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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
THE OXYGON DAILY JOUr.rJAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, 'N0VE7'nTS 17, 1SC3. sio.c:3 ra ::.:o i::r.s PAID CY C:i;ji3T TRANSPORTATION. TIAK?CnTAII , r-IIIirs Arf Unwilling to Pay Advance for Whcit on Account of Dull Oriental Dsmand -for Flour and Growers Are Holding" Product. - ..' . i , - J w i J aLxaaa I v' LiiLiil i u:U ID m DLfLL f Miller Unwi::: to Pay If -her Quotations and Growers k t at turkeys cc:.:::.g in rather lively now Hop Sale Is Reported Made at Olequg at Eleven Cents Oranges Are Twenty-Five Cent Lower Comb - Honey Is Higher. '. , Front "treat. Nor. IT. TIM prbielp! fedora at tin Portland srholesale markets today an: Wheat aiarket la very dull. Tnrkeje coming mar lively. Chlckene ar eelllng fair. ' Kr arc firm bat unchanged.- .'- California eteamer etuff la. Orange aiarket la Sna lower. 'Inpn ara gtwted. at advance. 4 Celery etippllee too heavy. Wld raniia In eranheiTy prtce. Olequa hops ara reported aold. : Wheat Market la T.ry SalL That la a mj tliill feeling te tba Wheat Market of tha Pacific anrthweot, due ta tba holding by tha ro.wi and tba Inability at tha millers aud exporter ta pa; a nremht.a ever present printed qaoratkma. Miller ara a anit la (eying that tlie present Uat aa .cheat la fully aa blah aa tha? mi par onder praaaat ccmdnlooe m tha export wheat trada. Many of the ara af tba opinion that tha aierxet ahould ba le lowar. Prevtouety received order for floor from tba orient esujrht aoma of tba salllmen abort af wheat and thaaa hara been forced ta kaap Mia aria blab In order ta buy. California demand contfnaaa fully aa atronf aa arar and ablpmanta ta that direction ara - Alt aorta at ratltfeed Shew a atrong tana In tha lacal aurkat tadar and prices ara bald ap ta tba top notch. Barter aad oata both firm with prleaa tha aaaja. ' Tnxkey Sappliaa Ara Larger. ' Jtanpllaa la tha turkar aiarket ara eeraxtdarahly Inereaeed. Krarr express Shows a somber at aaopa of tha national- blrda and tba trada la fat ataadr at todar'a quotation, For a time It waa Wlkreed that turkara mMS"bi ararrat thaa arar la tha Paoifle eoaat merkete. aad especially ta Portland, oa account of tha out-alda- eeexpMltlon, bat mall advleee to vartoa daalara aar that supplied ara cwanlderebly ax croased over tha prevlotie aaaaoa an aeoaoat of tha dry waatbar during tha.paat year. . - t Cktokaaa Ara Balding Sssady. There la but a ataadr tana ta tha chicken aiarkat. Becelpts aad demand ara a boat aqua I. Brlces tba aama. . Kxs ara at 111 very alow la coming, tat tba ' cbaata in tha waatbar la axpaotad ta eauaa arrme tarraaaa ta tba prodaftkn and alilpnwnta hla dlaaatlaa. Uuotad prleaa nonloal ta day. ' . , Oraafta Ara Twatrtr-flaa Oaata la war. Iiawor prima la tha orang aiarkata of Calf farnla aa aamant of tha largar prodnrtlon hai daoltna-af aae a raaa In Inral Talam Knnollaa now llbaral with i aalora aonawlul battar. A ranr trf fl a Wrrt la anlln haatatlona an cranbarrtra. Todar aoma dalara ara aauina tha boat pnalugta aa tnw aa SIS a barral, whl'a la. ar Inatonoaa aa blah aa SIS ta ahtataod. Natwttriatanrilnc thla eoncaaakw la tha arte tha aiarkat la flrnwr. Tba rarular California a'taamar arrtrad In laat alaht aad todar aa aaaortad raraa af aranaaa. Innoaa, tamatnaa. apraata, atrhia baana. .poaa and atbar (ardn truck waa dallrarad akm( Uia atraat thht rooralaa. mraa ruia aa anotaa. Calarf antipllea ara far tna llnaral for tba raaaat atata af tba domand and prtoaa- ara lowar. Tomatoaa fram Callforala ara laaarairr alllaa at SI Srapta fmot tba aonth ranj hi fair 7 aa tha ataamar:- aualttr fair. - Prleaa raaa froai ai Ml ta at.TS aar erata. Comb aanar la klshar, with yraaaat soatadoa at las a fraata. 014 na Ropa Ara Bapartad Salt. ' A Ml of a rood boach of bop I raportrd atada at Owana at 11 a ponad. Tba too af tha aiarkat at enlta frraj todar with aaarr daalar bold lac ardar ta bar far aaatara aerwaat. Tha aborta ara ant la tha ceoatrr aBdeaTorlas aara tha raaiatBdar of than- aalaa atada ba- fara tba crap waa rraa tbaasht af. New Xark kulniaa la battar wltk aanalderabla aalaa at cbalca autea at Sag a paand. . .. ' Kaat atpaj Ara Kaaay. ,. ' Kaealpta of draad eaaa dorlnc rh it U boar wara antt aoTf, bat a atocka wara at aanaraUf rood qaalltr, tha faraarr prtraa wara BpbaM. rtraaaad aval llkawlaa annwad Bar arrrrakt with a wtdo rana la prloaa. "a aalaa af aaar? wara atada aa tow aa e dartnf tba daj. raarf atoct aold at tba aaotaJ .." L ... xaaSDUOwa) priva anr piy i-r axiitf la round lot. Yrodocara' prlca r. ara aa apaelfladi - ratB, riemw aad Vaad. 1 wn9T Naw elab, TV: rod Saaaiaa, We; ' klootni. Tc: raUrr. Taf TRe. ! BAKUtY-raad. Jl.Mi OOt roUad. HAM ' AM0O) brawtng, 22.oO2.0u. , . 