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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JO UE UAL. POnTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, , NOVEMBER 17, 1CC3. TEE OLDS, TO T M AN G3! KING STORE ST02D OPENS . AT :" 8 O'CLOCK A M. -1 GTCr.I2 CLC AT eocLcciir. -TI IE DIFFERENT, STORE- . QOOD EVENIQ FIFfH, SIXTH, WASHINGTON The Surpassing Thanksgiving Linen Offerings Continue 'in the Linen storcist Floor-Greatest Values on the Pacific Coast for Dependable Linen: VVVJL Names of the LesuJIng Six Contestants in the American . . Manual Training -School Voting Contest WITH STANDING OP EACH AT 10 A. M. TODAY Truman Cook, FAILING.-,"? 7. 77T.7r.'i tTr.T.V.t.J.".Tii7i7 197.293 George Slater, LADD .... 198,749 Robert Holme. HARRISON ; 15.747 Wright Brown, CLINTON KELIY ; 147,404 , Tames Winston, HARRISON 125,613 Sidney Cramm. NORTH CENTRAL... 111,188 Scattering -. . ; . . . . .... . ' 120,451 Total :.' V- .1.084,445 , .pRANp .WIND-UP SALS SATURDAY OF THE Thanksgiving China and Dinner Sets HOUSEKEEPERS' EXCHANGETHIRD FLOOR. China Dinner Sets, with' heavy etched gold border, very rich; 112-piece sets; our .$235 value... Special at... ......... . Turkey Seta, Roajt Sets and Fish Sets, AU at Special Sale Prices. ' V (, ODD PIECES OF HAVILAND CHINA. Tea Pots-i- . : . .... ---r" v . rf 1 Our $1.7 value special, each. ............. ......... 2.3 S.2S " Our 2.15 value special,- each " A I . . J - I . U J . j . Our 4.65 value-especial, each. . ....... TeS Pots, Sugar .and Creanwa , , - , :. Our $3.65 valuers-special, act... ..fS.OO - Our 4.05 value apeoial, set..-,. 3.1 ... Our "4.R5 value special, set.'.-.ii n . i, . 8.88 ............ ........ B.40 6.20 ...fl.TO 3.60- Our '6.75 valne--special,- set Out valued-special, set augers ana irearners . . . . . . Our $2.15 value-r-pecial, pair..,. . Our 3.50 value special, pair........ i Our 775 value special, pair, ......... - 6.20 , Haviland China Dinner Sets, with dainty decorations of floral design with gold-traced .knobs and. handles, 4 60-piece sets our. $20.70 value. , Special at.. ............. ..9 1T.60 '100-piece setstoiir $29.50 value. .Special at. ... ....... 26.00 112-piece' sets ; our $32.50 value, Special at XT.7S 117-piece sets, our $39.50 value. - Special at. . : . . 33.25 Haviland China-Dinner Sets, with rose decoration and heavy, gold lina and s-old-trtced embossing , 60-piece sets; pur $33.65 yalue, Special at 100-piece sets; our $45.35 value Special at Special at, Special at, muiiuiuiL-f ?"?? ............... 3T.25 40.T5 49.80 Special at.. .. l.BO Special at. , . , .'. 1S.OO Sets, with gold-print border and ' 112-piece sets; our $5075 value. 117-piece sets; our $62.00 value. Austrian China Dinner Sets 100-piece sets; our $20.00 value. .. 100-piece sets; our $2200 value. Richly Decorated China Dinner solid gold knobs and ...... 4 .112-piece sets: our $110.00 value. Special at..,............TT.OO 1 17-piece sets; our $115.00 value. Special at. ............. . 81.50-4 Handsome China Dinner Sets, with rich decoration of gold and green border oattern 65-oiece seta: our $78.00 Value." ' Special at. 1154.60.1 112-Dteeesetsr our $142.00 value. Special at . 