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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17. . 18CJ. i 1 The Market Basket . It has been said nowhere 1m In th world do they raise such apples as at , Hood niver and In the Rou river val ley.. There la auca a demeud, for. faaoj . Oregxn apple fromthea .place ad ' mich Yaluc are ' ""belna; r fferad ' that practically none of"thlB -lBSS 'of fruit ran be sold In the Pacific roast markets. There Is, however, an apple from llvod River that in perhapa aa toot In' quality aa those sent on te the rurt&ermoat part of the world that can be secured here. -' It ha the laste of the first nuallty but laVklna that keeping ma tvrlal of the beat product It la classed as No. 't. The Ho. 1 apples are being cold in the retail market at 1.0 and 12 - a box. while the Drat class fruit costs considerably more In the orchards. On account of the great shortage of the supplies throughout the country, eyeti the lower grade fruit Is considerably higher this season than) during normal times. China and Japan, would take every box we have. Salea to Russia already this season have .been quite heavy and are Increasing. Thus all Oregon apples are being Bought. .: The eastern cities and Europe take the first class product while the remainder la divided among the consumers of the far east and the Pacific coast. - - A retailer has started out to break ''com bine in -the .orange market. He la aelling fancy navels In his market at tl , a box and at this figure deliveries are being made to the homes. At wholesale, oranges are quoted at SS.S9 and ft per box.' Late advices received from ' southern California state that the crop , there waa even larger than expected and prices will be- lowered accordingly as the season advances. , ' But small supplies of .- grapes 'are shown in the retail establishments.. The arrivals are practically all from Cali fornia. The real grape taste la absent, liowaver This week . shows the first arrivala of. Spanish grapes for the sea son. . As usual, for. such a long Journey . they are packed in large barrels. with corkdust between each layer. - Prices on these range around (0 cents a pound In the retail maakets. ' ' ' Already the wholesale price of cran berries has advanced fl a barrel ovet .the opening figures. In the retail mar ket It cant a quart is the average price at ' present for cranberries, but this figure will ' likely be advanced before Tlmnltaaivinff. . .... Twenty-five cent Is the ruling price $78,533 v BRINGS BIG TAX FIGHT TO A CLOSE O. R. A N. Company, in Accord ance With Agreement, Pays " Umatilla Sheriff Vast Sum. " ; (Special Dl pate te The loeraaL) ; Pendlton. Or, Nov. 17.The pay- ' ment o-f l7,M3"wgf made to Sheriff Taylor thla morning by .Colonel J. H. Baley, Jocal attorney for the O. R. A " Nr. compahyrta ettlemnt-of -flierr-back ' faxes as per agreement reached ' last Saturday between the county court of T'rnatllla county and the representatives .' of. the company This Is the largest aum of money ever paid to the county . at any one time, and now the long Tight which was on over the railroad tax In " thin county for two years is a.t an end. The amount paid for the tax on the roadbed alone, of which there are 164.40 miles In the county, which" st a valua tion of f 10.000 per mil amoihtts to f 1.444.000. The amount of the roadbed 'tax for 1001 was I42.1I1.8J. and for 1904. $54,716.18. making a total of S78.tlT.07. From that sum tS8l.