1 Wk.U - BTT IMit , rZBB BM ' laa. ' T W SS per rat . OAT Producer prlca W. t Whit. tSS.00; rLOt S Nw aaitara Oragea patatita, .S8; ttraifhu, Ssonva iui azpori, .i.a.ei ti lr7A TO Q S.40 : frahaav M. f-U ty. SOa, MILLBH'FI ona, fiw aw wm dMnr. $28.00; bnrta, aaoatry,. So.M aity, llB.OOt erop. S1S.0O. HAT Prodaeara ptlra Tlraortiy. Wnitajtta all, fawr. Sll.0hajlS.00i ardlnarr, T 00 S 00; aaatara Orasoa. l 00110.00! ajilrod, SS.ftoes oot rloTor, 0tO10ll grala, .v (.001 chaat MOoeS-ftO. Sattar, Erga aad fwaltry. ' TJTTFIt FAT r. a. k. Portlaiid Iwaat errant, aoar, SB He. , BUTTER City craaaiary, S0r antalda faacy, t7Hci ordlBary, M .itora, 16(8 17. y.OOS No. 1 rrrh Ornn, raadlad, SBe old ttoraca asd aaatarn, 31uit. , CHIEFS aw Tall aroaaw twla. UU1 Toona Aatvrlra. 16Ha; Cheddar, la. - OAMK JckrbbH. $1.60 par do. ... PlU'LTBT Mliad rhlckana. llei faacy kana, liatme par B rooatar, old. m pat lb frf aa; llUe Hi; brollara. II Ha lb; duck., UU lS par lh: saa, c par lb; tttrkay. 17H7H1 par In; drMMd, 30e par lb; aquaba, $2.S63.M KM Vaal aaA Kidaa. ' HOPS 190S Ofra, rhotca. tHa)tl; nrlma. Tatftc: noar rrtda. SHttTai Waahhur. toa, i; jn"p amp, aiac iov aw WOit laud ell llrr. aearaa a aiadlaa. WH2y, Saa, - aS0ZTK- aaatara Oragoa, , IC . ft .,,I1R Hoailoal. S0OI1. SUKKI-HKINS flbaarlna, ltd)0a aarh: ahnrl rn, SHA4O0 ah; aiadlaa) waal, S0JTSe aaa 1 ln Wol, TfiCutlAO aaetw TAI.Wiw Prioia. par lb, SH0a Re. t aad ,' gr"t-, '-'iH. CHITTIM nAftlf mtj par m. HIDKSnry. Na. I, IS tba aad ta. ISH4 . IT He par lb dry kip. No. 1. S l The. 4 trf calf, No. 1, andr S lb, lari aaitad alUa, ir. annnil. SO Ha and arar. to) lie: anwa, PHftRUc; and ball, eaftnit Tc kip. ." M to SO Ira, vc; rnl(. aonad. ottr is n. Ho. arn. entiled, le lai nill. le pa lb kxa; : bxraahldc. Mlt.d. tirh. I.7B: Art. cb. FRIDAY PrilCES IN- ; -THE WHEAT MARKET . I J5eri. May I .17 H '..75ft' ' :.l7'4Ai: .H .SSH a Chlrsgo ,f .I5H Chlrsgo Kanaa City., Pt. I.nuta Mtlwaiiko , , MlnneapoUs . Liverpool fiUiith Pan Frrrlaro -4 a MHasiikoa .,, ,lJ 7s td 1J V V V JCLT.::."X'3 C.'.ILY. TIPS TO SHIPPERS a a a a A a a a dv a d? d 4 d d d) , 'Totatoaa ara moving- vary d lively, toward tha south. . Hu vara, . d) howavar. ara not qulta so anx- d) Inua tn r v auch hlKh prlcpa. a tlioaa formar'ly paying aa hlali d aa fcO canta havlna cut thalr d offara to 70 and 7i canta. I look a fnr tha markat ta drac alona for d a whlla with rather a qulat faal. d Ins. Ltr In tha aoaaon tha de- a mind will spring up again and a a fair prlca will bo aecurad. Jual- a Ity la not quite what tha an d Franclaco trade wants.". W, Swank. 4) ) $1B01.80: eolt hMaa.SBCViej ot eiinmoa. aaca. lOiulOe: Aoaora. each, aktnk, Ac $1.00. - Tralta aad YegataM. POTATOK8 Brat OreaoB. '"Oa aaekl aa lota, e,iu7&c aaok; ordwarr, r nvi car WH, U(f.V; awaeta, $1.M aaek: i.iftlia 8 arat. UMiiNH Or.-ron jrnllow Piirr, S1.2S, oax lota. SI .utwjf l.ln; garUc, SftHH! Ixr lb. PBtWIl Mil ITS Apploa, or-..o. Sl.OOOl.SA; faix-T, H.ltxoi; crabaiiplea, $1 aranaca. bow narel, $J 0 ;t.7l; banana, BmV lb; lemon, choice,'a S.T6 per boi: fancy, $ 00 per box; llmea, ktrilraa, $I.V.par 100; plneapplra, $4.00 do; grapee. $1 .f"tf 1 peara. par box: poBMgraaate, $1-25 par box; tangerine. $1,75. VKOa, Turnip, nw. SI 00 par aackj earrota, $1.00 par each: be". $l.oll 1.H3 par aack; Oregon radiabea, ik par dna; eabbaa. Oreaoa. Too per cwt; sreeo rTpera, To par lb: California tntnatoea, $l.oi : paranlpa, $1.001.116; airing heana, SialOa; exollflowar, $I.862.00 par erate; rhutwrb, Jt! greea peaa, lite per lb; horaerall-h. Hie per lb; rtlchnkea, aoCl.Vte per do; boibanae lottoea, Sl.OOdtl.75 per box; relerr, local, 61 "ft The par doa; eggplant, $1.60 per cratet pueinklna. 1 Vtc; eriuaah, lV,c; crautoerrlee. Jereeya, l2.0oai3. per bl.l: Cone bajr and Tlltaoiook. $10.00. PRIED rmilTS Apple, araporatad, G per lb apricot, lie par Tb: aacka. Helper lh leaa; peachaa. 10011 per lb: prnnaa. SO to SH'I drop oa each elxteenth amaller l: . fir. CallCurnla Mack, SHe per lb; Callfornl white. 6e par lb: date, goldao, ge par U frda, tlM per IB-lb baa. ..... gaairtaa. - atBta, ta. SraAR ck baata Cnba. $6 S0( anwdaraC S.o; trait graanlated, $6.56; dry grasulatea. Sn nS; Conf. A. 5.;; beat erannlated, sn.nS: (xtra 'O. $6.UB; gnldta C. $4 6; b yellow, $4.1161 bo la. 10c; H blla, tAa; boxaa, SOa adeasea aa aaek baala, lea S6e per ewt far aaaa, U darai ana pie, lagjISe par lb. - . tAhoT prleaa apply ta aalea of laa tfcaa ear tot. Car lota at apeclai pcica aubjaet ta Suctnatlona.1 ' lUtNKy $.S5 par erata. " , , - COrrRB Paekare brand. SIB TH. , SALT Ooaraa -Half grovDd. 100. par taw, table, dairy, SOa, $11.00; 100a. $10TK: Ibv ported I.lwpooL BO. $17.00; 100. SIS 60; t'Ma, $1 00; extra flna. Phi, ta. B. 10a, $4.S0RIU; balk, S20 lb. $4.0006.00; aacka. Son, a'.J8e. SALT Co roe Hlf gnand. 100a, par ta. ST no- STw. nar ton. 17. BO: LlTernenl. lnntn $1.B0 per ton: 60-lb rock. $7J0; lOOS. SO.75. CHAIN BAGB calmtta. 