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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1905)
- L Ijri.wil Ue J dji! . . . . eJ . f 'ii.j" 1 ' ll UdJaJ j -4 r First ; , Inttrnatlonal Motorboat ; Contest Takes Plac on y '..Sx'-'t - Italian Lake.' '; , McCrd!' Men Riln Datnj EytJ and Touch Up Com- : rnutars' . Youns Twlrler. t ,K,- , ' , CWEEN2Y ; MAXZS v-CtOD 25 and 50 cents to cse Pain's gorgeous: $100,000 spectacle of - f mm C6NTT3TANT& ENTERED' f PARADED OVER COURSE v in opzr:r:o contest 13l . Prices Varying" From Fire Hundred ' iot)rii Th'ouiand TratixiOf fared, -; Besides' Valuable Trophiea Will Be .Awarded to. Winners. - New Recruit FieUa BrillantljC Runa "Baaea Cleverljr and Handle the Bat With Terrific ; Force Oarvin rPitchea Uaual Perfect Game,.' ..! -rrt. '.m aw .' -ari--wt-gr -rfyairr-r '-jn- rfmt-ix: fm ,irumm,i ii.maaak.m sa sWin, AT i ' . ' i ' i v 'sas.-Ar;iJ.: :; -V; -::v " (Mittl Special Service. T " . ; DtHnnno, lUlr. Bpl tN. beautiful setting for the imt iriterne , tlonsl .motorboat racea could be found . In tli world than that offered ey.LagO at- Garde,' the flneet 'gem among the , Italian lakeer and lie picturesque and '.,' beautiful surroundings. Tba Oarda take " la famoua all over , the world for . ita ' . beauty., and every year thousanda of " tourists - from all parte of the world come to lta ahorea to feast their eyee on the maanlftoent ecenery and to revet in the beauties of tba surrounding lend ;. scape. The climate la exquisite. . offer- . , Ing the advantages of a aouthern reaort r ,.. without the annoying heat which often ; : makea a atay at southern.reeorte rather -uTipleeeant for persons .coming from northern latitudes. ' ' It waa happy idea to hold the inter national anotorboat raeea. which began yesterday, on thla beautiful lake. The event, which la one of the greatest " sporting . eventa of - thla kind-In the - world, baa drawn large crowda of vial' ' : tor from all parU of the world. ' Every oountry of JEurbpe. Is well represented, - and the number of Americans, always - . quite large In all Italian and 8wlae re- - aorta, la particularly large on thla ooca- ',. aion. owing to the love or all kinaa ot - sports, whiohjo characterlatlo of A inert ' cane... Tha hotels In Desensano, Pea' ; chlerc, Rlva, Mori and- tha numoroua other towna and villages acattarad along -.:'t the ahorea of Lago dt Oarda, are taxed to their tttmoat oapaclty and many vial- , - tora have been compelled to aeek quar ..tare In torn of .the moee distant vil Jegee. ... , Deaenaano la happily situated at the aoothtrn end of ' tha lake, whete tha . ground la flat. Beyond too mirrorlike . axpanaa of tha lake rlaa tha hllle grad ; ' ually until they merge Into tha majea- - tie lines, of tha Rhaetlan Alps. Tha baa excellent harbor facIliUea and. f otC that reason, baa- been slecte4s.a ... tna starting point or the race. ; v The racea proper will not begin until -, next Thuraday, . whan, tha flrat race, for the Benaeo prlae, open ' to all nations, wlU be held. , Today . the eonteating '7 boats entered for tha various,, events are paraded- up and down the harbor - and open to. Inspection, by the, off loiala and Judgee of tha raoea. - In tha after-; ' noon there waa an Informal parade Of . boat a, which attracted enormoaa erowdav u Beginning- with- tomorrow amd contin -ulrig until Wednesday afternoon the contesting:, motorboate will make (trial trtpe and will ba put through their paces . 