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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
.... THE ORECfON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENTW3.. NOVEMBER 17. 1MB. utl7 TELESCOPES AT NORTIL HEADf Will Enable Weather Observer to. Decipher Name of Vessel at Great Distance. THOSE NOW IN USE ARE -.? COMPARATIVELY SMALL With New Apparatus Identity of 'VciKb Which Neglect to Fly Flag ; May ! Bt Aacertained Shipper! Pleased With Improvement, .. ;,' -.' f ..r , ; ... , : . , v Powerful telescopes nav' been pur chased by the weather bureau depart ment for Installation at tbe North Head tattoo, at the mouth of the Columbia river, and Tatooah. near-foe sound, to enable the observers at those points to see a vessel and decipher her name while still a tone distance at sea. Word con cerning the purchase ot the. Instruments was received . this morning by District Forecaster Beals from W'Ulls I. Moore, chief of the bureau. ' ' ' Tbe telescopes now' hi us srs small affairs compared with those which soon will be installed. Tit new Instruments were procured at considerable oost. . The sen-Ice of. reporting the arrival of ves sels at the mouth of the Columbia river promptly by the lookout man at North ' Head la of Invaluable help to those who re interested In shipping matters. With the Improved service the work will be more appreciated. v. . ... . , There long. has been a general com plaint against sores of the shipmasters because they did not fly their flags when approaching ' the' Columbia river so that the observe would be in posi tion : to discern the names of the craft. When the new -telescopes arrive It ts be lieved that the names of the .ships painted on the bows can be seen, almost as readily as It ts now possible-- to note tbe character of the. flags. On account of the prompt action of Observer Kelllher at the North Head station in reporting vessels In distress many a ahlp has been saved from drift ing to destruction. All of the shippers are agreed that the weather bureau's service In reporting vessels could not be dispensed with and Improvement of . the service ts greatly appreciated. ST; PAUL'S TWIN., Steamer Senator Arrive en Mrs Trip ' rrom Ban Praaolae. .' Except for her name ens would be led to believe that the steamer Bt. Paul bad come to life at the Alnsworth dock, where the Senator Is ; moored. She le .an exact duplicate of her unfortunate eiater. which was wrecked a. few weeks a o at Point Gorda. California. v . The Senator, Captain Lloyd, 4s one of thedew boats which the San Francisco at fort land meamenip. company recent ly added to Ha fleet. She Is a handsome craft -and ior speed and comfort' has few equals on tbe coast. On account of the dense fog her Initial trip tothis port frumTOrBay Clty"waa prolonged fully 24'. hours. But during the past -welc alt r -the- steamer have been ar riving lata and the Senator was no ex ception to the rule. After she arrived Inside the bar tbe fog settled down so thick that the steamer bad to : lay at anchor almost a day. -i.-'j The Senator brought up a cargo, of about 1.000 tons of general freight and a fair list of passengera To make up for the time she lost, th steamer Is being given quick dispatch. It Is said that she will be ready to sail on the return . trio . at . 8 o'clock tonight, al though she Is coins; to, take out a full cargo of flour, grain and miscellaneous freight .". . sow en, route from NewlTork. Th craft are named th Watson R1 Buck? man- and each bat a carrying capacity of about 8.800 ton on a draft of 1 feet. When ther arrive at San Fran claoo, the steamers will be pUced on a drydock and alven a few miner sltir atlons before they proceed north. They will be converted Into oil burner It la said that they oan cover Is knots an hour. Captain Calhe's . line will be an independent one. . ... ,..