(t waa deducted for the amount which was re bated the company for the penalty which they had paid on their taxes .other than the roadbed, v ' Approximately $44,000 of thl amount will go Into ' the general fund of the roqnty to redeem outstanding warrants, while the remainder, will go to the schools, roads, cities and the state. ' For cough or cold use Crystallised Rock-Rye, only E0 cent a bottle at 121 MorriaootreeMj W.M. A man havin( anything to fell, .. V, " Whigperinf the fact down a well, ' ; ; , " ; Will nerer tain' the ahlnninc dollars ' ' ' . " ' Like the Man that climb on top the curb and hollers. POETRY? NO. SIR. Just an ordinary sample of the many truths' published in the last twenty-five years. ' I have ;' paid my good money in telling the reading public truths, the ,, ' certainty of great gain by investing in Portland real estate. - ; No sane man or woman that will carefully study Portland's " matchless location will for one brief moment doubt that Port- land will become the NEW YORK of the PACIFIC, or if : they will examine the small area of available level land on . the west bank of the Willamette river, containing only .four :, and one half sections of land, but . will know that it is im '. ' . ' possible to build a city of magnitude thereon, that you could, , . " come nearer placing the Portland Hotel on a 50xlti(Moot lot than you could Portland of the immediate future on only four .;' and one' half sections of ground. Hence, for years I have , . stated this fact, now apparent to all careful observers, that ' Portland would ,be located on the table-land BETWEEN ". I- THE RIVERS. The handwriting of the great Architect by formation is upon the wall. Reader, once more opportunity : ; is calling you! Ever remember this fact if you fail to grasp ; opportunity by the forelock as it approaches you, your ; , chances are forever gone, for there is absolutely no hair on ' " -the back of its head. ' ',' ..i; YOUR OPPORTUNITY IS NOW ;vthe;pTesom momemto- invest jn'one of the best proposi- -, ' tions ever oiiered 'in the state of Oregon for large gain, namely: . . . 1 "'n iom'inS poo' of Ope Hundred Shares of stock at -; ,, the' par value of $650.00 each. Purchasing One Hundred ... ' Acres, f excellently located land. 1,500 feet of streetcar frontage. It also has a deep water frontage of 1300 feet, 4 the O; R. & N. Co. has purchased right-of-way through this " tract, also the Great Northern has surveyed for trackage; . both railroads must cross the land. This ertranrriinarv bar. gain must be seen to be fully T?-VIVI?.lc Ior tne-eieiieiiiiy-towetrO( acres, . and 1 tell you, in all sertotisnagrthia is1 uu wildcat -prr)rsitwrrr-tn--tactr Killingsworth has never sold - never failed in making good profits for his numerous cus- .fi.l-, tomerf during the twentyure year engaged in buying and ? -!r."m(L.?.rtland PfPerty. Why? Because KILLINGS- J i wustin naa ever notiirht and sold Portland's best specu- ; lative property BETWEEN THE RIVERS. This pool iam now forming is at-St Johns. . Space is, valuable Better write me today or, better still, call at my office at 714 Chamber of Cmnrnerce Building. I have many, good! bargains BETWEEN THE RIVERS. WALNUT PARK is one of Jhera. -Send for-map and folder, r. t - . . . " 7 - Suburban Of fie, 714 Chamber mf Commmrc; Phont Brown 4S2. '. , . - ' '. . .