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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1905)
n: j c.;lgqn daily journal, Portland. Friday evening. s novemder 24, im. . f 'TOR SALEREAL. ESTATE. 4 res. ma U from Vtwninn, part "iihito, emeu hum. Darn. cnirien-hooee, water piped, alao cistern. What la roup fert for aVtalla ("dureee O 14. car Journal. FOR SALE FARMS. IB too 1J-ACRC fruit far: and 8-room booee mi urove. - 6,0u0 l0-aer farnt zS carta thrni "I';BCV? , tr, B IDllaa west of fit Johns, 62.7508 acre 1 rait and rood 8-roooi awHi wstr. la usg urov. . $.1,000 loO-srre farm av OohU an elcsred and reu HI voted. 40 arm can ba eaally cleared, balance la fond timber. ' l .room boos, fralt and food water. .. ; fi.tOfy a ra of ta flnaat beaverdam , land:, good uater a ad wall draload. all , HRROO BROS.. ' Phu Mala 6.103, ... 81MB Vento bldf JC"-Al'Kal ran rm. IS mile east of Port la ad on Sandy rlr.r; 40 aeraa under cultivation, good Improvement. 16 acree ea Powell Valley road. 34. mil couth at reaervoir: abort die- . lane, from, 8 carlluee, .17 acraa good, . level land adjoining Motor addition, W, B. rch- .. neimer. sen rating bldg. $10.000 t A RM of 400 ten. 130 cultivated. i balance psstnre; SO tare clover booaa. twa ""i wnuia een is iota or o acre. a. i' B. BH . Boat 1. Rlrkreel. Oregon. wr wuw caai j weutn at., rortlaad. r0" BALB Stork ranch of 1.400 aero ar umri, a Biie aorthat or Coir, una V, county, Oregon) pete mw and Urroa wr. F. IX Chamberlain? Labb bid., l'ortlaad. rREB LAND I! 0RK00N under tb Carey Irrigation Act. Deed direct from tt. rlt todar. Booklet and nap free. B. S. xooae u., L Alder at.. Portland. Or. BABOAIN 0-acr Improved farm mile at roriisnq, uecotnpte, xrt rreui. , 4 80-ACRB farm, all la cultivation, 8 mile rreca rourthouM, 1 mil fro O. W. P. Rr. , C. la.000! term to ult. or will trad fn ,: kooa and lot. Joha P. Bharkey, T01 dum ber of Commerce. 10,20 11-err fruit farm at Oak Orora; food 8-room bonaet, bargain, i 6H.OO0 Bora a (nod 160-aere farm soar oonie; n acre nnder plow. 40 ran ba- easily L clearod. balance la good yellow ftr. 7 tl.J00 ltt0-a-r farm near 6 ale Oeeh . pnatofrire; 4-room houee and fornllnr, 1rn, 20 afrea In frnlt, 40 acrea f timber, llr ln . - sa.oool.iao e'rree, mtlea waat of Rt. John, ; . Off acraa cleared. M acraa of goad tlaibar, t, II win water) termaj - - - , ... . 0RK;O BROS,. ' . Pbon Main 8303. SI 7-111 Fontoa BMf. . 40 acreh, an ale land, onm Imnnrremmta. aew bouse; front a rood road, B0 mile , rant of Portland: mil to (ood Mora and .arhool: onW 11,300. Henkla A Baker, 217 Ablnctoa bld(. , ros aijc -. '40 arrea eery fin land, ' H In enltlTatloa, , i Ilea alee and lee!, rlrh black loam; It ad ; nlne riaekamaa atatlon and R. R.t ' nlr , 10 mile from canter of Portlands will offer It for an week oslr at f7S per acre. Ad- u 1,: car jownal. FOR BALH 840 acre, all aet la yoana; orchard -.! (apple: trel. In Orand Rood Taller. WrHe J. A. TnrouaoB, La Oranda, Oregoa. ... TK5 acre, one ' ajlte from YanmoTer. pert rnltlTated. ' email booaa, barn, rblrkea-booae, water piped; aim rlatern. What I your of fer? Por particular addr O 16, JouraaL 700-ArRB FARM All fenced, 40 acre la ralHratloo. land He -well, bonae, bar. , orchard, elee to arhool and church, M tona , of hay, 4 boraea, 1(1 eowa, S ateera, aerera) hog, rhlckena, etc.. booaebold furnltare, cramrprtor, waavna, barne and farm " ' Implementa; will ell la tba next two weeka :. for 4.2S0. or wlU.tako part la Portlaod real I eatat. , . , TAtXTTtm THIRD bT. " "FOR'SALE TIlfBER. . CBRTIPIED acrlp. any ala piece; low eat prlctM. W. O. Howell. KM Cbamber of Oom- , FOR. H0MERTEAD8. timber elati ma and acrlp apply to 80s Commercial blk. FOR At,R 1,000 acre flrat-cliaa ttmnar, cloao t to Ootambla rlrer. near Cap Horn. . J. J, ; rv Armatronr, SB Cablo at Portland. Phon Mala 25. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. . HORSEaV ad all kktda for aale at eery raaua . abl prloea.. laqaira SS0 Jaffaraoa. . ONB 140 lb kora. B light boraea, 4nd I year old, two act of harneaa. Inquire r. -C. Wll . ao, Woodatock. BOMT.n FOR SAI.K ALL BIZK" AND AM. - - PRICES. - frTABLF.B Vto JRFFERB0N ST, - BET.- FIRSTHAND ggCONP. A BRAND NEW light aprlng wagoa for al cry cheap. Inquire blackamlth. 160 Kaat water ex., or pnone Eaat 4.JX5.' " TO EXCHANGE. eXCHANOB Fin CallfornU home.' 10 acre highly enltl ' eated, Ba bona, at Madera. California; will trad for a aim liar home sear Portland! prloa 10,000. HEHCI.B BAKES, llTAblngtoa bldg. ; A "rRTtRBA! hotta of T mnnte, modem; 4 lota Bomoo each, good barn, frnrt tree. brahbory of all ktnda; on block to ear line and good , ecbonl; will trade for realty ta or near Mil wankm of acreago or lota to tba ralne of Sl.Sno to S1.SO0. B. Journal. , , ware, etc.. Addr 850 Rnaeell at . - I TO RXCHANOK Coeur d'Akraa (Idaho) mining erork for diamond, Tala about 8300. Box am. ty. WILL exchange half Internet In a good boatnee ' for one or two good bolldlng.. lota. Pbon ' Eaat 40O. . 7-, FOR . SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I.B WIRE NAILS .. 1 folding bed .'. . S3.50 Irea bed ........ ,.' $.1 wool-top mattre . ..8 .25 .. s.oe .. 