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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
7- f y "t I C n I N ' "TV. 1 , .'tlM ava MWWUH this direct, st,. J ass Urmly oonvlaoed that tho OtaM nvdr doe not seek bow faa ,T I J4J treat? -wit th Untied Stated' rauar nir ratas-pmatloa ead boa "." i i lavuiia ct that now 1a foro. . - u , iibbb are at donapttva, Tby drive tor-gal ttk Bki4. toot wheat a. oom ' ' I" r Mtrantat la eolaared tato. they ' ' ' wua caracul rvsattty. iay aee. exreadefl tf ta mm tntaurrlty amowa mam. TTiey bellanre taal u-a Fnnaw la indirectly tm so axsinda.aJl Clihiesa Cram tfca uansa nm I an at of raw -arm a la Chtaa, kaM an iannaml rtag war. two ar three of Uterr tamco . ; " U1- eawostrr for arlmrmrlna s Cud ' the prarUtow f tha treaty ttt China. ' 'taws man an emtmeaV to eeaaeav ana saouid lam no dlOTcrflty ta aotabtla tag Ua right to do so. Tat I Bar known aotna arho workad ' far two or tareo saontaa tat The f ott ta make the a Meaaaary arranawnanta with mr of . fldala la Chba. and sometime wrth- awt aiMuiaa;' and tt la hot nnoaual for a China student dsajlrtoe; to coo her - ta straggle for a ywar ai tnaeh expense Mora ha awonaoda ta getting kia papers " uara. Ala trouble ewerl asnaaa whoa bo toaohao Amarteat aad bo rlaks bata " It b.Hea thlnra aa thaao that eaaoa raaaatataat and la oaaatna- tbo Juaarlcaa boycott ta Oilna to aptoad to far araatar v proportions than wo axpaotad, wonld b poa-lbla.- . . : . Charlao Jl. XfUlo, who has apaai not of tbo paat 1 yaaro ta China .aa a .'workw for tbo PraabTtarlaa board of foratan mlaaioaa, mada tbo a bora stala- ,mant laat oranln Mr. KUUa aboold fcvow tbo Cbtaaao. Ba baa baan wltb tbam tbrooali ovarj ataco of Inportaat proaraoa for nearly a quarter of a eon tnry. Ba waa ta that flald whan tha Boxara roao la tbo blttor anti-fore 1ti .mooC At that tlmo Mr, Xllllo bad mbwloa abotit S5 jnflaa from. Paktaa; wbaro bo bad 10 davotad conToita. .Whlla tbo Boxar ajdrlt did not Sad loom) obamptonablp, tha daatructlva antl-for-ita aplrlt apraad to that a action, foro 'InB tbo mlaatoaarr oroo to Saa poat baata to Peking. Tbo Cblnoao oonvarta -war naarly ararjr ona killed boforo tha atrurrla eaaaad. - . . - -Tbor eonld haTO aarad tbelr llrao i" i by recanting," eald Mr. KlUia. - with ! tears In his eyes. "Qut the Chinese are steadfast I do not think that one of my tOD convert, when the oxera i hordes swept upon them, would recant but chooe to die la their new faith." 7 The"r Intereating" tniaaionary ' . thfowa ;.'new light on the Chinese character. He hellevea in the race, is confident that tt Ma a. wonderful people which is Just being awakened to Its natural strength, .antprophealea. that-the next decade will aee the oriental empire make mar veloua ptpgresa in weaternlalng , work. "ln tne banks of the . orient.; they i naually have . Chlneae compradoree. i whloh means cashiers," Bald ha "The : Chinese cashier Is trusted more than those from any other country. Thla confidence haa become so general that -lit Is especially noted.. I nave studied this groat people and know that' when .the world Is made better. ' acquainted .With the true Chlneae, rather than Can. - tonesecoollea, the estlmatOvjQf China will : bo vastly lifted." v, afr.'KUlie gives a moat graphic no - eoant of -the famous Peking siege dur ', ing the BQier struggle. He was there j as one of the leading missionary spirits, i .aided with the defenaea, beard the dally rattle ef mueketry and rain of prolee t tiles on ths slender fortifications. Much of the time he was chairman and leader in the defensive work and directed