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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
rf:-'. - --I ' daily journals Portland." Fridays evening, n6vember ;i7...i905. mm ieieis IS RELEIJTLESS Mitt Mac C. Wood Will Atk Con v gress to Look Into Hr ; :'V! " Trouble. f . ' WILL ASK SENATE TO r :V DISCIPLINE SENATOR Hat Grievance Against '. Secretary ' William Xocb, Jr and Wanta'Con ' firmationa bf Wynne and Miller to , London and Auckland Refuted. ' (Waaklsttoa Bona eC T JeeraaL) ' Washington, IX C. JJov.-I7.i-Mies Mae C, Wood announces that ah proposes to have tier trouble lookad Into by tha Mae Wood at ght. It Today. : aenste during tha coming . session . of congress. Sba wishes th senate to dla 'Ipllne tha aenlor , Bene tor '". from New ToA, Mr. Thomas C Piatt, and to re- ' fuse to confirm Robert J. Wynne' as TUnlted Statea consul-general at London, . Knglsnd. and J. Martin Miller as United Statea ooneul at Auckland, New Zealand. Khe baa also a grievance sgalnst William i Loeb, Jr., secretary to President Roose. , velt. but baa no way -of reaching; him b jr congressional action. ' Mlaa Wood propoaaa to aubralt a pro teat against Senator Platt'a further oc cupancy of a Beat In tha aenata, and 'when tbla pro tee t la referred to the ann ate committee on privileges and elec tions, aha wlabaa to preeent bar eaae for Its action. In order to defeat tha con firmation of Coneula Wynne and Millar aha will aak an opportunity to appear "before tha committee on foreign rela tions and preeent information eao wine why they should not be confirmed. Both are now holding their poal tlona througn reeess appointments and rauet be reap pointed whan congress convenes, and re' .oelve tha confirmation of tha senate. - Mlaa Wood's ease has been ex ten lively publishedbut therele still much in certainty aa to what Ter . oomplaln ts really are against tha distinguished gen tlemen who hare been so thoroughly ad vertlaed la connection with- tha com plainant'a troubles. Tba moat coherent and coroprehenelva atatement ( of UU Wood's' troublea was set forth In a pe tition filed by her In - tba Nebraska courts in which she -sought to recover tltt.aoo damagea from Senator Piatt et al. In thla petition ahe charged Sen ator PUtt. Secretary Loeb and Consuls Wynne and Miller with conspiring to decoy her to New Torfc city In October, l0Sr and that they attempted to-drnj or poison her. That, failing to cause her death, they procured tha publication of libelous statements against - her, namely, that aha had sued Senator Piatt for breach of promise of marriage. That aba was coerced by - the defendants to sign documents receipting for. -large a'ums of money which she never re ceived. In all. Mlaa Wood alleged 14 causes of complaint In tha petition file I fn bee. suit, which later was dismissed coun. It la needless to say that Mlsa wood will have much difficulty In getting her complalnta before tha several . senate committees.- . . .. HAINES TO HAVE NEW n ELECTRIC POWER CO. ' ' .- SbmIsI Manetc e The loeraal.) - , Balnea. Or- Nov. IT. Articles of In corporation bare been, (lied with tha Baker county elerg. ny w. i. juaya or Baker City, J. O. Maxwell and J. F. CrBryant of Haines for tha formation of an electric power company to be known as tha Hot Springs Electric company. Tha stock Is divided tnto joe shares valued at 150 each. . tha total capitalisation being 15.000. It la also the Intention or Dr. Maya and other cltliene of Baker City to erect a sanatorium near Halnea in tha near future, which will be made one ol tha leading health resorts in tne nortnweai and it will be located at a natural anting of hot water, which contain excellent health properties. . N0W IS THE TIME. ; Japanese Art 'mhfid Sale Oloeea morrow Vtgfct, Ohambae of Oommeroe avjuiBf. . . : .......; . . ' All that remains of the magnificent exhibit of Japan at tha Lewis and Clark exposition must be closed out at publlo auction by