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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1905)
rAlAAl c-JV'r Lefx S (NQA.I GOOD EVE lull 6 poured ..Ci;crr;; Sn ' ... 4) y i : fHE WEATHER. Portland cloudy tonight and Tuee-' dsy ; northwest wind. TV . v VOL. IV. NO. 156. FREMOiTOi CHASE 3 Y Local Members of the Order Giye v. , Delegates Gathering ; From f - s - A) Parts of Country a !-w t cordial Receptloir.TT" TRAINS COME CROWDED WITH HAPPY VISITORS Over' One Thousand Carrier With ' Their Families Will .Conjfc to At tend the Meetings, Which Open at - the Armory TonightFormal Ses ; sib'ns ' Begin Tomorrow Morning. One thousand of the wen you're al ' ways glad to see hava invaded Portland ' to attend tha biennial convention of, the National Association of Letter-Carriers. '-. Men'who carry mall in iWB cloy of Imr ' portsnce In the country are visiting Portland.' and others wlll continue to " arrive until tomorroar night.- Thla Catherine will be ranked aa tha , . premier convention In the .history of he - order. -In-polnt -of attendance It la aa I' -I large as .any convention that baa been - held by tha association; In point. of ,en ltbua1ssm among the delegates It U - easily first; . In point, of business to' be transacted It la most important. :. Two special tralna from Chicago and ,Vtr Louis artived jthls ' morning with 00 delegates from points east of the - Mississippi river1., Tha Missouri delega t Ion arrived last night, accompanied by the St. Louis Letter-Carriers' band. which Is regarded as one of the best musical - organisations en the country. ' - Tha band serenaded Postmaster Mlnto at -fca tnmtrtn hl MnilaiiTT,r-T,riir-.. A. Taomsaad Seleg-etee Tamilles. - Other delegates arrived yesterday and today; othera -will arrlva until tomot . row night. Over i.OOO delegates with .- their .wives, and families .will . attend tha great convention, which will be for mally -opened- at the .-Armory tonight, though there will be no business ses sions until tomorrow, when . meeting! for th4 transactlone of bualneaa will be , gin at ! o'clock and will be held every forenoon until Saturday! v A speclsl program has been arranged for tha reception thla evening. Addreases or welcome wnr-pf ntumrwi 7-"rf- ., mayor, a representative of Oovernot Chamberlain. United States Senator Ful ' tjon and others. Responses will be made bv Prealdent Keller and other officers lf the association. - Music will be fur nished by tha letter-carriers' bands of St.-Louis end Denver . :.. Stragglaa foe rraaldeaoy. haa arisen In connection with the elec tion of officers. James c.. Keller of Cleveland is, tha present incumbent but , It - Is said that he will make no effort v f or reelection., Supportera of O. W. Davison of St .' Louis declare that hie election is aa sured, while adherents of other candl I, datea are equally, aa sanguine of their fawltes. Among the csndldates. be. aUea the one from St. Louis, are M. A. T Fitsgerald of New Tork and J. IX Hol land of. Boston. Other officers, includ ing an eitecuttve board, will be elected during the convention. Another contest that gives promise of - developing Into one of Interest Is waged J by vlelegsttona from varloua cities to - -aecure tha next convention. . Atlantlo City has entered the struggle with the "' announcement-'that 1t-wlll win --othef cities that ar trying tw induce -the let--. ter-carrlera to vlait them are Mlnneap- oil. Canton, Ohio. Fort .Worth end Gal veston. Texasr - - - - - (Continued on Page Two.) r HAS PIAKQ IH EVERY R007J . ... . v - - f r r Ur rALAIIAL KtSIUthlit . Millionaire : Mineownerl- Makes Anothel FabulousStrikel ' . ' v ' in Mexico. ; (IwmI SjtI1 ,IWTlca.i. City of " Mexico, ; Sept. -. Pedro Alvsrsdo, a multl-mllllon-' aire tof : Parral, Mexico, who wM a laborer working In a ' mine at t ; eenta a day a few years ego, haa made a strike of fabulous richness In tha Pal . mlnllla mine. It Is reported that Alva rado has renewed hla offer to PreaWent . Idas to pay the public debt of Meftco. He says ha obtains his' wealth' from the ground, and thinks-the government la ; entitled to a good' portion of It. He haa Just completed a palatial residence near , the nuns . that coat several ..hundred ,' thmiaatlfi itnllarc Th.p. I v a rtlann in . . every room. Several million dollars In , r money la asm to 0 Kpi in a wrong ilron--cag tn hla home, .whera Jt la con. twiTtty guard-il by STmd mn."f TW tmsl never permitted a mining expert to enter ..the mine, and no' report of its rlchnes" has ever barn (nsdr. .The public debt of, ' Mexico in 1(01 waa reughly aatimated at . j.oi,ooo,ooo,.. .... . . ..... v. . GUILTY J XT Keller", President National As- ition o( Itte-Carrier.;-:3iS: THIRD TRIAL IS Oil . -. ' - . Tor; Williamson, Gesner and Biggs V Again Face Charge of Con- v -spiracy to Suborn Perjury. j WITNESSES FROM CROOK COUNTY ARE FRIGHTENED They Put a Sinister InterpreUwon on , the Burning of a Barn Belonging to W. J. Crauv.WITwatie4 Against V- Alleged Land Thieves. -: For tha third time Congressman J. N. Williamson, Dr. Van Geener and Marion federal eourt to stand - trWI rthe charge of conspiracy, to suborn perjury, The two prevloua ' trials resulted in hung Juries. Xnitef States District Judge William H. Hunt, before whom the case la t9 be tried, will probably arrive this evening from Helena, - He cornea from the recent trlsl of the Montana land-fraud prose cution, and he will remain In Portland until tha pending- cases In this court have been concluded. . . Tha charsre against Wllllsmson and hia.xodcfendantaU-.that in-order, to acaulrelargelractsPf ubiieisnds . in Crook county they procured a large number of persons to make perjured entries under the timber and stone set. WiUisnnon aqd Gesner are partners In the sheepraialng business and It ' is charged that they advanced the money to the entrymen In ' round figures about H2S on each claim to enable them , to maVe Una! proof. It la the. contention of the prosecution that In each case there was a verbal contract with ,the- entrymen. whereby he agreed that In consideration tf the further aum of 171 to 4a paid to him he would con vey the' land, 'as soon as he acquired title, to Williamson Gesner. ' ' ' Basis ef Charge. ; Inasmuch r as - every entrymsn must mska affidavit that he has made no contract or agreement for the aata of the land, there waa manifest perjury It In fact a bargain had been made aa al leged with tha defendants.' , ' ' : Marlon R. Biggs Is accused of having been is party to the conirplmry and. of having ' procured a- number of the en trymen to make perjured proofs. . A small army of witnesses hi In attendance-from -Crook .county, moat ot whom, testified -at th,e preceding trials. There la jtomd, reason to believe that the . government- hss strengthened - Its case Since 'then, though the prosecuting attorney. Mr. Heney, refuses absolutely to give out any Information on tha aub Jcct ' '. --- ;-: M oeredr.bjr" Bars MtiTaing.'J:--r ..Among" the " wltne-ttes from' Crook cownty there 'la milch unrlnens ha-, cause of the news that a barn belonging to Wllfcrd Jt Craln. whose testimony In the - former trials bore strongly agalnat the "defendants, was