the , building" of tha trenches, strengthening 1 the walls of tbo English compound and ( general preparatlone to repel the swarms of heathen orientals Ha was In Peking ' uhan thai fAMlamanrai miirriaM i and tha world" would axnect that hla aa. I tlmate .of ChlneaW character would. be Tvaauy- aiminianeoi 7 ut " nis ' attn in the people at large is stronger bow than i at any: previous time and his ardor In ' weaternlalng work is stilt In the as- candant t ', t " ' 1 r ? ' I "It was not an anti-Christian ' out v break." said he, reviewing the dreadful ' scenes of 100, but : aa-ntl-forelgn , movement The Chlneae bad been over .wrought by aggreoslons and changes .-and were not chafing at the miaaiona. t There was no 'trouble la or around my mission until v tbo v frenaled Invaders came to destroy everything foreign,,LDa V ".sasaaa B.f r Get One Third WzxtlWW Knock tbo Flios . t)a Child -8e l1tyeo year Stork. It means atoner la pour pact at, rot eowe rlTS one third awre atllk had berea to better and ea lea fd whea prot acted frost ths ties. It reqslree eely , few aeconds te apply, It and easts leas thaa He a day per bead. Tmt eannot afford to do wlthootlt Write teasy let K)-paaa keoklaL Portland Ocod Co. . ffeeUe Osaat Ageala. orUaat, Or, . -I II in an Hi I a.aium. hilsj I aaaaniimui .n im lu.i , I I , I I I iaaa. Jll-'Utaiiaa a I awwaaMaawawaswawyaweaaaaaapaaMM II ' l aij um I I, nii i , , V.- " - - . , , 7- , , , J ' , a. " ?' . 1 """ ' "'-''' v ' f . ' , . , ' , w . v. . - $ v V ... ,' - rn. --rr v . , -s . . - . . . f j 111 . aiasi imiiaaiaamaiiiil i ' i ' - i i " l ' ' " - - - ' - u) A:. C: FAM T Hai. Bmprew Dowager of Chi4a 'V Royal PrinceMei of China From Their Only Photograph. Thla outbreak Is directly chargeable ta the aggreealons of foreign oountrlBs, England ' la perhaps moat to blame by Insisting upon the opium trade wlh the Chlneao which Is so destructive to those people. This -trade is against the will of the Chinese and their officials havs ofttfh asked that the opium treaty be rescinded. One hundred of the bright est physicians of- the empire' joined In a statement as. to . the deadly: results . Of this traffic Tho Chlneae believe that If tho foreign. Importations were eue pended they could handle the local prod uct The aggressions of the French In tho Bouthweet were aggravating causes. The purpose of the Roman . Cathollo missionaries to secure temporal power was, I believe, another Important oauaa. Tho Germans selslpg ports on tho east coast of Shantung added fuel te the fire, for tho Chlneae reaent tho taking of this sacred-territory by . the.. for eigner. - Latterly the- aggressions of Russia In Manchuria seemed a ellmax, aa evldenoo of the purpose to dlsmenv ber the mplre. " v "All of these things aroused the Chi nese. Added to tho other causes, there waa, failure of crop for a couple of years and the people suffered' dread fully. .The building of railways so ss to divert commerce from tho time-honored lines pf the great canal wrought dlstreoe there. ' it seemed that the rail road work was the climax, for whea the Outbreak . waa .- being fomented, emis saries went from the great canal nmv. lnco to all sections inciting ths people to destroy the railways. -The first at. tacks, were on this railway. Following that, tha telegraph liner whloh had been built by foreigners but was than rawiw owned by, the Chlneae arovernment (whloh tho neonls did. not knaw am. attacked. The next line of railway was owntu oy a firman company. Mur der' of. the chancellor of the , Japanese "" r waa next man they began stacking store -that aoM fnrairri n,d destroyel many of them.