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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1905)
Till. OREGON SUNDAY JOUHI JAl, TOSTLAND. SUNDAY I'Cr.irn.a CZTTTlT?. the postefBe ef O1 ,lMUlOt the Mlk ae boobV ; rd at u..- p-er. 1 Mij 1 M M w ajswhw d i r-a - nixniom. a.... ........ ..Mala IM Mela 808 "lertal .MMI UIM HMH IK baesao su-sst. hew York. XrtWUM '-- " 1 " J ' . L. - tvBtossmos BAT "' - Dally )Nnil with MUT, y . Dslly Joaraal. I V"" VlUilhi! 8.76 a Dally JsuruL with Sunday. BseatliB. J-j . fv.ii- i .... . - -Tr Dsiiy with suaday. mom. l .. Dally Journal. bV:m"t'ii" M rxiiT with ,''elrr it Dally, per week, dsJlverad. Baaday eluded .."I'Zllll'.'mml'"' Zoo 0.117. tr week. feUverea. Beadey . septed.,... - " .j.t: e rrto Joaraal. wlta Bsjnusy. i j - 1 1 . ... Lily Mml, ."".r; t BO t Illy Journal. W1U a-snay. ' .Hi e Iwlly Josmal. s axmio . . . . , "".V e Dslly Jtwiul. with MW. .. S inuiy mnu a a fa) hniu JsuraaL 1 year - . twU7 )wrul, 4 saoatha .... Th shnawWeeldy -.. V -Ml S-WBt ( UW. 1 - F. 0. Btrt. PwtUn. W. wmi txM mwus. jut. w romra. UW at tka n ,jyOMS M. 1, IIIWHV-40 1 HA Mlllr4 Hori tnd: Mtt t tlomrr enm!Mi. 1 rn".piJ.. (ALT Ull CITY Kmw Mm Btm.. 4S Wrt eM.trit. mtk I A M,CT Pbtllp . I" K. T. Jtt, fx pil itrwt . ; r' N CISCO W. K. Arllm. BoW t arl kotI; Tmbet Ortir. JT"T ,bll- k ; H. kMt1T. BfWtk w nm op KnM b4 Imiwj . " " t .TTL Balal Snad !" staadl W. U - . Hotel SMttl Nw "twid. C WA8JUMI0l-Jh W. SMkaa S ..Si." WAinHH0T01-0r1 .! Botal Tpnn tm tiiA, TI .OEIA, BEITI8H COLUMBIA TlOTl knok Btetlowrr .- - tMHHk tto -wotr to rUy rkd Ml VashUistoa. M rml of conafqwac ku or ' nmd. It k rtwhtadly cosier ki wort Oroa -4 weatcra Wufclartoa aa altcbtlr warawr la lu- asd (lire dm Mrtkaaatcra WaMitactaa. v ualnstoa. U will k cgoW aat at tba can HMrataliw. . - Otaerrtttnaa a a. aUxliaaia tmpera "trv a wm: atkafmoai tamaeratara. - imr. flm rrmrthif at a. at.. M (ett rhanaa ht aaat 34 boun, . font; total pfarln- Itattot, K By at. to 5 p. PA., nona; total prerlrv . 4t(iM ikMMtMiiwr 1- luOS. ana; 'vvaiat prvripttatkm ataca Srptmaaer 1. HMO. C taHi: ayrvtancr, iaca: atal aaaahlna myt ., twhrf 1. 1S0&. 10:23: aoaatMa aaaahtaa Septeaj- W.M. lo. aaramatar traaa ta aaa rwlV at 5 p. Bl.. SO.M. ;- - -4 KARRIAOI UCIJfKf. 4iieeilB liliaaoaH-. xv; laani . pmwr, M. Ralph L. Caraa, 31; Rlkaabeth J. Ratberford, . Morton L. Ratoa..3fta lAlht.Hattoa, 37. : . illU O. Soan. 3d; W. CI. K. Ma loot, 92. Roy A. Rettleailre.. O; Daley I- (tlena. SB. winiam Paltta. 4T;-Emmajralbeet41. k- a Ynh air Uta twh'k.' Bfrt F'eralta faiwaaa,' IB T..rry Fill. 23; Mabel Mead. i. 1 ' Robert H. Hani. 23; Clara B. Kjaor. a. . Weddlna Card. W. 0. Baatth B) Oa.. Waab ltoa btde. aor. Fonrtb aad Waablawtaa eta. BIXTKB. - THOMPSON' Aoanat Bl. to Mr. and Mr.' Wil li. a tmmum. iuT riaka atraet. a aoa. XKIBCRTH Aaauat S5. ta Mr. aad Mr. CharaM i. ylnurtb, bo Orertea atraet. a on. , HI t;HES AoTat id, to Mr,, and Mr, loha R. Huaaea. 125 Kant Twenty -etjkth atrnt, N., V XANNB Aaraat 4. ta Mr. and Mr. Hcnama . Kanna, 415 Baat Reeentb atraet. a aoa. BAROft Augnat 28. .toy Mr. aad Mr.' Oortl Kara, la noaiaoenory atrean, a aoau Ol'IXrJPPl Aaanat 27. ta Mr. and Mra. Vm ; ataattn Maffelfa Oahwppl. 107 MIU atraet. 7REE Aarn . to Mr. and Mra.- Henaaa A. laeaaea. 121 North fifteenth atraet. a PRic' Aecnet 98. ro Mr. aad Mr. Andrew F, bwa oua flanaer arreot. a- aoa. - RI'HHEi Anrnat 4. to Mr. and Mra. Leafct R. Fnoeell. ten) Kec rrara arren. a enau um hll.1 Anrirat 90. ta Mr. asd Mra. J(i Mitchell. Bereath aad Hoyt etraata. daach- CTATTBN Aaanat . ta Mr. aad Mr. Bar aix Kut Twantr-fifth atreat. a BROWN Annat 4. to Mr. aad Mra. J. V. Brown. U0S Kaat. aaarwesia aireri. a naasa WOODBCRT Aaraat , ta Mr. aad Mr. Dal- pert a. Woodbury, of Penloeular addition, a d.nrhter. - - . BTAHM AaeniR K). ta Mr. aad Mra. Joanna a . Khn. 74 Raaaell atreat. a daorbter. ; ' ;1TX TTtW CXatETIBT. Mntla 18. r.mlly Ion B7I ta Bi.oue. The only cmetary la Pert I ad which tpatually malatala aad eema far mta. Fat tl U formation apply to W. R. Markanaao. ereeatar block, dty. W. M. Ladd. proaUaad. The Edward Bolmaa TJadertahlavj eonrpaay, aral aliwctor aad ail)laar, ; 230 TRIM ,. Fhaae 507. .... . P. rtnley 4k Boa. fsBeral dirnttora aad era, earaar Third and Madleoa atreeta. mt eaaaty aoroaer. Tatephose Mala 8.' Fpaaral wreath aad eat Boareta a epaeulty rt ten nry weeanoneo. iweaty ast morrlaaa, app. . . flat year laeuranee and abattacla ta real eetata rrom the Title Ouarrato 4 Treat nsa. , -ny, 20 Waahlnrton atraet, oomer Becond. sxatx aoncx. "At tan, family residence In 1hla etty, 1 y at., Auaiuf 31. 18iS. Ella. Jonea. i t years, B month, (0 day. Interment I b at Brooke. Oretroa, September t. - ' - . i --.' ' 3-Btory brick building. '. SOxlOO, In excellent locslity on West Side. This property will be a rood income-bearer aa long at 1 ortland stands. Easy terms". U you wsnt to invft safely and tioutably, don't mis this. The Jiari VIW Wanted to Buy a Xot and tlie Man Wtib Wanted to ; jZ fcc ; v t Vere:Telioiv-Pti on a Street Car bYcstcrdayBut Utter Strangers ; to Each Other. A Want Ad Inserted by Either, Y6uld Introduce Them. sonom. MACBrNRHor Tka aa4era1(tid, traataa at . th GUI 0, EnflM Hacaina cowpaa. -offm for aal fur aaa 4m aatlra aturk ol naralaarx, toota. paUoraa, rtn. of Jhr abov caupanr. locaiao at 3ia. jtxa ana v at. Talk la a BKt comphita abop for all r kioda or ropalr arork ana for coamtrartnoi o( ' aaanlhM MiflaM. ' Wtlllaai A. Da lata I, tniatae. axxxrar hotioea. l'RKKA CoawU -No. S04. K. and U C B. aalli ba alarUoa of officer Mooday raaalnf, Mrotaaabar 4. at ikclr ball la ta Aoilttarlum bids. M. L. Johaaaa,. Cor. 8ac. aua Eaat roartaeaia, . , 0BKGON CIRCLB. Ko. 1TL W. O. W.. aiaeta Moaoay aifai la uona- aau. aoraar win Uaaaa IT. aa Raaaell at., at I s'elock. MAKT RANDAIX. Clark. . in I. ton ad rovm. : LOttT Oanln of Avraat 2B. batwaaa I aauaa aad Marquam t aaat re, roaaa fokt watca -caana. Lata, rat pa iwu anaam tat face. 0. B. W. ea aack; reward for reuira t asa avaaraas. - . . rOl XD Mb rbaara to aell roar aM faanltnra '. for caab or viraaaao fur new; eqaar" deal. M. i. atraratb. e Kortb Third. Fbaaa Mala BOOT. V 1OHT 8llrar watch fob, 4 colaa; Uofcwlal rola at, data jau; coat Hrpt. l; libera I. .fewara. a. It. Atbertutl. 