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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
THE OREGON -DAILY" JOURNAL, PORTLAND. , FHIPAY EVENING, "NOVEMBER IT, lgQ5 to SAYS PEOPLE ARE TOBACCO DEALERS Are P;iloiii' .-V Twenty-JJuOlavBdn Fined Dr. C. LTufts, Superintendent for Selling-Tobacco to -of"Stat(sAhtPSaloon"Leae,'-' Sells the Best Minors. ?oos nwp nnsau. ' BEGINNING TO DEMANDi;., ( . ENFORCEMENT" OF LAWS Y ; t ) t r : 'C :'t"" : v-:;- ..:r-; YTv-' .r ( i J " ' I I T i . ' i i l ... - - r THArS THE PRJCB ' . '' V" ''" You will find-these shoes on scores of, the, swell feet of Portland, They, are the kind usually sold at $4, We sellto men - only Carry men's stock ' only-f-Sell ;'Vv ; ' ' mcn'B fine hosic;;- VAWDUYNii WALTON . Tel. Hood 74 370 Washington1 Street Between Third and Fourth . !G. PiRtelELIN SONS ii ?---. I -' 7" '" i ' "TT "I No: 126 Second Street ' Between Washington and Alder Streets. hi . ' i'- ' - Our StocR of Fur Coats In Alaska Sealskin, Persian Lamb, Mink, Otter, Beaver,Aslfacnart"arid Near .Seal are made up I in the . latest designs, with low collars, .Eton effects and, fancy belts. vj'- -.: ?', - ::: Misses' and Children's Furs : ' ; - Fur Carriage and Auto Robes ,f a : Pur. Caps and Gloves.. ? J' :.'tV Leading ahd Reliable Furriers Established 1870. . r . Send for Catalogue. , PENALTIES LIGHT AT r l?Z ; , FIRST, HEAVIER NOW Crusade at Last Is : Beftnnuig ,to . Have Salutary Effect, Saya Deputy District Attorney Robert Calloway, S - Who Conducted "the Prosecutions, . , : V CouponFree Ha tvallan Trip 1 rfonolulu, Hawallaa Islands ' ,' - , ; r ' t vote for.. ,.,...;,..'............?...,..............,. .......... .-. .' 7 This coupon mast be Totsd on or bsfors Kovmbir 14, IMS.'1 1 ZSXl a 15 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL A HE W P APk r OK ALL .THE ftOfU 5 Tho' crusado . asalnst storkpers who hav been selling tobaoco to boys under II years of age. In , violation of the state law, la" bearing Ita frulta." said Deputy District Attorney Robert Gal loway aa he pat the last touches to his report 'for three ana one nui monine. "From August 1 to November U t have prosecuted . 21 eaaea . before Presiding Judge rraser of the circuit oourt, and tha fines paid have amounted to ze. The greater part of these 1 fines have been Mid by' the offenders wno persiateo In aelllna tobacco to - boys In knicker bockers after being warned oy tne les sons given others that they should have to Buffer aeverely." i . i - Tne storekeepers prosecuted by Mr. Galloway were: K. H. Green,-W. . Jones, John J. Conboy, John Fulstra, EL J. Richards, Charles 8enderholm,..A. Kaufman. Luther W. Place, Edward Barnett. Carlo Tonte, Frank Neureraky, Chiiatlna Helronr and H. F. Taylor, fined ft each; H. P. Boardman and Charles- B. Rose, 110 each; Charles B. Rose, lit, and J. K. Bennett. R. Volkes, A. H. Fisher, B. F. Hanegan, Cat Uun nine and Samuel Lecbter, 2t each.' ' When the crusade was begun. ', said Mr. OaUowy. after looking ovw thi Uat.."Judg4 Fraaer Imposed fines of t. believing the dealers would take warn Ing and refrain from sculng tobacco to boys. Violations of the law continued and the court raised the minimum to U., BU11, the beys were able to buy tobacco, and the court began to Impoaa fines of fit and the effect has been salu tary. ., The maximum fine- for tba ot tense Is ItO. ' .. 