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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1905)
V"x:.J Alia UJUiUUll WhAAe JVUltlKU', AV -niia . Mwimvi - niTtv tmriikT'- rnTT o ttt'"""'t"i -..- P""""T"' entered tt Ik amtoinee Portlaae", .JFl7L.tknuk the Mil I'W iff in - .-""or ' ... h. .. I II N 11- mux fur fr""", y --j-t.. j p-lMT. t Mt MkN P8. . " Off UrtUiT. U 4 . TOX-rWaTtt i F1tril lima. kualsass OfAe. ....& ! romna ABvxATxsflr ""J?! .,eid - kt-cui 'V'JimtV 1W i-aeeau iuwI, Ksw XorhS In- ""7 ' .'. ' f imcumn uttt .-y '; i ,, firm by IMrrs. mm Tn Dally Joaraal. lth Sunday. I T"'"-VoO -. Diiiy. Iwmi. I yr.. v'-vlLUih." at8 a Dolly JoprnL wltk Sunday, eSOBtBS. Dally Journal. xaBle... .."? t'S at Duly Jwul, with Deadly, ewtb. 1 -. Dally JournaL I moot he .... ' j t Dally Journal, with rtuwity. 1 mntrrs.. " W Dally, Pr week, tvtvad. Buada - - eluded.... 'i Viiii'lii The Dally, par wmk. ofcnvere-, Sunday . ,0 Hi. pilly IwmI, wltk Sasday. 1 eer IS ' J. I with iHBlaf. Bne. - 1 Irtuy Jmmal, Biosrtks. . Dally Journal, wltk 8a ad ay, ft ... t. - MMrflU ' Dilly Journal, with Sunday. 1 o Dally JournaL 1 axoatk. ' a flu nA r JournaL 1 year....... V tuiir Journal. saoothe. IW Sml-Wkly "h rtotd-Wsskly JOOTMl, J "J--". J - h taeoe, Wmtmted, full tnarket r- M I. O. 1M. rrl4. Owtw. ' k 4U)aE-H. Mitt 0t W. . TciiT Tts r 2?i,!2,,Brtk ,T0. C1TT BrwHW. "2"Jitt ailUard Hotel Nw (taad: Ht" --w kmc. Wert SxwJ jrtar t. . luCW PhlllB Rder. 1 Lwwt tr-t, ' k broa. 0 !" 115 ;t 1 t.tnM ilrfi4 Nwm staadl w. I an. Hotel Nvwa aUaaV W. Ork t -j Hotel Tom New tnl. . r isiA BRITISH 1 COLUMBI4-TleBrta ' StetloBiry com pen 7. . - wXATHXX BKMKT. mreac Matn-17 wlnda prvratM of lb cie eaiilm M . J.; t Portland. Tbe irkiaa eaaeed 'P'" of aaoat 11 atari wmtm Ormm and wwKora Weehlnatoa. No rata Ma ocrurroa m too ronm knmre mM thaaeW atOTIM BIO rP0rtf 117 ki tbo Mtaworl and Mtaataalppl nUeirs It la cooler tbi nornlac In lflfprnU. and teaorallr warmer hi tli nortk Paclfte atotva exrrpl along tn oneot. ' . , Th tadlcatkma ar for anow era t?nlnt and ftnadar In wrote Oretram. 1 entreat tho aoaiua ponwe. ret of the Oaerod noantalaa tnmT. JJ - . KAKUAOX LICXVIZ. J.-y Hchafer. 90; Stelta Hill , M- , 1 tieorc r. Blair, Unalmf, lk-alaa. Mi A. Ubaatoariaia. in. . ; Wddla Cards. W. . arttk On.. WaakiJ Woa bid-., ear. roartk ana WMamr APPLEOATB Anauat 10, to Mr. and Mr. Cecil U. Applrg ate, sll tv-rbctt : atreet. s da ngbyr. CttVIAiVbl Augnet SI, to Mr, nud Mia. uaetna - Cortttch. il Dlvlalon otrcet. s daagbter. ALIAWAY Auruat ilb, te Mr. and Mrs. i-lward Alleway. 806 Hood atreet. a too. FOX Angnat Sn. to Mr.' and. lrt. Loah) Fox, , M7 l.lucoln street, a aangkter. '-..J.' u TtHH-BTY Angnat 18, to Mr. and Mrs. KMoa B. Took-r. 810 Nortk Twentieth elreet a ton. FLANUBBJ Angnat 27, to Mr. sod Mr. Bo- mtlne V. riander. 81 Barnalaa atreet. a Ka. LAWEBJICB Aoiroat 27, to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. I-wreno. 887 Haet Third street, s PABKKR Anpiut . to Mr. Bad Mra.: A. i. Parker. Heeood street, a dangbtar. .. HIl-Aoniat -21, to Ut. and Mra. F, U Hill. Ill Koooafl sircev o--a . .--asj WARD Ail 2. Mr. and Mr. Mack WisW, . Eatt Bamelde atreet and waterfront, a eon. C0BTA0I0P8 PIHUlKtV ril.UAMU ptcmoer 1. Ray VlUlsms..: Rett Eighth atreet. K-vSTilM lua Tt rH HMirrT rieptember 1. Fred Schmidt, 848 Bsst Klevenis tTreei. wvj' "BR1ZI-ARI Angnat aj. ,. y Hotel Portland, typhoid fever. ) SKATE. MOXTO rVptember 1, Earl U Monte, a red 1 anthTTTl Eatt Twenty-flret lrct: can, .- - MTtm BARKEIt September 1. Joha M. Barker. Ssl a ara. of Boaeborg, Oregon: railroad SOCr- dent nt Baseburg. BnrUl st Botebarg. . SUTXB TOW CBUXZXr.j y ftngls rraves ""F. tl.eoS The only cemetery Is Portland wbtek neraetoaTly maintain ssd carea for tot, gat rl Information apply te W. B. Mtckenate. Verreater block, atty. W. The Edward Bolmaa CneertaBing mpany. rnneral dlrecten ssd smbaJmar. SS0 third straet. Pbese SOT. . P. Flsler 80a faaerml director and balmera. corner Third end Msdleoa streets. . .ace et eosaty coroner. Tlpboss Mala s. rnneral wresths end eat newer s sptclslry -1 hoaa City emashenae. iwaaty at f arke Broa. for flowera. S8 Monista atreet, BZAL ESTATE TBAB8FZB8. , U. F s A- Brydefi. 3 sere Is Joahns V. witten ssd wife donation land claim ..t f)0 Tan. B. Jtelabmntt and wire ta A. Bry len. aerea Joehna E. Witten and wife r donalloa land claim ::rart M. Wiley, gnaroits, to M. 1. . Kaat, I acre 1. K. and.K. Wit tea donan land eUlm ................. "iiie ,i-arnte A Trtnrt eompeny te J.", R. Aninvton. lot 1. block 88, Saanyatde Iblrd aouitloe-... ................ ...... , Weenie M. Barner and hatband to D. E. j t- I, lota 21, 2. block 18. BlghUnd neerv til. Vk wile te seenrity ste i. av n met nmiDBnr. Part tract, block . tA. city ,J neuieh Erangrllcal. Lntneran immaunt comrrerttlon Portltadto Security T"beaJ " i ft ooat of KortkTtatk . . block 07. Coork ad otutan rt... .Of) Comm-cHal Tmat eowipany to B. U -. niileepie st si., soath H let TT.. block A'iwla,MVerBird'hw t i u. t n M aaalarllwlmsnal Irst 1. fafa Aimm Nnrinn Parts .....d.n.... -,iW . D. miyT snd wlf ?. A Mi 13 swi 13. hM t, Kly P"- ' " " a". Wfc War 'l?l t Por.-d ,...B0 J eaa a. nears arm wu . . - ' M Vt 8. block 1, Hortk rVatbo !'"' to . . 100 Ieilt r. Bene et si. to . - lunT feet beginning Intrreectlon noalk 1 - ... Mru, Haven. """T wa a" - eons tevnth . . ... j . Mrv Imnnhy and bn'band to A. IH,lck, lot t. kWck Sid, Itolladay'S ad .iien .: ; camnre Ileal Katate vwaarMfnT to B. T. Hmeer. let 8 and 4. block . Krra Park A Viller and wife to S. .Mlnrwgl, It II. ntork Pl. Hleti eddUloe ;.. . t rviM.k to II. prlhtoM, eM in. Mnrk ' rt V M U M. I ai' Trc. 1 M. trilrs ssd.kiMhssd to I. Sm? ado J Klof Jokaena aad wife to . ; KaiJilneB. lot t, bkM-ft 1, Oak Keou AuueX aoai- tkm ' STI kt. I- Rolbrauk ad wife to Wererbanaer Timber company, 1 arro ta north aart-1- of JanMa Jotana land claim l.tSO Get mar Inonronoo and abatraetB to Mat eat a la from the Title Ouarante V tmst eaa. pa nr. ttO Waablnirtoa atreet. earner aVeeooaV FOR. SALE AMpoA 4-room house on Shaver VaaNetwv atroet. lOOilAO feet ground, rood fruit, larf ,barn. Eaay term. avmtavn a-room noun on- ivtai Bit .' nhona atreet.' Modern and convenient, clone tobuelne8a part of the city. - . . f-roora house on East kv- a'Me-ae' erett atreet. Sewer, atreet, sidewalk, all Improved. Thoroughly modern house and cheap at .this price. ft I 4-room modern cottage at if I Beauvolr. ' , Brand new and nloelT finished.. . Oood location. ; - I 5-room cottag-e on Port- ll.sJ land Heights with full lot. In , location where view Is good... we can Rive term a. $1 asnvA Full lot at est end or aleel bridge. . wltn small house. ..Id's.. chojee location. Portland trust Company OP oreoon ;y; : 10a Talrol . '.'