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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
L '1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 17, 1CCJ. : i --ia TOVN TOPICS VOBIQBT't AKUSEXXVTB, RHaere B.ker "Th. firat Ttelln' .Iualc.1 Burlwiu. F.oiplre. I.jrie... I.ltwrty. tier. - (iraoa.. ttuollf as Trouble." "A Uwl o VtMl" Veneerm. VeunTlMo Viuonii E. 'A. fllover. sergeant of police, u promoted to the position of captain yes. terday' by the. polio committee- ot tbe - city-executive board. -Jte will be a signed to duty on on of th relief at - th central station until th proposed east aid substation is installed. Cap tain ftlover waa on of th three mi who recently passed th "examination for ta position,- H received a grade of per cent from th examiners. anJ this, together with his efficient servlo while acting captain at th Upshur street station th past summer, led th com mittee to select him for th vacancy, in the department. He waa strongly rec ommended by Chief tjrjtsmacher. The city auditor was Instructed t ad vert I e for new proposals for boiler fo two engines In th fir department at meeting of th fir committee of th executive board last night.- 'Bids were opened two weeks ago, but th commit- ' te decided that th advertisement bad not run In th official paper suf flolentl long to secure competition. Proposals received at that time wer rejected. A large amount of material from th fir department at th Lewis and Clark ex position was purchased at a low naur and th chief was Instructed to see about . getting another lot of supplies from th fslr with which to equip th new en gin hovtse In Fulton. - . , . Hereafter, 'when - charges re-ftled against a city employe with th munlcl- - pal civil eervlc commission specific In stance of a man's misconduct, or wherein ho Is disqualified for service, must b stated or th charge will not - be recognised, according to a ruling of th commission yesterday in connection with th trial of R. L Ebarmann, th deposed patrolman. Th commission held that unless speclflo charge were re quired the heads of departments could alleg Incompetency against any man and discharge him from th servloe. Local Scottish Sit Vfasona are" plan ning a series of entertainments at their cathedral, th first on th evening of December 14. At least eight parties will be given during th coming season and perhaps several more... Cards and dancing will be enjoyed. The flnoat musio that can be. secured in the state will be procured. The committee that has charge of the arranging of the entertainments Is: i. J. Kadderly. chairman; Ed Werlln. Richard Martin, Dr. Newcastle,-Dr. Llneey, J. Q. Mack. J. C Olds and E. B. Caldwell. ; .. In nil other part of th United State th Jaw will celebrate the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of Hebrews In America on November 10, but the Portland celebration, owing; to the absence from the city of Dr. Btepnen --a.-Wlee, he been put off until Decem ber. At that time. It 1 hoped, one ot the national speakers of th Hebrew race will be here to address th congre gation. There 1 a prospect that Dr. Emll O. Hlrach may come, - - ' In Judge Georgre department of the "circuit court yeiterday the wait of lcr ard M. Kegan against tne university - Lumber At Shingle -company .wan. begun. Kegan was employed aa night watchman. On the night of May . 105, while crossing a platform, ha fell 'for a dis tance of 14 feet, sustaining Injuries that are said to be permanent. , He seek to recover damages In the gum 7 of f 10,000. ' ; ' " "'' Word waa recetred In Portland today of the death In Baa Francisco at A o'clock this morning, of William ' R. Boone,- who was a newspaper man In Portland setae year age. H had re sided for the past II months In Ban Francisco. A brother, Byron, and a sis ter, Mrs. A. H. Morgan, live In Portland. Dr. Mary A. Thompson la a daughter-in-law. ' ' ..:'.' 