3 29 2.00 MM Bcflaprug We are cloaing out all boaaafaralablna at Coat and lea. FLEMING. ST1 FIRST ST. FOR SALE A aew Petaluma Incubator (hot air), 12-exg capacity, and a good brooder, .' $15 for the two. H 23. care Journal. AITTOMOfIILEY good condition, for a I cheap; .will exchange for dty property. 414 Dekum. FOR "ALB OR RENT NBW AND BEOOND HAND 8BWINO- MACHINES. 'STANDARD RWINO MACHINB A0ENCX. B. D. J0NK8, 280 YAMHILL BT. . MACHINERY of all kmd repaired. Centennial Iron Steel Work. 288 Ollaaa at, WB print yonr name oa IM ealllnr-earde, proper ' ilea ead atyla, 25ei 250 baalae card, 11. Brown 8tmal, 228 Flrat, PorUaad. Or. BILLIARD AND POOL Ublea for rent or fof aale on eaay paymenta. ' TUB BBliNSWICK-BALKX COLLKNDEB CO. 48 Third at.. Portlaod. -LA ROB - atock ecoad-kaad Remington and Bmltk-Premler tynewrtter. from 840 as. Ln ocr wood Trpewrltac OoM 881 Stark at. i LARGEST atork at bottle to Bortkwoett rdra fllld promptly, portuoa noma cnrpiy w 801 Nortk Elghtoenth at. Mam 400 ' SHOWCASE! AND P1XTTRBS mada to rd aacond-hand'gooda for earn. Carbwa Kail- - atrom. 890 Couch at, Pbon Pay 8T1 TJNCALLED-FOR monnted apeclnwna and , far ' ruga cbeap. F. J. Braaa. SOSVi Third at. HOTEL ranre (Cbartee Oak), aaei 4 meatba. , dining chalra, table, anowcaae,. eaoater. W eater Salrag Co., 637-8 Waablngtoa at. X0R- SALrV-BURROUOHS NO. 8ADPING ' .MACHINE, ALMOST .NEW. SIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. PACIFIC 484. M. BARDS- SON. baring hongbt tba com , .. - plete atock of pluoihlng material aa tb Trail . .. and Government Inland, offer all the pip ,' and flitlne and eery reaaonabl tgnra; aim tha electric flitnrea of th Amclcaa Inn Co., wblcb will go to tb buyer at We tba half of coat prloa. ' FOR BALB Font No. S American botet bono- power and lot of aarnnd-band donkey en . elne. anltaM for kieelnc or hMatlng bur pnoe.-- For tnfnrnratton and prloa apply- . r, u. RuetOMHv Altar I. Orcgna. Wr.8TBRN -OR10OON MIXIN0 MILUN'l . , CO. headqnartera: atork for M and 1n formation at 480 Flrat at. Pbona Mala 1620. SBND B. B. RICH. PORTLAND. ORKGON, 2V IN STAMPS FOR St ASSORTED 80UVCMB . : PORIAXaV " , - ' FOR SALE-UISCr:LLANE0U3. FOR SALE New SB ft. gaaollne launch and oooi price gj&o. rnooa Ham eooe. FOR MALE Ktock too Incubator. InO erne, good ' ooooition. 812. Inquire W ban niaouia n. pliEAP Pruibmer'a aample of holiday gooda; cuff and collar boxea. oumb and bruah aete, . etc., hit aale at lea than wboloaala cot 8U0 Becoad t. ... t J 1 ' ' FOR SALE Flna upright piano, perfect eon. anion) eell . can arierumu iw Aentu, FOR BAIJC Auwl kvatlo foe Dhreldan. cbeaa re una of change, hralib. Addrea O It, care Journal. , OFFICE' fnrnitur for aale.' Including one Smith-Premier typewriter. 84 Sixth at., roan 2u7. . . . -. . -i BOOKS bought, oold and exchanged at tb , Old Book Htore, yambiu at i FOB BALB Ona hand printing preee. 618. al aooat aew, ebeap If old at once. Call or addrea O. F. Patrick. 678 Bortbwlrxr at. FOR SALE cbeap, young Panama parrot. Pottygror at. 66T NEW 8300 piano. $150r oaoond-hand piano. 840; organ. 823. 841 H Flrat. cor. Main, upatalra. PERSONAL. tr MEN! - "" P. (Tltal-Power) tablet will re tore t yea tha wap. elm and elgar.of manbuodi If .yen are larking In th power of vitality. Ita : ku mulling from Indlaciwtlona and exec, : end for a bog of tba tablet and b eon eiaced of tbclr merit. 'By mall la plain pkg., 81. The Arinetrong Tablet Co.. Inc., 801 Tolama blk.. Detroit, Michigan. SPECIAL : NOTICE TO WOMB Don't rlak tour urea ay an operation waen you eea ur4 by harmle awthodv; electricity properly applied will ear uta where opera tion kill. W boucm tb Utcet Ineeatina to control dUeaae peculiar to women. Dr. W. 1. Naea, M. E-. Medical Electric!. -Of. fir T18 Dekntn bldg. Pboaa Red 8281, Offlc hoar 8-18, S-8. MRS. ANNA LUCKBY and BTHEL WARD ar bow located at 830 Taylor at, principal or th American Beauty Parlor. ar-W cure all aealp dlaaaaa a ad poaltlrely grow hair or make ao ekarg( all ktnda of bath given electric dhaaaag. aianlenrlng and chiropody) alao Madama Karrow'a remedle; aatlafaetlu gnamateed. Pboo Mb 8248- , DETECTI TE . AGENCY Cnnfldentlal . Inreetl- gauooa; report made oa aay ladleldnal bual neaa or property mlaatng relatlrea loot ted; -bad debt collected; charge reaeonable; ctr reepondane ' aollclted. , Oregoav Detective Service, ofhoaa 814-818 Colombia bldg.. Una Waablngtoa at. i'booe Mala 8618. DR. AU8PL0ND, dleeeeea of women and ur 0 Allaky bldg.. Third and Morrnraa. YES, Palm Tablet mk Too aleap perfectly; tbey cure. arvouanea and mak yoa trong; e nuc box, boxea fl.oo: guaranteed. drugglat, or addrea Brook Drug Co., Ml North Third at.. Portland. MANLY vigor reatored by Dr. Roberta' Nerra uiouDiea. oa month a treatment. z; month. 85; ent ecurely eealrd by mall. Agent. Woodard. Clark i Co.. Portland, Or. BOOKS! Here they are: - "Decameron." Hep. tameroa." "A Hot Tamale." "Fanuy Bill," "Twenty Tea re a Faker," Forbidden Fruit." SO each) Hate free. A. Scamal. 229 Flrat at. LOST power reatored by th great Dr. a Narva Tonlo Tablet: S5e per boa. 8 boxe for 81.28. Write or call at Eyaaell' Pharmacy, 22T Morrlaoo, bet. lat and 2d. TBB Celebrated Star Hair remedy reatora graynd faded balr to Ita natural cohx, pro- MJtea ta gTowta or balr; aot greeay. Hair Store, 80S Waablngtoa. WHY lire a loo when yoa can eectrre a llf companion ny joining tner lnteraiaie xniru. attchig noctty. and aieet or correapood with repntablo panona of tble ectloB. many wealthy; th November reglater, 10 cent. Salt 24 RuaaeU bldg. Pboaa Paclflo 626. SUITS preaaed while you wait, BOe. Ladlee klrU pr.aaed, 0c. Gilbert. 