81 Manet at.,-eiu. BTRATBD Ooltla doc. dark brown, wblte around peck: "Rob." Plader coatnunicaH riM Jobaaua ti. I-baaa aUla WOT.. LOUT Jry drtrtnc (loew, rrldar erenlrMt. oa uiawwr aaaa. rtaaaa rciara to joaraai oinro. am . wAjrrriwr at.b. , ' in i vmtl rooa, aoo; eroiirr, f if, vut ' " ' week; ahortorder cook. Ban oar. nau Blfbt eook, I4; cook, email hotel, w; rrol fur k aiea, . Sou; boat cook, ISU) aecoad, 30J .dlab-waahera, l(Mr--T4 week.. Work log bead waiter, f40i waiter, cown try, fat; waltarr city. 0. and 10 -aad Weak; dlalna-rooaa, boa boy, fa. - , H. k. WOHK. - k'RBB AtE. . ' IS Ubarer (or rlfht of way rlearln. SO tranter for rtluatla-ljealaluu liraai'b. teamatara, X aad beard, taboreja, I2.2S, for Btashaoj Rnrlaaa. ( . UREEhS JOB 1TALIAS8. ta, 1.T. ft M m day- for- R. -R.-oatrac aad company work, eonatrartloa, extra gaac .aad aeetlaoa; board youralt . - 4 barker, 2.76; 1 cbaaar, 2.TSi 10 ami Cor aertiaa work, tttfrlo, railroad. 3.aS; 4 aawmtll haada, 1U QUARRY MEN rSBK JOB. FREE fARE. laborer, driller., etc.. 2.25;. board . HitsiTi MPLorMnTvorncf - r Bt Korth BecoDd Be Kear Boraalda Bt. ROUGH carpenter, 2.T5; atrtamwrmeB. z.bfr ana; 30 miu aaa ranuwra, w u . box factory boy. 1J np; 4 laborer, 12.50; & an tn wotk oa ail 11 aad deal tjulldlnc. fY&0 to $1.75; backer, B3.0U: S lumber crad era. tx.00; lumber pile. 11.50; otbera; large Hat of arw work ary day. -Of flea open HuBday. Lumber aMU' tabur Bureaa, Bu6V Morrlaoa at. . - . TOO PICK IRS ta pick 24 aeraa bo pa; all da aired accemmoaatioaa, jrrorery, ouery, rrm "taoraat. butcaar-abop, beautiful eamp aroanda. daac hall, para pjoaataia wiw, -re daced axciuraloa rate: apeclal trala, 15 car. Apply Monday pad Taeaday, room 41 Btter lock bid.. Third aad Oak. . WANTED lBuadUtly. plaalnc mill foreman. naniav aanavmr. fnmi x war flOO par month; anarper aawyar, S.50 par dayi aaoldta balldara. Mi Boo bat atead . Clean aaen . need apply. Addrai anarper ana nana -naoldtnf a, fS; dy and nrat- Clean nvan . need apply. Addraa Lnmbar Co.. MMeooia. Maataaa. . WANTED 1.000 bmb, to fit theaiaelTe for bet tar noalttona at tna x. la. u. a.. Bianc.acoooi lorry Qirrerani naDjocraj tail lara op1" neu- teniber ao. call at Aeeociaiion onuuin. nir aer Foorth and ,.(amhlU, ata., tat lUaateatad catalogna. - WANTED A beaky yoaag aiaa for ablpplng clerk la wboieaal Mot ana anoa atore; ami bar nferenjee and mono epertenea. Apply bet. 8 and B o'clock Monday awrnlac. 30 and S3 Front at. - . - - STATION MEN. rack work) food prlcaa. new work, lota af tt. aide rata, au wutar. aaatera Orevoa; free fare. PartlcBlarB at Baaaea'a Employment Office. 98 North Baeoad at. BALK8MRX caa ea.lly nak 10 a day aelUak oar ld ,-wlmtaw lattara. , aawiur nna ana rhaareeblo aiiae." Malllraa Co., 405 Weet Via Barea etreet, Chlcaco, I1L- ' ASSISTANT for local braaei rilea-at aiana- fctuiin bona; aalary 3H aaeablyi paria aent poaltloa. Addrea Manafer, Coaw block, ! Cblcagnv - " - - WANTED Man ' who will take car ef email amonat atock on farm near Portland for board and email aalary. Addraa K 42, care . Joaraal. . . WANTED 8e lea man ta help cloae deal; rood money ta conrlnclna talker. I'or partlcolar addrea Baleamaa, K 47, era Joaraal. WANTED Toon( maa delrln tboroojrb know led- ef the real aetata, waa and tnamr nnea bu.lnaa. . Addrea L 48, Journal. WASTED Bllllna clerk, millinery .a lee roan abo ealeaman; other oprnlnca. Bnalaee " Mea'a Ckearlns Uoaae, 110 Barand at. WARTCD MEN Ey . healthful work; $3 at dally. ) rite tor particular. . conu. Auntnontiac Bemce, vucato. WANTED To meet a maa with aoma anoney who would lib to mate mtt per week net. Addrea a. oa, care joaraal. TWO food He eollcltor; good eommaita ' aaa eaiary ta run parnea. a. . autijaiwa. ' Ulkw. bOA WaablnftoB t. I WANTED Stroaa; yean maa- not under 30 1 at Pacific Laundry company, 231 Arthur Bt. , Apply Moo oar morning. . CIRCl'LAB dUtrlbutori waated; ray SS.00 per 1.000: particular for rump. 4. at. lerreu. Damaarue, Pa. wiNTCIt-Toanur man ta learn barber trade antra ebopj aoma money required. 5u8 Waan- ,- instoa at. . - .. , . - ' -y 1 BOY ta learn printing trade; one with experience preferred, jue r Kieiyy rrena..i'ta rrooi etreet. FIRST-CLAM broiler and roach roan. Addrea O. M. Campbell, 320 Jaaaa U, ' BeatUe, Waaa.. ' - BARRETTB Detertlra "rbool Laat'cUa thla term; redBCea rate. , Biut waaaiuBia. a. BOT waated for factory. Apply at A2 Et Twenty-lire I at. ieiepoone1 naw in.; WANTED At once, good preaaer. Turner". Dye Work, aoa jerreraoai mu . TEAMS to haul a-rarel; goad wage and good Job.-. Pboaa fuioa aiaa. WANTED A food atonemaaoa. 883 William are. rnone 11m oi. OrFICB boy wanted.' Prior Broa.' ,'Braw Co. 210 Blerenth at., aorth. - . - - ------- - WANTED Hopplckera; aback, furalahed. . Colombta at. - e MEN to work la gold mine; SOT MeK.y bWg. aaat take atock HXtF WANTED IThtAlE. " OPEN MONDAY- 8 TO 8. - 'fie ' ralr week; chambermaid, an week; 2. t-'IA month I woman to dopr'lM att tloueQ.. DO ex- f rlence. .fl.25 day; plain saamatrea. una piece, i; aremmaier. eonntry, fw montn; I good eooke. fo and f.)A 18 bouaeglrla ., aad eooha, for famlllee.' fJU ta tX; hotel caok 340; 4 mere waltreaar. f8 a week; T waltreeae. 