-., .. AB AN DONS PONTOON PLAN. jr. M. Petersoa WtU Let Contrast, for i M-'r'-f taa Slder t Bastara Firm,' ( H. Peterson, who bought the Elder wreck- from the underwriters, has de cided to abandon the plan to raise the vessel -by - means of circular pontoons which he was having built Three of the pontoons had been constructed at a cost of more than f t.OOO . apleoe, and five more were needed. A deal Is now- on with a . wrecking firm ot th great lakes to rals the Elder, and It I said that 1t la-likely to be closed any day. Mr., Peterson says that th eastern men are confident that ther can. rals th steamer, oy . ineir methods In short order: Just how they will prooeed to accomplish the, jodws not fully known, but It Is said that the principal part of the equipment will con sist of powerful tugboats. Mr. Peter son has been offered xor we dwi where she lies and $100,000 whan she Is placed on . the drydock. . " , When he bought th wreck he began th work of building eight circular pon toon 40 feet in: length and about IV feet in diameter. ' He found It a diffi cult matter to get th right sort of lum ber. Th work of putting th structures t Anther also -nrooeeded slowly. Be coming discouraged he at last decided to turn the matter over to mea Who naa followed th wrecking business and are thoroughly conversant with It Unless the - vessel should be raised before the June Hood occurs it 1 thought sh will be rulnd. -' GRAIN CARRIERS ARRIVE. British Ship TJsaVoya and hip Jqr- . aaae Added to Barber Pie. Two more grain carriers, th British bark Dunboyn and British ship tty- nano: have reached the harbor. The Dunboyne," Captain " Newnham, cans from Callao, Pern, and completed th passage In 47 days, almost two week earlier than expected.- Th skipper says the wind was favorable and his vessel glided along all th way from th South American port at a lively rate. - Th Dunboyn la on of th fleet or three sailing ships owned In Dublin. This makes her third trip to Portland, but it is the first visit of Captain Newn ham. The bark Is under charier to T. M. Stevens Co.. to carry a (cargo of grain to th United Klngdoml She Is now out In th stream, but will) more to the sand dock tomorrow tasfllscharga her ballast after Which sh will begin loading tor the home voyage. . Th Ky nance. Captain Aula, came id ballast from Ban Francisco and moored t Banfleld's dock.: Sh la under char ter to Q. W, McNesr to load grain for Europe. , .',... MANY BOATS SHIFT. Xovemeats ta Barbc Beep Tugboats Busy for a Bay. 'since ' veaterday afternoon the tel. lowing ahlp movements - have taken place In the harbor: The Touralne shifted to th stream, the Europe from Banfleld's to tbe Oceanic dock, the Cambronne from the sand dock to Vic toria dolphins, th Vauban from MonJ-a-omery No. 1 to the stream and the British steamship Aglncourt from Mont- - ammerv No. 1 to No. I. " ,. XoaBrttlslKIp.Euxhro7ne also! moved from tne oryooca to me ureen wlr.h dock thia morning, where th haianea .of - her . ballast will be dli charged. Th tugboats have been kept kii.llr emnloved during th . past If hours. Th Touralne and Vauban have completed their graJO' cargoes for the TTnitaut Klnsdom and probably will leave down tomorrow. The Aglncourt alao Is about ready te sail for Japan. FOR VALDES ROUTE. ranted fl.-0. Cala Beoar' Tw Beat . Stoamers o . A-Jaatlc Ooae-t . Two new steamers soon will b placed In regular commission, between Seattle and Valdes by Captain C. C. Calne. wno in Pnrtlanl yesterday - from the sound looking orey th local situation to sea what th oipe?t are ;or ge ting freight H bought ateamers on the Atlantlo coasfracently and they are ' : - Jearnal Bpeeial Service.) -New Tork, Nov, 17. Th British cruiser squadron, under- th command of Prince Louis of Battenburg. which had been th guest of this city since the moraine- of November 6. sailed today for Gibraltar, th next station on its long cruise. The week which th squadron spent in this city was full of excitement and social event of mora or less for mality succeeded each other In rapid succession. Prince Louie, who I cer tainly accustomed to th hardship of seafaring life,. was almost overcome by the demands which ' this abort season of. social functions made, upon him. Banquets, receptions, official and unoffi cial caUs. balls arid Other affairs of a similar nature every day for a whole week I mor than even a well seasoned seaman and courtier can endure without serious discomfort. Th members of his staff and th other officers of the