-. .if... .. i. . ... . '. you will' now payfor turkey to go with the cranberries. . The blrda thua far dls played in (he markets wr generally ' of bettor quality than usual, the paat sea son having been a favorable on for turkeys lu southern Oregon. At 1 cent a pound dressed chickens re finding a Talr sale these days at re tail, but the price la considered a trifle too high. ' This figure Is for choicest stocks and cheaper grades can be se cured for .less. , '., . , . Sixty cents a dosen Is the price pre dicted for fresh' ranch eggs before the present season ends. This at retail. Supplies of eggs were never so small .3 now. This condition la general throug out the United States. In the retail markets today strictly fresh ranch eggs sell at '40 and 4 ( cents a doaen, both prices being quoted by large establish ment. Eastern eggs, the cold storage variety, are In good supply here at present and the general price in the stores range around 1 cents. Once again the markets are well upplied with -choice Columbia rlvef salmon.' The run during the paat few day has been wonderfully Increased. By what 'action this was brought about even the oldest of the fishermen are un able to explain.- There la,' however, great shortage of catfish and sturgeon. California "ahad Is coming In small amount but the public Is waiting for the Columbia river article. There la scarcity of good clam rasors and hard shells. Thoae that have supplies charge the same price a a week ago. There are the price generally ruling: Fruits Ground cherries, It cents a Deuidlferapee, California, I centa basket; local Concords, to cent a bas ket: oranges, 60 cents a dosert; bananas. 10 eents a pound; wasnea ngs, z cents a ' nackage : apples. cook i n g, i e cents fanoy. 11.60 and 11 a box; strawberries. It cents a - box: lemon., zo cent dosen: Dears. II. 7i a box. Poultry Chickens, It and ll cent pound; turkeys, . dressed, St cents pound; geese, ll ana i eacn; aucas, 7t cents end 11. XI each; eggs.' eastern. I cents a dosen; local ranch, 40 and 4t centa a ooaen. ....... .... . Vegetables Sprout. II H ent- pound; wax and lima bean a, II centi a pound; cauliflower, I for It centa; hothouse and hetd lettuce, t cents head; eggplant, ft cents . a pound huckleberries, I pound for tl cents; cranberries. It cents a quarti-, grap. fruit. 1 and t cents. - - Don't Cross the Bridge CO TO McKINNON & SMITH CASH GROCERS Phone East 283 r- 128 GRAND AVENUE " . 1 Ooodg Dllvi-cl to Any -XwkrttJtftm City. rirtH iUKCg oui.. jwx,,,.. TAJTCT CEAMT gFtTEIt Miller's Naptha. .,. la ltas beat ansae ...;...J.'.J. t-lb pall tMst Ur sic 1 lb Anral saktng powder .-........ 1 lb Shilling's baking sow Oer. ...... 1 seek good hard-wheat !'.. I-os settle 'vaatls extract' t-os bottle lenwa extract '. Good lavs' coffes lOe '.lb,- lba..,;... Good Enllah breakfast tae ........ I lb Gunpowder tea Uaai Braa.' eataop, battles .'.. (Ac 1 pkg ears atarca ... Se cofcV eats ' . . : .'. . . .". .'. ... ; .t. .V". J :'. t.lo Bast Java sad Moeha eoffea, per lb. X5t Poatoa lOe Good bacos' .......'.'.lSc ng-Prnae cereal .tOe Beat basis, per lb ..........14c White sad jellow cenuDeal, 101b ark.....K Bottle b hieing ....,............... yasey table syrup, per gal loo targe bos macaroni ...85c I Ibe corrasta .....'...........i..........2lcj I lba ralalna, needle ................. ,.Uc BosM-aude salaee Beat, lb ......nn......le appreciated, for this is a low anvthinir h lit that hat- and haa .v....o ....... ...... lie .-.v.i'.;r.3e ,...v.l.r.e ;::.?7;...ti.oo 10 lba.., I,.....,. II. x ,..;.."..35e $1.00 ... ...'..:;.10e ......Be .i.,V-18e .(iinngsworth at Labor FELLroS For Bargains ift here you get quantity as well as quality. This applies to Meats; Vegetables and Fruits as well as Groceries. Don't fail to see us or call up. 119 Pounds Pry Granulated Sugar for $1.00. ;;.-;v.: $i.oo ; Sack Good Hard Wheat Flour. pounds Brokeil Rice. 'OL; ' 25 ' "' S pkga Seeded Baisimv ; ; .