1 ,', Policeman cUolts hag reported to th city health board that th condition in th vicinity of Twenty-first and Davis streets are unsanitary and has asked that an Investigation be made. He says there are several filthy barns. In th neighborhood. There are at present five esses of dtptherla and ene of typhoid fever within one block of the Davis school. ( - to -? "; ' - At th convention of the' National EducaUonalJssocJatloato ib ihfJJ1n San Francisco In July. 1901. the ques tion of absorbing the National Confer ence on.' the Education of Backward, Truant and Delinquent Children will be discussed. Member of the association In this city hav been notified and have been requested to express their views on the proposed absorption. f - Portland Elks enjoyed social session ' last night In their hall In th Marquam building, watching performance by vaudeville - artists' and a four-round "sparring match between Dranger and Frank, of the Multnomah dub. Gover nor Chamberlain addressed the lodgemea ..briefly. A luncheon wag served. - Bennl Spooner ' ha been reported missing to the police.- He Is 1 years old and worked- for the Western Union company a messenger. He started horn Wednesday night and has not been seen since by friends or relatives. Mr. Spooner lives at 691 Irving street "Sunday at home" la th new plan ta he instituted at the T. W. C. A. for th enjoyment of girls who have Sunday afternoons at their disposal. The room will be thrown open at I o'clock and there will he femes, reading, music, and whatever will add to the entertainment of young women of varying taste. A free supper will be served In the even- w- jjfQ.or'g THB TIME r - HERE'S THB PLACE - ' ' ' ' TO BUT Winter Underwear '- We've aa complete a stock ad - you'll And anywhere, t, . ' All kinds, "all prices. , : . J Htwett, Bradley O Co. - BUBIsSAUXBB, ; 94$ Wathlngtom Jrreet ,. BIAB BBABB rXXAXKX. ' J rTflntmr LiLllUUuL UliUUIIll f8. pouncllman Say Cusmess Man Favor Repeal of Fourth -, Street Franchise. TRAINS NOW RUN THROUGH HEART OF RETAIL SECTION Thlg Is Considered by All to Be Un degirable Lcg-allty .'of ' Ordinance Repealing Privilege Can Be Sus tained Without Doubt. "Not a bualnes man who has'spoken to me about the repeal of the Southern Pacific's Fourth street . franchise has opposed It," said W. T. ;Vaughn today, In discussing his ordinance offered Wed nesday in the council for the annulment of ordinance IM. the original grant of the Fourth street privilege of the rail way company. "The people have not been satisfied to allow Fourth street to be used by a steam road," Mr. Vaughn. "Fourth street runs through th heart of the bualnes retail section. - Were it whole sale or warehouse or ' manufacturing territory, the presence of a steam road would be a. distinct advantage. But Fourth street has exclusively choloe re tail location which are injured by the presence of the steam road. -. It disturbs the community,. Interfere with publlo meeting and In all respect is unde sirable. I believe that the people of th oity, especially of . the Fourth atreet business houses., are In favor of th re peal of the ordinance. - I am assured that there will be strong support for the measure. ; ,,, . . -. "If there be any doubt regarding the legal question Involved the legality of the repeal ordinance I will be able to satlafy the publlo on that point, for the . courts have established th prlncl pi beyond' cavil. I have looked into the matter carefully and am prepared with authorities which I will cite .when the time comes. "Th baalo prlnolpl that govern th granting of street franchise I that th advantage always must rest with the people as against" person or corpor ation. Although X hold that there la no doubt in this ease; yet. If there were, the courts, following th preced ents and the counsel of the world's law authorities would incline to the side of the people. ' - - "In my opinion, the ordinances for the repeal of the grant to the company of privileges on Fourth, street Is an answer to publlo demand. Notice, I do not use the- word rights, but say th privileges. of the company. I use th word ad tvlsedlyr for H-ta no more thana privi lege that the Southern Paclflo oompany enjoys on Fourth street." Ing. . Girls - whe are not members will be - made welcome and- are urged to come. Tomorrow all girls " attending HMiniri the claseee of the aweoclalUm will meeTTToni for.a' Informal discussion- ot eourse. If any are desired hat ro-aot-given they will be lntroducpd. h.