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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1905)
. ejuVveW1 cnzcoN dail7 ICr.TLAinJ. CATUr.DAV . ) . . IIZ-BBBTt'Tr'eswfgT"" an I , '-t" ' ' ' ' ' '"t r - , , - ...10 STREETS rcperty Owners in East Sid Curried District Want No , t More of Them. 1 COUNCIL WILL BE ASKED TO FILL IN THE GULCHES B "'Seat Aaieaament District Will Formed, aa if Abutting : Property - Owners Had to Pay All Costa It Would Mean Confiscation; Progressive property owner In the flla 'Jet on the t side which was burned v -awek. ago have start, a move ent to(avoW futureSonnafatlonfc by aplneing the old elevated roadways with Ula,, They tiare Interested ..tha,, city ounctt; and proceedings ; hav been tarted for the Improvement-of Grand venue from Ea.t Star to rtT treeta. and East Oak street from Union MniM to East Sixth street.- : ""V 1 he city onKlner wUt at once mass .ans and specif Icatlons , and an esti mate of the probable coat for the first. ouncHmen Bennett' an Kellaher Intro f uced . resolution before - the street ornralttee of the city council asking for he improvement of the latter thorough. ''ab effort will miso be made to fill "last Stark and East Pine street! and I n ion avenue. The coat of the fills will : vry large, but Instead of the owners , 1 abutting property having to meet all h mumim. it la the opinion-of the ma jority -of the councllraen that s, large oxsessment district should be' made, as t Is said -the Improvements t will oe or eneflt to that entire section of the city; nd if the abutting owners had to meet I the coat of the work It would mean confiscation of their property. - Plana propoaed by ox-City Engineer anaer for the 111! on Jn jnorrison i ireet; Juat beyond - the bridge, - were dented.- The elevated roadway-will be replaced by a fill. .Aa Portland Consolidated - Railway f ompany was Instructed to remove the jilg from 8ler street between Four- enth and Twenty-thlrd streets, as it a a -not operated cars over the road for i nr. .months. : It Is'deslred to mac ,mlse the street; r: " Proceedings -for widening East Water sireet, between East Morrison street and Hawthorne avenue, from a 0 to feet, by '.extending the curb line to the wesC aiy U dl8contlnued-asowners of- the abutting property ask too much for their : property. .... , . , A. ; L CH AIQ PLEASED '?;'" WTTH RESULTS OFTRIP ' "A. Ia. Craig, ' general passenger agent of the consolidated Mariiman lines In Oregon,- Waahlngtnn and Idaho, has re . turwA from 4h first 4rl taken, the Interest of publicity for the eoiithern Oregon region, which Is to receive his special attention in the literature pub .Liyhed by th department under his su pervision. Ills trip took him to the I, mews Crater lake, and he was accom panied by William E. Curtis,- newspaper correspondent; Charles 8. Fee,- passenger traffic manager of the Southern Pacific: James Horsburg, assistant general , pas nenger. agent of the same road; Judge -tenson and Messrs, Bishop and Travis -of Klamath Falls. , - ." , '. The'arty went ln"y stage route. iVrnjr-rn -flonthern' Pacitic