- Any man -vuuig roreign products might lose his life and hla good-would b destroyed. Tho strife began culminating when e squad of soldier, eommandaii h rhi. nose officer; who la elearly believed to have been acting at the Instance of the unraaa court, anot down the German raimaiar ana inea to gill his seorotary, Profeaaof James of the Imperial unlvar. aiiy was next killed, and after that there was destruction everywhere). . "We had come to Pekln for f.te ta day before Von Kettelee wa. h-mt and had fortified the Mathadlat ' Mnnta sxnHHi.-intnainr it was only a riling of tne. moo. ana tnat tne Chinese . troops would soon put It down. When wa learned that the troops themselvea had snot tne uerman minuter. ' the, affair Decamp more serious, and we hsBtened to the British sompound. - When we ar rived there-We found that nothing bad been done to defend the plaoe. , There was a wall around tb compound, which embraced en area of too by to feet, but the wall wa light,, and . would have crumbled quickly , .before solid ahot Within that inclosure' were repreeenta- tlvee or 17 nation and mlnlatera from 11 Of the powers. There wer secretar. les and 'Clerks, gentlemen of the Im perial custom service including inspee-tor-Qeneral 'Blr Robert Hart the Dresl- dent of the imperial university, presi dent of the Imperial collece. nrofeaaora Irom each, ef tbe.taitKuUona, ,bankri, OPf3.;QlJEEN' From m Photefraph Presented by Her merchanta, travelers,, visitor. ., hotel keepere end - mlsslonarle. . ' , The countries represented were Amer ica. Australia, Austria, Belgium, Trans vaal. Canada. China, Denmark, Holland. England, France Finland, Germany, Ire land, Italy, .japan, Norway, Scotland. Russia, Portugal, Straits Settlements, and besides theae there wps a good nun befyof Uraalane, who are the mixed blood . where foreigners oohahlt with Chines,- There were sti men. 1 women and Tt children, or a total or TI dvuians. in the there wer marine from most of . tha Uon; theae .being divided as foUowsi Austrian. II; Freach, 45; Germans, 10; British, II; Italians. II; Japanese. ; Russians, it, and Americana, II, mak' lng a total ef eOs- armed soldlera. Of this foroe of marine there was killed during , the siege 10 men and' 140 were wounded, tbo Americana and the Japan ese losing by far the heaviest of all. Against this little company of ,014 men all told, many of whom ware without any sort of weapon of offense or de fense, there were burled thousands of Chines soldiers armed -with the best of modern weapon aad Una of thou sand of fanatical Boxers armed wltb aword and spears. What saved usT Tb thickness of our walls. In on cense, Intelligent , leadership and the sense of right In a light for life on the one aide. aa opposed to lack of leadership, divided council, mutual jealousy, and a knowl edge that their crime waa unpardonable on the other band, but above all and over all and through all : was -the pro tecting hand ef Ood, -. r- "When we went into the Brltlah compound nothing bad been done In re gard to fortifying tho place. The outer wails surrounding tne puce' were aoout 14 feet high and 1 feet thick. These would not have resisted the shot and shell from the Chinese cannon, ao the flrat thing to do was to appoint com mltteea for , varloua purposes, and amongst tbam that, of fortifying our compound. For. the latter work a com mittee of six was named, with Mr. Gamewell at tho head, and I wa hi lieutenant During a .part ef the time 'that he-was 111, I bad the entire charge Of thl work. I would have you notice also that the missionaries were chair men