-j - Any ewe wanting a plane) eaa now get the best bargains ever offered on -high grade - instruments - at Dundore 'Piano company's removal, sale. 233 Washing ton street, ' Every piano to be sold by December I.. ; ;..:M:.- In the circuit 'ooiirt the state lias be-1 gun suit against th Portland General Electric company to recover 10 per cent of the tolls collected at the Oregon City locks Since 1871. The amount la esti mated to be $30,000. ' Evergreens, Roses, -Shrubs We have a fine line of all kinds of nursery stock at our tree yard, foot of Yamhill street. Call and see it and get our new tree and rose catalog Just issued. Portland Seed Co. . , I.,;'. v .. , Watches and diamonds tl down and Oe per week. Qoods delivered en first payment ' Xmas i coming. Metsgar Co Jewelers, opticians. 111 Sixth. We are gotng some Friedman Pack ing Company will sell three pounds ot Sirloin or Tenderloin or Round Bteak for 25 cent. ' We cleaa and press your clothe and shin your shoes for $1.00 per month. Unique Tailoring Co $47 Washington, Main. 114. . ' . - , --. . Any watches cleaned, $1.00; - main spring $1.00; all work guaranteed one year. Metager Co 111 Sixth street. Jonea lose leaf ledger and Eureka sheets: first prise at exposition. Howe, Davis Kllham. Ill Seoond street , ; Portland's best dancing school, $ Alder. Prof. Rlngler, Miss Buckemneyer. Ladles' gymnasium class, th Rlngler Physical CuUur school. $1 per month. Dr. Q. M. Wells, residence, Curtis. Phon Main 6022. Hobart- ' Fin chicken dinner $0o, 112 Third. ' Frits tsmsles are th best ' i Jfew aTnnses, - . Permit for nw building wer is sued yesterday as follows:. John B. Demara, cottage, corner East Twenty second and Clinton streets, cost $1,600; M. B. Godfrey, tenement- Morris, be tween Monroe and Commercial streets, cost $2,600; B. B. Hand, two ' cottages. East Twenty-ninth, between East Couch and East Davis streets, cost 13, 400; E. T. Boardraan, residence, corner Savior and Thirtieth streets, coat 32. 000; O. 8. O ruber, eettage. East Thirty second, between Belmont and East Mor rison streets, cost $1,200; Nloolal Broth ers' company, lumber abed, corner First and Everett street, cost $1,000; B. F. Hulsda, eettage, corner Maple and bo gus streets, eost, $300; J. A. Zeller, cot tage, corner Mississippi and Killings worth avenues, cost $1,200; It E. Dig man, cottage. East Sixth, between Wy gant and Going streets, eost $1,000; Ivouls Wegner, residence, corner Eaat Twenty-fourth and East Ollsea streets, eost $2,000; R. C. Bedman. eottage, Qreeley street between Kllllngsworth avenue and Burton street, -eot $200; Mrs. C S. Houasell, shop, Illinois,, be tween Bancroft -and Hamilton streets, eost $60. 4 Football. Sherman Indians of California vs. Multnomah, Saturday, November 1$, Multnomah field, 2:30 p. m rain ot shin. . Admission 60c ' Milwaukle Country Club. I Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars at First aad Alder. , . ,':--',. OUJECT OF fu;;i) IS UYSTERY Fourand4$i HJf Million to Be V Spent but Only O'Brien .'