tomorrow nignt. - Tne saia this exhibit baa been In progress in tha Chamber of Commerce building since tha fair closed, but now that the com missioners and exhibitors are obliged to leave, everything must go regard less of the price It may bring. This Is Port land's last opportunity to acquire rare art treasures for little or nothing. Price Is no longer any object. The only aim now Is to clean up everything by to morrow night, end this must be done. Those who have not already taken ad. vantage of this sale perhaps need not be reminded of what It means in dollars and cent a Those who have patronised the sales can beat testify In reference to the enaca they have picked op. It la only necessary to remind art lovers of tha fact that the eale closes tomorrow night. . ' . '.- ;:''" ' ' (Special Dispatch te The Joersel.l Joseph. Or Nov. IT. Arrangements are practically completed for the open ing of a national bank at Joseph, with capital stock of 125.000. The Officers elected are: L. Knapper. president; Al bert Wurswaller, vice-president; K. H. Blaeaaer, cashier; F. F. Scrlbner, aa elatanl cashier. ' These office re, - to- gelhei'TrTni Aaron- board of directors. HOVEL REDUCTION PLAfJT TESTED Lowistori and Clarjctton People Experiment With.RoasteTanrf J Sulphurlo Acid Generator. . ALL: BY-PRODUCTS ARE :. SAVED AND UTILIZED Inventor Claima That Corroded Lead May Be delivered From Plant That Takes the Metal From tha Crude Product of the Mine. (tpadat tMseateh te The Joeraat) ' Lewlaton. Idaho, Nov. ' IT. On tha Clarkaton aids of the river, opposite Lewlaton, Is a unique reduction plant. The Initial run of laat week satisfies the builder, Charles N. Rider, formerly of St. Louis, and he Intends to work on a larger scale. .-. . . The equipment Is a roaster, sulphuric acid generator and leaching plant, Tha roaster, a patent product of the Inventor, Mr.- Rider, requires no attention in ac tion, as mechanical arrangements for putting the ore through are provided. Care la taken to conserve the heat dur ing the roaatlnc proeeas- and the gases are converted Into sulphurlo acid, which la uaed la turn to leach the values from the ore. A revolving cylinder Is placed In a large air-tight chamber, through which the ore and concentrates paas ia response to a spiral motion, ' After pasalng through the roaster the product la delivered to the leaching vats, which -are arranged on a unique plan. Aerial agitation, the air current being heated. Is used to insure thorough leach tng. Precipitation la accomplished by especially dealgned appllancea of the Inventor. In addition- to saving the precloua and uaeful metals, the plant eaves whatever valuable by-product may be. desired. ... The - Inventor aays . thai corroded lead for patnta may be pro duced by the same plant. Thla fact Is taken locally to afford It wide scops In the Coeur d Alenes, ' where the ores are allver-lead. : ' . . , The company la. owned by aeveral local men and soma outsiders, and it Is the expressed purpose to operate during the winter months on such sulphide, ores aa may be secured for the work. NEW BALL CRUSHER. Kooel: Every kind of an Overcoat, for every kind of weather, for - every kind of an occasion, for every kind of a figure from tT ;eW.'.'.,; v!-.:. low figure to a high figure.' ,' v ,1, V See our. window display of special values in men's fashionable uite, Overcoats Raincoats IrEf:J))lJ They are unusually good values -at this low price. .They are well tailored and good fitting. You should certainly . " v see them.