1 1 the, - presence . or competent '., dwdgee, . . who will carefully not all special fea- v turea of the boats and award prlsea in - -accordance with their .merit. The min ister of the navy will attend these trie la and will personally present tha awards. The racta wMl begin .en Thuraday and continue until Sunday. September 10. .Tha prises vary - from '- (00 to 1,000 AUTOMOBILE RACING ; ' " AT ATLANTIC CITY (Journal gpeelal BWriaat -k.i . Atlantto City, N. J Sept. . Thle le the first day of the automobile . race meeting under tha auspices of tha ' At lanttc City Automobile club. 'The num ' ber of entriea la Jar grafter than ever . nerore ana excellent sport is expeciea. --There are aeven racing events and en exhibition race against time on tha pro . . gram or today. . The flrat .race will begin at S o'clock' thla afternoon.- -The moat interesting events of the afternoon " will ba tba attempta to break tha one mile reoord, and the fifth race, which la really1 more In the nature of a gueaatng 'contest Tha event la open. to all. Every 'car la to carry driver and three pas senger. -The driver who drives nearest to the three mlnutee a mile speed wins. "Police officials will be present to Judge the speed, the auto apeed limit being tnree minuiea. per mile. . Thla event promises to be rather amualng and in teresting. 'No method of timing tha , apeed ofy the autoa of any kind will be permitted. The races will be continued ' on Monday. ..y-. NEW YORK A. C. HOLDS' V .. ; SWIMMING EVENTS . ''' 1 ' 1 ." (Jearsst apeeial gerlee.T . i "; New Tork, Sept. I. The second aerlea of swimming races in tha conteat under ;. the auspices of tha New Tork Athletic i olub for. the Amateur 'Athletic union swimming championship tor ltOi la - coming off t T ravers island today. The , attendance thla morning ait very large ; and the condition favorable. The pro- gram for today Includes the conteata for tha diving and the 1 J 0-yard chain ptonahlp, also several novice and handl cap eventa 'at 100 yards. Among the . contestants for the diving championship , are Dr. Oeorge'U. Sheldon of the Mls : eourl- Athletic club, D. T- Hammond of . Chicago, .Hector Demers, the Canadian champion, and Fred A. Wenck, Walter V and Philip Kearney of the New Tork Athletic club. - ' You Know that if -you nave fainting, smothering, Wealrand htingTy-apells; 1f yow have -atortaeaaof Driiuwnen waiung .or aoina un stairs i ir your neari la irrearu- lar. fluttering or palpitating: If you have g: it you nave in aide and pains around . me neari, under ahouldera, cannot aleep on left aide; have difficulty In breathing when lying downc that you are suffering from . heart troubles, and that It la-liable at . any minute to prove ratal. - : , Then don't delay. Commence at once to Uke .; ; : ' .;" ';,y Dr." Miles .;-,';.. Now Heart Cure " This famous heart arid blood ton( .will cure you If taken In time, y The time la when you ooUoe any of the above symptoms. . ""I am glad I was persuaded to try pr. Miles' Heart Cure,' I suffered great , Iv from shortness of breath, palpitation. ; smothering epella and - pain around heart. I took bottles and waa en ' tlrely cured. Thla waa two years ago, -. a it T tneaeL'A VtmA . ....aAM, .1 H a JO1S K. TO, ... . P. ! . 