of moat of the Important commit tee, end often constituted nearly the entire commltteea. - ' "Our defensive work consisted of re inforcing the walls, which we did with htrtCaal"l OA 0(011) 1 A fid " ,0Awata-ABST BntBBrV Jy timbers This work gav -u walls seven feet wide end of great strength, o that no shot from tho cannon of the enemy could penetrate them. ' At times they would bombard the wait until It seemed ready to totter, aad then as It wavered,' change to soma othsr place, which was 1 our fortune. Twice when the wind drove toward us, they tr1ev to burn us out by setting fire to the build ing adjaoent.out a fortune favored, the wind peered when the fire gained etrength, end the blase -deetroyed the Chlneao buildings near,: giving aa an opea Are none end elding our defense. Had pur bulldtnga burned, our defense wouldv have erumbled,- and we would bavo been practically at the merer of the enemy 1 We dug e deep trencn on the inside of the wall, " making It T4 ft deep and 10 wide, by mean of S3 whltfh"W eoidd moot tMSr affarta to ttadaimlao aof wall and Xtlttw tt Twice we 'detected them mining 'our worka." and when they found that they were detected they quit' :.! ; v "Our -defanatra - committee waa " the only one that waa free of the military, tt reporting to Sir Char lac ktacDonatd direct - Our labor waa largely, dona by the Chlneao,. of which we bad 1.109 in the compound. Theae were Christian oonrerto and thafr immediate adheranta. who ware loyal throughout the ordeaL There were 100 of the Chlneae men who aaalated 1b the work. Our food waa low, although wo found . five..' good .wella in the compound which furnlahed ua with plenty of. good .water, The food aup ply . when we arrtaed ' would not have luted more, thaa two day, 'but fortu pataly there wma. a-, building ta the grouada owcod hy a merchant' who bad Jait reoelved a large quantity of wheat from Hunan, and .we -appropriated tola, paying tbo merchant- for It after peace wag declared, : W alao found a quan tity of Inferior rioa, and need It Than we ate about 10-horaea and mulaa which Were ta the compound, and finally came to like tbo ateaka frem tbo bapleaa anl- inala, ' ,,.,. "The laat few daya of tbo alega ware awful. "The Chit aao, of flcera knew that they were being baa tan at Tientsin and ether plaoea, mja4 In the deapdratlon of reraaigo Bought . to rovarqqme . tta that they might maaeaere all. . They fought tha laat-two daya before relief lnoea- aantly night and day, and buman endur ance could not haTe laated much longer. It rained ' and ' thundered with tarrlfie froquenco, ' but . the . more violent the a term, the worao were, the aaaaulta of the Chlneae. - We could . aee the rocket aent up whloh ' waa the algnal . for a charge, and beer the bugle call, which waa retreat' end knew that the.foroea were being directed hy the court , of the nation. : Our ammunition waa running lew alao, and we bad to reaerre Are. the .Chlneao firing 19,000 ahota to our one. Our two machine guna were never used until the Chlneae began awarmlng up for a charge, ' and then tne guna wept their ranks with deadly effect "In those terrible days I learoee to admire the American soldier and the Japanese, especially. . Tbo Brltlah bad as .'much courage, .and the Germane seemed also to stand equally well, but the -Americans eomblned almost Incon ceivable ' eoolnees and that alartneaa In action whloh made every soldier able to command himself and inflict the great eat losa, . Bom of tha marl nee did poor ly, but I would, not ear to . mention from which nation they came, Of the IS Jananeaa ana-sa-ad. II wer killed of wounded In ion measure during the slege- As you will remember,- the siege lasted frtmr June S to August 14,' when we wer relieved." .