burned last, week under clrouiaatancea'natmngly- sugges tive of Incendiarism. The greater part of "CraHVa eropa had- been - harvested and stored In the barn and the lose wa total; .The I narks nf Ihr man , ware dls. covered near tha burned bullrtinr and were oH) weSfxml fba No. pthef. c:ue to the Incendiaries wm found.liowever, and the motive for the crime can only be conjectured. , Among the ' Crook- county witnesses now In Portland ' there la plainly a fear that Craln's experience may become tha ex of 'others 'whoa evidence has been favorable to the prosecution. Pop ular, feeling In Crook couhty fa largely with tha defendants In this case, and It is possible that Some of their friends may ' have resorted . to the .policy ot seeking to Intimidate the government's witnesses.. " ' ; . .' . Baservlsta la to. -.. ., . (InutttX Sperial gerrlcei . Llhau.C Sept. i.A riot attended the ?i'.rt l!irMervlst(eater endno jfe'rsonejw"sr "tilled snd .60 wounded. . TroQpa were fired upon from e houee, ..They replied to tha Volley, ahd cavalry charged with, drawn, sabers on the crowd ' There were manr Innocent victims, .women included, among them. ORROW PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY ' EVENING, SEPTEMBER 4, - 1905 TWELVB PAGES' , v KNOWLEDGE Ed J. CantweU,- Secretary National Association of Letter-Carrlers, Crew of Wrec . vonia Offer'TJ . fice to I ELEVEN DISAS Boat Safely Boat Goe: Swreiapa . . on Shi; Bayflel the On Tork .lei rlo Friday- night. era rel cued, . Including eraalnder of tl crew-and' four -women. . Seven of the dead offered their II aa a sacrifice for the rent of the 2 boar4. ' Of; thoaa .for1 whom they their lives STiiur re ttpid The reached her' last night after a nig buffeting Bjr. waves and a trip o hours spent cutting a road throu northern wllderjiesa. ,. - Thoaa who gave their lives for comrades. wera-Captain- K. McDona Northeast. Pennsylvania; Flret: Iewis Darwin, of Medina, Ohio, an othera whose unknown. othera were also probably drowne On Friday tha steamer -ran 1 storm, and aa she waa, running foi ter atruca tne reer and tnen brol pieces. Those drowned volunte remain On board while the othe to reach the shore. When last so men on the broken vesseTwere waltiug ror neip. , . , The boat containing II. Jnclifdlng four women, .reacnea shore after battling with the heavy seas all of Friday night, during which they suffered U terribly from cold and exposure. ; The' Sevonai wa bound from Alloues'to Erie with a cargo of Iron ore. Soon after striking the boat broke In - two, the after end sinking. 'Two boats put' off from the doomed craft." the first containing 11 persons. Including, a number of passen gers. It reached shore safely at Little 8anA bay. - - - The tug Harrow went out from Bay. field with a rescuing rartv and re. lurnea. reporting tna nothing waa Been of the men on the boat The crew left on the ship perished, as did the men In the second boat.1 Fifteen mmnniMi the rescuing party, who made the trip n no noon Tmne teem of a blinding gale. Only a email portion of the Sevo nia.wss visible above the water. DYNAMITE EXPLODED AMONGiMERRY-JMAKERS , (Josroae Special ServJce.1 , i . Bercetdna, Spain. Sent. 4 a rivnamMa bomb waa .' eiplmlga yssicrafty atter noon onrtha maln parade which wna thronged with merry-makers. One woman was killed, five mortally wound. ed and RJ Injured.. The detonation was beard :thronghoTrt;rthg. cltjvrr7t--work man covered with "blood waa caught by mn and nearly lynbhed. He denied that he Hutf wpliwlml Tlia Swmil linu PlfllmeJ to pa. a vlrllm Tha,, outrage is unknown THOUSANDS Of HOUSES ! l ( EURNEp IN ADRIANOPLE " '. i : i . i (Joaraal Special Serrlee.t . Constantinople, Sept ..Seven thou sand houfees were.