1 . "During the Investigation of these eases 1 have learned that some stories that have obtained circulation, to the ef fect that the boys have obtained ' to bacco by misrepresenting; their sges te the dealera. were made of whole cloth. In no case, did the boy tell the dealer that he was II years oldV-flor did the dealer even ask him bis age. CHowever, any . question aa to , age would . nave been entirely unnecessary la a majority of cases, for the 'lads were In short trousers and their dress was proof of their, years. ;;i::IXIZ-" ,..;, ... . "From a Question asked me yester day, I . believe aoms dealers are inno cently violating the law, and If tbey should be arrested they will be liabls 'May a dealer sell--tobaoco to sv boy If the boy Is sent to the store by his father, who Is within eight of th dealer The dealer may - sell the to bacco, but he is liable to punishment. A- note from ' the father rellevee the dealer of responsibility, but . the fact that he IS within eight doee not. Of course, a note may be forged and passed en a dealer, but a boy. who commits such an act may be punlahed in the Juvenile court." . -. ', . ; CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO. pedal Fnlrmaa aztmrslOB Traim vie 1 . B-emtkesm FaoUlo mallroad. On December II a' special excursion train will leave Baa . Francisco via the Southern pactno for the City of Mexico Vow ratee have been mad ""Tor points on the Southern Paclno In Oregon. Far tlculare 'by aaklng any Southern Pacific agent or writing a. i craig, general passenger agent, Portland, Oregon. - aeked was; I milratr'a "thave Balance of Power Leagues Arc Or ganized in Several' Counties Sys tem "Has Worked 'Well "in 'Many Other States, Says Dr. Tufts. - .-Vyl ,;, r-. :-v' . . V I. i:.r-.r--'.,-e4 .... .. ' , ; . 1. Vtr.ti. tl' Tufts, superintendent of .the anti-saloon league, has Just returned from a trip over the" state In-the, in terest ot his work., . He 'visited Waaoo, Sherman. OUlHm and Wheeler counUes canvassing them thoroughly to., aense public opinion.. Addresses were given t the county seats and Important towna before large audiences. ,- I was impressed." . said ir. t. i ui-s today, "with the fact that the people are demanding a better enforcement of their lawa, and ; that they were out- apoken agalnat : those onicere wno neglect their duties. '" ; At The Dallea weanesaay nigni, large mass meeting ' waa held, and. a county chairman and other officers and committees were : appointed- ' Another meeting will be held at the court house next, Wednesday night to complete the work of organisation.--! -The grand Jury, which is now In session, will be urged to do some 'definite work towards law enforcement. Similar' organlsaUona were established at Moro, Condon, and Foaall for their respective counties.- . The balance -of -power leagues are Strictly uon-psrtlean, or, as Dr.. Tufts says, omnl-partlsan. ' The - better class of cltlsens are urged to attend caucuses and vrimanies and -concentrate their votea uton the best candidates - who have-e reasonable, probability of being elected.-" : ' . r Said Dr.' Tuftsin one of his speechee: "This plan doea not as some people object, require men $o vote dishonorably against their own -party . candidates. Tone of tliousanda In Massachusetts, Minnesota and Missouri, at the last presidential election, bolted the Repub lican ticket for a Democratic governor. Two years sgo Mr. Herrick wss elected governor of Ohio by 100,000 majority on the Republtoan ticket, but this year bis Democratic opponent rod into office on a f 0,000 majority. ' The party lash, vote a . straight : ticket,' has lost Its power.-. t' , nvi cannot say what tne-balance or power plan will give these counties which , have aaoptditas relief .from political corruption, for that depends upon who wields it. If this scepter Is in the hands of the corrupt the goverti- ment wilt be corrupt ' But if the scepter be snatched 'from their hands by the w-awttingtlenient; as lias been done in Ohio, and aa the people In over one fourth of the counties of Oregon organised to do, then we have grounds for the belief that the political atmosphere of this state soon will be purified , and men unfaithful to their oath of office will be retired to private life." ... ..( . . . ' ' sC. . ' .AT.. ' . at -. .,-... .. , y , . I v : i w y In the .World v 4 If yon doubt it ask your friend who has ; already purchased one, or come : ' -v-V vv.r";t : rin and ; ,: MAKE. US PROVE IT Raincoats for Boys ".'