1' . i ns rir i- tke drc.t i Portland I. Oakland 1 Batteries Oarvin and McLean: ' Ho- gan and Stanley, The locale got busy yesterday' after noon and trounce, tha Commuters up' aide down, crosswise, lengthwise an! otherwise. The smartness of the Olants waa moat unaaual and It waa good to ae there aktp around bases, hit the ball, sjlde, bunt and kick. weeney joined the local aggregation yesterday and his presence acted ae a tonic to his team mates, for tha newcomer Is ao fleet of foot that he kept his partnera buay try. ing to keep up the pace he waa setting. Sweeney haa the build and atyle,of a good ballplayer. . He had five chances yesterday and accepted four In a clever fashion, missing -a teasing bunt along the foul line. He made Portlands first run la the second Inning by good base running. . With two down he popped a fly to Dunleavr, which the latter Jug. gled. In a flash Sweeney waa on eacond. Oarvin aent another fly to Dunleevy an J Sweeney- started - for home; Dunleavy didn't have ' molasses enough en . hfs handa ' and tha ball dropped. , By this time Sweeney waa tearing for the plate. and before tha ball could reach Stanley he had croaaed - the home plate. This exhibition in itself waa a aplendld and much-needed , lesson in baaerunnlng to the locale. Portland'a next runs came In the fifth Inning after two were down. Sweeney opened up with a corking alngle, but waa caught off first by a quick throw by Stanley. " Oarvin fanned out ' end Ate hit Barely, going to ascend on Dun leavy's error. Van Buren spanked out a aafe one and Ats . scored- -Mitchell worked Hogan for a' base on balls, an 1 Schlafly followed ault.- With the bases loaded Householder walked, forcing' Van Buren home. McLean came op and drove In Mitchell and Schlafly. on -.a pretty two-bagger,. and' McHale atruck Out-' ' -"'. :' ' : In the elxln"TnnrngTfweehey-werit after.. Hogan like ..a, locomotive - and slammed, out a trlpl f"the ecoreboard. Oarvin fouled out. to Stanley. .- At waa up and gave Sweeney . a sign' for th "squeese" play and with Hogan'a owing Sweeney started for the. plate. . Atx had to reach over near the . bleachera to touch -the' ball, but ha succeeded, and sent a beautiful bunt along the first base Una' that hit the bag. scoring Sweeney and 'landing aafely - himself. Kolley tried to-field the bail and eoUldel with Jakey at the each and both rolled over in the dust. It wae a. very pretty play. Van Buren wae there with a double and scored Ata. MJtcheU fouls') oat and Schlafly drove-Van Buren home With a pretty alngle. Houeebolder went out on a foul fly to Stanley. Thla endeJ the aoorlng for the "ocala. With two down In the eighth Mitchell hit the fenoe for, a triple, but Schafly popped, out, to Hogani . .' : All thla time Oarvin waa working like whirlwind, retiring - the visitors in two down. Hogan hit for three Ttaieartumo of coin wilt ba waaerea. lew. pecs and. in the relay to Sweeney Schlafly threw toe high an Mr. Hogan Com pleted the elroult Here le where a per- rect tnrow anouia nave oeen maae, ana where Oarvin should , have backed up third baae.. - The game waa ' lnreatlng. even though It waa ao one-aided. The batting streak yesterday ought aurely help th men wonderfully tn regaining their lost batting eyes. -' Even though, beaten, Hogan- pitched a good game of ball. The following la the official aeore, doctoral up, to eult the Impartial taste: ' PORTLAND. : : AB. BL M. PT. Ata, ss... 4 -t-I 1 t 0 Van Buren. If....,.,. t I J. 6 0 0 MltchelL lb. 4 1' I 11 1 e Srhlsfly. 5b.......... 4,11 ' 1 Householder, rr....... a e 1 e e e e McLean, :.,t..i. r... 4 t 11 MrHaie. er 4-01 e e o Sweeney, lb. 4 S t 1 Oarvin. p....... 4i 0 0 e .t "fTetaaar.-. . . i ; ..t.v. - tlX-lVUi OAKLAND. .' - . AB. R. H. POl A. B. Van Haltren. cf. ...... 4 0 .0104 Franeka, as. . . . . ,v. . 3 0 11 1 Dunleavy, ir .....4 e Richards, rf. . 4 0 Kelly, lb I 0 Moaklman. lb. . . , . t , 4 0 no Devereaux, lb....... 10 0 Stanley, o.. ......... t 0 1 Hogan, p.,...k. a. a e 4 a A ' X e 1 ,ToUla .11 1 t 14 11 t SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland n t I Hlta 0 0 1 4 4 1 1 1 Oakland .V.......0 0 0 0 0' 1 0 0 1 Hlta '.0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 i ' - . IUHMART. ' . ' " -' Struck out Br Oarvn. t: b Horan, 4. Basea on balls Off Garvin. 