106 1 Sixth at., next to Qoelle. phono Clay BUS. LADIES You nppoar 30 year youagor, re move ail wrinkle, aava aaia like velvet oy aalng Oregoa Orap Skla : Food. . Pbon hjint 1267. ... MENI WOMEN I Raymond' pill positively cur aervoueneaa and lack of vitality; 61, 4 boxe 88, Plammcr Drug Co., 260 Third. AMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. BOUGHT. ROI.D OR EXCHANGED AT TJNCLB MYERS. PIONEER MONEY LENDER, 148 THIRD ST- PKAK ALUEI. - FBEB mpl eora, hanlosj and wart cur. Xd wla le Dean, dept. E, Taunton, Maa. TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregonlaa bldg.; Udlaa aye, geatiemea ttigata. Main WANTED To know tb where honta at William ntepbe gmltb, , formarry of . Loa Anrelee. Adtirw Mother, . boa 128, Saata Barbara. Callforala. FREE to oat ef town patronarodr latest catr- Kgu of fancy work, pillow top. . center piece, ahlrtwaiita aad aovnltle. The Needle Craft Shop. 30T Allaky bldg.. PortUad. Or. DOLLS' hospital; repairing and dreeelngv Yam- am ana weei rarg ata. BINO CHOONO. Importer of CM nee root modi- cm; eel la Cblneee tea tnat la certain cur for all disease. 181 Second bet. YamblU aad Taylor. .. DISEASES of women a apedalty; maternity cases give epecial attention, private hospital ccommodatlon; professloaal ladyv In attendance; eonanltatloa free. X-Radium Institute and Sanitarium. Third aad Aldar. Kwatrano 8SS Alder at. J? all. taouf. Book gtora, 1 DR. ATWOOD, 16 Russell hhlg.. 1A6H Fourth I. remaie aieeaeea and conrinementa takca and cared for; pa erenlnga. Cousoltatlon fro. ' WHY be nnarT Bead 35c for valuable secrets m box ov, ti rants rum, oregoa. A MAN or boy going eaat aa far aa Kanaaa . City caa get Calf ala far paid. Address car Journal. ANNA That waa vary mark appreciated, and I abould have takca yoa at your word. Do not be atrang. but call asr un at addrea given. Will urely b tbere oa Thursday, . MATTIB Am going, ao lot that end It. I dn not want to near any more about It. will probably return Frldey," when I will call. Do not writ or call. D. MRS. Sophia B- Kelp, paychouMtrkit, evere and propnete: daily in to a. T to a; circle Tuesday and Friday. 8 p. m. 8434 Yamhill, cor. Seventh. Pacific 106. Sunday evening Bieotlng Drew ball. 163 Second at. CLIP Jnt a you aay. It- waa very ale of t forget It In a harry. Am vary friendly, aad await you, and I will n disposed to b rder. H. T. ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR R. MAX METER, 848 Aldar. Portrait aad Mndacan. artlet ana teacher. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, 608 Commercial blk;. Second and Wasbluxteo at, raoae Main hi B. P. BUBLEIOH, lawyer, 123 Oraad are., Kaat Portlaod. ..-.. EDWARD T. TAOGART, attorney and eloe. 416 Chamber or Commerce oiog. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COVEY, Fifteenth and Alder, agent .for Cedilla and Pierce aatomobllea; machine rentea. rvpsireu ana nurw. A.SAYER3. : GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTIOW CO. aad Montana Aaeay ornce, ion aarrmsa v ACCOUNTANT. CHARLES B. PFAHLIT Pnbllo asdltor aad expert accountant. acorn t, LaamoeT ar Commerc bldg. - ' BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. CO.. 804-806 Everett at. V . u. tat.kjM' otnhtr kM Aa ttkm eeaat. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS KILHAM. 108 111 Second at. Blank book manufacturer; agent foe Jonen t Improved Loose-Lee f ledger; e th aw urtk Max, th kaat a thT BATHS-MASSACZ. YOUNG lady give medicated hatha and mag' . netlc trvetnMtit 9tm ritiimilUlli: alao Cltt ropody, face and ecalp maaaage. , 148 1 Sixth, - ruoma 24 25. , . i ' YOUNGilady give, va nor. loobd and m'edlcaard' balha. Parlor 27. 2tttt4 Stark. BLACKING. WEBFOOT Blacking, abeoratelv waterproof, pre aerve the leather, makea.aboee wear 60 per cent longer. For aal vrywni. v mm in eant. CHIROPODISTS. IF vane feet are Mr ef eeder. CO to Dr. W or lev Benjamin. mt Waahlnrtnn at., tb foobi neclallat.' Phon Hood 004. f CAFES. THE OFFICE 185 Waablngtoa at. . Tfl. Samuel Vlgnoeu. Pbon Mala- COLLECTION AGENCY. COLLECTIONS by tb North wat ' Collect to Agency; your buelneee bandied In a bualneaa manner; try a. 16-1T Labba bldg. DOK8 any ana owe you money t We collect bad debte of all kind. 122 Grand are, room 13. Pbon Eaat 4424 CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and lawr. Prael, Hegele Co., 100 to 106 Fifth, cor. Stark et CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESnKRG-GUNST CO. .. ' -:'i . Platrlbator of " ' " FIN1 CIGARS. ' 1 Portland, Oregon. CHIROPRACTIC. POSITIVELY con all form of rbeumatlam. Dr. Era Hogan. 2nd Hall at. Pbon Mala 604. u CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largeat pUnt . pa the roaat, luring and Harding at., tele phone Kaat 380 Carpet cleaned, redtted, hewed and laid; both eteam and tateot com- ?reeed air proccaa: renovating mattreeee and eathera a aiieclalty. SANITARY earpet cleaning., auction and eon .pressed air combined; carpet cleaned en floor without removal. Mala 6584. Eaat 3564. . CARPETS cleaned oa the floor; w raw aa duet. Phone Clay 881, free demo narration. J. ""HUNTER Steam carpet and mat tree cleaner. 