89.50 Dinner Seta, with decoration of green and rold border pattern and solid gold handles '"'' r - 117-piece sets; our $210.00 value, special at..... .f Dinner Seta, with' extra heavy gold border, very handsome 117-piece sets; our $227.00 value. Special at. 181.60 SATURDAY BAROAINS-IN -Jewelry arid Leatheiv Articles - o ! - .. SIXTH STsUtttT- ANHH.A riKST rWJOK. ! z 35c Beauty Pins, 3 on card 15c Metal. Purses, children's........................... 4 Handsome Neck Chains, special at... ................. ..;....3S Pearl Top Hat Pins, special at. i.. 7te Mu0K Rolls, special at.'.. .................. .,1 ...:.49s- 30c Photo Frames, special at , . 35c Photo Frames, special at.. v. ........19 Women's 'Kerchieft and Fancy Belts at Special Prices ' Handkerchief at Bargain Price Firat Floor. ; - . BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS. . f Ladies' Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs of Richardson's v manufacture. For Saturday we will sell them at the Center , Handkerchief Booth at SIX FOR 50 75c AND 85e BELTS FOR 50c. ' A new lot of fine Belts, made of. silk and silk-finish etamine cloth, tn black, wtnte, navy, red and green; our 75c and lc values. Special, each .BOv Dollar Pillow Tops for 42c ART SHOP SECOND FLOOR-ANNEX. Beautiful Tinted and Stamped ' Pillow 'IftBl ind Backs.-wlth ffl- cient floss , for working same, and full diagram showing how colors are to be used; conventional designs, head with daiaies andr smoker design; our $1.00 value. Special at, each...... '..424 Young Mothers Will be interested in these Second Floor Baby-to-Miss Store's Saturday specisls that embrace many NECESSITIES FOR "THE BABY." Stockinet Carriage Sheets; our 50c value. Special at, each.,.. ..394 Stockinet Crib Sheets; our $1.25 value. Special at, each 89 ' Stockinet Bed Sheets; our $2.35 value. Special at, each 81.6T Stockinet Aprons; our $1.25 value. Special at, each J..89 Stockinet Diapers; our 50c vslue. Special at, each....,..,... 39 Stockinet Diapers; our 75c value.. Special at, each... .,..57f Stockinet Bibs; our 35c value. Special at, each..; 2 Tf Special November Sale of Women's Dainty Und'rmuslins SECOND FLOOR-ANNEX. This , opportunity to save on hand some, well made, full size Undermuslins will end with the week. One more day only of these special prices Saturday. $4 to $18 GOWNS AND DRAWERS AT HALF PRICE. Odd and broken lines of Ladies' Fine Gowns and Drswers, made of fine .nainsook snd cambric and trimmed in ... fine valenciennes Isce edging and in sertion, Swiss and. Hamburg embroid ery edging and insertion snd daintv -' ribbons: regular prices are from $4.00 "i to $18.00. Special at , r.h exactly ...-HALF PRICE Ladies' t22i Cambric Petticoats for $1.69 Ladies' Fine Cambric Petticoats, with 18-inch lawn flounce snd 11-inch Swiss embroid ery ruffle snd cluster of four tucks; our regulsr $2.25 vslue. "Special pVey each . . . k ; . Ladies' $340 Petticoats for $2J9 Ladies'" Fine Cambric Petticoats, with 20-inch lawn flounce and 12-inch ruffle of eyelet embroidery , and two clusters of four fine tucks esch; our $3.50 value. Special sale price, each. ..:.',:. ,...82.59 Ladies' $1.00 Flannelette Gowns for 69c Ladies Fine Flannelette Gowns, in dainty pink or blue snd white stripes, with yoke, collar .and c"fs of plain domet flannel, trimmed in fancy braids; . .our $1.00 value. Specisl sale price, each.. .... .9f MARVELOUS ARRAY of Matchless Values for end-of-the-wcek shoppers that make positive assur ance of ten hours busy selling at this "Daylight Store' for, bear in mind, please, THAT THIS STORE CLOSES SAT URDAY as on all other business days AT 6 P. M. "UNIVERSAL" CAKE