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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1905)
' ' . . ' . . ; .... . .. .. . . . . . - ;? !V tir .-?. ; TIIC OEEOOIf 'EOTIDAY JOTOIIAIi T03ttA women:s glubs-wokSn's woi MAX.- t-. Mfti SARAH JC EVANS. 4:-". y' j., "v yi ,.. . rrr. , 1 : : . . . .Portland Womu'i Club . v " Presents Fine Year-Bopk. - -5-. The year-book of tb Womin'i Club i : of PorUand, ' which tu Jot been re- ' " reived, will be a delight to the member ' ' when they imam :or . tneir- nrt - ,;: meeting October lV'.tri appearance it . ; nrobaJay-ouldoe. any-of -Ke.prdece ' " sor., although it I not a elaborate 7 : was th book of 1904-, a that waa sot ' y- vp-aa a aouvenlr for the JUwu and .i Clark .year. A krtnkled crer of white wUh (he greii monogram tnakea It wx- - 0"b directory show.. 121 raembe ' jtomethtnr like 0. being out oawlth' . xlrBVV rardaiWhlch itiakaa tha actual , Vmemberahlp about - HX Tht officer . r . Tor tb year'arai Pialdent. Mra. A; H. " i Dreyman; : f Irat " -vloa-praaldant.-; Mr ay ' ' ' Itobart t-utko: ' aecond .vica-preaidant, . 1 Mra,- O. M. Qllnaa: racordlna; aeoratary, . vMraF.-W.' Broek; correBpOnlBa;-aeora . '-f tary,- Mra. H. Fear; traurr,-Mra. i ' 'J.&..&! Rankin: Aij&loxMra. H Jufc ', . yon; chairman of tha tndlnf commit- ' tea are: Mra, O.- M. OMnaa, .calendar; .: ' Mra. H. i. Jackaoo. adclaJ; Mra. War. -. , 'reit'K. Thoraaa, jnualc; Mra...OaoTo H. . Dunham, vlaltlnir; Mra. Barab A. Evana, ' :"pnbllPlty Mra. M.Ai PaHorc-halt-nThal rtub "now ham ' It . epartmanta and. tUw' uhdor the' followlnir leader: ' French.-Madame Kauer: aocll ono - --f' rrrtra." trThtiTnpofi; educational,- Mra. ' Warren E. Wblta; mualc. Mra. Fj; M. Branch; fcnglln lltaratura, Mra, . Jamea , Tlfta: parllamantary -law. Mra. W.W. Jobnaoni Oregon hletory. Mra C. M. "CartWrlBhtr-f oratory. -Mtaa , Elisabeth , I Bilircurrent IlteratureMra. ., A. E ans; aerman (beginner). Mra.'C. AbeiH droth: German fad ra need ) Frau Mandt; , current topic. Mr. A. C Newlll elc- cutlon and physical culture, Mrs. Nina rr!3rowa : ' ;,J ;"C ..- 'Th club will Vreaenf la tha yaar'lS program, not Including an annlveraary -- - harmuet, election UJror'tla Installation , . ht officers. y, v ".'.: . r ' t-Ttia-;' Arrangement of tfie programa, - -and tha topic aelected, follow cloaaly - alojig tha lines of tha work of tha de- , partmenta. bat do not' tbemaelvea. a . lit .othAr yaara- furnlnh tha material. . Which will undoubtedly prova a irreat benefit." to the club, a the - meeting ' lira supposed to bar more Instructive than entertaining, knd to bring' in' people to talk lo the club tinon their work' who .... Mf apeclaJlst. will pa a treat aa well ,,.,.. great help to the dub. - Among , ho who' will honor the club In this -".T. ray ait'W7 KTieelwrighwho will ' talk on "Parliamentary Usage;" H. H. -v. - ; Jlertman;-tnr:. Khgllsh literature; Prof. ... . T. T. Dartv on the educational work; ' : Tr:ff. t). Wise, current, topics and lit y : ji erature; Jiiidge Fraer. social economics; ,.' Judge O. H. Williams. Oregon history: Oeorge'H. Hime .and? Dr. Oeerg C, -Vr9jrWIiT'kpeak on subjects not stated. ' Thla tnakes a tempting -array of lec 1 ture,and isu stated that each! biy some, of. the- member win take aoma pan it will be seen that the cal-1 n V ndar commtttee haa done Its work well, 1 i ' nd '. proyldedTHch . entertainment for er ,clb meeting. -The ealendaf wm-f.- wlttoe conalated of Mrs. Qllnea, Mrs. .Merwln Pugh.. Mr.. Charles E. Bmlth. , : ... Mra,,WM,' .Johnson. , -Mi EUubeth - : BilU , MJs,, g.v purkholmer, Mrs.. M. A. .Ogdeo. ; ... .''. ; , - t '.,t't'''v ...'v;. .,.'.: Rn, u.-t -'. '' t. Some Club Women , ; , ; v Still Think of .the Babies. A 1 : In -Set rol VJJicblgan,: the clubwomen j liave ondertaken and sucoessfully car ried on a Very Important summer's I f Uf nlaf hinflT-1 imirtl flMf 6 ffntTlr'' At' et to mothers of bablea.. Those who1 w afford to pay are charged a email ; , liHce. and to thoae who cannot actually - r airor-.vett thf coal price the-milk la nri"n free-1 The women hare formed IS anorganlsation called theMllk .Fund 1 v ' aeaoclatlon. They work In collabora. ' tlon with physicians and distribute their ' milk through large -and weUequtpped v. laboratories. At least a dosen dlspan . aarles In different quarters of, the town y handle the modified milk for the aaao . 1 elation, and yet the charge is still made that club -work -ynflta women for 'Hioth- ; An" Able .Woman ;'' -'.".. . ' S Peceiveg Just Recognition. f.y; ; v IM pleasant td note that, while worn- . an. in. the far east are struggling for ., ' recognition, they are receiving it mora -. and mora In the west. ' The flrst woirlao T member of the Wlaeonaln state board of ' control -has - lust been, appointed. ' -Dr. . , Alma it - n-lsky of MUwsuke waa the ' -. appointee. , Dr. Friaby, according to a 'WUwaukee peper, haa long taken-an From th Kansas City Star. I 'Hhe visitor to Dodson, Just out of Kanaaa City, -knew that dyna mite would explode, and that , - was about all he knew eoncern ' Jng It The 'little plant ther where Kanaaa City people dally, deal with this jowerful explosive hnd often oochrred - to hint a a source of investigation, Jiut ther is sn inborn timidity in all peo pie when ft la auggeated. that they make . clos scrutiny , of dynamite. The V . tltude Of . the superintendent' was tha ' customary an of th long-suffering com . passion fof th uninitiated aa the vlaw ltor tlmldlyjtped hi questions'"""" ' "What 1" dynamlt and how 1 It tnader" h reiterated. - ' Th ouestiorier reddened a little' as lie thought of tha length, height and ' - tireadth of his ignorance. ' The suoer- ..