88 and 87 a week: many etker (and situation. Call early Monday. HAKKKN S LAII1KM' AOKNt V; - ' S43H Waah. St.. eorner 8Trntb,. apatalr. TOO PICKERS to pick 824 seres bops; all da. . erred aecommodstlon. grocery, bakery, res taurant, botcher -abop, beautiful eaaia groaadn, daac hall, pure mountsln water, etc.; re- dneed excnrsloa rates; epeclil train, 15 care. Apply ' Meaday and Tuesday, room 441 kmer lork bldg.. Third aad Oak. DRAM ATI r Irattnu-tloal hegtnnera taken; ama. linwneo; lerma ransossble: no hilew fereoce with business; evenings: weekly trial wita repertoire com pant, ad freaa A 103. esrs of Jours. 1. ; .- '-"-v IfTITt lady wanted each county to demon strat and dlaslay aampbaj salary, fir week- 1 ly; a cap'tsl er xperteuea required, rii ear I., 120, ChciUut at., rkllaatlphU, fs. HEL WANTED rrhtALE. bt a mteAmIM . etrla fee make aeeralm . ablrtm Inataactloa ia -ta Inexparieaead. -Apply Nenatadter Broa., Standard FaeUry No. 8. cor. Kant Tar lor and lrnd are. WANTED Expeiiencad family cenha..f0i aec- - and glrla, fid; bouaekeepera, rnamnermaiun. . aviun I. main. rnone main 01. - GIRL wanted for hooeearork In mH fanrtly, . C.U forenoon Ko. 28 Eaat Fltuaath at,, - aoath. Aakeay or Pin at. ara. BANSEN'B LAMBS A0BNCT. 348 H Waabmg. ton at-, aor. Beranth. npatalra. rbena U ' tan. Female - help, wanted. WANTED Partner la hand laundry, little nr 1 na Rtooey required. 2T4 Holladay ae.,roeia 28. i'bone L alua SSutt. - WANTED Ladle aad men of good appearance for ataga work? trs relink cooipany. Addrea . K J17can Journal. , WANTED Ulrl for fcner.l houaework; Rood wage; no wa.hlng. 87 N. Park, t..betwea -vavia ann nrvrstt. ... ' . ' v WANTED Woman to awaep half a day each week la axebanaw for plane Let en. Addrea A 107, Journal.. - ... WANTED Today, first -c la aa Udy planUt. 823 par weak ; long engagement. Room 12, v ft ' Morrlaoa.' r - , . . k WANTED Ctrl for 'general washing or children; w.gsa 41j lentn. . - - r ' GIRL waated t work - for hoard . and go ta arnool. , 1O0S East Taylor at. - rbena. Beet? 984...,..; .s.i. ,: .Au:"-!. Iwx. NEAT gk-l. abodt 14,. cere baby; gmd Apply noreity piano. 10 wnaoington. WANTrUVBinerlencad makera. appran'' ticea. jnoeeity Muiinery Bur, aia in lrd at , GIRbB -wanted ta work. In paper box factory. . . c atrttr,' cocner intn ana uiuan.- f 1,008 OB 82.008 on - real -eecnrrtyv a. rear, at auaurer. , auui 1 a ak w,.aj,.iiNnai, - - GIRL of abon't 18 to take car of baby. Apply ain Market at. GOOB waltrea at once. ' Kewaaatla cafe. Third aad Jiarrlaoo.. - ,.. . .- .. -.- WANTED Mlllmarr apprantkaa at 442. Waah' lnatoa at. - . WAJTTETI-MkTF AJTO FT1LAXZ aTJOK" WANTED Bookkeeper aad' ataaogtapharai w placed 207 paplai la lucraar poaltlona daring peat year; call or read far catalogn; day or -Bight; It will pay yon. ' BEHKKaVWAXKEB BCSfNESB COIXEOB. 50 IIOPPICKERS -wanted Immediately for toe M. i. Jonea Bopynroa - at Brooke, Oregon. Incjnlr nt the St. Cherlr hotel. I'p ex cursion trato Taeaday at lower Baat Portland station, 8 a. ' m. WANTED At earn,- a bright, eaarfelle, pra- Beniaoitt aw or woennn. a gooa tnixer, m tak ap aa attractJTe peopoaltlon, laoalr .733 Chamber af Com mama. B a, aa. ... AMATEI'R AfrrORS It coat aothlng to join weu-kaowa Or ma tic cotnuany; a tea ay work; good aalary. For perticulara, t, 42. Joarnnl. SOLICITORS Men or women; permanent em ployment to hastier: experience aary. - BOB Dekem bldg. WANTED Hopplckera to com me Be Monday, Heptemnar . call at A. aw cnorca a Co., 280 Taylor at. -,- WA i-ahTkere: beat sard): eaar to Apply Andrew Kaa Csw, 287 Morrison nC BELT wanted aad snppfled. aula er female. R. 8. DRARR, Ott Waaklngtoa St- Clay sOTVATIORS W-aUTTEIe LaXZ. ' WANTED A place where an adranced bualnesa college student can work roe hla board ta a atom or, restaurant, mornlnga, erentng and Saturday.; I will work aa.tb bookkeeper, clerk, . caahler or la any capacity. Apply F 66, rare Joaraal.. . : SITUATION wanted by experienced maa running arooa-workmg marntoery; can meke moKIing cutter or will work In machine or hardware st or. .' Addreoe K 51. eara Journal. ' - -toTVA'non wAjrTziTOuxx. SITt-ATION - wanted by. eapsbke. middle-aged woman, boy 12,. aa hooaekeeper widower' family: dty or auburha preferred. . 23q it YambllL-Phone Main 5413 Mt'KICIAN. young lady, flrst-clae plantat and perrect eignt reaoer. woura like any reapart ' able position m tbe m osteal line. Addraa L 52, care Journal. . - . - - . WANTED By middle-aged lady, : eare at In valid or working nonackeeper ; trrroa . rea sonable. . Addrea L 40, Journal. " SITUATION wanted, capable wemaa. work by day aweeping. cleaning, mambermald. .Z30W YambllL Phone Main 54 1. - XXrLOTatERT A0HCXR. . HANSEN'S EMPLOTsTENT OFFICB.- ' ' FOB MEN. - 28 3T. Second t . . Phone Mala 1898. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor centre) tore: help free t empkirera. 215 Morrlaoe, WAJTTETeR 1ST, TtWATR. ' LIST your real estate -with as; we turn away clients every day oa account af not having the reel eauta ea our list; we will guarantee , sat la fart loa la return. W also Brant some bouse for rent. The coming real estate firm of Portland Bmlth Bna, cor. Sixth and Washington. Pbone Mala 4080. . THB DUNN-LAWRENCB CO. have cash cus tomer for dee treble Inside bustnea aad reat denre property, suburban acreage - nr nicely Improved bomee; parties having each and willing to sell aheap will pkesse apply at 140 Vk First st. , . . j ,.. HOl'HR ard kit between Morrison aad Rumsld , and not farther out than Thirty-fourth st. en eaat side, or would buy' en wept aide If not toe high: giv location and prlc first latter.