7 . " BlCnV Imperial Japan. Ko. 1. Sc: No. B, Bl5Hc; New Orleaaa bead. Te AJx. Se; Creole. Bla. BRANS amaTI wbit. SH.TBj btrga wklra, $11.00; pink, $3 TH; bayoa. $40; Uaiaa, $4.00; kleTlcan redo, ' ' " NUTS Pea nar, Jtimhoa, $4 par Tb! rirrlnta. T14 per lb; roaated. Scj encoaant. SftAwOc per riraj; walnut, 164rlBHe par lb; plae naU.lorr.HHe par lb hickory Bate, lOe par Ibi eheatnnts. eaatera. IB )lde per lb Bra all aara. 14c per TO: filbert, 140110 per Ibj faaey pecan. lBHTlHe almoofla. lotina par IB. Parata, Ooal Orla. Eta. . BOTE Tore Manila, 34c to4icUJSlfc iaal. lie. ' . . ' COAL OIL Pearl or Aitral 0a. rrH par gait water ..white. . Iron hbl,. 16e par aal: wonaen, 10c par gait aeeaugai, aiwaag K4a nee eai. OAHOLIN'B ga-dg. taaea, . S4H .par .gall Iroa t.Ma. lae par gai. . BBNKINI gs-oeg. eaaa, j4 per gall able. ! per gaL ........... - TCRPBNTINB la a. S par gal wwaden W1. Pe per gaL WRITS lltAD To Vita, T par lb BOO-ab lota. Be nor im lea iota, mt per is. -WTBSj N AII.S preaeat baa at $S.T0 MNPEErt OIL Pore raw, la B-bnl lota. S4e 1-bhl lot Snot eeaaa. SO per gal: geotttne kettle hailed, eaaaa aae aer aal: S-bbl lota. Baa: l-bbl lot. ST par gal: ground cake, ear tool. $20.00 pa toa 1 Vaa thaa ear lota. .T0 00 par toa, . "' Haata. riah'aad Pre-ialeaa. PR EBB MBATSV Troot afreet Beef ter, Sta per lb; bora, block, TH par lb peck era. TazTUj par lb; ball. SCBe per B)l eow. IHOe P" Ibl.eeal. extra. 7 Ha par lb: ordl narr, Se par lb; poor, S par lb; ajattoa, faaci. rer7li.e aee lh. Tiaaig BACON. rTr.Portlaed pick Ooeall ham, 10 ta u Tha, 13 par lh; 14 ta IS lh. la H ID: Braaaraaa Mna, uo,a7! -pee 1 u, ptcnta, 'hi regular abort eloara, aa tmokad. 11a par Ibi amokod, lie per lb; clear be eke, anaomked. Kle pee Ibi (moked, ll.e par lei Unloa batta. 10 8 IS lb. aa ainkaC a per lb; aaaoked. - ev par tkl atoar beUlea. saaxeuked, lie per Ibi aaaoked. lis par lb: ahoaldera. SHa per a. , tw ii. lard Kettle leaf. M. lie Bar lb: a. 1IH P o lb tlaa, lOHe pee lb) ataaai raaderad. 10. 10c par lb; Ba, iOHt per lh: eompoand. 10. Si. CANNED SALMON Colombia Fleer. l-b tall. ll.SOt S-lk tail, fits; isner l-ta aara, 4 -ID faorr Sat. 1.1B; rancy l ib oral. ikTSi iwaka tail, pink. SBS0ai rod. $1.00; BOBjIaal e. rail. $1.00. - PISH Hock and. Ta Bar lb 'oaadera, S par striped baaa.' 12H par in; catnsa. t par lh; aalasoa, aiiTaraioea, oa per- in: oineBacaa, ae per Ibi herring. Be par lb Bole. Se per Tb; hrtmpa, lOe per lh perch. Be per lb; black rod. To per Ib; ailear email, T per la; lobsters, loci freak asackaral. Sa par Ibj arawSsa, Se 0T8TEB8 Phoalwatar bay, par Sal. $S.SB par esrkr $S.T5. CLAM it Hard-akeTi. , par bax. U.OOl imaar alama, $1.00 par boa. - II l!0GS ARRIVED BUT to IS IM Too Many Cattle Come lo Help MarketSheep Demand Jutt '7., at RrTrv----Lambe Good. Portland TJaloa Btorkytrda, Kor. IT. He. stock receipui , j ' Bog. Cattlo. Sheep. Today IS 1.BT4 T. eeh ego .. ........ ..... eta Preeloaa week .......... 47$ .- ISO ' - 8A Mlh ago .. 12 ... While na her arrived I tha Tarda todar. aa !mproTmnt was shown In tha demand. CeT tie armab) are too line est mr ina oemann ann knee ta awakes. Bheep s Srni aa aver, limine never la Batter rail. A featara of tba market waa the krrtral af 1W goata today. O facial price for ItTeatocti Hogs Beet eaatera Oregon, MlnJ$.T$ block- and rblna fata. $$.00; ltockra. and feed ers. $4.004.2S. rttl Beet eaatera Oregon feer, $.1 S041 IS: Ueht and asediam ateere, $X00W2 SB; lixhi met, $2.25, elxMhera B ftedra, iXtb; ball. sjnssp wexnera, ac:. nicwt anaep, aajjac; Iraight awe. Be; lamha. StBH'. Cslvea 41ao4 reel. liW to panada, SfflSUei rengh aad keavy, S'ttoHc , , . . . XASTX1B 0SS TAOMO. , Chicago, Nov. IT. IJveatoek receipt: -Fa. Cttl. Sheen. ffcc'."Trr:.'ls.rwTt--l.fii tn.ttnn kaaaeo City ......... s.m , , ,U"0 a-'i Omaha Aw !, I, Wat Hnee Opened atrong with S.ons len aver; re. lpa a veer gn were 0ni. Prices: . Mixed. $4nJ4ar,; "Srswl. 84.8544.98; roagh. $4.Sj 4 SO: Itaht. I4 M,4 aa. fsttle gtrong, Jue Blgtier. Sheep Stead. comstocx lmriiia 1T0CAA j SS rrsecWeo, Nav. IT. 01411 eloae, Irg : , ., ' - . - - rt,a. j BK, r'liimn ,.,. a Bcp-ber .57 SsvafS Potoet n. C1..V... I "1 Ophlr S.7H I nlna C"B ..... .M l.ll..w Jacket.. .IS iricheower 4. IHsie A Nareraa. I.t'1 IScorploa US ruidonla, .40 tt.ii'-an 4 1" tfldt v .Ui STARTED TC0;:G; rr i ' '7 - ChicEo Wheat Market tade a Fair Advance Early but Closed Near LSw f.!ark. THKEE EIGHTHS TO ir. .... ... ' FIVE EIGHTHS OFF Lgrjc- Loss Is In the May and Smallest in July Easy Cash Market Seemed to Be Powerful Cause of Drop in Prices. FRIDAT'B VHP. AT MARKET. 