British squadron were equally over whelmed by th hospitality of the Amer leans, but bore up well under the severe test - The men also -had their share of entertainment but their share was not aulte so exacting., Led by the flagship Drake, bearing th admiral's ensign, the British cruiser squadron slowly steamed down the river, past the Imposing line of the American battleships and cruisers, exchanging I lutes with each on and doing particular honors to the Maine, the flagship of Admiral Evan a A flag salute was fired when th squadron reached Governor! Island and th battery on the Island re sponded with a national salute. Many hundreds of ateamers, tugs, launches, yachts and other craft nearly- all gaily decorated, Were scattered along the river forming an informal escort and bright enlng and enlivening th -plotureeque scene. Sirens and -whistles mingled their shrill notes with the dull booming of th runs and th thundering cheer of the crowds on th shore and on th various boats. - i LIKES LOCAL DRYDOCK.' choose William Bowdea Oomes Prom ' Baa rraaolso for Beyatr, As. soon as her ballast baa been dls- tcharged, tli American schooner WirPam Bowden will be pTkoed orr the drJock let St Johns fer rteanrng-and- pn-U'm she will be recalked also.'. Anderson A Crowe have been awarded the contract for dolns th work. - This will make the second time' that th 'Bowden has beon given treatment at the local -drydoek plant Hor first experience there was over a year ago last- May and ah was among th first vessels that was ever floated by tli local plant Th fact that ah la owned In San Franclaoo and came from there on this trip speaks well for the Port land . drydock, say those whose atten tlon has ; been called to th matter. When she Is put in condition th Bow den will be supplied with a lumber cargo for San Pedro. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Id a few days th work f building a new .hull for th steamer Albany, be longing to the La Camas Transportation 4 Towing company, will be started.. It is aleo the intention to give the crart additional length; pf three feet When thl lob has been completed the Annie Comings of th sama line wlu alao be rebuilt- - Laden with a cargo of railroad ties 0i . nchnoner., Tix1)LMtjJotb th river from Linnton tnia aiternoon bound for San Francisco. ' All of the government property was disposed of to a number of bidders this morning and brought a total of tt.l7t.t3. which .will be applied to. making Im provement . In th plants at Cascade Locks, Fort Stevens and th moorings opposite St Johna Big quantities of freight were placed on board the steamer Olympla after sh cleared at the custom house for San Pedro, Sh sailed out yesterday after noon - with tbe following shipments 1,000 tons of wheat and 1.140 tons of general cargo, making a total of t, 140 tona It Is on of th largest ship ments ever carried by a eoaater from this port , r MARINE NOTES. . Astoria,. Nor. 17. Arrived down at Aro Yob Stmylng Up Itlght with tha HaAyr ' tfas it mm etarreeatnt; skis sffeetiesT see eC U. ttasts ef aappj soothers sally see Jar fin a Soap la tb7s .th. kills disease BtMSIIr anara trrlUtloa ef seels so sale. lDdores reatrol slwp. Keeps babf sweat aaa bealthr. 'or raabes. realns, eeaefna. scrofula, liebles. all skin soreeeea, BARF1NA SOAP la tm'r woederroL What It eoea for baby H will o for yaau If s tbe imM eoo4btn aad Harriet ef toilet, bath aad enraary eeape. K animal fata, afedleared. Aatleeprl. De atorUlae. BefrMale. Heeling. rrasTast ... -A trtati f Plac Balsaej la TtfT Cake. Try It Toa'B be enavtaeed. Lerge Ste, ealiae. IV. esies, V. DnisjWii, M.nefx-tnrH he PHILO HAT IMfllt trra (., MtWARK, N. J. fsae eaytalsg eCerae wltaoe tbls alxaataret- r"n - aaeatstde 4t L2VC4 . lOA DACJDRUFF MOBTHIB0 FmHIng Hair. "My bead was toc-taa years cov ered wl dasdrna' eeltlaok.4 Ilka a die- eaea. Bare Bwd Halr- tm and fcam i dead raff oe aor part of si scalp. Ualrladarkeraod mack kealthier kklns."