. ' Knows How. AND HARRIMAN MANAGER , REFUSES TO SAY A WORD Waterfront Lino In Portland, Colonel Crook's Road ' From . Eugen to "Klamath and Central Oregon Field th Foasibilltlea. ,.' -, ; : .. . . .. : - - . t An appropriation' of . $4,600,000 . set aalde by the Harrlman management and anonunoed as a construction fund, still is causing the most intense curiosity and aroualng no end of speculation. ,Jt Is th one deep and. impenetrable mys tery of railroad row. Every well-in formed railroad man knows what the Milwaukee is doing; what the North western's plana are; how the Gould an coming - Into Portland, 'and where the Northern Pacific bridges will be located; but the million' that Harrlman wlU yet spend in. OregonT That is another mat ter. Only J. P. O'Brien knows, and he Is adamant to all newspaper questioners, and others. . . "No use to ask.' When the time eomes I wlU tell you all." says he. Mr. O'Brien has talked freely regard ing the Harrlman plana and prospective expenditures in Oregon, Washington and Idaho for the next two years. The new branch lines from Drain to Coos bay, from Elgin to Joseph, from Rtparia to Lewiaton, together, with the new docks, the block signal system, the chain of oil tanka from Ashland to Portland and Huntington,, and other smaller projects are familiar to newspaper readers. . '" 'Jfot the Tillamook Jaoad. - It has been announced officially from both Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Lytle that the $4,600,000 1 not to be used on the Tilla mook road, and that th Harrlman com panies are in no way connected with that enterprise. There are but three other openings where the speculative onea look for Harrlman activity to de velop th water front line In Port land., th road to be built by Colonel William Crooks company from Eugene to Klamath and th central Oregon field. Any one of these projects is feasible and desirable. A large engineering party under di rection of the Southern Paoino company Is at work in eastern Oregon. .It Is pushing a survey from Ontario west ward, trying to And a desirable route other than via the Malheur canyon, which is held by the owners of the Wll hunette valley and Cascade mountain military wagon road land grant Mr. Harrlman wants loi Joeate a good route across Oregon without coming in contact with-this grant and the flrat problem Is the finding of an easy grade from the Snake river through Malheur- county, between Malheur lake and Castle Rock, where the elevation Is 7,000 feet -The surface of the country Is extremely mountains and can yens, heading northward . from Mal heur j river. L . While Mr. Harrlman admittedly surveying through central Oregon, It Is by no means certain that his intention la to build r railroad Immediately. It Is entirely probable that after secur ing a good route, some years may elapse before construction work Is begun. It is regarded aa more likely that the Klamath region, where Irrigation Is soon to revolutionise conditions, will be the first objective point for Harrlman ex tensions east ofthe Cascade range, and the Klamath line is believed to be the next construction work Mr. O'Brien will announce, . If not the Klamath line, the wise ones say, than th $4,600,000 ex penditure unaccounted for will be spant on th Portland water front . -. AID SOCIETY IN NEED OF : ' SHOES FOR SMALL GIRLS - Th Boys' and Girls' Aid society met In regular session yesterday In Judge Gilbert's hall. According to the report of the superintendent $7 children In habit the receiving home, 43 of whom were taken In during October, i This I an unusual number of children to ep.K peclally shoes, for girls - whose ages range from 4 to 16 years. Quite a number of the children are attending the publlo schools . and shoes are most needed for them. A 4-months-old baby recently baa come from Yamhill eounty and the society is anxious to find a home for it In some family. - New member admitted yesterday were Attorney J. F. Tate of Corvallll and Dr. M. C. Flndley of Grants Pass. Th children enjoyed an ice cream feast laat Tuesday, th contribution of Dr. Stephen 8. Wise. - - ' DR. SHORT TOO WILL : TALK ON MARRIAGE Or-- t . ssaasanawajBsawasBsa The work at Taylor street Methodist churoh is attracting much attention lately and it is agreed that the working force Is the strongest It has ever had. Dr. F. Burgette Short with the large chorus choir under the direction of Dr. W. A, Cummlngs, form