- MACHINKHOP The aaderelfwd. treat ef tbo GiU Oaa Enaln Maekina eompaDy. offer for Bate fuV ceek- (he entire atork of BtartalDery. tools, patterns, etc.. of the abort compauy. located at Not. 224 and 22 Oak at. Tblt It a- stoat caaiploU ahop for all klode of renelr work and for eonatroctnn. of gttoUne eotim. Wlllltm A. Dalalel. trntte. tximi xonczK ALBINA LOIKJE KO. J01. A. F. A. M. Htatrd rommaBk-atloa tblt ("atnrdtyl renln at k 'clork. All M. "M. 5 cordially Invited.- Uj Kder W, JSASVUt in.- UMNBB W. tL C NO. U, BteetS the fl - sad tblrd arareny of sack stontk st a,., , k 1 ft O. If. kali, cor. Grand . an . Pine at. -litnerva A. Fierce, srealdeBtr Ida It. - Mardaaajt. aeereury. - . 0BE00N CIRCLE,' K. 171, W. O. W.. aaaeta . ataaday algkt in IJona' hall, woor WU . ttaaw are. sad Ramell St.. at o'clock. I4AKT BANDALI Clerk. SEATS VOTICX. I6NK At tbe- family retldrtwe Is this city. - 8a Creaby at.T Aaavtt SI, WUftV Blaa Jonea, - ased T8 yea re. montbt. SO day. Interamt -will be at Brook, Oregon. September S. ' HATS This Karnrday aiornlag. at tbe - family , reaklence, TTO Krmtt strest,. Klbryknoa Uaya. ' Faneral aotlce later.- ' -" A ton Ajro romra. LOST ETOOliif of Aoratt -, - bten ' 92 Kearney and Maranam theatre, roond (okl ' watrk charm. Lets Pal la his enamel , face. 0. B. W. on Uck; rwrd ratora to 2 Kearney. ITBATED ColUe dog, dark brown, whit eroand seek; "Ruh." Kinder communicate - T4 Joknaoa at. Pkoa Main SOOT. rOl'N'D Blryrle. blark eoameled. en rfrat at. Owner ran bar seat b- giving dtecrlptloa. SM4 Tikmlll at. - ' 1 f'-- i IJlf WABTHTl atdTK. - WAKTED TrnaMrortby Bin to manage branrk efllre end dletri bating depot for large mana factartr: atlary to atari with, 1.(00 flrat year, and extra rommlailons and xpaat appllrant atuat bar good referencea-. tad flnno caab, capital secured: upertrnc an. 1 neretaary. Adlreaa 'rluperlntndent,,, 21 Vitmt Atwatrr St.. Detroit, , klleblgaa. 4 TOO PICKKR8 to ptck 34 acre hope; all de sired accommodations, grocery, bakery, rea. taaraat. btitcber-ahop, beaaUfal camp groanda, dance ball, pore siounlaln water, etc.; re duced eneartloB rate. Apply nainroay, oep; (ember 2, room 441 Bkerlock building. Third aD) 0k. WANTED ImmedlaUly. planing mill foreman. Wage BIUU nor roonia , aiiarpvr oiro ve'iw tewjvr, $8.60 per day I molding aeen.!; atalr bnlklera. 4 aoo bat ateady anfTTlrat. cms men need apply. Addraat Manuals Lamber Us.. Mlaaoala, Moatass. . (AJJC8MAX Oood ntas - te cow Oregoni vacancy Beptemner 1; contract n J''" and next if sales satitfactory; eommlatloa and $3 Weekly advaace for expense. - i. . CUrk Co., 63S to 848 BueUd art., Cleve land. Ok to.- - ' WAMTEO 1.000 man to-t thentsetves for bet. ter poattlon at xne a, m. v. - mm forty different anbjeeu; fall term opens. Hep- t.nh on. r-ll rat. Ataoelatlok bnlldlug, cor. aer Fourth and SsmklU at, (or UlnatrsleJ eatalogne. ; ..... . - TATION MEN. trak work; good pclcaa, saw arark. asta ac II- auk rata, ail wmier. enaiern OMton: free fart. rrertrcuiara at ruuta a Employment Office. SS Nertk Soeoad at AN energetie yossg man ef good pptar.Dc a city at teaman; tome nowieogo ' keeping required. - Lerejoy. B Lincoln, book' binder. 428 Flrat at . . . - WANTED At once, S or 8 good laborer te work ea-aanv eoatimetioa , sj.oq w tt pwr iwp Inqnlr. lumbermen's Labor Baresn, tOi'i Morratoa St. t- WANTED Man wh will take care of a mall amount atork on xarm near rwrxutna 10c board aad small aJsrr.Address K 42, can JoarssL w a WTT.Il Ta meet a ma with who would Ilk to tna pec wee a mmu Addree K oa. cars jourati. twit aaaA lira aoltarltorat nd salary 10 ri;ni paruw. ,, . UUar, 604 Waahlsgtoa. St. V H. Johaaton, - i H0PP1CKERS wanted at 8A2 Corhett at.; go to hOPoeia Stonaay. t-ail aa once, eaavaa iw Biased. .. FIRST -CLAM broiler snd luscbmso. Addrea . at. uampotu, w a ..,, Wath. ' . BARRETTS Petactlve School Last cltt this term: redoced reus. ST0V, Waablagtoa St. BOT wsnted for factory. . Apply st KM Eatt Twenty -nral sc. etepnone two lam hoys te act ss iinnnrir. Portland Service co eppoait oepwi . cu m- a wTrn At once. pcetaer, Tamer's Iye wersa. OOO ariirnaaa aa. (Kt-icR nor wanted. Prior Bros.' Br at c. 210 Eleventh at.. Bona. . - WANTED Experienced shipping clerk. Ad- t sa, joomai. WANTED llopplcksr; shacks, ftrralthed. 224 Colombia at.. t , MEN to work ta fold mlse; mast Use stork 201 Meaty swg. ... WABTED MALX AITB FIMALt X0LXP. WANTED Bookkeeper end itenogTapben; placed SOT pupllals Imcretlte pltlona dolind alght: It will pay yoa. . - - - lUlnkl-W ALASaf. atkBlKaoa w"a Ml IIOPPK'KKKH wanted Immediately for the 1 Mi la lnuta bmiyaidt s 1 III link, ml . mi Inmilra at tbe Ht Cherlea hotel, i n ex earalou trah-TMeadiy st lower Kelt Portland atetioa, s a. m. WANTED At c, a bright, eaecg etla. pea. . aeatabl ma a te womaev k gtd talker, te tak ap aa attractive - pcopoaltlon. TM Cktmkvr f Commtre. S a. BOI.trtTORS Ma er w ernes: . permiaent et phryment t knttlert; experlaace ' dty. 80S' Deknm bMg. , WANTEIWHapplcker te commence Monday, . September 4. Call st A. A. Church aV Co. . 