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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1905)
1905. FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS.; S?,1 OK -TV Aim AD KIWI VOL. IV. NO. 219. Portland, orecon; Thursday evening. November PGRTLM BUSINESS I IQURP1E1 IHROUGHlGQLPE JILL c'lTIES HYDE'S TALE TO DALTIC ; : Excursionists : Enthusiastically Received Address Mads at, i -. Drain by Normal School President.; MAKE STOP AT OAKLAND, ! TURKEY CENTER OF WEST Escorted to ElkV Hall at Roaeburg Where Speeches r Ara Mada ' and -Where Night Waa SpentThia AU . tarnoon Stop at Cottaga Grora and ' v Albany. ..' ' -. . ;.K-V';?' v (Speclel Dispatch to Tbt Journal.) - ' Drain. . Or., . Nor. I. The Portland . business man' excursion . arrived at Drain at It o'clock today promptly on . time.. Several hundred cltlaena and aa . many mora students from the state normal and public schools 1 were attha ' depot and "gave the distinguished vis itors a rousing reception, - one of the moat enthnalaatla experienced on tbelr entire trip,- which ha a been . one . con . tlnual ovation at every town on the ; line.- : , . ' .: . ' ' President A. , L. Brtggs or the State Normal, school delivered a aliort but brilliant address of welcome which wss-1 followed by shbrTTnlereiltng-tal ' J. F. Carroll, managing editor of the Portland-Jotimal. WUHs- S. -Dunlway . of the printing house of Duntway A. Andmon. and others. There waa gen- """eral reicret that the time allowed waa mlg to minute. - The Portlandera made - an excellent Impression here end the hop la expressed that thli will not be tne last or ucn visits. ' FEAST ON - STRAWBERRIES. Satire Tow of Oraota Pas Weloemea , SxevrstotUsts, Who XnJy Prodaota. (SperUI Dlapatek to The Josnul.) ' Granta Pass, Or., Not. 1. All Grant Paaa waa "out yeaterdtfy afternoon to extend the alad band to the Portland bualneaa men'a excursion. - Every busl neaa man of town and every cltlaen waa on the "entertainment committee." and (Continued on Pace Two.) FOR 40-FOOT r . , .. -Sv . -:r ,' I'M W. J I w u i - w m (Special Dtanatrk t The Joornal.V . Vancouver, Wash., Nov, l.--a SO-foot channel to the see. 4 feet of water over the Columbia river bar and a popii " " latlon of 100,000 in 124 alt these were urged at the banquet pf the Commnrclnl club held last night. Covers were laid j for 1(1 guesta,.the event being to cele. brate Vancouver's becoming the head 'of deep-water navigation on the Colunv " ' 1 bla river. Vnlted States Senator Levi Ankeny. Congressman W. L, Jones -and Governor Mead were the club's guest of ; . honor.. - ' ' Happiness W spelled III large letters on the face of every Vancouver man last THgnt. for the dreams- tt this- elty's . fyouth have at, last been realised deep sea vessels can now load at Its wharve, ther being a M-foot channel' from the waterfront to the maln.c Uapnel of the Columbia river. And It w'aH to celebrate the completion of the digging of that channel that last night's banquet" and ' public meeting were held. O. K. Paxton of Portland suggested that, this city should have -100,000 people by the time I ' It celebrates Its centennial In 124, and this will now be worked for. , t . ( - Joata? Warm Welcome. " ' Although all of tho Invited gUest received a welcome so warm that ne one thought thst It svr could become . . chilly In this part of the globe, Con gressmsn Jones waa given' the heartleat spplauae. When It was time for the congressman to reepnnd to .s toast s the banquet, Bta Senator E. M. Rc4l, - '. , .-,-!:'"' V t ; :., . . , - ; -. - v - Former Governor States That He Never ;j Used His Pplitical .. ' 'Power to'. Force Moneys .. 'From Equitable. V'- SENATOR QEPEW CLAIMS ; IGNORANCE OF AFFAIRS Tha Peach Did Kot Know : That 1 ,' Waa' Equitable' Money That" Ha .IWai Z. Specula'tlng .With.".! NaVtf Heard oiLobbjrlat Hamilton or tf "Yellow, PogFund. l'--V f. c (Jouraal. BpaeUI Sarrka.) .' . :New Tork. Nor. If. Former Governor Benjamin K. CMell and Vnlted State 6enator. Chaur.cey. M, Pepew werw the a tar witneaaea In the ieclalatlva rnur ance inveat ijtlon, tpdr. OdcU'.a tftatt. 