-.'' '' ..' .v -."t i-- J--t :-J-rn '.'. ' $3;to-$10 REDUCED SEASIDE RATES Tl the A. - -B.-ie - Clatsop ft O. -a. In order to promote a big winter travel to the-coast the above company haa named the very low rate of 14, good going Saturday morning., returning Mon day evening, and I J.0 for the round trip on Sunday, . Several hotels at the beach will remain open all winter and cheap rates -will be made to induce patronage. All Information at the city office, 241 Alder, street or telephone Msln 101. .'. . . -- -'. -.'.' ; v. ; 5' illil ill 3s 1 you can depend on Jood THANKSGIVING DINNER if baked in a i-r; ltMkcsvht.l)cauM; ii brMo!aidhtand ef Ihe riftM. material--MglUbU wdjCharcoal.lron Wl LLIA'AI GADSBY & SONS; Cor. First and Washington Sts. 1 - FOOT BALLS and FOOT BALL PANTS given away with all purchases pf $5 or orer fa our Boys' JDepartment , . wi:en you see it in oir ad. irs to lUaK FlOATGFORT-mEIITED BY AliSOn P. STOKES 1vlillionalr Philanthropist Invent! Strongest Fighting Vessel , ; in tho World. . " ., TMM.l ImI ffalfllf . Nsw. Tork,. Nov. 17. -Anson Phelps Stokes,- the millionaire philanthropist has told the Society of Naval Architects about A floating -fort he Invented, which he claime Is the strongest fighting -ship In the world. Thle remerksble vessel is 170 feet long, ISO feet broad. hasdls plaeement of 10.000 tone, 10,000 horse power and ear steam- eight ..end .one quarter knots an-hour.;:- She ; will 'carry two 11-Inch g-uns.end' 20-I-lnch guns, each of the 15-Inch guns will 'weigh 111 tons. Thus emilpped. 8tokes"Ba4d the floating fort 'cam -destroy 'any battle ship in the world, before nhe' latter:, can OB. W. - A. WtSg BRIDQEW0RK la .good-example of twentieth-century dentistry. Makes an unlovely mouth look more then presentable. Pills the f:ap in your line of teeth, where many roubles start We extract free when brldgee are ordered. - Dr. Sturdevant specialist ' en : chil dren's teeth, and regulating. '. , ,. WISE BROS., Dentists Falling Bids;., Third and Washington: I a. m. to p. m.; Sundays,' I to 11. Main .1021. . . ; ,. ;.. , " . , . .-- pa. t. i. wifts get close enough to bring her own guns Into.' range. She le practlcaHy four armored 'vessels In one and could fight when sumberged up to the gun deck, tn which case she would show scarcely more free board than a monitor., ' :. , ii- - WOODBURN COUNCIL. HOLDS UP FRANCHISE - ' (SpeHal Dtspetcti te The Joernl.) - ' WooJburn, Or Nov. 17. The city council at a special meeting continued the matter' of granting a franchise to the proposed. Portland,-8aleni electric line over7 Walnut avenue, one of the' fine , residence thoroughfares of this . city. The . petition . refers to electrie . and . eteam. and the council demure to gtving a' right of way over this street with Ita - elegant residences, for- a ' trans continental road.- There are no. obJeo; tlons to either, but the eounoll pre fers another street for the latter. - There) la no doubt that , everything will be cleared up before the nest meeting. , '-"I owe my; whole life to Burdock Blood Bitters. Scrofulous sores covered my b9dy. I seemed beyond cure. B. B. B. has made me a perfectly well wom en." Mrs. Chms. Hutton, Berville, Mich. Heietag, mm .. -The crash in prices goes on. AH, of our New Fall Suits, Overcoats . . ; "Cr'avenettes, goaj reduced irices. We must have more room before t V ui . wernmehceto remodel the storeroom. :We have the latest in 1 . , -Jr., ,,;r...i,; c-1 mm ' ; You get the ; Best $3 Hat Made AT A GREAT SAVING TO YOU! Men's $7.50 Suits ahd Overcoats for;.V.-...-..e5'4.QS Meii's $10.00 Suits and 0rcrccfdrX...X$'7m4B ' Men's $15.00 Suits and Overcoats fbr.;. $9.73 Men's $20.00 Suits and Oyercoato ibr..-.i51-4w7S ' Men's $25.00 Suits and Overcoats for..'...;...:.,$lQe7S ; Men's $3.50 Heavy SXXXiX:S NOTmGHTWELCH MAKESTIT RIGHTI KORRISOM - 4 t e 1 vi':. LATEST. STYLE ! it