--'-' -i'rz ' : Prop Outfitters for Men and Boys 168 AND. 163 THIRD STREET, NEAR MORRISON sa stave Invention Which Fills ." . if Waat, ' - tL J. Garvin and B. C- Morse of this city have Invented a unique grinder for laboratory work and teatlng plants. which hae an of the good parts of ball mill and the facilities for cleaning ua-that-ia-afforded 'by a good, round. bottomed mortar. - The first machine has lust been Installed at lit Morrison street, where tt will be used In the sampling mill and testing works of the Oarvla Cyanide .Extraction company, The ahell of the mill is . shaped much like a large, round-bottomed kettle, the axis of rotation being at' a pitch of 11 or It degrees from the borisontal. nMU cruihei aa the ahell volvea, the track for the ballfittlng Its curvature exactly, insuring a large crushing surface reach revolution. A screen Is attached to the top of the shell and through this the v crushed product is forced by the splash of the ball or accumulating material...', Whan tha crushing Is over - and tha acreen is removed . the operator may clean out the shell as readily as a hand mortar, thua giving absolute assurance against salting the succeeding batch of ore. Largs crushing devices for test' Ing plants and sampling mills have been the ssource or mucn annoyance to metal hirglsts, owing to the difficulty of adapting any of tne usual appllancea to the laboratory In such manner that clean-up may be " ready and thorough. The Portland men seem to have per fected aomethlng that should have great merit In thla respect, and no doubt will be in considerable demand when better understood. Thla plant Is of sufficient stse to handle all of tha ore that will be sampled by the company. If fine crushing Is desired, and for such ore as Is put through the testing plsnt for cyanide or other experiments oa a large scale. MINING NOTES. S flg appointment . here over the failure of W. H- Brevoort and associates' to bring the White Knob smelter . here from Mackay, Idaho, for tha Balaklala copper group. Tha lateat announcements mads from Mackay Is that the White Knob hae bee ik leased, and that the leaaea expects to get sufficient ore from the property to treat at least ISO tons dally this winter, and a larger tonnage next season. It Is regarded possible that a portion of tha smelter may be brought to the Balakiaia, or in tne event or thla being impracticable, no doubt Is felt that Mr. Brevoort and his associates will arrange for other smelting equip ment hare. Walter Crone of Granite, Oregon, la in the city on business connected with the Golf Standard, which adjoins the Gold Bug. Mr. Crone says that th atrlkes recently reported In tha Gold Bug ere hopeful and that Manager Van Vleet la puahlng work with all poaalbls dispatch to get a lv-stsmp rani in stalled this year. Sumpter, Or.. Nov. 17. Manager L. V. Swlggett la making good progress in erecting the stamp mill on the Golden Chariot group, one mile from thle city, and expects to be cruahlng ore before New Tear.. The work In the mine con tinues to show up good reserves, and when the mill la put In commission, the plant will have steady work ahead of It for some time at lcasf, , WOMEN TO TAKE PART ' IN AMITY ELECTION '' (Special Dlapates te -Th. ' Jon r nil.) Amity, Or... Nov. 17. Amity's annual town election will be held December 4 and promises to be an Interesting con test ' 'The - Issue this -year is-whether the town shall be "wetSu'or "dry." Normally tha 'Vet" Interests are in the majority, but thla year, , through an amendment, to the town charter, all women ovsr the ege of .It years who pay taxea are votera, which 'makee the contest nearly equal and a warm con test Is expected. G. B. Henderson, E. P. Wallace and J. W. Booth have been ap pointed Judges and J. A. Breeding and Adolphue Rea clerks for the election. . A rltiens' mass meeting haa been called for next Monday plght to nominate a , ticket. r .-.j Football. - - Sherman Indiana of California va Multnomah,- -Saturday. November It. MtiHnopieH 'field, p, m rale or fesiaa. . Admission lOe. . It Is S;EedlKM THAT ANNOUNCES THIS GREAT SALE tore Within 44 Days Wc Must Close Thit5 Store AND WE HAVE JUST THAT TIME IN WHICH TO SELL OUT THIS STOCK. To quickly accomplish this necessity every garment, every item of jipparel, every hat and cap and every article in the store has been ;. ; : ' - -rr- t Positively Reduced in Price 33& Per Cent That is to say, we have cut prices down in all departments so that we are now selling garments at the strong reductions muitaicu in wicsc two price usia we snow nerewiin 5 -r.