2ts Taylor st. 1. . WANTED More kop-plrkera; heat yard; eaay t earn Bvmey. Apply Asdraw Ksa C., 2ST . Morrlsoa st. . - HELP wsnted sd ssppAed, male r f etna la. a. a. vxiii, si waaningtoa st,ciay a " SITVATIOBB WASTED MALE. SITUATION wanted by experienced maa rtmnlng . wand wnrkkis mtcklnerr: ran make awldluc rotters or will work kt machine er hard wart store. Addreas a, 61, car doursal. flrimakaw. lot 14. Arrrtt rrk ....... HZU WAXTiB-SIMXXX. TOO PICKKRS to pick 24 aero feopa; all d . aired aceomaodatlaa, roper7, bakery, rear ' . - heaiillful eaBBO aTOUBda. f daure ' nail, pur awnatata water, etc.; r dured ICBrlo rat. Aopif oaiurua. orp Umber X mum 41 Bkerlock bulldlug. Tkkrd and Oak. - ' ' ' - ACTIVE lady wasted each eoanty, to demonc trata and dltulay aasil'lea; aaUry (IS week- ly; no capital or experience reomlred. Kil Ter .. T20 Cheetaat t.. Pklldlphln. Fa. WANTKD 150 girl to maks vrll i shlrtt; Internet ton given -to Inextwri anni - aieaataotae Broa. ' Btanaari Faeiory MoT a. oor. KaM Taytur had tlrnnd are. 01 SI, wanted for booaeworh la mU family. Unll fereaoMi No, 28- East FtftMaU St., aouth. Askeny or Fin t- esrs. HAMSBN'S LADIES A0BNCT. S48A W at tar tos tt.. ear. Seventh, apelaira. .Phone lala S8BX . Female kelp wanted. WANTED Ladle and stca of good appearance for at aft work: trareilng coupuiy. .Addreas K 67, car Journal. ; - L WANTED Olrl for general nonaswerk: J waahlng or childrea; wage flk. Apply Sl -Tenth. . ... ' ;-' -; aiRLi'wasted to work for board sod g t tchool.- 100S Eatt Tsylor . Phooe Scott viuTrn a-riMtrlenced Staker. skm api - tlces. Novelty MUllMry Btor. SIS Third U U.OOv) OB 82.000 on real saenrtty. a year aungcr. nourva ak w. . - . OOOD wt I treat at . and Harrtaoa. Newesstl eat. Third WANTED Dlahwsiker Fonrth St. , and wsltrest. WAa-TEahsOZXAjrX0TrS. PAINTINQ. sprayms and wkltawaahtng tree. baeemeoH. btrns. dock, tic, done; largtst iaollns apraytug astst oa tb so!. , M. . lorgaa - T- 0a-W0-- aulwaokie .afc-c Fkoaa . Bast, S81T r - . - - ORCHFHTRA, 8 pieces, woqld Ilk engsgeaient evening and Sunday; aaai for all aerations st very reaaonabl rata. 44 Lscrrtla St. Phone Mala 8603. , - - ' : WATTrn A - aeennd.hand Tian11er a Fries t 16x16 preta. Addroat i 64. Journal. . . PUPILS wasted by accompllabed pianart, aomt Sreviou experlcDO preferred. Address I 60, osrnal. . 1 ' BOOKS boaglit. sold snd exebangsd St 'the : Okl Book store, 22 TsmkiU t. -' N F. J. BTDEB, minter. Beoond ad Wttklngtos it. Phone Main US - - , XStPLOTMZXT ASZBCXS. - - - ..-...- i. - - iaH HANSEN'S BMPtOTMBNT OFFICfc . FOB MSN. r- .' Sartad st, Pn Mala I8M. PIONBEB EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor aantraa. tore; klp free to tmptoyer. 218 Morrltaa r WANTED Agents snd atletmea for ear 1 0m Lsng Tetter, patent pending; beat Little tiling cata. something new ana sens oa aigm; 'logae snd earn pi 25 cents postpaid; wboletal grlce t agents. Iwiricy M. u. box aa hlrley. lad. ' .--- A0ENTS WANTED To sell ear e parte hlgh- 5 red nnratry a lock; new and complete eut t fnmlelMd free; cash weekly: writ today . for ebole territory. Capital City Noreary 1 Co., Salem, Oregon. ." . . . ' SALESMEN wanted for xcroatv agency, under. wear sad tramlrta noaiery. lacrary 10 eanaoimn direct.- 810 Commercial block. 1 WAXTX2V TO BXXT. WANTKri4 or l-reolt nittir", flat or aa , fwnltbed- motn on ' went aids, '- by rallablt 1 party. Phon FJt 8807. - WASTED XZ1X STATa.r HOI RB snd lot between Merrlsoa snd Barasld 'and not farther out tkaa Thirty-fourth at. en eaat aide, or would bay oa watt aide It sot ton high; give location a ad price tret let- . ter, aAddree F 61. ears JournaL FARMS WANTED All klBdt atork. pool try. frolt, grain and bop far ma; mutt be good and rtttooable Is price; glr full deacrtp- :. Uoa. price sd term. - , ' ' . .., - .:. 208 Alitky bldg. -. jrARMS WANTED All. kind stock, poultry, fruit" grl sod bop-nreaar mutt b good snd reaaonable In price; give full description. brlca . aad term. WANTED Owner of amall tracts Bear city te Hat nnt wltk me ror aam.i 1 a cweunoe. Have yoa hargalnal W. HoaotJVoou, Bourn 10, 141 ts Flrat at. - " - ' WANTED Small tracts suitable for (-hick ta rt pence: mutt M goa nn reatomiDie. 90S Allaky bldg. WANTED Small tracts snttsbl far Chicken raacuee: man ns goon ana mnnna at. aa . Cat. 118 Second at Portland. WANTED To bay all. cheap eottagt snd furniture - Jar cits. t. lauaigsa, , psoas ' Hood 143. WANTED Hooses to test; we have atore call thaw w have boeaes. j- ..... -., SOS AUaky bldg. ' WANTED Hooses te rent; ws hire more eallf tbaa w have noeae. , . . SOS Alitky bldg. f - WANTED Sms 11 tracts sultsM for eblcksa. rancbes; matt ne gone ana rentonaDw. -208 Allaky kids. WANTED Best boas 81.0cak wlU.bay, FOB BSaTT--H0PtUlBaXPlaT BOOMB. FOB BENT Kumlabed keaatkeenlBg reoaat la beet brick bieek oa eaat awe; gaa range, bath, te. as tranaiettt; srieta aaoderata. Logta blk., 108 Vk fnioa ara. exs. s. Aider. Fboas Ualoa S288. niCKlflKt aaaetaaaata. furnlahed. BBfamlthed Ideal location: term! mooerai. vnireraiiy Park. Pkoa Seett 1288. 81.T8 PEB WEEK Large clean fumlsbed hrmee- . . . , . , a. a. seeping ronme; nunnij 110 wia, aw awv,- maa at., aouia romaaa. 8 FLRNISBED housekeeping With at phone, call vao tt it FURNISHED hooackeer ral-roean ; bath sad gas. 164 Fourteenlk St. t TOR BTBT-FVBFI8HJD BOOXS. THB B0TCBEST. 173 Twelftk coma Ttmhlll Joet opened; exceatlve rooming a. ' semmgdatlona; kooss and furnlsblnga' entirely . new: eleaaat auitaa. with hot and cold Wtr. a k.Aa. alee alaala eaoaaai will teat S Umlted anmner ef room bow t ptmianent paopl; traniNUt solicited. THB KINO New building. bandanaMly aWned. aqnlpaed with vry mutarn naven- entaki r0oma;.ht, rat, electric light, porce lain hatha; very low rates: Uke Fifth at. car from Cnma depot te 808 Jtffrraoa at. oa ai reel car line to xitiian, near city nail. . - iinm. wan MOT. Commercial aws's beadanartera, tret etass. 1 water in all. the jrnomabath ourecx cara ko ocdoi ana tuaeiu . "" 62li Third St.. cor. pise. THB RAMAN. M ). 18tb car Bert Newly rursltbed rooa. gl.KO bp: aeavmivai neatioa. TcSr at uatoa da pot direct te boo. Phuae UAR00AM HOUSE. 