650 Jefferson. Phone Main 314. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LENSCH BRO:., -oommlaalon merchant, flour, feed, hay and produce. 363 to 366 Front at. Phon Mala 2C0O. XVERDING FARRELL. prodnc and commie, aloa merchant. 140 Front at., Portland,' Or. aPhnn Main 1T. 7 ... CLEANING AND DYEINO. YAMHILL CLEANING PRESSING CO. Work 'Called fne and dellvarad. Pbon Clay 383. . . Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Workat prac tical katter la eon sect lo. Ill 4th. Clay T04. CLOTHES cleaned and preaaed 81 per month. ubiou Tailoring Co., 47 wahlngtoa at. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and cleaner. oa jerreraon at. Phone Mala znia. ' CURTAIN CLEANING. NEW pnwtM la curtain elrairfaf, SOt to 1 pair. Ki4 iimb. Hi in h9. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. ACTHORS t WOOD, crpatera. tmtlden) r Bailing and fobbing: atora aad office fl fl ornce n Mala B28T, nut. Shop 808 Columbia. WASHBURNB ft FLOYD, wagon builder and geaeraj sua wars, oa ata ax. raoaa txooa o. F. R. VANDEKBOOF, - carpenter aad yobber. 387 Stark at. Phon Mala T4T. WM. FIRHBECK, eerpenter: repairing nd Job bing done. 301 Burnald at. Phon Main 6437. CLAIRVOYANTS AND. PALMIST MRS. STEVENS, Portland' distinguished palm let, aatrologlat and eptrltnal llf reader. Do "yoa want ftr know facl Iniporlant and Vll ablet If ao, call upon tbla gifted and scl ent If la r. 108 8 renth et. Pboaa Padfkt T14.- --.. R. H. KNKESHAW, healer and traac nardlum, , eaa be consntted at 146H Sixth at. Boor i 12 to 4 p. m. , , ST. GEORGE ORMONDE. 225 Fifth at. Peychlc palmist healer, dead trance medlam; great, eat adviser love, business, alck ness, mines; treasure, change. Journey, family troubles) bring hick loved one; nnlte aeparated; rradlng by mail 2, 8 qnastloaa; tell every toiag. MAthAMB HELONIA EOYPTIA Th Eaatcra Myatlr. Aatrologlat. Payrbie raimwt. astro Maanet alve reliable llfcreadlnan; practical I help and advice. 2.144 Second at. HOTELS. HOTEL PwadMtsa. Pendleton. W.A. Brewm, mgr. HOTEL PortUBd. America plaa) 88, 88 per day. HOTEL St. George. Pendleton; lee ding hotel. BELVEDERE; Baropeaa plaa) 4th asd Alder ata. COAL AND WOOD. "fSth i will ale KING COAL CO. Hole agenta fo tha etnoue Diamond coal; try It and yoa wui aiway nny It. Wyoming and Waablngtoa booaa coele. Virginia and Waablngtoa amlthing ooaie; run wehrht guaranteed. Stephen, mngr, Tel. Mala 128. CHURCHLXY BROS, krv removed from root Devla at. to 426 Kearoev et.. Bear 11th) M Bow tb largest woodyard la tha dty, carry, lag all klnda of wood and oL Mala 881. 6BE0ORY ft MORRIS, eucceeeorsr t Cala ft McKane. dealers la wood and eoal at losreet price; aatlafactloa gnaranteed. Cor. Tenth and Irvtng. Phon Main 4ST8. WESTERN Feed ft Fuel Co., oa Front betwsea Ollaaa and Hoyt, dealer la all klnda of hone coal and blacksmith eoela. Pbon Main 101a. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealere la eordsraod. eoel and green end dry alebwood. R. R. and Al blna ., 8 block east ef ferry. Beat 874. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. -Dealer ta anal. and dry lpwooa. Pboaa Eaat 434. BOXWOOD and planer trimming. Standard Wood C. Pboaa Feat 3818. Foot But Pin. OREGON FUEL CO. . wood. 88V Alder et. 611 kind of eoal and Phone Mala SB. KIRK HOOVER. SIS Watae at., wood and aaaL Pboaa Mara 466. . FOR SALE 6. too eorda fir waoa. HITS. DETECTIVES. TELL ua year trouble; we never eleep; vldaca traced m civil and criminal cases. B. L. Hsalnger, 16-lT Labba bldg. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DB C.E BROWN. D.V. D.O.M. Dog. Hnra hns. one: Maln40M:Eaat2538 pltal. as 7 Bnrnaide. '"' 1 1 DENTISTS. NET CHURCHMAN. deatbit. 384 Marauem bldg. Sixth nnd Morrteoa. Phon Msla 1 170. DANCING. WOUOWARD'S dsnclna acnoni f tb Wactera L Aea.lemy of Mnel Monday a4 Thwrsday. one rr tors mviten.' ne aswcis. to 11. On. Seeratd and Meertnoa. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Fere moat fraternal . society of aoethweet; protect th living. 611 Maraaaat btdav. PortUad. Oratvav- ' V'a 1 i Aii I i T ' ' DRESSMAKINO. FIRST-LASS dnaemaklng-parlora ' 66T Com mercial at.;, loweat prloa; children' work; plain sawing a aneelalty. Pbon Seott 6173. KBISTER'S LADIBR TAILORING COLIEOR. 208 and 400 Allaky bldg.l write for booklet. DR rftjtu itra mii nk. a feu gagamenta In tauillloa. Phaa L'nloa 644. DRESSMAKING Strtetlp ap ta datal lateat i Ign. 486 Clay - MADAME FORTIER, SIS Ivy t. Feahlonable dressmaking. - . Pacific 83 -MADAM Pacific t. -,- ivnpr v u r.D l-u.'ii , tivi DlRliiai .. t.. .......... uniu-iuonn-u . ' - -J SM Fifth, cor. Main. Slur open evealnga. AN el neri eared dremmaker want a few mora engagement by tb day. Mala 4703, after T p. m. ' ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 80 Stark at. Portland, a K. for . vri thing rnv the' electrical Una. Fha Mala 183. PACIFIC- Bt.ECTBIO CO. Fnrlneer. con tree-to-e. repairers, electric wiring, enroll. 