- Address F 51. car JoamaL FARMS WANTED All . ktd stock, poultry. - .fruit, grsln and bop farms; most be good and reasonable In price; give full deserlptloa, price and terms.. . ' -, 1 i 308 Allsky bldg. . . .'- WANTED Owners of small tract near city t list same with me for eale. I have custom-.-. " Have yoa bargalnat W, Hoses Wood, Boom 10, 141 H Farat si. ..'- . , . , .... WANTED T purrhato a cosy west aide cot tage bom, small Ice: mast be a bargain and bi walking d lata nee. Address L 48, Journal. ' . . WANTED Small tracts suitable for - rhtcke rancbes; - muit be good and- reasonable,. 208 Allsky bldg. . . WANTED To rent boase with' 8 to 8 of Isnd.-snltahle for berry-calalng. - Addrea 1 I WANTED Tq bay small, cheap cottage and -"Tl-furnHurrar-ln7rTnalgan K on, Journal. rUwd 143.. I WANTED House th rcot jrk.hav more eaii toaa we save oooses. Alias hide XjaTAJiTiTI Small- rsachee; must n good and rmeanable. ; . an6"'?Jll.d'' I WANT a go. a good farm. , First at i bualneaa or city property f w Seemy sgeat, f. Facba, 14; WANTED To bay amsll, cheap crmsge; -far-' nit ure for cash. J. Lapdtg.a.- Hoed 143. WAJrTXS-AOiarn. WANTED A rent aad salesmen for our Mill Oem I .una Tester, patent pending; best thing out. .something arw and Bella aa eight: cata logue aad eemple 2ft cento postpaid; wholesale RrU-e to rent. :- Shlrhw M. V. Co., Box 80, hirley, Ind. - ' 1 . - AGENTS WANTED T aell ear snperlnr klkb grsde nnrsery stocks new and complete out fit furntabed free; caah weekly;' write today for choice territory. Capital City Nareary Co., Bsism. Or egos, , - , 1 50 PER CENT selling popular bonk.. "Dollar Want Me." th new road to wealth, educate the, dollar, 10c; ' agent wanted. Address "llbluber, IM 8 U last aLt b.i Ifascmee. WARTETWlfTamXARTOUBV PAINTlNfJ, baeatneoL. nraelnar aad whlbawaahlna? tree. baraa, dork. te., done; Urgent outnc ua in eoasi. aa. w. 970 MUwaukl ab Phase Morgan Rut 2817. ORCHESTRA. 8 plena, would Ilk engagement . ereninga aa ifunoay; mnaie ror nil occauuoos at rry leasonabla rata. . 48 Laoredg at. Phone Mala 8003. , WANTED A' aerand-hand Chandler. BT Prlc. .10x15. prms. Addreaa J 64. Jouronl, ,-. PUHllR waated by" aecotnulwtard pianist, aom prerlons expermeca prareansd. Adilreea 4 ou, journal. - - - i 1 -- WANTED Small black end- tan dog; young. KM1 Beat Unrola at.; take Rellwood car.. B0OK8 hnaght. .aold - and exchanged - at--the uu Book atore, xa lamnui at, tl - s-.. F. J. RYDER, nrlnter. Baooad aad Waahlngtea ata. .' raoee Mall TO RENT A big Bone; will buy If eaaap. rnone t nion eiao, ' ' WARTSS TO BJOTSV OWNERS AND AGENTS will find It ta their advantage ta list tbetr .vacant, hoejaaa aad f lata with oar Free Rental department, Our canthona directory ha brceme a r.oag-uM-d jjutltutlun In Port nd. hundred ef tenania peing weeaiy pucea la auitania ouartarn. W make no chnree . whatever and owner should tak - advantage of Rhl aerrlce by calling at our rental department 7 aad filling la aa "Information Blank." It yod .have a vacant house, phone the par ticular and lev the rest ta as. We won't allow It to remain long Idle- J a. B. EDWARDS. HOUaEFCBMIBBBB, - Vwo Reatal Departmant. !. 188 ta 181 First Bt. - WANTED 4 or lgua)Wur, Bat furnlahed aoa, by, reUabK party. - Phone East 3387. WAjraZT-lTRABCIAX. WANTED To borrow 82.008 security) to flom- pier rnrnumttig hotel room In neat location, Addraa L 45, Joarnnl. '" -.-' - . f PER CENT money, without cocsmlasloB. u. bob, st Hultnomnn. ro wariorraiDWrjrw Booif THREE furnlahed rooms', light, phone, bath; aa caiiarea; lower tut. tour room; aata, paone, heat; newly fumJahed, for 1 or 3 mootba; no children. First October, four nn rum 1 abed rooma of lower flat. Inquire of . 151 . North Ura ad are., eorner, East Irving. 'OR RENT Famished ' h.oaskaeplng roe am ts bos brick block - oa eaat aide; gaa raagea, bath, ete.t aa traaalentai prtoa Baoderata. Logaa . blk., 108 W Unloa . are - acr. Eaat Aider.. Pbone Unloa 8863. . LADY ' with nleaaaat flat would Ilka employed la ay or girl to share same; near two car linen; light housekeeping privilege If desired, or woald hoard bar; price very reaaonable,. SIS Vancouver are. -- ''- - FOUR fnrntabed rooma.: eattable for 9 bouse. keeping eultee; . bath, water,, pbona; first Jkwc. S3& Montgomerr.. Call after 9 today or 8 p. m. thereafter. " - DICKSON'S spartmests, furnished, .anrurntshed; Ideal location; terms mouarat. uuvarslty rer. . rnoiaB LOWER half of beautiful f rubbed home, coin- plet for bousekeepltrg, for September., 738 Hoyt at. CaU Monday. . THRER furnished room for housekeeping. I2 montn ty. inquire Airs. Bust,, mm uraaa. Pbone. Eaat 213a. , . - . . NEATLY fsrnlabed houeekeerilng and sleeping rooaja, ran. in. Data, on 'lest a, nar Btarsv FURMHIIED honsekeeplnc room by -tbe day or wees. u uawtnurn. rnoaa aaat ziun. THREE nn furnished hoasekeeplng rooms far reac, aw c sixth c north, corner weidmr. ONB furnished housekeeping front room, cheap; price, per montn. ouv uarneoa St. f FURNISHED hoasekeeplng rooms, with Be of phone. CaU 838 7th at, f - FURNISHEfi tth -and gaa. 284 Fourteenth at. fob BTjrrWuaJiiBitxi) boomb,' THB ttOTCREST. jiBTwelfth St.. corasr lambiii just opened; exclusive roomlag so com modat Ions; bona and turalablng sntlrsly new; elegant .ulteSv.wlth hot aad cold water. Sua bed; else single rooms; . will rent a limited aamber ef rooms now ta peoplel tranalenU solicited. . THB KINO New building, haadaomaty far. udujvu, sqsippeu wvfev every mooern canxvnn lenre; ea direct car line to exposition; all outside room; beat, gaa, electric llghta. pore lata bathe; eery few rata: take Fifth at. car from Unloa depot to 308 Jsfferson at avity nail. , LA RGB front roam with closet, bath, gaa. pbone aad heat, suitable for two; gentlemen preferred; ' transient, f I n day; per ma neat roomers, flB pec month. 