afTIirall , and traversing the Klamath country that Is soon to be developed by Irri gation. ' ... .,- ;::. . . , y , .,.:''.' v "The expectations 'of everyone tn'the party were more than realised by what they saw. ltf the Crater' lake seglon and the Anna., canyon." said Mr. Craig. "The ' soenery Is grand and beautiful and is sure to become one of the favored re- sorts of crowds' of tourists when easier . modes of access are secured, -I expect the results of our trip to add materially an various ways to the publicity of Us merit as a-rcenic resort? . - , -Ut. Curtis, on returning to Portland, - proceeded to Belllngliam and the South ern" Pacifie officials returned to San , Francisco, f - ;, , " .. CHURCH SERVICES riret Corner Twelfth aad alder, street; Bar. N. V, Hill, pastor. BervU'es at 10:30 a. m. and 1:80 a. si.; la rh cmalag s (era lubllve sad tddrnM bjt lr. H1U and U. B. Vwblukt; Pmfcaaun aTllorl ixt K. Iws mwu at . Toklo : uulrtriU will, resdor aumu jMMHae maile. . . lau-d Ecat Thirteenth and ' Plus streets: Ret. .anrirnw J. MoDtgoourir, piiuir. 1U SO a. St., "Tba CarrS and tbe Vt'oralnf Btaa" ; arrrhw, T:S B. ai.; naaday' arbout. 11 . I C t.. :40 s. auarta srajrt-OHtiD( at T :30 a'clock at I', B. rtisn-k tut yvuas swpla. . Fltdisoat Corner CIcrelaBd aTao and Jar rrtt alrvet; Har. U Myrua aUwaer. atur. It a, nt.. "To faurr and th Tutlar"; T: . ni., "The lauuaalbla Meatrallty"; Sabaala acbunl. ID t. n. irtxir Lodce rhancl CarMr Bryant ana Cnrtla atnwta. SatifaatS ac-baul It I I. a. ... .1 I'lrat .CmubrlaB4-r'orPr Tw(fih and Eaat Tajriur atraala; Hn. e. Aiaoa AMt-a. paoior. at 10:90 a. m. -"Tha-ajloca ut a flolhrd Life"; 12 at., Saoday acaool r T . a., l'brltia,s Es deamr; 8 p. a,, "Tbe Faace ContvrcBca.". .Mirsaatl Htrcet Ooruar Mar aha II asd North Ban-aUvath atrmta; Her. C. W. Uaa. pastor. Suaday acbool. 10 a. to.; preacblus, II a. aa. an s. mi ; I. p. I. c. E., T14 p. aa. loorlh First and Olbba atreata) kev. f. D. - MuCUIIand. ' paator. PraacBiaf -at 10:30 a. am. aad T:3 . aa. y Bv. air. on oj Seattla: 12 St.. flnadar rkool. K. C Branaash, auprrlntasdest; : p. as., Ckrlstlaa Kadaarat Bwuaa;. allsib East Thlrtcmth aad Powell atrmta; R. Jrroma K. UcGlade. D. D, pastor. 8or- Ins) at 10:80 a. -sat. wbra Bar. J. B. Lalner, D. D.. will nrcark: 7:30 a. si., aarsioa b paatnr ea "Tba PMoce ot Peaea"t Mrs. carne Johnaoa will a Us a sacrrd solo st eraalna Calrsry Cftrnar Kwrrva ssd Clay aota; Bar. W. 8. Ullbwt, paataa Brrk.- at lu:30 s. am. -aat T:-r p. m. Tba pastor as raiaraae and tha asual Sarrtrae will tw rrsnamL Mors- nr. "fhriatlanlty and. tabor, iMr"i revcaiogi "Ufa.MteraaL'r , f ,.v" . , HXTHODIiT. ' ' . ' ' Trtnltr Eaat Tonth and Orast: Rev. HaroM Obrrf , paalnr. 8TTtcs- at 11 a. m. and T:M p. as.; Sunday acbool at 10 a. a.i Epworta leesea st a:W . Sa.