148X4 4 tb Rooma tn naltsJ or single: aontesesaing roomt; im bttk. electrie lights; trnatteats SailHted. THB WILBI'B, 88 Etat - Oak Suit hooae. keeping riHima, per wees sne no; m log $1.28 snd up. Pkoa Scott 884. Tttn nriJ.EVI-r so nmn nfcelr furaltked prices reaaonabl; traveling pablnt solicited. . SIS' Fourth St. Mono tui. FRONT parlor for geatlemsa . rennement wh withes room, sear tke . esater- city. Everett st. . TUB AI.PEB 4.18 Alder; aleely fnrnlaheil rarana, eon rea lent aad eulet;. bath and three - phone. TBB flLArrfrrONBaiBH Sivtar .. faralahtd - eanabls. , CHEAPEST tnd best located rooms la Portland, 1 week ssd as. Ollma. Flrt d Alder tt. THB CAJTLB S7S Wsthtngtos K.I fm slab 1 1 man. . Phase Mxia 11. - FOB BlarT OFTICX-BOOTa. FOB LEASE, long tana, top So Steams bldg.. Sixth sad Montana; growlfc compel as t ' awve. k.hnke-Walker Buelstas ooilags. rOB BENT Fine, centrally located efflca, wllh phone, at. U Cat. 11 Stcaad. St. OFriCB - for - rent; - pkoasi 811 Dekum Call between 10 sad 6 o'clock. bklc OFFICB-BOOM far rest. Boagb bldg. Apply elevator. FOB BENT HOUSES. COTTAQB. modem, flv room tad bathroost, full brick baaemeat. No, 888 Mpdlaoa St. . Inquire WUefleld,' Frle Co. , tod John I Kualarawa. 81 Nortk Twtoty-flrat. tt. 8 TV ART station, Meant Boott car 4 Mrg room. eatbulldMft, saodarsi parti wltkoat childrea; furnllure for aal. CaU tb BaU. vae, Foertb and Salmon. - - FOB BENT Fin 8-room corn boss, iuat , aewly renovated: reaaonable to 4e tight party. Inquire TOS First or 224 Pin. HOl'gB 10 room, atwly refitted. Inquire 4.11 Montgomery at., or 241H First St. . . XT, -WU- uam noeniars oentai rooma. -ROOM bona for rant la KeaUwartn; lr . trc light, cement walk, t. J. C.-Wettor-. gard. Pbou Scott 8629. - ' : FOR . BENT -room. ,-jiew. modem cottage, . furnlahed: good nelgbborhoodl -rent 830, Poo a - Kaat 8788. - : .- . FOB RK.VT A S-reom ajortera bone, for 818 per atonth. Apply 188 Ctru there st. FOB BBNT e-room bones. - Fifty aacond aal Eaat Stark eta. BOOMS AaTB BO ABB. F2BST-CLAR8 roomt ssd hoard far permanent Kple, 822.80 and 28 par. Btoatk: tahU rd M Pr week. At tor kouaa, f tb sad Madlaoa at. TeL Mala 8231.' THB IBTINO-t-BNgaat aeeewiatedatwas, ne . exorbitant 1 bargeai dtnlagoom la cor - sectioas prleat rtgiit Cor. 18th and Irvlss. BOOMS with heard for permanent taaaata. aibati , auatuss Botn eBoaing, ., au Sixth 1 aOVRt FOB BKBT FUBM1TUBE FOB SALB. ros "FUBHltOBtV" Wkathtr bar a arIL ring aa Wars F0BTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. . BU LOOK 81T.S, fornttare of S-rnom boas, fnr - nlthed caaplet, laclndlng ptaaoi eheaa howte rent; cloat la, 2 bleck from city kail. 828 Fifth St. . K ageou; caab. . - I FURNITURE of d-room boas tor ssl: fur rent. S ssoathly. 848 Fourth tt. BUSUIESS 0XAVCXB. PATENT eovarlng aevertl eoantles a sa article that I wanted by each at orer and la a ready teller, tauat p- om . f other baaiat; here is s ckase to get late baslneee op amall , capital, . wkere yoa eta make big' money la a abort time; will -sell count right cheap sad will tak acre- "age or t . . la azekauge; Invaatlgate thla 4f ' yoa are looking for a buaiaea opening. H. '- W. MILLKB. 10e BUth st. WANTBD Owners of smaH jrscts near city te Hat aeme with me for ). I hare cnttomert. Have yon bargalnal . , W. II08EA WOOD, . . " ' Boom 10, 141 Fkrat at,-- V FREE LANDS III OREOON. FERTILE soil, pure water, delightful cllmstei . lasd ef alfalfa, apples ssd clover. For dull Infarahatloa addreee the Columbia Soatbam Irrlgatloa Cav, 63 WorceaUr blk., Portland. THERE Is a-fin opening la White Salmon. T Waahlugton. for a mi to repair abnea and Jhanuan and t carry a sataH stork- of -each. No com petition. For particular. J, C, Mae ' loses, Whit StlmoB, Waahlagton. , FARMS Wheat snd timber land, acreag. city - property; timber ' and bomettead location; ' batineaa chance aad Ineoranc. . TOWNoKfiD, MAXWELL CO., I S8S Alder st, . Fbone Mala 1221 FOB SAT. B On accnaat of ales, nice, clean, . nwney-mnkmg baatn on eturt elde; sales , from $18 t 835 per. day; price 81.400; or will ' tnroie; a agenta wanted.. Q SB, Tke Jearaal. PARTNER, ahro aeaeral agent, 300 to $500 - capital raqulred, fully secured; light raaiia , factoring, sew article, booaebeld mrtttlty; profli. uoom is, zzoa rnrnt at. FOR - BALE Well-ecftrlpped . planlng-mill i eaat aide, machinery In good order, together with atork. ef lumber, st a bargain. . Addraat J dO. care Journal. . ' - - : . 4,S(0--NICE,'clen. weU sssorted stock. of dry. gnoqs snu notion m n growmg town; inn will pay yoa to Investigate. Hen hie m Baker, 21T Ablngtoa bldg, . , FIRST-CLASS Bewspaper maa wants con nee tkm live paper with privilege of bay lag interest; Oregon er Washington. . i 66, ear JourasL ' :.- ' 0ROCEBT a rock and fixtures for t30. er wlU Invoice sad ulacount 5 per cent : roar riving room; cheap rent. Address K 82. JournaL BAKEBX for sale, country town ef 8,000 ishtbl. tants, county mi: only bakery, nn Auaress, J i, journal. PHYSICIAN lewrlng the city will sell etScs traps; low rent: practice. Apply t papor Inwndent OeegoaJan bldg. - 11-ROOM kxll-lnx boat for baying S4S worth ef general houeexeeping oattit; rent reasoa. sbls. Address 80 Oread sv. 4- WHBN lonklna for a location, either city er cosatry. call sa tbe Northwest laxaa os, Xtu uorvaaoa ic room ait. . DOCTOR, cnaveraant with batterle. belts, etc. .' can teenrt partnemblp Ml fnrnltked efflce. Addrea J 81, Journal. .. WANTEDPsrtner ta an ef tke beat real aetata office m the city; tsie a a sasp; mvsstigste. 404 Eaat Mormon tt. PHOTOGRAPH gallery for sals; desrlng ever fioo per month; eirkasBS the reason for aeu lag. S03V First st, . .. FOB SALE Brick hotel, 88 room, good feral. tore, apieaaid leaati ta rortiaao. V es. jsan FINE oooortnnltv la eatahllthed baalaeat: help asd capital. Asm at u ot, ear dearaait FOR SALS; Oood reataurant with leaa and three So pedigree popple, eia HorrmnB st. pOO GROCERY, good stork ssd Sxlares. with Ifma nx gooa tocniion. u rut.. BEST roornlng-houne bargain In city: 14 rnnms. 