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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1905)
a. " Jm A 2, 1, J, lack of Warehouses In"WWch to j Store the Incoming Trains - of Grain. NOT ENOUGH BERTHS U.FOR DEEP-WATER VESSELS Building Mutt Begin at Once, if Great " Crop That Will Move Toward i Market by Way of Portland It to ;Bt Properly Handled. . 4 Unless quick work should be shown v; In rebuilding the dock deatroyed by flro , , . :. 1 yeeterday, considerable . difficulty will be .experienced in securing euffleleht , , warehouse room to atore tbe grain which will be shipped by tralnload every day " , to tidewater from now on. The Elevator , -, and Albina docks" capacity was about 4. 000 buahals of wheat;, this represent about one-fifth of the grata warehouse ' Capacity In portt . ... .! , Members of the Pacific Coast Elevator . company state they will rebuild, but Juat when work will be started tbay are, tin- prepared to say. In the meantime the .'Company will make an effort to secure 1 another dock for temporary use. Aa all . . . tne-docka are in use it la thought the firm, will .have to conduct operations on v a limited scale until a new structure has n been .erected. In past seasons whan the -,.1 shipping business was at Its best, there - ' were from 10,000 to 11.000 tona of wheat en the elevator 'dock every day. " Usually .V the train -Was shipped - as fast aa It , - arrived from the interior. . Toe Oreg-on BaUroad A '- Navigation ' company, which owned the ,Alblna dock. r. f will not be inconvenienced to any great 'V extent by the fire. Until a new dock la built the company will use Montgomery i ' No, g. which it has had leased for tho - peat six months. It is said this will be adequate to , anawer all requirements temporarily. Of late the freight brought from the orient and intended for re ' shipment to tbe east has been dls- - ; charged at the Montgomery dock, and the gooda for shipment to the orient t were held on the Albina dock until toad " d oa the steamers.. As the Nuraaotln ' ,t , not scheduled to sail until the nlj T . die. of this month It is announced that the flour destroyed will soon be dupll . 4 anted. . and the steamer will get away on' time. . . ' Shippers say the worst feature of the , -matter la that tramp steamers. and 'ao.uai-e-Hggers' will Soon begin to ar . rive in great numbers and that it will ... , be -hard for them td secure berths. - About the- only docka of "any- also left on - the: east side are thoas of the flour mills, tho Oceanic, Montgomery, Oregon A . , California' and the Inman-Poulaen.Tho Victoria dock, one of tho big ' grain . warehouses on the east aide, was burned more- than a year ago, and has not been rebuilt.-:-. .i .-, '" .: -vY7. It ia estimated that the loss of the sawmills at Bt Johns .will be the means of deoreaalng the monthly lum ber shipments from Portland down, the coast by about 2.000.090 feet ; An aver age of three or four cargoes for the coasters Was fitted out there ever. (0 days. But It win have no effect o the Sfrnhln or Bailing vesUJwnets.a "Wieycwlllend their craft elaewhero for uameas. -Lumber ronpags Is M demand a fpfn rates at au the wor. thern porta ?; RAFTS CAUSE. BARS, i ' 'tfreeJ1frrvwtIUet6aTraet Joseph Supple will probably be awarded -tha contract of building, a govT -erntnent snagboat for use on the .upper Willamette and TamhUl rivers. Pro posals for Its construction' ware re ceived yesterday In tha office of tha Unltad Statee -engineers and Mr. Sup ple agreed to built the craft for ll.tOO. Joseph .Paqiiat wanted 110.910 'and the Bt Johns Shipbuilding company 111.121 The new boat will take the place of tha Methloma, which haa been In serv ice on the tipper Willamette for 'a num ber or years and' la almost worn out It' Is probable that some of her ma chinery will be