-- Srllwood C. A. Law la; naator. Baadaf arhanl, 10 a. BJ. II a. m - "Cbrlftlanltj Joatl- nea . s p m., ids painic win o oroupit by Dr. t. ' . Bockwril; Kpwortk Irafua, i:t p. m. v Kpwortb Coaaar Tcraty-tblrd ' aad ' IrrlBg trrtaj ltaary' T. ACklDaoa, pastor. Sunday arhooi, 10 a. aa.: 11 a. m; Csrlaft BerrU tloa of Go': Kpworth tcagua. :a4p, . aM T: . ., "Drlftlas." Grara I'nraw Twelfth -aad Taylor ' a tracts; Clarence True Wllaou. pastor. Harriers and holy commanlo at 10:30 a. aa. praise serriiw wltk new hysinal and srrmoa ea !"Tba t'ooa sany Jeaua Kept," t:30 p. a. Kunnyalde Yaohtll, betwaea -Thlrty-flftfe and Thirty -alitb el rent a; T. B, Ford, paator. 10 ar ai., Sunday acbonL C. A. Gataka. aoper Inteodeat:' 11 a. admlalstrattoa ot tbe boly rommunlon by tha paalor, aeeleted by B. Ooalrr asd Benuett and others: S:I0 p. m.. Junior Ira aue. Mary . Sbarer, sufierlntrndent ; S:t p. m. . Epworlh lea ana derotlvsil aieet Ing. Hush Kruns. president: If, m., VraacbiDg by the Her. Jaaare hi. Klag. D-D - Centenary Corner Kaat Pino and ' Ninth atreeta; William H. Her?, D. IK, paator. At 10:SO a. ai. tha pastor presrbea the Brat of twe aermons on "Can I Re rXTlnely Led": re lar monthly service ot- sons with special prs sram. T:45 p. m. morulas eUaa. S:W o'elorkf Howlsr arkonL. 13:15 p. at.; Rpworth oWTotlesel at p, ss Cborns choir. .. , . " First Corner TarK and Madison atreeta: Use? fS yirst Corner mnt by- Bar. Francis J. Van Horn. tk. D.. Vi'orcsstar, Vfaaaarbuaetta, - en "The Only fTame"; T 48 p. as.. Dr. Vas Horn will preacb en ''The. Supreme IWlnltloa M Ood"; apeetal music by Quartet. Mrs. Boas Blorb-Baner, Mlaa MrClunf. Mraars. Alexander and Moatavov ery; Sunday acbool. 13:10 p. aa.; I.'f. 8. C. c-reception to atransers and prayerT. aerrlce. Harold i: I Inert leader, ;; p. -m.. , rilsrlm chapel, 540 Mecond street: Holiday school, 9.&II S. m., U l. Hlce. snperlntendest. ' I'alrerHtr Parti Artlaana' tearntc. fwlniwulb: Bev. D. B. Orsy. pastor, t 11 a. aa..:JTba Power of Teatimony Nuppm-ted by Faltbful Cbriatlaa Ufur. and What It May flo in I,eadlns Me to Become Follower or Jesus Chimt" Sunday school at 10 a. as. ' - . ' Snnnyalde Corner F.ast ..Taylor '' and Rsst Tbirtf-funrth atreetst Rev. J, J, Stanb, paator. At It a. m.. "Btrencth for Sereiee": 1:30 a. "The Terms of Peace"; Sraday school. 10 a. m.. 8. r. Pter. , auperlDtendent: Janlot CtirlstlsB Kndeaenr. a nv as.. Mlaa Edith Roe, superlateadent; Senior Chrlstlaa atndcaror, .3Q iiiKniana uarner rreeeorc ana Esst prnin tMt J Mrtk ! ' Rev. A af BMltaeJ Maine. REAL ESTATE CHEAP- AND RENTS AR. LOW Mr. and Mrs. James Farrell ef War ren, III., and . brother. P. H. Farrell of Billings, ' Mont, are visiting rela tives Bare. -.The . brothers bad not seen .their mother, who -resides hre . for I s '..years. - Aii are mucn-pieasea witn 'Portlsnd and.(the exposition.:; - - :,',r "One thing 'that Impresses me most about thls city." jSald P. H. Farrell, "Is the low price of real estate and rents.' Whan I first "arrived I heard some one talking sbout the high prices of real estste. ' Upon Inquiry I find that neither the prtos of property nor rents are as high In proportion- ss they are In Billings." . . . ; i Its Influence Has Been Felt By So Many Port- ; land Readers. The soothing Influence of relief ' - After .SHfferlng from Itching Plies, I torn Kcseraa or a ay Itchiness of the i' in. . - ---- - . '. aks one feel grateful to -the remedy. 