'lca t'loee Ixmrn Cloaa Krl. Tliur. Trl. Tear Ara naoambar $ ,w.A $ ,HA$ .onH $i.lov ' .7.aA .HA -H 1.11 July.......... .Kiio M '.OUH .Mtt rhlcago. Nor. IT. Uoran A Rrraa aayi Tb wheat market atarted olf todar a If It war to bare a eubetantlal aUraac, but whan prit-ee auranceg eiKwit ,e the market grew aud dcnlr weak. Belling down aomethhtg arar a cent front tba ton and rkvrne t a alight rally annre bottom, l'ha Basing off In the caah mar ket eeema to be the only new retvlreil that would In any way effect prlce-naeklng. bat eeen thre we nnltnpartant. Tna nmiertone, conalderinr tba alow trad, bold reaaonablr trong. The market aeema tn be goremed by tlia lerTtlaiate randltlin with eery liqle If any Improvement. Wheat and flnar aituatloaa ara coocatfed to ha in a atrong posit toa. Wkaat Hart Corn. ' Weekneat nt tlia wheat market protiehly.eon rrtbnted aomewhat to tha feeling In corn, bat we opine that It la mora of a acalplngi nar ket. fcentlment aa to tha fnttu-e ta developed, keeorte of dieanpolntlng ktMklng eeturaa tiaea been mad In anm tocalltlea and tlielr enlucae haa Increaae,! alnca tha rorernment report waa leaned. Thla ha aomewhat ahakea tha confi dence of hear and aoma of the lead Ink eeilera eeeta mora Inclined to meer oa break a thaa to force the laaue. liter n) mnch company on tha hear aiile. atocka here arc entail and aoma com comln Ib la disappointing In grade. Official "notation by Orerbeck. Starr A Cook company: W H BAT. . Open. Hlrh. IX. .MH t ,m4 I low. ,- ,.ki3; 0it VIlW. Mr.... . -.H ,. .M, , ' - CORN. .7ttA Jul...., .S814 Pa..'..., ; Mar...... AK .4BH .ant ..: .4AV .464 .46 .48 .44 A .44 M .SO B July..... Pea. . . .v May. July 1 ' OATS. jo ' .sovt " :' .82t4' xi : J1H 5 .SI. MESS PORK . 1 11. 1 ia.75 Jsa 11 TS 1ST6 11 SO May.. .... 13 SB 13.8T 11.71 LARD. -, Pea...:.. S.M ' gao .. I.m Jaa. ,.... S.RT . .! s an ' . 8. SB Hay...... T.OS T.OB 7 ' T.00 7.00 . SORT RIBS. -J - Jsa. ....; ' S.BT g ao , g n htay..... .ag S.80 g.TS S.TS OSTOASO CASK WHIAT. Chicago, Nor. IT. Cash whaaT Bid. ' Aak. No. 1 red No. S red...................... .an ,B0 ' .S .m .88 No. S hard..................... eg N. S brd . . m.t,i . , . ' .BA No. 1 northern ,w No. t aorthara. ...... M No. $ prlng. ..,... .0 ; j caiOAao oBAiw. oae tors. Chicago, Nov. 17-Oraln Car Iota Cera Urade Bax. 4B ,. 4 1804 Wkaat ,...1W a J.4 . ....188 Cora ; 10 . 80S . 4.1 OaU ... IS y 120 TJTXAPoor, emATji haaxxt. ' Liverpool, Ttov. IT. Cloao: Wheat! Pec m her. Ta 4d. Hd higher: March, T Hd. 4 higher; May. .8 Iltsd. Ha hljthar. Cora December. 4 fM. W.1 hlgkert March. 4d, Hd higher. ':J SAJT rmAaTOIaOQ eAT3t VAAXXT. Baa P rear lace. Nov. IT. Official close, aior tnr aeaaloai . Wheat. Decerober. tl An. 1 alar. $1414. ' ' awary uammoai. i.i4t mar,, - - 'X ': .7 rLotrm kill to mots. nj..'. ' (Rpadal D I perch to Tha foarnal.) ' Preewster. Or., Nov. IT. Tha Poecork Min ing company, which baa ana at tha largeet floajrtag mill ta aaatara Of, will abort ly mov its mill from Ite present alt to tha ground owaod by tbera ndtnining tha Eagl mill, and atbar Important lmproventa ara aador way. Tha rapacity or rha Pee cock and rgh ml!l ta 800 barrela per day. and about l.Soo cars of aa-aravthlniawl toa I III point ach. ann, Ilia company win par oat for wheat thla eaaoa ahont $SftS,it4, tha graotar part of which will be left with the local grower. Tbey will par tor labor SlO.Boo, and fa addition to flieaa ttma titer will pend several thonaand drdlera for other axpenaaa. Tha bnaineea of tha Bill M better thla aaaaoa thaa ever befora. WTXt AAIBK VTJTS. . ' ' (Special batpatch to The Journal.) ' ' Mlltna. Or- Bar. 17. The eatttrre af alroonda. Kngllek welnnt. pecan and ather email Bute will ba tried oa aa axtanelve csl Ib thla aec rkm In tha fntare, a experiment prove that they can be rs teed a pmfltshlr and sneer ai fnllr hero aa In Callfornl. and of rha eame qnallty and flavor. Thla will eventnally prova one at wa prmcrpai maaamea ai tnw eee- tk. ... . . , COTTONTUNCHANGED TO ONE POINT UP New Tnrk. Kov. IT. Cotton ' fnlnrea eloaml aachanged t i point hlfher. ' .' . Official oaatatswia by over seek, atarr took ' M Open. Wirt. tw, Cloao. liwciitrM loiM'.l'J llnf.i.)f 1110'.;l lH2'4l4 limgit iwflm lOM'ld lotwyio January ......H7 lw IflTo) t'eorosry ......Iisei is, iieei March HOB 111 Hwl inno lit iiis ins iiw lt4 lOTS lsr ir!lCe..r..!.!!liia 1108 1118 1114 lra4 IOM 10t Jnn 11IH July ma Anrner ..i" sre other lor.:i lTsOefsl IjaJ 1 .1070 ' tlearpaal Oattea Righar. ' Ltvarrinnl. Nov. IT. lot tna fa tor Clneed I ta S point higher. , .. : 1. .H ' vtw toik corrxt maaxit. '. Kew Tnrk. Nov. IT. Coffee fntare closed to 10 point biwer, . f Ofgrial ajmitsHona: " Hl.l Akk.l Bid. Ask Jaanary ,.$a e $d fVVJtttr ..ST IS $7 ., T .to ,. T IB f en T.4l T.48 .. 8 48 A .8 ,. 8 44 S.B0 Pelimary March . . April ... Mav June .., 8 70 8 HO 8 T.iAua-nt ,,, 8 u uptember ifclk-tiiher .1 .fr; November " .to; December 8 r T IW T.i 'i Vaw Tark Cask Oof fa. v . flew Tnrk. Nov. 17 ! eoffeei" Na. f Rio, tB-iarr- Nor-d- Santea, a. ' eqTElVMKlIT . BOaTDS. NW tork, Nof. IT, Onrernment bonds Date. Bid. Ask. No, reg ... IftiO ... I'" ... 1W8 ... lw Mil ISgiJ I'H 44 1"8 lontA olI m 1 8.1 liH 1IH !3 1041 104 ifVi"' 10&4V ih'i son No. 1 Na. S No. S rotioB No, S smsli bond No. 4 reg......... . .... 1"T, Ne, 4 eoupna.......u.. J'' No. 4 reg acTIa li8 Ne. 4 cunpnn . . . . Ivm 1T- rnsrrtct lolnmhla, t-8Aa. ,v rhlllrpln. 4a.. , t ., fOATlAVO AK STATMNT, rteorror ,......i.$l.