a splendid com blnatlon. and the large audiences that attended during the fair months hav in no measure decreased, so that th seating eapacity of "the church Is well utilised. More than 60 - members hav been received Into the church during th paat six weeks. Every branch ot the church work Is - enjoying unus prosperity. Next Sunday ' evening Dr. Short will - discus - the unique -subject An Estimable Old Maid: or Must Wom en -Marry-to be Useful f' The chorus choir will sing and Charles Cutter, th Indian baritone, will be soloist TIMBER MAN SUFFERS ' - : HORRIBLE ACCIDENT Albert Smith, -a tlmberman realdlna 6n Deer island, was badly Injured yes terday afternoon while engaged In get ting out telegraph poles. He now lies delirious at St Vincent's hospital, but Dr. William Jonea, who attended him, entertains a hope for hie recovery. While It work on. the Island Smith was struck on the back of the head with an unknown mlaalle, supposed to hve been a broken part of a whlffle-tree. A large pole was being hauled ent with a long cable; in some way th pole slipped, giving th cable a Jerk, which broke th whlffle-tree a. Smith was alone at the time and when found by his compan ions he was lying senseless and part of his brain was ooslng from a wound In the back of his head. ' . , Preferred Bvoek Oaaaed wooda, ' Allen Lewis Best Brand- lEGlillC LHJE TO BE Promoters Who Seek Franchise Into Portland Organize Two V Distinct Companies. ONE TO OPERATEOTHER -TO SUPPLY THE POWER If Franchise Is Granted Laying Rails Between Portland and Salem Will ' Be Began Within Thirty Day Right of Way Secured. ' " Sine malting application, for a fran chls In Portland, th promoter of an cleotrlo line between Salem and this city hav organised two. companies . th Willamette Valley company, to handle th construction and operation of th railroad; and the Willamette Val ley Traction company, to have separate control ' of power plants. The lattet company has taken over the light and power plants at Eugene, Corvallla and one or two other town. - A ooalltlon haa been made between' A. Welch, former owner of electric light and street car properties at Salem; L W. Anderson, of the Spokane electric light oompany; Thomas Hawlay, owner of water power right on th Bantlam; T. R. Sheridan, promoter of an electric railroad project between Portland and Roseburg; J. A. Pershing, a Chicago business man; 8lncler, Butcher eV Co., Philadelphia brokers, and other financial Interest. Messrs..-Welch, Anderson, Pershing, and another member of the syndicate,' E. W. Hall, of Eugene, are In Portland today, and It la said others from the eaat will be here before the close, of the week. They are preparing to push their undertaking with all possi ble speed,- and to close all preliminary arrangements before the end ' ot the coming wetx. Mr.. Welch aald; - "If .we get a franchise In Portland w will begin laying rails within $0 day. - We have finished the . work of securing rights of way. - Our route will cross th Willamette river nean Boone's ferry, aa stated In our articles of In corporation. W are not asking any body for money. We have ample cap ital back of the enterprise, and are prepared to build and operate the road. Officers of the Willamette Valley company have been elected, hut are not announced, as the syndicate is not yet ready to, let the publlo know the Iden tity of its eastern financial connection. "We will elect officers of the Trac tion company within the next few days, and after that we will be ready to give out the Information regarding our peo ple," said Mr. Welch.' . . - Big Clothing Transaction. -; -R. W. Bell, trustee for the insolvent Muck clothing stork, of 10 Sixth street sold th entire balance of the fine Suits. Overcoats and Cravenettea, Trousers, Hats and Furnishings to The Hub. corner Third and Burnslde streets. The Hub la preparing to inaugurate a-grand one- I half price eale of the enMre stock. In cluding the immense shipment of