14 s Ointment has soothed bun- ". M. Sullivan, employed In the street . department of the city. ..who .rssldsa-oa Water street, at 723, saya: "Doan's c -Otwtiiieiia Is. wltheua emy-erw bent preparation on earth for the pur poses for which Its use Is Indicated, and from mv own experience I know that It doea all that Is claimed for It For two vaara I wa troubled with - the worst kind" of Itchlnsr anaV bleeding hemorr hoids. I tried ono remedy after another, and even sent as at for a well-known medicine and was treated by physicians, , but got no relief until I learned about . lxatn a Ointment- I procured a boa and the first application gave me - relief, such as t had not experienced for two years. 1 continued the treatment for ' o o three weeks,-when I was com- ely cured, and since then I have been a rrorn 4hs tormenting sanction. ever 1 hear any one compialntnl I annoyed with Dllsa I never fal i- I them .what to do to set cured. wi'llnly glv $30 for a box -r tMsn to aufTar one night like I did 17 ' 'nns.)Jntment., ' dealers. ITtre tt cemts. ilburn C. yrofmio. N. J sols r His United Slalea . kr be aaa LmJ AJN at aind uvx. - - Snnday acbool, 10 a. m.; II a. m., reeeptioa of mee-.Dcrs sna rommanion. sermon ea a t nree- Fold Ih-llrerance"; Tras - p, ., .eerrloa ss prnprlftte, to Labor east. . . . ;. . al laewnnn a e woe ttaiwr wtaatai" I'l'l avenna ami Fremont street. At 10 a. aa.. Rundaa a-hool; 11 a. nr., Bev. W. L. 1'nehsw will con duct the serrlcei Be evening services. ' ' ? BirniT. , h Tbe White Temnle Corner Twelfth nnd Tar. lor atreeta; Rev.- j. Wblteomb Bronsber, P. !., Kstor. 10:30 a. m.. "Three Htylee or Walk r"; Bible arhooi. 13:10 p. m.. classes tor alt ages; B. Y. P. U...reeeptli -and .eervicae. S:S0 p. m.: T: p. m., "Waa Jesus Christ s Horial- Anarenistr special nraaw by tbe orchestra asd temple quartet; soloist, Miss Ethel Lytle. Central Fast Twentieth and East Ankeny atreeta: William K. Randall, minlatar. BuildV Ins cloned for Inaullituj furniture; dedicatory ati l en Beptemne 10. -' Bethany oVIlwood. Bunnsr acheol, 1 a. m. ; rseblns at IS as, and T:B p.. m., by Mrs. JT. Adams. -St. Johns Services la Adveatlet eh arch; nreechlns -by Rev. John Beatslen. 11 a. m.; tiord'a Hupner olieerved: Ronday school 10 a. m. 4lmreraity Park Sunday school, id a. m.; nreachlns. Jl a. m.r by HVv. E. A. Leonard; T:H p. m.. by Rev. John Ren Men. Becaiid Itaat Seventh asd Ankeny streets; ResH. C. Lapham. pastor. At 10:V a. aa., -MalnUlnlns the CbFjatlaa Ufa": Bible nchoot. It m.; Toons Peophr'e nnion. :45 p. a.; at T:45 p. m. Mr. and Mrs, C ear eon ef India will apeak ef their miaalonary work sod experleaees. Ooooa ntlxocJ tvIA rewrcci, czJ Is, Crj- moouomSomim ,.v- -A l7all:rOc:;oiG'G Tfcs Frncct 1.1 the AVer? J .4-5 :;;;:, 'l Highest Awards : in E,uropt an4' A.mtrica -X new and handsomely llluai trated Keclrjci Book aent free t'"'':T"':':'';''":'i:77V!""r MerCiXer&C.Lt!ie, TlflHllhlni 1781 ' eee-ef'' Hon of church by the blshoo at 1:43 p. m. Bong'" service and abort address by - dlifereat pastors, at T:4B p. m. , , .'