4: off nogan, a. iwo-oaii nits Mcuean ano Van Buren. Three-base hits Sweeney, Hogan. Mitchell. Double play Stanley to Mosklman. Left on bases Portland, I; Oakland, 7- Sacrifice hits Franeka, tril -. it, ami.. K. m-m n- 1 Fraacka, Devereaux. McHala, Hogan and Dunleavy. Paaaed ball McLean. Time or game one hour ana mlnutee. umpire Mcuonaid. . . t - . : ? SHQ0TINQ BEGINS FOR " THE DRYDEN TROPHY (Joaraal Special ervlaa.t Stsglrt,-N. J., sept t. The contest for theuryden trophy,-,.me- of the most coveted prlsea competed for at the great nations) rifle tournament began this morningv The conteat la optr) to am 111- raryTTTieVBtn s 1 ef ighteaidr mm e large number of teams Is competing for tne prise tnis year. Tne Dryden trophy. hlch la valued at $1,000. la the aift of United Statee Senator John F. Dry den of New Jeraey and 'la to be ahot for annually. In 101 It waa 'won by the Infantry team Pf the United Statea navy and last year by the New Jersey atate teem, with Ohio a cloee second. lUieT fee Coast Cnuunploaaaia. (Joaraal Bsertal servtes.1 San Rafael, Cel., Sept. I. The annual lawn tennla tournament for the coast championship began here thle morning. The . number ot -entriea la ' unusually large and nearly all the crack plbyera ef thla atate ere going to compete. Among the. contestants are MJaa May. Sutton, the British champion, Alphoase Bell, the former coast champion, hje success-- opponent of Isst year. Drum mood vln. Arcrie . ay, Grant Smith end I u C Drew thousands jo ReiemberThereAre2CP0Seate 2000 seats at 50c, 3000 beautifol carpeted seats at 75a The 50c and 75c seats AoonDssiion Every night PAIN'S $2000 DISPLAY OF MANHATTAN BEACH FIREWORKS. ToalStFinc Pcrtrclt ol (he r.!osf Cecallfal Scdcty kdy in Porttod LARGE SUL1S 17ILL CWderableTrMdnwyWlltB Wagered on the Outoom of -- --' I the Britt-Nelson Go.v.i' ' BRITT WILL BE FAVORITE i x OVER THE HUSKY DANE Hurry - Corbett Thinkg Tbgt .Tgtt 'to Eight WOl Be the Correct Odds in Few Dgye-T-itf friee' Setiafled to t Accept Five Hundred ae Referee. . (Joaraal gpeelal Service.) flan Francisco. Sept. I. It is' esti mated that at leaat IISO.OPO will Changs handa In Ban Francisco on the' result of tha Britt-Nelson battle. Notwlth standina the fact that thla great vol. have so far been recorded. Yesterday one. bet of 1100 even waa made, but thla waaer will hardly establish the market nrloe. : i Harry Corbett Je or tne opinion xnai when tha real betting commences in few daya Brltt will rule favorite at odda of 10 to I. The general opinion la that if the match had been made a few montha ago Nelson would have been the - favorite. . Brttt'a determination. however, to go a rounds, and hia in sistence on a eio.eoe side pet. onangea tha comolezlon -of thlnga materially. The aportlng pubiia haa been Influenced a great deal by the local man's supreme confidence and It la bound to have Its effect on the market. The Dane will not lack suport on the day of the fight. If reporta from Butte count for anything. ' Charley Clara, tne Montana millionaire, haa bad four boxes reserved for, bimaelf and friends. Clark llkea to Dei. ana tne i nanus wno win occupy the boxes, with him are reputed to be "Plunger- Tney- have- eigninea their intention of atrlnging their coin on Nelaon, : . - - , . . It will certainly be a great batting fight and throughout the United Statea mo re than $100,000 will hinge on the re sult. t . - The managers of tha rival righters