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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1905)
r i , A jcurjrAi; rcr.rt..::D. cukday iioniimo. . septembss s. iscj. St2 ter. J Sj EZorc 'Dec? Ec!c?2 Tiian Any CI2r nicCizi Li-L J'. "What wfll Portland be after th falrT" , .- Thle question began, among th ultra- jconsrvst)ves of this city when tha fair ,. ' rirat suggested, and since nas ttaen Longing in tha aara of progress with an Unceasing din. ' " Vl "Portland will b grander after tha fair man at any time tn her , history." . .jexolatmed a property- holder yesterday, YJSrTZr .U1k 7n" rtrX .lhoUl t r mora crowded than . lf. and. If aha doea not bold to the4 1 .. .hi. .... .. . . j progress attained" thla year, aha will be i 'guuty or unpardonable and nopeiesa ' lachea whloh merit extinction of tha jolty. Why ahould any one ever auggest "7 'that tha city will not continue her splen " , aid progress after tha fair? Ia the fair hurting the city, taking Ha capital. - 'drawing Ita people to new ihomea, or 1lacknlng1ta nanlaforrtha"woTtd;T ur the fair la helping now, why ahould - Jnot IU InflusnceV t good afteT ha ,IU closet-. They will and muit be.!lf ; these drags on the neck of procreaa in "TTtn.e form onuitra-conservatrvea permit : M .. . ' ' I 7" week an article waa publiahad In " " 'the city proclaiming to tba world that ; rents would take a tumble after the fair -. - ;and leaving tha Inference ' that there 7,-1 would -bo a general slump.. Thia mj T fcurred at a time when advanoed man ,-.,- were soaking to overcome the false Im--preaslon made by a few croakers, and It -aaa a depressing Influence. Real aetata Jowuera end - business - men - generally i.. jfeel that If local property owner's and ..jsualncae Interest permit 'such imprea ' . Jaions to go abroad. In meaaure they i 'must become true,-for -capita! looking , J r investment nere win not seen a Melty where there la the threat of a -- Mumble In renta and aa a consequence of c f prioea , ..... : .-,, ., ; "What can a "business man do, telling -ff tha future of thla city and the lm aienaa value property la aura to have ,, 4 when. tha population Portland merlta -p vnae oome. If a bear sentiment la to be fostered by a portion of the pressT" ex- blalmarf nr.. ih lRln, l-Ranta will not take a tumble hereafter the fair. UnderaUnd what I aay. Aa ,, very one knowa, there are aome placea - Centrally situated. : which have been .rented on a written contract that tha r-ahall ba . above uaual during the ralr, and- drop- to another figure at tn 'cloee. .These leaaea ar npt numerous, fbut there are aome of them. I might ,add that - aeveral- lodglng-houaea - are drawing a higher rental thla year than ! uaual, and they will drop back a, Uttle. .but will .remain.. above what. -they , 'brought before the fair. But thla doea . Inot mean that there will be a alump of -. lrenta aftar tha fair. - PerUand haa not put renta to the aky becaua of the fair, - : but moat of the property of thla city ' .which la under leaae la renting on a ' .baela ol'aound. aubetantUl value, and - rather than there being a proapect of a -alump, renta In Portland will go up, - Tbey muit, with the valuation of realty. J. Thla city la entering upon a tremendou , Tpualneaa career which tha fair but aug , - geata. Valuea her ara below what they Matrimony :Tw4ntictk Centurjr Style taL A --'-KaTW-OTt:of-jngfTii.Jlf ?. ' Sradually craping in," H ' said a married woman who . V -T7T. goes to. business every nay, "and it going to oreep in mor mssi tj-i-; .'.--yrr " : 'tr r saow O0llc at my case. Jach and I eame sort -of work,, .1 got HO a month .and he got ltS. ' The extra waa the thromo they' gave him tor being a man. 