-fintendent pulled opta a dnwk drawer "and j Itanoea est- a- in no it- sup- 1 stance covered .wlUi a shell of heavy rarafflned paper. - Opening One of the nicely crimped endJLojnubai was seen that looked- something like flnrTormgeal wliluli Has been duiiipwiga 'hnd flrmly pressed. -", M nM th brief ... '. explanation. . ! ;, -'. --:i-';-J-,-. - . "Liooka harmless , enough," - ssld the ' a -1 lttor. in an Indifferent tone, laying It ' S back upon the desk with aweiUcon- i-eaiva qwiiu v v . , ';-'". "And a harmless It look. teepb ! tindar certain iwiininonuiw"!-"" ' the oalck rejoinder' In-a tone auggest- i -Ing considerable professional prW.rJ , "Nothing le than a' detonatlnf cap Tufld la one end or the eye ana mn 'on by a special hlntl of fuse " '" "llow about a euddon JarT wa aaked. , 'In rnlv-j TlBl tha atlck With' Which he had bean emphasising bis remark - and hurled It to Ihe floor With all hi r" strength: Th-visitor' restrained wth . . (treat diflloulty an Impula to ahattbr th international record for the aianoms Igh Jtrmp-nd prepared to continue tn . study of high explosive In such a man-r--. ta preclude TOrclbla dmoDU- ; . ; i ; IKS i W : i Mrs. C E. Htwley. active interest In charitable and. re form work. "For some time she has. been a special agent of the governor and baa made an Investigation of the state in stitutions. In this work making her re port directly to the executive.- In this work 'she has shown ability and liaa been Instrumental in doing a great amount of good te the Institutions which ah visited. - Dr. Friaby ia a member-at large of the board of regent of the University of Wlsconsla.'? ,-..r . Many Club Women " - k , Among Portland' Visitor. Mrs. Fannie B. Slater, past-president of the' Neighborhood club of -La Grande. bsa. been -.enjoying - the fair the. past week. Mra. F. Olsfke of .Walla Walla- has returned home after several weeks de lightfully spent among her -old friends in Portland. When a resident of this city Mrs. .Olsfke took a prominent part in the Woman' club and waa .for aom time one of lta of ficera. Soon after her removal to Walla Walla ah . connected herself wKh m-f -Its -elubs and reports delightful club - relations In - her new home.T" 1 . " 7-"T-'T''- ; 1 . , .jara. " Alloa Cojc;pat?prsldent of tb Friday Afternoon club of Athena, who baa been spending the summer with her elstarr Mra. -Kansan, hoping to Tregaln her. much impaired health, la" rapidly improving and haa been able to appeal at several reception thla .welk. ,' 1 Mr. T. C Taylor, president of . th Woman's club ' of Pendleton, has been one of the prominent ' club-vlsltors lit Portland lately, and has-'been seen 'at many of the social function. " ' Mra. Le Moorehouse,-a prominent membetof ttia ThuTsday Afternoon cluh of Pendleton Is visiting friends- and? at tending' the fair thla week. . , ' v' . MrX IL: Doddpresident of .."Th Inaulrinr Twelve" of Satam.' ha been I spending soma tlm in the city aad-en- .'Joying, the exposition ' . v -'-,;'"-J l Mr. 1 ooert ; j. -water', 'or Jta kv-oinan'a club of Peimieton apent some time in the city thla Week and ' at tended- number -ef club affalr.-H--Mrs. Hattle- Bkldmore, rirst- vice president' of the Bute Federation, la camping at Nye .Beach, 'but expecta to be lnTortland ia a Tear dayv - "- State ;SecreUry""'J.? ''TpTj Atkaetter ? Cooperation. 7 .. ' . ' The 'corresponding secretary of- the Slate Federation sends th following let ter asking that it may be published In thla department, and the etate president dda n urgent plea that the club preel Uenta will be more prompt .In sending the namea of their delegate to Mra White: -t- '..,...,.....--., .,,,: , -r-To-th'- President of' Clnbrtn"tha O. F. W. C- Early in June a letter wae sent to each club preaident la the fed oration, notifying har. club -when the convention would be held at Eugene, Oregon, in lOt, and requesting that the names of delegate be sent to th corresponding secretary..' - ; - - "(J to this date not more than- elrht clubs, out of nearly 40. have responded.' 1 ne creaenruu card were delayed, but are. on . tbslis way to all clubs in good standing li the federation. It la very hard upon state officer when, club presi dent do not attend to their- dutlea -and assist In th elate work. For more than "No danger from that aouree," con tinued the Informant, "a long .' youf powder remain in lta normal condition. When : partially f rosen, however, aoma dynamite .may be exploded by violent concussion; it depend a great deal upon the composition dop." . ,, "Th doper- - s , - . - .4. . "Tes Toujt, all .dynamite consist In general of nitroglycerin mixed with a mora or les complex absorbent called the - "dope.' : Two elements universally used In th "done' are sawdust or wood pulp and nitrate of soda. They ar non exploalve, but both, especially th lat ter, when Ignited, give off a large volume or ga. which expands and adda -considerably to the fore of the nitroglycerin expVoslom Th nitrate 'of aoda-i im ported by thouaanda of tone from Chile and . other South American - region. nd known- Chile saltpeter. :. Yourr member the dispute over the ownership of these deposit wa the caaua belli in "Yes." th visitor responded remlnis- wiiiiyrnamrnhgredlenti ortnt' doner -it: - . 