and Promoter Coffroth felt little more at ease this morning whan they read a newspaper dispatch etatlng that Jeffries would accept 100 for- refereeing. Jeffs telegram to the club made (Coffroth and the fighters' managers fear that the retired champion 'waa going to demand world'a fair rates te pass oei the merits of Britt and the Battler. Jeff says he will accept IS00 when the offer comes to him In the proper way. That ahould aettle the matter, for Jeff la a man ot bla word, end one who will not atand for trifling. , . - - , ' ; 7K-'-:t. K. a A..Atbtotle.Baet.: . " (Jearaal gpeelal Serrea. t . West plttaton. Pa, Sept. I The big athletic meet under the auspices of ths West Ptttston Young Men'a Christian Association le scheduled for this after, noon and the town la full of young ath letes from all parte of the atate, ready to compete In the various eventa. There will be a 100-yard daah. M0, 440. ISO yard and I -mile runs, lie and Sit yard hurdles, running" Ugh. running -bread Jumps, pole vaulta, putting the. 10-pound ahot.--throwtnr-4h0 14 -pound hammer. etc. Air will be handicap eventa. which .1.. jh f.nntasta.nt ifl ODnortunlta PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. t j CXCSaV . ! &H .8TT jno .IT .414 .aao OakUad .,.... Vot Atle tS Frasctece Ta Port la ad 0) 131 Saetl Lost e tsvii e f f ( i ta'it ,ia 14 IT 10 on aagaa's Home Baa IMd 2. (gpeelal Dlspstck at Tse Jearasl.) T Taeetna, Sep. I. 'Truck" - Eagee'e home run le the eiU toning gave vie. CIIAIIGE: IIAIiDS rpoijft7ffjff6ur purchases.: .tered that it will double repay HOTELS, KKolAUKAN 13, uuakuinu huusm u mvAiJi, iamil,xix rMtuiNU ANYTHING IN THIS LINE TO BUY AT'. ONCE, before : we close the gfates and withdraw the balance of the stock. NOT OFTENLDOES THIS OPPORTUNITY". COME TO THE PEOPLE OF THIS GREAT.ClTkV- PLENTY OF POX HOT-AIR FURNACES ON HAND AGAIN.:: : , :l: -r: v-.-l .(, '. 1- .. -. . .; : Are ireplete with wrytfiinsr .operate A COMPLETE TIN SHOf that is simply perfectiort4tself. :Odd fdlowrletaptel I First aci Alder Sts. . PHONK MAIN 1382 tory to the Tlgera yeaterday. Emer son end Toiler pitched beautiful ball. The. score ' . .- .- . ' -. - R. H. E. IsAnaelea....000000090 0 4 1 Tacoma 00000100 I 7 0 Batteries Tower ana npies; jemeraon and Hogan. ; Umpire Perrlne. V - 4. - - 11 - - ' ' Seala Wis Close asm. - (SpeeUI Mspatch to Tke Joaraal) Sail rrancleee. Sept . In a pitcher atruggle yesterday Hltt managed to win out of the difficulty wRh one run to the good. - Bcorej -. . ' :r ' R. H. K. Beamed:. .rrre o o o o o o o o o - i Ban rreneieeo . .e e e e 1 a e 1 a Batterlea Miller and Clarke: Hltt an Wllaon. .,,,....... .. , AMERICAN LEAGUE. 7 Won. Lost' PC. Phlladalnhle 40 . 0 01 41 .001 Chicago .... Cleveland . . 44 ,004 (10 Boaton ............... 07 New Tork ............ Waahlngton .......... IT Detroit it St. Louie 41 it .til .609 .470 lit 02 40 -1 .474 .140 -'.''AO OlerelajU. H. E. e 0 Cleveland Chlcam ................... 11 1 Batteries un oaes ana iarxs; waian and Sullivan. . , ' NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost. P.C. New Tork ............ S4 ' Pittsburg It 48-: .4S4 .007 .03) .Sit .340 .03. .101 cago .............. (i ladatbhla,.... 04 SO ; .- '.' i ' Cincinnati 01 St bouia ............ Boaton ............... 40 Brooklyn ............. il ':- At Flttabnrg. . ' ' V; ' JR. H. K. Pittsburg .................... 0 10 J Ht luia -, -.... v s Batteries Lever ma uioaonr Mcrar- land- and Grady. Umpire Emails. , . ' . Boston ....................... 