2S Marshall at., near sixteenth at. car line. Phone Mala 8614. , HOTEL TAW HOT. ' Cemmercl.l mea'a headquarters. Brat class, water la all the rooms, baths free, .antral, direct car to depot and exposition. . . . 62',, Third at., ear. Plaa. THE BAMANN. 188 N. 18th. car Boy Wewto furnish d rooms. 81.80 am aoneenlent leattax is minuter walk te fair greaud ear at aaloa depot dlrset to I bouaa. 8470, MARQUAM flOUSB. 14BH 8th 1 er single: nooeeteeplng rooms; gaa bath, elsctrle llgbto; tnaalento asUet ted. CHEAP Nice, large attic room; alao emgle moms; 9 beds, suitable for 2 or 4; walk lug dhuanee; heme com forte. 331 H Mill at. THR WILBUR, MB keeplng-roeme, f 2J 5 East Oak Suite, hwana. keeping rooma, 82-25 per week and np; lodg- ing ana np. fhons Beott 884. NICE homelike rooms Tter the Armory, 88 10th, between Darts and Everett eta., and BOS Davla at.; asm anfurnlebed rooma. . THR RELLEYUB 68 moms alcely farnlsbed; price reaennable; traveling public solicited. - 218 Fourth at. Hood 701. ... . . WILL'rent- cheerful room to lady only, 84 per . month; aa of kitchen, phone ind paclor; pri vet bom. 473 Seventh. . .. THE IXIWNROALB Lar-e, aew. elegaatlr fur nished bnnsekeeplng rooma; gaa range, running I water, oueik Aioer iu DE8IRABLB well furalahed rorenn, brick botree; bsth. gas, phona, Ata la 8413.. - Res sou bl. 443 Bereath t. FRONT parlor far gentlemaa rsfluement whs , wishes room - soar the aeatct city, 881 ' Everett at. . v NICE large front room, f 1.60 a week for one, . 12.60 for two. 483 East Market at. Phone 10 for t t3231. csst IWATI,Y1fitrnlhed sleeping anil housekeeping M Tealh at... aaar btsrk. - ROOMK Yery cntraU pleasant, nicely .fse nlahed rooma, raaaonable. 400 Yaublll, near Twslflh, , , 1. , 1 , .cenlrsi' "TetoiarenT8 14.7 Lowae- fl.M to l 1 week; ' dale t. . . ' . - THB ALDER 435 Alder! alcely furnished rooms, ceareetent end qalet; bath and three ' phones. , . .--.-rt THB GLADSTONE B124 Savtor at., faratohed a-aanas aew asanagemeai; pnoe rsa- CHEAPEST aad best feeated reoaw I Port la ad, f I week aad ap. Gllmaa. First aad Alder ata. FURNISHED front mom. suitable for to gentlemen; walking dletsnce. 330 HsrrisoB. THB CAgn.l 872 Washlngtoa at, I farnlsbed raoms. Fboee Mala 1878. - - T FT-RNISHED rnrniKi to rent, - sew house, gou lerstkai.. 353 Hassan St. NK'ELY - fnmlshed reoms for rsot. , at ztt Slttk t., N. - - CATER. THE 0FFICB am) Washlngtoa Bt, Phea gulB 771, . BsMiBel .?!( , ... , - v..-.. - ;..'.' : . FOB RENT KOo-BEB. FOR RENT BY THE PUNN LAWRENCB CO. 8u vsry excellent a-room neuae, aaonnrn s VMieucea. BAH Bn KfL - tl8 Heantirul new sad modern 8-room house. East Ten, wll. an ( llntOOL ' fl6 Nice 7 room bouse, large bat, choice trait and eh rubbery. 104 Baat Twenty -aeveath, sear ' Belmoat, - 1 Apply at 14814 FRat at.,' V COTTAGE, modern, five rooms and bathroom, Cn II krli.k Kunu.t N. SAX kfsdlson St, ' Inquire Wakefield. Fries A Co. and John - Bllostsrmaav 81 North Twaaty-ftrat at. STUART etatlou. Mount Boott ear 4 Urge room, outbuildings, voders; parties without children; furniture for sale.. Call th BU- vne. Feartb aad Salmon. - FOR RENT 1H no ner month. 8-raom bouse, ea car line, S00 Mississippi are. ! yard fuU of fruit. Inquh R. J. Jaeger, 200 Morrmoa at NICELY rnmtsbed d-room rot tax, with yard, ressoosbl to parties without children; jbath and pttona. , Baat 1722, er call 313 East nixie mu FOR RENT Modem 18-room booss. , I abBBdaaca fruit, city water, electric lights. 1 partly rurslsnsa. Apply . at. weua, aubuj , ioa bldg. ' . - . , , FOR RENT S-rooa eMiia on Eaat Great at fietweea Grand ave. and Eaat Sixth at. Call ' 387 Unloa ave.. er phone Unloa ant.;. HOrSB 10 rooms, newly matted.. Inquire 433 Montgomery St., or 241H First at. , ft. wu- nam aoeaur a oeatai rnnrn COTTAGR,- avBdera, - five rooma,. large attle-and baaement: gaa; for rent September a. , laquire via nonawicB at. FOR RENT T -roam house. Willamette. St - Jehne car Hoel rent 13. - Fred. H. Btroag, ;-Rs ntarg or. : ; SMALL furnlahed honae oa Portland "Heights, wo aioras xroa ear; poone aaa water ; xa. Msla BBBA. , - .' . FOB RENT 6-room. new. modern cottage, furntabed; good neighbor bead; rent 330. Pbona ' cast aiaa. - - MODERN 8-rooai 98 Beet Twenty eotond at rent flS; FOB BENT A Broom modern hoass. for f 15 per montn. Apply lse caruthera sr. FOR RENT 8-room modern eottngav 483 West rani sr. inquire aw siaet aura at. ' , fob atsrr-4ruzav FOR - BENT B-reom fnrnlebed flat, 8 ' black from poatofflre; naodern, good furniture; gas. bath: reasonable. Call today, J08M Blxth. Mdntnu. ....... .-.... ONB Bat. 188 Bast Nlnth..sor. gMlnMat, 812. e" Phone Baat 1270.' ' CHICKEN reach for rent, stock aad Implements! ror a i. rnone Baat sua. rnone petweea i end 13 a. m. and 9 and 8 p. au. "t0 BZXT OFTIOX-BOOatB. FOR LEASE, long term, top Soar Btaaraa bldg. Biita aaa atorrinua; growtn eompesi an Beaaae-waikar BBiaa enunga. FOR RENT Fine, eentrally located atflca. with pawae. - R. L. Cats. UB Becond at. . OFFICES far rout, rnrannrs for eale, of S connecting rooms, r. w. Beg bt, city. OFFICE-ROOM - aaagh bldg. Apply asuator. BOOMS AXS BOABJX. FIRSr-CLAS8 rooms aad beard for perms neut r people, B2Z.BO aaa mm per imoBta people, 822.80 and f2S per beard 84 aer -week. Aator 1 itm aad Madison ata. TeL Mala 8231. THB 1RTI NO Elegant aaarnxtaat enarges; ining roam in asctlosi prloss right. Oar. . xatB aaa b-rina. BOOMS with,, board far- psrmsnt ' Sixth at. bsustb fob axrt-maprmu ?ob baxjl FOB "riiaiWTTrrRm."" Whether to buy or sell, ring aa Mats