1 mony conalated In a ceneral denial of the etory told by Jamea Hasen'Hyde. In which Hyde alleged tha. Harrtman and Odeir entered Into, a conaplraey throurh which the Mercantile Trait company - waa- threatened with - draatlc political action' tinleas Odell . waa paid $7,00f In the aettlement of the affalra of : the lllfated . ablpoulldlnc .' truat OdelT. alaoTdcoRd . .luwRiua i anjitiiiiia about campnian money belna contributed hy-tnauraiw-eompanlea or ahorit lobblea belti maintained. ' s -Senator, Depew- told of the eyndlcata operationa In which he participated ana denied knowledge of the raet that Kquit bl moht waa belne e(t. He did not know anything- at the famoua-"Yellow Dog" fund until the pretent lnveatlra- tion.y' ; '; '' '.:,: ' .. ; -' OdeQ'a OeaeraX SanlaX ' : 1 Ex-Governor Odeir waa the flrat wlt ne.' He atated that he had nothlna to do with. lb Introduction of either of the two bllla. the -Amoer or Flah bill, repeaj-Ina- the charter of the Mercantile Truat compahy. which were Introduced, at Al bany, and ead that. he did not tell Harrl roan that retaliatory maaeures might be uaed unlea the Equitable settled with him. v - - - : . , : (Continued on Pag Two.) awamaj mmmm a aaaa g B. G, CRMWFORJ v mm TnFS.cotfn.ciU3 CHANNEL TO THE SEA . . " sa-aamaaaa-aaa BaaBBaW ej aaaSSl fj fM rr' ' . 11' ,al v U :. - A-) i l.j-j.. xvru vxo Leading Figures in Vancouver's Cele- . bration.'- -' ' .'-- :' . ; . EISGOLDEW LANDiOE SOUTHERN OREGON United States Sends Flagship Minneapolis to the Relief of " ; Americans at Russian '. .'; - - , ."''- '.".;;. Capital. - ; .- : ' : : CZAR'S. GOVERNMENT IS PARALYZED BY STRIKE Witte7Iue'- Personal Appeal ' to Workmen to Return Black Hun ' dred Threaten - Maaaacra of Intel ' iectuala If Troop Fire All Rail iroadaCea'aa Operationa. ' V 1 Washington. Nov.. 1. CBulleUa.) The cruiser Minneapolis, the flagship of Rear-Admiral Cheater, has been ordered to the Baltlo sea to be ready to put Into Kronatadt or St-'Peteraburg In caae o( deratood this order la made at' the re queat. of the state department. ; ; " (Jaoraal BoeeUl Bwrlee.) '- 1 St Peteraburg, Nov. .la. Count Witt haa made the following appeal to atrlk- era. which IS pasted In all factorlea:- "Brothersi Don t listen to evil-coun sel, but resume work.. Listen to. a man who loves' you -sincerely, and. whor will no . an Tromaiuie j.rn ynui . .- "SEROIUS WITTK." lThaBlckJlundred" laaued notice at ' noon today, that. It iha-0oopa t Ire on the strikers they will massacre every "Intellectual" lit th city.: , , . ' The railroad' to Moeoow haa ceased operationa. The only ' line now open la through Finland. A aamil-panlo. prevail on . the . exchange, . J?, ,1s. reported" that the credit Of Lyonnalae haa declined on account of Russian securltlea for guar antees on loana. ' ' Cossacks are guarding all establish ments closed by --strikers. Hardly a workshop of any. kind.-Is unaffected. Fifty lOhemlsts closed this morning In sympathy with the strikers. The gov ernment seems 'paralysed' at the growth and- extent of the strike and - hesitates aa to Its attitude. . It Is reported that (Continued on Page Two.)- LLOYD DUBOIS ' , POSTMASTER who waa toaatmaster, simply turned to hint and said. "Jones, what do you know of the national government's asetstanea to Internal Improvements?" And then every one In the banquet hall roar' to their feet and yelled long and -loud. After a few very short opening re marks, Jones launched Into the business of the evening with vigor. He said: - "Large, deep-draft -vessels' are now required to carry the over-sea traffic, and - large vessels mean' a continual dredging of harbors. 