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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1905)
A- -V:. ..- -a J jaj - Vj . .' r, r 4TTLE werkr occupied molt of . . the attention at . th exposition - the peat and every on 1 , 'hd with the f ttl -r.oat-,'"""' -1liv vera represent. women fron the .Washington city oi.J quickly (mde friend. Mr. F"mund Bowden, ' chief hostess, la a charming woman and waa eagerly, courted by Portland ac . quatntancea She Is prominent In her home city, where aba owna a beautlfut country house on the Tak ahore and en tertains much. ' " j - 1 The return of September la welcomed by almost every one. - With the first week of the fall month the people be- Kin to ;come in from' the mouatalna and co st, 'end there promisee to be some very elaborate entertaining from now on as a farewell to vlKlng guests and to our beautiful exDoattton. --'.-. Interest in musical affairs la begin ning to revive aaatn and Deoole are talk ing of what they are coins to hear thl year. Advance notlte have been eent of the arrival of ' many prominent gnu sirians and all are aacerly awaiting- the announcement of. the year'a calender of celebrities. With today the choir t the city, reopen their work. ' How eves, musical events have not bean so .scarce this summer aa usuaL for with the Alice Bobbins Cola-concert and the . Kddy organ recltala no summer could be railed wholly dulL,- . -aa-tn Exposition there -baa been a cassation of the brilliant affairs of the two preceding weeks which were go full, ana society has been given a short Vest, cociety at the ex ; position. Monday the Seattle hostess began their .week with the reception to the women of Portland and the exposition. The-affair was largely -attended. The hostess, Mrs. Edmund Bowden, waa aa alsted by Miss Kllsba P. Ferry. Mra HIil!m RHumhMVVrfp" Wednesday.- Mlaa Berkey, Bragdon, Mra. Samuel Crawford, Mrs. W.- A. FoBWrj-MTg. W." B. Judah. Mrs. llomer M- Hill the Misses Harriet Bat lance, liasal Bragdon. Imogens Cerra her. Margaret Lovejoy, EthaLMoaaaad. Sophia, Skinner. The guests ware pre sented, by Mrs. Hattwell Depew. Tues day was Alaska and 'Commercial, day and Invitation had been extended to the commercial -ladlea - of . Portland and Seattle to be present from S to o'clock. A large delegation from the Commercial -chib of Portland attended. , Wednesday - waa School and College day. and the re- caption hall waa decorated la the lemon yellow of the-University of Oregon and th purple and gold of tha Cnlverelty of Washington, and pennants of various colleges- were used. Dr. Thomas Fi Kane, president of the University of Washington, welcomed tha delegatea of the educational congress, who war the guests of- honor. - - -- Ort Thursday. Kane-County dayr Mra - Bowden ws assisted - in : tho reception and entertainment of the guest by tha women of King county outside of - Seattle. -. v. , . Friday llhe clubwomen were received and the reception-hall was decorated In green and white, tha. .colore .. of the Washington State Federation of Cluba. Among th many prominent clubwomen of Portland who called war the mem bera bf the Water-Color club and of the . i vaioera - ciud.. wno cam in a. poayi Mra. Abigail Scott Duniway. Mrs. P..JF, Mann, .Mrs, , McClurg." Mra. Sarah ... A. Evans of tha Sacajawaaraasoclatton and many other member of the Woman' ciuo. . Saturday. Patriot day. the hall war decorated hi national eolorawlth - flags and tha guest of honor war th varb jaun patriotic societies. :. . : .1 ; , . At the evening reception the building presented a brilliant -appearance. The receiving line conelsted of Mra. Bowden, Mayor and Mr. Balllnaer. Mrs. Will E. Humphrey. Hon. .John H. McOraw and Judge . and , Mrs. Thomas Burke. Tbe guest were Introduced byiWIU A. Steel. - Prominent Seattle visitors of' tbe week ware: Mr. and Mra. Ira. Bronsoa Mr.- and Mrs. Thomas Prascn, Dr. and Mrs. Churchill. Dr. Eagleson, Everett smith and sons, Mr. and Mra. Klnnear, Mrs. Hardenbergh. Mrs. Gove, -Mr. and Mr. J. ix FsrreJl. Mrs. John Leary, Mr. nd Mra. P. F. Ferry. Mra. J. R. Pawls and Mia Olive Pawlea, Era lie Lobe, Senator. F.. P. Harper. Hon., J. T. Ronald. C H. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs, L. B. CasaadW. Mrs. -and Mra. H. L T. Skinner. Mrs. Kllsabetb Miller. Dr. Dean, Mr. and Mra, K. H. Gule. Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fulton. R. B Wark, Mr.- and Mra. A- W. Sutherland. Mra. Kate Rlchvllle. Mr. and Mrs. M. Camber. Mr and Mrs. C. J. Smith, Mrs. Mary A. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8. Wilson. Judge and Mrs. A. K. Griffin. Ralph Hopkins. Mr. and Mr. P. L. Allen, Mr. and Mra. George F. Cottrell. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hick and Dr. and Mr. Thomas F. Kane. , 'A reception waa given at the Eastern Star cottage on the fair ground Wed nesday asenlng a ' farewell to Mra. Kettle Rensford of Indianapolis, past moat worthy grand matron of tha gen eral grand chapter, who ha been heat- i through August. . She waa assisted in receiving 'by Mrs. Inea M. Ryan, worthy grand matron of Oregon, and Mrs,. Nellie W. Guernsey, grand, worthy . matron of Washington. i : i t - Th hall waa elaborately, decorated ; with sword ferns, vine and whit llllea ; and rose, and the stairway waa twined 'with quanta loe of fern. . lit tha men' reception room purple predominated In - th color plan, and In th women' room yellow. unch waa served In tha lat ter by Mlaa Bessie Smith. Th veranda ln thffjcer of th building was turned '..into a Japanese tea garden, and four - gelahe girl In pretty color- served tea and cakes. Assisting a parlor boat 'and hoateesea were Mrs. Nellie Scott, past , grand matron of , North Dakota, and tha foiowlng paat grand matrons . and patron of Oregon: Mrs. M. U -Lrtitk.-Mr--Delia Houston. . Mr. Alice . Townsend, Mrs. Kellogg, Mrs. Jeesle Bert. Robert L MlUer. C L WUiiml, lW, , H.lller.43.omas J. Ryan andR. J. I , uavia. ADout iuu guests caiieo. me the entertainment consisted t Kl lxabeth -Alkm, - Mrs- M.U Wtlhm. Fred. C. Ncssley and. A- H. Wlllett.' i Judge and Mr. Allshl of Boli were dlstlngulehed visitors at th Idaho tmlldlnaTIsst week. . Jvidf Allshie i a member of th supreme eourfc ., - .... . .... -;. ... 4 K .-.V.:: Mrs. John Leary. regent- of Rainier chapter. Daughtere . of tho American Revolution of Seattle, and her mother. Mr. El Is ha p. Ferry of Seattle, were at th American Inn through Seattle week. , Mrs, Ferry la th wife of tha last terri torial and first state governor of Waah- t tegton, Sh a sals ted Mrs. .Rowdan in receiving at Mondsy' reoeption 1st th .Washington building.. , j ' - - - Th dinner given by th New Tork eemirie-aloq Saturday night week ago. for Governor 4 Mr. Parde..wa a -ut!r..l roe. , 1 , we lovely J r i cf f !ed with aweetpeaa.' Pots-af maidenhair fern were paced all about the table. The gowna were elaborate, Mrs. Good roearlug In feoangled -white. net over 'dainty pink chlifon. Mrs. Pardee wore handsome white lace, Mra. Spencer Brown, black lace over'whlte chiffon; Mra. Allen- Lewis, pearl gray with car dinal garnltutes; . Mrs. Charles, Ladd, white-with duchesaa lace, bertha; Miss Brown, white chiffon cut prtneesse. V .' . '; The new hoeteose' for' September at the Idaho building arrived late In the week and are making preparations' for their, big day next . Thursday. Miss Maud Hammell, the first to arrive, la al ready known a the exposition grounds because aha appeared very favorably as a dramatic reader early in the" season. The others etc Mra. McLlnchey of Pay ette, Mrs. W. ' 8." Cheney of Pocatello, and 'Mrs.-.Pulse-'of. Grangevirle. Mra. Scott, chief . hoateaV. and the commis sion here .Issued Invitations for a largo reception at the building Thursday to meet Governor and Mra. Gooding. The California people will be popular entertainera next week, 'for they have ahown themselves on all previous occa sions royal hosts and hostesses, aniT6at urday'a reception promisee to ba as da- itgntrul an affair aa any of the pro. ceaing. ii isa. matter or. regret-mat Governor and Mrs. Pardee could not. re main over for the atata day. but already they have given tbe exposition a 'gen erous ' portion of' their, time. : Mr. and Mra. Frank Wiggins and Mr. and-Mrs. Filcher, with . their aids. ' will ' receive I Invitations are out for Saturday's func tion, aa It win bo a private affair,, . . '.'..' .-.Commissioner and Mra. Stipes and then- two daughters, of Champaign. Ilil nols. arrived early in the week to -remain for .10 days. . There . la -much regret among 'the - Illinois family", that Mlaa Mary Berkey, assistant hostess, who hat been hero alnca the opening of the build ing. ia round her-duties too wearing and will leave for her home In Cham- who filled ' the same noslt ion In St. Lioula. has- made,- many frlenda 'by - her cordial' manner. . ", v :..'