4 0 0 Brooklyn t 3 Batteries Toonr and Moran; flcanlan and Bergen. Umpire Bauawlne. , t ouoace. H. E. 7 0 Ch! cage v Ovsrall i nn Marr iniHinsnKitm At vow Tork. . . H - It. H. It New Tork . - 4 7 4 Philadelphia .................. 1 4 1 Batteries Matnewaon ana vresnanan; Pittinger 'and CMoln. - Umpire John stone. ... SPORTING GOSSIP. , Dunleavy dropped- two easy flies yes. terday in the second Inning, yet hits were given to Sweney and Oarvin for then Instead of charging "Dun", with two black errors.: , .:,'.'; ..:;' When Ats "squaesed" Sweeney home In the sltth Inning he should have bees given credit for a eaorlflce bJt. - - f .' e . e The National baseball commission yesterday amended the . draft -rule- io read eg loJJewsi "Wherever g, a&lnor You have air warmngnrrowatcrera end offaelean-TrpT-arrfrthat prices are 8rj-shfrr OUR HARDWARE AND in that line, and "in edged tools arrutfcryT? would be difficult P; IN CONNECTION league player hs been purchased by m major league elob, such player cannot revert back to any-minor league club during the" year following auch purchase unless all minor league clubs la both the National and American . leagues a hall have waived claim to his services. And If auch wavera cannot ba aecdred. then the player ahall either remain with the olub havlngpurehaseeVhlm trans f erred to the club refusing to ' waive claim to him by aale to auch club, and In auch instances the purchase price shall be the same as Is now Used by National and American leagues. 11,000 In like cases." r" v .- The following list of players pur chased; by the National and .American leagues was also given out by the com mission:' National leagueBy Brooklyn from San Francisco, Joaeph Corbett; by St Louis from Kansaa City, Walter Frants; from Denver. .-A. Jtoelskoetter, Perrlne. American league, by St. Louis from Denver, - HarteeU. ' The following drafts were allowed:' National league. Chicago from Denver, Bchaub; Pittsburg from Pueblo, Knabe; St Louis from Denver, Hickman; from Parsons, Kan- Adams. American league New Tork from Topeka. Hu ghee; St Loua from Pueblo, Cook;. from Pittsburg, Kan. aaa, Toung. .-..'..,,-,.'.,..,. New Tork captured the national tro pKy In the Seagirt shooting tournament yesterday. The Infantry team ' of the army w6h second honors, and Ohio came third. 1 The marine corps won fourth prise, the navy, fifth and New Jersey sixth and last prise. . wi t,.: . . : e a : -' . r Miss" May Sutton defeated Miss Helen Homans in the finale of the ladles' atn. gles In .the instate tournament at Cin cinnati yesterday. ; Miss, Sutton played a wonderful game of tennis., Both Best tie and Loa Angeles were defeated yeaterday by '1 to 0, and the peculiarity Is that each winning team made ita-one run In the sixth Inning. - FAREWELL OVATION TO :BRYAOY DEMOCRATS i- , , (Juormal gpselal Swlte.) - Chicago, Sept. 1. The Jeffereonclul lanp'reparlng lo giro farewelTbanquof eve ef his departure for tha orient. The speakera at tha banquet Will be Mayor Dunne, e-8enator Pettlgrew of South Dakota, ex-Oovernor Hogg of Texas, ex Governor Oarvin of Rhode Island, BIM S. Colsr of New Tork, John McOraw of West Virginia, OUle Jamea of Kentucky and ex-Senator Jonea of Arkansas, V Strlkea Bldeem Bosks. ' ' When your ship of health atrlkea the hidden rocka pf Conaumptlon, Pnettmo nla, etc., you are lost if you don't set help from Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumotlon. J. W. McKlnnon of Tal ladega Springs, Ala., writes: ("I had been very Ul wim pneumonia, mraw in core ef two doctors, but wss getting no better when I began to fane ur. mnrs r ew Dlscovei ry- ' The rirat eoee gave rei and one 1 bottle cured me. ' Bure .e sort throat, bronchltla, couha a Ouaranteed at naiamore ir Third street - Price See ( bottle free,. .