.'.' L'lTTKKllB. " St. .James'- Englleb Corner 'West Park aad Jefferson streets; J. A, Leas, pastor, Servl-ee at 11 a. as.; Sunday school. 10 a. si.; Luther leasue, T p. m. ; so evening service. Nerwestaa synod Corner Eat Tenth end Orsnt streets; O. - Hag-ocs, paator. Set rites at 11 a, m. and p. m. -'-- ..n';' " T- " - ' r " " '.v. . f ' SC. X. ChuBCK I0TJTE. . First IT 1 4 Seeond street. Poresters ball; E. H. Mow re, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. ; Rpwortb lea rue, I m m.; preacblns st 11 s. m. and p. m.. by Dr. J. D. . Hammond ef Kaahvllle. Tenneaaee.S aecretary ef tbe board ot education SbMM M. B. church Soath. I Urle'SltUaeleeler...M'erleel-.. . r e- w e - --- 1 I i$ , . . i . . ,-v ;,.:..'. - f v ...:.'-..; ' I - I ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ; .. ' f St .!.'v .,' c" -v '.''-'-- i v.-. -: ; ; ,;; .; '.-;.'--. J J' ' -! " i -. '. ... .. " ' ' 1 "''.". ,'" v' ' ' .; ' s . . : '. .. ; . ' .' , . ' ' ' J. rry ' , . , .. ' tC t ,' ' . '. C v '' ..... ' ' . ' A . .-.-r " : V ' , ' '- " " . ' . , ' y ' e ' .. . . . . ' .Ai: - Ay ' i ,-'-"'" ' -. . ' '' ' -,"'.'" ' . 1 ' .:;::i;t,a;r'nyK::tv r "2 :JAi : Cj. ii 'i'J " ,:'.' ' ' SaTZI '" J, .. : ' "TTI" "- .-.'': '" ' 11 " 1 ' v..,.. Wirt r'y-vTT? a eg ' M' - a. .-a. ,." II irjrrTEs bbxtrxxv. tsr chbiit. - Kaat Fifteenth and -.Morrlaon Bible acbool. chins at 11 a. m. nnd 8 p. m.; 1 sneciai music at both services.. ,.r . '- Shatter., paator. preaehins at 11 a. aa. Chrlstlas Endeaver st I p. ereeetse 1 10 a. i. ( xmrzo xtastoixical ohubuhl -- -- St. John's Comer of John . snd Irsnhos atreeta: B. E. McVlcker,-paator. At 11 a. m.. "Buprrme Love-:; 8 p. m., "Peter Dellverea From Prison"; Sunday School, 10 a. m.1 J. U L. C. ty 3:30 p. m.t 8. K. U C. It, B. m. -VX.JC. ct, n'' Worcester, Xoat ' ' ' - . ",' IPMCOPAL. Trtnltv Klneteenth and. Fverett streets; Dr. r A MeeHaoe. rector. Ilolr ejommnnma. a a. at.; mornins naevlce, 11 o'clock; evening serv ice. T;S o'clock.- . -St. Mstthsw's Corner .First and Carnthen streets: Bev. W. A. hi. Brock, is charge. Holy communion and sermon. - 11 s. m. ludt; schooK S:4S a. ha. llnA - - S T1 !, i i I ' mmjk f W.a. coorer avenue:- Bev. Jobs Dawson, rector. Bob. day school, 10 a. m. ; holy eommanloa and rmou. II a. m. ; no evenins "ervlce. St. John's Memorial Bellwond; Bev. W. P. rwell. In chsrre. Service and holy eommunlos. 10:44 s. nr. i Snnday achonl, 13 m. 8t. David's Ksat Twelfth snd Belmont; Rev. C. B. Van Waters, D. D., I rector. Holy enjat; msnios, S nnd II, s. m. tcboral), with aer luon; wvenaons' at T:0 s'clnrk. St. Mark's Corner Nineteenth and Qnlmhy atreeta; Rev. J. B. H. Sim peon, rector. At 8 a. at., holy eommanloa; tl o'clock, morning prayer and litany, nermna by Rev. William V. Whltten, Charles City. Iowa; 8 o'clock, -evanim prayer; so Sunday school. . First Corner Fark and Columbia atreeta: E. 8. Muck ley. paator. 10:80 s. m., The Rnling Pssslos"; T: p. nu. '.'The Four Woes"; Bible school. 11:10 p. aa.; Christian Esdeavor. 