- i6 i': ' Package Cleened Currant. : 15 Pound Citron, Lemon or Orange Feel '25 .'' . S pkg.. Condensed Mine Meat. is : pound Best Shredded Cocoanut We open a branch store at 548 Williams Avenue Monday, No- vember 20. . t 374 Washington Street. Phone Main 2596. Why Go Over the Stream for Water -"-Ton -don't - havw-to- go-on .h - West Bide ' for. your . groceries and bakery good. You can get the beat good at loweat price at A, P. GRAM'S, corner Benton and Clackamas atreeta. . Not few of our prices: . It 1b. D. O. Sugar... -91.00 1 sack best Burbank Potatoes. .. .8S 1 sack good Hard Wheat Flour. fl.OO box Northern Spies. ........ .fl.OO t bars Diamond C Soap.... Z5 1 lb. best Mocha and Java Coffee. 30 Best Creamery Butter. . v ....... .30 qt New Orleans Mojasees lOg lb. Japan Rice.............. Set 1 pkgs. Breakf aat Mush 1 5 A full line of bakery good on hand. AX.WAKS FKE8H every day. from eut OWN BAKERT. '-'.' l':: ' PHONE KAST 48$, A. P. GRAM Corner tem and Clackamas Street, rortlaad, Or, THE PEST . Thar i nothing in buying poor eat able. While It may coat you a trifle more It pay to have the best. Every thing in the MEAT LINE and a full Una of Canned Goods This year' stock. . Butter. Cheese and Egg. RAINIER MARKET O. mm, Troy. ltth and Sarler St. JPhon Mala 1632. FeLLOVS Townsentl 6 Van Schoonhoven Wkolesal and ketall Ooeera, - YX47 rntT tei:t. -t BUTTHR LOWER We retail butter and eggs at whole al prloea, . .s , Oregon Creamery Butter. .. .65 and "oe New Crop titale Frtines. 4 lbs.. . .flae one eack good Hard Wheat Flour..! 00 t pounas eeeaiess Kaiairs .860 Beat cleaned Currants, lb. .....100 le Tomatoes, standarda, 1 cans. ... T) I . T , . m ii i ii k nil i inn iib. ......... . . m Two l-lb. cans Hominy... 15e t cans Corn, Peaa or String Beans... aso 1 oka. Postum or fMw Prune Puul. aoa Oood Salmon, t cans .............. 15e Tomatoes, Solid Pack ...lOe Two t-lb pkgs. Gold Dust gM One l-lb. pkg. Armour' Washing Powder ..IB Pels-Naptha 8oap ........Be II bare Royal Savon Soap.. Dars HaDy Kiepnant feloap ...9e lb. White Honey ...IBs I cans Prlmroae Cream. ........... .15e 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea 1 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea.... ....BSe Miner jvapma ooap Pull line Flaccu Bros.' Mustard, Cat sup, Chill Sauce, Mangoes, eta raon iunr im ; spiciix siut at - WASHINGTON MARKET Ul yirat si. bat. Stark and WsahlsgteSi nose aula sua. Sirloin steak ....loe Kie Hie 2.V 2fte Se .....c no !AC TcDaVrloln steak Portvrbonae ,ateak . . . . Round atrak, S lbs.. Plain steak, 4 lba ... Prime rib reeat ...... Rolled, roaat Roll beet Iiamburger, ( lbs. ... Ham, s ids. .2&e l:tat pork Kfl2i4 e Pnrk ehopa , ,. ! I2'4i Veal roaat I24c Vral ebopa .10 Piurar-curea' breakfast bacos. Husar-evred hama ioe 14c one Beat ereaBMrr setter ...... Le mnttna Hie ...3e ....10Q12'ie Muttoe ebopa. lbs tats or rib ehvps... RhonMrr arattoa ... 0 stew ...fie CH1I8. TAPrxm. Prop. Ordaie Delivered Fremptly, East as West late. STATE MARKET r- r . - 50 Calves to go for ROASTS or : CUTLETS at 221 First St., Cqh Salmon BmXAKTAgT BAOOV, ' HAMBTmO STBAK, Xenderlgln Steak,Round Steak. Rib Roast Beef, Boiling Beef, ContBeef, Pork Bausage all these good thing to be bad at 89 Grand Ave. Fresh Oregon Creamery Butter 60c Per Roll Fresh Egg, per dogen... ....... 30 Headquarters for Skamokawa and Corvsllis Creamery Butter. Coffee, Tea aad Btapl Qroeerle. Enterprise Creamery Co. ' 127 FIRST ST. Between Washington and Alder. BUTTERLOWER Beat ereamerr Good creamery Iialrr buttrr PYreh ranch eggs iT.t. Oood era Cbttage ...... (K.V 401 4Ae ...... Doe 3CQS(ie . lOe nenie nana ......i lba, pare lard .... 6 lba. com poo od lard Tomato. eane ... Hie 4 ic 4ic - r 14e Doc 3Tie 1KW e Beat ausar-enre sams . 