'Whett .jre feU - In "love and decided to ' marry we faced the proposition of losing ' ktearly half bur united lnoorrie. Between 1 tin w tisd van tncoin tf)ttB 1 g month.1 If I gave up my place and lived at home - In the ordinary way of married women. . ' -we would have to begin our married life "on till a month. , .7"tt "I eonfea that the proposition looked . appalling to, me. I sat down with a pencil and paper, and figured it all out - "We did not demand luxurlea. nor aak to live In an elevator apartment bouse. ' fV cared nothing: whatever for style and wa had no social position to keep HP.----. ;-, - "But w did demand a light hlry flat to live in. in a clean, quiet houae and elean. quiet location. Wa demanded de cant clothe and food, and especially we - 'demanded a little travel each aummer. i . We think we have a right to e some portion of the- earth 'a aurface outside . Manhattan Island. And wa felt It aecea ' i . sary to aave aomethlng every year. '. ' To accomplish tbla I found I would Vave to do all the work of the houee. Including the laundry, and I felt that I - ' ought to make most of my own clothes ha wait. I didn't sea how I could af- 'ford even the modest dressmaker's bills ' I had been paying. It would certainly -,-; require my labor, and a good lot of it -. to enable ua to Uv and aave anything out of Jack salary. . "Now I had no objection Id working. , t had been working tar 10 years. . But long I had to work. I couldn't Ae why I couldn't keep on doing my ' xi wn work, .to which I waa, accustomed : and which was easy to ma I wa will- Jng to do housework, a well aa I could, At necessary, . But 1 couldn't see the ' v e-MorJriian th "Mor than that I will confide to you that I wa afraM to give up my job and et out of th way of earning money. I new too much about the ahtftlnga and Changes tn th business world. I knew liow often employes lost their placea. '.'through , no fault of their own. from change In th house In which they were employed. - I cam back from a vacation nce, to find that my Job had been given Jto a nlec of the manager,- r' ' mere . was no conainiy inai jacs vAuld : Im, Immune tn . mph a rataa- ..trophe. and then. What would, w-4lf . . cnT . But .ll two ot ua were drawing . salaries, it waa reasonably certain that money would alway be coming in. "I laid It before Jack and got hi . Vnnaent to my retaining my poaltlon. . "He aeemed to think It would reflect on 'Mm. but when' I aald very peeitlvely ! that I couldn't see how It would reflect 'on, him any muie to hare tils wlf post " -"iup books than wash dishes, he gave In. flo 7 we began married " life oil SHf0 ."month Instead of ITU, And ,t assur you -If a Very different thing. ' id ao ii we orougn a relative M ne of us from the country village . where she lived. - Bhe had been used "W , housekeeping all her life, and It wa ne trouble for her to- do th work of th three of us. and Sh did It a great , weal better than I could have done it - She takes Juat a much Intereet ' .' - marketing cheaply and aavlng our money ...a I wemld. W pay' her IS a week, besides giving her her board and lodging. r. of courser and even with thla additional ; eapenae. our living eoata aa only a very ' little mor than It waa costing both of a before, and we have a good deal mor T oomfort. . ', . 1 - "A for tha pocketbook. we derided -. . that Jack'a extra til ahould be put In '' th bank every month to be added to . when possible, but never, reduced. W . . would save our vacation money, Insur- '. ance and luxurlea outside of tht "Then each pay hu.t the e i ef th place each month... It c-... ts ex act' V a t - i to r.a t t I are in other great cltlea of evea.Jeae population;" Aa the world haa been" in trodueed to ma and our Incomparable reaourcea,' and made to know the future of thla city, you may reat aaaured that there will be rapid Increaaa In piicea." It haa been noted hy the cloaeet ob- aervere vialtlng the fair that Portland la not Inflated over reaulta. The vlaltora