-n .""8 i IEDDESSEE COAL 5 PfllilTS UP . ... . . Exciting Session of New York Stock Market Results' In Heavy Advances. ALL STEEL ISSUES CLOSE WITH A RISE Metropolitan "V. Practically Only ' One of f List . to Show a Loss Smelter Common Four and Three ' Eightha Up. ,; . APVA-NCrg, Anaconda .... A males mated 1 Atvhleea da preferred Sugar ........ Smelter ...... .. 4H .. S .. K Ksir Missouri Paris. 1 North America ,. 1U Norfolk S N. Y. Central .... IV, Ontario at Western. Veunarlvanla . ... 1H Somber Hallway. 1H do preferred.... 1 Car A Foundry..., BrooklTB ........ 1H Baltimora ........ V Vlorado raat .... V Bt. Pal ifi 1H: Soul hern PaclSa... 1H uaioa pactae,,.... bh U. A Steel do preferred.,... Pectgc Mall 1 People' Oa . . . a. . H Preased Steel Car. H Keedlug 1 kteptihlie Steel. .... I'i do preferred...., t Back island....... Tense sen Coal ... S TlseAv rsclda... ta li. S. jabber ..... 1U Wihart H w ct vr....... a Loonmotlv 114 Railwar Springs .. . Chesapeake 4, Canadian . lit Colorado Boulhern. H Penes .......... Brio 1. Great Western .... . W llllnole Central ... usnrniit a Mexican. ......... Hi do preferred Metropolltaa ............................. VAT itreatT ReWxnrk," Rov IT. Tenneaaea One I waa tha aboarMng topic of trad today, ad randng B point oa a big ball bulge. . Tb er-tlre llat waa atrnng and higher with tha ex eeptloo of MetropolitaB "W' Which kat H point daring the dar'a trading. Heading wa atrong and -an hi her at the tleae. Hiaelret wa vary active with a gain of 4 Set aom- t ekieed un. . mon. AU Nteel uea OfSrlal anotatloos by Orerbeck, " Starr jSooke company : DlSCBIPTION, naconda Mining Amal. Copper Co. AicniaoB. ooaa.,,,, do. preferred .. . Am. Car da ore f erred Am. Sugar, Am. tJmelt. do nrefarred . . . . Baltimore a Ohm, nreferred. . . . : Brook!, Rapid Trenelt. tanadlan Psrlflc. Chlcagn m Alton, torn ' 00 preferred. C, A O, W Chi.. Mil. A Bt. P. a h, w Chicago Terminal By 1 nesa peaks m tHita. Ctihi. Pnel- Gom. Bnnthern no second preferred do fit el ' oreferred : lie law. re ts ttti D. B. O., com.,.. do preferred...... Kria, do Second preferred . . do first preferred, s, Illlnnbt Central.. iMihivlll At Naakvllle. Met. St. Ry. Manhettaa Ry Mexicaa Central Rr Minn.. St. P. A Sta. M. . do preferred . , Mleeoorl Pacific M. K. A T. nreferred. . . . Kew tork Central. Norther Pacific. Am. tcomotlv. ....... do Brafetied Norfolk A Western, earn North American......... N. T.. ont. a western. Pennaylvanta Ry. ....... p. G. I A 0. Co....... Presaed Steel Car, reoJMe Mall S. S. Oa Reading. aWvaWal xPxxaw'o da first nreferred. Ren. Iron A Steal, Co do nref erred. .. .... Stock Island. do arererred mthorn Rr.. do nreferred Soe there. Psclfie....,,. do Breferred.. ....... . St. L. a s. r. Id afd St. ia a a. w., com.. do areferred ,. Texaa A Psclfie Tonnaas Coal A Iron cit i ij i, tit. 1 1 j do Breferred China Pacific, earn . . do nreferred ..,..... O.'M. Subtler, com..,. U. S. Steel to. do oreferred. , Wheal. A Lake Rrla, earn do second areferred do first pre rem Wlaconatn Central, w. i'. Telegraph. Wabash, com..,.. do III Srf led .... Railway Springs C11 monev eloesd 4 Total sales for dy, I. RoiTohT oomi STOCKS. Boatoa. Kav. IT. OfOcUl ekM nta. Hid. . Advenrnre i,.l T 88 ' North Rnrt.,.t 87 28 Atlaatlo ,...4 18.89 Old nemlaloa,, as on . Allonea 41.28 nine-ham .... 81fH tteceole ...... WT.-m ' Parrot M SB ' Phoenix ...... ' 1 .80 ' Onlocv 106 no ', (alsmet ..... SI .1 00 Copiter Range. T8 28 Centennial ... 18 28 Phannoa .,4... T.80 Pair West ... 18 m Sim 1 00 Osnhy ...... . S 28 . flreena Copper B8 28 fTreene dole. 4.TS Mohawk ..... 88BA Tamarack H8.011, Trinity 8 80 T'nltrd ....... 12 T8 Victoria S 82I4 Winona 8.T8 Wolverine ... 128.08 ' t'tah .47.80 , Michigan .... IS 28 Mas ....... low Royal ....... 18 00 V. S. Mining.. Safin . Caa. Nevada.. S.OO . SAX rRARCaOO tOOAt STOOKSS. Ranirnc4aa Nov. ttiOfflclal tmaa, Saarn- big erosion; . :- RM. Ask. Contra Coat a Water 47 H 474 Srlng Vallef Water. ....... ...... eo Mutual Klectrle 14 8. r, s A Klectrle 84 M3 , aa glectrte...... ...... a Powder T8A llsa oaterelal. ...... 8H iea Snrsr 1 1 Vi (Jlsnt si" 8014' 82 K BVH liawal lliMmhee Xlakswell Huear. ................ .. SO Onotnea gnrsr.. .... ...SITa Paenhas 8'iisr. II H Alaska Packer-....,.,.... a (Went ateameblp ...m....,,, 8 1'acifld State Teiepnone., ...... .inn .... California Win. 2i . S3 , racific Uoaat Borax., ..ivh." , .., Callfia-ala Kntlt Canwara TORORAttatririaTS STOCXS. , i , Scial rinse, sanrnlnr aesaloax Bid. Rid. .! Moatena ...... .1248 Wohewt Midwar 188 McNamars 81 Raiment ,,, 1.80 liui .......... ,os Kendall ....Ti..Sl toliimbla Mt..r, .18 , htmho ,TB loathe rites.... .11 ' Rlack Rillte IS finlaen Anchor,. .88 north tr .... Reecn . old Monatala. , m Sillier Nevada .... Red Too '. . , .124 Silver Pick. ..... ,oe , en ,my o nrtea.. .tie TeweviKiteaeloa. BO fiolrtBeld ,.' .88 Saedatoem . . . .. ,88 lotilo Tonnnas... ,sn l. Rail Prog... .18 IHaojondSeld ... .18 m Star ..... .08 . IH'-ei .08 lash Bay .14 ' h.a.l.lursl IS,, ."T A as aw, M Starling Rate. ' 1 New Terk. Kov. IT. Sterlhig eer feojni!. iSS.ue 8S.0i SO daS, S8i.Wt81.S0. ... imm 1 1 mm Co... 122V. 118 il21W124Ta .....I Si. 84AI Sa. 84. .,..1 4V 84H W. 84V. .... UH loSHhlflH 10iH PoaBdry, e. RhH 88 )w 8H d i.. IOohIiooh IlooHlltH) om. ....... MHw, 148 ll.TJIHIMlVs Coat... 1 1 4rl W ; 1 4U A 1 1 4t la. 1 1 40 la 1H 1ST 1S8 1204. eota. lltiw. 