- destroyed In 'the Greek. Armenian, Hulgarlan and J Ish quarters. tr fire which rage Adrinnopi sarurday Srtj Fhmday. lvith the, exception of the Catholic cliur the mosouefl. .few bulldlnae ara aured, Tha properly loss la enormoftef . Arrested Wlta awa Ticket ' ' (jnarwal Special Srrlea.t sryonng negrn.: has fceen- arraated ln Philadelphia .IIS had 23 pawn tlrketa on his person and Is suspected of be ing connected" with the- plundering of the residen of Joseph -Aymar - last week. - , ' ' . - SAVE OTHERS k5f?KStearnecS8-19 es asa Sacvir I efcu e Pa5j gers. I 'l : . z V "i R iftfPTfLJ " Mi l r - -c ' ' t msi . m Jtv m T ilea S.mnTtlWxa Seronrl! jtoV ingtfH? WhichJ ruovLon. -m j g s i JV. I a - . . . arat a ownai special Dfrrae.s 1 - i evta'ls.. Set-eT-r-Jileven otl crew wni 1 1 iu stesmea nevonusj SatlfkAffiO"a8'-Vr afldrcef In Lake Rjawfe "Jtleven flaSBeTS TSSsef kflve av vur Co a hel- m Into aru 10 m tried fitHaaa Ex-Bartender for the Husband of Murdered Woman Suspected by the Police and Held a ESS TO YOIING'S. VAN ID RAN It Is tSrtd TSTwhile tee per Waj Chaae ime an ties He Tier ana inn on f SJ)Before Mrs ran Was Poisoned Wejrunt Fremon c, rorml jarke-aajSrtor Ka ar-Van lYat-dRhgton c. man naanea niOj mr s ror McKiocey, , and twasfoi irnpfBa the; omen 1 rreated tluw mornl they ,ownthejf gangplfc pf the tei pokane 0 Sn.aMals.clsco, on telegr instruct!! VMfff- Chief of Police V by Chlelj .Chase Oritsmacner, s ' charged with embex property nitatfnoney aggregating from Vaii UraB, but the other re for hla rear-are . that n- la a portant Itness agalnat Joseph 1 the- Saloonkeeper" who- ahotahd 'al killed Van Dran. and that the auth tlea are tlafled that if Chase Is guilty et Mrs. Tn""Dran a murder was at Id st an accomplice in tha crln The e say they hava clues In the! poseesslii 'which will probably lead start lint evelopments In the queer mu der cssel Klnnei aitd both women are held b the Ban ineisco police. Whether t ought' buck appends on the polio and Detectives rTjT;ni Vaughn, jrho go to San Franao night, may be able to elicit frlm) tnem by the "iveatlng-" process. TfaJChlef GrltsmacMrr and District Attoif e Win ning are I exceedingly ager t(f hive Kinney, aid the women i returnVa IS I can be aronfnlshed ther freeljVdit The arrJ 4 of theaa pet pie flrst nctu toward bi step taken nglng tha muaatr Van Drai to Justice. olios Shew Blatioa. -"White j againau hase- tg-wanted aa "a ng at his trial for Ing Van I ran with a dangerous with lntj t to commit murder. eve of i lich.he left tha city. thorltlen Ire - unable to conceal elation Skr developments for th con that Ulfly believe the responsl for the 1 Idsonlng ofMrs. rVsnr .inv now 4 placed where It belongs ha-eeeaveNteft-TJly larfrra- ootlng Van Drafraaaaw' aet for t orrow by the circuit court and thril and Chase are known to have hejda veral conversations, which they tafedl keep secret In the few da'ya Insgie- tely preceding the sailing rtaVthe amer Spokane, Is also sllesjg py tha ice. ils Is the . my us the h Chief Grltsn her and xl hava been I orklng for i, and the lure to arres to have I due to a bel Important i vldence could by keeping Im under surv par Van an wss shot about 12: 0 p. m. Augus ime Chast waa acting a itinued as sue per snd rsn ley at the hospltifr i Wm. bbed Wkfla ilk." Af r Van DH left the hosulal h mad i examll tlon of hla stodk am: want that er hla ooks,. with- the Iresuli Inform A Detective Vaufhn ol tha a ed .emi xzlement by till bsH keepe stock- hied at about Hi an by ov1 drafts fo - Bell ng that Cliasa would fob employ whils ie Bay 111. hejr mlaffit know so ethlng 9boht the mi poison o in. V JtS '1 fan. and e InVVIew Jof theiP-actl that Cb Wanted Ay the glnte to testify Toung kt the Stial for shoot Dran. nBarrest tfpa fhade by aetefre llnueeitil'aga TweJ 0R-0F- IaTSTS. 