-P.n Ittairie, 113 Hendrltst. ' - . IkvB klra.N.r. ' HAuiHtJXLTH PAalttvolr raanorvee daedrae?. etens kalr laillnf . brloga back Tootbful color te grar Ulr. Aided by HARFIIf A SOAP, beala. stops Itching, promotes ana kalr (rowtk. Mnje OOe. bottles, OnifCLT. , t -j .a mmn wnu" PbllolIarOs.slsnaturat Cat eat and sis a tbla FresSospOiler;, Take te enr of fonnwttiff dratftlt nd let Bc bottle Halrbealtk aad t&e cake HarAna Soap, botk for ooe.! er sent by Pbllo Bay Co., Kewark, ft. i., prepaid, for 0e. and thle adv. Free soap eoc giies or enifina'a wirn eet thle entire adv. sad sOa. fer Halrhealts, XtrM.M, ..,...... 4 Aoaraes ... J t ft A i) n 1 , 7, TOOSABS, 0Z.ABXB CO, tnxXk aad Waaalajtoa ft. SAILS HOME Princ Loulof Battenberg and Fleet .Under; Hie Command Leave for Gibraltar. ". GAILY DECORATED SHIPS 7 FORM INFORMAL ESCORT CAN SELL ANYTHING . THAT THEY CAN GROW Patt Week Full of Excitement Of- flcerg Overwhelmed With Hoapl- tallty ' of. Americana Departing Fleet Saluted by EyanaMVarahipa. Florist Who Has Conducted Whole- ' gala Business Open Down-Town Store, Too John - HV Nolta Pros pers and Builds New' Plant '. PORTLAND HOW A POSY f,1MtI -; Demand for , Flower- So Great That East Side Growere En , large Establishment. a m.. steamer oiympia, Arnvea aown from Portland at 11:10 p. m., schooner lfarr Wlnkleman. . Ban rranciaca nor. 17-ArnTM at 1 m., steamer Homer, from Portland. Arrived. American ship Charles E. Moody, - from Portland. Sailed . last night barkentln Tropic Bird, for Port San Pedro. Nov. II. Arrived, stsamer Daisy Mitchell, from Portland. Astoria, Nov. It. -Ball steamers Atlas and Whlttler, for San Franctsoo, and steamer Alliance, for Coos Day and Eureka: Arrived down at 4:41 d. m.. steamer-Costa Rica. -Tokkalchl. Nov. 16. Arrived, British steamer Kelvinbank. from Portland. . Astoria, Nov. IT Condition of the bar at la. m., obscured; wind southeast; weather,. fog and light rainy i . " ' ' I1 " ' 1 -a , Personal." ; .. - Hawkshaw . Sherlock Day, th noted sleuth, reported at this office) lata last night that he had a due to the mys terious boys suit case. - He Is keeping very quiet about It, but let. out that yesterday evening (he saw a long, rakish craft In the off log, and supposes. - with th hop of all good detectives, that in th sleuth line there is something Bruin. He said that it might have on board the Elderhelmer Stein man, also a suit of clothes for the most noted boy detective that ever wore clothes, that Is, Elder helmer Stein clothes. As a gentle hunch to our , many boy detective friend with leas experience we would advise you to keep your ayes on the Portland Hotel tomorrow. - BAMX ROSENBLATT di CO. WENATCHEE MAN ACCUSED OF BRUTAL ASSAULT The east side ofOee ef The Jowraal is la the store of J. M. 0. Mluer, SUO klaat ltorrleoa treat. Telephone Caet sTo. '. , . . Portland is considered by florists to be one of th best cut flower markets in the United States. Several of the large local flowergrowers havthlr greenhouses on th east side, and alt or them ' have Increased th capacity of their establishments or are doing so now. -1 ; . Durlnc th past four year. It is saia. th demand for out flower has grown rapidly, and If th growth continues as rapid during th next four year th Rose City will become America's Mecca for florists, in spits of tha fact that hundreds of yards her are perteci flower gardens throughout th summer months and that rosea bloom outdoors practically all th yeer around. Florists say tbet they can sen anyuung uw row. - . Mount Tabor Tlorists navs njargea their srreenhouee recently.- and It is thought that they will make runner additions within a few montba One florist whose greenhouses are located near the mount haa been conducting a strictly wholesale business heretofore, but Is planning to open a downtown re- tall store, while continuing in wnoiv sal business on a larger scale than aver. . John H. Nolta, wno long conducted a modest florist's establishment on Mis- slsslDnl avenue, -has purchased - ne property and built a urge plant near the corner of Alblna and Kllllngswortn avenues. Some - montns ago ueora. Beta (07 Williams avenue, built two additional houaea for his flowers; .now he is said to b planning two mor houses in order to handle his increasing business. D. P. Sleeth Is building a' "double dftck" srreenhous at th corner of Michlaan avenu and Humboldt street Work Is being