1 wl p- Well. VdU 1 MCTiTp7leorefTWl moment s hesitation. "It would be anard matter to explain to you In'ZOmlnutea all that haa been discovered and utilised in ;o years of research, Over there Is the laboratory building, ,r pointing to a smail-.-red building at eome distance, wher could be aeen an occasional flgur moving arouad amid a labyrinth of r tort, glass tube and wht not. nv mploy n. experienced chemist to eon duct constant experiment- with a vlsw to hitting upon some new aotlve b drbent which will he cheaper., safer and more, effective than that nw In us." ' ' i- Accepting th hint th visiter paused 4o aura up. v "Then dynamite constats .In .nitroglycerin mixed with a number -of non-explosive eubaunoe, which to gether act aa an absorbent?" . . "Aad the nitroglycerlnT What II thVl itr-. J. made of .dnd how do you make itr j - iuviimi ; as awaisu wnen pur tane montha tha corresponding secretary haa been In.. Portland, where aha could have been reached, a her' address waa sent to' every dub tn the federation. "Pleaae do not delay longer, but help us make. our oomlng convention-a help ful and successful one. Toura alncerely,' l r ''nUNCU K. B. WHITK, i'v'V "Cor,' fleo'y O. F, W. C- -V':-- n at . v-.- IfWould Put? An. Endl toWan CIf. .the Mothers ' Were RepreeenUd Is the significant heading of a picture entitled "Peace Conference'" In the Chi cage Daily' News. The ..Illustration show on the left hand al Japanese- mother holding la-- her hand 1 a Hat 1 of ,"eur loe" and dlcUtlng to. .Count . Xo-H mura. what he ahail write. on the right hand -la .a -RueaUn . mother, laying her hand pn , witta eh,ouldr and placing before his-- ayes, a summary of killed nd-wounded. aoldlera Befor4 'the group Ilea a man of Siberia. Manchurhu' Ko- rea.,andJapn, ; Billow are the words, wouldn't-Jaat long tf the mother were represented ..Thl - cut 1 should be ' powerful ' argument for ' woman sul frage.. ';r ." ' ..'r v'-. j, - at . -.,T.,' r What Mrs. Decker', Considered Too Radical. IA her addreaa to tha clubwomen?who greeted ber at the home of Mra. A. H. Brer man. Mra. Gilbert McClurg told aa amusing anecdote about herself and Mrs. Barab riatt-peckr, to illustrate th progress and change of sentiment in women., fib related that, when the call was made, about a year ago, to or ganise the Wonu'i club of Denver, now comprising MOO members, aha and Mra. Decker ware among th .to to reapono. They sat far back and when the consti tution waa discussed both felt they had something to say and each urged, the other to say It. but neither, at first had th courage to get up. By and oy atra, Decker could not stand th way thing were going and timidly aroe and ad- dressed the president, saying:- 1 ' - v-Uadam Preaident, J don t just - ua the word club; don't you think v we called ourselvea aa association It would iound better T JClvb ia aueb a radloal word.".- .' .- - ' "vi-L! Today MraJ Decker la the head and a worthy one ah makes of tOO.000 club women, and Mra. McClurg haa addraaaad audiences that have numbered into th thousands, --' - ,tj v-' f i ' ' f H ": ' tntereting Note ..... : .;,. y Fromthi W.'CT. V. " The denartment Of leatalatlon. having headqua'rtera at Washington. DUtrict of Columbia, baa sent out circular letter urging prompt and persistent work in (he Read Bmoot ease. Special letter of appeal are being aent to . Preaident Boosevelt urging that th statement of the Mormon hierarchy, through lta rep re entatlve. Apoatl Smith, la an addreaa delivered before a conference of th Mormon church, held in. Bait LAk last April, shall receive Just condemnation at the -handa of - the hlef magiatrata The leglalatlve branch la also busy with th petitions for-h - submission - of woman's suffrage. ' 'r r , -' 7 The' department of mother" meeting, formed so many yeara ago, -haa received much attention tht year, and most in teresting and profitable meetings have been held in varlou sectlrfna of th state. Mr Louis Braaee 1 tat super intendent. " . ""- -The iieadquartara of the atate w. C n. hi hewn a center Qftnqrcjpan ordinary Interest this summer.