'bltpa Reef.' bj-111 III ts by X.- ' fetrtu uri oft Ine aeftlon rat ybody Slef-- ouch, , readli a ter since he bckiin write. Bed tl he who wae, Vlrp -awrTien Robert xon thJ t hts Wawl ther apprn: incomplnt a 'nearly thrsj snv other that of t less arm -Is a . feTifure or TV" Bund l'i'' I lulij" : IWiSAWFRMGlSGOi CHARGED DEATH Srant McDonald, Active in the Labot Day. Celebration. 5.000 ARE KILLED Revokf BreaksLit on an Enor-t mi s Scale in southeastern Provinces oflRussia. ' w tUTlONISTS AVACE DEVASTATE I0UNTRY Intirely Unable to I pe.With and Reinforer ta Arel Jute of Siege - Pf claimed AU Closed. ersburgssept stal tabu sanda aavasiaung, --aw Minrry.ysaKlna id openbf glvinraaaBwjBlBWtroops. For o moitJh tha entire region haa been In a atate oi turmoil watch la dally growing w se. Kioting montn agi by strikers trengthenad t ravoU and of trains since then throughout ceased aj)f tha operation he district' li ,a entirely at a stand- mi. kum ns ara also paralysed.' A state o ge h, bri proclaimed many of t lstrhts. ir aix weeks tha Blaclt portAha been closed frlin Batoiimlt the mlut I of the river DoraVand no shl a hav( rived or de part durirg-t iia'pers li oth Cau casla tnd Tran aucasln re affected and enciragemrt to the volutlonlsta. Numerous oiat rages agalils government officials and poflce are reported and I many instances bomb-throwing result! in wholesale deaths la told .of In iclal dispatches. ETYTOTAKI fH a-h 1 1 aS !LhL.T--ri.vrritI RECORD ' -' (Joaraal SpecUl Srrtc.) -Philadelphia. Sept. 4 r-Harry , Pratt Jones and James Madison Thompson of Baltimore, "widely known ' In club and social circles, engaged a special train on the Pennsylvania railroad early this morning and made a new speed record to Atlantic City, , all for the avowed pur pose of taking a bath. Tbe special train shot but of the station at eight mlnutoe to t o'clock thla morning. There was only, one, car and locomotive, and . Mr. Jones and hta friend whirled Into the Atlantic City station at S o'clock, having traveraed 7 miles In 68 minutes. ; , FRENCH JEW IS Klllb -I BY MOROCCAN BANDITS ' ir1,..l Inul.l I k -Tangier, Sept. 4.-A French 'Jew waa murdered, here, .yesterday. . The JOBJtJ ""tn urrapeo. i ne stiDUrns or 'inn. glor . hava r baeiv deserted ly" Rtiropen na on . account of the depredations of the aiidThold tHcm for rauaom. The Mo- fear Ralsull and the Angoras.- disasTrOus'storm :' sweeps over new york (Joaraal Special Barries.) Utlca. N. T.i Sept. 4. One of thr worst storms that e-ver visited ccntrrtt New Tork swooped down upon .thla sec tion list night, resulting in damage .thai Will exceed $iOO,OdO. - . Injured la Santa, Te Wrack. ; 1 (Joaraal Spectjil Berrlra.) , . Pueblo, Col..