rushed on it, and an effort will be made to have It ready In time to raise a few posies for the holldav trade. This new hous wiu o 60 feet long by 4 reel wiao, io mr half to be two stories; -th lower sec tion will b used principally aa a bulb eeiiar-Tofth-rorcing or Easter mien and other plant. There will be room for 2.500 carnations, oesiaea many oiner blooms, in the unoer deck. Mr. Sleeth. slso Intends to make sonf exneriments in plant life along lines that are being woraea out oy lmiwit CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS 1 -1 . Irllzt Utlst Sets Dcr:ica!e IVhlst Sets Phochle Sets "r ; ; Dcxiao Sets i Critiase Sets Pcker Sets . Tbe Flaest Assortment of Playing Cards In tlie CHy Uabogany Folding f( Card Tables. .-, .Vtl-VW - "Bridge" Pads - "500" Score Cards Tally Cards . - -; THE J. K. GILL CO. Booksellera and ; . ' Sutionera. THIRD AND ALDER Crtat Things at Little Prices Sunday - will begin the obserranoe of 40 hours' adoration. Solemn mass will be celebrated at 10:10 a, m.. with Rev. Father Lawler, O. PS- celebrant. Rev. Father O'Brien. C P., aa deacon, and Rv. Father Lamb. O. F, as subdeacon. Rev. Father P. Dalton. C. 8. C, of Co lumbia university, will deliver the ser mon. The evening service will begin at T:t0 o'cloekr- On Monday and Tuesday masses will b at and Tarn, and t p. m. ' , 7 ' ' 1 1 , A MUSICAL HOUSECLOCK. Beautiful Begin Kuala Box an cloak Offered at Coat, Th Regina Musla company, of New Tork, have just advised us to sell th beautiful Regina musio cabinet exhibited at the exposition at oost price. Instead of returning It to th factory In Nw Tork at exorbitant freight rates. It is a genuine work of .art. cased in rich mahogany, with large curved-glaa front and mounted by a beautiful clock. Th muslo box 1 almost human in operation. Automatically selects any of 11 pieces desired, lifts it into position, renders It in a manner only possible in th famous Resins, change piece and play om:ipii, "I"";" Worti fall to ao Justice to the wonaer be in realms not touched upon by. the California wizard. ' fRneelal IMapatch to The Joarnal.l Wenatchee. Wash., Nov. 17. County Auditor J. A. Oellatly was th vlotlm of a brutal attack from A. J. Barber, who recently won , unenviable notoriety by an attack upon a sick man that his wife was nursing ar a local aotei. uei latly, accompanied by his wife, was walking along one of th business streets of the city when- they e countered Barber. Barber looked closely at Mra. Oellatly. who be mistook for his wife. Waiting until th ooupl .had passed Barber , Approached . Oellatly from behind and struck him a number of blows on the head. - Oellatly turned and began ' defending himself, and Barber, seeing that be had made' a mis take, turned and ran without waiting to apologise, Barber was arreetea .on a chares of assault and battsry preferred by Oellatly. An attempt will be made to show that Barber Is not sane, as he has made a number of attacks 00 cltl- sens of th valley without causa, GRESHAM WILL SOON , HAVE PUBLIC LIBRARY (apeetal Dlspsteb te The foaraal) -Greeham, Or.. Nov. 17 Asa result of the meeting at Uresham Mrniday evening, which was addressed by Judge Arthur I Fraser, Marlom R. Johnson, Millie R. Trumbull and Miss Mary Frances Isom, the town will soon have a public library, a free reading room and a club, somewhat along, the lines of the T. M. C. A., for men and boys. women and girls. Committees were ap pointed to look for a suitable piece of ground on which to erect. suitable building for Immediate use. 'At present the library will remain In Its quarters over the postofflce,- A committee, con', ststlna- of Dr. Falkner Short. Professor HL EL Darling and S. S. Toapelman, was appointed to arrange for a swimming tank and procure gymnasium eppa ratus.- Other sub-committees-were sp- nolnted which are at work. A general committee was appointed compoeed of Mra J. W. Shattuck. Timothy Brown hill and Dr. i. M. Short. v v Trolley Praaohls Befused. ape1at niacatPk te Tbe Jeernal.) Eugene, Or.. Nov. 17 Th Lan county eeort he decided not to grant a franchise to A. R. Black and hi as sociates to build an electric railway along th county road from Bugen to Springfield. Tha petition asked for the right to construct the Una on th wagon bridg across th Wl)lmtt at Spring field and offered to build an additional tlr to strtnjUiea tha bridge. WAS GOOD SYRUP. ; - :-" - ?