I t- T- rVRAaaaVBO aVUUTWIJi gMWaXB, ; RU Fhrat at,-- ... LOOK 175, fnrsltur of 8-room kouss. fur BMhed complete. Including piano; cheap bouee rent; close la. 9 blocks from dty bail. 828 Fifth st. Na agnate; cash. FURNITURE af 8-room flat for sale cheap. three block from Portland hotel; gaa, bath . aad other conveniences, 962 Seventh St. CLEAN, well-kept furniture ef a 7 -room flat. -4U bl 3825. blocks aorth ot rertmaa aotsl.. lor sen. i 1 Beveaia st. WILL aell all or part furniture of modem T-reoia hooeat part time; room pay rent; going eavt. 881 H Mill at. .,.' FURNITURR of 8-room bouee for sale; psrtts leaving dty. Call 680 Baat Lincoln St.; take He 11 wood ear. . NEW furnttare, T-room bouse; money 148 Tenth, bet. Morrison und Alder. ' ' inrBnBxzS 'TXRTfl. -" FURNISHED Boored end sided touted Tweaty fifth nd Sevier, ' 8 minutes' walk fslr en trance, rat 28 rest, er lea for bed capacity ' per day; If stove la tent, extra; Baa tent , etc., 4or sol hslf cost, delivery after October 16. Adrdes Camp Comfort Co. -, imsnrraa CRARCXa. HIGH-CLASS BUSINESS ,' OPPOBTVNITIE8. information on two first-class preposl .' tlons; )ust reached aa. Both of these require competent nnslnese-mea with f 10.000 aad ft. ' 000 respectively. 'Fall particular to Veglt tmste inqulrera. - . V THR AMEM MERCANTILE AGENCTr Abington Building. I HATB sr ales country newspsper ' with a good trade for sale; the building gore with same on leased ground; tn southern Oregon, where' there Is a splendid ch.scs to make money as soon the U. S. lend office I - opened; adveVtislng - timber rial ma wilt pa for earn alone; thl la a bargain. H. , W. Miller. 10B Blxth at. . , , TAKE the trala far Dayton. Oregon, or write J. R. Edwards, above address. It yoa are tooklag for a beat sees location; a 82,000 elesa atock general mercbsndlse; good trading , point; lars room; Tent fin; good rbaace for ' a live merchant. Write at. once, ' No agents. COUNTRY hardware store, goad valley own, 83.600. General serctndle, foot valley tews, 88,000. Any one of thee will stand , th closest Inrssti gatloa; they are moter-nikera. u .....,.. F. Fl'CHS, 14l First at. PLANT GINSENG, the most profitable of aU "crops grown; w een furnish wild or cnltl 1 TitedrToatr ind ieedor yotl to start with; write for prices; srder youe stock now for fall planting. . Petrrsoa UtnscBg Co., Osrdea .City, Minn. . . WA5irp--Pwntrs. oX Ctltt to uat aa m witb me.for as HOMBA WOOD Room 10. -441H Flrst at. FREE LANDS IK OREOO!, FERTTLB soil, para water-, delightful ellmsts: ' land ef alfalfa, apple aad r lover. . For full ' Information addreaa tbe Columbia Southern Irrigation Cot, 838 Woresstsr blk., PsrUaad. THERB la 8 fine opening la White Belmoa. Wsahlngron, for a maa to repair shoe and hern and to carry a mail atock of each. No eompetitloa. - For particulars, J. C. Mac Inae, White Sslnsee, .Washington. . FARMS Wheat asd timber tend, acreage, dty property; timbsr - and homestead Iocs t loa t bualneaa chances and Insnrsnca, - TOWN8KNP, MAXWEIJ CO., ; aaa Alder st. t Phoaa Mala 1238. PARTNER waated. - established big money -making business; 82T10 required: gdtedgs se curity . given; Investor Is gneranteed f 125 month; owner Baden-read baalnees: bualaem e.aily learned. Address L 44. Jonrnsl. riRT- I.ASS newspeper man ' want con nee tton llv paper lth prlvtleg , of bur lug , Interest; Oregoa of "rt'Mblaftos, J 69, cart Joaraal. v--:.'. - --. - . -v u.,;,:,-i .'. . .'. " 'i.'..:'. . .. :.'S ..V'.. , arniaTxU CRARCta, ROOMINO HEADQUARTERS, ' Room 122-3-6-8 Abmgtoa Bldg. '" We guarantee to make any one wba buya aa ot tbe following place good, b,lf anioey on th tBvaaimeal. - , : -; '""''' rrh-. 88 noma, central. .........,..,..., .'. .84. W0 35 rooma, close la. ...................... 6.000 32 roonw, extra good........ 3.000 40 rooma, money-msker. 4.000 23 rooms, very central.. J...T 1.000 20 rooma, very modern 1,2.10 18 rooma, . near Washlngtoa.. v 0 IT noma, right down town..,.,.......,.-, UM 14 rooms, on Sixth t... ) 17 rooms, fine loratkm,,.. ttoo 18 rooms, awU place . "0 lOruDus, pear postofftc., 7.V1 8 rooms, nssr Alder ..,....'.... Oao t rooms, Reventk St.. near Madleoa IIM f rooma, ea West Park..,, 6M) 11 rooou. am Bleventh at., .-373 The above Is partial Uat. If yoa are htokuia , fur bargain, now Is f be time te take them iu. j. Trr m c. .123-8-5-8 Ablnglon Bldg. . : - SMITH BROS. . " Cor. Sixth and Washmeton. Grocery slur la,. Yaacoavar, must ba aold at once. ',. : s '''. Grocery,' doing rood bustneea, cheap, f 1,800, Grocery. , bargain at 82.000. Confectknerr end poulraotn,- will aell st 8 bar ram If 1,1. at n . . - The finest restaurant la the county, will Bull . or trad for real estate) It will pay you to luus We have mdrtna- hoaeee from 8808. to 818.000, ' Restanrants at all or Ices aad some bargains. ' .It wanting to buy unything la the business chsnes U-wlIl pay you, to Investigate our list. .nun bwh cor. bixib aaa nnsuuigtun. Reel Batata, loenav Business Chance and Agents' HpsriaUlss. Phua Aleka 4080. - t T. CRRIGHTON 0 --r- 183 U. Third St. V 1 .." Blscksmlth shop .lepuntry).. ...... ,f 825 Dairy, 21 .sow 801) : Detry, 8 rows. 2 horses and milk root""- ' 850 Feed (table, fl73 month guaraatetd.,, 84H0 ' Half Interest caab business . I0 Hslf Interest country bakery .,?..,.. " '70 Grocery, having rooma la rear. l."0 ; Oeneral mercbandlaa atore (oouatryl.. 1.MN) tiearral mercbsndlse ' store ( country .. 8,000 interest In well-known real eatatooffjc l.Oia) Laundry ateam) eomplets.... ....... 12,600 "Newspaper and. job office. ........... Weodyard, half Interest ..4. 630 Hardwire and tnrplem't etork (coo a try) lS.otiO Transfer and eommlssloa business.... 