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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1905)
: v i-. .1 iz or.zccri daily jdu?.:ialv tortland. Friday evening, no vemder 24, im. 2f3013ti01S-21D FIRGT ST. TME EOSTQN STORE BUILDINO, COR. OF SALWCrJ of Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes, Pants, Hats and u I AND THE: ENTIRE WHOLESALE JOBBING STOCK OF Furnishing LPair LTLmotr (CdDo 2Q7 MADISON STREET, CHICAGO, IL,L. ..... f - 10c For Boys' Stiff Bosom BOc to $1 Shirts. COvFor Boys long $1.25 DyC School Pants, v For k broken lot Star lUv 75c to $2 Waists, ; v Jt For Boys crow black I 3C 15c Stockings. ' " rs TV ' " 1 . a l I 1 W : II II II II il V Pof Boys', $1 to $2 00 V light and dark color Hats. , : Qr For Boys' 25c Suspenders. : . j,.: For Boys' 15c . ' '" .' DC Suspenders.' -i V v':' ': l1 w . Tt3-I4 FftANKUN ST 'MM09 CAST MAOtSOl 5THECT' f IOOS.ICIo'!sh7M6?6i V 5 T rt!f" -f ' r6L W NEW YORK Off CHICAGO CtCHAHGC. fCRMS NCJ CASH ' N cbimt 9 deductions llowed tcefit by special ayfeemenf. Men's fc Stylo A P-i For choice of an as tOL sorted lot . Soft and Stiff $1 to $2 Hats O rn For. choice of . 1,000 Out Soft and .Stiff $2 and $2.50 Hats. CI YCFor choice of 000 Soft n1 Stiff Hats, including $leUO J. B. Stetson, Alpine and Fedora; worth up to $5. Afr. f "inn) ': Q S (S - - " r1- t ,. DD uair i UVUJ Ttic laicst good and fine istoefcp f 5 s ' r " -' an opportunity' for purchase of fall arid winter clothing, eta, that can not be equaled . : . (OJOO liiiiisiiil Consisting of over 400 different grades, colors' and styles, in single and double breasted Sacks, English Walking Coats, Clerical Cut, Prince Albert,'. Tuxedo and ; Full Dress Suits, f Black, blue and all styles and colors of. fancy. and. mixed worsteds, unfinished worsteds, tweeds, cheviots, Thibets, cassimeres, etc, ranging in value from $7.50 to $50 a suit ... . i $2.85 $4:50 $u.50 $8.50 For choice of 200 regular $70 I Suits, all styles. '--rT. 7 For choice of C00J regular $10 ; Suits. :Zjr:tCl ; ,, '; For choice of 800 regular $12 . and $15 Suits..-:; For choice of 1,000 regular $18 and $20 Suits. - ,: it ( 1 PA For choice c-f 2,000 regular 4)1 1 ,011 $22 and $25 Suits. CI A CA For choice of W00 regular 414UU $27.50 and $30 Su,ts. r C 1 7 C A For choice of 400 regular $35 $1 1 OU to $50 Suits. . - ' -.; - In. single and double breasted sack, Tux Vedo and Full Dress, silk artd satin lined, from such makers as sold only by the best stores In the United Sutes. We refrain from quoting the makers,' but when- you ' , see the labels on the goods you'll know that the world produces no better or finer ... suits. , ,' .' - ' 10,GOO Pairs Pants Sounds big, but we have got them and can fit any human being from 22 to 39 inches in-seam and 20 to 64-inch waist measure, comprising. 500 styles, and qualities worth 59c For $W5 Pants, ! dark colors. . ' For 'gray and black, fancy or cor yyL duroy $2 Pants. ,v . V CI AZ For u kindi of - r . k "I 4)1.40 ' $3 -Pants. i r . -A eFor-all kindrtrf . $ 1 .yO $4 . Pants. . . y . , , - , .,V"; y-" w:; For all kinds of M IP For aU kii 40 $5 Pants. C7 0 C For U kind" o $L70 $6 Pants. C2 iP For aU kinds of -U40 $7dJL5QJBantfc. For the belt in the worsted $3 and $10 Pants. 1,000 Odd v - J 5A Fr Odd $1.00 OUC Vests., 60c.,?dl eM. AAor Odd $3.00 7UWVe $1.40 Vests-. For Odd $400 arid $5.00 Vests."., i if- Odd $1.65 For choice of a lot of Odd Frock $5 to $10 Coats. ' . You can. save money now as you never saved before on your clothing. ' ; A vr '"h-'.v .. 7 f , '''S:v'' ; " 4,.,-, - y :. .' 3 ; .... 1 ; . : . 1 1 ,. -' ' . , ' - -". , 4,080 Overcoats or Cravenettes Consisting of light, dark and medium colors and mixtures. - -From the short nobby box toppers to Paletots and 54-inch belt or plain back garments. .100 styles of Crave- nettcs, PriestlyHodgman, Cohn & Co. and other of America's greatest and best makes. $3.50 $4.50 $6.50 nettes. $8.50 nettes.' For choice of 200 regular $7.50 . Overcoats. v . For choice of-400 regular $10 Overcoats and Cravenettes. For choice of 400 regular $12 and $15 Overcoats and Crave- ' For choice of 500 regular $18 and $20 Overcoats and Crave- For choice of 2,000 regular, $22 to $25 Overcoats and. $11.50 Cravenettes. Cll For -choice of 1,000 regular V1S,JW $27 and $30 Overcoats and