- . . Moatavllla Boys . Brink Contsnts of vataiapl Bottlaa. , ' . Charles A. Pierce Is a 1 local com mercial traveler ' running out of this cltv whose list of friends Is as long as a maln-royal-halyard on a Nova Scotia windjammer. He is now representing a well-known brand of syrup call It maple If you Ilka Well, the other day, Pierce went out to Mont a villa to dis tribute several hundred sample bottlaa He hired two small boys of that suburb to go from house to hous and leave a sample at each doorstep. The boys started gaily down the avenu and turned up a aide atreet, wnue fierce was busy trying to sell a large order to the 'village grocer. The boys were to return to the store as soon aa tbey had "worked" the street told them. Pierce waited and watched and won dered. No boy returned. At last he started down tha etreot In search of th wanderer. He dleoovered them hiding ehlnd a cowshed, opening the bottle and drinking-th syrup. : - ANOTHER FACTORY SOON. Win! Bliu BUsTUtoTCirTUn'rTortlaiUl Bask t Boor Company. . Work la being rushed on th factory being erected by the Portland Saah aV Door company at the corner of East Tay lor street and ' Union avenue. Th fac tory soon will be far enough along so that th machinery may be Installed. and It is hoped to have th mill running with a full crew by January 1, 106. J score of skilled workmen will be em. ployed In the factory. Just now there Is a great 'shortage In cars, and it ia said that several orders to local firms have been canceled owing to th fact that the railroad war not abl ta fur nish transportation facilities. While much of the machinery to be Installed in the east side factory will be moved from the present mill operated by the company near tbe corner of Main and Front streets, soms of It .will corns direct from eastern manufacturers and will be of th latest improved sort. ALASKAN JOURNALISM. Bom of XMUly Qold Slo-ger Tails Chatham's Bxploslea, I County Auditor .Carl A. Brandos haa received a bundle of copies of th Nome Dally Gold Digger, published at Noma Alaska In the Digger of September 20 ia told th story of th blowing up of a large steamer In this city on that day. A dispatch; which is purported to have been sent from Portland, Oregori, says: ' "Great crowds witnessed the blowing np of the steamer Chatham, which was accidentally sunk her a week ago. The Chatham had a cargo of dynamite on board when she sank. There were 04 tona of the explosive on the vessel. Ever since the accident the harbor authorities have been anxious lest any further ac cident should occur." East side property owners will pay a handsome reward ' to any one who saw th blowing up of a steamer by dynamite In thl harbor last September. ', EAST SIDE NOTES. .-' ' The Sunnyalde school Is giving an art exhibit and musical In th assembly hall of the school today, . One entertain ment took place this afternoon and an other will h given tonight from 7:t0 to :! o'clock. Tbe proceeds will be used to buy picture for th chool. County Health Officer Dudley Evan recently moved to Montavilla, where he expect to buy property, both for hi horn and for Investment. - ' . -At the Holy Rosary church, comer of Clackamas street aad Union avenu. next fully constructed Instrument. - Can also be regulated to Play automatically at every quarter, half or on th hour. Th pretty .-clock 1 tee If re worth th prloa An exceptional opportunity to secure this instrument, which will prove an or nament to any bom, at eoat price, 6166. Drop In and hear it. - Will mak delivery a an Xmas present, if desired. Eilers Piano Houee, 6il r Washington- street, corner Park. o T. P. Kelly's Bankrupt Sa! a sat icoBBiso rr, bobts szoa. bbtwxsx i-xbst ajto sboobb. A SALE THAT IS AN UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS And th citadel of the greatest bargains ever known . In the city or roruana. Indeed, we believe that every lady gentleman, youtn or ooy wno navs ream our advertisement in tni paper, ana