placed in tha new boat IJavld B. Ogden, assistant United States engineer, returned ; thla morning rrom an inspeciion inp up tne vc mam ette and reports that the dipper dredge No. S has completed work at tha mouth of the : TamhUl. . She- Is employed at Aeh Inland ehoel. but will probably get i 1 DR. N.J. FILT0N; Nstsrc?d P(ow Open for Business In My-FineNew BuUding ' Better this w prpard te re for r pillftu, Ivery tblne ta aplrli a4 RPn ami. frse, com rood loo. apartawats act elfgunt mom for waiting gnnts. line la a ml Imbm fat A)ot la afflletloa who te. aw for . . -I -.- -. i TRtUTMCNT WlTHOr DEt'Ot OB Vt . , .or KNirB. - . - rurra Dnniimn ni, . i. . - . tne. Corimltatloa aag eae trwtsint ' eolutely . free. ,- -..; ' I' .' . 1 '. 1 ' ' .J DR. N. J. FULTON - ITATtrmoYATaV ' I 3f3 Twelfth Street 1 Cr. Clay, eae klek fms V eaa. ese from ; , Uta St. ear. I fm Jaff.rMB ear. v- " Xalepkeae laaia list, , . ) i Mrs." E. F. faggtrt and Her ChUd through there today and will be taken to Simon s bar. f- -. '. Tha reoent log-drive down the river. It Is declared, was the means of caus ing the stream to shoal An a . number of local I ties. It la estimated that about 10.000,000 feet of logs, have been floated down tha liver during tha past month. Many of tho timbers plied up on tbe aandbare and caused drift and aand t accumulate. As - consequence the dredge will have much work thia fall to get tha channel .clear. , . . - . UNCLE SAM SAYS STOP.' overnaaeat Telia teamboatmea The BCnat Vet rut U is the BUver. Steamboatmen have been warned. by afajor Roessier of tha corps of United States -engineers not to throw any mora fuel oil into tha river In tha following communication: ... . - "The attention of thia ofTlce haa been called to tha fact that oil-burning steamers and oil-carriers, by reason of eareleasnesa in loading or In tbe cleans ing of their oil tanka In tha river, are responsible for the presence , of pll on tha surface of tha water at points in tha harbor ' of Portland. . Thla is con trary to tha law .-governing-:' tha pro tection and preservation of tha naviga ble water of the United States, and It la requested ttiat -your- company .take auott action aa win prevent any recur rence of thia nuisance from your boats." row the 'paat month a great deal of complaint haa been . made about this matter, but thia la tha first time the local representatives' of tha- government have taken tha matter in 'hand. Moat of the liquid, fuel got Into the stream by eareleasnesa, and It ta aald tha Steam boatmen . will exercise mora caution. . STEAMERS ARE NUMEROUS. wit Aoeommodaaloaa for 1,000 feopie, aoaad fog Bay City, LThlamornlngtheateameri.Spokana( owned and ' operated : by tha - Paelflo Steamship. -company; sailed - for San Frauclseo with mora -than t g ; pagaeit- lgerv.,Bl,esjriyed ,fraia (v?stl)a last, night at I o'clock. --- The steamer Valencia of lh4ame 11ns arrived at , Astoria thla morning from the north, and. will reach Portland this afternoon and is scheduled to1 sail for tha Bay City at o'clock tonight, with full list of paaaengers. Tha steamer Columbia, which arrived last night from tha Bay City, will leave on tha -return trip tomorrow' night.' These . vessels have accommodations for mora ; than 4,00a people. Thla meana that Port, land will have eteamahlp service with tha California metropolis for three days in succession something that haa never been had before in tha history of the port. , .... ' " ' ".. ; -: ' i - The ornciais 01 tne company atated this -morning that It is highly probable the Spokane Would be sent back to Port land to make another trip. It, was the Intention, of the company to operate1 her out of Sta Francisco on a southern runr .1 !1- el and a Scene in the Courtroom When Major Taggart Tettified That His Wife' Had Been Drunk. EASTERN CAPITAL TO BUILD (Continued from Page One.) water harbor that ia troubled with a sandbar, and In fact . all good fresh water harbors have to combat similar obstacles that are. constantly forming from tidal cause. - The now Empire Steamship company la backed by men of long experience in navigation affaire. The principal mem ber of tha syndicate, Jesse Hoyt, Is well-known captallat and . ateamshlp owner on 'the Atlaatio coast. Hi father waa a pioneer navigator and a close ally -of Jay Oould. The Hoyt have operated the steamships Henry unauncey, Aspinwall, , Morning Star, Evening Star all Atlantlo liners end tha Flying - Scud, the 8ea . Foam and others, among the fastest clipper ahlps sailing between New . York . and the orient.','.. , .-.-vj PEACE TREATY COMPLETE - . . (Continued from -Pgge One,)- haa gone again too Tar trr"ttte eaatward. the battle of the Sea of Jvpan will be rougnt over again and While. the Rus slana are gettiqg ready' the Japanese wilt grow' mora, and mora restive, and. oy una oy some year in .me future that prolonged armistice, now being written at Portsmouth Into a supposed treaty of peace, will come to an end, and tha big white soldiers of Russia and- the little brown men of Japan will coma together again. . . , Cable Xs Bepalred. ' Ooeraal Special tervlee.) , ..--. fin Vnrlr bnl T.KI , - .- - -. w ".u VVIIIII1U- ill cation to Japan Via Formosa waa re stored today. Tho wires are working UASKEDJ.OGAN.FOfLFEESz i (Continued from Page' One.) POjntmentJBt.AlU.Klm. forth that the property conalsted of a chest of tools and "some money In tha safe deposit vault of thla city of Port land,", all of which was worth probably I ISO. Upton went on Bcott'a bond for $100.,', ., - Appralsemaat Appeared' Small. In his final .renort Scott Infnrmait tha county Judge Tttat the 'aetata proved not to be worth 1160. but consisted of "cash in. Good rtamarttan hospital,' $17; cash In aafe deposit at Portland.-110; chest of tools. 11.0; watch, 17.60. and 17 J" StartUaf KortaUty. V fitatlatlra show startllna- mortallt from appendicitis and peritonitis. To trevent and -cure these awful diseases here Is lust, one reliable remedy- Dr. King s New Mfe Pills. M. Flannery. of 1 4 Custom -Hons Plaoev China say al "Thev have 'no eoual for ronatlnatlon and blllo"ne.'' Ih at Skldmore Drug Cp.. l&l-Third street. ! .. L , (seventeen) geU nug. its. which were assayed by Js U. rig it Co. at Ml; fit la alL" Tho administrator theh adviser the court that-an appraisement would en tail unnecessary additional expense; that Dr. Samuel C Slooura Jms a bin against deceased for 1600. but "is willing to aooept all that la left; that la, the gold nuggets, watch and cheat of Jools. in payment to. so fur aa U will go of said bin." . ' This recommendation ' waa approved by Judge Webster and the estate was settled -In accordance tnerewun.-- Today. H. B. Ward of the firm bt H. IB. Ward as Co., contractora of this eltv. stated that ha had seen tne goia nuggetsw and that ho would willingly have given -1300 for them; that the chest' of tools. ' which Doudlah used while working for Mr. Ward s company, were worth not lesa than I2S and prob ably ISO, and that Doudlah got the nug- geta rrom-a myiv n , whlh ho intended to develop. Ha had interested Mr. Ward in the mine and the latter had promised to furnish him with, money with which to do the de velopment work. - : -T-r- aaoney To Aaoounted Twt-S. ThlB ' mlnei" oald Mr. Ward,- "was claimed bv Mr. Doudlah to be worth much money, but ha died before ha had told me nouah about It to give ma -a tafinita idea as to where It la located. "I made a trip to Seattle and there laarnad enouch to convince ma tnai air. Doudlah owned' - considerable - property somewhere - in- the far north and that somewhere fhera waa. money bf " hit, which has not vet been accounted for." The facta stated by Mr. Ward Indicate at least that -the settlement or tne jjoua lah esata was exceedingly aiaca. as ap- Darently there Waa o attempt . to aia- cover. whether or not ha had property elsewhere, and Mr. Ward'a. statement raises the Question as to wnetner tne nersona Who handled the oaae made nroner reDresentationa In placing a val uation upon the property oeiongmg xo the aatatsL.j-Y - - -?