MIXER Every housewife will be interested in the Free Cakemaking School and Demonstration of the "Universal Cake Mixer Third Floor. Try a Morsel of the Delicious Cake r .We Are Serving FREE to Visitors at the Cake Baking Demonstration. STIRRING SATURDAY SALES " APPAREL SALONS "Floor READ THE DETAIL! Every $32.50 and $35.00 Jacket Suit in the House Reduced! ; ' Smart, trim, trig1 styles in .the popular jacket effects, including some Eton and blouse models, in every wanted material and color, -embracing cheviots, broadcloths, serges, tweedish mix-" tures and worsteds, in plain blacks and every fashionable .coloring. For Saturday you may choose from 1 Any $32.50 JACKET SUIT fcO1 QQ inthebxmso ...... . . ,r 4)4it.70 From any $35 Jacket Suit in the house for ...... . ,vtt927.08 '. I r I: . Women's $16.50 Coats $12.98 Handsome three-quarter length models in stunning new Coats, made from swagger fancy mixtures, embracing all popular shades in mixed grays and bluish grays, mixed browns, tans, etc. Some, with velvet notched collars, -Others-with notched collar "oTTrialerlals. Very mannish styles, patch . pockets, circular ' backs, double stitched seams and' fancy button trimmings. Double or single breasted styles, very swell Coats and best $16.50 values in the city. Special ( (T1 O QQ at a choice for..... ,.t.. ............ ...... ...CJ)xwyO Another Millinery Sensation ! THE BEST OFPERINO. YET SATURDAY "IN THE "BIJOUOSALONS Second Floor Amwi $3.00 HAT SHAPES FOR 50c This offering includes a big Variety, but only about 200 in number, of the most popular shapes of the advanced season, embracing turbans, sailors. Napoleons, tS .; dress shapes, etc Not one worth less than a dollar and many worth CA 1 $3 with some in-between values.; Your choice tomorrow only, at.. , jUC ar fw i1 Special Values Tomorrow in Children's Sailor and "Continentals." Some ; w' .'! up to $2, at.... 50f A Sensational Sale of SILKS an DRESS STUFFS NHWr"TlMTREET-ANNEX-SALON9ARANDVVll WEEK OF MARVELOUS VALUES: t- ; - Dependable SilksBlack and jPlaided . , , SALE OF DEPENDABLE BLACK SILK TAFFETAS This is an unprecedented opportunity to buy good, durable black Taffeta at a great big saving. These are all values which even at the regular prices are unequalefl elsewhere. . 21-inch Black Taffeta; our $1.00 value. Special at, the yard.............. 69 23-inch Black Taffeta; our $1.10 value.' Special at, the yard.............. ;79e) 27-inch Black Taffeta; our $1.25 value. Special at, the yard.............. 80 ; ' . 36-inch Black Taffeta; our $1.60 value. Special at, the yard.........;..,. 81.29 - V: ' Dress Goods : ': J $1.00 NOVELTY PLAID SUIT SILKS FOR 88c Handsome Novelty Flaid Suit bilks, in an assort nthtof swell color. effects; our $1.00 value. Special sale price, the yard.. ............... ..69 ONLY 72c FOR MIXED SUITINGS WORTH $1.25 Mixed Suitings, in checked Panamas, hairline stripes and illuminated effects; good $1.25 value. Special sale price, the yrd.. ....72 Women's Underwear and Hosiery Bargains in the Saturday Sale Knitwear Shops 1st Floor Underwear . WOMEN'S 10S VESTS tSc White Swim Ribbed Veata. three-foufthe wool, lonar aleevea, neat; aelf-trimmed, cuff-finiahed wrist; r m' - regular value $1.25. Special, each.. ....... .....5f Tisrhta to match, heavier grade; regular value $1.50. .Special, the pair............ " WOMEN'S MOO UNION SUITS $2.69. Sterling, regular made Union Suit, in fine wool, ailk - and wool and all-silk; all-wool Union Suits made of fine, toft Australian .wool, blue-gray only, full fin ished, medium weight; regular value M-00. -Special, the suit f8.6 WOMEN'S (8.00 AKD $9.00 UNION SUITS $5.89. ' All-Silk Union "Suite in white; same finish and made as above: regular values $8.00 and $9.00. Spe " eial, the suit...... .,..,,5.89 Hosiery , FOR WOMEN CHILDREN BOYS. Women's 50c, 60c and 65c Hot 35c Black Lisle Hose, embroidered boot, assorted styles; regular values 50c, 60c and 65 Special, the pair.7l.vt...S5 Children's 25c Hose 17c Children's Fine-Ribbed Black Lisle Hose, seamless, elaatic, bright finish, sixes 6 to 10; regular value 25c. Special, the pair...;.. lTf Children's Black Cashmere Host Children's Fine . High-GrSde Black Cashmere Hose, finished foot, spliced knee, heel and toes i Regular 50c. value special, the pair ,,,..S5 Regular 55c value special, .the pair. Regular 60c value special, the' .pair. tz:" Regular 70c value special, the pair..... .7.. Boya 25e Hose 15c Boys' Black Cotton Hose, seam-, less, double Snd fine-ribbed, sizes 6 to 10; regu- lar values 25c. Special, the pair......',....4,...15 !!!!!!!!!:!!! 200 ..... 12 $2,500 in Gold to Be Given to Chzrity AS THE PUBLIC SHALL DIRECT -By popular vote. Make every vote eownt between now and February 10 next for your favorite charity. A vote with every 25c purchase. The public will "point the way" this year throusrh which the store s annual benevolent fund shall be distributed. $2,500 to b given away by Olda, Wortman ft King to the city's charities, in 15 divisions, as follows:' '.. . . ' ' '" First choice .,.,..;............."....... Swmt rhnlf. ' I.. BO Third choice Fourth choice Fifth choice .-. .................... .1 . Five other to receive $75 each, and still another five to divide $250. each to receive $50; total, $2,500. ? t . . The amount is to be divided as above among such chanties of the city aa ate supported by the city or its organisations otherwise ' Portland's charitable institutions. 1 ' ' VOTE FOR BENEVOLENT FUND DISTRIBUTION AT 10 -. A. M. TO WAY. ... - Baby Home i ..... j . Open-Air Fund ;.. Old Ladles' Home... ,i. iw... Salvation Army Children's Home . . ............ Fruit and Flower Mission. ...... Patton Home,.. ....................m... -... Orphans' Home Crittenden Home ......1... ........... Good Samaritan Hospital ..........,...................". Mt. St Joseph's Home ,M Boys" and Girls' Aid Society Mercy Home People's Institute ......,.................,.. .. ..; . St. Agnes' Baby Home.... Beaverton Home ........... Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Society. . ,V 3.69 3.140 2,050 2,045 597 529 123 107 90 88 61 47 30 18 11 v 2 . v 2. Totat ; ... . ... , ... i . . ...... i: uoh Saturday Bargains In Domestic Section FIRST FLOOR. . ' .. " Of utmost importance to thrifty housekeepers and those home sewers who've flannelettes, ginghams, percales, etc., to buy for 'winter making up. Bedspreads $1.57 Full site, extra heavy Bedspreads; splendid K workmanship. Special, each .....,.......a.8T Linen Toweling 10c and 12fc All-Linen Bleached . - Toweling. Special at, the yard and 1 1-3 'Bath Towels 12c Heavy Unbleached Bath Towels; size " ' 17x4Z Special, each ...iai- NEW FLANNELS FOR SHIRTWAISTS. BATH ROBES, - KIMONOS, ETC ALL COLORS. 