1 snoo. lippotit city sail, ana nita sc. FOR SALB Small dairy; leas S years, oa St Helena rota. , answer . oarssi. PARTNEB la retl eat ate; mnet be a rood oat Id Sasn, sue Auaay aiay. FOB SALB Vai feet lonery stock, part or whole. rbeap. . t-sone macs bbi. SALOON SnQp, or half tnttrett If wtnled. 4. Journt THB Horn eomptay had . removed te 13 H Urtt it. , 1 , .... WHO IS M. O. MORdAN 4t CO.f FOR SAXJt TI3CBEB, TIMBER LAND. 1,100 acres or more of good timber lend, 18 miles from Portland, eonvenleBt te Columbia rleee and rail iranaDortalloni sawmill wllh r" logging outflt now running In the timber thl an -in. "a " a' HB"aa " m mbeT reuw-aui wut n auia carsp: good, nropotltion HKNKLB A BAKER; -17 Abtngtm tlf ,rretrlcted, ready for Immedlata Btej 0?"?rlC.'rJL-L -F ill lay. SU FOB SALB Two somes tetd , rellmmlakmenl rial ma 1 second growth: will 81 abet a. P. Melton. HaUl RkalEpftla, , , . FOB homestead, timber-claim tad farm la ad . tee A. a. MStnews m -- hi axtvriaaa , 1, roruaaa, vr. vn-rtriEn acrln. anv tie niece; price. W. O. HoweH, S3S Chamber of Com ii 'icare tlmherJand. TamklU eoantw saue. . Apply SSO MiMlsslpp. art, Fkoee tialea 462. ' a ' TI II n R tWT.000.000. martr. albl: Sr. cedar I 88 tar. . A ddre di, Jenrnak, FOB R0MESTBAD8. rlmber rltlais sad atrky apply to n ijomtnerei! ma. .. . CA7XS. TBB OrrlCE 88 WaaMngtoa at, Fhoa Hals IK, aa.wel via , FOB Utr-lttt BCTATX 108 ACRES cbote lmprored land. 80 acres la arcnara, house snd bars, line tocatioa, iraw oa the Columbia fiver. S mtte from Portland; Bjlrhl Irao. &u-acra Improved farm. 10H slls eat, good raid; trad tor g bualpea of Ut bouts part par. ' ' room new agedera boas la Soath Portland; alll . . .. T-reout anodera houae, large porrkas, double parmra. fireplace and mantel, a mi a Beeutlful view, aa car line; wlU take timber. Improved er unimproved land as part bay. 40 acre, all good land, part cultivated, st Bearer! on; will trails for improved atrreag near electric car Us. - . . - Nice Urge bouse, - sandera caareoleoce. choice centra I local Inn, eaat aide, rent 80O per swath; will trade- for Isxproved acreage er farm. . HKNKLB A BAKER, " , , ' . .217 AMngtoa Bldg. - . ',iV.f.,..--v'r ACBB TBf CT81 ,' ' . ';.".;-' 't OUR SPECIALTY IS ACBB TBACTS1 FU-1od stratu. wstsr - to each sera. -. TERMS 4)10 PER ACBB CASH ' f . W ', ACBB FKR MONTH. : Tod ' go . to the acre on" th tame car, Cr th same 6e fare the lot aiaa pay. Tb t mas. Is yoor aelgkbnr,- but ha la re stricted la majority . of features .that BWkt a true u bur baa bo ma. ' ... ' , : i f A. C CHI'RCHILL A C0M 10. I I 110 Second St. FINB llrrootn boeas tnd full comer lot m a beaa- tirut; healthy locatloa aad a magnineaar vtiw of the elty, west side; will ssll at a ascriflca If sold sooa. New S-room boas ami a beautiful block ef land containing S acres; 86 blocks from river, I block to care. A pic lot, fronts east, good tldewalk, 10 blocks from steel bridg. only 8760. A nice little noma of S seres. S acre tn orchard; all kinds of fruit; 7 -room hooae, and eatbulldlngs; easy terms. .,; UfrUNDT-MBLBATH CO.. ' f . 246 w Morrlsoa et Boom IF-' - 0BEAT WESTERN LAND INVESTMENT CO. We have seme eboic farm, cloae la; -also Improved t, 8 sad lowers trteta, Ar city. Big tatp lir S wttt lid lot. ' Xlst yoar property wltk as; we can sell It. Wasted To teat boas, close la; we bke lota of call. 820 acre heavy timber, Br aad cedar; soath era Oregos; cheap; or exchange tor Portland property. 2vd Alitky bldg.. ear. Third ssd Morrlsoa eta. BOW'S this for sa htrettrntat ft-raom boat ed car Un. rents for 818 per month, with lease; price 81.TU0,. eaay terms. - - : ' Modern 0-room houte, cloat In, eatt aid, gas sad electric lights, , good famace; 8W0. caah. balance oa easy payment; price fS.SuO. . Oreenhoo and 10 low, 60x100 ssck, vhlae-J at 84.000; for aal or trade for realty. Cottages la all parts of the city oa ysiente; siso amall acreage sear tae cny st. PARTIES wanting Infnrmatlea rcrardlng south. era uregoa will 00 well 10 cau ana cobwuii '. u before goleg there, tt t cB gtv tfcets vaiasbi - information regaraing ine weoie stste. as I bare reatded kere for the part SO years; I ksvs a very large Hat ef property to aelect from la all part of the tat and st very tempting prices; all kinds f property t exchange. HTW. aULLBR, lOOVi Sixth at. FOB SALE We have easts good bargain te offer Investors, both - Improved sso. asim proved; . If yoa are looking for good la vat tmecta w can It yoa oaL - ,. NORTHWEST LAND CO. - , 1 .. "- B86 Morrlsoa tt. Boom 211. ' 88 lor oa car tine, St. John dlatrlct. 12B each; vaeant ant fie down, 88 per month; new mou-era- boute. tmtli paymenti down,- balance monthly; se as f or bargains la city property. . HOBAN m TAOOAkT, 108 sixth st. . $3.0O 8 ACRES welt improved, all ta Sn null, . xair ouiiaing, siocss xrom - car Una. eaa be bought sa vary eaay terms; 4m medlste ruination; wilt tsk part la raal aaUto. tall 107 V4 Third . HOMESTEADERS We -- eaa - locate - yea o vacant wheat r irrigation la not ta eaerere Oregoa. Call or write Va C let re A Bcboll, Real Estate Assets, Echo, .Umatilla eounty, Oregoa. . - FOR RALE Good residence ' prbperty... en Eleventh St.; some unimproved lot a eaat aide: sn screg in mrg or mu tract. 2d3 Merrlsoa st. Room 211. ... VERT ebalc lot, 80x100, Holltdty' add; kxa a some at mi. la Dor, l.ajxiou, en car uoe: Ball Ran. water. T rooms, bath,- bora, all glade n-alt . uwner, .us Third gtv ... FOB SALE &Oi 200 en Bast Wsshtngtoa gad Eaat Waktr, at., suitable for wsrrhoss eg Bill; a bargala; Bee It. -B44-- FOR ssl or sxrtauig (or Portland Irtcnts property, farm of bio, sere) - gooa nuiiaine, plenty of good prlng wstsr I 40 mil from Portland. Address K 40, JooraaL. - . FOR SALE 4 H seres, cheep, 'With atodara lO-reom hooae, along golf Has earime; an baa ling fruit tree; muet be suae, oa premise, HQ Mllwsukl st Isajnlre FOR SALE New 8-room boa with fall be i snent and ltrgt attic, Eagena at, bet. Bodaey , and Union trtt. Addreae A. Essta, Sd3 Bugea it. . neae Bsst WW. RICE three-room cottar en M on tt villa ear . line; fruit ' trees, fenced, etc., .. am lieorr AaOeraow at risasr. Moai Wv, ISO Thira St. raoa euow. . T-BOOM anodera baose en Meant Scott Car line. lot 86X100, sets for gl.Too; Anu Bown, MUttm eaay terms; will rent fur 828 a month; may taks store te iraee. - - : FOR PALS Tb beet bergsla oa ITntoa sve.i lot soxlun. btnrn mmiity, sne ttreel lm- provemeati; arast a bow. . Aoartt t. 3, cam Journal. NEW 1f-rooo boo, cbms; weald salt two families; cssh W-"". gooo sa urn, bailor In vsmat lot. Address H. . T. PaUaor, 418 st. f)LOSB Is boslness earner, tbrae-etorr bnlldlna-, naelaa IS mrr Mae an laeeatmaat. Sll SIML f Trata KrnselL X4 Commerdtl blk. Pkoa Mala 2828. . - BBANTNBW S-room cot tag with toilet, bath. haaeroent. lot aux too. a I notion t. SI .sou. Tysta klnatU, eOS CosBMrcltl blk. Pkeas Mala ZS2a. , . . 