.V,,. , '!.'; Every one Is'deirghtedto know thst there Is to be another of th charming receptions at the New Tort building this week. President and Mra.. Good have Issued InvlUtion for one Wedneeday evening In honor of the lolnt committee of th senate and assembly of California. Mrs. Ida M. Lewis, 'past grand matron and general . secretary . of Oklahoma.! from- Teeumaehr-ta-berertbT serve aa host ess -for th Eastern Star- cottage for September In place of Mrs. Ranaford Of IndiaBapollsv---- t . v Prsideat and Mr. Good entertained tha Browns. Jnhn RirMltint. Mra. Baratow of New .York at'dlnnej Sunday evening at the New Tork building, Aft erwarti they drove home -and Miss Brown delighted -th party-with songs. Mrs. Anna 'Selkirk Norton . sang at the Friday morning raualoal. J -the Washington building and - won- great favor. It was "Women Musicians' day. EVENTS OF THE WEEK. -Mrs. McClurg, author -and lecturer. mad many friends during her stay her last week, - and- was much . entertained. A pleasant Incident of her stay waa .th discovery or a Kinswoman In Mrs. W. A. Meara. Both.aretaembera of the famous Valentin family of Virginia, to -which enwara virginma valentine, tno noted touthera soulptoev blongst- and" which I umbered Edgar Allan (Po. among It distinguished conneotlona." - Mrs. Meara Invited a few frlenda to meet Mrs. Mo Clurg at luncheon last week. All of th women v present were member - of th Colonial i Dames, - Founders, ' Colonial Governor, Daughter of the Revolution nd Order of th Crown, and Lady Anna von Rydlngavard la th only woman ever admitted to the Order of Runny mode, thla because ae oan claim descent from II of jthe signers. Th guest were Mr.- Reed of Masaachuaetta, Mr. Mor- rls Esimer. Mrs. Stepen Wiley of Call fornla. . who I great-granddaughter of Chief Juatlce Marshall and- grand-niece of tJeorge Roger Clark, -whoa biogra phy she la writing, and Lady Anna von Rydlngavard. . People 'say there la a strong resemblane between Mrs. - Mc Clurg and Mr. Meara and a number of at rangers accosted th on for the others A most delightful tea was given by Mrs. Edward R. Root on Wednesday at her , beautiful home in Holtaday addi tion in honor of her cousin, Mies Madge Falrmane-of San Francisco. .Th recep tion hall was decorated with hops artis tically hung from th pillar. Th liv ing-room waa beautiful in ferns and palm In Indian - baskets.' Th dining room waa beautiful in crimson aweet peaa and . brlUlant-bued . maple , leaves. On th table were candelabra with red candles and shades. Assisting the hoateae In receiving . were Mlsa -Fatrman. tha Mlase Beast and Edna Church and kits Grace Nicholson.. Among th - forty or fifty friend who called were Mrs. Aug ust Klosterman and Mlaa Kloaterman, Mrs. J. Poulaen. Mrs. W. W. Kerns, Mrs. A. H. A will. Mra. A. R. Church. Mr. George Schalk. Mrs. Harry Moser. Mrs. E. H. Parker, Mrs. Wade,. Mra. Ernest Boaa. Mrs. P. Lee. Mis Albina Page.J Mlaa c. col. Mrs. Edward R. Brown and Mr. Charlea Richton. - ' Mrs. A.H.'Breyman. nreatdent. af the Woman's club -of Portland, keot ooen house Monday afternoon for tho club women of Portland to meet Mrs. Vir ginia iDenaghe McClurg--of. Colorado Springs, lecturer and authoress. A large numoor or rortiaad club members at tended and several from out of town. Mia Sarah A. Evana. acting president of th SUt Federation cf Women' a club; Mrs. Whit, president of tha Baker Oitv club, and .Mr. Warren White, president f-1 "-Tuesday- Afternoon -club, - were among th speakers. Miss Mary A del Is Case was the singer and won much Ipraiaau, Dainty refreahnv . . -"-U?T5?- rou"outtn. receiving hour. J wTKtScWQtwa MrVed throughout th. riv. . ' A ptessant surprls waa given a Mlaa C. Sutherland at her ' residence, til North) Sixteenth street. Wednesday. The horn waa prettily decorated with rosea and love in the mist Tho even in a--was delightfully spent with games and music. Prises In th game contests were won by Mlas N. Douglaa. W. -Rusaell. Mlsa C. Sutherland and B. Conrad. Rar freshmenta were sarvedl by Mlaa" Brsoks and Mies McKlnnon." Those present were: HIM E. Meadows. Mlsa N. Dong las. Miss E. Hoggi. Miss C Dlnneen. Mlsa 8. McCammon. Miss Brooks. Mlaa McKlnnon. . Mr., and : Mra" Kletn.-; W. Russell - Dr. E. Sinn. 8. Conrad, R. Meadow. Dr. W: Patterson. C lit. Carnation. B. Conrad. C. Meadow U Rlemamlen. E. Sutherland k and J. lie- Kltmon. .i-: ;, - - ..- r !- .tj -. .... ; .. .'......W .. A- reunion of the Wilsons, a pioneer famUy ef 11. J. waa held at Smith A . lira. J. A, , FUcber. grove. Gresham, -August 17. in honor of Mr. and Mra. F. M. Mognetf of Phoenix, Arisona. - Mr.. Mognettwlto wa a dele gate to tha .Irrigation congress. , and his wife are now visiting J. F- Robert and relative in thla vicinity. Mra. Mogneti ia Hi daughter, of J. P, Wllaon of Sell wood. -They moved to Arisona to 187. Twenty . famlllea were , represented by the tS present at the reunion. J. P. Wilson.