8.600 STOCK la productive gold mine for sale at par. aa valuation of $30,000 worklag aader - isesa aad bond tor on yeer; lev scree mia srai lead; 10-etamp Freeer tHalmer Billl, aptete sawmill building, etc.; water. power aad ateam; 10 a vera sample give ean roe af 88 aer ton: are cbate BOO feet long; assays, 832; eoat ef mining aad milling low; - all tunnel work and plenty of are- overhead. For farther tnformatloa call at 201 McJU bldg. Pace Mala 8167. ' .v. BASTRRN ps riles wba have developed eaa of tea neet laanetriai propoautinna, par weara vne demand exceede the supply, end will return big dlvldendo8 aafa In vest men ts can , (Ind aach by addressing A -104, Journal. STOCK raach near North Ysklma, 8.000 acre reared ; S.OMr' good ewes; pleaty water aad outrange; about 880.000 needed, one third caab: beet ranch northwest. J. V. Cretibton - Co.. 186U Third at. NEW betel, beat location. TO reoms, all take every Bight, completely furnished; clears 82,000 per month, long lease; oa account of alckneaa mast pa aold cheap. Address 0 8T, eara Journal. ... ...... FOR SALE Nsw 22-room roomlng-housa. partly good lesse.-ehee- rest, close In cash will handle thla: If Ton are lonhlna 'r a Darlnx Dcoousltiou lavss Ileal thla oaa. Pbona Eaat 1264. HEW hotel, beat Iocs Hon. TO rooavx, all token every alght. completely - furnwbed, clear 32.000 per month, long lease; an nccoant of etrknees must ba aold cheap. Addreaa G 6T, eara Journal. .- FOB 8ALR On account of alckam. Bice, elssn. mnnay-maklng business aa east aide; aslea from 818 to 838 per day; price fl.400, or will aavelee; aa s resits waated. G 68, The Journal. WANTED Partner with tSUO; able aad eery profitable . and permanent; chance of life for steady, aoher maa. For Investigation addreaa K 48, care Journal. PARTNER,' alee gapers! agent. fSOO to B6O8 capital reqmrea, ruiiy.-aecursai- ngat masa farturtng, new art Icle y, baaar bold necessity; enormoaa prof Its, stoBnflB, 225V, Fh-at at. PARTNER, "-whT-Ba-fxM-tstetl binlma. ' iuiB cash lareetment; fully secured; owner sn derttands boslnesst purr baser clesr f20 week ly. 205IA Morrlsoa at. Room L , ' FOB SAT B Well-egslppsd nlaalng-mlll on eest aids, machinery In good order, bna-etber with stock ef lumber, at a bargain. Addreaa J 40, care Journal. . WANTED Ledy partner with fT00: bnsurn wiii clear s.utv yesriy una very suitsi-ie ror lady, - For person si tbrestlgstloa addraa K 48. cure-Joaraal. FOB SALE Home bakery aad grocery, with portsbls own : - lunch room, good nualness; 1 mi; aavauv cssm. csu juoojoay at 282 bird at. GROCERY atock aad fixtures for 8880, er win invoice and discount 8 per cent: four living reema; cheap rent. Addreaa K 63. JoaraeL - WANTED Psrtner for light surra factoring, , handled kty grocers; about 8508 aacasasry; bo trifle rs, Addreaa L 86, Joaraal. . BAKERY for sals, country rows af 9,000 tnhaht tonta, county Beat ; only bakery, flna basl- Aftoraas 4 T, journal. . " r 11-ROOM "ndgtsg-oona for buying 840 worth of g.asral housekeeping outfit; rent reason. i able. Add-- M Grand ave. PHYSICIAN leaving the city will sell -ofBce . tea pa; low rent; practice. Apply to sapor In ten dent Oregoulsn bldg. f 1,000 BUYS Interest In Brokerage bualnesa , now clearing 87oo stoat h. ; J, V. Creigbtoa Co.. 163V Third at. . WHEN ladhing for a mrattoa, either city or . coaarry, call oa the Northwest Land Co, 988 Marrleoa at, room 911. 1 DOCTOR. eaa eeci at with batteries, belts, ate. rurnMBee exile. Addree J Journal. IF yoa wMi to trad your roomlng-houee for aa establlahed. legitimate bualaem answer tkhb K 68, Journal. , .. ... PHOTOORAPH gtlleey for ease; clearing over . fiw per montn; ursness ins rcasoa lor Sell- ilrk nee. 43- tag. jus r irsi WANTED Small paying busruea In exchanaa for flrst-clsss mining Stock; bo wildcat. L 63, care of Joaraal, 1 . FOR SALE Hood restaurant with leaae and three fine pedigree bull terrier puppies. -411 Morrlsoa St. . COUNTRY aewapaper wanted, Oregon or Wash Ingcon. by practical nrlnlar, - K 45. Journal. FOR BALE Brick hotel, 88 mom, coo tar, eplsedld leaae; la Portland. T 4a, FINE opnortonlty Is estahllshed bnsloeas; need help and cspltsL Address O 64, car JoaraaL FOR BALE 4Jond rests n rant with leaae and three Bne pedigree puppies. 412 Morrison st. WORKING Interest country bank; 8S.00O I ICrelghtoa A Co.. 186Vk Third at. IJSiVrG RQCEgoodatorh sjut, flxti Ti-roors Bst, good location. 812 Pine. tKSt rooming-house In city; 14 Booms, .;' f3o0. Opposite city hall. 23 Fifth .1. FOR SALE Small dairy; bras 9 years, on St a , Mornai. PARTNER ta Teal aetata; mast be a good 00b Id maa 2o Allaky bldg. , - r FOR SALE Coo feet ionerr stock,' part er whols, rbssp. -Phone Black 8341. ' .- SAIM1N 8800, or half toterest It waated. 40, Joaraal. - THS Horn First at'. company ha removed to 146 WHO IS hf. O. M0R0AN A CO.l FOB BAI-ljrXtT0CX. FOR RAI.R Full bred Jersey eew. 825. Inquire 4U East Thirtieth at. Pbone F.s.t 1878; CROCKERY AND 0LAB8WARX. ' FHOLESALB crock sry aid pissawara, Prasl, I. Hsfset dj t, lt to 108 FuiS. tat, Staxk al j:..";al . 'nVcnl' ,V1!' Rotes UND2R ANY CLAtrilCAXION :::.t.- Five Cczti Oitlv . . 1 t . . . - Na td taksa for fesa than TSe par' day. Sevea, words, a a ruls, OMiatitnte 8 U", but each Una la charged rsBsruiauS af ta number of words. " 1 VmMjtVt RATE Y bssr a - (molada eaa Sunday laane) fd if nmr las MoTtrIV RATE ' (baaludlag aU tamimr laaoea) 1H per Una per meath. aVvaTtoa.