aave tikmb r w departed from the premises before sharing In some one or more of tha thousand bargains which ar to be had. TBB WTtl. WOW OO. (ZBO.) pur chased from the Seattle Board of Trade this UUCMSB STOCK of Kaxohaadls. and not having room on ins main iioor nave iur.u ui aua in " vmmw ment beneath the salesroom. In this large apartment our ealeepeople ar compelled to escort our customers, and TKBSB OOODS BBXBO OPT Of ova un or boibcbiabduib, wb bat sbcidbd to xotb rna- QOICUT, and to accomplish this result, FOR TOMORROW HAVE MOBB THAN CUT THE PRICK8 ON EVERY ARTICLE WB SHALL. EXPOSE FOR SALE. - VOm ZU.VSTBATZOBI ; . BalaVxtoa, A I-sdlae $10 latest Style Jacket, with Cap ffect, goes for..;..;....3.89 Children's S3. 60 Winter Costs, latest designs, with belts. ........... .ft. 59 Xrftdles Sateen Skirts, the kind all merchants sell for tl.SO, prioe. ..... 59f 4.11 of the Keroerlsed TJaaerakirta, worth from fa o $3-60, at 89e All th Imported Underskirts, walla tbey laat a .. .,..,.. 9 1.49 . There are only of thee left, Com early, rrenoa naaaeL Baaoy pattern, aeatly trimmed gjhlrrwwiata, fo .-r Wlatea weejr Belly prloe, aj.80. ' One Sals pio.i. 845 - If ever In your life you have yearned for bargain In Men's Clothing, Shoes, Hata. Furnishing Goods, Ladlea" Cloaks. Skirts, Underwear, Blankets, Notions, etc you have the opportunity to secur such now, YOU COMB TO .JlilS SAI-E I ' ' '- ...... .' ' . ' '. The subjoined price list Is ths TRUTH, so read It over carefully and compare tha figurea with any of tha so-called "sales" advertised an Portland, then corns to us and you will Immediately understand that you get bar mors ror tbe money than la to ba had at any other ator la tbls great city. Tbla la the Sale that makes other aalea leek aaaaU. , PBIOB ZJJIT XXBS BABCTIBBT--JCBJrS OXeOTBXVCs. ' , BeliysPrioe. aMOaBHaa. Ill Cashmere Suits, In dark oolors m BIO.OO 6T Odd-Bias Bulla Fall patterns ...12fiO 6 Bulta In Worsted and French Pique $1&.0 lit Men' Worsted Suits, fancy aatln-llned ...,....aVtO.OO tot Men's "Blue Sefg Suits, medium weight t Men's Fancy-Worsted Suits, heavy weight 11 Men's Unfinished Worsted Bulta, Winter weight 646 Men'a Worsted Suits, la all colors.... 666 Blue Kersey Overcoats ....v... 66 Black Melton Overcoats i 721 Dress Overcoats .......... 8 Cravenettes, English make ........ 41 Short Coata odd slsea, worth up to ... ......... Men's Dress Panta ... Men a rine aii-wooi i-mnis, ior ounaay ....... Men a a. s, ( rmatM, as long aa ias. ,........ Children's Overcoats 18.00 25.00 27.KO 32.50 ia.00 13.50 16.00 22.0O 30.00 94.39 90.38 1 1.89 "118.89 1 19.68 1.45 12.69 94.98 f 5.89 sr. 4 5 910.98 95.T3 . 91.49 92.28 93.2T . 93-39 8Ta 93 11.98 1.49 -29e 11.69 2.1S w SAT BBPABTMBBT. -', ' Kelly's Prloe. SalaPvtoa, 6t doa Men's Crnah Felt Hata S2.SO , S4a Men's Wool Hata Urge shape ;.. 91.50 ' 29t Men's Fur Dress Hata, all shapes .................... m Men's Felt Hats, for dress mm Dunlap ahap Hats, worth op to 16.00 ........... ......k - ' Men Stetson shape Hats -. Men's Caps, latest styles : B0 Men's Knox shape Hats ............................... - All 66.00 WUbr Hata Boys' Caps, worth a B0d PBIOB UnXAPnP PBPABTMBBT--OaT OrOODS. Bally Prloa, tel Prloa. 1,600 Ladlas Turnovers .'. 10 -3 1-31 6,648 yards Assorted ' Oaloon Laces, Tie yaro i-yara packagea (no cutting) for ... , 626 dosen Ladles' Lisle Thread Hose pair 85s4 Fancy noraerea nanasercuieis ........................ 24 doa Napkins doa .... tit doa Napkins los. 620 doa Napkins doa 1.000 yda Crash Toweling 1,126 yda Linen Toweling 3,060 yards extra heavy Linen Toweling. ............... , ..' f. ;. .1 91.00 .- 1.25 . il.ftO . ......4.. 200 doa, Towels 100 doa. Fancy Russian Towels .1... 800 Lltho. Persian Patterna. tor pillow tops. Shelf Oil Cloth 12 yards , 1,000 yda Amoskeag Gingham yard. .4.... 1.000 yds. Amoskeag Olngham yard I 600 Remnants in Gingham, finest pattern and tha moaf beautiful designs v. 400 yas. unbifacnea uoiionjiannei ,i ....... 1 r. 50 B4e 1 It 40 , 60i 62 ,J,4H 5 4 19. 