- Tha statute of Oregon requires that ail claims against me eaiaie ox av de ceased or insane person, shall be at tested by a notary public and tha nature of the tlalra be set forth explicitly, : ; Statute ar Been TioUted. . . : 'i In) violation of thla statute, bills have been allowed by the county judge which have not been- acanowieagea before notary and" which : areTiot xplatnedbTT any staiemeni ox wnai mi ciaim waa for. - . '' . - : . In the K. L. Pletaacho Insane, estate. H. H. Riddell was appointed guardian. He . filed a final report,- at' one "time, when It was thought Pletaacha had re covered and had been released from the asylum. - Thia - final report Indicated that lie regarded the estate as ready to close, yet moat of the claima are unat tested, -and do not set forth what was the--nature -of tha service . performed by the claimant to Pletssche, I District. Attorney Mannina- haa had iha case of Opfon under luvestigatloa for the paat week. f-'.',' ! "I will gather all the facts." aaid he. Twmxr "and determine action thereafter. I pre fer not to -mfcke any statement at thla time, aa it would ba prematura. : How everthe' Investigation will ba thorough will ba prosecuted with .expedi tion," r ' ' - '.7---r w Iirlhsr search -of the record of the probata court reveals other caaea- In which action waa questionable. ' r Witt tha meoorda Show. - Ia the estate' of Carl Bchlect. Insane, H-H.RlddcU petitioned . the court to be. appointed guardian; tha petition stated, that the property was of about il07 value. Tha petition waa dated larch f. 104. On tha same day the county Judge signed an order for a hear ing to determine whether or not a guardian - should be ' named. Neither paper waa filed with the clerk until June t, 1904,- on which day . tha court named Riddell guardian. Guardian Riddell reported to the court that tha only business tranaaction required Im handling the eatata waa to pay to the - county clerk 17.10 deposit for filing fees, 16 premium on tha bond ho .gave as guardian, or $12.50 In all) leaving I87.7I in cash from tha originally on hand. For performing thla sllrht service and buying a certincate of deposit for the estate with the bal ance Riddell asks tha court , to allow him ttl fees. The estate haa not yet been closed, - . '- ' ' 1 in me case ox jr. si- wtnoiang, r sane. 11.600 la the value of the estate as set it orth " In the" petitionof - -W.-C& North. Riddell waa attorney. Neither had any Interest In Wendland, but Rid dell waa given tha buelneas and North filed an application for the guardian ship. Judge wehster- signed an order appointing htm. and he gave a H.Bea bond. Friends stepped in later ana procured the dismissal of "North and the appointment of Quatave Wendhuid, brother oft tha Incompetent. .. -J Fraotloe ta Bad. -Say Attornsya.' The theory of many who have. looked into thia and . other caaea la that the practice of permitting any one who asks It to be appointed guardian or admlala- ir, la. wet ealealated to further the .da.oOujrtieeThe apl practice to tha Jansen-csse and the disclosures at tha many hearlnga prove that when lawyers ' and others swalt about the courthouse for probate busi ness and "Jump In" for business of es tates In which they have no Interest excepting that which arises from a de slae for fees, and when there request from any Of the relatives, an- pleasant reaulta are to be expected la at""" o"". v . It (aJMid that until