ar taken car of quietly. "the leading uonal at thla time of the year, food and lodging la not far above the uaual price anywhere and la vary cloee' to the mean ratea charged year in and out. - Theee facta cauae bualneaa men' to aay with confidence that there will be no defla. tlon after the fair. Portland la alow to rouae, and when In action la not to be ouahed bevond a aubatantlal footlnr. Unlike the falra that have been held in many ether cltlea, Portland haa aeoonu mpdated thla on with leaa effort than haa been -known to history. There haa been no boom whatever in realty during the fair, nor did auch a movement pre cede It .There haa been more building in progreaa during tha period of the fair than in preparation for it. , Bualneaa aiamcte nave 'been ruahlnr to comDle- tlon a number of large buildings, while mere were never ao nun, beautiful homea being built a at the present. The vriort to secure bualneaa establishments here, specially along tba line of manu factures. Is being rewarded more rlohly now- than before the fair. t Big Tatlway conoeme nave just realised that thla la the moat favorable exporting point In the Pacific northwest, and a movement of transcontinental line for this point haa already commenced which will en hance ' the ahipplng Immensely. No doubt remain that thla city la to be given aome heavy steamers making reg ular run to the orient which will work' to build up trade, rather than divert It to other cltlea. . . . , everything point to a greater Port land. There 1 enough new bualneaa in atght to make the following year better than thla one. aave among twe or three light line of bualneaa. With- ao much to augur well, progressive men ar be coming exasperated with the boding ap prehension for the city after the fair. If local men do not eeaa uttering the inquiry, mere may ne many aerloua ualtlea, ; . - :.. Realty deal for tha past week were up to high total laat evening, which dealers took a an Indication that tha fall season waa already being felt. Ap proximately -l0,oa worth of property waa transferred during the week, aev eral Important deal being embraced In the Hat The heaviest movement waa In tha business canter, although resi dence and outside property had begun to ahow aome animation. . It haa beea noted this year that much of the trad ing waa in bualneaa property, which 1 accounted for by the .fact that there had Jeen a suburban movement laat season, when there wer excellent gaina In every quarter.- Thla flurry waa the external evidence of an Increase In pop 35 eluding the houaekeper wages. That' $10 week apiece, and as I earn tit a week, that's quite a saving. "Our personal expenses each pay for hlmseir, out or his private pocketbook. HY husband pa Hie cilia When, he in vites m to go. out with him, as he would ror any woman, but he ha never bought ma an. article of clothing nor- given as ani inc wa-wr mawa.- - "And it suit ma better that way. Vm uaed to managing my own pocket book, and I prefer it Of course, if Jack absurd for ma to fuss tabout financial Independence. .But so few of the men. ar really money-makers. If oat of them ar Just average toller, and In these day women who work aid by aide with them ar finding . out Juat what they can earn and . what . It .1 right to ex pect from them... "My friends ay7I. aever could make such a success of our home life ss I do, - en ' th ' ordinary : servant basis. But I believe I-eould.