18a 55) 5H BH EltlCKSONS CAFE AND MUSIC HALL Engagement Extraordinary " PBOK KJUTB'S CIBOU1T. niiss Berlha Garland Character Chang. Artist. Marfan v Goodwin Famou Blue Ribbon Oirl '' ' O WJLIO TO TBB STUrSBUOUS B2T BLAOB BT TllcFIcchtl,sladics, Quintette and Tyrolean Trio BBBB BXTBBDBD. Program Changed Dally.- Special ' . Matinees Sundar. Batranaa at tl Bortb Third Btreet, SL S3 aad tS Worth See- street, ond Bornatd street, aad S43, 844 aad 847 OUI AOBBT POB Fruitdiile lUineral Water Th natural water as It 4ome from the Springs no chemicals Or drugs best remedy -known .for stomach and kidney troubles. CsTerjrt Remember tb fan NffM axative jromo Qniaina 489 yda Light, Fancy Pattern. Outing Flannel.,.. 111 yda, Dark. Fancy Pattern. Outing Flannel ;. . 188 Sheets Each ,...,..................... ' v -.. 86 Sheets, 72x00 Each ', 800 Pillow Slips Each 1. .. , .'-' 106 yda 8-4 A 1 Bleached Sheeting Yard ' 300 pieces Assorted Remnanta, - la latest dsslgn Flan- - r nelett Yard . .".T. -rr-'-' 184 Ladles' Grecian Rlbbonette CorssU, pink andblu; V. . all slsee from 20 to 80; worth ...7..... 91.00 46 Ladles' Imported French Flannl Shirtwaists, In all s. oolors. beautiful designs . 93.50 - (6 Ladles' Peaa do Bole Black Silk Shirtwaists; all slsea, ... tl to 42; worth 84. 86, 66 .87 and 88 . - 1,486 Children's Fancy Melton Winter Coats, fancy-designs - 93-BO 142 Misses' Coats, swell designs; all wool; slaea 14 to 18 years . ...I ..910.00 641 Ladles 'Heavy Black O roe grain Bilk Skirts B2.00 64 Ladles' Black Sateen Skirts S1.50 ' t6 Ladles' Fancy Wool Fascinators 91.25 68 Fancy Collar. Wool Fascinators ass luaaiear rferswy A-niL vssis ana rmum ............... 800 Ladles' All-Wool Vests and Panta 142 Ladlea Union Suits U.OO 91.2S 91. OO TH -SHaV H 6H 3TV - 48a 4 321 TH 1 34 994 9B.98 91.69 93-89 69e 59 68 ' 39 19 294 44 SBOB Ladles' $1.00 Shoes 91.69 Ladles' 82.60 Shoee t ft 1.39 Ladles' 82.00 Shoea 91.16 LAOiear si.ev nouse cuppers .......,..............., ....j. .. . taw Misses' 82.00 Dress Shoes J 91.39 8.600 pairs Children's Shoes, good for rough wear '. . .... 69, Men's Fin Boa Calf Shoe 8)3.00 91.48 Men'a Fins Calf Skin Shoes 93.50 91.98 All of the $6 and 86 Shoes go at 8)2.98 All leading brands of Loggers" Kip Shoes for less than material coat. ' PBIOB UB PTJBBTS ' 25- ....... .....M IVf erwear 91.06 91.25 rear , 91.50- Men wool box Men'a Cotton Sox Men a Bisca ana iu boi .............................. Men's Lisle Sox Men's Fancy 8 ox .......v............,.; Men's Ribbed unaerwear Mens Heavy rtiooea umra ujotiwwt .............. Men' Sanitary Fleece Underwear Men's Wool Underwear Men's Heavy Wool Underwear Dr. wngnia neajin unaerwear , . . 868 dosen 26o Suspenders ............ .i ........... .... 87 dosen bt Suspenders , 66 dosen Silk Dress Suspenders ........... ..4 1.848 Silk Bosom Shirts Men's White Linen 861 Oolf Shirts 828 dosen Sweet Orr. union-mad Shirts ....A. 68 dossn Black Shirts Man's Odd-Sis Shirts Men's Whits Handkerchiefs ..w., Men's Bordered Handkerchiefs .......... ....... 100 Men's Black Ties 810 doses Silk Neckties 418 dosen Double Four-ln-Hand Ties 66 dosen Waterhous SllhTJe 1.4SI pairs 01 wool nose a ttoosB. Blly"s Prio. Sal prloe. 15 25 35 SOa T5 92.90 Shirt .-. 92.00 n Unlaundered Shlrta , S l.OO 91.00 ae a T5v .764 SO 15 25 25 kind 25' 9 oS nti. Sit nalrs of Heavy Wool Hose . ss aosen pairs uoxion nnw, in qikk , 81 dosen Pa'rs cotton Hoc, In Dro Working Sox . Working Gloves . Ladle' Umbrellas, silver handle, latest designs......... 92.50 Bohool . Umbrellas . v . . ,. , Th umbrellas are all steel rod and nln rib,. 3 74 11 12H 29 3T 39 ' 48 ' 84 98 6 19 .:44 84 . 25 29 34 34 : 4 V, 39 BO 15 kind -16 klndT , ' 3 19 BiimT svunarr, , BalPrle. - 49 .-..91.38 .... 83 Best Grade of Quilts ., 91.24 Whit .Oregon Wool Blanket .................... 92.98 BOTXOB BB PABTMBBT. Belly Prloe. gal Pries. 681 Blankets, of all kind Heavy. Blanketa In mixed wool t Heavy QuUta. uosion uartera . ......... .. Imitation Boston Garters 4 . ,. , 88.462 spools of Machine Thread Spool ......... , , 6.264 package of Pins . Hairpins, best a-rade, mad of wire Paokage , 818 Alarm Clocks, 86-hour tlm 9i.RO. Ladles' Leather Bags..; 9 l.OO 19 - 8 1H m 63 42 Remember, tbe Sale Starts Promptly it 9 A. Mn Tomorrow. Be on Band Early Salesroom 229 Morrison St. Wajjjft.i: 1 'kr'l x 1 f