0x100 LOT with - Small hooae, 4 IB Sbermaa St., pet. seventh and Elgbtb. . inqnlr el Mr. .Ml stinger, 423 North Twsaty-trst It, clty. r. , HAYB aoea rhotee -wkeat farms for ssl cheap tad 'an eaay term. Writ te ar mil a H. D. Risdall, Olsa. Olllttm eoasty. Or. FOR SALB 8 er 10 seres; s bargain for cash, laaulra frty-1ghtb at. sad Hawthorne sv.. soath. Mrs. W. S. Falling. Mount Tabor P. O. 3700 4-ROOM bona, lot SOxUS; central: tin ., incaiiou! nr. eonno. -jail t va -aooews bldg., earner Third snd Morrlsoa. Owner. FOB SALB st a bargain, aiodva T sn Esst -Tsylor, cloae is; term te . salt purchaser. Apply F 43, ear JournaL FOB SALB The Mtaanarl batldrng aa the ex- potllion srousna, trnt dmio 10 ine au apiary SI eaiiaing. - a. uimr, aecrwiary FOR RALE d-room enttsge a early new, Tklrty. flrat and Eaat, Pine; eaay term. S, B. Woostsr, ewaef. East Arleta, , Oregoa. FOB SALB Modern ntmrban -eottase. te car line, Sn losstloa. arosad lOeslaU O. W. P. Towotit Co., in rirat at. DsmiBABLB wt- aide hiata. t . ssd flowers; sle eoraer lot and subarbas acre- - g. - S ear t t oorsett at. nnxioo; walk! verytBing eotapsiie. - sua Barn Sad st, N. Taks Vernon ear.. . . tit MO WILL bar good Income boatseas rmc- erty, central location, on Front St. Hsakle m Bakar, 317 Ablngtoa bldg. mwr-nn ere mm . . . -., 81..1&0; amall ram payment, remainder Ilk rent. vii awi jawaj. . CH0ICB farm close la tot sals ar bargain! sd essy termt. ,. . SOS Allshy bldg. -w -1 ICIXWOOD lets. 86 Sows aad 38 a mast kg from 378 to 8T00. Sallwood . Xowaalt ,C v Phon union iwi. rnn BXI.g Honae 8 rnnms, modem. T4S Eaat Mala, by owner: half cash, balsam two years: prim 32,800. ' ' I KINS lots In tb center ef St. Johns; inltthle for reMOenem or naaiaate auwata; A,wnAj tail lommerciai oiog. , FOB SALE Lets 11,,. II 13. .block R Arrets Park, giro mra. Aunrsss avsts rfvntitr, Barton, Orrgoa. , FCt f TAX aCfATl." FOB 8 ' ! I I-- enttare and of Bannytlrt and k t -i car Lo. bp. Addreas a 41, .otlMl. . . .-f . A 4-conea aad a a-roc-a houte Ear tale cheap. H. T. Cvatmiaa, Kaabrlu ttalloB, Mount Scott car line. - -ij 1 . , l.S50--New I ssim cot tart tadV 3 bug Ism ear. umsd ar. tea aasrer si, . am awe-a, tw4 hnavsr St. ' FOR BALE 3 rones . bossa oh est II wltk Slav Iwioir Ml Rati ere frail tree, Sitk it -BOOM beats, cheap be cash. Inoalnr- U B ttemlngtoa. atuaamoat av., muntsvuia MODERN sew. T-room boas, wmt . essy tetaja, 34,000. CU 101 H Thlro THB Hoa Lssd enmpan hsa rsmsved to 146W First St. 1 t WK8T SIDE lot, clot In, fo salt at bargain. amtniij Dldg. .J V0R BAXa-FARltBi . FARM LANDS, SHERMAN COUNTY. - 840 acres. 8 allies from Uraaa Valley. 600 scree llllable. 400 acres la grain;. rop goes with place; all fenced, good houae and barn, ruaalo water tbe year round; a snap at 2a per acre! eaay tertns. HU0 acre, d mile from R. R. ststlen,- 400 seres la grain; 1-8 rental goes with plscs, balance la summer ftlluw: H fenced, fan lmprovetnetit. plenty of water; price 418 pot acret fa.0UO cash, balance eaay annual, pay ment. ....- . . ' KM. acre d miles from Grass Valley, all an ce partly earn met-it I lowed; price S2S per-j acre: will be tout oa easy lerms. - 100 scree sear Kent, wltk good improve ments, saw let a oa additional 100 acre, wltk S50 a era of grain altogether; price. Including II the grain,. 84.600; one-half cask, balaacs three annual peymenta. 320 acre 8 mile from R. R. station, nearly sll . ttllabls and In grain, bona - and barn, plenty of water, 1-3 of crop with place; pric T, BOO; 12,800 caah, balance ar annual pay. menta. - . - loO acnes S mtlee from B. B. atalVat. all In crop, fair Improvements, 1-3 ef crop with place; price' 34,000; ll.lsn) cask, essy term oa balaacs.. ' ' ' I' " - ... ' 830 acres T' miles from Orasa Valley, VA acres la ealttvatloaj good ImprovemeBlo, pleTity of water, windmill, orchard, etc.. 1-3 ef crop with place; prim 87, Soil; amall caah payment, very eaay terms on balance. - aweff acrre a wurca iiva I".,, aaa - - , ether iBmrovementl, dbout 2A0 seres tillable. plenty of weler, er crop wnn place; pvp-e 37,000, w)tk 33,000 cash, balance -tenna to suit purchaser. . . 100 seres Vesr Bourbon tat loo, all fenced, bouse., etc.. 130 seres- In grata, plraty ( water,, of gram With plsco; price 32,300; Bl nt eaahv aaa. term on balanc. 1H0 acre 4 mlb from town, aU 'raced, ae ether UnproTernentt, aDoU tj seres la graia. U of. crop with plam; there, la aboat 180 acres tllltble; prim 82.500. , . 00 seres nesr Railed ire, sU la grain, good bnprvre menta, all of grain go with plsre, plenty of water; price 36,000; S2.0U cash, good time. on balance. . . 100 acres 4 miles from Grata Valley. 120 scree In train. 8-10 of rxoo with plao. mU rboun snd bsm. riuuilug.rateru prim 320 par acre; 1,0W cask, llr , suuuai ja-.ii w 3 JO acre tSi mile from Gnu Vslley, nesr. ly sll tllltble snd la grain, sll of crop with plam, plenty ef water, fair. Buildings,, etc.; prim 326 per sere; essy tenus. j , 100 scree 3 miles from Wilcox a tat loo, fair Improvement!, 130 seres Is gram; prim $2.30H 1-8 rath, balance easy peynienla. This prlc tor Hide a paid Bp keaat oa loO acres kitulng for tare year.- .;..''...'