-aged itr 4 -tb. father grandfather, great ,. grandfather t. and great-greatgrandfather of 1ST. The day was plaaaantly apent at the,- grove ' until o'clock. Recitations, songs and instru mental pieces were given. ... -i , ''.'. Mra P." j.l, Gorman' ntrtatned'plea aatl Monday evening at Jier Jom.eIJ Kaat Ninth street north, in .honor of her nieces. Miss May Roberta of Stock too, California. and, Miss Ella Gorman, Seattle. Washington. . Musla played a large part In the enjoyment of the even ing. The guests were:-' Mlss-Ellsabeth Hoben. -Miss' Josephine ' Uoben, - Mis Violet Webster, Miss Margaret Mickey, MIs Crk Miss Anna Munk. K. J. CJiBlL-Jack Hnhan. N. W Ootxnan,- IV A. O. Gorman, Dr. J. P. Goray and Dr. E. O. Asplund. . ; 'r- ...... t . --, . w ' - -,.. . '.I Mrs." L. H. ' Maxwell - entertained ln formally -- Thursday - with an afternoon tea for her slater. Mrs. C. C Gibbons of Los Angeles, CUf ornla, at he home, t? East TayloT street. , About 10 gueaU called during th receiving hoars. Re ceiving with . Mrs. . Maxwell ' and Mr. Gibbon was - their . niece. ' Mrs. Sanderson Reed, and Mr. Flint of Los Anaeiea - Tha - room r:. were pretty .With : simple garnitures of cut flowers. .Assisting the hostess in' re ceiving were MUa Brodie. MUa Felt and Mlsa Walton.'. l','-- vi.'a:-,X- -;.' ,. w ' ' -Mrs; G. W. Shaver celebrated ber 4th Wrtday - anniversary Wednesday even ing at her home. Sl( Crosby etreet. Mra. Shaver 1 a- pkoncer who has resided at th same piece her for 1 yesra ,Jier guesU wer Captain and Mrs. J. W. Shaver. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Helnta Mr. and .'Mrs. George Hoyt and 'their daughter, Mr. Westfleld. Mlss-Eltss-beth Ryn7 Mrs." George Shaver and ber son. Mr. and Mra John R. Shaver-and Mlsa Iren"Johnon, . . f Mrs. James Murdock gave a tropical luncheon , at her east aid horn last week In honor of her -guest. Mra. Russell Murdock of Oakland. California.- The polished table was covered with delicate Mexican drawn work--dollies, in to center-was a sombrero with scarlet cactus blossom's among th ferns. Th favor were ' miniature sombreros filled with rod randy-peppers. -The menu presented a number of Mexican -and: Spanish dishes. : Covers were laid for 'IS. - Among'lnTerelrtlng visitors la wee"t at the Dakota atate building at th fair wer Mr. and Mrs. Edward Christiansen of Carlto. North Dakota - She la a niece of George Egbert of 809 Macadam etreet," and he and Mrs. Egbert gave a-pteasanl dinner for her. Mlaa Anna Potter,, an other niece, of Spokane, was present. and th unexpected reunion after maay years wa a delight. -' . . .:-,v- V - ' . ' ' ' - 'V; Mra. Frederick T. Fall of .Brooklyn entertained the Ladies. AM society of Mlspah Presbyterian church Wednesday afternoon. Borne hours wer spent in sewing, and 1st in-the afternoon, re freshments were erved. .. ,.: . -'.' ' ''-. .''vt '' ; -. Mra Sanderson Reed entertained very Informally laat week for ber aunt. Mra C C. Gibbons pt Von Angelea A num ber of . vlaitlng Calif ornlane wer proa-ant..;-,"-..-. , . ;., . , ... . , ..... .. v.,- -.; Mra Walter V. Smith entertained yes terday afternoon, with an Informal . tea for visiting menda . - , - , ... r WEDDINGS. Ml Edng-Barton and Oni Albertson war married Wedneaday evening at the torn of the bride's parents. - Mr. and Ira. A. 8. Barton. Ill North Fifteenth street. . About - relatives hnd friends wer present. - Th 4rtdo wore whit silk and' carried a shower 'of Bride rosea Th bridesmaid war gowned in cream si bat roes amy carried cream rosebud. Henry Welch attended th groom. .- The wedding march waa played - by Mlaa Ethal Barton and Dr. Edgar P. Hill of in rat Presbvterlaa church DarformM th ceremony. Suppen;w served Jri the dining-room which, like the parlor, was decorated with aweetpeas. rose 'and ferna Th bride' e bouquet waa caught ha- sT isim Baasils Patawawr 1 .. m. and Mrs. Albertson will be at I ber . A wedding of intereaf to many Cor- vallla people In th city wa thv-of Mlaa In St. Germain and Chester L. Proeb te of Corvallia Thursday evening, Au gust 14. Rev. C T. HurdL performed th' ceremony -at th home of Mr. and Mra John Hwtck, th bride' brother and later. ' The" bride, and froom were class ma lea at Oregon Agricultural col lege and graduated In 1. Mr. Proeb- stet ha been appointea instructor in metallurgy at that college. They will be at home to their friend after Sep" Umber It. ' - v ' - ..l w ' .' . A : wedding of anuaual Interest to Idaho people waa celebrated at th Hotel Portland Wedneaday evening, wnen K. Round and M. Ethelyn Carr. both Of Rlav-r marTted very Hietlythy I will go.