- k After deaorlblng the siege, Mr. Ktllle spoke of the wonderful effect the Boser outbreak , bad on the- Chinese nation. Since then the people have been wild to acquire westsrn knowledge, and all ths auraola ara erowdad ta the limit. . Ha recently took a 'trip far Into the Inte rior, and was moved by the rrantio ere forte ef the natives to our book ane tracts, for which they would offer eggs and anything also when not having money. Thla spirit la what prompt tho missionary to prophesy that there will be a tremendous awakening - in Chin soon, when ber people will be better and more favorably known than ever before. .. ..- - . ' CHURCH; SERVICES BIgBTTtIA. rvt Ouraer Twelfth aad A Ida streatai Bev. B. P. Hill, pastor. 10 M s. at., the pastor will preach; 7: SO p. at., Pee. Charles A. Kline wUl apeek ea China, with etereop- Uona views. I'lrtt I'nlteo Slita and MoatgeaMrr: Bev, , W. Wlleoa.' Bastor. Bervicee at 11 S-- at. sad T:B p. at.; 12 p. m., Sabbatk aehool. B. r. Barnes. aaperlateadeBt; e:ea p. as.. . B. Beatlas. Foarth lirst end Glrfts streeai: Bev. M. D. McClelland, paatori 10:0 a. m., "Tha Heavenly eearchllsht"! 1 a-, Bonder school, B. 0. BroBtusk. soserlateadenti S:4a a. aa.. C. B maetlnf. led by pastor: T: p. m- ."His Workmanship." - : ' ' 1 - Mlapak Bast Thirteen tk aad Pewell street I Bev. Jerome B. MeOlsde, D. !., pastor. 10:30 s. at., "The Fplrlt of the Times"! p. m., BeraMsa In Fkiweva"! 12 at.. Haadsv acbeol: T p. at., t'hrlattaa Badeavor. Marshsll street Corner North Beveiiteenni ead Marshsll streets; Bev. O. W. Bare, psator, 10 a. a., Buaday acbeol; It a. .m., "The Chris tlsn Hone"! a. m.. "Ckrlatisa OomDletsaeea": 1:15 p. m.. T. P. B. C. B. meetlna. First Cambevls nd Cm ear Twelfth ad -Baal Taylor etreeta; R. B. Nelaoa Alias, ptator, 10:80 a., ai., "A Prophet VleWi U St.. Sosday School; C:S0 p.. mv aerelcee at the H smbwn-Parlr; Piedmont Terser Ckeisd sveaae aad Jar- rett Btraet! Bev. U-Mrroa Booser, paator. II at, aad T:6 B. erenlaa eervle ee eharch lawn, weather aermlttlna: 10 al .. Bshbath schonl. ' " Third Corner a Baet ' Thirteenth aad Plna straets; Bav. Andrew . Mentfomery, pasto. IOibO a. The Field ef Faith '; is ., Bnndap school; :6 p. at.. Christian Xadsavor; 1:45 p, m., aerrlce. t nail wood a-reoteeath aad Bnokana atraeta! Rev. Bi A. TheasDsea. Baator. 10 s. at.. San. day school ; Its. m Be. I. U Ttffsny an "Aa Old Tine ro! t p. m., T.,p..g. a. B,"; t:5 p. ta.. special song aerrlca; a a. at.. Llpht aad BreaUda." Calvan Corner Klevenrh aad Clsr etreeta: Rev. W. I. Ollbert. - vaster. - 10:80 a. m.. "Toochlnf Only the Rem ef file Oerment"! T:40 p. , "Aa Antidote rot iieoura tenant." - -r--1 - ZFIfCOPaX. . Trleltv ebinel Nineteenth and ronrh. aeae Waebluatoa atreetsi Dr. A. A. Morrlaoo. reeaar. I a. at., holy commanloa! eaulin at 11 a. m. aad ( p. m.S Mlae Uta Baessht. a prominent Japanese, superlntaadacl ef a large erpasaaga sad pmelaeet ef tfce largeet W. C T. t toe empire, wlU nreaoa. . at. kunku'i rhik Tklrt-h aad trntst Kv. H. M. haaur, p.-t la ckerge. i. bo a. m.. hair oaxnauioai a ee a. m., ear erbool; errrlc at 11 a. B. aad T:e Arojiloa cliepet reetlaed Uelaklsi . H If. lUimr la eberaa. Iwrrleee at .'.