- At a recent meeting aeven state. v Honolulu and Great Britain were represented, and word pictures of the world's activities were enjoyed. The closing ong. -"All Around th World th Blbboa Whit I Twined." - was more than ueaally uggeatlv. Stat convention will be held at Th Dallea October -,' and a very. nthul aatto aatharlng I expected. a . Mrs. Antoinette Hawley of Denver, Colorado, ' ex-prealdent of Colorado W. C. T. wilt tak part tn-th temper, arice congress The W. CV T. 17. will be an Important factor in th coagraaa An antl-clgarett speaker la axpected from Colorado. - ", The labor department la gratified over the Invitation extended the atat preal dent to deliver an addreaa on Lbor day at th celebration by the .labor union. She haa accepted and will apeak on the topic aslgned her, Th Purchasing Pow er of Women." " T '. ". -Mas) -Addttoa, state ' president, he been active for year tn th Consumers' leagu work, and haa been, correspond ing secretary, representing Oregon far glycerine Is agitated with a mixture f nttrlo snd sulphurto aclda. Come along I'll show you bow it la done. ' Leaving the . of tic w atruck out toward a large frame building high up on the bluff and flanked -oft either aide at wide Intervals by other houses of th plant. On our way to the" nitro glycerin house or "nltrater" we passed aom long rambling building from which taaued dens .white and red fume which aet u coughing and gasping at a great rate. "Here's where we' mke th acid for th nitroglycerin," waa th explanation, "and over there," point ing to huge Iron tana 'of boilerlike appearance, "la . where the acid . ar mixed and whence they are driven la aultabl quantities by compressed air to tha nltrater." . !- -,..:. : Arrived at th laat mentioned build ing and having accustomed our aye o the -' aemt-darknes. which -. appeared Stygian af tec -the- glars-of th midday un, we aaw,,4. aerie of large leaden tanks set in tiers, to ' th highest of which my courteous guide led me. It looked ilk a churn of herculean proper tlon, th agitator being driven by a powerful. -.a team angina. ... Into . thlarJ eeptacle,-which -wae already- -charged with a weighed amount of th mixed clda,-there -flowed a tiny stream of puregQldejiLly aerlna. An x attendant seated on a stool gased ateadlly at a meter, '"theTOwer" 111 end1 "of f1 which projected Into th swirling liquid Why do you watch th temperature so eloelyr I asked. v ' ' "Over 10 1 dangerous,1 h-nplled without looking up. . "At what point would n. explosion be likely to ooourr I pursued with on eye on the thermometer, which stood at Te, nd th other on the door, wblch atood ajar. 1 ' .. .- y- :; " . -. "I d let her down at ," with en hind on a small lever - and th other pointed below, wher w : could aee, through a hoi ' la th floor, a tre mendous open tank filled with 1,000 gel Ion of cold running water. , .-"And thent" -.' ...' "Oet away," wa th UcOnte reply. ' 'Threading our wy back to th door through th numerous' tank,' which wer used In washing th finished nitro glycerin' front ' th ler-esa' of aold, w pad to the "'mix hwi120t feet be low and around thev SndMr , th hill. Her om me .wer mlzUif hug tha national league. .She has through the labor department sent out an urgent call to ber constituency to " Join the league work, and to render all poaslbln aid in organising group in every local ity. - Thla' department haa alio beu looking after -the Enforcement or tni compulsory education law, believing this to be on of th very best ways to aolv Th W. C.-T. U. booth In th eduea. tional section of th Oriental building 1 dally visited by white riboner from all parts t the count! The Wnrnu'i TloK ' -. . '.". Had Distinguished Ouegto. -. In the history bf th Woman's club of Portland there haa perhaps . never been a more delightful occasion than th parlor, meeting followed by a re ception to Mrs Gilbert McClurg of Colo rado Sprlnga at the home of th presi dent, Mr.' A.1H. Breyman. laat-'Mon day. The large parlora war beautifully decorated with Jar or. rose in every nook that would accommodate them and th tabl. where punch and light refresh ments were served, was a maaa of rose exquisite even for tb City f Rosea. For two houre the parlor were crowded with members of the Woman's club, the Tuesday Afternoon and the John Ivey Water' Color club all eager te meet Mr. McClurg, who has been known' for many years to club women far and wide. While holding an enviable replitarlon m club, circle Mrs. McClurg Is still bet tar known ss sa indefatigable worker for the preservation of the cliff dwell ings Her work along thla line' i an blatorio movement and la of uch mo ment, that even mention of It 1 un necessary her. - Her talk was scanned to club work snd th Lewis and Clark exposition.- Of thla latter aha apoke tin earnest and alnoar prala saying tha -ana reit an could speak with authority, a ah had attended every exposition Id thla country and abroad sine the Cen tennial in Philadelphia in llT; ah had represented her tate at a numb of theeet i t had -en her duty to inspect and- examln cloaaly other expoaltlona, and after looking over tha Iewl and Clark she could truthfully ay that the beat of all the others had been concen trated in this" Bh paid a glowing tribute t th sarvioas of Sacajawea and aid It mad. har proud and grateful to fsel that a woman pointed tha way fa thla great west-ahd that the women of th whole country gad united in recog nising her aervloea," and ah rejoiced that a daughter .of. her home tat,Mla Alloe Cooper, wae given -th honor and privilege of dealgnlng and modeling it; It waa a bond, ah felt, between the women of Oregon and th woman of Colorado.'" A pleasant little coincidence was noted when : Mrs McClurg ' wa showing th emblem of th Cliff Dwell-' Inga association and It waa discovered thst it had tha same "motto as th Baea-.i Jawea Statue assoclatlen "Dux Femina Factt"-r ,'.;. -v- '" -; ,- ( ... j In-16sing her remarka the speaker outlined aoma leaeona to be learned and some profit to be gained from the fair. and cited the progrees of everything artistic, educational and - literary -that could trace Its origin, on the AUantie coast, to th Centennial, and ah pre dicted th sam result on the Pacific coast from th ' Uewi and- Clark-centennial.""