- f ga Me teeaerrow ts reraam till Idaho day. Mrs. Adella PX Scott of th Idaho. building waa n of th few K03TECCE3 at TH2 cj-ircr.::iA cu:LD:reO. !' 11 -';i;. Hiss Irmg Filcher. guest present, t Mr. Rounds - is United States maranal for Idaho and hi bride was. formerly, a resident. ot Portland,' '' :" - -- " . Ousts vus II. Allen and Tlllle Barkley were married Wednesday evening - by Rev. Clarence Tru Wllaon of Gra-o Methodiat church. A few -friend wit nessed, th ceremony. i! :WUSICAlTNOTESr The quartet, engaged for' the First Unitarian church for th coming .eeaeon hi as followe; Mlaa Edwlna Msstlck. soprano! Mrs. F. J. Rsley, . contralto; George W, HoAuoiuyenSfmrut X PMlt - ard. baritone.' and Ralph W. Hoyt haa been reengaged aa organist' At Bun day's service, owing tp the absenod from the city f both Mra Raley and Mlaa Mastlck, Miss Maud Achor or Christ church,. Cincinnati. Ohio, who Is visit ing frlenda. and Mlaa J. J. Kelllher of North Head, Washington, will sing a the ofrerforjr" Hsrrlson- MirU'roTg-JAv Maria." -: ' :V """', T ? '",' : '-:,i :-:.. tT.'.-?v'-r. - Mra Roa Bloch-Bauer returned Fri day after a month at Seaside and is at horn at lit - North Nineteenth street. She waa in her old place in th syna gogue choir Friday evening. . Mr. .W. T. Buahong, W, H. Boyer and J. Adrian Epplng will compleM the personnel -of that, choir -thla-. aaaaon. -r-vA " :' ..' z.: : ' -r E-JtCourtienne has composed a featival overture 'named "Glorioua Amer ica,, In five movementa - l. Washing ton's Birth; 2. Martha Washington: , Pvayer; V To.Vlctoryj I, Liberty. Thla work wtU be played th first time by Eilery' band at th expoeltlon ground. "..' w - f - CharleF. H. Mill ha been called to occupy a position In the conservatory of musld of Weeleyan unlveralty. Lin cola, Nebraska - He. possesses ao nn- failing memory and power of fine In terpretatioo.. " H . ; leavea a host Of frlenda. , The peraonnel of th First Presby terian church choir thla season will be MrrFltcbrLintCTiopraiior- Mrs." Mv M. Shlllock. alto; J. Ross Fargo, tenor; Don J. Zan. baaao;- Edgar 1C' Coureen, organlat and director.'. "' - i '-'., Vv ,'.-' 'V" V''H'-' ' Mr. Montgomery JallJllBx Mr. ' Ep plng' place for two weeks. Mr. Good win, tenor, formerly of th Ben Greet company, who Is to remain In Portland thl winter, aang Bartlett's , The Day I Ended. . .. -w .. .", '"Waldemar -Luetachg. the celebrated Ruealan planlat.' la on of th master musicians promised us this Season by his Chicago manager.. , Luetechg rank with th' first of th pianists and la perhaps, the best Interpreter of . Schu mann. V . ':'' " - ',';" -. . v,.;...-'.., .:;.:;'; ' Arthur Alexander, th popular singer, wb has recently- returned from Paris, will ba th tenor today In the First Congregational -choir.- .- . ..' W v .-;-'.' ' ..:y - - Mr. Wltr Reed returned yesterday from, a month n Spokaho andVIctoria. B. C and will resume her work a solo contralto at th cathedral. - .'. - .;. - E.' M. . Courtlenn I engaged to give a piano reel tal at th Olympia university eome time this month. -.. ' ' . - -- - ': ' Mr. Ernest O. Spltsner hss returned and will resume teaching. - STRAY BITS, . ' Among th visitors at th educational congra were .some -very distinguished men of-tetters who har friends here Dr. William T. Harris, national com missioner, of- education, -formerly con ducted tho Kant club for th study of th . great philosopher. Mra - W. A. Meara wa a member of that club In Pfc Lout for several yeara Another of hei frlenda waa Dr. Louis F. Soldea of St Louia from whose school she was grad uated. He wrote the pertlng song foi her clasa setting It to th muslo of I he Tannhauaer march. - Dr. Benjamin Idv Wheeler waa also a friend of Mra Meanrr and her Interest In these men and Uieir work ' caused her to keep th Audi torium supplied with handsom flower throughout tha week. - . nrr- ,.'- '-:- , . Mr. and Mra W. A. Mears have been entertaining their cousins, Mr.- and .Mra Lyman R. MarjjMgupf SaltLake City the paat week. A number or lnfornvU alrihrrir aWO' falT ligfllew lia btvil gl'i a. lhm. Me. affartlneas la a mrnnhet I orthimrMarttnra fsmttrtnt Emri land. They left Thursday for homa ...... -a- ' Th Oakland (California) social note" apeak of a Portland: guest thus: "Mlas Winifred Jun -Morgan Is being exten sively entertained during her aUy in Portland:. 8 ha wa recently th gueat f honor at elaborate dinner given bv Mra Omrrt Gerllnger. --.formerly Mis Iron Ha sard of Berkeley.