- Of courae. our relative i la a Jewel . and It would be dreadful to los her. ' But I have faith to believe that I could alway ftnd aome honeat and competent woman who weald take th place. : " ' . Tou e . rm - out of- th house all day, and ah haa full awing and author Ity. That's" oas advaataga, from her point of view. Another ia that there's no east business In this house.' Who ever, does our housework Is Just -a good as wa ar. . "W have managed It twice atnc w began. One- out - relative waa - called away to spend three month with a sick sister. ' That ttma aba got ua a gtrl from her native village. "Sh waa not aa competent a Aunt Jane, but ah did very welL .She would never have com a servant But as a friend, to aat with u and be regarded as one of th family, it waa all right - "The" other tlm Aunt Jan deserted us I found a nice, neat little German woman who lived la th same apart ment houae and who waa witling to ru my flat for ma She had only her hus band and herself In -the-family, and 4i didn't com home to lunch. It i waa a almpl thing for her to do my marketing along with hers, to do my work when 1 went put lof th day,, and to get our dinner. We got our own breakfast and washed up our own dinner thtnga-. ; ' I believe men and women' who earn about tha earn aalarlee will -com to marry more and mora n thla basis. "One of my. old Schoolmates became a teacher and wa engaged, to a mat of whom ah thought a great deal. 8li bad .mother gndan slbl for th man to) support three per sons besides himself. . HI' earning wer not suffletant-- - "My friend would have been glad t marry him and continue her teaching-she-didn't live in New Tork but he would not consent Me waa ashamed to acknowledge tw tha world that hi wire had t work for money. .They wer en gaged a long time, six or seven yeaiw, finally drltted nu snfl th mtrrlan never took place. 'ITWing thiig wag 'niui Tknitr tngg either love or common wans In that" If you writs to a Journal advertiser ssy that you read his ad In Tha Journal. IaN.w- 1.'-, -'V." ': ' ' 1 ' '";'. W hav a few acr left for aal In tracta of two or mor acres on the O. W, P. eleclrlo tin., abort dlatawss east of Sell wood, at J1S per acr. payable in monthly Installment. ' " F's-.'W v. ill UfU bb iifvtnvi Biiiu aa Jiiveaitva w m pendent upon her.' It waa simply lmpoe.trr4rM)rrrluyarit-i- I block "of busi 1 1, Cj-:f ulation, -and now that the people have secured homea there la a reflex move ment again upon the- bualneaa, the , point where tba population works and makes Ita living. ' ' ".' la - the central portlona of tha 'city tha heaviest movement wera north of the erst while, heart of trade toward the -depot and -'out along the wholeeale die trlct of north Portland. . The two big sales on Ankeny street on of tha half block facing Sixth between Ankeny and Pine, and the other of th-tmrf bteck facing . Ankeny, - between Fifth and Fourth, are regarded the most stgnlfl cant, that hay been made In that sec tion since the property occupied by the Welnhard building and that ot tha alar ahall-Wella store were acquired for thoae buildings. The aalea at and neat the depot' toward theottr are-glvlng contiguous nronertvareat life. The business center Is the point of dlacuaaion among many realty owner at the present time. They note a slid Insr spreading movement . which. .1 lnv oartlna- a sense of keen expectation. With such streets as Seventh, Alder, Burnatde, Pine. Oak, Stark and Tamhlll becoming more popular. It la .apparent that there will be no Iron-clad rule of development but that tha city may Vet find its real center moving lowara one or another point, according to the pro gress made by property owner in im provements, ., . . . - Deed wer recorded yesterday for three aalea that rank above the average in Interest The two-story frame build ing and ground on which It ts situated, on the east side of Fourth atreet be tween' Taylor and Salmon.' waa sold by A. H. Birrell for Andrew Gordon to the Securities. Savings A- Trust company, acting as trustee, for II 1,009.' Thla property waa acquired by Mr. Gordon only -recently, and the aale Just consum mated waa at a good profits ' Mr. Birrell also flniahed the deal whereby the church property of the Bwedlah Lutheran Immanuet church, on Bumslde between Tenth and Eleventh streets, waa conveyed to the Securities. Savlnga. at Trust company, acting as trustee for some on whoa name la not a-lven. tha consideration being- Si.000. Thla deal ia expected to preoede build ing, aa-tha church edifice la not adapted to -any bualnesa or residence require ments . , . - ;.