1I0V.III0U llH 88 Bg 88 SS T714 T8 T7H T8 ITt 1T1H 1TI m ' e-e . a e .aflat. 32 ... 904 II ant SOU .. 1784 17i 178 lTtl'J ..SIS HO 1I8H118 I IT .... os4 oa. MHI nflt. re". i rwirm 1 TS T T a let com. ...I SnVfal ST I SAW ST I 48 4841 8 1 4H H as as 4 e,u,l s zw 381 Ixiuh KM 84 H S4H S4H 84H ! 'ictvi 'aaHris'i 4 T2 T2H Tit Tl I !i h iii "in i 1TT14 lTTVUlTT ITT 148 181 1)484 1801 IIHI1T list, 11H ,inn liHV, intlt iw , S8H 84 H 8 S4V, 188 V4 1SS HISS 18ttW 'soil' ioo'l'sBH BIlJ f H 804 JHH 8 ..... Tl TlHI Tl 70k ..... 180 182 1NH 180 200 Son 1884 1H8 8 884 SB TH 'k 'se" "sovi 88. S8 ST as ant. 824 82 82H 82 H is 140 1884 isn't, 1014 102V4 1014b 102H r . H a1 aeH ... 48t 48V4 48V 4T(5 ... 1884 141 H 18H 140V rr. SO PS H H 8H ... 81 H SS 81 H M'J m. t SAH 28H 88 ... 8 H M 8JH 874 ai.,..,,.l xw- s-'n z"H' V"1, .. 724 T8 T24 T2V4 cam SAH ;SS SB 8Hi S8ti 8S 00. 8S 884 118 118 IIS ll 84 84 H 84 8411 aa wu ea oolZ -IT:-)-ZZlZ S i? llaSi. I! 181? 181 181182 ,. n"ai ni I e,,wi nTa 884 874 88 7 ina i os 4 lira to j h IT 174 IT 18 S8H 8l 18H M.... " et'w, "H ma. lavi as. SH tH '.'.V.V. 'ii" in, Sif 4114 41 4ft 41 V4 I I.! 8"S I 8T I 80 boo. Too stares. , , Datas, the Man With Marvelous s Memory, Sells Ri;ht to Cut . Off His Head. (Jooraal Spactal Berrios.1 1 London, Nor. 17. Dataa, tha "mn with (ha marvaloua momory," whoaa real nama la J, A. Botla, has luat sltnaj omtrtct wWerr-BlTag an AmerlcaB Unr- tor, CarlamarL Blmon of Naw Tork city, tha right attar tha death of Datas to cut off his head and remove hla brains, for a aunt of 118,008. Dataa haa al ready ' received part joiho nionsy.. so tha remainder ia to ba paid to hla widow as hia deattk On 4f tba conditions f the contract ts that Dataa must report himself periodically to Dr. Simon dur ing; tha remainder of his Ufa. He Is 10 years old. and specialists nave as sured him that ha cannot, live, beyond 15 years. Vledlcal expert calculate that Datas' brain walgha about TO ounce, which a half a doien ounces more thsn tha heaviest known brain, that of Cuvter, the French naturalist. , ' . A few. years ago Dataa' waa a atokar tn a ga houaa, and waa "dl cove red" by ai wall known comlo atnger, who afterward acted aa his agent. Dataa wag talking with aoma frlonda on tha subject of historical oventa, whan- the alnger waa struck by tha wonderful ac curacy and rapidity of hla anawors, Tha result was that the humble stoker waa made an offer to give public exhibitions, and In, A few weeks ha became tha moat brilliant star In the world of memory men, and today he commande a salary of nearly $1,000 a week,- SEVERE JOLT GIVEN - TO CITY OWNERSHIP K rSoaclal Dmnafvk to Tha JanrnaLt Ashland, Or., Nov. IT. In tha circuit court In Jaokaowvllle yeaterday Judsr4 Hanna handed down a deolalon tn tha autt of the city of Ashland against tha Ashland Electric Light Power com pany In favor of tha defendanta. Tha city Bought en Injunction to raatraln the electric company from setting ad ditional polea to extend ita llnoa with in the city mo aa to connect with the Gold Ray Una and thereby take Cur rent from the Oold Ray company whose plent ta near Oold H11L The injunction wea granted tempo rarily and then dlsaolved. The con tention of the city wee that the defend ant company held no franchlee and that the' perxnleelon granted to erect polea could ba revoked at any time .upon. ra sonable notice. Borne months ' 8 go the ctty voted bonds for a municipal- plant by a large majority ana the council, which le strongly In favor of A municipal plant, sought ta prevent a new line entering the oltr. . - The permlaelrm to erect a pole line, ! given sua tiiu ..vumiainj jwi. siut claimed by the Blaklyou company, the purahaaer of the old ocmpany, to ba a perpetual franchise, and the eourt's de - i .... - n i .. i cision yesterday aeema to confirm that UNITY OF CHURCHES . TALKED BY CONFERENCE ; raea.r Snadal Sacelcal . New Tork. Nov. 17. "A United Church and Home and foreign Mlaalona" wag the general topic of dlacuaelon at this -morning's - session of the Inter church conference on federation. Bishop Andrews, of the Methodist Episcopal church prenided and among; the speakere af riots were Bishop Mills of the United Brethren church. Rev. Samuel J. Nlo- colls. D. U of Bt. Lout a. Bishop Gallo way Of tha Methodist Episcopal ehurch South. Bishop warren of the Methodist Episcopal church. Bishop Levering; of the Moravian church, and Rev. Cor nelias Brett, D. D-, president ef the board of doroeetlo missions of ths Re formed church of America. " Rev. David H. Bauslln, D. D., presi dent of the general synod of the