.. M S.S40 tcree near North Ytklrta, Wtak.. TO per cent tillable land; the greater portion of place w trader fence and Is w sirred with creek and sprmg;41iere M shout SO sere of growing alfalfa irrigated from the creek, and ahenl 100 acra nor that can be put under water; a good S-roum bouse, large bay bans ami stork sheds snd other aacesasry bulkllnga; it la located tboat 88 mile soatbeaet of North Yakima: there It a atrornT Dronablllly that a large Irrigating dHdl will croae the plam In the Bear ruiure. wnica win inq greaur w ne vara. Prim 87 per acre; will be sold on very "MoilRrl INVESTMENT CO ' - '' " -""ISIH b et. Phone Mala IS. ' OTTO 4. CROCKETTr" ' " " S4S4 Wathlngloa. Plwne Tlltck 3STL luT scrm. 13 mites from .Portland. ai4 Ing tmtll tows: 30 scrm la culllvaHea. fair houae, barn, aboat 1.6no cord t tndlng timber, to ma saw and piling timber, rood orch ard about P'betd ef rattle, arwn et nerae. all implement, about SSO botbel at wheat, tboat 800 sacks ef potatoes; sll for 36.000; . 32.600 paid eowa. balance from te 10 years, per real. 80 scrm la mm locality, du arret andrr cultivation, fair balWUn, good orchard, all stock, grain and Implraienta; Rrtc 34.000, term; weald contlder s trad 1 city property. Albln p-rtcrred. AS sere bam Oregoa City, fronting oa Willamette river, fair batldlnma, tome bearer -dam land, bent SO acre nnder cultivation; a simp for 82.600; terms., do scree 8tt miles from. Ore gon City. SS scrm aadrr plow, t mouth land, very good buildlega) price 32.400 wlthent crop, M.0O0 wltk crop; would cmMlder, a 3 -cm-trsTt-ss psrt pay; doa'l matter about lm premmests, moat be eloee to mr line. Wi hart a larg Hat ef good farms ta, select from j sis well-barsted sere tracts at reaaon abl prima; very nice residence property in the beet part ef the cHy; boosts snd lots on very essy pay man la; lots Is parts of tb city from 860 eudapward; boalnraa propoal Mens vf sll kind, til well located; would ' eoBtldcr some exchanges for vacant lots; tlao booees snd lota for roomie i-bootr. well located: farms for eitv -property. A 814-aera tract adlolnlng beat little city la the val ley, with a 7 -room boose, bath, very good eatbulldlngs, good orchard, s pleasant home, for Port la ad er Vaaeoaver, Wt ablngtoa,, prop- CLABKB COUNTY BARGAINS . . A Wloow'a BacrtOca NU aerea ravel aana. rich soil, no rock. 30 seres cleared, 40 aerea fenced. S hunt el. bar. ton dairy. family orchard, close to railroad, school ssd small town, worth 33.000. Prim only 31.760. ' Desirable 6 St seres, 8 In cultivation. StW fruit tmm, -room booee, bare, Vaaeoaver S mile. 81.000; lermv -Saan ldutcra - farm, big lm beautiful house, largo crop, atork. Imple ment, nesr rtllrodd. - All for 36,600; la veatlgtte. 40 term gaod soil. 28 scree Verel, S seres cleared, creek, mamra bark, only sVt mllm from dally eteemboam. Prlc 4i30. Sereral hundred acres logged Isad. good soil, well located: would mtks , eaesllent pstrors after seeding. 80 acres level tend, good Ball. IS cleared. . bsra. orchard. S miles to Vancouver. Sl.eta). Addrea James J. ,0'Kssae, . Christ but, Yi roarer. Weak. 80 ACRES clever lead. 20 acre la crop, balanm Sne timber ana pttiurt mnn; nne rreca on bark of the plam. comfoftsble boose snd ether building, ftlr barn, good aprlng at the house, t sll kinds of frolt full bearing, pears now ready te pick, big crop ejulBcae, grate, large walaet trtee, 60O winter apple free la trench rmdy to let out this fall. Rite well fenced, on good ronnty rosd. k. .. r. I. msll, phon wire by the pises; 1 ennd tmm marra. 1 Soil. S Jersey cowl. S 2-yesr-sld beifers, 1 -mlf, I beep, 160 ehlcheni. S rceac, 1 sew wagon, atacs. 1 new dlae plow, 1 old jilow, 1 el.ler-mlll, ' 1 a pray pump and ether tSnla, psrt ef bouee kolA annda- erona and everything on tke dace. boat 30 tone bay. T terra poletoee. whmt and est not tbreabed; I her w.ll bo 800 W Oral ssrks pnUtoea, owner ttyO Prim 83.OU0; terms mn 0 uta. . ripirvj'KilI REALTY CO..- : Boom ' 1, Hamilton bldg.. Third St. bf. . , . Waahlngton and Aioar. v ariaaiHTlll aa ' nCpniCflRNTKD. lea aceaa eoial fertile land. 8 arret under r.1 donee, bsrn. 8 scrm In pots toes. 1 horse. S conn. belters, I bog, 80 chickens, 8 tons low, 2 acres IB ercneru, a-room nouar, rwi ef bsy; tbs pntsxo ana inn crop an jrora for 81.200: 3 mile from Kelao, mil from school; Urn water. - - 120 arms good land. 8 mllm frbm-KsMi brms and aoMU orcasra on 11; gooa water SXAO. .i-AwS.. .MMmjKiafclJSUJ-ti-aj .K.. l.rlne fruit treea: 2 mile from Cow-1 nits river. 3300; " I W0 , - pslsac S -C0vn.rTR C0nTtTT-T..' r . . i n Waahlnston. HOW1 IS THIS . te tlon. boas ml 3700. bars coat 1350. eblcken . yards, kerne and fence eoet 3cJ. well , snd pump cost 3l26t good boras, wagon and hirneat; S Sne fresh cow, 1 yearling asd S yeir-eld mlf; loo Sa hens: 8 seres la po tato, worth 3001 100 fruit trees, te seres a. arrewherrtee. lO. cords wood: remember , tblt la- anly 600 feet from lb lerlc mr line; mn give xarm. mrw wnV -"-' If yoa want s homo don't miss this. Address r.43, oar Joaraak ' lJVM-ACRR ranch with S mllm" riverfront, rich gram lands, on railroad. near Part la ad, Imprnvementa coat ever 310,000, teenvry .mh 1-t.ina nhmasnt. 4 nek I and Stb la . sbuBdtnm; sa Idesl 8ns stork firm; prs only 320 per srrt;-Mty terms. Sm or sd : drets T. Withy comb, room 3, Hamlltoa blk.. . tortisBo. r. WB aat tost elltted ISO serai Is 8-tcr tract. It kt n f tb neat plam f lnd I Msltsomtk county; 11 Bill eaat bi ioii r' laMl ea I e Ihaa t anile from O. W. P. lertr1a llnei there Is Be rock r griml; tb Prim Is int per sere, very eeey term. U Is, car et journi . . . . JoUru'iALr '" "Vcni AG" Rates UNDER ANV CLASSIFICATION Five Ccsts per Line - No ad taken lot- lees tbaa 15e per day. ' Saves words, as a rule, cosstltuts a tin, bat each line la charged regard! ef the number of word. ,. ,- WIUIT) BATE T MeHtas (Insladlas eoe Suaday itsna) t CImI per 1U KfJgTHLY BATE fin eluding U Cuaday atu) 81 .00 Pr ua per aw VEBTISMEllTS matt Sa Is foarnal AJVEBTISME . raslaess m.mA ha less efSoe by II eeiaea wtea any by 1 a'alMk atnrday evening Jm uaaay kaaa, te sseare elsmlisstloa. taa Suaday Dlaplsy - rates given jjpen sppUestlsa . , . - - tee flaw - THE JOURNAL J . BRANCH OFFICES, i. " '. ' ADTIRTTSIlaXBTt JB-lll be remlfed t rFn. T?!?!?! rate. Following is a list of "' sgsnts. who will forward yoor Bdvarttss. men t Is Urn tor publication la the SMt -"tj v 4 . . '.'I "',r.;' ' R. A. Pre tos. drugf Itt, Twoty-thlrd 'SWfSEm. OUt-s .trnet. wTTRetrkwMisi Ifarahan stimta. .,,....!, McCommoa'a PhamiBey. NlnetreaU aaa 'Wsshiagtoa streets. , - bouts BHR -B. F. Jonas Co.. druggUt. Freol ana Glhbs streets. ,-. 