8:45 n. m. . Ceatrnl East Twentieth and Salmon, streera; Rev. J. -F. Ohormley will epeak at It a. m. a ."The Opportunity of Leadership": 8 p. m 'The Onoortunltr of Destiny": Sunday acbool. 10 a. m.i ScAlor Rndeaver. : p. m. ; special moalr: Mrs. MrPhersoa Uale, ehonstsr) Mlaa a.. aysa,. ertasist, y.L...'. . U.',, y.. ' TrVtTZB ZVAV0ZUCAL.' V; " " "V - First Corner Eaat Tenth end Sherman atreeta; A.- A.- Winter." pastor. - At 10 a. m Bonds f a- m.-r struma, -Tbo- Wanning i'ewae ef Teeti moey"; T p. m., K. L. of 0. E. meeting: 8 Second Corner Faren and Kerhy atreeta; Rev. Bowiasii -inisusr seVTlcea- at'TT a -nf-anit S p. m.; Sunday acbool at to a. m.: Junlot snneavor, a p. m.; K. L. C. K., T:1S p. aa. Orkley Green susdny scbonl at 1:30 n. m. I Brenchrng by Bev. A. A. Winter at 3:30 p. sa. y J c : . fs' .', . y t t -, . - - 'V'. XI0W. .' : . - Christian CatbollF Apostolic Criarrh Is Hon Allsky enlldlns. Morrlsos sear Third; Bev. Jobs Alriander I)iwie, first apostle; Rev. Chsrlee A, Hoy. elder In eharre. At S'p. m Bible stsdyi 8 p. m.. "Tbe Bantam ef Wrloe Fire I Wamea aUla" a. m "The Flew Crewe. rr.ui.eea. nr. jne tunatlaa Belle rer ward for Dirlaa servUe." . ,. , - , Ba , "' CHSUBTlASf mtm."T'T . First Scot tlsh Rite esthedrsl, Morrhiea asd Lawnsdile streets. ServUea 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., subject. "gnhataBea"! Sunday school st close ef morning -ssi ilea. : Benmd Andltorlnm belldlnsr Thh-d he twees Taylor ssd Salmon atreeta.- Services, ti m. ssd 8 p. m.. subject, "Hubstaaee." - , ITAJIOILICAJ, aaeoouTijaT.r"- First Uermss Corner Tenth and Clay streets; Theodore Srtianer. paatiar. ledlcatloa aervlcra e( sew chores, sermon hf B. u, Breyfoeel. D. i eerasos sad dedlea. B. at lu:e a. m. BogUsh ' : T.-ht.- AaaociatWm auoitnrrnm.- 11 Fourth strseJUs Bunday, S:; Franrta J. Van Horn. D. Mamachneetta. ea "There's a Boy la Ejre 'j aoloa by Mrs. J. 8. Hamlltoi ..v -V;. -,v o. assrs st. a. ..:.. ' The Chrlatlas snd Missionary alliance Slit and Mala atreets; Bev. C. D. Bawtelle, eu perls tendest. Preaching at 10:80 a. m. by Bev. J. H. Alien, pastor ef the Seres mlssloa; Sun day school, 11:11 p. m.: 1 :to p. m., servlot eoaoaciea dj n. wsseseis. est. Small, pastor. At II s. m... aer moo by Rev, Mr. Sutler en "Ilavlns; DomluloB"t T:tf s. m., sermon by Bar, Mr. Welch; 10 a. .sv. Sua. aey scaeot, v-4",v- I 't innTAsajjr. "'. 1 Ftrat Coriner Sere nth snd Tamhlll Streets; Hav. (leoreel 11. flreaaer. 1) IK. mlnlater. Here. a. m., woes iToiesaor. namoet hc Icea st Case U speak LJndSeafJ jilveralty of Peaasylvasis, will ea "uuia moot." -.-V " CATHOLIC ;,-:- St. La e rence church Third and Bher. man streets; Bev. J. C. Hushee, rector. Masses, T, 8 ssd 10:30 s. St.; benediction, 7:30 p. m. . A lecture on "Tbeoeopby nnd Its TJaea" will be yteea at the Theusophical rooms, Allsky hslldlna, bslt BOO. First Bible Hslrltual society A. O. U. ' haU, rtellltw-Hlrarh bulldlnc. Lecture by Mrs. J. A, JobBstoa, followed with .Sests- by J. A. Johnston st S p. m. " , " Millennial Dawn O.' - A. R. hall, northeast earner Second snd Morrison Streets. Bee rites st 1:80 P. m. The Ministers' and Mediums' Protective- Snir ItualUt aaeocUtlon