Luth eran church and a member of the fae ulty of Wlttenberf college ef Spring field, Ohio, preelded this afternoon. The progress slready made In church fed eration and interdenominational effort both, at home and abroad, was enthue- laatlcatly dlacuaeed. . . " , SiBJ01SE BARRACKS TO HAVE MANY NEW BUILDINGS (Sneclal Itlaoatek te The Jnnraal.) . Boise, Ida,. Nov. IT. Major R. B. Turner, conatructlntr quartermaster of the United- States army., has received authority to advertise for bids for t.e construction of tl new buildings at Bolae barracks. They Include regimental headquarters for A colonel, major, rout troops of cavalry, hospital corps, a band of 48 pieces, stables for 410 horses, S hospital and gymnasium. t All. tha buildings are to-be ef brlcs and stone, slate roofa and fireproof. The estimsted coat la 1 408. 08. and they fcre to be completed by July J. . SPECIAL COURT WILL; DECIDE UPON BALLOTS .. f -.- --- '.. - : (7oaras1 BpseiaT aVertee.) ' Kew Tork, Nov. IT. The supreme court this afternoon ordered the open ing cf envelopes containing the de clared void and protested ballots. A special term of ths appellate court hae been ordered to decide aa ta their reg ularity, and for which candidate they shall be counted. The special term bo- gins tomorrow. About 10.90S of these ballots will be psssed upon Independ ently. " ' t . , ', aMaMaMMaaMMaaaaMM . . folk ravers Kanlotpel wteSMhlfv -- Hear sal Saeerat Servtea.1 . . Kanaaa City. Nov, 17. Oevernor Fnllr In an Interview today announced that ha favors municipal ownership of public utilities. t ..-.. f- llf TORK OVRB. Mew Tork Nav. 17. Cat rloeei stto. I hi. I ' ' - Rid. Cs ........v.... SH'Int. Marin ...... 84 lire. a Conner ... lerTearieaAe- IVpnar. S8' lleeena Oold..... 4H I'soer .......... 44 latjjcresghjux:.. iXackay Co. , ..., 48 H cncAoo local it odxs. Ctileaga Nov, IT lcel Stocks) R'd. I Rid 1414 , 47 . SOS Rlacalt BAH Wsaio-d Mdck . RosBoanl ....... J' 8wlft Co...... (aa ' rnenmalle Tool.. 'arhna . ai tanhwar QVERBECK, STARR Cz CO.OKC CO ' : Members Chloaga Beard ef Trade, - aaAXsr, rmoTSBioirs, oottot. btoca-b a wo bokxr. . . . . lOi Third Btreet, McKay BulMlng. rortland. r--.. WI SO A BTBICTI.T Continuous Markets by Frlvste Wire. . rutea. bankers, and UalUd SUtaa is I - , -a E, . ... Stec:r,3r Republic Leave foot of Washington street for. ali Willamette Slough pointa and St. Helena on Saturday at T p.v-m. . '. Returning . laavaa - Bt. Helens at 4 p. "m. " j . Astoria & Columbia - River Railroad Co. Lear rxio DKPOT. Arrive. 8-80 a. m. Dally. Vr Mevgera, galnler. Clat.ksnl Weetport, Clifton, Astoria, wsr rentoa, " glav!. Hm moot gnrt Steven, wearhart Park, Seaslda. Astoria Sad See shore. ' tipress Dally. " Astorl gxpraa. 11 ina. Dally. T:08B.. Dally. Dally. I. C. MA TO. O. r. nd r. A Astoti. Or. 0 A. STEWART, Comm-wml Agent. 148 Alder street. Phone Maia . . ALASKA - -AST AND POPULAR STEAUSB11S Iav getne s a. av ' yrrTttSOV," Xevemter SS, via Wrangat "IIOLPHIg ' aTavetnher A IT, via Wra.l. rAAAIXOW," Mevemear IS. S, vm Wtaagal, Metlakaktla. CALLIMtl AT aTtk(kan, yaaaa, Ttgl, Kaln, tkag way. Oeoascts wltk W. 1. A T. toata tar AUm, Dawaen, Taaaaa, Aexaa, eta, gar . All Bwetkaaaeara AaMka Ierta. Cell or send for'Trta to Woadarfal Alaska,'' "India Basketry.'! ."Totem Pol.'! TTf ALASKA S. 1. OO. rraak Wee lear Co., Agent. Wl Oak St. PortlsoA Or. rOB ASTOBZA ' AaTB Wit Steamer Telegraph AT1T TTATJI OAAO. tave . Arrive Portland. . .T a. m.l Aatnria . .. , .1 p. tn Astoria. ,1:1 p. m. rprtland. . ..I p. m. feOCat a OOT 01 U1IS STSXaTTw aaas-a--aaa-na $1.00 .00 Turkish tAe 4ST-, M Satla, Mngi-ibte Seventk aad W Itaits Sta, Sad tAtveajl is tAe attr. BY HILL KITERESfS- Mysterious Englnssrinj Party Said to Ba Working for Harriman. r :'t: .(gpeetel Dreaalck te The loaraaL) Lewlaton. Idaho.. Nov. IT. It la re ported on Tellable authority that J. B. Pope, the mysterious railroad engineer Who hag been Inspecting th Bitter Root mountain peases for the' last month, B"awelrtnonToOTftwr rsilflu nr glneor sad that he la now working with the Harriman combination In combatting tha moves made by tha Hilt Intereata. Hla party crossed Salmon liver yester day, and it la understood will make an Inspection of the Snake liver to Hunt ington, Oregon. ; It le learned that he haa ordered his mall to Welaer. and this shows that he will elao visit that place. He Informed the people living In Whttebtrd that he would again visit LeTWlston, after which he would inreetlgata the Lolo pasg country.. ta anv event hie work is or sucn character as to leavs no doubt that one of the biff roads has definitely decided to construct a new line across Idaho. : HILLSBORO ELOPERS - ARRESTED AT HELIX . ; .y. . i ' - (earl! Pl.catck te The eweraaLi Hel1 Or iVov. IT. Stanley Alllaon and Mrs. Lennle R. Willi, who eloped front Htllsboro several weefce ago, were arrested here yesterdsy by Sheriff Con ned for hsvlng lived Here sa nuanano and wife. The husbsnd of Mrs. winis is new In Portland end as soon aa an officer arrives here with thd prisoners g sTstutorjt charge will be placed against TAKES LIFE BECAUSE WOMAN JILTED HIM 'a ''4.