- w ' . : Prominent among th Portland people who aro rusticating at Hot Springs, on th Columbia river, aro Dr. and Mra C C Newcastle and son. Judg P. A. Msr quam. Mr. and Mra John Hall and chlt drerv.Mr. and Mra Collins and Mra IL Moser. ' .s v- - "' w " Mr-- and Mra fhale' ! Mackay were gwM at tha tela laat- weak. Thay wer married last Sunday at tha -homo of th bride parents, Mr. and Mra Martin Un. Frank Wigins:' Bussard. in Albany.- Their home will be in La Grand. -' - ' TV' j . w if f Miss Rose - Harris of' Ban Francisco is visiting hsr sisters, Mra B. L. Stone and Mrs.-8. L. Stone.- She Is at home to her frlonda Suturday; afternoons at t North Ninth street-.' w. . ; ... ENGAGEMENTS. 'Th marriage of Mlaa Ruth Maxwell to Maxwell Blake of Kanaaa City. Mla aourt. will, take plaoa Thursday, Sep tember 14. in Denver. -Mr. and Mra Maxwell wilt accompany her to Denver to attend the wedding which willv be 1 wyfluletT and Tthey wlir ieavi i next Monday. Much regret Is felt that Mlaa Maxwell la leaving and that her frlenda her cannot attend her wedding, -for she ha been on of th most ought after girl in her set. If 1 not- yet decided whether she wilt live abroad or In America, but in either case Portland must lose her and there la some sad ness mingled wUhlthe wlhe forTher happiness. . Th paat week aha Ba been entertained in an Informal way every day by frlenda and tills week It 1 an nounced that some more formal affairs wlll'b given In farewell. , ;- . -. ' - :. r.--.-''jV-"'.p-. - MIse Adeline E. Zimmerman' and Fred D. Adams, both of this city,-will be married at noon today at Roseland farm at the -resldeno of the bride's parenta Rev. Mf. Hamilton or this city will of flciat and Mia Margaret Fredeen and Elmer Scott,, both of Portland, will be th attendants. -Monday ' th -" bridal couple will leave for' Astoria and coast points on their -honeymoon.., ,'tJ-. 0 is.i PERSONAL. .- Mr, and Mra. F. Mundelt have returned from a visit with Salem relativea " Mra Smith and little daughter Gene vieve are guests of their cousin, Mra M. L. Butler at the Starling. Ml Florence Holllsti ia th guest of Mis Genevieve Fish, of .Tll-Dall.1 ,. ,'., . : , '- Dr. and Mra D. W. Johnson and daughter of The Dalles war in the clty laat week. - "' ''"4- ; , Airs. Robert Kabler of Seattla who haa been .vlaitlng Mrs. L-W.-Berry of Salem, is spending several daya her before returning homa ; ft ... - Mra Spencer Brown and her daugh ter, Mies Brown,-accompanied by the Misses Chamberlain, daughters of th governor, want to Salem Tuesday for a hort atay.- ;. '.-.- ' , '''. Colonel and Mr. David M. Dunn and their daughter) Mlas Laura, are at Sea side. - ,.. ..; - I. ' . '.- Mr. and Mra Carlton Sox wer guest at th American Inn laat week. They are prominent In social circle of their horn , town, Albany, and Mra . Sox. formerly Miss Bertha Ell I a la a popu lar singer through tbs valley towns. - Mrs. 1 A. Terington and Mlas Nettle Kress of Eugene are visitors at th fair. Colonel and Mrs.. Pag of Salem were, Portland visitor last week. - I ' Ex-Governor Lord and his family re mained la tb city th early part of tb week after attending th reception to Governor and Mr. Chamberlain. - - ' Mia Eva I. Stlnson and Mlaa Bess! Wood of Eugene ere guest at the hwme of Mr. and Mra Humaaon. it North Twentieth street Mlaa Stlnson 1 Instructor tn vole at tb University of Oregon and Mis Wood will thl fall asalat In teaching) English llterator there. . , . .. - - .-- Mr. and Mra J. D Froes and Mr. and Mra'Darkwood of Indiana came Tues day from Salem, where they ftava been visiting frlenda and spent several, day at the fair. ; Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Toung and Mr: snd Mra L. E. Hamilton of Albany arrived Monday to visit the fair. Mis Irene Bits baa returned from Salem, where-ah was th gueats of Mrs. George Hobsoa. The M lanes Mabel Page. Irma and France Northrop and Queenl Wordeo of Salem visited Portland last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Park and aon Ken neth of Eugene went homo early in th week . after, a ehort vlett -here. The Parka who own one of tb handsomest residence In th " college -'town, - aro prominent society people. 1 ' Among Albany people who visited the fair laat week were: Mra J. A. Shaw, Miss Winn I Chamberlsln. Mike Tsnnle Csldwell. Mra Schulta qpdjier daughter in oei, air. ana Mr, vr. k. HOgera atra W.'R.Blaln and fon'M blta and "MMS May Wttbera . -Mra- Ida Strong,-her-daughter- Anna nd-MIg Barbara EiKen were Salem visitors at the fair laat week. - Mra 1st tn tha avaaa- Mr. and -Mrsr gr-Tr-tloores ttt- Salem cam down to attend , tbe educational congress last week. - Miss Jessie Hartman haa returned to Pendleton after several weeks her And at th coast I Dr. Frank L Ball has returned from the beach. - ---- . . ; .