an administrator hu V,ii.united tnere is no one in a poston legally to riotfy the frienda of a person who hsa been killed or who lias died away from his family. The proper anawer .to that," arktae aa attorney, "la for tha county authori ties to Instruct the one who aaka for ap pointment, forat to go to the trouble and expense of telegraphing te the relatives or friends; If the petitioner Is not will Ing to expend It for -such a telegram, It -prove that he has od -vital Interest MmWi Round Trip Fare $2.80. Leave Alder Streetjjock at 8 . m. ' Arrives in Astoria at 12:S3 p. n. and departs for Portland again a 2 p, m. reaching home at 8 o'clock." This affords a most de lightful 200-mile steamboat ride at very little cost, and it is made upon one of the most it ; lightf ul steamboats In North America. It is the fastest anywhere around this country,- and ita crew is so exceedingly affable that its passengers feel at home the moment they see their faces. Meals served on board remind one of the very fashionable . hotels of our most fashionable otic sxcept that you get Come Alon Tomorrow and Sec How To rBteamer; ' Leaves daily from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A. M. inihe affalri of the dacedenr eucK at to -warrant a court in naming him to administer the bualneaa." ', Catherine Holts was an lncompeteni. aged 76 years. D. M. Roberta petitioned the court for appointment aa guaraian.' E. B. Duf ur, - law- partner of Riddell, atteated the papera aa notary. The pe tition was written July 1 J, 1806, but waa not filed until July It; the order for the hearing waa algned by the coun ty- Judge July 17 and filed with-the petition. : Frienda later Interposed and caused the appointment of J. Thorbum Ross aa one who really anew, or me buarneaa of the aged woman... and Mr. Rosa waa named aa guardian. . -j ' It la -aald that Roberts knew nothing of Mrs. HolU. but that Riddell Bought to secure the business for hie firm be cause he was in k position to get it. LOOT A FORTUNE, FROM MANSION IN MANHATTAN Urn JottrnaTSKIar,Brvlc.T". '." ;New Tork, Sept The residence of Jose Aymar at 71 Kast nrty-rourta street haa been looted during tha last week of Jewelry, brlc-a-brac, paintings. silver, etc.. valued at mora than 1100, 000. Aymar ia a millionaire lawyer who married Miss Lillian Vanderbtlt. , The family la spending the summer in Can ada, and the thlevea have eviaenuy plun dered at their leisure for several week. NO MORE RESERVATIONS FOR PULLMAN SLEEPERS - . Moaraal Spedsl Bervtee.) . v Chicago. Sept. I -The Pullman com pany announces that hereafter no reser vations for sleeping-car apaoe will be permitted on the Paelflo coast Per sona desiring bertha must pay for them, An effort is being made to extend the rule to the entire country. REIGN OF TERROR IN CAUCASUS MOUNTAINS ' ' .': . (Joeraal SpeeUl Strvioe.l Tiflis, Sept I. -It ia reported that tha town of .Ihusha la In flames and the people nave fled to the . motintalna. Troops are rushing to the eoena. The property of Prince Muchrant In the Duahet dlatrlct haa been aaarroyea by dynamite.- Prince Erietofl' haa . been murdered near oorl. v MRS. DEERINQ CHAMPION WESTERN GOLF PLAYER i (Joeraal Special Service.) Homawood Oolf Club, Floeamoor, III., Sept I. Mra. C . Deer Ing thla morn ing In a driving rain defeated Mrs. W. F. Anderson. 