1 And what we need to do Is. to create a sentiment through out th country that will sustain con gress In expending 150,000,000 a yesr for harbor, improvements. If the people of this country will only realise that they can save million by so doing they will say, 'Build up th harbors and water way.' We spend $600,000,000 In three years for war, why not spend IU0.000,- 000 during that period for peace. , While 1 favor the building up of a great navy and' In sustaining the army, also In favor of maintaining the peace of the country. " .,,.. ,' Promise Appropriation. . "Vancouver now haa a ?0-foot. channel to the seat you will soon need 14 feet, nd I believe yoii are going to get It. 1- cm assure' you that aa long I am a member of the river and harbora committee, , Vancouver, will, not i be Continued on Pag Four.), 1EET OTTINUED FIVE LIVES LOST III TEllEftlEIIT FIRE Many Are Injured and Over Fifty Rescued by Heroic Efforts " ' 'of Fire Hghters.- - ' OFFICER CUMC3 FIR ESCAPE TO ROUSE PEOPLE Incendiary Blaie Deatroy Building . at ' Seventy-Fourth and Second - Avenue Fir Chief Duane Among . Thoae Serioualy Hurt. (Joersat Special Strrke.) New Tork, Nov. 1. Flv person were killed, several Injured and iO res cued by the heroic efforts of firemen In a spectacular blase that ' destroyed a tenement situated at the corner of Sev enty-fourth street and Second avenue at I: JO "o'clock this morning. The fire Is supposed to have been o? Incendiary origin.' The dead: ' Antonio Lorca.- aged 14. -" .. . , ' Josesph Randasse, 'aged 12, Three . unidentified. . t 1 nKIre Chief. Duane waa seriously hurt. The blase waa discovered by .a po- llcemani on 'his 'rounds-this morning. When discovered the .hallway a mass of names an7TTheffl5I'"cWlltr"TlJtT enter. He rang the bells, and sounded: an alarm, after , which he climbed a fire escape lit the' rear and awakened , th In matea, all of whom were foreigner. The fir department soon arrived and by. aid of th fire escape and ladders more than SO persons were carried to ssfety from the upper stories. -Those who lost thelr-llves were 'on. a .lower floor, all on the floor above having es caped. The building waa totally de stroyed, i . i ' MINING CONGRESS' WANTS NEW; DEPARTMENT Declares for Establishment of Mines and Mining Official . In Cabinet. , (Journal Special Herrlee.) El Paso, Tex., Nov.., !. A department of mine and mining. In th cabinet wat declared, for today bythe American Mining congress. This sentiment waa voiced . by , several speakers. President Richards of Idaho going on record strongly In favor of the hew impart minU. Colonel. Oeorg W. E. Dorsey of Nebraska also favored a separate de partment devoted exclusively to the great mining Industry. . A resolution waa also presented ask ing the different states to take steps to establish and preserve water holes. In th desert sections as aid to pros pectors. The' resolution' would also .felony, to., pollula tha-waters of any drinking hole In the desert. Th first of th world' championship drilling. ' contests was held yesterday, when the Psge brothers of Blsbee, Arl sons, 'sunk a seven eighth steel drill S ia-li Inches Into a block ef Gunni son granite. Fully 10,000 people wit nessed the contest. ' roree-ter at Taooxaa." (SperUI Dlapatek to The Joerael.) Tscoms. Wsah., Nov, IS. Hundreds of Foresters of America from Washing ton,' Idsho snd .Oregon1 are- In the city today.1 'A gTn4'prad-was held this afternoon .with .noo n line, A . grand rally' I to 'he held tonight under the Auspices' of three- Tacoma conrta. . Ore. gon grand lodge officers sre In attend ance. Henator Tile will be Initiated into th ordar. - , ' . '' J .'. ,' V : v . e 1 'v VfJ e 1' Buaineaa Men'a Excuraton Party Pbotographed at Silverton, Oregon, by Drake PORTLAND NOW LEADS THE IIATIOH'S PORTS HI SHIPfilEIIT OF WHEAT Million and Three Fourths Bushels During Past Terr Months, Million and a Third in Octoert Outranking Others for Both ; . - Periods Calvstbh Loses Laurels at Last. - i For'th"ft-.-moitths-nf-the yawr ending with October more wheat was exporter rrom ronuna man rrom any inr pr n the 'United States. ' The laurels for the first time were taken from Gslvss ton snd some, of the other big eastern cities, which heretofore hsd stood at the head of the column, Portland also beat all competitors for the month of October, according to m,' tabulated re port which haa Just been compiled by the department of commerce and labor. - The following tablo shows the quan tity of the wheat and Itaalue sent from four of the leading ports In the coun try for th past'l months: uusneis. vaius. Portland .1.611, 0I tl.m.Tl! Oal veston ......... 