84 First, ear. Stark. Main 658. R. H. Tata, mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES OREGON Fnrnitur Meanfaetartag Coaipaay Manufacturer of furultur. fur th trad. Portland. Or. , ' rURNITURS mannfactaria aad apectal order. L. Bvasky'a fnrnitur factory. 870 Front at. FRENCH BAKERIES. THE rmlv In Portland to aet French bread. Barrar Maylle. 40T Sixth at. Dally dU ry. rnooa urcea aua. - FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-atr fnrnaeea foeL i. 0. Beyer Fnrnsc Co.. 356 Second. Mala 401. GRINDING. Rsaor. knlve. arlaaora aharpwned to twrfec tlon. Karlaoa ft Co.. 40t N. Otb. Pclflc TPS. GROCERS. WADHAMS ft CO., wboleeel grocer, mas. . faeturer and eommlealoa merchants. Fourth and Oak ata. ALLEN ft LEWIS, enmmlseloa end peodtiee awe - chnta. Front and- 4wl sts.. Portland. Or. HARDWARE. Portland Hardwire Co. aollclta opBortnolty t quota price, in lat at., cor. A lose, maia isas. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, fir lnsuran 800 Dakam LAMBERT. WHITMER ft CO. Fire Inaarano and reel estate: office 10T-106 Sherlock bid. Mala 1008 dent. 404 Eaat Alder. Eaat 4UL JAS. McL WOOD, employers- liability asd la dividual accident curstv boBd of aU klada. ' Pbon 4T. 803 McKay bldg. H. F. BARTKLS COMPANY Ftr Inmram 448 Sherlock bldr. Orawoa Phone aay 686. LOCKSMITH. al renaliinc caatu-oa braalng: all work gaaraatod. 306 Fourth at. f boo nana iiaz. BRnWMK'B im bicycle repairing. 2HS Stark. Day .pboaa. Cley azsi nlabt phone, main anna. OSTEOPATHS. DRS, ADIX ft NOBTHRUP, 616-16-1 Deknm bldg., Main Third and 'Waablngtoa ata. raoa 348. Examinations frs. DRS. OTTS ft MABEL AKIN. 408 Macleay bldg. Clay TTS. Res. M. 3151. Consults tioa fro. THB very beat lady osteopath to town. Dr. L. G. Johnson, suit IS. Relllng-Hlrsch bldg. MUSICAL. PIANO, -Prof ' 4T03. violin, string aad wind rostra meet, e tawla AimlthXSajrwalfth. Mala PIANO tuning. 83; perfect work guaraateed. C. W. JoLaaon. Pboaa Mala 1611. WEBBER'S Mandolin. Banjo. Onltaf atudlo, 8TS Aider; agent for 01 Neon mandoline, guitar. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. 317 Oregonlaa bldg. Ladle or Gentlemen. No PuMtelty. " If yoa borrow 820 yoa pay hack tl-M a week. . If yoa borrow 12ft yoa pay bark 81.65 a week. If yoa borrow f .V) you pay back 12.00 a week. It yu borrow 8-16 yoa pay back 2.38 a week. If you borrow 650 yoa pay back 83-00 wek. PkyaMota enapended la ease of (IckBca. Strictly Salary Loan. . , THB CRBHCBNT LOAN CO, SIT Oregonlaa Bldg. . MONEY TO IX) AN Oa Improved elty pro party or for bafldlag aorpnae. Aay amount en from 8 to 10 ye re" time, with privilege to repay all ar part of loaa after oa yser. lan ap proved from plan and money advanced n bulldlag progreeeee; mortgage taken ap aad replaced. FBED B. STRONG. Financial Agent. 343 Stark Street. THB STAR LOAN CO. lay etarld employe, we re-earner, aa gat . hi aot, . without mortgage Month. U Month. Week. 850.60 Repay to aa 813 M ar Sd.63 or 88.86 626O0 Repay to aa 6 6.66 or 63.36 or 61.66 816.60 Bapay to oa I 4.00 or 13.00 et 1.0 316 McKay bldg. MONBY to man. aalarled popl. tea meter e. eta.. - Without aacorlty: eaay paymenta; la eg ret In 48 principal dtle. TohBaa. 333 Ablnatoa bldg. Pbona Mala 646T. MONEY to Ins oa reel, personal anil collateral security! epecial attratloa to chattel most. Pigeai ante bonrht. a W. Pallet, 804-6 ntoa bldg.. 84 Sixth . - - . HIGHLY reaneetabt viae where ladle aad gewts eaa borrow money en diamond-' and Jewelry. Collateral Loea Rank. 868 Waeh ' ingtoa rt Phone Blerk Tl. ' CHATTEL loan la amount ranting from 628 to 85.000; rooming houses a anecletty. New -Era Loaa ft Treat Co.. 306 AMngtn bldg. WR make in kind of loan e good eeur1tr t loweet rata: (pedal attentloa give to chattel loaa. 103 Morrlaoa at. MONEY to Inaa ta earns of from- 18.006 to nnont term to salt tha borrower. 806-16. Commercial blk. MONEY to Vsta la larg or small amnant u igeod eewrltvi Inwevt rat. , William 6V, Beck, SOT FalUng bldg. MONEY to loae Clackam eesety land. R. F. aad F. B. Blley. 608 Chamber Coa LOWEST nte a fnvnltnra and planoe. Oa., 446 Snsclaeh bldg. Clay Ve TO LOAN Soma to suit oa chattel aatailty. R. A. Fvaatv 814 Tha Marqnam. MONEY to loaa on all kind ef eeewrtty. Was, Holl, room 6. Woahlnrtna bldg. . l.Ooft-85.000 TO loan b prtvut partv "8 real aaUIA aacaclU. 403 Commarcltl. bMaV HAY AND GRAIN. B. 6). COOPER A CO. Potatoes teed i flour. 128 Lalon va, Pboaa Beat 161T. MEDICAL. TUB SPRINlRHTEKN MBDHTNH CO., nil De kum bldg.. agenta for the celebrated Mountain Rosa re ue1 lee: cure all female tronblee. ala etoaiaeb and live trouble; ooneuHeaioa tree MACHINERY. PORTABLB locomotive hot lee and ogln; le- tha H price i 4Va horsepower. OL U. Pl rote law of floe. 4 Mulker bldg. FOR SALE On 6-In Hi Smith sticker. n ana aaader. an two-aplnlla ejiapec, belt aad pulley. 204 Fourth ot. THB Ft. C, ALREB CO. Second-hand machinery, mine, etc. 846 Grand, nv. MONUMENTS. NEU ft KINGSLBY. 3A6 Flrat at., Poatliad'i leading marble works. OVERALLS. BOSS OP -THE BOAD OVERALLS and mo. chanler alothlng: union mads. Nenetadta Bros., manufacturere. Portland. Or. PLUMBERS. DONNERRERO plumber. 64 ft RADEM ACHBR. Maltarf Foarth at. Both phoaaa. FOX ft CO.. eanttary plnmber. 361 Second, bet. Met nnd Salmon. Oregoa Pho Mela Soot, PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. "B. BEACH ft CO. Tb Ploaeer Palat Os.) ., wlndow-glaaa and glaxln. . 