1 Ihs. full cream ehceae gwlM eheeae, pound.... f..m brick rhe i . . . Wuconata llmburger. each .... Remember, Chickens on Saturday ' LA GRANDE CREAMERY 30-4 YAMHILL, To secure your lOUl,TTt OTSTZXS, rax and SKXIiIi TOM from - G. Covach & Co. for next STTsTDATTi BtaJaTSS. They hav the best In the city. 275 First St. Phone Main 535. "GOOD THINGS ARE IMITATED That' whyt bo many of Our would-be competitors' try to follow our example. The answer Is self-evident to all eco nomical housewives. We always serve the he-t IT FATB.- KBATS, WIMM aad TlOlTABLia Kindqrf Bros. 130 Grand Ave. Phone East 412. OTESUO In2Pie 10c Packages 6c per lb. - i' "i ' .' -i V I6c Imerkan llafliel'frT Phone East 69 1 DON'T FAIL w .-a 3 libs. JbBbW BB BBMIS There is ho special which we put out from time to time that gives such genuine satisfaction as our Sirloin and Round Steaks. Reason is we give you the very highest guality. A grade superior to any which is offered by our competitors. JUST TRY .ONE. , -Hams, guaranteed ,. Bacon .a. . t-. jjts tj Porterhouse bteak Ttoilinr Beef .... ' Pot Roast ............................ i 5 Riboast v ................ . . . . . . ..... .0. Telephone Orders. Promptly Attended To. Free Delivery to Any Part of the City. . Phone Main 111 Corner First and Columbia Streets" The Holidays Are TOtJ WANT TO SATS TBI DOLLAB& . Look ever rear sroeery bills ef the pest sad thea coaie to Til BIO 8T0BE. I will save roa ISe ea ever dollar' worth roe bar. E.B.COLWELL Successor to A. J. Farmer 28 1, 883 and SSS Third Oor. Itfama . Mote Prtcae Quottd Below. Weetaea drv' arrannlata ease ansar. 100 lb aaek S.eO Wntsra dry granulated nu aogar, is lba.fl.00 xtra goe dry grasalated sugar, 100-lb aaek W.M Extra One drr granulated aogar. 10 lba... 11.00 Heat lemoe, eraoga an eltroa peal, par lb..l5e pksa Mafoolla eleeaed earranta .SX S pkga a S-rrowa aeeded ralalna ...SAe I lbs new I-crown loose Muacatels...,...sbc l-lb eaa Boy.l baklns powder Mb eaa svhllllns'a Beat baking pewdr....a6e Craeaa A BlaekweU's ollee ell. Qt bottles. .Boa l-lb pkg Arm Hamster soda Be T lba French prune. IBe Hbredde Wheat blaeait. per pkg .....loe Hie Lonl.t.aa riee sfte lit bars Boral BaToo soap 2ftc t-H pall beat lard our 10-lb pall beat lard ..........$100 -lb paid beat lard riaeat aaetera ham, pee lb. ..Me Bt Dlrnie haaae. per lb Hie Beet eottaae bams (buo.Uaa) per lb..A..HMl 8hrelded eoenaant, per lb ................. .like Hard-wheat Boar, per sack ......1.0 Broark eata, par pkg ...lOe Pnatum rereaU. per pkj ......,!e r.ll Kantha aoanriMir Kae Be Beat soft-wheat Boer par ear Jara at Mneha. entfee (regular Me) , 11.00 Ke Me lfte m box aoda rraekars (about IV lba), rncllah Rreakfaat tea. per lb Coming CsI0.'''7"""'.''' ".I'-1Uk" fc! lli L'.r, vv.iw .......... bara tar aoap ,.i tbc oe Tnveda ' Blamlr. per pkg Tiger eraam liue Drllreriea Taaadars asd gndajs, non Mini 4M. SPICES COFFEEaTE DAinnopowDEn, fU:C.-Iu.0EXTOLCT5 iMufetoihr. flMsiflivor: Otarnt Srttvjf k, Ccajowblt Price jJ CUTSET . ) portlaiw, omoori. Davis Bros. Oorasr Vorthrop - aad Slxteeath Sts. Whoa Kala 4847. Pint bottle Tomato, Catsup. r.::S5 I pkgs. Best Mince Meat. . 1 bos a new Fancv Cluster Raisins. ...TBo I I ha. Broken Head Rice SSo Half pound Tin Upton' Best Tea... SSo S cans Oysters SSo OIllet'B Ext. Vanilla. 