-Sept. 4 Mra. Mary R. Barley and -Mra. Martha K. Woodard of lAnrenre. Kansas, were seriously in- Jured, In a wteck-uSLa .PenU 'ejaa- nV ent;er Jrsln carrying, hundreds pf tO. V H.' excursldnlsts -near-loone, -"Colorado, -yeateTday aMernoeev The wreck waa rus4l by tha tank of an angina leaving the 'track. . Two er glnea and live coajIiob were overturned, ' rr ' .. PRICE TWO IRS VAN Mrs. Lucia F. Additon, Speaker at 'Labor Day Exercises. peace mm is 3 Instrument That Ends Contest in Far East Ready for Sl- t natures of Envoys." ; CEREMONY TAKES PLACE r: ' BEFORE SELECT CROWD Engrossing Clerks Labor All- Night to Conclude Work AseiaUnt Sec. J Tetarjr Peirct Supplies the" Red Tips in the Proceedings.' (Joaraal Spatial Sarrle. :t; -' ' ! Portsmouth,' ' Sept.' 4. The1 peac ity . that ends tha warln the' far I JiasTSen finlsheiT and, Vnlyawaita aignaturta ofLtija.nvo'a tiiia. after- hen at i o'clock the agreement ratified In .the presence of. gov- t snd local officials. It will be aa tha treaty of Portsmouth. . engrossing' clerks finished their early thla morning and Assistant tary of Stat Pelrce supplied the, red tspe with which to tie the nent. ' M. Morata for tha Japanese IM, Rolestvensky for the 'Russians. had the engrossing In charge, la- d most of the night In getting the ument In-ahape -for- final aetkm. ' he treaty consists of a preamble and rtlclee. The concluding article pro. s thst the exchange of ratifications 1 occur within l dsys sfter the slg- by the plenipotentiaries. The slan ratification will be communl to the Japanese government by the ench minister at Tnklo and the Amer in amhasaador at St. ' Petersburg will form the Rnsslsn government of the apanese raimcaiion. I The atgnlug of the treaty will be an exclusive affair. -- Newspaper correspon' dents and photographers have been barred. ' Besides the envoys and their secretaries . the only' witnesses present will be Assistant Secretary of Ststs Pelrce, .representing the president. Gov ernor Mckene of-New Hampshire, tha mayor of Portsmouth, Admiral Meade, commander of the navyyanl.' sjid Cap tain Wlnstow Of the Mayflower. Tonight the ' newspaper correspon dents, guests of the hotel and govern ment off Iclala will be entertained by Baron Kanura and Minister, Takahlra. TO POSTPONE bOUMA. . Stunored BlMtioaof jSBastijbly Witt STot - ," Hsld for Anotka Tear. - r rtJooroal Special Bargee.) 4 ,- ', . . St. Petersburg. . Sept. i 4. It Is . ru mored that the election of members to the propoed assembly will , be post poned a yesr. '''.- v ,- :- f, .. Geaeral Linlevltch on hla return will be appointed -viceroy to .Siberia aa a reward for reorganising tha army.' , " A thousand sailors who participated In the mutinies, at I.lbau and. In . the Black aaa have- been transferred to tha army and -will, he -sent-to -Siberia to serve In the army of occupation. ,. . . f . .. , REBELLION IN JAPAN. Sumo red ta atoms That Dissatisfaction WltB, eace teraa OnseaT VprialavrTT V 1 tjuuiusi awist Salt isp. says -thst- It- is reported In Rome-that f "qlV haa broken nut .In Japan. Dlsaawhifncrlon-with the terms of pence is supposed tn be the" cause. ' In well Informed circles here the report Is re garded as, absurd.. - Jlot AUowed ta Meat. ""' (Journal Special Service. 1 "Moscow, Sept. . 4. Tha police yester day stopped a meeting of members of the Moscow aemstva- congresa . which hsfc been called to nacusa the attitude tha- Zemstvolxts should Uke toward the projected national assembly. Amnne thoaa' at the meeting were rilllif frrt4 anuriKi, t-rince -j. rouoetaxoy and Prince I voir, . , rw trlsl i (Joaraal Snertal garttrsii - -t St. .rVterabttrjc. fept.- 4, Tha'-Kovo Vr"va i- 'r i;)Bt an Anglo-Amerl- en-j i -nc fm ben -t!. 1 1 : ' t par' " I i CENTS. ... ii&hUcZ72 mm Labor Turns - From - Its -Tasks -" for - a" Time and - Celen c brates the " Glory . -of'Wbrk. " rr : ELABORATE; CEREMONIES ; ; : HELD AT CEDAR PARK Prominent Men Address Big Crowds ' . There and Other , Thousands Take i. Advantage of Holiday to Visit the . . Exposition and ' Witness Special . Program There. J i- Laboring men. are enjoying-a holiday today.i Other tradesmen-sre also Join- Ing In the gala time, and altogether thla wilt be one of the mest enJoyableLabor daya ever held In this city. Thouaande are celebrating at Cedar park, "while other thousanda are availing- thameelwa of seeing the exposition.