- Royal London MaTtonettes and High Class Vaudeville 100 amusements in the park; Ad mission to the grounds 10c1 children 5c. inclade Reserved Seatsion Sale at Skid mor e's Drug Store,: 15i Third Street; and at the O.W. P. ca Ry. Coa Ticket Office, First and aMder -Streets. No afternoon i performance i of -this attraction. ' TINWARE DEPARTMENTS mTHOUEOREyeJh A WONDER VORKER Mgrrelous Dltcgrerw for th Cur of All Porrof ! Constipation -. Not a Habit Bat a Car '. Voa Dcrase) ; Dom UnUI CuroML ' After many yeero ef etu'dv end prac tice g physician specialist nee discov ered tne cure for constipation. It 11 A called Ch age's Constipation Tablet. - 1 do not mean, said thehysician to oeverel of his colleagues announc ing his success, "I do not mean just enother pill that breeds the pill habit My remedy is e cure. By gently lorcing en tne ' digestive organs to perform their . functioni it - restores them ell to' health end strength. "Tho More, tbe Uw." "The more you take the less you need until you nee none or you erg cured. My effort all along was to avoid the evil of tne ordinary remedy- which pampers organs al ready weak and so makes the patient g slave to the pilL Remember Na ture expect every organ to do its duty."- .: - Physicians have long recognized the fact that constipation is at the bottom of nearly every disease. It sans ell energy, and makes Life e burden; it j opens tne ooors to an evu germs and makes the, body too weak to re sist them. ' - The VclYtt Worktr.M This new discovery io in small tab lets, easily taken, and they are packed Inl wstch-shspe bottles which fit the vest pocket - The tablet is mild, all vegetable, never gripes or injures the most delicate organs. But it does the work! So naturally and soothingly they stimulate and regulate, end strengthen that they htv been nick named "The Little Velvet. Workers." Don t oh uif It tlongjw tth thisgr eati burden Be, healthy, be strong,-be hsppy. Reed oar offer; ' .f To any retder who-sends us his or her - name - and address with five stamps to cover postage expenses, we will at once mail s full-siae 25-eent bottle of Chase's Constipation Tab lets, the worker that cure. . Not a sample, mind, g full-eiie 25-cent bot tle. Let us prove it to vou. Write today, gddressinf Chase Mfg. Co- Newbur-h, N. Y. . hi ibl r -be t, rr '. to surpass our stocks "And we Assassin of Hifh Prices 'and Nourither Best Tbinrs in Hardware. C LA I R VOYA 1M T Brother WillUm, Jit r.-;. IT IS JfBT AS CHEAP TO 8KB TW T'. ASTBO OKAD-TKANCK CLAISTOHAK a. -LOW ggg. I de hereby eolaninly aaree sad nmiw to auks ne ekarte U I fall te eall Jt If sasia la fulL naiuM ot roar frlawau -..ka er riTals. I proailM. to tail yoe wb.thet 7-u kuband, wife er eweettwart la tru. ae tr-l tall jnm now te (ala th love .( the see 1" moat daaire, T.n thoosh mil away; bow te eace4 In bualaaea. apecalatloa. lavsalt! bw to marry t on of roor cbnlnt: hov M regain yom yonrh. awelth aad vitality. 9 bmtm ctI) InaiwncM, cares erlak kablis, -kmtea trMtnroe. S13H Waahlngtoa St. dot. ef Blg. - L2u ZZllYJij ::f ;t UwEl FILLC ONLY ONI rOM A BOSS OUM MSADACMg -, 1 .by removing toe cause ' CURK piLIOUgSISSS ''r ;. .,, by aiding digestion , , OLKAK THS OOajPLSXIO! . ; ; - 7- by puriying the Uocl CT PILL ZX EAXTH sou ah, mtvoQsre.oe yy .ti,oT avacaxrr t raica. as. a . IN NAM POII PRSI SASJlg gtX os. iosamo co, rwn.of trwa, s. a. Foe Vmodera dents! w-r. WertJ . aowood ssecialuiteij. Lowest prises eenstatest wtg flxet- . . . . . ,, worst. . nev yc:? D2r;TT rem Ara ktzzzzj r - Cea -y - e't ir- f - I 1 p. .