1 os 95o Glllet e Ext. Luaon, I 01 SO W defy competition in tea and coffee. ovm 5o v. ;. corrza i equal to the average 40c grade. Steel Bridge Market "TOB TATTOO CUT1 1 In fin con dition these day. Let' have your, order for Veal Cutlet or Chop, a Roast or Fricassee. . A toothsome RIB ROAST Is always a piece d resistance to any DINNER. . . nu im or obocibiss. , N, P. NIELSEN Mgr. 1S3 XOXXAOAT ATBBVB. . " I nOWB BAST 754. - Cowian's Market " " . ; has J , . .Extraordinary Offers; for Saturday In th good thing to eat MXATB, YBaSTABUBS, TIMM, OTSTXBS OVZTB1 1 ' ' aad 2ir3 EaMorrlson, NearUnlon PHONE EAST 147. MOST DELICIOUS PIES. FRUIT CAKES. PUDDINGS S k a a a-aBBh. am aa, e. r as an ja AMLi CUUrvlL. - - a I I bat Blda ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK OF BIO VALUES 10 .....14 ;v;io .4 Another of Portland's ; Greatest Meat Sales Our euatomer appreciate our. efforts to show them how to buy Meats and Groceries most economically by attending our aales In large crowds. Compar our price with those of our competitor and you will quickly' e why "Our SATURDAY BALES METHOD" has mad thla "PORT LAND'S MOST POPULAR TRADING HOUSE." Tour friend who have taken advantage of thea sale will tell you what wonderful bar-' gains can be secured. . t - Also take notice that w WtU HU TO , KOmSOWl '- .- '. ' ' - ; . ; - Chickens, pound I-U pall Mount Hood Lard .... t-lb pall Bwtft'a Compound Lard Veal Loin Veal Chop.. Rib Teal Chop... Bha Vel Chop... Loin end Leg Veal .8 8 6 Bar a Sirloin or P. TL Bo' st for Sunday. 8 Prim Rib Roaat.. J4 Pot Roast t-.. .. ...64 Boiling Beef .......5 I lb Hamb'rg Sfk.l54 Roasts 8 Veal Sew :.. B Bha Veal Roasts. . .64) Veal Loaf 9 Grocery SO lb Granulated Sugar (with order) ....SlAO pkg. Peacock Buriwhest Flour, self riling ................... . Jfcs) S pkg. Aunt JemlmaVpancake Flour, self rising, ......... ........ 15f . 1 Bk. Good Fpur- .-. ......l.OO 1 ek. Ex. Good Potatoes 80 1 lb Upton Tea. No. 1 quality ' 3o t can Ret. Cream. , " 25 - ; I ; ' " Oox Xotto Is "A Quick Olm Beat ur:,,:. SUd SeUvery, People's niarkct & Grocery e mw aad Tayk Streets. CDT 178 THIRD STREET, NEAR YAMHILL Successor to McKinnpn Grocery Co. '. Cash prices speak for themselves. It's a comfort to know at the end of the month no grocery bill to pay and a little money ahead. A few specials : . . 1 Box No. 1 Macaroni. .................... .. .:35 ' 1 Dozen Cans Condensed Cream ..' -....60 ; 10-Pound Sack Corn Meal..... .....25 19 Pounds Dry Granulated Sugar..:'. ....... . .81.00 - 1-Gallon Can Maple Syrup... $1.00 1 Sack Hard Wheat Flour.. .$1.00 . " 1 Can Eagle Condensed Milk . . ... .15 1 CSTBaker's Uocoal....i 20 f 1 Gallon Dili Pickles..., .....25 173 Third St Phone Main 1654 The House Look out for Chickens Saturday Morning And don't forget our FINE LINK of TURKEYS an GEESE. The foundation for a healthy meal is a PRIM! REALLY PRIME ROAST. There is one in thl mar. ket for you today. Whether yotf wish BEEF, VEAL, PORK or LAMB, just phone. You will find It PRIME. Our VEGETABLES and FRUITS are the finest." EXCHANGE (3 TRY OUR NEW BLEND COFFEE FUU LINE CROCKERY, CHINA AND C2ANITEWARE 7 " Wi har om ef th souranlrs of th Lwl aad Clark Exposition left, and why not have som at th mall'eost 'w ar fharln. Phon u te Rib Steak, 4 lbs.. 25 Pork-Sausage, 2 lb.,, .......... .......15 Hamburger, 2 lbs . . . . . . . , . .15 Corned Beef, 6 lbs............ 25 Lamb Chops, 3 lbs . ........ ..... ...... .25 Pork Chops .................... ,.10 1U 50 w ' o BEEP PORK and MUTTON Pork Roasts IO4) ' Pork Chops ......104 S lb all Pork Sausage . .....151. Mutton Chop j..lOg Mutton Legs .....lOat Mutton Stew 4 Specials a teay quarts 10O0 aad SiSO. Oom 4y , State 141S. That Quality Built 107 TERD STREET "THREE"" POUNDS FOR $1.00 i V MEHRELLSOUL CO. hsv our man can n you ana . " nfiAvr fJ 5YRACUac;.N,W YUKJWEi m TV Vt a- -t SYRACUSE .NEW YORK term. x r . . - .'. y,. jrr 1