- Miss Marvin of Silem. eecreUry of th etat library commission, waa -..In the city early In th week. ' . , A. M. Reeves and hla dsughter wer visitors her from Albany. - - - Mr. and Mra I. Bean and family cam up from Albany esrly in th week. They have lived- In that city II years, bat will make their homo bera - Mra Kmma Don-Is Thomp ef Eu gene wa htst week - tb guest of her sisters. Mra Jerry Bronaugh aad Mra Charles A. Macrun. .- i-t;iri-jLi.: it larga party of Salem -people eame dowa Wdn4y SAewln to vlalt th fair. ' Among tfcm were;- Mr. Jobs Chase, Mlsa Grace Bellinger. Judge and Mra Wolverton. "Mra1 A. Crotsan. Miss Alice Crolsan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ben nett and - daughter Theodoala, Mra Charles H. Jones and . children, -Mlas Amy Martin and Mlaa Maud Loughead. ' Mra L. E. Be a of Eugene.) principal of one of th public school there, was In attendance at th Educational con-' groaa . . . i . v- Among PorUandera vialtlng th re gatta at Aatotia . werer Mr. and Mra. A. E. Wakeman, Dr. Homer I. Keeney, W, W, Curt lr William N-Northrop. Mr. and Mra Slg Sicbel and . tha Misses Blchel. - ;. : ', jS. y Miss Roa Psrrott of Roseburg amT Mlaa Adella Picket of Eugene are seeing th fair -together. Mis Parrott la a graduate of th University, of Arisona and Mlas Picket of th University of Oregon. -'.. ... ,. s . Mr. and Mr.- George 'A. Dyson and their son Verne of Eugene were here last week.'--"" . . ( . .. . Mra a a. Irvine and Miss Elisabeth Irvine of 'Albany , were the-: guests of Portland friends last Week. - .. , . Mlsa Jessie Ralston of thl city is visiting Mlsa. Sue Breckenrldge at Albany.-''..- -.' Judge and Mra C. E. Wolverton and Miss Edna Jones.' prominent tn Salem social Ufa were visitors. here Isst week. President P. L. Campbell ef tbe Unl veralty of Oiegon waa-here last week tn attendance upon ' th - Educational cbngresa - '.- . . -. -,- .t Mr. tail Mri. W.' t Scarborough and Mlaa Lorain Scott of Eagene were gueat In Portland last w4ek. - ' - Mr. J, Wesley Ladd and her daugh ter are expected to . return from th eoaat next- Tuesday. 1,, . . Mr. andMra I- Allen Lewis spent some days st. their country place on the Columbia - at Ecola and returned Friday. ' -' . - 'ci-- - Mra Theodore B. Wilcox returned Fri day from tb each. - .', , -: , Defeat Is Disgrace I ". tSSIA haa-severst beaten I-mJ erala at th present time, snd - tha ..question Is ' what will CT.n1u.117 v. .1. .... . Th land of tha Great Bear haa ael- dom permitted th leader of her army and navy to long urvlve their -down fall, notwithstanding statements to tn contrary, and there are several instance of RussUn once shining lights' in bar rack room a and naval dockyards, who have taken leav of life both obscurely and tragically.- -'j-: , If was not long ago that -a-famous general, at on , time honored ail over Ruaala. died by hi own band at a Ger man gambling" P- He had -fcrred dtir- lna tha Ruaao-Turkiah war or tiil-'TS, and In eonsequcnoe tb troops under his command had met with an unexpected dlaaater. -. ' 1 After th wr th general left. St Petersburg in disgrace, and. under an assumed nam, took up . his residence la Germany. He dissipated bi rorrun at gambling placea and when he had mxm la. bis .last nenny . be became a. "handyman," klng out a bare exlat ence by running errand a, doing odd Jobs and distributing billa. -. .' 1 - Being unabls- to -recover ' ni sen-ra- apect and mannooo. n- sougnt reieaae by auiclda He shot himself st a pa bllng spav- and when Jila bodF . was searched , not, m single . coin was found upon hfnv - - - ' -. Again, a leader of th Ruaslans during lh Crimean war dld In abjwrt.povwrtrf In an attic In th Itln auartr-f Virii M liirl Inat 1S.A00 men at Inker- man. ; and hla commission ; waa taken from him.'--'- ,- -. t. . He went to Franc and led a bohemtan lir for many yeara making a good in come by compoalitg musical plecea Tb money he earned he spent In riotous living, and one 'morning he. was found dead In his attle after a heavy drinking bout ' : -' Japan Is-harah on her defeated of ficer, both naval and mllltar. - Dur ing tha present war in th far east a naval lieutenant who failed to carry out a task set him wa politely told by hi chief to cover his disgrace by com mitting auiclda . " - . - - A sheet was strung on 'the dck of ths lieutenant gunboat, ' and behind thl was placed aa armchair and a table. On th latter was a sharp knif wrapped In a piece of clean paper. - Th lleuton- ant bowed to hla comrades, want behind th sheet sat In tb cbair, and picked p th knlf."