atreet for a line to serve all transpor tation Jlnas alike.. --'-.'-:.r-.r- ' , The application of T. R. Sheridan of Roaenure- for a ' franchise on Front street. In connection; with the Wlllam- ette valley Traction 'company, . wmon proposes to build an electiie line from PortUn'd'to 8lm.! f ' ' ' rV " The , alleged ambition: of the Ifarrt saan system to control the waterfront and Front street and. eventually to buUd a tin on one or the 'other and to, a-, cur control of the Ctty'o thorough fare such' as1 will prevent other line from entering' the city;' '; . 4 ;. Municipal ownerhhlp of all or a part of the commercial dock ahd a belt Una to' servo all Jobbing 'and manufacturing concern.' .;..'": :. x. V:, :; ' t.v.;:K. rua fo:ita. Many cltlsena believe that municipal ownership Is not practicable at pres ent, but It appear to be the consensus that no lishta or privilege ahould-he acquired on any Portland atreets that will' conaUtut obataclea In the way of afutur movement for the taking over by the city of such transit lines as may be thought necessary or that tn the mean time will provide a monopoly for any transportation lln. .., ; In order te place squarely oeror tn teople the clalma of the two applloanU for the Front atreet franchise, 'state ment were aaked from' Thorn Me- Cusker and A. Welch, th latter repre senting the Willamette Valley Traction company These, statements follow. ' "A we set forth tn our application." said Mr. McCusker, wa want the Front atreet franchise to be open to all lines wtthoutt1 discrimination. -Till " I 'what' the public la contending for. If any other projector of a lln Is slrtoere, he can get Into town over , our lln on term that will, place him and all other similar enterprlsea , on ' an absolutely equal baaia. . . v : 1 Bqoal Xigkt to "If Mr. Welch and hi associates in th Willamette Valley Traction com pany are elncere. and want merely to build a road between Portland and Sa lem, and want merely an entrance. Into Portland, they can get In-if our fran chise Is granted;, we propose , nothing that 1 will prejudice their - Interests;- In fact, our proposal I baaed on the ex pectation that other line wtll want In gress Into th city .and we believe that all comcra ahould be treated alike. ; ' "It. th Hsrrlman people are' sincere with reference to the waterfront and Front atreet question and do, not want to bottle It up, ' they can have equal rlghta with ' all other Interest and w will solve the problem of. connecting their Souths Portland Jefferaon atreet line with the terminal company' yards; "Our Una, If built, will be controlled by local business men, and there Is not (Continued on F Twelv,) . . FAIR PLAY j .,- - . . - "HE WAS 1 UJtt f''l.llMf' m - Vaf '' V ::iWWyU 'ill' -: T r r.lOVIIiG .60VERlf.1ElT STAKE LATEST ETIIOD OF TinBERSHARKS By This Means, With False Sentinel Trees as Accessories, Gard- . , ner and MCwrossen Are oeuevea io nave uiven i may . rPeoplFaIse Locations. to UncolnCounty.C- From Lincoln county comes another echo- of the operation -wf th etertowa timber sharka, W. H. McCroaeen and J. W. Gardner. Tha assistant couttty sur veyor of that eounty, O. Elkanat of 1 Wa Id port, has written to i ne journj requesting publication of the facta of frauds perpetrated by th firm which have come under hla own observation. ' Th atory told by Mr. Elkanat .ha been supplemented by information gath ered in Portland, where several of the victims reside. , There Is some reason to think that in thla case th swindlers may have laid themselves open tq prose cution under the federal statutes,. and If this should prove to be the esse they doubtless will be brought to Justice. he atory t follow: ,- . ,', During the past summer McCroaeen and Gardner located nearly 10 persons on timber claims In , Lincoln county. Most of them came to Portland from Boise, Idaho, and the remainder were from Sellwood. .'