186 Flrat at Pbon 1684. ERNEST MILLER ft CO., Second and Taylor Wall paper, paint, all 61 maxkst prleeei free delivery. , . kASMUSSEN ft CO Jobber, paint. MU ba, . aah and door. Second and Tar lee. PRINTING. WELCH ft DAVIS. Printer Doer of i thing with Ink and typ oa paper. Steern ' bldg.. Sixth aad Merrlooa. Mala 414T. ANDFRSON ft DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blank book. Phone Mala if. 306 Alder at. METROPOLITAN PRINTING CO. Everything In prhttlng. Mala 1886. IdT Front t. ' RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 848 Alder at. pboaa Mala T10: rubber ata m pa, arala. etenclla. naggaga, trad check; eend for eatalogo No. 85. RIDING CLUBS. PORTLAND RIDING CLUB Sddl bora aad carriage for rant. W, G. Browa, 806 Aider. SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling hair, dandruff treated! ahamno. Ing, manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mrs. B. F. Kyae 166W Fourth, ear. MorrUeo. Boom 81. Phon PadfM 368. SECOND-HAND GOODS.' OOODB'S Fnrnitur Houae Highest rrlcea paid for cond-hand furaltar. 816 Sscoad at, Pbona Pads 486. " STREET-PAVING.- WARREN Osaavructloa 0., street pevtng, 1d walk aad eroaewalka.. T16 Oregoa laa bldg. THE Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. at Part la ad. Offle 666 Worcester blk. " T"" " SAFES. WB repair and rebuild automobiles, gaa agin, printing praaeaa, tlm lock, aafes, open lock out, do all kind of aiachlho work. Columbia Oa Engine ft Safa Week, 342 Second at. Pboaa Paclfl 676. Frank J. Snpor, mipt. DIBBOLD Meaganeee aareel fir end bwrrlar- pracr work: HU aaa prmaa wort: lecBoaia repair, g. a. wra, aa -rnrr ex. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of very Assert prion) beak, bar and tor Sxtaree made to order. The IVatk Manufacturing Oa.. Portland. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window letterlna. cloth baa luiSJUIHjai eirccnc lini IH .ina v, an hind made cjnlckly. Foster ft Kiel, Fifth . - -- . - - t. ad Kverstt. Pboaa Exchaag 86. TYPEWRITERS." NEW typewriter, all makee. rented. enIS and - renelred. Coast Aaaacy. 331 Stark. Tel. MOT. BLICKENSDORFF.B type writer, aaprllee. re palrlng. Roe ft Ross. 866 Stark. Mala 170. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, rutterlng, repelrlag aad geasnl Jobbing. J. Losll, lWeffereon et. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, piano and ' fumiluie asieet. peeked ready for chipping and ahlppedi all work . guaranteed; Urge. 8-story, brick. - f wareboaea for atnrage. Office 128 Flrat at. C M. Olaaa. - Phon Mala 84T. THB BVOOACB ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., ror. oixin nno isi St.. ; saurasa roe-arq from hotel or reelibrac direct to deetlnetliei; pa seen sera therefor avoid rash aad annoy ance at denote. C. O. PICK, offle 68 Flrat at., between Stark and Osk sts., phone 6M plena sad furaltnr moved and packed for hipping; commodious brick ws rehouse. Front aad Clay ta. OREGON TRAN8FER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Mala 60. . Heavy hailing and atorag. BAST SIDE Tranefer Co.. A. B. Holcnmb. prep. 138 Eaat Water ex. Pboaa Beat 668. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY N. BOOM .Wash ington et. Pbon Mat 863. TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES. W bav them hy-he thousands) strong, healthy stork. Our 1U05 lllnetrated and priced eata logo tell all. PORTLAND SEED CO, Front nd Yamhill ate. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, aean, 61 per month. Lawrene Bros. Towel Supply On., Fourth and Couch. Pboaa 436. TELEPHONES. THE only "exclnslve telephone boa. ' B.-R. Electric ft '-Telephone Manufacturing penr. 83 Fifth et. VIOLINS. f. A. WFSCO. vdnlta-Mker Bad repairer: week grot claae. gn ituaaei bing., ata aaa WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND FENCB ft W1RB WORKS ta East Morrlaoa et. raoa aaet an.. FINANCIAL. DOBTXAND T8TJ8T COMPANY OF 0BE0OM. Tha Oldest Trust Compear la Orega. . R ISO LNl. 16 OVKB ll.280.OUW. v f General banking. Bxrhnng oa all parte et the world. Saving croant. ' Time eerltfl. cete. I to 4 per rent; abort-call apodal certia ratee. 6VM or over, 814 to 4 per cent. Call fur book of "'ILLUSTRATIONS.' Southeast Corner -fblrd and Oak Sta, Pbon Prlrat Exrbang T3. BENJ. I. COHEN.,,..... President H L. PITTOCK.... Vlc-I'realdent C Lka Pl!IWv,mrri-r.-:-; . Secretary J. O. UOLTKA ..Asslstsnt Sscrctary JKX C0BT1NINTAL- OOMFAIT. FINANCIAL AGENTS. ' STOCKS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES, 341 BUlh BUtoa, - - ren Mala 1876. ' t FINANCIAL.' LAOO ft ULTOW. BANKERS. (Eatabliahed la 1666.) Traaaaet a Oeaaral Banking Bualneaa. . Collection made at all e-Juta on favorable tirma. Letlera of credit laeued avallehle In Europe 'and all point In th United State. Sight Kicbang and Telegraphic Transfer old esv Nsw-Ysrh, Whleloa. -,blcs, ft. Loula, Denver. Omaha, Maa Franclauo and Mi.nttna and Brttlab Culumhla. " Excnang Md oa Londo. ' Pari. Brlta. Frankfurt, Hongkong, Yukohama. , Manila aud Hooolula. ' FUST RATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, 03100. ' Designated pepisiltory and Financial Agent af tM , tb United State. . Prealdeat. , A. L. Mil IN Caahler ....,., 1. W. NEWKIRK Awlatanf Caahler.