1 . ,3 6 1. 1 7, S 2 5 Baltimore 1.10.46 ' ; t37,SS Puget aound 1.01.B54 796,11 During the corresponding period oi last year Portland exported 1,940,041 bushels of wheat, but Galveston wss In the lead with, a shipment of a trine more than 1,000,000 bushels. ' The following figures. are for ship ments In October: . . ... Bushels. Value. Portland ........... ..1.21.l" I962.SS2 Puget sound.-. 870.46 M7.S04 Oal veston . . 483.244 681.262 P6flTaTia-TiTl Tat mouth, Maine.. 134,000 t 221.840 ROCKEFELLER'S INCOME IS ONLY FORTY Standard Oil Declares Forty Per Cent Dividend for Year John D.'s Modest Share. ' (Jooraarsperlat Sertlca.) , New York, Nov. 1. John D. Rocke feller' on December IS will draw $5,000,- 000 as hi share of the dividend de clared by the Standard Oil company. The total dividend will be 110.000,000. Rockefeller now owns 0 per cent of the capital stock of the company and 49 per cent of the capital siocx oi . an subsldlsry companies. ' a"- The declaration makes the Htandara Oil. dividend for tha year 1906 40 per cent, or $40,000,000. Rockefeller's enaxe la $20.000.000. - It Is estimated his incorne rrom rail way, gas. subsidiary on companies ana other Investments wlll be $20,000,000 more, so his Income for the year. will not be less than $40,000,000. LOSES HER SIGHT AFTER ACTING AS BLIND GIRL rfUM..1 Smi.i ImIm I - ' - . Des Moines, la Nov. If. Mra. Elisa beth Heaton. niece of E. H. Conger, ex-mtnisteri-tt China,- last -week-took part in & dramatisation of Dickens' "Cricket on the Hesrth." playing the- part of Dlind Henna, im mam i" juny w given Mrs. Heaton waa. praised for her Intensity in acting.- Today 'whlleVwalklng on the street Mrs. Heaton discovered her vision waa gone. (the 1 summoned assistance and was taken home and medical assistance railed, when It was found she had been stricken with retina division. . Th sight of one eye Is gone snd th most expert treatment msy be unable to re store the sight of the other. Xing Spralsa Kla .Askle, (Jeeraal Bpsetal CVrrtee.) - " London. Nov. 1. King , Edwsrd sprained hfs ankle by stepping Into- a rahbtt-hole while shooting In Windsor park.todajr., k , ., .',... : OVATION IN WW Wif ".; T- r:w j :ser-)t'v---r - Tn"admion to these shipments Tort- land sent an average, of (00,000 bushels of wheat , to Ban Francisco and other California,' ports . a month , sine. , th middle of the ' summer. Excepting Puget sound, there is not another dls trlct in the Vnlted States which has shipped such large quantltlea of grain to domestic ports. Were these added to the export figures they would be th means of bringing tha Willamette river metropolis far in the lead. . " It Is believed that the coast ship ments from here this month will reach close to 1.000,000 bushels, as severs! ad ditional vessels have been added to the fleet 'recently. . While Portland has made an excel lent showing for th past 10 months In tha matter of flour exports, It Is beaten by ' four other districts, although for October It la second on the lint. During the past 10 montha the following amount of flour was dispatched from flv of the leading ports: . ' i - ' Barrele. New Tork : . .. . . . ...... .1 ... 1;9 12.444 Puget sound.. . . 1,294.914 Philadelphia . 864.C89 Baltimore..., ....... 834.653 Portland ........... r. 0.l 8 In October Tacoma and Snattle shipped .34ai..hrrrl inrl rarUaiui liS.D2t barrele. AERONAUT TO SUE ALFONSO ' . Fl King Sees Airship, Jumps Into If Aid Cuts Gas Bag to .Pre. '.' , ' - vent .Flight. , , '; ?r''t ';. ,,' ' v;-'- .