( onaar ackool at a. Chapel of the traasf1caratten.Be. W. B. Powal). eheplala. liaUl Be4ber' win . war ehle wlu . Joha'a Keawrial caarca, ' eell woodc wrTtcee at 10:4 a. m. J at. Joto'a - "- " Ma. W. BL Pewell la chert. I0:t a. at., aervlceel II Saada school. flood Bheohard Ballsmed street aad 'Tai eniTsr areaae, AIMae; Bev. Joka Dawaos, ree lat. 10 m. ai., aaaday eeheoU aarrloea i U a. u. asd 1 p. at. t. Mark's Oeraer ef maeteeaai ead Oalav hy strseu: Bee. 1. B. H. Blaaeea, jeetor. a. m., holy eoatataaloa; 11 a. at., awrahig Erarer aad Btsnji p. a., evenaoaa10 a. Bk, untfey'srheaL - - St. DSTld'a Ktat Tarelrtfe BBS Sal IB SB t! Bav. Oeorfe B. Tea Waters, P, D., rector, tttjut st 11 a. at. aad f:e0 a. Bk paaday . school. : a. w. . 1 " Ka. 41. D. rtiktabara. ' aanaral' aliaaiosarr. will eondnet eerrtoaa in the Char eh of Oar Beiiw, Woodstock, at 11 a. m. ' Trinity last Tanth aad Orsatt. Ikev. Harold UBarf. pastor. 10:90 a. "Uettlnf powi Badrork'i 1:41 I. m.. "Oh rial. Ua Weai ul": 10 -aVt av,, Soadsy school i T p. Bi,, Bp- oru lassos. JTayloe Btraet Dr. fTsncts Bursa tta Short, Mtor, S:30 a. m. , . eluaae; jo:ao ' llarinaa Dlaoaaatd 'l 12:Ri B. . B.. school; 0:30 p. m., Koerorth laane; T:4B a. ma ua journal xu tee Trata r- 1 . Epwortb Oorser ' Tweaty-thlrd . aad Irrlai streatai Ha. Haar T. AUIdsob. Bastor. a. aa.. Bundas a-hooll 11 a. m.. aaraioB br Be. O. u. Hslor: p. aa., Bpwerth leasee? Tidl p. m., -a ooaaailonooe tlxra. Oraee Coraer of Twelfth end nylea atrtatat tiarrnre Tr Wllaoa, D. II., paator. rreaca Ins at 10:80 a. m. sad T:48 p. m. ee "Mod em BcteBco aad the Holy fplrlt"! 11: U p. at., onday school; 8:48 p. St., Teapeca, ITrae Orocr.of East Ninth sad Mill etreeta J. Glan, ' pasto?. 'Vresehluc st 11 a. at.. Col lowed br taatlmoor Bitttlna tatanarT Corner Bast . Plae ' aad' Ninth aereeu; William H. Heppe, D, D easts. 10:SO s. ai., "The Motive Power In Psal'a ure"t T:45 p.' St., third aeraMB of eerlea ea "The Klafly Msa' :0 a. Bi., Beralag cleee; U:lt p. n.. aaoaay aonoMi p.. m. spworta votlonsli choroa choir. Cratral Osraar Kaaaall - aad Barer atreatS' f. U. Yeane. paster, saattoas 10:10 a. at, ead B p. at.; is at., saadsy acbool; f :eo p. Bpworth leegoe. . . White Temple Ooraer Twelfth and Tsyler ma, nev. J. nnitooaiB nroncBer, v. v., peator. Dr. J. Q. A. Henry ef loaeoe, gnaisad, I urmarlr pasta of thla eharch, - will ecrapr the palplt at I0:0 a. as. aad Tfc p. St. I 10 :1 a. ni.. "One Aecord" nrarer Baa tins: 11:10 a. at., Bible echeol; 6: 0 p. n., yeeag peepla'e re- cvpiioai w airanaara ino sarTios. immsnaei Otrnrr uona and Mead aweeta: Bev. M. M. Blrdaoe, pastor. At 10: BO a. pnarblnp by Bev. C. r. Balfty of Ths Dallas, ur IS m.. Sanday aeheel: a renins werskls Central Kaat Twentieth- aad Bsst A ah any sttpeet; William B, Randall, minister. At 10:40 s. m., sermoa by Bar, Joka BeBtsiea: IS at Bible erhool; 1:4 P- as., address by Bev, . H. Wallace, president of tbe Ckrlatisa Co operative "deration, The rrograai ef Culatt- Norwaaiaa DaalahMlastaatppl ksll, ' MIsalMlppI svsaaa aad Bbav atreeta. Ikm a n. m. Seoood Bsst Seventh aad Best AnVeay streets; Bev, Btearoa C. Lapoam. pastor. 10:80 a. m., "The tlfe Worth Uelnt'f; 1:45 p. m., 'Ths Voice of Ood la Mature," tllna- trkted with atareootlcoai 13 m.. Bible aeheel e:es p, m., . toons rsopia'e union. '' OOVOBMATIOVAt. v ' ' Siret Madlaea and Park atreeta! Bev. B. L. Boa, D. D., peator, 10:80 a. at. "Conelctlona aad Orthodoiy": T:B, serTle of Song, trom bone, orsaa aad voealt 12:16 p. av, Sandsy school, B. O. fMlkle.' auperlaUadsat; : p. m.. Y. r. B. e. B Basaal street Bsst Seventh a treat, north, and UeassW tree: Bee. - Chsrlas B. Chaaa. Da tor. iu:ao a. m.. eervtee wita earmoai 12 m., ganday ackoal) p. sbh .Carbtlaa Ba- ocaTer. ...