Cravenettes.' .'': y -. ' Cl tf For choice " of 500 regular SU . JU $32, $35 ani $40 Overcoats '.and Cravenettes.'; ?.r-- A WORD TO DEALERS WewittelUn quantities for srwt cash JarejomalJ case will a dealer be served on Saturday. Nor will a dealer receive any discount in excess of 2 per cent, andall dealers must apply at the main office for a wholesale list and salesmen. . . V':- "'' r "'-. .'';:'. '.'; ', :' ' ylj OOP puths Suite -;V; Young men from 14 to 20 years of age have grandest Suit and Overcoat stock to select ; from ever seen west of Chicago. . . '...;-:-', CI H C ' Fr choiceJof 100 medium I tf C C J" 3Ot) color all wool $7.50 Suits. pj)O.UO a i r r 'For choice of 200 all colors -MtOtMlOw"10 For choice of 500 Tailor Made $12 and $15 Suits. CQ AC For chice of 1,000 $18T$20r j)O00 .$??. andl25-Suits. 400 Youths' Plain or Belt, All Colors and Styles. For choice of 47 regular $6 and dCC For choice of 47 1 4)0t) $7.50 Overcoats. $4.65 For choice of 100 regular $10 Overcoats. . For choic of 100 regular $12 pUUO and $15 Overcoats. C ft ft C For choice of 150 $18, $20, $22 tpOaOO and $25 Overcoats. 1,000 Knee Pants Suits Qp For choice of a 00 v broken lot, small sizes $3 to $5 Suits. QC For choice of -4)l0t) 500 irregular sixes to $5 Suits. , dC P For choice of 4Ud 500 extra fine all sixes, up to $7.50 Suits. ; ."-t- $25,000. .STOOI; OW MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Gomprising-rsuch well-known-brands as Monrrch arid Manhattan Shirts, Wilson Bros Underwear, and Suspenders, Hosiery, Etc. The choicest and best known "ri Sweaters, Etc., making the standard of this ELEGANT AND GIGANTIC STOCK EQUAL TO ANY IN ALL THIS LAND OF THE FREE. : Underwear Over 25,000 pieces,, from the ordinary 50c grades to regular $9 bUlt and ualbriggan. J55V-For odd lots worth to 75c 7 1 SO For fleece, derby, merino, etc 75c value. 40f For all kinds of$l 'value. , r G9 For all kindr of $1.25 and $1.60 Under- 1 Wear , , , - , '': ., ' ', .' . " 80t For all kinds of $1.71, and $2,00 Under- f Gloves r 10 For wool, Jersey or ' skin 35c to 50c Gloves. , 20e For. all kinds of 7 65c Gloves. . ' ''":" 30 For all kinds of 75c Gloves. : -.'i...- 4fyf For U kinds of $1.00 ; Gloves. . j ' ' ' ' ' ' 60 For aU 'kindf of $1.50 'Gloves. - -;';- 89 For all kinds of $2.00 " .Gloves.- --, 5,000 pieces in broken sixes and case lots, up L 11.39 For all kinds oT $2.00 wear. lX'9 For all kinds of $2.50 and $3.00 Under wear, to finest, at about half value. and $3.00 Gloves. Sox 4 3 pair for 10f fancy fast color 10c "'w Sox '. . , ' 1 ' ' : -;; - y. '- ' Q 5 straight for fast black 12 Jc Sox. "; 8 straight for fast color brown and fan cy lScand 20c Sox..' ;l v - 12yt f For-me.rino, wool or cotton ,25c -. Sox. ' ' ;.- V ' : - ; ; '17 For merino, wool or cotton 35c Sox,. 22e'For all kinds of 40c Sox..'.'. S9t For all kinds of 50c Sox. K 35e For all kinds of 75c Sox. . ; Suspenders Over 10,000 ptrt, consisting of all kinds from ordinary ISc values to the best Silk or Worst ed and Wilson Bros. II kinds. 5t For 15c Suspenders. , 9 For 25c Suspenders. 17 f For 35c Suspenders. ' 221 Fdf 50c Suspenders. " 29 and . 39 Jor 75c and $1.00 Suspenders. . '5e a pair for a lot of dark color Sleeve Protectors, worth' to 35c." I -: 5 For best steel 15c Coat Springs. . 1,000 Wool Sweaters 65 For an odd lot $2.00 ' -Sweaters. .,."..'. - 95c For regular worsted $2 Sweaters. -V ;f f 1.45 For select wool $3 Sweaters, 82.45 For aU styles of $5 Sweaters. ' 83.45 For all styles of Sweaters worth to $8. Shirto Penant, Percales, Madras, Sateen. Flannel, Silk Mix. tures, French Stockinet and W00L The largest and most beautiful line vcr displaved in the Pacific northwest. 19f For broken white and fancy stiff Mon arch and Manhattan Shirts, worth to $1.50. 29e For. a broken lot soft bosom 75c Shirts. 39e For select styles soft, stiff or golf 75c C W ! ' ....... , c a r " 1 anirci, - .. .. i 81.05 For. all styles of . $4 Hf C9 For all kinds of $1.50 stiff, soft or sateen $1.25 Shirts. 09e For all kinds' of $2.00 Shirts. 81.49 For all kinds of $2Z3 Shirts. $1.C9 For all kinds up to CUD l .irts. OIV OALE 8 A. M. TILL 8 P. M. DAlUYj SATURDAY IO P. M, OISL.Y, IN THE JWELL-KNOWN EOGTOIS GTOr: 2ia-213 AND 2IC-21C FIRST STREET, COR. SALMON,' 3 BLOCKS SOUTH QF MORRISON. ATICFAGTIC: : C'J