-. . The noi Arm- completed the deal for th aal of the aoutheast corner of Seventh and Couch, atreeta. which haa a two-story dwelling, for M.OOo. P. O. Northrup aV Co. completed -tha sal yesterday of a lot and house ( 141 Thtrteenra street which Miongea to If. It Coopey, to H. R. Burke for con sideration of $4,100. Mr. Burke,wlll uae the property aa a resldenoa. ' Th-veant iota on East ATikeny. near uit Twenty-sixth street were sold yes terday by the same company to a per son whose nam is noi given at Tovasent for 11,100.- a residence la to be built there at once." t TO soias. It mil from Portland, on flne road 11.100; cash 1,000. Thla la a Bargain. SO aeres. mile from station; 10 Mowed: rich soil: aood bulldtnas: run ning water 1;,700; half at per cent gixvs Xarx of IS -acre at -Beavartori, With excellent buildings 1,300;- cash ll.xotr.'-Mlaiiee-on time.- . . -.-- . - asres, well improved farm, t miles rrom j.unnee: ricn son: ooat lanains mile tl,00, . with stock - and imple ments. sag far list. Ws have hondredsof properties comprising some of th best on tne msrxe ' ' CUT! . We hsve.a large list of city props: ties, business, residence and 'Vacant iota and Invite-an Inspection by intending purchasers. - Special terms can be mad with those wishing to build on any of our vacant iota - W have opened a rental department and aollclt eharse of bualnesa and reel- dence properties; Theae will have apo dal attention and the interests of own' ers carefully guarded. VBUBBAaT ACKSAOB. ' Do not forget our two sdditlons to Jennlng tdge, on the Oregon City rsr line end Willamette river, the choicest nrooertv of the kind about tha city and at price of single iOxlOO-foot lot 1 . AM MAW lAMll lM A.,- MAM, A IM A two doors west of tha old location, and" are la position to better car ror all business placed with ua.- Our facllltiea ar much, improved ay th Chang. -- The Shaw-Fear Company ' - S4SH sTTajax aTTBVWMT. . . ' Secure a Homo in Choice lots 110, at 1 cent a day ll down and ft per month). '- Don't fall to visit KVEL.YH before In vesting In real estate. The Inducement I offer will appeal strongly to you. EVF.LTN is on the Mt Soott electric railway, II minutea from tha city. B. ELFORDSOIN " 4rrXOS BTXZ,TaT BTATZOV. ' AGreat din is property, with great future value. Present income is $300 per .mohtte Do not tail to investigate this. . :y Samuel Weldoh 143 Third Street.;- - -T' '' " w PECIAt-TO-IIOMt Two very choice, new, modern houses, on 4 rooms; on I rooms, ready f or oc eupanryj low price; terms If wanted. East Salmon and 10th ats: Improvements and all modern conveniences. Buy now; atop rent leak, i - ' - ; - -. - t- F. W. TORQLER ' 106 SKCRL0CX. Et)tlOM6 FAGS MS EVELYN Park Street 4Bxl feet, near Washington atreet Price very low. t , ' . , F.V. ANDREWS & CO. . xaxant. Butg- in ntrt m. " FOR SALE BY Charles K. Front Street Property ISxlO feet, with xood J-storr brick "building, elevator and good olBcea I only I1S.600. A bargain. Third Street Quarter Block -v Inenma nrnnertv on Third atreet well . erected, good brick building, fine foun- datlon. Present Income paya fair rate of interest on .prloe asked and will ' surely Increase In value., Fourth Street Lot Near Washington atreet full lot SOx J:vry desirable In-location and - would make a line Investment when ...built upon for an estate or investor wanting .pur income. , Fourth Street Property Quarter block tn aood location, ground . leased and paying 7 per oent on price . asked. - Property sure to Increase la value, and a good - buy from every - point of view. . ,, -v.".