-. Hlahmnd 10 a. at., landav aeheali area eh lag at It a. as. ssdl 7:a p.. by Be, C. F. ClaOB. - - Ka nn ral A Onraee Btat Tarln and Bast Thlrty-foorth- strestat Bevt J. 1. Btaan, pastor, tt n. m. - a. t-ieina aterinet-- p. aa., in Pew Kama"; 10 a. ., Sunday erhool, B. C. Pier. enaerlnteBdent: S n. at.. Jnalor Chrtatlaa Eadeavor, Mlas Bdlth' Boa, supeiiateadeot; :al p. m. , senior vnriafiaa anoaseor, - - Calveratty Peek Rev. - O. B. Orar. peetev, 11 a. at- "The Important Thlacs Tklafe ABoac; 10 a. at., saaday. school. . ;': ' ' i '' tTBITID BABOkXIOAX. First Ooraer Bsst Tenth sad - hermaa streets; A. A. Wlater, pastor; 10 a. B., Baaday seaooi; ii a. av., --jrne rrieBassip--; t p, at., K. U ef O. B. ateeung; I p. at., preaching-, gooa CBonr r'. s - Beeond Corner Kerhy and Parte streatai dev. i, awweraoa,. pastor, aemeas ir e, snaV g p. at. ; 10 a. ea., Buaday aehool; I p. I Junior Badeavor; T:1B B. av. K. L. & B. Oct ley tira:S0 p. m., Paadsy erhool) a:eu p. aa., Breaming py ar. m. s. atcvicsor. Bt. Johae Corner John and Iraahoa streets. St. Johns; B. B. MeVleker. paator. At 11 a. m. Rev. to. F. Bella ef Fauertoe, Nebraska, will fill the pelplti at s p. m. the sat to wiu speak; 10 a. m., Sun day school; S.80 f, ; nv, . Junior K- UJU. B. 1 p. m.. Sea lot hv. U u I. V'-'' . ' chbisttasT. ' r:": First Comer Park and Columbia atreetsi B. B. Maekler, paator. 10;S0 liS.."i KeW Blthteoasoeea '; Pp. m., A. B. Cory, returned missionary treat China, wMI apeak aa aaietloa worhi ii:is p. am., sinie acBoei; t p. at., aeeror secieiy Central Baat Tweatiarh aad Btlmoa atrsata. II a. m., Key, J. T. Ghormler. D. P., ea "Oed'a Object Leaaons for the World"! I p. a:ao p. at., BeoM aaaes ee. v , . ' ' anxmui cuaros.1" Beoand Auditorium balldlne. Third. ' tweea' Taylor aad Salmon streets. Service 11 a. at. and S a. at. Sabject "Spirit." First BeottUh Bite eathedrsl, Morrlaoa Bad Lewssdsm etreeta. 11 a. St. and S P, "SolrK"i londar aebool at eloae ef ataralna Bet vice. . . . . -1 - ' 1 ' ' ' Bt X. CHTTBOK, B0VTK. f ' First 11H4 Second street Fonater's hall B. H. Mewra. pastor. 11 a. n., Bev. . A. Betehelor, P. E-, ef Oakland district, Califor nia, will preach ,- S p. ta., "Doe Christianity Payr'; 10 a. at., Baaday aehool; T p. m. spworiB teas aa. . ' - , - - STABOXtlOAt ASBOCIATIOB. ' Urat Bntllab Oornev' Baet Blarb and Mar- tat etreeta; B. A. Btewari. psaior. - rreaca In al 11 a. m.- and p. at, by the paster; 10 a. m.( Baaday aehool, A. Blttner super lntendeat; T p. m., Young People's slllsaee. First flr-rmaa 'Corner Tenth end Clay streets; Thee. Bcaaoer, pastor. B:ao e. m., 10:4S a. at. and S a. m. stsv. Bcbooa wlli effldate. .'. - t , . ' e TBTTXBgALIST. ' . " First Baet' Coach aad i Bast kishtht Small, pastor. 11 a. aa.. "A liaa May Da ss ne r lee ere ; i :eo p, aa., sermoa oy ntr, atnr nsipa oi uaege, raws; lo a. at., vnaay aehool. ' T.'- M. C. A, ' " Aasoelatlna 'sndltortum Fearth aad Yamhill streets. Address by Dr. I. Q. A. Henry et London, who will speak r "The Blaoghtsr ef loang atea lsoionii, u. u, ayese.. Tsmhlll aad Seres th; Dr. O. C. Cree- eey, pasts.' 11 a- ra.v sevelee with sera by nev. n. M. winsu. The chore win bs cweea daring ABgaet,. ( . . -T. W. O. A. Tseper aervlee Saadky aftarneoa at I 45. eor er Sixth and Oak. Mra. Dr. WllUama at ueyvard, caurorala. wiu-asoreoe the swetlag. tUTBIBAB. ' ' Korweslao eyaod Ooraer East Tantk aad Orsat streets; O. Ustoee. paster, ss pssto .preeehes at SUvartoa. No serrlees. iTT inMkUAsTSOTg. -'.' Ollr Brsaeh Mlavtoa-Sia Flrat street. Clsy street. Service st s p. m. ; snndsy eraoel I at . I ) nl Bt. . A, ' WslbuTSnnarlBteadaBt 1 Hollneaa eamnmaetlnar. nnder auaolcea Pa- rifle Jlolloeea eolle, aalem. Mlaa (urry and other eastern' evantellats; svery sfteruopa at 2:30 e'sloek aad eenlat at T;0 e'clocS; Be. U M.' Byes, leader. . Early amvalag prslas rvleej at a o'clock. - .'