'l 'a neaal ' Cottsl Dnig cornpany. First sad twast FabUa lyirky.' dug (la t.' 400 Jafferso Street, eotnar Tenth. . . -t '- .... . . Bcttmta 1 Pharmacy. . corner Blith aaa Htrrlioa ttreett, - . . - Pmmmar Drag dompaay, SSO Ihlfa Streel, eoraer Msdleoa. v. . raBT tZBB. " W. S. Love, dragglst. earner Grand SV tnd Eatt Burnalde atreet. Mlcbols Tbompsoa, 128 Bsaxll Street. nroer Albln vae. - - . Jtecks Drug company, esraar Hsartnawa asd Uraed areauas. ' W. C. CabU. druggist, corner HolUdty svenu and UrrtkN strett aenri at!, bride. 'I r. R. A. Wlntoe, 133 Ortd areaoe, kwat Estt MnrrtaoB. B. W. BaH, - 363 Rut awrenth . Stfeet, eorser Btcphma. ; -, '. .' . nOBlABB. .' F. J. CUrk, draggUt, 1008 Kertk. TJ- BTBBTSX&B.-T- nI. R. street, Wertb phartaaclst .--- BR00XZTB. , Brook lyn Pharmacy company. FeweU dad Milwaukle Btret. , .- ARISTA 0RE00S7, . .'Arleta Pharmacy, Mors sad Foater streets. FOR SAlX-ABMn. 40 ACRES jKnejolltogtand, sll ferxjed and sll m CUUlvatlOB, on Baaa r.ia-i,.a iir, -. ..- road ststioa. 378 per acre. "" ,. ' - S6 seres. 10 is coltlvstloB, -orchard., small bsra, S-ropra toua. Urge creek. sort, balanm of land In floe Or and cedar timber. ttif miirosa. . ,,40 acre. T 4a ca4trvatlon. plenty oVwterr-i none,' taica ana irc, . " ' Stock and feed, cloae te railroad. . - ;-;. OBL'NDY-MELRATll CO.. , ... S46 MorrtBon at. Room It. - 40 ACRES.' good enl Bad tltpber ,.84S0 v ,"r",.ir. m Jt arret, on Oregoa City earllne,. 31,000. a aerea. near -iroviuan. , , eu arrcj, tiwa mi, v-. a--.--, "-, Greabsm ,..'.....,......-.. ....8en.oa IS scree. Montsvills. under cultlvatloB..81. IdO aerea. nmr rortlan112o tcrtt In clover -7-room hrmee. 8 other buildings; i.4O0, psrt rut; look this an. t ... atiHit m aw . . , . v. SU. ACRES all 4a fruit aad eniiivstioa; Boon t-room booee and ham. 1 rklrte-oeea, hog noute, l traitnoo nu raoioouaa met good family orchard,. 1 sere ttrtwberrlea, 12.000 plant. 1 '!, t fmit-w.igoa. 1 eow Slow. 2 mltlvatora, I harrow. S Incubator brood ert. S sVmea chick em, acre csrreta prim, 82,000. Fapey-Chaie Realty comiar) x, . n a an uoa . tuua. . 0NB sad eae 10-eem .tract. f ailla . n en n -1 tu . , i'Aaa.,1 U irom v. - . . r. y . ,1 - 1 . 1 1 HQ i .' . ' r " - - eaay to clear. 328 dowa, balance very may ; terms. Them I aethlng better oa ta taat- ktt - T 46, car Joaraat, . FARM ef JS0 arret, ti telle from O. W. P. Ry. stanoa, potrernce, acoooi ana eiorcwi 44 la eultlvatloB, good crops, raanlng water, orchard, ttock. machinery sad laiall dairy;, terms, hslf cssh. balsace oa tlata. . 8. king, Regie Creeh. Or. - . -" ' v ' ' BETTER tbaa a street railway A lent cattle . ' ... - - - A Inn. I mm . fie - rancn, an "vm'r" . e. - . t aturk com pan f ; abandaam of gram; pric Sl.e00.000. y term. See es address' T. Withy combe, room S HsmUton block. Part la ml, Oregoa. . , . . .- i 33.T60 Bl'YS a 34.S00 farm ef 18 seres. room kooae. btrn. good water. Sa mllm from wtrthoete. in mi tea io arnaoi: i.- mm. baUnce- 8 yeart'.tlas. F. 1. Msheney, Tekoa, Wash. - -.: . FBEB LAND IN-OREGON aadef the. ."Carey Irrtgatioe act. , xeeea uirwcx rroan . acaie. Write today. Bonk Vet and map free. B. S, Cooke A Co.. tM Alder at., I'ortUod. Or. FOB BALE 40 sere,1 nalmpreved. ' I mllm from eoarinwa-wj no hsttii a-, Kiel .J bargalB. Inqulm G-3S. mr Journal. FOB SALB Oa Oslambla river, TO-tcre farm l orchard, aw norma, is seres tn graaav ia autre Ella Foater. Btemaaoa, Wash. CHOICE fa-ma close Is for east at baretlns.- and sssy ter ma. a ... . SOS Alliky bldg. FOB southern Oregon reel ert .ft e, large ar taat II tracts, Dlltsrd A CUyten, Bottbmg. Oe. FABM for rent with option et baring. Baadstene. Sherwood, Oregon.' C 4V torn Ait.-mcsoiAaTiotrB. MRS. HOWE'S BULLETIN Oood Stove wood, clean ad dry, rmdy to cord, it 32.80 per. cord; oak and Br ai mt rate; bvicb lor u rhmpi expreat for hire; houae for rat. , Pboua I'aloa ITS or 1200 East Dlvttloa is. ;, bTlijaRD AND POOL tables tot rest er .'i i stle sn rear ptymcnts. I 1HE. BRUNSWICK-BALK". COLLENDEB CO ' ' . 40 Third st, rortiana. ROLLER cbllrs, bett for Invsllds, eonvslet . eente. erlnnlea tnd th teed, for Mia eneaB. jlpply to or jddroan. Holler Chair Coacaaaloa. " a.&iw,ua etvumM. - . xpositl I print WB print yoar atin ea so mlllng card, proper '. sIm snd styls. 25c j 150 business cards, 31. ' Brows A Bcbmale, 22 Ftrst, Portia ad. Or.1 WOYEN'WIRB and arolturd cot, immp ttove. himaMcks and mmp fnrnitur.' Fa , elae Trnt A Awning C., 27 North First. LAUNCH for sals, length SS feet, 10-H. P. ee gin, large mrrylng) m parity; prim very . rbeap. Address H , ears Joarasl. . .... '. :.t ri 'OH SATXfJna rtetr sndoris tecond" bind machine utn. - iner nro.- Brase vs., es Second It. north, - -- aL rp. SALFcr-Plymopth Rock bomereeorsu. J citfi line Itock; prtces ressontble. K 40, . i. care JoorVisl..-r- - . .. - FOR SALE Twe first-elm la dim' ticket (Bo day. limit) to Chlcag. - Addrea J 68, mr- Journal. .. . -. s . FOR SALS 14 Jirad of long-bor yearlings. Inqnlr Bart Wlekbam, Oak Point, Wash. FOR RALK Cocker spaniel. 3 year old. find dock and bim aog; price o. raoae avast 8J6. FOB SALB Stsndsrd steel range and. gas flxtorea. ITS North Elgktmalk st BXTRA fin cocker npsf mart tell st earn. Room S Ch ember of Oommcrre. , A33ATIRB. THE J.' H. FISK Atmytng Ofnca Oreenler A Crtwford, "nlytlear cbemlttt ssd asttll.. lurglsts. S04 WstSlngtoa t .BTRBb. MP. S. M. rRIVE. an Orasd sv.. baa tt If til Imported canary birds,- tnnaiM aU good ' . sugtm, saa Mtuuscisia ilea cuarsatmn. 1 T .- 1 - ' ; . i - Vt.. v'r. ":;r: . -: vr , e-i A'' -1-V' ' V - 4