-r r- Fifth Street Property"..-: J- Full lot 40x100 on Fifth street In the business district a very fine lot to build on and,drlv an Income from. Fifth Street Corner - On of the choice corner of th city .-Portlands It - proper I y , built . .on - would make one of the ftneat propec . tlea in the atat, Inveetoraj ahould awm juiw uui. Washington Street Property FlnervJmnroved auarter block. Build' ing all rented and paying good rate of interest on th price asked.- Capi talists or estates having taoney to In- vest should inspect this. Morrison Street Property Quarter block in flne location where improvements ar going up ana prop arty la aura to increaaa ia value, This quarter block ia a bargain. ; - . Stark Street Property ... : ; . Full quarter block, very desirable lo cation, on Stark street and -ready to ' build on. Burnside Street Property1 : L rli .. 200 feet frontage on Burnside (treat r Desirable location and aura, to in-, i crease In value. Worthy of lnapao- tlon.... . ' .'. , ' , : Eleventh Street. . . " tlumr Washington atreet full lot 80s 100, close to fine Improvementa Very desirable and reasonable lot to build Cliian Street Property i uuarter diock, close in, very aesiraois and a bargain, fs'jt-ja.-rsysfcrt Eighteenth-Street uuarter oioca on aiignieentn ana Johnson streets, with four residences thereon and room for another, at lit,-' 009. Present -- rental I1U.I0- per month; could ba increased. I a. bur-gain- " r ' - -: -a..r . Warehouse Properties ! 2 Alona tha railroad track: also el tea for flats and dwellings, at reasonable prioea. .V' -'':': i - :v-- Residences' '.. ' .; .: i '. - Parties wantlna - good -rsldences should call upon me, a I have a number of choice residences, of which th fol lowing are a few earn pies: ,-. - - Eleventh Street Residence , - Full quarter block, cloae in; houee la handsome, well built very convenient ly arranged.-with line quarter block aet to treea ana snruDS. Any person wanting a flne home cloae in ahould Inspect thla, aa It can be sold on easy terms, , ana ia reauy a nwrgain. Johnson's Hiif Residence r ins moaern, weii-Duiii. ' nanasome house on Johnson's 41111.-motiern In every particular; nice around Any family wanting .an elegant . home in thl choice . location should inspect Holladav'g Addition - Mew. monern. weii-Duin. z- rnom . nsldanca Quarter block, in aweil location, very convenient, ana at a ngnt price. ... Mount Tabor. Residence Handsomer-stylish residence, complete in every detail, a run acre ox grounn, aat to beautiful trees and shrubs. Partlea waptlng a tin horn with lawn, fruits ana flowers. Inspect thla W00O Will buy. If taken at once, an ,WV ,ugant residence at S6t Hal aey treet, corner of Eaat Third st t torr, modern, well-built l-room bouse. gooa piumDing, nne oasemeni, imi con ereta floor, aood furnace, everrthlnc new and clean and in first -elsss shape; Nice corner; present owner leaving state for mining Interest elsewhere, and will sell at a very- low price and on easy terms of payment Will sell furniture, carpets and everything complete it Wanted. Any family wanting a line home with email payment down, thla la their opportunity. tl OKA Buy nice corner ' residence on XUU East ttn and Taylor streets; house is modem in every respeetr good furnace and basement nreplao. combi nation - gaa and electrie light- fixture. Easy terms. Residence and building, altea In dif ferent parts of the city. Be euro and Call upon in unaersigivra oeiore ouj Ing elsewhere, as it wiu ba to youY in- tereat Charles K: Henry v 2T3 STARK STREET Nevv Additions DinffKam's ? ; un ine ruiten car line ana mouni Adams road, and directly opposite the . Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co.'a Slant, aii lot xio leeu jrices 30 to $60. - Madras' ' On th O. W. P. Co.' line, near Stewart'a Station. Lota lie to $124. Overton Park Acres We ha sub-dirlded Tract "C Into acr lota and can aell them away down. Take tha O. W. P. Co.' ear to Anabell or Stewart s Price 146 to ttoo. Terms to euit-j. Wakefield, 1 BWJO-tn AHD BliltfigB. 308 -4th St. BOmM BTTILT ON INSTAU-MKNTS. - or raiccs. . HOlXAbAV'S ADDITION ret Sals A- aew 4-nmw -etMtsge. ell em eleneee. fell eesiest kaeenHmt; streets 4I(- fen sad kwtter thee eafthlag la tlx cttn rally twsrnee; a eery eMinsie amitinii ena eeaieet to twe trailer nnee: Se the ejedent. ennplete, anMjne, eteht-rrmei rMVtMK-e, eurnr rutaMta aa. flsrtsmas ate. . Beaar Brut, lfttk. Lets snM aa adTaatageaoa terae te kooMtwIUMra. Tax oaisov a sal xstits cov u . .. asi Tahd St. Mom a, , ,'..;... 7-i..,..i;7'l... 7.v .i'V'..' t-i ...... 7,, '' .'. Vlv, - 'v"'':-f . " '' . '! -'.Vj.,'; ". J:'-- ' r-i '. Moore Investment Co., party of the . first part, hag sold Richard Roe, party of the , second part, lot- one, block No. 9, Vernon, for $100.00, and hereby acknowledged re ceipt of $5J0O, being the' fir stv payment on said lot, and it .is 'agreed and. understood the : party of the second part will pay Jhe party of the first part $3.00 on the first of each .'. .month until the said lot is paid for.X'; :jV.- ' y. ..,.:': XV; 1, l ..-' 7 ., i In 16 months Mr. Roe has his lot paid for and has hardly missed the $3.00 per : i-.'.'--' . . - ....... . . . .. -. : - month,; Is there anything easier than this? It will'pay Mr Roe or any one else to buy V'Ws. many of these jots as he can keep up the payment on, as the value will surely- double on this property "-Mcore In vei5t ment Co 151$ SIXTH STREET A 0MI . . 'f , OOOD XKlATXOV. 4 SmaU Oash 'tit7.-';:' large Cot Woodstock W faralah plana aad ad-aae th saoaey fo buUdlng lf yo spar sas sach month yam eaat afford as pay rant another asoatfc,,. 7' ;7' ..: - ' WE HAVE thembst liberal building prop osition in the aty giving safetv to both buyer and ',1'VV' -yi seller. . ;'-V: PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORECOH -10t. Third Street, -.' ' Good Investments $6,000 , g nod location, on 17th St.; well rented; ir ncoma 30 year- IT, $4,500 t-rnom houae. on eaat side, close to steel bridge; thoroughly modern andlncnolc section; Income 141 yearly. $7,500 t house on corner, nd T room earn; they are good. Rent tli and 127.69 each, incom Jao yearly. $2,750 Store building wear Overton at; prop erty J0100; a snap at our price. , $8,000 Residence property on 14th st; caa be made to pay 10 percent . Portland Trust Company Or ORBQOIN - i 1M TaOKO ituit. . $13,000 full rot. Park street, adjoining t-etory new Drica; a nouses vn iuv. 012,000 100x100. Alder street corner; cheapest lot on streets won't last. long. $9,000 rr.rnerrover-1 totr.-Wsshingtotr at reet tores would rent reaajiy. .Sr42.SOO Prick, on Fifth, street, near Wsshlngton, jjyr ftur mil'tliet Iiiluui. 1 1 ' 11 " t3eTaJ DA Ls Y" . sas r-xmro sua, HOW IS THIS? 50100, with 3-torr brick, sntrIIj located on. West Sidei income $175 month; $22,300. - . "''-'.;; '.. ,TSHcdy 210-214 Abiniton. 106;, .Tbird-, within 16 months. We Invite Vou to See Us for the Real Bargains! A, REAL, FARMl $la000 140 acres, not over t mile from Estacada. the city of the .Clackamas; splendid public highway; 40 acres gralrK 10 acres ' , - potatoaa and corn; 10 acres clover and -timothy meadow; T - acres apples; 7 acrea prunes; ISO t . . acres heavy timber, balance - . pasture ; small houae, barsv 0x , filled wtth'har:one span ot horses, hsrness. wagon, 40 head . . 1'cattle. farm implements, tools, 2 ''atcJ; reasonable terms. S3800 Beautiful 10-acre place, fin I--. - room residence. o"n Mount Tabor.' ' -7, It a worth ,000. -y - , $3000- Double l-room set tags, food rental Income, oh upper Mill at B.6O0 Very "desirable 20-acre e place. t'i, mllee from business center " ." cltv. lust over Portland Helchta. 