-; "fjooroi' Special Servke.l ' , Madrid.' Nov. if. Fprdlnandex Diiro, an amateur aewmnut. - will sffe King Alfonso for $12,000 for damaging his balloon. The king, while attending the recent contests between balloons and automobiles, found Duro's - balloon un attended, entered the car and began throwing out th ballast. Intending to make- an ascent. One of his majesty's aids arrived, and realising that - the king was engaged In a dangerous frank, clambered Into the car aa it waa rising and ripped the balloon,, letting th gas out. -.. The king did not ascend. He wss In tensely angry at his aid. but ultimately forgave him, admitting he acted fool-Ishly,--- . j. . .. . . Duro's efforts ' to obtain compensa tion for damages to his balloon have been In vain, so h will bring the. courts. ' . .. .- . - THREE MEN SHOO CABS FROM HARRIMAN HOME (Jimrnal Bpeelal erlee.V:' New Tork. Nov. J. There- is a mut- erlng among cabmen In this ctty- be- rauae there is a guard of patrolmen In the pay-ef the ctty who -walk In front of the residence of E. H. Harrtman, th millionaire financier and railroad mag net on Fifth avenue - and Fifty-first street, 24 hours a day- for the sole pur pose of "shooing" sway the cabmen of the St, Regis hotel who have the temerity to stop vehicles ' In front of th Harrtman house.- ,.i - In May last three policemen.- with shifts of eight Itours each, were de tailed to" patrol the spot snd keen cab from slopping. In front, of Harrtman' domicile, , . .. , . . For . two months three tnV main tanied guard- st the llsrrlman marmton at the rate of4.J00 yesr snd now two men do'duty -aoJ receive $2,209 a year. wt& ? .J:fif :aF-r M Broa. BIGGEST HOUSE in THE WORLD William Waldorf Astor to Erect ; Largest.' Apartment 'House.'- Z' in New' York;',' :, ELEVEN STORIES HIGH V " COST THREE MILLIONS Top Floor Will Be Uaed for Serv ants Eleven Families on EacU Floor Rent to Be Not Less Than V Eight Hundred Dollars a Year. . (Joarsal Special srrlee. ' ' : New Tork, Nov. If. William Waldorf Astor of London is going to build tho largest - apartment-house In the - city, probably In the world. - It will cover an' entire block on Broadway to Weat End, avenue. In all 20 lots. The cost is es timated at $3,000,000. The land I worth $1,800,000. - , .' f ' . ' -' The building to' to be II stories. '1I for. apartments, divided Into suites 'of from, three, to 14, rooms, and -the top; floor Is for servants' quarters and laiin- ' dries. There, will .be . accommodations for II families on each floor. . Entran.cs to. the.'hogee .will be obtained . throu(lt ' ' lW - Brwil - ira"r -an Wvrt h,ml "venua- openings will lead , to sn Immense In terior eourt,' from", which " the tenant enter their apartmenta. It will be tuld out aa an Italian' garden, with numerou fountains, drlvewsys and paths. . ' Rents will be not less than $500. year for a-three-room suite. - X DECAPITATES- HIMSELF IX closet :at ioi;e , Oliver Pierson, . Stockman, AU most Severs Head From Body With. Small Xnife.: . ,. .; i , - - . i - '. .. ' i frpeclal THasateh te'TIm Toernak) v lone. Or., 'Nov. .If. Oliver Pierson. a stockmsn of - th Eight-Mile country. was found dead in a closet bsck. of tha " lone' hotel last evening wKh his throat cut from ear to ear.. ' - i ' The coroner's Jury last' nlghtl found that he came to his death .from wound Inflicted by his own hand. In his hand. wss firmly clasped a. small, penknife with which he had nearly severed the head from the body, presumably wltH one stroke.- What motive caused him to commit the rash deed Is not known. II la said that-he recently sold his Inter ests nere ana was preuy wu oik nnan. dally. He was a man of about middle age, unmarried and had no relatives in this country so far as Is known. Something more than $30 was rounI on his person snd it Is not thought likely that he .could have been the vic tim of foul play. .The body now lies st the undertaking parlors, at this place. MRS. MADDEN GIVEN SUBSTANTIAL ALIMONY . , . ,.' , i ,, . ' i " ' (Jnnra.l SperUI Br1ce. . rinctnnatt Nov. lf.Wudg Swlngt-v day, decided th alimony In the ami tt divorce brousht by Mra. stad.len aaTt Jolin K- Madden, sllnwlns her irma nently $250 monthly. $.u0 court eel Snd sttorney fee. lelrMoa Pts 2le. Sooth Bend. In.!.. Nov. I . I ."''' Fine, -geiersl mner ef the Hirs-r Hcwln Mehlne plants In """' Scotland, Ruaela and Ud mil, dJ4 to ds in U!sow. . . ; ' ,i ",'. -' ' T """ ' . I . .A l'.,.'.: ....... -; ,