.The locating fee charged varied from $100 to 1204, .the latter being th price paid by moat of the Idaho vlctime, - Apparently the lo cators charged In each individual" case whatever they thought they could get." - ' l. '' Bnw Sttaaw Win. - . ' All of the entrymen wer located; ae eordtng to their'appllcatlone filed ht th Roseburg land 1 of floe. In township M south, range 11 weet - Ostensibly they were all taken to th land on which they filed, but In some cases at laaat they ware not within threat mllea of it. The fraud appear to have been accom plished by moving a auke aet by the government urvyor. .' Not long after th entrymen had re turned to their homes. It became known that McCroaeen 4t Gardner had been swindling many people who dealt with them and widespread ' publicity wa given to the facta. Two of the entrymen located by the firm In township 14-11, Msrk Patterson of Stt Ivon street. Port laid, and A. F. Long of Boise., Idaho, became fearful'that they bad been bun koed out of their money .and they em ployed Elksnat to look up. their claims. :' ' Venae Place, But we Stake. ' " Both men had been located ostensibly In section I. 'and when' taken Into the woods last .Vtngust by McCrossen Gardner they were .shown government stake, marked sections t. S. 10 sad 11. Abound It were the usual biased trees, serving a-, "sentinels", for the stakn When Elksnat. accompanied by the two entrymen.' vlalted th township on the 1 0Ur of this month n difficulty wss experienced In flndlns; the-epot where the stake had atood three-'month pre vious, but it was no longer there. Fur thermore. Elksnat quickly . discovered that th place. where the stake, had stood w aa not at -th Junction of .th .section ...V '-". - ' :"'. " YOUNG AND INEXPERIENCED' 1 mm aSBVe- W. 4".' a '-t:-;:. ,i '. .-v .".-; E. H. Harriman'S Testimony at the Insurance Inquiry. L t named,' but'., wss In . sect ion . (. Near by were the trace of -the camp 'where the former party had spent the night and several of them had carved their names on. a tree In the vicinity, which at that time bore th Inscription,-: "Sees. J, -1, 1. It". V '. .';..- ... i - . '' Elkspa't report that thla Inscription had been 'cut with a surveyor knife and .'then" rubbed with ', dirt .or. rotten wood to give It an appearance of age, but .that In 'the interval between the locating of the entrymen and his own visit this month some . person had cut away -tha lettering so aa" to ' make It Illegible. ' This. - says the ' surveyor, was done lately and' It Is possible that It may' have been done since the exposure of the McCroseen-Gardner frauds.' . , "i ',-' i Mad' Flaa OaretruUy. .'',' . ' Evidently th' swindlers made their plana with much care, for they had al tered the government marking on aeo- (Continued on Page Twelv.) NOT SURE AS TO CAUSE OF DEATH ' Jearaal Speeisi Service.) . Annapolis, Nov. if. Th second day's eourtmartial of Midshipman Minor Meriwether of Lafayette; Louisiana, of the third class of thrTiaval academy. on charges of manslaughter on havitttf caused the death, of Midshipman James R. Branch, Jr., of New. Tork,' a member of the claaa above him, a th result of a flat fight, opened with the reading of yeaterday- record. '" ' Tb first witness examined was Lieutenant-Commander Zlgmler, executive officer of the training ship Hartford. He testified . that -Meriwether: wept en last summer cruise of a month and half, , during which , the naval .reguliiv ttons were read , to midshipmen and posted on. tha gun deck for the perusal of all . persona. The regulations, pro hibit fighting, between persons ln,th navy.i . . v .,'.. i. . , .( i .2 ) Dr. Stone, chief medical officer In th academy." would net swear that Branch's death wss not .reused by dleessed tissues. He' ssM -thh mleht have hm the caaf.-ITesald tht Branch's flher forbid sn supy, so thst the xrt csuse of death was nt Voown. Classmates 'ofj, Midshipman i MH wether gv the following,, veis-.on a SPECIAL, .V 4, - - iV ' rnNB roe New Yerk World. COMPANY: LAID A E Actuary of Mutual Reserve Insur ance ,. Company -,, Admits . ; , Issuing Tricky Policies. " AMBIGUITY IN CLAUSES : - - WERE ALL INTENTIONAL Eldridge . Confesses That Concern "' Had Dona : Whit ' It . Ought Not Have Tarbell Finiahe His Tesd- ,- ' -- " " ' ' '" i tnony, . , .'