-- -iiir..-, " Th official reports stated that tn lieutenant had died distinguishing him self In action, and th emperor granted him a posthumous medal. - - 1 (- y After th British troop had entered Peking and- eacked th summer palace of th emperor, a Chinese general. 1 ,"' Enfof-Season TTTTt-: : 4 1 auoHViacie 5ms Sg; $30 to $50 Values to Clocc Nrjw-Shovvlng Advance Aiitcrna Ctyi: Tailor-Made Suite Mr. I. N. Flaisckner w ! i It from th eoaat till Stout l i of thla month. Her aaaaon n t ha been a- busy one; scarcely passed when there wer' not gu . ber beach home. ' - ' " ' ,. K. B. C Wright' of New Tortt U guest of hi niece. Mra R. D Witt t nell. and will remain throug part tha winter. Mra Fish of Phi' I still a guest st the Cbnr'l ho ... Mra B.J. Oliver of 11T l.,.:h ar returned en Thursday from a monk., . trip to New Tork -City and other at rn polnta ' v - Mrs. Henry Rosenblatt ami - family leave today for their home In Man Fran' Cisco after a two months' visit here. -': Mrs. William H. Long of Chicago'' and her daughter, Mlas Ethel, have ar rived for a atay of 'several weeks. , Ura Long Is visiting her sister. Mra Bury,' Irwin Daaent, of South Sixth street. -' Mr. and' Mra John Sullivan with their, two children paaaed through Portland WaMnaariav An thai wra tA . fffa Vajeta . to spend a few days' vacation. .Return ing they will spend soma time at tie falrf ;'v .-.a': ;-.;. V- -,' -Frank J. Sladen." aon of Captain arid Mra J. A. Sladen, who has been visit ing Ma parents, left last week for Bal-' timora to resume hla medical studies at the Johns Hopkins, university. , ' v Mis Eva O Nell of San Francisco haa been the guest of her cousins. Mra W. O'Mera and th Mlsa Dinnoen. th paat 'twtf wkar"" '" "' ".' X.' i S. Barry and J. Leahy af San Fran- cmco viailM relatives- ana inam im past week and left for horn August JT. , - Mra Edward R. Root and her coualn, Mlas Madge Fatrman. of San Francisco, . wno is visiting ner. leave jaonaay " an extended trip to Seattle and Vctortm. Rsv. E. Nelson Allen ssd family re turned - Wednesday , evening - from , 4 month's outing at Clatsop beach. . , for Gzar a Generals known as th chief of th ''dragon slay -era," who allowed hlo troops to so badly beaten, had hla eommlsalon takap from . ' him and waa publicly degraded. . For a long tlm his wretched flgirr waa to be oeea In th etreet e of. tha capital, with gyve on "his limbs and -board round his neck aa a punlahment. ' . For many -years a shabbily, dressed. elderly man ' wandered 'aimlessly about th most mighty of tb French mar shal a and hi tunlo biased with gold lac and Jeweled ordra-.t, ; . .fi:. He had riaan from th rank, but mis-" fortuna- cam- to him when he started win iv mwwi id ufnwM aa lemaer half a million men. tAocompanying him. to' th front were Innumerable valeta, , grooms sad -secretarlea yet he came back -to Paiia, not aa a mtghtr - coa queror, but as a broka f riendleaa maa. . H had. In th eyea of th republic, disgraced hlmaalfand popular prejudice drove hlra from hi native country. He chv, mkutiij ana leu wwa; suxi lower - warn nw mn iai acaw oikii no dkbum nratlaJl -a- maaaai... Uii.-a - and nablta . i.-.--.- :., N.t a touch, of Conner greatness was. shown by th x-marahal as net waddled tn a surpOMlea wav abeut Madakt. , .' A French Journalist mat tho broken man onco, and tn reply to a question h ra saaty? -wim I was a Franca mar- aai m waa in repuoiic s BJSV. now I aa a fro man; but tb price f fr doial vermin, and a erast of broad! A generaL who beeamw a barber was th leader of tha Persians whoa sir Owlra erusliad Juat perm t lie " Indian mutiny broke out Tbs shah de- . graded aim. and aftsr several mor or less exciting adventaro he cam down1 to b a barber at Bagdad. Number of wanderine- Britoaa al lowed th fallen "giant to shave them. and as he wielded th rasor b rJatd. his many explolta. - - - , Admiral Vllleneuve. who was beaten by Nelson at Trafalgar, was never for given oy Napoleon, and be became a homeless wanderer, living at cheat and even disreputable hotela -' - ' Hla Income after his dlss-rac waa said to ba ander ttO a year, and wben " h died ho wa haavtly la debt, ,. '' "From Harper's Weekly."-' In these day of tainted money an 3 ' apparent Jealousy of wealth It is worth noting bow In different our public Is v th vaat acenmolstlons of Astor agonay. Thar is an snormous heap af It; it renders no aervlcea to tha public that any on hoars mach about; . compara tively llftl Of It Is ever glvea away. But It paya tax) a ad obey th law, and nobody worrle or complarna boat it ,,-' ; ', -:. Qciairance of . ..'ii .......