-. t.j...5. ALVOKO Second Aaeletant Caehler. ....T.R. rV STEVENS Letter of Credit laeaed Avail. hi la Europe . and tb Eaatern State. . Sight Exchange and Telrxrapklc Transfer arid on New York, Boa ton, Chicago, St. Loula. St. Panl, Omaha, San Pranoteco and the art nd pal polnta In th Northwest. Sight and tlm bill drew In aunur to ntt net Lcadnn, Pari, Berlin. Frank fort -en-the Main. Hongkong, Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chriatlaula. Stockholm. St. Pttaraburg. Moa eow, E'ir'rh, Honolulu. Collection Mad oa Favorable Term. UNITES STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. XOBTRWZST COR. THIRD AND OAK STS. Transacts a Beaeral Banking Buainaea. ' - DRAFTS ISHUED. Avallahle tn All fltir of th United Stat nd Europe, Hongkong and Waalla. O0LLXCTI0BS MADE OB FAVORABLE TERMS. rrenioent ,, , 1. o. AIN8WOKTH Vlc-Preldent...... ,.W. B. ATER Vlce-Presldeat... ..R. LEA BARNM Caahler... ......R. W. SCHMEKR Aaeletant Caahler...... A. M. WRIOHT Assistant Caahler ...ThW. A. HOLT MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. . PORTLAND, OREOON. J. FRANK WATSON , President R U DURHAM Vic-President R. W. HOYT ...Caahler GEORGE W. HOYT... Aaeletant Caabwr Traaaaeta a Gene raj Banking Busts. Drift and Letter of Credit leaned Available to All Parte af tha World. Collection a Specialty. SECURITY SAVTXOS ft TRTBT COMPANY. 866 Morrison St., Fort lead. Or. Traaaaet a Genera! Banking Bualaee. , SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time and Saving Deposit. Ads Trustee- for Ketale. Draft aad Letter of Credit Arallabl la All Parte of tb World. C. P, ADAMS,, President L. A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS. ...........Second Vlc-Preldeut n. V. e t ni 1 a. . .. M i iri.'f GEO. F. RUSSELL .Amlataat Secretary MORBUS BROS. US Flrat St. Pntlaaa, Or. Offer otlt-Edg Investment la Municipal gad Railroad Bvad. Writ ar Call. MORTQAOL, LOANS Oa PortUad Xsal Xatat af Lewsst , Title Insured. Abatract Furalahed v TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST 00. 846 Washington St., Oar. Smnd. AT THE THEATRES. Britt-Nslson Pictures Tonight X Tonight and Imuutrow Bight, with a epecial price matinee tomorrow at 8 o'clock, tha original nd only ptrtnreo ever takea of the tamoua Brttt-Keleoa fight wIU ba abown at tba Maniaam Grand theatre. Thee picture are aot repro. d net Ion a or lmneraonationa. Every move, very detail from beginning to end. la depicted with wonderful clearness. Cartel at 8:8 o'clock. Popular price. - i ; 1 ' ! ' 1 ' , . London Osier Girls' Hits. "Peggy Brady" white oat walking nnder tb Star of Fete" met "Tncle Sam' Marin." who protected her from th "Goo Goo Maa." Sb ld to tnem.'Tsk Me Home" to "Mercer ry Mary Ann.'' for I am afraid of "The Wttchee,- nntil 1 -ee the "Little Maid of Nlcobar." for "How- Can, Yoa Tell Till You Try" "Too and V trhi a 'Trlpl Kajlnk' might mean. But If you -e th London Gakty Glrla at th Baker theatre next week all t.t these musical anmbar will ha thoroughly dem onstrated by a eapabl cut and hard-working little ponlee, who ere pretty eoongh to ateal. Flrat performaae next Hunday matinee. "The Fstsl Csrd."' ' At th Beiue thla week Will B. Walling and tba atock company are coring a remarkable !Ca wtlh "Tba Fatal Card." one of the arrange melodramaa prod need la Portland la mm j mmiw. ppnrvniiy tur laira jiaeo main. drama, aad there caa ba found ao better op portunity to or 6 reel thriller. tamtI-Stte-T6f Th advance aale of eeata will ope aext Monday morning at 10 e'elork for tb I'nlveralty of Oregoa Glee and Mandolin club, which com to th Marquam Oraad vtheatra, Thankagtving alght. Thla will b red letter colleg aad foot ball alght. Get la lino. . . Only Two More Times. Parlalan Belle Borleaqu company at lb Baker wbtt" glv only tw mora performance., tonight and tomorrow matinee. Th ahow hr considered by maay ta be tb beet of all tb lively burleoaaea area at thla popular theatre thla , .."A Broken Heart" Th great Mary of humanity, that treat f If vice, virtue aud itaglh. M tuld ta- the most IntereatlBg meaner la - tha play. "A Broken Heart." After maay exciting and dra matic event th play draw to a happy end ing. Only throa mora perforajgaceo toalgut, tomorrow matinee and tomorrow alght. Lansing Rowan Next Week. Thanksgiving week it the Empire, tartlas' Sua tier afternoon, leasing Bowsa H nnouncd as th attraction ha a powerful Brodnctloa of Dum' famou dram, 't'snjllle." Beside tb regner matinee there will be glvoa.a msllao ThSBksgivtng day. Thursday. " , - VAUDEVILLE ANP STOCK. Burlesque at Grand. r; Only a few day remala ef tb engagement of Zuia'a Merry Travesty company at tb Uraud. Tb uggement will positively close with tb j performance Sunday alght and aext Wee a" the Grand will return to vaudeville wltk a bill i heeded by th great and only AlblnL The musical extravaganaa, "Tu Soltaa of Morocco,' coined tana bav unlimited poeelbllltlee to create wnghter and the oloUt and the chorus people ver tag. . , t ..:-..