- .- I-... .-' V . ....-.'.: i At th tnvltatlort Of Mra McClurg th preaident of aeveral Portland cluba and Mra. Whits, President of th BakSfTliy club, told of th work they were do ing or-had -Sen and vn th Oregon worn) thamselvea wer astonished that so much good bad been aoomplihd In tb etate. . 1 . . .1 - 'Ow af tha meet inter ting pekers of the afternoon waa Ml Lavura Clay of Kentucky, who has been spending the summer-in Portland. It la well known that Mlaa Clay" a heart Is given to the cause of - equal suffrage, but aha ia nevertbeleaa a- faithful - club- member and gave aom very interesting accounts of tha work of, th club women of her state. In . Kentucky the traveling library had lta birth and there It had lived and prospered greatly: tha flrst absolutely free library In the atat was opened only about a year or two ago In Lexington. ' ' ' '. " ' ' Tb Kentucky woman have had Intro duced Into many of their publlo school domes tlo science training. Mtae Clay spoke particularly Of the harmony that existed among the women's organisa tion of tha atate and aald that United effort alone had enabled them to accom' pllah so much. 1 :.-..' . Miss Mary A. cnas or uregon city sang several selections and those who had never before had tb privilege to hear her were charmed with her rich, well-cultivated vole. - Mrs Breyman was assisted in her duty as hostess by hr three daughter. 1- , mealy mas In a large, shallow bin of pollahed wood, -.-'-,",'. ;.',- "Theyte mixing 'th - nitroglycerin with the dope," explained the auperin- tendent. "Here . la th next bin 1 batch f th flnUhed dynamite, ready for .th packer.".. I looked cordially mystified t the last term, but wa soon enlightened. '. :.i . ... Passing around the bluff we cam to th first of a aeries of mall buildings, In each of which a gang of men wer hammering away for dear life, ramming or packing the dynamite through large tin funnel Into paper cylinder, which form th outer covering of th flnlshed cartridges. .. At th nd of thla line of building wa th "case house," where the stick ar weighed and boxd in cartons for the market. As we paused before th door of great , vaultlike structure at tha end ot our tour, and contemplated the towerin piles of boxes stored within I could not resist th query, "But now will you ever dlspoee of ell thlT" - r "Not a great dl there." was th re sponse, - aa th veteran-caat his prac ticed. ey over .tb stock. "At th rat or-three or a- week- we have -only little over a month' supply on hand." - "And - wher la all ; this- fores let IiwmisT" t aaksd. v . "In"the mine and quarri of the vnrwraivei ji iiuie ue uj.ijie coaj flelda. but not much. Black powder 1 likd -,' bettesa Uivre because of - its deney. to rip t he coal , up - into . large Blocks waion would D psiverlsed and rendered Inconvenient te work by th sudden shook of a dynamite explosion. Then, too, aeveral million pounds may go to th bis ditch oa th Isthmus." , l9everal million 'pound!' the visitor gasped, and When he got home he dragged down th family atlia and. looking at th IrtslgnlncsmV-thread of land between the - A marl ess, wondered bowjt would look atx month hence, '-" . A Beg la' ft City Slreetory. 'V From New Havan, Conn. Dispatch. ' Th New Haven city directory for loot. Ju out contains th nam bf a dog, credited with a residence and a full asm. - It I a terrier owned by Attor ny j.DavId Strooee. . In th list of Strou s th dog's nam ha a plaoa,' It is recorded a Lt Strous. occupation watchman, and Its boarding-bouse lit St John tree' , - -. - ...v. , V,ar3f,wojoaq-ngio-aTih , .- aJssat, 6sw er Oaa ah PAOIFIO.OOAOIlt 'x CHURCH SERVICES first -Corsir Twalftk ssd Alder street-. Raff. t V nm m-m MwiM . 10 MA a. at. aad f:0 . m.; la th sveoiag a PS Jablise aad'aadresss by Dr. H1U sad M. S. Yashioka; Prefessors S. Taksori sa K. Iws aists : of Tolls -alverity will reDOer -oa ipaae Tblre Cast Thirtsanth Hi Pint streets; Bev. ' Antrtw J. MantMoi psster, Ma Tb . Ckarc sad ths Working swa'') serrtee. :T:t . m. ) Snodxj srbool, IS sv: C. S. :40 a. BL : ausrlss Brsne-BMetla at TtSO e'dork at UJ B. ebarrk for yeas peoale. ' nsdmsat--Corasr Clseslsad aveaea -aad 4S rett. stmt; Bav. I alrroa Boossr. aastos. 11 a. ., "The Cbsreh snd ths Toller"; T:S rm I MT I 1 I W . II.1. kk. . W school. 10 s. au, ' . Arbor Lodxa rhsnal cmw - Brraat aad Cartla strseu. Sabbat acasal at S p. as. ' - - .