-- ' -,, , , Ogdon. Vtah. Nov. IT. K T. McMa- hen of Ontario, Canada, committed sui cide here this morning by ahevrtlng him self through the head. He left a cer tificate of depoelt tn a letter directing that hla body be shipped home for burial. He loved a woman and she ran alt with another tnatv fe"., - '-. Ulllal U HtUJS J I8.aii.all. vyRrrsTc, lonrti a 0K, tlvstabllshad 1111.) WRtBA AUD BTOCxa BAOSBBa aVeera 4, Vreaad afloor, ' ' eiiMiii or coKMtifm C0MT" JTf ' Quirk frvir. 1 A $1 . . . J V , - . a - t --eV-, o ear X J Trains to (he East Dsily 3 Through Pullman atsndard and tonrlst aleea Infer dallr to Chlcsro, spofc.ti.i htrlst slectilng-car dallr to Kanaaa illy: tt.roagh lnlimsn tonrlet leeplBe'Cara foersnn- SIIT Cuodacted I weekly to Ctil.aea. Keel chslrcara (seats free) to tha Raat dallrv t'NION PKPVT. Lea rea. " Arrive. CUlCAOO-PORTLAND - SPEt'lAU I III.B 8 ,. for tha Past fig Hnat- Dally. Dally, tngtoa. RPOKANR rtVKR. Por Psstera Washing too. Wells Walla. Lew- S IS a. at. 8 no . au wtoa, coeor d'Ahme Dally. Dally, and Grsal ; Korthera points. ATLANTIC EXPRKKA. 8:18 B. X. T lSa.. Tor the Ps.t via Uuat- Dsllyv . Dally. lngfon. . . ' Oelewhia River Plvhtloa. TOR ASTORIA and way! 8 OO p. m. Bointa, eoanectlng wltk'DeUy Ahont stnw. tor llwaco andiex a,inday. S:io p. nt. North Beech. atmr, iKatnrday. ex. Sunday. Haeaalo, Aehwt. draw, )ltt-nt a. as, TaaxhlU River Rent. TOR flATTON OreawB Ctty and Taatblll river T .. T-8na,aa. Cilnts. stntra. Rath and Pally Dallr odoe, Ash-et. - dock. es. San da r. as. Sunday. (Water permitting.) 4 - ' - - gnak River Rente, POR tSWISTO; lda..f nd way points cni .1." n.ilr RIp.Hs. , .trees, fljal Train Spokaae aad Uwlstoe. Na,4Dalljr ex. rrlday. , , . Telephone Main Til. " V. W. STINGER, t'ltv Ticket Aesnt- A. Lv CRAIO, Oeneral Paaarnger Agent. EASTva SOUTH Leavee. tNION DRPtlT. Afrlvea. OVKRI..AKn BXPRP-S. I TB laati I'ay ran: bbs. a.x.roao- twrf. Ash I and. ftftrrt r.ito. Offfn, Ban Krj-rt-, fttoeSitotl, ! A- .1:46 . r:BI 8. to. lw4a-, T. I I bisbtb, new w- U-nn iml tb Raat. aiaaainar Bv-Blln BWwM. Bt at 14Vtliiirii dally HMwrtay I : S. SA. A -.1 itltaslAk '1 . 08 . S). SA aaadll SI S I SA gf 'Iff! 1 TB IWUiBI, MUl Satron. r. eras nat nAMAntfatTann SOOf. . irsvrta at Woodhura with 10. SS S.St. Mt. Anca. i tnu eiirar- a local,, tt I it a, noaarti T 80S. xa. 4:80 p. Bt. PHKW. ye -us-. - Va foot tirov psnger.Hll n .lull. 1 ' 1 1 Daily except Snsday. ' Psrtland Orveg BnVttrhaa egriatli Taaxktll Division. ' Peeot Soot of Jef feraoa arreet. leave Portland dally for Oswego T:S0 A art 11:80, 108, 4:0O. B:SO. S.88, T:4o. 1010, 11 an p. m. Dally (except gnndaf). 4 SO, 8. 81, 10:18 a, as. Rnndar onlr. S.OO a. Bt. Retnrnlna from Oswego, irrlvo Portland dslly 8 80 a. BM 1-88, S6, 4 88. S:. 8 88. ....a - , . M tiaile Snadarl. S 18, T :SV 40. 11 :45. a. av Saadsy ool. 10iavea from same depot for Dalla and Inter. Btedlsts point dally S:00 p. si. Arrlv Port-, land 10:10 a. m. The Independence Monmnotk Motor ,Tina . - . . . . .j ..Jl a I. Ita can. anerera nan " " - ' , v - . aecllng with Soelhem I'sHOe com pan track at TtsTls and Independence. nrsf-ciasa rare imm rwti.ns i. and Ssa rraaclsca , berth IS) aeaond-claaa fare $16, eeeond-rlass bertha 11.80. Ticket te Eastern point and B trope; slao Itpsa, China, llonololo and Antrll. City Ticket OfBee corner Third and Waeb htston atreete. I'hoa Maia T1A -, O. W. STIXOKR. . , A. la BAI.I. City Ticket Ageat..---v a, I ase. fM TIME CARD OF : TRAINS Portlands DAILY. tWIOW BAP4V1 DepafTr-T- Tel lows tenia Park-K.B-Saa Cltr-St. Umla Spe cial for (hehelkt. I ty- l:a.W 1 00 S. Si. 4:10 e, as. tralla, Olfmpls. Orsr tOp. l Harbor, Smiih Bend, TS coats, Beanie, Spokane. Taiwtetan. Unite. Bll itnee. Denver. Omaha, Kansas lltr. St. Loal and Snathe, North t'osst Limited, eleetrle lighted, for T m, Seattle, Spokane. Rtuie, Mlnncapolta, St. Fsnl and ths Kssl. Pnget Snnng Limited, for Cheballa. Centralis. TaeoBM aad Seattle T OO a. a, 10 19 a. at. only. Twla City ttnraaa, for Tacoma, aeaiti, eno- kane. neieaa, Butte. Yellowstone I'srk, 141 n- 11:44 p. 88 S ofjp, at. aeepolis. Bt. rail aad th r.sst . , A. P. CHART-TOM. AeitstsBt Aeneral Pseaenfer Agent, STA Morrison tt., enr. Third. . ,- Poetised. Oregon. IS I ft. a . EE TMK COMPOPrTABIX WAV, Ctty Ticket Oftoe, 11 14 .' Fhsna SM, 9 Ovcrbni TrcIsCy 7 The riyag SI.A the Taat KaU" BPTfurrjro Brmncns V F-TO-D AT gl QTJTWkTT . COUBTBOVB UtrtOTtl- From (ARHIVE VerUaad IT :08 a.m. TlaBaattl 10 p. m. 1:18 a. m 1141 p. m aTnTTsr "riagpokaaa Itltni. (O. WL A BT. CO.' ' a raat Worthara gteamshlp Co. Pnlllng f"""trl H-x"'!" B. B. TgOTA. Lj " 18. A A H1ITA, 1 1 For Japan ami i.ina l. ci '! Manila. f I K ; ' i vrT-t . ( Jatan I - - - , f, g. B. 1 i . T. Ii'' fr-i"! '.' ' r t r inn, s i i i i Icfoc' r; f-l W'L-L if,l W ' hL' i vjTMAtX