- i . The Liberty's Fight Pictures. ?; Thonssnda heve eees th Impersonation of tbe Neleoa-nrltt flght at the Liberty tkl week. Tboueanda more will e the picture before th week I over. Oo (nd ace them tonight. Tbere r a lot of -other big attrcctloa.. Mel vllle ha tbe moat nensstlonsl aerial act ever aces her. Th Morrlllea, estertalaere ta th 400; Jack Darling, th great nng-nd-dnc eomedlae, lad many tbr complet th pro gram. '" '- ' M th Star. With II high grade udvtll feature tar haa beeo doing aa human busloesa I tb Star haa beeo doing aa human busloesa tbla week. Th aoaadlag Oordoa have sa act which haa never been duplicated la Portland, and Black and Leelle have another epcllty 'that at out of tbe ordinary- Tb bill In every respect la ap to the standard malatalned at tbt warm and comfortable tbeatr. IMPROVEMENTS ON MAIN LINE. OF UNION PACIFIC . Omaha, Nov. 44.-By th extension ot th North Piatt Un now In coura of conatructlon the- Union Pacific propone to eliminate th big ..bend ' belweea Cheyenn and Medicine Bow, Wyoming, Th new Un from North Piatt te Medlcln .BOW i Wilt bo leaa 'than 106 mllea tn length compared with t6 at present. , In addition to thla valuable saving ln diatanc overland train wlV BO longer bav tha pteep grade of Slier man hill to climb. Both Cheyenne and Laramie will be cut out of the overland route-by th new Un. J TO SHUT iA4 Several Are Working Only Half Time Because of Short age of Care. WATER TRANSPORTATION KEEPS SEVERAL COING Chsrfe Is Made Tbst Rfilrosd Com pany Uses Some ; Cars as Coal Bunkers, and Is Slow In Moving Others. :'.,.'.,"''"''' :-V-.. -.t: '; It la aald great da mag to tha city of Portland la resulting from the car hortage, and wore la to tome if re lict la- not Immedtat. Tha. North I'a- clflo Lumbar rompunr, th Standard box factory, th Portland Lumber compar.v and ona or two other r running only half time, and the Eaatern A Waaler n Lumber company ! aald to bo en tha eve of ahuttlng down. U becauo than InduHtrira cannot set cars for ehlpplng their producta. -The Inman-Poulaen mill would be . obliged to ahut down half of the time If It had not eecn red a ship to load lum ber for China. The Clark Wllaon mill at Llnnton, and a number of mllln on the peninsula, are able to run only by their having facilities for getting rid of part of their product try water navigation Soma of th manufacturer ar refusing to accept orders for ehtp mentg that muat go by rail. , At the Standard bos factory'1 dock below the Burnalde street bridge, the congestion la particularly noticeable. Th company la unable to set earn, and haa an immense amount of Ita product on hand. The charge la made that, the railroad company la using cara for ator ag of eoal and filling Ita locomotive. n from them, when It could, by providing bunker and an elevated track, dump He coal and' re leas a grout many Car for, oae of Ita patron. k "Thla car ahsrtage could be" aofne-. what relieved if , ther wer better fn cllltlea for releasing; car by the Har riman road a her," aald a ahtpper who haa been clamoring- for ten car a day and receiving but two. ' "Car, are not moved promptly after they are loaded. Th company, linen too many, cars for storing it own coal and otJier materials. The yard of the Standard Box company, for lnatanee, ia blocked today with lum ber. Cara on the aiding have been loaded Mveral day, and are not yet moved. On th opposite track ar SO mora earn, loaded with eoal that,- If th company had proper bunkera, could be unloaded ' ao that th cars might be put In com mission. . "The railway company exacta a bond for jlellyeri wlthln.4 certain time, and yet will not furnish equipment aufflclent to handl th shipment, This condi tion exist at all. point from Hood River, on th' O. R.' Jk K., to Drain, do th Southern Pacific. ' One aawmlll on th Southern Paciflo ha been compelled to clos because it could not (et cara to (111 orders taken for delivery as far back aa th flrat week In September." ZXBOBIA'S BLOOD FOOD. " WUI Our You. A Testimonial Tram I very One Wha Eaa Tried IX. CenaulUUeu fiaa, neon. Or.. Jtov. ' tl, 1805. Madame J.t noWe: Dear Mads me Aa my medicine Is ger. ting quite low and Mr. Paul will probably be he I'ortlaad Hatardny. would) yoa leee bare nnother bottle ready for me. I am feeling better and I know that the medicine la doing me lots ot good. Thanking you for m, I remala yours respectfully, .r MHM. EVA PAIT. O SPlCESr o DAIflNOF0VDZI7, tC6Tr.5.l iCltSwIuhrhiihr. flnasfFIivcr CmrtifSfmh.Ciwontl'ciPrkei CfwC5SCTaDa PORTLANO,Ott2C0F4. C. GEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor 1 rormeriy' Ibected at trta Ala Mm eoraee lahrd. ...... Moved T the larg hrlrb building at S. I- enraer ot glrat and Muerleu ata. Entrance first Strsi! Dr. 0. Oee Wa, the Brest Chinas Posts', I well haowa and fa ohms throusk.nt the I . 6. because hi wonderful aad m.rreione ettr-a bav beee k.ralrted bcoadeaat l length and hreedib ef tble esuetrv. lie ay aad U diss with pew.rrnl (.un root, herbs, hnd. berk, end ve-tcMa I re entirely anbnowa to meOicel e. -ac le t . country, and tbrensb tb m ef tnr remedle be guarantees to core eelarra, . lung troubles, rbeumatlam. ei. .. . liver. kMnay. female treubiee end ell pn- !TbJrrsm-u. -- c-H ot pt the kulfe. l'!' "leg r-i"- Bnndrede nf tllm. nlala es el Call aad r htm m e. C0B8CtTAr;r.rr- Patlce'e etlt ef lt el'r 'lle - ee4 !'", In.'li-.- ' ' -C O". Ue Cb""- ' ... , . . ffr, ttrrHK'n. I r- i lease . - s ! I J) Ss. dlfcsi. I-