- rim caaioariaB oorser Twairta sa East TaVor atraala; Rt. K. Kslso Allen, paste. At 10: SO a. ss. "The Glory of FinUbed Ufa"; 13 .. Boaaay acaool; 7 a. -aa., Chrlstlsa Ba Maraball-gtrMt Corir MarahsU an Vortk BeTanteaath streets; KT. C. W. Bsj. sstsr. Booda j seboal. lo s. at.; seeerhla, li- a.. at. aad t p. .; Y, P. s, C. K., 7:1 s. ax rwirth rirat . sad Qlbe Hru; Bex. V. D. IscCleuaBd. pasta. PreaeblDg ' st 10:M s. at. snd T:8 p. m. by Bev. Mr. Or' e Baattl) t sa.. Bandar srboel, K. O. Brsaa, m tart 11 taada at ;.:& p. m., Ckrlstiaa Kaeaavof eet'nf- i. - ' .' Mispaa -xssr Tbirteeats ane: rami streets; Bev. Jsretse B. aieaiede.. D. T, paator. Barv- ctm ai iu:su a, at., vttti Mar. j h. Laiper, 3.. D.. win prearti; T:30 a., at., sermoa br Kitor oa "The Prlae of Pa ca "; Mr. Curie bass will; slag a sacred -solo . at evsalag Cslysev . Cm iaa -Blavatts sftS lae'. alrasts; Bar. W. B. Ollbart, psatoa. Services st 10:3 s. as. sad f:t a. m. Tbs pastor baa retaraee fsdiae usaal i ika will Mssaasdlaae ng, f'ChrUtlaBttjr asd Labor ,tay"j evaalagi "lf Etsrasl." v - , TXTHXDI8T. ....','- Trialtr Bast Tanth aa Oraatt Bav. ftatnM Ooar. Basto. RarTleaa at 11 a. aa. d 7:SI p. sl gonday acbool st 10 a. aa.;! Epsrortk leagoe st K . nv. ' j Sallwoed C "Ar LawU, "paator. Bnsdaf aranoi. iu a. .( ii a. .. "Cbnstismty jsati j b, m., ins pnipix win sa occupies H. U I BeckweUi Eowsrth , lesgus, f:i p. as.. 1 ' ' : Bpwartb Ooraef Twnt-tblrd sad ; Irving treat; Henry. T. Atkiosea, pastor. Bosdaf school, 10 s. bm 11 a. St.. "Christ's Bevels. :wa f ooa-r Epwortk . tasgo. :) sa. !M p. a., "DHfusg." : , Orsce Varum Twain, aa -Tavlnr . atra tat Clarsaea Tree Wilson, paator. Str vitas sa holy eesMlanloa at 10:30 a. at.) prala MTvie with nw srmasl and srrsioa on "The Cecn. ssr 'JaaiM Kep." T;0 p. a. - anBorslds TambllL, batwsea Tblrty-flft nd Thlrty-sixtk streets) T.. Bl rwd, paator; 10 ar at., Saaday aebool, C. A. Ostah. aper iatndDt; 11 a. tm.t dmlnttrUoa of the self eoamanioa by the - paator, ssalated by Ben, iToaiac ana nsnnaic ana einers; s:oi p. Jnnlor leasns. - Marir Sharer, an Darin tandenti : p. as.. Kpwerth leegs devotional meat! in. Hsa Krnsi, .president; p. nu, araacfiln by ttts Bev. Jasaes -M. Kin.-D. D - Centsnsry Corner - Beat Pine and - NIntb afreet; William H. Bsppe. D. ..-pastor. At I0:ae a. at. tha paator preaches the rt of tw senaons o 'Tn I Be Dtrlnalr lr'i rea lar - saoatMy sarvte f song with speetsl -pre- 8 ram. 7:1 p. m.s BMralng elsss. :0 o'rioek: nsday scaeol,'12:l p. .: Epwerth dl rational at :. a. Obsras sbeb-. t : y -v C0B0EISAIT0VAL. First Caraer Park and Msdlaoa straet; Bv. B. I Honsa, P. D., paator, 10:80 a. St., ser nvm br Ber. Prin-is J. vsa Born. D. D., Woreaatsr, Massicauaatts, ss -"The Onlr Nime"; 7:41 p. n.. Dr. Via Bora will vreapfe oa "Tb Supra ma naflnltloe nt pod"; special mnsle by Cjnartet, Mrs. Boaa Bkwb-Batiar. MlM MrClnng. alraars, Alesiader and Montrom ary; Sunday aebool. 12:10 p. at. ; T. P. I. C E. reeeptloa t strsngsrs snd prays serviee, Harold Ollbart. loader, p. m.. Pllrrln ebspal, B40 neronil itraai; Bonday school, :t0 I. m.y L. M. Bles. snpsrlntendrnt a " Valmsltr Park Artlasas' temple, Portsmnntb ; Ber. D. B. Grir. pistor. 11a. m.. Th poarat of Testimony Supported by Filtbral Cbrlstlis Uvln. and What It Mar Do In Undine Mas tn Become ToDower of Jem Christ" ; flanday school st 10 s m. ' , , Snnnyslde Comar ' Eaat Tirlor ind Faat Thu-tr-foarth straots; Bev. J. 3. Stinb, paator. At lj i. m., "Strength for Servlcs"; T:80 a. l, "To Terms of Paae"i gnnday acaool, 10 a.- at... B. C. Pie,- suDsriateaoent; Janloi ChrlitUa Bo oaa tot. S n. m... Mlas Bdltb Bm. snparlntiadeBt; Senior Cbrlatiso Endeavor, C:S0 p. in. .... Highland Corner fraamtt snd Bsst Slxlb rraat, north: Bav. A. M. atok wood, paator. Snndiy school, 10 a. m. 11 a. m., recaption of Biamser and. oommanlon, eetmoa a "A Three Pol ttellreranre" j 7 : P." m., Serrlca ap pmprtst to Labor day. ' - - " Mlaalealppl-Arense -Corner Mississippi svana nd rreajoat straet.-- At 10 l. m., Snadiy school : 11 s. m.. Bav. W. L. rnahaw will eon. duet the esrvacef so evaning aarTlee. . 1 . . Th Wnif Temple Corner Tarelfth and TT- Itfaetir Be. 1. "rnilcotniritrongBlr. ITT ft.; paator. 10:W m. nv. "Thraa styles sf Will Ing" Bible sraeol, 12:10 p. m., clseseawfor sll saesi B. T. P. II. rerwsrlos and sarrleaa 0 p. m.; 7:eS a. a., "Was Jesas Christ a Boelsl. Ansrekisl I" Special amaie by the orrkestra sad temple qoertet; anewt. nias thel bytle. Central Rast Twintletk sad Baal Anken treat. William B. Randall, mlnlater. Build ing closed for tae tailing faraltare; sod lea tor y satriaas Ssptamhsr 10. Hath lay Sal I wood. Snndiy school. II i. m. j ranking at 12 m. sad t;4S.JK by, Mrs. J. Adaaia. Mt. Jobne Service la Adaaatlst eknrehl presaliln by Be. Job! Beatslen, II I. a. Load' Supper ehearvedi Busda school 10 a, as, UntTerally Park Sunday asaoel, 10 s. m.; srasehlsg. It a. ra., by Bar. B. A, leoaard; 7:4 p. in., by Bav. lob Bentaleu. . SsmnnT Eiat Seveatb snd -Ankany Itreets; Bev. S. C. tsnkam, paator. At 10 SO a, a., "Halntalnln tbe Chrlatlaa Ufa": Bible acaool, 12 Bwi TouD People's anion. S:48 p. a.) at 7:45 p. m. Mr. and Mr, oaraoa sf India will ipssk f their alsslensry woch ad axperlsacea. T.7t':r; i0g.""".7: Chrkitlas Catholic Apoatolle Oinrrh I JMoe AHaky hulldln. Morrtana near Third; Bev. oba AHxaseer Dewkt, grit ipoatle; Kit. Cksrla rc-rvft ; mox o-cawuoa 1 wg soej-e cosmnin bo imu bvc a-t, oat are tUed with cH-reJe wiich rocbm the skin and are haraxM totkVa-ev Ve rnaxantse tie aaeohrta yntrrtr of onr woJncts. I - btw tun is m rrwyt 1 isauw 1 aau must ag. . X ' snteTtio known to vma mm any etsmary eas 1 o be used tor Jstih4 Aslloa -tV. : HO fee baauttraiiy U-W-JVT -4 -t r r-s o, oevryweaaVL)ss aaskOtan-c"j OOsa'.j.Vv''': CAN rO! fi-jr&? t - - - L' Roy. elder U ekirfW ' Ar I i p. aV-Slbm tody; I p. a.. "Tb Baptism of Dial Sir Consumes All Bin"; p. a., "Tha Mrs Crews Promised: sr. The CsrleUaa . BaUerar'a . B ward tat Mm Mtntm.