77 within half mile Consolidated . railway when completed to 8 hat iuck: rics aou; living i water I i the small house. - No land In community can be bought, for less than 1400 per acre, and it ' the Mil place out tnere. SS40O Very nice,' .stylish (-room resi dence, run ioi. uisaoetn - st, Portland Heights. SISSO For a very beautiful residence. mi ffootw tjueats itnit eenage. eee" ner lot, nicely situs ted. North a Irvlngton. .... ...... flOOO" Handsome, new l-room - houee, 7 , full lot iast 17th at 1100 Pull lot choice fruit and Shrub bery, neat e-room cotutge. on- taoa avenue, norm Aioina. - f SOO Very excellent acr and a quar ter aa men. witn nice coiuise, nearly new, 1 .- blocks electric ' cars. Oak Orova A dandy for the money. - 9 45d 160 feet on Madrona atreet with . neat cottage, on oioca wooa ' lawn cars. . 9 soo Ntc 1-aere . place, . on acr cieareo, smai anaca, tiacumu. O JHE DUNN. LAWRENCE CO. 140H ltrrt Street. ba la iu to: HOUSES! H01SES! Persons desiring new, seven or eight room, Well ; '. tiuilt houses, close in onV the east side and very rea sonable in' price, eithejf for a home or for investment, Z I t! should call, upon .'v ' I C. K. HENRY I 273 Stark St. ? Ore h ratara - Manufacturing Tou can bur property cheaper today than ever in th future. We are oa the eve of a great Industrial movement, that will make our city the foremoat 6a the coast aa a xaetory town. -( -. Acreage, block a, house and lota at th prevailing low prlcea. Call and see W. II. Kir,C. St Jehu ;- . :;A Snap Two t- ftve-arr tract, on th O. vT. P. ' ' nU nd a half f . ; r r frnm It I ' . "I tt 3" 11. i 1 FOR SALE! . - i PHONE MAIN 16 rom saxui aooatya. tit Cftrt 60x0 at prick building. . In e.vv wholee. la district on -t aide; renta 11. t pet annum; paya- per $-250, On doull b ck houae with : 7 - room li deewrtoMnt- 1 on T-room houfe In ood location - a weai aid; bring! In month. v $4700 New, to idem house ' on wasco t. In Hblladay Park. tiCWVr.HoxlMl with -oont house and - barn. the earner or jtst 11th and 8Urk walking dlatanci streets;! within y tiCAft iOxlOO t lot ith thrw 1 comer of .Ea tw room c asras. oi Seventh and via ata; rent $5J per m juvuui. i via tn. . ... $3500 :Kars oot lot.' -with goodv 11 room hbuse, on Cerbett at, 1.. good location, oh west sld 1 7 Crt ft -room house on lay tt r- !MVV'tM-JtllUI 1 th sta.; rant j per month. IXlfSh 60xl00foot lot on omer of F". ""w-Tnth-f and ' Bchuyi atarxt-" modern l-roon nous, tYlCh Each for three new modern dwelli gs of rooms each, on and VauxhnHetai nar- corner of flat meats 1S0 h. $2S per month. tnnn 7-roo house. I0xl0-foot lot alley, nearf Thompsoa Alblna. fv - house, almost new. on with I schoot Central $2o50 corner kf list an I Wllm ata. $10 cash. M per month.Ji.. 1W?(1 S-room house, sOxlOO-foot lot. -v'w near corner Itth end East Sal mon atreeta; payments, Jl cash, and 110 per month. ; , i 17fV-) -room ,'house. J5x7-foot lot aWV on w side, on Hall at. ttaar 11th at; rentln 'r )! per month. tfflO ' N,tr JO-room house, all . en -'vv crourvQ floor. BOxll-foot lot. nr Highland school, an block from. cr line. 'PTat UJiaiISH. - JITO tft iO roT oata South Bunny 10 33V We: 160 cash. 110 pe month: each Iot-w0xl00; graded an t R raveled fnd sidewalks. Thle property i situated on south aid of Hawthorn a vs., bet. lid and 14th ata; each lot two feet abo grade. - YANT.TO'SAVt DREDS OF OTKZKS COMB OUT TODAY. FIR LAMP.' fkolro treet' tn ctt tt si. Scott district.' tS srtnatee frest ct(rVlt. sWtt cer-ee fere. -resetere. lt lo. aMhl . S aiut 1 a aMitk. Hoear eelii t salt - ast sal'l . at. ect (with Me at Ml snj eiiilri sU eiMie see. ..orb a-era-s. a MM. Lerae est as4 see. Geo. W. Crc'eVai . tm reiitna- nng. - Pkeae M'la B.itwriC2-lfjrf:r.3 , Ciry etfwe eeea efestat. ' i i EM? HUN nn . J i-. ' lawa-wa-xeBssHHsBaBBBwa--JssBBBBBsJ A