-j Suits and Overcoats l' as eeeaoefoaeassti $16.70 All our all wool exquisitely tailored $25 Men's garments ..... . . ......... , . , .. . All our all wool superbly made Men's $22.50 Suits and , . ''V': r' C 1 C AA Overcoats now only.'. . ... . , . . .... . . . . . . 0 1 tlsUU All our fashionable $20 Suits and Overcoats for Men ' C 1 0 OC cut down to. ............ .-. , ... . . . . t : . . ....... . . . '. 'ii . . . D I ueO 0:, All our large supply of $18.50 Suits and Overcoats for Men , ,4 CIO reduced to......;... J1 eWeUil ' All our $16.50 Suits and tvercoats for Workingmen, very . ' C I 1 OA substantial, now only , ............ , v. . ; v 1 1 efaU AU our regular $15 Suits and Overcoats going at this ' J Q QQ ' All our $10 Suits and) "'V' r: ; . ' : .'.."C C QC Overcoau..VT....v:....1.............;,.,......... Hats and Furnishing Goods Our extraordinary display of $2 Hats now .......... ..$1.35 See "our$1.50 Hats for everyday wear, now selUng atr;;",vr.;;t;; .T.: .OOe' All makes of 50c Neck 'Ties going at this sale at 25 Remarkable saving in "Standard" $1 Shirts, now selling at. ....... ,... .63 ' Pjck and choice of our full line of 25c Neck Ties now... .... .10e and 15e A Word of Explanation 9 ; 'ii fir : MT- :; f I, CQfMjeifT iwje nuem moj norrurie ca numwui , The Red Front has been In existence in Portland for 20 years. Its reputation is gilded with honor beyond all cavil, and has not and never will be assailed. , It has kept its word with its friends under all circumstances. It has not resorted to fakery, and never will, and now that WE ANNOUNCE A ONE THIRD REDUCTION SALE THE PUBLIC MAY BE ASSURED THAT WE SPEAK THE TRUTH.' - i .'-.. . ; , r- ' . ; Nor are, the goods we offer of inferior grade, made to sell at "special prices, but are of superior stock and workmanship, -and well worth every penny we asked for them before the reduction had taken place. But we must dispose of everything we 1 ; have in the next ,44 days, to do so 'SHALL OFFER BARGAIN UPON BARGAIN UNTIL EVERYTHING IS GONE. CLOTHING - ANDjl GENTS FURNISHING GOODS AND SHOE STORE ; 226 MORRISON STREET SOUTH SIDE BETWEEN FIRST-AND SECOND- POLICING PANAHA CANAL ZOIIE Captain Shanton, Cowboy and Rough Rider,' Places Police Force on Good Basis.'- 1 HOLDS MANY OFRCES AND IS LOCAL POOH BAH Chief of Force Is Also lifarahal of Supreme and Circuit Courts, War den of Penitentiary and Coroner Natives Are, Second Class Officers. (WaiBlBftes Boreas et Tfce Joorsal.) Wasblnaton. D. C. Nov. 17- One branch at least of the Panama canal business haa been Placed on a sys tematic- and permanent- basis and.' ac cording to reliable reports irom me Isthmus, Is worklnr satisfactorily. This is the police department 01 tne eanai sone, which Is in charge or captain Oeorre Shanton. eornetlme a cowboy, then a wild hprss rider In Buffalo Bill's showi and later a captain of a rouab rider troop In the Second U. B. volunteer cavalry In the Bjjanlsh-American war. Captain Bhanton nas no sinecure; m the contrary he Is , a -'hard-worKing Pooh Bab." Ia addition to being- chief of police, he la marshal of the supreme snd circuit courts, warden of -ana canal sons penitentiary, and coroner ot the canal sone. -, . , '." aaama Polios Poree. - " -The police force of the sone consists of one chief, with tbe rank of captain, oni flrat lieutenant and one aecond lieu tenant, detailed from the regular army; seven lirst-ciass sergeants, six r-a-eants. 11 corporal a. IS first-class po licemen, 41 probationary policemen, and six clerks. . - - -- The salaries per annum are: Captain, lt.000: first lieutenant, 12.000; second lieutenant, 1 1.(00; first-class sergeants, 11.800: seoond-elass aergaanta.. 