Sidney B. Conn, In transit. While the Muck went , down. The Hub, with It usual daah, - bought the fine stock, so as to enable a half-price sal of the 'entire stock- V Tou'll see clothing, , hat and furnishing bargain that will start you on ethe money-saving track. : - Pure old -Mince Meat Brandy and Sherry Win at D, Germ anus, $2$ Mor rison street. NorUwestern Mutual life or smwArasa, - THIS COMPANY HAS $16,555,450.0 LOANED TO ITS POLICYHOLDERS ON SECURITY OF THEIR POLICIES, ILLUSTRATING THE LARGE BENE FIT WHICH MEMBERS OF THB NORTHWESTERN RECEIVE FROM S.T.Lockwood &Son On PeUejrheUam atlases ; : OVNESAL AOEKTS, CMwora bldr Portias, Oregon. WHAT ELECTRICITY DOES Modern inventions In milling ma- ehlnarv have chiefly been for the Bur- pose of retaining all the nutriment of the wheat berry, expelling tnat wnicn Is Indigestible and keeping out dust and foreign matters. Th last and moat Important of these improvements Is the "Ionised" or elec trified air process used In the milling of White River Flour from the famous Oregon Blueetem Wheat Th treatment of every minute flour particle with electrically charged air expels certain ony properties ana ren ders the flour lighter In color' and quality and more lively and granular. . Bread made from White River Flour Is snowy white, has a texture that is peculiar to itself and a delicious . full flavor. . X-aa4-tn-Suarnt0-tnt-SlirUh every sack of White River Flour: "If after trying a whole sack you are not convinced that White River Hour la not better than any other flour you hive ever used, ge to tn grocer -ana get your money back." Allen St Lewis. LOOK AT THIS 20 lots, each 80x100. feet in , Hawthorne Ave. Addition . .; FROM f ' $250 to $32S SSO down, 910 per month. Streets graded. Bull Run water. . v Tine plaoe for a Home. Empire Investment Co. s7 dumber at Co mauve. ' , Concrete Construction Co. TO! Obambea of Oosameree, ' - Manufacturers of Concrete Stone Blocks. Contractors for all kinds of cement wo ' - . yxova JtAnr lto. RUSHED At Home Rlrtt here IAHB AM) 1 yortttad w. frew : RAHB A Mi BBAUTirUI, r LOT. IKS of err Tertetj Van MS ert thea frets ' tomer- row on. THK PAY THBT AHg OATH K RED, is sU tbeli swuty eed rranr.nee. . tor veenj we made e studr ' ef srewtag Sewn (or la wholesale ' trade. NOW w offer yee th BRSBrrp -of mr aiperleBre I TBS PKO DCCT OF Ota COWSEHVATOBIKS , , At Our Retail Stora ' W. are ABTIST8 IN or trws tad ess pImm the Beet fttt1xi. ' Oar premlMS .re ooBniently ' ilreetos la the erart -t tae reull leirlrt. Orders promptly 'exeeeted sad safely dtHverea. Store epos for ba.1nws "TOMORROW -Tonsctk & Co. ;': Florist . - ' in uth t, tertlaaa, Ores'. itu . Weaalagtea. rhaae MaiallO. , Matting Sale - We have a very , large line of flneet quality of Line Warp Matting en hand and must close out la order te aaak room for holiday goods .new arriving. In cluding - " - - Xmas Toys and Japanese ; WXOUISAXa AJTO BSTAXL. We will continue our auction ale 10 days longer. Come sn4. get . bargains. ...i Andrew Kan & Co. BT 2OmTJKaI ST. Corner First and TanbCl and ';;v-'r:-"'.'''; Corner-Third yand " Davis ' Two well established stores JolmBcllar- Good variety oPMers'iild Youths' Suits and Over coats, Hats, Pants, Shirts, Underwear with a general line of Shoes, also a full stock of Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and Comforters. We save you 20 per cent on price. Strictly one price to all, marked In plain figures AJrUKHBtXITTS. Belasco Theatre TO. . KAUI U BIXAsCO K ATM. VBOr. . roortMnth end Waahlnvtofl Streets.' - X. B. Mee. Oea. Mir. B. L. saoaett. Bet. Mgr. TOnORT, f it ALL WXZJC LAST WEEK Or TBS KOMANTIO ACTOB White Whittlesey la aiokarl HassseU'S Stoat taeoes. raETiRsriiytiiri Bvealags, He to TS; VfatlDeea. gatardty aad auiur, soe u sue. text Wmi, gtvtlng With llanaee Saaeay, novtBiDer iv, "THE FATAL OAKS. . Marquam Grand Theatre rnons mai.1 sns. Hoaday, Taeaday end Wduelay Hlgfetl, November 20. 