-' rirai BnlrttaaUat eoelsty Arties n hall. Ab- iaftoa bulldlaa. Third, near Waahlntton. II n. site lecturo 07 loe- pueiur. ur, n. e wwn, T:40 p.1 at., lecture by H. P. Barrett, president f thd KetVMl Spiritual aaeoeiatlea at WaaB- laatoa, D. C. . 9 ( buret ef Jeaaa Christ of Letter Pet galani-e- Allaky -bulldlnt ball 400. earner Third . Bed Morrlaoa street. 1 Mervteee at 1I:S0 a. at.' aud , Ba.--- ' lllennlal Dews O. A.-' Bt BatL northeast corner Second aad Morrlaoa streets. . Service TMelna '"Truth "Cenfea Dlvtn Troth ' ehttfal. hall Son Allaky bnlldlna. enraer Marrkwa end Third streets; i. M. stiaaro, anaiav. am 1 use 'Vrr'et'BIMs Iplrltssl -orlety A. 0. U. W. ball. p. at., Mrs. Floreaee While frea New fork will glee eplrlt meeease and teeta. - reoBle'e Ckrlatltn antnn Free reHtloe ao. clety, U4m Morrtes street. 1 Valty hfU; In U j---,, v" pSaj i..p7 J II 111 ,' ' " ii yp y -f .' VaJ Li eX :; J 'A,: " Skin Blemishes rr - t "t .- --. - - ,- . ",'., ... v - , Cutlcura-Soap, the World's Favorite Summer . fi moll ten ty combines delicate medicinal and emollient properties derived from Cutlcura Oint ment,' the great 5kln Cure, with the purest of ' cleansing Ingredients and most refreshing pf - flower odors. . For preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands, for Irritations of the skin, HhttPfl rvlravai nnf dt I flrat st vaaa aa, vaarv turn evuio VI aasvess IVI laillbllVad CsktaS soreness Incidental to summer sports; for baby rashes, . itchlngs, and chaflngs, and for many sanatlveratltlseptlc purposes which readily eus- gest themselves to women, especially mothers, r as well as for all thepunsesf-hetcililT bath, and nursery, Cutlcura Soap, assisted by cuueura uintment, is priceless. ' ' ' Complete atataraal and Interaal Treatment tar ttvere Jtmtmkr. haai Maaatao kaW tola, from lafaacy ta Age, consistiag ef Caticnra Soap, sac.. Ointment 50c., Besotveat . gee. (la orm of Choeetate Coated Pills, sac. per viel ef ea), anay b bad caTaU draggiata. A ebtgl eat eftea en re . rener uraf a ctea, ore, sola rise... aeaoa. . Mow I Care for tha Skis, Scalp, Hair, aad Haasta. , : - 4hl Mallee.Pree, Froia lSS Fifth Street to TIHIAVEIEMOVIEG) Our new ftore In the IrriperiaJ Hotel Handsomest stone In th city, where we Jiave a mammoth stock of everything in the V.f ... ORIENTAL CURIOS Oreateit stock on the, North v f tne lowest WESTERN IMPORTING COi. 820 WASHINGTON ST.-;.:-y - Imperial Hotel Building. . former Premises for Rent. Inquire jst New Store. '. cctica IrcnhiJ Doard LL m T -ejs .ai sail a. inams ".s The,Wopn's Freno ; . Sevee laaav. Vim. eent Poet : lm Pawessat , a any Saeeaf, raem, or Sewang f seal -S V t ; i- " r ' Ai, YIN CilN LUM CKHvESE 81 Chop Suey t. Cealter. W tt . a la flew-"-'' a sr. ia ia p. a... - What tv : Friends a fast Mala e. heat rashes, tan, sun- inaarte f a taenoMaee'oeit 329 Washington Street line of Pacific Coast; Out prices are in the, city.-,. , y;,y , $100 Rcvcrd Will be paid for the arrest and convictibn of t parties infringing on this patent. VV..O. BOWMAN, i . - Patentee. ' , ' For state and county rights in Canada and the United States write or 'call on ' ' .'. Pe W. MC0RE? Room 20, 245 Washing ton Street, ;:-p.-'.::.J:-,. mm supplics . ,. . . i Machinery aad, Flxturea, Sausage Cas- tags, . Par ,Bplcee, ' Daisy " ' Coolers, , Dry Air S. Birken wald Co. The litrgeat Batchers' Supply House ea ' the Coast , ,. .eHd'amiit'R. 0BTtajri. .i.-2 t 'ci RESTAURANT As? IV Second Street Caraar t?A I" i A