11,000; corporals, t80; - first-class policemen, 1900: second-cisss policemen, . ss clerks, f I.eOO to 11,500. Prom November l, wnen tne po lice foroe of the canal sone was or ganised, to October 15. 106. arreata numbering t!7 were made by -the force, and out of tbla number 1.S7I con victions for various misdemeanors and orlmee wars secured. Of the varioua causes of arrest the principal onea- numerically were: Aa sault. 14: drunk snd disorderly,. 411; disorderly conduct, 141; drunk, 10; dis turbing the peace, lis; larceny, l; violating sanitary regulations, 1(1. Ar rests for serious crimes were few, being burglsry, S; incendiarism, 1; rape, f; robbery, I. - . ,. t Americans are given pieces en tne po lice force when they can be obtslned, preference being given to nn who have, had- solitary experience lii the Phlllp plnearcuba, Porto Rico, and In the reg ular army. The salary of S7e per montlf Is hot much of sn Inducement to men to remain on the force, and nearly II Americans who Join secure positions higher an lory In other branchee of the service,, , i Tbe second class policemen are nearly. all Jamaicans and Barbadians. ' Thsy make good police offlcera, and are par ticularly uaeful from the feet that tha canal sone la heavily populated with Jamaicans, .Barbadlana, Martlnlquea, Fortune Ialandere and black Colum biana. Many of theae police officers have had constabulary experience: they can read and write in JBSngllab, many In French and Spanish, and know how and why to make aa arrest snd can present a case before a judge clearly and regu larly. At present there are upward of JO.000 people In the sone and the arrests for all causes average about ISO per month. a very email percentage when the mix ture of nationalities la considered.. Ex parlance haa demonstrated that the black officer makes a better policeman than a white man. He" is less overbear ing and aggressive snd . hsndles tha masses of laborers from Jamaica and the Barbados with Judgment and dis cretion, j Bonding1 Penitentiary. . Aa warden of the canal sone pent tentlsry. Captain Shanton haa selected a site at Bohlo for the erection of canal sons penitentiary. While this Is iiai-- it. r.i. ... ... -ftn, fined in the district Jatla. 14 in number. The prisoners are generally of an- la- norant laboring class, few of them hav ing tradea and none of . them ha vine profeaalona, The cost of maintaining tha sons no. lice force during the IS monthe it haa been in eziatance has been t(4,( A system of fines Is In force bv which 1774.14 haa been collected from officers and men as the result of violations ot ruies ana regulations, (doings in rabbitville From the Irrigon Irrigator's - Special Correspondent. Rabbltsvllle, Morrow County," Or., Nov. 14. I have received a letter from Mr. William E. Curtis snswerln' what 1 printed about me and him swappln Jobs, and he Is Jest on tender hooks to git his abbdomen aginst our perscrlptlon counter. 1 nave misiayed nls letter, btrt I bare persued It so often that I can kwots It verb battura extern poramlous exactly ae writ Hear It is and plese notls how hs plsdes with me to be ever reddy: "Dear elr- I har red -what you done printed abowt me In that grate paper, the name of which aujjeata the principle pursoot of en old galoot 1 once aeen asleep under a bankwatt ta ble down to Portland. I am not reddy to trade Jobe ylt, not jest ylu When I git reddy I will notify you at wunst Tour graft. s grate, but I always knowed you was a grafter. But be care ful and don't git ackwalnted with Mr. De l Tremens or John Barleycorn es quire. Howsomever them t Jents and you are S of a kind. . I Ytpeet It, when I wtnt yosj will aend for you. And Jest git all reddy and wate ontlll ' I aend, then come quick." Do yea) aeeT See what he eaysT Why he Is glttln' reddy to Send for me, and I am liable to git a mesas Je sny hour, day or nlte, snd I must be reddy to start at wunst. I hate to go. but when Duty calls I will awsy on tha wings of Morning. And Curtis