- V BBIBCOrAL. Trialty Nlaeteeatb aad Everett rraetet Dr. Monrlaoa, raator. - lioly cassmanioa. S . at.; aoralng ssrvioa, 11 ' clock; evealag les. T;S0 Vrioek. - ' - St. Matthew's .Cornet JTirst aad Ca rut her rreetei Bev. W. A. M. Brack, la charge. Bolt eoamusJea and ssraoa, 11 a. aa. Saada school. B:4S . a. A... . - Oood Shepbard Sellwood - arrest ; snd 'Ts con w avsaae: Bv. Jab Daw. roetoT. -.Ssa day school,. 10 a, aa.s heir communis aad isa, 11 I. a.t S svenine? "-rrlca. at. . Joba's Memorial Bsiiwooa: Bev ynralL- la cbarra.- - Sarrlc and holy eoeHaanloay 10:4 a- a.; auaeay acaool. u a.. St. Dsvtd' Esst Twalftk aad Belmont; Bev1. 0. ft Tsa Waters, D. rector. . Holy com. maalon, B and II I. B. (choral), with m; evensong at TjHO o'clock. .. i St. Mark's -Oemer Nlaeteenth and Qulaby strasts; Bev. ,1. B. B. Blmpana. rector. -At jl bolr eonjunnnloa; 11 o'clock, momin prsjtr and lltaay. aaraost by Baa. Wllllsm V. Whltte. Charles City, Iowa; e'cloek, erenlng prayer; as gaaesy scboot , -. s 'c: '-:?,..: . ' OEBIITIAaT, . -1 V j first Comer . park aad CetaatUa Streata; B. g. M nek lay. im.tor. 10:M a., m.. -Tb Baling Paaeloa''; 7:49 a. bl. "The Fear Woee"; Bible sebool, 12:1 p. m.: Ckflstlaa Eadaarer, :48 p. a. - - -. - - ' Central Beat Twentieth aad Salasoa straetaj Bev. J. r. Obormley will- spssk at 11 a. as, es "The Opportnsl ef eadereaJe": p. a., "The Opportanlty. of Daetlny": Saadsy' seaost 10 a. a.; Sat) lor Endeavor. S:4S p. m. i apecial maaie; Mr. MePharsoa Qals, ckorlatar; Mis It . By, argaalat - Tn-V.f ' r ':- TBTTBD-ETAVS1XI0AL. - . ytrat Cernar Eaat Tenth aad Basra strsetst A. A. Wlster. pastor. At 10. s. a.. Sdndsy school,; Casrleo A.- BUVer, anparlntandant ; II a. a., aarmon, "Tbs Wlaalng Power ef TestW monrV; 7 P. a.. aU U of C.t nasstlng; t . iju, prescklng. - v gecond .Uoraer rsrge aad Kwty Itreata; Bev. J. Bowersox, paator; servlcas at 11 lb, and e p: a. Bandar-waioor itnr A. airrbiol Endeavor, 6 p. m.s It. I C E.,-T:l p. a. . OckVae- Green Sunday school -at ISO. p. Ba. preaching by ...Bev, A. A. Winter at :80 p. a. - ":'." ' cwiBTiAB7Bynncx.',;, s''-'V irt Scottish Bite cathedral, Morrwea and towasdsls treats. Bsrrtcss 11 a, a. and I . -m sutgect. "uhetanoa" J . BaaAay . acbaol t eaoss af SKirnln aerrlca. - , Beooo- Audltorlua bulldlnf. Third betwesa Taylor and Salmon streets. Sarah es, 11 a. an. ad Bp. a., subject, "Sunstaac. -7 , '-4- , XTAXaZUOAX AMOOIATIOsT. First Oermsa Uoraer Taatb snd Clay (treats; Theodore Srhsaer. pastor, Dedlcstioa sei ilcvs ot near church, eermo hy B. C. Breyfoget, D D-, at 10:10 a. a. Bngllak aarmon snd Sedlcs Uo of efearch by th blabn at 1:4 n. a. song eariUs sad ihort . address by dlffsrsat paator at 7: p.. as. . j. "'';;' ' :' tBTB3BAV. '' '"-I St yamee Kngllab Comer West Park sad lefferaoa strsete; J. A. Ins, paster. Saul as at 11 a. sa.; Suaday achool. 10 s.- a. Let that leaf aa. 7 p. a.; no evening Barrier. Norweglaa- syaed Coraer Beat Teeth ' aad Orr straata; O. Magees, paster. ' BsHltm atlia.. a. and Sj. m. ..'-,7. . i --' BL . CB1TBOH SO U TB. .t: rtrat iriVi' Seaoad Itraet, Pomtsn kail: E. H. Mowra, paator., Suaday achool. 10 a., a.) Kpworta lea fur, t p. a. preecaing at- ii a. a. ssd p. -a., by Dr. 4. u, namraapq st KiahTllle. Tenneaaes, (arralary ef the soar of sdncatlo ot the M. B. church Beata. V TTBTTZD BBXTSBES tf CBTLIII. f ' ' yirat Corner Beat Plftaenth and Morrises streets; H. O. Shaffer, paator, ' Bible school, 10 s. m.; nresebins st, II a. a. and a p. aa. 1 Cbrtitlaa Bndasror. at 7 p. a.) special an sla at botk sarrlcea. -,.r. . .,, ,. , .. " VBITEO XTABCEUOAX' CHTJBOK.-' ' ' St John's Corner ef , John . snd Ivaahse treaU; E. B. McVtcker, paator. At 11 . a.. "Supreme Lov" S p. a., "Peter Oellverad Prom Prison" r Sunday sebool. 10 a. a.i J. B. L. U 1 20 p. m.; B. K. L C. B, 7 p. a. -f- T. at. a A. T. M. C. A. Aesoclatloa ' aadltorlnm. 11 fourth street. Bunday. I SO p, a., address by Pranct 1. Via Horn. D. v., ef Woreestsr, Mamaehasett, on "There' a Boy la Xuf ly "; olo by Mr. J. B. Hamilton. ,: . , I, ' ' ! o.'abd m.' -,' "' ' The Caslitlaa and Mlwleasry lllcs SJith and Mala atreets; Rev. C 1. sawtell; an parts teadent Preaching at 10:20 a. a. by Rev. 1. H. Allaa, paator ef the Beraa alaakn; Sua day school, 12:1 p. a.; 7:S0 p. m., aarrlcl aoaductad by D. W, WikeSebt ''-... TJBTriBSAXIBT. - iirrt-a-Bst Concb sad .Eaat-waBjr-w-r-s. Small, pastor. ' At It a. nw aarown by Bev. Mr. But lea oa "Hiring lmlntnn"l 7:4 p. m.earaxia by Bev. Mr. Welch; 10 a. Boa day sebool, . . - TJEITAEIAE, Mret Corn ranrhind JarnblU Jtreetaj Bav. oaors C. Cresaey. . DTTejilniatar. Sara. H-as st 11 s.. whan Professor Bsaasl Me l un juindaay y. LnlTaraltr st FesnsylTials, will CbUd.jUhorV .., v . . .. . ., spask ea T i ... , i v ;'...'.: . 0ATK0U0. " ... . - Bt 'lawrenre church Third ' and Bker. man sfrseta; Bev, J. C. Hngbas, rector, afaaa, 7. B aad 100 a. ss.1 benadlctlo, 1:30 B.