- . ' The official- labor celebration Is being held at Cedar park. Here many ara spending-the day, having arrived early with lunch basket and tha children.----But a majority of the1 crowd did not arrive , until thla afternoon,' when the program began.- ----t- - - At the fairgrounds things were dif ferent. . Throughout JJie forenoon the five turnstiles "at the nu n antra nee of tha grounds wera require to a'ccommp data", the Incomers,' and the Indlcattoue- -are that thla will be one of tha seven largest daya of tha fajr. There were rtt special features for- Labor day. but thousands of celebrators swarmed ever the-grounds,'- a great many of whom tiai'a iait "imi.ii IiiiiI, -. vls'ltfng tha falrwhlla thaxhlblt bulld' 1 .1 a n c i v vjn;,,, .." . . - ' The gates at Cedar park wer'e thrown open, at octock. thla morning.;- Eaeb outbound car from PnrttaoS.broughr its ' delegation to the park, ana tbe trains leaving Ssjcond and Alder streets after 11 o'clock wera crowded. . Among the merrymakers ware many visiting letter . carriers All night lohg. Manager Prasp had a corps of men busily engaged In carrying water and wetting down tha parts of the park where tha crowd is gathered; thla wss done to lay tha dust and to guard against accidental fire., . There waa no labor parade today, tha . leaders of tha. various trade organisa tions having, decided to spend the day quietly. . Tha Ladies' Label league an4' ' the Ladies' i. auxiliary - hava charge3 ef refreahment booths. .! ': ... '' -. . The .- apeechmaktng : began at.l:S o'clock thie afternoon.. -The addrasa af -welcome was given by Governor George Cleveland, president of the National As sociation of . Letter-Carriers, spoke an ijh moral side of labor, organisations; (Mrs. Lucia H. F. Additon gave an ad dress, the subject being "The Purchas ing Power of Women, or Their Relation to Organised Labor." ' - , Avery. C. Moore, a prominent labor leader , and a well-known orator ef Idaho.' gave the principal addreas of tha afternoon. Mr. Moore said In part: : i " 'Each American, whether ha worka with his head or his hands: whether he la an -employer or a wage-earner; no mat ter where he was bora or what creed he professes, Is entitled to be Judged by his fellowsh hla wdrth ae a man. In return he la bound In honor to do hie best . to; give to every man a fair deal, for no man deserves mora and ne man should receive less.' . - . -"Mr. Chairman and Friends;: I hava chosen these words from a recent public . addresa of a prominent number af the ( (Oontlnuedeai Page Nine.)! l.:0DMLt:0'iiFC3i7Ji:3 BY7.!l:EJl!ITi:"ME T '-'2? ' "'"' "' '' Rematkablai Seismlo J Disturb . ances Are Reported In the "ntenor orMsxicor . (Joaraal Sverlal 8arle. Dispatches tn the meteroiogicsi department of the federal gov ernment' give an account af a re markable eelsmle dl-orbaca la Dm state of Guerrero, The entire aids of the precipitous mountain called Cerr Dolores suddenly took sn onward mov. went, great masses of rock welghf manr tons esch were Dr""'" the .upheavel shd fell Into the vi with a thundering nolae. Tie inhabitants of Puebla San Ia two leagues distant, were terror-atr ..r ina.le nreparatlona for f t I . afld m'l preparations-for f" tnarn. of. liueiamo. Tor 1 mnrement was plainly t panted b a 'great rur no.-e. rl r to aariftees I Teopte iho rr'. t r ..II