31 sad U. . The Favosa Irtnh rnmHUo aad linger, AITDKEW MACK la HI. Latest VmelT-OraaBt. "tom nooax." ' PBrOlCS Parqaet. 11.50; parawri rlrel., tl Balcony, It. TSe and Me. Oallerj, am and Me. Boxea and lesee. 110. BEATS ABB NOW KKLLIKO. imumm Oregaa Tiealia Oew lean.. Sea. L Baker, Mer. Tamlilll end Tbtrd "ta. Panne Mats MoT. Bona of Moaleal Burlrseoe. . TOKIOHT TONIGHT T. W. Stasia's rasMoo Boasty Show,. Koalfal Varitaque utrerafasas, "The Utopians" ICatlnee Teworrew- iMt PerronaaDre. Bveelne: srlceo. Site. SAc. 60c. TSei matinee (tarda Uat pertortDesee). ISe. See. He. ftOe. Nut WMk "TUB PAB18IAN BELLES. " Empire Theatre! l9tB aad Horrnoa." Pboae Mala lit. MILTOIt W. RBAMANt MlMM Fortlasd'e Fvpalw PlajkoaM. . Toalfht, Tomorrow Matinee-aad Night teat -jar linn Th Merry. JlaMn Maetesl Ctm4r, "Hooligan's Troubles" A meleue ' of earner, daarlnjr. .Inflng and mn.leal mimbera. direct from i lock utr. EVgXINO PBICKa 18c. JBe. HSe. Me. MATINEE FKKJ-.H llle. lot, Bte. NEXT WEBB "A 8B0KEN HEART." LYRIC THEATRE WTXX ITABTTB KOVOAT, BOVTjriIB it. "The Heart of Steel." A Cemy-OraaM ef the Arawaa Berdar. AamUaioa lOo. BMetved SesU 0e. TM E a RAND ., BIBB'S TBATIITY CO. - Aad Oheraa t Ouuilne Oirle. A URKAT CAT. Headed r Tna Ami. Uiom and Pranka, Kraneee firry ead a M"r. Jell, Kkepelr. Slnslng. ImnclBg end Wll-trlll'4 Csnrna et Pretty tllrle. Oemral admlaahia loei .enlnse. Evndars ead hollilaa. reer,ed aeets ea lower flonr tor; dallr tiaete, entire tower soar luet sea seats, ave. 1 Ilill I I'll I I for The Best $3 DAT ; in the -World- ... ' .:. ' ' i " ' -.', Means the 4 best possible HAT VALUB-bno need paying more for any hat T7V.TTITY mm Leading Ik. MaiBi EvwrytLia Gor: ' LOCATION-149 tVENTH STOEET Thii well known hostelry Ja recently changed hands and if now under entirely new. management. .Not only new management, .but is being conducted ln a niaBOrthit,liriU appeal jojtheeatrra . public. No mora suitable place can be found for family gatherings, : special attention being paid to thig clatt of patronage. M0DE2ATE PRICED. FIRST-CLASS IK EVERY DETAIL. LARGS OPEN DININO HALL. " ; -''.. ' ; ': -.. MERCHANTS' LUNCH Daily from 11:30 to 2 P. M.. ...... SPECIAL LUNCH-SmaU bottle wine included..:........... 0 ELEGANT FRENCH DINNER with wine.............."... f SPECIAL DINNER with oysters at yon desire, also a pint Zinfandel, Riesling or Sauteme wine....;. -....fl.Ow SPEGIS17 Served free with every meal, ex-President McKinlea favorite cheese. - This cheese has become world-renowned, and is goon ta be placed on the local market, - v. ORCHESTRA UNDER ".FRANKTRICHTERtVawrMO Ihe, Calumet Portland's Last Oicii23 V:: vr .' ' ':.''.'" :-. X-' AUCTION SALE OP JAPANESE : " V . ART QOODS ENDS TOMORROW ! NIGHT ' All that remains off Japan Pair Exhibit tnuatJ?e,Iosed out. -' BUY AT YOUR OWN PDWE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDINQ 1 1 A. M. to 6 P. M. 7 P. M. to 10 P. M, 'V. -rT " : t'Vj - ,' ' ; ' .'-- V'' CHA1 He 0 Connor Auctioneer EXTRAORDINARY PRICE REDUCTIONS while they ' last. -500 CLOTH TAMS AND CAPS Many styles, all deair . EC ) able colors; 75c to $1.0Q VALUES. Reduced to.. Coy 200 FELT HATS 12 different tyle, trimmed Continentala, Ns'vj- -. leena. Roll Brim Sail ora, etc .all th wanted colore; 1 1 $1J0 to $2.00 VALUES. Reduced to........ .....VCC V :'U5EE BIG CORNER WINDOW, BECKER'S Third and Salmon THE-STAR . Bwl aB OBIa ' Mlaa BUaaee JmbIss. BiaateU, Kay ft On. Beerle aa4 Btaawal OMOey aae aToewea. . r . Mr. TrM BaHstes, , . -' OmmI aAmtealne 1e: .tontine. BeenvTS sea knlirter. nmrrivt seats ea lowar too W! bos eats ate. .... "':. .' , , i Th3 : - 8 Ul: in the -ny-i r Hatter THE DIRECTION OF 149 Seventk ' A ' 3 y;KUSHiBnrit V. : CommiBgloner-QeneraL y. Hashimoto. Coramiasioner. Y. YAMAJX. Manager. uionrrrv tkhat.; FOOBTBl ABB STAIX STRICT S. Masacaaeat . B..t1nc A riot. EASOB'g BBBATXST XZIL. Iwr linaillt. Le t Tke Berltae CW - Kien Minnie, i WjU. , v r.frnMBM. oaKe at V. T 1 , A4mln. 1.1 M II. .1 , CALUMET "