will bold BS chnrch .servtef sntii rurtner nonce. i , Divine Truth tnter Dlrine Trsth ehanel, hall 301. Allsky nulMlnc. comer Third ssd Moe. rlaou streets;, Tbaddeua at. Mlnard, pastor, Services st II a a The People's Chrletlan Union) Free ralixions socle ty, iit H Morrlsoa street. Is Unity hall; r. E. vouller. lesoer. At 11 a. "The Parable of tbe Sower": 11:18 p. a., study class In life problems; T:4S p. m concert by I'nloa orchestra; S p. m., "Tbe Objective End at trestles." The Portland Xev Church society (Sweden borslan) Reception hail, third Boor Molkey building. Second snd Morrison streets. AI 10. W a. m., lay service and sermon. Olive Branch Gospel mlaalon First near Clay. Services every evening ssd Sanaa st S ssd T:S0 ss. .,... Latter-Dsy ' Batnta' Reorganised ehnreV-. WoodwsM hall. Moutavtlla. At II Sc m. snd 8 p. sw, Services la ebsrse ef Bide Henry sparuoff ana ii. v. ooeiaoa. - Condon Is so filled with good-looking strangers these days that s old-timers hardly know themselves or each other, says the Globe. 1 JseTosYjM worn looxutzf Yomnj Always restarts youthful color to any or isoea nsir. stops sair ramus, roaitiveiy ir-growsr ', Iuiurl- tons dandruff. A hlcb-claaa halr-i ant. - Does not soli skis or lines. This draaalng. keeping hair Soft, glossy, Great Hair rood, sMed by R ABFIN A SOAP, heals scalp, klUa dsndrag germs, stops Itching, sromotee ape frowts. uuf sue. bottles, dru flats'.. Take aattaiag without i Oextd fopSKo.Csisia Slam this, take to any of followlna drnav giau. and get SOr. bottle Helrbealth and 3nc, cake Har8na Medicated Soap, both for SOe.I yegslsr price TSe.l or sent by Phllo Hay Co., Newark, M. prepaid, for 80s. Eeaat liia riBS wvajl bllwl UARFl.tA 80AH. Free soap set gtves by Inwrhti wlthsnjt this satire adv. ssd 60c. toe Ualrhealts. Ksnu...... AAdtest...... r- -r woosajo. otaan Ai 'oa,' ad WMUBtrtoa ata. Kght you can afford to use in your home, -or-put- in -the house yoii are hiiilriiricr 7. ,.., ,. j - ; T- . , .. .v. - - -j':: - . ;-;;.;,Jfr:i:; ri-. AAAX -'tX-A-AA" ' '.V'-.'';1;. v. 'FiAAT AA'AA'A'' ' irjenloim5esaSI! higher TOOgRroeerHdW A ily, will pay a attract a better class of tenants IF IS EQUIPPED WITH income, EErECTRIC u.T.A. T Afr. TraH ?' t , . A s i -.-.pAm ih't- 'AS-.: 'fAZ'------"AlS A""A''A!i. At ,1-. " A, A' . V .. rtsrPF ' BsnBBBl aWBSBB.. SSAmssj .nyj nJsnitr1herBHraffhri "T"r"gT'TlJ"'"n 7efcTfc1nTfiirw'"TAMeMg,JfQr i j-( r'i' .' "At' ' ''r-: y" '' ' :)-''' A.'f- A A 'SAA': ' A'y-:,A'r TF you contemplate estabUshihg a JL business requiring POWER, it will be to your advantage to talk : with us before placing your orders for ma- -r- THE use of ELECTRIC power ; .JL -rri oon o - t o o a t r-r.Cn" ' in-F r riTstat-Q tinn XX1CL1S3 esl-sf VUhrWA - W , WX . VjVA UVX1( smaller amount of space required, and great saving in machinery and; initial cost of :instaU Rcdnccd Rate for Cmrcnt on Mer Dels! CallPhone Exchange 13 (We Send Representative) t r: t" 7 T"- T ". ":' 7' 'A. ' " 7 Seventh and Alder. Sts. i. .y ?iUao-aaSaaV ( . a 1 1 sVe.l - rN ' - ent sa.i nrnjsjj J?5 m sir? A sha ' w elf? " 5a a5 V s??.V