-4BB meat he ta Journal . kaaiaeea taoe by 18 e'elesk week dsew and by 18 s'slook Barjay , .s; tug the Busday luua, t ssenrs r'ntaia.n tton Display rate gfeaa ' sa appUeaAlaa at th ofsea, -".,-....' toe JOURNAL -r BRANCH OFFICES Win be relvd at - regular suln-ofao rates. Following la a- list of ssrnorlsed sgenta, who will forward year - nient la Ubm for pshuosttoa la ta aaat -l''--;- ' M0BTM B1DB, - - i B.' A, Preston, drnggtst. , Twaaty-tRM sad Thnrmaa atreeta. , Nob BlU PbarmacF, 880 OUaea treat, corns. Twssty-drst. - - . , , ' A. W. Allen, pharmacist. sUxtoratR aad Mamhall mxrtm.' W1 McCommoa'a Pharmacy, Rloetaeath - aad Waahlastoa streets. ' - " . - 717.' - BOTrw-tnini. B. F. Joasa Co, druggists. Front sad Ulhoe atreeta. - Oattel Drug FabUa Byerlsy, dogfUt, 408 Jeff at aaa at. -.... sr-ih - Bettmaa'a Pharmacy,' twsar aastll Ss4 narrison .arrests, t- . " . . PlumamJDrng oompany, 180 Third sttawt, j . -. - ZAMt BIOB.' i "' " ' W. B. IVaea, druggist, comsr Grand hubs sad Bast Burnstde street. - Nichols Tnompana. 138 Bssata atraet, eorner. Alblns svenus. r Jgnck Drug oompaay, Boraar Hsartnanm sad Oread a reuses, . W. a Cable, druggist, earaar Bollsday vena aad Larrabee atraet. Bear stoat bridge. R. A. Wlleo -13S Grarat aeeaaa, Bast Morrlaos. - B. W. Rail. 988 Bast Bereath gtiwat, aoraar Btephea. .; f ... . ... - BxoBXAjrn. 'i, ' 9. 7. Clark, druggist. lOOf Kerta) Calaa) BURBianB.i- - 7. B. Worth, pharaMclat, ' R88 ' Bitstssf straei, , BBOOBXTsT. Braoklya Pharmacy eompaay, Pawaa and MUwaafcla atreeta. - - -'.-- .ARLETA 0BXOOB, ' ArleU Pharmacy, More aad awrtor atttots. FOB BitBBffT. XBTATtb 1 - F. . ' KORTHRUP r " CO. - REAL ESTATB AND FIRB INSUBANCB. Hew double flat, cents' af city 1 aU latest - Improvements: bow reared ti.auv aor year. For a few dare at 810.000. Comer, with good bones, aaar Twelfth aad. Jamblll, Being eaa ot taa raw ten in uu vicinity; there 1 no bettor part ef tbe city to owa property: look this Bp Immediately the near, aa rleht- -" ' Fma flat alta, ckwa to. oa Tenth SonthJ fait vour saoanr here and wstch It grow. Good corner, dnae nt, ea Sixteenth, with boon; cheap et 83.300: soxioo teet. - -; , Fine auarter ea Marahall,-' Improvements bring Bos; room ror a outer ouuungi nugui o- 4.l. r - ; Inside art. Sliteeath aaar Eerney, at a bargain 211COMMEBCIAL BLOCK:; " SBOONDANO' 1' '.: WAiiu.iuiva, '-,,, -Jr. - F1NB difiry of 140 acr. IU mlle8fraai car Use, 11 mini rrom roruana. oa ime ma. ' 73 eeree la culUvatlon, fine orchard, tun- nine water, flna spring. Food boase, 2 floe .barna. ds try-hone, other outbuildings. 44) cows. 90 of youa aad all ing cattle; B good harass, wagoua : outfit: 150 tone of hay, grain aad potatoes;. IncomtTTrom nlsto."axr pef StoatB; f 18.800; 37.0110 cash, balance tong tlsas, 8 pot' coat. TO acre. 8 to ealtlvatkm; boos, ears, shoo aad chlckea aouaei au wen isnrws una pss . eta,. M.k! all for 81.230. asm half cash. Fine quarter block oa Twentieth et-i lota of Iran, ai.euui aeuuv apes w . Other flna tots e. car line, fSOO; flB down. 83 per montn. . . ' . f scree m city limit, good "rcnsjn. s-rorini Boons, Barn, I me eprug, aoia va v w year; Bl.nOO, one hslf cash. - . ,, CHARLESOM NBIUa. . " (it Allsky ' bid., cor. Third and Marrtooa, rnone weax aoa. ;."vM; .' ACBB TRACTBt 0TJB SPECIALTT IB ACBB . TBACTBt FuU-aissd streata. wtsr to each sera, ' TERMS flO PER ACBB CASH V flO PER ACRE PER MONTH. ' I Tea go to then acres oa the eama car, pay ths uas 8c fare the lot maa pays. Tbe ' lot maa la your aelghbor. bat be re stricted to majority af tea tana that maxa , S true eubarbea home. - " " .V. C, CHTRCHILr, CO.. ISOh .- - I . . : , flO Second St. , .. .4 . BAROAINR IN WEST SIDB HOUSES. Now 8-room boose." modern, large aoacreto baas stent, alee eorner tot. 80x100; large lewn, cement sidewalk a splendid bargain; 33,800, term. . ..... ; - ..- .... ;. Good 8-mma boa, ehwa to, fine residence Iocs. Tton; nice aot uvxawv ivwti b.ww. n Cottage . B rooms. 9 blocks from ar lm , pantry, closets, etc.; nice an, iru sou flowere, ttc; oaly 11,400. terms. . ;j , ' OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHAKGB., . lttftVi Fourth at, room 88. - - FOR SALE. ' ' 31.200 14 acres near MUwaukl. aU clear sad partly to eberriee aad other fruits 1 Abl pries is much lower than adjoining acreage la bs- muooa fine' aew- a room bouse oa BOxlOO-faat comer tot, 1 block from splendid ear servl.-e; let. us show yoa thla boose; It Is a bargain- 12.300 5 acres, all dear; small boase and . barn, small orchard, good water. Bear 6 car line; thla la a bargain. - .. Coma and see M for farm Issds; w BST B " Bwe, A WITT i- ' V Boom 57. Waahtngtno bldg. Phone Math 4873. - ; BUCHTEL'fl BAROAIN8V4 : r c ' 870 East Burnslds. Half block corner Baat Pine bet. Tenth sad Eleventh. ' . . , , 2 lots on Eaat Second St. I very dean-able. Fine 8-room booss ea Bast Burns I aa slags mooern borne. ' ", As elegant home s But Barnslde. 9 fine fenns, well Improved, and pur CJrv, t have some sereeg -ea rrver frost t very - nrle 40 rw 09 sua maioe uij maw for platting, snx -yA,i ' nlri block oa Esat pine ad Tenth. FINB 12 two bouee and foil i eiiraerlet m a sosn- rmmT&s& : " nJU JrnoVa Boon, and a batltolblack of land nontamtng 8 acre; 88 blocks from river, ' Atontoo?fTont east, avici1dwsIk,Tl .blocks from eteetbrldge. aaj760. A alee Utile borne of S seres. 8 Srvea m all klnda of trait: T-room hmms, bars aad outbuilding: euy term. ... . nau .ar-jKav-MBLBATH 00 , v : 34314 bawrhMm at,, Room It, r ' ' fT30 60x100. 4-ROOU enttsge: 84A0 cash, bal a nee to bull: esey walking dtstsnca. 82 3fl0 Fine 50x100 lot, 8-room bouse, 19 blnrkw from Bumel.le er Morrlsoa bridge, excellent . locality: f.le3 esah. bslaac Ilk reat; cksn-o f,ar rfTour " ' M t koM Tmlamb aiPN00-New moilers 8-rofvra cottars, wt side, , JS mlnntea walk to OregooUn; f.100 cah... ' libs cent. t hav a big selection of desirable hams -and . very cnesp. , v, a"- mi u , r. mCHB, lien rst si, - w