can do a little towards brlngln' Rabbitville to the front There la worse correspondents than Curtla. If he don't work my graft too strong he'll git along awl rite. If I'm sent for befoar . rite you next week. Mister Eddltor, and Curtla don't git In by that time, you may not git no letter from us for your next Issued-i hope you Won't ex pert two much of Curtis till he git posted, snd psy him promp for he knea the mimnty, knot beln' on Ra street lue I be. Excuse bad wrlUa' tern, and 1 arfrS-Howtai cont poBoibla-for -1 sT4WSVUSM M SW II ITS llult(akl oniiiiui aiiiu ouvvcssiui Wi caLIJICIIL. , anew, r . cure, .. We have no free proposition, cheap or trial treatments, no pay until cured catches, or. similar, devices cto sell medicines, belts, etc. ' Honest doctbrs of recognized ability. ; do not resort to such methods. Our edu cation, our experience, our, reputation, con demn all such quackery. We will make ?rou no false promise as to curing your case n a short time, knowing it will take longer, ' . as we promise nothing but what we can do, nd always do what we promise. anleiiabur1s. We jjiarantee a complete, safe and last' eiausta u Diseases ing cure in the quickest possible time, with er atea or women, out leaving injurious after effects in the svs- -MeeseaJjM maa, Zdoeaaeo and : 1 - X Eczema and All Forms of Skin Diseases, Nervous Decline, Rectal, Kidney and Urinary i DUeases, Varicocele, Hydro- J - ' : i . cele and Rupture An4 AO Diseasee and Weakneaeee of Bath Men anf Women. ? CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE ' ; Write for Symptom Blank If You Cannot Call. SL Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary f ;-.-rl.",v!;-;.,:-.: MM YamhUI Street, Portland, Ore. V " rvX Always Inclose Ten 2-Cent Stamps When Writing. t I and spell In' and punk, grammer for I'm all unstrung expectln' to be .sent for any mlnnlt. I hope Curtla won't. work my graft for ovsr a cupple of dollara a day till he git a seaaoned,. for .1 don't think his constitution and by-laws could stsnd over 40 perscrlptlons per day. " The city 'drug store Is .talking of sending down to Portland to git a new perscrlptlon clerk, their bltneaa beln' on tha boom now over their narar-rln- tlon counter. They have their eye' 041 1 a fine feller what haa been runnln' a csffay down to the -fair grounds, Hs must be a mltey good maiv for he had a eocktale named after Mm down on the Trail. . .We are glad to. see our feller citizens prosper and reach out fot branea and tallent. . J.-i The city drug, store has Just got In a shipment Of onions snd potatoes, alee cabbage and maple"slrrup, . ' I don't like to mention it,- but I sup post It must be published. That new htgh-steppln' girl st the Bunko house, what I writ about a cupple weeka ago, haa eloped wlh the idlshwasher of the Bunko. I gesa she waaaent "much used to good society for she turned ms down good and hsrd and took up wlth'a feller not much more nor a hoboe. "O woman, woman, thigh nalm la I'noonstancy." I had quite a Joak played on ma last Sunday nlte. I went out to call on my old aweethart, Mlsa Lisa Butterbottom, not havln' been there for a' conaldder able spnre of time, t.rtn blxxy end not .very wall as to health. Xock Btandoett pumped about I quarts of peraorlptlone out of me at oris time, me laying In a kind of atooperv I gees - It was my, Uvver what elided me. Well, anyhow, I went Sunday nitw to call on lsu, and rapped Joyous on the Butterbottnni door. Liza quick appeared and her eya bored Into my hart Ilka a nnhiet av she ald I'd better hike out for Honey, bottom's. Then a kplledrtver or some, thin' hit me In the rear and I lit In the road. I gess It was a Joak. but Ita a durn poo sJoak to git throwed t or t rods through a plcklt fence, .then asked to pay for tha fence aa I be by her pa. UJ L.S.i 1 , There Is just one way to! have good . mSm saveiing mtracft economically : -; ''A Schilling's Best, at yout grocer's, moneyback. c 1