4 up and I to plky. and be came champion bf tne western ooir association. '.f 7 :r p :.Hpi for 'Atteria.' Swift stMmer Telegraph leaves Alder street dock 7:10 a. m. dally except Fri day. - Returning leaves Astoria t p. mn arriving -Portland 1:10 p. m. Sundays leaves Portland I a. m., Astoria :M p. Arriving Portland Ian. tesdwaecT- -Smtari' o whaete ewrtaea. f Th, Southern f! Paeine eompunyTitt rJmaed an. aala At. Its Portland afftaae tlofceta to ghaata gpnnga afj- tJ"n jaj renmi cyc-uxri oeiora in ftk Beautiful, UluatratedTy;H"5 n.,r;l?!at.Tn -duo'"nU rate of ptmphlfU 8ecrfpUve of fhir retort ea be seoured from any Southern Paelfle Land acrlp for all klnda of landa, aur- veyed and unaurveyed, for sale at very loweat prices. . Thla scrip la within the reach of those wishing to. relinquish government en trie a and secure Imme diate title. Fully guaranteed. Moultoa Scobey, Columbia building, It Wssh Ihgton street, Portland, Oregon. i flt Aag-oa Flower ' - - Is the SMet sopelar remdy on 1 the glebe fur the core et all -tomarh. StaMtlve. Ilrer treahM and kabltaal eeMtlpatlos. with tblr mlMrehle ffx-te. We admiliwd aa a l-t M T.0Hi p.pws III orrr th- L'nlt Itaraa for any ca m-iiere Aiunur. rjawiir . was ap.a m aim glTS I MIKt.ctk ttrtUtm. Omr Iter re of railure la thoimarla ot ttn: two of thne were eaarM of the tasiarh. Price M aa4 15 erata pa set tle at- ail aroggleah O.t ttrees'g, Auaeaae. , SUipV EXCURSION TO AST0H1A everything your palate craves. MMvMmWMMMMtlMMMHtMt Astoria and. Ocean Beaches oh The Day Boat Down the Columbia OM Davies' : Old grained woodwork that has cracked er peeled can be made like handsome, expensive wood wtth a can of Davies' Varno. Stain Lac. Imitstes ail wooda perfectly. Used by anyone with success. TjBe ireto"ask for Davies'die Itad'thiB -' , ' otver disippoints. FO 208-210 TEETH rug NO PAIN NO PAIN Nice teeth , Wi are the discoverer and origins t- ere of the only reliable .and -ecientlOe system of Fainleae Dentistry, we ex tract crown, flu and clean or treat teeta aoaoiuteiy wiinoui pain ana gua rantee all work for fifteen yeara. Our work the best, our prices me owesx eon stent with flrat-claaa work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our plates are unde tectable from the natural teeth and are guaranteed to fit : - . FlUUNQS ...... BOe T5e aad Sl.OO GOLD CROWNS. ....... ......... .SS.00 BRIDOB3 WORK ....SS.OO FUIX SET NATURAL TERTH.a35.00 Ooea fog , basin see uta I e'eleek eveailass, . . . Bostonl Painless Dentists SUV. St, Opp. m vsms HOnM-t:lt L n. ( I . b. Sua. day. t:t a. aa, to 11 M . as. Secure a Homo in fhotce lotB-it,-at 10 cents m-aay(H rltVertl ak 1 vasaas rwtit A fir EVFXTN ia on the ML Scott eleetrte railway, 25 minutes from the city. . , B. EUFORDGdiN OyyiOs-lTIlTI fTATIOS. ... CHICAGO IS SWEPT BY " SEASON'S WORST STORM ' (Joeraal Special arfe.t ' ' ' Chicago, Sept I. The aevereat storm of ' the seaaon swept over-Chicago last night. The wind blew 40 miles arr hour and two Inchea et rain fell within twi hours. There was a, terrlfto dleplsy t lightning, accompanied bv heavv thun der, and aeveral large office building were struck..- Several fires were atari 1 in the outskirts of the eltv. Sims ent a wntngs were torn looee ai4 r---y tr blown down. " Wi nrm - Mice We'll Treat Ycj Call cp MAIN 613 f V ' ; OM VsrMCOthwj F- "" --l VarnoT: Stain saxjb srr Txa raw, sba ( PAZaTT TAJURSS OO. I ( Front St. O WIS YOUR JUST AS EAST AS PAT- - INXJ RENT. rhHce tract la eeater ef Mt "rati elatrlc-t, tt ailmttea fma - cHy Mt, Scott nr. to tare, -as tranatera. I-ota iao. payaM ag enwa aad t a atostk. Honees ballt to suit yo aad sold at en.t (with Inta) tt rat ratne. . High, pare air, all coovralearM, and oe throwing all otbrr sos arba. Thrre'a a reeeaa, , . Coa ent ssd see. . 'J. Geo. W.Brown S ' , ; toe Falling Betiding.' t- . Pkene Mala 130. . ." R. A. TAYL02 at Firlsfti - City office epea erraaiga, . Orecoa, - the rajare aairafetwrl J - . Oeate ef swrUaa. - Tou csn buv property cheaper tov than ever In the future. VVe are On . -eve of a great Industrial movement, t will make our elty the foremost on t. . coast as a factory town. - Acraage. blochs. houses a! r y , the prevailing low prloee. ta,l a,. i Two to dve-arre t i rr l-ne, one m' i r e .nf i i r r s-Mu 1 . ( . . 1. mm I I 1,-:. ' - f V -T . j.' '