7 ' New Flannelettes Special at, the yard.t.... .......... .........10 .New Ginghams and Percales 10c About 1,000 yards new Ginghams and Percales in light and dark effects,, stripes and plaids. Special at, the yard .....10 TWO BARGAIN GROUPS IN Royjal Worcester Corset Salons ANNEX-lSECOND FLOOR. . ", .Two lots, consisting of 12 of the best selling models in "Bon Tons" - and "Sapphires," made of black Italian cloth andjwhite imported couinTe7ned"wttH best quality'whalebone, in Ion?, medium anf "" short-hip styles, with high or low bust, sixes 18 to 30; our j ' .'- " ' ;$6.50 to $10.00 value," Special sale price, each.7,..;.,,i..,f JB5 Our $11.50 to $15.00 value, special sale price, each...... ...... f 6.89 Penny-Savers f - SMALL WARES SHOPS-rIRST FLOOR., ; Dozen Nickel-Plated Safety Pins.-. .......V.;. Soool Darninar Cotton, any color 5c box Wire Hair Pins, assorted sises 3 spools White Basting Cotton.,,.... 15c Garter Elastic, yard. . 15c Aluminum Soap Boxes..-.;..:..... 25c Can Cold Cream.. .. 10c Bar Toi letf Soap (large size).... 50c Cloth Brashes 50c Bath Sponges...... w,.., 75c Shopping Bags................... jyc dox wriuna rapcr. ............. . 5c Paekaae Envelopes. . . . . . 10c Bottle Carter's Best Black Ink 95c Reading Glass...... ...... 94 ft Te ....32 .....60, ..-J.12 ..:. ; ; Men's Saturday Specials Saturday's the man's shopping day and sve-ve arranged a group" ot-timelr specials tbst good dressers of the male persuasion will be sure to appreciate. Our Men's Shop is a handy place to drop kt on just inside Sixth Street entrance. ' ' . Men's 25c Cashmere Half Hoea 18c Splendid quality of fine Black Cashmere Half Hose; our, best "two-bit"! line of .men's ' hosiery. Special at .1 .t8f $1.00 Flannelette Nightrobes 69c A dollar's worth of quality and comfort in a pretty and nicely-made robe. Special at..-., Men's $2.50 Sweaters $1-59 We've selected a line of our best $2.50 heavy wool Sweaters in solid colorings that most men prefer and marked them at the 'special price of...... SI. SO Men's New 50c and 75c 'Kerchiefs 39c Here's a line of Silk and Linen 'Kerchiefs in newest and smartest styles and best 50c and 75e values. Special at :.39 Men's $1.25 Shirts 94c A line of Men's New .Fall Stiff Bosom Shirts, . . in light stripe and figured tan effects, with one pair detached cuffs; regulsr value $1.25. Special, each j 4e Men's 75c Underwear 35c A broken line of Men's Natural Gray . Wool Undershirts, winter weight, all sizes; regular value 75c Special, each.. ; i. 55 Men's 0c Windsor Ties 25c A line of Men's Windsor Ties in plain and fancy colors, and crepe and Surah silk; regular value 50c. Special, each .-. . w... 25e 1 .,:.. A GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF Good Shoes For Men STARTS flERE SATURDAY! One of those fortunate trade chances that -'come only occasionally helps us to aid our men patrons to save in the purchase of winter foot wear. Wt closed a lot of fine Shoes from a leading eastern maker of men's footwear at - an underprice, and shall turn the good fortune over to all who will come in Saturday and be fitted. Share our good fortune and save a ' third of the price for other needs. The detail: MEN'S $4.00 AND $5.00 8HOES $3.49. A great bargain in Men's Shoes A fine lot i of patent colt Bluchers, box calf top, alo ,. velour calf goods just re " ceived, with stout No. 12 iron soles, slo a discontinued line of men's fine Shoes; see dinplar in-Washington street window; regn- lar values H00 nd $5.00. .Special, ' the pair CXO