.? ' , (Jearaal Special ger-tee.l ' . " New Tork. Nov. IS. Gerald Brown, head of th bond and mortgage department- of the Equitable Life Aaauranee society, was' the - flrst witness before th legislative investigating committee thla morning.' He testified regsrding the expenses of keeping the Equitable building In order and submitted Hats Of structure owned,, . i (Continued on Page Twelve.) the cause of the fight- that en lied fatally for Branch:. - "Midshipman Branch wa In charge of the deck, that is, superintendent Of the floor. He went Into Mlshlpman Meri wether room to . Inspect ' for tobacco smoke. Finding none, ho saw In a dress suit case a suit of clt Isen's lotbes be; longing to Midshipmen Meriwether, - "I do not know whether or not Mid shipman Rrant-h 'Opened the dree ault ense or whether It already was open. He put ""Midshipman. Meriwether down on hla report for having non-ream t ton clothoa. Thla means SO demv-rlts and the santee. "When Midshipman Meriwether l.esrd of his being on Midshipmen Branch's report he called tt 'a dirty act' und 'cussed' him ont. Midshipman Ttranci 'cussed' back and then cnallonged Meni- wether. The- report, waa never made to the ifflf. it -'s. tuken on'. 1 do not know beiw, whether ihrounh a flrst class man or not. I ne ptiniic st , mrce at times nvmi to have fHTtntli- Men an to what rmi MHutt'H mi liiFMtJt. to cll another 1'ttr.' 'ruai'l.' k.' 'tM..f.' etc. It la r l. i f ' ' - ! ; : hi t tiM t M ii v one to f 1 I . - n B fii i ' WRONG COUBS FOP W Turkey Rejects Demands Mads by the Powers for Macedonian - ' Control and Prepares a : ( ' Resistance. V FOREIGN WARSHIPS TO : " BLOCKADE DARDANELLES Sick Man of Europe Sends Instruc , tions to' Fort Commanders to Pre- pare for Squadron Says That If '. Requests . Are Granted .It , Will Weaken the Loyalty of the Turks. 1 i . ..', . (Joarsal Rsedsl Service.) Constantinople, Nov, 33. The sultan to day Issued an. order approving th d; clsfoh-bfTSt "eouTicrror-mihrslerirnid-' reject the demands of the powers for International control of he finance of Uacedonla. , VlceAdmiral Husnl Pasha ha mavA .It' a. .nvlal alMmM fa. .ttA Dardanell'. with instructions ' to the commander of1 the forta 'regarding hla conduct In the event of the appearance of the -international fleet. . Similar In structions have been sent governors of the Turkish Islands of the archipelagn. Th stiltan. baa been, advised tbatJf. b grants the demanda of h power for the administration, of the finances of Macedonia It will weaken the loyalty of Macedonian . Turka . and strengthen the revolutionary party In Turkey. The possibility of th sultan granting a In his-reply to the powers the sultan states that public opinion of Turkey will not countenance the acceptance of the proposed Macedonian reform. He intimated that the agreement under wht'h . foreign civil agents had been superintending Macedonian reform only covered a period of two years, and waa not a permanent arrangement, aa claimed by tb Austrian and Italian governments. Th blockade of Turkish ports by th power 1 expected to begin at once. The foreign warship are now assem bled off Piraeus and are expected ta sail tomorrow, t The program 1a eup- poeea ig flg tn seizure or Tne cusiom house at Mitylene, and if that falls te bring about a backdown on tb part of th Turkish government the Island of Lemnos will be tselsed and th Darda-a H.ll.. wtll K. - klnflW. LiUKbAu S UANaKuLL U!JtK liORTH RIVER WATERS Wall Street Financier Drops Bunch of Greenbacks While - Wavinor tn a Ruhv5' ' i ' ' , e . ' - (Inemkl Rpeelsl Service.) " ' : New Tork. Uav. 2. A portion;' of J. Ptartumt Mjirn.'. Iwinlrrnll 1 .? ih. bottom of North river near tb pier st which the White Star liner Oceanic 1 moored, and longshoremen In the 'vicin ity are calculating the number of dW-a per day they can tnke before pneumonia, develops. .:,, ;' - ' .;. .' . Morgan went to the dock to meet hla daughter. Mrs. Hamilton, who wita her little danghter was returntrrg i from Europe. The financier stood In -H plac tn the- gallery next to tha rail. . Aa th ship swung Into tha pier the little girl, who was In her mother's arms on deck, caught sight of her grandfather ant almoat at th same moment he aaw her. .-, , Morgan waa standing with his right thumb and forefinger In his waistcoat pocket. - When he aaw little Helen he cried, "Jump, .baby, Jump:" and play fully-held out hla-arms. - In doing he quickly Jerked hla hand from hi pocket, and with It came a big roll. - The bill on top of the roll wa of rich yellow hue. - The bills were all bound with a rubber band and fell I'll the water. .,'.. ALICE ROOSEVELT SICK -AT H0ME 0F HEf AUNT (Journal Niieelal Servee.t ' Hartford. Conn., Nov. 23. Mis A Roosevelt Is sick at the homo' of aiiuJt et Farmlngtnn. Mrs William Cow lea. It Is sld st Hie ifowlea In that Mls R.vevelt In Ij"I t''! and thst her uie- n n.-i ''"- tmen t' Canthf ' " lnl-pi in 1 th.! ii--' ..f t - I'.- Icr H. tt'S I ...