(sw . -: KiscxtLABEotJs. :' 4 Vet or oa "Theosonhy and Its f aea" will be rlraa it the TOeoaopblesI roam, Allskf banding, kill nO. - . rirst Bible Splrltul society A. O. tj. W. halL BelHog-Htrsch building. Lsrturs by Mrs. 1. A. Job aa tom 1 followed wife testa by I. A Jobnstoa at 8 .' m. k. . Millennial Dawn O." A. B." hilt, snrniaul corner Beesa sad Merrisea Itreeta.. geralcaa t B:30 p. a. , The Mlnlater' lid Medium Prof eat 1 re Sola, ttuallat aaeciartnti will bold no church earvwe until further notice. . - ptvlne Tmth Canter Wain Trnfh ehaasl, hall tot. AHaky rmfluinr. eornef Third d sine riao streets: Tbedoeoa ii. Mloard, paator, Brralc at 11 a. m. Tbe rmril Ibnatiaa trnio rre rails lout lfeelety, , myrrisssi sirsai, ia bwiy aiu; r r- v .-.'. -."v.- 1 .'"S' I : i M '"1 mm ess Tri Ct, cUpeei ridLy, $&mX t-JM est cssy - T . I '.' Ivinv ' vroru. AoytUng wraaed U it -U be '-fv wala e-ssMss) ssfotsJaMissief I . V FslAKOtCOOs bAl. ?rt - w .. OF FH SITE . . :, Local Street Railway Men FavTjf "Purchase of Exposition Tract -4r-foV fHiblic EntertsUnmen ' ' ;-..-- - - n 1 . - ' . weaeMeMMOTeaaaK 7,' t UNLESS THIS IS DONE . IMPROVEMENTS Witt OCX Indivtial Oarnepi Wul " Degtrey . Gardens and Buildings, Sine Thesoj Now Are on Land Ovrned tr Uanyi " Persona WJth Msrgr Plant. Lockl atreet .railway mn are uhanl tnouajn the view that a .permanent rtuaement . parjt should be maJntsinecJ at tn taywi and Clark , xpolUoti ground; and It Is said there ia a prob abillt that sncb, an inaututlqa' win Ueceed tjje fair. Jfo deflnlt telnent can' be gained to the effect that, the Portland Consolidated Ball way company baa a plan for euch a park under con tdaratlon, hut 'it i known fh project 1 being aerloualy , ntrtalnd. ' . U?t Jaaald the. roaUwohitarl. fa . ihs( project would be tue nign , pric . Which th owner' of th. ground would hold th atta. Th fair arround la bwnaxf by many people, of divergent view and lnt rests. The Portland CoQsoildsts1 already owns one block snd. a portloord another . block In the grounds, in thai Vicinity of th Oriental building. ,,. . - The New Tork building , and groanI IS practically the property, of. Paul We singer, of th Welnhard Brewing -cbm-1 pany th building having been put -U4 with a vlw to hi acquiring actual tltl aa soon aa th fair elo. -: Thar are a few ownara .who or, credited with public aplrit and .harmontoua dlre tn aee a. publlo park. aatabllahed, and, aoaae portion of. th grounds preserved In a form that -would rurnlah publlo amuse ment Should hm atreet .railway com -I pany decide so estaoiisn an amusmnq park it - would necessarily i aequlrel enough ground to psak resort 10 Ui 44 ecra in. sztnt-- Unless . soma psraonl or eorporatlon pnrcha-SraaUcaU4 the whole ground the . improvomoata now there wu oe deetreyo ay tb va rious ownara In restoring their plats tol a normal, condition." No attention hH been paid by th builder of th fair tol tha .boundary llnea of th original own-l r of th ground. A larg bulldlnsl may. atand partly on tb ground ot onei man and partly on that or another. - ai main atreet may be half on th ground of on man -and half on anothar man's plat . Th aawerag and ' avenue hare not been laid out with, aby consideration for their .common us hy .people who msy wish to us th land after th x-i position IS through with mem, ana ipe landscaping snd drainage achara will b . praetlcally ' detroy4 ";whn the ground ar again cut Up among, their j':--;mmf snthesl aeSva.'-4-' : ':.," r I fmm r,. Tyitulan PnaL '. ' '' Th higheat point at which mourftaln-l climber hav stayed ror any- ingxn on tlm Is 10,11 feet. On the Himalayae.l where - en esploring' -party" 'palnrunyj stsvsa ror six weunw in . 1 tilt at fet 1 th extrem polntt um nnnitck ; WnrVmin'i ascents. th"-grtet ' height- reached- by, aj woman. Mr. Bullock Workman kept enl to a point 11.111 ret nign, .wumn " greatest height reacnea oy Uln-cllmber. -;. ' ' L T-k. .lalanil eoaaihaA hv Ur, and Mr BullocR Workman were above those which M," Berson, the aeronaut, began ki. .rtiricial inhalation of osygon. ..At It, 249 fset the asrooaut In general n .. .. -. . in.nltlnn Af Alrw .nTend-nesiect rtftl TPTjrMrm-v-i reeoonslbls ror tn min . vv.,i Jrr.V. -La BIS..T M -iLTOfyeet-thin Bfpinviii evil. ' - -- -- . . companion, Tisndlr, Jut teplng by miracia. . , - . j . ., -j VourH Bvrt th hlghat point ofl . ..I. annua fOA fast hla-herJ arte sioDe, - , . - I lit feet and ,oa feet above that be gin th clrrn cloud that ar compoe1 of plimis ef lea At IM14 feet Is the hlghMt point, trar ri.- m 1 a She heignt aiiainro oy an. iniaiiu.iii hit balloon en juiy sr. isin.-; f. .V ' Cli. UeW: ; At It . . at.'. , Tha Parable of the' Sower" lt:M p. a., study elaaa la life peAnieme; Tsu j, to., eonesrt ' I sloa srehaatrs; s B '-'Tb Objectlae atari S:" m .... -ikZ J.'..L- TUB , . ii. u w i . o ,, hnraia) Recepilo tiall. third floor Malker tHillillsSi Second end Memeo streets.- A I 10 o i.a., ley aaralce and eaaon, ' . I OIIt Braosk Ooapel alsaloa-rirat cssr Glsy.l P-Tlca Tr ..itcnlni and Buadajrai ljVl j p. ",-" "T "" .1 lattar-Daf 'Salens- . Basgsslsd ValrmrS I Wandwird MIL Moatavllls. At II It a. "'' Sp. m., aerate In rhirg of Bluer pax Us 14 N. T, Bbaldaau